Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Dégazage des magmas »
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Thèses sur le sujet "Dégazage des magmas"
Le, Gall Nolwenn. « Ascension et dégazage des magmas basaltiques : approche expérimentale ». Thesis, Orléans, 2015.
Texte intégralFor a better understanding of the dynamics of ascent and eruption of basaltic magmas, we have performed high pressure (200–25 MPa) and high temperature (1200°C) decompression experiments specifically oriented to document gas bubble nucleation processes. Bubble nucleation occurs first during magma degassing and, so, it is critical to understand bubble nucleation processes to constrain the evolution of the gas phase (which is the driving force of explosive eruptions) in the volcanic conduit. Four main sets of experiments were conducted to better assess the role of the major volatiles (H2O, CO2, S), as well as the effects of ascent rate and crystals, on bubble vesiculation (nucleation, growth, coalescence) kinetics in basaltic magmas. The aim of the study is to understand the mechanisms which control the textural (number, size, shape of bubbles) and the chemical (dissolved volatile concentrations, gas composition) characteristics of natural products, and also to approach them experimentally. In this way, experimental melts, before and after decompression, were analysed texturally (by X-ray microtomography and MEB) and chemically (by FTIR and electron microprobe). Our results demonstrate a strong influence of CO2 on degassing mode (equilibrium vs. disequilibrium) and mechanisms, which are shown to be controlled by differences in solubility and diffusivity between the main volatile species. Finally, our data, obtained under conditions closely approaching natural eruptions, have volcanological implications for the interpretation of bubble textures and gas measurements, as well as, more specifically, for the dynamics of Strombolian paroxysms
Ruzié, Lorraine. « Contraintes apportées par les gaz rares sur les processus de dégazage des magmas en contexte explosif ». Paris, Institut de physique du globe, 2011.
Texte intégralNoble gases are used to study magma degassing processes during explosive eruptions. They are trace elements and ideal tracers of physical processes since chemically inert. We essentially focused on the passive degassing of magma in quiescent volcanic periods and on the active degassing of magma during explosive eruptions. The passive degassing was investigated by measuring helium concentration and isotopic ratios in thermal springs and fumaroles in La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe, F. W. I. ). By combining our study with carbon data, we are now able to understand the behaviour of the hydrothermal system. Then, 3He fluxes in both fumaroles and springs have been estimated and related to 3He content in the magma chamber. In order to maintain the 3He flux measured at the surface, we conclude that the magma chamber must be regularly fed by fresh magma batches. Using our new results and data from literature, we propose that the historical activity of la Soufrière volcano can be explained by both abnormal energy inputs from new magma batches in the chamber and cycles of clogging of the hydrothermal system. We propose a new scenario for the origin of the 1976-1977 crisis whereby a fresh batch of magma could have been emplaced possibly between 1959 and 1962 in the magma chamber. The resulting heat flux is not stored in the different aquifers but preferentially evacuated through fractures reactivated or created during the 1956 phreatic eruption. Only when the self-sealing of the hydrothermal system is sufficiently developed, can pressure and temperature within the aquifers rapidly increase to trigger a crisis. To assess active magma degassing processes during Plinian eruptions, noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios have been determined in preserved vesicles of pumices. All samples are characterized by a systematic enrichment in neon over argon and an isotopically fractioned 38Ar/36Ar ratio associated with the fractionation factor of 84Kr. These features do not depend on geological setting, or on pumice age, or eruption intensity. However, they are similar for pumices from the same eruption. We propose here a model of kinetic magma degassing before fragmentation. The model explains measurements and shows the rapidity of the magma degassing process in the conduit (few minutes). Then, we analysed samples coming from the last three Plinian eruptions of Montagne Pelée volcano (F. W. I. ). Thanks to this new study, we confirmed the use of noble gas patterns to identify to which eruption an outcrop can be associated. We also demonstrate that the elemental and isotopic fractionations of noble gases in pumices are the result of two different degassing times. For the last Plinian eruption, we are also able to evaluate the efficiency of the fragmentation, separating coarse fragmentation and fine fragmentation
Balcone-Boissard, Hélène. « Le comportement des éléments halogènes au cours du dégazage des magmas en relation avec leur chimie et le style éruptif ». Paris 7, 2008.
Texte intégralVolatile degassing, in particular H₂O, embodies the driving-force of volcanic eruptions involving differentiated magmas. Halogens, whose behaviour is defined respect to H₂O, have already been used as tracers of the volatile phase evolution. This thesis presents the study of the degassing processes through the detailed investigations of halogen behaviours in relation with magma chemistry and eruptive style. This work is based on the development of a precised apprroach, from sampling to data acquisition, linking eruptive clast geochemistry and texture and applied to several eruptions from different volcanoes. The acquisition of reliable and precise halogen concentration data required thé setting up of an analytical procedure for F and Cl measurements by electronic microprobe and analytical development for Br and I measurements by ICP-MS. Results highlight that halogens are not always sensitive to H₂O exsolution. During pre-eruptive conditions, we demonstrate that, in alkaline domain (phonolitic melts) Cl, and probably Br and I, are effîciently extracted from magmatic melt. Moreover, under particular Temperature-Pressure-Cl composition conditions, Cl embodies a strong indicator of pre-eruptive saturation conditions. During one eruption, halogen extraction effîciency depends on eruptive style: lava-dome forming eruptions are more efficient at extracting halogens than explosive éruptions, plinian or vulcanian. We also show that halogen ratios between Cl, Br and I are preserved whatever the eruptive process, but variable within volcanic Systems; F always behaves as an incompatible and non-volatile element whatever the magma composition and the eruptive style. Thus halogen ratios determined in eruptive clasts constitute an indicator of the halogen composition of deep magma from which differentiated melts originate. We also illustrate the importance of diffusive processes: for F and Cl, the role of the dominant alkaline element, Na or K, on their diffosivities in phonolitic melts is clearly demonstrated by the experimental data acquired. In addition, we propose that the différences in Cl behaviour during degassing processes may not only be explained by kinetic effects but also due to Cl and H₂O speciation
Martel, Caroline. « Conditions pré-éruptives et dégazage des magmas andésitiques de la Montagne Pelée (Martinique) : étude pétrologique et expérimentale ». Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 1996.
Texte intégralLes équilibres de phase déterminés expérimentalement suggèrent que les conditions pré-éruptives des magmas pliniens et péléens de la période récente de la Montagne Peléesont comparables. Ces conditions pré-éruptives sont environ 2kb, 900°C, NNO+0.7, 5.5-6 % d'eau. Ceci révèle que les éruptions pliniennes et péléennes ne sont pas déterminées par des teneur en eau différentes des liquides silicatés dans la chambre magmatique. Le déterminisme en éruptions pliniennes et péléennes s'acquiert par conséquent au cours de l'ascensiondes magmas. les calculs théoriques de vésiculation et les expériences de dégazage montrent que les magmas péléens dégazent plus que les magmas pliniens. De plus, ce dégazage s'effectuerait en "système fermé" pour les magmas pliniens et en "système ouvert" pour les magmas péléens. Bien que ces différentes modalités de dégazage peuvent être acquises relativement tôt dans l'histoire de l'ascension du magma, les données pétrologiques suggèrent néanmoins que le magma garde une capacité à se vésiculer à proximité de la surface, permettant le passage brutal d'une phase péléenne à une phase plinienne.
Martel, Caroline. « Conditions pré-éruptives et dégazage des magmas andesitiques de la Montagne Pelée (Martinique) : étude pétrologique et expérimentale ». Orléans, 1996.
Texte intégralHaddadi, Baptiste. « Ascension et dégazage des magmas basaltiques : application aux volcans d'Islande et de la Chaîne des Puys (France) ». Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2016.
Texte intégralExplosive basaltic eruptions are rare compared to effusive ones and the underlying physical mechanisms are poorly understood. The goal of this thesis is to study the causes of basaltic magma explosivity by characterizing the volcanic products of the subplinian eruption of trachy-basalt at the Puys de La Vache-Lassolas complex (Chaîne des Puys, France) and of phreatomagmatic and sub-plinian eruptions of tholeiitic magma at Grímsvötn volcano (Iceland). Minerals, matrix glasses and melt inclusions (Mis) were analysed with an electron microprobe to estimate volatile concentrations (initial and final), and pressure (P) and temperature (T) of crystallization using clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometry. In addition, an experimental study was performed to better understand the limitations of clinopyroxeneliquid thermobarometry at moderate pressures and during magma ascent. Four eruptions were studied at Grímsvötn: two phreatomagmatic (AD1823 and AD2004) and two subplinian (AD1873 and AD2011). The subplinian eruptions have volatile concentrations higher than the phreatomagmatic ones, together with more efficient gas exsolution, leading to significantly higher atmospheric mass loading. Regardless of the eruptive regime, clinopyroxene-liquid (matrix glass or MI) equilibria in Grímsvötn magmas record the same depth of crystallization, namely ~15 km. This suggests that the shallow magma chamber of Grímsvötn plumbing system may only act as a reservoir in which gas exsolved from deeper origin is stored and accumulates between eruptions. The lower variability of clinopyroxene-MI equilibrium T in the 19th century eruptions, suggests important Grímsvötn magma system permeability following the Laki volcano-tectonic event end of 18th century. Average matrix glass-clinopyroxene equilibrium T decreases with time suggesting that Grímsvötn magma plumbing system as a whole may be slowly cooling over the last two centuries. Puys de La Vache-Lassolas products record a deeper magma contribution, from approximately 30 km depth. Initial volatile concentrations and ratios of the ~8.6 ka eruption are closer to those of arc magmas than to magmas from any other tectonic settings. This observation calls into a question the Chaîne des Puys hotspot hypothesis. The significant contribution of deep-derived magma is coherent with the crystallization of clinopyroxene contemporaneously with olivine. The Puys de La Vache-Lassolas eruption carried 0.5 Tg of HF, 0.7 Tg of HCl and 7.3 Tg of SO2 into the atmosphere illustrating the volcanic hazard to the Auvergne population. In order to better constrain petrological P-T estimations, a piston-cylinder experimental study of clinopyroxene stability in a tholeiitic magma (Holuhraun 2014-15, Iceland) was undertaken. The absence of olivine in the pressure range 0.5-1 GPa and the presence of clinopyroxene indicate that clinopyroxene is the first phase at the liquidus, confirming the importance of clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers when estimating P and T of crystallization of Icelandic tholeiitic magmas. Experiments in which P was decreased from 1 to 0.5 GPa and then kept constant show that equilibrium between clinopyroxene and liquid is still not reached after 24 hours at 0.5 GPa. Thus a residence time of several days at constant P and T is required to obtain reliable thermobarometric estimates
Nunez, Elena. « The origin of terrestrial neon : an experimental study of isotopic fractionation of Neon during basalt degassing ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2024.
Texte intégralThe origin of Earth's volatile elements, crucial for understanding the evolution of the early Solar System, Earth's formation, and life, remains debated. Noble gases, due to their inertness and high volatility, serve as key tracers for major volatiles like CO2 and H2O in the mantle.The noble gas signatures in mantle plumes, particularly from Galapagos, Hawaii, and Iceland, suggest a solar-type neon acquired during Earth's formation. Two main models explain neon's origin in the mantle : (i) The neon was incorporated into a magma ocean through gravitational capture of a dense primary atmosphere, (ii) The neon was acquired from planetesimals irradiated by the early Sun during Earth's accretion. The residual concentration of mantle volatiles in volcanic rocks and minerals is often influenced by secondary processes and does not reflect primary mantle concentrations. In most oceanic basalts, the volatile phase is dominated by CO2. It's generally assumed that noble gas concentrations in this phase are similar between vesicles and depend on the extent and mechanism of gas loss from the magma. This thesis presents pioneering research on synthetic samples whose only volatiles are carbon dioxide (CO₂) and neon by exploring simple models of degassing in a closed system such as : (i) A depleted melt affected by a CO2-rich inputs and (ii) a system where the decompression is initiated. The observed isotopic similarity in natural samples, with values midway between the solar isotopic values and those of solar wind implantation, supports the hypothesis that the Earth's mantle may have captured a primordial nebula during the early stages of the planet's formation. Nevertheless, this experimental study presents compelling evidence that isotopic fractionation can occur during various stages of vesicle evolution in magma, suggesting that high isotopic ratios values in natural samples should be interpreted with caution. We conclude that none of the two scenarios of light-volatile acquisition can be for now rejected
Aubaud, Cyril. « Processus de dégazage et sources mantelliques dans les magmas de type MORB et OIB : le carbone, l'eau et les gaz rares : aspects chimiques et isotopiques ». Paris 7, 2002.
Texte intégralSpilliaert, Nicolas. « Dynamiques de remontée, dégazage et éruption des magmas basaltiques riches en volatils : Traçage par les inclusions vitreuses et modélisation des processus dans le cas de l'Etna, 2000-2002 ». Paris, Institut de physique du globe, 2006.
Texte intégralThis study is aimed at better understanding magma degassing processes and associated eruptive dynamics through the study of the bulk rocks and mainly of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from explosive products of Mount Etna. We particularly focussed on the 2001 and 2002 flank eruptions that resulted from dyke intrusions, independent of the central conduits, and on three lava fountains at South-East summit crater, in 2000. We acquired a complete data set on major elements and volatile contents (H2O, CO2, S, Cl and F) of Etna magmas. We report new data on the amount of volatiles (4 wt%, among which ≥3. 4 wt% H2O) dissolved in the most primitive K-rich basaltic melt erupted at Mount Etna for the last 140 years. This basalt is actually the parental melt of the trachybasalts erupted during the recent volcanic activity. We also argue that the geochemical evolution of etnean lavas for the last 30 years, results from the mixing between the new K-rich melt and K-poorer trachybasalts, emplaced in the feeding system prior to 1970. Isotopic analysis of water and sulphur in the most primitive melt inclusions (δD between -120 and -90; ‰ ; δ34S = +2,4±0,4 ‰) reinforces the idea of an OIB-type mantle source and contradicts the hypothesis of its contamination by fluids derived from the Ionian subduction, as previously suggested. The systematic determination of CO2 and H2O contents of melt inclusions allow us (i) to provide constraints on melt entrapment and S, Cl and F initial exsolution pressures, (ii) to assess the depths of magma transfer and ponding, (iii) to propose a pressure-related model of the evolution of the dissolved and exsolved gas phase, and (iv) to evaluate the effect of the sulphide immiscible liquid on the sulphur degassing path. We propose that the 2001 and 2002 flank eruptions were sustained by closed system ascent and degassing of basaltic to trachybasaltic magmas. The most primitive magmas rose from at least ~10 km b. S. L. And sustained the powerful lava fountains that occurred in July 2001 and October 2002. Most of the lavas emitted in 2001 and 2002 derived from trachybasaltic magmas, ponding at 5±1 km b. S. L. , that were partially dehydrated because of their flushing by a CO2-rich gas phase of deep derivation. Such a process could be frequent at Etna and most likely at basaltic volcanoes. The S/Cl molar ratio in the associated gas phase is computed to be of 5. 4 and 3. 7, depend on the degassing dynamics upon eruption. These calculated values and those of the Cl/F (2) and S/CF (9) ratios confirm a dominant closed system magma ascent and degassing mechanism. They are in good agreement with those directly measured by teledetection during the 2001 and 2002 flank eruptions. Furthermore, any gas/melt separation occurring at greater depth would result in higher S/Cl ratios in the gas phase. This also applies to magmas, already saturated with sulphide globule, that are stored at shallow depths in the central conduits and degas under closed system conditions. Therefore, the modelled evolution of S/Cl and Cl/F ratios, both in the melt and the gas phase, gives access to the depths of gas segregation. The S/Cl and Cl/F ratios in the gas emission at the surface, along with the chemistry of associated solid products, bring strong constraints on the different mechanisms at the origin of lava fountains. Finally, steady state summit degassing, involving convective overturn in conduits, would imply ascent of volatile-rich magma until shallow depth (≤ 1 km under the craters), and thus the drain-back of the shallow degassed magma, in order to supply the excess gas flux at Mt Etna. As a whole, our modelling offers a general background to interpret gas emissions composition and so to better understand the different degassing processes that occur during the ascent of etnean volatile-rich basaltic melts
Texte intégralNous avons constitué une base de données complète sur les éléments majeurs et les constituants volatils dissous (H2O, CO2, S, Cl et F) dans les magmas de l'Etna. Nous apportons des données nouvelles sur l'abondance en éléments volatils dissous (4%, dont une teneur en eau ~3,4%) dans le magma basaltique le plus primitif émis à l'Etna depuis 240 ans, et terme parental des trachybasaltes qui alimentent les éruptions actuelles du volcan. Nous proposons que l'évolution géochimique des magmas étnéens depuis 30 ans, résulte d'un mélange entre ce nouveau magma potassique et un terme trachybasaltique, mis en place dans les conduits avant les années 1970. L'analyse isotopique de l'eau et du soufre dissous dans les inclusions les plus primitives (delta(D) entre -120 et -90; ‰ ; delta(34S) = +2,4±0,4 ‰) conforte l'idée d'une source mantellique, de type OIB, peu affectée par la subduction ionienne toute proche, à l'encontre de certaines hypothèses préalablement formulées.
La détermination du CO2 et de l'eau dans les inclusions nous a permis (i) de contraindre les pressions de piégeage des liquides et d'exsolution du soufre, du chlore et du fluor, (ii) d'évaluer les profondeurs de transfert et de stockage du magma, (iii) de proposer un modèle d'évolution des rapports S/Cl et Cl/F dans la phase gazeuse dissoute et exsolvée en fonction de la pression, dans le cas des éruptions latérales et sommitales, et (iv) d'individualiser le rôle du globule de sulfure présent dans les magmas résidant superficiellement dans les conduits centraux.
Nous proposons ainsi que les éruptions de flanc en 2001 et 2002 résultent de la remontée et du dégazage, en système fermé, du magma basaltique à trachybasaltique, coexistant avec une phase gazeuse déjà exsolvée. Le magma le plus primitif, remonte d'une profondeur >10 km (sous le niveau de la mer), et est extrudé lors des fontaines de laves. Le plus gros volume de laves produit dérive du transfert du magma trachybasaltique, légèrement plus différencié et stocké à 5±1 km. Lors de son stockage temporaire, ce magma s'appauvrit en eau, en se rééquilibrant avec une phase gazeuse riche en CO2, d'origine profonde. La déshydratation partielle d'un magma, stocké dans les conduits, en relation avec un flux de gaz persistant, riche en CO2, est probablement un processus fréquent à l'Etna et dans d'autres volcans basaltiques.
L'évolution modélisée des rapports S/Cl et Cl/F dans la phase gazeuse confirme un dégazage dominant en système fermé en 2001 et 2002. Les valeurs calculées des rapports molaires S/Cl des gaz à la surface de 5,4 à 3,7 et Cl/F de ~2, dépendent de la cinétique de dégazage syn-éruptif du chlore, et sont en parfait accord avec les mesures in situ effectuées par télédétection, au cours de la même période éruptive. Toute ségrégation de bulles de gaz en profondeur se traduit par des rapports S/Cl plus élevés dans la phase gazeuse. Ceci est également vérifié par la modélisation en système fermé du dégazage du magma stagnant superficiellement dans les conduits centraux et saturé vis-à-vis du globule de sulfure. La modélisation en pression de l'évolution de ce rapport permet donc de contraindre les profondeurs d'accumulation et de transfert différentiel des bulles. La valeur des rapports S/Cl et Cl/F dans les gaz ainsi que la nature des produits solides associés apportent de fortes contraintes sur les mécanismes à l'origine des fontaines de laves.
Enfin, l'activité de dégazage persistant aux cratères, impliquant une convection efficace dans les conduits, suggèrerait la remontée de magma riche en éléments volatils jusqu'à de faibles profondeurs (≤ 1 km sous les cratères), et le recyclage du magma dégazé, afin d'alimenter les flux gazeux excédentaires.
Notre modélisation offre ainsi un cadre général d'interprétation de la composition des émissions gazeuses, et contribue à une meilleure compréhension des processus de dégazage des magmas basaltiques, riches en éléments volatils, à l'Etna.
Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Dégazage des magmas"
MOUNE, Séverine, et Émilie ROULLEAU. « Surveillance des fluides volcaniques ». Dans Aléas et surveillance de l’activité volcanique 3, 7–55. ISTE Group, 2022.
Texte intégral