Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Design optimal »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Design optimal"


Rabady, Rabi. « Optimal design of optical resonant filter ». Optical Engineering 48, no 5 (1 mai 2009) : 054602.

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Friedman, Avner, et Bryce McLeod. « Optimal design of an optical lens ». Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 99, no 2 (juin 1987) : 147–64.

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Håkansson, Andreas, et José Sánchez-Dehesa. « Optimal design of microscaled scattering optical elements ». Applied Physics Letters 87, no 19 (7 novembre 2005) : 193506.

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Lee, Sang woo, et Dae young Shin. « P-45 Optimal Design of Selection Valve by Design of Experiment ». Abstracts of ATEM : International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics : Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2007.6 (2007) : _P—45–1_—_P—45–6_.

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Lovíšek, Ján. « Optimal design of laminated plate with obstacle ». Applications of Mathematics 37, no 5 (1992) : 321–42.

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Banks, H. T., et K. L. Rehm. « PARAMETER ESTIMATION IN DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS : OPTIMAL DESIGN ». Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications 2, no 1 (2014) : 70–80.

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Preethi, G., et Prince G. Arulraj. « Optimal Design of Axially Loaded RC Columns ». Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science 6, no 3 (30 juin 2016) : 78–81.

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Georgiadis, George, et Balazs Szentes. « Optimal Monitoring Design ». Econometrica 88, no 5 (2020) : 2075–107.

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This paper considers a Principal–Agent model with hidden action in which the Principal can monitor the Agent by acquiring independent signals conditional on effort at a constant marginal cost. The Principal aims to implement a target effort level at minimal cost. The main result of the paper is that the optimal information‐acquisition strategy is a two‐threshold policy and, consequently, the equilibrium contract specifies two possible wages for the Agent. This result provides a rationale for the frequently observed single‐bonus wage contracts.
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Smucker, Byran, Martin Krzywinski et Naomi Altman. « Optimal experimental design ». Nature Methods 15, no 8 (31 juillet 2018) : 559–60.

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Emery, A. F., et Aleksey V. Nenarokomov. « Optimal experiment design ». Measurement Science and Technology 9, no 6 (1 juin 1998) : 864–76.

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Thèses sur le sujet "Design optimal"


Vettenburg, Tom. « Optimal design of hybrid optical digital imaging systems ». Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 2010.

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Several types of pupil modulation have been reported to decrease the aberration variance of the modulation-transfer-function (MTF) in aberration-tolerant hybrid optical-digital imaging systems. It is common to enforce restorability constraints on the MTF, requiring trade of aberration-tolerance and noise-gain. In this thesis, instead of optimising specific MTF characteristics, the expected imaging-error of the joint design is minimised directly. This method is used to compare commonly used phase-modulation functions. The analysis shows how optimal imaging performance is obtained using moderate phasemodulation, and more importantly, it shows the relative merits of different functions. It is shown that the technique is readily integrable with off-the-shelf optical design software, which is demonstrated with the optimisation of a wide-angle reflective system with significant off-axis aberrations. The imaging error can also be minimised for amplitudeonly masks. It is shown that phase aberrations in an imaging system can be mitigated using binary amplitude masks. This offers a low-cost, transmission-mode alternative to phase correction as used in active and adaptive optics. More efficient masks can be obtained by the optimisation of the imaging fidelity.
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Sohrmann, Christoph, et Jens Eller. « Optimal Layer Design ». Bachelor's thesis, Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 2004.

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In this bachelor thesis we report on our numerical investigations into the optimal design of protective multi-layer coatings subject to an external force of Hertzian form. In view of mechanical reliablity and durability of the substrate and the coating we aim to find the best composition of given materials with the least computational effort. Numerical studies are carried out using the simulation software ELASTICA being the first non-FEM approach for the computation of stress fields within multi-layer coated, elastic materials. We thereby made use of the massive parallel computer CLiC (Chemnitzer Linux Cluster) where we ran our Windows based application in a Wine Environment. The outcome of the optimization is in general very sensitive towards the input parameters(i.e., material properties) which are not always available in the desired accuracy. However, the scheme outlined in this work is shown to produce very good results and could contribute a great deal to find optimal solutions for real applications
Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit numerischen Untersuchungen zum optimalen Design von schützenden Mehrschichtbeschichtungen, die einer externen, Hertzschen Last ausgesetzt sind. Hinsichtlich der mechanischen Zuverlässigkeit und Haltbarkeit von Substrat und Beschichtung, versuchen wir die beste Zusammensetzung von gegebenen Materialien mit möglichst geringem Rechenaufwand zu finden. Die numerischen Berechungen wurden mit der Simulationssoftware ELASTICA durchgeführt, welches das erste kommerzielle, nicht-FEM-basierte Programm zur Berechnung von Stressfeldern innerhalb mehrfach beschichteter, elastischer Materialien darstellt. Dafür benutzten wir auf dem massiven Parrallelrechner CLiC (Chemnitzer Linux Cluster) unsere Windows basierte Anwendung unter der Emulationssoftware Wine. Das Ergebnis der Optimierung hängt im allgemeinen sehr stark von der Qualität der Eingangsparameter (z.B. Materialeigenschaften) ab, welche nicht immer in der erwünschten Genauigkeit vorliegen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Vorgehensweise sehr gute Resultate liefert und für reale Anwendungen einen äusserst ressourcenschonenden Lösungsweg darstellt
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Aksoy, Bulent. « Optimal Channel Design ». Master's thesis, METU, 2003.

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The optimum values for the section variables like channel side slope,bottom width,depth and radius for triangular,rectangular, trapezoidal and circular channels are computed by minimizing the cost of the channel section.Manning &rsquo
s uniform flow formula is treated as a constraint for the optimization model.The cost function is arranged to include the cost of lining,cost of earthwork and the increment in the cost of earthwork with the depth below the ground surface.The optimum values of section variables are expressed as simple functions of unit cost terms.Unique values of optimum section variables are obtained for the case of minimum area or minimum wetted perimeter problems.
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Liu, Ting. « Optimal design of transmultiplexers ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Jarman, Ben. « Essays in optimal auction design ». University of Sydney, 2008.

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Doctor of Philosophy (Economics)
Auctions are an ancient economic institution. Since Vickrey (1961), the development of auction theory has lead to an extremely detailed description of the often desirable characteristics of these simple selling procedures, in the process explaining their enduring popularity. Given the pervasiveness of auctions, the question of how a seller should engineer the rules of these mechanisms to maximize her own profits is a central issue in the organization of markets. The seminal paper of Myerson (1981) shows that when facing buyers with Independent Private Values (IPVs) a standard auction with a specifically selected reserve price (or prices) is optimal, that is, maximizes a seller's expected profits among all conceivable selling mechanisms. In this model, it is assumed that the buyers have perfect information as to the existence of gains from trade. We shall argue that the consequences of this assumption for the design of the optimal auction are not well understood, which motivates our analysis. The three essays of this thesis relax the `known seller valuation' assumption by examining the optimal auction program when the seller (and principal) holds private information representing her reservation value for the good. In the first essay we provide an original technique for comparing ex ante expected profits across mechanisms for a seller facing N>1 potential buyers when all traders hold private information. Our technique addresses mechanisms that cannot be ranked point-by-point through their allocation rules using the Revenue Equivalence Theorem. We find conditions such that the seller's expected profits increase in the slope of each buyer's allocation probability function. This provides new intuition for the fact that a principal does not benefit from holding private information under risk neutrality. Monopoly pricing induces steep probability functions so the seller/principal benefits from announcing a fixed price, and implicitly her private information. An application is presented for the well known k double auction of the bilateral trade literature. In the second and third essays of this thesis, we extend the above framework to allow for informational externalities. Specifically, we allow for the situation in which the seller's private information represents a common value component in buyers' valuations. Thus the seller's private information (say regarding the quality of the good) is of interest to bidders independently of any strategic effects. In recent work Cai, Riley and Ye (2007) have demonstrated that a seller who holds private information about the quality of a good faces an extra consideration in designing an auction; the reserve price signals information to bidders. In a separating equilibrium signalling is costly in the sense that reserves are higher than would be optimal under complete information. We examine the returns to the seller in an English auction from using different types of secret reserve regimes. We find that immediate disclosure of a reserve is preferable to announcement after the auction in the form of a take-it-or-leave-it offer to the winning bidder. Sale occurs less often during the auction for a given reserve price strategy under secret reserve regimes, which increases the incentive for the seller to report more favourable information though the reserve price offer. Separating equilibria involving later announcement therefore generate even lower expected profits to the seller (signalling is more costly) than under immediate disclosure. In the third essay we compare the benchmark signalling equilibrium of immediate disclosure to a screening regime which we call the Right of Refusal. In this extreme form of a secret reserve the seller never announces the reserve price, she simply accepts or rejects the auction price. We find that the Right of Refusal dominates immediate disclosure if the seller's valuation is a sufficient statistic for the private information of interest. Thus a seller with market-relevant private preference information can benefit from not exercising monopoly price setting power. The result also provides conditions under which a competitive screening equilibrium is more efficient than a signalling mechanism. Broadly speaking, screening is better when the common value aspect in the preferences of the informed and uninformed parties are `aligned', and potential gains from trade to the uninformed party are significant. We believe this conclusion to be of particular interest to the design of privatization schemes.
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Carlsson, Jesper. « Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations in Optimal Design ». Doctoral thesis, KTH, Numerisk Analys och Datalogi, NADA, 2008.

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This thesis concerns the approximation of optimally controlled partial differential equations for inverse problems in optimal design. Important examples of such problems are optimal material design and parameter reconstruction. In optimal material design the goal is to construct a material that meets some optimality criterion, e.g. to design a beam, with fixed weight, that is as stiff as possible. Parameter reconstrucion concerns, for example, the problem to find the interior structure of a material from surface displacement measurements resulting from applied external forces. Optimal control problems, particularly for partial differential equations, are often ill-posed and need to be regularized to obtain good approximations. We here use the theory of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations to construct regularizations and derive error estimates for optimal design problems. The constructed Pontryagin method is a simple and general method where the first, analytical, step is to regularize the Hamiltonian. Next its Hamiltonian system is computed efficiently with the Newton method using a sparse Jacobian. An error estimate for the difference between exact and approximate objective functions is derived, depending only on the difference of the Hamiltonian and its finite dimensional regularization along the solution path and its L² projection, i.e. not on the difference of the exact and approximate solutions to the Hamiltonian systems. Another treated issue is the relevance of input data for parameter reconstruction problems, where the goal is to determine a spacially distributed coefficient of a partial differential equation from partial observations of the solution. It is here shown that the choice of input data, that generates the partial observations, affects the reconstruction, and that it is possible to formulate meaningful optimality criteria for the input data that enhances the quality of the reconstructed coefficient. In the thesis we present solutions to various applications in optimal material design and reconstruction.
Denna avhandling handlar om approximation av optimalt styrda partiella differentialekvationer för inversa problem inom optimal design. Viktiga exempel på sådana problem är optimal materialdesign och parameterskattning. Inom materialdesign är målet att konstruera ett material som uppfyller vissa optimalitetsvillkor, t.ex. att konstruera en så styv balk som möjligt under en given vikt, medan ett exempel på parameterskattning är att hitta den inre strukturen hos ett material genom att applicera ytkrafter och mäta de resulterande förskjutningarna. Problem inom optimal styrning, speciellt för styrning av partiella differentialekvationer,är ofta illa ställa och måste regulariseras för att kunna lösas numeriskt. Teorin för Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellmans ekvationer används här för att konstruera regulariseringar och ge feluppskattningar till problem inom optimaldesign. Den konstruerade Pontryaginmetoden är en enkel och generell metod där det första analytiska steget är att regularisera Hamiltonianen. I nästa steg löses det Hamiltonska systemet effektivt med Newtons metod och en gles Jacobian. Vi härleder även en feluppskattning för skillnaden mellan den exakta och den approximerade målfunktionen. Denna uppskattning beror endast på skillnaden mellan den sanna och den regulariserade, ändligt dimensionella, Hamiltonianen, båda utvärderade längst lösningsbanan och dessL²-projektion. Felet beror alltså ej på skillnaden mellan den exakta och denapproximativa lösningen till det Hamiltonska systemet. Ett annat fall som behandlas är frågan hur indata ska väljas för parameterskattningsproblem. För sådana problem är målet vanligen att bestämma en rumsligt beroende koefficient till en partiell differentialekvation, givet ofullständiga mätningar av lösningen. Här visas att valet av indata, som genererarde ofullständiga mätningarna, påverkar parameterskattningen, och att det är möjligt att formulera meningsfulla optimalitetsvillkor för indata som ökar kvaliteten på parameterskattningen. I avhandlingen presenteras lösningar för diverse tillämpningar inom optimal materialdesign och parameterskattning.
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Lou, Yunjiang. « Optimal design of parallel manipulators / ». View abstract or full-text, 2006.

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Haywood, Sarah L. « Optimal design in language production ». Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2005.

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Psycholinguistic accounts of language production have traditionally been informed by evidence from highly constrained, non-interactive experimental tasks, such as picture description and sentence completion. These studies are informative about the mechanisms and representations that underlie production, but they tell us little about the impact of communicative context on those basic processes. This thesis examines language behaviour in more naturalistic situations, where the speaker is talking to a co-present addressee. This kind of setting more closely reflects production outside the laboratory, where speakers need to make themselves understood if communication is to be successful. In particular, the thesis investigates whether speakers follow a principle of ‘optimal design’ at the level of grammatical encoding. Optimal design can be interpreted in different ways; speakers may say things that are easy to produce, maximising efficiency for themselves. Alternatively, they might aim to produce messages that are easy for an audience to understand (or they might trade off between these goals). The thesis focuses on whether speakers take addresses’ perspectives into account when they formulate syntactic structure and word order. Referential communication paradigms were used to investigate language production during collaborative tasks. Speakers described picture cards or other objects so that an addressee could pick out the intended referent from an array. The structure of the array was manipulated such that particular syntactic structures or word orders would be easier for the addressee to interpret than others. The research suggests that grammatical stages of language production can be sensitive to information about an addressee’s perspective. Speakers show evidence of optimal design in their choice of syntax and word order, but only when it is obvious how they can make their utterances easy to understand.
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Shu, Huang. « Optimal design of multirate systems ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Bellur, Ramaswamy Ravi Shankar. « Optimal design of stiffened plates ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Livres sur le sujet "Design optimal"


Kawohl, Bernhard, Olivier Pironneau, Luc Tartar et Jean-Paul Zolésio. Optimal Shape Design. Sous la direction de Arrigo Cellina et António Ornelas. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.

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Levi, A. F. J., et Stephan Haas, dir. Optimal Device Design. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

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Levi, A. F. J. 1959- et Haas Stephan, dir. Optimal device design. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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Kotowitz, Yehuda. Optimal patent design. [Toronto, Ont.] : Law and Economics Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 1987.

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Levi, A. F. J. Optimal device design. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

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López-Fidalgo, Jesús. Optimal Experimental Design. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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Don, Slice, et Retana Alvaro CCIE, dir. Optimal routing design. Indianapolis, Ind : Cisco Press, 2005.

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Aloke, Dey, dir. Optimal crossover designs. New Jersey : World Scientific, 2009.

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Liski, Erkki P., Nripes K. Mandal, Kirti R. Shah et Bikas K. Sinha. Topics in Optimal Design. New York, NY : Springer New York, 2002.

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Goos, Peter, et Bradley Jones. Optimal Design of Experiments. Chichester, UK : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2011.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Design optimal"


Kulkarni, V. G. « Optimal Design ». Dans Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Control of Stochastic Systems, 301–16. New York, NY : Springer New York, 1999.

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Hildebrandt, Stefan, et Anthony Tromba. « Optimal Design ». Dans The Parsimonious Universe, 213–68. New York, NY : Springer New York, 1996.

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Li, Mian. « Optimal Design ». Dans Encyclopedia of Ocean Engineering, 1–10. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Li, Mian. « Optimal Design ». Dans Encyclopedia of Ocean Engineering, 1269–78. Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Deng, Xingqiao. « Optimal Design ». Dans Study on the Zero-Backlash Roller Enveloping Precision Reducer, 173–210. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Ryzhov, Ilya O. « Optimal Learning and Optimal Design ». Dans Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, 49–76. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2012.

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Mistakidis, E. S., et G. E. Stavroulakis. « Optimal Design Problems ». Dans Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, 159–73. Boston, MA : Springer US, 1998.

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Sun, Ne-Zheng, et Alexander Sun. « Optimal Experimental Design ». Dans Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation, 459–507. New York, NY : Springer New York, 2015.

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Sawa, Masanori, Masatake Hirao et Sanpei Kageyama. « Optimal Euclidean Design ». Dans Euclidean Design Theory, 45–61. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Chu, Yunfei, et Juergen Hahn. « Optimal Experiment Design ». Dans Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, 1572–73. New York, NY : Springer New York, 2013.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Design optimal"


Amra, C., C. Ndiaye, M. Zerrad et F. Lemarchand. « Optimal design for field enhancement in optical coatings ». Dans SPIE Optical Systems Design, sous la direction de Michel Lequime, H. Angus Macleod et Detlev Ristau. SPIE, 2011.

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Zhao, Fu, Yanjue Gong, Li Zhang, Jianlong Lin et Ping Wang. « Optimal Design for the Optical Switch ». Dans 2009 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics. IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing, 2009.

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Koshel, R. John. « Optimal simplex optimization for optical design ». Dans Optical Science and Technology, the SPIE 49th Annual Meeting, sous la direction de Jose M. Sasian, R. John Koshel, Paul K. Manhart et Richard C. Juergens. SPIE, 2004.

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Jaumard, Brigitte, Yan Wang et Nicolas Huin. « Optimal Design of Filterless Optical Networks ». Dans 2018 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). IEEE, 2018.

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Savage, M., S. B. Lattime, J. A. Kimmel et H. H. Coe. « Optimal Design of Compact Spur Gear Reductions ». Dans ASME 1992 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992.

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Abstract The optimal design of compact spur gear reductions includes the selection of bearing and shaft proportions in addition to the gear mesh parameters. Designs for single mesh spur gear reductions are based on optimization of system life, system volume, and system weight including gears, support shafts, and the four bearings. The overall optimization allows component properties to interact, yielding the best composite design. A modified feasible directions search algorithm directs the optimization through a continuous design space. Interpolated polynomials expand the discrete bearing properties and proportions into continuous variables for optimization. After finding the continuous optimum, the designer can analyze near optimal designs for comparison and selection. Design examples show the influence of the bearings on the optimal configurations.
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Jia, Danping, Ting Jia, Lu Gao et Yingwen Lin. « Optimal design of optical fiber fluorescent thermometry ». Dans International Conference of Optical Instrument and Technology, sous la direction de Yunlong Sheng, Yongtian Wang et Lijiang Zeng. SPIE, 2008.

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Liu, Yong, et Avideh Zakhor. « Optimal binary image design for optical lithography ». Dans Microlithography '90, 4-9 Mar, San Jose, sous la direction de Victor Pol. SPIE, 1990.

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Zarka, Joseph. « “Intelligent” Optimal Design ». Dans ASME 2000 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.

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Abstract The engineers have to face very important problems in the design, the test, the survey and the maintenance of their structures. These problems did not yet get full answer even from the best people in the world. Usually in these problems (such as no satisfactory constitutive modeling of materials, no real control of the accuracy of the numerical simulations, no real definition of the initial state and/or the effective loading of the structure), there is no solution and the experts do not understand the problem in its whole. Moreover, the available data may be not statistically representative (i.e. are in limited number), fuzzy, qualitative and missing in part. We propose a practical solution the «Intelligent Optimal Design of Materials and Structures» where the actual best knowledges of the researchers/experts are intelligently mixed to the results of experiments or real returns.
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Musolino, Antonino, Marco Raugi, Rocco Rizzo, Luca Sani et Mauro Tucci. « EMALS optimal design ». Dans 2014 17th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Launch Technology (EML). IEEE, 2014.

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Venkataraman, P. « Optimal airfoil design ». Dans 14th Applied Aerodynamics Conference. Reston, Virigina : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1996.

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Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Design optimal"


Dobson, David C. Modeling and Optimal Design of Micro-Optical Structures. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, octobre 2000.

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Lee, Michael Junho, Antoine Martin et Robert M. Townsend. Optimal Design of Tokenized Markets. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, septembre 2024.

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Trades in today’s financial system are inherently subject to settlement uncertainty. This paper explores tokenization as a potential technological solution. A token system, by enabling programmability of assets, can be designed to eradicate settlement uncertainty. We study the allocations achieved in a decentralized market with either the legacy settlement system or a token system. Tokenization can improve efficiency in markets subject to a limited commitment problem. However, it also materially alters the information environment, which in turn aggravates a hold-up problem. This limits potential gains from resolving settlement uncertainty, particularly for markets that depend on intermediaries. We show that optimal design hinges on joint design of settlement and trading systems, and in particular, that token systems work best when matched with direct trading.
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von Winckel, Gregory John. Optimal Design and Control of Qubits. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), septembre 2018.

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Morris, M. (Optimal design and analysis of experiments). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), août 1988.

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Mitchell, T. (Optimal design and analysis of experiments). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), août 1988.

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Beiu, Andrea-Claudia, Roxana-Mariana Beiu et Valeriu Beiu. Optimal design of linear consecutive systems. Peeref, mars 2023.

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Ozbek, Metin, Cy Yavuzturk et George Pinder. Optimal Ground Source Heat Pump System Design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), avril 2015.

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Runolfsson, Thordur. Optimal Design of Uncertain Complex Dynamical Systems. Fort Belvoir, VA : Defense Technical Information Center, novembre 2008.

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Pal, Raktim, et Kumares Sinha. Optimal Design of Freeway Incident Response Systems. West Lafayette, IN : Purdue University, 2000.

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Muthukrishnan, S. Computer aided optimal design of helical gears. Portland State University Library, janvier 2000.

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