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Vandendriessche, Claire, et Gaëlle Larrieu. « Vers l’émancipation des enfants et adolescent·es trans et intersexes ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 99–109. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0099.

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Les parcours des personnes trans et des personnes intersexes sont façonnés par de multiples rapports de pouvoir. Lorsqu’elles sont mineur·es, les rapports d’âge et la domination adulte occupent une place centrale. Au travers de cet article, nous décrivons la façon dont s’exerce la domination des adultes et proposons des pistes pour tendre vers l’émancipation des enfants et adolescent·es trans et intersexes.
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Cabarat, Mo. « Transitions de genre durant la jeunesse : controverses nord-américaines ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 110–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0110.

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Cet article propose une lecture de controverses contemporaines concernant les jeunes trans en Amérique du Nord (États-Unis et Canada) au prisme de travaux théoriques sur la domination adulte. La question de l’âge est particulièrement saillante dans les controverses relatives à l’accompagnement des enfants, adolescent·es et jeunes adultes dans une transition de genre. Après une présentation de controverses récentes, l’article examine l’instrumentalisation de l’âge dans les arguments contre l’affirmation du genre des jeunes trans et leur accès à des démarches de transition, et la manière dont cette posture perpétue une infériorisation et une vulnérabilisation de cette partie de la population. Puis, l’article considère dans quelle mesure l’approche préconisant l’affirmation du genre des jeunes peut être considérée comme remettant en cause la domination adulte.
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Hiffler-Wittkowsky, Kolia. « Les familles queer contre la domination adulte ? » Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 90–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0090.

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On conçoit aisément que les familles queer s’émancipent de la norme hétéroparentale. Mais envisagées en tant que familles, ces configurations ne sont-elles pas, autant que les agencements parentaux traditionnels, le lieu d’une domination adulte ? Cet article cherche à montrer que si les constellations familiales queer sont « des familles comme les autres », elles ne se distinguent en définitive pas des familles hétéroparentales : en effet, dans les unes comme dans les autres, le désir des parents est premier, et la queerness des parents n’entame pas substantiellement les rapports de domination qui s’exercent au sein de la structure familiale.
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Dunezat, Xavier. « De quel rapport social la domination adulte est-elle la marque : vers l’hypothèse d’un minorat exploité ? » Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 38–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0038.

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Nous interrogeons, dans cet article, la domination adulte au prisme des orientations théoriques de la sociologie des rapports sociaux de sexe-classe-race d’inspiration féministe matérialiste. Nous soulignons d’abord que, au sein des travaux sur l’âgisme, la domination adulte et l’oppression des enfants sont sous-traitées, ce qui nous conduit – dans le sillage des travaux plaidant pour une prise en compte du minorat – à axer la focale sur le statut de mineur·e afin de discuter les arguments qui font de l’âge un rapport social d’une autre nature que les autres.
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Debest, Charlotte. « Yves Bonnardel :La domination adulte. L’oppression des mineurs ». Nouvelles Questions Féministes 35, no 1 (2016) : 176. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/nqf.351.0176.

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Vautour, Charline. « Pratiques sociales liées à l’écrit d’une adulte : entre domination et autonomisation ». Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation 23, no 1 (2021) : 9. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1084277ar.

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Amsellem-Mainguy, Yaëlle, et Isabelle Lacroix. « La domination des mineur·es dans les prisons françaises : entre protection, infantilisation et abandon des institutions ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 50–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0050.

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S’appuyant sur des observations et entretiens menés auprès de 108 jeunes âgé·es de 14 à 24 ans détenu·es dans sept prisons françaises entre 2021 et 2022, cet article interroge le passage à la vie adulte des jeunes dans un contexte carcéral et les enjeux que cela pose. Il met en lumière combien l’âge s’inscrit dans des rapports de domination adulte et structure les parcours judiciaires des jeunes. Il montre comment, malgré des textes vantant l’importance de la (ré)insertion de celles et ceux qui ont eu affaire à la justice, les conditions d’emprisonnement fragilisent les jeunes lors de leur passage à la majorité.
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Piterbraut-Merx, Tal. « Classe d’enfants : politiser l’appropriation temporelle et l’oubli dans la domination adulte-enfant ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 14–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0014.

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Cet article est composé d’extraits significatifs de la thèse de Tal Piterbraut-Merx. Ils ont été sélectionnés par des proches de l’auteur après sa mort. Ce dernier propose une lecture politique des rapports entre adultes et enfants comme des rapports structurels de domination. En abordant notamment la question du travail scolaire et de l’amnésie traumatique liée à l’expérience de l’inceste, elle 1 esquisse enfin des propositions visant à « conjurer l’oubli » par les adultes de leurs expériences enfantines, cet oubli participant lui-même à la perpétuation des rapports de pouvoir. La remémoration de l’enfance est alors conçue comme une stratégie de lutte contre ces derniers.
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Dussy, Dorothée, et Juliette Rennes. « Expériences de l’inceste et rapports d’âge ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 180–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0180.

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Anthropologue, directrice de recherche au CNRS, Dorothée Dussy a ouvert il y a vingt ans un important chantier de recherche sur les familles traversées par l’inceste. Alors que les expériences des incesteur·es et des incesté·es ont longtemps constitué un angle mort de l’anthropologie classique, laquelle s’est focalisée sur l’analyse des règles sociales interdisant les alliances matrimoniales incestueuses, ce sont ces expériences qui sont au cœur du travail de Dussy depuis la parution en 2013 de son ouvrage Le Berceau des dominations , réédité en poche en 2021. Entre ces deux dates, la politisation féministe des violences sexuelles sur mineur·es a donné un écho particulier à son travail de recherche, qui a été approprié par un vaste lectorat, au-delà du public académique. Les enquêtes menées par l’anthropologue résonnent aussi avec ce numéro de Mouvements sur le renouvellement en cours des analyses du pouvoir adulte : elles nous aident en effet à réfléchir aux dimensions sexuelles des formes de domination liées à l’écart d’âge et de statut au sein des familles 1 .
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Guillemette, Lucie. « Discours de l’adolescente dans le récit de jeunesse contemporain : l’exemple de Marie-Francine Hébert ». Dossier 25, no 2 (28 août 2006) : 280–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/201481ar.

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Résumé L'auteure de l'article examine le discours de l'adolescente au sein de la trilogie romanesque que Marie-Francine Hébert destine à la jeunesse. Plus précisément, l'étude s'attarde aux pratiques discursives d'une jeune protagoniste qui tente de se dégager des discours d'autorité marqués par la domination du masculin sur le féminin. Tout au long des trois récits qui composent la série, la jeune adulte déplace les catégories traditionnelles du masculin et du féminin afin d'exprimer son devenir hors du champ patriarcal. L'analyse présentée ici montre l'émergence d'une subjectivité féminine qui matérialise « la perte de la fiction paternelle » dans le contexte d'une culture postmoderne.
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Vernay, Olivia. « Au nom du soin et de la protection. Les « droits de l’enfant » au prisme de l’institution psychiatrique ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 60–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0060.

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Depuis la fin du xx e siècle et davantage encore au cours de cette dernière décennie, la thématique des droits de l’enfant est omniprésente dans notre société. Le texte de référence en la matière, la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant de 1989, conçu et appliqué par des adultes, reconnaît ainsi aux jeunes de moins de 18 ans différents droits censés être équivalents. Cependant, parce qu’associés aux devoirs des adultes envers des enfants considéré·es comme vulnérables, il s’avère bien souvent que les droits dits spécifiques (à la protection et aux soins notamment) priment sur les droits civils (d’opinion, d’expression, de liberté de penser), particulièrement lorsque l’opinion des enfants entre en contradiction avec les attentes de la société et la volonté des adultes. En analysant les droits de l’enfant au prisme des hospitalisations « non volontaires » d’adolescent·es en psychiatrie, cet article questionne la domination adulte exercée sur les mineur·es au nom du soin et de la protection, les violences produites par l’institution psychiatrique et la vulnérabilité assignée aux jeunes concerné·es.
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Rivière, Clément. « Qu’est-ce qu’une « ville à hauteur d’enfant » ? » Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 139–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0139.

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L’intérêt affiché par de nombreuses municipalités pour la démarche « Ville à hauteur d’enfant » apporte un éclairage original sur l’exercice de la domination adulte en attirant l’attention sur la tendance au retrait des enfants des espaces publics urbains. Cette démarche invite à penser la réappropriation enfantine de ces espaces à travers la remise en question de la place de l’automobile, la promotion de la mobilité autonome et du jeu libre, et la mise en œuvre d’une participation réelle des enfants à la fabrique de la ville. Attention toutefois à ne pas transformer la « ville à hauteur d’enfant » en un outil de marketing territorial et à garder en tête le caractère hétérogène des enfances urbaines, qui invite à toujours penser la ville à hauteur d’enfants (au pluriel).
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Bozon, Michel. « Les femmes et l'écart d'âge entre conjoints. Une domination consentie : II. Modes d'entrée dans la vie adulte et représentations du conjoint ». Population (French Edition) 45, no 3 (mai 1990) : 565. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1533538.

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Bozon, Michel. « Les femmes et l'écart d'âge entre conjoints. Une domination consentie. II. - Modes d'entrée dans la vie adulte et représentations du conjoint ». Population Vol. 45, no 3 (31 mars 1990) : 565–602. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/popu.p1990.45n3.0602.

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Résumé Bozon Michel. - Les femmes et l'écart d'âge. II. Modes d'entrée dans la vie adulte et représentations du conjoint. Pour donner une interprétation de l'écart d'âge entre conjoints, on a utilisé les données de l'enquête Formation des couples, effectuée en 1984 auprès de 3 000 personnes de moins de 45 ans vivant en couple, qui décrit précisément les étapes de la constitution des unions. Dans ce second article, qui se limite aux premières unions, on montre que l'entrée en couple n'est pas chargée du même enjeu pour toutes les femmes. La fréquentation du conjoint est généralement précoce parmi les femmes qui interrompent leurs études tôt, lesquelles, pour s'assurer une émancipation rapide, s'unissent à des nommes déjà établis, sensiblement plus âgés qu'elles. D'autres femmes en revanche, soit qu'elles prolongent leurs études, soit qu'elles attendent d'avoir bien entamé leur vie professionnelle, retardent le début des «fréquentations sérieuses» et s'unissent à des hommes d'âge voisin. Les critères de sélection du conjoint ne sont pas les mêmes chez les premières et chez les secondes, de même qu'ils diffèrent profondément chez les hommes et chez les femmes, chez les individus qui se marient d'emblée et chez ceux qui cohabitent. La valorisation par les femmes de la maturité masculine va de pair avec une valorisation des qualités et de la supériorité sociales et professionnelles de l'homme. Les hommes de leur côté semblent aussi indifférents à l'âge de leur partenaire féminine qu'à son statut social, du moins quand il s'agit d'une première
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David, Rémy. « Réfléchir la sexualité dans une approche cinéphilosophique au lycée. L’exemple de Spartacus de Kubrick ». Le Télémaque N° 58, no 2 (21 décembre 2020) : 155–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/tele.058.0155.

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Comment oser penser la sexualité avec et pour les élèves au lycée ? Cet objet interdit de l’enseignement constitue pourtant un enjeu majeur du devenir adulte, que l’on apprend toutefois si peu à réfléchir. Peut-on légitimement transgresser ce tabou pour contribuer à construire une éducation à la sexualité ? L’intime peut-il faire l’objet d’une réflexion commune qui le figure, le problématise et le conceptualise, afin de pouvoir s’émanciper et construire un rapport éthico-politique à cette dimension de l’expérience ? La démarche du cinéphilosopher permet d’autoriser une problématisation des affects liés notamment à la sexualité. Nous proposons l’étude d’une telle démarche au travers du film Spartacus de Kubrick. Si le film se centre sur des processus d’émancipation sociale, normative et intellectuelle, il questionne bon nombre d’ambivalences liées à la sexualité. Il interroge les liens de la sexualité au regard, à la domination, à certaines normes (l’homosexualité notamment). Un partage du sensible est ainsi rendu possible qui ouvre l’espace de réflexion collectif. S’autoriser à philosopher des expériences affectives aussi structurantes que la sexualité permet de tisser une forme de rationalité affective, qui fait tant défaut dans notre enseignement.
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Kinsbourne, Marcel. « Gestures as embodied cognition ». Gesture, ritual and memory 6, no 2 (16 octobre 2006) : 205–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/gest.6.2.05kin.

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Fundamental dimensions of behavior include approach, withdrawal, domination, submission, indicating and dearousing maneuvers. Generically, approach involves flexion at many joints, withdrawal involves extension. Dominating involves moving upwards, submitting involves moving downwards. Indicating involves pointing. Repetitive meaningless motions control anxiety. These movement patterns are found in behaviorally simple animals, and in young infants, except for pointing, which emerges in babies at about 11 months of age. When human adults express thoughts that have directional attributes in fact or in metaphor, co-occurring gestures are likely to have corresponding characteristics that are observed early in neuromotor development.
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Spencer, Bruce, et Dan Cui. « CASAE/ACÉÉA in the global neo-liberal era ». Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 23, no 2 (19 juillet 2024) : 69–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.56105/cjsae.v23i2.954.

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Abstract This paper is offered as part of the thirty-year celebration of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education/l’Association canadienne pour l’Étude de l’Éducation des Adultes (CASAE/ACÉÉA). The paper reviews the contributions of Canadian scholars to our mapping and understanding of work and learning issues, particularly in relation to the dominant neo-liberal economic agenda. The data are essentially drawn from the proceedings of national CASAE/ACÉÉA conferences and from contributions to The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education/la Revue canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation des adultes. Résumé Cet article est proposé dans le cadre de la célébration du trentième anniversaire de l’Association canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation des adultes/Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (ACÉÉA/CASAE). Le document passe en revue les contributions des chercheurs canadiens à notre cartographie et compréhension de la question « travail et apprentissage »; plus particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la domination néolibérale de l’agenda économique. Les données sont principalement tirées des comptes-rendus de conférences nationales (ACÉÉA/CASAE) et des contributions de la Revue canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation des adultes.
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Mizera-Pęczek, Patrycja. « Praca dzieci w organizacjach kultury. Dwa oblicza cienia organizacyjnego ». Zarządzanie w Kulturze 21, no 4 (2020) : 347–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.4467/20843976zk.20.027.13045.

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Work of Children in Arts Organizations. Two Faces of the Organizational Shadow Children-artists participating in film, show and media projects are, just like adult artists, participants in human resource management processes (e.g., recruitment, evaluation, training or derecruitment). However, children do not have professional competences similar to those of adult members of an organization, and their professional development is determined by the decisions of managers of arts organizations. The aim of the article is to deepen the reflection on the situation of children working in arts organizations in the context of the relationship “a child in the shadow of an adult”. In this article the shadow is the domination of adults, and the darkened space is the childhood of underage artists. The considerations lead to the conclusion that the work of children in arts organizations is a kind of challenge for adult members of the organizations.
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Erjavec, Grozdana, Geoffrey Ventalon et Charles Tijus. « Facial impressions of dominance : Exploring the construct’s factor structure in young French adults ». L’Année psychologique Vol. 123, no 4 (17 novembre 2023) : 543–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/anpsy1.234.0543.

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En percevant les visages, l’humain a tendance à inférer les traits de personnalité de l’observé/e à partir des traits morphologiques de son visage. Ce type de premières impressions s’organise en 2 dimensions majeures : valence et domination. L’objectif de la présente étude était d’explorer la structure du construit de la domination chez les jeunes adultes français. Cinq sessions de brainstorming couplées avec la technique de juges ont permis d’identifier 64 traits inférés de visages et relatifs à la domination/soumission. Les traits ont été intégrés dans un questionnaire comportant une échelle de Likert. Les données de 191 participants ayant évalué la photographie d’un visage aléatoirement sélectionnée ont été soumises à l’analyse par composantes principales et l’analyse factorielle exploratoire. Les différentes solutions d’extraction de composants/facteurs sont comparées et évaluées pour leur viabilité.
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Charbonnier, Sébastien. « Le pouvoir de l’ancienneté : « j’étais là avant », disent les adultes ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 26–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0026.

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Cet article essaie d’appréhender les mécanismes spécifiques à la domination par l’ancienneté : une mobilité dans la manière de produire des assignations identitaires et de mettre sous le joug. De fait, il y a une promesse, faite aux dominé·es, d’ en être un jour – c’est-à-dire de pouvoir jouir, à leur tour, de la place de dominant·es. Comprendre ce mécanisme permet de ne plus être dupe des fausses stratégies émancipatrices de l’« accès à… ». Changer les occupant·es au sein d’un système d’inégalités structurelles ne sera jamais un projet politique égalitaire : la domination par l’ancienneté nous apprend que la rotation du pouvoir, ou la mobilité sociale, n’est pas un chemin vers la justice, mais une condition de survie des injustices.
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Gracey, Bonita. « Are We Having Fun Yet ? » Ethnologies 32, no 1 (17 janvier 2011) : 133–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/045216ar.

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This paper examines children’s adult-organized recreational sport through the lens of Foucauldian disciplinary technologies. Despite decades of effort and changes to children’s sport, there is still difficulty in meeting the needs of many of the participants. This article argues that it is time to seriously reconsider the dominating role that adults occupy in children’s sport and that we need to find ways to give more of the control of sport to the participants.
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Cowan, Gloria, Carole Lee, Daniella Levy et Debra Snyder. « Dominance and Inequality in X-Rated Videocassettes ». Psychology of Women Quarterly 12, no 3 (novembre 1988) : 299–311. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6402.1988.tb00945.x.

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Feminists have been concerned about the debasement of women in sexually explicit material. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of domination and sexual inequality in x-rated videocassettes through a content analysis of 45 widely available x-rated videocassettes. The sample was randomly drawn from a list of 121 adult movie titles widely available in family videocassette rental stores in southern California. Over half of the explicitly sexual scenes were coded as predominantly concerned with domination or exploitation. Most of the domination and exploitation was directed by men toward women. Specific indicators of domination and sexual inequality, including physical violence, occurred frequently. The growth of the videocassette rental industry and the popularity of x-rated films, coupled with the messages these films convey, is a cause for concern.
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Viterbo, Hedi. « Rights as a Divide-and-Rule Mechanism : Lessons from the Case of Palestinians in Israeli Custody ». Law & ; Social Inquiry 43, no 03 (2018) : 764–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/lsi.12270.

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Critics have highlighted the complicity of human rights law in mass disempowerment and domination—a criticism equally applicable to child law. This article investigates this issue, as evidenced by three recent developments that Israel has justified by invoking these legal frameworks: an increased separation of Palestinian adults and children in Israeli custody; the Israeli legal system's growing preoccupation with “rehabilitating” the now-segregated Palestinian children; and the Israeli authorities' ever-diminishing interest in such rehabilitation for adult Palestinian prisoners. By canvassing the legal architecture, judicial rationalizations, adverse effects, and sociopolitical context of these developments, this article foregrounds their divide-and-rule logic and structure of driving a generational wedge between Palestinians and potentially weakening their political ties, solidarity, and resistance.
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Bernstein, Robin. « “You Do It!” : Going-to-Bed Books and the Scripts of Children's Literature ». PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 135, no 5 (octobre 2020) : 877–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1632/pmla.2020.135.5.877.

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This essay uses performance theory to intervene in a decades-long debate about a characteristic of children's literature: it is the only major category of literature written by one group (adults) for another (children). According to a contested but tenacious school of thought, this difference between writers and readers embeds top-down power, or adult domination of children, in children's literature. I identify a popular subcategory of children's literature, the “going-to-bed book” (exemplified by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd's Goodnight Moon), which appears to epitomize and therefore shore up this top-down model. I then read going-to-bed books through function—that is, the ritualistic actions or performances that these books prompt, or script, among child and adult readers. This mode of analysis initially produces seemingly powerful evidence in support of the top-down model of children's literature; but that evidence, as I show by examining two recent best sellers, ultimately unravels.
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Dauenhauer, Jason, Afeez Hazzan et Kristin Heffernan. « Faculty Perceptions of Engaging Older Adults in Higher Education : The Need for Intergenerational Pedagogy ». Innovation in Aging 5, Supplement_1 (1 décembre 2021) : 364. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igab046.1411.

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Abstract Institutions of higher education need to become more age friendly. Creating an on-campus lifelong learning program can offer older adults opportunities to audit classes and engage in multigenerational classrooms, but can also promote intergenerational learning when instructors consciously use pedagogy that fosters engagement between learners from various generations. Promoting intergenerational learning to facilitate reciprocal sharing of expertise between generations is also the fourth principle of the Age Friendly University framework. This qualitative interview study examines the perspectives of 27 faculty members who have opened their face to face classrooms to older adult auditors to 1) Explore perceived benefits and challenges associated with having older adults in the college classroom and to 2) Determine what levels of intergenerational learning may be taking place. Compared to lecture-based courses, faculty whose pedagogy promotes discussion, sharing, and small group work reported detailed examples of older adult learners and traditionally-aged college students engaging in course-related discussion. The unique, historical and diverse perspectives of older adults improved the quality of education for students, and fostered in-depth learning. Challenges related to older adult auditors included poor/limited attendance, sharing of strong opinions/dominating class discussion, sensory/mobility and technology accessibility. Recommendations include training to promote intergenerational engagement in college classrooms.
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Snir, Itay. « childism and minority cultures in school ». childhood & ; philosophy 20 (30 août 2024) : 01–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.12957/childphilo.2024.81824.

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While inequality between children and adults characterizes practically every aspect of contemporary society, school is considered a paradigmatic site of adult domination. Childist critiques tend to point to school as a place where adultism is not only conspicuous but also (re)produced. In this article, however, it is argued that the public school, obviously founded by adults for adult purposes, has an important childist dimension. Although it is based on a clear distinction between adult teachers and child students, school can problematize key adultist norms and promote a more age-equal society. This does not imply that exiting schools are necessarily childist, but rather that a certain understanding of the school, which emphasizes its social-democratic significance, can uncover its childist aspects and build on them when reimagining public education. The conception of the school in which the article focuses is presented in Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons’ 2013 book In Defence of the School: A Public Issue. Although the authors do not refer directly to childism (or child equality), and are clearly writing from an adultist perspective, I argue that the public school they describe does have a childist dimension: it challenges one of the root causes of adultism: considering children the property of their parents. Nevertheless, Masschelein and Simons’ conception of the school raises a problem of its own, which also has a childist aspect: the concern that uniform schooling supervised by the state will be detrimental to minority and indigenous groups, imposing a culture and identity determined by adults. The second part of this article addresses this concern, arguing that genuine school education can be key not only to preserving but also to revitalizing minority cultures and identities by allowing the students to bring their “newness” into the encounter with the cultures and identities of their families.
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Peled, Jonathan U., Marcel R. M. van den Brink, Doris M. Ponce, Satyajit Kosuri, Nandita Khera, Zachariah DeFilipp, Bina Tejura et al. « Impact of Investigational Microbiome Therapeutic SER-155 on Pathogen Domination : Initial Results from a Phase 1b Study in Adults Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT) ». Blood 142, Supplement 1 (28 novembre 2023) : 2198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2023-188885.

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Introduction: During allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT), conditioning regimens disrupt the epithelial barrier of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and broad-spectrum antibiotics cause microbiome disruption characterized by low microbial diversity and high abundance of pathogens that can dominate gut communities. Microbiome disruption is associated with increased translocation of pathogenic bacteria leading to risk of bloodstream infections (BSIs) and acute graft-vs-host disease (aGvHD). Nonclinical studies have demonstrated that domination with pathogens leads to immune activation and subsequent GvHD following exposure to bacterial antigens in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue [ Jenq 2015 Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, Stein-Thoeringer 2019 Science, Peled 2020 NEJM]. SER-155, an oral investigational cultivated microbiome therapeutic comprised of 16 bacterial Firmicutes strains, was designed to engraft in the GI tract, improve GI barrier integrity, and restructure the GI microbiome by introducing bacteria with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties and driving a reduction in abundance of proinflammatory bacteria [ Halvorsen 2021 OFID, 2022 Bone Marrow Transplant]. Herein, we present preliminary clinical data through Day 100 from an open-label cohort of a Phase 1b study in patients undergoing allo-HCT (NCT04995653) and compare the incidence of GI pathogen domination in this cohort to a historical cohort. Methods: Study patients received two treatment courses of SER-155 (before conditioning and after neutrophil engraftment), each comprised of microbiome conditioning with 4 days oral vancomycin (to facilitate engraftment of SER-155 strains into the GI microbiome) followed by 10 days of oral SER-155. The primary endpoint was safety. Stool samples collected pre- and post-HCT were used to evaluate secondary endpoints, including engraftment of SER-155 strains (following each course of SER-155) and GI pathogen domination, defined as a relative abundance of a specific taxa at ≥30% ( Peled, 2020). Engraftment of SER-155 strains was assessed via strain-specific molecular probes (NanoString). Relative abundance of Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcaceae, Streptococcaceae and Staphylococcaceae was assessed with whole metagenomic shotgun sequencing (WMS). A post-hoc comparison of GI domination was made with a historical cohort of 459 HCT patients with similar patient characteristics from one of the study sites (MSKCC) using stool samples profiled by 16S-amplicon sequencing. Results: Fifteen adults (median age 67 years; 54% male) were enrolled and 13 received study drug. SER-155 was generally well-tolerated. Following each course of SER-155, the majority of the 16 strains in SER-155 were detected in evaluable patients (median = 11 strains in 8 patients before conditioning; median = 12 strains in 7 patients after neutrophil engraftment).Between the day of transplant (Day 0) and Day 30, GI domination with potentially pathogenic bacteria occurred in only 1 of 9 (11%) evaluable patients (Figure 1). In contrast, in the historical comparator cohort, 64% of patients (294 of 459) had pathogen domination during the same timeframe, with domination by Enterococcus being most common. Conclusions: The observation of SER-155 strain engraftment before transplant and low incidence of GI pathogen domination after transplant through Day 30 are encouraging, although these preliminary data are limited by the small size of this open-label cohort of HCT patients. These observations are consistent with the design and preclinical evaluation of SER-155, supporting further development of this investigational cultivated microbiome therapeutic. Enrollment in the second double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cohort (approximately 60 participants) has initiated following a preplanned review by the Data Safety Monitoring Committee.
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Brookfield, Stephen D. « Repressive Tolerance and the Practice of Adult Education ». International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology 5, no 2 (avril 2014) : 15–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/ijavet.2014040102.

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Herbert Marcuse's concept of repressive tolerance argues that behind the justification of tolerance lies the possibility of ideological domination. Tolerance allows intolerable practices to go unchallenged and flattens discussion to assume all viewpoints have equal validity. When alternative, dissenting views are inserted into the curriculum dominant ideology means they are always positioned as the 'other' in relation to the mainstream. This article takes Marcuse's concept and applies it to a number of familiar adult educational practices and concerns. It considers how Marcuse's contrasting notion of liberating tolerance might be manifest in adult education.
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West, Karen. « The grip of personalization in adult social care : Between managerial domination and fantasy ». Critical Social Policy 33, no 4 (4 juin 2013) : 638–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0261018313481563.

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Stepanovic-Ilic, Ivana, et Aleksandar Baucal. « Domination-submissiveness as a communication pattern in adolescents’ dialogue : A qualitative study ». Zbornik Instituta za pedagoska istrazivanja 50, no 2 (2018) : 209–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/zipi1802209s.

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The paper explores asymmetrical peer interaction and focuses on adolescents with higher competences, which is fairly rare in this field. Although interested in language, the Vygotskians dominantly studied adult-child interaction, while the Piagetian research, despite the orientation towards peer interaction, has started to investigate their dialogue only recently. In the current paper, we traced the domination submissiveness communication pattern in 10 dyad conversations of primary school students (the 6th and 8th grade), in which more competent students progressed or regressed most after an interaction with a less competent peer. This pattern is usually related to a lower achievement of less competent students who were found to be submissive, while domination was a feature of their more competent peers. The aim was to explore whether this pattern had variations and how it was related to the achievement and behaviour of more competent students. The results indicate that there are various forms of the investigated communication pattern and that it is associated with the more competent students? progression. The previous findings regarding the dominant behaviour of more competent students have been confirmed. Qualitative analysis enabled us to see the domination-submissiveness communication pattern as a complex form of interaction which appears in various forms in the dialogues of asymmetric dyads.
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Botta, D., F. Tripodi, M. Silvaggi, F. Nimbi et R. Rossi. « PS-03-003 Adult attachment, sadism/masochism and domination/submission in a BDSM group ». Journal of Sexual Medicine 14, no 4 (avril 2017) : e114-e115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.03.095.

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Bordet, Joëlle. « Mars 2002 : Les relations entre filles et garçons habitant les « cités » ». Diversité 13, no 1 (2011) : 177–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/diver.2011.7952.

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Les années quatre-vingt voient l’évolution des rapports entre garçons et filles des grands ensembles entre eux, avec un retrait progressif des filles de l’espace public des cités et une montée des phénomènes de domination. Permettre la multiplicité des identifications pour ces jeunes, lutter contre les risques de ruptures entre garçons et filles, favoriser leur autonomie et leur place dans la société apparaissent aujourd’hui comme une priorité pour les adultes et les professionnels.
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Kloep, Marion, et Leo B. Hendry. « Open Dialogue : ‘Over-protection, Over-protection, Over-protection!’ Young people in modern Britain ». Psychology of Education Review 31, no 2 (septembre 2007) : 4–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.53841/bpsper.2007.31.2.4.

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In this article we claim that Tony Blair’s idea of ‘Education, Education, Education!’ has been transformed into a reality of: ‘Over-protection, Over-protection, Over-protection! ‘In trying to ‘socialise’ young people, the desire of adult society to guard the young from all kinds of risks and threats has never been so highly prioritised. As well as parents, adult social institutions (like schools, youth organisations, and safety laws) act over-protectively towards young people. From nursery school onward, life is safeguarded and organised for young people – instead of by them. The gain of independence in autonomous extra-family activities is lost by the domination of professionally planned leisure-time programmes, so, de facto, ‘free time’ is not often ‘unsupervised’ time.
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Deshmukh, Sameer H., et Amitava Acharyya. « Risk factors of hypertension in Indian adults : a systematic review (1994-2014) ». International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health 8, no 4 (25 mars 2021) : 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20211273.

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Hypertension is among the most common non-communicable diseases globally. In India the incidence of hypertensive cases has been on the rise. Among the last few decades not only hypertension has become common in elderly but recently many cases have been reported in the young adults in India. Despite this emerging as one of the future public health concerns, there has been limited research regarding the factors that may be responsible for causing hypertension involving young and middle-aged adults and the findings remain inconclusive. The main aim of this study was to identify the risk factors responsible for developing hypertension in Indian adults. A systematic review of the available literature around the research question was carried out. Total 9 primary studies were identified after a thorough search of databases and screening strategy. Studies published between the years 1994 to 2014 and looking into risk factors of hypertension in the Indian adult population were considered. Data from each of the 9 included studies was extracted using MS Excel spreadsheets. The main risk factors of hypertension found in adults were smoking and chewing tobacco, alcohol consumption, obesity, sedentary activities, excessive salt intake and lifestyle. Along with these risk factors illiteracy, unawareness of diseases, neglecting attitude towards health and male dominating culture were also significant risk factors. Hypertension is increasing health problem in adults in India especially in this era of urbanization. People are adapting to the western culture and hence the lifestyle is changing drastically. The main risk factors leading to hypertension are smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and excessive salt intake. This signifies that there is a need to improve the knowledge and attitudes of the people related with Hypertension prevention and management in order to live a better and healthy life.
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Grigoryeva, Luydmila Anatolyevna, N. k. Tokarevich, O. A. Freilikhman, E. P. Samoylova et G. A. Lunina. « Seasonal changes in populations of sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus (L., 1758) (Acari : Ixodinae) in natural biotopes of St. Petersburg and Leningrad province, Russian Federation ». Systematic and Applied Acarology 24, no 4 (30 avril 2019) : 701. http://dx.doi.org/10.11158/saa.24.4.14.

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Changes in the seasonal activity and age composition of adults and nymphs in populations of the Ixodes ricinus in northwestern Russia have been studied. Adult ticks and nymphs were collected on flag twice a month from April to October in 2014–2016. They were investigated for biological age (light-optical preparations of the midgut after staining fat with Sudan III). DNA isolated from ticks was analyzed using real-time PCR (fluorescent probe technology) for the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. pathogens based on amplification of the 16SrRNA and Hbb gene fragments. The season of activity of the adults shows one peak, the largest numbers show up in July–August (September). The population of adults is composed of two generations. The first generation is active from the beginning of the season until nearly its end, mid-October. Until the end of June, young individuals with large fat reserves predominate in the population. From July to the end of September, the adult population is formed mainly of mature individuals. Older individuals in the population appear from mid-July, and become dominating only in August and, mainly, in September. Ticks of the second generation, as young individuals, were recorded from the end of August until the end of the season of activity. The active nymphs were captured from late April until late October. The season of activity of nymphs begins and ends with a 100% content of young individuals. The spring population (April–May) consists of young nymphs, in June the proportions of young and mature are equalized, in July and August the ratio of mature and old nymphs is balanced, in September old individuals prevail, which were not found in October. The first generation is the nymphs who have hatched from August to October during the previous season, and the second one is the nymphs hatching in August of the current year. The lifespan of adults and nymphs can reach 13–15 months. The proportion of infected ticks in May and June is 24.5% and 25%, with the highest rates of in the young (10–12 months) part of population (70–85% of individuals). In July, the number of mature (12–13 months) individuals increases (up to 75–95%), at the same time the average values of infection fall to 20.8%. In August, the shares of mature (45–55%) and old -13–15 months (45–55%) individuals are approximately balanced. Borrelia contamination is also decreasing (14.3%). In September, the number of mature individuals (29.7%) was about 2 times lower than the old ones (65.3%), and the infection rate decreased to 11.4%. The population of nymphs and adults is composed of two tick generations in the season of activity. The season of activity of adult ticks is holistic; it is not interrupted during the summer months. Infection of adults with Borrelia decreases simultaneously with the ageing of the population.
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Zhang, Xiaoqing, Lin Jin et Guoqing Li. « RNAi-Mediated Functional Analysis Reveals the Regulation of Oocyte Vitellogenesis by Ecdysone Signaling in Two Coleoptera Species ». Biology 12, no 10 (26 septembre 2023) : 1284. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/biology12101284.

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Coleoptera is the largest taxa of animals by far. The robust reproductive capacity is one of the main reasons for such domination. Successful female reproduction partially relies on effective vitellogenesis. However, the hormone regulation of vitellogenesis remains to be explored. In the present paper, in vitro culture of Leptinotarsa decemlineata 1-day-old adult fat bodies in the 20E-contained median did not activate juvenile hormone production and insulin-like peptide pathways, but significantly stimulated the expression of two LdVg genes, in a cycloheximide-dependent pattern. In vivo RNA interference (RNAi) of either ecdysone receptor (LdEcR) or ultraspiracle (Ldusp) by injection of corresponding dsRNA into 1-day-old female adults inhibited oocyte development, dramatically repressed the transcription of LdVg genes in fat bodies and of LdVgR in ovaries; application of JH into the LdEcR or Ldusp RNAi L. decemlineata females did not restore the oocyte development, partially rescued the decreased LdVg mRNA levels but over-compensated LdVgR expression levels. The same RNAi experiments were performed in another Coleoptera species, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata. Little yolk substances were seen in the misshapen oocytes in the HvEcR or Hvusp RNAi ovaries, in contrast to larger amounts of yolk granules in the normal oocytes. Correspondingly, the transcript levels of HvVg in the fat bodies and ovaries decreased significantly in the HvEcR and Hvusp RNAi samples. Our results here show that 20E signaling is indispensable in the activation of vitellogenesis in the developing oocytes of the two beetle species.
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Giles, Rebecca, et Shirley Rivers. « Caucusing : Creating a space to confront our fears ». Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 21, no 1-2 (17 juillet 2017) : 60–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol21iss1-2id321.

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Learning does not occur in a vacuum and this reality challenges all educators to provide for the differing learning needs that exist because of students’ particular relationship to the course material. Teaching Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the colonial history of Aotearoa New Zealand to adult students of social work and counselling in mainstream tertiary education programmes provides particular challenges and opportunities for tutors and students alike. When teaching this topic, it is essential that the nature of the relationships that exist today between the peoples that represent the signatories of the Tiriti / Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 is explored. Yet, at the same time, the learning needs of all students must be met.The authors have extensive experience in the teaching of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to adult learners. They have found the practice of caucusing helpful in creating a process that affords an opportunity for a transfer of learning to take place. How this process operates is the subject of this research study. In it, the authors identify distinct differences between Maaori and non-Maaori students’ experiences of caucusing. Worthwhile explanations of these differences are provided and linked to literature findings. Excerpts from research relating to the hidden dynamics of white power and domination are provided and assist in increasing an understanding of the intense reactions expressed by students during the transfer of knowledge process. Comments from students are included to highlight the shifts in understanding as the caucusing experience proceeds. The authors suggest that this topic has quite different implications for students within the same classroom, dependent upon whether they are located within the group that has experienced colonisation and domination (Maaori) or the other group, i.e. the colonising group (non-Maaori). They highlight the need to go beyond an intellectual fact-gathering exercise to achieve significant and worthwhile educational outcomes in this topic area.
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Giles, Rebecca, et Shirley Rivers. « Caucusing : Creating a space to confront our fears ». Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 21, no 1 (17 juillet 2017) : 60–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol21iss1id321.

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Learning does not occur in a vacuum and this reality challenges all educators to provide for the differing learning needs that exist because of students’ particular relationship to the course material. Teaching Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the colonial history of Aotearoa New Zealand to adult students of social work and counselling in mainstream tertiary education programmes provides particular challenges and opportunities for tutors and students alike. When teaching this topic, it is essential that the nature of the relationships that exist today between the peoples that represent the signatories of the Tiriti / Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 is explored. Yet, at the same time, the learning needs of all students must be met.The authors have extensive experience in the teaching of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to adult learners. They have found the practice of caucusing helpful in creating a process that affords an opportunity for a transfer of learning to take place. How this process operates is the subject of this research study. In it, the authors identify distinct differences between Maaori and non-Maaori students’ experiences of caucusing. Worthwhile explanations of these differences are provided and linked to literature findings. Excerpts from research relating to the hidden dynamics of white power and domination are provided and assist in increasing an understanding of the intense reactions expressed by students during the transfer of knowledge process. Comments from students are included to highlight the shifts in understanding as the caucusing experience proceeds. The authors suggest that this topic has quite different implications for students within the same classroom, dependent upon whether they are located within the group that has experienced colonisation and domination (Maaori) or the other group, i.e. the colonising group (non-Maaori). They highlight the need to go beyond an intellectual fact-gathering exercise to achieve significant and worthwhile educational outcomes in this topic area.
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Di Beneditto, Ana Paula Madeira, et Maria Thereza Manhães Tavares. « Notes on the diet of adult Yellow Catfish Aspistor luniscutis (Pisces : Siluriformes) in northern Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil ». Journal of Threatened Taxa 11, no 7 (26 mai 2019) : 13920–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/jott.4561.11.7.13920-13924.

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Diet of adult specimens of Yellow Catfish Aspistor luniscutis (Valenciennes, 1840) was determined through stomach contents analysis. The specimens were target of commercial gillnet fisheries in northern Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. In this region, A. luniscutis is a generalist benthophagous feeder, consuming most available prey species with crustaceans, especially penaeid shrimps, brachyuran crabs, and sciaenid fish dominating.
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Aswan, Aswan, S. Rijani et Y. Riza. « Shell Bed Identification of Kaliwangu Formation and its Sedimentary Cycle Significance, Sumedang, West Java ». Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 8, no 1 (28 mars 2013) : 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.17014/ijog.8.1.1-11.

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DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v8i1.151Kaliwangu Formation cropping out around Sumedang area contains mollusk fossils dominated by gastropods and bivalves. In terms of sequence stratigraphy, each sedimentary cycle generally consists of four shell bed types: Early Transgressive Systems Tract (Early TST) deposited above an erosional surface or sequence boundary, that is characterized by shell disarticulation, trace fossils, gravelly content, no fossil orientation direction, and concretion at the bottom; Late Transgressive Systems Tract (Late TST) identified by articulated (conjoined) specimen in its life position, that shows a low level abration and fragmentation, adult specimen with complete shells, and variation of taxa; Early Highstand Systems Tract (Early HST) characterized by adult taxa that was found locally in their life position with individual articulation, juvenile specimens frequently occured; Late Highstand Systems Tract (Late HST) determined as multiple-event concentrations, disarticulated shell domination, and some carbon or amber intercalation indicating terrestrial influence. Shell bed identification done on this rock unit identified nineteen sedimentary cycles.
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Liztiawati, Tia, et Nurhayati Nurhayati. « The Representation of the Concept of Love in English Children and Adult Song Lyrics Based on Transitivity ». Culturalistics : Journal of Cultural, Literary, and Linguistic Studies 5, no 2 (7 juin 2021) : 10–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/culturalistics.v5i2.12475.

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The purpose of the study is to explain the way the concept of love is represented in adult's song and children's song, using the conceptual framework of transitivity. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative research. The data of the research are obtained from the internet. The lyrics are downloaded from the website and YouTube channel providing by Laci Abdul Jalil, lirik.kapanlagi.com, Kak Zepe, The Kiboomers, and bus song. The result of this study are as follows: 1) The three main processes; behavioral, relational, and material, are dominating the total number of occurrences in the selected adult songs. The behavioral process is the highest for 24,83% with a total of 435 occurrences. The relational process comes second for 22,53%. The smallest percentage for the main process is the material process for 19,54%. On the other hand, the three main processes; mental, material, and relational, are dominating the total number of occurrences in the selected children's songs. 2) The most dominant participants found in both songs are senser. That is consciously being who feels, thinks, sees, or perceives (love). 3) The circumstances of the time in both songs show that the adult songs are more varied than children's songs.
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Dubreucq, Éric. « La faiblesse et le pouvoir. Réflexions sur Le Consentement de V. Springora ». Le Télémaque N° 58, no 2 (21 décembre 2020) : 15–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/tele.058.0015.

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Le livre de Vanessa Springora, Le Consentement , donne le récit de la manière dont elle a été séduite, quand elle était adolescente, par un romancier célèbre âgé d’environ cinquante ans. Mais il retrace également les étapes d’une destruction personnelle : séduite, puis dominée et exploitée, la jeune Vanessa tombe sous son emprise et en mourra presque. Son histoire pose de plus un problème intéressant à propos des relations entre adultes et enfants : peut-elle avoir réellement été victime si, comme elle le dit et l’explique, elle a consenti à cette relation ? Celle-ci a bien été une forme de violence extrême qui l’a soumise à une domination totale, mais elle s’est aussi établie en obtenant de la victime son consentement enthousiaste.
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Protar, Simon. « Qui menace les enfants ? Construction du risque dans les campagnes de prévention des violences sexuelles sur mineur·es ». Mouvements 115, no 3 (11 décembre 2023) : 72–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mouv.115.0072.

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Les campagnes de prévention des violences sexuelles sur mineur·es mises en œuvre par les gouvernements et entités non gouvernementales entendent fonder leur efficacité sur deux ressorts identifiables : d’un côté, la circonscription d’espaces spécifiques du risque (les espaces numériques ou les réseaux de prostitution infantile, par exemple) et, de l’autre côté, le recours à la figure menaçante du « pédophile », présenté comme un étranger qui s’introduirait dans la sûre intimité des familles pour assouvir ses pulsions sexuelles. Percutantes, ces stratégies de communication diffusent une image déformée des violences subies par les enfants, et contribuent par là même à occulter les rapports de domination à l’œuvre entre adultes et enfants, qui constituent pourtant les conditions de possibilité des violences sexuelles infligées aux mineur·es.
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Firmansyah, Muhammad Wahyu, et Lisetyo Ariyanti. « ADULT JOKES IN SAUSAGE PARTY MOVIE : A STUDY OF MULTIMODALITY ». Prosodi 15, no 2 (11 octobre 2021) : 140–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.21107/prosodi.v15i2.12181.

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The Sausage Party Movie is a comedy film directed by Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan (2016) which is sensational. The theme brings some controversy among people about how vulgar it is. The story exposed some sensitive themes such as intercourse, orgy, homosexuality, bisexuality, foreplay, torturing, murderer, annihilation, genocide, colonial domination, and other aspects as well. The contested scenes in the movie which manifest adult jokes are being analyzed by investigating the visual and linguistic elements related to the particular scenes. Thus, this study analyzed the adult jokes in “Sausage Party” by using multimodality approach which combines types of metafunction from Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) and visual elements of Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen framework. The data were all scenes which contain adult jokes in this movie. The result reveals that some scenes may construct the meaning which related with the adult jokes. Despite the fact that this film is a comedy cartoon which associated with children, many adult jokes are being displayed to entertain the audiences which not suitable for underage communities. Likewise, the adult jokes are displayed as implicitly as possible to entertain either the underage who thinks it is only a usual joke or the adulthood who socially and practically understood the meaning behind it. In addition, the data is occupied by an intercourse activity between sausage and bun, torturing and murdered ideas, and also the idea of how human had intercourse from another perspective.
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Fejes, Andreas, et Erik Nylander. « How pluralistic is the research field on adult education ? : Dominating bibliometrical trends, 2005-2012 ». European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 6, no 2 (14 avril 2015) : 103–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.3384/rela.2000-7426.rela9063.

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MROCZYŃSKA, MARTA, et ZDZISŁAWA LIBUDZISZ. « β-glucuronidase and β-glucosidase activity of Lactobacillus and Enterococcus Isolated from Human Feces ». Polish Journal of Microbiology 59, no 4 (2010) : 265–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.33073/pjm-2010-040.

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The domination of microorganisms characterized by excessive activity of the so-called fecal enzymes may be one of the reasons of the large intestine cancers. These enzymes are mainly those that belong to the hydrolase and reductase classes and their excessive activity may lead to disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract. The aim of tise research was to determine the activity of beta-glucuronidase and beta-glucosidase of Lactobacillus and Enterococcus strains isolated from the feces of healthy children, aged 1 and 8, and adults, aged 30 and 80. The analysis included 10 strains isolated from the feces of individuals in each of the age groups. beta-glucuronidase activity in the case of the isolates from children, depending on the strain, equaled from about 0.15 mM/h/mg of protein to 0.26 mM/h/mg of protein and was lower, respectively, by 52.35% and 57.81%, than the beta-glucosidase activity. Simultaneously, the activity of the Lactobacillus enzymes from children was 2.4 times higher, and in case of the isolates obtained from adults they were 4.6 and 2.7 times higher than the activity of the Entercoccus enzymes. The highest beta-glucuronidase activity was observed in Lactobacillus isolates coming from an 80-year-old subject. The differences between the activity of Enterococcus beta-glucuronidase isolated from the feces of 1 and 8 year old children were statistically insignificant. On the other hand, in the case of the subjects aged 30 and 8 the isolates were characterized by activity lower by, respectively. 48% and 37% than the isolates coming from children. The highest beta-glucosidase activity was discovered in the case of Lactobacillus and Enterococcus coming from children, which was higher by 32% than the activity of the isolates from adult persons. Therefore, it was determined that the activity of beta-glucuronidase of Lactobacillus strains isolated from feces from people aged 80 was the highest, and the isolates of the examined microorganisms coming from children were characterized by the highest beta-glucosidase activity.
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Omorogiuwa, Tracy BE. « COVID-19 and older adults in Africa : Social workers’ utilization of mass media in enforcing policy change ». International Social Work 63, no 5 (23 juillet 2020) : 646–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0020872820941748.

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Dominating headlines in the last few months, global attention has been fixed on the coronavirus pandemic given its rampaging impact on social events and human affairs. More than any other groups, older adults have been disproportionately affected by the deadly contagion. This situation poses legitimate concerns to the social work profession, whose mandate is to liberate vulnerable people and promote social development. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to take a devastating toll on older adults in the short-term, its long-term consequences may be far more profound unless urgent attention is directed to mitigate this situation. Given the promulgation of social distancing and shutdowns among a number of African countries, many social workers have found it increasingly difficult to address the difficulties faced by older adults. This article canvasses for the utilization of the mass media in initiating policy response to the challenges of older adults throughout the continent.
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Lykke, Sine, et Charlotte Handberg. « Experienced Loneliness in Home-Based Rehabilitation : Perspectives of Older Adults With Disabilities and Their Health Care Professionals ». Global Qualitative Nursing Research 6 (janvier 2019) : 233339361983166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2333393619831661.

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This study aimed to describe and interpret perspectives of older adults with disabilities and their health care professionals (HCPs) on experienced loneliness during home-based rehabilitation. The interpretive description methodology guided the study. Data included semistructured individual interviews with seven older adults and a focus group interview with three HCPs. The analysis revealed four main findings that symbolized experienced loneliness. “Unspoken pain” and “gatekeeping emotions” concerning experienced loneliness as a taboo and stigma during rehabilitation were closely connected. “Resignation” and “awaiting company” signified the consequences of experienced loneliness when not addressed. Unspoken pain, gatekeeping emotions, resignation, and awaiting company were dominating experiences in the lives of the older adults during a home-based rehabilitation program following disability. This had restrained them from verbalizing and coping with loneliness during rehabilitation and life in general. The HCPs’ attempt to provide support for the older adults in coping with loneliness appeared to be characterized by gatekeeping emotions and keeping hidden agendas.
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Nikolaeva, L. A. « Parent-Child Relations and Development of a Child as a Future Adult Family Member ». Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy 13, no 3 (2013) : 72–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.18500/1819-7671-2013-13-3-72-75.

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Parent-child relations play a key role in the development of a child as a future adult family member. The object of our research is formation of parent-child relation systems in children. The aim of our research is to find out the dependence between parent-child relations and the formation of future parenthood of children. To study this we used PARI methods and a parent-child relations test. As a result of the research we came to the conclusion that such styles of family behaviour as cooperation of the child with the parent, the child-parent symbiosis, manifested in adult aspiration to unity with the child are «inherited» factors. Domination of mother, as well as her being dependent on her husband are also «inherited» factors, they are passed on from parents to their children, and then to their future families. Such opposite factors as parental avoidance of contacts with the child, security creation, fear of offending, suppression of sexuality belong to the category of characteristics, given to children in the process of family upbringing.
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van Lieshout, Chris, Katharina Abraham, Adriana L. Smit et Geert W. J. Frederix. « A cost-utility analysis of cochlear implants for single sided deafness in adults and children in the Netherlands ». PLOS ONE 19, no 8 (5 août 2024) : e0307881. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0307881.

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Background Cochlear Implant (CI) has been shown to improve speech comprehension, sound localization and tinnitus in adults with Single-Sided-Deafness (SSD) compared to standard treatment currently available in the Dutch setting such as a CROS (Contralateral Routing of Signals) hearing device or a BCD (Bone Conduction Device). Also, for the pediatric population with SSD, CI has shown to be clinically meaningful. Because currently no information is available on the health economic effects of CI in adults and children with SSD in the Netherlands, a cost-utility analysis was conducted. Methods We developed a Markov cohort model, for both the adult and pediatric SSD population, with three states: implant, no implant, and dead. CI was compared with the Bone Conduction Device (BCD) treatment, requiring surgery and no specific treatment. The time horizon of the model was lifelong, costs were discounted with 3% and effects with 1.5%. A societal perspective was taken, including productivity costs in the analysis, with costing data based on publicly available prices for the Netherlands. Values for clinical outcome parameters, i.e. hearing gain, and event probabilities were based on existing literature. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses as well as scenario analyses were performed to outline uncertainty of individual and combined parameters. Results Mean per patient costs for CI in the adult population were €194,051 (95%-CrI €177,274 to €211,108) compared to the total costs of €185,310 (95%-CrI €182,367 to €194,142) for BCD resulting in a cost difference of €8,826 (95%-CrI -€5,020 to €18,252). Compared to no treatment, the cost difference was -€25,089 (95%-CrI -€31,678 to -€6,003). Adults who were treated with CI gained 18.41 (95%-CrI 18.07 to 18.75) quality adjusted life years (QALY) whereas BCD patients gained 15.81 QALYs (95%-CrI 15.53 to 16.10), a difference of 2.60 QALYs (95%-CrI 2.15 to 3.05). The Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) for adults with CI was determined to be €3,494/QALY gained. Patient without treatment gained 13.46 QALY (95%-CrI 13.20 to 13.73), a difference of 4.95 (95%-CrI 4.87 to 5.01) resulting in CI dominating no treatment. The ICER remained below the Dutch threshold of €20,000/QALY. The probabilistic sensitivity analyses confirmed the results. For children, CI dominated when compared to BCD and when compared to no treatment. Compared to BCD, CI led to a cost saving of €29,611 (95%-CrI -€126,800 to €54,375) and compared to no treatment, CI resulted in a cost saving of €57,658 (95%-CrI -€146,687 to €5,919). The incremental QALY gain compared to BCD was 7.22 (95%-CrI 4.19 to 8.55) and 26.03 (95%-CrI 20.82 to 31.06) compared to no treatment. Conclusions Based on the results of this health economic evaluation with a Markov cohort model, it is very likely that CI is cost-effective compared to BCD and to no treatment in the Dutch adult and pediatric population with SSD. In both populations the ICER was below the Dutch cost-effectiveness threshold of €20,000/QALY.
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