Thèses sur le sujet « Devenir humain »
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Brisset, Tifenn. « Le cinéma d'Alfred Hitchcock : une oeuvre du devenir-humain ». Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Texte intégralKerfa, Sonia Seguin Jean-Claude. « Géographies du regard dans le cinéma documentaire non institutionnel le corps ou la question de l'écart (Espagne 1951-1974) / ». Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2008.
Texte intégralFontaney, Laurence. « Devenir à moyen terme des enfants atteints d'une affection à virus respiratoire syncytial ». Saint-Etienne, 1994.
Texte intégralPersson, Karina. « Des hommes et des dieux : "Devenir humain, c'est devenir Dieu," car le Fils de Dieu s'est fait homme pour nous faire Dieu". Irénée de Lyon (II siècle) ». Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Sektionen för humaniora (HUM), 2012.
Texte intégralMassouh, Mireille. « Les interneurones géants exprimant la calrétinine dans le striatum humain : leur devenir dans la maladie de Huntington ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Texte intégralFletgen, Marie Christine. « Le devenir des nitrates et des nitrites dans l'organisme humain et leur danger potentiel : problème des nitrosamines ». Paris 5, 1992.
Texte intégralKerfa, Sonia. « Géographies du regard dans le cinéma documentaire non institutionnel : le corps ou la question de l'écart (Espagne 1951-1974) ». Lyon 2, 2008.
Texte intégralThe antirepublican's victory at the end of the Spanish Civil War and the long-lasting installation of general Franco at the head of a personal and authoritarian government led to the power's takeover of the non-fiction film production. Nevertheless, and in spite of the monopoly exercised by the official news called NO-DO (Noticiario y Documentales Cinematográficos), which also produced documentary films, a cinema looking into reality in a singular way existed. Away from the monolithic and uniform landscape imposed by the dictatorship, different ways of seeing appeared, as early as the fifties, and did not stop asserting themselves throughout these long years deprived of freedom. This thesis takes support on a tight and heterogeneous corpus of eleven documentary films realized during about twenty five years. The purpose is to bring to light non-institutional realizations which, although not necessarily antifranquist filmmakers' work, nonetheless remain personal creations deviating, even sometimes slightly, from the narrow vision of the official authorities. We designed this corpus and measured this deviating distance with the help of the deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation philosophical concepts as they are exposed in Gilles Deleuze's and Félix Guattari's works. Their conception of the society allowed us to consider the question of the body as center of "becoming", in spite of the historical and cultural determinism under the Franquist regime. The reality of the body, in our corpus's filmmakers' visions, draws a dynamic and unusual field which wanders through the national geography and testifies of the documentary cinema's vigour in a landscape restrained by the censorship
Dudefoi, William. « Le Dioxyde de titane en alimentation : caractérisation, devenir dans les fluides digestifs et impact sur le microbiote intestinal humain ». Thesis, Nantes, 2017.
Texte intégralTitanium dioxide (TiO2) is a white metal oxide commonly used as a coloring agent in food products, constituting for example the coating of confectionary. Considering that food-grade TiO2 (E171/INS171) contains nanoparticles (NPs) and that TiO2 NPs are classified as potentially harmful for humans by inhalation, we aimed to determine the fate and impact of TiO2 particles via ingestion. The physicochemical characterization of E171 samples confirmed that E171 contains NPs, however below the threshold defining the labelling of nanomaterial (50%). Moreover, they resemble TiO2 extracted from the coating of several confectioneries, indicating that they can be used directly as models of ingested particles. Furthermore, the physicochemical properties of E171 were proved to be very different from those of P25, a kind of TiO2 used as a reference in toxicology (100% NPs). Food grade E171 TiO2 may be thus preferred to the currently used model P25 for further studies on the impact of TiO2 via ingestion. Monitoring food grade TiO2 at each step of an in vitro digestion showed that, due to interactions with both ions and proteins composing the digestive fluids, TiO2 particles agglomerated all along the digestion and formed large agglomerates (up to 90μm in the intestinal phase), explaining the low absorption rate of TiO2 after ingestion observed in vivo. Finally, the impact of TiO2 on the human gut microbiota was assessed. No impact on the human gut microbiota viability and ecological richness was observed after a single dose of TiO2 equivalent to the ingestion of one piece of candy. These results are still to be confirmed for a chronic ingestion
Rached, Estelle. « Le devenir humain dans et pour l’incertitude : la qualité en éducation. Cas des établissements scolaires du second degré au Liban ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Texte intégralThis thesis explores education quality by introducing the concept of "a-quality," akin to the model of "a-synthesis" (Perez, 2008). The prefix "a" is suspensive, inviting us to explore educational quality by examining it at the level of its theoretical constructs. A-quality is approached in its dual aspects of micro-attention and micro-violence in Lebanon, beset by severe crises. Our thesis aims to unveil the role of the human who interacts with others and with the environment, an overlooked aspect of quality and the sole defence against societal flux. The research question that guides this study is: What humanistic a-quality aspects can define the blind spot of school quality to address the uncertainty of the Lebanese context? We hypothesize that humanistic a-quality focuses on the holistic development of educational actors, harnesses their distinctive capacities, and cultivates an eco-emergent institution to meet the challenges in an uncertain context. Our thesis employs a mixed-methods approach, following Creswell's (2014) sequential explanatory design, combining quantitative and qualitative data. The findings reveal that a-quality is perceived more in uncertain contexts by the absence of micro-violence rather than by the presence of micro-attentions. Faced with societal shifts, educational actors appear more attuned to micro-violence than micro-attention, as harmful practices leave often indelible marks on humans. Therefore, the evolving school embeds itself in its context, becoming eco-emergent, and capable of transforming obstacles into learning opportunities and growth. It empowers educational actors with life skills, mindful of their well-being within a benevolent otherness, valuing everyone’s uniqueness within a collective intelligence (De Ketele, 2020a) serving the common good and a non-uniform world (Mutuale, 2020)
Potrovic, Laura. « Ce qu'un corps peut devenir : cartographie entre danse et philosophie ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Texte intégralThis thesis does not explore what body is, but what a body can become. It explores the body as event-in-making throughout the concepts such as Body without Organs (Antonin Artaud, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari), bodying (Erin Manning), body-in-making (Erin Manning). What all of those concepts have in common is the same state - a state of becoming. Here, body becomes, and as such - it is a verb, an activity, a force. This thesis does not only explore the body as a force of becoming, but it also explores the becoming of that force - at the molecular, experiential and relational level. As Manning says, a body is always more-than one. Here, we are trying to approach the physical, experiential and relational becomings of a body in movement. That which moves the body from the state of being into the state of becoming is movement. This thesis is trying to show how movement never stops. We always move, therefore, there is a continuity of becoming. A body is never just a form, but a force-form. Movement is that which opens the body toward its becoming of force(s). A moving body is not a form of expression, but a force-field of expressivity. Movement makes the body, therefore, the body itself is a movement. We are not dancing with the body, we are dancing the body itself. The body is a score, a body-score, of its own becoming
Louis, Nathalie. « Etude de la structure de la protéine fibre de l'adénovirus humain de sérotype 2 : son devenir et son role au cours de l'infection ». Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1994.
Texte intégralBouchard, Sébastien. « Humanimalité et indignation : Apports de la fiction romanesque à la question philosophique du rôle de l’animalité dans le devenir humain de l’homme après Darwin ». Rouen, 2016.
Texte intégralSince Darwin’s theory of evolution, science no longer represents man as being above the animal reign, it includes him in it : man is an animal, of the class of mammals, of order of primates, of the family of hominids, of the genus homo and of the species sapiens. In order to name this new fraternity between man and animal, we propose the neologism humanimality, which postulates, by its written form, an indefectible link between humanity and animality. From Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) to Pierre Boulle’s Planet of the Apas (1963), through Romain Gary’s The Roots of Heaven (1956) – where the word “ecology” appears for the first time in a novel-, several novelists have explored this new fraternity. In the series of fifteen novels put together here, which form the studied corpus, a “voice”, belonging to the narrator of the protagonist, invites the reader to become indignant over the fact that hominization has never led to z humanization. If the animal ancestor of man has indeed become homo faber, erectus, then sapiens, it is nevertheless doubtful to believe that he has succeeses in becoming homo humanus (the authentically human man). In fact, when considering the barbarity of the 20th century, homo humanus may turn out to have been a mere “fiction”, a story which humanity told about itself and by which it has been cruelly fooled. The only token of hope is human being’s ability to become indignant against what offends this fiction of a species called upon to always become more human
Bouchard, Sébastien, et Sébastien Bouchard. « Humanimalité et indignation : apports de la fiction romanesque à la question philosophique du rôle de l'animalité dans le devenir humain de l'homme après Darwin ». Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017.
Texte intégralThèse en cotutelle, Doctorat en études littéraires, Université Laval Québec, Canada et Université de Rouen Mont-Saint-Aignan, France.
Depuis la théorie de l’évolution de Darwin, la science ne représente plus l’homme au-dessus du règne animal, elle l’y inscrit : c’est un animal, de la classe des mammifères, de l’ordre des primates, de la famille des hominidés, du genre homo et de l’espèce sapiens. Pour nommer cette nouvelle fraternité entre l’homme et l’animal, nous proposons le néologisme d’humanimalité, qui postule, par sa graphie même, un lien indéfectible entre humanité et animalité. De L’étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et M. Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson (1886) à La planète des singes de Pierre Boulle (1963), en passant par Les racines du ciel de Romain Gary (1956) — où le mot « écologie » apparaît pour la première fois dans un roman —, les romanciers explorent cette nouvelle fraternité en mettant en scène des êtres, des créatures et des situations qui n’existent pas dans la réalité. Ce faisant, ils déploient des perspectives de réflexion que la réalité ne met pas toujours à notre portée. Dans la série des quinze romans réunis ici, qui composent le corpus à l’étude, une « voix », celle du narrateur ou du protagoniste, invite le lecteur à s’indigner du fait que l’hominisation ne se soit jamais complétée par une humanisation. Si l’ancêtre animal de l’homme est effectivement devenu homo faber, erectus, puis sapiens, il est toutefois douteux de croire qu’il soit parvenu jusqu’à l’homo humanus (l’homme authentiquement humain). Les raisons de cet écueil s’articulent toutes autour du thème de l’« animalité », qui renvoie tantôt à la part animale en l’homme, tantôt aux rapports que l’homme entretient avec les animaux. Aborder, ainsi que nous le faisons, les romans retenus dans l’ordre chronologique de leur publication permet d’esquisser une petite histoire de l’évolution du thème de l’animalité dans la littérature européenne, de découvrir que, passé le choc de la « hantise des origines » suscitée par la théorie de Darwin, les romanciers nous encouragent à nous réconcilier avec notre propre animalité et à reconnaître la dignité des animaux. En un siècle où l’homme est responsable de deux guerres mondiales, la barbarie ne peut plus être pensée comme la marque d’une « bête » en l’homme, mais plutôt comme l’un de ses propres : l’homme, un animal inhumain. Des romanciers suggèrent même que l’homo humanus ne serait pas l’une des prochaines étapes de l’évolution de sapiens, mais une simple « fiction », une histoire que l’humanité se raconte sur elle-même et qui n’aura jamais d’incarnation réelle en ce monde. Seul gage d’espoir, cette faculté que nous avons de nous indigner contre ce qui outrage cette fiction d’une espèce appelée à devenir plus humaine. Romans analysés : L’étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et M. Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson (1886), La Machine à explorer le temps et L’île du docteur Moreau de Herbert George Wells (1895 et 1896), L’étalon de David Herbert Lawrence (1925), Le loup des steppes de Hermann Hesse (1927), Morwyn de John Cowper Powys (1937), Kaputt de Malaparte (1944), 1984 d’Orwell (1949), Molloy de Samuel Beckett (1951), La peau et les os (1949) et Le wagon à vaches de Georges Hyvernaud (1953), Sa Majesté des Mouches de William Golding (1954), Les racines du ciel de Romain Gary (1956), Sylva de Vercors (1961) et La planète des singes de Pierre Boulle (1963).
Depuis la théorie de l’évolution de Darwin, la science ne représente plus l’homme au-dessus du règne animal, elle l’y inscrit : c’est un animal, de la classe des mammifères, de l’ordre des primates, de la famille des hominidés, du genre homo et de l’espèce sapiens. Pour nommer cette nouvelle fraternité entre l’homme et l’animal, nous proposons le néologisme d’humanimalité, qui postule, par sa graphie même, un lien indéfectible entre humanité et animalité. De L’étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et M. Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson (1886) à La planète des singes de Pierre Boulle (1963), en passant par Les racines du ciel de Romain Gary (1956) — où le mot « écologie » apparaît pour la première fois dans un roman —, les romanciers explorent cette nouvelle fraternité en mettant en scène des êtres, des créatures et des situations qui n’existent pas dans la réalité. Ce faisant, ils déploient des perspectives de réflexion que la réalité ne met pas toujours à notre portée. Dans la série des quinze romans réunis ici, qui composent le corpus à l’étude, une « voix », celle du narrateur ou du protagoniste, invite le lecteur à s’indigner du fait que l’hominisation ne se soit jamais complétée par une humanisation. Si l’ancêtre animal de l’homme est effectivement devenu homo faber, erectus, puis sapiens, il est toutefois douteux de croire qu’il soit parvenu jusqu’à l’homo humanus (l’homme authentiquement humain). Les raisons de cet écueil s’articulent toutes autour du thème de l’« animalité », qui renvoie tantôt à la part animale en l’homme, tantôt aux rapports que l’homme entretient avec les animaux. Aborder, ainsi que nous le faisons, les romans retenus dans l’ordre chronologique de leur publication permet d’esquisser une petite histoire de l’évolution du thème de l’animalité dans la littérature européenne, de découvrir que, passé le choc de la « hantise des origines » suscitée par la théorie de Darwin, les romanciers nous encouragent à nous réconcilier avec notre propre animalité et à reconnaître la dignité des animaux. En un siècle où l’homme est responsable de deux guerres mondiales, la barbarie ne peut plus être pensée comme la marque d’une « bête » en l’homme, mais plutôt comme l’un de ses propres : l’homme, un animal inhumain. Des romanciers suggèrent même que l’homo humanus ne serait pas l’une des prochaines étapes de l’évolution de sapiens, mais une simple « fiction », une histoire que l’humanité se raconte sur elle-même et qui n’aura jamais d’incarnation réelle en ce monde. Seul gage d’espoir, cette faculté que nous avons de nous indigner contre ce qui outrage cette fiction d’une espèce appelée à devenir plus humaine. Romans analysés : L’étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et M. Hyde de Robert Louis Stevenson (1886), La Machine à explorer le temps et L’île du docteur Moreau de Herbert George Wells (1895 et 1896), L’étalon de David Herbert Lawrence (1925), Le loup des steppes de Hermann Hesse (1927), Morwyn de John Cowper Powys (1937), Kaputt de Malaparte (1944), 1984 d’Orwell (1949), Molloy de Samuel Beckett (1951), La peau et les os (1949) et Le wagon à vaches de Georges Hyvernaud (1953), Sa Majesté des Mouches de William Golding (1954), Les racines du ciel de Romain Gary (1956), Sylva de Vercors (1961) et La planète des singes de Pierre Boulle (1963).
Seigneur, Etienne. « Les pédiatres face à la transition en onco-hématologie pédiatrique : « une attache qu'on ne peut pas défaire... » : Grandir, se séparer et devenir adulte après le traitement d'un cancer durant l'enfance ou l'adolescence ». Paris 7, 2014.
Texte intégralThe transition indicates the passage, for a patient who has been treated for a paediatric cancer, from paediatric medical follow up towards adult medicine. This is a very critical time in the course of care which totally escapes the usual protocols. In addition, the medical literature apprehends only very insufficiently all the issues involved, in particular from the intrapsychic and intersubjective points of view. The prospect of separation between paediatricians and their patients raises many medical issues and especially emotional unes. In order to explore them, we carried out eighteen semi-structured interviews on the transition with paediatricians in onco-hematology, practicing in one of the four specialized centres in Ile-de-France. The thematic analysis of the interviews was supplemented by the use of an instrument (Edicode) taking into account the narrative characteristics of the speech, in reference to the attachment theory and its current developments around the question of narrativity. We have shows how the transition took here the value of a reality-testing, forcing doctor and patient to measure together the cost of the cure, in particular through the after-effects of cancer treatments. Certain ideals and unconscious fantasies at work within the paediatric vocation are also highlighted at the time of the transition. Finally the transition must, in these particular wards, being considered in the light of disappearances related to the deaths of children and adolescents which colour of a very particular psychic environment the separations linked to the transition 'of young people towards the adult medicine
Aceti, Monica. « Devenir et rester capoeiriste en europe : transmissions interculturelles et 'mondialité' de la capoeira afro-brésilienne ». Thesis, Besançon, 2011.
Texte intégralThe spread of Brazilian capoeira in the world is supported by the increasing mobility of the actors of its transmission between Brazil and Europe, as well as the possibilities created by current information circulation (YouTube, Internet). The capoeira roda (circle) presents itself as a space of plural expressions of ‘encircled’ individualities. Out of consideration for a ‘tradition’ and ‘foundations’, the control of the group and the master is over the bodies that perform a dance-fight and reverse –hands against the ground and feet up to the sky –in a playful way almost to the point of becoming subversive regarding sports effectiveness. In this work of interviews analysis (N=134) and participating observation in fields from various locations in Europe and Brazil, we concentrated on understanding how the career of capoeiristas are generated in Europe. In an interactionist and deeply rooted perspective, we have noticed that Gilberto Freyre’s myth of miscegenation finds a second life ‘outside’. Behind this mask, a first typological model (the micro-firms) reveals a liberal, commercial and patriarchal organization. These structures now train the most deserving members of their rank in the ‘job’ of capoeirista and acknowledge them as teacher, contramestre and more recently as mestre. From a marginal and exotic activity – this intangible cultural product recently recognized as Brazilian Heritage – is now the subject of commercial tensions and territorial stakes. Some make a name for themselves by taking matters into their own hands through the use of the gancho (hook kick), others specialize in socio-cultural activities and a few mark the start of resistance: negaça (evasive move, also called ‘denial move’), malandragem (trickery) and diplomatic jugglery, such are the tools that those ‘dissident’ capoeiristas (second typology) acquired during their socialization with a hint of neo-patrimony. Others still meet around self-organized and participating exchange rodas, by creating locally their terreiros (places) of capoeira. We are witnessing a deterritorialisation process of Brazilian heritage which as the same time produces forms of intercultural relations of ‘mondialité’ referring to Édouard Glissant. Thus, this study shows that the globalization of capoeira can neither lead to a mac’homogenization, nor to its decharacterization, but to the multiple meanings of ways of being and acting of women and men capoeiristas according to three typological models: the patriarchal micro-firms, the néopatrimonial dissidents and the participatory exchange networks
A difusão da capoeira brasileira no mundo é levada pela mobilidade crescente dos actores da sua transmissão entre o Brasil e a Europa, assim como pelas possibilidades de circulação de informação actuais (YouTube, Internet). A roda de capoeira apresenta-se como um espaço de expressões plurais de individualidades «cercadas». O controlo do grupo e do mestre, relativamente a uma «tradição» e «fundamentos» que se exercem sobre os corpos numa performance de uma dança-luta, invertendo-se – mãos contra o solo e pés para o céu – de maneira talvez lúdica para tornar-se subversiva face à eficácia desportiva. Neste trabalho por análise de entrevistas (N=134) e observação participante em terrenos multi-situados na Europa e no Brasil, nós nos aplicámos a compreender como as carreiras dos capoeirístas se fabricam na Europa. Numa perspectiva interaccionista e enraizada, nós reparámos que o mito da mestiçagem de G. Freyre encontra uma segunda vida no “exterior”. Atrás desta máscara, um primeiro modelo tipológico (as micro-firmas) revelam uma organização mercantil liberal e patriarcal. Estas estruturas formam de agora em diante os membros de maior mérito ao «ofício» de capoeirísta e é-lhes reconhecido o título de professor(a), contramestre(a) e recentemente de mestre. De uma actividade marginal e exótica - este bem cultural e imaterial reconhecido recentemente com o título de património brasileiro – é doravante o teatro de tenções de mercado e de concorrências territoriais. Alguns ganham o seu espaço, ajustando contas a força de «gancho» (golpe revirado), outros especializando-se em animações culturais e alguns entram em resistência : negaça (posição de esquiva dita de recusa), malandragem e malabarismo diplomático, tais são as ferramentas que estes capoeristas “dissidente” (segunda tipologia) adquiriram no decorrer da sua socialização com sotaque neo-patrimonial. Outros ainda, reúnem-se por ocasião de rodas de trocas auto-organizadas e participativas, criando localmente os seus terreiros de capoeira. Nós assistimos a um processo de desterritorialização do património brasileiro que paralelamente mostra formas de relações interculturais de “mondialité” em referência a E. Glissant. Assim, este estudo revela que a mundialização da capoeira não conduz nem a uma mac’homogeneização, nem à sua descaracterização, mas à pluralidade de maneiras de ser e de agir de mulheres e de homens capoeiristas segundo três modelos tipológicos: as micro-firmas patriarcais, os dissidentes neo-patrimoniais e as redes de trocas participativas
Canneaux, Marion. « Le devenir mère des femmes infertiles ayant bénéficié d’un don d’ovocytes ». Paris 5, 2011.
Texte intégralThis research is interested in infertile women who received an oocyte donation. The aim was to clarify the psychological issues mobilized by the infertility and oocyte donation experience, and to determine whether these two experiences can be elaborated during and after pregnancy. We also wanted to know whether the identifying processes characteristic of this period are likely to be singular. We met twelve pregnant women who received an oocyte donation. Ten are infertile and two suffer from a genetic disease which they don’t want to transmit to their child. At 7-8 months of pregnancy and at 3 months of the child, we carried out semi-structured interviews inspired by the Interview for maternal representations during pregnancy (M. Ammaniti. Et al. , 1999) and by « l’entretien « R » » (Stern et al. , 1989). The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (Cox et al. , 1987), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger et al. , 1970), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976) assessed the rate of depression, anxiety and marital satisfaction. During pregnancy, the Prenatal Attachment Inventory (Müller, 1993) was used. At 3 months of the child, the Lausanne triadic play assessed the family alliance. The results show that pregnancy is not systematically a period where women are able to work trough feelings towards infertility and oocyte donation experience. We notice specificities in their identifications which are in connection with these two experiences. After the birth, motherhood experience variably allows the continuation of an elaboration process of the infertility and oocyte donation experience. The relationship with the child is particularly invested, sometimes to the detriment of the father's place. The women need to be reassured against their fear that their child might not recognize them as mother later. Concerning the identifying processes, this is for the identifications to their child that there are most notable changes between pregnancy and the post-partum
Guerrero, Julien. « Devenir des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines dans un environnement tridimensionnel : application à l’ingénierie du tissu osseux ». Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.
Texte intégralBone tissue engineering aims to resolve the existing limitations of boneregeneration methods. One of the proposed strategies consists on the association,within a three-dimensional (3D) matrix, with autologous cells able to regenerate afunctional 3D tissue. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate theimpact of cellular communication, between cells of the stromal compartment andendothelial cells, within the three-dimensional porous matrix made of biodegradablenatural polysaccharides, focusing on bone repair. Our results show that thearchitecture and the nature of the 3D macroporous matrix promotes the guidance ofmesenchymal stems cells, derived from human bone marrow, towards theosteoblastic lineage. Also, that the organization in aggregates, promoted by the 3Dmatrices, stimulated cell communication, evidenced by the formation of GAPjunctions and activity of Connexins 43. We also focused on the function ofPannexines 1 and 3 for the 3D culture in these matrices of polysaccharides. Inconclusion, this work shows that cell-cell interactions play a major role in order toimprove bone tissue regeneration. Also, cellular and experimental data demonstratesthe advantage of using a total fraction of bone marrow cells to promote both boneformation and vascularization
Roux, Helene. « Déterminants de l'évolution à court terme des soins hospitaliers et du devenir à long terme dans l'anorexie mentale sévère ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013.
Texte intégralLoisy, Fabienne. « Devenir des virus entériques humains en milieu marin : apport des VLPs (Virus Like Particles) pour la purification des coquillages ». Paris 11, 2004.
Texte intégralThis work was developed following two research axes: the improvement of norovirus (human and animal strain) and rotavirus detection, and the evaluation of VLPs as a viral substitute for studying their comportment in marine environment. The main point concerning the method optimisation was the development of real-time RT-PCR for norovirus detection. The second part of the work has demonstrated the potential of norovirus and rotavirus VLPs as a viral surrogate as proven by the study of their stability in seawater. As VLPs are non-pathogen particles, the long persistence of rotavirus VLPs in shellfish has been shown in natural conditions (oysters on marine estuaries). The studies of Norwalk virus VLPs attachment to oyster tissues have demonstrated a specific binding to some tissues
Roussel, Marion. « Métamorphose, « transmorphose », « allogènese » ». Thesis, Paris 8, 2015.
Texte intégralSince the early 1990s, Marcos Novak has promoted a digital and experimental architecture called “transarchitecture.” The guiding principle of it is the idea of “becoming alien,” that is to say a radical becoming other of man and architecture, inhabitant and inhabitation, driven by new technologies.The purpose of this research is to examine the notion of "becoming alien" from and through two figures of human uncanniness: the Unheimliche theorized by Sigmund Freud, and the Unheimlichkeit developed by Martin Heidegger.Our thesis is that “becoming alien” is a new figure of uncanniness, proper to our time. When the Unheimliche would figure a psychological uncanniness, and the Unheimlichkeit an ontological one, “becoming alien” would be a figure of a “digital uncanniness.”By this expression, we aim to qualify the erasure of conventional dichotomies (near / far, natural / artificial, organic / synthetic, etc.) carried by our technologies, as well as the effect of diffuse strangeness that seems to result of it, affecting all of our experiences, our representations our inhabitation of the world.Finally, we suggest considering the ways in which “transarchitectures” and the notion of “becoming alien” sketch out both the possibility of a new “worldmaking” paving the way for a reenchantment, and the risk of a “deworldlizing.”Therefore, the question of ethics emerges; a technological ethics, but also an ecological, an economic and a political one: in short, an ethics of inhabitation of the world that architecture must address more than ever before.Keywords: uncanny, “transarchitecture,” human condition, body, identity, becoming, inhabitation, desenchantement/reenchantement, ethics
Mompelat, Sophie. « Résidus pharmaceutiques dans les eaux destinées à la consommation humaine : occurrence et devenir pour une évaluation de l’exposition et du risque sanitaire ». Rennes 1, 2011.
Texte intégralThe presence of pharmaceutical compounds in drinking-water sources (ground- and surface water) is a recent and a worldwide Public Health issue. Within this framework, this thesis work deals with the occurrence of these substances in water resources, in water utilities, and in drinking-water. This thesis work led to the development of a multi-residue analytical methodology showing satisfactory performances for all pharmaceutical compounds targeted in this study. The implementation of this analytical methodology during sampling and analyses campaigns provided numerous concentrations data about pharmaceutical compounds in dinking-water sources (ground- and surface water) and treated drinking-water in north-west France (The Vilaine and the Mayenne catchment basins). The anthropogenic emission impact on surface water, the temporal variation of surface water quality, and the efficiency of drinking-water treatment process in water utilities to remove pharmaceuticals compounds was also studied and discussed in this work. This thesis work contributes to bring needed knowledge for a further chronic human exposure and health risk assessment related to these compounds occurring in mixture at low-level in drinking-water
Dargnat, Cendrine. « Sources, transfert et devenir des phtalates sur le bassin versant de la Seine : caractérisation des dangers pour l'environnement et les écosystèmes ». Paris 6, 2008.
Texte intégralTroude, Pénélope. « Devenir à long terme de couples traités par fécondation in vitro dans la cohorte DAIFI ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013.
Texte intégralHoang-Thy, Nhac-Vu. « Contribution à une meilleure compréhension du devenir des blessés de la route : évaluation des conséquences à un an dans une cohorte ESPARR ». Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2012.
Texte intégralChamouard, Laura. « Le devenir parents des couples de femmes ayant eu recours à l'assistance médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Texte intégralThis thesis aims to explore the psychic reorganizations mobilized by becoming parents in couples of women who have had recourse to donor insemination. If medical assistance to procreation is not allowed in France, more and more of these couples use these medical techniques abroad, with an anonymous or semi-anonymous donor. Pregnancy, as well as the birth of the child, lead to psychic work related to identifications to parental figures and to the child, who supports the investment of parental functions for both members of the couple. The use of a third party donor marks these processes in a particular way during access to parenthood, especially echoing the fantasmatic and instinctual movements towards him. In this context, our problematic is: Are the psychic reorganizations different between the two women of the couple to construct their parenthood? How are the identification processes related to becoming parents for women's couples? What place is given to the third party donor by these couples during the perinatal period? Methodology used: The population is composed of ten couples of women who have used donor insemination (anonymous, semi-anonymous). We met them during the third trimester of pregnancy and when the child was six months old, through semi-structured couple and individual interviews, as well as projective tests (Rorschach and T.A.T.). The qualitative analysis of the interviews was based on a thematic content analysis, with particular attention to the singularity of each situation and to the latent content of the speech. Results: The results highlight a differentiation, within the couple, of the representations of parental functions with the birth of the child. Although psychic bisexuality is mobilized for both women, we observe that the identification with the maternal figure is strengthened mainly for those who have carried the child, and that a more significant psychic work regarding the identification with the father figure is made by their companion, as second parent. During the perinatal period, defensive movements towards the third party donor support the process of identification and construction of the filiation link to the child for the women who have not carried it. These defensive movements also enter for both women in the development of a primitive scene around the conjugal relation concerning the arrival of the child. After birth, the psychic place of the third party donor would be more important in couples, through the integration of the child and the part of alienness he carries in him
Cauchois, Olivier. « Conception, Préparation & ; Caractérisation de Nanoparticules de Formes Complexes. Etude de leur Devenir In Vivo ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011.
Texte intégralSoares, Marcele Carine dos Praseres. « O dever de motivação na despedida coletiva ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
Texte intégralThe paper deals with collective dismissal and its duty of motivation. Although there is no legal treatment in the Brazilian legal system, the combination of infra-constitutional and constitutional norms related to principles allows us to state that collective dismissal is a legal institution different from individual dismissal and, as such, it also requires different legal consequences. In order to understand the limits of this legal concept and seek a genuine and appropriate solution to the national framework, a bibliographical research was conducted using national and foreign authors as well as jurisprudential study cases. In the first chapter, the aim was to conceptualize the institute, distinguishing between multiple individual dismissals and collective dismissals. In the second chapter, we resorted to the study of comparative law and norms from international bodies dealing with the theme. In the third chapter, constitutional principles such as human dignity and the social function of property and infra-constitutional principles such as objective good faith and the prohibition of abuse of rights are highlighted. In the fourth chapter, the paradigmatic judicial decisions involving the companies Embraer and Usiminas are analyzed briefly stressing the role of the Judiciary Power. At the end, we could conclude that the collective dismissal has increasing importance in social reality and, as such, it requires that possession of its complexity is taken so that it is unveiled.
Grey, Natália de Campos. « Dever fundamental de proteção aos animais ». Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2010.
Texte intégralIn the course of most of the history of humanity the humarr being assigned itself a superior position, relegating other living beings and even nature to the condition of objects and resources to be used and exploited. Such perspective can't be maintained anymore, summarily, because, in the first place - as the result of diverse accomplishments of different scientific areas - the consideration of animals as subjects of moral status don't allow that they continue to be treated as simple means and, in the second place, the usual objetification of the animals by the human beings isn't compatible with the principies and the basis of a Socio-Environmental State of Law, which intends to materialize. In the way to the recognition of the nonhuman animais as members of a moral community and owners of dignity, the human being is compelled to give a new look at his relation with them, apprehending that the vulnerability of the nonhuman beings in front of the human actions and decisions cannot be understood as a permission to anything the man wants to do, arising from that the notion of a responsibility that must be assumed about the human actions. Admitted the vulnerability that the animais generally possess in relation to the human being and that the power of this last one constitutes in fact a responsibility source to take care of (and not a superiority premise), it's perceptible that the human being has, actually, a duty of protection of the animals, in the meaning to protect them against the human negative and harmful performance, by an abstention from causing damage or a positive action to protect the animals effectively. This duty of protection, initially from ethical origins, has been received by the legal system that composes the Socio-Environmental State of Law, presenting a remarkable material fundamentality that, in the brazilian case, is formally recognized by the Federal Constitution through interpolated proposition Vll, paragraph 1°, of article 225. The duty of protection of the animais is fundamental, therefore, and it must be fulfilled even by the State as by the collectivity, being applied in an optimized form according to the legal and factual possibilities of each concrete case and deserving to have attached weight when in the necessary balance with other rights or fundamental duties.
Durante a maior parte da história da humanidade o ser humano confiou a si mesmo uma posição de superioridade, relegando outros seres vivos e a própria natureza à condição de objetos e recursos a serem utilizados e usufruídos. Tal perspectiva não é mais sustentável, sumariamente, porque, em primeiro lugar – em decorrência de diversas realizações de diferentes áreas científicas – a consideração dos animais como sujeitos possuidores de status moral não permite que eles continuem a ser utilizados como meros meios e, em segundo lugar, a costumeira objetificação dos animais por parte dos seres humanos não é compatível com os princípios e fundamentos de um Estado Socioambiental de Direito, o qual se pretende concretizar. Em meio ao reconhecimento dos animais não-humanos como membros de uma comunidade moral e detentores de dignidade, o humano obriga-se a repensar sua relação para com eles, percebendo que a vulnerabilidade dos não-humanos frente às ações e decisões humanas não pode ser entendida como uma permissão para o homem fazer o que bem entender, nascendo daí a noção de uma responsabilidade que deve ser assumida quanto ao agir humano. Admitida a vulnerabilidade que os animais em geral possuem em relação ao ser humano e que o poder deste último constitui em verdade uma fonte de responsabilidade a ser atendida (e não uma premissa de superioridade), percebe-se que o humano possui, de fato, um dever de proteção aos animais, no sentido de protegê-los contra a atuação humana negativa e prejudicial, seja através de uma abstenção de causar dano ou de uma ação positiva para proteger efetivamente os animais. Esse dever de proteção, inicialmente de origens éticas, é recepcionado pelo ordenamento jurídico que compõe o Estado Socioambiental, apresentando uma marcante fundamentalidade material que, no caso brasileiro, é formalmente reconhecida pela Constituição Federal através do inciso VII, parágrafo 1º, do artigo 225. O dever de proteção aos animais é, portanto, fundamental, devendo ser cumprido tanto pelo Estado quanto pela coletividade, sendo aplicado de forma otimizada segundo as possibilidades jurídicas e fáticas de cada caso concreto e merecendo ter peso a ser considerado quando na necessária ponderação com outros direitos ou deveres fundamentais.
Goetghebuer, Tessa. « Impact des traitements antirétroviraux hautement actifs sur le devenir des nourrissons nés de mères infectées par le VIH ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014.
Texte intégralLes buts de ce travail ont été :
• d’évaluer, dans le contexte de l’offre de soin mise en place dans un centre de référence,
l’impact de l’administration prophylactique des traitements ARV pendant la grossesse sur la transmission verticale du virus.
• de déterminer si l’instauration précoce d’un traitement ARV chez les enfants infectés à la naissance et encore asymptomatiques améliorait le devenir de l’enfant.
• de contribuer à l’évaluation de l’impact de l’exposition à la maladie maternelle et aux traitements ARV sur le devenir des enfants non infectés nés de mères infectées par le VIH.
Une étude rétrospective portant sur les enfants nés de mères infectées par le VIH et suivis à l’hôpital St-Pierre entre 1986 et 2002, nous a permis de comparer 3 cohortes de naissance correspondant à différents types de prise en charge. Nous avons pu montrer que le taux de transmission a diminué globalement de 10% durant la période précédant l’administration de prophylaxie ARV à 5% durant la troisième période où les multithérapies étaient recommandées en prophylaxie durant la grossesse. Nous avons montré
que chez les mères qui ne bénéficiaient pas de prophylaxie ARV le taux de transmission avait augmenté significativement entre 1986 et 2002; le plus souvent suite à une prise en charge trop tardive de la grossesse, à un dépistage tardif de la séropositivité maternelle, ou à une mauvaise compliance au traitement.
Chez le nouveau-né infecté par le VIH, la multiplication virale est beaucoup plus importante
et prolongée que lors de la primo-infection chez l’adulte. Parallèlement, l’évolution clinique de l’infection peut être rapide dans un quart des cas, et aboutir au SIDA ou au décès avant l’âge de 1 an, sans qu’il existe de bons facteurs prédictifs de cette évolution défavorable en début de vie. Jusqu’en 2007, les différentes recommandations internationales indiquaient de débuter un traitement chez les nourrissons infectés lors d’apparition de symptômes cliniques ou d’immunodépression. Cependant dès 1996, certains centres dans des pays industrialisés, dont l’équipe de pédiatrie du CHU St Pierre, ont décidé d’initier un traitement ARV chez tous les nourrissons infectés dès confirmation du diagnostic. En 2006, nous avons initié une étude rétrospective multicentrique incluant 13 cohortes européennes visant à étudier l’impact du traitement précoce sur l’évolution clinique et biologique de l’enfant. Les données de 210 enfants,nés entre 1996 et 2004 et infectés à la naissance ont été analysées, et ont permis de dé4
montrer que les enfants traités avant l’âge de 3 mois avaient un risque de développer un sida ou de décéder 5 fois inférieur aux enfants traités après cet âge. Des résultats similaires ont été observés dans une étude randomisée réalisée en Afrique du Sud et publiée simultanément. Depuis, les recommandations internationales ont été revues
et préconisent la mise sous traitement de tous les nourrissons infectés. L’analyse des données biologiques a permis de montrer que la réponse virologique immédiate était plus rapide avec un pic de charge virale moins élevé et que la chute des lymphocytes CD4 était moins prononcée lorsque le traitement était débuté précocement.
Avec la généralisation de la prophylaxie ARV pendant la grossesse, le nombre d’enfants exposés in utero au VIH mais indemnes de l’infection a considérablement augmenté.
Des études, menées principalement dans des pays en développement, ont révélé un risque accru de morbidité et de mortalité infectieuse ainsi que la survenue d’infections sévères inhabituelles chez ces enfants. Nous avons été frappés durant le suivi de ces enfants par la survenue d’un nombre élevé d’infections néonatales causées par le streptocoque du groupe B (GBS). La comparaison avec le taux d’infection observé dans une population contrôle (estimé sur base des naissances survenues pendant la même période dans le même hôpital) nous a permis de décrire une incidence 19 fois supérieure d’infection à GBS chez les enfants exposés au VIH et non infectés que chez les enfants contrôles. Il s’agit du premier travail publié évoquant une susceptibilité accrue aux infections des enfants exposés non infectés dans un pays industrialisé.
En conclusion, la prophylaxie ARV pendant la grossesse et en début de vie a permis de diminuer considérablement la transmission verticale de l’infection à VIH. Un dépistage manqué, une prise en charge tardive de la grossesse, ou la mauvaise adhérence au traitement sont encore responsables d’infection du nouveau-né. Lors de confirmation
d’infection du nourrisson par le VIH, il est très important de débuter un traitement le plus rapidement possible afin de contrôler rapidement la multiplication virale, de maintenir une bonne immunité et de prévenir le développement de la maladie. Enfin, en l’absence d’infection du nourrisson par le VIH, il est important de poursuivre le suivi pendant les premières années de vie puisqu’il semble que les enfants exposés au
VIH et non infectés soient plus susceptible aux infections sévères. Ceci a été démontré en ce qui concerne les infections néonatales à GBS.
Doctorat en Sciences médicales
Caron, Juliette. « Devenir des peptides bioactifs générés au cours de la digestion gastro-intestinale d’une protéine agroalimentaire et leurs rôles dans la régulation de l’homéostasie énergétique ». Thesis, Lille 1, 2016.
Texte intégralDietary proteins already gave evidence to generate a strong satiety feeling when entering the gastrointestinal (GI) tract by stimulating gut hormone secretion such as cholecystokinin (CCK) and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1). Moreover, GI digestion of various protein sources has proved to release bioactive peptides which may inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) activity, an ubiquitous enzyme responsible for inactivating GLP-1. Considering the great potential of dietary proteins, there is a need to understand how GI digestion can generate bioactive peptides involved in energy homeostasis. Bovine haemoglobin was here chosen as a model protein. CCK and GLP-1 secretion enhancing properties as well as DPP-IV inhibition potential of the resultant digests were investigated. The first part of this work dealt with setting up a simulated GI digestion protocol and characterising resultant digests by various analytical tools. Peptide mappings and heat maps were designed to represent each digest. Then, bioactive potentials of the digests were investigated and the final intestinal digest stood up by combining the best DPP-IV inhibitory and CCK and GLP-1 enhancing properties. Successive fractionation steps succeed in isolating a couple of bioactive fractions. The use of an intestinal barrier model aimed at predicting peptide transport of one specific bioactive fraction and its consequences on fraction bioactivity. Lastly, peptide sequences from the most bioactive fractions were characterised and their related ways of action were studied
Faraco, Luciane Lovato. « A hipótese da reparação civil por abandono afetivo do idoso que decorre da infração ao dever de cuidado ». reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2018.
Texte intégralThis paper deals with the hypothesis of civil reparation for affective abandonment of the elderly that results from the violation of the duty of care of the elderly. It analyzes the protection of the rights of the elderly in the Brazilian legal system through a legal retrospect with subtle reference to the world historical context and Comparative Law. The interpretation of the rights of the elderly in the face of the foundation of the patrimony right in the dignity of the human being is contextualized from the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the transposition of this one in the Civil Law and in the Right of Family. Above, affection abandonment, its concept and its expansion are appreciated by the adoption of the current eudemonist model of the family that has imported the inclusion of the duty of care as an element of affection. Care is then approached as an infraction of the duty derived from it to identify the omissive conduct. Finally, the institute of civil responsibility is explored, through the study of each one of its requirements, to conclude on the compliance of the duty to make reparation for the finding of the occurrence of the illicit act of infraction to the duty of care that implies affective abandonment due to the damage that results from it and the extent of it, that is valued in the concrete case.
Sevilla, Casado María. « Cuidando en cercanía de la muerte. Aportaciones desde la teoría fundamentada ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2013.
Texte intégralThis thesis is a qualitative research which aim is to explore and understand the care given to the moribund patients from the nursing perspective. Procedures of grounded theory are followed and therefore the research question (how nurses of non-specialized area live (with) care near the death?) will be addressed from the analysis of the meanings and values of the professional word that determine their attitude and participation in care. The focus of analysis: the death of a person, care for the moribund patient and the family, and the impact of caring for the professional, show the importance of these processes and the positioning of the nurses at the phenomenon of study. It is co created a system where the search for a good death is the priority. A space where elements emerge in harmony with the Human Becoming theory of Parse which will be analyzed in order to provide useful tools for care at the end of life.
Regad, Tarik. « Rôle et devenir des corps nucléaires PML en réponse à l' interféron et lors des infections virales par le HFV et le virus de la rage ». Paris 7, 2002.
Texte intégralJanuario, Simara Aparecida Ribeiro. « Do amor humano ao amor divino : correspondências entre "Dão-Lalalão (o devente)" e A Divina Comédia ». Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2011.
Texte intégralEste trabalho é um estudo do tema do amor na novela 'Dão-Lalalão (o devente)', do livro Corpo de baile, de João Guimarães Rosa, à luz de suas correspondências com A divina comédia, de Dante Alighieri. Buscamos compreender, a partir do estudo das semelhanças e contrastes que se estabelecem entre as duas obras, a visão particular de amor que Guimarães Rosa apresenta ao leitor em sua novela. Ao oferecermos uma análise do tema do amor em uma obra específica, pretendemos contribuir também para a revisão pela qual a questão vem passando nos últimos tempos na crítica ao autor mineiro.
Roussel, Marion. « Métamorphose, « transmorphose », « allogènese » ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2015.
Texte intégralSince the early 1990s, Marcos Novak has promoted a digital and experimental architecture called “transarchitecture.” The guiding principle of it is the idea of “becoming alien,” that is to say a radical becoming other of man and architecture, inhabitant and inhabitation, driven by new technologies.The purpose of this research is to examine the notion of "becoming alien" from and through two figures of human uncanniness: the Unheimliche theorized by Sigmund Freud, and the Unheimlichkeit developed by Martin Heidegger.Our thesis is that “becoming alien” is a new figure of uncanniness, proper to our time. When the Unheimliche would figure a psychological uncanniness, and the Unheimlichkeit an ontological one, “becoming alien” would be a figure of a “digital uncanniness.”By this expression, we aim to qualify the erasure of conventional dichotomies (near / far, natural / artificial, organic / synthetic, etc.) carried by our technologies, as well as the effect of diffuse strangeness that seems to result of it, affecting all of our experiences, our representations our inhabitation of the world.Finally, we suggest considering the ways in which “transarchitectures” and the notion of “becoming alien” sketch out both the possibility of a new “worldmaking” paving the way for a reenchantment, and the risk of a “deworldlizing.”Therefore, the question of ethics emerges; a technological ethics, but also an ecological, an economic and a political one: in short, an ethics of inhabitation of the world that architecture must address more than ever before.Keywords: uncanny, “transarchitecture,” human condition, body, identity, becoming, inhabitation, desenchantement/reenchantement, ethics
Debaise, Didier. « Un empirisme spéculatif : construction, processus et relation chez Whitehead ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2002.
Texte intégralVan, Deventer Idilette. « Management strategies for effective social justice practice in schools / Idilette van Deventer née Kirchner ». Thesis, North-West University, 2013.
Texte intégralThesis (Ph.D. (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
Mello, Rafaela da Cruz. « Princípio da jurisdição universal : a deslocalização judiciária entre o dever ser cosmopolita e a realidade da cosmopolitização ». Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017.
Texte intégralO processo de internacionalização dos direitos humanos foi um dos responsáveis por tornar os indivíduos em sujeitos de direito internacional e por motivar o desenvolvimento do princípio da humanidade. Nesse contexto, ideais cosmopolitas, inspirados nas reflexões filosóficas de Immanuel Kant, a partir de meados do século passado, passaram a despontar com o intuito de fornecer bases para a interpretação de determinados fenômenos. No campo jurídico, a observação a partir de preceitos do cosmopolitismo acaba por fornecer importantes elementos para a compreensão dos direitos humanos e da necessidade de combate à impunidade em relação àqueles que cometem violações globais a tais direitos por meio de genocídios, crimes de guerra e crimes contra a humanidade. Em relação a esses tipos penais, a internacionalização fomentou o chamado princípio da jurisdição universal. Segundo tal princípio, qualquer Estado é capaz de julgar crimes ocorridos contra os direitos humanos, mesmo que não haja vinculação territorial dos fatos ao seu território ou vínculo de nacionalidade entre vítimas e/ou réus e o Estado julgador. Está-se diante da denominada deslocalização judiciária, em que elementos como territorialidade e nacionalidade são colocados em xeque por força da necessidade de proteção aos direitos humanos. A utilização desse princípio, por gerar rupturas com elementos da compreensão moderna de direito, de jurisdição e de processo, gera questionamentos de ordem prática, no campo da chamada cosmopolitização da justiça. Diante desse cenário, os problemas de pesquisa que norteiam este trabalho são: Em que medida o processo de internacionalização dos direitos humanos estabelece um dever de exercício de jurisdição universal por parte dos Estados? Ao observar os limites do real, quais são os entraves para um efetivo exercício da jurisdição universal em sua forma absoluta? O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi o de observar o princípio da jurisdição universal sobre a ótica dicotômica do dever ser cosmopolita, de inspiração nas reflexões filosóficas kantianas e de autores que utilizam Kant como sua base teórica e do ser da cosmopolitização, conceito desenvolvido no plano da sociologia por Ulrich Beck e que demonstra que a realidade se afasta das percepções de um cosmopolitismo filosófico e se aproxima da ideia de que a sociedade se tornou cosmopolita em razão da transnacionalização de riscos globais. Utilizou-se o método de abordagem dialético e os métodos de procedimento comparativo e tipológico. Concluiu-se que ancorada filosoficamente em premissas do cosmopolitismo e, juridicamente nas normas do jus cogens, a jurisdição universal, em sua forma absoluta, é vista como um dever ser capaz de romper com a impunidade e reparar violações de direitos humanos. No entanto, a realidade do ser afasta-se das pretensões universalistas e se aproxima do particularismo das práticas, de modo que a presença de entraves jurídicos e políticos ao exercício da jurisdição universal reduzem de modo drástico o seu espectro de aplicação. De dever de punir, por meio da aplicação da jurisdição universal absoluta, os Estados passaram a somente poder punir se houver a assunção de algumas condições, em geral estipuladas pelas respectivas legislações internas.
Fensterseifer, Tiago. « A dimensão ecológica da dignidade humana : as projeções normativas do direito (e dever) fundamental ao ambiente no estado socioambiental de direito ». Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2007.
Texte intégralA presente dissertação tem por objeto o estudo da proteção ambiental sob a ótica do direito constitucional, e especialmente da teoria dos direitos fundamentais. O fio condutor deste trabalho é a dignidade da pessoa humana, na condição de valor e princípio fundamental supremo da ordem jurídica brasileira. No presente estudo, propõe-se a superação do paradigma clássico, antropocêntrico e individualista, para a compreensão da dignidade, no intuito de contemplar, à luz dos novos valores ecológicos legitimados no plano constitucional, também a dignidade do animal não-humano e da vida em geral. A qualidade ambiental, enquanto imprescindível à manutenção e à existência da vida, constitui elemento intrínseco à concretização da dignidade humana, caracterizando a dimensão ecológica desta. A Constituição de 1988 (art. 225 e art. 5º, § 2º) atribuiu ao direito ao ambiente status de direito (formal e materialmente) fundamental, consagrando a proteção ambiental como um dos objetivos ou tarefas mais importantes do Estado de Direito brasileiro, bem como direito subjetivo do indivíduo e da coletividade. O direito ao ambiente caracteriza-se como direito fundamental de terceira dimensão, tendo como fundamento axiológico o princípio constitucional da solidariedade e a natureza de um direito transindividual, com forte conteúdo universalista. O processo de afirmação histórica dos direitos fundamentais e a caracterização do Estado Socioambiental de Direito, em superação aos modelos de Estado Liberal e Social, justifica tal perspectiva constitucional, integrando a tutela dos direitos sociais e do ambiente num projeto jurídico-político comum da comunidade estatal.A natureza jusfundamental conferida ao direito ao ambiente determina a configuração de inúmeras dimensões normativas para a tutela efetiva e integral do patrimônio ecológico, destacando-se: os deveres de proteção conferidos ao Estado, o dever fundamental de proteção ambiental atribuído aos particulares, as perspectivas objetiva e subjetiva do direito ao ambiente, as perspectivas defensiva e prestacional do direito ao ambiente, a eficácia entre particulares do direito fundamental ao ambiente, a proibição de retrocesso ambiental e o mínimo existencial ecológico. Este último, como um padrão mínimo de qualidade ambiental, constitui-se de elemento integrante do núcleo irredutível da dignidade humana.
Silva, Nathalia Lipovetsky e. « O dever jurídico de distribuição de riquezas : Seu fundamento na dignidade humana e a imprescindibilidade para a realização da justiça universal concreta ». Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2012.
Texte intégralA dignidade humana, enquanto característica exclusiva da pessoa humana e que a torna titular de direitos humanos, é um conceito que foi sendo gradativamente construído na história e que hoje é fundamento e fim para a realização da justiça. A partir da investigação acerca do conceito de dignidade humana e seus desdobramentos na dialética do reconhecimento, afirma-se, com base em dados divulgados pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) sobre os atuais índices de distribuição da riqueza universal, que a realização da justiça no plano universal concreto não se dá em níveis satisfatórios e que esse quadro requer mudanças substanciais e urgentes para atender às necessidades humanas, à luz da idéia de justiça no mundo contemporâneo. O caminho para que essas mudanças ocorram já se encontra traçado, a partir da criação da ONU em 1945, ao se considerar a juridicidade e, portanto, a exigibilidade, dos direitos declarados na Carta Internacional de Direitos Humanos, cuja realização passa, necessariamente, pela melhor distribuição da riqueza universal. A relação entre justiça e eficiência econômica, na prática, se presta a justificar a continuidade de desigualdades em todo o globo. A dignidade humana é o fundamento para o dever de se distribuir a riqueza e a consubstanciação desse dever em direitos efetivamente realizados para todos é absolutamente imprescindível para que a justiça universal se realize no plano concreto.
Pereira, Paula Moura Francesconi de Lemos. « Relação médico-paciente : o respeito à autonomia do paciente e a responsabilidade civil do médico pelo dever de informar ». Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2010.
Texte intégralFensterseifer, Tiago. « A dimens?o ecol?gica da dignidade humana : as proje??es normativas do direito (e dever) fundamental ao ambiente no estado socioambiental de direito ». Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2007.
Texte intégralA presente disserta??o tem por objeto o estudo da prote??o ambiental sob a ?tica do direito constitucional, e especialmente da teoria dos direitos fundamentais. O fio condutor deste trabalho ? a dignidade da pessoa humana, na condi??o de valor e princ?pio fundamental supremo da ordem jur?dica brasileira. No presente estudo, prop?e-se a supera??o do paradigma cl?ssico, antropoc?ntrico e individualista, para a compreens?o da dignidade, no intuito de contemplar, ? luz dos novos valores ecol?gicos legitimados no plano constitucional, tamb?m a dignidade do animal n?o-humano e da vida em geral. A qualidade ambiental, enquanto imprescind?vel ? manuten??o e ? exist?ncia da vida, constitui elemento intr?nseco ? concretiza??o da dignidade humana, caracterizando a dimens?o ecol?gica desta. A Constitui??o de 1988 (art. 225 e art. 5?, ? 2?) atribuiu ao direito ao ambiente status de direito (formal e materialmente) fundamental, consagrando a prote??o ambiental como um dos objetivos ou tarefas mais importantes do Estado de Direito brasileiro, bem como direito subjetivo do indiv?duo e da coletividade. O direito ao ambiente caracteriza-se como direito fundamental de terceira dimens?o, tendo como fundamento axiol?gico o princ?pio constitucional da solidariedade e a natureza de um direito transindividual, com forte conte?do universalista. O processo de afirma??o hist?rica dos direitos fundamentais e a caracteriza??o do Estado Socioambiental de Direito, em supera??o aos modelos de Estado Liberal e Social, justifica tal perspectiva constitucional, integrando a tutela dos direitos sociais e do ambiente num projeto jur?dico-pol?tico comum da comunidade estatal. A natureza jusfundamental conferida ao direito ao ambiente determina a configura??o de in?meras dimens?es normativas para a tutela efetiva e integral do patrim?nio ecol?gico, destacando-se: os deveres de prote??o conferidos ao Estado, o dever fundamental de prote??o ambiental atribu?do aos particulares, as perspectivas objetiva e subjetiva do direito ao ambiente, as perspectivas defensiva e prestacional do direito ao ambiente, a efic?cia entre particulares do direito fundamental ao ambiente, a proibi??o de retrocesso ambiental e o m?nimo existencial ecol?gico. Este ?ltimo, como um padr?o m?nimo de qualidade ambiental, constitui-se de elemento integrante do n?cleo irredut?vel da dignidade humana.
Buarque, Rodrigo Costa. « O benefício assistencial de prestação continuada : uma análise sob a ótica dos deveres fundamentais e dos custos dos direitos ». Faculdade de Direito de Vitoria, 2016.
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A Assistência Social consiste em importante política pública de transformação social, realizada por ações integradas entre o Estado e a sociedade, na busca pela igualdade material dos cidadãos, para redução das desigualdades sociais, da pobreza e da marginalização, com o escopo de se atingir a universalização dos direitos fundamentais sociais. Como política de proteção social, reverbera o princípio da dignidade humana como fundamento da República Federativa do Brasil e princípio que rege o Estado Democrático de Direito. Entretanto, as necessidades sociais são infinitas e os recursos públicos são escassos, razão pela qual é imprescindível que, no contexto das políticas assistenciais, sejam coerentemente delimitados os papéis do Estado e da sociedade, visando ao bem comum. O presente estudo, desenvolvido dentro da linha de pesquisa "Democracia, Cidadania e Direitos Fundamentais", aborda o benefício assistencial previsto no art.203, V, da Constituição Brasileira, e disciplinado na Lei Orgânica de Assistência Social, Lei 8.742/1993, sob a ótica dos custos dos direitos e dos deveres fundamentais. Analise-se se os critérios adotados na legislação ordinária, quanto ao conceito de família e de renda per capita são adequados para assegurar, de maneira justa, o direito à percepção do referido benefício. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, a abordagem a respeito dos custos dos direitos e dos deveres fundamentais abrange a análise do princípio da subsidiariedade - que envolve a atuação do Estado, da iniciativa privada e dos cidadãos - e da atuação do Poder Judiciário na implementação de políticas públicas. Adotouse técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória. Como referencial teórico, foram utilizadas as obras de José Casalta Nabais, quanto aos deveres fundamentais, e de Stephen Holmes e Cass Sunstein, quanto aos custos dos direitos. Percebe-se, neste trabalho, que a análise da repercussão orçamentária e dos deveres dos atores sociais – família, sociedade e Estado – em escala de subsidiariedade, não pode ser esquecida quando se busca implementar a política pública de concessão do benefício assistencial de maneira eficiente.
La Asistencia Social consiste en una importante política pública de transformación social, realizada por acciones integradas entre el Estado y la sociedad, en la búsqueda por la igualdad material de los ciudadanos, para reducción de las desigualdades sociales, de la pobreza y de la marginalización, con el objetivo de alcanzarse la universalización de los derechos fundamentales sociales. Como política de protección social, reverbera el principio de la dignidad humana como fundamento de la República Federativa de Brasil y principio que rige el Estado Democrático de Derecho. Sin embargo, las necesidades sociales son infinitas y los recursos públicos son escasos, razón por la cual es imprescindible que, en el contexto de las políticas asistenciales, sean coherentemente delimitados los papeles del Estado y de la sociedad, enfocados al bien común. El presente estudio, desarrollado dentro de la línea de investigación "Democracia, Ciudadanía y Derechos Fundamentales", aborda el beneficio asistencial previsto en el art.203, V, de la Constitución Brasileña, y disciplinado en la Ley Orgánica de Asistencia Social, Ley 8.742/1993, desde la perspectiva de los costes de los derechos y de los deberes fundamentales. Debe analizarse si los criterios adoptados en la legislación ordinaria, en relación al concepto de familia y de renta per capita son adecuados para asegurar, de manera justa, el derecho a la percepción de dicho beneficio. Para el desarrollo de este trabajo, el planteamiento al respecto de los costes de los derechos y de los deberes fundamentales incluye el análisis del principio de la subsidiariedad - que involucra la acción del Estado, de la iniciativa privada y de los ciudadanos – y de la acción del Poder Judicial en la implementación de políticas públicas. Se adoptó una técnica de investigación bibliográfica exploratoria. Como referencial teórico, fueron utilizadas las obras de José Casalta Nabais, en cuanto a los deberes fundamentales, y de Stephen Holmes y Cass Sunstein, en cuanto a los costes de los derechos. Se percibe, en este trabajo, que el análisis de la repercusión presupuestaria y de los deberes de los actores sociales – familia, sociedad y Estado – en escala de subsidiariedad, no puede ser olvidada cuando se busca implementar la política pública de concesión del beneficio asistencial de manera eficiente.
Silla, Jean-Baptiste. « La place de l'autre dans le devenir humain : Jean-Jacques Rousseau et René Girard / ». 1997.
Texte intégralMassouh, Mireille. « Les interneurones géants exprimant la calrétinine dans le striatum humain : leur devenir dans la maladie de Huntington / ». 2007.
Texte intégralMarchessault, Judith. « L’expérience de dispenser des soins palliatifs à domicile pour des infirmières travaillant dans un contexte non spécialisé ». Thèse, 2009.
Texte intégralIn the past few years, the definition of palliative care was extended to include all diseases with a poor prognosis. The province of Quebec modified the health care system to focus more on ambulatory care and created a palliative care policy with one of its principal directives being to maintain patients in their own milieu. As only 10% of patients requiring palliative care presently receive it, we can expect an increase in demands for palliative home care in the CSSS’s of Quebec. The goal of the present study is to describe and understand the lived experiences of the nurses of a CSSS of the Montreal sector who deliver palliative home care in a nonspecialized context. A qualitative phenomenological research was developed with the Human Becoming Theory of R.R. Parse as a theoretical framework. Eight semi-directed interviews were done with nurses working in home care of a CSSS of the Montreal region. These nurses do palliative care in a non-specialized context. Giorgi’s (1997) phenomenological method was used for data analysis. Three themes describing the experiences of home care nurses providing palliative care in a non specialized context emerged from the analysis. Nurses accompany patients and their families, by committing themselves to providing humane care and by developing an accompaniment relationship with the patient and his/her loved ones. Nurses must cope with the patient’s and family’s reactions and often need to inform the patient of the progression of his/her disease. Secondly, nurses are dedicated to provide quality care by dealing with the complexity of providing palliative care at home, while doing symptoms management and attempting to develop their expertise. Finally, the theme which has the most interesting results is that being confronted by death allows nurses to grow. Nurses personally go through emotions, received support, are personally touched by death, experience satisfaction by the care they give and personally learn by their experience. The essence of the phenomenon is that when nurses providing palliative home care in a non specialized context accompany truly patients and their family, while giving quality care, it creates conditions for the nurses to grow personally and professionally on their views of life and death.
Rouleau, Geneviève. « L'expérience du dévoilement telle que perçue par des femmes vivant avec le VIH nées au Québec ». Thèse, 2009.
Texte intégralDisclosure of seropositivity is a constant concern in women living with HIV; a situation further complicated by social stigma. Knowledge on this topic remains fragmented. Studies show certain patterns –such as to whom and how often women disclose this information–, the reasons for disclosure, the positive and negative consequences as well as the predisposing factors of disclosure, all of which limit the global understanding of this phenomenon. Inspired by Parse’s nursing theory (1998, 2003), the purpose of this study is to describe and gain a better understanding of the experience of disclosing the information of being seropositive as perceived by Quebec-born women living with HIV. The phenomenological method was chosen for data collection from seven participants through a semi-structured interview. Data analysis rested on two research activities suggested by van Manen (1997): reflection and writing, which allowed identification of the following seven themes: 1) Having self-respect while choosing confidants; 2) Feeling apprehension; 3) Exercising control to ensure protection; 4) Deliberately engaging in a process of revealing-concealing; 5) Exposing oneself to stigma and social exclusion; 6) Internal suffering; 7) Benefiting from the positive effects of such a decision. These themes contributed to the formulation of the essence of the phenomenon which can be read as such: Living the ambivalence of a paradoxical process of revealing-concealing, within a profound suffering intensified by stigma, while being enriched by the benefits attained. We believe that these results could have positive effects to guide nursing practice in supporting women during their experience of disclosure.
Jaworski, Magdalena. « Perspectives parentales concernant la santé et le développement des enfants prématurés : contrastes entre la vision parentale et l’évaluation des professionnels de la santé ». Thèse, 2019.
Texte intégralObjective: Measuring outcomes of premature birth is essential for quality control, research, patient care and information. At 18 months corrected age, children are classified into categories of severe, mild-moderate or no neurodevelopmental impairment (NDI). Outcomes of interest have been chosen by physicians and researchers, never including parental perspectives. The aim of this thesis was to explore parental perspectives regarding their preterm child. Hypothesis: The hypothesis was that parents’ perspectives and concerns would differ from those assessed by professionals. Method: This survey included 190 infants born <29 weeks of gestational age in one tertiary university health center. Infants underwent detailed developmental assessment and were classified according to NDI. Parents were asked two open-ended questions: “What concerns you most about your child?” and “Please describe the best things about your child”. Open-ended questions were analyzed using qualitative methodology, then correlated with level of NDI. Results: In this cohort, 49%, 43% and 8% had no, mild to moderate, and severe NDI. The main positive themes invoked by parents included their child’s personality (61%), happiness (40%), developmental outcome/progress (40%) and physical health (11%). Main themes regarding parental concerns included: neurodevelopment (56%) and physical health (24%). There was no association between positive themes and categories of NDI, but parents of children with mild-moderate NDI reported more concerns about development. Conclusions: Parents of preterm infants have a balanced perspective of their children, mostly positive. Neonatal outcome research would benefit from incorporating parental perspectives regarding their child, balancing prognostic information about preterm birth. This thesis project has led to the creation of a qualitative questionnaire which is now deployed through a CIHR Child-Bright initiative considering parent-important outcomes.
Cardoso, João Pedro Pereira. « A (IN)CONSTITUCIONALIDADE DO CRIME DE LENOCÍNIO : o dever de dignidade da pessoa humana ». Master's thesis, 2018.
Texte intégralO presente estudo recorta os desenvolvimentos doutrinários e jurisprudenciais mais relevantes na esfera jurídico-constitucional do crime de lenocínio, traçando neste as diferentes perspetivas de violação dos princípios estruturantes da dogmática penal e dos direitos fundamentais à liberdade (sexual), ao livre desenvolvimento da personalidade, à escolha do trabalho e da profissão, à livre iniciativa económica e à segurança social.O princípio da proporcionalidade surge como um limite decisivo às restrições daqueles direitos fundamentais e à liberdade de conformação do legislador, mesmo no quadro da sua renúncia particular, fora dos casos de especial vulnerabilidade da vitima.A proteção imposta pela incriminação generalizada do lenocínio acarreta, no domínio da prostituição voluntária, o efeito perverso de arredar ela própria a liberdade e autodeterminação sexual de quem se prostitui, assim convertendo o correspondente direito num dever de dignidade da pessoa humana contrário à vontade e às conceções de vida do respetivo titular.Para acautelar o risco de lesão da liberdade sexual, baseado no preconceito de um terceiro poder tirar partido da prostituição, o Estado, em vez de cuidar da regulamentação do trabalho sexual e da proteção social daqueles que nela se movem, sacrifica antecipadamente, mas de forma efetiva, vários direitos fundamentais, inclusivamente aquele da liberdade sexual, o que - além de desnecessário e contraditório - é também desproporcional e desrazoável.Apresenta-se ainda, na economia desta tese, uma análise crítica da construção ideológica abolicionista que associa a desigualdade, a vulnerabilidade e a violência de género ao tráfico de pessoas e à prostituição, sem admitir prova do contrário, nem qualquer relevância ao consentimento de quem opta de forma livre, esclarecida e consciente pelo trabalho sexual.
This paper approaches the most relevant doctrinaire and jurisprudential developments in the constitucional and juridical field of pimping offenses, drafting the different perceptions of breaching the structural principles of criminal dogmatic and the fundamental right to (sexual) freedom, the freedom of personal development, the freedom to choose an occupation, the freedom of economical enterprise and the right to social security.The principle of proportionality arises as a decisive boundary to those fundamental rights and freedoms restrictions, as well as a limit to the legislator’s shaping broadness, even in the fundamental rights waiving frame, except in the cases of specially vulnerable victims.The protection imposed by the widespread incrimination of pimping offenses produces, in the field of voluntary prostitution, the perverse effect of eliminating the prostitute´s freedom of sexual self-determination, thus transforming the inherent right into an obligation of human dignity, contrary to the holder´s will and ideas.To prevent the risk of sexual freedom breach, based on the prejudice of the possibility of another person´s profit with the prostitution, the State, instead of establishing rules on the sexual labour field and ensuring the social protection of the prostitutes, foretaste slaughters, in an effective way, several fundamental rights, including the right to sexual freedom, wich seems not only unnecessary and contradictory, but also disproportionate and unreasonable.It is also offered, in this paper´s scale, a critical analysis of the ideological abolitionist concept that associates the imbalance, the vulnerability and gender-based violence to the people-trafficking activities and to prostitution, not admitting proof of the opposite idea, nor granting any importance to the consent of those who, in liberty and full awareness, choose sexual work as their occupation.
Larivière, Nathalie. « L’expérience de l’isolement de contact à l’hôpital pour des personnes âgées lors d’une infection au Clostridium difficile ». Thèse, 2010.
Texte intégralSummary The current situation of nosocomial infections in health facilities is a concern. With regard to Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), its emergence and its impact on morbidity and mortality is well known. Moreover, the aging population is at high risk of having diarrhea associated with C. difficile and, therefore, of being in contact isolation. Seniors are already made vulnerable by a hospitalization, then what about when there is a contact isolation related to an infection with C. difficile? In this perspective, since knowledge about the experience of older people being isolated is not quite developed, this study examined the experiences of seniors during the isolation contact and the effects of this isolation on their experiences. The purpose of this phenomenological study, building on the Theory of human becoming of Parse (2003), was to describe and understand the experience of people aged 75 and over and hospitalized in a contact isolation, caused by infection with C. difficile. Thus, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five seniors who agreed to participate in the study, and the transcript of their remarks was analyzed by the method suggested by Giorgi (1997). From this analysis emerged three themes: 1) Living the effects of Clostridium difficile, 2) Living anxiety and 3) Living the disappointment in the relationship with the nursing staff. Pushing further the analysis of themes and sub-themes, it was possible to propose that the essence of the experience of people aged 75 and over hospitalized in a contact isolation caused by infection C. difficile, was “to live both in conjunction with the need to be isolated to protect their world and separation from the need to receive care which respects their dignity, despite the vulnerability induced by their state of health”. These results may sensitize caregivers who accompany elderly on a daily basis in isolation. Understanding their experience will encourage the development of care that takes into account their concerns, their fears and the importance of preserving their dignity. Keywords: Psychological impact, experience of isolation contact, Clostridium difficile, elderly, phenomenology, theory of human becoming.