Thèses sur le sujet « Balance locale Excitation/Inhibition »
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Vallet, Anais. « Etude de la balance Excitatiοn/Ιnhibitiοn de régiοns cérébrales impliquées dans une tâche de cοntrôle inhibiteur : mοdélisatiοn de dοnnées οbtenues en Ιmagerie par Résοnance Μagnétique fοnctiοnnelle et inversiοn ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Texte intégralIn psychology, inhibitory control is a cognitive mechanism that stops a motor, emotional orcognitive response from achieving a desired goal. At cerebral level, inhibitory control is associatedwith a network of brain regions, whose function may be measured using BOLD signals from fMRI.Prefrontal control regions lower the BOLD activity of target regions. fMRI provides an indirectmeasure of the activity of neurons. How can we then infer from fMRI data, neural excitatory andinhibitory (E/I) properties of brain regions involved in an inhibitory control task ?We start with a non-linear biophysical model that describes by region the temporal evolutionof neural excitatory and inhibitory activities (Naskar et al., 2021). These variations in activityproduce BOLD changes in each brain region. Analysis of this model enables us to : 1) identifyneural parameters of the E/I balance ; 2) show that increasing the BOLD activity of a controlregion does not lower the BOLD activity of a target region, since these regions are connected bytheir excitatory neurons only ; 3) propose a new connectivity architecture to enable this ; 4) studyhow the lowering of activity in the target region depends on the E/I balance in the target region.We then propose a new inversion procedure. We check its reliability through simulations, beforepresenting a proof-of-concept using real data from a subject during a Think/No-Think task, aparadigm used for studying the inhibitory control of memory intrusions (Mary et al., 2020)
Luo, Jingjing. « Modelling evoked local field potentials : an investigation into balanced synaptic excitation and inhibition ». Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2014.
Texte intégralBuscher, Nathalie. « Cognition and the balance of excitation and inhibition in mouse cortico-limbic circuits ». Thesis, University of Bristol, 2015.
Texte intégralAmar, Muriel. « Etude de la balance Excitation / Inhibition des neurones pyramidaux du cortex visuel de rat ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2009.
Texte intégralPetrash, Hilary A. « Maintaining the Balance : Coordinating Excitation and Inhibition in a Simple Motor Circuit : A Dissertation ». eScholarship@UMMS, 2012.
Texte intégralChen, Xi. « Design and optimization of small peptides that regulate the balance of synaptic excitation and inhibition ». Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2017.
Texte intégralMedicine, Faculty of
Pracucci, Enrico. « Unraveling alterations of excitation/inhibition balance in in vivo models of epilepsy and genetic autism ». Doctoral thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2019.
Texte intégralReynolds, Charlene Helen. « Changes in the balance of excitation and inhibition in the human motor cortex with voluntary movements ». Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Texte intégralMoreau, Alexandre. « Neuromodulation des réseaux neuronaux : contrôle sérotoninergique de la balance excitation-inhibition dans le cortex visuel de rat ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2009.
Texte intégralBourdoukan, Ralph. « Le rôle de la balance entre excitation et inhibition dans l'apprentissage dans les réseaux de neurones à spikes ». Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.
Texte intégralWhen performing a task, neural circuits must represent and manipulate continuous stimuli using discrete action potentials. It is commonly assumed that neurons represent continuous quantities with their firing rate and this independently from one another. However, such independent coding is very inefficient because it requires the generation of a large number of action potentials in order to achieve a certain level of accuracy. We show that neurons in a spiking recurrent network can learn - using a local plasticity rule - to coordinate their action potentials in order to represent information with high accuracy while discharging minimally. The learning rule that acts on recurrent connections leads to such an efficient coding by imposing a precise balance between excitation and inhibition at the level of each neuron. This balance is a frequently observed phenomenon in the brain and is central in our work. We also derive two biologically plausible learning rules that respectively allows the network to adapt to the statistics of its inputs and to perform complex and dynamic transformations on them. Finally, in these networks, the stochasticity of the spike timing is not a signature of noise but rather of precision and efficiency. In fact, the random nature of the spike times results from the degeneracy of the representation. This constitutes a new and a radically different interpretation of the irregularity found in spike trains
Lucas-Meunier, Estelle. « Etude de la balance excitation/inhibition dans le cortex visuel de rat : modulation par le système cholinergique endogène ». Paris 6, 2003.
Texte intégralLe, Roux Nicolas. « Contrôle homéostatique de l'activité corticale : Etude de la balance Excitation / Inhibition des neurones pyramidaux de couche 5 du cortex visuel ». Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2007.
Texte intégralLe, Roux Nicolas. « Contrôle homéostatique de l'activité corticale : étude de la balance excitation - inhibition des neurones pyramidaux de couche 5 du cortex visuel ». Paris 11, 2007.
Texte intégralCarvalho, Tiago Jorge de Pinho. « The computational role of short-term plasticity and the balance of excitation and inhibition in neural microcircuits : experimental and theoretical analysis ». Doctoral thesis, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, 2009.
Texte intégralRamos, Mariana. « Unraveling the impact of IL1RAPL1 mutations on synapse formation : towards potential therapies for intellectual disability ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015.
Texte intégralPreserving the integrity of neuronal synapses is important for the development and maintenance of cognitive capacities. Mutations on a growing number of genes coding for synaptic proteins are associated with intellectual disability (ID), a neurodevelopmental disease characterized by deficits in adaptive and intellectual functions. The present work is dedicated to the study of one of those genes, IL1RAPL1, and the role of its encoding protein in synapse formation and function. IL1RAPL1 is a trans-membrane protein that is localized at excitatory synapses, where it interacts with the postsynaptic proteins PSD-95, RhoGAP2 and Mcf2l. Moreover, the extracellular domain of IL1RAPL1 interacts trans-synaptically with the presynaptic phosphatase PTPd. We studied the functional consequences of two novel mutations identified in ID patients affecting this IL1RAPL1 domain. Those mutations lead either to a decrease of the protein expression or of its interaction with PTPd, affecting in both cases the IL1RAPL1-mediated excitatory synapse formation. In the absence of IL1RAPL1, the number or function of excitatory synapses is perturbed, leading to an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmissions in specific brain circuits. In particular, we showed that this imbalance in the lateral amygdala results in associative memory deficits in mice lacking Il1rapl1. Altogether, the results included in this work show that IL1RAPL1/PTPd interaction is essential for synapse formation and suggest that the cognitive deficits in ID patients with mutations on IL1RAPL1 result from the imbalance of the excitatory and inhibitory transmission. These observations open therapeutic perspectives aiming to reestablish this balance in the affected neuronal circuits
Keane, Adam J. « Propagating waves and variable neural dynamics ». Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2016.
Texte intégralPham, Thu Ha. « Mécanisme d'action antidépresseur rapide de la kétamine et de son principal métabolite (2R,6R)-hydroxynorkétamine : rôle de la balance excitation-inhibition chez la souris ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Texte intégralAccording to the WHO, major depressive disorder (MDD) will be the second leading cause of disability in the world in 2020 and will become the first in 2030. Conventional antidepressant drugs have delayed therapeutic effects and many patients are resistant. Ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA-R) receptor antagonist of L-glutamate, exerts a rapid antidepressant effect in patients who are resistant to standard therapy. The mechanism of this amazing activity is not well understood. By coupling intracerebral microdialysis to a predictive behavioral test of antidepressant activity in a BALB/cJ mouse model with an anxious phenotype, we show that this ketamine activity is dependent on the excitation-inhibition balance between glutamate/NMDA-R and AMPA-R, GABA/GABAA-R, serotonin systems in the prefrontal cortex/raphe nucleus circuit. Our results also suggest that it would be the combination [ketamine-(2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine, its main brain metabolite] that would carry the antidepressant effect. My thesis work pave the way for the development of new fast-acting antidepressant drugs
Houbaert, Xander. « Behavioral and synaptic consequences following removal of the Il1rapl1 gene in mice, a model of intellectual disability ». Thesis, Bordeaux, 2014.
Texte intégralIntellectual disability (ID) comprises a highly heterogeneous collection of neurodevelopmentaldisorders that arise during childhood. They have an incidence of 1-3% in the population withimpairments in mental and adaptive functions. While the etiologies of IDs are thought to bevery heterogeneous, a significant proportion of ID has genetic origins. Mutations in single IDgenes lead to dysfunctions in proteins that fulfill highly different biological functions in thebrain. Interestingly, ID-related proteins are often found enriched at synapses, suggesting thatcognitive impairments defining ID could be related to alterations of synaptic function. The maingoal of our research team is to understand the role of ID-related proteins in synaptic functionand cognition using mouse models bearing gene mutations associated to ID in humans. Myresearch focused on the study of Il1rapl1, a gene coding for the Interleukin-receptor-accessoryprotein-like-1 protein. Micro-deletions or point mutations in this gene are directly linked to thedevelopment of ID and autism spectrum disorder in humans. In neurons, Il1rapl1 encodes atrans-membrane protein and several in vitro experiments point to its important role in thedifferentiation and formation/stabilization of excitatory synapses trough interactions withpresynaptic, trans-synaptic or postsynaptic partners. However, the consequences of Il1rapl1deficiency at more integrated levels remains poorly understood. The principal objective of mythesis is to explore the link between synaptic deficits and behavioral impairments in Il1rapl1-deficient mice. To achieve that, wild-type and mutant animals were first submitted to fearlearning tasks. I then used a combination of in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro functional essays tocharacterize synaptic functions in behaviorally relevant neuronal circuits. Ultimately, ourworking hypothesis were challenged in vivo by pharmacological and optogenetic approaches tonormalize behavioral deficits in Il1rapl1 KO mice. Altogether my work demonstrates thatInhibitory/Excitatory imbalances associated with the absence of Il1rapl1 impaired both thecapacity to form new memories as well as the expression of previously formed memories
Lavergne, Pauline, et Pauline Lavergne. « Caractérisation des réponses de neurones corticaux de rat en culture suite à des stimulations glutamatergiques grâce à la microscopie holographique numérique : vers une mesure de la balance excitation/inhibition ». Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.
Texte intégralDe nouvelles preuves suggèrent que les dysfonctionnements des circuits sous-jacents aux symptômes et aux déficits cognitifs des maladies psychiatriques pourraient être causés par une altération des paramètres d'équilibre d’excitation/inhibition (E/I). Cependant, les preuves physiologiques directes de cette hypothèse à partir de données électrophysiologiques et de neuro-imagerie non invasives sont jusqu'à présent rares. Pour apporter un soutien supplémentaire à l’hypothèse de l’équilibre E/I, la présente étude a appliqué une approche avancée de microscopie holographique numérique (MHN) pour examiner la dynamique des systèmes excitateurs/inhibiteurs suite à une stimulation glutamatergique dans des réseaux de neurones à différents stades de maturation neuronale. Cette approche fournissant une mesure approximative très précise des variations de mouvement de l’eau dans les cellules permet d’étudier certains processus physiologiques, tels que ceux reliés à l’activité neuronale. Cette étude a ainsi permis d’améliorer les connaissances sur la dynamique de la réponse neuronale induite par le glutamate, notamment en la caractérisant dans des cultures de neurones corticaux primaires de rats postnataux. L’activation des neurones engendrée par le glutamate, le principal neurotransmetteur excitateur, a révélé des changements plus ou moins persistants de la morphologie et des propriétés intracellulaires des neurones. De plus, les différentes réponses obtenues indiquent que le glutamate engendre des mécanismes d’activation et des processus de régulation du volume neuronal distincts d’un neurone à l’autre, probablement dépendant de l’état d’excitabilité de ce dernier qui résulte de l’interaction complexe des neurones inhibiteurs et excitateurs. Ainsi, la régulation de l’équilibre E/I de réseaux neuronaux pourrait potentiellement être reflétée par la proportion des différentes réponses de phase induites lors de stimulation de réseaux neuronaux au glutamate.
New evidences suggest that circuit dysfunctions underlying symptoms and cognitive deficits of psychiatric disorders may be caused by impaired excitation/inhibition equilibrium parameters (E/I). However, direct physiological evidences supporting this hypothesis from non-invasive electrophysiological and neuroimaging remain scarce. To provide additional support concerning the E/I balance hypothesis, this study uses an advanced digital holographic microscopy (DHM) approach to explore the dynamics of excitatory/inhibitory systems following glutamatergic stimulation in neural networks at different stages of neuronal maturation. This approach provides a very accurate approximate measurement of the water movement variations in cells allowing to study certain specific physiological processes, such as those related to neuronal activity. This study improves the knowledge regarding the dynamics of the glutamate-induced neuronal response, especially by characterizing it in cultures of primary cortical neurons of postnatal rats. The activation of neurons induced by glutamate, which is the main excitatory neurotransmitter, revealed more or less permanent changes in the morphology and intracellular properties of neurons. Moreover, the various responses obtained indicate that glutamate generates different neuronal activation mechanisms and neuronal volume regulation processes from a neuron to another, probably depending to the excitability state of the neuron that results from the complex interaction of inhibitory and excitatory neurons. Thus, the E/I balance regulation of neural networks could potentially be reflected by the proportion of different phase responses induced during glutamate neural network stimulation.
New evidences suggest that circuit dysfunctions underlying symptoms and cognitive deficits of psychiatric disorders may be caused by impaired excitation/inhibition equilibrium parameters (E/I). However, direct physiological evidences supporting this hypothesis from non-invasive electrophysiological and neuroimaging remain scarce. To provide additional support concerning the E/I balance hypothesis, this study uses an advanced digital holographic microscopy (DHM) approach to explore the dynamics of excitatory/inhibitory systems following glutamatergic stimulation in neural networks at different stages of neuronal maturation. This approach provides a very accurate approximate measurement of the water movement variations in cells allowing to study certain specific physiological processes, such as those related to neuronal activity. This study improves the knowledge regarding the dynamics of the glutamate-induced neuronal response, especially by characterizing it in cultures of primary cortical neurons of postnatal rats. The activation of neurons induced by glutamate, which is the main excitatory neurotransmitter, revealed more or less permanent changes in the morphology and intracellular properties of neurons. Moreover, the various responses obtained indicate that glutamate generates different neuronal activation mechanisms and neuronal volume regulation processes from a neuron to another, probably depending to the excitability state of the neuron that results from the complex interaction of inhibitory and excitatory neurons. Thus, the E/I balance regulation of neural networks could potentially be reflected by the proportion of different phase responses induced during glutamate neural network stimulation.
Meunier, Claire. « Etude de la neuromodulation des réseaux neuronaux du cortex ». Thesis, Paris 11, 2013.
Texte intégralThe cortex is crucial for processes such as sensory perception, cognition and memory. Cortical organization is based on neuronal networks composed of excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) neurons which target layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Dysfunctions of such networks result in psychiatric pathologies including major depression and schizophrenia. Regulations of cortical activity also involve neuromodulators such as serotonin, dopamine, D-serine and glycine. The current body of work decipher the interactions of the effects of 5-HT1A-, D1-, D2-, NMDA- and Glycine-receptors activation on the E-I balance and synaptic plasticity. The electrophysiological data that I have generated in the prefrontal cortex show that concomitant activation of 5-HT1A- and D1-receptors downregulates the induction of LTD whilst 5-HT1A coupled to D2-receptors activation promotes LTD induction, via a common modulation of GSK3β. I also collected data from the visual cortex, showing that D-serine is the co-agonist NMDA-receptor in this brain region and is, as such, required for LTP-induction. Glycine was instead found to act on dendritic Glycine-receptors, resulting in a shunt, which altered dendritic integration and thus turned LTP to a LTD-like effect at the somatic level
Brenet, Alexandre. « Contribution à l'étude des conséquences de l'épilepsie sur le développement cérébral et l'activité des cellules microgliales ». Thesis, Université Paris Cité, 2021.
Texte intégralEpilepsy is a neurological disease affecting some 50 million people worldwide. It is characterized by recurrent seizures due to the synchronous and spontaneous overexcitation of neuronal populations in the brain. Seizures vary widely in nature, and symptoms dependon the area of the brain affected and its extent. The term ‘epileptic disorders’ is accordingly preferred. These can have many causes, including both genetic (e.g. Dravet syndrome, a rare infantile epilepsy caused in 80% of cases by the heterozygous mutation of the SCN1A gene), and environmental (e.g. after poisoning with organophosphates, compounds present in pesticides and neurotoxic warfare agents). Whether for Dravet syndrome or organophosphate poisoning, current treatments do not enable optimal control of seizures. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of these different forms of epilepsy is thus needed to find new therapeutic targets and new anticonvulsants. Microglial cells are the resident macrophages in the brain. These cells have many functions, which can vary depending on the maturity of the brain. The microglia are the guardians of cerebral homeostasis, continuously ensuring the proper functioning of neurons. They are immune cells able to modulate their activity according to the dangers they detect. In addition, microglia have a special role in synaptic plasticity and the modulation of neuronal excitability. These different roles have prompted numerous hypotheses on the involvement of these cells in the pathophysiology of epileptic disorders. In some, microglia are harmful for the excitability of neurons, through their activation and the chronic secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. Others lend them a beneficial role, with microglia buffering neuronal hyperexcitability and thus decreasing the frequency of seizures. The objective of my PhD work was to study the mechanisms of epileptogenesis involving microglial cells in order to identify new therapeutic targets. I developed two models of epilepsy in zebrafish, a genetic model of Dravet syndrome and a model of organophosphate poisoning. These enabled me to study the modifications of the central nervous system during epileptogenesis. I specifically demonstrated an excitatory/inhibitory imbalance toward excitation that could trigger epileptic seizures. Using the Dravet model, I also successfully characterized the morphological, behavioral and molecular changes of microglial cells after seizures. This work improves our understanding of the consequences of epileptic seizures in the brain and helps pave the way for the discovery of new therapeutic targets to treat different forms of epilepsy
Grangeray-Vilmint, Anais. « Modulation of cerebellar Purkinje cell discharge by subthreshold granule cell inputs ». Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016.
Texte intégralRate and temporal coding in Purkinje cells (PC), the sole output of the cerebellar cortex, play a major role in motor control. PC receives excitatory inputs from granule cells (GC) which also provide feedforward inhibition on PC through the activation of molecular layer interneurons (MLI). In this thesis, I studied the influence of the combined action of excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance and short-term plasticity of GC-MLI-PC synapses on PC discharge, by using electrophysiological recordings, optogenetic stimulation and modelling. This work demonstrates that E/I balances are not equalized in the cerebellar cortex and showed a wide distribution of PC discharge modulation in response to GC inputs, from an increase to a shut down of the discharge. The number of stims in GC bursts strongly controls the strength and sign of PC modulation. Lastly, the interplay between short-term plasticity and E/I balance implements complex but reproducible output patterns of PC responses to GC inputs that should play a key role in stimulus encoding by the cerebellar cortex
Fan, Xiaoya. « Dynamics underlying epileptic seizures : insights from a neural mass model ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2018.
Texte intégralDoctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie
Upton, Laura. « Altered prefrontal circuit assembly and function in mice lacking the glycine receptor α2 subunit, a model of autism and intellectual disability ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Texte intégralPathogenic variants in the GLRA2 gene, which encodes the glycine receptor α2 subunit, have been recently implicated as a novel cause of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability. Our group previously showed that Glra2-deficient male (Glra2 /Y) mice display impaired learning and memory in the novel object recognition (NOR) task and altered synaptic plasticity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region consistently implicated in ASD. In addition, developmental studies in mice expressing the same Glra2 mutation reported deficits in interneuron migration and loss of cortical projection neurons associated with microcephaly. In this project, we investigated the cellular and functional alterations underlying the behavioural and synaptic defects of Glra2 /Y mice, focusing on the PFC. In contrast with previous reports, Glra2 /Y mice were not microcephalic and neuronal quantification showed no loss of either glutamatergic neurons or interneurons, including parvalbumin, calretinin and cholecystokinin interneuron subpopulations in the PFC or the somatosensory cortex. However, the number of cortical somatostatin interneurons was increased in these regions in mutant mice. These findings imply that Glra2 plays a more subtle role in neocortical development and assembly than previously suggested and are consistent with the phenotype of male patients with pathogenic GLRA2 variants, who are not microcephalic and have normal brain imaging. We also show that Glra2 /Y mice exhibit many of the hallmarks of neurodevelopmental brain dysfunction observed in other rodent models of ASD. In the adult PFC, Glra2 /Y mice show a decreased number of inhibitory synapses and increased spine density and dendritic complexity of pyramidal neurons, whilst young mice (P14-P21) have increased excitatory synaptic inputs to prefrontal pyramidal neurons, with no effect on inhibitory synaptic transmission. Taken together, these findings point to excitatory hyperconnectivity in the PFC of Glra2 /Y mice, and suggest an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in these mutant mice. To identify which brain regions are associated with the recognition memory deficit observed in Glra2 /Y mice, we quantified c-Fos expression as a marker of neuronal activation following NOR. We found that the rostral infralimbic PFC was hypoactivated in Glra2 /Y mice following this task, whilst other brain regions quantified showed similar levels of c-Fos expression compared to wild-type mice. c-Fos colocalization with neuronal markers revealed that the hypoactivation of the PFC was driven by impaired activation of glutamatergic neurons following the task. To further assess neuronal activity in the PFC in Glra2 /Y mice during cognition, we recorded calcium transients from infralimbic glutamatergic neurons using in vivo fiber photometry during NOR, and compared them with the calcium response induced by social interaction with a novel mouse. In wild-type animals, repeated exposure to objects during the training phase of the NOR task caused a progressive reduction in calcium-dependent neuronal activity during exploration. This attenuation of the calcium signals was absent from Glra2 /Y mice, further implicating an impairment of prefrontal glutamatergic activity in the NOR deficit observed in this model. In addition, despite a lack of apparent social deficits, Glra2 /Y mice exhibited an attenuated glutamatergic calcium response to novel social stimuli in the PFC. Overall, these findings show that subtle alterations in prefrontal circuit organization and physiology in Glra2 /Y mice result in altered inhibitory/excitatory balance and an aberrant response of prefrontal glutamatergic neurons during recognition memory leading to impaired task performance. These results suggest that the glycine receptor α2 subunit is crucial for normal PFC development, and that defects in prefrontal circuits may underlie the neurocognitive dysfunction observed in patients lacking GLRA2
Abuhaiba, Sulaiman I. S. « Intellectual disability and epilepsy : multimodal brain imaging ». Doctoral thesis, 2021.
Texte intégralExcitation-inhibition (E-I) balance plays an important role in information processing, neuroplasticity and pathologic conditions. Evidence of E-I imbalance has been reported in a wide array of neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, neurofibromatosis type 1, depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Of particular interest to us was the currently available evidence of cortical dysfunction in type 2 diabetes patients. Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients are known to have decreased cognitive ability before they develop any evidence of microvascular or macrovascular disease. This could be explained by impaired circuitry and/or E-I balance of certain networks in type 2 diabetes mellitus. It has been reported that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have increased levels of GABA in the occipital region in addition to evidence of blood-brain barrier disintegration in such patients. Because of this, type 2 DM was chosen as a disease model to study the possible impacts of the disease on GABAergic system in the occipital region and how that correlate with visual performance. The study of the GABAergic system and its dysfunction in epilepsy is gaining attention for several reasons. First, while GABA is mainly an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain it has been shown that it can act as an excitatory neurotransmitter on immature neurons. Second, there is growing evidence of increased GABA concentration in the epileptogenic zone in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy in vivo and ex vivo. Finally, the generation of pathologic and physiologic high frequency oscillations is expected to be related to and maintained by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials that are mediated by GABAA receptors. The second part of this thesis focuses on the study of the GABAergic system in epilepsy patients with drug-resistant disease and how it is related to physiologic or pathologic gamma activity. We chose a cohort of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who have early diabetic retinopathy. The goal was to assess occipital cortical GABA as a predictor of visual performance in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. GABA was measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy from the occipital region, and visual performance was assessed in three domains (chromatic, achromatic and speed discrimination). We found for the first-time evidence of achromatic and speed discrimination abnormalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients as compared to healthy subjects. Moreover, we reported for the first time a positive correlation between occipital GABA and achromatic/speed discrimination thresholds (higher thresholds mean worse performance). Occipital GABA at baseline was also predictive of visual performance one year later, suggesting that modulating occipital GABA could have a long-term impact on visual performance. The second study to be included in the scope of this thesis focused on BBB permeability in type 2 diabetic patients and its relation to visual performance. The previously mentioned cohort of type 2 DM patients who had evidence of GABAergic dysfunction were included in this subsequent study of BBB integrity. In summary, we showed a relationship between BBB leakage and blood-retinal-barrier leakage, with patients with BRB leakage having higher BBB permeability. Moreover, we showed for the first time that metabolic control is correlated with BBB permeability (poor metabolic control is associated with impaired BBB integrity). Finally, we found that BBB permeability is predictive of visual acuity at baseline, one year and two years later in type 2 diabetics with established BRB leakage. We then moved to study the GABAergic system in a different disease model. In patients with drug resistant epilepsy, we are offered a unique opportunity where we can indirectly measure the function of the GABAergic system by measuring gamma activity with intracranial electroencephalography (EEG). The first study in this disease model focused on physiologic high frequency activity where we tested the relationship between functional topography of high gamma activity and perceptual decision-making. In summary, we found three distinct regional fingerprints of high frequency activity (HFA) in our cohort: a) Lower gamma frequency patterns dominated the anterior semantic ventral object processing, b) low gamma frequency patterns that involve dorsoventral integrating networks, and c) early sensory posterior patterns in the 60 to 250 Hz range. In summary, we show that accurate object recognition/perceptual decision-making is associated with low-gamma frequency activity that has a specific spatiotemporal signature. The second study that belonged to the disease model of drug resistant epilepsy focused on evidence of GABAergic dysfunction in epilepsy and how the modulation of the GABAergic system in the epileptogenic zone affects epileptogenecity and the GABAergic system in other reference brain region (the occipital region). We hypothesized that c-tDCS (cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation) which has an antiepileptic effect would modulate the neurotransmitters responsible for the abnormal and complex local synchrony and abnormal rhythmic activity seen in epilepsy. This is the first study to test for the impact of c-tDCS on physiologic and pathologic gamma activity and to measure GABA, glutamate and glutathione from the epileptogenic zone and occipital region simultaneously after c-tDCS in patients with drug resistant epilepsy. C-tDCS decreased the number of interictal discharges per minute. This was associated with a decrease in GABA concentration in the occipital and epileptogenic zones. We also found that cathodal tDCS stimulation of the epileptogenic zone suppressed grating evoked low gamma activity in the epileptogenic zone and increased it in the distant parieto-occipital regions. In summary, this study provided a window into the mechanism of action of c-tDCS as an antiepileptic and its effects on the GABAergic system and neural oscillatory patterning. In summary, we show that E-I balance is maintained across the different neural networks in a given time frame and alterations in this balance is linked to cognitive impairment and visual performance in type 2 DM, and epileptogenesis in epilepsy patients. Our results also suggest that GABAergic dysfunction in the epileptogenic zone is more than a consequence of epileptogenesis, and could be epileptogenic per se.
O equilíbrio entre excitação e inibição tem um papel importante no processamento de informação, na neuroplasticidade e em certas condições patológicas. Um desequilíbrio entre excitação e inibição tem sido referido em várias condições neuropsiquiátricas, tais como na perturbação do espectro do autismo, esquizofrenia, neurofibromatose de tipo 1, depressão e perturbação de hiperatividade e défice de atenção. A evidência desta disfunção cortical também em pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 revelou-se de particular interesse para nós. Sabe-se que pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 apresentam uma habilidade cognitiva diminuída antes até do aparecimento de doença micro ou macrovascular. Isto poderá ser explicado por alterações nos circuitos e/ou desequilíbrio entre excitação e inibição em certas redes neuronais. Estudos mostram que pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 têm concentrações de GABA aumentadas na região occipital, para além da evidência de disfunção da barreira hematoencefálica. Por estes motivos, a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 foi escolhida como modelo para o estudo do impacto da doença no sistema GABAérgico na região occipital e de como isso se relaciona com o desempenho em testes visuais. O estudo do sistema GABAérgico e a sua disfunção na epilepsia tem ganho atenção por vários motivos. Primeiro, apesar do GABA funcionar como neurotransmissor inibitório, tem sido mostrado que este funciona como neurotransmissor excitatório em neurónios imaturos. Segundo, há cada vez maior evidência da concentração aumentada de GABA na zona epileptogénica em pessoas com epilepsia refratária, sugerida por estudos in vivo e ex vivo. Por último, é expectável que as oscilações de alta frequência, quer de origem patológica quer fisiológica, se formem e sejam mantidas por potenciais pós-sinápticos mediados por recetores GABAA. A segunda parte desta tese refere-se ao estudo do sistema GABAérgico em pessoas com epilepsia refratária e como este se relaciona com a atividade fisiológica e patológica de frequências gamma. Neste trabalho foi incluído um grupo de participantes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e com retinopatia diabética. O objetivo era avaliar a concentração de GABA no córtex occipital como preditor do desempenho em testes visuais por estes participantes. A concentração de GABA na região occipital foi medida usando a técnica de espectroscopia por ressonância magnética nuclear e o desempenho em testes visuais foi avaliado em três áreas (visão cromática, acromática e discriminação de velocidade). Os resultados mostraram, pela primeira vez, evidência de diferenças na visão acromática e na discriminação de velocidade em participantes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 quando comparados com participantes saudáveis. Além disso, foi encontrada pela primeira vez uma correlação positiva entre os níveis de GABA no córtex occipital e os limiares de visão acromática e discriminação de velocidade (maiores limiares significam pior desempenho). Os valores de GABA na região occipital também foram preditivos do desemprenho nos testes visuais quer na primeira avaliação, quer um ano depois, sugerindo que a modulação dos níveis de GABA no córtex occipital pode ter um impacto a longo termo no desempenho visual. O segundo trabalho realizado no âmbito desta tese refere-se ao estudo da permeabilidade da barreira hematoencefálica em pessoas com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e a sua relação com o desempenho nos testes visuais. Os participantes com diabetes e com evidência de disfunção GABAérgica anteriormente referidos foram incluídos no estudo seguinte acerca da integridade da barreira hematoencefálica. Em suma, os resultados mostraram uma relação entre a integridade da barreira hematoencefálica e a integridade da barreira hemato-retiniana, sendo que participantes com maior ruptura da barreira hemato-retiniana apresentavam maior permeabilidade da barreira hematoencefálica. Além disso, os resultados mostraram pela primeira vez que o controlo metabólico está correlacionado com a permeabilidade da barreira hematoencefálica (pior o controlo metabólico associado a diminuição da integridade da barreira). Por último, em participantes com diabetes tipo 2 e ruptura da barreira hemato-retiniana, os resultados mostraram que a permeabilidade da barreira hematoencefálica é preditiva da acuidade visual quer no primeiro teste quer um e dois anos mais tarde em. Em seguida, o sistema GABAérgico foi estudado tendo outra doença como modelo. A função do sistema GABAérgico pode ser avaliada, de forma indireta, a partir da medição da atividade gamma usando eletroencefalografia intracraniana em pessoas com epilepsia refratária. No primeiro trabalho em que usámos a epilepsia refratária como modelo, estudou-se a atividade fisiológica de alta frequência, testando a relação entre a topografia funcional da atividade gamma alta e tomada de decisão percetual. Em suma, encontraram-se três padrões locais distintos dessa atividade de alta frequência neste grupo de participantes: a) domínio de padrões de frequência gamma baixa no processamento semântico em áreas anteriores e no processamento de objetos em áreas ventrais; b) padrões de frequência gamma baixa envolvendo redes dorsoventrais de integração de informação; c) padrões se surgimento inicial em áreas posteriores nas frequências de 60 a 250 Hz. Em suma, os resultados revelam que o reconhecimento de objetos de forma precisa e a tomada de decisão percetual estão associados a frequências gamma baixas com determinadas características espaciotemporais. O segundo trabalho usando a epilepsia refratária como modelo foi estudada a disfunção GABAérgica na epilepsia e como a modulação do sistema GABAérgico na zona epileptogénica afeta a epileptogenicidade e o sistema GABAérgico noutras áreas de referência (a região occipital). Considerando o efeito antiepilético da c-tDCS (estimulação catódica transcraniana por corrente direta), foi colocada a hipótese de que esta estimulação iria modelar os níveis de neurotransmissores responsáveis pela anormal e complexa sincronia local e pela atividade rítmica anormal comum na epilepsia. Este foi o primeiro trabalho a avaliar o impacto da c-tDCS na atividade gamma fisiológica e patológica e a medir GABA, glutamato e glutationa na zona epileptogénica e na região occipital depois da c-tDCS em participantes com epilepsia refratária. A estimulação c-tDCS diminuiu o número de descargas interictais por minuto. Esta redução revelou-se associada a uma diminuição da concentração de GABA na região occipital e na zona epileptogénica. Os resultados mostraram que a estimulação c-tDCS da zona epileptogénica cancelou a atividade gamma baixa tipicamente evocada por estímulos visuais em grelha na zona epileptogénica e aumentou essa atividade em regiões parieto-occipitais mais distantes. Em suma, este trabalho abre uma janela sobre os mecanismos de ação da estimulação c-tDCS como antiepilético e os seus efeitos no sistema GABAérgico e nos padrões de oscilações neuronais. Em síntese, os trabalhos mostram que o equilíbrio entre excitação e inibição é mantido por interação de diferentes redes neuronais numa dada janela temporal e as alterações desse equilíbrio estão associadas a dificuldades cognitivas e ao desempenho em testes visuais em pessoas com diabetes tipo 2 e à epileptogénese em pessoas com epilepsia. Os nossos resultados também sugerem que a disfunção GABAérgica na zona epileptogénica é mais do que uma consequência da epileptogénese, e poderá ser epileptogénica por si.
Xing, Paul. « Implication de Syngap1 dans la transmission GABAergique et la plasticité synaptique ». Thèse, 2015.
Texte intégralIntellectual disability affects 1-3% of the world population, which make it the most common cognitive disorder of childhood. Our group discovered that mutation in the SYNGAP1 gene was a frequent cause of non-syndromic intellectual disability, accounting for 1-3% of the cases. For example, the fragile X syndrome, which is the most common monogenic cause of intellectual disability, accounts for 2% of all cases. Some patients affected by SYNGAP1 also showed autism spectrum disorder and epileptic seizures. Our group also showed that mutations in SYNGAP1 caused intellectual disability by an haploinsufficiency mechanism. SYNGAP1 codes for a protein expressed only in the brain which interacts with the GluN2B subunit of NMDA glutamatergic receptors (NMDAR). SYNGAP1 possesses a Ras-GAP activating activity which negatively regulates Ras at excitatory synapses. Heterozygote mice for Syngap1 (Syngap1+/- mice) show behaviour abnormalities and learning deficits, which makes them a good model of intellectual disability. Some studies showed that Syngap1 affects the brain development by perturbing the activity and plasticity of excitatory neurons. The excitatory/inhibitory imbalance is an emerging theory of the origin of intellectual disability and autism. However, some groups including ours, showed that Syngap1 is expressed in at least a subpopulation of GABAergic interneurons. Therefore, our hypothesis was that Syngap1 happloinsufficiency in interneurons contributes in part to the cognitive deficits and excitation/inhibition imbalance observed in Syngap1+/- mice. To test this hypothesis, we generated a transgenic mouse model where Syngap1 expression was decreased only in GABAergic interneurons derived from the medial ganglionic eminence, which expresses the transcription factor Nkx2.1 (Tg(Nkx2,1-Cre);Syngap1 mouse). We showed that miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) were decreased in pyramidal cells in layers 2/3 in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and in CA1 region of the hippocampus of Tg(Nkx2,1-Cre);Syngap1 mice. Those results suggest that Syngap1 haploinsufficiency in GABAergic interneurons contributes in part to the excitation/inhibition imbalance observed in Syngap1+/- mice. Interestingly, we also observed that miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) were increased in cortex S1 but decreased in CA1 region of the hippocampus. We further tested whether synaptic plasticity mechanisms that are thought to underlie learning and memory were affected by Syngap1 haploinsufficiency in GABAergic interneurons. We showed that NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) but not NMDAR-dependent long-term depression (LTD) was decreased in Tg(Nkx2,1-Cre);Syngap1 mice. We also showed that GABAA receptor blockade rescued in part the LTP deficit in Syngap1+/- mice, suggesting that a disinhibition deficit is present in these mice. Altogether, the results support a functional role of Syngap1 in GABAergic interneurons, which may in turn contributes to the deficit observed in Syngap1+/- mice.