Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Graphes de variation »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Graphes de variation"


Avanzi, Mathieu, et André Thibault. « Réflexions épistémologiques sur de nouveaux apports méthodologiques et empiriques à l’étude géolinguistique des français d’Amérique ». SHS Web of Conferences 46 (2018) : 02001.

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Après un bref tour d’horizon historique de la géolinguistique du français au Canada, nous présenterons dans le détail une nouvelle technique d’enquêtes en ligne (inspirée du « crowdsourcing » ou « production participative ») permettant de porter un regard neuf sur la différenciation diatopique du français au Canada, envisagée du point de vue des autoreprésentations. Nous enchaÎnerons avec une réflexion épistémologique portant sur les limites inhérentes à ce type d’approche (données élicitées vs. spontanées; données de production et d’autoreprésentation; paradoxe de l’observateur; variation diasituationnelle; problèmes de syntagmatique; distinction entre signification et désignation), puis présenterons brièvement le traitement cartographique effectué, pour aboutir au coeur de l’exposé : une série de cartes et de graphes élaborés à partir de nos enquêtes et illustrant différentes distributions aréales prototypiques (aires complémentaires, types locaux, aires périphériques et effet d’âge).
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Kaput, Jim. « Projects : SimCalc Project ». Mathematics Teacher 96, no 2 (février 2003) : 158.

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The SimCalc Project, partially supported for almost ten years by the National Science Foundation, is a research project involving colleagues from several universities, many middle schools, and high schools. Its goal is to use innovative but affordable technology and instructional materials to democratize access to the mathematics of change and variation. It includes, for example, ideas underlying calculus, beginning in the middle school through algebra and onward into university calculus. SimCalc approaches involve a growing mix of visually editable graphs that control dynamic simulations, visualization and data-import tools, and curriculum materials that use these software capabilities, as well as such traditional ones as function graphers. These strategies address the basic ideas of rate, slope as rate, linear functions, simultaneous conditions, interpreting graphs and modeling word problems (including more realistic ones than those that appear in most textbooks), the idea of average, mixture problems, equations, signed numbers and areas, variables and variation, and so on. They also include such ideas as periodicity, velocity and position, and rate and totals connections, including the slope and area ideas underlying the fundamental theorem of calculus.
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Pierce, J. N. « Shock-Induced Behavior of Atomic Species in LPV Atmospheres ». International Astronomical Union Colloquium 106 (1989) : 297.

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A dynamic model of the LPV atmosphere which calculates the time-dependent variations of density, temperature, velocity, and composition with radius has been used to predict changes in absorption line profiles with phase. General results based on density variations are shown in figure 1. Similar graphs, based on concentrations of individual species, are presented for six metals: Fe, Si, Mg, Ca, Cr, and Ti. Those species which remain essentially proportional to the density (e.g., most neutral metals) exhibit the same type of variation. Ionized metals show more individual variations, including some doubling at certain phases, caused by enhanced ionization in the regions traversed by the upper shock. The basic variation predicted by this model has been observed for CO lines in Chi Cygni. (Hinkle, Hall, and Ridgway 1982, Ap. J. 252, 697)
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Sipayung, Murdoni, et Eddyanto Eddyanto. « Process and Characterization of Natural Rubber Modification (Sir-20) With Grafting Maleat Anhydride ». Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science and Technology (IJCST) 5, no 1 (1 mars 2022) : 18.

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Modification of natural rubber by Grafting method using monomer maleate anhydride is a technique of modification of natural rubber polymers that aims to change the physical and chemical sifak of natural rubber polymers. The grafting process is carried out by comparing the amount of MA that is graphed based on the type of peroxide, the variation of peroxide concentration and the variation of MA concentration. FTIR test results showed the appearance of peak absorption at the wave number of 1710-cm cluster C=O carbonyl from MA that is graphed in natural rubber.. Based on the comparison of ir analysis of peroxide concentration used i.e. (0.01, 0.05 and 0.1) molar ratio obtained the largest carbonyl index at DCP concentration of 0.05 mr similarly, the comparison of IR analysis results of MA concentration variations (3, 6, 9, 12) phr shows the largest carbonyl index that appears in the C=O absorption area is in the KA-g-MA sample with a MA variation of 12 phr with Carbonyl index = 45.81. The degree of MA grafting on natural rubber structures increases with increased MA concentration.
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Blanford, Yumiko F. « A Textual Approach to “Zhanguo Zonghengjia Shu” : Methods of Determining the Proximate Original Word Among Variants ». Early China 16 (1991) : 187–207.

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When several versions of a text display variations, it is necessary, for a correct understanding of the text, to determine which variant best reflects the original. These variations can be categorized into graphic, lexical, vacant, and transpositional variations.The graphic variants display different graphs but represent a single word which is the proximate or most likely original. The variation is not significant since the word is known.To handle the other types of variation, one powerful method is to discover the transmission lineage for three or more versions of the text and detect alterations that were made in later versions. When the lineage method does not determine the proximate original, each variation must be approached independently. For lexical variation, the lectio difficilior is more often the proximate original than the lectio faciliior. A taboo character that was later avoided may also represent the proximate original, or the proximate original may be disguised as a dialectal word. For vacant variations, trends toward adding, deleting or altering certain words in a version of the text help to determine the proximate original. When transpositional variation creates differences in the meaning of the text and the lineage method is not of help, judgment must be applied through a careful examination of the context.These methods provide systematic solutions to textual problems that would otherwise require independent analysis.
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Ghosh, Shamik, M. K. Sen et Raibatak Sen Gupta. « A variation of zero-divisor graphs ». Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications 35, no 2 (2015) : 159.

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Chen, Siheng, Aliaksei Sandryhaila, Jose M. F. Moura et Jelena Kovacevic. « Signal Recovery on Graphs : Variation Minimization ». IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63, no 17 (septembre 2015) : 4609–24.

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Chumchob, N. « Vectorial Total Variation-Based Regularization for Variational Image Registration ». IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22, no 11 (novembre 2013) : 4551–59.

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Groß, Michael. « Variationen zum Thema Graphen ». Chemie in unserer Zeit 48, no 5 (octobre 2014) : 329.

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Dettlaff, Magda, Magdalena Lemańska, Gabriel Semanišin et Rita Zuazua. « Some variations of perfect graphs ». Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 36, no 3 (2016) : 661.

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Thèses sur le sujet "Graphes de variation"


Romain, Sandra. « Identification, génotypage et représentation des variants de structure dans les pangénomes ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Rennes (2023-....), 2024.

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Les variants structuraux (SVs), des variations génomiques de plus de 50 pb, contribuent de manière significative à la diversité génétique et à l'évolution des espèces. La détection et le génotypage précis des SVs est crucial pour comprendre leur rôle dans la variation phénotypique et l'adaptation. Les graphes de variation (VGs) et graphes de pangénomes (PGs), qui représentent les variations génomiques comme des chemins alternatifs dans un graphe, offrent une approche prometteuse pour l'analyse des SVs. Cette thèse explore l'utilisation des VGs et PGs pour la détection et le génotypage des SVs, en se concentrant sur un complexe de quatre espèces de papillons Coenonympha alpins. Deux outils bio-informatiques ont été développés au cours de cette thèse : (1) SVJedi-graph, le premier génotypeur de SVs à partir de lectures longues utilisant un VG pour représenter les SVs, fournissant une précision de génotypage supérieure aux outils de l’état de l’art, en particulier pour les SVs proches et chevauchants, et (2) INVPG-annot, un outil d’identification des inversions dans les PGs, qui a permi de démontrer que les inversions sont représentées par différentes topologies dans les PGs selon l’outil de construction utilisé. L'analyse comparative des génomes des papillons Coenonympha a permis d'identifier douze grandes inversions (≥ 100 kbp) entre les quatre espèces, dont certaines pourraient jouer un rôle dans l'isolement reproductif et l'adaptation locale de deux de ces espèces. Bien que l'approche basée sur les PGs présente des avantages pour la comparaison de génomes, des défis restent à relever pour l'analyse des grands variants comme les inversions
Structural variants (SVs), genomic variations of more than 50 bp, contribute significantly to genetic diversity and species evolution. Accurate detection and genotyping SVs is crucial to understanding their role in phenotypic variation and adaptation. Variation graphs (VGs) and pangenome graphs (PGs), which represent genomic variations as alternative paths in a graph, offer a promising approach for the analysis of SVs. This thesis explores the use of VGs and PGs for the detection and genotyping of SVs, focusing on a complex of four species of alpine Coenonympha butterflies. Two bioinformatics tools were developed during this thesis: (1) SVJedi-graph, the first long-read SV genotyper using a VG to represent SVs, providing a genotyping accuracy superior to state-of-the-art tools, particularly for close and overlapping SVs, and (2) INVPG-annot, a tool for identifying inversions in PGs, which demonstrated that inversions are represented by different topologies in PGs depending on the construction tool used. Comparative analysis of the Coenonympha butterfly genomes identified twelve large inversions (≥ 100 kbp) between the four species, some of which could play a role in the reproductive isolation and local adaptation of two of these species. While the PG-based approach offers advantages for genome comparison, challenges remain for the analysis of large variants such as inversions
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Goudin, Yoann. « L'intercompréhension en langues sinogrammiques : théories, représentations, enjeux, et modalités d'une didactique de la variation ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.

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Cette thèse traite des fondements et modalités d'une didactique de l'intercompréhension entre les langues qui, au cours de leur histoire, ont été en contact avec la langue et l'écriture chinoises, et dont les lexiques contemporains conservent une trace profonde. Cette étude explore dans quelle mesure il est possible de concevoir un enseignement-apprentissage qui tiendrait compte des acquis d'une première expérience d'apprentissage d'une de ces langues pour en apprendre une autre. La thèse défendue repose sur une refondation didactique du sinogramme au moyen d'une réévaluation non plus seulement graphique mais surtout phonologique afin d'entraîner les apprenants à émettre des hypothèses quant à la réalisation de ces sinogrammes dans la langue-cible. Il y a trois parties. Premièrement, il s'agit d'une discussion épistémologique sur la connaissance de l'écriture chinoise en Europe, la réduction de ce système à sa seule dimension graphique - voire idéographique - et l'incapacité des savants européens à intégrer la culture phonologique très développée qui constitue selon cette thèse la matrice sur laquelle fonder l'intercompréhension entre les langues d'Asie Orientale à l'instar de la grammaire contrastive pour les langues romanes. Ensuite, après une recontextualisation des différentes approches didactique des sinogrammes, sont traitées les modalités mises en œuvre pour préparer à l'intercompréhension : tout d'abord, une refondation de l'enseignement-apprentissage du système sinogrammique non plus au moyen de la programmation des types les plus fréquents dans les lexiques contemporains, mais à travers une approche globale incluant la compréhension des principes de toute l'économie du système graphique . Enfin, il est procédé à la présentation de la transposition sinogrammique, ultime contribution de cette thèse et opération qui permet à l'apprenant de passer de la lecture d'un sinogramme dans une langue-pont à celle dans une langue-cible
This doctoral thesis analyzes the current teaching and learning models among languages that were, and still are, in contact with the Chinese script, and that retain this influence in their modern lexicon : the sinogramic languages. This thesis asserts that such a course can be designed through a complete didactic reformulation of how to teach sinograms, not only in their graphic dimension, but also their phonological identity, in order for the student to imagine pronouncing a sinogram in the target-language according to his/her understanding of an already acquired 'bridge-language'. The thesis is divided into three parts. First, there is an epistemological discussion of the European approach to Chinese language and script, with the sole graphic - «ideographic» - focus, which shadowed traditional phonological practices. Next, the design of an alternative approach is proposed in which sinogram-based learning is not rooted in the so called concentrated approach, according to which sinogram types are selected in order of their frequency and adaptability within the contemporary lexicon. This alternative approach is discussed based on the training of the sinogramic system as a whole: the global approach. Finally, the main process for mutual understanding, which is called sinogramic transposition, is introduced to show how students can be trained to understand and produce readings of sinograms in the target-language
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Jaillard, Dancette Magali. « Vers une cartographie fine des polymorphismes liés à la résistance aux antimicrobiens ». Thesis, Lyon, 2018.

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Mieux comprendre les mécanismes de la résistance aux antibiotique est un enjeu important dans la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses, qui fait face à la propagation de bactéries multi-résistantes. Les études d'association à l'échelle des génomes sont des outils puissants pour explorer les polymorphismes liés aux variations phénotypiques dans une population. Leur cadre méthodologique est très documenté pour les eucaryotes, mais leur application aux bactéries est très récente. Durant cette thèse, j'ai cherché à rendre ces outils mieux adaptés aux génomes plastiques des bactéries, principalement en travaillant sur la représentation des variations génétiques. En effet, parce que les bactéries ont la capacité à échanger du matériel génétique avec leur environnement, leurs génomes peuvent être trop différents au sein d'une espèce pour être alignés contre une référence. La description des variations par des fragments de séquence de longueur k, les k-mers, offre la flexibilité nécessaire mais ne permet pas une interprétation directe des résultats obtenus. La méthode mise au point teste l'association de ces k-mers avec le phénotype, et s'appuie sur un graphe de De Bruijn pour permettre la visualisation du contexte génomique des k-mers identifiés par le test, sous forme de graphes. Cette vue synthétique renseigne sur la nature de la séquence identifiée: il peut par exemple s'agir de polymorphisme local dans un gène ou de l'acquisition d'un gène dans un plasmide. Le type de variant représenté dans un graphe peut être prédit avec une bonne performance à partir de descripteurs du graphe, rendant plus opérationnelles les approches par k-mers pour l'étude des génomes bactériens
The emergence and spread of multi-drug resistance has become a major worldwide public health concern, calling for better understanding of the underlying resistance mechanisms. Genome-wide association studies are powerful tools to finely map the genetic polymorphism linked to the phenotypic variability observed in a population. However well documented for eukaryotic genome analysis, these studies were only recently applied to prokaryota.Through this PhD project, I searched how to better adapt these tools to the highly plastic bacterial genomes, mainly by working on the representation of the genetic variations in these genomes. Indeed, because the bacteria have the faculty to acquire genetic material by a means other than direct inheritance from a parent cell, their genomes can differ too much within a species to be aligned against a reference. A representation using sequence fragments of length k - the so-called k-mers - offers the required flexibility but generates redundancy and does not allow for a direct interpretation of the identified associations. The method we set up tests the association of these k-mers with the phenotype, and takes advantage of a De Bruijn graph (DBG) built over all genomes to remove the local redundancy of k-mers, and offer a visualisation of the genomic context of the k-mers identified by the test. This synthetic view as DBG subgraphs informs on the nature of the identified sequence: e.g. local polymorphism in a gene or gene acquired through a plasmid. The type of variant can be predicted correctly in 96% of the cases from descriptors of the subgraphs, providing a tractable framework for k-mer-based association studies
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Hafiene, Yosra. « Continuum limits of evolution and variational problems on graphs ». Thesis, Normandie, 2018.

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L’opérateur du p-Laplacien non local, l’équation d’évolution et la régularisation variationnelle associées régies par un noyau donné ont des applications dans divers domaines de la science et de l’ingénierie. En particulier, ils sont devenus des outils modernes pour le traitement massif des données (y compris les signaux, les images, la géométrie) et dans les tâches d’apprentissage automatique telles que la classification. En pratique, cependant, ces modèles sont implémentés sous forme discrète (en espace et en temps, ou en espace pour la régularisation variationnelle) comme approximation numérique d’un problème continu, où le noyau est remplacé par la matrice d’adjacence d’un graphe. Pourtant, peu de résultats sur la consistence de ces discrétisations sont disponibles. En particulier, il est largement ouvert de déterminer quand les solutions de l’équation d’évolution ou du problème variationnel des tâches basées sur des graphes convergent (dans un sens approprié) à mesure que le nombre de sommets augmente, vers un objet bien défini dans le domaine continu, et si oui, à quelle vitesse. Dans ce manuscrit, nous posons les bases pour aborder ces questions.En combinant des outils de la théorie des graphes, de l’analyse convexe, de la théorie des semi- groupes non linéaires et des équations d’évolution, nous interprétons rigoureusement la limite continue du problème d’évolution et du problème variationnel du p-Laplacien discrets sur graphes. Plus précisé- ment, nous considérons une suite de graphes (déterministes) convergeant vers un objet connu sous le nom de graphon. Si les problèmes d’évolution et variationnel associés au p-Laplacien continu non local sont discrétisés de manière appropriée sur cette suite de graphes, nous montrons que la suite des solutions des problèmes discrets converge vers la solution du problème continu régi par le graphon, lorsque le nombre de sommets tend vers l’infini. Ce faisant, nous fournissons des bornes d’erreur/consistance.Cela permet à son tour d’établir les taux de convergence pour différents modèles de graphes. En parti- culier, nous mettons en exergue le rôle de la géométrie/régularité des graphons. Pour les séquences de graphes aléatoires, en utilisant des inégalités de déviation (concentration), nous fournissons des taux de convergence nonasymptotiques en probabilité et présentons les différents régimes en fonction de p, de la régularité du graphon et des données initiales
The non-local p-Laplacian operator, the associated evolution equation and variational regularization, governed by a given kernel, have applications in various areas of science and engineering. In particular, they are modern tools for massive data processing (including signals, images, geometry), and machine learning tasks such as classification. In practice, however, these models are implemented in discrete form (in space and time, or in space for variational regularization) as a numerical approximation to a continuous problem, where the kernel is replaced by an adjacency matrix of a graph. Yet, few results on the consistency of these discretization are available. In particular it is largely open to determine when do the solutions of either the evolution equation or the variational problem of graph-based tasks converge (in an appropriate sense), as the number of vertices increases, to a well-defined object in the continuum setting, and if yes, at which rate. In this manuscript, we lay the foundations to address these questions.Combining tools from graph theory, convex analysis, nonlinear semigroup theory and evolution equa- tions, we give a rigorous interpretation to the continuous limit of the discrete nonlocal p-Laplacian evolution and variational problems on graphs. More specifically, we consider a sequence of (determin- istic) graphs converging to a so-called limit object known as the graphon. If the continuous p-Laplacian evolution and variational problems are properly discretized on this graph sequence, we prove that the solutions of the sequence of discrete problems converge to the solution of the continuous problem governed by the graphon, as the number of graph vertices grows to infinity. Along the way, we provide a consistency/error bounds. In turn, this allows to establish the convergence rates for different graph models. In particular, we highlight the role of the graphon geometry/regularity. For random graph se- quences, using sharp deviation inequalities, we deliver nonasymptotic convergence rates in probability and exhibit the different regimes depending on p, the regularity of the graphon and the initial data
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Caron-Aparicio, Jean-Xavier. « Problèmes isopérimétriques sur les graphes quantiques ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.

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Scheper, Reiny W. A. « Studies on the biology and genetic variation of phomopsis on grapevine / ». Title page, contents and abstract only, 2001.

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Minichiello, Mark Joseph. « Analysis of genetic variation data using ancestral recombination graphs ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2007.

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Borrelli, William. « L'équation de Dirac en physique du solide et en optique non-lineaire ». Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.

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Ces dernières années, de nouveaux matériaux bidimensionnels aux propriétés surprenantes ont été découverts, le plus connu étant le graphène. Dans ces matériaux, les électrons du niveau de Fermi ont une masse apparente nulle, et peuvent être décrits par l’équation de Dirac sans masse. Un tel phénomène apparaît dans des situations très générales, pour les matériaux bidimensionnels ayant une structure périodique en « nid d’abeille ». De plus, la prise en compte d’interactions mène à des équations de Dirac non linéaires. Ces équations apparaissent également dans l’étude des paquets d’ondes lumineuses dans certaines fibres optiques. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier l’existence et la stabilité de solutions stationnaires de ces équations avec termes non linéaires sous-critiques et critiques, et de montrer qu’ils sont la limite de solutions stationnaires de l’équation de Schrödinger non linéaire à potentiel périodique dans certains régimes de paramètres. Du point de vue mathématique, on devra résoudre les équations d’Euler-Lagrange de fonctionnelles d'énergie fortement indéfinies faisant intervenir l’opérateur de Dirac. Il s’agira en particulier d’étudier le cas des non-linéarités avec exposant critique, encore mal comprises pour ce type de fonctionnelle, et qui apparaissent naturellement en optique non linéaire. Les résultats de cette thèse pourraient avoir un impact important en physique, en particulier en physique du solide et optique non linéaire
Recently, new two-dimensional materials possessing unique properties have been discovered, the most famous being the graphene. In this materials, electrons at the Fermi level behave as massless particles and can be described by the massless Dirac equation. This phenomenon is quite general, and it is a common features of "honeycomb" periodic structures. Moreover, taking into account interaction leads to non-linear Dirac equations, which also appear in the description of light propagation in particular waveguides. The aim of the thesis is to study existence and stability of stationary solutions for those equations with both sub-critical and critical nonlinearities, and to show that they are limit of stationary solutions to the Schroedinger equation with honeycomb potential, for a suitable choice of parameters. This amounts to solving the Euler-Lagrange equation for strongly indefinite energy functionals, involving the Dirac operator. We will deal with critical nonlinearities, which are still poorly understood, and appear naturally in non-linear optics. This results may have an impact on the understanding some solid state or nonlinear optics systems
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Kumar, Sooraj. « Face recognition with variation in pose angle using face graphs / ». Online version of thesis, 2009.

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Gray, John D. « The basis of variation in the size and composition of grape berries ». Title page, contents and abstract only, 2002.

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"Department of Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenology, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Waite Campus, Glen Osmond S.A." Bibliography: leaves 136-149 This investigated focussed on selected aspects of berry development and ripening that were subject to variation. Shiraz and Chardonnay were chosen as experimental varieties because these cultivars presented a large range of variability in the field. The extent of the variation within each of the recorded berry parameters was assessed using the coefficient of variation (CV), a unitless measure of sample variability relative to the sample mean, ideally suited to comparative studies.
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Livres sur le sujet "Graphes de variation"


de, Werra D., et Hertz A, dir. Graph colouring and variations. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989.

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1948-, Nicholas Phil, Nicholas Phil 1948- et Australian Vine Improvement Association, dir. National register of grapevine varieties and clones. 2e éd. Victoria, Australia : Australian Vine Improvement Association, 2006.

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Salavessa, Isabel Maria da Costa. Graphs with parallel mean curvature and a variational problem in conformal geometry. [s.l.] : typescript, 1987.

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Friedrichs, John J. P. M., 1958- translator et Greenboathouse Press, dir. Variations on first principles of typography. Vernon, BC : Greenboathouse Press, 2014.

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Mangin, Valérie. Trois Christs : Récit en trois variations. Toulon : Quadrants, 2010.

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Wolfgang, Hageney, dir. Ref book 9 : Clip art, variation of letterings, titles & logotypes. Rome, Italy : Belvedere, 1990.

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Science, Lawrence Hall of, dir. Equals investigations, remote rulers : A middle-school mathematics unit focusing on the relationship between algebraic graphs and graphs from real data involving direct and inverse variation. Berkeley, CA : University of California at Berkeley, 1994.

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Spitzmüller, Jürgen. Graphische Variation als soziale Praxis : Eine soziolinguistische Theorie skripturaler "Sichtbarkeit". Berlin : De Gruyter, 2013.

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Ablbrecht, Schröder Klaus, Hoerschelmann Antonia, Asendorf Christoph 1955- et Graphische Sammlung Albertina, dir. Edvard Munch : Theme and variation. Vienna : Albertina, 2003.

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Paul, Concus, Finn Robert PhD, Hoffman David A. 1944- et Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley, Calif.), dir. Geometric analysis and computer graphics : Proceedings of a workshop held May 23-25, 1988. New York : Springer-Verlag, 1991.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Graphes de variation"


Müller-Olm, Markus. « 5. Parallel Flow Graphs ». Dans Variations on Constants, 81–99. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

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Ayabe, Hiroaki, Emmanuel Manalo, Mari Fukuda et Norihiro Sadato. « What Diagrams Are Considered Useful for Solving Mathematical Word Problems in Japan ? » Dans Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, 79–83. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractPrevious studies have shown that diagram use is effective in mathematical word problem solving. However, they have also revealed that students manifest many problems in using diagrams for such purposes. A possible reason is an inadequacy in students’ understanding of variations in types of problems and the corresponding kinds of diagrams appropriate to use. In the present study, a preliminary investigation was undertaken of how such correspondences between problem types and kinds of diagrams are represented in textbooks. One government-approved textbook series for elementary school level in Japan was examined for the types of mathematical word problems, and the kinds of diagrams presented with those problems. The analyses revealed significant differences in association between kinds of diagrams and types of problems. More concrete diagrams were included with problems involving change, combination, variation, and visualization of quantities; while number lines were more often used with comparison and variation problems. Tables and graphs corresponded to problems requiring organization of quantities; and more concrete diagrams and graphs to problems involving quantity visualization. These findings are considered in relation to the crucial role of textbooks and other teaching materials in facilitating strategy knowledge acquisition in students.
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Dontchev, Asen L. « Mappings with Convex Graphs ». Dans Lectures on Variational Analysis, 53–59. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Lodhi, Aminah Bilal, Muhammad Abdullah Bilal, Hafiz Syed Muhammad Bilal, Kifayat Ullah Khan, Fahad Ahmed Satti, Shah Khalid et Sungyoung Lee. « PNRG : Knowledge Graph-Driven Methodology for Personalized Nutritional Recommendation Generation ». Dans Digital Health Transformation, Smart Ageing, and Managing Disability, 230–38. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractChronic Diseases are a prevalent problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a prevalent health condition that requires careful diet and medication management and preventing chronic diseases. Traditional approaches to nutritional recommendation generation often rely on generic guidelines and population-based data, which may not account for individual dietary needs and preferences variations. In this paper, we propose a knowledge graph driven methodology for generating highly personalized nutritional recommendations that leverage the power of knowledge graphs to integrate and analyze complex data about an individual's health, lifestyle, and dietary habits. Our methodology employs a multi-step process that includes data collection and curation, knowledge graph construction, and personalized recommendation generation. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach through a case study in which we generate personalized nutritional recommendations for a sample individual based on their specific health and dietary goals.
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Li, Gao-ping, et Shan-shan Li. « Fast Fractal Image Encoding Algorithm Based on Coefficient of Variation Feature ». Dans Smart Graphics, 175–83. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Cicherski, Adam, et Norbert Dojer. « From de Bruijn Graphs to Variation Graphs – Relationships Between Pangenome Models ». Dans String Processing and Information Retrieval, 114–28. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Steele, Philippa M. « Greece and Cyprus ». Dans Contacts linguistiques en Grèce ancienne, 147–64. Lyon : MOM Éditions, 2024.

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This paper poses the question of what graphic diversity – i.e. variation in the features of writing systems – has to do with linguistic diversity and contact. The differing features of the Archaic regional Greek alphabets, for example, have overwhelmingly been studied in terms of palaeographical variation, and attempts to reconstruct the relationships between them have focused mainly on sign repertoire and sign shapes. We may assume that the dialectal diversity of Archaic Greece would map onto this picture of graphic diversity, and perhaps to some extent motivate it, but the distribution of features tells quite a different story. A further question revolves around the ways in which different writing systems may interact with each other: what is involved in such “graphic contact”? Can we think of it as operating in similar ways to language contact or not?
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Chandra, Kartik, Neeharika Adabala et Kentaro Toyama. « Aerial Image Relighting : Simulating Time of Day Variations ». Dans Advances in Computer Graphics, 594–605. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

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Yuan, WeiMin, XiaoYan Tong et Bin Xiao. « SGM-Based Disparity Estimation Under Radiometric Variations ». Dans Image and Graphics Technologies and Applications, 382–91. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Deng, Siqi, Xiaofeng Shi et Xiaoyan Luo. « Image Mosaic Based on Pixel Subtle Variations ». Dans Image and Graphics Technologies and Applications, 70–79. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Graphes de variation"


Bastidon, Cécile, Myriam Bontonou, Pierre Borgnat, Pablo Jensen, Patrice Abry et Antoine Parent. « Learning Smooth Graphs with Sparse Temporal Variations to Explore Long-Term Financial Trends ». Dans 2024 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2487–91. IEEE, 2024.

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Sirén, Jouni. « Indexing Variation Graphs ». Dans 2017 Proceedings of the Ninteenth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX). Philadelphia, PA : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2017.

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Wu, Chuan-Sheng, Qiu-Xiang Zhong, Ryan Wen Liu et Qiao-Ling Shu. « Total generalized variation-regularized variational model for single image dehazing ». Dans Ninth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing, sous la direction de Hui Yu et Junyu Dong. SPIE, 2018.

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De Silva, K. H. C., et A. A. I. Perera. « Odd Prime Labeling of Snake Graphs ». Dans SLIIT 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology. SLIIT, 2023.

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Graph theory is one of the branches of mathematics which is concerned with the networks of points connected by lines. One of the most important research areas in graph theory is graph labeling, which dates back to the 1960s. Graph labeling is assigning integers to the vertices, edges, or both depending on conditions. Labeled graphs are helpful in mathematical models for a wide range of applications such as in coding theory, circuit theory, computer networks, and in cryptography as well. There are various types of graph labeling techniques in graph theory such as radio labeling, graceful labeling, prime labeling, antimagic labeling, and lucky labeling, etc. In this research, we use one of the variations of prime labeling called odd prime labeling of snake graphs. Recent works on odd prime labeling investigate about families of snake graphs, complete graphs, etc and there they discuss about one odd integer sequence only. In this research, we introduce odd prime labeling method for snake graphs for any odd integer sequence and we give a proof for it as well. KEYWORDS: snake graph, odd sequences, odd prime labeling, relatively prime
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Schatz, Y., et B. Domer. « Optimizing IFC-structured Data Graph for Code Compliance Checking ». Dans The 29th EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. EG-ICE, 2022.

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Construction code compliance checking requires applying specific computerinterpretable rules on datasets. A proposed solution is to represent IFC data as an RDF graph and perform rule-checking using a rule engine. However, the generated graph has a complicated structure since it follows the IFC data model. Consequently, the definition of compliance rules can be challenging, and rules are sensitive to variations of input graphs structure. A methodology is proposed to optimize graphs by giving them a predefined or "standardized" structure. A case study shows that optimization allows the formulation of more straightforward and easier-to-write compliance rules, applicable to all standardized graphs regardless of the initially used BIM authoring tool. In addition, graph size is significantly reduced.
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Naghavi Khanghah, Kiarash, Zihan Wang et Hongyi Xu. « Generating Porous Metamaterial Designs Using Variational Graph Autoencoder and Large Language Model ». Dans ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024.

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Abstract In this paper, we propose and compare two novel deep generative model-based approaches for the design representation, reconstruction, and generation of porous metamaterials characterized by complex and fully connected solid and pore networks. A highly diverse porous metamaterial database is curated, with each sample represented by solid and pore phase graphs and a voxel image. All metamaterial samples adhere to the requirement of complete connectivity in both pore and solid phases. The first approach employs a Dual Decoder Variational Graph Autoencoder to generate both solid phase and pore phase graphs. The second approach employs a Variational Graph Autoencoder for reconstructing/generating the nodes in the solid phase and pore phase graphs and a Transformer-based Large Language Model (LLM) for reconstructing/generating the connections, i.e., the edges among the nodes. A comparative study was conducted, and we found that both approaches achieved high accuracy in reconstructing node features, while the LLM exhibited superior performance in reconstructing edge features. Reconstruction accuracy is also validated by voxel-to-voxel comparison between the reconstructions and the original images in the test set. Additionally, discussions on the advantages and limitations of using LLMs in metamaterial design generation, along with the rationale behind their utilization, are provided.
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Levin, Kirill Lvovich, Rojerio V. Jelamo, Nikolay S. Pshchelko et Samuil D. Khanin. « Electrical properties of graphenes for application in electrochemical charge storage devices ». Dans International Scientific and Practical Conference. TSNS Interaktiv Plus, 2019.

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Graphenes in the form of flexible thin films treated with different types of plasma were investigated by Mott-Schottky analysis. The possibility of variation of electrical conductivity in graphene prepared by plasma treatment was shown. Obtained materials are promising for electric energy storage devices.
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Mihal, Vedran, et Markus Püschel. « Möbius Total Variation for Directed Acyclic Graphs ». Dans ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2023.

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Spiridonov, Iskren, Simeon Yordanov, Rumyana Boeva et Aleksandar Milkov. « Investigation of process colours variations of electrophotography colour production presses ». Dans 10th International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of technical sciences, Department of graphic engineering and design,, 2020.

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In this investigation is approached method for assessing and evaluation of colour repeatability and variation for digital electrophotography printing presses. Two of most popular midlevel electrophotography colour production presses were chosen. These presses are widely used in printing houses for the printing of book covers, posters, etc. in small circulations. The similar perception of quality of digital production to the offset printing quality (ISO 12647-2:2013 ) is required from most of the clients of printing houses, publishers, etc. One of the problems of midlevel electrophotography colour production presses are variations of colours in the printing run and variations of colours during the time – weeks, months, years. The variation degree depends on many factors like – the precision of internal calibration method and types of sensors during the printing run, quality of used materials, calibration precision made by press operator, temperature and humidity variation, etc. (Kachin, Spiridonov, 2000) Specially designed for experiment test forms have been printed on two of most widely used materials for book covers, business cards, etc. – 300 g/m2 matt-coated board and 300 g/m2 offset uncoated board. The evaluation method is based on colorimetrical and densitometrical measurements (Kachin, Spiridonov, 2004) of 100 continuous printed sheets. The experiment was repeated in different time periods -between 6 hours and 4 months, to collect data for colour variation between reprinting the same test images in the time.
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Wu, Bian, et Yang Hao. « Phase variation of multilayer CVD graphene ». Dans 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. IEEE, 2014.

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Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Graphes de variation"


Panas, R., J. Cuadra, K. Mohan et R. Morales. Model and Standard Operating Procedures Supporting Signal Variation Flow Graph Analysis. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), septembre 2020.

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Kriegel, Francesco. Efficient Axiomatization of OWL 2 EL Ontologies from Data by means of Formal Concept Analysis. Technische Universität Dresden, 2023.

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We present an FCA-based axiomatization method that produces a complete EL TBox (the terminological part of an OWL 2 EL ontology) from a graph dataset in at most exponential time. We describe technical details that allow for efficient implementation as well as variations that dispense with the computation of extremely large axioms, thereby rendering the approach applicable albeit some completeness is lost. Moreover, we evaluate the prototype on real-world datasets.
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Heitman, Joshua L., Alon Ben-Gal, Thomas J. Sauer, Nurit Agam et John Havlin. Separating Components of Evapotranspiration to Improve Efficiency in Vineyard Water Management. United States Department of Agriculture, mars 2014.

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Vineyards are found on six of seven continents, producing a crop of high economic value with much historic and cultural significance. Because of the wide range of conditions under which grapes are grown, management approaches are highly varied and must be adapted to local climatic constraints. Research has been conducted in the traditionally prominent grape growing regions of Europe, Australia, and the western USA, but far less information is available to guide production under more extreme growing conditions. The overarching goal of this project was to improve understanding of vineyard water management related to the critical inter-row zone. Experiments were conducted in moist temperate (North Carolina, USA) and arid (Negev, Israel) regions in order to address inter-row water use under high and low water availability conditions. Specific objectives were to: i) calibrate and verify a modeling technique to identify components of evapotranspiration (ET) in temperate and semiarid vineyard systems, ii) evaluate and refine strategies for excess water removal in vineyards for moist temperate regions of the Southeastern USA, and iii) evaluate and refine strategies for water conservation in vineyards for semi-arid regions of Israel. Several new measurement and modeling techniques were adapted and assessed in order to partition ET between favorable transpiration by the grapes and potentially detrimental water use within the vineyard inter-row. A micro Bowen ratio measurement system was developed to quantify ET from inter-rows. The approach was successful at the NC site, providing strong correlation with standard measurement approaches and adding capability for continuous, non-destructive measurement within a relatively small footprint. The environmental conditions in the Negev site were found to limit the applicability of the technique. Technical issues are yet to be solved to make this technique sufficiently robust. The HYDRUS 2D/3D modeling package was also adapted using data obtained in a series of intense field campaigns at the Negev site. The adapted model was able to account for spatial variation in surface boundary conditions, created by diurnal canopy shading, in order to accurately calculate the contribution of interrow evaporation (E) as a component of system ET. Experiments evaluated common practices in the southeastern USA: inter-row cover crops purported to reduce water availability and thereby favorably reduce grapevine vegetative growth; and southern Israel: drip irrigation applied to produce a high value crop with maximum water use efficiency. Results from the NC site indicated that water use by the cover crop contributed a significant portion of vineyard ET (up to 93% in May), but that with ample rainfall typical to the region, cover crop water use did little to limit water availability for the grape vines. A potential consequence, however, was elevated below canopy humidity owing to the increased inter-row evapotranspiration associated with the cover crops. This creates increased potential for fungal disease occurrence, which is a common problem in the region. Analysis from the Negev site reveals that, on average, E accounts for about10% of the total vineyard ET in an isolated dripirrigated vineyard. The proportion of ET contributed by E increased from May until just before harvest in July, which could be explained primarily by changes in weather conditions. While non-productive water loss as E is relatively small, experiments indicate that further improvements in irrigation efficiency may be possible by considering diurnal shading effects on below canopy potential ET. Overall, research provided both scientific and practical outcomes including new measurement and modeling techniques, and new insights for humid and arid vineyard systems. Research techniques developed through the project will be useful for other agricultural systems, and the successful synergistic cooperation amongst the research team offers opportunity for future collaboration.
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Wells, Aaron, Tracy Christopherson, Gerald Frost, Matthew Macander, Susan Ives, Robert McNown et Erin Johnson. Ecological land survey and soils inventory for Katmai National Park and Preserve, 2016–2017. National Park Service, septembre 2021.

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This study was conducted to inventory, classify, and map soils and vegetation within the ecosystems of Katmai National Park and Preserve (KATM) using an ecological land survey (ELS) approach. The ecosystem classes identified in the ELS effort were mapped across the park, using an archive of Geo-graphic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) datasets pertaining to land cover, topography, surficial geology, and glacial history. The description and mapping of the landform-vegetation-soil relationships identified in the ELS work provides tools to support the design and implementation of future field- and RS-based studies, facilitates further analysis and contextualization of existing data, and will help inform natural resource management decisions. We collected information on the geomorphic, topographic, hydrologic, pedologic, and vegetation characteristics of ecosystems using a dataset of 724 field plots, of which 407 were sampled by ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research and Services (ABR) staff in 2016–2017, and 317 were from existing, ancillary datasets. ABR field plots were located along transects that were selected using a gradient-direct sampling scheme (Austin and Heligers 1989) to collect data for the range of ecological conditions present within KATM, and to provide the data needed to interpret ecosystem and soils development. The field plot dataset encompassed all of the major environmental gradients and landscape histories present in KATM. Individual state-factors (e.g., soil pH, slope aspect) and other ecosystem components (e.g., geomorphic unit, vegetation species composition and structure) were measured or categorized using standard classification systems developed for Alaska. We described and analyzed the hierarchical relationships among the ecosystem components to classify 92 Plot Ecotypes (local-scale ecosystems) that best partitioned the variation in soils, vegetation, and disturbance properties observed at the field plots. From the 92 Plot Ecotypes, we developed classifications of Map Ecotypes and Disturbance Landscapes that could be mapped across the park. Additionally, using an existing surficial geology map for KATM, we developed a map of Generalized Soil Texture by aggregating similar surficial geology classes into a reduced set of classes representing the predominant soil textures in each. We then intersected the Ecotype map with the General-ized Soil Texture Map in a GIS and aggregated combinations of Map Ecotypes with similar soils to derive and map Soil Landscapes and Soil Great Groups. The classification of Great Groups captures information on the soil as a whole, as opposed to the subgroup classification which focuses on the properties of specific horizons (Soil Survey Staff 1999). Of the 724 plots included in the Ecotype analysis, sufficient soils data for classifying soil subgroups was available for 467 plots. Soils from 8 orders of soil taxonomy were encountered during the field sampling: Alfisols (<1% of the mapped area), Andisols (3%), Entisols (45%), Gelisols (<1%), Histosols (12%), Inceptisols (22%), Mollisols (<1%), and Spodosols (16%). Within these 8 Soil Orders, field plots corresponded to a total of 74 Soil Subgroups, the most common of which were Typic Cryaquents, Typic Cryorthents, Histic Cryaquepts, Vitrandic Cryorthents, and Typic Cryofluvents.
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Monetary Policy Report, July 2023. Banco de la República, septembre 2023.

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In the second quarter of 2023, total annual infation fell to 12.1% and the rise of core infation halted and stood at 10.5%; both measures were lower than those forecasted in the April Report but remained well above the 3.0% target. The aggregate effects of monetary policy actions and the unwinding of certain shocks that affected prices will contribute towards bringing infation closer to the target in 2024. By component, the annual variations in the CPI for food and the CPI excluding food and regulated items have lessened more markedly than anticipated by the Central Bank’s technical staff, underlying the decline in annual infation. However, prices of regulated items and services continued to rise, nonetheless at a slower pace than expected, particularly in the case of services. For these two groups, price indexation mechanisms have resulted in the transmission of some transitory increases in certain CPI sub-components (e.g., food) to other items (e.g., rents, utilities, etc.), thus generating a greater persistence of already high infation. This is acerbated by the gasoline price increases required to correct the defcit of the Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (Fondo de Estabilización de los Precios de los Combustibles, FEPC). Consequently, the CPI for regulated items forecast increased going forward relative to the April Report given the higher gasoline price adjustments announced by the Government. For the remaining items (food, goods, and services), the forecasted trajectory declined due partly to the lower-than-estimated infation, a more notable reduction in the international prices of some food items and freight costs, lower exchange rate and cost pressures on prices, and a faster than anticipated decrease in excess demand. This occurs in a contractionary monetary policy environment that aims to reduce infation towards rates close to the 3.0% target by the end of 2024. Against this background, headline infation for yearend 2023 is forecast at 9.0% (formerly 9.5%) and 3.5% for yearend 2024 (previously 3.4%) (Graph 1.1). In the same timeframes, the core infation forecast has been revised downward from 8.9% to 7.9%, and from 3.9% to 3.7%, respectively (Graph 1.2). These projections are subject to high uncertainty, especially surrounding future behavior of international fnancing conditions and the exchange rate, fuctuations in domestic demand, the possible occurrence of the El Niño natural climate phenomenon, and future decisions regarding domestic fuel and electricity prices.
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Monetary Policy Report - January 2023. Banco de la República, juin 2023.

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1. Macroeconomic Summary In December, headline inflation (13.1%) and the average of the core inflation measures (10.3%) continued to trend upward, posting higher rates than those estimated by the Central Bank's technical staff and surpassing the market average. Inflation expectations for all terms exceeded the 3.0% target. In that month, every major group in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) registered higher-than-estimated increases, and the diffusion indicators continued to show generalized price hikes. Accumulated exchange rate pressures on prices, indexation to high inflation rates, and several food supply shocks would explain, in part, the acceleration in inflation. All of this is in a context of significant surplus demand, a tight labor market, and inflation expectations at different terms that exceed the 3.0% target. Compared to the October edition of the Monetary Policy Report, the forecast path for headline and core inflation (excluding food and regulated items: EFR) increased (Graphs 1.1 and 1.2), reflecting heightened accumulated exchange rate pressures, price indexation to a higher inflation rate (CPI and the producer price index: PPI), and the rise in labor costs attributed to a larger-than-estimated adjustment in the minimum wage. Nevertheless, headline inflation is expected to begin to ease by early 2023, although from a higher level than had been estimated in October. This would be supported initially by the slowdown forecast for the food CPI due to a high base of comparison, the end anticipated for the shocks that have affected the prices of these products, and the estimated improvement in external and domestic supply in this sector. In turn, the deterioration in real household income because of high inflation and the end of the effects of pent-up demand, plus tighter external and domestic financial conditions would contribute to diluting surplus demand in 2023 and reducing inflation. By the end of 2023, both headline and core (EFR) inflation would reach 8.7% and would be 3.5% and 3.8%, respectively, by December 2024. These forecasts are subject to a great deal of uncertainty, especially concerning the future behavior of international financial conditions, the evolution of the exchange rate, the pace of adjustment in domestic demand, the extent of indexation of nominal contracts, and the decisions taken regarding the domestic price of fuel and electricity. In the third quarter, economic activity surprised again on the upside and the growth projection for 2022 rose to 8.0% (previously 7.9%). However, it declined to 0.2% for 2023 (previously 0.5%). With this, surplus demand continues to be significant and is still expected to weaken during the current year. Annual economic growth in the third quarter (7.1 % SCA)1 was higher than estimated in October (6.4 % SCA), given stronger domestic demand specifically because of higher-than-expected investment. Private consumption fell from the high level witnessed a quarter earlier and net exports registered a more negative contribution than anticipated. For the fourth quarter, economic activity indicators suggest that gross domestic product (GDP) would have remained high and at a level similar to that observed in the third quarter, with an annual variation of 4.1%. Domestic demand would have slowed in annual terms, although at levels that would have remained above those for output, mainly because of considerable private consumption. Investment would have declined slightly to a value like the average observed in 2019. The real trade deficit would have decreased due to a drop in imports that was more pronounced than the estimated decline in exports. On the forecast horizon, consumption is expected to decline from current elevated levels, partly because of tighter domestic financial conditions and a deterioration in real income due to high inflation. Investment would also weaken and return to levels below those seen before the pandemic. In real terms, the trade deficit would narrow due to a lower momentum projection for domestic demand and higher cumulative real depreciation. In sum, economic growth for all of 2022, 2023, and 2024 would stand at 8.0%, 0.2% and 1.0%, respectively (Graph 1.3). Surplus demand remains high (as measured by the output gap) and is expected to decline in 2023 and could turn negative in 2024 (Graph 1.4). Although the macroeconomic forecast includes a marked slowdown in the economy, an even greater adjustment in domestic absorption cannot be ruled out due to the cumulative effects of tighter external and domestic financial conditions, among other reasons. These estimates continue to be subject to a high degree of uncertainty, which is associated with factors such as global political tensions, changes in international interest rates and their effects on external demand, global risk aversion, the effects of the approved tax reform, the possible impact of reforms announced for this year (pension, health, and labor reforms, among others), and future measures regarding hydrocarbon production. In 2022, the current account deficit would have been high (6.3 % of GDP), but it would be corrected significantly in 2023 (to 3.9 % of GDP) given the expected slowdown in domestic demand. Despite favorable terms of trade, the high external imbalance that would occur during 2022 would be largely due to domestic demand growth, cost pressures associated with high freight rates, higher external debt service payments, and good performance in terms of the profits of foreign companies.2 By 2023, the adjustment in domestic demand would be reflected in a smaller current account deficit especially due to fewer imports, a global moderation in prices and cost pressures, and a reduction in profits remitted abroad by companies with foreign direct investment (FDI) focused on the local market. Despite this anticipated correction in the external imbalance, its level as a percentage of GDP would remain high in the context of tight financial conditions. In the world's main economies, inflation forecasts and expectations point to a reduction by 2023, but at levels that still exceed their central banks' targets. The path anticipated for the Federal Reserve (Fed) interest rate increased and the forecast for global growth continues to be moderate. In the fourth quarter of 2022, logistics costs and international prices for some foods, oil and energy declined from elevated levels, bringing downward pressure to bear on global inflation. Meanwhile, the higher cost of financing, the loss of real income due to high levels of global inflation, and the persistence of the war in Ukraine, among other factors, have contributed to the reduction in global economic growth forecasts. In the United States, inflation turned out to be lower than estimated and the members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) reduced the growth forecast for 2023. Nevertheless, the actual level of inflation in that country, its forecasts, and expectations exceed the target. Also, the labor market remains tight, and fiscal policy is still expansionary. In this environment, the Fed raised the expected path for policy interest rates and, with this, the market average estimates higher levels for 2023 than those forecast in October. In the region's emerging economies, country risk premia declined during the quarter and the currencies of those countries appreciated against the US dollar. Considering all the above, for the current year, the Central Bank's technical staff increased the path estimated for the Fed's interest rate, reduced the forecast for growth in the country's external demand, lowered the expected path of oil prices, and kept the country’s risk premium assumption high, but at somewhat lower levels than those anticipated in the previous Monetary Policy Report. Moreover, accumulated inflationary pressures originating from the behavior of the exchange rate would continue to be important. External financial conditions facing the economy have improved recently and could be associated with a more favorable international context for the Colombian economy. So far this year, there has been a reduction in long-term bond interest rates in the markets of developed countries and an increase in the prices of risky assets, such as stocks. This would be associated with a faster-than-expected reduction in inflation in the United States and Europe, which would allow for a less restrictive course for monetary policy in those regions. In this context, the risks of a global recession have been reduced and the global appetite for risk has increased. Consequently, the risk premium continues to decline, the Colombian peso has appreciated significantly, and TES interest rates have decreased. Should this trend consolidate, exchange rate inflationary pressures could be less than what was incorporated into the macroeconomic forecast. Uncertainty about external forecasts and their impact on the country remains high, given the unpredictable course of the war in Ukraine, geopolitical tensions, local uncertainty, and the extensive financing needs of the Colombian government and the economy. High inflation with forecasts and expectations above 3.0%, coupled with surplus demand and a tight labor market are compatible with a contractionary stance on monetary policy that is conducive to the macroeconomic adjustment needed to mitigate the risk of de-anchoring inflation expectations and to ensure that inflation converges to the target. Compared to the forecasts in the October edition of the Monetary Policy Report, domestic demand has been more dynamic, with a higher observed level of output exceeding the productive capacity of the economy. In this context of surplus demand, headline and core inflation continued to trend upward and posted surprising increases. Observed and expected international interest rates increased, the country’s risk premia lessened (but remains at high levels), and accumulated exchange rate pressures are still significant. The technical staff's inflation forecast for 2023 increased and inflation expectations remain well above 3.0%. All in all, the risk of inflation expectations becoming unanchored persists, which would accentuate the generalized indexation process and push inflation even further away from the target. This macroeconomic context requires consolidating a contractionary monetary policy stance that aims to meet the inflation target within the forecast horizon and bring the economy's output to levels closer to its potential. 1.2 Monetary Policy Decision At its meetings in December 2022 and January 2023, Banco de la República’s Board of Directors (BDBR) agreed to continue the process of normalizing monetary policy. In December, the BDBR decided by a majority vote to increase the monetary policy interest rate by 100 basis points (bps) and in its January meeting by 75 bps, bringing it to 12.75% (Graph 1.5). 1/ Seasonally and calendar adjusted. 2/ In the current account aggregate, the pressures for a higher external deficit come from those companies with FDI that are focused on the domestic market. In contrast, profits in the mining and energy sectors are more than offset by the external revenue they generate through exports. Box 1 - Electricity Rates: Recent Developments and Indexation. Author: Édgar Caicedo García, Pablo Montealegre Moreno and Álex Fernando Pérez Libreros Box 2 - Indicators of Household Indebtedness. Author: Camilo Gómez y Juan Sebastián Mariño
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