Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Citrus fibers »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Citrus fibers"
Buljeta, Ivana, Ina Ćorković, Anita Pichler, Josip Šimunović et Mirela Kopjar. « Application of Citrus and Apple Fibers for Formulation of Quercetin/Fiber Aggregates : Impact of Quercetin Concentration ». Plants 11, no 24 (19 décembre 2022) : 3582.
Texte intégralTYAGI, PREETI, MICHAEL JOYCE, SACHIN AGATE, MARTIN HUBBE et LOKENDRA PAL. « Citrus-based hydrocolloids : A water retention aid and rheology modifier for paper coatings ». July 2019 18, no 7 (1 août 2019) : 443–50.
Texte intégralJiang, Zhanmei, Minghan Zhang, Yuxuan Huang, Chenglong Ma, Sinan Mu, Hongyu Li, Xianqi Liu, Yue Ma, Yue Liu et Juncai Hou. « Comparison and Characterization of the Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Three Citrus Fibers : Effect of Ball Milling Treatment ». Foods 11, no 17 (1 septembre 2022) : 2665.
Texte intégralLandikhovskaya, A. V., et A. A. Tvorogova. « Quality characteristics of milk ice cream with citrus fibers and gum ». Food systems 6, no 2 (13 juillet 2023) : 261–68.
Texte intégralKalla-Bertholdt, Ann-Marie, Anne Kathrin Baier et Cornelia Rauh. « Potential of Modification of Techno-Functional Properties and Structural Characteristics of Citrus, Apple, Oat, and Pea Dietary Fiber by High-Intensity Ultrasound ». Foods 12, no 19 (4 octobre 2023) : 3663.
Texte intégralThoma, Green et Ferguson. « Citrus Pectin and Oligofructose Improve Folate Status and Lower Serum Total Homocysteine in Rats ». International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 73, no 6 (1 décembre 2003) : 403–9.
Texte intégralNoguerol, Ana Teresa, Marta Igual et M. Jesús Pagán-Moreno. « Nutritional, Physico-Chemical and Mechanical Characterization of Vegetable Fibers to Develop Fiber-Based Gel Foods ». Foods 10, no 5 (7 mai 2021) : 1017.
Texte intégralSzafrańska, Jagoda O., Siemowit Muszyński, Igor Tomasevic et Bartosz G. Sołowiej. « The Influence of Dietary Fibers on Physicochemical Properties of Acid Casein Processed Cheese Sauces Obtained with Whey Proteins and Coconut Oil or Anhydrous Milk Fat ». Foods 10, no 4 (2 avril 2021) : 759.
Texte intégralGutiérrez-Estupiñán, Cindy, José Gutiérrez-Gallego et Melba Sánchez-Soledad. « Preparation of a Composite Material from Palm Oil Fiber and an Ecological Emulsion of Expanded Polystyrene Post-Consumption ». Revista Facultad de Ingeniería 29, no 54 (1 janvier 2020) : e10489.
Texte intégralLi, Zhenqing, Xin Chen, Lulu Qiu, Yu Wang et Zhiqin Zhou. « Nano Porous Carbon Derived from Citrus Pomace for the Separation and Purification of PMFs in Citrus Processing Wastes ». Nanomaterials 10, no 10 (25 septembre 2020) : 1914.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Citrus fibers"
Негай, В. О. « Розробка технології хлібобулочних виробів з використанням плодів журавлини та цедри плодів цитрусових ». Thesis, Чернігів, 2020.
Texte intégralУ кваліфікаційній роботі проведений літературний огляд щодо перспективності використання плодів журавлини та цедри плодів цитрусових у харчових технологіях, а саме у технології хлібобулочних виробів. Вивчено вплив плодів журавлини та харчових цитрусових волокон Herbacel AQ Plus на реологічні властивості тіста, протікання процесів бродіння, якість випечених виробів та процес черствіння. В представленій роботі наведені розрахунки продуктивності технологічної лінії для виробництва хліба пшеничного вищого сорту з додаванням харчових цитрусових волокон, розраховано виробничу рецептуру, підібрано технологічне обладнання, описано технологічну схему виробництва запропонованого виробу, розроблено план впровадження системи НАССР у виробництво запропонованого асортименту.
In the qualification work, a literature review was conducted on the prospects for the use of cranberries and citrus peels in food technology, namely in the technology of bakery products. The influence of cranberry fruits and dietary citrus fibers Herbacel AQ Plus on the rheological properties of the dough, the course of fermentation processes, the quality of baked goods and the process of hardening was studied. The paper presents calculations of the productivity of the technological line for the production of premium wheat bread with the addition of dietary citrus fibers, calculates the production recipe, selects technological equipment, describes the technological scheme of production of the proposed product, developed a plan to implement the HACCP system in the proposed range.
De, Oliveira Coelho Gisella. « Impact of aging of dehydrated plant-based biopolymers on their functionality ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024.
Texte intégralCitrus is the most important crop in global fruit production, with worldwide production of around 104 million tons in 2022. Most of the fruits produced are used for juice production, which results in a huge quantity of by-products corresponding to 50-60% of the original whole fruit weight. Biopolymers are the main constituents of these agro-industrial wastes and present many properties that make them interesting for applications such as sustainability, inexpensive, biodegradability, friendly to the environment, and recyclability. Citrus fiber (CF) powders, manufactured from pectin extraction of lemon juice industry by-products, are characterized by an ability to retain moisture and to stabilize emulsion, and could have many food applications in baked products, meats, dairy products, sauces, and dressings. The fibers are dried to facilitate distribution and commercialization as a food ingredient. The quality of the dehydrated powder is influenced by the processing and storage conditions. However, the mechanism of the storage induced modifications of the powders functional properties (especially rehydration properties) were not fully understood. This study aimed at investigating the mechanisms responsible for CF evolution upon storage. Samples were stored in different conditions of temperature and humidity for 12 months. Gelation, water holding capacity, and swelling capacity were used to evaluate the effect of storage on functional properties. In addition, powder surface composition, chemical properties, the moisture distribution in the matrix and the impact of humidity and temperature on the molecular mobility of citrus fibers were studied to understand the modification of physicochemical properties during storage. The results highlighted the properties related to moisture retention, emulsifying stability, and rehydration decreased with increasing aging time. The loss in functionality was accelerated at 40 °C and 75% RH compared to 25 °C and 30% RH. These modifications might be linked to more than one mechanism operating within the citrus fibers: reorganization and aggregation of molecules within the citrus fibers which seems to be appears to be affected by water and/or temperature, and crosslinking between molecules and cations within the citrus fibers showing independence from the tested temperature and humidity conditions
Almeida, Tatiana Rezende Pires de [UNESP]. « Fornecimento de cobre na produção de mudas cítricas em diferentes substratos ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2008.
Texte intégralConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A citricultura brasileira destaca-se mundialmente, com ênfase para o Estado de São Paulo o maior produtor citrícola do país. A produção de mudas é o alicerce da citricultura atual e a adubação um dos principais entraves do processo. A deficiência de cobre em mudas cítricas tornou-se um sério problema para os viveiristas. A fim de se detectar a melhor forma de fornecimento de cobre às mudas cítricas aliado a diferentes substratos utilizados por viveiristas realizou-se um experimento em viveiro comercial na cidade de Botucatu, SP. Foram utilizados substratos comerciais à base de fibra de coco (Amafibra) e de casca de pinus (Lupa e Eucatex) e cinco tratamentos: testemunha; Recop (1,8g L-I); Coptrac (3 mL L-I); Cobre Stoller (0,04 mL L-I) e Sulfato de Cobre (2,5 g L-I). O experimento foi instalado no mês de julho de 2006 onde as sementes de limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck)foram semeadas em canteiros. Após quatro meses, as plantas foram transplantadas para sacolas com capacidade de 4 L em bancadas e foram dispostas intercalando-se os substratos. Aproximadamente quatro meses depois do transplante as plantas receberam os enxertos de laranjeira 'Valência' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). As avaliações eram mensais a partir de Fevereiro/2007 quando estavam com aproximadamente 90 dias após o transplante. Tomou-se medida dos parâmetros a altura média das plantas (em), o diâmetro médio do porta-enxerto (mm), número médio de folhas por planta, massa de matéria seca 2 da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, atividade da enzima peroxidase (H202 consumido g-l m.f.) e teor total de fenóis (mg de ácido gálico g-I amostra). O delineamento estatístico empregado foi o de parcelas subdivididas, sendo a parcela principal as formas de aplicação de cobre e as subparcelas os diferentes substratos, perfazendo um total de...
The Brazilian citrus industry is worldwide known with emphasis on the State of Sao Paulo, the largest producer of citrus in Brazil. The production of seedlings is the foundation of the current citrus and fertilization one of the main barriers of the processo The deficiency of copper in citrus nurseries has become a serious problem for the nurserymen. In order to detect the best way of supply of copper to citrus nurseries allied to different substrates used by nurserymen we carried out experiments in commercial nursery in the city of Botucatu, Brazil. It was used commercial-based substrates fibers from coconut (Amafibra) and the bark of pine (Lupa and Eucatex) and five treatments: control; Recop (1.8 g L-I); Coptrac (3 mL L-I); Copper Stoller (0.04 mL L-I) and copper sulfate (2.5 g L-I). The experiment was installed in the month of July 2006 where the seeds of Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) were sown on benches. After four months the plants were transplanted into bags with a capacity of 4L on benches and were willing to intercalate the substrates. Approximately four months after the transplant the plants receivedthe grafts of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). The evaluations were monthly from February/2007 when they were approximately with 90 days after the transplant. It took measure of the parameters of the average plant height (cm), the average diameter of the root stock (mm), average number of leaves per plant, dry matter from leafs and roots, activity of the enzyme peroxidase (H202 consumed g-l ct) and total phenol content (mg acid gálico g-I sample). The statistical design applied was subdivided plots, and the main plot way of application of copper and sub-plots of the different substrates, giving a total of fifteen treatments with six repetitions. Each plot was composed of twenty plants. It was verified that the...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Silva, Vanessa Martins da. « Estudo da secagem em leito fixo e de jorro do residuo industrial do processamento de suco de frutas citricas ». [s.n.], 2007.
Texte intégralDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T00:16:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_VanessaMartinsda_M.pdf: 890535 bytes, checksum: fd3ef6ed9e8acb75a4e9410eb1cf3094 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a secagem do resíduo sólido industrial proveniente da fabricação de suco de frutas cítricas em um equipamento de leito fixo e de jorro, com a finalidade de produzir fibra dietética, como ingrediente alimentício. Para isso, foi utilizado como matéria-prima o limão da variedade siciliano para obtenção do resíduo sólido o qual foi produzido em escala piloto por método padronizado (extratora, moinho e prensa) e armazenado a 10°C. As isotermas de dessorção do resíduo sólido foram determinadas com a finalidade de se conhecer os valores de umidade de equilíbrio, e foram obtidas através do método gravimétrico estático utilizando soluções salinas saturadas, nas temperaturas de 60, 75 e 90°C. Os dados experimentais foram ajustados a diversos modelos sendo que o modelo de GAB foi o que apresentou o melhor ajuste nesta faixa de temperatura. Para a secagem em leito fixo foi realizado um planejamento experimental fatorial completo 22 onde as variáveis independentes estudadas foram: velocidade do ar de 0,5, 0,75 e 1m/s e temperatura do ar de 60, 75 e 90°C. Os dados experimentais foram ajustados ao modelo de Fick e os valores de difusividade efetiva obtidos variaram na faixa de 4,72 a 14,6.10-10m/s2, foi ajustado também o modelo exponencial e os valores da constante de secagem variaram na faixa de 6,49 a 20,90.10-4s-1. As respostas do planejamento em relação às propriedades tecnológicas de: índice de absorção de água, índice de solubilidade em água, índice de absorção de óleo e volume de intumescimento não apresentaram diferenças significativas ao nível de significância de 5%. Para a secagem no equipamento de leito de jorro foram determinadas as curvas de secagem do resíduo com um conteúdo inicial de umidade de cerca de 40%, em base úmida, fixando-se uma vazão total de ar de 78,53m3/h, que corresponde à uma velocidade de 3,89m/s para a região do jorro e de 1,01m/s para a região do ânulo, altura de leito fixo de 15cm e temperatura do ar de secagem de 60, 75 e 90°C. Os dados experimentais obtidos no secador de leito de jorro foram ajustados ao modelo de Fick e os valores de difusividade efetiva observados variaram na faixa de 2,64 a 4,26.10-9m/s2, foi ajustado também o modelo exponencial e os valores da constante de secagem variaram na faixa de 3,5 a 5,4.10-3 s-1
Abstract: This work investigated the drying of by-products of citrus juice manufacture in a convective vertical tray dryer and spouted bed dryer with the purpose of producing dietary fiber as a food ingredient. The raw material used was lemon from the sicilian variety, which solid residue was produced in pilot scale by standardized method (extractor, mill and press) and stored at 10°C. Measurement and modeling of sorption isotherms were used to determine equilibrium moisture content. The isotherms were obtained at three different temperatures (60, 75 and 90°C) using the static method with saturated salt solutions. Experimental data was fitted by several models (BET, GAB, Henderson, Peleg and Oswin). The best fitting was obtained with GAB model. The drying in tray dryer was delineated according to a central composite experimental design (22) using as factors: air velocity (0,5, 0,75 and 1m/s) and air temperature (60, 75 and 90°C). The drying kinetics experimental data were fitted using diffusional model and the effective diffusivities values were between 4,72 and 14,6.10-10 m/s2, presenting good fit to the exponential model, and drying constant varied from 6,49 to 20,90.10-4s-1. The experimental design responses evaluated were related to fibres tecnological properties: water-holding capacity, water solubility, oil-holding capacity and swelling. According to the results, they did not show significant differences at 5% of significance level. In the spouted bed, drying curves were obtained with the material at 40% (wet base), fixing total air flow rate of 78,53 m3/h, which corresponds to an air velocity of 3,89m/s in spout region and 1,01m/s in downcomer, height of fixed bed of 15cm at 60, 75 and 90°C. The experimental data was fitted using diffusional model and the obtained effective diffusivities varied from 2,64 to 4,26.10-9m/s2 to spouted bed, showing a good fit to the exponential model, and drying constant varied in the range of 3,5 to 5,4.10-3 s-1
Engenharia de Alimentos
Mestre em Engenharia de Alimentos
Migwi, Perminus K. « Improving the nutritive value of low quality roughage for ruminants by ensiling with citrus pulp and poultry litter ». Title page, contents and summary only, 1997.
Texte intégralAlmeida, Tatiana Rezende Pires de 1981. « Fornecimento de cobre na produção de mudas cítricas em diferentes substratos / ». Botucatu : [s.d. ], 2008.
Texte intégralBanca: Hélio Grassi Filho
Banca: José Eduardo Crespe
Resumo: A citricultura brasileira destaca-se mundialmente, com ênfase para o Estado de São Paulo o maior produtor citrícola do país. A produção de mudas é o alicerce da citricultura atual e a adubação um dos principais entraves do processo. A deficiência de cobre em mudas cítricas tornou-se um sério problema para os viveiristas. A fim de se detectar a melhor forma de fornecimento de cobre às mudas cítricas aliado a diferentes substratos utilizados por viveiristas realizou-se um experimento em viveiro comercial na cidade de Botucatu, SP. Foram utilizados substratos comerciais à base de fibra de coco (Amafibra) e de casca de pinus (Lupa e Eucatex) e cinco tratamentos: testemunha; Recop (1,8g L-I); Coptrac (3 mL L-I); Cobre Stoller (0,04 mL L-I) e Sulfato de Cobre (2,5 g L-I). O experimento foi instalado no mês de julho de 2006 onde as sementes de limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck)foram semeadas em canteiros. Após quatro meses, as plantas foram transplantadas para sacolas com capacidade de 4 L em bancadas e foram dispostas intercalando-se os substratos. Aproximadamente quatro meses depois do transplante as plantas receberam os enxertos de laranjeira 'Valência' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). As avaliações eram mensais a partir de Fevereiro/2007 quando estavam com aproximadamente 90 dias após o transplante. Tomou-se medida dos parâmetros a altura média das plantas (em), o diâmetro médio do porta-enxerto (mm), número médio de folhas por planta, massa de matéria seca 2 da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, atividade da enzima peroxidase (H202 consumido g-l m.f.) e teor total de fenóis (mg de ácido gálico g-I amostra). O delineamento estatístico empregado foi o de parcelas subdivididas, sendo a parcela principal as formas de aplicação de cobre e as subparcelas os diferentes substratos, perfazendo um total de ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico baixo)
Abstract: The Brazilian citrus industry is worldwide known with emphasis on the State of Sao Paulo, the largest producer of citrus in Brazil. The production of seedlings is the foundation of the current citrus and fertilization one of the main barriers of the processo The deficiency of copper in citrus nurseries has become a serious problem for the nurserymen. In order to detect the best way of supply of copper to citrus nurseries allied to different substrates used by nurserymen we carried out experiments in commercial nursery in the city of Botucatu, Brazil. It was used commercial-based substrates fibers from coconut (Amafibra) and the bark of pine (Lupa and Eucatex) and five treatments: control; Recop (1.8 g L-I); Coptrac (3 mL L-I); Copper Stoller (0.04 mL L-I) and copper sulfate (2.5 g L-I). The experiment was installed in the month of July 2006 where the seeds of Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) were sown on benches. After four months the plants were transplanted into bags with a capacity of 4L on benches and were willing to intercalate the substrates. Approximately four months after the transplant the plants receivedthe grafts of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). The evaluations were monthly from February/2007 when they were approximately with 90 days after the transplant. It took measure of the parameters of the average plant height (cm), the average diameter of the root stock (mm), average number of leaves per plant, dry matter from leafs and roots, activity of the enzyme peroxidase (H202 consumed g-l ct) and total phenol content (mg acid gálico g-I sample). The statistical design applied was subdivided plots, and the main plot way of application of copper and sub-plots of the different substrates, giving a total of fifteen treatments with six repetitions. Each plot was composed of twenty plants. It was verified that the...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Coloni, Rodrigo Dias [UNESP]. « Utilização da polpa cítrica ou do farelo de girassol em rações de coelhos em crescimento ». Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010.
Texte intégralCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objetivou-se avaliar a utilização da polpa cítrica e do farelo de girassol em substituição ao feno de alfafa e farelo de soja, como fontes de fibra e proteína, respectivamente. O feno de alfafa foi substituído pela polpa cítrica em 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. O farelo de soja foi substituído pelo farelo de girassol em 0, 16, 25,5, 32,3 e 40%. Para os ensaios de digestibilidade foram utilizados 20 coelhos com 35 dias de idade submetidos a 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Nas análises de desempenho, parâmetros de carcaça e avaliação econômica foram utilizados 40 coelhos dos 35 aos 75 dias de idade. Para tratamentos que continham polpa cítrica foram observadas diferenças para os coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta além de proporcionar melhor peso final e ganho de peso. Para tratamentos com o farelo de girassol não houve problemas com a digestibilidade dos ingredientes além de proporcionar resultados positivos de peso e características de carcaça
The objective was to evaluate the use of citrus pulp and sunflower meal in replacement of alfalfa hay and soybean meal as sources of fiber and protein, respectively. The alfalfa hay was replaced by citrus pulp at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The soybean meal was replaced by sunflower meal at 0, 16, 25.5, 32.3 and 40%. For the digestibility trials were used twenty with 35 days old rabbits subjected to five treatments and four replications. In the analysis of performance, carcass characteristics and economic evaluation were used 40 rabbits from 35 to 75 days old. For treatments containing citrus pulp differences were observed for the digestibility coefficients of ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein as well as providing a better final weight and weight gain. For treatments with sunflower meal there were no problems with the digestibility of ingredients in addition to providing positive results in weight and carcass traits
Agudelo, Sterling Claudia Marcela. « SELECCIÓN DEL MEJOR PROCESO PARA LA OBTENCIÓN DE POMELO EN POLVO (Citrus Paradisi) DE ALTA CALIDAD NUTRITIVA, FUNCIONAL Y SENSORIAL ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017.
Texte intégralEl objetivo general de este estudio fue seleccionar el mejor proceso entre la liofilización y la atomización para la obtención de pomelo en polvo de alta calidad nutritiva, funcional y sensorial. Para ello se llevó a cabo la optimización de ambos procesos, usando la metodología de superficie de respuesta. Como variables independientes se consideraron, en ambos casos, la cantidad de goma arábiga (GA) y de fibra de bambú (FB) incorporadas, y la cantidad de agua de la muestra (Xw) en la liofilización o la temperatura de atomización (T). Las propiedades analizadas a los productos obtenidos fueron la humedad, higroscopicidad, porosidad, color, vitamina C, carotenoides totales, fenoles totales y la actividad antioxidante (AOA). Además se consideró el rendimiento en producto de la atomización. Los resultados obtenidos, debidamente validados, permiten proponer, para la liofilización, la adición de 4.2g de GA y 0.58g de FB por cada 100 g de pomelo triturado y una Xw de 90 gagua/100gmezcla. En el caso de la atomización, el mejor producto se obtiene cuando la T es de 120 °C y al pomelo licuado se añaden 4g GA y 2g de FB por cada 100g. Al comparar ambos productos se propone a la liofilización como una mejor tecnología de secado que la atomización. Además, se llevó a cabo un estudio para confirmar el poder encapsulante de los dos solutos utilizados. Los resultados confirmaron el beneficio de la adición conjunta de GA y FB especialmente frente a la temperatura de atomización, ofreciendo una mayor protección de la degradación de los compuestos bioactivos y de la AOA que cuando se añaden por separado. Por su parte, la caracterización de los diferentes compuestos bioactivos y su correlación con la AOA realizada en esta parte del estudio, mostró que los compuestos fenólicos contribuyen de manera significativa a la actividad captadora de radicales libres y a la inhibición de la decoloración de ß-caroteno, mientras que el ácido ascórbico y el ¿-tocoferol contribuyen a incrementan el poder reductor. Además se estudió la estabilidad de los polvos optimizados durante el almacenamiento, a 4 y a 20 °C y a diferentes humedades relativas (HR). La modelización conjunta de los datos de sorción de agua y de variación de la temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg) con la humedad de las muestras permite establecer los valores críticos de humedad y actividad del agua que aseguran el estado vítreo del producto en polvo. En este sentido, para su almacenamiento se recomienda la refrigeración y mantener la HR del entorno del orden del 10 %. En cuanto en el pomelo en polvo se inicia la Tg, comienza la degradación de los compuestos bioactivos, siendo los carotenoides los más sensibles. En condiciones de almacenamiento menos restrictivas a las comentadas, en tan sólo un mes de almacenamiento ya se observan pérdidas importantes de los compuestos estudiados, que son menores en el producto liofilizado que en el atomizado. Por otra parte, para que en el almacenamiento empiecen a detectarse problemas de apelmazamiento del polvo suelto o cambios de color, es necesario que una mayor cantidad de producto haya pasado a estado gomoso. En este sentido, para el estudio de la pérdida de compuestos bioactivos, del cambio en las propiedades mecánicas y del cambio de color se recomienda considerar la temperatura inicial, la del punto medio o la del punto final de la Tg, respectivamente. Finalmente se realizó un análisis sensorial de los productos en polvo rehidratados para evaluar el grado de aceptación de los zumos así obtenidos y su probabilidad de compra. En general el zumo de pomelo, no mostró una buena aceptación por parte del consumidor debido a su astringencia y elevada acidez. El análisis de penalización mostró que si se mejora el dulzor de las muestras y se disminuye su astringencia podrían mejorar los productos y cambiar su grado de aceptación.
L'objectiu general d'este estudi va ser seleccionar el millor procés entre la liofilització (LIO) i l'atomització (ATO) per a l'obtenció de pomelo en pols d'alta qualitat nutritiva, funcional i sensorial. Amb este objectiu es va dur a terme l'optimització de cada procés de deshidratació usant la metodologia de superfície de resposta. Com a variables dels processos es van considerar, en ambdós casos, la quantitat de goma aràbiga (GA) i de fibra de bambú (FB) incorporades com coadjuvants dels processos, així com la quantitat d'aigua de la mostra en el cas de la LIO o la temperatura d'ATO. Les propietats analitzades als productes obtinguts van ser la humitat, higroscopicidad, porositat, color, compostos bioactivos (vitamina C, carotenoides totals, fenols totals) i l'AOA. A més es va considerar el rendiment en producte de l'atomització. Els resultats obtinguts, degudament validats, permeten proposar, per a la LIO, la incorporació de 4.2g de GA i 0.58g de FB per cada 100g de pomelo triturat i portar a la mostra abans del seu processat fins una humitat de 90g agua/100g mezcla. En el cas de l'ATO, el millor producte s'obté quan la T en l'equip és de 120 °C i al liquat de pomelo s'afigen 4g de GA i 2g de FB per cada 100g. La comparació d'ambdós productes permet proposar a la LIO com una millor tecnologia d'assecat que l'ATO. A més el rendiment en producte de la LIO és molt major que el de l'ATO i els subproductes generats molt menors. D'altra banda, es va dur a terme un estudi específic per a confirmar el poder encapsulant dels dos soluts utilitzats. Els resultats permeten confirmar el benefici de l'addició conjunta de GA i FB especialment enfront de la temperatura d'ATO, que oferixen una major protecció de la degradació de compostos bioactivos i AOA que quan s'afigen per separat. La caracterització dels diferents compostos bioactivos i la seua correlació amb l'AOA realitzada en esta part de l'estudi, va mostrar que els compostos fenòlics contribuïxen de manera significativa a l'activitat captadora de radicals lliures i a la inhibició de la decoloració del ¿-caroteno, mentres que l'àcid ascòrbic i el ¿-tocoferol contribuïxen a incrementen el poder reductor. A més s'ha estudiat l'estabilitat de les pols optimitzats durant l'emmagatzemament, a 4 i 20 °C i a diferents humitats relatives (HR) de l'entorn. La modelització de les dades de sorción d'aigua i de variació de la temperatura de transició vítria (Tg) amb la humitat de les mostres permet establir els valors crítics d'humitat i activitat de l'aigua que asseguren l'estat vitri del producte en pols. En este sentit, per al seu emmagatzemament es recomana la refrigeració i mantindre la HR de l'entorn de l'orde del 10 %. En quant en el pomelo en pols s'inicia la Tg, comença la degradació dels compostos bioactivos. En condicions menys restrictives a les comentades, en tan sols un mes d'emmagatzemament ja s'observen pèrdues importants dels compostos estudiats, que són menors en el producte LIO que en l'ATO. D'altra banda, perquè en l'emmagatzemament comencen a detectar-se problemes d'atapeïment de la pols solta o canvis de color, és necessari que una major quantitat de producte haja passat a estat gomós. En este sentit, per a l'estudi de la pèrdua de compostos bioactivos, del canvi en les propietats mecàniques i del canvi de color es recomana considerar la temperatura inicial, la del punt mitjà o la del punt final de la Tg, respectivament. Finalment es va realitzar una anàlisi sensorial dels productes en pols rehidratats per a avaluar el grau d'acceptació dels sucs així obtinguts i la seua probabilitat de compra. En general el suc de pomelo, inclús el natural o el comercial, no va mostrar una bona acceptació per part del consumidor a causa de la seua astringència i elevada acidesa. L'anàlisi de penalització va mostrar que si es millora la dolçor de les mostres i es disminuïx la seua astringència podrien millorar els produc
Agudelo Sterling, CM. (2017). SELECCIÓN DEL MEJOR PROCESO PARA LA OBTENCIÓN DE POMELO EN POLVO (Citrus Paradisi) DE ALTA CALIDAD NUTRITIVA, FUNCIONAL Y SENSORIAL [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València.
Folconi, Livia Rosa. « Avaliação de coprodutos da alimentação humana como fonte alternativa de fibras para cães : parâmetros digestivos e metabólicos ». Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
Texte intégralThe coproducts of fiber production of juice, nectar and soft drinks have functional property, involved in fermentative metabolism of intestinal microbiota, with potential benefits to health of dogs. The use of co-products of human food industry in the development of petfood has advantages of environmental and economic sustainability. The study aimed to evaluate the effects of extruded diets with fixed inclusion of 3.5% cellulose (CEL), defatted rice bran (FAR), citrus pulp (PCT) and apple pulp (PMA) as sources of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers on dog total tract apparent digestibility coefficient of nutrients (ADC), glycemic and insulin postprandial responses, and fermentation products in the stool. The experiment was carried out on eight healthy adult dogs of mean weight of 15.0 ± 5,0kg and a mean age of 5,0 ± 2,0 years allotted to a 4 x 4 Latin square two. After 7 days of adjustment of the animals to the diets, there was feces collection in the days 5th-10th to determine CDA diets, between 12th to 15th measured pH, lactic acid production, AGCC, AGCR and biogenic amines (BA) of the stool, followed by blood samples for determination of glucose and insulin responses postprandial in 16 and 17 days. There was no effect of the treatments (p> 0.05) in the ADC of organic matter (OM) and mineral matter (MM), however, was no effect (p <0.05) in CDAs of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract acid hydrolysis (EEHA), crude fiber (CF) and nitrogen free extract (NFE). The CEL treatment obtained higher ADC of CP and lower ADC of FB. The ACD of NFE no difference between PMA and CEL. For fecal characteristics, there was a higher DM in CEL treatment. PCT treatments and PMA resulted in fecal pH lower than the CEL and FAR treatments and without differences. The PMA treatment resulted in greater fecal score and lower production of faeces per dog / day in DM, contrary to the PCT treatment, which resulted in increased production of dog feces / day in MO and DM. There was no effect of the treatments (p> 0.05) in fecal concentrations of lactate and AB. The PCT treatment resulted in increased production of acetate, propionate and butyrate that CEL treatment (p <0.05), while the PCT and PMA treatments resulted in higher production AGCR that FAR (p <0.05). There was no effect (p <0.05) of sources of fiber studied for glycemic and insulin curves, area under the curve (AUC) of glucose and insulin, increasing blood glucose and insulin.
Coloni, Rodrigo Dias. « Utilização da polpa cítrica ou do farelo de girassol em rações de coelhos em crescimento / ». Jaboticabal : [s.n.], 2010.
Texte intégralBanca: Atushi Sugohara
Banca: Renato Gonçalves Ferreira
Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a utilização da polpa cítrica e do farelo de girassol em substituição ao feno de alfafa e farelo de soja, como fontes de fibra e proteína, respectivamente. O feno de alfafa foi substituído pela polpa cítrica em 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%. O farelo de soja foi substituído pelo farelo de girassol em 0, 16, 25,5, 32,3 e 40%. Para os ensaios de digestibilidade foram utilizados 20 coelhos com 35 dias de idade submetidos a 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Nas análises de desempenho, parâmetros de carcaça e avaliação econômica foram utilizados 40 coelhos dos 35 aos 75 dias de idade. Para tratamentos que continham polpa cítrica foram observadas diferenças para os coeficientes de digestibilidade do extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta além de proporcionar melhor peso final e ganho de peso. Para tratamentos com o farelo de girassol não houve problemas com a digestibilidade dos ingredientes além de proporcionar resultados positivos de peso e características de carcaça
Abstract: The objective was to evaluate the use of citrus pulp and sunflower meal in replacement of alfalfa hay and soybean meal as sources of fiber and protein, respectively. The alfalfa hay was replaced by citrus pulp at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The soybean meal was replaced by sunflower meal at 0, 16, 25.5, 32.3 and 40%. For the digestibility trials were used twenty with 35 days old rabbits subjected to five treatments and four replications. In the analysis of performance, carcass characteristics and economic evaluation were used 40 rabbits from 35 to 75 days old. For treatments containing citrus pulp differences were observed for the digestibility coefficients of ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein as well as providing a better final weight and weight gain. For treatments with sunflower meal there were no problems with the digestibility of ingredients in addition to providing positive results in weight and carcass traits
Livres sur le sujet "Citrus fibers"
Fiber City : A Vision for the Shrinking Megacity, Tokyo 2050 [Bilingual : Japanese/English]. University of Tokyo Press, The, 2017.
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Texte intégralBaffour-Awuah, E., S. A. Akinlabi, T. C. Jen et E. T. Akinlabi. « Surface Modification of Vegetal Fibre ». Dans Sustainable Education and Development – Making Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable, 206–16. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2022.
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Texte intégralIslam, Joinul, et Reza Tahergorabi. « Potential Application of Oleogel and Citrus Peel Fiber in Oil Uptake Reduction of Deep-Fried Surimi Products : An Overview ». Dans Advances in Biological Sciences Research, 45–53. Dordrecht : Atlantis Press International BV, 2023.
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Texte intégralBrooker, Geoffrey. « Optical fibres ». Dans Modern Classical Optics, 311–23. Oxford University PressOxford, 1992.
Texte intégralValdivia-López, Ma. « Dietary Fiber from Citrus and Its Antioxidant Activity ». Dans Phytochemicals in Citrus, 347–66. Routledge, 2017.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "Citrus fibers"
Kolak, John J. « An Electical Arc-Flash Hazard Analysis Primer : Reducing Arc-Flash Hazard Exposures Through Engineering Controls ». Dans ASME 2007 Citrus Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007.
Texte intégralSondhi, Rishi. « Crossflow Filtration (Ceramic and Hollow Fiber Membranes) in the Citrus Industry ». Dans ASME 2008 Citrus Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2008.
Texte intégralIrwin, Winfield T. « Insulation Thickness Guidelines for Energy Control, Process Control, Personnel Protection and Condensation Control ». Dans ASME 1985 Citrus Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1985.
Texte intégralJohnston, Bob. « Press Liquor Filtration ». Dans ASME 2012 Citrus Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Texte intégralMoghadas, Amin, et Mehdi Shadaram. « Novel Fiber Bragg Grating sensor applicable for fault detection in high voltage transformers ». Dans 2010 IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electricity Supply. IEEE, 2010.
Texte intégralDavitadze, Nazi, et Irina Bejanidze. « VALORIZATION OF CITRUS FRUIT PROCESSING WASTE ». Dans 23rd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 2023. STEF92 Technology, 2023.
Texte intégralTucker, Rodney S. « Challenges and Technology Innovations for Interconnections in Smart Cities ». Dans Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C. : OSA, 2017.
Texte intégralSimeonidou, Dimitra E. « Co-ordinated Fibre and 5G Technologies Transforming Smart Cities ». Dans Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C. : OSA, 2017.
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Texte intégralSalgado-Cazorla, Cristian, et Borja Vidal. « Towards Costless Temperature Monitoring through PLOAM Information in TDMA PON Networks ». Dans Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C. : Optica Publishing Group, 2023.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "Citrus fibers"
Powell, McKenna J., Kenneth J. Prusa, Joseph G. Sebranek et Rodrigo Tarte. Evaluation of Citrus Fiber as a Natural Alternative to Sodium Tripolyphosphate in Alternatively-cured Pork Bologna. Ames (Iowa) : Iowa State University, janvier 2018.
Texte intégralKwon, Heeseo Rain, HeeAh Cho, Jongbok Kim, Sang Keon Lee et Donju Lee. International Case Studies of Smart Cities : Namyangju, Republic of Korea. Inter-American Development Bank, juin 2016.
Texte intégralKwon, Heeseo Rain, HeeAh Cho, Jongbok Kim, Sang Keon Lee et Donju Lee. International Case Studies of Smart Cities : Pangyo, Republic of Korea. Inter-American Development Bank, juin 2016.
Texte intégralKwon, Heeseo Rain, HeeAh Cho, Jongbok Kim, Sang Keon Lee et Donju Lee. International Case Studies of Smart Cities : Orlando, United States of America. Inter-American Development Bank, juin 2016.
Texte intégral