Thèses sur le sujet « Émissions sur le cycle de vie »
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Gaillot, Tiphaine. « Évaluation de l’impact des émissions aériennes sur le changement climatique : développement de la méthode d’Analyse du Cycle de Vie et recommandations pour la sélection de carburants alternatifs ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Texte intégralGiven the increase in demand from the aviation sector and its emissions, we need to assess the impact of aviation on the environment. This thesis focuses on the impact of aviation emissions on climate change. This category is the most impacted by subsonic aircraft. Various levers have been deployed to mitigate this impact, including the incorporation of alternative fuels. The Life Cycle Assessment method is the one used in this work. The aim is to assess all emissions having a direct and indirect impact on climate change during a long-haul or short-haul, for the fossil fuel Jet A-1, and alternative jet fuels such as FT-SPK (paraffinic kerosene from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) and hydrogen. As most of the fuel is burnt at high altitude during the cruise phase and the majority of emissions have a greater impact at cruising altitudes, we first look at the nature of emissions at high altitude and their impact on climate change, based on GWP (global warming potential) at different time horizons. The assessment of high-altitude emissions for different types of jet fuel over 20 and 100-year time horizons illustrated the crucial role of short-lived climate forcers, especially nitrogen oxides and contrails-cirrus. In a second stage, the scope of the air transport assessment has been extended to include the airport, the aircraft, and the production and use of the fuel. These results demonstrate the importance of high-altitude emissions and the production phase in the complete assessment. The thesis concludes with an assessment of the impact of emissions during the use and production phase of fuel mix in 2050, based on the different energy demands specific to the of the International Energy Agency (IEA) report published in 2022. The development of low-emission processes, as well as changes in behavior and the implementation of specific sobriety policies, are essential to reducing the environmental impact of the aviation sector
Neves, Mosquini Lucas. « Une méthodologie d'aide à la décision basée sur l'ACV dynamique pour la gestion du budget carbone des bâtiments ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2024.
Texte intégralAddressing the global challenge of environmental sustainability in the building sector, this thesis focuses on advancing methodologies for greenhouse gas (GHG) budget compliance in building post-occupancy stages. It emphasizes the need for dynamic assessment in the decision-making processes to enhance the process of ensuring carbon budget compliance.The research employs a multifaceted approach, beginning with an exploration of current methodologies for building GHG budget compliance. This includes a thorough examination of carbon budgets, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), and Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment (DLCA). The study then progresses to refine the DLCA methodology, focusing on reducing simulation times and optimizing the number of dynamic parameters. Techniques such as linear interpolation, surrogate modelling, feature selection, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis are tested for these tasks. Then, through a case-study, the importance of decarbonization of the industrial, waste and energy sectors in dynamic GWP calculations are highlighted.Furthermore, the enhanced DLCA methodology is applied in the context of retrofit decision-making, showcasing its utility in adapting to carbon budget deviations throughout a building’s life cycle. This application is exemplified through the same case-study of a single-family home in the Paris region, demonstrating the methodology’s effectiveness in guiding retrofit decisions in alignment with carbon budgets and broader environmental objectives. However, the findings also reveal the scenario-dependent nature of these decisions, indicating that budget-compliant buildings can exhibit diverse characteristics based on different DLCA assumptions.Overall, this research emphasizes the critical role of integrating dynamic parameters in retrofit decision-making processes. Simultaneously, it also challenges and assesses the applicability of these methods within the framework of carbon budget compliance, providing a detailed evaluation of their impact on sustainable building practices
Fougani, Malika. « Analyse du cycle de vie des boues de forage pétrolier : caractérisation des émissions toxiques en milieu aride ». Strasbourg, 2009.
Texte intégralTudoret, Patrick. « De la paléo-télévision à la sur-télévision : vie et mort de l'émission littéraire ». Paris 1, 2007.
Texte intégralMazoyer, Marie. « Impact du processus d'activation sur les propriétés microphysiques des brouillards et sur leur cycle de vie ». Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2016.
Texte intégralFogs are complex meteorological systems dealing with fine scale processes. Their lifecycles are closely related to the interactions between radiation, fog dynamics, turbulence and fog microphysics that make their forecasting difficult. Fogs are formed by the activation of aerosols particles into water droplets. To date, understanding the impact of the aerosols properties on the fog life cycle remains still challenging. This thesis aims at investigating the impact of activation processes on fog microphysics and lifecycles. In the framework of the PréViBoss project, in-situ measurements of fog properties were performed during winters 2010 to 2013 at the SIRTA site in the south of Paris. A detailed characterization of aerosols and fog microphysics, including number size spectrum of both particles under dry and wet conditions and droplets, was performed in order to investigate the aerosols efficiency to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). A large number of case studies are presented, which include 23 case studies on fog formation from the activation of aerosols and 48 fog events on the temporal evolution of fog microphysics. An original method has been used to investigate the link between supersaturation values and concentrations of CCN with aerosols properties (distribution, concentration and hygroscopicity). We show that supersaturation values determine the droplets concentration, independently of the concentration of aerosols. The evolution of fog microphysics of the 48 cases follows 4 phases with distinct behaviours, driven by condensation/evaporation and deactivation/ activation processes. The fog droplets concentration is determined during the first phase, then it fluctuate around this value during fog life cycle. Large eddy simulation of fog cases observed during PréViBoss are performed with the Meso-NH model to evaluate the impact of microphysics on fog lifetime. It allows to explore the close interactions between aerosols and physical processes. A two moments scheme is used for microphysic and two schemes for supersaturation have been evaluated, the first one estimate the maximal supersaturation and the second one considers a pseudoprognostic evolution of supersaturation following Thouron et al. (2012). Much lower supersaturation values were obtained with the second scheme. Addtional processes, such as condensation or mixing that were not included in previous scheme, are modeled. While CCN concentrations obtained with this new scheme are lower, they remain higher than the observations. We postulate that this behaviour could be due to the representation of dynamics. Sensibilitiy tests for different aerosols concentrations reveal a weak impact on fog life cycle. Only for extreme cases where the aerosol concentrations are low, the fog dissipation is delayed. This study shows that the fog life cycle is mainly driven by thermodynamics, dynamics and surface conditions through their impact on boundary layer stability. Moreover, surface heterogeneities greatly modify fog life cycle trough turbulent motions and should be considered for future experimental studies
Sandu, Irina. « Impact de l'aérosol sur le cycle de vie des nuages de couche limite ». Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2008.
Texte intégralSandu, Irina. « Impact de l'aérosol sur le cycle de vie des nuages de couche limite ». Toulouse 3, 2007.
Texte intégralAnthropogenic aerosols may have a noticeable impact on the life cycle of boundary layer clouds, via their effects on radiation and precipitation efficiency. It is however difficult to document such impacts from observations. The interactions between aerosol particles and the dynamics of boundary layer cloud systems (typically marine stratocumulus) have therefore been explored with high resolution numerical models (LES), that now include detailed parameterizations of turbulence, radiative transfer and microphysics. In this study, the focus is on the coupling between aerosol impacts on cloud microphysics and the diurnal cycle of stratocumulus clouds. LES simulations of a 36 hours cycle are performed with aerosol concentrations typical of pristine and polluted air masses, successively. Although the simulations start from the same initial state, they rapidly diverge. The increased concentration of cloud condensation nuclei yields to an increased droplet concentration, a reduction of the droplet sizes and the inhibition of the droplet sedimentation and precipitation formation. The liquid water content at cloud top hence increases and the cloud top entrainment is strengthened. Moreover, the absorption of solar radiation at cloud base is no longer balanced by the droplet and drizzle evaporation, and the decoupling of the cloud layer is reinforced. Overall, the polluted cloud layer is better coupled during the night and more decoupled during the day than its pristine counterpart. Measurable signatures of these impacts are identified to help at designing observational studies of aerosol impacts on the dynamics on boundary layer clouds
Benoist, Anthony. « Eléments d'adaptation de la méthodologie d'analyse de cycle de vie aux carburants végétaux : cas de la première génération ». Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2009.
Texte intégralLangevin, Brigitte. « Prise en compte de la variabilité des émissions au champ dans l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie des systèmes agricoles. Application à l'épandage de lisier ». Phd thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2010.
Texte intégralAndrianandraina. « Approche d'éco-conception basée sur la combinaison de l'analyse de cycle de vie et de l'analyse de sensibilité : Cas d'application sur le cycle de vie du matériau d'isolation thermique biosourcé, le béton de chanvre ». Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2014.
Texte intégralThe purpose of this PhD thesis is to establish an ecodesign method based on Life Cycle Assessment, that should allow identifying action levers specific for each economic actor of the life cycle of a product, for improved environmental performances. Life Cycle Assessment was coupled with two methods of sensitivity analysis in five steps: (i) definition of objectives and system, (ii) modeling calculation of inventory and impact indicators with different approaches according to foreground and background sub-systems, (iii) characterization of parameters using a typology specific to possibilities of control of the considered economic actor, (iv) application of two sensitivity analysis methods (Morris and Sobol) and (v) results interpretation in order to identify potential efficient improvements. The approach was applied on the hemp concrete insulation product, including agricultural production, industrial transformation of hemp fibers, and use of hemp concrete as a thermal insulator for buildings. The approach provides potential technological scenarios improving environmental performances for each single economic actor of the product’s life cycle. Performing the method presently requires additional information, but will probably be paid back in the future by driving more robust choices for a given product
Rangognio, Jérôme. « Impact des aérosols sur le cycle de vie du brouillard : de l'observation à la modélisation ». Toulouse 3, 2009.
Texte intégralThe role of the atmospheric particles in cloud droplets formation was the object of numerous works, the point of view experimental as numerical. This work is interested in the radiation fog. One of the particularities of radiation fog is its development within the surface boundary layer, directly in contact with the ground, where aerosols concentrations are the highest. To understand the influence of these particles on the fog life cycle, two fields experiments ParisFOG and ToulouseFOG were realized. After a state of general art on the characteristics of the atmospheric particles, several cases of radiation fogs are presented, by insisting more particularly on the properties of aerosols and cloud droplets measured during these two fields experiments. It seems generally very difficult to feature the physical explications based only on the observations. To achieve this objective, a series of 1D simulations were preformed with the Meso-NH numerical mesoscale model, in which the ORILAM aerosol scheme was coupled with the two-moment microphysical scheme. The activation scheme used was taken from the work of Abdul-Razzak (2004). This parameterization allows to take into account the observed aerosol chemical composition and size distribution. In this approach, the necessity of a joint initiative between the observation and the modelling is clearly appeared. "Off-line" sensitivity analyses of CCN (Cloud Condensation Nuclei) were performed on number, median diameter and chemical compounds of aerosols using only the activation scheme of Abdul-Razzak (2004). During this "off-line" study, the interactions with the other physical processes were not taken into account. Different regimes of CCN activation and a critical value of aerosol number concentration were found. This critical aerosol number corresponds to the maximum of activated cloud droplets for a given cooling rate and given aerosol chemical properties. 1D simulations successfully reproduced the observed temporal evolution of the fog layer during an intensive observation period of the field experiment ParisFOG. .
Ben, Ismail Nesrine. « Trois essais sur la diffusion volontaire d'information sur l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie : le cas des entreprises du CAC40 ». Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2018.
Texte intégralThis thesis is composed of three essays dealing with various aspects of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) voluntary disclosure strategies. The first essay explores the individual and cumulative impact of four Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) international initiatives on the decision to disclose and the quantity of LCA disclosures. The results show that the Global Reporting Initiative seems to exert the highest pressure on CAC40 companies to disclose on LCA. The aim of the second essay is to study the influence of environmental governance mechanisms on LCA disclosure quality. The results reveal that the verification of social and environmental information by a third-party organization is positively and significantly associated with the quality of LCA disclosure. The purpose of the third essay is to study the impact of environmental governance mechanisms on the use of impression management strategies in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) disclosures. The results show that these mechanisms are associated with the use of impression management strategies under a symbolic rather than a substantive approach
Rojas, Balderrama Javier. « Gestion du cycle de vie de services déployés sur une infrastructure de calcul distribuée en neuroinformatique ». Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2012.
Texte intégralClusel, Sophie. « Définition d'une démarche de réduction des vulnérabilités des TPE / PME fondée sur le cycle de vie ». Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2012.
Texte intégralIosif, Ana-Maria. « Modélisation physico-chimique de la filière classique de production d'acier pour l'analyse de l'Inventaire du Cycle de Vie ». Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2006.
Texte intégralThis work was devoted to a new methodological framework, which combines the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method and the process simulation software (Aspen Plus), in order to improve the quality of data used for carrying out the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) of the classical steelmaking route. The new approach adopted in the present work, is to carry out the inventory of the defined system via simplified physical-chemical models. Using Aspen Plus software, we have developed simplified physical-chemical models for each of the subsystem defined by the boundaries of the classical steelmaking route: coking plant, sintering plant, blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and hot rolling. The modelling strategy was based on physical and chemical considerations and on the experimental observations made on an industrial and/or a pilot scale for each subsystem.The models allow for calculation of the principal pollutants evolved by the system such as CO2, CO, NO, SO2, COV, HCl, H2S, dust, heavy metals and solid waste. The models validation was made by comparing the calculated results with experimental data given by the industrial sites. Furthermore, the maturity of the models was tested through simulations using data coming from the "benchmark" data base defined in the frame of ULCOS project (Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking).Through the models simulation, it was proved that this methodological framework assures the total control of mass and heat balances of the system which is difficult to achieve when using only data from industry and/or literature. However, the fact that the emissions calculated within the models are based on physical-chemical considerations gives a strong credibility to the life cycle inventory
Lebreton, Morgane. « Caractérisation des effets d'un anxiolytique (oxazépam) sur le cycle de vie d'un gastéropode d'eau douce, Radix balthica ». Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020.
Texte intégralFreshwater contamination by pharmaceuticals is becoming a major concern over the last decades. Antibiotics and hormonal treatments have been the focus of attention but some pharmaceutical families are not subject to many studies yet. This is especially true for psychoactive drugs, and particularly anxiolytics. Among anxiolytics, oxazepam is one of the most frequently detected psychotropic in surface waters in connection with its high consumption but also to its status of metabolite of many benzodiazepines. This molecule has been subject to some ecotoxicological studies mainly focused on behavioural disturbance in fish. However, very few studies are interested in its effects on aquatic invertebrates. Thus, this thesis aims to assess the impact of environmental relevant oxazepam concentrations on the life cycle of a freshwater gastropod widespread in Europe, Radix balthica. We asked if and how oxazepam affected three important steps of the life of this organism: reproduction, embryonic development and growth, coupling physiological, behavioural and molecular approaches. This work consists into three parts, corresponding to the three steps previously described (reproduction, embryonic development and growth). For each of these stages, organisms have been exposed to relevant oxazepam concentrations: 10 µg/L corresponding to the maximal concentration found in STEP effluents and 0.8 µg/L corresponding to the maximal concentration found in river. Numerous physiological (e.g. reproductive apparatus state, fertility, hatching rate, growth, feeding rate) and behavioral parameters (e.g. social interactions, locomotion) have been tested to answer the question raised. Studies on embryogenesis and growth have been completed by a transcriptomic analysis to bring information on potential toxicity mechanisms at molecular level. Results showed that, at the adult stage (reproduction), oxazepam increased spermatozoa density at high concentration (10 µg/L) and decreased the number of eggs per eggmass at low concentration (0.8 µg/L). A decrease of the locomotor activity has also been observed for both oxazepam concentrations. Studies led on the embryonic stage showed a high inter-population variability which did not allow conclusions on potential effects of oxazepam. Finally, concerning the juvenile stage, results showed a significant effect of oxazepam on feeding rate with an activator effect at low concentration and an inhibitory effect at high dose. A reduction of mortality after exposure has also been demonstrated at the lowest concentration. Transcriptomic analysis revealed a global under-expression of genes involved in neural transmission linked to many functions, such as feeding behavior, growth, locomotion or chemoreception. Taken together, these results enhance the ecotoxicological knowledge of oxazepam impact on an aquatic invertebrate
Abida, Maher. « Programme de rachat d'actions, cycle de vie et gouvernance d'entreprise : une étude empirique sur le marché français ». Thesis, Lyon 3, 2011.
Texte intégralStock repurchase is nowadays a widely used technique to manage equities and relations with shareholders. Several studies have dealt with the determinants of stock buyback. This thesis extends this research stream by examining the importance of the firms’ financial and governance characteristics on stock repurchase programs. In particular, it sheds lights on the role of corporate life-cycle in shaping firm behavior in this respect. Using a hypothetical-deductive approach, our study is carried out on a sample of 754 stock repurchase programs announced between 2002 and 2004 by French public firms. To test our research hypotheses, we combine various empirical methods including cluster analysis, univariate tests and logistic regression. The results show common financial and governance characteristics of firms that repurchase shares. More specifically, we provide empirical evidence that the effect of these characteristics varies depending on the life cycle position of the firm. Indeed, firms repurchase stocks to exercise their stock options during the start-up and growth phase to distribute excess free cash flow in the maturity and decline phases. Moreover, the effects of board leadership structures of directors and managers ownership on the decision to repurchase vary with the life-cycle phases
Kovaltchouk, Thibaut. « Contributions à la co-optimisation contrôle-dimensionnement sur cycle de vie sous contrainte réseau des houlogénérateurs directs ». Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2015.
Texte intégralThe work of this PhD thesis deals with the minimization of the per-kWh cost of direct-drive wave energy converter, crucial to the economic feasibility of this technology. Despite the simplicity of such a chain (that should provide a better reliability compared to indirect chain), the conversion principle uses an oscillating system (a heaving buoy for example) that induces significant power fluctuations on the production. Without precautions, such fluctuations can lead to: a low global efficiency, an accelerated aging of the fragile electrical components and a failure to respect power quality constraints. To solve these issues, we firstly study the optimization of the direct drive wave energy converter control in order to increase the global energy efficiency (from wave to grid), considering conversion losses and the limit s from the sizing of an electrical chain (maximum force and power). The results point out the effect of the prediction horizon or the mechanical energy into the objective function. Production profiles allow the study of the flicker constraint (due to grid voltage fluctuations) linked notably to the grid characteristics at the connection point. Other models have also been developed to quantify the aging of the most fragile and highly stressed components, namely the energy storage system used for power smoothing (with super capacitors or electrochemical batteries Li-ion) and power semiconductors.Finally, these aging models are used to optimize key design parameters using life-cycle analysis. Moreover, the sizing of the storage system is co-optimized with the smoothing management
Raccary, Bastien. « La transition écologique en chimie analytique : vers une évaluation multicritère basée sur l’analyse du cycle de vie ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2023.
Texte intégralIn October 2020, a report by the European Commission revealed that 90% of Europeans are concerned about the environmental impacts of chemical products. The increasing public mistrust, worries over diminishing raw materials and energy resources, and escalating environmental pollution have driven the chemistry community to shift from a productivityfocused approach to a vision geared towards sustainability. Analytical chemistry, which lies at the heart of industrial product development, has also embraced this vision through the concept of Green Analytical Chemistry. By adopting the 12 principles of Green Analytical Chemistry and using tools to assess the sustainability of analytical methods, analytical chemists seek to reduce their environmental footprint. However, none of these tools quantitatively assess the environmental impacts throughout the entire lifecycle of a method. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a recognized environmental evaluation tool framed by ISO 14040/44 standards, aimed at preventing impacts on three protection areas: ecosystem health, human health, and natural resources. LCA offers a complementary alternative to the previously published tools, though it has never been applied to the field of analytical chemistry. The objective of this thesis is to assess the relevance of LCA compared to the greenness evaluation tools and apply it to the analytical chemistry sector, evaluating the opportunities and limitations of such an approach. Two underlying themes are included in this objective: improving and enabling the quantification of environmental impacts in analytical chemistry and democratizing the LCA approach among analytical chemistry operators through the development of a user-friendly LCA-based tool. Firstly, we examine specific environmental evaluation tools in analytical chemistry by comparing them to an LCA-inspired framework. This study allows us to investigate the elements and calculation methods used by these tools to identify the potential benefits of applying LCA in the sector. Next, we apply LCA to two sample preparations to compare their respective environmental impacts and establish the relevance and feasibility of comparative analysis in analytical chemistry. LCA is then applied to a complete analytical method under two scenarios: a "business-as-usual" scenario with "conventional" analytical parameters observed in laboratories and an "eco-design" scenario incorporating optimized characteristics such as extended instrument lifespans and reduced analysis durations. This study assesses LCA's ability to quantify the influence of laboratory decision-making on its environmental impacts, promoting eco-design practices. Following these two LCAs, we propose a prototype of a multicriteria tool applicable to analytical methods. We present the tool's inputs, outputs, and general structure, while offering potential areas for improvement. Finally, while LCA provides an impact-oriented approach, a risk-based approach is necessary to avoid or better anticipate the effects of potential climate-related hazards. The laboratory is a system, and disruption within it can have repercussions on the entire activity. This risk-based approach is discussed, and clues for further development are proposed
Alkadee, Dareen. « Techniques de réduction et de traitement des émissions polluantes dans une machine thermique ». Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 2011.
Texte intégralLouis, Cédric. « Impacts des technologies de dépollution et des conditions de conduites sur les émissions primaires des véhicules et leur évolution dans l'atmosphère ». Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Texte intégralAir pollution is a major urban issue, with pollutant concentrations frequently exceeding health recommendations. Vehicles are highly involved in air pollution despite the integration of pollution control systems. The objective of this research is to characterise the primary exhaust emissions of vehicles and their physical evolution in the near field to better understand the impact of primary emissions related to traffic on urban air pollution. Emissions evolution was studied in an atmospheric simulation chamber with controlled atmospheric conditions. The first part of this work aims to determine the exhaust emissions of recent vehicles that are or will be major in the French car fleet in the coming years. A sample of vehicles grouping the main commercialised depollution technologies was tested on a chassis dynamometer according to different driving conditions and the emissions from their exhaust gas were analysed. The pollutants subject to European regulations were taken into account, as well as compounds not regulated by European standards but whose toxicity has been highlighted by the scientific community.The second part of this work focuses on the near-field evolution of particulate pollutants in the hours following their release into the atmosphere. The effect of the abrupt gas dilution at the end of the exhaust has been studied using an innovative sampling methodology directly at the exhaust of the vehicles. Then the evolution of the particles in the first hours after their rejection was studied in an atmospheric simulation chamber of 8 m3, built specifically within the framework of this thesis to be coupled with the dynamometer
Perrin, Aurélie. « Evaluation environnementale des systèmes agricoles urbains en Afrique de l'Ouest : Implications de la diversité des pratiques et de la variabilité des émissions d'azote dans l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie de la tomate au Bénin ». Thesis, Paris, AgroParisTech, 2013.
Texte intégralUrban agriculture provides opportunities to reduce poverty and ensure food safety for cities inhabitants in West Africa. The general objective of this thesis is producing representative inventories and a robust environmental assessment for those production systems using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Our case study was the tomato production in urban gardens in Benin. Our state of the art identified the integration of the diversity of systems and the variability of field emissions as two major challenges for the LCA of vegetable products. We therefore developed a typology-based protocol to collect cropping systems data that includes their diversity and an approach combining a nitrogen budget and the use of a biophysical model to estimate nitrogen field emissions. We created inventories for 6 cropping system types and one weighted mean representative for the urban tomato growers in Benin. The analysis of the agronomical performances of these systems highlighted the important yield variability and the variable and often excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers. The investigation of nitrogen fluxes variability at plot and crop cycle scales led to the identification of 4 major influencing factors: water use, nitrogen input, soil pH and field capacity. Using favorable and unfavorable scenarios for nitrogen emissions for each of these 4 factors, we demonstrated that the LCA results were sensitive to their variations. The implementation of LCA using those contrasted data showed that one hectare of tomato production in Benin was more impacting than European vegetable productions. The benefits from the favorable climate for producing out-of-season tomatoes were hampered by the low efficiency of irrigations systems, the frequent use of insecticides and large nitrogen emissions. Measured data and new knowledge on these systems are needed to validate and refine our conclusions
De, Lauretis Simona. « Modélisation des impacts énergie/carbone de changements de modes de vie. Une prospective macro-micro fondée sur les emplois du temps ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Texte intégralHousehold energy consumption represents a significant share of final energy use, especially when both direct and embodied energy are taken into account. Several academic studies, as well as the recommendations of the United Nations and of non-governmental organisations, suggest that a shift in consumption patterns will be necessary to achieve sustainable development. The aim of our research is to analyse long-term scenarios of changes in lifestyle. We propose a methodology that allows to analyse the macro-economic impacts of these changes, as well as the impacts on energy use and CO2 emissions, while taking into account the heterogeneity of behaviours and energy consumptions among households. Consumption choices do not derive solely from monetary considerations but they are influenced by several factors. One binding constraint, never taken into account in macro-economic energy modelling, is the available time. For this reason, our analysis considers time use data in addition to expenditure and energy use data. We build a data base that combines time use, expenditure and energy consumption data for French households, which provides detailed information about household consumption patterns. Then, for scenario analyses, we link the data base with an Energy-EconomyEmissions model, using an iteration process based on a reweighting technique. We illustrate the methodology by exploring three areas of change in consumption patterns: cooking habits, ecommerce and shared transport (carpooling and car sharing). We obtain CO2 emissions reductions in all scenarios. As an example, emissions decrease by 2.3% by 2050 in the scenario focusing on transport
ELMOZNINO, HERVE. « Influence du cycle de vie individuel sur la dynamique spatiale d'une foret monospecifique. Analyse a travers un automate cellulaire ». Nice, 1999.
Texte intégralIosif, Ana-Maria. « Modélisation physico-chimique de la filière classique de production d'acier pour l'analyse de l'Inventaire du Cycle de Vie ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2006.
Texte intégralThis work was devoted to a new methodological framework, which combines the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method and the process simulation software (Aspen Plus), in order to improve the quality of data used for carrying out the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) of the classical steelmaking route. The new approach adopted in the present work, is to carry out the inventory of the defined system via simplified physical-chemical models. Using Aspen Plus software, we have developed simplified physical-chemical models for each of the subsystem defined by the boundaries of the classical steelmaking route: coking plant, sintering plant, blast furnace, basic oxygen furnace and hot rolling. The modelling strategy was based on physical and chemical considerations and on the experimental observations made on an industrial and/or a pilot scale for each subsystem.The models allow for calculation of the principal pollutants evolved by the system such as CO2, CO, NO, SO2, COV, HCl, H2S, dust, heavy metals and solid waste. The models validation was made by comparing the calculated results with experimental data given by the industrial sites. Furthermore, the maturity of the models was tested through simulations using data coming from the "benchmark" data base defined in the frame of ULCOS project (Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking).Through the models simulation, it was proved that this methodological framework assures the total control of mass and heat balances of the system which is difficult to achieve when using only data from industry and/or literature. However, the fact that the emissions calculated within the models are based on physical-chemical considerations gives a strong credibility to the life cycle inventory
Jacquet, Lucas. « Conception participative d'un outil d'analyse environnementale basé sur l'analyse de cycle de vie : application aux voiliers de course au large ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Rennes (2023-....), 2024.
Texte intégralHuman activities create socioeconomic pressures on our society. As a result, all industrial sectors are seeing their practices modified to include environmental considerations. The competitive sailing sector is no exception to the rule. The aim of this thesis work is to enable this sector to carry out reliable and comparable environmental analyses, and to be in a position to exploit the results of these studies. Three areas of work have been identified to meet these needs, based on life cycle analysis (LCA) methodology, leading to three major contributions. Firstly, a literature review of LCAs in the maritime sector was carried out and published. Secondly, an inventory of carbon fibre manufacturing was suggested and published. Finally, a methodology for the co-creation of a life cycle impact analysis tool was proposed (currently being published). The results of the various contributions have made it possible to co-create LCA trends, as well as a life cycle impact calculation tool adapted to the level and constraints of companies in the sector. In addition, an environmental database specific to the sector has been created
Prinçaud, Marion. « Développement d'un outil d'aide à la décision environnementale basé sur l'analyse de cycle de vie intégré au processus de conception ». Phd thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2011.
Texte intégralAhmed, Hussam. « Fiabilité et cycle de vie des composants mécaniques dégradés : essais de démonstration et analyse basée sur la fonction de Hasard ». Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2009.
Texte intégralVentura, Anne. « Approches systémiques et éco-conception. Une réflexion sur les fondements conceptuels et les applications de l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Nantes, 2012.
Texte intégralBeudon, Camille. « Conception et analyse de cycle de vie d'un pont routier à platelage en aluminium sur poutres en bois lamellé-collé ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.
Texte intégralThe Quebec Gouvernment wishes to promote the use of wood and aluminium in the construction and rehabilitation of structures. In the context of the short-term vision of construction projects, wood and aluminium are clearly disadvantaged. However, aluminium and glued laminated timber could become competitive materials for the rehabilitation of the Quebec roadway bridges, in particular thanks to their local production in Quebec and their possibility of recycling. In order to avoid a biased short-term view, the method of arbitration used is that of life cycle analysis. This holistic method makes it possible to take into account all life-cycle stages. Two analyzes are carried out in parallel. The first concerns life cycle costs and the second concerns environmental impacts. These two studies complement each other and add a environmental dimension, which is not negligible today, on decision-making. The first stage of this project consists of the design of the hybrid bridge deck aluminium on glued laminated timber beams using the CAN / CSA S6-14 standard. The bridge-type thus designed is subsequently used during life cycle analyzes. The economic analysis is done using the ISO 15686-5 standard (2017). The environmental impact analysis is done using the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards (2006). The use of wood and aluminium as well as the low number of maintenance operations make the aluminum/wood deck more economically advantageous over its entire lifespan. Conventional concrete/steel decks provide a clear reduction in initial construction costs, but this trend is reversed very quickly. The possible prefabrication of aluminium/steel and aluminium/ wood bridge decks reduces indirect construction costs. Thus aluminium/ wood bridge decks reduce 86 % of the total cost of the conventional bridge deck. In terms of environmental indicators, the aluminium wood/decki s also to be favored
Bertin, Ingrid. « Conception des bâtiments assurant leur réversibilité, leur déconstruction et leur réemploi, méthodologie de suivi et évaluation environnementale sur les cycles de vie ». Thesis, Paris Est, 2020.
Texte intégralIn a context of strong environmental pressure in which the construction sector has the greatestimpact, the reuse of the load-bearing elements is the most promising as it significantly avoidswaste production, preserves natural resources and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by cuttingdown on embodied energy.This thesis consequently covers three main areas of research:1. Improvement of structural design through expedient typologies by defining the DfReu(Design for Reuse) in order to anticipate the use of load-bearing elements (vertical andhorizontal), that can be dismantled and reused at the end of their service life to extendtheir lifespan, ultimately increasing the stock of available elements for reuse.2. Development of a methodology for the implementation of a reinforced and long-lastingtraceability centered on a materials bank with the use of BIM in order to secure all thecharacteristics, in particular physico-mechanical, of the load-bearing elements and tofacilitate the reuse processes as well as the commitment of a new responsibility for thereuse engineer.3. Identification of the key parameters influencing the environmental impacts of reuse anddevelopment of sensitivity study, allowing a better comprehension of the consequencesof this process and its consideration in design to support to decision making.An experiment based on reinforced concrete demonstration portals frames has enabledcorroboration of these three lines of research by generating missing data in literature. Thispractical analysis of column-beam assembly has generated technical data on the structuralbehavior after reuse, but also environmental data for implementation and deconstruction.This research offers subsequently a methodology based on a chain of tools to enable engineersto design reversible construction assemblies within a reusable structure, to secure the necessaryinformation in the BIM model coupled with physical traceability, to build a bank of materials andto enhance design through a stock of load-bearing elements. The study thus distinguishes"design with a stock" which aims to combine as many available elements as possible, from"design from a stock" which leads to the reuse of 100% of the elements and thus presents a newparadigm for the designer.At the same time, the environmental impacts of the reuse process are studied using a life cycleassessment (LCA). A sensitivity study, based among other things on the number of uses and thelifespan, in comparison to equivalent new constructions, provides a better understanding of theareas of interest of the DfReu. Consideration of criteria specific to the circular economy inbuildings completes the definition of reuse criteria. In the end, environmental studies establishunder which conditions reuse reduces the impact of a building and identify the key parameters.The results obtained are primarily intended for structural engineers but more broadly fordesigners part of the project management: architects, engineers and environmental designoffices, in order to offer and encourage the study of variants anticipating the reusability of newlydesigned buildings. By extension, the results can also be used in projects involving existingbuildings
Marconot, Johan. « Fonction Physique Non-clonable pour la Sécurité du Cycle de Vie d'un Objet Cyber-physique ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020.
Texte intégralThe thesis focus on the conception of solutions to secure, all along its lifecycle, the assets and the functions which are embedded into a connected object. The lifecycle induces multiple interactions which expose the assets. Still, each actor may need private access in order to perform technical operations which have to be done. The solution has to securely manage the access requests but also takes account of the fact that most of the connected object are resources constraints system.We provide two main contributions: the analysis of security requirements for the device lifecycle and a new model of extraction circuit for strong digital PUF. The identified configuration for the extraction circuit offer trade-off between the circuit area, the frequency and the security metrics. It allows to conceive an efficient DPUF which could be integrated at fabrication chip, ensuring authentication property and performance requirements for lifecycle
Bruel, Aurélien. « Proposition d'indicateurs des externalités environnementales basés sur l'ACV et les services écosystémiques ». Thesis, Troyes, 2016.
Texte intégralIn today's society, it is difficult to spread the Industrial ecology. This can be explained by the fact that information for decision makers is mainly outcome from the natural and engineering sciences. Thus, information provided in the decision process is focused on the physical study of material and energy flows. It seems irrelevant to challenge the industrial and public decision makers. For this, this thesis aims to understand which indicators to use to better integrate environmental impacts in the process of industrial and public decision. It is particularly interested in the integration of environmental externalities in the decision process. It seeks to understand what are the interactions between the life cycle of a product and ecosystem services of a territory by using the methodology of Life cycle assessment. This proposal was put to the test by developing an illustrative case study by modeling two ecosystem services related to eutrophication. Then indicators of industrial systems on ecosystem services are tested in an experimental validation process in two different contexts of decision making
Agha, Kassab Fadi. « Co-optimisation of the sizing and control of an urban microgrid ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Compiègne, 2024.
Texte intégralThe modernization of the electricity grid (EG) through the implementation of microgrids offers significant potential for enhancing energy resilience, sustainability, and efficiency. However, this transition involves navigating a complex web of technical, economic, and environmental challenges. Microgrids require meticulous planning and optimization to balance energygeneration, storage, and consumption while minimizing costs and carbon emissions. Achievingthis balance calls for advanced optimization strategies, which are capable of addressing theintricacies of system components and operational dynamics. The objective of this research is to enhance the decision-making capabilities of microgrid designers by providing a comprehensive approach for microgrid planning. The study offers an in-depth analysis of the project’s lifetime from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives. Implemented in Python and solved using CPLEX, the optimization process aims to minimize both the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and the levelized cost of emissions (LCE). The study utilizes real economic and environmental data considering load growth as well as actual solar irradiation, ambient temperature, and wind speed data. The load for the university building is based on data from the Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France with the electric vehicle (EV) load modeled using probabilistic modeling. The study introduces a joint multi-objective optimization strategy usingMixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) to ensure globally optimal solutions, thereby that facilitates obtaining more informed and effective design choices. These choices involve evaluating various proposed solutions to balance cost and carbon emissions while addressing the complexities and technical constraints of the energy management (EM) problem. A novel aspect of this work is the integration of EM and component sizing into a unified optimization problem, aiming for an optimality gap of 0% with reduced computation time compared to existing literature. The proposed method evaluates the inherent trade-offs among various solutions by identifying the Pareto front and allowing for an optimal balance between economic and environmental objectives. The results indicate a significant reduction in LCOE and LCE in the GCMG compared to the IMG. The study reveals that Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) capacity increases as the LCE decreases, and the number of Photovoltaic (PV) systems is higher when the LCOE is lower for both operation modes. This occurs because the BESS has a slightly lower LCE compared to PV, and the LCOE of PV is also lower than that of BESS. Furthermore, as the limit of the EG increases, the Pareto fronts become lower and steeper. Additionally, the same MILP algorithm is applied to optimize microgrids from a tertiary university campus across various cities. The study further integrates wind turbines (WT) and EV loads into the microgrid. The study provides a comparative analysis of three scenarios (PV/BESS, WT/BESS, and PV/WT/BESS) across different cities for evaluating the impacts of seasonal fluctuations on LCOE and LCE, and for assessing how microgrid component technologies influence LCOE and LCE outcomes. The results indicate that scenarios including PV/WT/BESS yield the lowest LCOE and LCE values, while the WT/BESS scenario results in the highest LCOE and LCE. It is also observed that the order of cities based on average solar irradiation or wind speed does not necessarily correspond to the order of LCOE and LCE. Monthly and daily fluctuations in solar irradiation and wind speed significantly impact these results. Regarding the technologies, locally produced PV panels contribute positively to the overall LCE of the microgrid, with PV panels incorporating phase changing material showing higher LCE. The research also compares two distinct algorithms
Le, Van-Thao. « Proposition d'une stratégie soutenable pour donner une nouvelle vie à une pièce en s’appuyant sur les techniques de fabrication additive ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Texte intégralCurrently, materials collected from end-of-life (EoL) products are recycled into raw material for reusing in a new production cycle. However, energy consumptions of recycling sectors remain important. The added values and energy used in the manufacture of original parts are also lost during the material recycling process. Nowadays, additive manufacturing techniques are sufficiently efficient and allow the manufacture of products with a material compatible with the use. Taking into account the performances of these techniques in a sustainable strategy can open the ways to modify parts and reuse them directly without returning to the raw material level. This thesis aims to develop a sustainable strategy, which allows giving a new life to an EoL part (or an existing part) by transforming it directly into a new part intended for another product. In order to develop such a strategy, the works of the thesis aims to solve the following scientific issues : the first scientific issue is related to the technological feasibility : is it possible to deposit material on an existing part using additive manufacturing technologies to obtain the new part with good material health ? This question is solved by carrying out an experimental study on the observation of microstructures and mechanical properties of the samples, which are manufactured by adding new features into an existing part in EBM. The second scientific issue is related to the study of the complete manufacturing chain from a technological point of view. How to design the process planning for additive and subtractive manufacturing combination to manufacture the expected part from the existing part ? To solve this question, a methodology to design the process planning for combining these manufacturing processes has been proposed based on the concept of additive manufacturing and machining features.The third scientific issue is linked to the sustainability and does the new strategy have advantages in comparison to the conventional strategy in terms of sustainability ? An approach based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method has also been developed to assess environmental impacts. The criteria for qualifying the domain of the proposed strategy vis-a-vis the conventional strategy were also identified
Coatanéa, Eric. « Modélisation du cycle de vie en préconception : Une méthode de modélisation et d'évaluation basée sur les analogies et les nombres sans dimensions ». Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2005.
Texte intégralThe General Design Theory (GDT) is used as the methodological basis of this work. Using the results of GDT, the research introduces a definition of the concept of function which is generic and not dedicated to a solution-based approach. Consequently the concept of function fulfils its intended objective of modelling the design problems at a general level. In addition to the concept of function, this thesis introduces a series of classifications based on generic concepts and rules aimed at generating concepts of solutions progressively. All these concepts are integrated into the developed metamodel framework. The metamodel provides a group of generic concepts associated with laws and mapped with a normalized functional vocabulary. The metamodel framework is an intermediate structure developed in order to provide guidance during the synthesis process and to meet the initial condition in order to transform the classification structure into a metric space. A metric space is a topological space with a unique metric. The transformation of the initial topological space into a metric space can be obtained when a series of conditions are verified. The first condition consists of clustering the concepts of solutions in order to underline the comparable aspects in each of them. This is done by using a set of dedicated rules. In addition three other fundamental conditions should be obtained. The metamodel framework ensures the first condition; an enhanced fundamental system of unit provides the second condition and a paradigm of separation of concept the third one. When all these three conditions are verified, it becomes possible to transform the design problems modelled by four types of generic variables into a series of dimensionless groups. This transformation process is achieved by using the Vashy-Buckingham theorem and the Butterfield's paradigm. The Butterfield's paradigm is used in order to select the minimum set of repeated variables which ensure the non-singularity of the metrization procedure. This transformation process ends with the creation of a machinery dedicated to the qualitative simulation of the concepts of solutions. The thesis ends with the study of practical cases.
Debusschere, Vincent. « Contributions méthodologiques à l'éco-conception des convertisseurs électromagnétiques d'énergie ». Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2009.
Texte intégralJaouen, Cédric, et Cédric Jaouen. « Méthodologie de dimensionnement sur cycle de vie d'une distribution en courant continu dans le bâtiment : applications aux câbles et convertisseurs statiques DC/DC ». Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2012.
Texte intégralFabre, Alice. « L'accumulation du capital humain sur le cycle de vie : éducation, formation et inégalités : Une étude dans le cadre du modèle à générations imbriquées ». Aix-Marseille 2, 2000.
Texte intégralLaurent, Achille Benjamin. « Développement d'un modèle d'aide à la décision basé sur l'optimisation multicritère, intégrant l'analyse de cycle de vie conséquentielle : application à une entreprise forestière ». Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017.
Texte intégralHow can forest harvesting entrepreneurs consider environmental impacts in their business decisions? What technologies can reduce environmental impacts while making the company more profitable? To answer these questions, we developed a strategic decision support tool which integrated the minimization of environmental impacts with economic objectives environmental based on multi-criteria optimization. The consideration of environmental and economic impacts on the entire logistics network requires a holistic vision. That why a life-cycle approach was adopted all long of this thesis. Thus, the multi-criteria model is powered by environmental Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life-Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA). The first contribution of this thesis is to present a LCA of the product portfolio of a forestry company. LCA is a standardized and recognized method for quantifying the environmental impacts of a product or service. This analysis was realized with the IMPACT 2002+ method, which quantify damages on human health, ecosystem quality, climate changes and resource consumption, which are the four environmental criteria in this entire research project. The second contribution is the realization of an Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing (AB-LCC) covering all the harvesting and processing activities of the same forestry company. The cost structure of the company was analyzed for each product of the portfolio along with an analysis of the life-cycle of each Harvested Wood Product (HWP) in the North American market context. With a consequential LCA approach, it is possible to consider the consequences of a change by integrating the substitution effects. Substition of building materials, such as steel or concrete, and of fossil fuels by HWP has positive greenhouse gas emission impacts. The third contribution, presented in chapter 4, use results of the previous analyzes to incorporate them in a multi-criteria optimization model which considers both profitability and environmental impacts. The decision support model provides optimization from an environmental, economic and all compromises between these criteria, on material flux and new technology acquisition. A graphical representation of the proposed network accompanies the calculation of expected annual profits and net GHG emissions of solutions. The case study is based on primary and historical data of the company activities as well as set of new technologies considered, for both environmental and economic criteria. The mathematical model is linear integer programming that is resolved by the exact method and a posteriori approach, by varying weights between 0 and 1 for each criterion, to generate 150 solutions. Several prospective technologies are proposed in the model while respecting the constraints of supplies, recipes and specific capacity to the context of the studied forestry company. A final contribution of this thesis is about the HWP delivery system, presented in chapter 5. The routing of prefabricated building systems directly on construction sites has several advantages, but it is a source of GHG emissions. CarbonRoadMap is a multicriteria and multimodal model supporting decisions about alternatives to truck only transport. The forestry company can suggest different routes based on the priorities of its customers, who may be the time, cost or carbon emissions. This whole thesis demonstrates that the integration of environmental criteria in the decision support tools allows a wider vision. In the applications, specific to forestry business, the solutions with an environmental impacts reduction are mostly a source of additional profit simultaneity.
Jaouen, Cédric. « Méthodologie de dimensionnement sur cycle de vie d’une distribution en courant continu dans le bâtiment : applications aux câbles et convertisseurs statiques DC/DC ». Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2012.
Texte intégralSince the development of roof PV systems and electric vehicles, the use of DC distribution for building has to be explored. However, an objective criterion has to be used to evaluate the interest of such distribution. While energy consumption and environmental impact criteria gain in importance, the performance quantification of such system over the use phase is not sufficient to illustrate its whole impact. That’s why we propose to tackle this evaluation through the eco-sizing of distribution component. In order to simplify this complex problem, based on a multi-criterion approach, we propose to size the components based on the minimization of their primary energy consumption over their entire life cycle. The resulting Gross Energy Requirement GER includes the embodied energy and the losses during the use phase. The objectives are to propose a methodology to determine the optimal voltage level for the building DC distribution, and also to illustrate the proposed approach from case studies. This methodology is applied on wiring and DC/DC converters
Langlois, Juliette. « Représentation dans l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie des impacts environnementaux des usages de l'espace marin - illustration sur les activités de pêche et d'algoculture ». Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2013.
Texte intégralLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a robust tool often used for eco-design. It allows the assessment of environmental impacts, at a global scale, accounting for all stage of a product life cycle, “from cradle to grave”. There is a methodological gap in this method to account for occupation and transformation impacts in marine ecosystems due to human activities. The task accomplished during this PhD is the development of a methodological framework for a new impact category in LCA in order to overcome this lack: the sea use. As only a few studies have been carried out in this field, the general framework for sea use had to be defined. This framework has been built following the example of land use and integrating the new methods of assessment developed for LCA of seafood. Thus, a bibliographic work has been performed on the topic of land use and of LCA of fisheries and aquaculture. Cause-effect chains, linking human interventions to the potential impacts they can induce on their environment, were precisely defined. We focused on one of these cause-effect chains in particular, with the aim to build an operational impact assessment method. The method has then been made operational for the assessment of occupation and transformation impacts on the ecosystem life support functions. Because impacts of biotic biomass removal are an essential concern in marine ecosystems, the method has first been applied to fisheries. It was also exemplified on the case of offshore cultivated seaweed, as a case-study of ecodesign using LCA for seafood. Thus, a new operational methd of sea use impact assessment is proposed and can be applied to case-studies
Devergne, Jimmy. « Approche multi-stress : impact du changement climatique et d'un stress chimique (perturbateur endocrinien) sur le cycle de vie complet d'un poisson sentinelle marin ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Brest, 2024.
Texte intégralThe work presented in this thesis aims to evaluate the effects of estrogenic stress during key phases of the fish life cycle (early development and gametogenesis) in the context of global change as simulated by the IPCC RCP8.5 scenario for the year 2100 (+3 °C and -0.4 pH units). It is based on a controlled environment experiment carried out on the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), which allows exposure to different climate scenarios (current and RCP8.5) throughout the life cycle of this species and, in addition, to combine this climatic stress with estrogenic stress (17α-ethynylestradiol = EE2 ; 15 ng.l-1) during the embryonic-larval stages and at the end of gametogenesis. The effects of climatic stress, or multistress, were addressed by an integrative approach based on physiological, biochemical and molecular analyses, allowing the observation of effects on growth, reproduction and survival at different biological levels. In conclusion, this study shows that higher temperature and lower pH conditions increase metabolic costs and thus affect juvenile growth. This effect on growth is exacerbated by early contamination with EE2. At the adult stage, the metabolic costs generated by climatic stress affect sexual maturity and reproductive success (reduction in the number of reproductive females, delay and reduction in the spawning period, impaired oocyte maturation and egg quality). These effects are not modulated by additional estrogenic stress applied at the end of gametogenesis. On the other hand, contamination during early stages resulted in permanent effects such as feminisation of males and disruption of the reproductive axis, without modulation by climatic conditions. Finally, the two main results on survival concern two periods: 1- Under climatic stress conditions, a post-reproductive mortality peak wasobserved, associated with the proliferation of Vibrio rotiferianus and a more vulnerable physiological state of the sticklebacks during the post-reproductive period and at higher temperatures. 2- Under multistress conditions, a total mortality of larvae from EE2-contaminated parents was observed, suggesting a critical role of parental exposure on offspring responses. This work highlights the importance of considering multi-stress throughout the life cycle to assess the vulnerability of aquatic species in a future environment
Julio, Remi. « Développement d'une méthode d'évaluation multi-indicateurs des systèmes agro-industriels, basée sur la pensée cycle de vie, pour une éco-conception des procédés de production ». Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2018.
Texte intégralThe biorefinery concept, developed to face fossil resources dependence, aims to design a wide variety of products (biofuels, materials, chemicals ...) based on the development of renewable resources such as plant biomass. The establishment of biorefineries must be based on ecodesigned processes to optimize the environmental performance of the biomass processing chain. Nevertheless, eco-designing innovative processes can be complex due to multiple configurations and the lack of related specific and reliable data. Thereby, the aim of this research work is to develop a multi-indicator evaluation method for the eco-design of agro-industrial and biorefinery processes. The general approach is based on coupling Process Engineering and Life Cycle Assessment fields. Indeed, process modeling, based on mathematical or semi-empirical models (notably resulting from designs of experiments) and process simulation are applied to facilitate the life cycle inventory step by predicting detailed mass and energy balances. Then these data can be used to perform a prospective Life Cycle Assessment of the process. By iteration, it is possible perform data prediction and to test several operating conditions sets for the process, to enhance its environmental performance, by determining optimal operating conditions and by identifying the most environmentally friendly unit operations. The methodology and its associated tool have been tested on different biorefinery processes, involving various biomasses: micro-algae, wheat coproducts and wood
Andriankaja, Héry Tsihoarana. « Vers une organisation éco-concevante : Opérationnalisation de l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie en conception par une simplification basée sur une typologie en familles de produits ». Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2011.
Texte intégralRenaud-Gentié, Christel. « Eco-efficience des itinéraires techniques viticoles : intérêt et adaptations de l’analyse du cycle de vie pour la prise en compte des spécificités de la viticulture de qualité ». Thesis, Angers, 2015.
Texte intégralIn order to contribute to the effort of eco-efficiency improvement of the wine sctor, especially in the Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) contaxt, we worked to identify in which conditions Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an appropriate method for environmental assessment, at plot scale, of quality vineyard Technical Management Routes (TMRs), to permit the choice of the most eco-efficient technical operations and TMRs.A methodological framework for LCA suited to this objective was designed and tested on five real and contrasted TMRs, oriented towards a same qualitative objective. These cases were chosen thanks to an original statistical analysis chain, Typ-iti, on the basis of a survey, among the TMRs producing Chenin blanc grapes for PDO dry white wines in the Middle Lore Valley. Five groups were identified and characterized, threee in conventional viticulture, and two in organic viticulture.The methodological framework that was established includes i) the studied system definition including productive and non-productive phases, ii) the choice of the most suitable and available models for calculation of pollutant direct emissions in the vineyard, iii) the customization of the organic pesticide emision calculation model, Pest LCI 2.0, to viticulture specific needs iv) the inclusion of grape quality in the LCA by two functional units including an original grape quality index.LCA proves to be a method complex but powerful, usable at parcel scale for grape production TMRs choice. It revealed i) contrasted eco-efficiencies for the 5 contrasted TMRs, ii) the viticultural practices responsible for these contrasts, iii) solutions for eco-efficiency improvement and quantification of their eco-efficiency effects.The important effect of the production year on the results, highlighted here on one case, must be taken into account in any viticulture LCA. Numerous perspectives of methodological improvement are discussed here in order to increase relevance and completeness of the results as well as genericity of the method and its accessibility for viticulture development stakeholders
Leroy, Yann. « Développement d'une méthodologie de fiabilisation des prises de décisions environnementales dans le cadre d'analyses de cycle de vie basée sur l'analyse et la gestion des incertitudes sur les données d'inventaires ». Phd thesis, Paris, ENSAM, 2009.
Texte intégralLeão, Susana. « Development of a worldwide-regionalised Water Supply mix in Life Cycle Assessment ». Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2018.
Texte intégralWater utilities draw different water sources (surface and groundwater), including increased use of alternative sources (e.g. desalinated water, reused water, inter-basin water transfers) to supply freshwater to different users (domestic, agriculture, etc.). The combination of water sources and technologies (including infrastructures and energy) results in a regional water supply mix (WSmix) for each specific use. Existing Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases used in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), do not include these mixes when modelling processes, leading to a poor representation of water supply systems and related environmental impacts. To fill this gap, this thesis developes 1) consistent water supply mix (WSmix) model for implementation in LCA, 2) a first database of water source mixes for different users at a global scale and a technological matrix linking water sources to water production technologies in order to operationalize the practical implementation of the WSmix in LCA studies. In order to test the operationalization and applicability of the WSmix at worldwide scale and for different users, this theseis also describes the operationalization and application of the WSmix for two different water users worldwide with two different approaches: providing a generic service (public water supply) and producing a global product (maize production). Finally, to evaluate to what extent the WSmix will be affected by climate and socio-economic changes in the future, this thesis describes the development of a Prospective WSmix (P-WSmix) for practical implementation in LCA and water footprint studies
Lessard, Yannick. « Modélisation de l’influence de la sélection des matériaux sur le profil environnemental du cycle de vie d’un bâtiment à bureaux : évaluation critique de LEED v4 ». Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017.
Texte intégralAbstract : Buildings being one of the highest contributors to environmental impacts globally, various Green Building Rating Systems (GBRS) have been proposed in support to reduce their impacts. Primarily oriented towards energy consumption from use stage, their application in low impact energy contexts can result in some undesirable side effects. While some GBRS focus only on few aspects of the building, like Passive House, others like LEED v4, the most present in North America, have a broader scope. However, this GBRS grants more importance to energy consumption than material selection. Based on a office building case study in Quebec (Canada), the aim of this study is to compare the material effects on building LCA impacts and their considerations in LEED v4. Here, the term material is used, for simplicity purpose, to mean construction material used to build the building. Thus, the material effects can be reflected by the material contribution on building LCA impact and their potential to vary these impacts from the adoption of different material configurations. The environmental impacts are evaluated using the attributional LCA approach with SimaPro 8.2 software, ecoinvent 3.1 database and IMPACT 2002+ method. Building LCA results indicate the high environmental impact contribution from materials (> 50 %) and their good potential to vary LCA impacts (0 % to more than 50 %). By comparison, the LEED v4 rating system did not seem to be as effective in capturing the effects of materials in low impact energy context like the one of Quebec (where the electricity generation is hydro-based). As a matter of fact, material selection represents 13 points (or 30%) by comparison with 33 points (or 70%) for energy consumption. Conclusions drawn from this research project will help stakeholders from the building sector in their efforts to improve building environmental profiles providing answers about the implication of material selection and GBRS to this end and the complementarity between LCA and GBRS.
Lotteau, Marc. « Développement d’une approche d’intégration des questions de morphologie urbaine dans l’évaluation environnementale des projets d’aménagement à l’échelle du quartier basée sur l’analyse de cycle de vie ». Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Texte intégralThis work is a contribution to the environmental assessment of urban development projects in the upstream design phase. It focuses on integrating urban morphology issues with life cycle analysis (LCA) applied to the built environment at the neighborhood scale. The energy performance of buildings is partly determined by design choices relating to the urban form and its interactions with climate. The objective of this thesis is to provide to the design teams a way to take into account the influence of the urban form on the energy potentials of a neighborhood with a life cycle perspective.A preliminary study was conducted on two neighborhoods to detail the influence of the urban form on their energy potentials. An approach to modeling the embodied energy and embodied carbon of buildings is proposed. A sensitivity analysis and a contribution analysis of this model are performed on two generic building shapes. The results demonstrate the key influence of the shape of the buildings and a very strong link between the embodied energy and the building’s compactness. An approach to assessing the passive heating potential and passive summer comfort potential at the neighborhood scale is also developed. It is based on the transformation of a neighborhood in an equivalent urban form (regular array of block buildings), and on the application of metamodels of a thermal simulation engine. The method is tested and discussed on a corpus of 45 case studies. These methodological developments are intended to be integrated into an existing tool for neighborhood LCA (NEST)