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Thèses sur le sujet « Journal de travail »

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Cormery, Anne-Claire. « Le journal, outil d’analyse institutionnelle dans le travail social, entre intervention et militantisme ». Paris 8, 2014. http://octaviana.fr/document/185189202#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.

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Résumé :
Depuis les années 1970, dans le contexte d’intervention, le diarisme s’est exprimé à travers les journaux institutionnels, les journaux d’introspection et les journaux constitutifs des communautés de conscientisation de la crise du social. Lorsqu’il touche aux pratiques professionnelles quotidiennes, le journal est aussi sociologique, car il correspond à un recueil de données permettant l’élaboration d’études de cas. A travers ses variantes, cet outil de l’instituant ordinaire constitue un support à la réflexivité et à la quête de sens des professionnels dans le travail social. Le journal d’intervention permet la description, l’analyse et la compréhension du réel. Il s’inscrit dans une perspective clinique de l’institution. Et aujourd’hui, on peut se demander si le journal n’est pas la dernière institution du sujet, car c’est lui qui donne de la consistance sociale. Il est devenu un outil précieux pour celui qui s’inscrit dans une démarche d’éducation tout au long de la vie de la personne, mais aussi de l’institution. Dans cette perspective de formation, la circulation du journal est médiation. Lorsque le journal est socialisé dans une institution du champ social, les analyseurs et les implications se dévoilent au collectif. L’analyse institutionnelle s’appuie sur le mouvement des groupes pour proposer une alternative à la bureaucratie. C’est un courant de pensées qui se nourrit des différents champs disciplinaires des sciences humaines. Ce travail interroge dans ce contexte de pluralité de pensées, les possibles du travail social ouverts par les dispositifs mettant en scène la socialisation du journal
Since the 1970s, as forms of intervention, journal writing has taken its place in institutional journals, journals of introspective reflection and journals written in self-awareness groups in the context of social crisis. If it deals with everyday professional practices, journal writing is also a sociological phenomenon: It represents a collection of data allowing for the construction of case-studies. In all its variants, it is an aid to the ordinary agent in any institution, supporting self-reflection and reflection on goals and motivations in social-work professionals. The journal of intervention allows for the description, analysis and understanding of reality. It participates in the clinical perspective of the institution. Today, we may ask us the question whether the journal is the last remaining institution of the subject since it is the point of creation of social stability. It has become a precious tool to those who submit their entire lives to processes of education. The same applies to institutions. From the point of view of growth and learning, appreciation of the journal is mediation. When the journal is socialized in an institution of the social field, analyzers and implications become visible to the collective. The analysis of institutions is linked to groups as an alternative to bureaucratic approaches. It is a school of thought thriving on a number of disciplinary fields within the humanities. In the context of multiple schools of thought, the thesis examines the possibilities which structures exhibiting the socialization of journals offer to social work
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Vielmas, Violaine. « Cοrrespοndance littéraire et jοurnaux de travail de Jean Vilar : éditiοn, étude et cοmmentaire ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMR061.

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Cette thèse repose sur une triple démarche éditoriale, génétique et littéraire. Jean Vilar appartient à l'histoire sociale et théâtrale en tant que fondateur et directeur du festival d'Avignon, de 1947 à 1971, directeur du Théâtre national populaire, de 1951 à 1963, comédien, metteur en scène et chef de troupe. C'est aussi un polygraphe dont l'ambition initiale était de devenir écrivain. Cette thèse réfute l'idée de concurrence entre la vocation littéraire et théâtrale. La pratique de l'écriture nourrit celle de la recherche scénique et sa position de directeur alimente une correspondance et un journal de travail au sein desquels s'expriment un style propre, un ton reconnaissable et une vision du monde. La démarche éditoriale repose sur la constitution d'un corpus de 328 lettres, pour la plupart inédites, transcrites, classées et commentées. Elles témoignent des échanges avec les personnalités théâtrales, littéraires, politiques et intellectuelles, de la sortie de guerre aux années 1970. Le journal de travail de Vilar, intitulé « mémento », est transcrit et annoté dans son entièreté, de 1952 à 1970. Il se compose de trois carnets dont seuls le premier et le début du deuxième avaient été publiés. Nous présentons et étudions le troisième, inédit, que Vilar a tenu de sa démission du TNP à sa mort. La démarche génétique consiste à comparer les différentes versions du « Mémento » : du journal de bord initial à sa réécriture. Quel regard l'artiste retiré porte-t-il sur le passé et comment le transforme-t-il ? Quelle image de son œuvre et de lui-même construit-il pour la postérité ? Comment la réécriture de soi hybride-t-elle le journal entre carnet de bord et autobiographie professionnelle ? L'analyse littéraire du corpus consiste enfin à étudier les caractéristiques de la plume d'un Vilar épistolier et diariste pour en dégager la spécificité, fondée sur un mélange de d'exigence professionnelle forte et d'amitié tendre
This PhD thesis follows a threefold editorial, genetic, and literary approach. Jean Vilar holds a prominent place in social and theatrical history as the founder and director of the Avignon Festival (1947–1971), the director of the Théâtre National Populaire (1951–1963), as well as an actor, director, and troupe leader. Additionally, Vilar was a prolific writer whose original ambition was to become an author. This thesis refutes the idea of competition between literary and theatrical vocations. The practice of writing enriches his theatrical research, and his position as director fosters a body of correspondence and work diaries where a distinct style, recognizable tone, and vision of the world emerge. The editorial approach focuses on the creation of a corpus of 328 letters, most of which are previously unpublished, transcribed, classified, and annotated. These letters reflect Vilar’s exchanges with theatrical, literary, political, and intellectual figures from the post-war period to the 1970s. Vilar’s work diary, entitled "Mémento", has been fully transcribed and annotated for the period from 1952 to 1970. It consists of three notebooks, of which only the first and the beginning of the second had been published. This study presents and analyzes the third, previously unpublished, which Vilar maintained from his resignation from the TNP until his death. The genetic approach compares the different versions of the "Mémento", from the initial logbook to its later rewritings. What perspective does the retired artist take on the past, and how does he transform it? What image of his work and of himself does he construct for posterity? How does this self-rewriting blend the journal between a logbook and a professional autobiography? Finally, the literary analysis of the corpus aims to study the characteristics of Vilar’s writing as a letter-writer and diarist, highlighting its specificity, based on a combination of high professional standards and tender friendship
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Bensemmane, Sonia. « La justice organisationnelle du groupe et le bien-être au travail : une approche dynamique ». Thesis, Pau, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PAUU2060/document.

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Résumé :
La justice globale du groupe fait référence aux perceptions du traitement juste ou injuste reçu de la part des membres du groupe de travail ou des collègues de travail. Les perceptions de justice organisationnelle ont longtemps été considérées comme stables dans le temps, qui ne pouvaient changer que sur le niveau interindividuel. Cependant, il a été démontré empiriquement que les perceptions de justice varient dans le temps sur les deux niveaux inter et intra-individuels que ce soit d’une période à une autre, d’une semaine à une autre, d’un jour à un autre et même au cours d’une seule et même journée. La justice organisationnelle est connue pour avoir une influence significative sur un certain nombre de comportements et attitudes au travail tels que la performance, la satisfaction, l’intention de départ, l’engagement ou encore l’implication au travail. Récemment, il a été révélé que les perceptions de justice avaient également une influence sur le sentiment de bien-être au travail des individus. Ainsi, la présente recherche examine l’effet des perceptions de justice globale du groupe sur le bien-être au travail en adoptant une approche dynamique appelée la méthode du journal personnel ou la Diary Study. Cette recherche étudie également les mécanismes explicatifs de cette relation
Overall team justice refers to the perceived treatments received by team members or coworkers at work. Organizational justice has been long considered as a stable variable over time changing from one individual to another. However, empirical studies have shown that justice perceptions vary over time at both the between and the within-individual level across periods of time, from one week to another, form one day to another, and even over the course of one single day. Organizational justice has been shown to have a significant influence on different individual’s attitudes and behaviors at work such as performance, satisfaction, turnover intention, engagement and implication at work. Recently, studies have revealed that justice perceptions have also an influence on individual’s wellbeing at work. Thus, the present research examines the effect of overall team justice perceptions on wellbeing at work by using a dynamic approach, namely, the Diary Study. This research also examines the underlying mechanisms of this relationship
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Cabrolié, Stéphane. « La presse quotidienne nationale de l’économie industrielle à l’économie numérique : sociologie de l’édition du journal ». Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100091/document.

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Résumé :
Cette thèse traite du processus de valorisation des quotidiens nationaux d’informations générales sur le double marché de la presse (lecteurs et annonceurs) en s’intéressant au rôle de l’activité d’édition dans la création de valeur. L’analyse de l’activité des « travailleurs de la presse » (rédacteurs, secrétaires de rédaction, direction des journaux, personnel des régies publicitaires, etc.) vise à décrire la production d’un bien hybride, à la fois informationnel et publicitaire, dont les caractéristiques finales résultent d’opérations de qualification et d’évaluation des contenus, et d’opérations rédactionnelles et techniques transformant des projets éditoriaux en produits édités. L’observation du travail éditorial et des usages des dispositifs d’édition dans les rédactions de presse quotidienne montre l’existence d’un processus de rationalisation de l’activité de conception et de fabrication du journal. Les directions cherchent à maîtriser ce processus pour accroître leur contrôle de l’édition et de la valorisation des quotidiens mais la rationalisation industrielle ne garantit pas la rentabilité des entreprises dans un marché des biens informationnels en mutation. Pour faire face aux incertitudes liées à la valorisation des journaux, les éditeurs agissent sur le positionnement éditorial des titres et sur le travail d’édition effectué par les rédactions, tout en engageant le développement de structures rédactionnelles « plurimédias ». L’activité d’édition des contenus est au cœur de la chaîne de valeur du journal, mais l’évolution des pratiques culturelles et la transformation du paysage médiatique engendrent une remise en cause des modèles économiques des entreprises de presse et bousculent les pratiques de travail dans les rédactions comme les représentations des métiers qui s’y exercent
This thesis deals with the process of valorization of national daily newspapers on the two-sided market of the press (readers and advertisers) and considers the role of the edition activity in the creation of value. The analysis of the activity of “press workers” (writers, editors, managers, commercials in advertising agencies) aims at describing the production of an hybrid good, both informational and advertising, of which final characteristics result from operations of qualification and valuation of contents, and from editorial and technical operations that transform editorial projects into edited products. The observation of editorial work and edition systems uses in daily press newsrooms shows a process of rationalization of the conception and production of newspapers. Editors want to master this process in order to reinforce their control of edition and valorization of newspapers, but industrial rationalization does not guarantee firms profitability in a changing market of informational goods. To face uncertainty of newspapers valorization, editors take action on the editorial position of papers and on the work of edition done by editorial staff, and they engage the development of cross-media newsrooms. The activity of contents edition is at the heart of the value chain of newspaper, but the evolution of cultural practices and the transforming media landscape put in question business models of newspapers and challenge work practices as well as representations of occupations in newsrooms
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Conocimiento, Dirección de Gestión del. « Journal of Travel Research ». SAGE Publishing, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655348.

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Bacos, Nina. « A white woman's photographic travel journal ». Thesis, Glasgow School of Art, 2013. http://radar.gsa.ac.uk/4895/.

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How might a photographic travelogue based upon personal first-hand experience and dialogic modes of self-representation actively embody and engage with the implications of whiteness as it impacts on racial hierarchies? And what ethical considerations should be taken into consideration when it is a white woman undertaking such research? The research was constructed through a field trip that followed loosely in the footsteps of an African man (Tete-Michel Kpomassie) from West Africa to Greenland. While undertaking this research, I made a visual diary of self-portraiture, documentary and auteur-style snapshots and portraits that mirrored points of encounter through the subjective gaze of my photographic practice and my own white female body. The photographic travelogue and the dialogue with Kpomassie framed the circumstances of the research, thus implicating my complicity as a white subject in a system organized by racial tenets. The methodology, which reflects my subjective as well as my categorical identity in different activities, such as middle-aged sex tourism, begs the question of what kinds of ethical factors and limitations need to be considered or transgressed when it is a white woman that is performing or conducting such research. These issues are examined in a discussion that juxtaposes the imagery with a selection of work around questions about racial/gendered and sexual identity, that has been carried out by other artists and academics in photographic, artistic and theoretical discourses, particularly Adrian Piper and Judith Butler.
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Conocimiento, Dirección de Gestión del. « Journal of Travel & ; Tourism Marketing ». Taylor & ; Francis Group, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655346.

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Conocimiento, Dirección de Gestión del. « Guía de acceso para Journal of Travel Research ». SAGE Publishing, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655348.

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Barrois, Amandine. « La journée de travail : organisation, valorisation et inégalités sociales ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL12011/document.

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Résumé :
L’objet de la thèse est de comprendre comment se structure la journée de travail et comment l’organisation quotidienne du temps de travail révèle de profondes inégalités sociales entre les travailleurs, notamment entre les hommes et les femmes. Les travaux qui se sont penchés sur le temps de travail ces dernières décennies ont généralement privilégié le cadre hebdomadaire comme angle d’analyse. Ces travaux ont également pu s’intéresser à certaines périodes spécifiques, comme le travail de nuit ou du dimanche. Alors que la tendance est à apprécier le temps de travail par rapport à un cadre de référence toujours plus large, la journée apparaît être un cadre plus fin et plus original pour évaluer les effets de la diversification des temps de travail. L'analyse des horaires de travail quotidiens permet d’appréhender les difficultés perçues par les individus, notamment en matière d’articulation des temps. Des investigations quantitatives menées à partir de l’enquête Conditions de Travail (DARES) et la construction d’outils statistiques variés permettent de décrire et d’analyser la journée de travail, mais également de faire apparaître les enjeux sociaux se nouant autour de celle-ci. Cette dernière est au cœur des inégalités entre les travailleurs (hommes et femmes ; parents et non-parents ; PCS). Sont questionnés les enjeux de la présence au travail, de la capacité des salariés à maîtriser leur temps et à se rendre disponible sur certains horaires ; ainsi que les enjeux de la valorisation du temps, de la capacité à faire rémunérer le temps passé à la disposition de l’employeur et à faire reconnaître la pénibilité des horaires qui s’écartent de la norme
This thesis aims at understanding how the working day is organized and how this daily organization of working time reveals deep social inequalities between workers, particularly between men and women. The numerous works that have studied working time in recent decades have generally favored the weekly framework as analysis angle. These works have also studied specific periods, such as night work and Sunday work. Although the trend is to estimate the working time over a framework of ever wider reference, the day yet appears to be a more precise and more original framework to assess the effects of diversification of work habits observed during the last forty years. The analysis of daily work schedules enables us to understand the difficulties people experience, particularly in terms of articulation of time. Quantitative investigations from the Working Conditions survey (DARES), including the construction of indicators and different statistical tools allow us to describe and analyze the daily organization of working time but also show the social issues forming around the workday. This latter is at the heart of inequality between workers (men and women ; parents and non-parents ; professional categories). Indeed, the capacity to attend work, to control one’s time and to make oneself available certain hours is at stake. The valuation of the time given by the workers, the ability to recognize, in other words to pay, the time spent available to the employer, but also to recognize the difficulty of the temporal organization of work and schedules which deviate from the norm are also at stake
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GIROD, PHILIPPE. « Etude comparee du comportement alimentaire des ouvriers d'une entreprise de l'ouest de la france employant des travailleurs postes et des travailleurs en journee continue ». Nantes, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989NANT085M.

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Conocimiento, Dirección de Gestión del. « Guía de acceso para Journal of Travel & ; Tourism Marketing ». Taylor & ; Francis Group, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/655346.

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Esplan, Karine. « La socialisation organisationnelle des jeunes diplômés sous l’angle des mécanismes de l’identification : une approche par la théorie de l’identité sociale ». Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOU10046.

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Les recherches se sont très peu penchées sur les modèles de transition identitaire des jeunes recrues au cours de leur socialisation. L’objectif de cette recherche est de tester un modèle qui intègre les facteurs organisationnels, sociaux et personnels de la socialisation, en explorant le rôle médiateur de l’identification sociale en tant que mécanisme explicatif du processus et d’examiner le rôle modérateur du conflit identitaire et des émotions positives. Pour tester notre modèle, nous avons conduit deux études. Premièrement, nous avons utilisé un design quantitatif longitudinal avec quatre temps de mesure, pour collecter les données auprès de 423 jeunes recrues françaises au cours de leurs sept premiers mois d’emploi. Nos résultats montrent que l’identification médiatise la relation entre les facteurs du processus de socialisation et l’ajustement des jeunes recrues. La seconde étude, s’est focalisée sur la formation de l’identification au cours du premier mois, en examinant quotidiennement l’identification situationnelle de 49 jeunes futurs diplômés au cours des dix premiers jours de leur stage de fin d’études. Nous avons collecté 490 observations via cette méthode du journal personnel. Les résultats ont montré que les jeunes avec un conflit identitaire quotidien et une faible affectivité positive étaient davantage identifiés. Le soutien social aurait un effet tampon sur le conflit identitaire pour les jeunes à faible affectivité positive. Cette recherche contribue ainsi à une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique identitaire dans le contexte de la socialisation des jeunes diplômés. Elle met l’accent d’une part, sur l’importance des mécanismes identitaires pour expliquer les issues spécifiques de la socialisation, telles que l’intégration sociale, et d’autre part, sur leur faible impact quant à la maîtrise de la tâche. Les contributions théoriques et managériales ainsi que les limites et les perspectives de recherche sont discutées
There is a dearth of research on the patterns of newcomers’ identity transitions during socialization. The aim of this research is to develop and test a model that integrates the organizational, social, and personal factors of socialization, explores the role of identification as a mediating mechanism, and investigates boundary conditions such as identity conflict and emotions. In order to test our model, we conducted two studies. First, we collected multiwave data from 423 French newcomers during their first seven months of employment. Our four-wave results show that organizational identification mediates the impact of socialization factors on newcomers’ adjustment. Second, we focus on the initial level of organizational identification upon organizational entry through the measure of daily situated identification among 49 young graduates during their first ten days of their internship. We collected 490 observations via a daily diary study with ten repeat measurements. The results of diary showed that participants with daily identity conflict and low positive affectivity were more identified. The social support would have a buffering effect on identity conflict for participants with low positive affectivity. This research contributes to a better understanding of identity dynamics in the context of young graduates’socialization. It emphasizes, on the one hand, the importance of identity mechanisms to explain the specific issues of socialization, such as social integration, and on the other hand, their low impact on the task mastery. The theorical and empirical implications for these findings are discussed
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Kim, Seon-Ha. « Content analysis Annals of Tourism Research & ; Journal of Travel Research / ». Online version, 1998. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/thesis/1998/1998kims.pdf.

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Carmona, Jocelyne. « Etude comparative de postes de travail dans le service des expéditions de trois entreprises de presse : propositions d'amélioration des conditions de travail ». Montpellier 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988MON11217.

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Wang, Shan. « The Traveler's Journey : from departure to arrival ». Thesis, Boston University, 2007. https://hdl.handle.net/2144/28591.

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Boston University. University Professors Program Senior theses.
PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you.
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Smith, Douglas. « "My Journey" ». Scholar Commons, 2004. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/1253.

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This is a copy of my thesis which I have written in its original form as a travel journal that I brought with me on a trip I took driving across the country. I have duplicated it word for word so that it may be more accessible to review. Accompanying this copy are a few photographic samples of different places I've been that offer a visual feeling of what I'm talking ahout thru-out the journal. The original copy of the journal will be displayed as part of my show (March 1st-5th at the Oliver Gallery) and can be viewed in its entirety. The form of this thesis is in journal format so you as a reader will enter right into my life on a specific data and will follow my experiences on a daily basis. The writing is done with no consideration to proper grammar so that I could flow better when I wrote it. In a lot of ways the creation of this project parallels my painting processes. The journal exists as an object that I have transformed through layers of words and images and materials that all together form an overall "big story" in it about who I am. My paintings seem to follow the same master and even though they have individual personalities they as a whole tell my story. All these different ways of communicating my experiences (painting, writing, talking) have brought out a variety of ways of remembering them and the explanation of them as stories of voice and words and paint.
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McFarlane, Elizabeth Anne. « French travellers to Scotland, 1780-1830 : an analysis of some travel journals ». Thesis, University of Stirling, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/21711.

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This study examines the value of travellers’ written records of their trips with specific reference to the journals of five French travellers who visited Scotland between 1780 and 1830. The thesis argues that they contain material which demonstrates the merit of journals as historical documents. The themes chosen for scrutiny, life in the rural areas, agriculture, industry, transport and towns, are examined and assessed across the journals and against the social, economic and literary scene in France and Scotland. Through the evidence presented in the journals, the thesis explores aspects of the tourist experience of the Enlightenment and post -Enlightenment periods. The viewpoint of knowledgeable French Anglophiles and their receptiveness to Scottish influences, grants a perspective of the position of France in the economic, social and power structure of Europe and the New World vis-à-vis Scotland. The thesis adopts a narrow, focussed analysis of the journals which is compared and contrasted to a broad brush approach adopted in other studies.
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Childs, Cassie Patricia. « Traveling Women and Consuming Place in Eighteenth-Century Travel Letters and Journals ». Scholar Commons, 2017. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/6692.

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Traveling Women and Consuming Place in Eighteenth-Century Travel Letters and Journals considers how various women-authored travel narratives of the long eighteenth century employ food in the construction of place and identity. Chronologically charting the letters and journals of Delarivier Manley, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Janet Schaw, and Frances Burney, I argue that the “critical food moments” described in their letters and journals demonstrate material, cultural, and social implications about consumption. My interdisciplinary project is located at the intersection of three seemingly divergent topics: food studies, human geography, and women-authored travel narratives. Approaching “place” as a way of being-in-the-world, my project traces the connection between verbal constructions of place and issues of identity, national and gender, across the eighteenth century. Looking at what I term “critical food moments” during travel allows us particular insight into how food simultaneously serves a literal (intended for consumption) and a figurative (used as a literary topic and device) function, and how tropes of food—such as digestion—function as lexicons which offer women writers opportunities to better understand and criticize the nation and their own identities within the nation. I argue that food-centered moments allow us to better understand the lived experiences of women traveling in the eighteenth century, to analyze how material and sensory conditions influenced and shaped women’s understandings of themselves and their positions (places) in the world. Taken together, these four women authors represent a wide-range of perspectives from various social and economic backgrounds, and yet, what they have in common is crucial: a connection with the food, communities, and places they travel.
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Remigio, Barbara <1996&gt. « L’Influencer Marketing nel turismo : l’influenza nel travel customer journey ». Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/20902.

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Questo lavoro ha come obiettivo quello di analizzare l'influencer marketing nel turismo ed in particolar modo l'influenza nel travel customer journey. Partendo dall’analisi di alcune campagne di promozione del turismo che hanno coinvolto influencer, si cercherà di capire se queste influenzano il consumatore nella prima fase, ovvero quella di ricerca di informazioni. La tesi sarà supportata da una analisi qualitativa e l’utilizzo di questionari. L’evoluzione di internet e la diffusione sempre più capillare del mondo digitale ha portato ad un cambio radicale nel modo di fare marketing. Ad oggi si assiste ad una comunicazione più dinamica e più personalizzata -one to one-. La relazione tra azienda e consumatore ora è di tipo orizzontale e più democratica, e necessita, per sopravvivere, di creare una relazione il più duratura possibile con l’utente. Avere un’identità digitale è dunque fondamentale, il turismo è uno dei settori in cui le nuove tecnologie hanno trovato l’applicazione più vasta e rapidamente adottata da tutti gli attori. L’evoluzione di internet nel settore ha permesso la presenza più forte delle destinazioni accrescendone il grado di competitività, ha inoltre consentito all’utente di raccogliere in maniera semplice le informazioni fornendo supporto nel processo decisionale e di pianificazione del viaggio. L’analisi dei dati più recenti dimostra come la decisione di acquisto sia influenzata principalmente dai social e dalla figura dell’influencer. Un elemento chiave è dunque il passaparola digitale garantito dalla continua disponibilità di informazioni messe in rete dagli utenti, ma anche da nuove strategie comunicative adottate dalle aziende. L’influencer marketing rientra tra queste, vale a dire utilizzare l’immagine di una persona famosa per parlare e consigliare determinati prodotti o servizi. In settori come il fashion queste figure sono ormai consolidate, e nel mondo del turismo? Influenzano davvero il consumatore nel suo processo decisionale? Una prima parte della tesi andrà a proporre un excursus all’interno del mondo del web, la sua evoluzione in ambito turistico e della sua catena distributiva, fornendo dati di utilizzo e sviluppo. Si parlerà inoltre del mondo digitale, delle piattaforme utilizzate e verrà anche fatto un breve accenno a quello che è stato il digitale nel periodo della pandemia. Una seconda parte introdurrà la figura dell’influencer e sul lavoro da loro svolto. Si partirà dalle teorie fornite in letteratura nel corso degli anni fino ad arrivare ad oggi, verranno poi spiegate le categorie di influencer che ad oggi popolano il mondo online. Si cercherà inoltre di fare chiarezza sulla situazione legislativa che vige in materia. Successivamente ci si concentrerà sul ruolo del customer e sul suo processo decisionale, diversi i modelli di influenza esposti in letteratura che aiutano a capire come il messaggio persuasivo, sviluppato da persone influenti, possa portare poi all’acquisto di un prodotto o servizio. Analizzando le varie teorie sul consumatore e sul processo decisionale presenti in letteratura, si cercherà di individuare il modello più adatto per la realizzazione e riuscita dell’influencer marketing. Infine, tramite l’analisi di alcune strategie di influencer marketing sviluppate in campagne di promozione turistica ed una analisi qualitativa effettuata tramite sondaggi, si cercherà di capire se effettivamente l'influencer marketing è utile nel settore turistico e se effettivamente influenza il Travel customer Journey.
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Rupp, William H. « A new perspective on British identity : the travel journals of John Byng, 1781-1794 ». Thesis, University of Warwick, 2011. http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/48885/.

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The Honourable John Byng (1743-1813; later fifth Viscount Torrington) was a British soldier, civil servant, and diarist who wrote fifteen accounts of his series of pleasure tours between 1781 and 1794. Unpublished in his lifetime, these accounts were re-discovered in the twentieth century and have been in print ever since. Despite their scope (Byng visited two thirds of all English and Welsh counties) and detail (he filled twenty seven manuscript volumes totalling over 2,500 hand-written pages) his writings have been used only sporadically and anecdotally by historians. This dissertation, therefore, seeks to re-position Byng as an historical actor and his writings as a complex historical source that requires detailed re-examination and reevaluation. Doing so reveals that Byng’s journals can inform the historigraphical discussion that surrounds the creation of a ‘British’ national identity and consciousness in the late eighteenth century. Prevailing models stress top down dynamics and external forces that caused the English, Welsh, and Scottish to band together as a Protestant elect in order to survive the onslaught of the large, Catholic, Continental powers of the time. Whilst Byng’s observations do not refute this interpretation, they present a strong argument for the inclusion of ‘sub-national’ (hamlet, village, town, county) identities and loyalties in any attempt to chart British identity formation. To demonstrate this, elements of post-colonial theory, particularly contact theory, are used to show that in Britain Byng moved through a series of encounters akin to those experienced by Europeans in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Through his reactions, it is possible to see how these various identities complemented and competed with each other, particularly important social tropes such as politeness. Family composition and relationships with friends are also discussed to illustrate how focusing on individual historical subjects can yield useful insights into broader historical issues. Finally, the experiences of Arthur Young (1741-1820) and William Cobbett (1763-1835), two other well known travellers and commentators, are used to suggest the wider ramifications of the analysis whilst making links to wider study of domestic travel.
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Weber, Brigitte. « Réflexivité et travail de l'intime en formation à la recherche : éclairages cliniques psychanalytiques de journaux de recherche de masterants ». Thesis, Lille 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIL3H017.

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Les observateurs de l'hypermodernité y repèrent, en continuité de ses inquiétudes constitutives (politiques, écologiques...), une idéologie du contrôle et de la transparence, mettant en péril la notion même d'intimité, et un nouveau statut accordé à la réflexivité, qui devient la solution à tous les maux. En croisant ces observations, il apparait en effet que les pratiques visant le développement de la réflexivité, dans les champs professionnel ou de formation, ont pour attendu une certaine transparence (cognitive et affective) de soi face à un autrui généralement collectif. Une telle transparence, pouvant aller jusqu'à la surexposition de soi est ici questionnée à l'aune de travaux psychanalytique montrant, au contraire, que la réflexivité ne se développe chez l'enfant (ainsi que chez l'enfant dans l'adulte) qu'à condition que soit préservé un espace d'intimité, de secret. Nous pouvons ainsi différencier une réflexivité constituée, à quoi renvoie la plupart des travaux sur la réflexivité en sciences de l'éducation, et une réflexivité constituante qui, à partir de l'apport psychanalytique, souligne que l'adulte, pour se former voire se transformer, retrouve les processus archaïques ayant construit jadis son identité. Il en découle que, pour cet adulte, comme pour l'enfant qu'il était, un environnement lui garantissant un espace-temps d'intimité préservée, sans surexposition de soi, semble particulièrement favorable à sa formation et au développement de sa réflexivité.Notre terrain s'appuie sur l'un des dispositifs possible (le journal de recherche) garantissant un tel espace-temps d'initimité dans le cadre d'une formation d'étudiants inscrits à l'université en master 2. A travers l'analyse de ces journaux, nous cherchons à repérer les deux niveaux de réflexivité (constituée et constituante) à travers leurs étayages réciproques et leurs porosités l'un à l'autre. Nous considérons, après d'autres, que s'engager en formation à la recherche repose, certes, sur une enquête (réflexivité constituée) mais réactive en même temps les balbutiements de la quête de soi de l'enfant dans l'adulte (réflexivité constituante). Dit autrement, l'objet de recherche choisi par l'étudiant est l'héritier de l'ancien objet d'amour de son enfance ; l'enquête et la quête ne sont pas dissociées. A l'issue de nos analyses, plusieurs pistes de recherche sont proposées en sciences de l'éducation, notamment celle d'un rapprochement entre travail de l'intime d'un point de vue psychanalytique et conception plus sociologique des dynamiques identitaires en formation, ou encore celle
Observers of the hypermodernity track down there, in continuance of its essential anxieties (political, ecological), an ideology of control and transparency, putting in danger the notion of intimacy, and a new status granted to the reflexivity, which becomes the solution of all the troubles. By crossing these observations, it indeed seems that the practices aiming at the development of the reflexivity, in professional or educational fields, have for expectation a certain transparency (cognitive and emotional) from one in front of collective others. Such a transparency, being able to go to the overexposure of one, is questioned here in the psychoanalytical field showing, on the contrary, that the reflexivity develops only (for the child as well as for the child in the adult) if a protected space of intimacy and secret is provided. So we can differentiate a constituted reflexivity, to which send back most of the works on the reflexivity in educational sciences, and a constituent reflexivity which, from the psychoanalytical contribution, underlines that the adult, to form or transform himself or herself, retrieve the archaic processes having built formerly his or her identity. It ensues that, for this adult, as for the child that he or she was, an environment guaranteeing a space-time of protected intimacy, without overexposure of one, seems particularly supportive to his or her training and to the development of his or her reflexivity.Our fieldwork leans on one of the possible devices (the research log) guaranteeing such a space-time of initimacy for students' training at the university in master 2. Through the analysis of these logs, we want to track down both levels of reflexivity (constituted and constituent) through their mutual supports and their porosities one to another. We consider that involvment in training to the research rests, certainly, on an inquiry (constituted reflexivity) but revives at the same time the stammerings of the quest of oneself of the child in the adult (constituent reflexivity). Said otherwise, the research object chosen by the student is the heir of the ancient object of love of its childhood ; the inquiry and the quest are not separated. At the conclusion of our analyses, several research tracks are proposed in educational sciences, notably about sensorialites as supports of the reflexivity, or linking work about intimacy from a psychoanalytical point of view and more sociological conception of the identity dynamics in training
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Clayton, William Joseph. « Bus tales : travel-time use, technologies, and journey experiences on the bus ». Thesis, University of the West of England, Bristol, 2012. http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/17967/.

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Recently there has been a growing interest in the ways in which people use their time during travel, and what different types of value (economic or personal) such ‘travel-time activity’ provides. The activities of public transport passengers have been explored from a number of perspectives, and several of these have been reported to have a positive influence on the experience of the journey. However, within existing research the bus has received almost no specific attention, with most studies focussing on the train. At the same time, there is a stated policy need to improve the attractiveness of bus travel and increase patronage on local bus services in the UK. This thesis draws these strands together, and investigates how the activities in which bus passengers engage on-the-move give meaning to their journeys and help to shape their experiences and perceptions of the mode. In doing so, it considers how a focus on travel-time activity is potentially a valuable way of improving journey experiences for users, and increasing the attractiveness of bus travel to non-users. Identifying the need to explore travel-time activity on the bus, the thesis develops a discussion of what is already known about the ways in which passengers (largely rail passengers) use their time, and how this has been found to influence their experiences and perceptions of the journey. Within this, specific attention is paid to the importance of carried objects and mobile technologies (mobile phones, books, music players, and more) in facilitating travel-time activities. In doing so, this thesis considers how existing travel-time research is relevant to the context of the bus journey. It identifies and addresses three gaps in existing knowledge: (i) It provides the missing link between research which has demonstrated that travel-time activity has the potential to improve journey experiences for public transport passengers, and research which has specifically explored the journey experiences of bus passengers. (ii) It explores the current lack of understanding concerning the ways in which travel-time activities on the bus give meaning to passengers’ experiences of the journey. In particular, there has been little focus on how the travel-time “tools” – the carried objects, mobile technologies, and ICTs – are potentially enabling bus passengers to conduct different activities during travel-time. (iii) It seeks to fill a gap in existing knowledge in terms of specific research into subjectivity of travel-time on the bus, and how it is enacted and experienced differently by different individuals and groups. The thesis follows a three-phase methodology in generating new empirical data on travel-time activity and journey experience on the bus. First, two phases of qualitative data collection were undertaken. This involved a novel online discussion group utilising the popular social networking site “Facebook”. Following this two focus groups were conducted with bus users and car users to explore the qualitative findings in greater depth and inform the construction of the final quantitative phase. This consisted of a large-scale on-board questionnaire survey of 840 bus passengers on five routes in Bristol, UK. Thus the qualitative data provided rich discourses and explanations of passengers’ experience of travel-time, and the quantitative data tested these findings amongst a sample of the wider bus user population. This thesis finds that there are several activities and technologies particularly suited to the bus journey, and that people engage in these for a number of reasons. For example, travel-time activity is sometimes valuable for providing a “slice” of personal time within which to relax or complete personal tasks. For other passengers (or at other times) it helps to mitigate some of the more common negative experiences encountered along the journey such as boredom, stress, and social discomfort. The subjectivity of the passenger is central to explanations of travel-time use on the bus; travel-time is perceived differently by different people and thus is used and experienced in many ways. The thesis pays attention to the tensions that this creates within the collective experience of the journey. In particular the intensely social nature of bus travel is explained as being at the heart of the experience. For some the journey is a chance to socialise, where for others the public spaces of the bus can engender a lack of a sense of personal space and a negative experience. In concluding, the thesis identifies a disparity between the quantitative and qualitative findings. The qualitative data go into depth in explaining the rich, contextual experience of activity, where the quantitative findings focus on the immediate experience and find other factors to be of more primary significance than activity – particularly punctuality, age, and a person’s social disposition. Thus, the thesis contextualises its own findings, highlighting the potential of travel-time activity in increasing the attractiveness of bus travel, whilst at the same time firmly framing the importance of this new knowledge within the wider picture of the bus as a service.
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Manous, Michael Lee. « Travel stunts and literary performances the wager journey in England, 1579-1653 / ». Diss., UC access only, 2009. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1974746341&sid=1&Fmt=7&clientId=48051&RQT=309&VName=PQD.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Riverside, 2009.
Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 556-579). Issued in print and online. Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations.
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Koudouh, Mboumba Cathy. « La presse d'entreprise et la représentation des relations humaines : étude de cas : le Groupe Elf Aquitaine ». Thesis, Paris 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA020042.

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L’instauration des relations humaines dans l’entreprise a suscité de nouvelles méthodes de gestion, et dans lesquelles la communication a été le mobile fondamental. Ainsi, le facteur humain a pu être reconsidéré dans l’organisation du travail, et la participation des salariés dans la marche de l’entreprise, a été éveillée. Nous avons choisi d’analyser la représentation des relations humaines, à travers le journal interne, au sein du Groupe Elf, afin de révéler l’ensemble des pratiques et techniques, mis en oeuvre pour permettre aux salariés de s’épanouir dans l’entreprise. Mis à part son rôle d’information, avec pour but de sensibiliser les salariés aux objectifs et aux enjeux de l’entreprise, le journal interne est également un espace d’expression, dans lequel les dirigeants et les salariés, se reconnaissent dans une démarche collective. Il reproduit les relations humaines qui y naissent, à travers l’organisation et les enjeux professionnels de l’entreprise. A travers les représentations de l’entreprise qu’il véhicule en son sein, de par son contenu, il semble accompagner cette dernière dans son rôle sociétal. De la sorte, il reste un lien d’échanges qui maintient une relation triangulaire entre l’entreprise, ses salariés et son environnement externe
The institution of human relations in the company has created new management methods, and in which the mobile communication was fundamental. In this way, the human factor could be reconsidered in the labor’s organization and employees’ participation in the operation of the company was awake. We chose to analyze the representation of human relationships, through the internal newspaper within the group Elf, to reveal all the practical and technical implementations to allow employees to be happy within the company. Apart from its role of information, with the aim to sensitize employees to the objectives and challenges of the company, the internal newspaper is also a space for expression in which managers and employees identify themselves with an approach collective. It reproduces the human relationships that are born, through the organization and the professional challenges of the business. Because of its content, the newspaper group Elf seems to accompany the company in its role in society through human figures, it carries within it. Such like, there remains an exchange link which supports a triangular relation between the firm, its employees and its external environment
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Ihaddadene, Nacim. « Extraction de modèles de processus métiers à partir de journaux d'événements ». Lille 1, 2007. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2007/50376-2007-143.pdf.

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Les approches actuelles de représentation des processus métiers s'appuient principalement sur les systèmes de workflow qui ordonnent les tâches selon une logique métier déterminée. Les systèmes de workflow, particulièrement nombreux sur le marché, souffrent, en revanche, de limites sérieuses dans l'évolution et la normalisation des processus métiers suite à leurs mises en exploitation. Par ce travail, nous contribuons à l'évolution et à la normalisation des processus métiers, à travers : - l'enrichissement du journal d'événements par des durées minimales et maximales. Notre philosophie est d'analyser le journal des événements avec le moins d'informations possibles (identité de l'instance, instant de fin, durée minimale, durée maximale, etc. ). - l'enrichissement de la description des processus métiers par des motifs de processus (diffusion (AND/XOR- split) et jointure AND/XOR-join)) et par des relations exceptionnelles (de continuité et de fin) entre les tâches, - la prise en compte des procédures de normalisation en cas d'échec de tâches, afm de fiabiliser au maximum les instances de processus. Nous ajoutons ainsi au niveau de représentation des processus, un niveau de représentation des relations exceptionnelles. La prise en compte à la fois de l'extraction des modèles de processus, enrichi des motifs de processus, et de la procédure de normalisation est un point important de notre travail de thèse. Les systèmes de workflow disponibles sur le marché ne supportent pas encore ce type de fonctionnalités. En effet, les méthodes traditionnelles de conception de processus se basent sur les perceptions des concepteurs, certainement expérimentées, mais n'impliquent pas les observations issues des usages réels. De plus, elles souffrent de l'absence de procédure d'évolution permettant d'optimiser la structure du workflow initialement conçue. La conception est globalement statique, alors qu'elle devrait être dynamique. En effet, il n'y a aucun intérêt de garder un modèle de processus qui ne répond pas aux besoins exprimés par les usages. Afin de répondre au besoin d'évolution et de normalisation des processus métiers, suite aux observations des usages ou tout simplement suite à de nouveaux besoins d'usages, nous avons spécifié une nouvelle étape d'évolution et de correction des processus par l'analyse du journal des événements.
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Zuo, Tianmeng. « Montaigne-voyageur : la question de la représentation du « moi » dans le Journal de voyage et dans Les Essais ». Thesis, Paris 4, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA040093.

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À partir de la culture du voyage et des études sur la mentalité du voyageur à la Renaissance, en comparant les récits de voyage de l’époque de Montaigne, notre recherche dévoile progressivement l’idée du voyage que Montaigne a conçue et pratiquée entre 1580 et 1581, en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Italie. Il considère ce long voyage à l’étranger comme une promenade, ou plutôt des promenades, en des lieux différents. Telle est la singularité dans la pensée montaignienne : la promenade est, par nature, une manière de marcher afin de se distraire. Cependant, Montaigne-voyageur transforme cette démarche en un art de voyager qui vise à éprouver du plaisir sur sa route pour rétablir une âme mélancolique, un état déséquilibré, raison initiale de son départ. Au niveau de la création littéraire, les deux ouvrages entreprennent deux genres distincts pour représenter le séjour à l’étranger de Montaigne. Le Journal de voyage, réalisé par son secrétaire et par Montaigne lui-même, représente le « moi-voyageur » du point de vue du voyageur sur la route. Quant aux Essais, en insérant certains événements de ce séjour à l’étranger, ils représentent un « Montaigne-voyageur » du point de vue de l’essayiste, qui effectue une introspection de son « moi-voyageur » et de son expérience de voyage après son retour en France. Ainsi, cette variation d’écriture entraîne un effet de décalage dans la lecture des deux ouvrages sur le même thème du voyage. Mais, « Montaigne-voyageur » joue également le rôle d’essayiste dans son parcours, au sens de l’expérimentation, et reprend sa place d’écrivain-essayiste dans ses Essais
From travel culture and the study on the mentality of the traveler in the Renaissance, by comparing the travel writings at the time of Montaigne, this study progressively reveals the idea of travel that Montaigne conceived and practiced during 1580 and 1581, in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. He considers this long trip abroad as a walk, or rather walks, in different places. That’s the peculiarity in Montaigne’s thoughts: the walk is, by nature, a way of amusing oneself. However, Montaigne-traveller transforms this process into an art of travelling that seeks to feel pleasure on his road, in order to restore a melancholy soul and an unbalanced state, initial reason for his departure.In terms of literary creation, the two works convey two distinct genres of representing Montaigne’s stay abroad. The Montaigne’s Travel Journal, accomplished by his secretary and by Montaigne himself, represents the "me-traveller" from the point of view of the traveller on the road. And The Essays, by inserting some pieces during this stay abroad, they represent a "Montaigne-traveller" from the point of view of the essayist, who undertakes an introspection of his "me-traveller" and his travel experience after his return to France. Thus, this writing variation causes a shift in the reading of two books on the same theme of travel. But "Montaigne-traveller" also plays the role of the essayist during his journey, in the sense of experimentation, and resumes his position of writer-essayist in The Essays
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Aubret, Camille. « Sur les chemins du public : travail journalistique et composition du commun au Liban ». Paris, EHESS, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EHES0003.

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Notre thèse analyse conjointement le travail des journalistes de presse et des formes de publicité au Liban après 1990. Elle repose sur une enquête ethnographique, associant entretiens et observation participante menée entre juin 2003 et juillet 2007 auprès de soixante journalistes travaillant dans les sections politiques, locales et culturelles d'An Nahar, As Safir et L'Orient-Le Jour. Nous identifions des moments clés de la structuration du groupe professionnel et proposons une étude pragmatique des institutions (universités, syndicats, journaux) en charge de la définition de la profession. Resserant le cadre d'analyse, nous examinons une variété d'engagements politiques et confessionnels manifestés par les journalistes dans leur travail quotidien et qui consuisent à la formation de liens spécifiques avec les publics. Nous nous intéressons également aux formes de critiques et d'argumentation propres à l'espace journalistique libanais
This research focuses on the work of press journalists and forms of publicity in Lebanon, after 1990. I first identifty key moments of the building of the profession and I analyze, with pragmatic tools, the work of institutions (universities, trade-unions and newspapers) in charge of the definition of the profession. I analyse secondly a variety of political and confessional commitments of the journalists in their everyday work and wich produce specific types of links with the public. Last, I study forms of critics and argumentation specific to the Lebanese journalistic space
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Wilson, Erica Christine, et n/a. « A 'Journey Of Her Own' ? : The Impact Of Constraints On Women's Solo Travel ». Griffith University. Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management, 2004. http://www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt-root/public/adt-QGU20050209.110742.

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Women are increasingly active in the participation and consumption of travel, and are now recognised as a growing force within the tourism industry. This trend is linked to changing social and political circumstances for Western women around the world. Within Australia specifically, women's opportunities for education and for earning equitable incomes through employment have improved. Furthermore, traditional ideologies of the family have shifted, so that social expectations of marriage and the production of children do not yield as much power as they once did. As a result of these shifts, women living in contemporary Australia have a wider range of resources and opportunities with which to access an ever-increasing array of leisure/travel choices. It appears that one of the many ways in which women have been exercising their relatively recent financial and social autonomy is through independent travel. The solo woman traveller represents a growing market segment, with research showing that increasing numbers of females are choosing to travel alone, without the assistance or company of partners, husbands or packaged tour groups. However, little empirical research has explored the touristic experiences of solo women travellers, or examined the constraints and challenges they may face when journeying alone. 'Constraints' have been described variously as factors which hinder one's ability to participate in desired leisure activities, to spend more time in those activities, or to attain anticipated levels of satisfaction and benefit. While the investigation of constraints has contributed to the leisure studies discipline for a number of decades, the exploration of their influence on tourist behaviour and the tourist experience has been virtually overlooked. Research has shown that despite the choices and opportunities women have today, the freedom they have to consume those choices, and to access satisfying leisure and travel experiences, may be constrained by their social and gendered location as females. Although theorisations of constraint have remained largely in the field of leisure studies, it is argued and demonstrated in this thesis that there is potential in extending constraints theory to the inquiry of the tourist experience. Grounded in theoretical frameworks offered by gender studies, feminist geography, sociology and leisure, this qualitative study set out to explore the impact of constraints on women's solo travel experiences. Forty in-depth interviews were held with Australian women who had travelled solo at some stage of their adult lives. Adopting an interpretive and feminist-influenced research paradigm, it was important to allow the women to speak of their lives, constraints and experiences in their own voices and on their own terms. In line with qualitative methodologies, it is these women's words which form the data for this study. Based on a 'grounded' approach to data analysis, the results reveal that constraints do exist and exert influence on these women's lives and travel experiences in a myriad of ways. Four inter-linking categories of constraint were identified, namely socio-cultural, personal, practical and spatial. Further definition of these categories evolved, depending on where the women were situated in their stage of the solo travel experience (that is, pre-travel or during-travel). The results of this study show that there are identifiable and very real constraints facing solo women travellers. These constraints could stem from the contexts of their home environments, or from the socio-cultural structures of the destinations through which they travelled. However, these constraints were not immutable, insurmountable or even necessarily consciously recognised by many of the women interviewed. In fact, it became increasingly evident that women were findings ways and means to 'negotiate' their constraints, challenges and limitations. Three dominant negotiation responses to constraint could be identified; the women could choose to seek access to solo travel when faced with pre-travel constraints: they could withdraw from solo travel because of those same constraints, or they could decide to continue their journeys as a result of their in-situ constraints. Evidence of women negotiating suggests that constraints are not insurmountable barriers, and confirms that constraints do not necessarily foreclose access to travel. Furthermore, a focus on negotiation re-positions women as active agents in determining the course of their lives and the enjoyment of their solo travel experiences, rather than as passive acceptors of circumstance and constraint. Linking with the concept of negotiation, solo travel was also shown to be a site of resistance, freedom and empowerment for these forty women. Through solo travel, it was apparent that the women could transgress the structures and roles which influenced and governed their lives. This thesis shows that, through solo travel, the women interviewed found an autonomous and self-determining 'journey of their own'. At the same time, the extent to which this really was a journey of their own was questioned and revealed to be problematic under a feminist/gendered lens. Thus a more appropriate concept of women's solo travel is that it is a 'relative escape'. That is, their journeys, escapes and experiences were always situated relative to the societal expectations and perceptions of home; relative to the gendered perceptions and ideologies of the destination, and relative to the limited spatial freedoms as a result of a socially constructed geography of fear.
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Wilson, Erica Christine. « A 'Journey Of Her Own' ? : The Impact Of Constraints On Women's Solo Travel ». Thesis, Griffith University, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/365683.

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Women are increasingly active in the participation and consumption of travel, and are now recognised as a growing force within the tourism industry. This trend is linked to changing social and political circumstances for Western women around the world. Within Australia specifically, women's opportunities for education and for earning equitable incomes through employment have improved. Furthermore, traditional ideologies of the family have shifted, so that social expectations of marriage and the production of children do not yield as much power as they once did. As a result of these shifts, women living in contemporary Australia have a wider range of resources and opportunities with which to access an ever-increasing array of leisure/travel choices. It appears that one of the many ways in which women have been exercising their relatively recent financial and social autonomy is through independent travel. The solo woman traveller represents a growing market segment, with research showing that increasing numbers of females are choosing to travel alone, without the assistance or company of partners, husbands or packaged tour groups. However, little empirical research has explored the touristic experiences of solo women travellers, or examined the constraints and challenges they may face when journeying alone. 'Constraints' have been described variously as factors which hinder one's ability to participate in desired leisure activities, to spend more time in those activities, or to attain anticipated levels of satisfaction and benefit. While the investigation of constraints has contributed to the leisure studies discipline for a number of decades, the exploration of their influence on tourist behaviour and the tourist experience has been virtually overlooked. Research has shown that despite the choices and opportunities women have today, the freedom they have to consume those choices, and to access satisfying leisure and travel experiences, may be constrained by their social and gendered location as females. Although theorisations of constraint have remained largely in the field of leisure studies, it is argued and demonstrated in this thesis that there is potential in extending constraints theory to the inquiry of the tourist experience. Grounded in theoretical frameworks offered by gender studies, feminist geography, sociology and leisure, this qualitative study set out to explore the impact of constraints on women's solo travel experiences. Forty in-depth interviews were held with Australian women who had travelled solo at some stage of their adult lives. Adopting an interpretive and feminist-influenced research paradigm, it was important to allow the women to speak of their lives, constraints and experiences in their own voices and on their own terms. In line with qualitative methodologies, it is these women's words which form the data for this study. Based on a 'grounded' approach to data analysis, the results reveal that constraints do exist and exert influence on these women's lives and travel experiences in a myriad of ways. Four inter-linking categories of constraint were identified, namely socio-cultural, personal, practical and spatial. Further definition of these categories evolved, depending on where the women were situated in their stage of the solo travel experience (that is, pre-travel or during-travel). The results of this study show that there are identifiable and very real constraints facing solo women travellers. These constraints could stem from the contexts of their home environments, or from the socio-cultural structures of the destinations through which they travelled. However, these constraints were not immutable, insurmountable or even necessarily consciously recognised by many of the women interviewed. In fact, it became increasingly evident that women were findings ways and means to 'negotiate' their constraints, challenges and limitations. Three dominant negotiation responses to constraint could be identified; the women could choose to seek access to solo travel when faced with pre-travel constraints: they could withdraw from solo travel because of those same constraints, or they could decide to continue their journeys as a result of their in-situ constraints. Evidence of women negotiating suggests that constraints are not insurmountable barriers, and confirms that constraints do not necessarily foreclose access to travel. Furthermore, a focus on negotiation re-positions women as active agents in determining the course of their lives and the enjoyment of their solo travel experiences, rather than as passive acceptors of circumstance and constraint. Linking with the concept of negotiation, solo travel was also shown to be a site of resistance, freedom and empowerment for these forty women. Through solo travel, it was apparent that the women could transgress the structures and roles which influenced and governed their lives. This thesis shows that, through solo travel, the women interviewed found an autonomous and self-determining 'journey of their own'. At the same time, the extent to which this really was a journey of their own was questioned and revealed to be problematic under a feminist/gendered lens. Thus a more appropriate concept of women's solo travel is that it is a 'relative escape'. That is, their journeys, escapes and experiences were always situated relative to the societal expectations and perceptions of home; relative to the gendered perceptions and ideologies of the destination, and relative to the limited spatial freedoms as a result of a socially constructed geography of fear.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management
Griffith Business School
Full Text
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Jeansonne, Christie M. « “All This Was My Life” : Constructing Textual Self-Identity in Diaries ». ScholarWorks@UNO, 2012. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/1445.

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The ordering and control of experience through fictive selves, constructed in consideration of an audience of the self and others, is part of the diary’s identity-building and meaning-making function. This thesis analyzes the process by which the diaries of Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, and Janet Schaw construct multiple textual identities and conceptualize their public and private selves. The projection of these multiple selves in the diary text serve to justify the private individual experience as extraordinary and worth telling, as well as to connect with a public community experience, relating the self to a greater socio-cultural context.
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Fernández, Abenoza Roberto. « Improving Travel Satisfaction with Public Transport ». Licentiate thesis, KTH, Systemanalys och ekonomi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-200734.

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The existing link between PT travelers’ satisfaction, ridership and loyalty prove the relevance of improving overall trip satisfaction. The thesis present an array of approaches and methodologies aiming at increasing overall satisfaction with PT door-to-door trips while covering important issues that previous research has failed to address. These knowledge gaps include: disregarding the different needs and priorities of different type of travelers; overlooking the evolution over time and across geographical areas that overall satisfaction and satisfaction with specific service attributes may experience; and, neglecting the importance of access and egress legs. Based on the Swedish customer satisfaction barometer (2001-2013), an investigation of the determinants of PT satisfaction and their evolution over time (I) shows that: a) the deterioration of overall satisfaction with PT in Sweden in recent years is driven by a decrease in satisfaction with customer interface and length of trip time; b) these two service aspects as well as operation are found as key determinants of overall satisfaction which users consistently rate among the least satisfactory. The diversity of needs and priorities of SKT travelers was reduced into 5 distinctive multi-modal travelers’ groups (II). These travelers’ groups exhibited geographical disparities and an in between-groups overall similarity in the importance attached to the service attributes. Nevertheless, some noticeable differences could be observed. The service attributes’ importance levels reveal overall changes in appreciations and consumption goals over time. A number of both normative and heuristic satisfaction aggregation rules are tested on METPEX dataset for different types of trip configurations (III). The results show that normative rules can better reproduce overall travel satisfaction than heuristic rules, indicating that all trip legs need to be considered when evaluating the overall travel experience.
Kontinuerlig urban tillväxt, miljöproblem, konkurrens om begränsat utrymme, längre pendlingsavstånd samt behovet av att främja rättvisa och jämlikhet i samhället är de främsta anledningarna till förbättringar av kollektivtrafikens (KT) tjänster och attraktionskraft för att få fler resenärer att byta från bil till KT och därmed en viktig politisk fråga i många länder över hela världen. Den befintliga kopplingen mellan KT-resenärens tillfredsställelse, antalet passagerare och lojalitet visar betydelsen av att förbättra resans övergripande tillfredsställelse. De tre artiklar som ingår i denna licentiatavhandling presenterar en rad tillvägagångssätt och metoder som syftar till att öka den totala tillfredsställelsen med KT i ”från dörr till dörr”-resor samt täcker viktiga frågor som tidigare forskning har misslyckats med att ta itu med. Dessa kunskapsluckor inkluderar de olika behov och prioriteringar som olika typer av resenärer har, utveckling över tid och över geografiska områden som total tillfredsställelse och tillfredsställelse med specifika serviceattribut kan påverkas av samt försummelsen av resans av- och påstigningsdelar. Baserat på den svenska kundtillfredsställelsebarometern Svensk Kollektivtrafikbarometer (SKT) visar en undersökning av bestämningsfaktorerna för KT- tillfredsställelse och deras utveckling över tiden för KT-användare under åren 2001-2013 att (Artikel I): a) det skett en försämring av den sammanlagda tillfredsställelsen med KT i Sverige under de senaste åren som drivits av en minskning av tillfredsställelsen med kundgränssnittet och resans tid; b) att dessa två serviceaspekter samt drift är helt avgörande för övergripande tillfredsställelse och som resenärer konsekvent graderar bland de minst tillfredsställande. Mångfalden av behov och prioriteringar för SKT-resenärer reducerades till 5 distinkta multimodala resenärsgrupper (Artikel II). Dessa resenärsgrupper uppvisade geografiska skillnader och en i mellan-grupper övergripande likhet i vikt som fästs vid serviceattribut. Likväl kan några märkbara skillnader observeras. Serviceattributens betydelse avslöjar övergripande förändringar i uppskattnings- och konsumtionsmål över tid. De mer frekventa KT-användarsegmenten är mer nöjda över hela spektret och kännetecknas av en mer balanserad fördelning av attributens betydelse, medan en av grupperna – bilpendlare på landsbygden - är markant missnöjda med service- och driftattribut. Ett antal både normativa och heuristiska regler för aggregerad tillfredsställelse testas på METPEX-data (A Measurement Tool to determine the quality of the Passenger EXperience) för olika typer av resekonfigurationer (Artikel III). Detta görs för att förstå hur resenärer kombinerar delresors tillfredsställelse i en övergripande utvärdering av hela resan och för att undersöka den relativa betydelsen av tillfredsställelse med påstignings-, huvud- och avstigningsdel för hela reseupplevelsen i ”från dörr till dörr”-resor. Resultaten visar att normativa regler bättre kan återge övergripande resetillfredsställelse än heuristiska regler, vilket tyder på att alla resans delar måste beaktas när man utvärderar den samlade reseupplevelsen. I synnerhet ger viktning av tillfredsställelse med individuella delresor och de upplevda delresornas restider den bästa predikatorn för övergripande resetillfredsställelse, särskilt vid tillämpning av en väntetidsvikt på 3 eller 4 gånger i fordons- eller gångtid. Denna uppsättning artiklar skulle kunna hjälpa myndigheter att bättre utvärdera och tillgodose resenärernas behov genom att stödja tilldelning av resurser och prioriterandet av åtgärder i den mest effektfulla delen i en ”från dörr till dörr”-resa.
El rápido crecimiento urbano, problemas medioambientales, la competencia por el uso de espacios cada vez más limitados, el aumento de la distancia en los viajes pendulares así como la necesidad de fomentar una sociedad más equitativa e igualitaria, son algunas de las principales razones que hacen de la mejora de los servicios de transporte público (TP) y del trasvase de usuarios del transporte privado motorizado al TP una política clave en muchos países del mundo. La relación existente entre la mejora de la satisfacción del usuario de TP con el incremento de usuarios y de su fidelidad, prueban la importancia de mejorar la satisfacción global del usuario con el viaje. Los tres artículos incluidos en esta tesis de mitad de doctorado, en Suecia Licentiate thesis, presentan un variedad de enfoques y métodos que tienen como objetivo incrementar la satisfacción global con los viajes de puerta a puerta (desde el origen hasta el destino final) en los que el transporte público está involucrado, a la par de cubrir cuestiones importantes que no han abordado estudios previos. Estas lagunas de conocimientos incluyen: ignorar las distintas prioridades y necesidades de distintos tipos de viajeros; pasar por alto que tanto la satisfacción global con el viaje como la satisfacción con los atributos específicos del servicio pueden experimentar cambios a lo largo del tiempo y entre diversas zonas geográficas; y, el obviar la importancia que otras etapas del viaje (acceso y egreso), diferentes a la principal, pueden ejercer sobre la valoración global del viaje. Basado en el barómetro sueco de satisfacción del usuario de transporte público (SKT), se estudian los determinantes de la satisfacción con el TP y su evolución temporal, para usuarios de TP y para el período 2001-2013 (Artículo I). El artículo muestra que: a) el deterioro de la satisfacción global con el TP sueco experimentado en los últimos años se debe a la disminución de la satisfacción con el modo en el que la agencia de TP gestiona las quejas y el trato con los usuarios (customer interface), y de la duración del viaje (length of trip time); b) frequencia y la fiabilidad del servicio (operation) se suman a los dos ya mencionados atributos del servicio como factores determinantes de la satisfacción global con el TP. Son precisamente estos tres atributos los que consistentemente reciben unas valoraciones situadas entre las menos satisfactorias.  Basándose en las características de tipo socio-económico, en las del viaje y en coeficientes de accesibilidad, se obtienen cinco grupos de viajeros multimodales relativamente homogéneos, los cuales ayudan a simplificar la complejidad existente, en términos de necesidades y prioridades, de todos los viajeros suecos - SKT (Artículo II). Los cinco grupos de viajeros exhiben disparidades geográficas y, en general, una semejanza entre grupos en la importancia atribuida a los atributos del servicio. Sin embargo, existen algunas diferencias notorias. A lo largo del tiempo, los niveles de importancia de los atributos del servicio revelan cambios generales en las apreciaciones y objetivos de consumo. Los grupos de viajeros que viajan más frecuentemente con transporte público están, de forma generalizada, más satisfechos con el viaje y muestran una distribución más equilibrada de la importancia dada a los atributos del servicio. Se hace destacable la marcada insatisfacción que uno de los grupos – los automovilistas rurales pendulares (rural motorist commuters)- muestran con los atributos relacionados con la operación (fiabilidad y frequencia). Una serie de reglas de agregación de la satisfacción del viajero, tanto normativas como heurísticas, son examinadas en el conjunto de datos de METPEX (Una herramienta de medición para determinar la calidad de la experiencia del viajero) para distintos tipos de configuraciones de viaje (Artículo III). El objetivo de este artículo es; entender como los viajeros combinan la satisfacción con cada una de las etapas del viaje en su valoración global del viaje, e investigar la importancia relativa que cada una de las tres etapas del viaje (acceso, principal y egreso) tienen sobre la experiencia de un viaje completo de puerta a puerta. Los resultados muestran que, en comparación con las reglas heurísticas, las reglas normativas pueden reproducir de una mejor manera la satisfacción global con el viaje; indicando que todas las etapas del viaje necesitan ser consideradas cuando se evalúa la experiencia global del viaje. En particular la ponderación de la satisfacción con cada una de los segmentos del viaje[1] con la duración percibida para cada una de los segmentos del viaje produce el mejor indicador de la satisfacción global del viaje, especialmente cuando se aplica una penalización por cada minuto de espera equivalente a 3 o 4 veces el tiempo en movimiento y/o caminando. Éste conjunto de artículos pretende ayudar a las operadores y autoridades pertinentes a evaluar y proveer de la mejor manera posible las necesidades de los viajeros mediante la priorización de medidas y asignación de recursos a la parte más relevante del viaje multimodal puerta a puerta.  [1] Un segmento del viaje (trip leg) es la parte más pequeña en la que se descompone un viaje de puerta a puerta. Una etapa del viaje puede estar compuesta de uno o más segmentos del viaje.

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Johnson-Hart, Lallen Tyrone. « Classifying Drug Markets by Travel Patterns : Testing Reuter and MacCoun's Typology of Market Violence ». Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2012. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/181618.

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Criminal Justice
Research to date has demonstrated significant relationships between the presence of outdoor drug markets and violent crime. Scholars have neglected however, to consider the role of travel distance on the drugs/violence nexus. The current study examines whether features of the distributions of travel distance to markets of drug buyers, drug sellers, or the interaction between the two distributions predicts drug market violence levels net of surrounding community demographic structure. Reuter and MacCoun's (1992) as yet untested model about the connections between drugs and violent crime, predicts that the interaction of drug seller and buyer distance distributions from varying distances more powerfully drug market violence levels than buyer and average distance averages. This suggests that how the travel patterns of the two major participants in drug markets intersect is key to understanding differences. That model is tested here. In addition, for comparison purposes, impacts of buyer and seller travel median distances are modeled separately. This work uses 5 years (2006-2010) of incident and arrest data from the Philadelphia Police Department. Reuter and MacCoun's model will be tested using the following analytical techniques. First, a methodology for locating and bounding drug markets using a nearest neighbor, hierarchical clustering technique is introduced. Using this methodology 34 drug markets are identified. Second, hierarchical linear models examining buyers and sellers separately predict travel distances to drug markets. Arrestees are nested within markets. This technique separates influences on distance arising from arrestees from drug market distance differences. Third, how market level median travel distance affects within drug market violence is considered. Specifically, the main effects of median buyer travel distance and median seller travel distance on drug market violence are captured using separate Poisson hierarchical linear models. Finally, impacts of the interaction between buyer and seller distance, Reuter and MacCoun's (1992) focus, are explored in another series of generalized hierarchical linear models. The main findings from the dissertation are as follows: 1. Results provide partial support for Reuter and MacCoun's drug market-violence model using multiple operationalizations. Public markets--those in which buyers and sellers travel from outside their own neighborhoods--are expected to be the most violent. 2. Separate raw distance measures for buyers and sellers correlate with within-drug market violence, after controlling for community demographics. 3. A negative effect of socioeconomic status and violence holds even when modeled with drug market variables. 4. As the proportion of crack cocaine sales within drug markets increases so too does within-market violence. Conceptual implications highlight the need to investigate social ties as an intervening variable in the travel distance »» drug market violence relationship. It is not clear from this research whether the travel distances of drug offenders in some way explains the amount or strength of social ties in a drug market, which in turn serves to suppress or elevate within-drug market violence. Policy implications suggest that Reuter and MacCoun's drug market types may connect with specific policing responses. Policing efforts may not receive much support from community residents because dense social networks may discourage reporting illicit activity. Markets drawing dealers and customers from farther away, and located around commercial and recreational centers may be amenable to place-based policing initiatives and coordinated intervention strategies with multiple city agencies.
Temple University--Theses
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Trouinard, Amélie. « Le travail institutionnel des acteurs en place dans la dynamique d'un champ organisationnel : le cas de la Presse Quotidienne Parisienne face à l'avènement des journaux gratuits ». Caen, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006CAEN0638.

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Cette recherche s'inscrit dans les développements récents du courant néo-institutionnel qui considèrent le rôle actif des acteurs dans la dynamique des champs orgfanisationnels. Au lieu de se focaliser sur le rôle des entrepreneurs institutionnels, qui créent ou modifient les institutions de manière à favoriser leurs intérêts, l'objectif de cette recherche consiste à appréhender celui des acteurs en place, souhaitant préserver les institutions et résister activement à tout changement institutionnel. Il s'agit aussi decomprendre l'intérêt de déployer des efforts en faveur de la préservation des institutions à la suite d'une secousse exogène, d'examiner comment ce travail institutionnel se met en oeuvre et se combine avec celui des entrepreneurs institutionnels, et d'identifier les limites inhérentes à ce type d'actions. Afin de tester les propositions issues des développements théoriques, le dispositif méthodologique consiste en une étude de cas unique du champ mature de la Presse Quotidienne Parisienne face à l'avènement de Métro et 20 Minutes. Pour envisager le travail des acteurs dans le processus de changement institutionnel, des entretiens semi-directifs et des données secondaires sont recueillis et soumis à une analyse qualitative. Il ressort de cette recherche le rôle prépondérant du travail des acteurs en place face aux actions d'entrepreneurs institutionnels extérieurs au champ, dans la définition d'une nouvelle logique institutionnelle. Grâce à ce travail institutionnel, le changement relève davantage d'un processus de bricolage institutionnel que d'une mutation radicale des règles institutionnelles.
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Morton, Kathleen Willis. « A Mourning Walk around the World : A New Mother's Buddhist Journey through Death, Grief and Beyond ». ScholarWorks@UNO, 2004. http://louisdl.louislibraries.org/u?/NOD,157.

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Thesis (M.F.A.)--University of New Orleans, 2004.
Title from electronic submission form. "A thesis ... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in the Low Residency Creative Writing Program."--Thesis t.p. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Chlanda, Dorota. « "Tempus edax rerum" ("Le temps rongeur dévore tout", Ovide) : le voyage sur ses propres pas dans les écrits du prince Henryk Lubomirski ». Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO20150/document.

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Résumé :
La thèse intitulée « Tempus edax rerum » (« Le temps rongeur dévore tout », Ovide). Le voyage sur ses propres pas dans les écrits du prince Henryk Lubomirski aborde la question d’un second voyage et les incidences du retour dans les mêmes endroits sur la perception de l’auteur. Cette problématique est étudiée à partir de documents manuscrits méconnus jusqu’à présent : le journal de voyage du prince Henryk Lubomirski, la correspondance avec sa mère adoptive la princesse Izabela Lubomirska, et d’autres témoignages conservés dans des archives en Pologne et en Ukraine. Pour entamer nos études, il a fallu définir le phénomène du second voyage qui, pour nous, relève de l’expérience réelle du déjà-parcouru. Cette répétition de l’itinéraire permet de constater les divergences dans la perception des mêmes paysages, sites, monuments dues à divers facteurs, entre autres le vécu et l’histoire personnels qui forment, modifient, varient la sensibilité et la susceptibilité du voyageur. Nous cherchons donc à déterminer la spécificité du regard redoublé, voire renouvelé indépendamment des motifs du déplacement, de sa destination et de la biographie du voyageur. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous présentons l’histoire du second voyage à partir du Moyen Âge, l’époque où le phénomène est très rare, jusqu’à la Révolution qui marque une rupture, qui met un terme à un certain type de périple et donne naissance à une pratique viatique liée à la nouvelle sensibilité issue de ce grand bouleversement. Nous essayons de démontrer ce qui est particulier et ce qui est universel dans cette expérience. Le second voyage est analysé à partir des pérégrinations de Goethe à travers l’Italie et des retours de Chateaubriand à Londres et à Rome. Chez ces grands écrivains la répétition évoque des émotions différentes. Goethe est déçu, les nouvelles impressions chassent les anciennes, la valeur associée au second voyage se fonde sur l’effacement. Chateaubriand, par contre, tente un rapprochement entre différentes périodes de sa vie et il constate une accumulation des sensations. Les deux exemples des voyageurs polonais qui ont effectué un second voyage complètent ce parcours historique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous exposons la biographie du prince Henryk Lubomirski et les circonstances de son second voyage. Nous parlerons de sa formation et de l’influence décisive de sa mère adoptive qui sera la compagnonne de son Grand Tour dans les années 1789-1790, ainsi que de son activité à l’âge mûr, à savoir la protection du patrimoine culturel polonais. En 1811, le prince et sa famille quittent Genève à cause de problèmes de santé de son épouse. Le séjour dans le Midi devait l’aider à se remettre et à retrouver l’équilibre mental. Cette pérégrination se déroule à travers la France postrévolutionnaire, partout les traces des bouleversements historiques se laissent percevoir. Le prince Lubomirski décrit minutieusement leur itinéraire, le logement, les moyens de transport et les manifestations culturelles auxquelles il assiste. Il note aussi les prix et donne d’autres renseignements pratiques. Ce qui l’intéresse, c’est le paysage qu’il perçoit avec une nouvelle sensibilité si caractéristique pour cette époque charnière. La recherche du sublime et les réflexions sur la relation entre la nature et l’état de l’âme ainsi que sur la fragilité du destin humain se multiplient dans le récit. La troisième partie est consacrée à la question de la mémoire et à ses différentes apparitions : individuelle, collective, nationale. Nous observons qu’aucun regard n’est « innocent », il est toujours chargé de l’histoire personnelle du sujet. La mémoire permet d’opérer une relecture des endroits déjà visités et déclenche des souvenirs. Grâce à son activité affective, elle transforme des lieux neutres en emblèmes de l’agréable, le voyageur récupère le monde disparu et se retrouve soi-même
The purpose of the thesis « Tempus edax rerum » (« Le temps rongeur dévore tout », Ovide). Le voyage sur ses propres pas dans les écrits du prince Henryk Lubomirski is to approach the question of the second journey and the repercussions of the comeback to the same places on the author's perception. These problems are undertaken through the careful lecture of a number of up-to-date unknown manuscripts: that is, prince Henryk Lubomirski's travel diary and the correspondence with his adoptive mother Izabella Lubomirska, as well as others testimonies.In the preliminary part of the research, it was necessary to define the second journey, which for the purposes of this study, is a real experience of the already-visited. The very repetition of the itinerary allowed to discern the differences in the perception of landscapes, places of interest and historic monuments, all due to different factors; among which are someone's real life experience which form, modify and vary the traveller's sensibility. This in turn made possible an attempt to investigate the specificity of the doubled or renewed look apart from the underlying reasons, such as journey destination, motivation of the traveller, and the biography of the latter.The first part presents the history of the second journey, tracing it back to the Middle Ages, when it was a very uncommon phenomenon, and concluding with the French Revolution which is the moment of a sudden change, putting an end to one kind of travelling and giving way to another experience related to new sensibility, deriving from revolutionary upheaval. Thus, the study attempts to reveal particularity and universality of the second journey in the post-revolutionary era.This in itself is looked at through the lens of Goethe's peregrination across Italy and Chateaubriand's comebacks to Rome and London. In their texts the repetition evokes different emotions. Goethe being disappointed, in his account the new impressions drive away the old ones. Thus, for him the value of the second journey is based on erasing. Chateaubriand, on the other hand, draws a parallel between different times of his life as he observes the accumulation of sensations. The accounts of two Polish travellers from the period complete this historical section.In the second part are approached prince Henryk Lubomirski's biography and the circumstances of his second journey. In particular, his cultural background is taken into account as well as his adoptive mother's influence on his upbringing. She accompanied him in his Grand Tour in 1789-1780 and later on, in his maturity, assisting him in the task of the Polish cultural heritage protection.In 1811 he and his family leave Geneva because of his wife health problems. The stay in the South of France was planned to help her in her recovery and finding mental equilibrium. The journey takes place across post-revolutionary France where traces of atrocities are still clearly visible. The prince describes meticulously itinerary, means of transport, accommodation and events he attends. He writes down prices and practical information. He is particularly fond of landscapes he looks at with new sensibility, characteristic for the period. The sublime search, reflexions on the relation between nature and the states of soul and the fragility of the human fate multiply in the relation.The third part is related to memory and its different dimensions: individual, collective and national. We note that there is no innocent perception, it is always tinged with author's personal history. The memory lets the traveller read again places already visited and triggers memories. Thanks to its affective activity it converts neutral places into symbols of the pleasant, allowing the traveller to succeed in his perennial quest of recovering the world that no longer exists and finding himself back
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Goldstein, Andrew. « Travel to the Holy Land 1799-1831 : a case study : the journey of Moses & ; Judith Montefiore ». Thesis, University of Leicester, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/31078.

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Following Napoleon's invasion of Palestine in 1799, up to Mehemet Ali's conquest in 1831, an increasing number of Western Europeans went to explore this long-neglected Holy Land. Many published their travels, but none described the planning needed for such an expedition, nor the outward or homeward journeys. Moses and Judith Montefiore seem to have been the first and only prominent Anglo-Jews to travel to Jerusalem in this period. Using material [much of it unpublished] relating to their journey of 1827/28 together with the accounts of the other travellers, this thesis describes the complexities and practicalities of such an adventurous journey at that time in a period before improvements in transport and changes in political climate made such tours increasingly easy. It looks at the information available for planning such a journey, the route, letters of introduction etc. and its actual costs. It examines the dangers faced due to disease and war, and mundane aspects like finding accommodation and food and their religious observance whilst travelling. The motives for their journey were a mixture of the touristic and religious, yet the Montefiores spent only three full days in Jerusalem on a journey lasting ten months. However, this first visit had profound effects on the Montefiores: it led to a more Orthodox Jewish life-style, to six subsequent visits to Jerusalem and it led him to identify closely with Jewish causes in England and worldwide. It also resulted in Moses becoming the main conduit for world-wide charity for the Holy Land, and his being seen as a leading figure in the regeneration of the land and its people in the pre-Zionist era.
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Forsthoefel, Jennifer R. « Naming experience and revealing sentiment the archetypal journey in Edna St Vincent Millay's "Renascence" / ». Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia State University, 2009. http://digitalarchive.gsu.edu/english_theses/63/.

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Thesis (M.A.)--Georgia State University, 2009.
Title from title page (Digital Archive@GSU, viewed July 27, 2010) Marti Singer, committee chair; Mary Hocks, Paul Schmidt, committee members. Includes bibliographical references (p. 62-64).
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Fabian, Bobbi, et bobbi@bobbifabian com. « Road trip home ». RMIT University. Creative Media, 2007. http://adt.lib.rmit.edu.au/adt/public/adt-VIT20080110.092848.

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The more we search outside of ourselves for answers, the less likely we are to be satisfied. Often, however, the external journey brings us closer to who we are as we experience the peaks and troughs of human existence. Ultimately, it is happiness that we seek. The idea and pursuit of happiness is a universal theme and I believe this search for happiness is also a search for home. Whether it is a physical or spiritual place, many of us search for that centre but the answer lies in the journey, not the destination. Using the road trip as the vehicle for this search, I set out across the USA to connect with others who were on the same journey. I photographed people (who had moved from their birthplace for reasons such as love and better opportunities), and landscapes that evoke both home and the journey. The road trip can be an escape from home but also a search for it and so the resulting project became two distinct sections that weave and overlap.
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Drealan, Joe. « CRIMINAL MOBILITY OF ROBBERY OFFENDERS ». Master's thesis, University of Central Florida, 2007. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/2793.

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The current paper addresses the mobility and willingness to travel of robbery offenders. A five-sector robbery typology was constructed, consisting of: personal robbery, commercial robbery, carjacking robbery, home-invasion robbery, and robbery by sudden snatching. Defining mobility as the straight-line distance between the offender's home residence and the location of the robbery offense, the extent of criminal mobility for each type of robbery offense was analyzed. Using geographical information system (GIS) technologies and, more specifically, geocoding software programs, the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the offender's home and offense's location was determined. It was found that a subset of robbery offenders exhibit relatively high mobility across all five robbery types. However, distinct mobility patterns also emerged between the different types of robbery offenses. Policy and research implications from these findings are discussed.
Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies
Health and Public Affairs
Criminal Justice MS
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Sikora, Aleksandra. « Korta dagar, ruskig väderlek med omvexlande regn : En analys av 1800-talets reseberättelser om Lappland och samer ». Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för språkstudier, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-184936.

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This master´s degree essay aims to analyze and confront two travel memoirs on the Sami people, an indigenous group living in the geographical area of Northern Norway, Swedish and Finnish Lapland and Kola Peninsula in Russia. The descriptions were taken out of a Swedish work by Gustaf von Düben Om Lappland och lapparne, företrädesvis de svenske (1852) and a Polish one written by Faustyna Morzycka Z dalekiej północy: Norwegja, Szwecja, Danja, Islandja i Laponja (1896). The study focuses on the narrative aspects of the actual human representations on the examined topic. The working hypothesis is that the images of Sami people vary strongly depending on the specific bias of the writer i. e. nationality, background or gender. Additionally, the study points out the specification of two different political, social and historical contexts and shortly discusses the model reader´s role in the writing process. The results of the study indicate that there are several differences appearing in the examined travel literature depending on the author.
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Rinaldi, Lucinea. « Cronistas de viagem e viajantes cronistas : o pêndulo da representação no Brasil colonial ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8149/tde-05102007-151151/.

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Esta dissertação investiga fragmentos de quatro livros escritos a partir do momento em que o Brasil foi encontrado por colonizadores e propõe uma reflexão da narrativa quinhentista produzida sobre o país por portugueses e franceses como literatura de viagem, analisando a questão do olhar do narrador viajante pela tentativa intencional de representação do que foi \"achado\". Essa abordagem permite repensar os diferentes perfis narrativos e rediscutir a questão textual que extrapola o campo da informação sobre a terra e alcança a fronteira da representação ficcional.
This dissertation looks into excerpts of four colonial journals written after Brazil has been encountered and proposes a reflection on the narratives produced by Portuguese and French voyagers, by analyzing the topic of the narrator\'s own words while intentionally aiming to represent the country itself from the XVI century on. This investigation proposes to rethink the different profiles and sights of the narrators and texts which can not merely be understood as documents of information about the new land, however a means of reaching the border of the fictional representation in the field of literature of travel.
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Kuoraite, Dalia. « Towards selfhood : memory, subjectivity and the Trans-Siberian railway journey ». Thesis, University of Exeter, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10871/29077.

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This thesis is an autoethnography based on a two week Trans-Siberian railway journey from Moscow to Vladivostok in October 2011. It explores the role of memory in our spatial surroundings, the effect remembering has on the way we move through and interpret the present and ourselves. In the chapters about community, rhythms, memory/imagination, and landscape the journey becomes a backbone for the personal narratives and the stories of others, which intertwining unveil the complex relationship between the self and the world, the present and the absent, and the imagined. Thesis explores the inevitable mobility of the mind, which sees us losing the ability to stay fastened to physical spaces, images and our own being, and opening the possibility to travel in time, space and memory. The physical landscape, landscape of Siberia gradually becomes almost invisible, disappears and re-emerges as a series of personal images and stories, feelings and dreams, suggesting that even moving through the vastest landscapes in the world we are always travelling inward, towards an understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
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Mikaelsson, André, et Gustav Mikkelsen. « The Metasearch Road to Purchase : An investigation of the Touchpoints on Metasearch Engines in the Travel Distribution Industry ». Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-376583.

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The travel distribution industry is growing. While traditional distribution channels such as online travel agencies and physical stores are decreasing in revenues, metasearch companies are receiving greater attention from consumers. However, metasearch companies face challenges even with an increasing market. Offering a proposition with a business model that revolves around pay per click and advertisements, you are in need of large amount of traffic. To understand the consumer behaviour has never been more critical. It is about increasing the ability to create a rich customer experience. In order to do so, companies are in need of understanding how to interact with consumers. The interaction is mainly occurring through touchpoints. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate how the current identified most relevant digital touchpoints are having impact on the consumers opinion of metasearch websites in the travel distribution industry. By doing so, we contribute to marketing theory, method and practices. The importance of certain touchpoints and to find out if they have the same relevance when the purchase itself is excluded. Focus is being towards factors that metasearch companies see as undiscovered. A quantitative study was conducted with a sample of 148 respondents. The result not only gave new insight in terms of touchpoints relevance in metasearch industries but also a theoretical ground for future research.
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Rocha, Suélen Maria. « Coerções e liberdades textuais em francês como língua estrangeira : por um desenvolvimento do estilo na produção escrita por meio do gênero textual relato de viagem ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2014. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8146/tde-08102014-183157/.

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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento da produção escrita em francês como língua estrangeira, por meio do gênero textual relato de viagem, porém procurando verificar como os alunos desenvolvem suas capacidades de linguagem a partir das restrições e liberdades permitidas pelo gênero escolhido. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa visa a investigar como os alunos se apropriam de características do gênero, mostrando, também, como inserem marcas de subjetividade que podem ser consideradas como estilísticas. Os dados foram coletados em um curso de produção escrita, oferecido pelos cursos extracurriculares de francês do Serviço de Cultura e Extensão da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. Os alunos, situando-se entre o nível A2 e B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas (CONSEIL DE LEUROPE, 2001), puderam estudar três diferentes gêneros textuais, dentre eles o relato de viagem. Os aportes teóricos que orientaram esta pesquisa apoiam-se, sobretudo, nos pressupostos do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006a, 2008; MACHADO, 2009) e nos estudos de Schneuwly e Dolz (2004/2010) sobre a utilização dos gêneros textuais como instrumento no ensino e aprendizagem, para o desenvolvimento das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos: capacidade de ação, capacidade discursiva e capacidade linguísticodiscursiva. Para atingir os objetivos específicos desta pesquisa, baseamo-nos, paralelamente, nas discussões sobre estilo a partir de alguns autores (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006c; SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2010; BAKHTIN, 1997; CLOT, 2007; BRANDÃO, 2005a, 2005b; BRAIT, 2005), mas, principalmente, na discussão acerca das coerções e liberdades textuais de Bronckart (2006c). A fim de analisar os textos coletados, além do quadro teóricometodológico proposto por Bronckart (1999/2009; 2006a), servimo-nos dos estudos de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2002) e Maingueneau (2001) no que diz respeito às marcas de subjetividade nos textos. Com base em autores que estudam o papel dos gêneros textuais no ensino (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004; DOLZ; GAGNON; TOULOU, 2008; LOUSADA, 2002/2010, 2009, 2010; CRISTOVÃO, 2002/2010, 2009), construímos o modelo didático do gênero relato de viagem, elaboramos uma sequência didática (SD) e a aplicamos no contexto referido. Os dois primeiros módulos da SD propuseram atividades que focalizaram as características mais estáveis do gênero. Após esses módulos, uma produção intermediária foi requerida aos alunos, com a intenção de verificar se eles tinham mobilizado as capacidades de linguagem primordiais para a produção desse gênero. Em seguida, no terceiro módulo, selecionamos um texto com o objetivo de explorarmos as liberdades textuais exercidas por seu produtor. Os resultados de nossa pesquisa mostraram que o trabalho com gêneros em língua estrangeira se constitui como um instrumento potencial de desenvolvimento das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos. Ao focarmos o estilo nos textos, os alunos, em suas produções finais, mobilizaram recursos discursivos e linguísticos menos canônicos, sob inspiração dos textos vistos em aula, estabelecendo, portanto, uma relação de intertextualidade com os textos da SD. Além de demonstrar a natureza dialógica do estilo, alguns alunos, ainda, recorreram ao intertexto, o que pode indicar o desenvolvimento da autonomia na escrita. Em suma, nossa proposta didática foi ao encontro do que afirma Bronckart (2006c): a preexistência de modelos é a primeira condição para o exercício da liberdade nos textos
This thesis aims to analyze the development of written production in French as a foreign language through the genre \"travel journal\", but trying to verify how students develop their language capacities from restrictions and liberties allowed by the chosen genre. Therefore, this research investigates how students appropriate the characteristics of the genre and shows how they insert marks of subjectivity that can be considered as stylistics. Data was collected in a writing course offered by Cultural and Extension Service French extracurricular courses, from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, at the University of São Paulo. Students, ranging between levels A2 and B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CONSEIL DE L\' EUROPE, 2001), were able to study three different textual genres, among them the travel journal. The theoretical framework that guided this research relies mainly on the theoretical assumptions of socio-discursive interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006a, 2008; MACHADO, 2009) and the studies of Schneuwly and Dolz (2004/2010) on the use of textual genres as a tool for teaching and learning that can help student develop their language capacities: action capacity, discursive capacity, and linguistic-discursive capacity. To achieve our specific goals, we rely in parallel on the discussions about style (BRONCKART, 1999/2009, 2006c; SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2010; BAKHTIN, 1997; CLOT, 2007; BRANDÃO, 2005a, 2005b; BRAIT, 2005), but mainly on the discussion of textual constraints and liberties by Bronckart (2006c). In order to analyze the texts collected, we use not only the theoretical and methodological framework proposed by Bronckart (1999/2009, 2006a), but also the studies from Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2002) and Maingueneau (2001) with regard to subjectivity marks in the texts. Based on authors who study the function of textual genres in teaching (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2010; DOLZ; GAGNON; TOULOU, 2008; LOUSADA, 2002/2010, 2009, 2010; CRISTOVÃO, 2002/2010, 2009), we built the didactic model of the textual genre travel journal, developed a didactic sequence (DS), and applied it in the context mentioned before. Activities were proposed in the first two modules of the DS that focused on the most stable features of the genre. After these modules, an intermediate production was required from students intending to check if they had mobilized essential language capacities for the production of this genre. In the third module we selected a text with the aim of exploring textual liberties exercised by its producer. The results of our research showed that a genrebased perspective is a potential tool for developing students language capacities in a foreign language. As we focused on style in texts, students mobilized less canonical discursive and linguistic resources in their final productions inspired by texts from the class, thus establishing a relationship of inter-textuality with the texts of the DS. In addition, demonstrating the dialogic nature of style some students also made use of inter-text, which may indicate the development of autonomy in writing. In short, our didactic proposal confirms Bronckart (2006c) statement: preexisting models are the first condition for the exercise of liberty in texts
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Seaman, Rebecca A. « Everest ». Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2015. https://dc.etsu.edu/honors/263.

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Everest is a creative writing project and an analysis of that project that focuses on the creative writing experience. The creative project is composed of two individual short stories focusing on themes of journeying and personal development. The stories are entitled, “Everest,” and “Shenyang.” They are based on personal experience and important life questions.
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Labon, Joanna. « English literary response to 1930s Europe in Rebecca West's 'Black lamb and grey falcon : a journey through Yugoslavia in 1937' (1941) and Storm Jameson's 'Europe to let : the memoirs of an obscure man' (1940) ». Thesis, Birkbeck (University of London), 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.325548.

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Collins, Brenda. « Representations of landscape and gender in Lady Anne Barnard's "Journal of a month's tour into the interior of Africa" ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/17744.

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Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis will focus on Barnard’s representations of gender and landscape during her tour into the interior of the South of Africa. Barnard’s conscious representation of herself as a woman with many different social roles gives the reader insight into the developing gender roles at the time of an emerging feminism. On their tour, Barnard reports on four aspects of the interior, namely the state of cultivation of the land, the type of food and accommodation available in the interior, the possibilities for hunting and whether the colony will be a valuable acquisition for Britain. Barnard’s view of the landscape is representative of the eighteenth century’s preoccupation with control over and classification of nature. She values order and cleanliness in her vision of a domesticated landscape. She appropriates the land in wanting to make it useful and beautiful to the colonisers. However, her representations of the landscape, as well as its inhabitants, remain ambivalent in terms of the discourse of imperialism because she is unable to adopt an unequivocal colonial voice. Her complex interaction with the world of colonialism is illustrated by, on the one hand, her adherence to the desire to classify the inhabitants of the colony according to the eighteenth century’s fascination with classification and, on the other hand, her recognition of the humanity of the individuals with whom she interacts in a move away from the colonial stance.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op Barnard se voorstellings van gender en landskap gedurende haar toer in die binneland van die suide van Afrika. Barnard se bewuste voorstelling van haarself as ‘n vrou met vele sosiale rolle gee die leser insig in die ontwikkelende genderrolle gedurende ‘n tydperk van ontluikende feminisme. Gedurende haar toer doen Barnard verslag oor vier aspekte van die binneland, naamlik hoeveel van die grond reeds bewerk is, die tipe kos en akkommodasie wat beskikbaar is, die jagmoontlikhede, en of die kolonie ‘n waardevolle aanwins vir Brittanje sal wees. Barnard se beskouing van die landskap is verteenwoordigend van die agtiende-eeuse obsessie met beheer oor en klassifikasie van die natuur. Sy heg groot waarde aan orde en netheid in haar visie van ‘n getemde landskap. Sy lê beslag op die land deurdat sy dit bruikbaar en mooi wil maak vir die kolonialiste. Haar voorstellings van die landskap sowel as die inwoners weerspieël egter haar ambivalente posisie jeens die koloniale diskoers omdat sy sukkel om ‘n ondubbelsinnige koloniale stem te gebruik. Haar komplekse interaksie met die wêreld van kolonialisme word weerspieël deur, enersyds, haar navolging van die koloniale neiging om die inwoners van die land te kategoriseer in lyn met die agtiende-eeuse obsessie met klassifikasie en, andersyds, haar herkenning van die menslikheid van die individue met wie sy kontak maak in ‘n skuif weg van die koloniale standpunt.
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Bazzocchi, Karl. « A westerner's journey in Japan : an analysis of Edward S. Morse's Japan day by day ». Thesis, McGill University, 2006. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=101875.

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Japan Day by Day---the Western Zoologist Edward S. Morse's account of his stay in Japan from 1877 to 1883---is analyzed by first comparing it to other contemporary travelogues written by western travelers to Japan, and then by viewing it through a more theoretical framework, including Edward Said's theory on post-colonialism and Michel Foucault's theory of discourse and body experiences. Viewed through this framework, the goal of analysis is not to test the validity of Morse's writings, but to explore the formation of his interpretation of his experience in Japan.
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Challa, Srikalyan. « A structural equation analysis of Florida journey to work characteristics using aggregate Census 2000 data ». [Tampa, Fla.] : University of South Florida, 2004. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/SFE0000335.

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Zhou, Liren. « An analysis of journey to work characteristics in Florida using Census 2000 public use microdata sample data files ». [Tampa, Fla.] : University of South Florida, 2004. http://purl.fcla.edu/fcla/etd/SFE0000256.

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