Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « Cartographie sémantique »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "Cartographie sémantique"
Maranda, Pierre. « Cartographie sémantique : esquisse sémiographique de la Québécoise ». Cahiers de géographie du Québec 25, no 64 (12 avril 2005) : 71–86.
Texte intégralSanfourche, Martial, Bernard Le Saux, Aurélien Plyer et Guy Le Besnerais. « Cartographie et interprétation de l'environnement par drone ». Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no 213 (26 avril 2017) : 55–62.
Texte intégralFilliat, David. « Vers une cartographie sémantique d'environnements intérieurs ». Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Février 2012, no 1 (2012) : 49.
Texte intégralTricot, Christophe, Christophe Roche, Charles-Emmanuel Foveau et Samah Reguigui. « Cartographie sémantique de fonds numériques scientifiques et techniques ». Document numérique 9, no 2 (1 avril 2006) : 13–36.
Texte intégralMaranda, Pierre. « Cartographie sémantique et folklore : " Le Diable beau danseur " à Rimouski ». Articles 18, no 2 (12 avril 2005) : 247–70.
Texte intégralKergosien, Eric, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet et Mauro Gaio. « Exploitation d’une cartographie sémantique à des fins de validation : application à l’indexation experte de corpus documentaires ». Documentation et bibliothèques 57, no 1 (25 février 2015) : 19–28.
Texte intégralBouchard, Marie-Pierre. « Topographie de la perte. La Fabrique de cérémonies de Kossi Efoui ou l’antéthèse d’une certaine cartographie de la mémoire volontaire d’un continent ». Études littéraires 46, no 1 (3 février 2016) : 65–76.
Texte intégralGiuliano, Romina, et Carole Monaco. « Pratiques socialement responsables et investisseurs institutionnels : une conciliation possible ? » Management & ; Sciences Sociales N° 17, no 2 (1 juillet 2014) : 4–25.
Texte intégralElalouf, Marie-Laure, et Yelle Koulibali. « Les emplois du verbe dire dans un corpus d’écrits scolaires : Étude exploratoire pour un lexique-grammaire des usages ». SHS Web of Conferences 78 (2020) : 07006.
Texte intégralRichard, Chantal. « Visualiser la cartographie postmoderne cybernétique de Régine Robin à l’aide du logiciel Hyperbase ». Articles 45, no 1-2 (8 février 2017) : 215–31.
Texte intégralThèses sur le sujet "Cartographie sémantique"
Ben, Abbès Sarra. « Construction d'une cartographie de domaine à partir de ressources sémantiques hétérogènes ». Paris 13, 2013.
Texte intégralIn recent years, a large effort has been devoted to the sharing and reuse of knowledge in the semantic web. A number of semantic resources have been made available significantly but this richness and diversity complicate the reuse of existing resources. Before trying to reuse resources, the knowledge engineer must begin by drawing up an inventory of the domain's interest, identify available resources and put it against each other. He must locate in a "teeming" web where the semantic heterogeneity is growing. This is the challenge that this thesis has sought to address. We propose to map the semantic web on a particular domain and we have developed an automatic method to create such "domain cartographies" for engineers wishing to gain insught in the available resources on a particular domain. In order to have these cartographies suited to their interests, engineers give as an input a text which is representative of the domain and the target application and the text is a pivot to the whole the cartography process. We have defined an overall process of building cartographies that is composed of three steps, assuming resolved the prior selection step of semantic resources. The text acquisition is a starting point, the first step is to link the selected resources to the text : it is a step of semantic resources annotation which projects ontological entities on the text in order to identify those which are mentioned. The second step is to align different resources and the alignment process itself is also based on the text : the entities of different resources are aligned based on their distributional proximity in the text. The third step is to detect and correct the mapping anomalies obtained after the alignment step ; this step can also detect and display the remarkable mappings that can help the engineer to take knowledge of the existing resources. The originality of our ontology alignment method is to use the text. The alignment consists typically on identifying relations or mappings between entities from different ontologies. It is used in several applications, such as the ontology enrichment, the ontology merging or here, to help the knowledge engineer to understand the available resources of a particular domain. Using a text allows closer ontological entities that do not have the same label - as in the lexical alignment methods - or the same position in the original resources - as in structural approaches. We propose to distinguish between two types of mappings with the nature of the relationship between related terms : if the terms or labels tend to appear in the same sentences, we conclude an associative relationship between them ; on the contrary, if they are substituted to each other, we can conclude an equivalence relation. The building cartography process is based on the results of the alignment process. This step consists on identifying anomalies and to present the remarkable mappings to the knowledge engineer. We make the hypothesis that these two types of configurations are important to identify : anomalies show significant differences in the choice of conceptualization represented on the two aligned resources ; remarkable configurations are instead highlighting the most central parts and most consistent of the proposed alignment. Identify and analyze these configurations must allow the engineer to understand how resources are aligned to each other. This overall approach was implemented and tested on different use cases in the biology, geography and food domains
Tricot, Christophe. « Cartographie sémantique : des connaissances à la carte ». Chambéry, 2006.
Texte intégralThis study has begun with an important observation : organizations are more and more submerged by information whose management is necessary for their activities. As a matter of fact, the globalization of flows and services has created new needs and then new activities have been developed : strategic intelligence, innovation management, knowledge capitalization, intellectual and human capital management, economic intelligence, etc. Insofar as more and more information are collected, the enterprise's informational space does not stop to increase. In such a context, the future of organizations goes through the control of their informational space. The control of a space is a universal problem which concerns mankind since its origin. Cartography results from this problem. It makes it possible to visualize a space for a better apprehension. Each map plays the role of an external medium for mind in order to amplify the user's cognition. The study of cartography has revealed that building maps from the informational space of organizations requires to carry out paradigms of representation, visualization and interaction. This process is now well known and controlled. However it meets only partially our needs. Indeed, it remains two problems to solve to reach that point: how to take into account the domain's semantics and how to select the different paradigms in order to provide the most suitable maps for users ? Faced with this two-fold problem, we have defined a new cartography paradigm for building maps which fit to the needs of organizations. We have named it "semantic cartography". This new cartography paradigm relies on our different propositions and realizations. Our proposition has been validated through different industrial applications, e. G. Content management systems and competency management systems
Drouilly, Romain. « Cartographie hybride métrique topologique et sémantique pour la navigation dans de grands environnements ». Thesis, Nice, 2015.
Texte intégralUtonomous navigation is one of the most challenging tasks for mobile robots. It requires the ability to localize itself or a target and to find the best path linking both positions avoiding obstacles. Towards this goal, robots build a map of the environment that models its geometry or topology. However building such a map in large scale environments is challenging due to the large amount of data to manage and localization could become intractable. Additionally, an ever changing environment leads to fast obsolescence of the map that becomes useless. As shown in this thesis, introducing semantics in those maps dramatically improves navigation performances of robots in realistic environments. Scene parsing allows to build extremely compact semantic models of the scene that are used for fast relocalization using a graph-matching approach. They are powerful tools to understand scene and they are used to extend the map beyond perceptual limits of the robot through reasoning. Statistical analysis of those models is used to build an embryo of common sens which allows to detect labeling errors and to update the map using algorithms designed to maintain a stable model of the world despite occlusions due to dynamic objects. Finally semantics is used to select the best route to a target position according to high level criteria instead of metrical constraints, allowing intelligent navigation
Moritz-Gasser, Sylvie. « Les bases neurales du traitement sémantique : un nouvel éclairage : études en électrostimulations cérébrales directes ». Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2012.
Texte intégralSemantic processing is the mental process by which we access to meaning. Therefore, it takes a central place in language comprehension and production, but also in the whole human functioning, since it allows conceptualizing and giving a meaning to the world, by confronting it consciously with the knowledge we store over our experiences. If the neural bases of semantic processing are well known at the cortical level, thanks to numerous studies based particularly on functional neuroimaging data, the analysis of the subcortical connectivity underlying this processing received so far less attention. Nevertheless, the authors agree on the existence of a semantic ventral stream, parallel to a phonological dorsal stream.The present work mean to bring a new highlight on the knowledge of the neural bases of semantic processing at the level of the single word, in connection with the wider setting of non verbal semantic processing, by the study of semantic skills in patients presenting with WHO grade 2 glioma, and for which they undergo a surgery in awaken conditions, with cortico-subcortical intraoperative mapping. Thus, this work highlights the crucial role of the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle, in this ventral semantic route, within a functional brain organization in parallel and distributed networks of cortical areas interconnected by white matter association underlines also the interactive feature of cognitive functioning, and the significance of control mechanisms in language processing, as well as the measuring of mental chronometry when assessing it. These considerations lead us to propose a general hodotopical model of language anatomo-functional organization.The results presented in this work may thus have important clinical and scientific implications, regarding the comprehension of language brain functional organization, of its dysfunctioning, of functional reorganization mechanisms in case of brain lesion, and the elaboration of rehabilitation programs
Lienou, Marie Lauginie. « Apprentissage automatique des classes d'occupation du sol et représentation en mots visuels des images satellitaires ». Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2009.
Texte intégralDefraiteur, Rémi. « Évaluation de systèmes d'aide à la conduite. Génération automatique de vérité terrain augmentée à partir d’un capteur haute résolution et d’une cartographie sémantique et 3D ; Evaluation de fonctions de perception tierces ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2021.
Texte intégralAutonomous driving is one of the current major technological challenges in the automotive sector. Vehicles are becoming more complex and are integrating new systems relying on key functionalities such as perception. Perception is used in various ways to ensure safer mobility, allowing the main inboard system to understand the environment in which the vehicle evolves. Perception plays a critical role in the proper behavior of an autonomous vehicle. It is necessary to ensure that the embedded perception solutions are effective enough to meet safe driving requirements. However, the evaluation of such solutions remains a complex and little explored task. One of the critical issues is the difficulty of generating and having sufficient reference data to conduct relevant evaluations. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a new validation tool to evaluate the performances and error levels of different perception solutions, while minimizing the manual annotations. With this tool, it will be possible to lead benchmark studies on different solutions based on common criteria. The development of this tool is split into two main parts: the automated production of reference data and the evaluation method of the tested perception solutions
Sy, Mohameth François. « Utilisation d'ontologies comme support à la recherche et à la navigation dans une collection de documents ». Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012.
Texte intégralDomain ontologies provide a knowledge model where the main concepts of a domain are organized through hierarchical relationships. In conceptual Information Retrieval Systems (IRS), where they are used to index documents as well as to formulate a query, their use allows to overcome some ambiguities of classical IRSs based on natural language processes.One of the contributions of this study consists in the use of ontologies within IRSs, in particular to assess the relevance of documents with respect to a given query. For this matching process, a simple and intuitive aggregation approach is proposed, that incorporates user dependent preferences model on one hand, and semantic similarity measures attached to a domain ontology on the other hand. This matching strategy allows justifying the relevance of the results to the user. To complete this explanation, semantic maps are built, to help the user to grasp the results at a glance. Documents are displayed as icons that detail their elementary scores. They are organized so that their graphical distance on the map reflects their relevance to a query represented as a probe. As Information Retrieval is an iterative process, it is necessary to involve the users in the control loop of the results relevancy in order to better specify their information needs. Inspired by experienced strategies in vector models, we propose, in the context of conceptual IRS, to formalize ontology based relevance feedback. This strategy consists in searching a conceptual query that optimizes a tradeoff between relevant documents closeness and irrelevant documents remoteness, modeled through an objective function. From a set of concepts of interest, a heuristic is proposed that efficiently builds a near optimal query. This heuristic relies on two simple properties of semantic similarities that are proved to ensure semantic neighborhood connectivity. Hence, only an excerpt of the ontology dag structure is explored during query reformulation.These approaches have been implemented in OBIRS, our ontological based IRS and validated in two ways: automatic assessment based on standard collections of tests, and case studies involving experts from biomedical domain
Aijazi, Ahmad Kamal. « 3D urban cartography incorporating recognition and temporal integration ». Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2014.
Texte intégralOver the years, 3D urban cartography has gained widespread interest and importance in the scientific community due to an ever increasing demand for urban landscape analysis for different popular applications, coupled with advances in 3D data acquisition technology. As a result, in the last few years, work on the 3D modeling and visualization of cities has intensified. Lately, applications have been very successful in delivering effective visualizations of large scale models based on aerial and satellite imagery to a broad audience. This has created a demand for ground based models as the next logical step to offer 3D visualizations of cities. Integrated in several geographical navigators, like Google Street View, Microsoft Visual Earth or Geoportail, several such models are accessible to large public who enthusiastically view the real-like representation of the terrain, created by mobile terrestrial image acquisition techniques. However, in urban environments, the quality of data acquired by these hybrid terrestrial vehicles is widely hampered by the presence of temporary stationary and dynamic objects (pedestrians, cars, etc.) in the scene. Other associated problems include efficient update of the urban cartography, effective change detection in the urban environment and issues like processing noisy data in the cluttered urban environment, matching / registration of point clouds in successive passages, and wide variations in environmental conditions, etc. Another aspect that has attracted a lot of attention recently is the semantic analysis of the urban environment to enrich semantically 3D mapping of urban cities, necessary for various perception tasks and modern applications. In this thesis, we present a scalable framework for automatic 3D urban cartography which incorporates recognition and temporal integration. We present in details the current practices in the domain along with the different methods, applications, recent data acquisition and mapping technologies as well as the different problems and challenges associated with them. The work presented addresses many of these challenges mainly pertaining to classification of urban environment, automatic change detection, efficient updating of 3D urban cartography and semantic analysis of the urban environment. In the proposed method, we first classify the urban environment into permanent and temporary classes. The objects classified as temporary are then removed from the 3D point cloud leaving behind a perforated 3D point cloud of the urban environment. These perforations along with other imperfections are then analyzed and progressively removed by incremental updating exploiting the concept of multiple passages. We also show that the proposed method of temporal integration also helps in improved semantic analysis of the urban environment, specially building façades. The proposed methods ensure that the resulting 3D cartography contains only the exact, accurate and well updated permanent features of the urban environment. These methods are validated on real data obtained from different sources in different environments. The results not only demonstrate the efficiency, scalability and technical strength of the method but also that it is ideally suited for applications pertaining to urban landscape modeling and cartography requiring frequent database updating
Serdel, Quentin. « Semantic-assisted Autonomous Ground Robot Navigation in Unstructured Environments ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Texte intégralThe content of this PhD thesis deals with the autonomous navigation of ground robots in telecommunication-denied unstructured environments. In order to employ mobile robots to perform complex tasks such as planetary exploration or search-and-rescue operations, they must be trusted with complete autonomy, notably for their map-less navigation. Thanks to recent advances in the domain of deep-learning, the efficient extraction of semantic information from a robot sensor data is now possible. The exploitation of this information, relating to the nature of the robot surroundings elements, is a promising lead toward the improvement of the safety and autonomy of navigation systems. The integration of semantic labelling into an online mapping process and the exploitation of the resulting environment representation for informative path planning are tackled via the notion of terrain traversability. Computational complexity and robustness to noisy inputs are crucial aspects to be considered. New methods are therefore proposed for the online construction of such representations and their exploitation for path planning. They have been integrated in a complete robot navigation system and successfully employed in a real-world scenario
Karam, Roula. « Multi-providers location based services for mobile-tourism : a use case for location and cartographic integrations on mobile devices ». Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2011.
Texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "Cartographie sémantique"
Diwersy, Sascha, et Olivier Kraif. « Observations statistiques de cooccurrents lexico-syntaxiques pour la catégorisation sémantique d’un champ lexical ». Dans Cartographie des émotions, 55–69. Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2013.
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