Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Industrial management »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Industrial management"
Gummer, Burton. « Post-Industrial Management : ». Administration in Social Work 12, no 3 (19 décembre 1988) : 117–32.
Texte intégralDave, J. M. « Industrial Risk Management ». Toxicology and Industrial Health 7, no 5-6 (septembre 1991) : 393–400.
Texte intégralLaPlaca, Peter J. « Industrial Marketing Management ». Industrial Marketing Management 36, no 7 (octobre 2007) : 843.
Texte intégralLaPlaca, Peter J. « Industrial Marketing Management »,. Industrial Marketing Management 36, no 8 (novembre 2007) : 1019–21.
Texte intégralLaPlaca, Peter J. « Industrial marketing management ». Industrial Marketing Management 37, no 1 (janvier 2008) : 1–2.
Texte intégralLaPlaca, Peter J. « Industrial Marketing Management ». Industrial Marketing Management 37, no 2 (avril 2008) : 117–19.
Texte intégralLaPlaca, Peter J. « Industrial marketing management ». Industrial Marketing Management 37, no 3 (mai 2008) : 245–46.
Texte intégralOsaki, Hirokazu. « Intelligential industrial management ». Computers & ; Industrial Engineering 27, no 1-4 (septembre 1994) : 331–34.
Texte intégralFawcett, HowardH. « Industrial Hygiene Management ». Journal of Hazardous Materials 31, no 1 (juin 1992) : 106–7.
Texte intégralPoonam, Poonam. « Industrial Management : A Strategic Threat for Companies ». International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Volume-2, Issue-3 (30 avril 2018) : 2481–86.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Industrial management"
Sinkevičius, Justinas. « Industrial enterprises project management ». Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2012.
Texte intégralBaigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama pramonės įmonių projektų vadyba, jos metodai ir praktinės problemos.Šiam tikslui atliekamas bedrosios projektų vadybos metodologijos teorinių teiginių analizė. Vykdyta gamybinio sektoriaus įmonių anketinė apklausa. Surinkti duomenys iš 42 Lietuvos pramonės įmonių apie projektus ir ju įgyvendinimą. Atlikta empirinių duomenų anlizė, kurios tikslas remiantis tyrimo ir statistiniais duomenimis įvertinti gamybos įmonių projektų parametrus bei jų įgyvendinamumą. Nustatytos regresinės priklauomybes tarp parinktų kriterijų ir projetų įgyvendinimo sėkmingumo įmonėse. Remiantis mokslinės literaturos analize, statistiniais duomenimis ir empiriniais tyrimo rezultatais suformuotas projektų vadybos sistemos tobulinimo pramonės įmonėms modelis.
Chiu, Mei-ling Connie. « Hong Kong competitiveness in research and development management : toward economic synergy with China / ». Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1997.
Texte intégralAid, Graham. « Industrial Ecology Methods within Engagement Processes for Industrial Resource Management ». Licentiate thesis, KTH, Industriell ekologi, 2013.
Texte intégralQC 20130522
Silva-Junior, Daniel. « Essays on industrial organization ». Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London), 2013.
Texte intégralZagorodnya, Maryna. « Management of innovations at industrial enterprises ». Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2019.
Texte intégralGrishko, N. V., M. S. Kudenko et I. L. Grishko. « Environmental expenses management at industrial enterprises ». Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2008.
Texte intégralMachnicki, Krzysztof Marek. « Lighting management system in industrial environments ». Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2011.
Texte intégralA presente dissertação aborda a concepção e implementação de um sistema de gestão de iluminação para ambientes industriais. O objectivo principal deste sistema é fornecer controlo avançado em instalações de iluminação já existentes de forma a reduzir o consumo de energia e aumentar a eficiência global do sistema, sem recorrer a mudanças significativas na infra-estrutura de iluminação. Em ambientes industriais, as instalações de iluminação convencionais são geralmente baseadas em lâmpadas de alta potência com um controlo básico de ligado/desligado, através de interruptores manuais que actuam sobre contactores. A ideia do sistema proposto é oferecer um controlo automático que ajuste a iluminação, medida por um conjunto de sensores, a níveis pré-definidos pelo usuário. Tal é conseguido através da actuação sobre os contactores, ligando/desligando lâmpadas ou grupos de lâmpadas específicos. Por exemplo, durante o dia quando a luz natural é maior, o sistema deve compensar reduzindo o número de lâmpadas que estão acesas, reduzindo assim o consumo de energia e aumentando a eficiência do sistema de iluminação. O estudo sobre sistemas de gestão de iluminação começa com uma introdução à problemática do elevado consumo energético das instalações de iluminação industriais, e possíveis soluções. É seguido por uma descrição de soluções disponíveis destinadas a clientes industriais. Dispositivos e tecnologias que podem proporcionar uma solução, com melhor relação custo-benefício, mais flexível e fiável são também apresentados. Segue-se uma visão global do design do sistema, fornecendo os pontos de vista que levaram à escolhia das estratégias utilizadas no desenvolvimento do sistema. As principais linhas condutoras do projecto juntamente com componentes individuais do sistema, são também apresentados. Este estudo conceptual foi fundamental, permitindo a comparação de diferentes hipóteses levando à escolha da solução apresentada. Após definição da estratégia a seguir, o sistema actual foi desenhado e implementado. Os principais componentes são descritos separadamente a fim de proporcionar uma melhor perspectiva do princípio operacional do sistema. O custo de implementação do sistema de controlo projectado foi também calculado de forma a avaliar a competitividade do dispositivo. No final, uma visão geral dos objectivos atingidos e dos resultados obtidos é dada. As principais conclusões são derivadas do trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação, juntamente com orientações para trabalhos futuros.
This dissertation addresses the design and implementation of a lighting management system for industrial environments. The main objective of this system is to provide advanced control to already existing lighting installations in order to reduce power consumption and increase the overall energetic efficiency, without significant changes to the lighting infrastructure. In industrial environments, conventional lighting installations are usually built with high power lamps and basic on/off control through manual switches and contactors. The idea of the proposed system is to provide an automatic control that adjusts the illumination levels, measured by a set of sensors, to user-defined values. This is achieved by actuating on the contactors and turning on/off specific lamps or groups of lamps. For example, during daytime when natural light is higher, the system should compensate by reducing the number of lamps that are on, thus reducing power consumption and increasing the system efficiency. The study on lighting management system begins with an introduction to the problem of high power consumption of industrial lighting installations and possible solutions. It is followed by a description of available solutions aimed at industrial clients. Devices and technologies that can provide a more cost-effective, flexible and reliable solution are also presented. A system design overview follows, providing the insights that lead to the strategies selected for system development. The main design guidelines along with individual system components are also presented. This conceptual study was critical, allowing the comparison of different possibilities, leading to the selection of the presented solution. Upon defining the strategy to follow, the actual system was designed and implemented. The main components are described separately in order to provide a better perspective on the system’s operating principle. The implementation cost of the projected control system was also calculated in order to assess competitiveness of the device. In the end, an overview of the achieved objectives and the obtained results are given. Conclusions are derived from the work presented in this dissertation, along with guidelines for future work.
Poniższa rozprawa dotyczy zaprojektowania i wykonania systemu zarządzania oświetleniem dla środowisk przemysłowych. Głównym celem tego systemu jest zapewnienie zaawansowanej kontroli już istniejących instalacji oświetleniowych w celu zmniejszenia zużycia energii i zwiększenia ogólnej wydajności energetycznej, bez istotnych zmian w infrastrukturze oświetlenia. W środowiskach przemysłowych, konwencjonalne instalacje oświetleniowe są zwykle zbudowane z lamp dużej mocy i podstawowego sterowania, zbudowanego z przełączników i styczników. Idea proponowanego systemu polega na zapewnieniu automatycznego sterowania, które reguluje poziom oświetlenia, mierzonego przez zestaw czujników, do zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika wartości. Osiąga się to poprzez sterowanie stycznikami w celu włączenia/wyłączenia konkretnych lamp lub grup lamp. Na przykład, w ciągu dnia, gdy więcej światła dziennego jest dostarczane do wnętrza budynku, system powinien skompensować poziom oświetlenia poprzez zmniejszenie liczby włączonych lamp, co przekłada się na zmniejszenie zużycia energii i tym samym zwiększenie wydajności systemu. Poniższa praca rozpoczyna się wprowadzeniem do problemu wysokiego zużycia energii w przemysłowych instalacjach oświetleniowych i możliwych rozwiązań tego problemu. Następnie następuje opis dostępnych rozwiązań sterowania oświetleniem, mających na celu klientów przemysłowych. Urządzenia i technologie, które mogą zapewnić bardziej ekonomiczne, elastyczne i niezawodne rozwiązania są również przedstawione. Zarys budowy systemu został zaprezentowany, dostarczając modele, które wprowadzają do strategii wybranych do dalszego rozwoju systemu. Także główne wytyczne, związane z projektowaniem systemu oraz poszczególnych elementów zostają przedstawione. Prezentacja koncepcji dalszego rozwoju systemu była bardzo ważna, ponieważ umożliwiła porównanie różnych możliwości, prowadząc do wyboru najlepszych rozwiązań. Po zdefiniowaniu ścieżki rozwoju, rzeczywisty system został zaprojektowany i wykonany. Poszczególne elementy zostały opisane oddzielnie w celu zapewnienia lepszej perspektywy, przedstawiającej zasadę działania urządzenia. Także koszt realizacji zaprojektowanego systemu sterowania został obliczony w celu oceny konkurencyjności. W końcu, przegląd osiągniętych celów i uzyskane wyniki zostają przedstawione, a także wnioski pochodzące z niniejszej pracy magisterskiej oraz wytyczne dla dalszego rozwoju projektu.
Barata, André Gomes. « Lighting management system in industrial environments ». Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.
Texte intégralEsta dissertação aborda a implementação de um sistema de gestão de iluminação especialmente concebido para operar em ambientes industriais, assumindo-se como uma solução respeitadora do ambiente e preocupada com o conforto global de todos os seus funcionários. O sistema foi construído com uma topologia mestre/ escravo, a fim de dar ao utilizador a necessária interatividade. Tem a possibilidade de ser utilizado em modo autónomo, aumentando assim a versatilidade do produto criado. Deste modo, pretende constituir-se como uma alternativa válida aos sistemas que estão no mercado na execução de novas instalações e poder ainda ser utilizado na substituição de instalações existentes sem que isso signifique um esforço financeiro desproporcionado. O sistema concebido tem um retorno de investimento num prazo muitíssimo curto. Este trabalho aborda também a importância da utilização em ambientes industriais de lâmpadas LED, nomeadamente das novas lâmpadas LED de alta potência, que permitem o desenvolvimento de soluções muito mais eficientes e a emergência de novos conceitos de controlo e gestão de sistemas de iluminação. Estudos recentes dão conta do extraordinária evolução das tecnologias relacionadas com esta temática e as projecções que é possível realizar para o futuro apontam para a sua utilização em larga escala. Sendo essencialmente um trabalho de investigação teórica, o mesmo foi enriquecido com uma componente prática que apoia as conclusões apresentadas.
This dissertation addresses the implementation of a lighting management system especially designed to operate in industrial environments. assuming a solution as environmentally friendly and concerned about the overall comfort of all its employees. The system was built with a master /slave topology, in order to give the user enough interactivity. Has the possibility to be used in standalone mode, thereby increasing the versatility of the created product. This is intended to constitute itself as a valid alternative to systems that are on the market in the implementation of new facilities and may still be used as un upgrade of existing facilities without meaning a disproportionate financial burden. The designed system has an investment return. This work also addresses the importance of utilization in industrial environments of LED lamps, including the new high power LED lamps, which allow the development of more efficient solutions and the emergence of new concepts of lighting management systems. Recent studies realize the extraordinary evolution of technologies related to this theme and the projections that we can do for the future point to their widespread use. Being essentially a work of theoretical investigation, it was enriched with a practical component that supports the conclusions presented.
Li, Yujiang. « Development architecture for industrial data management ». Licentiate thesis, KTH, Datorsystem för konstruktion och tillverkning, 2013.
Texte intégralQC 20131025
Jooste, J. L. (Johannes Lodewikus). « A performance management model for physical asset management ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two fundamental aspects in modem business success are performance management and physical asset management. The current problem in the asset management environment is the lack of structured performance management, which is required to effectively control and enhance the dynamics of the asset and its life cycle. The result is ineffective assets with high life cycle costs, which will consequently influence the bottom line and return on investment, negatively. An Asset _eerformance Management Model (APM2 , pronounced A-P-M square) was developed. A sound theoretical foundation together with the experience of a leading asset management consultant resulted in the realization of a model that (i) gives a balanced view of asset performance, (ii) link asset performance to strategic business objectives, (iii) facilitates decision-making and problem solving, and (iv) enhances asset control and continuous improvement. The APM2 was developed by rese~ching and integrating five building blocks, which encompass the model requirements. The APM2 consists of two distinct components, namely: • the APM Reference Structure (APMRS), and • a range of APM Dockets. The APMRS is a basic structure that integrates the various building blocks into a framework for providing guidance and control, giving perspective on the entire model and explaining the high-level content of the model. It consists of five levels, each with a distinct focus: • Levell: Enterprise • Level2: Factory • Level3: Process Unit • Level4: Aggregate • Level5: Component The APM Dockets are a subset of the APMRS, where each level has a docket. These dockets are executable, unit-specific procedures, guiding and leading stakeholders towards improved asset performance. Also each of the five levels consists of six similar and inter-related elements. These elements are the foundation for each docket: lement 1: Stakeholders Element 2: Objectives Element 3: Measures Element 4: External Monitor & Targets Element 5: Responsibilities & Decision-Making Element 6: Control & Continuous Improvement Element 7 represents the link to the next level in the APM Reference Structure. • • • • • • Conclusively the APM2,s simplicity and understandability is realized through the APM Reference Structure, while the range of APM Dockets contribute to the practicality objective. The model has a strong theoretical foundation, but at the same time is generic, to be used in a wide range of industries. A leading asset management consultant plans to integrate the APM2 into their asset management program based on the thesis documentation. This application will test and validate the APM2 in practice. It is further recommended that an asset management program, with the associated APM2 , be used in conjunction with the Theory of Constraints and Total Productive Maintenance, because of obvious relationships. Further research is also suggested in relation with some of the experimental asset life cycle phases as well as certain financial considerations.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee fundamentele aspekte in hedendaagse besigheidsukses is prestasiebestuur and fisiese batebestuur. Die huidige probleem binne die batebestuursomgewing is die gebrek aan gestruktureerde prestasiebestuur, wat 'n vereiste is vir effektiewe beheer en verbeterings rondom die bate en sy lewensiklus. Die resultaat is oneffektiewe bates met hoë lewensikluskoste wat gevolglik wins en beleggingsopbrengs negatief beïnvloed. 'n Prestasiebestuur Model vir Bates (APM2, uitgespreek as A-P-M square) is ontwikkel. 'n Deeglike teoretiese fondasie tesame metdie ondervinding van vooraanstaande raadgewende batebestuurders, het die realisering van 'n model tot gevolg gehad, wat (i) bateprestasie gebalanseerd voorstel, (ii) bateprestasie met strategiese doelstellings verbind, (iii) besluitneming and probleemoplossing fasiliteer, en (iv) batekontrole en voortdurende verbetering bevorder. Die APM2 is ontwikkel deur middel van die identifisering en integrasie van vyf boustene wat die vereistes vir die modelomvat. Die APM2 bestaan onderskeidelik uit twee komponente, naamlik: • die APM Verwysingstruktuur (APMRS), en • 'n reeks APM Vouers. Die APMRS is 'n basiese struktuur wat die verskillende boustene binne 'n raamwerk integreer en sodoende leiding en beheer fasiliteer, die model as geheel in perspektief stel en die modelinhoud op hoë vlak verduidelik. Dit bestaan uit vyf vlakke, elk met 'n spesifieke fokus: • Vlak 1: Onderneming • Vlak2: Fabriek • Vlak 3: Proseseenheid • Vlak 4: Aggregaat • Vlak 5: Komponent Die APM Vouers is 'n subdeel van die APMRS, waar elke vlak 'n vouer het. Hierdie vouers is uitvoerbare, eenheid-spesifieke prosedures wat deelhebbers lei na beter bateprestasie. Ook bestaan elkeen van die vyf vlakke uit ses soortgelyke en inter-afhanklike elemente. Hierdie elemente is die fondasie vir elk van die vouers: • Element 1: Deelhebbers • Element 2: Doelwitte • Element 3: Metings • Element 4: Eksterne Monitering & Mikpunte • Element 5: Verantwoordelikhede & Besluitneming • Element 6: Kontrole & Voortdurende Verbetering • Element 7 stel die verbinding met die volgende vlak in die APM Verwysingstruktuur voor. Gevolglik word die eenvoud en verstaanbaarheid van die APM2 gerealiseer deur die APM Verwysingstruktuur, terwyl die reeks APM Vouers bydra tot die praktiese doelwit. Die model het 'n sterk teoretiese grondslag, maar terselfdertyd is dit generies, sodat dit in 'n wye spektrum van industrieë gebruik kan word. Gebaseer op die tesis dokumentasie beplan vooraanstaande raadgewende batebestuurders om die APM2 te integreer met hul batsbestuursprogram. Hierdie toepassing sal sodoende die APM2 in die praktyk toets en bekragtig. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat 'n batebestuursprogram, met die geassosieerde APM2, tesame met die Theory of Constraints en Total Productive Maintenance gebruik word, as gevolg van voor die hand liggende verwantskappe. Verdere navorsing word ook voorgestel in verband met die eksperimentele fases binne die batelewensiklus, asook rakende sekere finansiële oorwegings.
Livres sur le sujet "Industrial management"
Sheu, Shey-Huei, dir. Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Texte intégralTonchia, Stefano. Industrial Project Management. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.
Texte intégralRoy, Rajkumar, dir. Industrial Knowledge Management. London : Springer London, 2001.
Texte intégralMaiti, J., et Pradip Kumar Ray, dir. Industrial Safety Management. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2018.
Texte intégralvon Hauff, Michael, Ralf Isenmann et Georg Müller-Christ, dir. Industrial Ecology Management. Wiesbaden : Gabler Verlag, 2012.
Texte intégralTonchia, Stefano. Industrial Project Management. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Texte intégralHinsch, Martin. Industrial Aviation Management. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
Texte intégralTomlingson, Paul D. Industrial maintenance management. 8e éd. Chicago, IL : Maclean Hunter, 1989.
Trouver le texte intégralT, Garrett Jack, Cralley Lewis J. 1911- et Cralley Lester V, dir. Industrial hygiene management. New York : Wiley, 1988.
Trouver le texte intégralSingh, Braj Kishore Prasad. Industrial disaster management. New Delhi : Navyug Publishers & Distributors, 2008.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Industrial management"
Thompson, Neil. « Industrial relations ». Dans People management, 131–41. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2013.
Texte intégralSaavedra, Claudio A. « Industrial Branding ». Dans Management for Professionals, 323–46. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Texte intégralPettinger, Richard. « Industrial relations ». Dans Introduction to Management, 213–40. London : Macmillan Education UK, 1994.
Texte intégralBratton, John, et Jeffrey Gold. « Industrial Relations ». Dans Human Resource Management, 282–313. London : Macmillan Education UK, 1994.
Texte intégralBratton, John, et Jeff Gold. « Industrial Relations ». Dans Human Resource Management, 398–429. London : Macmillan Education UK, 2012.
Texte intégralFenelon, K. G. « Industrial Accidents ». Dans Management and Labour, 154–71. London : Routledge, 2022.
Texte intégralFenelon, K. G. « Industrial Welfare ». Dans Management and Labour, 111–41. London : Routledge, 2022.
Texte intégralFenelon, K. G. « Industrial Diseases ». Dans Management and Labour, 142–53. London : Routledge, 2022.
Texte intégralJischa, Michael F. « Management trotz Nichtwissen ». Dans Industrial Ecology, 271–83. Wiesbaden : Vieweg+Teubner, 2008.
Texte intégralPintér, János D. « Industrial Wastewater Management ». Dans Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, 361–82. Boston, MA : Springer US, 1996.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "Industrial management"
« Industrial management, management of innovations ». Dans 2017 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). IEEE, 2017.
Texte intégral« Industrial management, management of innovations ». Dans 2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). IEEE, 2018.
Texte intégral« Industrial Management, Management of Innovations ». Dans 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). IEEE, 2019.
Texte intégral« Industrial Management, Management of Innovations ». Dans 2022 Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). IEEE, 2022.
Texte intégralWang, Xi, et Mei-Chen Fu. « Coordination of the Industrial Relocation and the Cultural and Creative Industries in the Post-industrial Age in Beijing ». Dans 2016 International Conference on Management Science and Management Innovation. Paris, France : Atlantis Press, 2016.
Texte intégral« 12. Industrial Management, Management of Technological Innovations ». Dans 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). IEEE, 2020.
Texte intégralKadarova, J., et M. Durkacova. « Risk management in industrial companies ». Dans 2012 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI). IEEE, 2012.
Texte intégralYunhe, Pan, Hu Jianxiong, Qiu Jizheng, Shen Jianmin, Jiang Wanling, Kong Xiangxia et Xu Weimin. « CHINESE CULTURE AND INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT ». Dans Proceedings of the International Symposium. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 1999.
Texte intégralRenping Xu, Kunqian Wang, Xiaonan Shu et Chao Zhang. « Interface management for industrial design ». Dans 2009 IEEE 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design. IEEE, 2009.
Texte intégralWANG, Shih-Shuan, Hong-fu CHOU et Mircea BOȘCOIANU. « AI SMEs IN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT ». Dans SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN THE AIR FORCE. Publishing House of "Henri Coanda" Air Force Academy, 2022.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Industrial management"
Brunner, Christoph. Solar Energy Industrial Water Wastewater Management. IEA SHC Task 62, mai 2023.
Texte intégralHopkins, M. F., R. L. Conger et T. J. Foley. Industrial demand side management : A status report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), mai 1995.
Texte intégralKiliccote, Sila, Pamela Sporborg, Imran Sheik, Erich Huffaker et Mary Ann Piette. Commercial and Industrial Base Intermittent Resource Management Pilot. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), novembre 2010.
Texte intégralShatalova, T. N., M. V. Chebykina et I. V. Kosyakova. Industrial innovation management mechanisms enterprises at the regional level. SIB-Expertise, novembre 2021.
Texte intégralLitteer, D. L., C. N. Peterson et A. M. Sims. Industrial waste management information for 1990 and record-to-date. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), août 1991.
Texte intégralChiang, Edwin, et Neil Weinstein. Stormwater Management Decision Support System for Using Low Impact Development Best Management Practices in Industrial Areas. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, mai 2015.
Texte intégralGagarinskaya, G. P., T. N. Shatalova et I. V. Kosyakova. An innovative mechanism for regional management of the competitiveness of industrial enterprises. SIB-Expertise, décembre 2021.
Texte intégralParker, S. A., K. L. Gaustad, R. F. Szydlowski et D. W. Winiarski. Industrial operations and maintenance demand-side management resource development : Literature and data review. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), janvier 1994.
Texte intégralJordan, J. A., et S. M. Nadel. Industrial demand-side management programs : What`s happened, what works, what`s needed. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), mars 1993.
Texte intégral