Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Education Economic aspects »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Education Economic aspects"
Engleman, Stephen R., et John F. Forbes. « Economic aspects of health education ». Social Science & ; Medicine 22, no 4 (janvier 1986) : 443–58.
Texte intégralMashkova, I. V., A. M. Kostriukova et V. V. Trofimenko. « Economic aspects in medical education, interdisciplinary approach ». Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. Образование и здравоохранение, no 2 (2022) : 60–67.
Texte intégralKhamkhoeva, Fatima Yahievna, et Leila Bashirovna Merzhoeva. « THE ORETICAL ASPECTS OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATION ». Chronos 7, no 9(71) (13 octobre 2022) : 72–77.
Texte intégralAchilov, Obid Muzrobovich, Mahliyo Norbutayevna Kochkinova et Ozodaxon Muzaffar Qizi Kamolova. « THE IMPORTANCE OF ECONOMIC EDUCATION IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN ». CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGICS 02, no 06 (30 juin 2021) : 137–40.
Texte intégralMalik, Muh Syauqi, et Maslahah Maslahah. « THE INTERRELATIONSHIP OF JAVANESE AND ISLAMIC VALUES ON EDUCATIONAL ASPECTS AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS ». Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities 6, no 2 (28 octobre 2021) : 120–29.
Texte intégralPasichnyk, Taras O. « The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Economic Growth and Economic Development ». PROBLEMS OF ECONOMY 2, no 60 (2024) : 213–22.
Texte intégralAuerbach, Alan J. « American Economic Journal : Economic Policy ». American Economic Review 99, no 2 (1 avril 2009) : 679–80.
Texte intégralLukic, Vesna. « Socio-economic aspects of commuting ». Sociologija 55, no 2 (2013) : 283–98.
Texte intégralDmitriev, V. Ya. « Socio-Economic Aspects of Digital Transformation of Higher Education ». Economics and Management 26, no 11 (16 janvier 2021) : 1258–62.
Texte intégralTodorova, Elena, et Stelian Dimitrov. « Socio-Economic Aspects of the Higher Education in Bulgaria ». Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society 39 (13 novembre 2018) : 58–63.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Education Economic aspects"
Suutari, T. (Tero). « Economic aspects in education ». Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2015.
Texte intégralTämän Pro gradu-tutkielman johtava teema on mukautuminen ja valmistautuminen muuttuviin vaatimuksiin tiedoista ja taidoista työelämässä. Ammattirakenteen muutos Suomessa viittaa siihen että vaatimukset erilaisille tiedoille ja taidoille työelämässä on tapahtumassa. Aineisto ammattirakenteen muutoksesta on Tilastokeskuksen yhdistetty työntekijä-työnantaja-aineisto (Finnish Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data FLEED). Ammattirakenteen muutos ajoittuu vuosien 1995 ja 2007 välille. Koulutus mielletään tässä Pro gradu-tutkielmassa sellaiseksi toiminnaksi jonka tavoite on valmistaa lapsia sekä tulevia sukupolvia työelämään oikeanlaisilla taidoilla ja tiedoilla. Yhtälailla tärkeät muut tavoitteet, mitä koulutukselle ja kasvatukselle on annettu, sekä mahdollisesti syntyviä ristiriitoja tavoitteita saavuttamisessa ovat tämän tutkielman ulkopuolella. Muutokset ammattirakenteessa luo kysymyksen, että miten koulutus on valmistautunut tällaisiin tuntemattomiin muutoksiin? Vastatakseni kysymykseen esittelen koulutusekonomian ja koulutussuunnittelun, sekä erityisesti miten koulutusekonomia on vaikuttanut koulutussuunnitteluun. Aluksi käyn läpi koulutusekonomian ja esittelen sen kaksi pääteoriaa: inhimillisen pääoman teorian ja siiviläteorian. Selitän millä tavoin nämä teoriat eroavat toisistaan ja mikäli jompikumpi voidaan todistaa oikeaksi millainen vaikutus sillä olisi koulutukseen. Koulutussuunnittelussa on käytetty monenlaisia analysointivälineitä tulevaisuuden ennakoimiseksi. Esittelen nämä eri tavat ja työkalut, sekä miten koulutussuunnittelu on historiansa aikana muuttunut ja miten taloudellinen ajattelu on muuttanut koulutussuunnittelua. Viimeisessä osassa tuon esille tutkimuksia siitä miten Suomessa pyritään ennakoimaan ja valmistautumaan muutoksiin työelämässä. Käyn myös keskustelua siitä voiko kasvatustiede tuoda jotain uutta koulutusekonomiaan
Loshak, O., et K. Bondarenko. « Economic aspects in environmental education ». Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2006.
Texte intégralShure, Dominique Alexandra. « Essays in education economics ». Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.
Texte intégralWalckiers, Alexis. « Three essays on the economics of science and higher education ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008.
Texte intégralknowledge, these institutions, interestingly, share other common characteristics: they both emerged before the Industrial Revolution, their importance increased over the centuries and they seem unavoidable today, and many actors are private not-for-profit.
Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion
Ma, Wing Sze. « An economic evaluation of the education sector in China ». HKBU Institutional Repository, 2006.
Texte intégralGustafsson, Martin Anders. « Education and country growth models ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: The over-arching concern of the three parts of the dissertation is how economics can and should influence education policymaking, the emphasis on the economics side being models of country development and the contribution made by human capital. Part I begins with a review of economic growth theory. How educational performance and country development have been measured is then discussed, with considerable attention going towards conceptual and measurement complexities associated with the latter. An approach is presented for expanding the number of countries whose educational quality can be compared, by expanding the number of linkable testing programmes. This approach, which above all allows for the inclusion of more African and Latin American countries, is one of the key contributions made by the dissertation to the existing body of knowledge. Three existing empirical growth models are examined, including work by Hanushek and Woessman on the relationship between educational quality and income. Part I ends with a discussion on how the economics literature can best be packaged to influence education policymaking. A ‘growth simulator’ tool in Excel for informing the policy discourse is presented. The production of this tool includes establishing empirically a feasible improvement trajectory for educational quality that policymakers can use and some analysis of how linguistic fractionalisation in a country evolves over time. This tool can be considered a further key output of the dissertation. A basic model for relating educational quality, via income growth, to teacher pay, is presented. Part II offers an analysis of UNESCO country-level data on enrolment and spending going back to 1970, with a view to establishing historical patterns that can inform education planners, particularly those in developing countries, on how budgets and enrolment expansion should be distributed across the levels of the education system. The analysis presented in Part II represents a novel way of using existing countrylevel data and can be seen as an important step towards filling a gap experienced by education policymakers, namely the paucity of empirical evidence that can guide decisions around the prioritisation of education levels. Part II moreover arrives at a few empirical findings, including the finding that enrolment and spending patterns have been systematically different in countries with faster economic growth and the finding that historical per student spending at the secondary level appears to play a larger role in development than was previously thought. Part III contrasts the available economic advice for education policymakers with what policymakers actually appear to believe in. The focus falls, in particular, on four developing countries: South Africa, Brazil, Chile and China. A few areas where economists could explore the data to a greater degree or communicate available findings differently, in the interests of better education policies, are identified. Part III partly serves as a demonstration of how comparisons between education systems can be better oriented towards providing advice to education policymakers on questions relating to efficiency and equity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorkoepelende fokus van die drie gedeeltes van die verhandeling is hoe die studie van ekonomie beleid in die onderwyssektor kan en moet beïnvloed. Veral belangrik is modelle van die ekonomiese groei van lande en die rol van menslike kapitaal in hierdie modelle. Die eerste gedeelte van die verhandeling bied oorsig van die teorie rakende ekonomiese groei. Hoe onderwysprestasie en nasionale ontwikkeling gemeet word, word dan bespreek, met sterk fokus op die konseptuele en tegniese kompleksiteit van laasgenoemde. Metode word aangebied waardeur meer lande se onderwysgehalte vergelyk kan word, deur middel van die koppeling van data van groter aantal toetsprogramme. Hierdie metode, wat veral die insluiting van meer lande uit Afrika en Latyn-Amerika toelaat, is een van die kernbydraes van die verhandeling tot die bestaande korpus van kennis. Drie bestaande empiriese modelle van ekonomiese groei word geanaliseer, insluitende die werk van Hanushek en Woessman oor die verhouding tussen onderwysgehalte en inkomste. Die eerste gedeelte sluit af met bespreking oor hoe die ekonomiese literatuur optimaal aangebied kan word om beleidmaking in die onderwys te beïnvloed. Groei-simulasie hulpmiddel in Excel wat die beleidsdiskoers kan vergemaklik word aangebied en verduidelik. Die ontwikkeling van hierdie gereedskap maak dit moontlik om op empiriese basis moontlike trajek vir die verbetering van onderwysgehalte te bepaal, wat vir beleidsmakers nuttig kan wees, sowel as ontleding van hoe linguïstiese verbrokkeling in land histories kan ontwikkel. Hierdie gereedskap kan as verdere sleutelproduk van die verhandeling beskou work. Basiese model van hoe onderwysgehalte en die inkomste van onderwysers deur middel van ekonomiese groei gekoppel is, word ook aangebied. Die tweede gedeelte van die verhandeling bied ontleding van UNESCO se nasionale statistieke van lande oor skoolinskrywings en onderwysuitgawes vanaf 1970, met die oog op die identifikasie van belangrike historiese tendense vir onderwysbeplanners, veral in ontwikkelende lande. Die fokus hier is veral op hoe begrotings en inskrywings ideaal oor die verskillende vlakke van die onderwysstelsel versprei behoort te wees. Die ontleding in die tweede gedeelte verteenwoordig innoverende manier om die bestaande nasionale statistieke te gebruik en kan beskou word as belangrike stap om gaping te vul wat deur beleidsmakers in die onderwys ondervind word, naamlik die gebrek aan empiriese gegewens vir besluite oor prioritisering tussen onderwysvlakke. Die tweede gedeelte bied ook verskeie empiriese bevindinge, soos dat die tendense rakende inskrywings en besteding per student sistematies tussen lande met vinniger ekonomiese groei en ander lande verskil, asook dat historiese besteding per student op die sekondêre vlak blykbaar groter invloed op ontwikkeling het as wat vroeër gedink is. Die derde gedeelte van die verhandeling vergelyk die advies wat die ekonomiese literatuur aan beleidmakers in die onderwys bied met wat beleidmakers self blykbaar glo. Die fokus val op veral vier ontwikkelende lande: Suid-Afrika, Brasilië, Chili en China. Gebiede word bespreek waar ekonome in die belang van beter onderwysbeleid tot groter mate data kan analiseer of bevindings op beter maniere kan kommunikeer. Die derde gedeelte kan beskou word as demonstrasie van hoe vergelykings tussen verskeie onderwysstelsels beter georiënteer kan word om vir die beleidmaker in die onderwys advies te verskaf rakende kwessies van doeltreffendheid en gelykheid.
Ortiz, Ospina Esteban. « Essays on the economics of higher education ». Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.
Texte intégralREUTER, Johanna Luise. « Why sisters are better than brothers : the effect of sibling gender on attitudes and other essays in gender and education economics ». Doctoral thesis, European University Institute, 2022.
Texte intégralExamining Board : Prof. Michèle Belot (Cornell University); Prof. Andrea Ichino (EUI); Prof. Almudena Sevilla (UCL); Prof. Arnaud Chevalier (Royal Holloway University of London)
This thesis is composed of three independent essays in applied microeconomics. The first contributes to the field of gender and family economics and analyzes the effect of the gender of the second-born sibling on first-born individuals’ attitudes. The second chapter speaks to the health economics literature, evaluating the unitended consequences of a liberalization of the morning after pill. The topic of the final chapter lies within the economics of education, proposing a way to differentiate between degrees depending on the type of higher education institution. Even though the three chapters seem separate, all of them share my interest in gender and education economics, as well as causal estimation. In Chapter 1, joint with Martin Habets, we analyze the causal effect of sibling gender on attitudes and preferences. Comparing first-born women with a next-born sister to first-born women with a next-born brother allows us to estimate the causal effect of sibling gender. In particular, we find that a next-born sister leads first-born women to have less stereotypically female preferences in education. We also explore how the gender of the next-born sibling influences parental involvement. Our findings indicate that parents are more involved in the education of their first-born daughter if their next-born sibling is also a girl. These results shed light on how sibling gender influences preferences and attitudes, specifically those for education choices that are gender role conforming. To further explore the role of sibling gender in shaping attitudes, we have designed an online survey – currently in progress – to measure gender roles more precisely. In Capter 2, I analyze the causal effects of liberalizing access to emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), also known as the morning after pill, on young adults’ reproductive behavior in England. The liberalization, which changed the prescription status from “on doctor’s prescription only” to “available without prescription in pharmacies", created easier and more timely access to EHC for all women aged 16 years or older. In a theoretical model of individual behavior I find that EHC, which can be seen as i insurance against pregnancies, acts both as a substitute for regular contraception, as well as a substitute for abortions. This creates the need for analyzing the issue empirically since overall effects on outcomes such as births and abortions are unclear. Using a difference-in-differences approach, I find that easier access to EHC increases births only among 20-24 year olds. I find no effects on abortions or sexually transmitted infections. Chapter 3, attempts to differentiate the degree attainment in the UK by type of higher education institutions. Historically higher education in the UK has been shaped by a dual system: elite universities on the one hand and polytechnics and other higher education institutions on the other. Despite the formal equivalence of both degrees, the two institution types faced different financing, target populations, admission procedures and subjects taught. Nevertheless, in survey data they are often indistinguishable. We overcome this problem using a multiple imputation technique in the UKHLS and BHPS data sets. We examine the validity of inference based on imputed values using Monte Carlo simulations. We also verify that the imputed values are consistent with university graduation rates computed using the universe of undergraduate students in the UK.
-- 1 Why Sisters are Better than Brothers - The Effect of Sibling Gender on Attitudes -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Literature -- 1.2.1 Review of the mechanisms behind sibling gender effects -- 1.3 Identification and Estimation Strategy -- 1.4 Data and Sampl -- 1.4.1 Next Steps Data -- 1.4.2 British Cohort Study -- 1.5 Results -- 1.5.1 Results from the Next Steps Data -- 1.5.2 Results British Cohort Study -- 1.6 Survey -- 1.6.1 Survey Questions -- 1.6.2 Survey Regression Specification -- 1.6.3 Survey Index Construction and Technical Details -- 1.7 Conclusion and Outlook -- References -- Appendix 1.A Appendix -- 1.A.1 Summary Statistics -- 1.A.2 Balance Tests -- 1.A.3 Results Next Steps Data -- 1.A.4 Results British Cohort Study -- 2 Liberalizing the Morning After Pill - Effects on Young Women -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Literature Review -- 2.3 Emergency Hormonal Contraception -- 2.4 The Model -- 2.4.1 Solution of the Model -- 2.4.2 Comparative Statics: The Reform -- 2.5 Data -- 2.6 Empirical Strategy -- 2.7 First Stage -- 2.8 Estimation Results -- 2.8.1 Randomization Inference -- 2.9 Robustness Checks --2.9.1 Common Trends: Leads in Main Regression -- 2.9.2 Serial Correlation -- 2.10 Conclusion -- References -- 3 Multiple Imputation of University Degree Attainment -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Institutional background -- 3.3 Data -- 3.3.1 Degree attainment in the BHPS and the UKHLS -- 3.4 Multiple imputation -- 3.4.1 Missing data mechanism -- 3.4.2 Imputation model -- 3.4.3 Evaluation -- 3.5 Results and discussion -- 3.6 Conclusion -- References
Ermakov, D. S. « Education for sustainable development : social ecological and economic aspects of the environment ». Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2004.
Texte intégral郭國全 et Kwok-chuen Kwok. « The political economy of educational investment : a review and an appraisal ». Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1986.
Texte intégralLivres sur le sujet "Education Economic aspects"
Mark, Blaug, dir. The Economic value of education : Studies in the economics of education. Aldershot, Hants, England : E. Elgar Pub., 1992.
Trouver le texte intégralYork Region Board of Education. Futures Committee. Socio-economic influences. [Aurora, Ont.] : York Region Board of Education, 1985.
Trouver le texte intégralCohn, Elchanan. The economics of education. 3e éd. Oxford, England : Pergamon Press, 1990.
Trouver le texte intégralJohnes, Geraint. The economics of education. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1993.
Trouver le texte intégralN, Worswick G. D., et National Institute of Economic and Social Research., dir. Education and economic performance. Aldershot, Hants, England : Gower, 1985.
Trouver le texte intégralBond-Stewart, Kathy. Education. [Zimbabwe] : Mambo Press, 1986.
Trouver le texte intégralAyot, H. Okello. Economics of education. Nairobi : Educational Research and Publications, 1992.
Trouver le texte intégralKnudson, Becky. Education. Salem, OR : The Unit, 1995.
Trouver le texte intégralE, Becker William, et Lewis Darrell R, dir. Higher education and economic growth. Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.
Trouver le texte intégralWeale, Martin. Education, externalities, fertility, and economic growth. Washington, DC (1818 H St., NW, Washington 20433) : Population and Human Resources Dept., World Bank, 1992.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Education Economic aspects"
Popova, Tatiana N., Yana S. Mitrofanova, Olga A. Ivanova et Svetlana B. Vereshchak. « Economic and Organizational Aspects of University Digital Transformation ». Dans Smart Education and e-Learning 2020, 371–81. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2020.
Texte intégralSvobodova, Libuse, et Miloslava Cerna. « Economic Aspects of Corporate Education and Use of Advanced Technologies ». Dans Emerging Technologies for Education, 117–26. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Texte intégralMantulenko, V. V. « Digital Education : Pros and Cons (Instrumental and Axiological Aspects) ». Dans Digital Technologies in the New Socio-Economic Reality, 923–31. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Texte intégralTire, Gunda. « Estonia : A Positive PISA Experience ». Dans Improving a Country’s Education, 101–20. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Texte intégralPacheco, Renata, Iryna Skulska, Ana Catarina Sequeira et M. Conceição Colaço. « Wildfire Education : A Review Across the Globe ». Dans Fire Hazards : Socio-economic and Regional Issues, 29–41. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Texte intégralEvola, Marco, Julia Jungfleisch et Tanasije Marinković. « Human Rights Law Through the Lens of the Gender Perspective ». Dans Gender-Competent Legal Education, 217–60. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Texte intégralSvobodova, Libuse, et Miloslava Cerna. « Economic Aspects of the Introduction of the SMART Technology into Kindergartens and Primary Schools—Czech National and Local Scene ». Dans Smart Education and e-Learning 2016, 255–65. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Texte intégralSchwarz, Ingrid. « Perspectives for Pupils and Teachers in Economic Education : European and Austrian Aspects of the Fifobi-Project ». Dans Fit for Business, 145–75. Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012.
Texte intégralUljens, Michael, et Janne Elo. « Grounding Higher Education Leadership Research in Non-affirmative Education Theory ». Dans Educational Governance Research, 1–44. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2024.
Texte intégralKärner, Tobias, Detlef Sembill et Timo Kaiser. « Teachers concepts of man and pedagogical beliefs : Aspects that should not be neglected when discussing economic education ». Dans Ökonomisches Denken lehren und lernen, 61–75. Bielefeld : wbv Publikation, 2022.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "Education Economic aspects"
« Economic aspects of exports of educational services ». Dans All-Russian Scientific Conference on Achievements of Science and Technology. Krasnoyarsk Science and Technology City Hall, 2021.
Texte intégralKollár, Vojtech, et Silvia Matúšová. « Selected Aspects of Education Transformation ». Dans 7th International Scientific Conference – EMAN 2023 – Economics and Management : How to Cope With Disrupted Times. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023.
Texte intégralBalco, P., et M. Drahosova. « The economic aspects of the electronization in Education process ». Dans 2017 15th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA). IEEE, 2017.
Texte intégralNugumanova, L. N., G. A. Shaukhutdinova et T. V. Jakovenko. « Some Aspects of Digitalization Processes in Education ». Dans 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Management Trends and the Digital Economy : from Regional Development to Global Economic Growth” (MTDE 2020). Paris, France : Atlantis Press, 2020.
Texte intégralAngheluţă, Sorin Petrică, Florin Dobre, Amelia Diaconu, Mihai Dinu et Svetlana Platagea Gombos. « Aspects regarding the level of education of the adult population ». Dans International Scientific Conference “30 Years of Economic Reforms in the Republic of Moldova : Economic Progress via Innovation and Competitiveness”. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2022.
Texte intégralNegriy, Varvara, et Grigoriy Lagutin. « Psychological aspects of digitalization of education ». Dans Safety psychology and psychological safety : problems of interaction between theorists and practitioners. «Publishing company «World of science», LLC, 2020.
Texte intégralLukhutashvili, Nana, et Mariami Denosasvhili. « Some Aspects Related to the Development of Human Capital in the Higher Education System ». Dans Human Capital, Institutions, Economic Growth. Kutaisi University, 2023.
Texte intégralHladun, Svitlana, et Oleh Logush. « PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE CONNECTION OF BUSINESS AND EDUCATION IN UKRAINE ». Dans Current issues of economic development : problems, perspectives, international experiences. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, 2023.
Texte intégralMokeeva, Natalia Nikolaevna, Tatiana Vladimirovna Bakunova et Veronika Eduardovna Frais. « Modern Paradigm of Commercial Bank Funding : Socio-Economic Aspects ». Dans Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2019). Paris, France : Atlantis Press, 2019.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Education Economic aspects"
Haider, Huma. Education, Conflict, and Stability in South Sudan. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), juillet 2021.
Texte intégralBuitrago García, Hilda Clarena. The Ins and Outs of Colombian Higher Education System. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, avril 2023.
Texte intégralIatsyshyn, Anna V., Valeriia O. Kovach, Volodymyr O. Lyubchak, Yurii O. Zuban, Andriy G. Piven, Oleksandra M. Sokolyuk, Andrii V. Iatsyshyn, Oleksandr O. Popov, Volodymyr O. Artemchuk et Mariya P. Shyshkina. Application of augmented reality technologies for education projects preparation. [б. в.], juillet 2020.
Texte intégralGonchigdorj, Ariunkhishig, Frederika Warren, Akanksha Bapna, Namrata Sharma, Arnaldo Pellini et Crystal Green. Spotlight on EdTech : Bangladesh. HundrED, novembre 2023.
Texte intégralFieldsend, Astrid. Evidence and Lessons Learned Regarding the Effect of Equitable Quality Education on ‘Open Society’. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), mai 2021.
Texte intégralKud, A. A. Figures and Tables. Reprinted from “Comprehensive сlassification of virtual assets”, A. A. Kud, 2021, International Journal of Education and Science, 4(1), 52–75. KRPOCH, 2021.
Texte intégralHlushak, Oksana M., Svetlana O. Semenyaka, Volodymyr V. Proshkin, Stanislav V. Sapozhnykov et Oksana S. Lytvyn. The usage of digital technologies in the university training of future bachelors (having been based on the data of mathematical subjects). [б. в.], juillet 2020.
Texte intégralHaider, Huma. Mainstreaming Institutional Resilience and Systems Strengthening in Donor Policies and Programming. Institute of Development Studies (IDS), juin 2021.
Texte intégralHicks, Jacky, Berni Smith, Anna Downs et Benedetta Musillo. Conversations on Gender and Tax. Institute of Development Studies, juin 2022.
Texte intégral