Thèses sur le sujet « Industrial manipulation »
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Schmitt, Philipp Sebastian [Verfasser], et Wolfram [Akademischer Betreuer] Burgard. « Planning and control for industrial manipulation ». Freiburg : Universität, 2019.
Texte intégralDamianakis, John. « Proximity sensor network for sensor-based manipulation ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Texte intégralTarbouriech, Sonny. « Dual-Arm control strategy in industrial environments ». Thesis, Montpellier, 2019.
Texte intégralThe growing need for flexibility in industrial settings leads to reconsidering the way robotic systems are exploited in such environments. It follows that the relationship between humans and machines has to evolve in favor of more proximity, by letting them share the same workspace and physically interact together.With this in mind, this thesis aims at contributing beyond the state of art in the control of dual-arm robots for collaborative purposes in an industrial context. We propose a generic online kinematic control approach based on an admittance control law which enables safe manipulation of objects in physical collaboration with humans. The controller solves a acrfull{qp} optimization problem to find the joint space motion that satisfies the task space command while respecting a set of constraints (e.g. joint limits, collision avoidance).The kinematic solver can be tuned to generate parsimonious solutions at the joint velocity level, meaning that as few actuators as possible are activated to achieve the tasks. This induces potentially safer behavior in an unstructured environment shared with humans.Dual-arm platforms are sometimes extended to include additional robots (e.g., mobile base, articulated torso, ...). In this thesis, we also present an original hierarchical method for the control of multi-robot systems.An open-source implementation of the work, acrfull{rkcl}, is available. It implements all the components described in this thesis and can be easily configured to work with new robots. Throughout the developments, experimental validations have been performed on the dual-arm mobile cobot BAZAR
Huckaby, Jacob O. « Knowledge transfer in robot manipulation tasks ». Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014.
Texte intégralVenator, Edward Stephen. « A Low-cost Mobile Manipulator for Industrial and Research Applications ». Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2013.
Texte intégralBahloul, Abdelkrim. « Sur la commande des robots manipulateurs industriels en co-manipulation robotique ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Texte intégralIn this thesis, we were interested in the control of industrial manipulators in co-manipulation mode with a human operator for the handling of heavy loads. First, we have presented an overview of existing studies in this framework. Then, we have addressed the modeling and the identification of dynamic parameters for the Denso VP-6242G robot. We have used the OpenSYMORO software to calculate its dynamical model. After a detailed presentation of the method for identifying the robot's parameters, we have applied it to the case of our robot. This allowed us to obtain a vector of the parameters which guarantees a positive definite inertia matrix for any configuration of the robot, as well as a good quality of reconstruction of the torques in the case of constant joint velocities or in the case of variable ones over time. To continue, we have detailed the new features that have been proposed for the online trajectory generator, for which the control scheme is based on. We have presented a method for estimating the operator's force from the measurements of the interaction force between the robot and the operator, while taking into account for the penalization of the operator's force in order to have an information of this last which allows to generate a trajectory that respects the limits of workspace. Some tests of the trajectory generator simulating different possible scenarios have allowed us to check the effectiveness of the new proposed features. The generator makes it possible to produce a trajectory in the three-dimensional workspace according to the direction of the force applied by the operator, which contributes to fulfill the requirement of transparency that is sought in a co-manipulation. In the last part, we have presented and validated, in simulation, an impedance control whose reference trajectories are delivered by the proposed generator. The obtained results have shown a good trajectory tracking. On the other hand, the satisfaction of the virtual bounds of the workspace has also been nicely taken into account. However, the corresponding articular trajectories can cross the bounds defined to preserve the integrity of the robot
Talbut, Carol-Jane. « Workforce control and manipulation : a case study of the social relations of power in the canning industry in Ashton ». Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1998.
Texte intégralThis thesis is a case study of the social relations of power within the canning industry in Ashton. The project had three main aims: 1) to document the physical situation at the two canning factories in Ashton, in order to profile the basic composition of the workforce, aspects of the labour process and working and employment conditions; 2) to examine the processes and mechanisms of control and then 3) to use the first two aims as a basis to take stock of what this control means in terms of workers lives: i.e. examining the lived experience of 'control'. I adopted a primarily qualitatively focused approach and used a combination of interviews and group discussions to elicit the information necessary to inform these aims. The results showed how in the logic of capitalist development, pre-existing social divisions are exploited. The interaction of these pre-existing social divisions within the structure of the workforce, combined with deliberate control mechanisms serves to divide, atomise and thereby control the workforce. I found the workers to be divided by gender and race, these divisions are intensified by differences between whether workers have seasonal or permanent employment and where they live. These divisions, aggravated by differences, are then combined with the deliberate use of piecework, the assembly line and the factories recruitment system. Workers experienced most of these control mechanisms as normal and natural and are mostly thankful to have work.
Shaikh, Amir. « Alternative manipulation devices and strategies in a virtual reality operator-training system ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Texte intégralLIMA, Serena. « Technologies for cultivation and exploitation of microalgae in industrial applications ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2020.
Texte intégralVeelo, Bastiaan Niels. « Variations of Shape in Industrial Geometric Models ». Doctoral thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Product Design, 2004.
Texte intégralThis thesis presents an approach to free-form surface manipulations, which conceptually improves an existing CAD system that constructs surfaces by smoothly interpolating a network of intersecting curves. There are no regularity requirements on the network, which already yields superior modelling capabilities compared to systems that are based on industry-standard NURBS surfaces.
Originally, the shape of such a surface can be modified only locally by manipulating a curve in the network. In this process there is an inherent danger that the curve is being pulled away from intersections that it has with other curves. When this happens, the network is invalidated as a surface representation, and many curves may have to be adjusted to restore network consistency and surface quality. This thesis contributes a method that solves these problems by propagating changes that are made in one curve to curves in its vicinity. How and to what extent curves react to changes is controlled by two parameters that can be varied along the curve that is being manipulated. Any curve may be constrained in one or more degrees of freedom. The integrity of the curve network is implicitly conserved, as well as the geometric continuity of the surface.
The result is a tool for the modification of curve-interpolating surfaces, which can easily be applied to large areas on models with any level of detail. This allows designers to concentrate on the creative process, rather than on planning chains of actions. They can explore different design variations, optimise shapes further, and generally be more productive.
Dette doktorgradsarbeidet presenterer en fremgangsmåte for formgivning og modifisering av datamaskinbaserte, skulpturerte flater. Metoden forbedrer et eksisterende system for data-assistert konstruksjon (DAK) som bygger dobbeltkrummede flater ved å interpolere et nettverk av skjærende kurver. Nettverket trenger ikke være regelmessig, noe som allerede gir bedre modelleringsmuligheter sammenliknet med systemer som er basert på standard NURBS flater.
En slik flate kan opprinnelig bare endres lokalt ved å dra i en kurve. I denne prosessen er det fare for at kurven blir dratt fra skjæringspunkter den har med andre kurver. Hvis dette skjer, representerer ikke nettverket en flate lenger, og mange kurver må justeres for å få tilbake integriteten i nettverket og kvaliteten i formen. Denne avhandlingen bidrar med en metode som løser disse problemene ved å spre endringer som blir gjort i en kurve til andre kurver i nærheten. Hvordan og i hvilken utstrekning kurvene reagerer på endringen styres av to parametre som kan varieres langs kurven som blir endret. Enhver kurve kan låses i en eller flere frihetsgrader. Integriteten til nettverket samt glattheten i formen blir bevart automatisk.
Resultatet er et redskap for modifikasjon av kurve-interpolerende flater som med letthet kan brukes på større områder av modeller med hvilken som helst grad av detalj. Dette gir designere muligheten til å konsentrere seg om det kreative, istedenfor å planlegge handlingsrekker. De kan utforske forskjellige designvariasjoner, optimalisere former ytterligere, og i det hele tatt være mer produktive.
Tosello, Elisa. « Cognitive Task Planning for Smart Industrial Robots ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2016.
Texte intégralQuesta ricerca presenta una nuova struttura di Pianificazione Cognitiva delle Attività ideata per Robot Industriali Intelligenti. La struttura rende Cognitivo un manipolatore industriale mobile applicando le tecnologie offerte dal Web Semantico. Viene inoltre introdotto un nuovo algoritmo di Navigazione tra Oggetti Removibili per robot che navigano e manipolano all’interno di una fabbrica. L’obiettivo di Industria 4.0 è quello di creare Fabbriche Intelligenti: fabbriche modulari dotate di sistemi cyber-fisici in grado di customizzare i prodotti pur mantenendo una produzione di massa altamente flessibile. Tali sistemi devono essere in grado di comunicare e cooperare tra loro e con gli agenti umani in tempo reale, attraverso l’Internet delle Cose. Devono sapersi autonomamente ed intelligentemente adattare ai costanti cambiamenti dell’ambiente che li circonda. Devono saper navigare autonomamente all’interno della fabbrica, anche spostando ostacoli che occludono percorsi liberi, ed essere in grado di manipolare questi oggetti anche se visti per la prima volta. Devono essere in grado di imparare dalle loro azioni e da quelle eseguite da altri agenti. La maggior parte dei robot industriali mobili naviga secondo traiettorie generate a priori. Seguono filielettrificatiincorporatinelterrenoolineedipintesulpavimento. Pianificareapriorièfunzionale se l’ambiente è immutevole e i cicli produttivi sono caratterizzati da criticità temporali. E’ preferibile adottare una pianificazione dinamica se, invece, l’area di lavoro ed i compiti assegnati cambiano frequentemente: i robot devono saper navigare autonomamente senza tener conto dei cambiamenti circostanti. Si consideri il comportamento umano: l’uomo ragiona sulla possibilità di spostare ostacolise unaposizione obiettivo nonè raggiungibileose talespostamento puòaccorciare la traiettoria da percorrere. Questo problema viene detto Navigazione tra Oggetti Removibili ed è noto alla robotica di soccorso. Questo lavoro traspone il problema in uno scenario industriale e prova ad affrontare i suoi due obiettivi principali: l’elevata dimensione dello spazio di ricerca ed il trattamento dell’incertezza. L’algoritmo proposto vuole dare priorità di esplorazione alle aree meno esplorate, per questo estende l’algoritmo noto come Kinodynamic Motion Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration. L’estensione non impone l’elusione degli ostacoli. Assegna ad ogni cella un’importanza che combina lo sforzo necessario per raggiungerla con quello necessario per liberarla da eventuali ostacoli. L’algoritmo risultante è scalabile grazie alla sua indipendenza dalla dimensione della mappa e dal numero, forma e posizione degli ostacoli. Non impone restrizioni sulle azioni da eseguire: ogni oggetto può venir spinto o afferrato. Allo stato attuale, l’algoritmo assume una completa conoscenza del mondo circonstante. L’ambiente è però riconfigurabile di modo che l’algoritmo possa venir facilmente esteso alla risoluzione di problemi di Navigazione tra Oggetti Removibili in ambienti ignoti. L’algoritmo gestisce i feedback dati dai sensori per correggere le incertezze. Solitamente la Robotica separa la risoluzione dei problemi di pianificazione del movimento da quelli di manipolazione. La Navigazione tra Ostacoli Removibili forza il loro trattamento combinato introducendo la necessità di manipolare oggetti diversi, spesso ignoti, durante la navigazione. Adottare prese pre calcolate non fa fronte alla grande quantità e diversità di oggetti esistenti. Questa tesi propone un Framework di Conoscenza Semantica a supporto dell’algoritmo sopra esposto. Essodàairobotlacapacitàdiimparareamanipolareoggettiedisseminareleinformazioni acquisite durante il compimento dei compiti assegnati. Il Framework si compone di un’Ontologia e di un Engine. L’Ontologia estende lo Standard IEEE formulato per Ontologie per la Robotica e l’Automazione andando a definire le manipolazioni apprese e gli oggetti rilevati. È accessibile a qualsiasi robot connesso al Cloud. Può venir considerato I) una raccolta di dati per l’esecuzione efficiente ed affidabile di azioni ripetute; II) un archivio Web per lo scambio di informazioni tra robot e la velocizzazione della fase di apprendimento. Ad ora, non esistono altre ontologie sulla manipolazione che rispettino lo Standard IEEE. Indipendentemente dallo standard, l’Ontologia propostadifferiscedaquelleesistentiperiltipodiinformazionisalvateeperilmodoefficienteincui un agente può accedere a queste informazioni: attraverso un algoritmo di Cascade Hashing molto veloce. L’Engine consente il calcolo e il salvataggio delle manipolazioni non ancora in Ontologia. Si basa su tecniche di Reinforcement Learning che evitano il training massivo su basi di dati a larga scala, favorendo l’interazione uomo-robot. Infatti, viene data ai robot la possibilità di imparare dagli umani attraverso un framework di Apprendimento Robotico da Dimostrazioni. Il sistema finale è flessibile ed adattabile a robot diversi operanti in diversi ambienti industriali. È caratterizzato da una struttura modulare in cui ogni blocco è completamente riutilizzabile. Ogni blocco si basa sul sistema open-source denominato Robot Operating System. Non tutti i controllori industriali sono disegnati per essere compatibili con questa piattaforma. Viene quindi presentato il metodo che è stato adottato per aprire i controllori dei robot industriali e crearne un’interfaccia ROS.
Miller, Michael E. « The development of an improved low cost machine vision system for robotic guidance and manipulation of randomly oriented, straight edged objects ». Ohio : Ohio University, 1989.
Texte intégralBose, Saptak. « An integrated approach encompassing point cloud manipulation and 3D modeling for HBIM establishment : a case of study ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.
Trouver le texte intégralHeys, Toby. « Sonic, infrasonic, and ultrasonic frequencies : the utilisation of waveforms as weapons, apparatus for psychological manipulation, and as instruments of physiological influence by industrial, entertainment, and military organisations ». Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2011.
Texte intégralDe, Martini Alessandro. « Intuitive programming of mobile manipulation applications : A functional and modular GUI architecture for End-User robot programming ». Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2021.
Texte intégralMobilmanipulatorer förändrar sättet som företag och industrier utför sitt arbete. Otränade slutanvändare och särskilt de utan programmeringskunskap kommer att bemötas av icke-funktionella och användarovänliga grafiska användargränssnitt. Den senaste tiden har det varit brist på specialiserad personal inom hälsovårdsindustrin som har resulterat i ett beroende på dessa applikationer för att genomföra enkla uppgifter samt uppgifter på låg nivå. Alla dessa faktorer bidrar till det ökande behovet att hitta ett funktionellt sätt att kommunicera mellan robot och slutanvändare vilket tillåter expansionen av mobilmanipulatorapplikationer. Arbetet som beskrivs i denna avhandling adresserar problemet att finna ett intuitivt sätt att använda en mobilmanipulator i ett laboratoriemijö. Möjligheten att tillåta användaren att på ett enkelt och effektivt sätt arbeta med en manipulator via ett funtionellt grafiskt användargränssnitt analyseras. Innovationsvärdet och detta examensarbetes bidrag till nuvarande kunskap betraktar möjligheten att skapa ett modulärt gränssnitt baserat på användares behov. Detta möjliggör expansionen av mobilmanipulatörers applikation vilket ökar antalet möjliga användare. En förklarande forskningsstrategi används för att föreslå en grafisk användargränssnittsapplikation för att uppnå detta mål. Först användes data från ad hoc-undersökningar blandat med litteraturimplementeringar för att skapa den rätta applikationsdesignen. En iterativ implementering baserad på kodskapande samt tester användes sedan för att designa en värdefull lösning redo att testas. Slutligen presenteras resultat från en användarobservationsstudie med icke-robotikprogrammerare. De insamlade resultaten som samlades in under valideringsstadiet tack vare en grupp bestående av tio potentiella slutanvändare har analyserats genom användandet av en valideringsmatris som är baserad på tre parametrar. Detta demonstrerade hur systemet är både funktionellt och användarvänligt för nybörjare men också expressivt för experter.
Fullenkamp, Steven Charles. « The Effect of Cue and Target Similarity on Visual Search Response Times : Manipulation of Basic Stimulus Characteristics ». Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2013.
Texte intégralNese, Stian. « Anode Milling with an Industrial Robot Manipulator ». Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, 2010.
Texte intégralForce control of robot manipulators will be needed in the future to fulfill the potential of automated solutions. For this to be possible, adequate control systems for this special purpose are required. This thesis proposes an extension to an existing force control approach found in the literature, based on direct force control, for the use of an industrial ABB robot in anode milling operations. This report presents a control system that aims to exercise force control with a robot manipulator, in order to conduct effective carbon anode milling. The control structure proposed contains both a position controller and a velocity controller, in order to enhance the final result. Because there is a gap between the theory on robot force control and the features usually available on an industrial robot, this control system is modified to be directly implementable on a standard industrial ABB robot manipulator. Simulations, and subsequent comparison, of both this control system and a control system typically found in the industry, which is based on PID control of the milling tool power consumption, are conducted. ABBs Robot- Studio is used to perform the simulations, where models of the tool, anode and coke are used. From these simulations we see that the industrial PID controller performs very well, and that the newly proposed control approach does not quite reach the same level of performance.
Herrera, Yajaira. « Performance limitations of a force-controlled industrial manipulator ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Texte intégralRAHMAN, NAHIAN. « Towards Developing Gripper to obtain Dexterous Manipulation ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2018.
Texte intégralMarcham, Laurence John. « Control of industrial manipulator vibration using artificial neural networks ». Thesis, Southampton Solent University, 1997.
Texte intégralШендрик, Віра Вікторівна, Вера Викторовна Шендрик, Vira Viktorivna Shendryk, Е. Kuznetsov et Y. Mashyn. « Investigation of industrial robot-manipulator computer model motion control ». Thesis, Sumy State University, 2017.
Texte intégralOgilvie, Andrew Scott. « Real-time neural network control of an industrial robotic manipulator ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Texte intégralZborovskiy, Marat. « Representing and manipulating spatial data in interoperable systems and its industrial applications ». Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Texte intégralIncludes bibliographical references (p. 123-126).
Introduction: The amount of information available nowadays is staggering and increases exponentially. Making sense of this data has become increasingly difficult because of the two factors: · The sheer volume of data · The lack of interoperability between disparate data sources and models While one can do little about the former factor, the latter one can be mitigated by advancing solutions that make data easy to work with and ensure the interoperability among data sources and models in intelligent networks. One way to achieve interoperability is to force every entity involved in the data exchange to adopt the same standard. However, organizations have heavily invested in proprietary data standards and are unlikely to replace their existing standards with a new one. Therefore, another solution is to create a standard, through which organizations can translate their data sources and share them with their customers or general community. The MIT Data Center is spearheading an initiative to create M - a language that is capable to provide the much needed interoperability between divergent data sources and models with an ultimate goal of creating a new intelligent information infrastructure (Brock, Schuster and Kutz 2006).
by Marat Zborovskiy.
Kwon, Dong-Soo. « An inverse dynamic tracking control for bracing a flexible manipulator ». Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1991.
Texte intégral譚漢雄 et Hon-hung Tam. « Robust robot-manipulator control using hybrid H-infinity/adaptive controller structures ». Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1998.
Texte intégralTam, Hon-hung. « Robust robot-manipulator control using hybrid H-infinity/adaptive controller structures / ». Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1998.
Texte intégralBoucher, Daniel Charles. « Closed loop end piece control of a servo controlled manipulator ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1985.
Texte intégralApplied Science, Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Department of
Ward, Keith Ronald. « Pseudo joint damping for reactive control of a mobile manipulator ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993.
Texte intégralYesudasu, Santheep. « Cοntributiοn à la manipulatiοn de cοlis sοus cοntraintes par un tοrse humanοïde : applicatiοn à la dépaléttisatiοn autοnοme dans les entrepôts lοgistiques ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Texte intégralThis PhD thesis explores the development and implementation of URNik-AI, an AI-powered automated depalletizing system designed to handle cardboard boxes of varying sizes and weights using a dual-arm humanoid torso. The primary objective is to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and reliability of industrial depalletizing tasks through the integration of advanced robotics, computer vision, and deep learning techniques.The URNik-AI system consists of two UR10 robotic arms equipped with six-axis force/torque sensors and gripper tool sets. An ASUS Xtion RGB-D camera is mounted on Dynamixel Pro H42 pan-tilt servos to capture high-resolution images and depth data. The software framework includes ROS Noetic, ROS 2, and the MoveIt framework, enabling seamless communication and coordination of complex movements. This system ensures high precision in detecting, grasping, and handling objects in diverse industrial environments.A significant contribution of this research is the implementation of deep learning models, such as YOLOv3 and YOLOv8, to enhance object detection and pose estimation capabilities. YOLOv3, trained on a dataset of 807 images, achieved F1-scores of 0.81 and 0.90 for single and multi-face boxes, respectively. The YOLOv8 model further advanced the system's performance by providing keypoint and skeleton detection capabilities, which are essential for accurate grasping and manipulation. The integration of point cloud data for pose estimation ensured precise localization and orientation of boxes.Comprehensive testing demonstrated the system's robustness, with high precision, recall, and mean average precision (mAP) metrics confirming its effectiveness. This thesis makes several significant contributions to the field of robotics and automation, including the successful integration of advanced robotics and AI technologies, the development of innovative object detection and pose estimation techniques, and the design of a versatile and adaptable system architecture
Roskilly, Anthony Paul. « A control system design and implementation strategy applied to an industrial robotic manipulator ». Thesis, Lancaster University, 1992.
Texte intégralGirvin, Douglas Lynn. « Numerical analysis of right-half plane zeros for a single-link manipulator ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992.
Texte intégralAboussouan, Patrick. « Frequency response estimation of manipulator dynamic parameters ». Thesis, McGill University, 1986. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=65927.
Texte intégralLin, Guo-Qing. « Simulation of manipulator kinematics using interactive computer graphics ». Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1991.
Texte intégralJohnson, Kevin Matthew. « Development of a statically balanced parallel platform manipulator ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2000.
Texte intégralPadmanabhan, Babu. « Design of a robotic manipulator using variable geometry trusses as joints ». Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1989.
Texte intégralMaster of Science
Violero, Pascal. « Spara : un système de programmation automatique de tâche de manipulation robotisée ». Toulouse 3, 1991.
Texte intégralAskew, Craig Steven 1967. « Payload adaptive control of a flexible manipulator using neural networks ». Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1992.
Texte intégralCanu, Roland. « Publicités et travail marchand : la manipulation des documents publicitaires sur le marché des télécommunications ». Toulouse 2, 2007.
Texte intégralThe relation between advertising and the ordinary work of the market professionals and customers to orientate consumer choices and assessments of goods are the starting point of the study. Our purpose is not about associating adverstising action to its reception or to the deciphering of their content but to take an interest in the immersion of promotional documents in commercial activity. In other words, we get away from advertising manipulating the public and we choose the manipulation of advertising documents by public. The advertising's role can't be reduced to the cultural and symbolic cover of economy. This function inserts within economy and market relationships. The analysis of the messages' contents, their materiality and, foremost, commercial situations in which they are inscribed, will enable us to clarify the advertising action throughout the consumption process and, simultaneously, the nature of market relationships
Lemaître, Sophie. « Le droit à l'épreuve du flux financiers illicites dans le secteur extractif : entre manipulation et double discours ». Thesis, Rennes 1, 2017.
Texte intégralOil, gas and minerals are indispensable resources for our economies and are sought-after. They are particularly prone to illicit financial flows such as corruption, tax avoidance and money laundering. Awareness of the extent of illicit practices in the extractive sector is relatively new. Over the last two decades, various measures have been adopted, forming an ambitious legal framework to combat illicit financial flows in the extractive sector. Despite the existence of this legal framework, illicit practices are still persistent. Stakeholders within the extractive sector such as companies and public officials have been able to adapt and be creative in order to abuse, circumvent and manipulate this legal framework in order to preserve their advantages and perpetuate illicit financial flows. They can also use legal and financial engineering, which provides them with an arsenal of legal tools and mobilizes experts who master the legal, political and financial environment in which companies and public officials evolve. Hence while wanting to combat illicit financial flows, law can find itself propitious to these illicit practices and even to their service
Welz, Pamela Jean. « Manipulating biotic and abiotic factors to enhance the remediation of agri-industrial wastewater in pilot-scale constructed wetlands ». Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2012.
Texte intégralAs a consequence of various cellar activities the wine industry produces copious volumes of potentially hazardous wastewater each year. South Africa is one of the top ten wine-producing countries, making the successful treatment of cellar effluent an important environmental obligation in this country. Constructed wetlands (CWs) are resilient to the seasonal input fluxes associated with agri-industrial waste and are ideal systems for the in-situ treatment of cellar effluent in small to medium-sized wineries not connected to municipal reticulation systems. In a project sponsored by the Water Research Commission of South Africa, a number of studies were undertaken to assess the remediation of winery wastewater and common components of winery wastewater in sand-filled pilot-scale constructed wetlands operated in batch mode. This thesis contains the results of three studies. The first study evaluated the temporal aspects of CW equilibration as a basis for future studies of system response to amendment. Microbial biomass and hydraulic conductivity values were monitored and microbial community fingerprints were obtained using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. The study showed that microbial community fingerprinting provides a valuable tool to assess the time-scales of microbial equilibration, which was found to be in the order of 100 days. In the second study, the biodegradation and mineralization of ethanol by acclimated and non-acclimated microbial populations in CWs were compared. By increasing the influent ethanol concentration at incremental intervals (incremental priming), the biodegradative capacity was significantly enhanced. At an influent COD concentration of 15 800 mg/L, no volatile fatty acids were detected in the effluent of an incrementally primed system and the maximum effluent COD measured was 180 mg/L. In contrast, an identical, unprimed system, amended with a lower concentration of COD (7587 mg/L), exhibited a maximum effluent COD concentration of 1 400 mg/L, with the metabolites butyrate and propionate accounting for up to 83% of the effluent COD. It was conclusively demonstrated that the use of incremental priming, together with the batch mode of operation enhanced long-term function of the CWs. In the third study, the removal of the phenolic component of winery wastewater was evaluated in CWs, as well as in sand columns and microcosms. It was found that at low influent phenolic concentrations in CWs, complete organic removal was accomplished, but at high concentrations, there was incomplete substrate removal and an accumulation of potentially toxic metabolites, including catechol. The sand provided a suitable substrate for the treatment of phenolic-laden waste, and both biotic (48%) and abiotic (52%) removal mechanisms effected the removal of model phenolics. Prior acclimation of microbial communities increased the biodegradation rate of phenolic acids significantly.
Audet, Julien Mathieu. « Conception et validation expérimentale d’un système mécatronique pour la manipulation intuitive de composantes lourdes ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.
Texte intégralThis Master's thesis presents the design and experimental validation of a mechatronic system aimed at facilitating the handling of heavy components in industrial assembly situations, for example the assembly of aircraft fuselage panels. The principle of underactuated redundancy is used to make the interaction between the human operator and the robot safe, intuitive and responsive, while allowing a relatively high payload. This principle consists in using a low-impedance passive mechanism paired with an active system with a payload directly attached to the passive mechanism's end e ector. In the operation of the device, the human operator directly manipulates the payload and thereby induces movements in the passive mechanism. The measured joint variables in the passive mechanism are then used to control the high-impedance active joints of the robot. In previous works, the principle of underactuated redundancy has been applied to translational movements. The aim of this Master's thesis is therefore to apply the principle of underactuated redundancy to rotations in order to rotate a payload in three-dimensional space. First, the principle is applied to a one-degree-of-freedom planar manipulator in order to evaluate the validity of the concept for rotational motions. Then, it is applied to a two-degree-of-freedom spatial manipulator. Active counterweights are used to statically balance the two manipulators. It should be noted that the last rotational motion is not studied since it is easy to implement; static balancing is not required for the rotation around the vertical axis. Subsequently, the rotational system obtained previously is combined with an existing translational system with the objective of freely manipulating a payload in six-dimensional space. The experimental validations are presented to show that the manipulator is safe, intuitive and responsive for the human operator.
Löf, Anton. « Generating and Manipulating Sound : Tools for digital music production ». Thesis, Umeå universitet, Designhögskolan vid Umeå universitet, 2017.
Texte intégralSanchez, Loza Jose Manuel. « Shape sensing of deformable objects for robot manipulation ». Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2019.
Texte intégralDeformable objects are ubiquitous in our daily lives. On a given day, we manipulate clothes into uncountable configurations to dress ourselves, tie the shoelaces on our shoes, pick up fruits and vegetables without damaging them for our consumption and fold receipts into our wallets. All these tasks involve manipulating deformable objects and can be performed by an able person without any trouble, however robots have yet to reach the same level of dexterity. Unlike rigid objects, where robots are now capable of handling objects with close to human performance in some tasks; deformable objects must be controlled not only to account for their pose but also their shape. This extra constraint, to control an object's shape, renders techniques used for rigid objects mainly inapplicable to deformable objects. Furthermore, the behavior of deformable objects widely differs among them, e.g. the shape of a cable and clothes are significantly affected by gravity while it might not affect the configuration of other deformable objects such as food products. Thus, different approaches have been designed for specific classes of deformable objects.In this thesis we seek to address these shortcomings by proposing a modular approach to sense the shape of an object while it is manipulated by a robot. The modularity of the approach is inspired by a programming paradigm that has been increasingly been applied to software development in robotics and aims to achieve more general solutions by separating functionalities into components. These components can then be interchanged based on the specific task or object at hand. This provides a modular way to sense the shape of deformable objects.To validate the proposed pipeline, we implemented three different applications. Two applications focused exclusively on estimating the object's deformation using either tactile or force data, and the third application consisted in controlling the deformation of an object. An evaluation of the pipeline, performed on a set of elastic objects for all three applications, shows promising results for an approach that makes no use of visual information and hence, it could greatly be improved by the addition of this modality
Veteška, Michal. « Konstrukce univerzálního průmyslového robota ». Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2016.
Texte intégralSargsyan, Suren. « Conception et étude de systèmes mécatroniques basés sur la robotique de manipulation permettant de récupérer la motricité d'une personne ». Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2013.
Texte intégralThe aim of the thesis is the design and analysis of portable systems for rehabilitation of motor functions of humans, based on the manipulation mechanisms with improved weight, calibration and energy consumption characteristics. The work deals with the development of new electromechanical rehabilitation devices containing electroactive polymer-metal-composite elements intended for rehabilitation and maintenance of human motor functions, and modelling, analysis and design of their biomechatronic systems. A new method for an accurate balancing of biomechanical system using springs, counterweights and auxiliary links is proposed, providing also a load adjustment system. It is applicable with spring with any characteristic and allows not only the reduction of the oscillations of the moment of the gravitational forces of the counterweight, but also the control of its law of variation. The dynamic modelling, the development of an optimal design and the control methodology of human extremity exoskeleton with electromechanical actuators are performed, using Lagrange-Maxwell equations. The numerical examples for determination of laws of variation of electrical control voltages and powers in the exoskeleton’s actuators showed the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The proposed method of optimal dynamic design and the computational algorithms were successfully tested on an illustrative example of optimal control problem. The variation of the generalized coordinates, the electrical control voltages and the powers of actuators due to minimum power inputs criterions were determined. Appropriate actuators were selected. As a result, the power inputs have been significantly reduced. The methodology of design for the rehabilitation systems with application of modern electroactive conducting polymer-metal composite actuators is proposed and tested
Pereira, Letícia Reis. « Análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle na produção de refeições industriais ». reponame:Repositório Institucional da FURG, 2007.
Texte intégralSubmitted by Caroline Silva ( on 2012-10-18T22:16:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 anlise de perigos e pontos crticos de controle na produo de refeies industriais.pdf: 3492154 bytes, checksum: 189b63a7779b91e18742914f46f7d935 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira( on 2012-12-06T04:42:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 anlise de perigos e pontos crticos de controle na produo de refeies industriais.pdf: 3492154 bytes, checksum: 189b63a7779b91e18742914f46f7d935 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2012-12-06T04:42:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 anlise de perigos e pontos crticos de controle na produo de refeies industriais.pdf: 3492154 bytes, checksum: 189b63a7779b91e18742914f46f7d935 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e caracterizar o programa APPCC na produção de refeições industriais conforme critérios, baseados no Codex Alimetarius, de maneira a identificar os Pontos Críticos de Controle - PCC, limites críticos associados aos perigos, monitoramento das operações, adoção de medidas corretivas e registro das informações, além de realizar análises microbiológicas das superfícies operacionais padronizadas e mãos dos manipuladores. Como instrumento de avaliação. Foi utilizada a técnica de “swab test” para analises das superfícies operacionais onde as refeições foram processadas e das mãos dos manipuladores. Os PCC obtidos como resultados da avaliação incluíram os seguintes procedimentos: recebimento das matérias-primas, resfriamento de hortifrutigranjeiros, descongelamento de produtos cárneos, cocção, distribuição e transporte dos alimentos. Os perigos foram relacionados à saúde pública com limites críticos baseados na Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada n º 216, de 15 de setembro de 2004, adotada pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA (BRASIL, 2004). Os resultados das análises microbiológicas correspondentes aos microrganismos aeróbios viáveis ou heterotróficos/cm2, coliformes totais e coliformes fecais expressos como NMP, ficaram acima dos valores satisfatórios adotados como critérios internacionais referidos pela American Public Health Association – APHA (1997) e Organização Panamericana da Saúde (1982). Os resultados das análises microbiológicas de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva foram 100UFC/cm2 para um dos manipuladores.
The objetive of this work was avaliate HACCP program in the industrial foods according to criterion, based on Codex Alimetarius, the way to identify the Critical Control Points, critical limites associated to the dangerous, monitorate of the operations, adopted of correct measures and registration the informations. How instrument of avaliation, was used the swab test tecnic to analises of the operations surface where the foods were prepared and the hands of the workers. The results of the microbiological analises corresponded to the viables aerobics microrganisms/cm2, total and fecal coliforms expressed on NMP, were above of the satisfaction values adoted how internacional criterions related on American Public Health Association – APHA (1997) e Panamericana Organization of Health (1982). The Critical Control Points resulted of the avaliation included this procediments: reception of the material, to cool the vegetables, to mealt the meats, to cook, distribution ang transporte of the foods. The dangerous were related of the public heath with critics limits based on “Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada n º 216”, september 15 of 2004, adoted by “Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA” (BRASIL, 2004). The results of the microbiological analises corresponding with the operational surfaces of foods, relationed of aerobic viable microorganisms, varyeted between 7,92 x 104 CUF/g and 4,4x 105, total and fecal coliforms between 9,3 and 110 CUF/g. The results associated with workers hands varieted, relationed to the same microorganisms, respectively, between 2,16 x 102 and 5,5 x 104 CUF/g, 24 and 110 CUF/g, indicating insatisfaction values adoted how international criterions related by American Public Heath Association – APHA (1997) and Panamerican Health Organization – PHO (1982). The microbiological analyses results of Sthaphylococcus positive coagulase varyeted between 10 and 100 CUF/g to the workers hands.
Chlaň, Jakub. « Senzorika a řízení pohybu pro humanoidního robota ». Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2020.
Texte intégralZach, Jiří. « Manipulátor pro skleněné desky ». Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008.
Texte intégralPiccin, Olivier. « Spécification et résolution de tâches de manipulation complexes. Application à la téléprogrammation de robots distants ». Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1995.
Texte intégralTauveron, Grégoire. « Propriétés de surface des spores de Bacillus cereus et capacité de contamination des équipements agro-industriels : influence des conditions environnementales ». Compiègne, 2006.
Texte intégralBacillus cereus, responsible for food toxi-infections, frequently contaminates heated-processed foods. Indeed, beyond its resistance to heat and chemical treatment, the B. Cereus spore possesses a strong capacity to adhere to inert materials such as steel and therefore may be considered as a major food contamination risk. Mastery of equipment hygiene requires a deeper knowledge of factors which influence B. Cereus spores' adhesion capacity and their resistance to cleaning techniques. The adhesion of micro-organisms is linked to their surface properties, which may vary according to the environmental conditions they encounter. Ln the course of this study, we reveal a wide variability in surface properties (morphology, hydrophobia, surface protein content) from one spore strain to another. These differences are associated with a significant variability in each strain's capacity to adhere to steel and in its resistance to cleaning-in-place (CIP). Close examination of these data has shown that the longer their appendages, the stronger the spores' adhesion, whereas resistance to cleaning-in-place is inversely proportional to the size of the exosporia. The use of mutants (from B. Cereus and B. Anthracis) allowed us to show that brush-like exosporial filaments (made up of BclA) inhibit resistance to cleaning. An absence of the ExsY protein stops the exosporium from developing and leads to a consequent decrease in adhesion and an increase in resistance to cleaning. Thus, surface contamination risk is higher for strains with long appendages and small exosporia. Furthermore, spores' surface properties are affected by the conditions encountered by the bacteria. We have studied the influence of conditions likely to be encountered by spores in the agro-food industry. Sporulation at high temperature and sporulation in a liquid environment respectively affect the exosporium's size and integrity and result in lesser adhesion. Ln addition, the application of hydrodynamic conditions close to those encountered in the agro-food industry, induces greater or lesser damage to the exosporia according to the conditions in which they sporulated. This damage leads to a decrease in spore adhesion coupled with an increase in their resistance to eleaning. These behavioural differences must therefore be taken into account in analytical procedures applied in the determination of risk associated with the presence of B. Cereus