Thèses sur le sujet « Dispersion.11 »
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Mohebi, Mehrdad. « Dispersion of the Nonlinear Refractive Index of CS₂ in the Spectral Range of 9-11 μm ». Thesis, North Texas State University, 1987.
Texte intégralBoaga, Jacopo. « Seismic noise and controlled source surveys : tools for seismic hazard deterministic approach (field measurements in Venice Plain, Italy) ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2008.
Texte intégralFRIGERIO, PAOLA. « Biopolymers in elastomers : lignins as biofiller for tyre compound ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014.
Texte intégralGil-Díaz, Teba. « Comportement biogéochimique d’antimoine (Sb) et de tellure (Te) dans le milieu côtier : vers des scénarios de dispersion des radionucléides de Sb et de Te en cas de rejets accidentels de centrales nucléaires (projet AMORAD, ANR-11-RSNR-0002) ». Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019.
Texte intégralAntimony (Sb) and tellurium (Te) are relatively uncommon contaminants (stable isotopes) and may form short-lived fission products (radionuclides) released into the environment during nuclear power plants accidents. Little is known about their respective biogeochemical behaviours, necessary for general contamination studies and post-accidental radiological risk assessment.This work provides original knowledge on Sb and Te biogeochemical behaviour in highly dynamic continent-ocean transition systems: the Gironde Estuary and the Rhône River. Concentrations, spatial/temporal variations, solid/liquid partitioning (Kd), and fluxes are studied from long-term records at the watershed scale. Four estuarine sampling campaigns during contrasting hydrological conditions show higher Sb solubility and Te particle affinity in the estuary than in the upstream fluvial reaches. Historical records (1984-2017) in wild oysters from the estuary mouth do not show clear trends of past or recent contamination, but measurable bioaccumulation suggests that potential uptake of radionuclides is likely to occur. Combined adsorption experiments using isotopically-labelled (spiked) Sb and Te, and subsequent selective extractions of carrier phases from suspended particulate matter (SPM) suggest that spiked Sb and Te are more mobile and potentially bioaccessible than their environmental (inherited) equivalents. Radiotracer adsorption experiments using environmentally representative concentrations of both Gironde and Rhône systems underpin that highly soluble elements may show contrasting reactivity between inherited and spiked forms.Radionuclide dispersion will greatly depend on (i) the geographical position of the source (Rhône) and/or the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ; Gironde fluvial-estuarine system), (ii) the succession of hydrological situations during and after the accident, and (iii) the biogeochemical reactivity and half-lives of the radionuclides. First scenarios on hypothetical dissolved radionuclide dispersion in the Gironde Estuary suggest (i) low sorption of Sb to the SPM, implying a transport of radionuclides in dissolved phase towards the coast, and (ii) high retention of Te within the MTZ, especially for accidental releases during flood conditions, linking the fate of radioactive Te to long estuarine SPM residence times (1-2 years). Potential upstream migration of Te radionuclides in the MTZ towards the city of Bordeaux during the following summer season and Te decay into radioactive iodine warrants further evaluation of the associated potential radiotoxicity
QUADRI, ROBERTO. « HASPIN ROLE IN VESICLE DELIVERY AND POLARITY DISPERSION ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2016.
Texte intégralLiu, Ping. « Structural, Kinetic and Mutational Analysis of Two Bacterial Carboxylesterases ». Digital Archive @ GSU, 2007.
Texte intégralKleckner, Ian Robert. « Thermodynamic, Kinetic, and Dynamics Studies of the Allosteric Ligand-Responsive Regulatory Protein TRAP ». The Ohio State University, 2011.
Texte intégralChoi, Yeonsik. « Novel functional polymeric nanomaterials for energy harvesting applications ». Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2019.
Texte intégralSousa, Keliny Martins de Melo. « Modelos lineares generalizados e modelos de dispersão aplicados à modelagem de sinistros agrícolas ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Texte intégralThe main objective of this work is to use the generalized linear models and dispersion models in the agricultural insurance context. The Generalized Linear Model (GLM) are an extension of the multiple regression linear models presented by Nelder e Wedderburn (1972). This approach include situations in which the response variable can be included in exponencial the family. The GLM is composed of a randomized component, a sistematic component and the link functions. JÁrgensen (1997) extend the application of the GLM for a more general class of probability models, called dispersion models. Both approaches were applied in two insurance datasets for 15 citys in Rio Grande do Sul. The parameters estimation was based in the maximum likelihood method, in addition, because of the relatively small sample, the non-parametric Bootstrap method was used. This study show, using GLM, that only the accumulated rainfall was statistically significant . However, any of the covariates was significant when modelling the amount of claims. In the analysis using Bootstrap method the accumulated rainfall and average temperature were significant when modelling the number of insurance clains.
Uyeda, Claudio Augusto. « Influência da aplicação de vinhaça na condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado e no escoamento superficial ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2009.
Texte intégralThe production of alcohol used as fuel is increasing every year due to the need to replace the sources of fossil fuels, which is finite, and on the other hand alcohol is a renewable energy source. But the production of this fuel generates large quantities of waste and the vinasse draws most attention by its high value as fertilizer, primarily by the amount of potassium. The potassium ion due to a monovalent feature is to promote the dispersion of the clay particles as well as sodium, clogged the pores of the soil by decreasing the permeability, may cause flooding and increase runoff. For evaluating the dispersive effect of vinasse on the soil were implemented two experiments: Experiment I aimed to evaluate the effect of different doses of vinasse in saturated hydraulic conductivity, and Experiment II, which evaluated different doses of vinasse in runoff. In Experiment I were used PVC columns filled with 3 kinds of soils (Dark Red Latosol - LVE, Dusky Red Latosol- LR and Rhodic Kandiustalf - NVE), and applied four doses of vinasse (0, 150, 300 and 450 m3 ha -1), in a completely randomized design in a 3x4 factorial design with three replications. In this experiment we used a constant load permeameter to obtain the hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil. In the second experiment was mounted in a structure belonging to the Department of Rural Engineering (ESALQ / USP) for evaluation of runoff in a Rhodic Kandiustalf. The experimental design used in this experiment was a randomized block design in a 3x3 factorial with three blocks, and these factors were: 3 varieties of sugarcane (IAC87-3396, SP81-3250 and RB86-7515) and 3 doses of vinasse (150 , 300 and 450 m3 ha-1). The parameteres evaluated were the loss of water and soil, loss of potassium and total dissolved solids (TDS). Results obtained showed that the soil LVE with increasing doses of vinasse also decreased the values of hydraulic conductivity, and for the LR soil and NVE values of this parameter increased with increased doses. In the runoff no significant effect on the factors under study, showing that the doses did not contribute to the increase in runoff as was supposed.
Martins, Karina. « Diversidade genética e fluxo gênico via pólen e semente em populações de Solanum lycocarpum ST.HIL. (Solanaceae) no sudeste de Goiás ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2005.
Texte intégralSolanum lycocarpum St.Hil. (Solanaceae) is a woody plant that is found in the Brazilian Cerrados (savanna fields) in Central Brazil. It is heliophile, and it features open secondary formations. It\'s popularly known as wolf\'s fruit. The meat of its fruit is used in the production of a phytomedicine, the wolf\'s fruit powder, which is traded in the form of capsules, being widely used for the control of diabetes, obesity and cholesterol levels. The species is andromonoecious, with constant production of hermaphrodite and functionally male flowers. The pollination syndrome is vibratille, and Xylocopa bees pollinate flowers. Various animals in the Cerrado consume the fleshy fruits. The main seed dispersers are the maned wolf, the bush dog, the crab-eating-fox, the tapir, and the sauba ant. The main mating features of S. lycocarpum as well as its pollinators and seed dispersing agents were used as a basis for this study. Thus, this enquiry aimed at studying the relative contribution of migration mediated by pollen and by seeds in the total gene flow and in the genetic structure of four natural populations of Solanum lycocarpum located in the Southeast region of Goiás State. The pollen to seed flow rate in the total gene flow was estimated by means of comparative analysis of nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers. The mating system and genotype spatial distribution in the populations were also studied. We also focused on evaluating the genetic diversity in plants located on the dirt roadside that interlinks three of the populations as a means of inferring about the origin of the seeds that colonized the environment. The 294 individuals sampled were studied with six nuclear microsatellite loci and six chloroplast microsatellite loci. The nuclear loci ( He =0,330±0,013) showed smaller gene diversity than chloroplast loci (h = 0,947±0,012). The estimation of the average number of haplotypes per population ( nh =28,4±2,67) indicated that both natural and roadside populations were founded by a great number of seeds of various origins. Genotypes\' spatial structure at distance of up 50m was detected in two of the populations, resulting from spatially restricted seed dispersion. The genetic differentiation between populations estimated with chloroplast markers ( ϑpC=0,042) were slightly smaller than that obtained with nuclear markers ( ϑp=0,054). Gene flow ratio (mp/ms ) for the set of populations was 1.22, showing that gene flow rates by pollen and seed are practically similar in the scale of this study. The roadside was colonized by seeds from adjacent natural populations, and the average seed dispersion distance was about 20 Km. S. lycocarpum is predominantly alogamic. Biparental inbreeding was not common and the number of pollen donors in the crossings was above ten. Considering only the area comprised in this study, it is necessary to preserve 54 populations to retain Ne=500. When sampling seeds for ex situ conservation, the same number of seeds must be collected from 150 to 200 mother-trees to retain Ne=500. The mother-trees must be more than 50m away from each other
Pauli, Giuliano. « Incremento da vida de prateleira de Metarhizium anisopliae e Beauveria bassiana em dispersões oleosas através de secagem de conídios, surfactantes e aditivos ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.
Texte intégralOil-based formulations of aerial conidia of entomopatogenic fungi have several advantages compared to the use of unformulated products; however, the complexity and lack of understanding of the factors that influence the persistence of this type of formulation make it still not widely used. The effect of different levels of drying conidia, oil type, extraction methods, blastospores stability, compatibility of surfactants and addition of additives were evaluated for the development of a mycopesticide oil formulation. The best results obtained with aerial conidia were evaluated regarding the protection against UV radiation and the efficacy of the formulations to control Tenebrio molitor. Zeolita was the most compatible clay in maintaining the viability of blastospores of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana, and despite promising results in the stability, the shelf life of these propagules was much lower than aerial conidia. Twenty surfactants were evaluated for safety to conidia in two trials resulting in the selection of the four most compatible, two of them E5 and E8, were evaluated in subsequent experiments demonstrating good potential as emulsifiers in oil-based formulations. Two additives were evaluated in the formulation and distinct responses were observed. A1 was highly toxic to the fungi, while different concentrations of A2 increased the survival of the conidia up to seven times. The advantages of A2 were evident also in combinations of oil with the four selected emulsifiers. Oil-based formulation provided survival up to seven times higher for conidia exposed to simulated UV radiation compared to unformulated conidia, and two experiments showed that oil formulations were more efficient in the insect control, with reductions of up to 2.3 times on the survival time of insects. Twelve bioassays and over 20.000 viability readings described in this work, allowed a better understanding of the critical factors that affect the shelf-life of conidia, and indicate methods that can be used to improve the stability of mycopesticides in oil-based formulations.
Nunes, Márcio Renato. « Estrutura de solos altamente intemperizados cultivados sob sistema de plantio direto ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.
Texte intégralThe economic development of Brazil depends upon the increasing agricultural production associated with conservation practices. The no-tillage system is the soil management practice that brings together the broadest set of principles for conservation agriculture. Areas under no-till system, however, generally have two completely different soils layers: a surface layer, around 0 to 7 cm, with physical and chemical conditions favorable for root development; and a sub-surface layer, around 7 to 20 cm, with lower permeability to air and water, high soil penetration resistance, and low soil fertility. The existence of these stratified layers dramatically restricts the development of the root system into the sub-surface soil layer, which may result in reducing plant productivity by water deficit. This problem exists on more than 30 million hectares cultivated under no-tillage system in Brazil, and can compromise the optimistic projections of agricultural growth in the country. Therefore, more research is necessary to explore challenges that come with no-tillage. The aim of this thesis was to study the factors that can promote the physical and chemical stratification of highly weathered soils cultivated under no-till system. Among the factors that could cause this degradation, the following were studied: i) the application of excessive lime only on surface soil, or into the uppermost soil layer, which can increase its pH to levels beyond of the zero point of charge of soil, raising its electronegative potential and promoting, as a consequence, the clay dispersion; ii) the dispersed clay migration thtough the soil profile, by the percolation water, as a factor of physical degradation of sub-surface of soil cultiveted under no-tillage; and iii) the aplication of phytomass to the soil in insufficient amount and quality to maintain the soil structural stability of the soil. The results of this study showed that lime movement into the deeper soil profile, is very slow, as its impacts are limited to just a few centimeters below of where it is applied or incorporated (2.5 cm after 130 weeks), independent of the applied amount of lime. Thus, the surface lime application intensifies the chemical stratification of the clayey soils under no-tillage, increasing to much the soil pH of the uppermost soil layer, and being inefficient to decrease the soil acidity in the subsurface soil layer. The concentration of lime into the uppermost soil layer can significantly increase the electronegativity of the soil system and result in clay dispersion in the topsoil layer (0 to 5 cm). The resulting clay migration into the soil profile led to a series of structural alterations in subsurface layers, including: decrease of both soil porosity and pore continuity; and increase of both soil bulk density and soil penetration resistance in the sub-superficial layer. The structural stability decreasing of Oxisols under no-till system also is linked with the low addition of organic matter to the cultivated soil, in relation to the non-cultivated soils. The kaolinitic Oxisols are more susceptible to degradation than the gibbsitic Oxisols. Thus, it could be conclude that liming practices (rate and application methods of lime), mainly under no-till systems, need to consider both type and mineralogy of soil, as well as considering soil structure degradation promoted by over-liming in the uppermost soil layer.
Texte intégralŘíhová, Kristýna. « Stavba Babylonské věže (anylýza hebrejského textu Geneze 11) ». Master's thesis, 2012.
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