Thèses sur le sujet « Identification of mechanical wood properties »
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Šećerović, Amra. « Identification and characterization of molecular players potentially responsible for the mechanical properties of tension wood ». Thesis, Orléans, 2016.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis was to approach the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the particular properties of the G-layer and the outstanding mechanical properties of tension wood (TW). Accordingly, three potential molecular players (fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein (FLA), chitinase-like protein (CTL) and β-galactosidase (BGAL)) were chosen and studied through a phylogenetic analysis, expression analyses and most importantly characterization of RNAi transgenic poplars. This multilevel characterization revealed that CTL2 and FLAs have function in the regulation of cellulose crystallinity in TW. CTL2 was also shown to be important both for the cell wall organization and stem mechanical properties. BGAL was studied in a light of the previously reported modifications of RG-I pectin, potentially important for the mechanical properties of TW. Study of BGAL revealed that the enzyme has higher activity in TW than in opposite wood. BGAL7, whose gene was expressed specifically in TW, does not seem to be responsible for the higher BGAL activity in TW. In comparison to poplar, we analyzed the occurrence of molecular players potentially responsible for TW mechanical properties in simarouba, a tropical species, which develops different TW fiber. Arabinogalactan proteins and RG-I pectin potentially targeted by BGAL were localized in TW fibers both in poplar and simarouba and therefore may be involved in a common mechanism of tensile stress generation in different TW types. A model was finally proposed to elucidate a potential function of the studied molecular players in the regulation of G-layer properties and tensile stress generation
Broman, Olof. « Means to measure the aesthetic properties of wood ». Doctoral thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Träteknologi, 2000.
Texte intégralGodkänd; 2000; 20061116 (haneit)
Oksman, Kristiina. « Improved properties of thermoplastic wood flour composites ». Doctoral thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Materialvetenskap, 1997.
Texte intégralGodkänd; 1997; 20061128 (haneit)
Kirkpatrick, John Warren. « Mechanical and physical properties of preservative-treated strandboard ». Master's thesis, Mississippi State : Mississippi State University, 2005.
Texte intégralNoel, Matthieu. « Modélisation déterministe et probabiliste de la rupture par champ de phase et identification expérimentale pour la fissuration des structures en bois dans l’ameublement ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Gustave Eiffel, 2024.
Texte intégralIn the furniture industry, ensuring the safety of structures in accordance with European standards presents a significant challenge for furniture manufacturers. Before commercialization, furniture are subjected to standardized validation tests, which only allow for a retrospective understanding of its mechanical behavior. This thesis aims to develop modeling and numerical simulation tools to predict the cracking failure mechanism at the connections between furniture elements. To achieve this objective, the methodological approach combines modeling and numerical simulation with experimental testing. It employs the finite element method coupled with phase-field fracture/damage models to simulate cracking in linear elastic isotropic and anisotropic materials within a deterministic and probabilistic framework. An experimental testing campaign is conducted on perforated spruce wood samples subjected to uniaxial compression to reproduce the cracking mechanisms observed in real structures, particularly in the connections of high loft beds. An identification procedure is developed and implemented to characterize the elastic and damage properties of spruce wood, in particular by exploiting experimental displacement field measurements obtained through digital image correlation. A method for accelerating phase-field damage simulations is proposed to reduce their high computational cost. This approach allows for the prediction, independently of the type of connections, of the displacement or critical force preceding crack initiation. The numerical results indicate that, provided realistic boundary conditions are applied and the material properties are correctly identified, the crack initiation criterion is useful for predicting the location of potentially damaged/cracked areas and providing a consistent order of magnitude of the force or displacement required to initiate cracking. This criterion only requires a single linear elastic simulation, followed by a post-processing with a phase-field damage model, to facilitate its use in an industrial context, in particular the furniture sector. The numerical tools developed, available in open source, could help furniture manufacturers to predict brittle fracture in wood and optimize furniture design, while guaranteeing compliance with safety standards
Gade, Jan-Lucas. « Mechanical Properties of Arteries : Identification and Application ». Licentiate thesis, Linköpings universitet, Mekanik och hållfasthetslära, 2019.
Texte intégralIn diesem Lizentiat der Ingenieurwissenschaften wird eine Methode zur Identifikation der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Arterien in vivo vorgestellt. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften einer Arterie sind mit der Ausbildung kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten verknüpft und deren Identifikation hat daher das Potenzial die Diagnose, die Behandlung und die Überwachung dieser Krankheiten zu verbessern. Basierend auf klinisch möglichen Messungen, die üblicherweise auf ein zeitaufgelöstes Druck-Radiussignal limitiert sind, werden sechs repräsentative Parameter durch Lösen eines Minimierungsproblems berechnet. Die sechs Parameter sind dabei die Eingangsparameter des zur Hilfe gezogenen konstitutiven Schalenmodells welches eine Arterie als eine homogene, inkompressible, restspannungsfreie und dünnwandige Röhre beschreibt. Weiterhin wird angenommen, dass die Arterienwand aus einer elastindominierten Matrix mit eingebetteten Kollagenfasern besteht. Um die in vivo Parameteridentifikationsmethode zu validieren, werden in silico Arterien in Form von Finite Elemente Modellen erstellt. Diese in silico Arterien beruhen auf publizierten Materialparametern der menschlichen Abdominalaorta und dienen als Pseudoexperimente mit vordefinierten mechanischen Eigenschaften und Randbedingungen. Mit diesen Arterien werden in vivo-ähnliche Druck-Radiussignale erstellt und anschliesend werden ihre mechanischen Eigenschaften mit Hilfe der Parameteridentifikationsmethode bestimmt. Der Vergleich der identifizierten und der vordefinierten Parameter ermöglicht die quantitative Validierung der Methode. Die Parameter des spannungsfreien Radius und der Materialkonstanten für Elastin weisen hohe Übereinstummung im Falle gesunder Arterien auf. Die Abweichung der Materialkonstanten für Kollagen sind etwas gröser und der gröste Unterschied tritt beim axialen in situ Stretch auf. Für Arterien mit einem pathologisch geringen Elastinbestandteil werden falsche Parameter identifiziert, wobei die Parameteridentifikationsmethode eine krankhafte Arterie offenlegt. Weiterhin werden mit Hilfe der identifizierten Parameter und des konstitutiven Schalenmodells der Spannungszustand in der Arterienwand berechnet. Dieser ist dabei aufgeteilt in einen isotropen und einen anisotropen Anteil. Der isotrope Anteil wird mit der elastindomierten Matrix und der anisotrope Anteil mit den Kollagenfasern verknüpft. Um die Genauigkeit des berechneten Spannungszustandes beurteilen zu können, wird dieser mit dem Zustand in den in silico Arterien verglichen. Im Fall von Arterien, die einen geringen transmuralen Spannungsgradienten aufweisen, entspricht der berechnete Spannungszustand dem in silico Zustand. Mit zunehmendem transmuralen Spannungsgradienten lässt die Übereinstimmung nach. Für die gesunde menschliche Abdominalaorta ist die entwickelte in vivo Parameteridentifikationsmethode in der Lage, basierend auf in vivo-ähnlichen Messsignalen, adäquate Parameter zu identifizieren und einen zufriedenstellenden Spannungszustand zu berechnen.
I denna licentiatavhandling föreslås en metod för att identifiera mekaniska egenskaper hos artärer in vivo. De mekaniska egenskaperna är kopplade till utvecklingen av hjärt-kärlsjukdomar, och möjligheten att identifiera dessa egenskaper skulle således kunna underlätta diagnostisering, behandling och uppföljning av dessa sjukdomar. Den förslagna metoden använder kliniskt mätbara tryck-radie-signaler och löser ett minimeringsproblem för att bestämma sex parametrar som beskriver kärlets mekaniska egenskaper. Artären modelleras som ett homogent, inkompressibelt och spänningsfritt tunnväggigt rör där kärlväggen utgörs av en elastindominerad matris armerad med inbäddade kollagenfibrer. För att validera parameteridentifieringen skapas en uppsättning representativa, virtuella artärer med hjälp av finita element. Dessa in silico-artärer baseras på publicerade data för mänsklig bukaorta och används för att generera fiktiva tryckradie-signaler vilka sedan matas in i den förslagna modellen. Genom att parametrar och randvillkor för in silico-artärerna är kända fungerar dessa som en kontroll mot vilka resultatet från parameteridentifieringen kan jämföras. Parametrarna som beskriver den icke trycksatta radien och den elastindominerade matrisen visar god överensstämmelse med de in silico-artärerna för friska kärl. Större diskrepans erhålls för de parametrar som associeras med kollagenet, och den största avvikelsen erhålls för den parameter som beskriver den axiella försträckningen. För artärer med patologiskt lågt elastininnehåll identifieras felaktiga parametrar, men resultatet avslöjar ändå tydligt en sjuk artär. De identifierade parametrarna har också använts för att jämföra spänningstillst åndet i membranmodellen och in silico-artäreren. Spänningstillståndet har delats upp i en isotrop och en anisotrop komponent svarande mot, i huvudsak, den elastindominerade matrisen samt kollagenfibrerna. Resultatet visar en mycket god överensstämmelse för bägge komponenterna hos in silico-artärer med låg spänningsgradient genom väggen. Med ökande spänningsgradient försämras dock överensstämmelsen. Resultatet visar att den förslagna metoden är kapabel att identifiera adekvata parametrar och att förutsäga spänningskomponenterna i en frisk aorta.
Ashaduzzaman, Md. « Physico-mechanical and decay resistance properties of bio-resin modified wood ». Thesis, Bangor University, 2014.
Texte intégralHuang, Sheng. « Experiment study of the mechanical properties of timber materials under various humidity condition ». Thesis, University of Macau, 2018.
Texte intégralOzden, Seray. « The relationship between the anatomy and mechanical properties of different green wood species ». Thesis, University of Manchester, 2016.
Texte intégralAnderson, Scott Powell. « Wood fiber reinforced bacterial biocomposites effects of interfacial modifers and processing on mechanical and physical properties / ». Online access for everyone, 2007.
Texte intégralSmulski, Stephen John. « Flexural behavior of a glass fiber reinforced wood fiber composite ». Diss., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985.
Texte intégralPh. D.
Bhattacharjee, Sujal. « Impact of Recycling on the Mechanical and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Wood Flour/High Density Polyethylene and Wood Flour/Poly Lactic Acid Composites ». Thesis, North Dakota State University, 2016.
Texte intégralParedes, Heller Juan Jacobo. « The Influence of Hot Water Extraction on Physical and Mechanical Properties of OSB ». Fogler Library, University of Maine, 2009.
Texte intégralEskandari, Hani. « On the identification of mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2009.
Texte intégralErwinsyah, Erwinsyah. « Improvement of Oil Palm Wood Properties Using Bioresin ». Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2008.
Texte intégralOil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) becomes the most popular crop, especially in Southeast Asia, than its origin,West Africa. World demand of two main products from this crop (e.g. crude palm oil and palm kernel oil) increases very rapidly, due to very wide ranges use of these vegetable oils for industrial purposes, such as fried oil, oleo-chemical and -food, cosmetics, detergent, biofuel and etc. Indonesia and Malaysia are the main producers and supplying more than 85% of world consumption. On the other hand, due to the economic life span of this popular crop (25 years), the producer countries have been facing a serious environmental problems concerning to the solid biowaste handling of oil palm industry, particularly the oil palm trunk after replanting activity. Starting 2010, it is predicted that more than 20 millions cubic meter biomass from oil palm trunk available annually
Eriksson, Daniel. « Wood - an anatomical structure in the tree and an engineering material in industry : prediction of material properties in managed Scots pine stands in the forest / ». Umeå : Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2008.
Texte intégralNaderi, Nader. « Influence of the planing on the physical, mechanical and gluing properties of wood ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Texte intégralLi, Junqiu. « Physical and Mechanical Properties of Medite® MDF Exterior from Acetylated Wood Fibers ». Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för maskinteknik (MT), 2018.
Texte intégralSaleh, Salimeh [Verfasser]. « Hierarchical Mechanical Properties of Wood Cell Wall in Microscale and Nanoscale / Salimeh Saleh ». Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2021.
Texte intégralSolem, Benjamin, Ante Vallien et Philip Wernstedt. « Applying Thermal Diffusion Galvanization on Wood Screws : Effects on Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties ». Thesis, KTH, Materialvetenskap, 2016.
Texte intégralTidball, Mackenzie E. « Identification of Nonlinear Constitutive Properties of Damping Coatings ». Wright State University / OhioLINK, 2018.
Texte intégralForde, Kohler Lois J. « The effects of ophiostoma piliferm on wood pulp : investigation ». Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995.
Texte intégralTabakci, Alican. « Mechanical Properties Identification Of Viscoelastic / Hyperelastic Materials Based On Experimental Data ». Master's thesis, METU, 2010.
Texte intégrals coefficients are chosen with the help of mechanical tests/experiments for these situations. The main goal of this thesis is to optimize material model&rsquo
s coefficients by using an indenter test setup results and inverse finite element modeling. To achieve this, firstly by using a haptic device and other required equipments an indenter setup was prepared to test the materials mechanically. Inverse finite element modeling method is used in order to model the materials according to their viscoelastic and hyperelastic characteristics. The model obtained from analysis was optimized by using the results obtained from indenter setup according to experimental test data. By doing this, the correctness of the model chosen by inverse finite element modeling was proved for the tested material and material model coefficients were calculated correctly.
Johns, Brian Douglas. « Experimental verification of pointwise identification method for capturing heterogeneous properties in membranes ». Thesis, University of Iowa, 2010.
Texte intégralHow, Seok Sean. « Experimental Investigation and Mathematical Modelling Of Mechanical Properties Of Shooks And Finger Jointed Timber ». Thesis, University of Canterbury. Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, 2015.
Texte intégralWilson, David Edward. « Structural Properties of ICLT Wall Panels Composed of Beetle Killed Wood ». BYU ScholarsArchive, 2012.
Texte intégralDowse, George Patrick. « Selected mechanical properties and the structural grading of young Pinus patula sawn timber ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study 1345 pieces of 38x114 mm timber sawn from 16-20 year-old Pinus patula trees were obtained from a wide variety of sites along the Mpumalanga escarpment in South Africa. The samples were tested for various mechanical and physical properties. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the variation in the bending strength, tension strength, and stiffness of the sawn timber, (2) to assess the efficiency of the current visual and mechanical grading rules on this sample, and (3) to evaluate the potential of some indicator properties to be used as structural grading parameters on this resource. A large number of non-destructive measurements were performed on all the samples, including scanning of the boards with a commercial X-ray density scanner, moisture content measurement, growth ring measurements, warp measurement, acoustic frequency measurement and measurement of the stiffness using a mechanical grader. The data from the X-ray density scanner was used to calculate a number of knot-related variables for each board. Visual grading according to the SANS 1783-2 (2005) specifications for structural timber was performed by a certified grader on all the boards. The timber was divided into two groups for destructive testing, one group each for bending and tension tests. Tests were conducted according to the SANS 6122 (1994) method for in-grade testing. Due to the sampling method followed, the destructive tests effectively used a random placement of defects with regard to the load application position. From the destructive tests the modulus of elasticity (MOEedge), bending strength (MOR) and tensile strength were determined. The study showed that the MOEedge of the sawn timber was far below the requirements of the current national standard (SANS 10163-1) for all of the visual and mechanical grades. The mean MOEedge of the visually graded S5 timber was about 30% lower than required. The 5th percentile values for bending strength of all the visual and mechanical grades were above the required values of SANS 10163-1. The 5th percentile values for tensile strength of all the visual and mechanical grades were similar to that required by the SANS 10163-1 standard. Correlations between flatwise measured MOE (MOEflat) and edgewise measured MOE (MOEedge) were smaller than expected, as well as the correlations between both MOEedge and MOEflat with MOR. Dynamic MOE (MOEdyn), calculated from acoustic frequency tests on the timber, was found to be the best single predictor of MOEedge, MOR and tension strength. Multiple regression analysis showed that a combination of MOEdyn, density and knot parameters can be used to improve the predictability of some of the strength and stiffness characteristics of the timber. It is recommended that a comprehensive study on the structural grading of SA Pine be performed which includes (1) an analysis of market requirements in terms of strength and stiffness properties of timber, (2) in-grade testing of a representative sample of structural timber in South Africa, and (3) a review of the standards used in South Africa to regulate the structural grading of timber.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is 1345 stukke 38x114 mm 16-20 jaar-oue Pinus patula planke, afkomstig van ‘n wye verskydenheid groeiplekke teen die Mpumalanga platorand in Suid Afrika, gebruik. Die planke is getoets vir verskeie meganiese sowel as fisiese eienskappe. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om (1) die variasie in buigsterkte, treksterkte en styfheid van die gesaagde planke te bepaal, (2) die effektiwiteit van die huidige visuele -en meganiese graderingsreëls op hierdie monster planke vas te stel, en (3) die potensiaal te evalueer van sommige eienskappe wat gebruik kan word as strukturele graderingsparameters. ‘n Groot hoeveelheid nie-destruktiewe toetse is op alle planke uitgevoer, wat ingesluit het skandering van planke met ‘n kommersiële X-straaldigt-heidskandeerder, metings van voginhoud, groeiringwydtes, deformasie, akoestiese frekwensie en die bepaling van styfheid met behulp van ‘n meganiese gradeerder. Die data van die X-straalskandeerder is gebruik om ‘n aantal kwasverwante veranderlikes vir elke plank te bereken. Visuele gradering is op alle planke uitgevoer ooreenkomstig met die SANS 1783-2 (2005) spesifikasies vir strukturele hout deur ‘n gesertifiseerde gradeerder. Die hout is in twee groepe opgedeel vir destruktiewe toetse, een vir buigtoetse en een vir trektoetse, ooreenkomstig met die SANS 6122 (1994) metode vir binnegraadse toetse. As gevolg van die monsternemingsmetodiek wat gevolg is, is daar effektief gebruik gemaak van ‘n lukrake plasing van defekte met betrekking tot die las-aanwendingsposisie. Die modulus van elastisiteit (MOEedge), buigsterkte (MOR) en treksterkte is deur middel van destruktiewe toetsresultate bepaal. Die studie het aangetoon dat die MOEedge van gesaagde hout aansienlik minder as die vereiste van die huidige nasionale standaard (SANS 10163-1) is vir al die visuele en meganiese grade. Die gemiddelde MOEedge van die visueel-gegradeerde S5 planke was omtrent 30% laer as vereis. Die 5de persentiel waardes vir buigsterkte van alle visuele en meganiese grade was hoër as die vereiste waardes soos voorgeskryf deur SANS 10163-1. Die 5de persentiel waardes vir treksterkte van alle visuele en meganiese grade was gelykstaande aan wat vereis word deur SANS 10163-1. Korrelasies tussen MOE, gemeet op die wydte sy (MOEflat), en MOE, gemeet op die diktesy (MOEedge), asook die korrelasies van beide MOEedge en MOEflat met MOR van die planke was laer as verwag. Dinamiese MOE (MOEdyn), wat bereken was vanaf die akoestiese frekwensie resultate, is vasgestel as die beste enkele indikator van MOEedge, MOR en treksterkte. Meervuldige regressie analise het aangetoon dat ‘n kombinasie van MOEdyn, digtheid en kwasparameters gebruik kan word om die voorspelbaarheid van sommige van die sterkte- en styfheids eienskappe van die hout te verbeter. Daar word aanbeveel dat ‘n omvattende studie gedoen word op die strukturele gradering van SA Dennehout, wat insluit (1) ‘n analise van die markbehoeftes in terme van die sterkte- en styfheids eienskappe van hout, (2) binnegraadse toetsing van ‘n verteenwoordigende monster strukturele hout in Suid Afrika, en (3) die hersiening van standaarde in gebruik in Suid Afrika om die strukturele gradering van hout te reguleer.
CARVALHO, GILBERTO. « Aplicação da radiação gama na determinação de parâmetros físicos em madeiras ». reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2013.
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Tese (Doutoramento)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
Fu, Jiawei. « Identification of corneal mechanical properties using optical tomography and digital volume correlation ». Thesis, Loughborough University, 2014.
Texte intégralQi, Hucheng. « Leaching, hydration and physical-mechanical properties of spent chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood-cement composites ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.
Texte intégralGrotkopp, Ingo. « Influence of water on the mechanical properties of wood investigated using X-ray and neutron scattering ». [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2006.
Texte intégralZhao, Xuefeng. « Pointwise identification of elastic properties in nonlinear heterogeneous membranes, and application to soft tissues ». Diss., University of Iowa, 2009.
Texte intégralRagauskas, Paulius. « Identification Of Elastic Properties Of Layered Composite Materials ». Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.
Texte intégralDisertacijoje nagrinėjamos medžiagų tamprumo rodiklių identifikavimo tikslumo problemos. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas yra įvairių medžiagų bandiniai, jų tamprumo rodikliai. Šis objektas yra svarbus įvairių medžiagų teoriniams tyrimams. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas yra sukurti efektyvią technologiją, leidžiančią pakankamu tikslumu surasti visus bandinio tamprumo rodiklius. Sukurtų algoritmų taikymo sritis yra medžiagų gamybos pramonė. Disertacijoje tiriamas siūlomos technologijos tikslumas ieškant įvairių medžiagų tamprumo rodiklių. Darbe sprendžiami keli pagrindiniai uždaviniai: optimizuojami bandinio geometriniai parametrai siekiant tikslesnių tamprumo rodiklių identifikavimo rezultatų; atpažįstamos bandinio modų formos ir reguliuojama jų vieta tikrinių reikšmių spektre siekiant sumažinti tikslo funkcijos iškraipymus; sukuriami pasiūlytų technologijų įgyvendinimo algoritmai ir bandymais patikrinamos jų galimybės. Pirmasis uždavinys suformuluotas atsižvelgiant į palyginti didelę kompozitinių medžiagų tamprumo rodiklių identifikavimo paklaidą. Antrasis siejasi su tikslo funkcijos iškraipymu atnaujinant matematinį medžiagos modelį spėjamais tamprumo rodikliais. Disertaciją sudaro keturi skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros ir autoriaus publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašai. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariamas problemos aktualumas, tyrimo objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas bei uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, darbo rezultatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
Sánchez, Vivas Lorena. « Bamboo as a Sustainable Engineering Material : Mechanical Properties, Safety Factors, and Experimental Testing ». Scholar Commons, 2019.
Texte intégralSEVERIANO, LUCIO C. « Estudo do efeito da radiacao gama sobre algumas propriedades fisico-mecanicas de madeiras usadas em patrimonios artisticos e culturais brasileiros ». reponame:Repositório Institucional do IPEN, 2010.
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Dissertacao (Mestrado)
Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
Jeffries, Thomas Mason. « Relationships of growth rate and mechanical properties in sweetgum, Liquidambar styraciflua ». Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2008.
Texte intégralMaster of Science
Johnson, Richard Kwesi. « Wetlaid Cellulose Fiber-Thermoplastic Hybrid Composites - Effects of Lyocell and Steam Exploded Wood Fiber Blends ». Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2004.
Texte intégralMaster of Science
Dias, Antonio Alves. « Estudo da solicitação de compressão normal às fibras da madeira ». Universidade de São Paulo, 1994.
Texte intégralThis work presents an experimental study about compression perpendicular to the grain in wood, for which characterization test is not indicated by NBR-6230 (Physical and mechanical test in wood). Several points were discussed: specimen geometry, speed of testing, direction of loading referred to the growth rings and moisture conditions. Based on the experimental data, a testing procedure is proposed in order to be employed in wood characterization in compression perpendicular to the grain.
Pinheiro, Roberto Vasconcelos. « Influência da preservação contra a demanda biológica em propriedades de resistência e de elasticidade da madeira ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2001.
Texte intégralAs time goes bye, wood had been one of the main materials in building construction, because it\'s renovation, easy obtainment ans competitive cost. In Brazil, indiscriminate employing during last decades, particularly in South and Southwest regions, reduced drastically the native species offer. The use of alternative species, as those from Pinus and Eucalyptus genera, became necessary. As the cited species are so susceptible to biological demand, to take prevent procedures to increase natural durability in indispensable. Among these procedures, chemical preservation under pressure in industrial plans can be considered very efficient. One of the questions related to chemical preservation is its influence in mechanical behavior of treated wood. So, the aim of the work is to determine the influence of chemical preservation under pressure (with preservative substances as CCA and CCB) in strength and stiffness properties of Eucalipto Grandis (Eucalyptus grandis) and Pinus Elliottii (Pinus elliottii). The influence do CCA preservative was studied to four tropical essences: Angelim (Vatairea sp), Ipê (Tabebuia sp), Copaíba (Copaifera sp) and Jatobá (Hymenaea sp). At least, comparative values of mechanical properties of natural and preserved wood are presented.
Königsmann, Martin. « Modification of Wood Surfaces via controlled Polymerization Methods ». Doctoral thesis, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2018.
Texte intégralZandi, Mohammad Damous. « Study and characterization of mechanical properties of wood-PLA composite (Timberfill) material parts built through fused filament fabrication ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020.
Texte intégralEsta investigación se basa en la tecnología de fabricación aditiva (AM) y tiene como objetivo estudiar las propiedades mecánicas y caracterizar el comportamiento de un material comercial innovador, compuesto de PLA con fibras de madera (Timberfill). Específicamente, se realizan pruebas de fatiga, tracción y flexión y se evalúan los resultados para concluir sobre los mismos. Para fabricar las muestras experimentales se aplica una de las técnicas más comunes llamadas fabricación de filamentos fundidos (FFF), y se ha considerado la influencia de los parámetros de fabricación en las propiedades mecánicas de las mismas. Por esta razón, se han seleccionado algunos de los parámetros de impresión más influyentes en diferentes niveles y se han combinado para fabricar las muestras en una amplia gama de condiciones de construcción. Para evitar la fabricación de una gran cantidad de muestras, se ha utilizado un diseño de experimentos (DoE) a través de matrices ortogonales de Taguchi y se ha analizado la influencia de los factores realizando un análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Como conclusión, se ha obtenido la combinación óptima de los parámetros y niveles para cada una de las pruebas mecánicas realizadas y se han detectado los valores más altos de respuestas de éstos. Dado que el material mencionado anteriormente es un compuesto de PLA con fibras de madera, todos los resultados obtenidos se comparan con el PLA puro para encontrar la efectividad de esta composición. Por otro lado, se han realizado también pruebas de tracción y flexión a muestras sólidas de Timberfill fabricadas mediante moldeo por inyección para investigar las diferencias entre esta tecnología y la fabricación aditiva. Los resultados muestran que la resistencia mecánica de las muestras impresas es más bajas que las inyectadas, por lo que el porcentaje de solidez podría ser la razón principal de este efecto. Además, la resistencia a la flexión del material se ha simulado y comparado con los resultados experimentales. Las curvas de comportamiento de deformación logradas validan la prueba experimental lo cual es una de las principales conclusiones de esta investigación.
Aquesta investigació es basa en la tecnologia de fabricació additiva (AM) i té com a objectiu estudiar les propietats mecàniques i caracteritzar el comportament d'un material comercial innovador, format de PLA amb fibres de fusta (Timberfill). Específicament, es realitzen proves de fatiga, tracció i flexió i s'avaluen els resultats per concloure sobre els mateixos. Per fabricar les mostres experimentals s'aplica una de les tècniques més comunes anomenada fabricació de filaments fosos (FFF), i s'ha considerat la influència dels paràmetres de fabricació en les propietats mecàniques de les mateixes. Per aquesta raó, s'han seleccionat alguns dels paràmetres d'impressió més influents en diferents nivells i s'han combinat per fabricar les mostres en una àmplia gamma de condicions de construcció. Per evitar la fabricació d'una gran quantitat de mostres, s'ha utilitzat un disseny d'experiments (DoE) a través de matrius ortogonals de Taguchi i s'ha analitzat la influència dels factors realitzant una anàlisi de variància (ANOVA). Com a conclusió, s'ha obtingut la combinació òptima dels paràmetres i nivells per a cadascuna de les proves mecàniques realitzades i s'han detectat els valors més alts de respostes d'aquests. Atès que el material esmentat anteriorment és un compost de PLA amb fibres de fusta, tots els resultats obtinguts es comparen amb el PLA pur per trobar l'efectivitat d'aquesta composició. D'altra banda, s'han realitzat també proves de tracció i flexió a mostres sòlides de Timberfill fabricades mitjançant el procediment d’injecció per investigar les diferències entre aquesta tecnologia i la fabricació additiva. Els resultats mostren que la resistència mecànica de les mostres impreses és més baixes que les injectades, de manera que el percentatge de solidesa podria ser la raó principal d'aquest efecte. A més, la resistència a la flexió del material s'ha simulat i comparat amb els resultats experimentals. Les corbes de comportament de deformació assolides validen la prova experimental la qual cosa és una de les principals conclusions d'aquesta investigació.
Dubey, Manoj Kumar. « Improvements in stability, durability and mechanical properties of radiata pine wood after heat-treatment in a vegetable oil ». Thesis, University of Canterbury. School of Forestry, 2010.
Texte intégralNordqvist, Petra. « Exploring the Wood Adhesive Performance of Wheat Gluten ». Doctoral thesis, KTH, Ytbehandlingsteknik, 2012.
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Crafford, Philippus Lodewicus. « An investigation of selected mechanical and physical properties of young, unseasoned and finger-jointed Eucalyptus grandis timber ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a timber scarce country that will most probably experience a shortage of structural timber in the near future. In this study the concept of using young finger‐jointed Eucalyptus grandis timber was evaluated for possible application in roof truss structures while the timber is still in the green, unseasoned state. 220 finger‐jointed boards of cross‐sectional dimension 48 x 73 mm and 36 x 111 mm timber, cut from 5‐18 year old Eucalyptus grandis trees were obtained from Limpopo province, South Africa. The boards were manufactured using a polyurethane (PU) adhesive at moisture content levels above fibre saturation point and no drying was performed. The objectives of this study were to determine various mechanical and physical properties of this finger‐jointed product. More specifically (1) to determine the strength and stiffness potential of the product in the wet and the dry condition, (2) to evaluate physical properties such as density, warp, checking and splitting, (3) to evaluate potential indicator properties to be used as structural grading parameters, and (4) to compare the flexural properties to the current SA pine resource and SANS structural grade requirements. The boards were divided into two groups of the same size, which constituted the wet and the dry samples. Each sample was further separated into six different groups for testing the different strength and stiffness properties. The dry group was stacked in a green‐house for nine weeks until equilibrium moisture content was reached. Afterwards selected physical properties such as warp, checking and splitting were assessed. Destructive testing was conducted on the boards and the results were used to determine various mechanical properties. Finally, each board was assessed for density and moisture content (MC) values. The study showed that the young finger‐jointed Eucalyptus grandis timber had very good flexural properties. Both mean modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) 5th percentile strength values for wet and dry boards complied with the current SANS 10163‐1 (2003) requirements for grade S7.The values of tensile perpendicular to grain and compression perpendicular to grain strength did not conform to SANS requirements for grade S5. The other strength properties for the wet and dry groups complied with one of the three SANS structural grades. The 5 year old (48 x 73 mm) boards’ showed significantly higher levels of twist and checking compared to 11 year old boards of the same dimension. Only 46.3% of the finger‐jointed products conformed to the density requirements in SANS 1783‐2 (2004) for grade S7. There was a significant difference in density between the three age groups (5, 11 and 18 years) presented in this study. The variation in both MOE and MOR values of the fingerjointed product proved to be significantly lower in comparison to currently used SA pine sources. Based on the results from this study the concept of producing roof trusses from wet, unseasoned and finger‐jointed young Eucalyptus grandis timber has potential. However, additional research on a number of issues not covered in this study is still required for this product including full scale truss evaluations, proof grading, PU adhesive evaluation at elevated temperatures, nail plate load capacity, and the possible need for chemical treatment of the product against Lyctus beetles.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrika is ‘n land wat waarskynlik ‘n tekort aan strukturele hout sal ervaar in die nabye toekoms. In hierdie studie word die gebruik van jong gevingerlasde Eucalyptus grandis hout vir die moontlike gebruik in dakstrukture, terwyl nat en ongedroog, ondersoek. 220 gevingerlasde planke van deursnit 48 x 73 mm en 36 x 111 mm gesaag van 5‐18 jaar‐oue Eucalyptus grandis bome en afkomstig van die Limpopo provinsie in Suid Afrika, is gebruik. Die produk is vervaardig met poli‐uretaan (PU) lym uit planke met vog inhouds vlakke bo veselversadigingspunt. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om verskeie meganiese en fisiese eienskappe van die vingerlas produk vas te stel. Meer spesifiek (1) om die sterkte en modulus van elastisiteit (MOE) potensiaal van die vingerlas produk in die nat en droë toestand te analiseer, (2) om die fisiese eienskappe soos digtheid, vervorming, oppervlakbarse en spleting te ondersoek, (3) om potensiële graderingsparameters te evalueer, en (4) om die buigeienskappe van die produk te vergelyk met SA dennehout asook die SANS strukturele graad vereistes. Die planke is verdeel in twee groepe, ‘n nat groep en ‘n droë groep. Elke groep is verder verdeel in ses kleiner groepe soos buig, trek en drukmonsters. Die droë groep was in ‘n kweekhuis geplaas vir nege weke totdat veselversadigingspunt bereik is. Daarna is geselekteerde fisiese eienskappe soos vervorming, oppervlak barse en spleting gemeet. Destruktiewe toetsing is uitgevoer op die planke en die resultate was gebruik om verskeie meganiese eienskappe vas te stel. Laastens is elke plank se digtheid en voggehalte gemeet. Die studie het getoon dat die jong gevingerlasde Eucalyptus grandis hout goeie buigeienskappe het. Beide die gemiddelde MOE en buig sterkte 5de persentiel waardes van die nat en droë groep het voldoen aan die huidige SANS 10163‐1 (2003) vereistes vir graad S7. Die sterkte‐eienskappe van loodregte trekkrag en loodregte druk het nie die vereistes vir SANS graad S5 gemaak nie. Die ander sterkte‐eienskappe van die nat en droë groep het voldoen aan een van die drie SANS strukturele graadvereistes. Die 5 jaar‐oue (48 x 73 mm ) planke het beduidend hoër vlakke van draai‐trek en oppervlakbarste getoon as die 11 jaar‐oue planke van dieselfe dimensie. Slegs 46.3% van die vingerlas produk het voldoen aan digtheidsvereistes vir SANS graad S7. Daar was ‘n beduidende verskil in dightheid tussen die drie ouderdomsgroepe (5, 11 en 18 jaar). Die MOE en buigsterkte‐waardes van die Biligom produk het beduidend laer variasie as huidige SA denne houtbronne getoon. Die resultate verkry in die studie toon dat die konsep om dakkappe te vervaardig van nat, gevingerlasde jong Eucalyptus grandis hout die potensiaal het om suksesvol toegepas te word. Bykomende navorsing oor ‘n aantal faktore wat nie in hierdie studie ingesluit is nie word steeds benodig. Dit sluit in ‘n volskaalse dakkap evaluasie, proefgradering, PU lym evaluasie by hoë temperature, spykerplaat ladingskapasiteit en die moontlike noodsaaklikheid van chemiese behandeling van die produk teen Lyctus kewers, insluit.
Rollo, Luciana Cavalcante Pereira. « Tomografia de impulso para estimativa da densidade da madeira ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Texte intégralThere are several techniques which use the passage of waves through wood to obtain information. Among them the tomography of trees is emphasized, reconstructing cross sections of trunk and branches. The impulse tomography is based on the timing of mechanical sound wave travelling between sensors attached to a cross section of the tree, to compute wave speed and construction of the tomographic image. It is known that the speed of the passage of mechanical waves is determined by the phisical and mechanical properties of the wood. Specially, eslasticity module, density and moisture content. Until this moment, there are several studies about the correlation between wave speed (mainly ultrasound) and elasticity module. The studies presented next are highlighted because they evaluate the correlation between mechanical wave speed, obtained by impulse tomography, and wood density, with the intention to use it as a tool to estimate density. The several estabilished methods for determining wood density are characterized by using wood samples, in many cases, difficult to obtain. Besides being performed using laboratory procedures which may take even weeks. Therefore, in chapter 2, Physical concepts involved in the impulse tomography method and the relationship with apparent density, there are considerations about physical concepts that explain the behavior of mechanical waves and present the correlation found between mechanical wave speed and apparent density, with 12% moisture content of the wood, to three species of wood with different densities (Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake - Guapuruvu, Eucalyptus saligna Sm. - Eucalipto, Caesalpinia echinata Lam. Pau-Brasil). The results were very satisfying, since the coeficient of determination - R2 the general equation mechanical wave speed at 12% =514,89 * apparent density at 12% + 312,49 was equal to 0,9284, highly significant regarding F test at 1%. In chapter 3, Impulse tomography for the estimation of basic wood density of live trees, statistical models for estimation are presented to estimate basic wood density in live trees, using mechanical wave speed. Data was collected from trees of 10 native species. The accuracy measurements (coeficient of determination R2, mean percentual error EMP, and random error i) ensure the utility of the models.
Lingström, Rikard. « Formation and properties of polyelectrolyte multilayers on wood fibres : influence on paper strength and fibre wettability ». Licentiate thesis, KTH, Fibre and Polymer Technology, 2006.
Texte intégralThe work in this licentiate thesis examines the adsorption of polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) onto wood fibres as a new way to influence the properties of the fibre surfaces and hence the fibres. Fundamental aspects of PEM formation on wood fibres have been studied, and discussed in terms of paper strength and wood fibre wettability.
PEMs have been formed from three different polymer systems: 1) two strong polyelectrolytes (i.e., fully charged over a wide pH range), polydimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDADMAC) and polystyrene sulphonate (PSS); 2) polyethylene oxide (PEO) and polyacrylic acid (PAA), formed at low pH and held together by hydrogen bonding; and 3) two weak polyelectrolytes, polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) and polyacrylic acid (PAA). The PEMs formed from PDADMAC/PSS and PEO/PAA were studied using Stagnation Point Adsorption Reflectometry (SPAR), with SiO2 as the substrate. This was done to establish the formation of PEMs and, using PDADMAC/PSS, also to predict the influence of salt concentration during PEM formation. The amount of PDADMAC/PSS adsorbed was found to increase with salt concentration up to approximately 0.1 M NaCl. The formation of PEMs from PAH/PAA has already been studied in terms of structure; amount adsorbed, and influence on paper strength.
Sheets were formed from fibres treated with either PDADMAC/PSS or PEO/PAA PEMs and tested to determine paper tensile strength. Both PEM systems increased the tensile index and strain at break in the range of 100% when approximately 10 layers had been adsorbed. After several PEM layers had been adsorbed, the sheets made of fibres treated with PDADMAC/PSS differed in tensile strength depending on the polymer adsorbed in the outermost layer. A higher tensile strength was detected when PDADMAC rather than PSS was adsorbed in the outermost layer. Sheets made of fibres treated with PEO/PAA displayed a linear increase in strength, independent of which polymer that was adsorbed in the outermost layer.
The amount of adsorbed PDADMAC/PSS, as analysed using nitrogen and sulphur analysis, respectively, increased linearly, but with a higher amount adsorbed in the first layer. A comparison of the adsorption onto the SiO2-surfaces (SPAR-measurements) and fibres shows some differences. This is apparent both regarding the adsorption in the first layer and in the change in adsorbed amount with salt concentration. Despite this, one can conclude that SiO2 and wood fibres show very similar trends, and that SiO2 can be used as a convenient model surface in predicting PEM formation on wood fibres.
Individual fibres were also partially treated using a Dynamic Contact Angle Analyser, and the treated and untreated parts were analysed in terms of wettability and surface structure. The differences in wettability are significant, depending on the polymer system used and, with PAH/PAA PEMs, the pH strategy show a large influence in wettability. PDADMAC/PSS and PAH/PAA PEMs both had a large influence on wettability, depending on the polymer adsorbed in the outermost layer, wettability being lower when the cationic polymer was adsorbed in the outermost layer. With the PEO/PAA system, however, the polymer adsorbed in the outermost layer caused no detectable difference. These results, when compared against the paper strength results, indicate that the strongest sheets are formed of the fibres with the lowest wettability. This may be explained in terms of wet adhesion: since the fibre networks are formed in water, lower wettability would give a stronger force between the fibres during consolidation, resulting in a greater contact area and thus probably a stronger dry adhesion between the fibres in the formed sheet. This is furthermore also supported by wet adhesion measurements using Atomic Force Microscopy where PEMs formed from PAH/PAA, show that the pull-off force is increased when PAH is adsorbed in the outermost layer, compared to when PAA is adsorbed in the outermost layer.
Denna licentiatavhandling behandlar adsorption av polyelektrolytmultiskikt (multiskikt) på cellulosafibrer som ett nytt sätt att påverka en fibers ytegenskaper. Grundläggande förutsättningar för bildandet av multiskikt på fibrer diskuteras i termer av pappersstyrka och fibervätning.
Multiskikt har bildats med hjälp av tre olika polymerkombinationer; 1.) två starka polyelektrolyter, polydiallyldimetylammoniumklorid (PDADMAC) och polystyrensulfanat (PSS), 2.) polyetylenoxid (PEO) och polyakrylsyra (PAA), adsorberade vid lågt pH och sammanhållna av icke elektrostatiska vätebindningar, och 3.) två svaga polyelektrolyter, polyallylaminhydroklorid (PAH) och PAA. Uppbyggnaden av multiskikt bestående av PDADMAC/PSS och PEO/PAA på kiseloxid studerades med Stagnationspunktsreflektometri (SPAR) för att undersöka att uppbyggnad av PEM skett, samt att studera hur uppbyggnaden påverkas av koncentrationen NaCl i polymerlösningen. Försöken visade att den adsorberade mängden PDADMAC/PSS ökade med saltkoncentrationen upp till 0,05-0,1 M NaCl. Uppbyggnaden av multiskikt bestående av PAH/PAA är sedan tidigare studerad undersöks därför inte specifikt i detta arbete.
Laboratorieark tillverkades av fibrer som behandlats med multiskikt bestående av PDADMAC/PSS, respektive PAH/PAA. Fysikalisk pappersprovning av arken visade för båda systemen en ökning med cirka 100 % i dragindex för ark som tillverkats av fibrer som behandlats med cirka tio lager, jämfört med ark som tillverkats av icke-behandlade fibrer. Ark tillverkade från PDADMAC/PSS-behandlade fibrer visade att när 5-7 lager adsorberats, ett högre dragindex då PDADMAC adsorberats i det yttersta lagret, jämfört med då PSS adsorberats i det yttersta lagret. Ark tillverkade från fibrer behandlade med PEO/PAA visade ingen skillnad i dragindex beroende av vilken polymer som adsorberats i det yttersta lagret.
Den adsorberade mängden PDADMAC/PSS på fibrerna bestämdes med hjälp av kväve- respektive svavelanalys. Den adsorberade mängden polymer ökad linjärt som en funktion av antalet adsorberade lager, men med en högre adsorberad mängd i det första lagret. Dessa resultat har jämförts med den adsorberade mängden för multiskikt uppbyggda med SPAR på kiseloxid. Jämförelsen visade att det finns skillnader i uppbyggnaden mellan skikt byggda på kiseloxid och fibrer, men att kiseloxid med god tillförlitlighet kan användas som modellyta för att förutsäga generella trender för adsorptionen av samma polymersystem på cellulosafibrer.
Multiskikt har också bildats på enskilda fibrer med hjälp av en dynamisk kontaktvinkelmätare (DCA). Genom att behandla en del av en fiber, och jämföra den behandlade delen med den obehandlade delen på samma, kan ett multiskikts inverkan på fiberns ytstruktur och vätningsegenskaper studeras. De olika polymersystemen visade en avsevärd skillnad i förmågan att påverka en fibers vätningsegenskaper. För fibrer behandlade med PAH/PAA är också pH av stor betydelse för graden inverkan på fiberns vätningsegenskaper. Fibrer behandlade med PDADMAC/PSS och PAH/PAA, visade en sämre vätningsförmåga då den katjoniska polymeren adsorberats i det yttersta lagret, och vice versa. För enskilda fibrer behandlade med PEO/PAA, kunde inte konstateras någon skillnad beroende av vilken polymer som adsorberats i det yttersta lagret.
Vid en jämförelse mellan vätningsförmåga och pappersstyrka kan konstateras att de ark som visade den högsta styrkan tillverkats av fibrer där den lägsta vätningsförmågan har kunnat konstateras. Denna skillnad kan diskuteras med utgångspunkten i att en lägre vätningsförmåga resulterar i en högre våt adhesion och därmed en starkare interaktion mellan de polymerbehandlade ytorna i vått tillstånd. Det föreslås i avhandlingen att den ökade kraft som detta resulterar i vid bildandet av en fiber-fiberfog ger upphov till en högre kontaktarea och därmed, förmodligen, också en högre torr adhesion. Kraftmätningar i vått tillstånd för behandlade kiselmodellytor med hjälp av atomkraftsmikroskopi (AFM) har för PAH/PAA visat att den våta adhesionen är högre då PAH är adsorberats i det yttersta lagret, jämfört med då PAA adsorberats i det yttersta lagret. Detta stödjer hypotesen att en lägre vätning gynnar uppkomsten av en stark fiber-fiberfog.
Ramesh, Ram S. « Identification of Multi-Dimensional Elastic and Dissipation Properties of Elastomeric Vibration Isolators ». The Ohio State University, 2018.
Texte intégralFathi, Leila Verfasser], et Arno [Akademischer Betreuer] [Frühwald. « Structural and mechanical properties of the wood from coconut palms, oil palms and date palms / Leila Fathi. Betreuer : Arno Frühwald ». Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2014.
Texte intégralFathi, Leila [Verfasser], et Arno [Akademischer Betreuer] Frühwald. « Structural and mechanical properties of the wood from coconut palms, oil palms and date palms / Leila Fathi. Betreuer : Arno Frühwald ». Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2014.
Texte intégralGu, Ruijun. « Mechanical properties and microstructures formations of wood thermoplastic composites = Propriétés mécaniques et formations des microstructures dans les composites bois-thermoplastiques ». Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2010.
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