Thèses sur le sujet « La politique familiale »
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Albiser, Etienne. « La neutralité des politiques familiales : application au choix, pour la mère entre activité professionnelle et vie familiale : comparaison entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne ». Nancy 2, 1999.
Texte intégralTrudel, Anne-Marie. « Le processus d'élaboration de la politique familiale québécoise ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Texte intégralCapuano, Christophe. « Vichy et la famille : réalités et faux-semblants d'une politique publique / ». Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Texte intégralBibliogr. p. 331-342. Notes bibliogr. Index.
Hinnfors, Jonas. « Familjepolitik : samhällsförändringar och partistrategier 1960-1990 / ». Stockholm : Almqvist och Wiksell, 1992.
Texte intégralYoo, Eunkyung. « La genèse de la politique familiale en Corée du Sud ». Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014.
Texte intégralThis doctoral thesis deals with the genesis of family policy in South Korea. In the first chapter, we discuss in which context policies in support of family have appeared in Korea since 1990’s. It’s a political and social democratization which brought about the expansion of laws and regulations in the fields of gender equality and work-family balance. The decrease of birth rate influenced more directly the development of family policy in 2000’s. Despite its late development, family policy progressed rapidly. The ‘healthy family support center’ is a symbolic example of this recent change. However, despite of state’s efforts, this center is flawed. The direct financial support for inhabitants is too weak and the centres only offer moral and preventive supports. Women are still facing vulnerable conditions in their job and inequality between women is still important. Few women can benefit from this new development in family policy. The last part of the thesis positions South Korea in the comparative literature. In order to do this, diverse typologies of family policy and experiences of different countries like as France, Japan and South Europe are examined. In short, we can see residual characteristic of Korean welfare system. From now on, the family policy in South Korea became explicit, but still very limited in its applications. The thesis notes the limited effect of public interventions in the domain of family. Among the main reasons, the author underlines the maintenance of family support obligation principle. The reason of the limits of Korean family policy lies in its purpose itself. Main institutions of the field of family do not aim to attack the roots of family problems, but to help the family to solve them herself or through the market
Benalcazar, Sébastien de. « Contribution à l'étude de la politique familiale : nature et droit ». Paris 10, 2005.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is to rediscover the value for lawyers in studying classical natural law. Today's problems in law are both practical (which rules to adopt?) and theoretical (how to justify these rules?). The question of how to justify rules is crucial given the new situation in which tradition, religion, morals and progress no longer appear capable of doing so. In practice, we resolve this issue using human rights theory. However, because of the instrumental status of reason in the human sciences, this solution is arbitrary and irrational. These problems are even more common in family law, in areas such as civil unions, homosexual marriage and same-sex parenting. On a more fundamental level, this thesis demonstrates the superiority of Aristotelian practical reason - i. E. Prudence - in resolving these problems, since it avoids the practical pitfalls and the theoretical ignorance that is encountered in family policy
Antomarchi, Véronique. « La politique familiale en France sous la Troisième République (1870-1914) ». Paris 1, 1995.
Texte intégralFamily is at the centre of the members of parliament's political reflection during the "triumphant third republic". The fact that about thirty laws directly of indirectly connected with family life were passed illustrates this importance. These laws can be mainly classified around two key themes : on the one hand, the will to introduce some liberty and aquality induces the state to protect wives and children agazinst abuses of paternal authority. On the other hand, family seems like a fixed point, a way to gaarantee social peace and to restrict depopulation in a changing society at the same time. These laws which could appear as lacking unity have in fact a real coherence revealing the deep link between republic and family. Even if the expression of "family policy" is never used then, we consider that the legislative task developped between 1870 and 1914 forms its first elements. Both public opinion and the government must agree on the laws on family. Constituted pressure groups and press were undoubtedly influential. The family theme can sometimes create serious divisions, when it puts forward the opposition between two different ideas of family, with on the one hand those who see it like the "schooling in sacrifice" and on the other hand those who long for individual happiness. But it is also used like a real connivance strategy when it is a matter of fighting depopulation and protecting family life. The main actors of this policy can be characterized by their moderation and their sense of compromise above all. The consensus that one can often notice concerning family issues may be relevant to one of the founding elements of the french unity and civilization
Vallat, Jean-Philippe. « La politique familiale en France (1945-2001) : construction des intérêts sociaux et transformations de l'Etat-providence ». Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2002.
Texte intégralMillard, Éric Mazères Jean-Arnaud. « Famille et droit public : recherches sur la construction d'un objet juridique / ». Paris : Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1995.
Texte intégralShort-Boisnard, Wilma. « Politique familiale et garde des jeunes enfants au Royaume-Uni : 1979-2000 ». Le Mans, 2001.
Texte intégralThe aim of this study is to examine 'family policy' in the United Kingdom, in particular in the field of childcare, during the 18 years of Conservative rule from 1979 to 1997, and the first mandate of New Labour, and to answer two main questions : Why did childcare provision and nursery education remain the missing link of the Welfare State? Why is Britain lagging behind other European countries as regards measures enabling parents, in particular mothers, to reconcile work and domestic life? To answer these questions, it is necessary to first examine the historical, cultural, political and economie factors that have contributed to moulding policy in this field, before weighing up the consequences for women, men, children and society as a whole. Although the United Kingdom has never had an explicit 'family policy', many policy decisions have a direct affect on families, and the family is at the heart of the contradictions that prevent women from benefiting from their legal right to equality
Martin, Jacqueline. « Activite feminine, taille des familles et politique familiale perspective historique 1892-1992- ». Toulouse 1, 1996.
Texte intégralWomen's economic activity rates and family policy are two topics which have rarely been analysed in conjunction and which have been largely ignored in economic theory. However, because of the intermediate position they occupy between the social and economic spheres, they are directly related to the significant changes that have taken place in the productive system and in the social organisation of modern societies. A quantitative, institutional and historical economic methodology enables us to clarify the veritable relationship between family policy and the economic activity rates of women with dependant children in france. A long-term historical perspective, through analysis of the emergence of the family allowance system and the history of women's employment, serves to shed some light on the different stages of the progressive social construction of an opposition between women's economic activity and fertility rates as the degree of state intervention increases. The single salary allowance (allocation de salaire unique) can be taken as an illustration of the institutionalisation of the opposition between women's economic activity and fertility rates. Since the value of this allowance varies according to the birth rank of children, it has a differential influence on women's decision to leave the labour market according to the total number of dependant children and also according to the historical reforms of family policy. Based on an original empirical analysis of the value of family allowances (for three different types of family size) in relation to women's average wagerates, this thesis demonstrates that, from 1954 onwards, the increase in women's economic activity rates varies according to three distinct periods. Each of these periods illustrates a specific relationship between women's activity rates and the value of the family allowance. Thus, the number of dependant children can be taken as a determinant variable in the analysis of the influence of family policy on the changes in women's economic activity rates over time. It enables us to introduce a number of institutional variables which help to overcome the shortcomings of previous analyses of this phenomenon
Martin, Claude. « La régulation politique de la famille ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université René Descartes - Paris V, 2001.
Texte intégralMartin-Papineau, Nathalie. « Les familles monoparentales : émergence, construction, captations d'un problème dans le champ politique français, 1968-1988 / ». Paris ; Budapest ; Torino : l'Harmattan, 2001.
Texte intégralBibliogr. p. 361-369. Notes bibliogr.
Muller, Béatrice. « Fondement et signification des politiques familiales : une étude comparative entre la France et l’Allemagne ». Paris 1, 1998.
Texte intégralThe subject of our research is : bases und significances of family politics : a comparative study between france and germany during the periode 1900- 1945. The mean idea of our work is that family politics must be analysed by anthropological and historical approch. We combine three dimension : family, society and state
Filc, Judith. « Entre el parentesco y la política : familia y dictadura, 1976-1983 / ». Buenos Aires : Editorial Biblos, 1997.
Texte intégralWator, Monika. « Crèches, genre et société : les aléas de la politique familiale en Pologne post-communiste ». Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2009.
Texte intégralThe present thesis explores the consequences on social relations of the evolution of family policy in Poland, including the shortfalls, which may be perceived in the area of care of young children. This will be particularly explored as regards social relations between the sexes. The systemic changes, which have occurred in Poland since 1989 have brought with them a new approach to social policy, as part of the reform movement to adapt Poland to a western model based on parliamentary democracy and a market economy. Following the reforms which were carried out with the objective of joining the European Union, the current system appears more like a "safety net" than a real instrument of social policy, particularly as far as early childhood is concerned. If the communist regime never sought to call into question the unequal distribution of tasks within the family, or to favour a type of collective childcare such as child care centres, post-communist transformations in Poland have contributed to completely delegitimising them and to bringing about their massive closure. For historical and sociological reasons - the influence of the Catholic Church, traditional representations of the role of the family and the figure of the mother, the demonisation of socialist state protectionism' - this policy has hardly given rise to debate, even though it enters into contradiction with the declared positions of the European Union concerning equality between the sexes and its objectives with regard to care for children in early childhood. It was only in 2004 that the Polish public authorities, due to a strong increase in requests for collective care, were constrained to react, but at the same time putting the emphasis on individual-based solutions, according to a logic of privatisation. The present study demonstrates the contradictions, which flow from these options, and the dilemmas with which women are confronted, torn between their professional aspirations and the wish of most of them to conform to the model of the "good mother"
Jouili, Mustapha. « Ajustement structurel, mondialisation et agriculture familiale en Tunisie ». Montpellier 1, 2008.
Texte intégralThe agrarian question is nowadays at the heart of destructive effects of the neoliberal globalization. Imposed in extreme inequality condition, free-trade policies overwhelm millions of peasants in the South. The GATT and WTO agricultural agreement is shaped to serve the main objective of opening South markets for North agricultural surplus. This agreement exposes South peasants to the competition with highly productive producer, while the logic of globalized accumulation deprives them of any possibility of catch-up. In Tunisia, the adoption of a neoliberal agricultural policy, since the application of SAP, is the cause of structural alteration of peasant and family farmers production and reproduction conditions: unfavorable price evolution, exclusion from finance system, restricted access to land, inefficiency of services…. The ultimate consequence is a tendency towards the deterioration of peasants' real income. However, heterogeneity of real production conditions is the foundation of an emphasis of socio-economic differentiation among farmers. With the signing of WTO agreements and the free-trade agreement with the EU, it has become more and more difficult for peasant to survive. Moreover, the mechanisms which allowed them to survive have reached their limits. The new orientations have only increased the socio-economic disparities in the rural world. Small peasants are more and more marginalized and condemned to exodus without assuring employment possibilities. More than small peasants' proletarization, it is the ruin of rural regions. Poverty, unemployment and food dependency are the main consequences
Sugita, Seiko. « Politique familiale en Tunisie : l'apport du mouvement associatif dans la restructuration de la société ». Nantes, 2004.
Texte intégralTunisian society is undergoing a process of restructuring, challenging modernization, democratization and globalization. The family has evolved in number and in structure according to the rhythm of change within the society. However, the family continues to endure as a solidarity group on which the strategic policy in social and economic development is built. In spite of the modernization of the way of life, the family sphere remains in the framework of values relevant to religion and the patriarchal tradition. The Tunisian State, since its independence in 1956, has imposed itself in the private sphere of individuals through its several channels of family policy, namely the codification of Personal Status and family planning, If the development of the Civil Society Organizations since the 1980s has brought some fresh air into the relationship between politics and the society, the interaction of different players in the field of family policy has contributed to a restructuring of the society. The relationship between politics and the family remains a relevant issue
Daniel, Dominique. « La réunification familiale aux Etats-Unis, 1965-1990 : politiques et pratiques migratoires ». Paris 7, 1993.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is to assess the meaning and effects of the american immigration policy since 1965: family reunification, which became the major goal, has in practice acquired unexpected volume. This makes us ponder over the extent and limits of the power of legislators over social phenomena, yet the first chapter shows that researchers have long favored the macro-economic approach of migration. In order to understand its family aspects, this thesis analyses the "human factor" and illustrates it bu tstimonies and ethnographic studies. A comparison of five ethnic groups (mexicans, filipinos, koreans, chinese and indians) puts into relief several general patterns and trends. After a chapter tracing the history of the reunification policy in the 1965-1990 period, a statistical analysis measures its effects. Then, a study of individuals' and their families'behaviours, determined by cultural standards as well as pragmatic reactions to a
Meunier, de Certaines Madeleine. « Politiques et regulation publique de la famille en france, 1960-1996. Entre valeurs traditionnelles, revendications feministes et gestion des risques sociaux ». Rennes 1, 1998.
Texte intégralKuller, Christiane. « Familienpolitik im föderativen Sozialstaat : die Formierung eines Politikfeldes in der Bundesrepublik 1949-1975 / ». München : R. Oldenbourg, 2004.
Texte intégralAnoh, Amoakon. « Emergence de la planification familiale en Côte d'Ivoire ». Paris 10, 2001.
Texte intégralThe present work discusses the effects of family planning supply and demand on the evolution of contraceptive methods use and contraceptive continuation. The analysis is conducted on the national level where family planning activities still diffused, then on regional level, in Aboisso which as experience a family planning pilot programme supported by UNFPA. On the national level, the evolution of Ivorian fertility policy and family planning activities which is linked were examined thought officials speeches and policy statement. The evolution of family planning demand and contraceptive use were studied using data from Ivorian fertility survey of 1980-1981 and the demography and health survey of years 1994 and 1998-1999. More meticulous study of family planning supply and demand is conducted in Aboisso using data from small scale survey based on quantitative and qualitative approach lead close to the programme beneficiaries and services allowances of family planning from 1998 to 1999, and data collected by the ENSEA and IRD in 1993 and 1995. The complementarily of the family planning supply and demand roles in the progression of the use of contraceptive methods and in the duration of contraceptive use was confirmed in both national and regional level. The effects of programmes are ambivalent since some element like availability, knowledge and economical cost of births regulation methods and services alter quickly in way that is favourable to the increase of the use of contraceptive methods while other elements like non economical costs of births regulation (social, medical and psychological) and services quality do not do so. This means that the major challenges which arise to the family planning programmes lies in quality of services and non economical costs of births regulation
Comtois-Rousseau, Émilie. « L'impact de la politique familiale de 1997 sur le choix de localisation des ménages québécois ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2009.
Texte intégralFradois, Gauthier. « La sexualité comme enjeu éducatif : sociologie historique d’une politique scolaire ». Thesis, Paris 10, 2019.
Texte intégralSubject of confrontations regularly bring up to date in the 20th century, the production of pedagogical discourses on sexuality within the school institution does not reach consensus. The school does not manage to constitute a pedagogical monopoly on sex education. Although biological knowledge concerning human reproduction has found its place in the curriculum since 1968, sex education, made optional in 1973, then compulsory in 1998, escapes part of the educational system for the benefit of competing associations for the imposition of legitimate family morality. From hygienist mobilizations against syphilis to the fight against AIDS, through the promotion of marriage or contraception to prevent abortion, it is a question of studying in this thesis the process of elaboration of this educational skill. By combining classroom observations, biographical interviews and the analysis of archives, the investigation thus seeks to reconstruct the configurations where invented, formalized and disseminated this educational challenge, the inseparable policy of expanding a school. of State and the recomposition of the family movement
Mainville, Lois. « Québec's Family Policy : an evaluation using regression discontinuity design ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2013.
Texte intégralPerreau, Bruno. « Genre et politique : Une archéologie de l'action publique de l'adoption en France ». Paris 1, 2006.
Texte intégralRevillard, Anne. « La cause des femmes dans l’État : une comparaison France-Québec (1965-2007) ». Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2007.
Texte intégralThis research analyzes the preconditions and forms of women’s advocacy within the state, based on a comparative study of the activities of governmental bodies in charge of furthering women’s status in France and Quebec since the 1960s. The theoretical framework integrates a comparative and historical sociology of the state with inputs from sociolegal studies, social movements theory and the sociology of gender. The research draws on archives, as well as interviews with the heads and administrations of these governmental bodies. Beyond an analysis of the genesis and institutionalization of women’s advocacy within the state, the main focus is on the way « women’s cause » is defined in this particular institutional setting. In this respect, based on the comparative analysis of women’s policy in France and Quebec, two different definitions of women’s cause (or « referentials ») can be identified, the former focusing on equal employment, and the latter on financial autonomy. These differences, in so far as they relate to distinct attitudes towards family issues, can be linked to differences in the relationships between feminism and familialism in each sociohistorical context. Indeed, comparative analysis shows that the context-specific balance of powers and the various relationships that may unfold between women’s rights advocates and family values advocates, within and without the state (state agencies, social movements, experts), influence the way women’s cause is conceived within the state. First inferred from an analysis of the general directions of women’s policy, this influence is then demonstrated based on a more specific study of the strategies developed by women’s policy agencies in the legal debates regarding the financial consequences of divorce (alimony, compensatory allowance, definition of the matrimonial regimes)
Guyomarc'h, Jean-Yves. « La politique familiale en Russie Soviétique de 1917 à la Perestroïka : discours officiel, législation, réalités sociales ». Caen, 2009.
Texte intégralValy, Amine. « Systèmes de production agricoles et politique économique et sociale à la Réunion : l'exploitation familiale en question ». Dijon, 1991.
Texte intégralThis piece of research set out to study how family farming concerns work. This work is based on the firm theory and its extensions and particularly on the adaptative behavior theory and chaynov's works. In concrete terms, the monographical analysis and clinical approach have been given preference. The results of the study of a sample of concerns have shown a large variety in production farming but above all a very low level of real income. The incomes of work are equally very low, but they cannot be studied regardless of aggregate family income. The idea of project enables us to account for family strategies. Actually, there are "periods" when farming is priority as far as choices and family strategies are concerned. These periods in family life cycles correspond to precise situation when a large number of conditions are gathered simultaneously to permite intensive farming. But nowdays new arbitrages linked with the social and economic organisation and new forms of solidarity make farms more fragile and instable. A decrease in farm work productivity has been observed in comparison with other household incomes and the social policy serves then as a regulator through social transferts. Finally, the last level of the analysis shosws that the policy conducted to promote sugar cane has determined the regional development of reunion island
Aliyeva, Vusala. « Impact de la politique familiale de l'Union Européenne pour les pays membres : France, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne ». Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.
Texte intégralThe policy of the European Union has packed academic debate on its potential impact on the political process at national level. Recent reforms of german and english family policies can be attributed to the European Union influence through its participation in the learning process initiated by this organisation. This examines the potential shifts in the objectives of national families to European Union objectives
Abi, Kao. « Les attitudes des Togolais à l'égard de la polygynie : étude comparative en fonction des différents environnements psychosociologiques ». Bordeaux 2, 1988.
Texte intégralIn the study of plural marriage and the relationship between polygyny and the social environment, the different methodological approaches (anthropological, sociological, demographic and psychosociological) furnish their specific contributions. In the case of Togo, we have established that from a psychological point of view, the attitudes that students and civil servants develop with respect to plural marriage are divergent. Their attitudes vary on the basis of different statutory factors such as the socioprofessional status of the respondents, the age, the social situation of the family etc. The above factors work in conjonction with certain definite psychological mechanisms such as the search for social differenciation and the need to affirm a masculin identy in determining the personal attitude toward polygyny
Martin-Papineau, Nathalie. « Les familles monoparentales dans le champ politique français : émergence, construction, captations d'un problème, 1968-1988 ». Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1994.
Texte intégralLinking individuals with very different sociocultural characteristics, the one-parent families are not an homogeneous social category. Nevertheless, they constitute a political category. Indeed, the proper structure and functioning of the political field have transformed the social reality of the single-parent family into political object. The politization shows several actions of selection, capture and construction. Moreover, the evolution of the social representations of t family permeated the one-parent family to be taken into account by the politics without any strong sociam cleavage arisi from the very beginning the one-parent family has been linked to the existing family order and has been considered in an ideological way. The French traditional cleavage "droite gauche" which structures the political field about family meant as a single social institution is globally applied to the one-parent family and achieve its integration in that politica later, this cleavage has been partially renewed : centrist parties and Socialist Party have become closer ; the opposition between the Gaullist Party and the French Communist Party has been increased. The Front national however remained absolutely against the one-parent family. After becoming subject of political speech, it has become subject of public po the most accepted definition of this family structure was the result of a bureaucratic process. At the end of this proce the one-parent family was assimilaed to a social and economic precariousness. Now, it is treated like a subject of polic against exclusion and poverty. Despite its efforts, the associative sector, which considered the one-parent family as on the varous forms familly structure, was unable to act on the bureaucratic meaning. The measures applied to the one-parent family have been initiated by few top civil servants very close to the executive power. Despite its little weight in determining legal rumes applicable to the one-parent family, the parliament has yet been involved in the politization process : this is not to overlooked in analysing its actions for legitimization of the political area, which more effect
Pioli, David. « Le petit enfant dans les politiques publiques : enjeu de la régulation sociale ». Paris 5, 2003.
Texte intégralAt the beginning of the nineteen seventies the polities of early childhood become the basis of a state project to modernise the relationship between users and the public services. The idea of "human capital" which had dominated the treatment of infants since the end of the nineteenth century progressively gives way to the idea of a "humanity capital", and at the beginning of the 80's infancy policies pave the way for a political project which is democratic and idealistic, dominated by a logic of emancipation and promoted by reference to childhood values. In this way there is an acceleration in focus on the child, since the child itself is the natural repository of these values. However, in so accelerating, the contradictions of this process also become more pronounced. The risk that this emancipatory project will be bad for certain categories of individuals and in particular the weakest then leads the authorities to develop compensatory protection ; this accounts for the parallel socialisation of the family policy and also for the revival of child safeguard policies and growing reference to an ethic of the rights of man. The present regime of plural regulation thus tends to include a search for a transcendence which is in keeping with dialogue and consensus -in agreement with the very foundations of the aforementioned regime- and it manifests itself by promotion of a "logic of institution" and by recourse to ethics and right. It thus appears that "social reflexivity", propelled by the controversies surrounding infancy, is a driving element for the transformation of social regulation regimes, and that the public administration of this age category appears to be a constituent part of the mechanics of social change
Ahmed, Issa Mohamed. « Politiques linguistiques familiales dans la ville de Djibouti : étude de la transmission familiale et des choix en matière de préscolarisation sur la dynamique francophone ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier 3, 2023.
Texte intégralThis thesis was born from our desire to understand and study the management of languages within Djiboutian families. To do this, we decided to focus on the use of the so-called mother tongues and the French language within Djiboutian families in the city of Djibouti, the country's capital. It was seen during this research the place of the languages within the hearths, the role of the parents in such or such language and the recourse and choice of languages in an interaction between the various members of the families.We were able to see the responsibility and the function of each member of the respective families in the introduction of a language. Thus, the reasons for the language choices, the strategies were analyzed and studied.We used quantitative surveys through questionnaires distributed on paper and through technological means. The answers were collected, commented and analyzed.We used the MAC (Combined Analysis Method) methodological framework developed by B. Maurer and we also added to this method other data collection techniques such as interviews, direct observation and other methods that were deemed useful for understanding family language policies in Djibouti City.These results have been processed and have shed light on a number of answers to the hypotheses we formulated at the beginning of the thesis. Family language policies (FLP) are a matter for families, but contexts and the environment play an important role.At the end of this research, we focused on the impact of preschooling on the choice and transmission of the French language in Djiboutian families. This is an area that allows us to understand and detect parental strategies in terms of language choices within families. The family sphere holds the major role in the transmission of languages.All of our research has shown that parents are the pillars of language transmission but also the actors who decide which language or languages to transmit. However, children also have a determining role in the safeguarding of family languages and of French. The French language plays a major role in the many families encountered in this research and it is all a question of linguistic representations
Czarnowski, Gabriele. « Das kontrollierte Paar : Ehe- und Sexualpolitik im Nationalsozialismus / ». Weinheim : Deutscher Studien Verl, 1991.
Texte intégralFortin, Julie. « Politiques familiales et natalité au Québec : limites et opportunités de l'intervention publique ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2011.
Texte intégralDuval, Linda. « Recherche-action : présentation d'un modèle d'élaboration d'une politique familiale municipale québécoise : le cas de Saint-Basile-le-Grand / ». Thèse, Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2006.
Texte intégralDuval, Linda. « Recherche-action : présentation d'un modèle d'élaboration d'une politique familiale municipale québécoise : le cas de Saint-Basile-le-Grand ». Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2006.
Texte intégralBoussada, Ourida. « Analyse de l'impact de la communication sociale : l'exemple de la planification familiale en Tunisie ». Paris 2, 2000.
Texte intégralBargain, Olivier. « Offre de travail des ménages et fiscalité : perspectives familiale et individuelle ». Paris, EHESS, 2004.
Texte intégralThis thesis improves the analysis of taxt-benefit systems by combining microsimulation techniques and household labor supply models. Firstly, we apply the discrete-choice model to analyze how two types of inwork transfers - a family-based tax credit and an individual wage subsidy - perform in reducing proverty and social exclusion Europe. Secondly, we suggest several nested models which allow to test and to reject the restrictions usually imposed on leisure-consumption preferences and household rationality. Thirdly, we simulate the individualization of the French income tax using a colective model of labor supply. The intrahousehold distributive effect appears weak compared to traditional effects. Finally, we reinterpret the model in terms of productive effort and retrieve individual productivities by inverting the optimal collective program. The social welfare evaluation differs when individual utilities rather than households' welfare enter the social planner's objective function
Akil, Mamdouh. « Etude comparative du lien fécondité politiques familiales en France et en Europe : analyse statistique secondaire des données administratives et de fécondité ». Caen, 2009.
Texte intégralOdena, Sophie. « Les modes de garde de la petite enfance : facteurs de reproduction sociale et sexuée ». Aix-Marseille 1, 2005.
Texte intégralMorel, Nathalie. « L' Etat face au social : la (re)définition des frontières de l'Etat-providence en Suède : une analyse des politiques de prise en charge des personnes âgées dépendantes et des jeunes enfants de 1930 à 2005 ». Paris 1, 2007.
Texte intégralMaisonnasse, Floriane. « L'articulation entre solidarité familiale et solidarité collective ». Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Texte intégralThe increasing needs related to old age, dependency, disability, loneliness and more broadly exclusion leads to a tension’s exacerbationbetween family solidarities and collective solidarities. The solidarity crisis is a matter of concern as we observea familial solidarities crisis created by individualism and freedom leading to a weakening of familial liabilities and a collective solidarities crisis created by the welfare state’s economic difficulties. Thus, balance between familial and collective solidarities is a key issue regarding social policies conducted by modern States. The contemporary vision brings up the idea of a rediscovery of familial solidarities and an increasing role given to the economic role of the family through legal institutions such as the maintenance obligation and the assets transmission. The attention given to local solidarities tends to correct the weakening of collective solidarities, defined as the set of social supports and free social security benefits. The balance between familial solidarities and collective solidarities brings lawmaker to re think the role of State and family in regards of a person in need. This study demonstrates that solidarities are drifting from a system balanced by the subsidiarity between collective solidarity and familial solidarity to a new model based on complementarity between familial and collective solidarity. From that perspective, this thesis assesses the impact of familial solidarities, remedies and recoveries used by collectivities against food debtors and transmission of assets
Remah, Mohamed Karim. « La politique de dividendes des entreprises familiales cotées françaises : une approche par la finance comportementale (2000-2015) ». Thesis, Bordeaux, 2020.
Texte intégralThis study investigates whether family firms cater for family and minority investors demand of dividends. Based on a sample of 152 french publicy trade firms between 2000 and 2015, we find that family firms are sensitive to « dividend prenium » criteria when they initiate for the first time a dividend payment. Also, family firms maintain their dividend payments when investors put a stock price premium on payers. However, we don’t found strong evidences of catering incentives within new publicy traded family firms
El, Heit Salim. « La criminalité intrafamiliale : vers un droit pénal de la famille ? » Paris 8, 2008.
Texte intégralHistory as criminology are two disciplines which proved to be particularly precious as for the description of the phenomenon of intrafamiliale crime. The historical analysis allowed us to show what was the evolution of the family crimes of the ancient Penal code of 1810 in the new Penal code of 1992. (previously particular incriminations / nowadays aggravating circumstances). The criminologique analysis allowed to put in an obvious place so many complex fundamental mechanisms as of statistical data. In this respect, they can point out that the topic of family crimes, seems to be the poor parent of French criminology. It was also opportunity, for us, to wonder about family link and about necessity to keep a limitative comprehension or in the opposite enlarged by this last. It was necessary us, as one might say, to measure the expanse of the family. Our cogitation was enriched with comparative previous, what allowed between other one, to locate our repressive system nowadays in force, in comparison with those of our European neighbours. So, we treated subject in its wholeness, by means of a non-specialized and unpublished step. Speak about the criminal law, which is the most radical means of those whom the society stipulates that it is to protect or to punish, as regards the family can seem absurd. However, this research showed us that criminal law is concerned about the protection of the family, by trying to favour its assertion and its functioning. However, we pointed out in the cause of our developments of numerous disconnectedness and imperfections. They cannot stop themselves firms near criminal, the manque of clarity and its uncertainty in relation to same liens southward and it is to wish a standardization of resolutions. Finally, four functions of the criminal law of the family were raised. On one hand, protection and prevention of family middle. On the other hand, the strengthening of family unit but also moral improvement of the family. Diversification dysfunctions were then put in an obvious place : weight of the secret of families, flood of the normal mission of criminal law on the family sphere
Hautval, Marie. « De la socialisation politique familiale à la socialisation universitaire : étude d'un processus continu auprès d'étudiants et d'étudiantes à l'Université Laval ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017.
Texte intégralSineau, Mariette. « La politique : un enjeu majeur dans les rapports de pouvoir entre sexes ». Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1996.
Texte intégralParé, Sophie. « L’engagement religieux, politique et sociétal des Kriegsenkel dans l’Allemagne contemporaine : Répercussions du national-socialisme dans l’histoire familiale et les biographies individuelles ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Angers, 2023.
Texte intégralThe National Socialism represents a gloomy period of German history. It has been the subject of numerous controversies in academic circles. Initially considered a taboo in post-war society, it was better accepted officially in the following decades, so much so that a culture of remembrance saw the light of day in the late eighties. This remarkable sign of willingness to beself-critical is to be praised. Nonetheless, it never truly managed to penetrate the private sphere : that is why the Nazi past still remains a painful subject in the families of our respondents, who see themselves as Kriegsenkel. But who are they? Kriegsenkel literally means “The grandchildren of the War”. The term refers to the grandparents who were involved in the Hitlerian regime.The Kriegsenkel, most of whom were born between 1960 and 1980 identify with this conceptby choice. It also involves the idea of a transgenerational transmission of trauma stemming from the second conflict. At the turn ofthe 2000s Kriegsenkel talking groups emerged in German-speaking countries, which was an unprecedented phenomenon.This study presents the results of a qualitative survey of the Kriegsenkel whose family history was marked by the Third Reich. The descendants of leading Nazi dignitaries are however not included in our sample group. Our aim is to explore the fallouts of the National Socialism in the biography of respondents through the prism of their religious, political and societal involvements. The survey reveals how memory, History and involvement fit together
Gesson, Claire. « Les politiques financières familiales dans l'Union Européenne : de l'hétérogénéité vers une convergence des modèles ». Poitiers, 2009.
Texte intégralFamily policy is generally presented as an element of social policy destined to give public support to the family, regarded as the core cell of society. All member states of the European Union offer this type of support which takes the form of financial allowances due to the family. However, the comparison between european national family policies shows a wide heterogeneity of the basis and financial means of theses policies. There is not one but several model of family policy in Europe. The existing differences in conceptions and implementations of family policy are receding under the influence of a dual movement. On the one hand, similar changes touching the social and financial systems operate a convergence of family policies in Europe. On the other hand, the European Union has progessively taken charge of the issue of family support, which has brought about an harmonisation of national family policies