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Bernard, Camille. « Immersing evolving geographic divisions in the semantic Web ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAM048.

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De nos jours, le volume de données provenant du secteur public augmente rapidement dans le Web des données ouvertes. La plupart des données proviennent d’organismes gouvernementaux tels que des instituts officiels de statistique et de cartographie. Ensemble, ces institutions publient des statistiques géo-codées qui revêtent une importance capitale pour que les responsables politiques mènent diverses analyses de leur territoire, dans le temps et dans l’espace. Cependant, au cours du temps et partout dans le monde, les divisions (administratives ou électorales par exemple) de ces territoires (portions d’espace sur la terre) délimités par des groupes humains (ou sous le contrôle de groupes humains) sont sujettes à modifications : leur nom, appartenance ou leurs frontières changent pour des raisons politiques ou administratives. De même, les Nomenclatures Statistiques Territoriales (acronyme TSN en anglais), qui regroupent différentes zones géographiques, artefacts construits par des instituts statistiques mais dérivant généralement de structures électorales ou administratives, changent dans le temps et à plusieurs niveaux du territoire (e.g., régions, départements, communes, etc.). Ces changements sont un obstacle à la comparabilité des données socio-économiques dans le temps, celle-ci n’étant possible qu’à la condition d’estimer les données dans un même découpage géographique, un processus compliqué qui finit par masquer les changements territoriaux. Ces changements territoriaux entraînent donc des ruptures dans les séries statistiques et sont à l’origine d’interprétations erronées ou de biais statistiques lorsqu’ils ne sont pas correctement documentés. Par conséquent, des solutions pour représenter différentes versions de TSNs et leurs évolutions dans le Web des Données Ouvertes doivent être proposées afin d’améliorer la compréhension des dynamiques territoriales.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un cadriciel nommé Theseus Framework. Theseus adopte les technologies du Web sémantique et représente les découpages géographiques et leurs évolutions au cours du temps sous forme de données ouvertes et liées (Linked Open Data (LOD) en anglais). Theseus est composé d’un ensemble de modules permettant la gestion du cycle de vie des TSNs dans le LOD Web : de la modélisation des zones géographiques et de leurs changements au cours du temps, à la détection automatique des changements et à l’exploitation de ces descriptions dans le LOD Web. L’ensemble des modules logiciels reposent sur deux ontologies nommées TSN Ontology et TSN-Change Ontology, que nous avons conçues pour une description non ambiguë des zones géographiques dans le temps et dans l’espace, ainsi que pour la description de leurs modifications au cours du temps.Ce cadriciel s’adresse tout d’abord aux agences statistiques, car il facilite considérablement la mise en conformité de leurs données géographiques, support à l’information statistique avec les directives Open Data. De plus, les graphes de données liées créés améliorent la compréhension des dynamiques territoriales au cours du temps, en fournissant aux décideurs politiques, aux chercheurs et au grand public des descriptions sémantiques des changements territoriaux afin de réaliser diverses analyses de leur territoire. L’applicabilité et la généricité de notre approche sont illustrées par trois tests du cadriciel Theseus menés sur trois TSN officielles : La Nomenclature européenne des unités territoriales statistiques (versions 1999, 2003, 2006 et 2010) de Institut statistique Européen Eurostat; les unités administratives suisses de l’Office fédéral de la statistique Suisse, décrivant les cantons, districts et communes de la Suisse en 2017 et 2018 ; l’Australian Statistical Geography Standard, construit par le Bureau australien de la statistique, composé de sept divisions imbriquées du territoire australien, dans les versions 2011 et 2016
Nowadays, the volume of data coming from the public sector is growing rapidly on the Open Data Web. Most of data come from governmental agencies such as Statistical and Mapping Agencies. Together, these public institutions publish geo-coded statistics that are of utmost importance for policy-makers to conduct various analyses upon their jurisdiction, in time and space. However, through times, all over the world, the subdivisions of such ju- risdictions (portions of space on Earth) delimited by or, under the control of human groups (e.g., administrative or electoral areas) are subject to change: their names, belonging or boundaries change for political or administrative reasons. Likewise, the Territorial Statistical Nomenclatures (TSNs) that are sets of artifact areas (although they usually correspond to political or administrative structures) built by Statistical Agencies to observe a territory at several levels (e.g., regions, districts, sub-districts) also change over time. Changes in TSNs are an obstacle to maintain the comparability of socio-economic data over time, unless past data are recalculated according to present geographic areas, a complicated process that, in the end, hide the territorial changes. Then, territorial changes lead to breaks in the statistical series, and are sources of misinterpretations of statistics, or statistical bias when not properly documented. Therefore, solutions for representing different versions of TSNs, and their evolution on the Open Data Web are to be proposed in order to enhance the understanding of territorial dynamics.In this thesis, we present the Theseus Framework with reference to philosophical issue raised by the Ship of Theseus that, according to legend, was rebuilt entirely over the years, every plank of the ship being replaced one by one. This software framework adopts Semantic Web technologies and Linked Open Data (LOD) representation for the description of the TSNs’ areas, and of their changes: this guaranties the syntactic and, moreover, semantic interoperability between systems exchanging TSN information. Theseus is composed of a set of modules to handle the whole TSN data life cycle on the LOD Web: from the modeling of geographic areas and of their changes, to the exploitation of these descriptions on the LOD Web. All the software modules rely on two ontologies, TSN Ontology and TSN-Change Ontology, we have designed for an unambiguous description of the areas in time and space, and for the description of their changes. In order to automate the detection of such changes in TSN geospatial files, Theseus embeds an implementation of the TSN Semantic Matching Algorithm that computes LOD semantic graphs describing all the TSN elements and their evolution, based on the vocabulary of the two ontologies.This framework is intended first for the Statistical Agencies, since it considerably helps in complying with Open Data directives, by automating the publication of Open Data representation of their geographic areas that change over time. Second, the created LOD graphs enhance the understanding of territorial dynamics over time, providing policy-makers, researchers, general public with semantic descriptions of territorial changes to conduct various analyses upon their jurisdiction, in time and space. The applicability and genericity of our approach is illustrated by three tests of Theseus, each of them being led on three official TSNs: The European Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) (versions 1999, 2003, 2006, and 2010) from the European Eurostat Statistical Institute; The Switzerland Administrative Units (SAU), from The Swiss Federal Statistical Office, that describes the cantons, districts and municipalities of Switzerland in 2017 and 2018; The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), built by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, composed of seven nested divisions of the Australian territory, in versions 2011 and 2016
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Guler, Muhammet Ali. « Detection Of Earthquake Damaged Buildings From Post-event Photographs Using Perceptual Grouping ». Master's thesis, METU, 2004. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12604982/index.pdf.

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Two approaches were developed for detecting earthquake damaged buildings from post-event aerial photographs using shadow analysis and perceptual grouping. In the first approach, it is assumed that the vector boundaries of the buildings are not known a priori. Therefore, only the post-event aerial photographs were used to detect the collapsed buildings. The approach relies on an idea that if a building is fully damaged then, it will not generate a closed contour. First, a median filter is applied to remove the noise. Then, the edge pixels are detected through a Canny edge detector and the line segments are extracted from the output edge image using a raster-to-vector conversion process. After that, the line segments are grouped together using a three-level hierarchical perceptual grouping procedure to form a closed contour. The principles used in perceptual grouping include the proximity, the collinearity, the continuity and the perpendicularity. In the second approach, it is assumed that the vector boundaries of the buildings are known a priori. Therefore, this information is used as additional data source to detect the collapsed buildings. First, the edges are detected from the image through a Canny edge detector. Second, the line segments are extracted using a raster-to-vector conversion process. Then, a two-level hierarchical perceptual grouping procedure is used to group these line segments. The boundaries of the buildings are available and stored in a GIS as vector polygons. Therefore, after applying the perceptual grouping procedure, the damage conditions of the buildings are assessed on a building-by-building basis by measuring the agreement between the detected line segments and the vector boundaries.
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Avcioglu, Emre. « Hydrocarbon Microseepage Mapping Via Remote Sensing For Gemrik Anticline, Bozova Oil Field, Adiyaman, Turkey ». Master's thesis, METU, 2010. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12612639/index.pdf.

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Hydrocarbon (HC) microseepages can be indicator of possible reservoirs. For that reason, mapping the microseepages has potential to be used in petroleum exploration. This study presents a methodology for mapping HC microseepages and related clay mineral alteration in Gemrik Anticline, Adiyaman. For this purpose samples were collected from the potential seepage zones and tested by geochemical analysis. All samples were found to contain some HC. Then, an ASTER image of the region was obtained and a band combination was generated to map this particular region. To map related clay mineral alteration, firstly reflectance spectra of samples were measured using field spectrometer. Secondly, spectrally-known samples were analyzed in USGS Library to determine the reflectance spectra of the constitutional clay minerals in the samples. Lastly, the reflectance characteristics of selected end v members were represented as ASTER band combinations based on their spectral absorption characteristics and literature information. Crosta Technique was used to determine required principal components to map HC microseepage and related clay mineral alteration. Then, this methodology is applied to the whole ASTER image. Ground truth study showed that more than 65% of the revisited anomalies show similar prospects to that of the referenced anticline regardless of their geochemical content. In order to certify the ASTER band combination for mapping HC microseepages, anomalous and non-anomalous pixels were selected from the resultant HC map and given as training data samples to AdaBoost loop which is an image processing algorithm. It has been found that ASTER band combination offered for mapping HC microseepages is similar to that of AdaBoost Algorithm output.
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Trieu, Thanh Ngoan. « Open data and environment simulation : environmental and social simulation on distributed process systems based on irregular cell space ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024BRES0047.

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La combinaison d’automates cellulaires (CA) et de systèmes distribués offre un moyen simple de modéliser les problèmes environnementaux et sociaux en divisant les zones d’intérêt en segments spatiales discrètes pour le calcul parallèle. L’évolution de l’état de chaque segment est divisée en étapes temporelles discrètes. Les divisions géographiques en tant qu’espace cellulaire irrégulier permettent de tirer parti des données ouvertes pour alimenter les systèmes de simulation. Les données sont analysées pour en déduire les règles de transition apportant des influences distribuées dans un quartier. Une étude de cas de modélisation de la propagation épidémique basée sur les divisions administratives est présentée. Étant donné l’hypothèse que l’épidémie se propage aux personnes vivant dans le quartier, un système de simulation est généré en fonction des voisins adjacents avec des conditions initiales de collecte à partir du portail de données ouvertes du gouvernement. Une approche hybride est introduite avec la coopération entre les tuiles régulières et les espaces cellulaires irréguliers dans la modélisation des activités côtières. Une simulation environnementale est nécessaire pour représenter les caractéristiques du sol et de la mer qui se propagent dans les deux espaces. Ces caractéristiques sont très différentes en raison de la capacité et de la réaction du sol, et du comportement de la mer, en particulier les courants et les marées. Le problème des marées vertes est modélisé lorsque les nutriments sont présents en concentrations élevées et piégés par les courants de marée
The combination of Cellular automata (CA) and distributed systems provide a simple way to model environmental and social issues by dividing the relevant areas into discrete spatial segments for parallel computation. The state evolution of each segment is divided into discrete time steps. Geographic divisions as irregular cell space give a chance to take advantage of Open Data in feeding the simulation systems. Data are analyzed to deduce the transition rules bringing distributed influences in a neighborhood. A case study of epidemic propagation modeling based on geographic divisions is presented. Given an assumption that the epidemic is spreading to people living in the neighborhood, a simulation system is generated based on adjacent neighbors with initial conditions collected from the government open data portal. A hybrid approach is introduced with the cooperation between regular tiles and irregular cellspaces in modeling shore activities. Environmental simulation is needed to represent ground and sea characteristics modeling spreading occurring on both spaces. These characteristics are very different due to soil capability and reaction, and sea behavior, in particular currents and tides. The problem of green tides is modeled when nutrients arepresented in high concentrations and entrapped by tidal currents
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Shannon, Stacey. « Portraying the human side of Middletown and its geographic class division ». Virtual Press, 2002. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/1246471.

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Since the arrival of Robert and Helen Lynd to Muncie, Indiana, in the 1920s, Muncie has perhaps become the most studied city. The Lynds, who referred to Muncie as "Middletown," produced two studies on the city looking at sociological topics. In the 1970s, Theodore Caplow and a team of researchers reproduced the study with Middletown residents to create Middletown III. A recent, still unpublished, Middletown IV was conducted in the city again by Caplow's group in 1999.Yet in all of these years of studies and through all of the attention the studies received in various media, the human side of Muncie has been neglected. There have been no articles written about the people behind the statistics, the very citizens who make up Muncie. Nor has much elaboration been done concerning the geographic class divide that the Lynds first identified in the 1920s.For these reasons, four families were sought to be profiled in-depth concerning the same topics that were presented in the Middletown studies: work, education, family, religion, and leisure and community activities. They were also asked for their opinions on Muncie as a community. To characterize the existence or prove the nonexistence of the geographic class division in the city, two families were selected from each side of town using Indiana 32/Jackson Street as the division between north and south Muncie.Though the four families are only a very small part of the population in Muncie, together they fulfilled most of the Middletown studies' findings, including that there is indeed a division between north and south Muncie.
Department of Journalism
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Toole, Jameson Lawrence. « The diffusion of innovations in the presence of geography and media ». Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/78504.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2012.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-105).
Increasingly, the world we live in is digital, mobile, and online. As a consequence, many of your seemingly mundane actions are recorded, archived, and for the first time widely accessible to both the generators and curators of this information. From this fire hose of digital breadcrumbs, we can learn an enormous amount about ourselves as individuals and societies. Simple questions such as where we go, who we are meeting, and how we interact when we get there can be explored with incredibly high resolution and richness. Through new emiprical and analytic tools, we can leverage information generated from rapidly expanding online social networks, revealing the beautiful and often surprising complexity of everyday human behavior. We are able to harness data from millions of cell phone users to better understand how people move through cities, use roads, and interact with their neighbors. This thesis deals with quantifying, analyzing, and ultimately modeling sociotechnical systems. More specifically, it focuses on modeling the diffusion of innovations in time and space. While there has been much work examining the affects of social network structure on innovation adoption, models to date have lacked important features such as meta-populations reflecting real geography or influence from mass media forces. This thesis shows that these are features crucial to producing more accurate predictions of a social contagion and technology adoption at the city level. Using data from the adoption of the popular micro-blogging platform, Twitter, a model of adoption on a network is presented. The model places friendships in real geographic space and exposes individuals to mass media influence. Results show that homophily both amongst individuals with similar propensities to adopt a technology and geographic location is critical to reproduce features of real spatiotemporal adoption. Furthermore, estimates suggest that mass media was responsible for increasing Twitter's user base two to four fold. To reflect this strength, traditional contagion models are extended to include an endogenous mass media agent that responds to those adopting an innovation as well as influencing agents to adopt themselves. The final chapter of this thesis addresses the future. The ubiquity of digital devices like mobile phones and tablets is opening rich new avenues of research. The massive amounts of data generated and stored by these devices can be used to gain a better understanding of the complex socio-technical systems they sense. The same tools, techniques, and analogies utilized in the first three chapters of this thesis can now literally be taken to the streets. With mobile phones that record when and where activities take place, a new window has been opened on urban systems. Future work will explore how people use cities dynamically to improve transportations systems and inform urban planners. New measurements will help understand what cities do well, when they fail, and why. At the core of this new domain, is an interdisciplinary approach to complex socio-technical systems that combines many fields and methods. This view forms a more holistic view of problems and potential solutions. The thesis presented stands as an example of data, theory, and simulation for diverse areas can be combined to gain novel insights into human behavior.
by Jameson Lawrence Toole.
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Bahri, Rupa. « Enhancing productivity through effective collaborations : the barriers and enablers of collaboration within geographic bioclusters ». Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/39569.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2007.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-138).
Increasing competition and specialization of firms in the life sciences industry has led to recognition of the need for collaboration. Bioclusters, the co-location of life sciences entities in a specific geographic area, have therefore emerged as a global trend. While it is assumed that such clusters allow stakeholders to realize synergies through participation and presence in the local area, the collaborative behavior within these clusters has yet to be explored. The goal of this study was to characterize the barriers and enablers of effective collaboration within bioclusters, and amongst their key stakeholder groups. This study directly compared the bioclusters of San Diego and Singapore to gain an understanding of their relative collaborative environments. San Diego, with cluster longevity of over 40 years, provided an example of organic growth, given its roots in entrepreneurial activities. The Singapore cluster, still in an embryonic state, has a history of organized growth due to the leadership, support, and funding of the Singaporean government. The study of clusters that differ in history of formation and longevity of presence provided the breadth of information needed for an effective comparison of their collaborative environments and approach to collaborative endeavors.
(cont.) Key stakeholder groups, namely academia, industry, finance, and government, were identified and interviews within each cluster were targeted accordingly. Eighteen interviews were conducted in San Diego and sixteen in Singapore. Through literature review, design of a detailed questionnaire, completion of 34 interviews, and analysis of the resulting data, an empirical assessment of the environment for collaboration within each biocluster was performed. Use of two scoring models provided an objective relative comparison of the clusters, serving as tools to view aggregated interview results. The first model measured the environment for and level of local collaboration and resulted in a Collaboration Score. The second model compared the process of engagement in collaborative endeavors, and resulted in a Formality of Approach Score. The scoring models were also used to compare the collaborative behavior of key stakeholder groups. Results from relative scoring models indicated a higher Collaboration Score for Singapore as compared to San Diego (p-value=0.0421), and a higher Formality of Approach Score for San Diego, trending toward significance. Aggregate analysis of key stakeholder groups found finance as the most collaborative, with a higher Collaboration Score when compared to industry, the least collaborative group (p-value=0.0189).
(cont.) A higher Formality of Approach Score was also seen for finance when compared to academia (p-value=0.0479). Other notable results include a greater degree of local competition within San Diego (p-value=0.0266) and a particularly low percentage of local industry collaborations in both bioclusters, when compared to academia (p-value=0.0002). The enablers of collaboration in the San Diego biocluster were identified as the entrepreneurial culture and the existence of top research institutes, and barriers were found to be the high level of competition amongst cluster members and the lack of local venture capital presence. The enablers in the Singapore biocluster were identified as the physical co-location of public and private entities in the Biopolis and the leadership and financial support provided by the Singaporean government, and barriers were the culture of risk aversion that exists in the cluster and the relatively few entrepreneurs, who often serve as a backbone for the creation of informal networks. A model for the development of a biocluster was also identified through a comparison of the cluster formation history of San Diego and Singapore. This model needs to be refined and further tested for general applicability, but does suggest a promising start.
(cont.) Collaborations are important for the continued cycle of innovation in the field of life sciences. Bioclusters provide a forum for these collaborations to occur. Promoting the enablers and removing the barriers increases the effectiveness of collaborations, enhancing the success of a biocluster and its member firms.
by Rupa Bahri.
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Boyce, Jeremy Dewayne Tomasini Nathan. « An analysis of the NCAA Division III football playoff system and its use of the geographic proximity rule ». Chapel Hill, N.C. : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007. http://dc.lib.unc.edu/u?/etd,1042.

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Thesis (M.A.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007.
Title from electronic title page (viewed Mar. 27, 2008). "... in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science Sport Administration." Discipline: Exercise and Sports Science; Department/School: Exercise and Sport Science.
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Stainer, Jonathan. « Nationalism, sectarianism, division and hybridity : representations of place in Belfast fiction of the 1990s ». Thesis, University of Ulster, 2002. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.274091.

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Liu, Xintao. « The Principle of Scaling of Geographic Space and its Application in Urban Studies ». Doctoral thesis, KTH, Geodesi och geoinformatik, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-90832.

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Geographic space is the large-scale and continuous space that encircles the earth and in which human activities occur. The study of geographic space has drawn attention in many different fields and has been applied in a variety of studies, including those on cognition, urban planning and navigation systems. A scaling property indicates that small objects are far more numerous than large ones, i.e., the size of objects is extremely diverse. The concept of scaling resembles a fractal in geometric terms and a power law distribution from the perspective of statistical physics, but it is different from both in terms of application. Combining the concepts of geographic space and scaling, this thesis proposes the concept of the scaling of geographic space, which refers to the phenomenon that small geographic objects or representations are far more numerous than large ones. From the perspectives of statistics and mathematics, the scaling of geographic space can be characterized by the fact that the sizes of geographic objects follow heavy-tailed distributions, i.e., the special non-linear relationships between variables and their probability. In this thesis, the heavy-tailed distributions refer to the power law, lognormal, exponential, power law with an exponential cutoff and stretched exponential. The first three are the basic distributions, and the last two are their degenerate versions. If the measurements of the geographic objects follow a heavy-tailed distribution, then their mean value can divide them into two groups: large ones (a low percentage) whose values lie above the mean value and small ones (a high percentage) whose values lie below. This regularity is termed as the head/tail division rule. That is, a two-tier hierarchical structure can be obtained naturally. The scaling property of geographic space and the head/tail division rule are verified at city and country levels from the perspectives of axial lines and blocks, respectively. In the study of geographic space, the most important concept is geographic representation, which represents or partitions a large-scale geographic space into numerous small pieces, e.g., vector and raster data in conventional spatial analysis. In a different context, each geographic representation possesses different geographic implications and a rich partial knowledge of space. The emergence of geographic information science (GIScience) and volunteered geographic information (VGI) greatly enable the generation of new types of geographic representations. In addition to the old axial lines, this thesis generated several types of representations of geographic space: (a) blocks that were decomposed from road segments, each of which forms a minimum cycle such as city and field blocks (b) natural streets that were generated from street center lines using the Gestalt principle of good continuity; (c) new axial lines that were defined as the least number of individual straight line segments mutually intersected along natural streets; (d) the fewest-turn map direction (route) that possesses the hierarchical structure and indicates the scaling of geographic space; (e) spatio-temporal clusters of the stop points in the trajectories of large-scale floating car data. Based on the generated geographic representations, this thesis further applies the scaling property and the head/tail division rule to these representations for urban studies. First, all of the above geographic representations demonstrate the scaling property, which indicates the scaling of geographic space. Furthermore, the head/tail division rule performs well in obtaining the hierarchical structures of geographic objects. In a sense, the scaling property reveals the hierarchical structures of geographic objects. According to the above analysis and findings, several urban studies are performed as follows: (1) generate new axial lines based on natural streets for a better understanding of urban morphologies; (2) compute the fewest-turn and shortest map direction; (3) identify urban sprawl patches based on the statistics of blocks and natural cities; (4) categorize spatio-temporal clusters of long stop points into hotspots and traffic jams; and (5) perform an across-country comparison of hierarchical spatial structures. The overall contribution of this thesis is first to propose the principle of scaling of geographic space as well as the head/tail division rule, which provide a new and quantitative perspective to efficiently reduce the high degree of complexity and effectively solve the issues in urban studies. Several successful applications prove that the scaling of geographic space and the head/tail division rule are inspiring and can in fact be applied as a universal law, in particular, to urban studies and other fields. The data sets that were generated via an intensive geo-computation process are as large as hundreds of gigabytes and will be of great value to further data mining studies.

QC 20120301

Hägerstrand project entitled “GIS-based mobility information for sustainable urban planning and design”
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Neave, Susan. « Rural settlement contraction in the East Riding of Yorkshire c.1660-1760 with particular reference to the Bainton Beacon division ». Thesis, University of Hull, 1990. http://hydra.hull.ac.uk/resources/hull:4575.

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Although evidence of settlement contraction in the form of earthworks and empty house sites is to be found throughout England, the timing and causes of village 'shrinkage' have received little attention from historians. This thesis examines the occurrence and causes of settlement contraction in an area of the East Riding of Yorkshire between the mid 17th century and mid 18th century. Nationally this was a period when general population stagnation coincided with marked urban expansion suggesting widespread rural depopulation. A comparison of the number of households or families in rural townships in the East Riding in the 1670s and 1740s confirms a substantial drop in the size of many settlements. Using detailed documentary material relating to individual townships the possible causes of settlement contraction are explored. Epidemic disease, the implementation of the 'settlement acts', agrarian reorganization, agricultural depression, and migration and urban growth all contributed to decline in village population, but this study concludes that the primary factor for determining the occurrence and extent of contraction was the nature of landownership in individual settlements. Two chapters are devoted to examining the physical impact which contraction had upon settlements showing that, whilst the 'shrunken' village was the most common outcome, desertion of villages between 1660 and 1760 also occurred. The study concludes by providing evidence for rural depopulation at this period elsewhere in England, and demonstrates that the experience of the East Riding was far from unusual.
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Tower, Daniel J. « Territories of Faith, Blood, and Oil : The geography of ethno-religious divisions and the distribution of oil infrastructure in Northern Iraq during the ISIS conflict ». Thesis, University of Sydney, 2020. https://hdl.handle.net/2123/23500.

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This doctoral research explores ethno-religious violence experienced in Northern Iraq during the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS). Engaging with Studies in Religion theories of religious violence, this thesis explores the use of mapping technology and quantitative methods to examine the territoriality of armed conflict and how a focus on ethno-religious divisiveness and natural resource significance of sub-national areas provides an effective scale of inquiry. With the aid of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), I ascertain the distribution of conflict throughout two research periods. First, I examine ISIS related conflict data during their relative stationary hold of Iraqi territory between 2014 and 2015 across Iraq Body Count (IBC), Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP), and Global Terrorism Database (GTD) datasets. I assess non-ISIS related conflict during the decline of ISIS to examine the trend of conflict between militarised factions of ethno-religious groups in the vacuum of ISIS hold on territory. In doing so, this thesis examines the dynamics of ethno-religious armed conflicts and the range of nationalist agendas that arise in such an ethno-religiously diverse landscape. The thesis concludes with a discussion that heavily engages with the effects of nationalism to fuse with ethno-religious divisions in directing armed conflict. This understanding of nationalist agendas skewed through the prism of perceived sacred territory and homeland ideology should be a salient focus of any examination of religious violence.
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Buhot, Clotilde. « Marché du logement et division sociale de l'espace dans les îles du Ponant ». Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00135176.

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Le rôle du marché du logement sur la division sociale de l'espace est au centre de cette analyse ayant pour cadre les îles du Ponant. Ces espaces insulaires connaissent à la fois une phase de déclin démographique et de crise des activités traditionnelles, et sont également soumis à une forte pression foncière, directement liée à la participation massive des résidents secondaires.
En fait, si l'opposition entre résidents permanents et résidents secondaires est récurrente, ce travail a surtout permis de mettre en évidence, dans l'ensemble des îles, le rôle joué par le fonctionnement du marché du logement dans la recomposition sociale des populations insulaires.
L'identification de catégories sociales reposant sur la provenance géographique et la catégorie socioprofessionnelle a mis en exergue plusieurs profils de résidents significatifs. Une diminution des résidents régionaux et des résidents d'origine "populaire" est constatée sur l'ensemble d'entre elles, où ils sont remplacés progressivement par des résidents franciliens "aisés". Loin de se diversifier et de s'ouvrir à d'autres profils, le marché renforce la position dominante de ces Franciliens, déjà fortement implantés dans les petites îles proches du continent.
Cette situation est à l'origine des difficultés d'accès au logement rencontrées par les habitants vivant à l'année sur les îles. Les politiques menées par les municipalités tentent justement de résoudre ce problème. Toutefois, les actions engagées n'ont pas permis d'inverser cette tendance : les populations permanentes sont de moins en moins nombreuses et de plus en plus cantonnées aux bourgs.
Enfin, le recours aux matrices cadastrales a permis d'une part de quantifier la (déjà) très forte emprise des propriétaires forains tant sur le foncier bâti que non bâti et d'autre part de constater qu'en dépit de la lenteur des modifications apportées par le marché du logement sur les structures foncières ce dernier accentue constamment l'emprise des propriétaires forains sur la détention du patrimoine bâti.
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Weinert, Julie Marie. « The Construction and Influence of Local Gender Roles on Practice in a Global Industry : Ecotourism In Ecuador ». Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1211550789.

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Burns, David Utecht. « URBAN DIVISION AND SOCIAL ANTAGONISM : THE POWER OF PLACE IN THE CREATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD IDENTITIES IN DULUTH, MINNESOTA ». Miami University / OhioLINK, 2010. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1281113953.

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Wade, Charles H. « ETHNIC DIVISIONS IN A GLOBALIZING LATIN AMERICAN CITY : A CASE STUDY OF THE PERUVIAN COMMUNITY OF SANTIAGO DE CHILE ». Oxford, Ohio : Miami University, 2003. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=miami1070584638.

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Hanson, John William. « An urban geography of the Roman world, 100 B.C. to A.D. 300 ». Thesis, University of Oxford, 2016. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:f7f02498-4ae1-4ff0-81f6-aad909f041b1.

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Although there have been numerous studies of individual cities or groups of cities, there has never been a study of the urbanism of the Roman world as a whole, meaning that we have been poorly informed not only about the number of cities and how they were distributed and changed over time, but also about their sizes and populations, monumentality, and civic status. This thesis provides a new account of the urbanism of the Roman world between 100 B.C. and A.D. 300. To do so, it draws on a combination of textual sources and archaeological material to provide a new catalogue of cities, calculates new estimates of their areas and uses a range of population densities to estimate their populations, and brings together available information about their monumentality and civic status for the first time. This evidence demonstrates that, although there were relatively few cities, many had considerable sizes and populations, substantial amounts of monumentality, and held various kinds of civic status. This indicates that there was significant economic growth in this period, including both extensive and intensive economic growth, which resulted from an influx of wealth through conquest and the intrinsic changes that came with Roman rule (including the expansion of urbanism). This evidence also suggests that there was a system that was characterised by areas of intense urban demand, which were met through an efficient system for the extraction of necessity and luxury goods from immediate hinterlands and an effective system for bringing these items from further afield. The disruption of these links seems to have put this system under considerable strain towards the end of this period and may have been sufficient to cause its ultimate collapse. This appears to have been in marked contrast to the medieval and early modern periods, when urbanism was more able to respond to changes in supply and demand.
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Romainville, Alice. « La production capitaliste des logements à Bruxelles : promotion immobilière et division sociale de l'espace ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209049.

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Résumé :
Dans le système de production de l’habitat qui existe à Bruxelles, en ce début de 21ᵉ siècle, le logement est à la fois un bien répondant à un besoin vital, un bien faisant l’objet d’un droit inscrit dans la constitution, et une marchandise. Sa production est majoritairement laissée à des sociétés privées – pour l’essentiel des sociétés de promotion immobilière – auxquelles on laisse aussi le soin d’en fixer les prix, sur base de leur perception du marché du logement. Un marché où se rencontrent une demande et une offre, des “consommateurs” et des producteurs de logements, dont les intérêts sont diamétralement opposés. Un marché qui, contrairement à ce qu’en attend la théorie économique néoclassique, ne crée pas un équilibre, mais une crise perpétuelle. Un marché qui entretient et amplifie les inégalités sociales, et dont le fonctionnement génère, à Bruxelles, des conditions de vie indignes pour une part croissante de ménages.

Cette étude lève le voile sur les mécanismes à l’œuvre du côté des sociétés qui sont les agents principaux de la production capitaliste de logements. Ces sociétés sont celles qui assurent, dans le domaine résidentiel, la fonction de promoteur immobilier (une fonction assurée par toutes sortes de sociétés, qui n’ont pas toutes officiellement la promotion immobilière comme activité principale). Il s’agit d’étudier empiriquement les façons dont ces sociétés utilisent, entretiennent, et transforment l’espace urbain et la géographie résidentielle des différentes classes sociales dans la ville.

La partie théorique propose une réflexion sur la façon dont les promoteurs peuvent maximiser leur taux de profit à travers la localisation de leurs opérations de logements. Elle fait le lien entre les pratiques des promoteurs telles que j’ai pu les observer, la théorie de la rente foncière, et la question de la reproduction / transformation de la division sociale de l’espace. La partie empirique porte sur les promoteurs de logement, à Bruxelles, dans les années 2000. Elle décrit les promoteurs de logement actifs en Région bruxelloise, sur la base des données disponibles, par l’intermédiaire d’une typologie et de portraits d’entreprises. Elle compare ensuite les stratégies spatiales des différentes sortes de promoteurs, ce qui permet d’identifier les caractéristiques spécifiques qui influencent leurs choix de localisation.
Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation géographie

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Silva, Cleide Helena Prudêncio da [UNESP]. « Construindo e reconstruindo o Acre : a reivindicação de autonomia de Vila Campinas ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/96777.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:58:11Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_chp_me_prud.pdf: 2179547 bytes, checksum: 22028b09d217832bcf1685e3b1e267de (MD5)
O presente trabalho realiza um estudo sobre a formação territorial do Brasil e do Acre, como ponto de partida para se refletir sobre uma nova configuração das terras acreanas. O processo de emancipação de Vila Campinas, localizada no município de Plácido de Castro, Estado do Acre, é o recorte empírico utilizado para análise. O contexto de lutas pela criação de Estados, Territórios e Municípios é ressaltado para se fazer a conexão do local com o global. A Geografia Política dará o embasamento teórico para se analisarem os processos de construção e reconstrução de novos territórios. Na localidade estudada enfatizar-se-ão os seguintes aspectos para entender a sua formação: as migrações para o Estado nas décadas de 1970/19880, a implantação dos projetos de assentamentos como política de reforma agrária para a região amazônica e a articulação da Comissão Pró-Emancipação, que dará base para se aglutinar os olhares divergentes sobre a temática.
The present work realize a study about the territorial formation of Brasil and of Acre, as staring point for us to think about a new configuration of the lands from Acre. The process of emancipation of Vila Campinas, located Plácido de Castro - Acre, is the impiric cutting used for analysis. The context of fights for the creation of States, Territories and Municipal districts is stood out for us to make the connection of the place with the global. The Political geography will give the theoretical basement to analyze the construction processes and reconstruction of new territories. In the planned place we will emphasize the following aspects to understand its formation: the migration for the State in 70s/80s, the implantation of the projects of establishment s like land reform politics for the Amazonian area and Comissão Pró- Emancipação, thtat will give base to agglutinate the divergent watch on the theme.
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Silva, Cleide Helena Prudêncio da. « Construindo e reconstruindo o Acre : a reivindicação de autonomia de Vila Campinas / ». Presidente Prudente : [s.n.], 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/96777.

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Orientador: Eda Maria Góes
Banca: Raul Borges Guimarães
Banca: Silvio Simione da Silva
Resumo: O presente trabalho realiza um estudo sobre a formação territorial do Brasil e do Acre, como ponto de partida para se refletir sobre uma nova configuração das terras acreanas. O processo de emancipação de Vila Campinas, localizada no município de Plácido de Castro, Estado do Acre, é o recorte empírico utilizado para análise. O contexto de lutas pela criação de Estados, Territórios e Municípios é ressaltado para se fazer a conexão do local com o global. A Geografia Política dará o embasamento teórico para se analisarem os processos de construção e reconstrução de novos territórios. Na localidade estudada enfatizar-se-ão os seguintes aspectos para entender a sua formação: as migrações para o Estado nas décadas de 1970/19880, a implantação dos projetos de assentamentos como política de reforma agrária para a região amazônica e a articulação da Comissão Pró-Emancipação, que dará base para se aglutinar os olhares divergentes sobre a temática.
Abstract: The present work realize a study about the territorial formation of Brasil and of Acre, as staring point for us to think about a new configuration of the lands from Acre. The process of emancipation of Vila Campinas, located Plácido de Castro - Acre, is the impiric cutting used for analysis. The context of fights for the creation of States, Territories and Municipal districts is stood out for us to make the connection of the place with the global. The Political geography will give the theoretical basement to analyze the construction processes and reconstruction of new territories. In the planned place we will emphasize the following aspects to understand its formation: the migration for the State in 70s/80s, the implantation of the projects of establishment s like land reform politics for the Amazonian area and Comissão Pró- Emancipação, thtat will give base to agglutinate the divergent watch on the theme.
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Steer, Lorn Adam. « Site selection for the Small-Scale Aquaculture Farming Systems in the Western Cape : a GIS application ». Thesis, Link to the online version, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/10019/1653.

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Борисова, Вікторія Володимирівна, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna Borysova, Сергій Іванович Сюткін et Serhii Ivanovych Siutkin. « Територіальна структура молочного господарства Полтавської області ». Полтава : ПНПУ імені В.Г. Короленка, 2020. http://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9500.

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У статті висвітлена методика вивчення територіальних структур та проведена її апробація на прикладі одного з важливих галузевих елементів виробничого комплексу Полтавської області – молочного господарства.
The article covers the method of studying territorial structures and it`s testing on the example of one of the important sectoral elements of the production complex of Poltava region – dairy farming.
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Maamoun, Khaled M. « Deploying Monitoring Trails for Fault Localization in All-optical Networks and Radio-over-Fiber Passive Optical Networks ». Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/23195.

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Fault localization is the process of realizing the true source of a failure from a set of collected failure notifications. Isolating failure recovery within the network optical domain is necessary to resolve alarm storm problems. The introduction of the monitoring trail (m-trail) has been proven to deliver better performance by employing monitoring resources in a form of optical trails - a monitoring framework that generalizes all the previously reported counterparts. In this dissertation, the m-trail design is explored and a focus is given to the analysis on using m-trails with established lightpaths to achieve fault localization. This process saves network resources by reducing the number of the m-trails required for fault localization and therefore the number of wavelengths used in the network. A novel approach based on Geographic Midpoint Technique, an adapted version of the Chinese Postman’s Problem (CPP) solution and an adapted version of the Traveling Salesman’s Problem (TSP) solution algorithms is introduced. The desirable features of network architectures and the enabling of innovative technologies for delivering future millimeter-waveband (mm-WB) Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) systems for wireless services integrated in a Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) is proposed in this dissertation. For the conceptual illustration, a DWDM RoF system with channel spacing of 12.5 GHz is considered. The mm-WB Radio Frequency (RF) signal is obtained at each Optical Network Unit (ONU) by simultaneously using optical heterodyning photo detection between two optical carriers. The generated RF modulated signal has a frequency of 12.5 GHz. This RoF system is easy, cost-effective, resistant to laser phase noise and also reduces maintenance needs, in principle. A revision of related RoF network proposals and experiments is also included. A number of models for Passive Optical Networks (PON)/ RoF-PON that combine both innovative and existing ideas along with a number of solutions for m-trail design problem of these models are proposed. The comparison between these models uses the expected survivability function which proved that these models are liable to be implemented in the new and existing PON/ RoF-PON systems. This dissertation is followed by recommendation of possible directions for future research in this area.
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Stewart, Derek George. « Changes in the tri-partite relationship between central government, local government and civil society and its implications for the geography of the city : the effects of developments in public education management on school catchments in the Glasgow division of the former Strathclyde region 1990-96 ». Thesis, University of Glasgow, 1998. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.298686.

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Silva, Silvana Cristina da 1980. « Circuito espacial produtivo das confecções e exploração do trabalho na metrópole de São Paulo = os dois circuitos da economia urbana nos bairros da Brás e Bom Retiro (SP) = Clothing productive spatial circuit and exploration of work in the Metropolis of São Paulo : the two circuits of the urban economy in Brás and Bom Retiro neighborhoods (SP) ». [s.n.], 2012. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/286985.

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Orientador: Márcio Antonio Cataia
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T04:57:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_SilvanaCristinada_D.pdf: 10172934 bytes, checksum: 381439e32862da2706aff46b4dbb5c41 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012
Resumo: Em período recente, houve uma reorganização do circuito espacial de produção do vestuário em escala planetária. No Brasil, as etapas da produção, distribuição, comércio e consumo passaram por transformações significativas. No entanto, a cidade de São Paulo, apesar de perder relativamente parte da produção, ainda possui centralidade neste ramo de atividade. A compreensão do redesenho do circuito produtivo do vestuário demanda o entendimento da divisão territorial do trabalho, que se revela pela economia urbana da cidade e da urbanização. Deste modo, apresentamos nesta tese a caracterização do circuito espacial de produção do vestuário em diálogo com a teoria dos dois circuitos da economia urbana (circuito superior e inferior) da cidade de São Paulo, enfocando as áreas de especialização produtiva (os bairros do Brás e Bom Retiro), juntamente com os principais agentes estruturadores do espaço nesta cidade. O circuito superior do vestuário, composto pelas empresas modernas, vem se apropriando das formas de organização típicas do circuito inferior por meio da subcontratação. As grandes empresas varejistas de atuação nacional e internacional e os atacadistas do Brás e Bom Retiro se especializam nas atividades mais sofisticadas e destinam a execução (etapa da costura) para as pequenas oficinas de costura que, em geral, utilizam mão de obra imigrante, sobretudo de bolivianos. Identificamos assim os nexos entre as atividades do circuito superior e inferior vinculados ao ramo do vestuário
Abstract: Recently there has been a reorganization of the clothing production spatial circuit in planetary scale. In Brazil, the stages of production, distribution, trade and consumption have had meaningful transformations. However, the city of São Paulo, besides losing relatively part of the production, still has centrality in this branch of activity. The understanding of the redesign of the clothing production circuit demands the understanding of the territorial division of work, which is revealed by the urban economy of the city and urbanization. Thus, in this thesis we show the characterization of the clothing production spatial circuit in dialogue with the theory of the two circuits of the urban economy (upper and lower circuits) of the city of São Paulo, focusing the areas of productive specialization (Brás and Bom Retiro neighborhoods), together with the main space structuring agents in this city. The upper clothing circuit, composed of modern companies, has been appropriating the forms of organization typical of the lower circuit through subcontracting. The big retail companies of national and international performing and the wholesalers of Brás and Bom Retiro specialize themselves in the more sophisticated activities and lead the execution (stage of sewing) to the small sewing workshops that, in general, use immigrant work force, specially Bolivians. Then, we identify the connections among the activities of the upper and lower circuit related to the clothing branch
Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial
Doutor em Geografia
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Alcantara, Fernanda Viana de. « Gestão social nos territórios rurais : limites e possibilidades do agreste de Alagoas ». Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2013. https://ri.ufs.br/handle/riufs/5578.

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The theme of territorial development has attracted interests of different areas of knowledge. In this sense, it becomes necessary to think about the approach of territorial development in Brazil, which became wider at the beginning of the XXI century. This particular thesis aims to perform reflections on the process of preparing and implementing territorial actions to promote a development in rural areas; in this regard the discussion about the experience of Brazilian planning is recognized, and it is also aimed to understand the challenge of construction of mediation processes which are able to guide and operationalize territorial policies; it also aims to forward the interests for discussion that evidences the problematic of social management. The research has an exploratory and investigative character, performing an approach that ponders the territorial development through an analysis, from survey and literature review on the theme, and the analysis of data obtained through fieldwork, such as interviews with the main social actors bound to entities and members of social movements that contribute in the process of territorial development, taking as a parameter the main instance: the Rural Territorial Collegiate. It is acknowledged that the participation of civil society in the elaboration of public policies is significantly important, providing the transcendence of apparent contradictions of interests and visions inherent to public and private domain, particularly when referring to rural environments, in which an increasing on density of commitments and responses is aimed. It is to respond to the challenge of territorial development, in the face to the difficulty in forming government capacity of multiple commitments on strategic interplay of the actors. It refers to the recognition of the importance of the participation and interaction of different social actors in the attempt of delineating ways to territorial development. Also regarding to the discussion of territorial development, this job is linked to the references of the discussion about the rural environment in Portugal, especially the discussion of governance, through contact with Portugal Local Development Associations, although it is considered the significant and notable differences regarding to the territorial dimension and the socio-economic and environmental issues between these two countries. As a result of the research, it is evidenced that the Rural Development Policy in Brazil is a process in construction that still goes through difficulties regarding to its supporting pillars among which is called attention to social management; the data and conducted analysis reveal that there was a process of change in the manner and consequences of action planning in rural environment, and also reveal that there is an advance regarding to the innovation in the instruments of participation and valuing of local forces, from the point of view of the togetherness of different representations that are heterogeneous. And therefore, they try to find the ways to reduce social disparities in rural environment, through management, but still in a fragile way.
A temática do desenvolvimento territorial despertou interesses de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Torna-se necessário uma análise sobre a abordagem do desenvolvimento territorial no Brasil, que ganhou maior expressão no início do século XXI. A tese em tela tem como objetivo realizar reflexões em torno do processo de elaboração e implementação das ações territoriais para a promoção do desenvolvimento em áreas rurais. Retoma-se a discussão sobre a experiência do planejamento brasileiro, no intuito de compreender a construção de processos de mediação capazes de orientar e operacionalizar as políticas territoriais, visa encaminhar os interesses para a discussão sobre a problemática da governança. A pesquisa é de caráter exploratório-investigativo, aborda e pondera o desenvolvimento territorial por meio da análise, parti do levantamento e revisão bibliográfica referente à temática, e da análise de dados obtidos por meio de trabalho de campo, como as entrevistas dos principais atores sociais vinculados a entidades e membros de movimentos sociais que contribuem no processo de desenvolvimento territorial, tomando como parâmetro a instância principal: os Colegiados Territoriais Rurais. Reconhece-se que a participação da sociedade civil na elaboração das políticas públicas é significativa e propicia a transcendência de aparentes contradições de interesses e visões inerentes ao domínio público e privado, especialmente, quando se refere aos meios rurais, onde se procura aumentar a densidade de compromissos e de respostas. Trata-se de responder ao desafio do desenvolvimento territorial, face à dificuldade para constituir capacidade governativa de compromissos múltiplos no entrosamento estratégico. Refere-se ao reconhecimento da importância da participação e interação de diferentes atores sociais na tentativa de delinear caminhos para o desenvolvimento territorial. No âmbito da discussão do desenvolvimento territorial, o trabalho faz vínculo com as referências do debate sobre o meio rural em Portugal, em especial o contato com as Associações de Desenvolvimento Local de Portugal, embora se considere as significativas e notórias diferenças sobre a dimensão territorial e aos aspectos sócio-econômicos e ambientais existentes entre os dois países. O resultado da pesquisa evidencia que a política de desenvolvimento territorial rural no Brasil é um processo em construção que passa por dificuldades nos pilares de implantação e sustentação, dentre os quais se destaca a gestão social. Dados e análises realizadas revelam que ocorreu um processo de mudança na forma e nos desdobramentos das ações no meio rural, e que há avanços no sentido de inovações nos instrumentos de participação e de valorização das forças locais, como o ajuntamento de diferentes representações que são heterogêneas, mas buscam encontrar meios de reduzir as disparidades sociais no meio rural por meio da gestão, entretanto, ainda de forma frágil.
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Galli, Telma Batalioti. « Uso do territorio e fronteiras internas : o caso da proposta de redesenho fronteiriço do municipio de Holambra (SP) ». [s.n.], 2009. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/286959.

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Résumé :
Orientador: Marcio Antonio Cataia
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T08:14:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Galli_TelmaBatalioti_D.pdf: 6143335 bytes, checksum: b157f5941072d5cb2e9df38523b73000 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009
Resumo: A proposta de novo redesenho fronteiriço do município de Holambra (SP), expressa a complexidade de relações no território brasileiro com a presença nos lugares de vetores da economia global. À luz do atual período desenvolve-se uma economia globalizada que vem sendo comumente confundida como "sem fronteiras", no entanto, os redesenhos fronteiriços, presentes em todo território nacional desacreditam a tese do fim das fronteiras ou de sua obsolescência. Entre os entes federativos (estados e municípios) acentuam-se disputas territoriais produtoras de dinâmicas locais exigentes em regulação política. A complexidade de relações internas e externas a uma fronteira amplia a necessidade de maior regulação, justificando-se o Estado e suas fronteiras. Ao município portador de poder legiferante cabe-lhe uma racionalidade própria de solucionar localmente o uso social e o uso corporativo do território. Este é o caso do município de Holambra que ao propor um novo redesenho de suas fronteiras, reorganiza o território, a partir da especialização produtiva de flores e plantas ornamentais, marcando uma hibridização entre Estado e economia na medida em que ao primeiro cabe atender aos reclamos do segundo, é assim, que política e economia conformam-se um par dialético dos novos usos do território brasileiro.
Abstract: The proposal for a new borderline re-arrangement in the municipality of Holambra (SP) manifests the complexity of relations in Brazil with a presence in the venues of the global economy's vectors. In the light of the current period, a globalized economy is being developed which is commonly and mistakenly referred to as "borderless", yet the borderline rearrangements seen throughout the country refute the issue regarding the end of borders or of their obsolescence. Territorial disputes have grown among the federative bodies (states and municipalities), which have given rise to local dynamics that require political regulation. The complexity of relations within and without a border increases the need for greater regulation, justifying a State and its borders. A local government in possession of legislating powers will be in charge of its own rationale in order to decide locally on the social and corporate use of its territory. This is the case in the municipality of Holambra, which while proposing a new rearrangement of its borders is reorganizing its territory based on the specialized production of flowers and ornamental plants, encouraging a hybridized relation between State and economy inasmuch as the former is responsible for meeting the latter's requirements, this is how politics and economics form a dialectical couple for the new uses of Brazilian territory.
Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial
Doutor em Ciências
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Santos, Laiany Rose Souza. « O território camponês sob o enfoque de gênero : a divisão sexual do trabalho e a agroecologia ». Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2013. https://ri.ufs.br/handle/riufs/5515.

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La mediación de la relación entre el ser humano y la naturaleza es a través del trabajo. El trabajo transforma el ser humano, el cuerpo y las relaciones con otros seres humanos. La división sexual del trabajo surge con la sociabilidad del trabajo y la división sexual del trabajo se expresa a la relación de poder. Nuestra hipótesis inicial era que la división sexual del trabajo en el asentamiento, fue poco a poco permitiendo que las mujeres a desarrollar una conciencia crítica emancipadora ante la realidad material a la que están presentadas. Este estudio fue construido desde la perspectiva del materialismo dialéctico e histórico en vista de que el conocimiento se basa en la esencia de las relaciones. A partir de este método tiene como objetivo discutir el trabajo de la mujer, que hace referencia al conjunto de la sociedad como un proceso histórico, por lo tanto, sujetos a cambios. Utiliza el concepto de territorio, categoría geografía, con el fin de entender la forma de establecer las relaciones de poder. El Proyecto de Acuerdo 13 de mayo se encuentra en el municipio de Japaratuba, estado de Sergipe, es el fruto de la lucha por la tierra en manos de campesinas y campesinos, sin tierra debido a la concentración de tierras, presenta las características, valores y acciones opuestas a lo que clase dominante impone como estándar. En este poblado hay un grupo de mujeres que trabajan con la agroecología ya través de este modelo de producción se manifiesta su expresión sociopolítica. El trabajo de estas mujeres no sólo produce alimentos, pero dignifica su vida, porque se sienten realizadas con los frutos de su trabajo. Frente a la comprensión de que el movimiento es en espiral, se cree que las campesinas y campesinos siempre crean nuevas formas y alternativas, la construcción de nuevas vías para el desarrollo del territorio. En PA 13 de mayo a través de la producción agroecológica ve una posible solución que pueda garantizar mejores condiciones para la familia.
A mediação da relação entre o ser humano e a natureza ocorre por meio do trabalho. O trabalho transforma o ser humano, tanto o corpo quanto nas relações com outros seres humanos. A divisão sexual do trabalho surge com a sociabilidade do trabalho e na divisão sexual do trabalho se expressa à relação de poder. Nossa hipótese inicial foi de que a divisão sexual do trabalho no assentamento, gradativamente foi permitindo à mulher a construção de uma consciência crítica emancipatória diante da realidade material a qual está submetida. Este estudo foi construído na perspectiva do materialismo histórico e dialético tendo em vista que o conhecimento esteja pautado na essência das relações. A partir desse método visa discutir o trabalho feminino, referenciando a totalidade da sociedade como processo histórico, portanto, passível de transformações. Utiliza-se do conceito de território, categoria da geografia, a fim de entender como se estabelecem as relações de poder. O Projeto de Assentamento 13 de Maio, localizado no município de Japaratuba, estado de Sergipe, é fruto do processo de luta pela terra realizada por camponesas e camponeses sem terra por causa da concentração fundiária brasileira, apresenta características, valores e ações opostos ao que a classe dominante impõe enquanto padrão. Nesse assentamento há um grupo de mulheres que trabalha com a agroecologia e através deste modelo de produção manifesta sua expressão sociopolítica. O trabalho dessas mulheres produz não só alimento, mas dignifica sua vida, pois se sentem realizadas com os frutos do seu trabalho. Diante de uma compreensão que o movimento é espiral, acredita-se que as camponesas e camponeses criam sempre novas formas e alternativas, construindo novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento do território. No PA 13 de Maio através da produção agroecológica vê-se uma saída possível que pode assegurar melhores condições para a família.
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Boulineau, Emmanuelle. « Maillages administratifs et gestion du territoire en Bulgarie : une lecture géographique ». Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00968379.

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On s'interroge dans cette thèse sur la capacité de l'État bulgare à ordonner et à produire le territoire par les maillages administratifs. Trois champs problématiques sont explorés. Le premier concerne la crise de l'État, elle prend en Bulgarie une acuité particulière dans le contexte de transition post-socialiste. L'interaction entre l'Orient et l'Occident et l'importation du modèle de l'État-nation constituent le deuxième axe d'analyse. Enfin, la convergence avec le " modèle " européen de gestion territoriale, dans la perspective de l'adhésion à l'UE, permet d'explorer les rapports entre le politique et le territoire. Comment la logique territoriale de l'État moderne et de la politique européenne s'articule-t-elle avec le fonctionnement réticulaire balkanique ? La première partie analyse les réformes administratives post-socialistes. La deuxième partie étudie la construction de l'État-nation bulgare. La troisième partie appréhende les recompositions territoriales en cours.
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Poli, Raffaele. « Production de footballeurs, réseaux marchands et mobilités professionnelles dans l'économie globale : le cas des joueurs africains ». Phd thesis, Besançon, 2008. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00924860.

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Cette thèse de doctorat en géographie humaine étudie le commerce et les migrations internationales des footballeurs africains vers et à l‘intérieur de l’Europe à travers un cadre théorique relationnel. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre à travers l’étude de cas des joueurs africains différents mécanismes ayant plus largement cours dans le contexte de l’économie globale, tels que la nouvelle division internationale de travail, la mise en place de réseaux de production globaux et la segmentation des marchés du travail. La thèse plaide pour la prise en compte de l’enracinement social de l’action économique et des réseaux comme unité analytique fondamentale pour comprendre le processus de globalisation
This doctorate thesis in Human geography deals with the international trade and migration of African football players towards and within Europe through a relational theoretical framework. Through the case study of African footballers, the goal is to gain a better understanding of several ongoing mechanisms occurring in the context of the global economy, such as the new international division of labour, the emergence of global production networks and the segmentation of labour markets. The thesis pleads for taking into account the social embeddedness of the economic action and of social networks as fundamental analytical unity to understand the process of globalization
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Clerval, Anne. « La gentrification à Paris intra-muros : dynamiques spatiales, rapports sociaux et politiques publiques ». Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00347824.

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La gentrification est une forme particulière d'embourgeoisement qui touche les quartiers populaires centraux et s'accompagne de la transformation du bâti. Cette notion anglo-saxonne, longtemps ignorée par la recherche urbaine en France, s'avère féconde pour analyser une partie importante des transformations urbaines et sociales de l'espace parisien depuis plusieurs décennies. Pour cerner l'ampleur de la gentrification à Paris intra-muros, cette thèse s'appuie à la fois sur un riche corpus de données statistiques concernant les ménages et les logements depuis 1982 et sur des enquêtes de terrain menées dans trois quartiers populaires. Elle montre, dans un premier temps, que les quartiers populaires parisiens sont profondément transformés par la gentrification depuis les années 1980, tout en mettant en évidence à la fois les principaux facteurs, les rythmes et les dynamiques spatiales de ce processus. Elle en présente également les différents acteurs - des ménages des classes moyennes et supérieures aux pouvoirs publics en passant par les promoteurs et les commerçants - et explore en particulier la position sociale, le mode de vie et les discours des gentrifieurs. L'approche multiscalaire permet d'articuler une appréhension globale de la gentrification à Paris avec une analyse fine de ses modalités au niveau local. Dans un second temps, elle s'intéresse à la cohabitation des différents groupes sociaux au sein des quartiers populaires en voie de gentrification. La prise en compte du point de vue des différents acteurs en jeu - et notamment celui des ménages populaires - permet de mieux comprendre les effets de la gentrification sur les classes populaires et le rôle des politiques publiques dans ce processus de reconquête sociale. Cela conduit à une analyse critique de la mixité sociale apparente qu'il induit dans les quartiers populaires.
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Touré, Mabetty. « Les rapports de genre et la filière néré en Haute Guinée ». Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00967988.

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Les dynamiques des rapports de genre se construisent à travers une analyse globale depuis la mise en place des populations. Cette analyse permet de porter un regard nouveau sur les rapports de genre autour d'enjeux social, culturel et économique en Haute Guinée. De l'organisation sociale et politique des communautés rurales de base ressort la position sociale qu'occupe chaque catégorie sociale à divers niveaux d'échelles (village, clan, famille). Les inégalités liées au genre influencent les processus sociaux et économiques. Les rapports de genre s'organisent à travers les faits et pratiques qui montrent une différenciation sociale mais aussi une hiérarchisation en faveur des hommes et des aînés. L'organisation sociale codifie les pratiques des uns et des autres dans un système gérontocratique. Les asymétries du genre constituées de différences et d'inégalités se transforment parfois, en réponse à l'évolution de la société ainsi qu'à des changements de conditions socio-économiques. C'est dans ce cadre que beaucoup de femmes de la Haute Guinée ont pris des initiatives et s'inscrivent actuellement dans des logiques d'exploitation du néré, un produit de cueillette utilisé comme condiment, ce qui leur permet d'avoir plus d'autonomie et peuvent, de ce fait, accéder aux moyens de production. Elles adhèrent aux organisations collectives, se déplacent de plus en plus vers des horizons lointains, bousculant ainsi l'ancienne hiérarchie de pouvoir fondé sur le sexe et l'âge.
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Grison, Jean-Baptiste. « La très petite commune en France : héritage sans avenir ou modèle original ? » Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00658977.

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En France, le maillage administratif et la répartition de la population sont tels qu'un peu plus d'un millier de communes ont moins de 50 habitants au recencement de 1999. Six cents autres ont été recensées en-dessous de ce seuil lors d'un ou plusieurs dénombrements depuis 1962. Face aux exigences actuelles, en matière de gestion du territoire et d'action politique, le statut et les capacités des plus petites collectivités territoriales font l'objet d'un débat récurrent depuis de nombreuses décennies. Les géographes ont assez peu contribué, jusqu'à ce jour, à ce débat. Cette thèse de géographie a pour objet d'apporter un angle de vue général (à l'échelle de l'ensemble du territoire national) et géographique, en traitant en particulier les questions de la répartition des très petites communes, de leurs modes de vie et dynamiques spécifiques, ainsi que de la construction territoriale particulière dont elles sont l'héritage et qu'elles engendrent encore aujourd'hui. Les interactions spatiales entre les plus petites unités et les communes voisines plus peuplées, ainsi que les opportunités de regroupements intercommunaux, sous diverses formes, sont aussi abordées. Ces très petites entités, dont le potentiel et les perspectives sont aléatoires, nous permettent de mettre au jour l'ampleur de la variabilité du modèle français d'organisation de la gestion territoriale et du développement local.
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Grison, Jean-Baptiste. « La très petite commune en France : héritage sans avenir ou modèle original ? » Phd thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2009. https://theses.hal.science/docs/00/65/89/77/PDF/Grison.pdf.

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En France, le maillage administratif et la répartition de la population sont tels qu'un peu plus d'un millier de communes ont moins de 50 habitants au recencement de 1999. Six cents autres ont été recensées en-dessous de ce seuil lors d'un ou plusieurs dénombrements depuis 1962. Face aux exigences actuelles, en matière de gestion du territoire et d'action politique, le statut et les capacités des plus petites collectivités territoriales font l'objet d'un débat récurrent depuis de nombreuses décennies. Les géographes ont assez peu contribué, jusqu'à ce jour, à ce débat. Cette thèse de géographie a pour objet d'apporter un angle de vue général (à l'échelle de l'ensemble du territoire national) et géographique, en traitant en particulier les questions de la répartition des très petites communes, de leurs modes de vie et dynamiques spécifiques, ainsi que de la construction territoriale particulière dont elles sont l'héritage et qu'elles engendrent encore aujourd'hui. Les interactions spatiales entre les plus petites unités et les communes voisines plus peuplées, ainsi que les opportunités de regroupements intercommunaux, sous diverses formes, sont aussi abordées. Ces très petites entités, dont le potentiel et les perspectives sont aléatoires, nous permettent de mettre au jour l'ampleur de la variabilité du modèle français d'organisation de la gestion territoriale et du développement local
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Koul, Ravender Kumar. « Habitat, economy and society of recent migrants from Kashmir division ». Thesis, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/2009/946.

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曾馨儀. « An Action Research on Using Students Teams Achievement Divisions to Promote Learning Motivation and Learning Performance with Geography Instruction of Seventh Graders ». Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/69378526004736638152.

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The purpose of this study was to research the application of Students Teams Achievement Divisions in promoting seventh graders’ learning motivation and learning performance in geography classes. The subjects were 29 students in the researcher’s class. The action research adopted the application of Students Teams Achievement Divisions methods to develop the STAD teaching program for 15 classes. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: I. The Execution of the Program and the Correspondent Strategies First,ince researcher’s teaching time was shortened, the researcher shoud be conceptual and logical when teaching.Second, students were faced with peer pressure, researcher correctly guide them values and adjust the division of tasks.Third,because of individual difference among students, researcher differentiated instruction. II. The teaching achievements of the STAD teaching program. First,the students’ learning motivation was obviously increased.Second,the students’ learning performance was obviously boosted.Third,the students’ cooperative skills was obviously enhanced.Fourth,teachers attained professional growth in teaching strategies and interactions with students. According to the above study findings, four suggestions are provided for geography teaching and future studies. First, the affective cooperative skills is as important as geography knowledge. Second, teaching materials should be related to life experiences. Third, cooperative learning strategies are interchangable in different teaching situations. Finally, cooperative learning strategies can be implemented by several teachers together.
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Lin, Wen-Yi, et 林文義. « The Research of the Effects on Teaching of Moodle Digital Learning Platform-Use “Division on Boundaries and scope、Terrain” of Chinese Geography of Social Subject of JH as Example ». Thesis, 2013. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/67163079213396562179.

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E-learning has become a significant way for learning at present and in the coming future. The purpose of this study is to break through the difficulties of teaching that teachers have to confront with and to approach the best learning effects of students. Therefore, it becomes an emergent and meaningful goal to promote the effectiveness of students'' learning by building up the multimedia learning platform on the subject of geography of junior high. The study concludes that: With the establishment Moodle and e-learning courses on geographic learning platform system by means of online information tool, it can solve the difficulties on traditional geographic teaching method that can''t achieve the goal of attitude teaching. There is no obvious difference in delayed learning scores through quasi-experimental analysis, but the teaching fitting it to geography teaching strategy with Moodle benefits on learning retention and achievement. Learning about digital material and cognitive comprehension have very important influence on learning attitude; that is, both get to efficiently promote the attitude toward the subject of geography. In other way, learning about digital material and cognitive comprehension have influence upon whole degrees of satisfaction and have less correlation. It shows that e-learning can promote learning attitude, but in fact, it is impossible for e-learning to replace traditional teaching.
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Eskov, Alexey. « Spatial Patterns and Irregularities of the electoral data : general elections in Canada ». Master's thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/11682.

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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Democratic elections are one of the most important social phenomena of the last centuries. Countries which publish elections results on the polling station level provide a valuable source of data for different groups of scientists like geographers and statisticians. In this work, we combined geographical and statistical analysis, pursuing a goal of defining the spatial patterns and irregularities of the electoral data. From theoretical point of view, it will help to find out if the electoral behavior has any spatial dependency. From practical perspective, it can give a new insight about the electoral fraud detection. We have applied a set of statistical methods to estimate the distribution and variability of the electoral behavior in space and time for different geographic units. Canada was selected as a study area because it is an old democracy where the elections are considered being fair, and all the necessary data are available.
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Severns, Christopher Ray. « A comparison of geocoding baselayers for electronic medical record data analysis ». Thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/3841.

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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Identifying spatial and temporal patterns of disease occurrence by mapping the residential locations of affected people can provide information that informs response by public health practitioners and improves understanding in epidemiological research. A common method of locating patients at the individual level is geocoding residential addresses stored in electronic medical records (EMRs) using address matching procedures in a geographic information system (GIS). While the process of geocoding is becoming more common in public health studies, few researchers take the time to examine the effects of using different address databases on match rate and positional accuracy of the geocoded results. This research examined and compared accuracy and match rate resulting from four commonly-used geocoding databases applied to sample of 59,341 subjects residing in and around Marion County/ Indianapolis, IN. The results are intended to inform researchers on the benefits and downsides to their selection of a database to geocode patient addresses in EMRs.
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