Thèses sur le sujet « Contrôle adaptatif non linéaire robuste »
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Temporelli, Robin. « Commandes avancées d'embrayages mécatroniques : cas écoénergétique et cas vibratoire ». Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017.
Texte intégralMagnani, Guido. « Advanced satellite attitude control strategies under actuation constraints and multiple sources of disturbance ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulouse, ISAE, 2024.
Texte intégralIn a scenario of highly autonomous geostationary satellites, with self-assembly and self-maintenance capabilities, manipulator arms perturbations coupled with fuel slosh dynamics represents a significant risk of performance degradation for the satellite attitude and orbit control system. While passive fuel slosh damping solutions and manipulator arm disturbances compensators exist by their own, a unique active control solution capable of rejecting the perturbations while optimally preventing the actuators saturation is lacking and of great interest in the space industry for weight, cost and complexity of manufacturing reduction. This study explores the integration of SH_{infty}S-based robust control and model reference adaptive control techniques with reference governor schemes. The objective is to propose a unique control solution to guarantee precise satellite attitude control in the presence of unmodeled perturbations and actuator constraints. The theoretical advancements from this research also extend to scenarios such as handling propeller failures in quadrotors under state and input constraints and optimizing the design of the guidance modes for satellite missions like the CNES Microcarb mission
Matraji, Imad. « Contribution à la commande non linéaire robuste des systèmes d'alimentation en air des piles à combustible de type PEM ». Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, 2013.
Texte intégralOuattara, Seydou. « Mise en œuvre d'une loi de commande adaptative floue indirecte ». Valenciennes, 1996.
Texte intégralFloret, Fabienne. « Méthodes d'identification pour des systèmes non-linéaires en temps continu ». Paris 11, 2002.
Texte intégralIn this thesis we focus on the concept of parameter identification for different automatic fields. The first part of our work is devoted to the vector state estimation in combination with a parameter identification in order to obtain of a global knowledge of the system. Two different methods are introduced. On the one hand the parameter estimation law is obtained algebraically and converges in finite time. On the other hand the second parameter estimation law is dynamical and converges exponentially if the condition of Persistence Excitation is satisfied. Both of them are based on the Variable Structure Theory. Moreover we introduce a state feedback and dynamical control which is robust with respect to time-varying parameter perturbations. The robust behaviour is proven mathematically by using one specific property of the Variable Structure Theory. A comparison of the proposed method with well-known classical algorithms is introduced. In view of industrial applications and in order to limit the number of sensors we relax the condition on the feedback control and we extend it to output feedback by considering some backstepping aspects. Finally we study the problem of identification for nonlinear systems in which the parameters enter nonlinearly in the model's equations. We introduce a parameter identification which is satisfied locally in the parameter space and converges exponentially if the Persistence of Excitation is verified. This dynamical parameter estimation law is coupled with an adaptive state feedback control based on the Variable Structure Theory
Lehalle, Charles-Albert. « Contrôle non linéaire et Réseaux de neurones formels : les Perceptrons Affines Par morceaux ». Paris 6, 2005.
Texte intégralLehalle, Charles-Albert. « Le contrôle non linéaire par réseaux de neurones formels : les perceptrons affines par morceaux ». Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2005.
Texte intégralMohammad, Sami. « Réalisation et commande robuste d'un système de rééducation physique ». Phd thesis, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2012.
Texte intégralAstolfi, Daniele. « Observateurs et régulation de sortie robuste pour des systèmes non linéaires ». Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016.
Texte intégralObservers and output regulation are two central topics in nonlinear control system theory. Although many researchers have devoted their attention to these issues for more than 30 years, there are still many open questions. In the observer theory a key role is played by the so called high-gain observers. The purpose of the first part of the thesis is to study novel techniques which allow to overcome or at least to mitigate some of the main drawbacks characterizing this class of observers. We propose a novel class of high-gain observers, denoted as ``low-power'', which allows to overcome numerical problems, to avoid the peaking phenomenon and to improve the sensitivity properties to high-frequency measurement noise. The second part of the thesis addresses the output regulation problem, solved for linear systems during the 70's by Francis and Wonham who coined the celebrated ``internal model principle''. Constructive solutions have also been proposed in the nonlinear framework but under restrictive assumptions that reduce the class of systems to which this methodology can be applied. In this thesis we focus on the output regulation problem in presence of periodic disturbances and we propose a novel approach which allows to consider a broader class of nonlinear systems. The resulting design is robust in the sense defined by Francis and Wonham
Pled, Florent. « Vers une stratégie robuste et efficace pour le contrôle des calculs par éléments finis en ingénierie mécanique ». Phd thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2012.
Texte intégralYan, Xinming. « Development of robust control based on sliding mode for nonlinear uncertain systems ». Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2016.
Texte intégralThis work deals with the development of control laws for nonlinear uncertain systems based onsliding mode theory. The standard sliding mode control approaches are state feedback ones, in which the sliding variable and its time derivatives are required. This first objective of this thesis is to propose high order sliding mode control laws with a reduced use of sliding variable time derivatives. The contributions are made for the second and third order sliding mode control. The second objective is to combine the proposed control laws with a gain adaptation mechanism. The use of adaptive gain law allows to simplify the tuning process, to reduce the convergence time and to improve the accuracy. Finally, the applicability of the proposed approaches is shown on IRCCyN pneumatic benchmark. Applications are also made on 3DOF flying system
Sartori, Natal Guilherme. « Control of parallel robots : towards very high accelerations ». Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012.
Texte intégralThe main objective of this work is to propose control strategies performant and robust towards uncertainties for Delta-like parallel robots, which are designed to perform important and demanding industrial tasks, such as packaging, laser cutting, etc. The most important difficulties to guarantee the good tracking performance of these manipulators for very high accelerations with the best possible precision, while maintaining such performance independently of the operational case (e.g. with different load conditions, different trajectories, etc.) are their coupled actuation, the increase of their high nonlinear dynamics and the problem of mechanical vibrations with the increase of the involved accelerations, the presence of uncertainties in the model/environment and the redundant actuation when applicable. In this thesis, different control schemes and state observers were proposed and experimentally implemented on two Delta-like robots, namely the Par2 (non-redundant) and the R4 (redundantly actuated) parallel manipulators. For the former, a nonlinear/adaptive Dual Mode controller was proposed in the joint space, complied with three different state observers for the estimation of joint velocities: a Lead-lag based observer, an Alpha-beta-gamma observer and the High-gain observer. For the latter, firstly a dual-space feedforward controller was proposed for the compensation of its dynamics (with which a maximum of 100G of acceleration was reached), then a dual-space adaptive controller was proposed in order to automatically estimate the parameters of the system in real-time, thus guaranteeing its good performance independently of the experimental scenario. The stability analysis of Par2 robot under the control of the Dual Mode controller and the R4 robot under the control of the dual-space adaptive controller are provided, simulations were performed and the experimental results confirm the good performance of the proposed control schemes
Langarica, ordoba Diego. « Stabilisation transitoire de systèmes de puissance : une approche unifiée ». Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Texte intégralAn electric power system (EPS) is a complex network of electrical components used to supply, transmit and use electric power. Its final goal is to provide reliable, secure and uninterrupted service to the end-user, this means, constant voltage and frequency at all time. Nowadays, the trend in electric power production is toward an interconnected network of transmission lines linking generators and loads into large integrated systems. Actually, a power system network is considered the most complex and bigger machine ever built by man since it can span an entire continent. For this reason, improving power system transient stability is of great significance in human society, since if the stability is lost, power collapse may occur in a large populated area and serious damages will be brought to a regional economy and the consumer's comforts. Therefore, considering all issues presented before, this research work tackles the transient stabilization of a multi-machine EPS subject to network disturbances from two approaches: centralization which considers no limitation in information exchange at any point of a given network, and on the other hand, decentralization which assumes the information exchange is not available. To this end, first we introduce a novel control theory to globally stabilize non-globally linearizable triangular systems employing a nonlinear dynamic state-feedback controller, which differs from standard backstepping since the strict-feedback form is no longer required. Then, based on these new ideas, the transient stabilization problem of EPS is solved from a centralized point of view ensuring, under some conditions on the physical parameters of the system, global asymptotic stability of the operating point. Subsequently, using only local measurements available with existing technology, the previous central controller is transformed into a truly decentralized one, provided that the derivative of the active power at each generator can be suitable estimated. Performance of both controllers is tested via numerical simulations considering several fault scenarios using the 10-machine New England benchmark. In contrast to the nonlinear solutions above, we offer an observer--based methodology for decentralized stabilization of large--scale linear time--invariant systems. The originality of this work relies on the fact that each local controller is provided with available local measurements, it implements a deterministic observer to reconstruct the state of the other subsystems and uses in a certainty--equivalent way these estimates in the control law. The observers are designed following the principles of immersion and invariance. Furthermore, the class of systems to which the design is applicable is identified via a linear matrix inequality solution, from which the observer gains are obtained
Elgharib, Ahmed Omar Ahmed. « Différentes stratégies de contrôle pour le système d'éolienne connecté PMSG ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2022.
Texte intégralRenewable energy is considered as a viable alternative to conventional fossil fuel generators globally. One of the appealing and promising renewable energy sources is wind energy. This renewable energy source offers an excellent substitute for the generation of traditional electricity. Wind turbines based on PMSG are best suited for stand-alone applications due to their reliability. This research work proposes some efficient control methods associated with wind energy control. It is focused more on the readjustment of some available control approaches as the improvement of NSSFC (nonlinear static state feedback controller) and NDSFC (nonlinear dynamic state feedback controller) to increase the controller performance for such a system. In sequence with that, this work moves forward to another controller(NPIC) which has been added to this system by presenting a sensor-less control technique of direct driven PMSG wind turbine. Afterwards, PI Controller is studied in this work by integrating genetic algorithm that has significant impact on the efficiency and execution of wind turbine applications and their whole system. Model predictive control (MPC) is thelast controller that has been explored. All of these controllers are using PMSG, discussed under different operating ranges of wind speed. Several experimental tests were applied to wide variety of configurations in order to validate the simulation results produced. This research aims to serve as a detailed reference for future studies on the control of wind turbine systems
Teodorescu, Catalin Stefan. « Commande de systèmes d'isolation antisismique mixte ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013.
Texte intégralPopescu, Andrei. « Approches de commande pour des objectifs d'estimation : application au courant tunnel et aux processus de lévitation magnétique ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.
Texte intégralThis PhD thesis gathers its main contributions in the field of observers for dynamical systems, originally motivated by applications in MEMS or NEMS (Micro or Nano Electromechanical Systems), with a more particular case related to tunneling current. It also happened to consider experiments with a magnetic levitation system.Contributions of this PhD thesis are of two types, according to its two main parts:1. Methodological part: designing different control strategies to obtain observers using the control-based paradigm. In particular, we focused on non-optimal approaches (like Proportional and Proportional-Integral), optimal ones (Linear Quadratic Regulator and Linear Quadratic Integrator) and sub-optimal methods (Hinf controller). Moreover, we focus on the main two ways to formulate a control (tracking) problem, namely Error feedback regulation problem and Full information regulation problem.2. Experimental part: Applying the obtained methods for improving the topographic imaging using a Scanning-Tunneling Microscope as well as to improve the disturbance estimation for a magnetic levitation process.More precisely, each part will take the form of two chapters:1. Chapter II, dedicated to a formal introduction and contributive discussion about the ’control based observer’ approach this PhD investigates, and Chapter III, focusing on the use of such an approach for the purpose of new robust observer design in particular within an Hinf framework.2. Chapter IV, related to STM application, and chapter V, presenting the MAGLEV case.A final chapter VI summarizes the main conclusions of this work as well as some perspectives
Navas, Matos Francisco. « Analyse de stabilité pour la reconfiguration de contrôleurs dans des véhicules autonomes ». Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Texte intégralBenefits of autonomous vehicles are genuinely exciting, but the route to true autonomy in transportation will likely be long and full of uncertainty. Research on the last years is on the development of multi-sensor systems able to perceive the environment in which the vehicle is driving in. These systems increase complexity when controlling an autonomous vehicle, as different control systems are activated depending on the multi-sensor decision system. Each of these systems follows performance and stability criteria for its design, but they all must work together, providing stability guarantees and being able to handle dynamics, structural and environmental changes. This thesis explores the Youla-Kucera (YK) parameterization in dynamics systems such as vehicles, with special emphasis on stability when some dynamics change or the traffic situation demands controller reconfiguration. Focus is in obtaining simulation and experimental results related to Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), with the aim not only of using for the very first time YK parameterization in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) domain, but improving CACC state-of-the art. Stable controller reconfiguration results are given when non-available communication link with the preceding vehicle, cut-in/out maneuvers or surrounding vehicles with different dynamics, proving adapability, stability and possible real implementation of the YK parameterization as general control framework for autonomous vehicles
Penet, Maxime. « Robust Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on Constrained Saddle Point Optimization : Stability Analysis and Application to Type 1 Diabetes ». Phd thesis, Supélec, 2013.
Texte intégralAl, Attar Houssein. « Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charger Control ». Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2022.
Texte intégralIn this thesis, part of the chair Renault/Centrale Nantes, the aim is to design control strategies to improve the performance and efficiency of the bidirectional charger of the Electric Vehicle (EV). In the discharging mode, the new challenge is to design a Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) strategy to improve the operating zone and efficiency of the DC-DC converter. The control law is based on the DC-DC LLC gaininversion. In terms of cost, the contribution is mainly about the design of an optimization strategy, not only to reduce the sizing of the DC-DC LLC converter, but also to improve the performance of the Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) strategy. Then, a large signal model of the LLC converter based on the PSM strategy is developed. The main contribution consists of implementing robust control strategies, such as model-free control and adaptive super twisting control, combined with the PSM strategy. On the other hand, the key contribution leads to provide a hybrid control strategy of the charger in order to be able to regulate the DC bus voltage in the saturation zones of the DC-DCconverter. Finally, a new topology of an EV charger with the DAB structure is studied. A backstepping control strategy is proposed to regulate the DC bus voltage and the grid current. Different modulation strategies, such as single and dual phase shift modulation,are studied. Simulation results of real charger models are presented in order to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies