Thèses sur le sujet « Domus Dei »
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kretzer, Altamiro Antônio. « Domus dei et porta coeli ». Florianópolis, SC, 2005.
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A pesquisa centra-se na análise do Seminário de Azambuja (Brusque - SC), tendo como recorte temporal o período da Ditadura Militar no Brasil (1964-1985), época em que acontece também o Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II e uma série de mudanças na Igreja Católica. Faz-se um estudo crítico-analítico do processo educativo-pedagógico do Seminário-Internato de Azambuja e sua inserção no contexto histórico-político-social buscando mostrar a relação do processo educativo-pedagógico com o tipo de sujeito que se queria formar, o "bom seminarista" - as estratégias de "docilização dos corpos", disciplina-punição-resitências, controle do tempo e do espaço. Estuda a construção do corpo e a delicada questão da sexualidade num ambiente religioso e masculino mostrando a relação dominação-controle-saber-passividade dos corpos. Os sujeitos em questão são os seminaristas, os possíveis futuros sacerdotes. Numa realidade em que a Igreja Católica passava por um processo de contestações e transformações consideráveis era necessário para esta instituição garantir nos seus quadros indivíduos que se adequassem às novas exigências dos tempos. Era necessário adaptar-se aos "novos ventos que sopravam". Mas era também necessário que estes mesmos indivíduos fossem defensores da Igreja que representavam, que resguardassem, fortalecessem e defendessem a Igreja nos pontos em que era mais atacada. Neste sentido o trabalho objetiva mostrar alguns mecanismos utilizados pela Igreja Católica na construção do "bom" seminarista e do "bom" padre e como, neste processo dialético, os sujeitos resistiam ou se deixavam envolver.
Flamini, Filippo. « Progetto di copertura della domus romana dei coiedii a suasa ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Texte intégralIannuzzi, Federica. « Studio mineralogico-petrografico del Marmor Giallo Numidicum dalla "Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra" di Ravenna ». Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.
Texte intégralMeasel, Geoffrey Edward. « Domus Dei a post-Vatican II look at the Catholic Church in the 21st century / ». Cincinnati, Ohio : University of Cincinnati, 2007.
Texte intégralTitle from electronic theses title page (viewed July 12, 2007). Includes abstract. Keywords: Catholic Architecture; Sacred Spaces; Vatican II; Built Theology Includes bibliographic references.
Texte intégralHelg, Riccardo. « La forma e lo sviluppo dei prospetti nell'architettura e nell'urbanistica di Pompei e di Ercolano ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2009.
Texte intégralNella tradizione di studi sull'architettura domestica romana, l'analisi architettonica delle facciate è un tema generalmente trascurato e poco approfondito a causa della documentazione spesso scarsa e inadeguata. Questa ricerca affronta l'argomento prendendo in esame il caso di studio delle città vesuviane, Pompei ed Ercolano, che al contrario, per via delle modalità di seppellimento, offrono la possibilità di indagare l'argomento in forma complessa. Obiettivi principali di questo studio sono, da una parte, definire il ruolo della facciata nella caratterizzazione dell'edificio residenziale e il contributo che essa apportava all'aspetto complessivo della città, dall'altra, comprendere come il rinnovamento dei modelli abitativi, riscontrabile nell'ultimo periodo di vita delle città vesuviane, avesse influito sulla configurazione esterna del prospetto. Avvalendosi di un ampio repertorio di fonti letterarie, che introduce l'argomento dal punto di vista storico e sociologico, e fondandosi sull'osservazione di un cospicuo numero di edifici, l'analisi procede per gradi di approfondimento progressivo: dapprima vengono analizzati i singoli elementi che costituiscono il prospetto, rapportati costantemente con l'articolazione interna dell'abitazione e con lo spazio urbano, quindi si analizza in modo organico la fisionomia dei prospetti nelle case di tipo tradizionale ("ad atrio") e in quelle che adottarono impianti planimetrici nuovi.
Marucci, Francesca <1980>. « I luoghi della politica - la politica dei luoghi : la topografia della comunicazione negli anni della 'Rivoluzione Romana' ». Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2011.
Texte intégralThis dissertation focuses on the topography of communication during the “Roman revolution” (133-31 B.C.) and investigates the semiotic value of some public sites where highly significant political actions took place. The different strategies of communication at the time of the late Roman Republic are analysed by matching the memory of ancient sources to the investigation of the cultural value of four Roman sites. Chapter 1 reconstructs the political debate concerning the worship, the symbol and the site of the Dioscuri (from its association with an aristocratic gens to a symbol for the factio popularis). Chapter 2 revolves around the Temple of Concord, which constitutes as an actual place, as well as a political virtue and a slogan, a permanent endowment of the factio of the optimates. Chapter 3 examines cases of relationships developed in or on the theatre. The domus rostrata (Chapter 4) is taken as a legitimising element in the ideology of Pompeius, and one which was also appropriated by the subsequent proprietors of the house of Pompeius
Capomaggi, Julia. « Domus 1948-1978. La conformación del espacio interior doméstico a través del mobiliario ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015.
Texte intégralEsta investigación elabora una teoría sobre las formas que el espacio interior toma a través del mobiliario que lo construye, centrándose en los interiores domésticos difundidos por la revista Domus durante la segunda etapa de dirección (1948-1978) de Gio Ponti. Durante este período, la revista se estructura en torno al arredamento, el acto de amueblar, de disponer y construir el espacio habitable con muebles según un gusto o estilo. Amueblar se refiere tanto a disponer tos muebles como a diseñar la relación que existe entre ellos. El panorama italiano es especialmente fructífero debido al crecimiento de la producción industrial y los medios de comunicación en la posguerra, junto con los cambios económicos, culturales y sociales que dieron forma a la cultura del arredamento. El marco del trabajo se limita a los años en los que Gio Ponti fue, por segunda vez, director de la revista, pues coincide con el periodo más fructífero en el desarrollo de la industria, el diseño y el campo teórico. La revista Domus publicó tanto interiores domésticos de obras paradigmáticas de la historia de la arquitectura como interiores exuberantes, modestos, innovadores, tradicionales o vulgares que solo tienen valor por sí mismos. De un modo consciente, Ponti ocupó esta grieta editorial y disciplinar para utilizarla como aglutinador y eje principal de un discurso en tomo a la casa. Abordar la obra de un director y un editor que clasifica, selecciona y organiza los ejemplos permite filtrar el material a través de una única mirada; esta mirada tiene una gran relevancia para el marco de este estudio. Ponti seleccionó los interiores domésticos que conformarán este trabajo, pero la inmediatez de la producción de la revista no ha permitido una visión global y conjunta del material publicado para poder trazar trayectorias alrededor de las cuales construir un discurso sobre el interior doméstico. ¿Cómo es el interior doméstico que divulga Domus?, ¿cuáles son los instrumentos necesarios para definirlo?, ¿cuál es la aportación teórica de la revista sobre el tema?, y ¿cuáles son los mecanismos a través de los cuales se conforma el espacio interior doméstico en la segunda mitad del siglo XX? El material de este trabajo se organiza en cinco categorías. Todas ellas se definen por ser las que agrupan una mayor cantidad ejemplos y una mayor radicalidad de las propuestas publicadas,- y que, al agruparse y acumularse, conforman una secuencia narrativa continua y sin interferencias del cuerpo del estudio. En el primer capítulo, "Fundas", se investiga el tratamiento de la superficie en el interior doméstico, empezando por el tratamiento más superficial de la superficie, el de menor grosor, el grafismo, hasta conformarse en superficies vestidas que comienzan a separarse y redefinen los límites del espacio. En el capítulo "Objetos disonantes" se estudian aquellos interiores domésticos en los que los objetos tensionan el espacio que los contiene, bien sea por una disonancia estilística, escalar o figurativa, o bien por cómo son percibidos. Los objetos mantienen una posición lo suficientemente autónoma en el espacio que los contiene corno para construir un significado por sí mismos. El capitulo tercero se centra en los personajes que aparecen en Domus, artistas que utilizan el espacio doméstico como primer campo de experimentación de una forma de vida, un posicionamiento filosófico o una postura politica, o un coleccionista donde los objetos hablan por él. El capítulo cuarto se centra en los interiores domésticos "Blancos y transparentes", publicados en Domus que fueron diseñados como si fueran anuncios o imágenes. La imagen informa el espacio arquitectónico y construye una nueva realidad: la realidad impresa.
Buroni, Alice, et Elena Zonga. « Musealizzazione della citta romana di Suasa. Archeologia del paesaggio e archeologia urbana ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Texte intégralZonga, Elena, et Alice Buroni. « Musealizzazione della citta romana di suasa. Archeologia del paesaggio e archeologia urbana ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Texte intégralCoz, Gamarra Gabriela Stefany, et Romero Sayuri Milagritos Poma. « El uso del sistema hidropónico escalonado y su influencia en el espacio arquitectónico de invernaderos productivos en el distrito de Pucará al 2018 ». Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Continental, 2019.
Texte intégralGianiculi, Valentina, et Giulia Birarelli. « Gubbio:identità romana. Musealizzazione del nuovo parco archeologico della Guastuglia ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Texte intégralBandini, Caterina, et Michela Barberini. « Evocare l'antico come metodo di progetto : La valorizzazione del sito archeologico della città romana di Suasa ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.
Texte intégralAlegre, Agís Elisa. « Stultifera domus. Del manicomio a la institución doméstica total : vida cotidiana, familia y esquizofrenia ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2021.
Texte intégralLa desmanicomialización en España devolvió a las personas con Trastorno Mental Grave (TMG) a casa con sus familias, las principales encargadas del cuidado en el actual modelo de atención ambulatoria. Esta investigación presenta una comparativa entre el antiguo modelo manicomial y custodial, y la vida cotidiana de las personas diagnosticadas de TMG y sus familias cuidadoras en la actualidad, partiendo de la hipótesis de que existe una reproducción de lógicas custodiales y manicomiales en el espacio doméstico. El objetivo era dilucidar cuánto de estas dinámicas conservamos, cuáles son y cómo funcionan. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo con personas diagnosticadas, familias cuidadoras y profesionales, en asociaciones y espacios de atención a la salud mental pública de Cataluña. Los resultados muestran numerosas dinámicas custodiales, propias de las instituciones totales en el espacio doméstico, que nos permite hablar de una «institución doméstica total», con diversos impactos: la sobrecarga de cuidados de las madres cuidadoras y la merma de autonomía de las personas diagnosticadas que se encuentran entre una identidad de «paciente total» y una «identidad liminal». La vida tutelada y normativizada, la vigilancia, el control, la autoreclusión, el aislamiento, la ausencia o escasa inserción social, entre otras cuestiones, reproducen las instancias cotidianas de los antiguos manicomios.
After Spanish psychiatric reform, people diagnosed with Severe Mental Disorder (SMD) moved from being confined in mental hospitals to live at home. In the existing model of ambulatory care, adults with SMD are taken care for by their families, especially their mothers. This research presents a historiographical analysis of the old asylum model, and an ethnographic analysis of the daily lives of people diagnosed with SMD and their family caregivers. Both aspects lead to a comparison of the two models, based on the hypothesis of the custodial and asylum logic reproduction in the domestic space. The aim of this research was to elucidate how much of these dynamics are maintained, what they are and how they function in the family home. The ethnographic analysis was carried out with diagnosed people, family caregivers and professionals, in associations and facilities of the Catalonian network for public mental health care. The results show numerous custodial dynamics typically described for total institutions in the domestic space, which allow us to speak of a «total domestic institution», with many consequences: caregiving mothers have an enormous care overload that affects their well-being, and diagnosed people experience an erosion of their autonomy, while they lead in a contradictory identity of «total patient» and a «liminal identity». Tutored and regulated life, surveillance, self- reclusion and isolation, absence of or limited social insertion, among other issues that occur at present at home, are like the daily circumstances lived by the insane in the old asylums.
Faedda, Simona. « Analisi di due domus tardo antiche a nord del Foro di Traiano (Roma) : Stratigrafia e studio del materiale ceramico ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019.
Texte intégralThe archeological excavations carried out in 2005 in the subterranean area of Palazzo Valentini have led us to the discovery of two housing complexes built between the 1st and the 2nd century AD, modified throughout the 4th century and abandoned in the 5th/6th century. The analysis of the ceramic contexts and of the stratigraphy have led us to study the articulated temporary excursus of both houses, from their first construction to the renovation and their likely unification through the 4th century to their final abandonment. The examined materials have also led us to interpret the Domus spaces, their abandon forms, and finally, identify, even though inside the limit of a private dimension, what the tendencies were, following the different stages of development, crisis and imperial economy changes progressively.
Las excavaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el 2005 en el area subterránea del Palazzo Valentini han permitido descubrir dos complejos de viviendas construidos entre los siglos I y II d.C., modificado durante el siglo IV y abandonado en el siglo V/VI. El análisis de los contextos cerámicos y de la estratigrafía han permitido estudiar el articulado excursus temporal de las dos casas, desde su primera construcción hasta la renovación y la probable unificación durante el siglo IV, hasta su abandono definitivo. Los materiales examinados también nos han permitido interpretar los espacios de las Domus, las formas de abandono, y finalmente, identificar, incluso dentro de los límites de una dimensión privada, cuáles fueron las tendencias siguiendo los momentos de desarrollo, crisis y cambio de la economía imperial paso a paso.
Valenzuela, Jeria Carolina Eugenia. « Tasa de Crecimiento del Complejo de Domos del Volcán Chaitén, Periodo Mayo 2008 - Diciembre 2009 ». Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2011.
Texte intégralBENELLI, FRANCESCO. « Il Palazzo del Podestà di Bologna, 1200-1506 : dalla domus comunis al superbo ed artifiziato modello all'antica ». Doctoral thesis, Università IUAV di Venezia, 2000.
Texte intégralWeiler, Gabriele. « Domos theiou basileos : Herrschaftsformen und Herrschaftsarchitektur in den Siedlungen der Dark Ages / ». München ; Leipzig : Saur, 2001.
Texte intégralCaruso, Matilde. « Memorie della Gubbio romana. Proposte per la conservazione e la valorizzazione dell'area archeologica, del teatro, della Domus del banchetto e il Mausoleo di Pomponio Grecino ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018.
Texte intégralChaparro, Cajigas Rubner Mijael, et Marín Javier Roberto Pereyra. « Impacto de la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 en el desarrollo del Proyecto Inmobiliario DOMUM ». Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021.
Texte intégralSánchez-Málaga, Carrillo Armando. « Concepto y delimitación del dolo. Teoría de las condiciones para el conocimiento ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2017.
Texte intégralIn this doctoral thesis, I describe the current state of the discussion about mens rea in criminal law, based on the analysis of the main theories raised in continental criminal law, especially by German and Spanish authors, as well as on the inference rules of the mental states established in Anglo-Saxon criminal law, especially by the United Kingdom courts. I have approached two different legal traditions because they apply two different standards of analysis: conceptual and practical. My aim is to propose a procedural theory, which allows to establish and prove intent and advertent recklessness, in the context of the rule of law principles. In this sense, the theory of knowledge conditions brings criminal law closer to criminal prosecution. According to my proposal, “dolo” (which includes intention and advertent recklessness) is a subjective and normative imputation process of knowledge, which is applied when the judge verifies three objective conditions that indicate, in the social and personal context of his/her action, the accused had a limited duty to know an specific risk, the actual possibility of knowing about such risk and the impossibility to trust on the non-fulfillment of such risk. It is this latter condition that makes it possible to distinguish between forms of “dolo” and negligence. My proposal is also a theory of judicial reasoning limits, since it allows to reduce the risk that the judge falls into generalizations, applies rules of experience or uses his/her intuition to solve a case. The use of objective indicators (risk, avoidance, specific context, author previous experience, role, specific acts and rational motives) allows the criminal judge to make an adequate inference process of the knowledge conditions.
En aquesta tesis doctoral, presento l’estat actual de la discussió del dol dins de la teoria general del delicte tot partint de l’anàlisi de les principals teories plantejades al Dret Penal continental, especialment per autors alemanys i espanyols, així com també els criteris jurisprudencials d’inferència dels estats mentals establert al Dret Penal anglosaxó, especialment per les Corts del Regne Unit. He estudiat plantejaments de dues tradicions jurídiques diferents perquè en elles es poden veure dos nivells d´anàlisi del problema: el nivell conceptual i el nivell aplicatiu. La meva finalitat és plantejar una teoria processal de determinació del dol que s´ajusti als principis de l´Estat social i democràtic de Dret. En aquest sentit, la teoria de les condicions per al coneixement apropa la teoria del delicte al procés penal. D'acord a la meva proposta, el dol és un judici subjectiu-normatiu d'imputació del coneixement, que s'aplica quan el jutge verifica tres condicions objectives que indiquen que, dins del context social i personal de la seva acció, l'imputat tenia un deure limitat de conèixer un risc específic, la possibilitat efectiva de coneixement d'aquest risc i la impossibilitat de confiar ex ante en la no realització d'aquest risc. És aquesta darrera condició la que permet diferenciar les formes d'imputació dolosa de les imprudents. La teoria plantejada és una teoria de límits al raonament judicial i al procés d'inferència dels elements subjectius de l'injust, ja que permet reduir el risc que el jutjador incorri en generalitzacions, apliqui màximes d'experiència o recorri a la seva intuïció per resoldre un cas . És a partir de la valoració conjunta dels indicadors objectius plantejats (indicadors de risc, possibilitat d’evitar el fet, context específic, experiència prèvia de l'autor, paper assumit, actes específics i motius racionals de l'autor) que el jutge penal estarà capacitat per realitzar un adequat procés d'inferència de les condicions per al coneixement.
Biagini, Silvia, et Carlotta Piraccini. « Memorie e tracce urbane nel paesaggio marchigiano. Musealizzazione e valorizzazione del sito archeologico della città romana di Suasa ». Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.
Texte intégralMartina, Gabriele. « Nommer les femmes de la famille Julio-Claudienne : témoignages littéraires et épigraphiques ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Texte intégralThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the appellations, names and titles of the women of Julio-Claudian family in literary and epigraphic sources. The analysis and study of the appellations of these imperial women during the first period of the Roman Empire, is part of the contemporary research that seeks to define the spaces and action modalities of women during the time of classical antiquity and in particular, the period of transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. In fact, the passage of the Roman Republic to a new form of government marked a significant change in the situation of women, especially for the women of the imperial domus. Women, who until then were normally confined to a domestic and private sphere, acquired and exercised new action modalities within new spheres of action. This thesis is organized in two sections: the first part of the study analyses the names, appellations and titles of imperial women and the second part collates and organizes all the literary and epigraphic evidences of each woman of the Julio-Claudian family. The purpose of this research on the appellations and names of the women of Julio-Claudian dynasty has been to advance the study of feminine spaces at the beginning of the Roman Empire and to illuminate of the new actions modalities for the imperial women during this period. Furthermore, this doctoral research contributes to deepening our understanding of the changes of the role and status of imperial women and the complex relative relationships of these women to the men of imperial family, such as the emperors and other male figures in Julio-Claudian dynasty, or to eminent personages in the Roman imperial society
Lazzeri, Hernández Diana, et Ramírez Héctor Manuel Tlatoa. « Uso de crioterapia para el tratamiento del dolor muscular tardío (DOMS), en jugadores de fútbol americano de la liga mayor de potros salvajes de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2013 ». Tesis de Licenciatura, Medicina-Quimica, 2014.
Texte intégralOrtega, Rupay José Carlos. « Lumen Domus : Vinculación socioeconómica de población originaria joven en contacto inicial a través de la educación formal al interior de un área nacional protegida. Estudio del caso de jóvenes escolares matsigenkas en contacto inicial al interior de la Misión Dominica de Shintuya durante la pandemia del coronavirus. Región Madre de Dios, Provincia del Manu, Distrito del Manu, Perú ». Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020.
Texte intégralTesis
Domes, Michael [Verfasser], Katja [Akademischer Betreuer] Boehme, Katja [Gutachter] Boehme, Knut [Gutachter] Eming et Sabine [Gutachter] Pankofer. « Auf den Spuren des Anderen : Professionelle Beziehungsgestaltung in der Sozialen Arbeit - Fachkräfte als Wegbereiter*innen erlernter Hoffnungsfreudigkeit / Michael Domes ; Gutachter : Katja Boehme, Knut Eming, Sabine Pankofer ; Betreuer : Katja Boehme ». Heidelberg : Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, 2021.
Texte intégralCAVENAGO, MARCO. « ARTE SACRA IN ITALIA : LA SCUOLA BEATO ANGELICO DI MILANO (1921-1950) ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2021.
Texte intégralIn October 1921, the Beato Angelico Higher School of Christian Art was born in Milan. Responsible for the initiative: Don Giuseppe Polvara, the architect Angelo Banfi, the painter Vanni Rossi, flanked by the sculptor Franco Lombardi, by the priests Adriano and Domenico Bernareggi, by the engineer Giovanni Dedè, by professor Giovanni Mamone and by the lawyer Carlo Antonio Vianello . There were nine pupils in the first school year, two of whom (the architects Don Giacomo Bettoli and Fortunato De Angeli) destined to remain in the School for many years as teachers: this also happened with the painter Ernesto Bergagna, who enrolled the following year. Starting from that event, the Italian context of sacred art was able to count on an element of indisputable novelty, destined within a few years to a rapid, widespread and stubborn affirmation in the Peninsula. The foundation of the Beato Angelico School put a stop to the age-old debate on the general decline of sacred art that had been staged for a long time in Italy as well as in major European countries. The formula conceived by Don Polvara put his personal, artistic and professional experiences into a system with the knowledge of the international context, some exemplary models and the comparison with groups and individual figures (artists, critics, men of the Church) animated by the common desire to contribute to the rebirth of sacred art. One hundred years after its birth - and seventy after the death of its founder - the Beato Angelico School (with the workshops of Architecture, Cesello, Embroidery, Painting and Restoration) still continues in the task of serving the Church through the creation of distinctive sacred furnishings and vestments. from a particular care of the artistic and liturgical aspect, object of repeated attestations of merit and acknowledgments in the ecclesiastical sphere. What is missing from the appeal so far is an organic attempt to reconstruct the historical events that marked the genesis and developments of this singular artistic and religious reality. The purpose of this thesis is therefore the return of a profile as detailed and reasoned as possible of the history of the Beato Angelico School, such as to bring this story back to the center of a historical situation and a complex cultural context, through an original work perspective conducted on thread of clarifications and rediscoveries. Given the "pioneering" nature of this research, the vastness of the materials and sources available and the consequent need to assign a recognizable chronological cut to the work, it was decided to limit the survey to the decades between 1921 and 1950, or between the foundation of Beato Angelico and the death of Giuseppe Polvara. As will be seen, the initial term is in a certain sense anticipated by the need to better outline the background and context from which the School originates (between the end of the 19th and the first decades of the 20th century). The year assumed at the end of the research, on the other hand, seemed an almost obligatory choice, coinciding with the first change in the direction of Beato Angelico as well as the desire to exclude from the discussion what started in the 1950s and 1960s, that is a new and different season in the field of sacred art (destined, among other things, to pass through the junction represented by the Second Vatican Council and by the action of St. Paul VI), which is however much investigated by historical-artistic studies. What made the drafting of this thesis possible is the fact that it relies, in large part, on unpublished archival materials or, at least, never examined before in a structured way. Access to the most historicized archive materials and their consultation (thanks to the availability shown by the direction of the Beato Angelico School) have decisively conditioned the discussion of the topics, the reconstruction of which, in some cases, is supported exclusively by documents found. The birth of the Beato Angelico School was not an isolated event in the panorama of European artistic production of the time nor an episode unrelated to what was being debated in the ecclesiastical world at the same time. The Polvara School was born in an era marked by great ecclesial ferment: think of the Ateliers d'Art Sacré founded by Maurice Denis and George Desvallières in Paris in 1919, only two years before the Milanese School, whose adherents - all lay people - they professed an intense and devoted religiosity. But, above all, the decisive and best known model by Polvara was the Beuron School (Beuroner Kunstschule), born in the homonymous German Benedictine abbey in the last quarter of the nineteenth century by father Desiderius Lenz and on whose example workshops specialized in the production of sacred art (furnishings and vestments for liturgical use) in many Benedictine communities in central Europe. Polvara's affinity with Benedictine spirituality is a key element of the School he founded: in fact, the (analogous) concept of "represented prayer" (orando labora) derived from the rule of the ora et labora. The very organization of the School, set up as in an ideal medieval workshop where teachers, apprentices and pupils collaborate and coexist, takes up the monastic lifestyle of the Benedictine monasteries. Precisely in order to preserve the character of the medieval workshop as much as possible, the number of students admitted to the School was never too high, so as to maintain an adequate and effective numerical ratio between disciples and masters. Again, from Beuron Fra Angelico drew the particular and unmistakable graphic form of the letter "e", recognizable in the numerous and long epigraphs present in many of his works. The last element in common between the Milanese and the German schools - but which can be attributed to the more general fascination for the medieval era - is the unity of purpose that must animate all the workers involved in creating a collective and anonymous work ad maiorem. Dei gloriam, where the contribution of the single author remains deliberately hidden in favor of the name of the School. What still differentiates the School from similar centers of production of sacred art is the fact that it rests its foundations on a religious congregation, the Beato Angelico Family, an idea long cultivated by Polvara and officially approved by the diocesan authority between the thirties and forties. From the common vocation to sacred artistic creation (the artist's "priestly mission") descend the practice of community life, the participation in the sacraments and the various daily moments of prayer by master priests, brothers and sisters artists, apprentices, pupils and pupils . The spiritual direction traced by the founder for his family still acts today as a guarantee of a strenuous fidelity in the continuity of a unique artistic and liturgical project, put into practice by a community of men and women linked together by the canonical vows of poverty, chastity. and obedience but above all from a common and higher intent. Precisely to ensure a prospect of survival and future development of his creature, Polvara always had a clear need to keep the training aspect (and therefore the teaching for students, adolescents and young people) united with that of production (due to the work of collaboration between teachers, apprentices and students). From an operational point of view, the artistic disciplines, practiced in the various laboratories in which the School is divided, contribute, without any exception and in the aforementioned anonymous and collective form, to create an organic and unitary artistic product, a "total work of art" which must respond to the address given by the master architect (Polvara himself), to whom devotion, respect and obedience are due. The architectural design is therefore assigned great importance and this means that the best representative works of the Beato Angelico School are those sacred buildings entirely made with the intervention of its laboratories for all or almost all the decorations, furnishings, furnishings and Milanese churches of S. Maria Beltrade, S. Vito al Giambellino, S. MM. Nabore and Felice, or the church of S. Eusebio in Agrate Brianza and the chapel of the religious institute of the daughters of S. Eusebio in Vercelli). As for the expressive languages used by the School (the so-called "style"), the preference for modern architectural rationalism is highlighted - a topic of stringent topicality, to which Polvara did not fail to give his personal theoretical and practical contribution - and that for Divisionism in painting, indebted to the ancient admiration for the work of Gaetano Previati. The interaction of these two forms gives rise to a recognizable language, modern and spiritual at the same time, verifiable in the buildings as in the individual works, the result of a profound sensitivity that combines the thoughtful recovery of some forms of the past (for example early Christian iconography reused in the decorative motifs of the vestments or in the shape of some artifacts, from the chalice to the tabernacle, to the chasuble-chasuble) with the impetus for a modern and functional style appropriate to the times but respectful of tradition.
Naumowicz, Pascal. « Fidei bonae nomen et societas vitae : contribution à l’étude des actions de bonne foi ». Thesis, Paris 2, 2011.
Texte intégralActions of good faith (iudicia bonae fidei) have for long been suspected of being initially praetorian actions, which were probably for most of them created by the peregrine praetorship to enforce contracts passed by the strangers (peregrine), so that their material source is good faith (fides bona),expressed in their formula by the clause “ex fide bona”. Our research is an attempt to prove that :a) these actions were already considered as civilian actions in the later Republic, despite the lack of a statutory ground b)their initial scope was to protect typically Roman relationships; c)Thus, the clausulaex fide bona was a simple standard that enlarged the power of the judge and overlapped some of the strict rules of Roman civil procedure, as well as it took place in an euphemistic and diplomatic way of writing formulas, in order to respect the social affinity (societas vitae) between the parties
Lagoutte, Julien. « Les conditions de la responsabilité en droit privé : éléments pour une théorie générale de la responsabilité juridique ». Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2012.
Texte intégralWhile the radical distinction between criminal law and civil liability is classically taught, a thorough survey of positive law reveals a general and profound trend towards a confusion of these two disciplines. Faced with this paradox, the jurist wonders : how to articulate the civil and criminal laws of responsibility ? To answer this question, the thesis suggests abandoning the traditional approach of the subject, which consists in treating it as a mere category of classification of the different branches, civil and criminal, of responsibility/liability. Legal responsibility is presented as an autonomous and general institution organizing the response from the system to abnormal disturbance of social equilibrium. Civil liability law and criminal law are, as far as they are concerned, henceforth conceived as the mere technical applications of this institution in positive law.On the basis of this new approach and through the prism of the study of liability conditions in private law, the thesis proposes a technical and rational organization of criminal law and civil liability that may provide the guiding principles of a real general theory of legal responsibility. As a general institution, it gives not only a concept of responsibility, requiring degradation of a legally protected interest, abnormality and legal causation, and establishing the convergence of criminal law and civil law, but also a system of responsibility, determining the divergences of them and steering the first towards the protection of general interest and the second towards the protection of victims
Lemennicier, Yves. « Le complexe métamorphique du sud Karakorum dans le secteur du Chogo Lungma (Baltistan-Nord Pakistan) : étude structurale, métamorphique, géochimique et radiochronologique ». Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1996.
Texte intégralPANSINI, ANTONELLA. « Dati per una nuova lettura dell'area dei Quattro Tempietti e della Domus di Apuleio nel loro rapporto con il teatro di Ostia antica ». Doctoral thesis, 2018.
Texte intégralChen, Shing-Miin, et 陳幸敏. « Irrtum ueber den Kausalverlauf und dolus generalis ». Thesis, 1996.
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