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Skakalina, E. « INTELLECTUAL CONTROL OF LOGISTIC PROCESSES USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS ». Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць 1, no 63 (26 février 2021) : 111–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.26906/sunz.2021.1.111.

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Global business digitalization entails the automation of a large number of business processes, both key and auxiliary. This trend is becoming a defining factor in the global BPM market. Intelligent systems for automating business processes cover not only the corporate segment of large corporate business, but quickly penetrate into medium-sized businesses and find application in government agencies. A strategic guideline in the digitalization of flow control is an innovative approach, which should be systematic. The proposed concept of digitalization of logistics processes is implemented on a heuristic basis, which corresponds to the permanence of the transition from traditional management of complex systems to logistics management and is determined by the degree of penetration of logistics management to all levels. The use of precise methods to optimize transportation cannot be implemented due to the difficulty of taking into account the external parameters and time constraints imposed by the dimension of the problem. The heuristic approach to which the genetic algorithm belongs is considered
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Taranenko, Oleksii. « DIGITALIZATION OF THE LOGISTICS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF POSTAL AND COURIER SERVICES ». Economic Analysis, no 30(3) (2020) : 138–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.35774/econa2020.03.138.

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The article is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological recommendations for the automation of business processes of postal and courier services. The subject of the research is the logistics business processes of postal and courier services. On the basis of theoretical generalization, methods of analysis and synthesis the approaches of scientists to definition of essence and advantages of digitalization of business processes are investigated. Technical means of automation of logistics management system are considered. Scenarios for automation of logistics business processes are identified. Problems of introduction of modern ERP-systems at domestic enterprises, which consist in the existing monopoly on the market of software products and in the absence of a significant number of specialists working with one of the most popular information systems, are revealed. Therefore, it is determined that one of the optimal approaches to automation of logistics business processes of postal and courier services is the expansion and integration of the ERP-system to the developed specialized LMS modules. A model is proposed that aligns LMS software tools (modules) for postal and courier services with the relevant business processes. The developed model covers the following information flows: development of the operational plan, acceptance of the parcel, packing and grouping, transportation, sorting, courier delivery, parcel delivery. It is determined that the supply chain planning system is the basis of the transaction system and provides the planning of scenarios to meet demand, taking into account the limitations. The proposed model describes the following business processes – order management, inventory management, transport management, yard management, warehouse management, courier delivery management, logistics analytics. For each process the directions which will be subject to automation, their maintenance and essence are defined. It is established that digitalization of logistics processes provides new opportunities for postal operators to increase efficiency, improve speed and reliability, develop innovative products and services.
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Gubová, Klaudia. « Green innovations in logistics supporting the development of innovative green technologies, processes, products and services in companies in Slovakia ». SHS Web of Conferences 83 (2020) : 01018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20208301018.

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Significant changes on global markets influence behaviour of businesses as well as position of logistics. As logistics represents one of the parts in business process, it is important to monitor its direction and development. Modern management in a business, application of new information, technologies and systems, stricter legislation requirements, they all move business logistics forward. Logistics systems are being constantly modernised. Modernisation greatly considers automation, robotics, development of artificial intelligence and digitalisation. Rapid development of technologies and systems causes that future form of logistics, together with technologies, will represent important source of competitive advantage on the market. The main objective of the scientific paper is to identify, analyze, evaluate and generalize the use of green logistics in Slovakia in order to achieve the competitiveness of the company on the market. Green logistics will be one of the most dominant trends in business logistic in forthcoming period.
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Samsonov, V. S., et R. A. Kurmaev. « Logistics optimization of an industrial warehouse ». Izvestiya MGTU MAMI 9, no 1-5 (10 septembre 2015) : 75–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.17816/2074-0530-67062.

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Nitsche, Benjamin. « Exploring the Potentials of Automation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management : Paving the Way for Autonomous Supply Chains ». Logistics 5, no 3 (3 août 2021) : 51. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/logistics5030051.

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The world of logistics is changing and entering a new era. The advance of digitalization and technologization enables new business models, increased process efficiencies, novel planning approaches, and much more but, on the downside, there is also the risk of being lost in the maelstrom of developments. Within these developments, the automation of logistics processes and ultimately the design of autonomous logistics systems is one of the most defining trends that has far-reaching consequences for the planning and execution of future logistics processes. This Special Issue aims to contribute to the discussion and to get to the bottom of the question of how the path towards automated and autonomous logistics systems should be designed. This editorial lays a foundation by presenting application areas of automation and discussing the theoretical path towards autonomous logistics systems. The articles that follow provide highly practical insights into current research results on the automation and autonomization of informational and physical logistics processes.
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Trushkina, N., H. Dzwigol, O. Serhieieva et Yu Shkrygun. « Development of the Logistics 4.0 Concept in the Digital Economy ». Economic Herald of the Donbas, no 4 (62) (2020) : 85–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.12958/1817-3772-2020-4(62)-85-96.

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The transition to a digital economy is becoming a key driver of GDP growth. This is due not only to the effect obtained from the automation of existing processes, but also from the introduction of new, breakthrough business models and technologies, including digital platforms, digital ecosystems, in-depth analytics of big data, Industry 4.0, Logistics 4.0. At the same time, digital transformation is seen as a radical change in the complex of business processes, from product development to customer service, as well as the introduction of modern digital technologies in the organization of business processes in enterprises. The purpose of the article is to analysis the features and trends of organizing logistics activities in the context of digital transformation of business processes; research of the main prerequisites for the formation of the Logistics 4.0 concept; determination of priority directions for its further development in the context of Industry 4.0. Based on the generalization of scientific approaches, the definition of the concept of "Logistics 4.0" has been clarified, which means the modern paradigm of managing logistic (material, financial, information, transport) flows and organizing a complex of logistics activities (purchase and delivery of material resources, warehousing, production, stock formation, recycling of industrial waste, customer service, transportation and sale of finished products) using breakthrough digital technologies and information systems. The priority areas of organizing the logistics activities of enterprises using digital technologies include the following: multichannel logistics; logistics marketplaces; rethinking the use of packaging; mass personalization; Silver Economy (new services for older clients and new opportunities for older workers); sustainable logistics; sharing economy; multi-supply; customer experience; smart containerization; big data analytics; augmented and virtual reality; cloud service applications and APIs; Internet of Things; robotics and automation; new generation wireless communication; blockchain; Artificial Intelligence; unmanned aerial vehicles or "drones"; 3D printing; unmanned vehicles; quantum computing; supergrid logistics; space logistics; the use of digital platforms that unite customers and transport and logistics companies (the parties can enter into digital contracts, exchange transport booking requests and electronic documents, control the delivery of goods in real time). All this can help to reduce costs by optimizing procurement; decrease in personnel costs and decrease in labour costs as a result of automation; reduction of errors in logistics; optimization of the supply process; efficient warehouse management; forecasting shipments; creation of optimal routes; operational planning of loads and control of delivery times; ensuring product delivery on time, improving customer loyalty; optimal interaction with customers on the "last mile".
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Petrenko, Nataliya, Raisa Kozhukhіvska, Liliia Kustrich, Grygorii Kovalenko et Olga Makushok. « Development of innovative forms of logistics provision ». Investment Management and Financial Innovations 15, no 2 (26 juin 2018) : 327–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.15(2).2018.29.

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The purpose of the article is to study and justify the need to use information technologies (IT), in particular financial, logistics provision and in the management of business processes. This will increase competitive advantages, improve the quality of logistics services and reduce the cost of their implementation. In accordance with the goal, such interrelated tasks are solved: peculiarities of development of integrated logistics providers are defined and studied; priority directions in the work of providers are determined; the foreign and Ukrainian experience of implementation of services in the field of logistics are analyzed; necessity of using virtual logistics providers in the market of transport and logistics services is substantiated. Scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in theoretical substantiation and experimental confirmation of methods and tools for development, management and organization of information support of logistics provider activity. The particular attention in the research is paid to modeling and designing of information support systems for innovative forms of logistics providers. Their activities are based on the automation of the implementation of logistics business processes, as well as capabilities of artificial intelligence when making managerial decisions in the field of logistics to improve the financial position of enterprises. The practical significance of the research is to develop an innovative virtual logistics provider in the market of logistics services and expand financial possibilities of using innovative logistics provider tools to improve processes of information support management for logistics operating activities.
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Ilyashenko, Oksana, Yekaterina Kovaleva, Dmitrii Burnatcev et Sergey Svetunkov. « Automation of business processes of the logistics company in the implementation of the IoT ». IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering 940 (8 octobre 2020) : 012006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/940/1/012006.

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M., Kharchenko, Tsymbalistova O. et Chernikhova O. « DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF LOGISTICS BUSINESS PROCESSES IN THE AIR TRANSPORT MARKET ». Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series Economic Sciences, no 44 (20 décembre 2021) : 49–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.32999/ksu2307-8030/2021-44-8.

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The article is devoted to the article investigates scientific approaches to the digital transformation of logistics processes of aviation enterprises, analyzes the main tools for implementing innovative business models in the international and domestic practice of airlines. It is proved that the implementation of digital technologies in the system of business processes of aviation en-terprises affects the resulting performance indicators in general and the transformation of individual logistics business processes. An important aspect of the digital transformation of the aviation services sector is the adaptation of key business processes to ensure the flexibility of the business and its adaptation to changes in the global market. The directions of digital transformation of business processes of aviation enterprises are determined, including digitalization of processes of air movement (logistics) of passenger flows and cargoes, maintenance of aircraft, repair and restoration works, digitalization of commercial activity of airports, support and support of pilots and ground staff. The study examines the most common digital technologies that have become widespread in the logistics management process of the aviation company. Among them are biometric technologies, solutions based on blockchain technology (in order to save passenger data, flight information and financial transactions), VR (augmented reality) and AR (virtual reality), model­based engineering technologies, cloud services, technologies for processing and analysis of "big data", automation systems, 3D modeling technology, the Internet of Things, etc. Based on the analysis, the risk factors for the introduction of digital technologies in the system of logistics business processes of aviation enterprises are identified and structured. The main obstacles are: the insufficient high level of development of digital infrastructure in the field of logistics management, weak intersectoral coordination of activities to ensure the development of digital transport infrastructure, low demand for innovation in the domestic market and high competitiveness among aviation companies in international markets. Airlines, the difficulty of determining the effectiveness of digital technologies in the aviation industry. The directions and tenden-cies of digital transformation of logistic business processes of aviation enterprises in the conditions of turbulence and instability of the external environment are substantiated.Keywords: digitalization, business processes, digitalization, aviation, logistics flows, blockchain, cloud services, virtual reality, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence. Статтю присвячено дослідженню трансформації бізнес­процесів авіаційної галузі та охоплює технологічні та організаційні аспекти, спрямовані на підвищення операційної ефективності роботи авіакомпаній, збільшення їх вартості, гнучкості та оптимізації показників безпеки. Доведено, що цифровізація логістичних бізнес­процесів авіакомпаній є важливим чин-ником підвищення їхньої конкурентоспроможності на міжнародних ринках. Охарактеризовано досвід провідних авіакомпаній щодо запровадження прогресивних технологій управління логістичними бізнес­процесами. Досліджено прогресивні технології, що впливають на розвиток ринку авіаперевезень: технології доповненої реальності, комп’ютерне проєктування, 3D­моделювання, хмарні сервіси, технології Internet of Things тощо. Виявлено перешкоди для цифрової трансфор-мації логістичних бізнес­процесів в індустрії авіаційних перевезень та сформовано тенденції цифрової трансформації національної авіаційної галузі.Ключові слова: цифровізація, бізнес­процеси, діджиталізація, авіація, логістичні потоки, блокчейн, хмарні сервіси, віртуальна реальність, «великі дані», Інтернет речей, штучний інтелект.
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Gritsenko, Sergiy, OIga Karpun et Anastasia Kolisnichenko. « Digitalization of logistics company business process in conditions of industry 4.0 ». Electronic Scientific Journal Intellectualization of Logistics and Supply Chain Management #1 2020, no 11 (février 2022) : 46–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2022-11-4.

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The article defines that the digitalization of logistics business processes is, if not obligatory, then a very necessary process that allows company reach a new level. Keeping customers in growing competition, providing quality services, reducing the cost of logistics allows company to do the job correctly and efficiently. So the introduction of modern technologies in the logistics company is an integral step towards scaling up and growth. The essence of the company activity digitalization is not to digitize any channel, individual production operation or a separate business process, but in a complex approach to the transformation of the company, covering all areas of the company and all areas of economic activity. The need for the logistics industry to adapt to this new digital age in order to evolve has been proven. Enterprise business process digitalization tools are more flexible tools due to their user interface customization capabilities and integration capabilities with most advanced systems. New purpose – automation of business processes with the use of smart technologies allows company to simplify the load when performing their daily tasks to each employee. The aim of the article is to develop proposals and recommendations for improving the management of the company's logistics business processes by their digitalization. It is claimed that due to the modern policy of increasing digitalization in the company AsstrA Ukraine, there is an increase in indicators and quality of work performance, increasing the level of job satisfaction among employees, which is the key to further growth of the company. It is noted that digital technologies allow to automate supply chain management processes, which reduces operating costs, facilitates simpler and faster billing methods, improves customer service and develops an important new era for building ideal and competitive supply chains.
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Korolyuk, T., et O. Mazurenok. « Digitalization of enterprise activities : trends, digital accounting, prospects ». Galic'kij ekonomičnij visnik 70, no 3 (2021) : 59–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.33108/galicianvisnyk_tntu2021.03.059.

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The current level of digitalization of enterprises is investigated in the paper. It is established that the modern economic reality in the world of business is specified by two directions of development – digital transformation of information processes or disappearance from the business sphere. In fact, the world experiences digitalization as an important strategic task and accounting is an important part of this process. It was found that digitalization in the activities of national enterprises gained special momentum during COVID-19 pandemic. Having studied the market of information process automation services, the companies actively started to implement software and to set up business processes under new conditions. The TOP-25 leaders of digitalization include national companies from various fields of activity – both specialized companies in digital products as well as successful companies in the field of business processes digitalization, affecting the competitiveness of companies and economy as a whole. The main obstacles to the rapid establishment of the information processes automation at the national enterprises are personnel policy, duration of the information processes automation introduction at enterprises, reluctance of contractors to be digitalized, the cost of the information processes automation and maintenance of this process. The solution to these obstacles is possible due to the transformation of business processes at enterprises, communication processes, automation of electronic document management, the use of the latest IT equipment, transition to the cloud technologies. It is determined that one of the important tools of digital transformation of enterprises business processes is the development of accounting while using IT technologies. The main directions of digital accounting development include: introduction of electronic document management in business processes of the enterprises; use of cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) in information processes of enterprises; use of Blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence tools in accounting processes; technologies for working with Big Data and Internet of Things. This will increase the importance and efficiency of information for enterprise management processes. The main areas of transformation of the business sphere with digital tools include digital transformation of products and services, renewal of enterprise assets and transformation of business processes by digital tools, digitalization of logistics processes, application of the latest models of economic development, employees training. This will improve the quality of national enterprises and speed up business processes.
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Zadorozhnyi, Zenovii-Mykhaylo, Volodymyr Muravskyi, Nataliya Pochynok et Anna Hrytsyshyn. « Innovation Management and Automated Accounting in the Chaotic Storage Logistics ». Marketing and Management of Innovations, no 2 (2020) : 313–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.21272/mmi.2020.2-23.

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The formation of the digital economy and the information society requires a revision of traditional concepts of business management. The growth of the assortment and nomenclature of material values, a complication of their accounting reflection in the enterprises of logistics business necessitates the implementation of a new logistics system of chaotic storage. The article substantiates the expediency of the evolutionary replacement of the technology of automated identification of material values (bar code for radio frequency) in the conditions of organization of warehousing on the principles of chaotic storage, which requires improvement of accounting at modern enterprises. The purpose of the scientific research is to develop organizational and methodological provisions for the accounting of material values at the warehouses of enterprises in the conditions of implementation of a logistic system of chaotic storage and the use of radio frequency identification technology to optimize the automated warehouse management. The experience of the chaotic storage of material values by Amazon Corporation and the systematization of literature sources for the introduction of a new concept of logistics flow management showed the lack of scientifically reasoned proposals and practical developments in the automation of accounting of storage and movement of material values. The peculiarities of the organization of accounting and management of the movement of material values in the logistic system of chaotic storage are investigated in the article. The documentation procedure and documenting the logistical operations of the movement of material values using radio frequency identification technology have been developed. The technique of inventory control over the storage of inventory objects in the conditions of automation of warehouse management has been improved. The choice of the method of the identified estimation of receipt and disposal of material values for optimization of the warehouse stocks of the enterprises in the logistic system of chaotic storage is substantiated. The practical significance of the conducted research lies in the possibility of implementing a logistic system of chaotic storage with the use of technology of radio frequency identification of material values at enterprises, which will provide: automated without the direct participation of accounting personnel collecting accounting data on the movement and storage of material values; permanent automated inventory of objects to control their storage; optimization of management of logistic processes based on the use of robots-conveyors for the automated movement of inventory from warehouse positions to destinations; electronic documentation and documentation procedure in the warehouse accounting system of enterprises; reducing inventory levels with lost consumer value (shelf life) or low market demand, etc. The results of the study may be useful for enterprises that are focused on innovative management techniques, regardless of ownership, size of the business, or industry. Keywords: accounting, automation of accounting, management, material values, logistics, radio frequency identification technology, RFID, chaotic storage, «Amazon»
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Gruchmann, Tim, Nadine Pratt, Jan Eiten et Ani Melkonyan. « 4PL Digital Business Models in Sea Freight Logistics : The Case of FreightHub ». Logistics 4, no 2 (4 mai 2020) : 10. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/logistics4020010.

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For years, the freight forwarding industry has been facing high levels of global competition. Accelerating this development, new and digital competitors are entering the market, striving to make freight logistics even faster, cheaper, and more predictable. Digitalization processes change traditional logistics businesses, leading to more efficient, flexible, and de-centrally organized logistics services. Sea freight operations, in particular, have the potential to better fulfill customer-specific requirements in competitive and complex environments by integrating digital technologies. Therefore, it is essential to understand how automating informational processes, such as freight brokering, affect business models in the logistics service industry. The present study qualitatively analyzed the case of FreightHub, a fourth-party logistics (4PL) sea freight agency, and compared its business model with traditional third-party logistics (3PL) business models. Applying a digital business model conceptualization, the present paper presents an extended framework for digital sea freight business models. In this line, the study contributes to theory and practice by refining business model research in the maritime transportation context, and providing managerial implications about the opportunities and threats of a digital transition in this industry.
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Yatskevych, I. V., et N. D. Maslii. « «Smart Factories» as a Promising Direction for Digitalization of Enterprises ». Business Inform 10, no 525 (2021) : 363–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2021-10-363-367.

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The work examines the role, problems and prospects of a «smart factory» in the conditions of digitalization of enterprises, taking into account imbalance of the business environment. It is defined that in modern conditions, most enterprises focus on automating business processes and increasing efficiency, and only a minority of them transforms the business model, which is grounded on an insufficient level of maturity for drastic changes. It is substantiated that the so-called «smart factory» is a promising direction for the development of digitalization of enterprises, taking into account the imbalance of the business environment. It is noted that the «smart factory» is an environment wherein machines and equipment can improve processes through automation and self-isolation. At the same time, they are aimed at mass production of articles, while maintaining a maximum production flexibility. These requirements are ensured due to the high level of automation and robotization of the enterprise. Automated control systems for technological and business processes are also widely used due to their consistency at each stage of interaction. The study of the content of the concept of «smart factory» allowed to determine and systematize its functions (planning, logistics, supply chain, product development), advantages (accessibility, optimization, proactivity, flexibility), segmentation, problem groups (personnel, technologies, business process). It is specified that the development and implementation of «smart factories», despite the advantages of the latter, can be difficult and risky. Enterprises that have succeeded with the introduction of «smart factories» can increase production and value by reducing production costs, improving quality and flexibility, as well as reducing the time for the market entrance.
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Surja, Stephanie, et Lius Steven Sanjaya. « Analysis and Design Information System Logistics Delivery Service in Pt Repex Wahana ». ComTech : Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications 6, no 4 (1 décembre 2015) : 505. http://dx.doi.org/10.21512/comtech.v6i4.2177.

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Analysis and Design of Logistic Delivery System in PT Repex Wahana aims to analyze company’s need in existing business process of logistic delivery service. This will then be used in the development of an integrated system that can address the problems in the running process of sending and tracking the whereaboutsor status of the delivered goods which are the core business processes in the enterprise. The result then will be used as basis in the development of integrated information system in pursuit of corporate solution for process business automation, delivery process, inventory, and logistic delivery tracking, which is the core of the company business process, and it will be documented using Unified Modeling Language. The information system is meant to simplify the delivery and tracking process in the company, besides will minimize lost and error of data which is often happened because of the manual and unorganized transaction data processing.
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Krstić, Mladen, Snežana Tadić et Slobodan Zečević. « Technological solutions in Logistics 4.0 ». Ekonomika preduzeca 69, no 6-7 (2021) : 385–401. http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/ekopre2106385k.

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Technological development, automation, digitalization, networking, new forms of communication, etc. initiated a new industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0. It represents a new form of organization and control of the value chain in the product life cycle. By connecting and synergizing existing and new solutions and technologies of communication, data collection, exchange and analysis, production, process management, trade, etc. a new paradigm of human action, business and living has been created. A concept that is intensively changing production processes has emerged, but its effects are also visible in other areas of human activity, primarily trade, health, agriculture, logistics, etc. By applying the solutions and technologies of Industry 4.0 in the field of logistics, the concept of Logistics 4.0 was developed with the aim of achieving greater efficiency of logistics systems and processes. New technologies and solutions appear every day, but the backbone of the development of the Logistics 4.0 concept is comprised of several key technologies, such as: Internet of Things (IoT), Autonomous Vehicles (AV) and Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), Big data, Data mining, Blockchain, Cloud Computing (CC), 3D printing, etc. The aim of this paper was to define and describe in detail the aforementioned technologies, as well as the possibilities of their application in the logistics systems and processes through a review of the relevant literature in this field. It can be concluded that logistics, as a multidisciplinary science, represents a fertile ground for the acceptance and further development of existing modern technologies, but also the initiator and incubator of new technologies that could easily go beyond logistics and become part of the family of Industry 4.0 solutions.
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El Hamdi, Sarah, et Abdellah Abouabdellah. « Logistics : Impact of Industry 4.0 ». Applied Sciences 12, no 9 (21 avril 2022) : 4209. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app12094209.

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The term “Industry 4.0” relates broadly to intelligent digitization, products, and value chain processes automation, an integration of real and virtual manufacturing worlds where products, factories, humans, and objects merge with embedded software in intelligent, distributed systems. The fourth industrial revolution currently encompasses many examples of application in several fields ranging from health to industry. However, despite this recent interest, the emergence of digitalization in the logistics industry has received little attention, especially in light of the fact that digitization is of increasing strategic importance for companies in a changing and highly competitive environment as it impacts their established processes, business models, and sector boundaries while also having an ecological impact. The new trade strategies put forward by the United Nations in their development plan revolve around sustainability, especially in the industrial sector. Technological advances related to the fourth industrial revolution represent the best approach to ensure sustainability, especially if these technologies are applied to the Logistics 4.0 paradigm within manufacturing companies. The focus of our research method, solely based on a bibliography study over a span of the last five years, is on the digitalization of manufacturing companies, while our selection of screened paper is based on a qualitative criterion further discussed in this paper. The purpose of this paper is to first shed light on the link between the last industrial revolution and its impact on the evolution of logistics and then to present the various optimization opportunities and risks, with a focus on efficiency performance.
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Astafyeva, O. E. « Formation of a model for the use of industrial enterprises resources as part of the production and logistics chain ». Vestnik Universiteta, no 12 (2 février 2022) : 55–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.26425/1816-4277-2021-12-55-59.

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The article defines the ways of using the resources of an industrial enterprise as a result of the transformation of business processes occurring in the context of interactions within the ecosystem. The approaches to the use of resources aimed at ensuring the resource potential and determining the chains of creating “value” in the resource model, the development of which was carried out in the blocks “production” – “Logistics” – “Interaction” – “Infrastructure”, have been analysed. It has been proposed to identify resources according to the parameters of the value of use, complementarity, the possibility of substitution and the benefits received from the use by economic entities as a result of ecosystem interaction. An assessment of the resource requirements has been presented, taking into account the level of automation of operations in business processes that make up the economic benefits of use and utility.
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Schimanski, Pasetti Monizza, Marcher et Matt. « Pushing Digital Automation of Configure-to-Order Services in Small and Medium Enterprises of the Construction Equipment Industry : A Design Science Research Approach ». Applied Sciences 9, no 18 (9 septembre 2019) : 3780. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app9183780.

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In order to efficiently transform business processes (such as product design, product engineering, production, logistics, sales, deliveries, etc.) into digitally automated processes, new concepts have been introduced in both the manufacturing and construction industries. Under the term Industry 4.0, promising possibilities for high-performance production processes are emerging based on e.g., digital twins and cyber-physical systems. However, the construction industry lags behind in adapting these ideas, and is still facing severe productivity deficits. This paper addresses these deficits by assessing the hypothesis of Building Information Modeling—as the digital twinning methodology in construction—representing a key driver for digital automation and thus enabling more productive processes. To this end, we apply a design science research approach to develop artefacts using computational methods for the automation of business processes in a configure-to-order industry partner. The evaluation is done in the context of a pilot project together with this industry partner. The findings obtained in the pilot project revealed time savings in the phases of bid estimation and work preparation. Based on the findings, the applicability and utility of the suggested approach are discussed and allow for the conclusion that Building Information Model data can usefully streamline and automate many processes at the interface between design and production, if structured and preprocessed purposefully.
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Gizatullina, Olga. « RELATIONSHIP OF ACCOUNTING AND STATISTICAL ACCOUNTING OF LOGISTIC COSTS IN THE INTEGRATED BUSINESS STRUCTURE ». Vestnik of Kazan State Agrarian University 16, no 3 (21 novembre 2021) : 106–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.12737/2073-0462-2021-106-111.

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For economic entities, business partnerships are not based on individual competition or improving individual business processes, but on improving supply chains. When making management decisions, the question arises about the performance indicators of business processes both at the level of an economic entity and at the macro level. When assessing the effectiveness of supply chains, it is necessary to assess the costs arising in the course of financial and economic activities. The logistics component has a large share in the supply costs. A full accounting of logistics costs allows you to obtain reliable information for the analysis and development of measures to reduce them, which increases the efficiency of the entire economic activity of an economic entity. The article proposes a classification of logistics costs according to the degree of added value creation and dependence on the volume of production, including the allocation of transaction costs, which make up a significant share in the overall structure of logistics costs. The classification of logistics costs should be transformed depending on the organizational and legal form of the organization and the field of activity. The system of accounting for the logistics costs of economic entities should highlight them when implementing all logistics functions; study information about the most significant logistics costs and the nature of their occurrence; study the interdependencies of logistics costs throughout the entire supply chain. The developed system allows keeping separate accounting of logistics costs on a separate account, which makes it possible to control them. In modern conditions, organizations are faced with the need to integrate various types of accounting, including accounting, management and statistical. The algorithm for the implementation of this task includes four stages: development of a methodology for the integration of accounting, management and statistical accounting; formation of management accounting policies; development of data transformation regulations; selection of software for the automation of statistical, accounting and management accounting
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Omelchenko, A. I., A. A. Ivanova et D. A. Ivanova. « Digital Systems for Optimization of Warehouse Logistics Operations ». Business Inform 12, no 527 (2021) : 92–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2021-12-92-97.

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The article considers the key aspects of the development of warehousing logistics, identifies the main functions covered by warehousing logistics. It is revealed that the digital transformation of warehousing logistics operations is an urgent issue of enterprise development in the postcovid period. It is substantiated that digitalization of warehousing logistics processes opens wide opportunities for optimizing warehouse operations, minimizing current costs, enterprise development and overall business scaling. It is researched that the use of digital systems to optimize internal operations in warehousing logistics helps to intensify the processing and analysis of information, streamline the use of working time, convenient document management, occupational safety, minimize the impact of the human factor. It is proved that the use of modern digital technologies is an indispensable process, as it facilitates the management of complex flows of processes in the warehouse. Systematization and analysis of the main software products are carried out and the peculiarities of application of these products in practice are determined. The role and significance of digital transformation for enterprises that use warehousing logistics in their work are outlined. In conclusion, it is important to follow current trends in logistics and implement changes that combine both the basic principles of the logistics process and the use of innovative technologies that optimize business, namely the introduction of digital systems in warehousing logistics. The use of digitalization processes by enterprises will help improve the quality and efficiency of their activities by automating and optimizing work processes, which will allow them to scale their business and maintain a competitive position in the market of logistics services.
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Wang, Shuaiqi. « Artificial Intelligence Applications in the New Model of Logistics Development Based on Wireless Communication Technology ». Scientific Programming 2021 (27 octobre 2021) : 1–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2021/5166993.

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With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, the supply chain logistics industry has shown new changes. The products of the intelligent era such as smart devices, big data computing, and Internet of Things technology have gradually become the transformation and innovation of logistics and supply chain enterprises. The important driving force of the logistics and supply chain industry will greatly improve the operational efficiency of the logistics and supply chain industry. Methods. This article studies the technical framework of artificial intelligence and explores the upgrading and transformation of supply chain logistics enterprises in logistics infrastructure, production tools, and logistics operation processes under the promotion of artificial intelligence technology, from warehouse location, inventory management, warehousing operations, transportation, and distribution. The data analysis and prediction analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on the supply chain logistics field and finally point out the problems in the intelligent development of the supply chain logistics field and put forward targeted suggestions to promote the modern supply chain logistics to become more intelligent. developThe new development trend of smart logistics is towards sharing economy, automation, service efficiency, and cost reduction. Results. In this context, if logistics companies want to achieve higher-quality development, they cannot do without business model innovation and larger-scale collaboration, transparency of logistics information, and more comprehensive information sharing. The new trend of the development of smart logistics is to develop in the direction of sharing economy, automation, service efficiency, and cost reduction. Conclusion. Intelligence and the Internet of Things are the inevitable trend of the development of smart logistics, which is mainly realized through the Internet of Things path in terms of visual information technology, intelligent robot operation, vehicle scheduling, and cargo traceability.
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Acevedo Cote, Maria Alejandra, Daniela Fernanda Sánchez Polanco et Javier Arturo Orjuela-Castro. « LOGISTICS PLATFORMS - TRENDS AND CHALLENGES ». Acta logistica 8, no 4 (31 décembre 2021) : 341–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.22306/al.v8i4.235.

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Logistics platforms (LP) are business models developed to improve the performance of all logistics activities of a supply chain (SC). About logistics platforms, the scientific literature details the management, implementation, importance, typologies, comparisons with international platforms, as well as cited case studies therein. The literature also highlights many trends of the adoption of technology as well as challenges resulting from the rapid evolution of said technology. We present a discussion of an LP, as well as an LP’s importance to its SC. We discuss eight types of LPs, their applications, and their associated implementation phases. This important volume of articles that we summarize seeks to solve complex problems with mathematical formulations. The literature potentiates the processes carried out in LPs by means of case-study analyses through comparing some LPs of South America against the more technological-based and automation-based LPs of Europe, of Southeast Asia, and of North America. The studies of LPs in global SCs, and enclosed cycle SCs, have shown that there are many challenges stemming from global climate change, which places uncertainty in the process of estimating stochastic parameters in the new global market. This would mandate strengthening the methodologies of Hub- and Cross-docking and understanding trends, such as the need to fortify the management of LPs by utilizing information technologies and communication technologies and updating local markets to make global markets more resilient in the face of pending environmental shifts.
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Bright, Athina G., et Stavros T. Ponis. « Introducing Gamification in the AR-Enhanced Order Picking Process : A Proposed Approach ». Logistics 5, no 1 (9 mars 2021) : 14. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/logistics5010014.

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In the last decade, the Industry 4.0 concept has introduced automation and cyber-physical systems as the core elements of future logistics, supported by an array of technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) providing the necessary support for the digital transformation of manufacturing and logistics and the smartification and digital refinement of traditional pre-Industry 4.0 processes. This paper studies the influence and the potential of gamification techniques in supporting innovative Industry 4.0-enhanced processes in the contemporary warehouse work ecosystem. Gamification in the workplace aims to motivate the employees and increase their involvement in an activity, while at the same time creating a sense of an everyday different experience rather than a set of repetitive and monotonous tasks. Since the design of such a system is a complex process, the most widespread design frameworks are studied, and the emphasis is on the principal game elements and their connection to mobilization mechanisms. Finally, an initial proposal of a gamification framework to support the AR-enhanced order picking process in contemporary logistics centers is provided with an emphasis on the mechanics of a fair and functional reward system. The proposed approach aims to showcase the potential alignment of business processes to human motivation, respecting the differences between tasks and the workers’ cognitive workload.
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Novikova, I. D., E. M. Ivanova et K. A. Zabolotskaya. « Automation of calculation of technical and operational parameters of a railway cargo terminal ». Transport Technician : Education and Practice 1, no 1-2 (28 juin 2020) : 76–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.46684/2687-1033.1.13.

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Research is the automation of decision-making on the justification of the type of unloading section of the terminal for single-piece cargo — external or internal input of the railway track is rational according to the criterion of minimum total costs. The relevance of the research topic is associated with the widespread solution of this type of business problems in the modern conditions of the transport and warehouse market. Cargo terminals connect modes of transport and transform cargo flows, which determines both the key position of cargo terminals in modern supply chains, and the complexity of tasks to be solved in their design. For operational management of transport and logistics processes, it is necessary to quickly make business decisions, which can be provided by software implementation of a number of settlement procedures.Used dynamic and linear programming, syntax and tools of the Pascal ABC programming language, analytical, marketing, and project methods; materials of general access and official sites, own research.A software product for automating the calculation of technical and operational parameters of a railway cargo terminal is described. The program allows you to calculate a set of technical and economic parameters of the cargo terminal operation, in particular, the size of the annual car traffic, the required length of the railway unloading section, as well as annual operating (production) costs and capital costs for the construction of the car unloading section by options.The software product can be useful both in the educational process of secondary and higher education, and in practical business when making business decisions on planning the operation of a cargo terminal.
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Dang, Quang Binh, et B. A. Anikin. « Key Factors in the Development of the ASEAN Logistics System ». Vestnik Universiteta, no 3 (2 mai 2022) : 90–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.26425/1816-4277-2022-3-90-96.

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Due to growing economy, investment, abundant labour force and tourism industry, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is becoming increasingly attractive to other parts of the world. ASEAN has a vast logistics system that contributes to the overall potential for development. The article examines key factors in the development of the ASEAN logistics system, the trends in the formation and ways of the effective development of logistics processes in the modern era of digitalization are revealed. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that during a pandemic, digital technologies can contribute to the successful development of business in the logistics industry for ASEAN. In this regard, there is a need to focus the ASEAN region on automating the management of logistics processes, introducing and improving IT products, as well as on the needs of consumers and improving the quality of services provided.
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Gregor, Milan, Róbert Hodoň, Patrik Grznár et Štefan Mozol. « Design of a System for Verification of Automatic Guided Vehicle Routes Using Computer Emulation ». Applied Sciences 12, no 7 (27 mars 2022) : 3397. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app12073397.

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A frequent change in the manufacturing program caused by a change in customer requirements requires a logistics system in the company that can respond flexibly to these changes. In order for business logistics to respond flexibly and optimally to the tasks created, a tool is needed to verify the functionality of the entire process. This article, at its core, deals with the use of emulation in a mixed environment of the real and virtual worlds as a tool for optimising automatic guided vehicle (AGV) routes. The main objective of the article is the design of a system that allows verification of AGV routes using computer emulation. The solution was created and programmed in the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation program, in cooperation with AGV logistics supply tractors, and tested on a logistic test circuit. The results show that the main area of application of such a solution is mainly in the area of the capacity utilisation of the AGVs that are used in internal logistics processes. This solution helps to cut down on the time it takes to design and optimise logistics operations as well as on the time it takes to test logistics systems at full capacity before commencing production.
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Serno, Mario, Carmen Renz, Stefan Endrizzi, Peter Schuderer et Jörg Franke. « A Method and a Software-Tool for Comparing Inbound Logistics Systems in Respect of Energy Consumption ». Applied Mechanics and Materials 856 (novembre 2016) : 20–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.856.20.

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This article introduces a method and a software-tool for comparing inbound logistics systems in respect of energy consumption. In the field of green logistics numerous methods are already existing, but mostly they focus either on the evaluation of the energy consumption of single logistics components or the improvement of the energy efficiency of logistics processes. There is no hands-on solution which can be used in the rough planning phase of logistics projects to evaluate and compare whole system configurations. With the new method we try to fill this gap by integrating existing methods to a holistic approach. It comprises three steps: “identification”, “quantification” and “aggregation and comparison”. In the identification step every system variant will be divided into subsystems and components by using a hierarchical representation. Quantification means to determine the energy consumption of every component by using physical models or reference values. In the last step the resulting energy values will be summed up to an overall figure which can be used to compare multiple system variants. The Sofware-Tool E|stimate is for the part automation of the calculation method. It comprises a component for transport logistics, one for intralogistics and one for the analysis of the aggregated consumption. In summary, the new method and software-tool enables practitioners to compare inbound logistics system variants quickly with sufficient precision. Because of its ease of application, it contributes to implement the concept of sustainability in daily business.
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Mostova, Anastasiia D., et Tetiana A. Pozniakova. « IMPROVEMENTS IN MANAGEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF PRODUCTS OF A TRADE ENTERPRISE USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ». Academic Review 2, no 55 (2021) : 59–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.32342/2074-5354-2021-2-55-6.

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The article substantiates the need to create and improve an effective management system for distribution and sales of a trade enterprise. The efficiency of distribution and sales policy of a trade enterprise is shown. The main shortcomings and problems are analyzed. In the logistics system of the enterprise there is a significant amount of unproductive losses. In particular, the company has a long period of inventory turnover and low turnover, a significant amount of time is lost in the delivery of goods to the consumer, which requires significant financial investment in inventory storage. The peculiarities of the scientifically substantiated concept of lean production are investigated. Its application for further development of the sales management system of the trade enterprise is recommended. The essence of lean production is to eliminate actions that take time but do not create value, as well as to create conditions during which other actions that create value are integrated into the ongoing logistics process. A set of measures is proposed, which provide for the reorganization of the scheme of logistics processes at the enterprise to optimize business processes between structural units and eliminate resource losses in the logistics chain. The main conditions for building a system of economic distribution in the studied enterprise are formulated. In particular, it is necessary to determine what shapes the value of goods for customers, and increase it. It is necessary to determine all the necessary actions in the chain of work with the consumer and eliminate the loss of time and money. Restructure all stages of work so that they represent continuous business processes. The introduction of CRM-system for automation of business processes and interaction with clients is substantiated. The market research of CRM-systems is carried out and the optimal CRMsystem for the considered enterprise is determined. Carrying out an analysis of the feasibility of the proposed solutions, the project risk assessment is provided. The most probable and dangerous risks for the project are shown, in particular: difficulty with mastering the software by the personnel of the organization, lack of experience of employees for project implementation, lack of expected result from CRM-system implementation, resistance to changes. Conclusions are made on the prospects of implementing a CRM-system to improve the management system of distribution and sales of a trading company.
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Gorodetsky, V. I., V. B. Laryukhin et P. O. Skobelev. « Conceptual Model of a Digital Platform for Cyber-Physical Management of a Modern Enterprises Part 1. Digital Platform and Digital Ecosystem ». Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie 20, no 6 (6 juin 2019) : 323–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.17587/mau.20.323-332.

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The paper proposes conceptual model of a digital platform for cyber-physical management of modern enterprises in the upcoming era of Industry 5.0. Unlike Industry 4.0, which focuses on automation of physical processes, Industry 5.0 is oriented on digitization of knowledge and automation of reasoning processes for creating artificial intelligence that is able to manage enterprises. This still emerging era will be characterized by the vision of any business, including industrial production or logistics, as a complex adaptive system built on fundamental principles of self-organization and evolution, as well as interaction of artificial intelligence systems and humans. The paper shows that implementation of such production and logistics management systems will require development of new models and decision-making methods based on knowledge and semantic information processing, integration of computational and communication components, accumulation of big data and its processing for predictive analytics, blockchain technologies for fixing mutual obligations of systems components in the for m of smar t contracts, as well as human-machine and software inter faces. Existing approaches to creation of digital platforms within the digital economy of Industry 4.0 and their limitations are analyzed. The concept of digital ecosystem is developed as an open, distributed, self-organized "system of systems" of smart services capable of coming up with solutions and automatically resolving conflicts through negotiations and concessions. The concept of the digital platform within Industry 5.0 is described, which will be able to support functioning of the digital ecosystem of "smart services" of cyberphysical management of both individual objects and enterprises of humans and robots, and in the future, industries of such enterprises — implemented using self-organizing autonomous agents at all levels.
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Rakovská, Julia. « The Impact of digitization and automation of production on the role of the workforce in companies in Slovakia ». SHS Web of Conferences 83 (2020) : 01055. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/shsconf/20208301055.

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The aim of this article was to evaluate the current view of domestic and foreign authors on problems and trends of production logistics in the conditions of globalization and to explore possibilities of development of the concept of Industry 4.0 in Slovakia. We also focused on the digitalization of processes, which are one of the basic prerequisites for the company's operation in the Industry 4.0 concept. The current conditions in the Slovak Republic, resulting from the functioning of the market economy, create new opportunities and the need to apply business approaches in production management. It is a prerequisite for the success not only of manufacturing companies to find balance between modern trends and technologies and people with necessary knowledge and skills.
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Blagodatsky, G. A., M. M. Gorokhov, D. E. Dokuchaev et L. G. Saetova. « Model of the Information System for Management of Logistics Processes in the Food Industry ». Intellekt. Sist. Proizv. 19, no 3 (2021) : 65–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2021-3-65-73.

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The information management system for bakery serial production is presented. The object system is the technical means for the release and delivery of products to consumers, a range of products, a production plan (formed by the demand for products), a set of points of sale of products, and a graph of transport infrastructure. The capabilities of the warehouses of the system are limited, raw and other materials are perishable (storage periods are calculated in days), the number of delivery vehicles to the points of sale is small (<3), the needs of consumers are low (single demand for products), the number of points of sale is large (≈102), the shelf life is short (2-3 days). The controlled variable is the function U (t) - the ratio of the volume of weekly delivered product (taking into account the return of unsold products and volume of manufacturing defects) to the delivery cost. The control system is tasked with maintaining the maximum possible level of the function U. An algorithm for solving the problem of maximizing the function U is proposed, which consists in the following: 1) determine the maximum production plan, 2) determine the minimum delivery plan (monitoring the implementation of production and transportation plans gives feedback in the form of volumes of products that have not passed quality control Qb and have not been delivered to consumers QR), 3) feedback information is used to adjust production and transportation plans by applying man-machine decision-making procedures. To solve this problem, automation is required through the development and implementation of specialized software. A systematic approach to the development of information support involves the analysis of business processes of the enterprise. The critical processes to ensure the continued operation of the system are: "Supply of raw materials for production" and "Delivery of finished products to consumers". The task of ensuring timely replenishment of the warehouse is solved by the implementation of a supplier management system (SCM). The task of ensuring the delivery of finished products is solved by finding the optimal transportation plan. An adaptation of the algorithm for solving the problem of products transportation is presented. An algorithm for handling an emergency situation with the redistribution of cargo in the event of a vehicle breakdown during a voyage has been formalized.
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Romanchuk, S. V. « River Transport as an Instrument for the Development of Logistics System in Ukraine ». Business Inform 11, no 514 (2020) : 158–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-11-158-164.

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The present stage of development of society is characterized by extremely high rates of reproducing processes, dynamics of business relations and high level of requirements for the efficiency of solving current problems. The article examines the composition and prospects of the logistics system in Ukraine, analyzes the strategic directions of its development. The potential of river transportation in Ukraine, its present-time status and role in the transport and logistics system are covered. Some programs for the development of the transport system and its integration into the international space, their prospects and the reality of implementation are analyzed. The main risks for sustainable development and ways of their leveling with the help of infrastructural elements are defined. The focus is set on the main problems of both the entire logistics complex and the river transportation segment, the directions of their overcoming are singled out. For the purposes of the research, with the river routes are included the immediate shipping routes (i.e. rivers and canals), infrastructure objects (ports, gateways, docks, ship repair plants, etc.) and fleet (river vessels, tugs, barges and vessels of the river-sea type). The groups of measures for the development of river transport are singled out on the basis of potential sources of their financing. The components of economic efficiency of river transport development and ways of achieving such efficiency are substantiated. The river transport of Ukraine is the most environmentally friendly, energy efficient and can provide low self-cost of transportation. In the context of perspective increase in prices for both road and rail transportation, river transport can become the reserve that can keep the cost of transportation within the country at the current level. Particular attention is paid to the development of river ports of Ukraine as promising logistics centers. Specific instruments and measures to develop the relevant segment of river logistics and ensure their efficiency have been formulated. One of these key instruments, according to the author, be the automation of the processes of management and organization of river transportation, which will help maximize their efficiency.
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Romanchuk, S. V. « River Transport as an Instrument for the Development of Logistics System in Ukraine ». Business Inform 11, no 514 (2020) : 158–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-11-158-164.

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The present stage of development of society is characterized by extremely high rates of reproducing processes, dynamics of business relations and high level of requirements for the efficiency of solving current problems. The article examines the composition and prospects of the logistics system in Ukraine, analyzes the strategic directions of its development. The potential of river transportation in Ukraine, its present-time status and role in the transport and logistics system are covered. Some programs for the development of the transport system and its integration into the international space, their prospects and the reality of implementation are analyzed. The main risks for sustainable development and ways of their leveling with the help of infrastructural elements are defined. The focus is set on the main problems of both the entire logistics complex and the river transportation segment, the directions of their overcoming are singled out. For the purposes of the research, with the river routes are included the immediate shipping routes (i.e. rivers and canals), infrastructure objects (ports, gateways, docks, ship repair plants, etc.) and fleet (river vessels, tugs, barges and vessels of the river-sea type). The groups of measures for the development of river transport are singled out on the basis of potential sources of their financing. The components of economic efficiency of river transport development and ways of achieving such efficiency are substantiated. The river transport of Ukraine is the most environmentally friendly, energy efficient and can provide low self-cost of transportation. In the context of perspective increase in prices for both road and rail transportation, river transport can become the reserve that can keep the cost of transportation within the country at the current level. Particular attention is paid to the development of river ports of Ukraine as promising logistics centers. Specific instruments and measures to develop the relevant segment of river logistics and ensure their efficiency have been formulated. One of these key instruments, according to the author, be the automation of the processes of management and organization of river transportation, which will help maximize their efficiency.
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Chang, Shuchih Ernest, Hueimin Louis Luo et YiChian Chen. « Blockchain-Enabled Trade Finance Innovation : A Potential Paradigm Shift on Using Letter of Credit ». Sustainability 12, no 1 (25 décembre 2019) : 188. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12010188.

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This paper explores a potential paradigm shift in trade finance utilizing blockchain technology. Traditionally, the centralized operating model has governed trade finance and the manner in which traders handle business processes. However, such heavy reliance on centralized authorities has made for poor performance, the lack of flexibility and transparency, and vulnerability to malicious alteration. The blockchain, as a distributed ledger technology (DLT), has attracted growing attention and has the potential to disrupt legacy finance procedures such as payment by letter of credit (L/C). International trade players may benefit from the technological reengineering of financial processes through the implementation of blockchain- and smart contract-based platforms. From the conceptual perspective of a paradigm shift, this study analyzes the feasibility of blockchain innovation in trade finance through modern blockchain-based L/C initiatives. Moreover, this study also explores blockchain applications in terms of logistics tracking and how it integrates with trade finance procedures. This study contributes to the understanding of a blockchain paradigm shift with a multi-case study. The results may illuminate the potential future application of blockchain finance and provide researchers with an illustrative example of other finance-related capabilities. Studies of trade-related topics such as customs clearances, insurance, and logistics applications need to be addressed in the future to create a comprehensively trustless environment and facilitate the automation of trade.
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Osipova, K., Andrey Yakovlev et Nadezhda Bukhonova. « IMPROVEMENT OF THE LOGISTIC SYSTEM OF THE ENTERPRISE ON THE EXAMPLE OF PJSC «ZFZ» ». Actual directions of scientific researches of the XXI century : theory and practice 8, no 2 (29 décembre 2020) : 105–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.34220/2308-8877-2020-8-2-105-110.

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The article presents recommendations for improving the logistics system of the plywood enterprise of PJSC "ZFZ" it is necessary to implement the TMS system. This system is characterized by an effective organization of enterprise information flow management. The great advantage of the TMS (Transportation Management System) program in improving the logistics activities of the enterprise is that it is developed on the 1C platform and works together with 1C Accounting. The software product is adapted to the real business processes of logistics systems of medium and large businesses and is in demand when automating the "delivery to the consumer" process. The "TMS" product will eliminate the following problems that arose during the research and evaluation of the company's activities of PJSC «ZFZ»: 1) Increase the weak functional and organizational relationship of the logistics departments of the enterprise; 2) Refusal to use traditional logistics functions by other services and divisions of the enterprise; 3) Timely elimination of errors and miscalculations of the logistics Department in order to avoid using the data obtained by many structural divisions of the enterprise. The "TMS" program with radio terminal technology will allow employees of the enterprise to personally enter the data they need into the system when performing specific operations.
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Rozova, Anastasiia. « FEATURES OF FORMATION OF THE LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT MECHANISM OF THE ENTERPRISE ». Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University 294, no 3 (mars 2021) : 278–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2021-294-3-45.

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Quality management of logistics activities directly depends on a number of external factors, namely: the level of information infrastructure, the presence or absence of modern logistics information systems, the level of technical and technological support of the production process, the level of automation and mechanization of production processes. fuel, terms of supply, presence or absence of qualified logistics specialists, state of logistics infrastructure, level of development of national and regional institutional infrastructure, level of transport and road infrastructure, presence or absence of automated and mechanized transport equipment, level of national and regional market infrastructure, state of banking system of Ukraine, the number of logistics companies in the logistics market of Ukraine, the level of competitiveness of products and logistics services, the level of material base of the enterprise, etc. The most significant factors of external influence on the quality management of logistics activities of the enterprise are identified, among which are the following: political and legal factors and geo-market or physical factors. During 2019, due to the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, countries began to close their borders and shut down businesses, as well as restrict transportation both internationally and interregionally. This has led to a significant reduction in the level of road haulage in 2020 compared to the previous year. The volume of freight traffic in 2020 to 2019 decreased from 190041.19 thousand tons to 151920.35 thousand tons and accounted for 20%.
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Liubokhynets, Larysa, Yevhenii Rudnichenko et Nataliia Havlovska. « INTERNATIONAL ASPECT OF RESEARCH OF THE ENVIRONMENT OF FUNCTIONING OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES OF UKRAINE, FROM THE POSITION OF ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY ». HERALD OF KHMELNYTSKYI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 298, no 5 Part 1 (4 octobre 2021) : 238–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2021-298-5(1)-42.

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In the article presents the results of the analysis of the current state of the environment of enterprises from the standpoint of ensuring economic security at the level of national economy and countries. The main trends of dynamic changes in business conditions based on the analysis of international indicators are identified. Indicators of rating assessment of Doing Business business conditions and their dynamics in modern conditions of ensuring economic security of enterprises are characterized. The economic security of domestic enterprises significantly depends on the influence of external and internal factors. Such factors change quite strongly in accordance with global trends in socio-economic processes, as well as reflect the national characteristics of the economy. Factors influencing the development of industrial enterprises and their economic security can be analyzed through a rating assessment of Doing Business, which is the basis for deregulation of the national economy. According to the Doing Business report, from May 2018 to April 2019, 115 countries implemented 294 reforms aimed at regulating business activities, most of which were implemented in such areas as business creation, obtaining building permits, connecting to the power supply system, taxation, optimization property registration processes, automation of logistics of international trade. The smallest number of reforms was recorded in the area of insolvency, bankruptcy and liquidation of enterprises. At the same time, only 1% of the reforms were in low-income countries, and most of the reforms were implemented in middle-income countries. The Doing Business Rating is a tool for measuring the favorable business climate, the level of entrepreneurial activity and the level of corruption, the level of competitiveness of the country, which allows to identify priority areas for reform at the state level.
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Vorontsova, Yu V., et V. N. Baranov. « Transversal applying of the digitalization strategy ». E-Management 2, no 4 (5 février 2020) : 85–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.26425/2658-3445-2019-4-85-91.

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A brief overview of the possibility and readiness for digitalization of automotive industry companies has been presented. Since production processes and systems can be more intelligent, they allow to reach the high-quality standards required in service, what is the only way to maximize the improvement of its components from the very beginning of the process.Digitalization is one of the main levers to enhance business and increase competitiveness in the industry, that provides huge opportunities in the future. One of the important conditions is increase flexibility, that allows quickly to adapt production facilities and processes to changes in production and product lines of customer. The digitalization strategy should be applied transversely to all processes, starting from production, logistics, and quality till design, procurement, human resources, or finance. Transversal applying of digitalization strategy is possible in the creation of technology centers graphic engineering worldwide, the use of computerized simulation, CAD systems and virtual 3D environments for research, analysis, evaluation, validation and improvement of production processes. The important aspect to form the future is the development of innovative solutions that contribute turning new concepts into an industrial reality.The revolution in logistics digitalization gives automakers and service providers the opportunity to stay flexible and to be ahead of time. The main transformers are data and digital rethinking of the supply chain, that contribute a significant growth in trade. Advanced automakers create a digital workforce and program robots to solve repetitive tasks. All this provides full flexibility in software development with integrated in it robot’s hardware, fast iterations and adjustments, when it is necessary, which might not have been easily achieved using traditional methods. These projects can be extended to ones with greater investment. Mainly, more flexible and service-oriented solutions can be implemented as a response to speed and automation in logistics. Thereby, it is possible to satisfy the changing and demanding needs of customers now and in the future.
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Philipp, Robert, Gunnar Prause et Laima Gerlitz. « Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Entrepreneurial Collaboration in Maritime Supply Chains ». Transport and Telecommunication Journal 20, no 4 (1 décembre 2019) : 365–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/ttj-2019-0030.

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Abstract Smart contracts are scripts on the top of the blockchain technology. They represent a form of automation by what the layers of intermediaries can be reduced or even completely replaced. Accordingly, blockchain smart contracting systems decrease transaction and enforcement costs as well as process time. Moreover, we argue, blockchain and smart contracts can facilitate cross-organisational collaboration and their underlying business processes. Hence, they are able to support the integration of entrepreneurs and SMEs into trans-national supply chains by reducing high entry barriers and weakening the dominating position of big players. This paper discusses the research questions how blockchain smart contracting can facilitate the implementation of collaborative logistics structures and how the integration of SMEs into sustainable maritime supply chains can be safeguarded. The research bases on expert interviews and case studies. The results showcase the potentials of using blockchain smart contracting in the environment of trans-national and multimodal supply chains.
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Hopkins, John, et Paul Hawking. « Big Data Analytics and IoT in logistics : a case study ». International Journal of Logistics Management 29, no 2 (14 mai 2018) : 575–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijlm-05-2017-0109.

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Purpose Advances in technology enable companies to collect and analyse data, which were previously not accessible, to either enhance existing business processes or create new ones. The purpose of this paper is to document the role and impact of Big Data Analytics (BDA), and the Internet of Things (IoT), in supporting a large logistics firm’s strategy to improve driver safety, lower operating costs, and reduce the environmental impact of their vehicles. Design/methodology/approach A single case with embedded units intrinsic case study method was adopted for this research and data were collected from a “real-life” situation, to create new knowledge about this emerging phenomenon. Findings Truck telematics were utilised in order to better understand, and improve, driving behaviours. Remote control centres monitor live sensor data from the company’s fleet of vehicles, capturing the likes of speed, location, braking, and engine data, to inform future training programs. A combination of truck telematics and geo-information are being used to enable proactive alerts to be sent to drivers regarding possible upcoming hazards. Camera-based technologies have been adopted to improve driver safety, and fatigue management, capturing evidence of important driving events and storing data directly to the cloud, and BDA is also being used to improve truck routing, recommend optimal fuel purchasing times/locations, and to forecast predictive and proactive maintenance schedules. Research limitations/implications The type of data collected by Company A, and similar logistics companies, has the potential to greatly inform researchers investigating autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and the physical internet. Practical implications Eco-driving, a practice informed/improved by BDA at Company A, has been linked to reductions in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, which bring both economic and environmental benefits. Technologies similar to Truckcam are growing in popularity in some parts of the world, to the point where it is now common practice to use dashcam assess of accidents to establish liability. This has implications for logistics firms, in other parts of the world, where such practices might not yet be so commonplace, and for drivers and society more broadly. Social implications Improvements in utilisation and routing have the potential to reduce traffic congestion, which is responsible for losses in productivity, increases in fuel consumption, air pollution and noise, and can incite stress, aggression, anger and unsafe behaviours in drivers. Predictive analytics, which generate refuelling and maintenance schedules, have the potential to be adopted by all vehicle manufacturers, and could generate reductions in customer fuel costs, whilst improving the performance, efficiency, and life expectancy of future motor all vehicles. The high probability of occupations in the logistics industry being replaced by computer automation in the near future is also discussed. Originality/value The findings from this research serve as a valuable case example of a real-world deployment of BDA and IoT technologies in the logistics industry, and present implications for practitioners, researchers, and society more widely.
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Philipp, Robert, Gunnar Prause, Eunice O. Olaniyi et Florian Lemke. « Towards Green and Smart Seaports : Renewable Energy and Automation Technologies for Bulk Cargo Loading Operations ». Environmental and Climate Technologies 25, no 1 (1 janvier 2021) : 650–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/rtuect-2021-0049.

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Abstract In 2018, 4.1 billion tonnes of freight and 437 million passengers passed through the 1200 European ports. This dimension of geographically concentrated activities is the rationale that ports are characterised by a high-energy demand and a high share of emissions. Driven by a growing awareness for a cleaner environment, a stronger focus on sustainability and intensified environmental regulations, ports are forced to take responsibility when it comes to environmental issues. As a response, in recent studies, the concept of ‘green ports’ emerged. Simultaneously, in the context of digitalisation, the term ‘smart ports’ has received growing attention in the latest scientific discussions, too. Since an important driver towards greener maritime operations is linked to digitalisation, we argue that digital efforts in ports should next to the automation of inherent logistics processes also contribute to reducing the emissions and energy demands. Previous studies have primarily concentrated on the automation of container handling operations. Hence, there exists a research gap concerning the automation of bulk cargo handling operations in ports. Thus, this study addresses the question of how to automate the dry bulk cargo loading operations in the frame of a green and smart port development. The developed case study refers to the seaport of Wismar, whereby the results show that the digitalisation and greener port operations can be successfully aligned. Overall, this study extends the discussion on green and smart port development, while it contributes to the scientific literature by proving that both conceptual ideas can be achieved in the operating business.
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Chi, Cheng, Yanyan Wang, Shasha Wu et Jian Zhang. « Analysis and Optimization of the Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems Considering Congestion ». Applied Sciences 11, no 21 (7 novembre 2021) : 10446. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app112110446.

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With the development of the social economy and the improvement of the consumption concept, a new business model combining offline and online has been promoted. The warehousing system is one of the important links of commodity production and circulation, which involves storage, sorting, and distribution. It has a significant impact on the operation cost and the efficiency of the whole logistics system. The progress of robot technology, the Internet of things, and artificial intelligence technology promotes the automation and intelligence of storage systems. The Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems (RMFS), which takes the automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) as the way of handling and picking, greatly improves the space utilization, operation efficiency, and flexibility of the system. This paper studies the RMFS with fixed shelves and establishes the performance evaluation model of the picking system considering the AGVs congestion by establishing the queuing network. The effectiveness of the model is verified by simulation, and the optimization of system parameter configuration is further discussed according to the experimental data.
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Kovalčík, Jakub, et Michal Balog. « AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS FOR MANAGEMENT - MATERIAL FLOW CONTROL AND STOCK STATUS ». Acta logistica 8, no 1 (31 mars 2021) : 55–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.22306/al.v8i1.202.

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The subject of the article is to define the current state of the information system, to describe the use of technology in practice and to understand the principle and benefits of smart logistics. To describe the operation of RFID technology and systems that are necessary for the effective operation of a comprehensive automatic identification system. The issue is to define the current state of information technology and create a project for automatic identification. The aim of the smart logistics project is the overall improvement of the production process, registration of parts and the overall highlighting of the company's reputation. Automatic identification systems are nowadays one of the fastest growing areas, whether information logistics or logistics as such. Manufacturing companies are trying to apply more and more elements of these systems to their production processes. Slovak companies, which have their production process based on international orders, are increasingly trying to optimize their production and thus approach Western countries in the field of automatic identification and registration of parts.
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Marius, Bucur. « Modelling the grain terminal cargo supply process using the road transportation ». Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy XXIII, no 2 (15 décembre 2020) : 241–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.21279/1454-864x-20-i2-033.

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The largest share of operations in a specialized port terminal consists in grain supply processes usually delivered by motor trucks, on traditional road transportation means. In this respect, any process improvement could add value with a high impact against the terminal productivity. The traditional grain port operation technologies can no longer be used because the maritime business in particular requires new operating rules embedded by the integrated logistics variables, that ensure a shorter delivering time and an enhanced safety framework for cargo operation. Under these circumstances, the processes’ automation using modern technologies of supply, internal transportation, storage and forwarding of cargo flow, permanently monitored with an accurate control of operations, have determined the modern silo functional model. Moreover, the specific operations in the terminal are not only performed by automated processes, but there are many interventions and activities dependent on the human factor. This paper comes with an element of novelty, depicting the most relevant subprocesses carried out in the process of receiving grains in the terminal, in case of road shipment by truck. The authors have developed a model on this scenario, under a logical and generally valid flow sequences, that can be used by both those who want to update the terminal effectiveness and those who forth seek to benefit from a modern terminal functionality, valuing the processes and subprocesses improvement potential, in order to increase the quality of actions taken and the labour productivity, by eliminating port operation congestion and ultimately increasing the operational profit.
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Metea, Ileana. « The Influence of Disruptive Technologies in the Field of Defense ». Land Forces Academy Review 26, no 4 (1 décembre 2021) : 288–92. http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/raft-2021-0037.

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Abstract The impact of technology in the field of defense is often analyzed in terms of the quality and quantity of the tasks provided, another issue being how man and machine can collaborate in order to make the right choices while maintaining the human autonomy. This dilemma affects the workplace all over the world, from small businesses to large multinational corporations from households to and nation states. The development of military strategies is increasingly disrupted by artificial intelligence-based technologies that accelerate automation systems and processes. From weapon systems to so-called high-tech portable devices – digital equipment innovations are benefitting the armed forces, from logistics and strategic decision-making to training and combat action. It is not certain where these changes will lead to, but our future in this increasingly technology-dependent world will be largely determined by the social, political and economic decisions we are making today.
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Giusti, Riccardo, Chiara Iorfida, Yuanyuan Li, Daniele Manerba, Stefano Musso, Guido Perboli, Roberto Tadei et Shuai Yuan. « Sustainable and De-Stressed International Supply-Chains Through the SYNCHRO-NET Approach ». Sustainability 11, no 4 (19 février 2019) : 1083. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11041083.

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Synchro-modal supply chain eco-NET (SYNCHRO-NET) is a Horizon 2020 European research project aimed at overcoming the stress due to the increasing transportation distances, the higher complexity, and the vulnerability of international supply chains. In order to foster sustainability, quality, and reliability of such supply chains, SYNCHRO-NET mainly exploits the impact and the possible benefits coming from slow/smart-steaming and synchro-modality transportation strategies, and the related business models. The aim of this paper is to summarize and disseminate the main developments and scientific contributions coming from the project. In particular, the working core of the SYNCHRO-NET solution is an integrated and cloud-based eco-system of optimization and simulation software modules that supports stakeholders’ decisions in freight transportation and logistics management at strategic, operational, and real-time levels. The platform has achieved a high grade of automation in several processes to overcome all the issues related to human-based operations. The efficiency and effectiveness of the overall platform have been tested on three case studies considering pan-European and regional trade lanes, as well as commercial activities between the Far East and European ports. The project results and outputs also allow us to analyze barriers and opportunities of the approach, industrial and academic developments, and relations with emerging technologies.
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Faskhutdinova, Milyausha S., Elmira F. Amirova, Ilnur N. Safiullin et Linar G. Ibragimov. « Human resources in the context of digitalization of agriculture ». BIO Web of Conferences 27 (2020) : 00020. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20202700020.

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The article discusses the concept of digitalization of agriculture which should significantly change the face of the industry. In addition to increasing production efficiency and revenues, the authors propose attracting new employees and creating high-tech industries. Over time, this will allow establishing interaction with digitalization programs in other sectors, in particular with logistics, and creating platforms to support such integrated digital solutions that will popularize domestic products actively introduced into agriculture. One of the significant challenges facing implementation is its substantial demand for staff with relevant digital knowledge. Moreover, if financial injections help remove technical and technological obstacles to digitalization, then staffing the expected changes, especially on the planned scale, will require not only material support but also active organizational and methodological work. The international component may be the most important aspect of upgrading agricultural education in Russia. Over the past decade, some steps have been taken to meaningfully modernize vocational education, improve its quality and integrate Russian education into the international educational space. Despite the undeniable benefits, farmers are faced with the problems of integrating new systems into existing business processes, the lack of a comprehensive solution to their automation, the lack of staff competent in modern IT technologies. Addressing these issues will enable the transition of agriculture to the digital economy at an accelerated pace.
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Mostova, Anastasiia D., et Tetiana A. Pozniakova. « EFFICIENCY OF THE SYSTEM OF MANAGEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION AND SALE OF PRODUCTS OF A TRADE ENTERPRISE ». Європейський вектор економічного розвитку 2, no 31 (2021) : 49–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.32342/2074-5362-2021-2-31-4.

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The theoretical substantiation of the distribution and sales management system of a trade enterprise is carried out in the article. The role of distribution and sales policy of the enterprise in realization of the purposes and tasks of business activity is shown. Sales activities of enterprises occupy a leading place in the management system. It has a goal subordinated to the management of strategic development of the enterprise, aimed at forming a system of support, taking into account industry characteristics, internal and external problems. The use of scientifically approaches to the management of sales activities of industrial enterprises will allow managers to make effective decisions. Sales is an integral part of marketing activities of the enterprise, which consists of a holistic process of bringing products to the final consumer through the use of marketing measures to study the needs, formation and stimulation of demand for products to meet consumer needs and make a profit. The organization of sales management system of a trade enterprise, which provides for the development, planning, coordination, organization and control of relevant measures and key indicators of efficiency and scale of product promotion in order to establish long-term relationships with business partners in a strategic partnership. The problems of sales management and distribution of a commercial enterprise are studied. The efficiency of the distribution and sales system is analyzed and practical ways to solve the research and production problem, which is to develop recommendations for the management of the distribution system and sales policy of the organization, the development of practical recommendations for its improvement. The directions of improvement of the system of distribution and sale of products are substantiated. In order to increase payment discipline in settlements with counterparties to improve sales activities in the direction of sales through a single-level (and multilevel) distribution channel, it is recommended to identify key aspects to be specified in supply and sale agreements. To improve the implementation of the strategy of management of distribution and sales of products, it is proposed to reorganize the scheme of implementation of logistics processes in the enterprise. To increase the financial efficiency of sales activities, it is proposed to introduce an optimal CRM-system for automation of business processes and interaction with customers in the direction of sales through the zero distribution channel.
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Zhao, He, Qin Heng Zhao et Beata Ślusarczyk. « Sustainability and Digitalization of Corporate Management Based on Augmented/Virtual Reality Tools Usage : China and Other World IT Companies’ Experience ». Sustainability 11, no 17 (29 août 2019) : 4717. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11174717.

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The article is tasked with studying the modern possibilities and effectiveness of the application of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the field of managing human recourses (HRs) and basic operational corporate business processes. Using examples of successful use of AR (augmented reality)/VR (virtual reality) in the labor market by the largest companies in the USA, China, and Europe, the most relevant areas and forms of using these technologies in the work of HR specialists were considered. The study examined issues related to improving the performance of the main modern vectors of corporate development in the field of operational technological improvements, and, as the main result, a model of the company (organization) development was proposed based on improved management of business and HR processes using VR and AR tools. The developed model demonstrates the advantages of using it, and presents the reasons for the economic expediency of using these technologies at all stages of personnel management, including recruiting, staff selection, demonstration of the employer’s brand, testing candidates’ skills, improving internal communications, creating a positive corporate culture for employees, imitating the workflow, VR and AR-simulations as a tool for passing the input testing for recruitment, selection and management of remote employees, training, assessment, and adaptation of staff. The possibilities of using VR/AR as tools for operational improvements (lean management), for example, for organizing virtual business meetings and meetings, creating virtual presentations, online controlling in the manufacturing sector, automating operational processes, and using VR technologies, are also separately disclosed in the management of logistics, distribution, marketing, and advertising. The results of the analysis of theoretical and statistical sources of information showed the promise of using the possibilities of virtual reality in corporate management, which shifts the emphasis from the traditional understanding and perception of these technologies exclusively in the entertainment field. The obtained developments within the framework of the conducted research are universal in nature and can be applicable both in the study of modern methods of personnel management and in corporate lean management of modern business companies at various levels.
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