Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Comorbidité – Cancer »

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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Comorbidité – Cancer"


Kaikani, W., et P. Bachmann. « Conséquences d'une comorbidité trop souvent négligée en cancérologie : la dénutrition ». Bulletin du Cancer 96, no 6 (juin 2009) : 659–64.

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Saba, G. « Comorbidités somatiques et résistance thérapeutique ». European Psychiatry 29, S3 (novembre 2014) : 664.

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RésuméParmi les facteurs de résistance thérapeutique d’un épisode dépressif majeur (EDM), on peut évoquer d’emblée l’association aux pathologies somatiques, au premier rang desquelles figurent les affections endocriniennes, cardiovasculaires et métaboliques. Plusieurs d’entre elles sont d’ailleurs susceptibles d’engendrer la survenue d’un EDM, en pérenniser les manifestations cliniques, et conduire à la résistance aux traitements classiquement proposés dans cette indication. La co-occurrence d’une pathologie somatique et d’un EDM n’est pas une situation rare en pratique clinique quotidienne dans la mesure où elle concerne 25 % de la population hospitalisée pour pathologie somatique [1]. Des études longitudinales montrent que les EDM contemporains d’une pathologie somatique sont plus à risque d’évoluer vers la chronicité ou la résistance aux stratégies thérapeutiques standards que les EDM sans comorbidité somatique [2].Réciproquement, la dépression majeure est aujourd’hui reconnue pour accroître singulièrement le risque de développer un cancer, un trouble métabolique ou une pathologie cardiaque comme les cardiopathies ischémiques, avec un retentissement important sur l’évolution et le pronostic de la maladie somatique [3].Cette comorbidité, à l’origine d’une résistance croisée entre les deux pathologies, est fréquemment méconnue en pratique clinique, souvent du fait d’une attention sélectivement portée sur la pathologie ayant motivé la prise en charge, mais aussi en raison des difficultés diagnostiques liées à la superposition des troubles.Sur le plan thérapeutique, les implications sont considérables. En effet, un traitement antidépresseur bien conduit montre souvent une efficacité, non seulement en réduisant l’intensité des symptômes dépressifs, mais également en améliorant le cours évolutif de la pathologie somatique, ainsi que son pronostic [4]. Une meilleure connaissance de ces intrications s’avère donc indispensable de façon à permettre le traitement de la pathologie associée, mais aussi limiter l’impact négatif de cette dernière sur le diagnostic et l’évolution de l’affection primitivement reconnue.
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Blel, S., S. Joobeur, H. Mribah, A. Ben Saad, S. Cheikh Mhamed, G. Trigui, N. Fahem et al. « Valeur pronostique du score de comorbidité simplifié dans le cancer bronchique non à petites cellules métastatique ». Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 34 (janvier 2017) : A198—A199.

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Iecovich, Esther, et Aya Biderman. « Concordance between Self-Reported and Physician-Reported Chronic Co-morbidity among Disabled Older Adults ». Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 32, no 3 (6 août 2013) : 287–97.

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RÉSUMÉLa discordance entre les auto-rapports et les dossiers médicaux reflètent des éléments concernant les patients et les prestataires qui ont des implications pour la recherche et la gestion. Cette étude a examiné la discordance et les facteurs socio-démographiques qui expliquent la concordance. Un échantillon téléologique de 402 personnes âgées handicapées a été interrogés à l’aide d’un questionnaire structuré. On a trouvé les concordances les plus hauts pour le diabète, l’accident cardiovasculaire (CVA), et le cancer, et les plus bas pour l’arthrite, et les conditions rénales et digestives. Les facteurs explicatifs importants inclurent: (a) l’âge dans l’explication de la concordance dans l’hypertension; (b) l’ethnicité en expliquant la concordance dans l’arthrite et le cancer; (c) la situation de famille en expliquant la concordance dans les maladies de la thyroïde; (d) l’éducation pour expliquer la concordance dans les conditions gastro-intestinales, et (e) l’état fonctionnel en expliquant la concordance dans maladies respiratoires, gastro-intestinales et thyroïdiennes. La comorbidité a accrue la concordance dans toutes les conditions de santé, et a diminué la concordance pour l’hypertension. Une enquête plus poussée est nécessaire pour examiner la cause des disparités entre les deux sources d’information.
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Stewart, Andrew J., Scott B. Patten, Kirsten M. Fiest, Tyler S. Williamson, James P. Wick et Paul E. Ronksley. « Facteurs associés aux dépenses élevées en soins de santé chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie ». Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 42, no 10 (octobre 2022) : 486–95.

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Introduction La compréhension des motifs de la grande variation des dépenses en soins de santé chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie est susceptible de contribuer à l’élaboration d’interventions visant à améliorer les résultats pour les patients et l’efficience des dépenses en soins de santé. Notre étude visait à déterminer les facteurs associés aux dépenses élevées en soins de santé chez les patients atteints de schizophrénie. Méthodologie Cette étude transversale en série a utilisé les dossiers de santé administratifs de résidents de l’Alberta (Canada) entre le 1er janvier 2008 et le 31 décembre 2017 ainsi que les méthodes provinciales d’établissement des coûts afin de calculer les dépenses totales en soins de santé et les coûts par secteur. Les facteurs modifiant la probabilité d’être un patient à coût élevé (dans le 95e percentile ou plus) atteint de schizophrénie ont été estimés au moyen d’équations d’estimation généralisées. Résultats Cette étude a recueilli 242 818 années‑personnes d’observations chez 38 177 patients atteints de schizophrénie. Une probabilité accrue d’être un patient à coût élevé a été associée à un âge plus jeune (18 à 29 ans), le fait d’être de sexe masculin, un état de logement instable et des besoins de soins dans de multiples spécialités médicales. Les associations estimées les plus fortes entre l’état d’un patient à coût élevé et la comorbidité concernaient le cancer métastatique (RC = 2,26) et la cirrhose (RC = 2,07). À l’opposé, la polypharmacie a été associée à une diminution de la probabilité de coûts élevés comparativement aux patients non traités. Conclusion Les facteurs associés au fait d’être un patient à coût élevé résultent d’interactions complexes entre facteurs individuels, facteurs structurels et facteurs liés au traitement. Les efforts visant à améliorer les résultats des patients et à faire face à la hausse des coûts des soins de santé doivent tenir compte de la valeur de l’affectation des ressources au dépistage précoce et au soutien des patients atteints de schizophrénie ainsi qu’à la prévention et à la gestion de la comorbidité
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Othmane, M. « Évaluation d’une ablation isotopique en ambulatoire à faible dose (minidose) chez des patients ayant un cancer thyroïdien différencié et une comorbidité sévère ». Annales d'Endocrinologie 77, no 4 (septembre 2016) : 303.

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Chen, Yang, et Rong Xu. « Mining Cancer-Specific Disease Comorbidities from a Large Observational Health Database ». Cancer Informatics 13s1 (janvier 2014) : CIN.S13893.

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Cancer comorbidities often reflect the complex pathogenesis of cancers and provide valuable clues to discover the underlying genetic mechanisms of cancers. In this study, we systematically mine and analyze cancer-specific comorbidity from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. We stratified 3,354,043 patients based on age and gender, and developed a network-based approach to extract comorbidity patterns from each patient group. We compared the comorbidity patterns among different patient groups and investigated the effect of age and gender on cancer comorbidity patterns. The results demonstrated that the comorbidity relationships between cancers and non-cancer diseases largely depend on age and gender. A few exceptions are depression, anxiety, and metabolic syndrome, whose comorbidity relationships with cancers are relatively stable among all patients. Literature evidences demonstrate that these stable cancer comorbidities reflect the pathogenesis of cancers. We applied our comorbidity mining approach on colorectal cancer and detected its comorbid associations with metabolic syndrome components, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Our results not only confirmed known cancer comorbidities but also generated novel hypotheses, which can illuminate the common pathophysiology between cancers and their co-occurring diseases.
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Justiniano, Carla Francesca, Zhaomin Xu, Adan Z. Becerra, Christopher Thomas Aquina, Francis P. Boscoe, Maria J. Schymura, Larissa K. F. Temple et Fergal J. Fleming. « Comorbidity and cause of death after surgery for early stage colorectal cancer (CRC). » Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no 15_suppl (20 mai 2017) : e15139-e15139.

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e15139 Background: Early stage (I/II) CRC is traditionally associated with relatively good prognosis at 90% relative survival. The probability of non-cancer death in CRC patients is associated with comorbidity burden; however, there is paucity of data evaluating this association in colon versus rectal cancer. This study examines the impact of comorbdity on 5-year mortality and cause of death after resection for early stage CRC. Methods: Linked patient-level data from the New York State Cancer Registry & Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System was queried for 2004-2013 patients who underwent colectomy or proctectomy for Stage I-II CRC who survived beyond 30 days. Comorbidity burden was defined as the sum of Elixhauser Comorbidites plus steroid use, MI history, CVD (cardiovascular disease), and dementia to capture maximum number of unique comorbidities and characterized as low (0-1 comorbidity), moderate (2-3 comorbidities), and high (4+ comorbidities). Causes of death were evaluated according to comorbidity group and colon versus rectal cancer. Results: 24,643 (colon 21,384, rectal 3,250) met inclusion criteria, of which 5,464 (22%) died within 5 years. While both colon cancer (CC) and rectal cancer patients (RC) had identical overall mortality (22%), significant differences existed in the proportion of deaths due to the primary cancer with disease-specific mortality of 7% for CC and 11% for RC. Deaths due to CC decreased while CVD causes increased with escalating comorbidity burden. Deaths due to RC accounted for nearly 50% of all deaths even with increasing comorbidity burden (Table). Conclusions: CC is the predominant cause of 5-year mortality in early stage patients with low comorbidity burden while CVD drives mortality in high comorbidity burden patients. In contrast, RC drives early stage mortality regardless of the comorbidity burden; thus, emphasizing the importance of tailored survivorship programs to each cancer. [Table: see text]
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Read, William L., Ryan M. Tierney, Nathan C. Page, Irene Costas, Ramaswamy Govindan, Edward L. J. Spitznagel et Jay F. Piccirillo. « Differential Prognostic Impact of Comorbidity ». Journal of Clinical Oncology 22, no 15 (1 août 2004) : 3099–103.

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Purpose Cancer patients with concurrent comorbid conditions have worse outcomes than patients with no comorbidities. We hypothesized that the prognostic impact of comorbidities would be greatest for patients with cancers associated with a long natural history and least in patients with aggressive cancers. Patients and Methods Using the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Oncology Data Services cancer registry, we grouped 11,558 patients with breast, lung, colon, or prostate cancer by morphologic stage at diagnosis and then determined the 1-year overall survival rate for each group. Overall, severity of comorbidity was assessed from chart review and classified into one of four groups: none, mild, moderate, or severe. The relative prognostic impact of comorbidity was measured by the hazard ratio and adjusted for the prognostic impact of age, race, and sex. Results One-year overall survival rate ranged from 20% for 1,005 patients with distant spread of lung cancer to 98% for 3,325 patients with localized prostate cancer. Adjusted hazard ratio of moderate/severe comorbidity (relative to none/mild) ranged from 1.04 to 4.48. The correlation between overall survival rate and severity of comorbidity was statistically significant (r2 = 0.56; P < .001). The proportion of variance in outcome explained by comorbidity ranged from less than 1% to almost 9%, depending on tumor site and stage. Conclusion Concurrent comorbidities had the greatest prognostic impact among groups with the highest survival rate and the least impact in groups with the lowest survival rate. These findings can be used to help determine the role comorbidity information should play in studies of cancer outcomes.
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Salas, Maribel, Mackenzie Henderson, Meera Sundararajan, Nora Tu, Zahidul Islam, Mina Ebeid et Laura Horne. « Use of comorbidity indices in patients with any cancer, breast cancer, and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-positive breast cancer : A systematic review ». PLOS ONE 16, no 6 (18 juin 2021) : e0252925.

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Objective To identify comorbidity indices that have been validated in cancer populations, with a focus on breast cancer and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer. Study design and setting A systematic review of the literature on the use of comorbidity indices in any cancer, breast cancer, and HER2+ breast cancer using Ovid and PubMed. Results The final data set comprised 252 articles (252 any cancer, 39 breast cancer, 7 HER2+ breast cancer). The most common cancers assessed were hematologic and breast, and the most common comorbidity index used was the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) or a CCI derivative. Most validity testing of comorbidity indices used predictive validity based on survival outcomes. Hazard ratios for survival outcomes generally found that a higher comorbidity burden (measured by CCI) increased mortality risk in patients with breast cancer. All breast-cancer studies that validated comorbidity indices used CCI-based indices. Only one article validated a comorbidity index in HER2+ breast cancer. Conclusion CCI-based indices are the most appropriate indices to use in the general breast-cancer population. There is insufficient validation of any comorbidity index in HER2+ breast cancer to provide a recommendation, indicating a future need to validate these instruments in this population.
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Thèses sur le sujet "Comorbidité – Cancer"


Gast, Fabienne. « Maladie de Basedow et cancer de la thyroïde ». Rouen, 1990.

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Fontvieille, Emma. « The interplay of adiposity and cardiometabolic diseases in cancer incidence and survival ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.

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Le surpoids et l'obésité, définis par un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) ≥25 kg/m², sont des facteurs de risque établis pour de nombreux cancers, appelés cancers liés à l'obésité. Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) est également un facteur de risque bien reconnu pour certains types de cancer, principalement ceux liés à l'obésité. De plus, des études émergentes suggèrent que les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) pourraient également être associées au risque de cancer. Ces maladies cardiométaboliques (MCM) coexistent souvent avec le cancer, conduisant à une multimorbidité - la présence simultanée de deux ou plusieurs maladies chroniques chez un individu. Cependant, il reste incertain comment ces facteurs de risque, individuellement ou en combinaison, influencent le risque de cancer ou la mortalité précoce chez les patients diagnostiqués avec des cancers liés à l'obésité. Premièrement, nous avons évalué si l'association entre l'IMC et le risque de cancer (global et liés à l'obésité) diffère chez les adultes avec et sans MCM, dans les cohortes de l'European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) et de la UK Biobank (UKB). Nous avons constaté que l'exposition conjointe au surpoids et/ou à l'obésité et aux MCVétait associée à un risque global de cancer plus élevé que la somme de leurs effets séparés. Cela suggère que la prévention de l'obésité pourrait entraîner une réduction du risque plus importante chez les groupes de population atteints de MCVque dans la population générale. Dans les analyses stratifiées par sexe, l'association additive de l'obésité et des MCVavec les cancers liés à l'obésité chez les hommes incluait le nul tandis que chez les femmes, un excès de risque relatif dû à l'interaction positif a été observé. Compte tenu de ces résultats, nous avons mené des analyses similaires en nous concentrant sur le risque de cancer du sein postménopausique, le cancer lié à l'obésité le plus fréquent chez les femmes. Nos résultats ont montré que l'IMC était plus fortement associé au risque de cancer du sein chez les femmes postménopausées ayant des antécédents de MCVpar rapport à celles sans. Cette étude peut informer la réduction du risque de cancer du sein grâce à la prévention de l'obésité et des programmes de dépistage du cancer du sein basés sur le risque ciblant les femmes postménopausées ayant des antécédents de MCV. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné si le lien entre l'IMC et la mortalité chez les patients atteints de cancers liés à l'obésité variait en fonction du statut MCM dans l'étude EPIC. Nos résultats ont révélé que l'obésité était liée à la mortalité toutes causes confondues chez les patients atteints de ces cancers, indépendamment du statut MCM. Enfin, nous avons utilisé des données des cohortes EPIC et UKB pour évaluer l'association entre l'apparition des MCV incidentes et le risque de cancer, à la fois global et lié au mode de vie en tenant compte du temps écoulé depuis le diagnostic des MCV. La métanalyse a montré une forte relation positive entre l'apparition des MCV et le risque de cancer au cours de la première année suivant un diagnostic d’une MCV, alors qu'aucune association n'a été observée au-delà de cette période. Dans EPIC, contrairement à UKB, les MCV étaient également faiblement positivement liées au risque de cancer lorsque le cancer survenait entre un et cinq ans après l'apparition des MCV. Ces associations ont été systématiquement observées pour les cancers liés à l'obésité, à l'alcool et au tabagisme. Ce travail offre une meilleure compréhension de la manière dont la présence de MCM affecte la relation entre le surpoids/l'obésité et le risque de cancer et la mortalité, ainsi que la relation entre les MCV et le risque de cancer. Les résultats soulignent l'importance de mettre en œuvre des stratégies de santé publique pour réduire les facteurs de risque modifiables, en particulier l'excès de poids, afin de diminuer la prévalence des CMD, du cancer et de leur combinaison
Overweight and obesity, usually defined by a body mass index (BMI) ≥25kg/m2, are established risk factors for many common cancers, named obesity-related cancers. T2D is also a well-recognised risk factor for some types of cancer; mainly obesity-related ones. While emerging evidence suggests that CVD could also be associated with cancer risk. Those cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) often coexist with cancer, leading to multimorbidity - the simultaneous presence of two or more chronic diseases in an individual. However, it remains unclear how these risk factors, either individually or in combination, influence the risk of cancer or early mortality in patients diagnosed with obesity-related cancers. Firstly, we evaluated whether the association between BMI and cancer (overall and obesity-related) risk differs among adults with and without CMD, in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) and UK Biobank (UKB) cohorts. We found that the joint exposure to overweight and/or obesity and CVD was associated with a higher overall cancer risk than the sum of their separate effects. These results suggest that obesity prevention could lead to a greater risk reduction among population groups with CVD than among the general population. In sex-stratified analyses, the additive association of obesity and CVD with obesity-related cancers among men included the null while among women a positive relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI) was observed. Given these results, we conducted similar analyses focusing on the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, the most common obesity-related cancer in women. Our findings showed that BMI was more strongly associated with breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women with a history of CVD compared to those without. This evidence can inform risk reduction of breast cancer through obesity prevention and risk-stratified breast cancer screening programs that target postmenopausal women with a history of CVD. Secondly, we investigated if the link between BMI and mortality in patients with obesity-related cancers varied depending on CMD status in the EPIC study. Our results revealed that obesity was consistently linked to all-cause mortality in patients with these cancers, irrespective of CMD status. Lastly, we leveraged data from the EPIC and UKB cohorts to assess the association between the onset of incident CVD and cancer risk, both overall and lifestyle-related. We evaluated the relationship between incident CVD and cancer risk by considering the time since CVD diagnosis. Our findings showed a strong positive relationship between CVD onset and cancer risk within the first year following a CVD event, while no association was observed when cancer occurred more than one year after the CVD diagnosis. In EPIC, unlike in UKB, CVD was also weakly positively related to cancer risk when cancer occurred between one and five years after CVD onset. These associations were consistently observed for obesity-, alcohol-, and smoking-related cancers. This work provides a better understanding of how the presence of CMD affects the relationship between overweight/obesity and cancer risk and mortality, and the relationship between CVD and cancer risk. The results highlight the importance of implementing public health strategies to reduce modifiable risk factors, especially excess weight, to decrease the prevalence of CMD, cancer, and both combined
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Simard, Sébastien. « Vers une conceptualisation multidimensionnelle de la peur de la récidive du cancer : évaluation, nature des pensées intrusives et comorbidité psychiatrique ». Thesis, Université Laval, 2008.

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Mercier, Joanie. « L'exercice physique pour améliorer le sommeil chez les patients atteints de cancer : état de la littérature et comparaison avec la thérapie cognitive-comportementale ». Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018.

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Cette thèse doctorale porte sur l’amélioration du sommeil de patients ayant reçu un diagnostic de cancer non métastatique. La visée principale de la thèse était d’étudier l’effet des interventions d’exercice physique pour traiter l’insomnie comorbide au cancer, et ce, dans une optique d’accroître les options de traitements non-pharmacologiques efficaces pour cette problématique. Un premier objectif spécifique de celle-ci était de documenter et d’analyser, de façon systématique, les essais cliniques sur les effets des interventions d’exercice physique pour améliorer le sommeil des patients en oncologie et d’effectuer une méta-analyse quantitative de leurs effets. Bien que les résultats de la recension systématique suggèrent un effet bénéfique possible des interventions d’exercice physique sur le sommeil d’un point de vue qualitatif, la méta-analyse n’a révélé aucun effet significatif. Néanmoins, les nombreuses limites méthodologiques notées amenuisent les conclusions et appuient la nécessité de mener des études plus rigoureuses sur le sujet. La présente thèse avait aussi pour but de comparer l’efficacité d’un programme d’exercices physiques aérobiques effectué à la maison (EX) à celle d’un traitement plus standard, soit une thérapie cognitive-comportementale de l’insomnie (TCC-I) offerte en format autoadministré. Pour ce faire, 41 participants présentant des symptômes d’insomnie ont été recrutés et assignés aléatoirement à l’un des deux groupes à l’étude. Les deux interventions se déroulaient sur une période de 6 semaines. Un objectif secondaire de cette étude était de documenter l’efficacité de ces deux interventions sur l’amélioration de symptômes fréquemment associés à l’insomnie (anxiété, dépression, fatigue, qualité de vie). Les résultats montrent une supériorité de la TCC-I à améliorer les symptômes d’insomnie en post-traitement alors que l’EX s’avère non-inférieur à la TCC-I aux temps de mesure subséquents. En somme, la TCC-I demeure le traitement de choix pour l’insomnie associée au cancer bien que l’EX apparaît être une option de rechange intéressante en l’absence de disponibilité de cette intervention.
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Grandal, Rejo Beatriz. « Beyond Breast Cancer : The Interplay of Immunity, Comedications, and Comorbidities in Treatment Response and Outcomes ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023.

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Résumé :
Le cancer a provoqué près de 10 millions de décès en 2020, il est prévu qu'il affectera presque 24,5 millions de personnes d'ici 2035 en raison des changements de mode de vie, du vieillissement et des facteurs environnementaux. Le cancer du sein (CS) est le diagnostic de cancer le plus fréquent et la première cause de mortalité oncologique chez les femmes. L'incidence du CS s'accroît avec l'âge, en parallèle avec la prévalence croissante des conditions concomitantes (comorbidités) et des prescriptions de médicaments chroniques (comédications), signalées chez environ la moitié de tous les patients atteints de cancer. L'administration de chimiothérapie avant la chirurgie (NAC) permet aux cliniciens d'évaluer la chimiosensibilité tumorale in vivo. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mener une analyse exhaustive pour étudier les relations complexes entre les lymphocytes infiltrant la tumeur (TILs), checkpoints, les déterminants génétiques, les sous-types de cancer du sein, les comédications, les comorbidités, la réponse au traitement et les résultats oncologiques chez les patients atteints de cancer du sein. Cet objectif sera atteint grâce à une étude intégrative des ensembles de données provenant de preuves du monde réel (RWE), et à une analyse post-hoc des essais contrôlés randomisés (RCTs). La première section de cette thèse offre une revue complète du paradigme dutraitement néoadjuvant dans le cancer du sein, se concentrant sur l'interconnexion de la biologie tumorale, des TILs, de la chimiosensibilité et de la survie. La section suivante cherche à étudier le rôle des comédications dans le traitement du cancer en examinant les associations entre l'utilisation des comédications, les comorbidités, l'infiltration immunitaire et la réponse au traitement. Ce chapitre vise à identifier des interactions insoupçonnées qui pourraient améliorer les résultats pour les patients en découvrant de nouvelles applications thérapeutiques pour des médicaments existants (drug repurposing). De plus, nous entreprenons une analyse approfondie des effets des médicaments concomitants prescrits régulièrement sur la survie du CS en utilisant des données du Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS) de la France. Nous nous efforçons de dessiner une carte détaillée des interactions potentielles entre les médicaments concomitants et la survie dans le contexte de la population française entière. En conclusion, le CS incarne un réseau complexe d'interactions entre la tumeur et le microenvironnement, avec de nombreux facteurs d'influence encore à élucider pleinement. Les contextes néoadjuvants et l'intégration de vastes bases de données peuvent identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques et des interactions médicamenteuses, qui sont essentielles pour faire progresser une médecine de précision sûre et rentable
Cancer caused almost 10 million deaths in 2020 and is predicted to affect nearly 24.5 million people by 2035 due to lifestyle changes, aging, and environmental factors. Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent cancer diagnosis and the first cause of oncology mortality among females. The incidence of BC escalates with increasing âge, paralleling the rising prevalence of co-existing conditions (comorbidities) and chronic médication prescriptions (comedications), reported in roughly half of ail cancer patients. Administering chemotherapy prior to surgery (NAC) allows clinicians to evaluate in vivo tumor chemosensitivity. The objective of this thesis is to perform a comprehensive analysis to investigate the intricate relationships among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), checkpoints, genetic déterminants, breast cancer subtypes, comedications, comorbidities, treatment response, and oncological outcomes in patients with breast cancer. This objective will be achieved via an intégrative examination of datasets from real-world evidence (RWE) and a post-hoc analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The opening section of this thesis provides a comprehensive review of the neoadjuvant treatment paradigm in breast cancer, focusing on the interconnectedness of tumor biology, TILs,chemosensitivity, and survival. This research offers valuable insights into the intricate network that governs treatment outcomes. The subséquent segment seeks to study the rôle of comedications in cancer treatment by examining the associations between comedication use, comorbidities, immune infiltration, and treatment response. This chapter aims to identify unsuspected interactions that may improve patient outcomes by discovering novel therapeutic applications for existing drugs (drug repurposing). Moreover, we undertake an in-depth examination of the effects of regularly prescribed concomitant médications on BC survival using data from the French National Health Data System (SNDS). We endeavor to delineate a detailed map of potential interactions between concomitant médications and survival in the context of the entire French population. In conclusion, BC epitomizes a complex network of tumor and microenvironment interactions, with numerous influencing factors yet to be fully elucidated. Neoadjuvant settings and vast database intégration can identify novel therapeutic targets and drug-drug interactions, which are vital for advancing cost-effective, safe précision medicine
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Tron, Laure. « Comportements de santé en lien avec le risque de comorbidités parmi les personnes vivant avec le VIH en France ». Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.

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A l'ère des multithérapies antirétrovirales, le poids des manifestations de l'infection VIH sur la morbi/mortalité s'est allégé alors que d'autres pathologies pèsent de plus en plus sur l'état de santé des personnes vivant avec le VIH (PvVIH). Le recours au dépistage des cancers et la prise en charge des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire liés au mode de vie (tabac, alcool, inactivité physique, obésité) sont deux importantes composantes dans la prévention de ces comorbidités chez les PvVIH. A partir des données de l'enquête ANRS-Vespa2, nous avons montré que le recours au dépistage des cancers n'était pas moindre chez les PvVIH que dans la population générale. Cependant, le dépistage annuel du cancer du col de l'utérus n'était pas optimal, et le dépistage du cancer colorectal demeurait faible. Un faible niveau d'éducation et l'immunodépression étaient associés à un moindre recours au dépistage des cancers gynécologiques. D'autre part, plus de la moitié des PvVIH présentait au moins un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire. Les usagers de drogues et les hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes étaient particulièrement sujets aux addictions, cumulant fréquemment ces facteurs, et les immigrées d'Afrique sub-Saharienne étaient surtout exposées à l'obésité et l'inactivité physique. Ces comportements étaient liés à la situation sociale et aux caractéristiques de la maladie VIH. Cette thèse permet de mieux appréhender la fréquence et les facteurs associés à ces comportements de santé au sein des groupes de la population séropositive, et de proposer des pistes pour améliorer la prévention des comorbidités afin de contribuer à en limiter le poids sur la santé des PvVIH
In the era of combined antiretroviral therapy, the burden of HIV-related morbidity/mortality has decreased while other health conditions are of growing concern among HIV-infected people. Cancer screening uptake and management of behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular disease (tobacco smoking, alcohol intake, lack of physical activity, obesity) are two major components in the prevention of those comorbidities among HIV-infected people. Analysis of data from the ANRS-Vespa2 survey showed that levels of cancer screening uptake were not lower among HIV-infected people compared to the general population. However, the level of cervical cancer screening uptake within the past year was suboptimal and the level of colorectal cancer screening uptake was low. Low educational attainment and immunodepression were correlated with a lower level of screening uptake for gynecological cancers. Furthermore, more than half of the HIV-infected population was exposed to at least one behavioral cardiovascular risk factor. Intravenous drug users and men who have sex with men were particularly prone to addictive behaviors (and lack of physical activity) and risk factors were often combined. Sub-Saharan African migrant women were mainly exposed to obesity and insufficient physical activity. Those behaviors were associated with social status and certain characteristics of the HIV-infection. This thesis allows to better understand the frequency and correlates of those health behaviors among the various sub-groups of people living with HIV and provides evidence to improve the prevention of comorbidities in order to reduce their burden on the health of those living with HIV
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Grose, Derek B. « Comorbidity in lung cancer : influence on treatment and survival ». Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2016.

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Lung cancer is the commonest cancer in Scotland and survival rates for patients in Scotland appear lower than in many other European countries. Although this variation in survival is usually interpreted as evidence of variation in facilities, access to care and clinical practice it is possible that the increased comorbidity and poor performance status of the Scottish population may contribute to the observed disparities in treatment and outcomes, although this has never been proven. The overall aim of the Thesis was to examine the impact of comorbidity in lung cancer, to attempt to quantify the extent and severity of comorbidity and to explore its relationship with treatment and survival. Between 2005 and 2008 all newly diagnosed lung cancer patients coming through the Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) in four Scottish Centres were included in the study. Patient demographics, World Health Organization/Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (PS), clinic-pathological features, stage, comorbidity, markers of systemic inflammation and proposed primary treatment modality were all recorded. Information on date of death was obtained via survival analysis undertaken by the Information Service Division (ISD) of NHS Scotland. Death records were complete until 1 June 2011, which served as the censor date for those alive. Chapter 4 examines the variations in demographics and baseline characteristics seen between the centres and reveals significant differences between the centres such as deprivation, stage at presentation, PS and treatments offered. Chapter 5 explores the relationship between comorbidity and the patient cohort. It shows that comorbidity can be quantified using a scoring index (the Scottish Comorbidity Scoring System (SCSS)) and that increasing comorbidity is associated with treatment centre and socio-economic status, with the most deprived patients having increased levels of co-morbidity. It also demonstrates that comorbidity appears to have an impact on treatment offered. Chapter 6 examines the relationship between systemic inflammation (utilizing the well established modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS)) and outcome in the patient cohort. It confirms previous work supporting the use of the mGPS in predicting lung cancer survival and also shows how it might be used to provide more objective risk stratification in patients diagnosed with lung cancer. Chapter 7 explores the relationship between a novel comorbidity scoring system (SCSS) and the already established Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and the modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS). This study aimed to determine which of these factors provided the most accurate information on survival. The novel comorbidity scoring system, the SCSS compares very favourably with the more established CCI. In addition this study demonstrates clear differences between patients having potentially radically treatable disease (NSCLC stage I – IIIa) and disease which would generally be considered incurable (NSCLC IIIb/IV and SCLC). Chapter 8 examines the reasons for the clinician decision-making process and if these reasons do indeed mirror the individual patient’s demographics, fitness and stage. In the majority of patients, both in the early and advanced stage at presentation, the treatment decision appears to be appropriate given the recorded fitness, PS and comorbidity. However in a small but significant number of patients there did appear to be discrepancies between the clinician’s reasons for sub-optimal therapy and the recorded objective assessment of the patient in question. The work presented in this thesis has demonstrated the significant extent of comorbidity in lung cancer and the important role it appears to play (along with systemic inflammation) in determining treatment choice and survival.
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Alibhai, Shabbir Muhammad Husayn. « Do age and comorbidity influence the treatment of localized prostate cancer ? » Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Cetnarskyj, Roseanne. « A study of family history, deprivation and comorbidity in colorectal cancer ». Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2006.

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A prospective study of 1540 colorectal cancer cases aged 16-79, diagnosed in Scotland between 3rd January 2002 and 31st December 2003, was conducted. The main aims are: report the number and proportion of cases that perceive they have a family history risk of colorectal cancer; compare waiting time with symptoms and behaviour after development of symptoms, between cases that perceive a family history risk and do not perceive a family history risk; report the number and proportion of cases in this cohort with a family history of colorectal cancer that meet Scottish clinical criteria for high or moderate family history risk. A secondary aim is: describe the average delay time in symptom presentation and the factors contributing to delay in presentation of lower gastrointestinal symptoms among cases with colorectal cancer and in particular assess the importance of deprivation and comorbidity. Results: The distribution of sex and age at diagnosis were similar to other published population-based colorectal cancer studies. Of the 1540 cases, 222 (14.9%) cases perceived they had a family history of colorectal cancer. 280 (18.2%) cases out of 1540 were at a high or moderate family history risk according to Scottish Executive Guidelines. Of these 280 cases, 133 (47.5%) perceived they had a family history of colorectal cancer. Of these 133 cases, only 51 (18.2%) discussed this concern with their GP and, only 12 (4.3%) were referred to cancer genetic services. Cases that perceived a family history risk of colorectal cancer were more likely to state they have knowledge of colorectal cancer symptoms and more likely to think that the lower gastrointestinal symptoms they develop are symptoms of colorectal cancer. However, this knowledge does not prompt them to visit the GP with less delay after symptoms onset than those cases with no perception of a family history risk of colorectal cancer. There was no association found between deprivation, comorbidity and timing of presentation following development of symptoms. The more deprived group of patients were significantly more likely to report no knowledge of colorectal cancer symptoms. They were also less likely not to inspect the toilet or the toilet paper before flushing. Implications for Health service: Providing all health professionals with the knowledge and skills to take a family history and to follow published guidelines when assessing family history risk would share the responsibility for identification of individuals with a high or moderate family, improve the appropriateness of referrals and reduce the inequality in access to cancer genetic services. The most deprived group of patients have the least knowledge of colorectal cancer symptoms and the design of educational material should acknowledge this fact and ensure that it is appropriate for this audience.
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Given, BarbaraA, CharlesW Given, Alla Sikorskii, Eric Vachon et Asish Banik. « Medication burden of treatment using oral cancer medications ». MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS & ; MEDIA PVT LTD, 2017.

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Objective: With the changes in healthcare, patients with cancer now have to assume greater responsibility for their own care. Oral cancer medications with complex regimens are now a part of cancer treatment. Patients have to manage these along with the management of medications for their other chronic illnesses. This results in medication burden as patients assume the self-management. Methods: This paper describes the treatment burdens that patients endured in a randomized, clinical trial examining adherence for patients on oral cancer medications. There were four categories of oral agents reported. Most of the diagnoses of the patients were solid tumors with breast, colorectal, renal, and gastrointestinal. Results: Patients had 1u4 pills/day for oral cancer medications as well as a number for comorbidity conditions (3), for which they also took medications (10u11). In addition, patients had 3.7u5.9 symptoms and side effects. Patients on all categories except those on sex hormones had 49%u57% drug interruptions necessitating further medication burden. Conclusions: This study points out that patients taking oral agents have multiple medications for cancer and other comorbid conditions. The number of pills, times per day, and interruptions adds to the medication burden that patients' experience. Further study is needed to determine strategies to assist the patients on oral cancer medications to reduce their medication burden.
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Livres sur le sujet "Comorbidité – Cancer"


Richards, C. Steven, et Michael W. O'Hara, dir. The Oxford Handbook of Depression and Comorbidity. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Depression is frequently associated with other psychiatric disorders, chronic health problems, and distressed close relationships. This comorbidity between depression and other disorders and problems is important. Furthermore, there has been a large increase in research on depressive comorbidity. Therefore, a book of 37 state-of-the-art reviews by experts will be helpful to teachers, researchers, practitioners, developers of relevant policies, and students in these areas. The comorbidity of depression with other psychiatric disorders is addressed in chapters focusing on panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol-use disorders, eating disorders, conduct disorder, personality disorders, sexual dysfunctions, schizophrenia, suicide, and bipolar disorder. The comorbidity of depression and chronic health problems is addressed in chapters focusing on cardiovascular disease, cancer, pain, obesity, sleep disorders, multiple sclerosis, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, kidney disease, dementia, and women's health. The comorbidity of depression and distressed close relationships is addressed in chapters on intimate relationships, family relationships, and perinatal depression. There are also chapters on diagnostic issues, theory and constructs, models of comorbidity between depression and anxiety, assessment strategies, multidisciplinary treatments, community interventions, treatment in ethnic minority groups, psychosocial interventions for depressed cancer patients, and cognitive therapy for comorbid depression. Finally, in an effort to integrate the material, there are introduction, big picture, and epilogue chapters. The 37 chapters in this book reflect a scholarly and evidence-based perspective on depressive comorbidity. Moreover, the chapters address a wide array of relevant issues, including etiology, assessment, diagnosis, course, theory, research, practice, treatment, and clinical guidelines. In summary, this edited book includes 37 chapters on depression and comorbidity, and thereby provides a comprehensive, scholarly, and empirically-based compendium of reviews on this topic.
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Ajithkumar, Thankamma, Ann Barrett, Helen Hatcher et Natalie Cook. Head & ; neck cancer. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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The head and neck region encompasses anatomical sites below the brain and above the clavicles, excluding skin and thyroid. The sites most commonly involved with cancer are the oral cavity, larynx, and pharynx. Overall 5-year survival rates for head and neck cancer have improved only slightly over the past two decades remaining at just over 50%. This figure in part reflects the population who present with this disease in terms of age and comorbidity (typically about 15% intercurrent death rates at 5 years), as well as the tendency to develop second primaries and metastases. The poor long-term survival rates may also reflect the fact that 60% of patients with head and neck cancer have advanced disease at the time of presentation (stage III/IV disease). The dominant treatment failure in head and neck cancer is locoregional relapse and this remains the main focus for clinicians involved in the management of these patients....
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Internal Medicine Issues in Palliative Cancer Care. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2014.

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Internal Medicine Issues in Palliative Cancer Care. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2014.

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Internal Medicine Issues in Palliative Cancer Care. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2014.

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Richards, C. Steven, et Michael W. O'Hara. Introduction. Sous la direction de C. Steven Richards et Michael W. O'Hara. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Résumé :
In this chapter, we provide a brief introduction to our book. We discuss the following themes, which run throughout this edited book on depressive disorders and comorbidity: assessment and diagnosis, theory and methods, psychiatric comorbidity, health comorbidity, relationship comorbidity, intervention and consultation, and future directions. A number of themes will be apparent, including the incredibly broad scope of depressive comorbidity. Depression goes with many other problems. Another theme is that the specifics of depressive comorbidity—and the implications for theory, research, and practice—vary considerably as we consider one type of comorbidity versus another. For example, the comorbidity of depression and generalized anxiety disorder has very different implications than the comorbidity of depression and alcohol-use disorder, which in turn is different than the comorbidity of depression and cancer, which again has different implications than the comorbidity of depression and severe relationship dysfunction. Each of the chapters in the book highlight some of the themes and issues, but the remarkable breadth and depth of depressive comorbidity becomes clearer as we consider all of the chapters in total. We attempt to bridge some of these differences and look for common themes in the Epilogue at the end of the book, as do some of the contributors in their individual chapters on specific issues or types of comorbidity. In this Introduction, however, we focus more on the specific chapters and a few of the themes that are highlighted in each one. Overarching themes, such as what is meant bycomorbidity, how might future efforts at assessment and treatment be improved, and what future developments may be particularly helpful are discussed in many of the individual chapters. This brief introduction serves to highlight a few of the issues and introduce the reader to the broad array of chapters that await them in the rest of the book.
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Living with learning disabilities, dying with cancer : Thirteen personal stories. London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010.

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Chapitres de livres sur le sujet "Comorbidité – Cancer"


Sarfati, Diana, et Jason Gurney. « What Is Comorbidity ? » Dans Cancer and Chronic Conditions, 1–33. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Lawrence, David, Kirsten J. Hancock et Stephen Kisely. « Cancer and Mental Illness ». Dans Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders, 88–98. Basel : S. KARGER AG, 2014.

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Ramsdale, Erika E., Jason Zittel et Diana Sarfati. « Comorbidity in Aging and Cancer ». Dans Geriatric Oncology, 1–29. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Ramsdale, Erika E., Jason Zittel et Diana Sarfati. « Comorbidity in Aging and Cancer ». Dans Geriatric Oncology, 365–93. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Sarfati, Diana. « How Do We Measure Comorbidity ? » Dans Cancer and Chronic Conditions, 35–70. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2016.

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O’Brien, Katherine, June M. McKoy et Frank Penedo. « Cancer Comorbidity : Implications for Drug Safety ». Dans Cancer Treatment and Research, 21–35. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Jeon, Mi Hye, Jason Gurney, Gail Garvey et Abbey Diaz. « Cancer and Comorbidity in Indigenous Populations ». Dans Indigenous and Tribal Peoples and Cancer, 233–36. Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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van den Akker, Marjan, Laura Deckx, Rein Vos et Christiane Muth. « Research Considerations in Patients with Cancer and Comorbidity ». Dans Cancer and Chronic Conditions, 341–69. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Fleming, Steven T., Diana Sarfati, Gretchen Kimmick, Nancy Schoenberg et Ruth Cunningham. « Impact of Comorbidity on Cancer Screening and Diagnosis ». Dans Cancer and Chronic Conditions, 105–29. Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Yu, Xinhua. « Epidemiology of Cancer Recurrence, Second Primary Cancer, and Comorbidity Among Cancer Survivors ». Dans Health Services for Cancer Survivors, 277–97. New York, NY : Springer New York, 2011.

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Actes de conférences sur le sujet "Comorbidité – Cancer"


Walter, Julia, Blerina Resuli, Diego Kauffmann-Guererro, Jeremias Götschke, Kathrin Kahnert, Juergen Behr, Amanda Tufman et Pontus Mertsch. « COPD as a comorbidity in lung cancer ». Dans ERS Congress 2024 abstracts, PA4203. European Respiratory Society, 2024.

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Boiculese, Lucian v., Laura mihaela Trandafir et Mihaela Moscalu. « SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY AFFECTED BY COVARIATES (FACTORS) - ONE WAY TO ANALYZE ». Dans eLSE 2017. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2017.

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Taking into account the high frequency of elderly patients affected by colorectal cancer and the increased prevalence of comorbidities, there have been created different classification systems for the prediction of postoperative results which depends on the number and type of comorbidities. In order to be useful in clinical practice, a system has to be easily useable, to allow comparisons amongst patients, and to offer a good estimation of risk based on the preoperative score, for a correct evaluation of patients who will probably best benefit from the surgery. The Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) is widely used in the surgical fields. It comprises of a weighted scoring system based on 19 comorbidities. The absolute obtained number can be used for comparison and evaluation of the risk. The Elixhauser method is a more recent model which utilises the risk adjustment using 31 conditions. The comorbidities' evaluation index for adults (ACE-27) was developed by modifying the Kaplan-Feinstein comorbidity index (KFI). The modifications have been made following discussions with experts regarding clinical aspects and a review of literature. Only a few studies had compared the results about comorbidities index in estimating mortality after a colorectal cancer surgery. Recent studies compared Charlson comorbidity index and the Elixhauser method or ACE-27. Their aim was to investigate each comorbidity's impact and their prognostic ability in colorectal cancer regarding the survival causes. This study compares the punctual obtained estimations in accordance with the number of comorbidities and the adjusted indexes for the well-known preoperative risk factors, for a complete evaluation of the preoperative risk. We have evaluated the prediction capacity by ROC analysis and choose the cutoff for maximum accuracy. The results were not acceptable and the need of a proper score is mandatory. More than this by logistic regression (multiple regression) we found that sensitivity and specificity depends on other covariate like age and TNM stage. Therefore we have improved the prediction of death by a score that take into account beside Charlson score other covariates.
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Fields, Nicole Danielle, Martin Whiteside et Paul Daniel Terry. « Abstract B59 : Epithelial ovarian cancer, comorbidity, and racial disparities ». Dans Abstracts : Seventh AACR Conference on The Science of Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved ; November 9-12, 2014 ; San Antonio, TX. American Association for Cancer Research, 2015.

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Henderson, L. M., D. Durham, J. Lund, C. Baggett, L. Green, M. Pritchard, L. Lane, D. Reuland et M. P. Rivera. « Comorbidity and Frailty in Patients Undergoing Lung Cancer Screening ». Dans American Thoracic Society 2024 International Conference, May 17-22, 2024 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2024.

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Lin, Yi-Ting, Mingchih Chen et Yen-Chun Huang. « Association Analysis Among Treatment Modalities and Comorbidity for Prostate Cancer ». Dans the third International Conference. New York, New York, USA : ACM Press, 2019.

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Yaputra, Reynard Matthew, et Angga Aditya Permana. « Discovering Breast Cancer Comorbidity : A Network Analysis - Community Detection Approach ». Dans 2023 3rd International Conference on Smart Cities, Automation & Intelligent Computing Systems (ICON-SONICS). IEEE, 2023.

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Setiawan, Veronica Wendy, Gertraud Maskarinec, Yvonne G. Lin, Dongyun Yang, Lynne R. Wilkens, Brian E. Henderson et Loic Le Marchand. « Abstract 882 : Obesity, comorbidity and endometrial cancer survival : the multiethnic cohort ». Dans Proceedings : AACR 106th Annual Meeting 2015 ; April 18-22, 2015 ; Philadelphia, PA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2015.

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Putra, Muhammad Dudayev Caesar. « Meta-Analysis Mortality of Covid-19 in Patients with Cancer Comorbidity ». Dans The 8th International Conference on Public Health 2021. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2021.

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Kirkeby, Anja Gouliaev, Ole Hilberg et Anders Løkke. « Consequences of Lung Cancer : Mortality and Comorbidity in Danish Patients with Lung Cancer 1998-2010 ». Dans ERS International Congress 2019 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2019.

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Lange, K., K. Dahlem, J. Pfeiffer et C. Becker. « Influence of comorbidity on the outcome in patients with paranasal sinus cancer ». Dans Abstract- und Posterband – 89. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn – Forschung heute – Zukunft morgen. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.

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Rapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Comorbidité – Cancer"


Chang, Min Cheol, Yoo Jin Choo et Sohyun Kim. Effect of Prehabilitation in Colorectal Cancer Surgery : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, octobre 2022.

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Review question / Objective: Colorectal cancer increases with age, and elderly patients are associated with a poorer prognosis after colorectal surgery. Since comorbidity and frailty are associated with clinical outcomes, several strategies are introduced to improve clinical outcomes according to correct those.Despite efforts to improve the clinical outcome after surgery, patients with colorectal surgery still frequently experience complications. While Enhanced Recovery After Surgery has standardized principals, prehabilitation program varied among studies. The prehabilitation program according to the study showed differences in patient selection criteria, exercise, nutritional support, and methods of the outcome measurement. Therefore, various results have been reported regarding the effect of prehabilitation. The effectiveness of prehabilitation is still controversial. The aim of this study was to confirm the updated overall spectrum and measure the effect of prehabilitation in patients with colorectal cancer surgery.
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Tummala, Rohan, Andrew de Jesus, Natasha Tillett, Jeffrey Nelson et Christine Lamey. Clinical and Socioeconomic Predictors of Palliative Care Utilization. University of Tennessee Health Science Center, janvier 2021.

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Résumé :
INTRODUCTION: Palliative care continues to gain recognition among primary care providers, as patients suffering from chronic conditions may benefit from use of this growing service. OBJECTIVES: This single-institution quality improvement study investigates the clinical characteristics and socioeconomic status (SES) of palliative care patients and identifies predictors of palliative care utilization. METHODS: Retrospective chart review was used to compare clinical and SES parameters for three groups of patients: (1) palliative care patients who attended at least one visit since the inception of the University Clinical Health Palliative Care Clinic in Memphis, TN in October 2018 (n = 61), (2) palliative care patients who did not attend any appointments (n = 19), and (3) a randomized group of age-matched primary care patients seen by one provider from May 2018 to May 2019 (n = 36). A Poisson regression model with backward conditional variable selection was used to determine predictors of palliative care utilization. RESULTS: Patients across the three care groups did not differ in demographic parameters. Compared to palliative care-referred non-users and primary care patients, palliative care patients tended to have lower health risk (p < 0.001). Palliative care patients did not differ from primary care patients in socioeconomic status but did differ in comorbidity distribution, having a higher prevalence of cancer (𝜒2 = 14.648, df = 7, p = 0.041). Chance of 10-year survival did not differ across risk categories for palliative care patients but was significantly lower for very high-risk compared to moderate-risk primary care patients (30% vs. 78%, p = 0.019). Significant predictors of palliative care use and their corresponding incidence rate ratios (IRR) were hospital referral (IRR = 1.471; p = 0.039), higher number of prescribed medications (IRR = 1.045; p = 0.003), lower Charlson Comorbidity Index (IRR = 0.907; p = 0.003), and lower systolic blood pressure (IRR = 0.989; p = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who are expected to benefit from and of being high utilizers of palliative care may experience greater clinical benefit from earlier referral to this service.
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