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Fortier, Corinne. « Introduction ». Anthropology of the Middle East 16, no 2 (1 décembre 2021) : 1–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/ame.2021.160201.

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Abstract While love passes for being a feeling born in the West in the twelfth century, love poetry, in its declamatory or sung form, appeared in the sixth century among the Bedouin of the Arabian desert before flourishing in the Arabic cities, then Persian and finally in Europe. Love passion, excessive in essence, can be said only in excess with its joys and its distress. The man who experiences this state of passion is feminized, finding in the medium of poetry a socially legitimate space to express his emotions, including jealousy, nostalgia or blasphemy. Singing the beauty of the beloved and the disorder she or he inspires is a way of acknowledging his emotional vulnerability and also a mode of love conquest. But if the language of predation can be found in heterosexual and homosexual Arabic or Persian masculine poetry, such language is absent from feminine poetry, this difference revealing the asymmetrical polarity of desire according to gender. Résumé Alors que l'amour passe pour être un sentiment né en Occident au douzième siècle, la poésie amoureuse, sous sa forme déclamatoire ou chantée, est apparue dès le sixième siècle chez les Bédouins du désert d'Arabie avant de fleurir dans le monde arabe citadin, puis persan et enfin occidental. L'amour passion, excessif par essence, ne pouvant se dire que dans la démesure, le discours amoureux est l'expression toujours hyperbolique du pathos avec ses joies et ses détresses. L'homme qui éprouve cet état de passion est féminisé, trouvant dans le médium de la poésie un espace d'expression socialement autorisé pour exprimer ses émotions, y compris celles relatives à la jalousie, à la nostalgie ou au blasphème. Chanter la beauté de l'objet aimé et le trouble qu'il inspire est autant une manière d'avouer sa vulnérabilité affective qu'un mode de conquête amoureuse. Mais si le langage de la prédation est patent dans la poésie hétérosexuelle ou homosexuelle, un tel langage est absent de la poésie féminine, différence révélatrice de la polarité asymétrique du désir selon qu'on est homme ou femme.
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Foulon, Brigitte. « Les citations probantes du Livre du palmier (Kitāb al-Naḫl) d’Abū Ḥātim al-Siǧistānī (m. 255/869) ». Arabica 66, no 6 (20 décembre 2019) : 582–605. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15700585-12341532.

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Résumé Parmi les usages du vers attestés dans la culture arabe classique, thème d’une journée d’étude organisée en 2017 à l’INALCO, notre étude a retenu celui consistant à faire du vers un šāhid, ou « citation probante » (Gilliot, 1996). En effet, de nombreuses sciences arabes, au premier plan desquelles figurent les sciences du langage (grammaire, lexicologie, philologie…), ont eu recours aux šawāhid pour illustrer un fait de langue, l’emploi d’un mot rare ou une tournure syntaxique. Dans ce cadre, les vers sont présentés hors de tout contexte, qu’il s’agisse de celui de ses conditions de production ou de celui du poème dans lequel il s’insère. Pour mener à bien ce travail, nous nous appuierons sur le traité d’Abū Ḥātim al-Siǧistānī (m. 255/869) consacré au palmier, Kitāb al-Naḫl. Après avoir procédé à un classement des šawāhid, nous observerons, successivement, les citations sans rapport avec l’objet du traité, le palmier, celles où ce dernier apparaît comme métaphore ou comparant et, enfin, celles dont il est l’objet principal. Notre objectif sera de montrer comment ces citations s’organisent en un réseau textuel qui se superpose – ou se croise – avec le texte du lexicologue. Que nous disent-elles du palmier, qui n’est pas abordé par l’auteur dans son ouvrage savant ? Et, en particulier, que nous apprennent-elles sur le statut accordé au palmier dans le système éthique des Arabes ?
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Zagzoule, Mokhtar. « La chanson citadine arabe moderne ou l'appel de l'Orient ». Horizons Maghrébins - Le droit à la mémoire 43, no 1 (2000) : 126–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/horma.2000.1917.

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CHACHOU, Ibtissem. « Le paradoxe de la citadinité dans la région de Mazouna ». Langues & ; Cultures 5, no 01 (30 juin 2024) : 74–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.62339/jlc.v5i01.224.

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Cette contribution se veut une réflexion sur la question de la citadinité dans la région de Mazouna. En effet, ancienne cité se caractérisant par différents types de citadinités : berbère, arabe, andalouse et turque, la ville de Mazouna est considérée dans les discours médiatique et scientifique ainsi que dans la littérature sociologique et historique comme étant un foyer civilisationnel. Mis à part les aspects socio-historiques qui témoignent de cette vieille citadinité, je m’étais interrogée sur les aspects linguistiques pour vérifier si, à l’instar des anciennes cités (dites citadines), le parler de Mazouna se particularise par des traits citadins ou dits pré-hilaliens. Abstract This contribution is intended to be a reflection on the question of citadinity in the Mazouna region. Indeed, an ancient city characterized by different types of citadinity: Berber, Arab, Andalusian and Turkish, the city of Mazouna is considered in media and scientific discourse as well as in sociological and historical literature as being a civilizational center. Aside from the socio-historical aspects which bear witness to this old citadinity, I wondered about the linguistic aspects to verify if, like the old cities (called citadines), the speech of Mazouna is particularized by traits pre-hilalians.
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Berry-Chikhaoui, Isabelle, et Agnès Deboulet. « Les compétences des citadins : enjeux et illustrations à propos du monde arabe ». L'Homme et la société 143-144, no 1 (2002) : 65. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/lhs.143.0065.

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Nissabouri, Abdelfattah. « Arabophones et francophones du Maroc : un bilinguisme dynamique ». Revue québécoise de linguistique 27, no 1 (30 avril 2009) : 69–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/603167ar.

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RÉSUMÉ Cet article a pour but de montrer que la description d’un accent étranger (ici arabophone marocain) peut dépasser le cadre strict du classement entre la langue première et la langue seconde des bilingues. Divers processus en cours dans la langue première, telle l’atténuation de la dichotomie traditionnelle des parlers arabes (citadin / bédouin) en milieu urbain, reflètent une phase transitoire de la langue première des arabophones.
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Mateu, Fran. « La representación del terror rural en las artes audiovisuales ». Área Abierta 24, no 2 (28 juin 2024) : 73–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/arab.95387.

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El presente estudio ofrece un estado de la cuestión de la representación del terror rural o Folk Horror dentro de las artes audiovisuales, poniendo el foco en el medio cinematográfico, aunque sin dejar de lado otros modelos audiovisuales de representación más contemporáneos, como es el caso de los videojuegos. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis diacrónico y eminentemente cualitativo de este fenómeno narrativo y estético, que responde a un subgénero dentro del terror compuesto por una serie de rasgos definitorios y a la vez complejos. Como metodología empleada, se ha aplicado la revisión bibliográfica, además del breve estudio de caso de determinadas obras que son citadas a lo largo del texto que, sin embargo, pretende plasmar una radiografía más general y actualizada del Folk Horror en la esfera de las artes audiovisuales.
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Daaïf, Lahcen. « Citation coranique probablement erronée dans la plus ancienne lettre arabe datée d’Égypte ». Arabica 62, no 1 (4 mars 2015) : 1–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15700585-12341333.

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Les citations coraniques figurant dans les documents papyrologiques légaux et privés n’ont pas suffisamment attiré l’attention des spécialistes du Coran qui les intègrent rarement dans leur recherche. Dans cette perspective nous nous sommes intéressé aux deux versets de la sourate 65 cités dans une lettre familiale datée du tout début du iie siècle de l’hégire : « Man yattaqi Llāha yaǧʿal lahu [min amrihi] maḫraǧan (2) wa-yarzuqhu min ḥayṯu lā yaḥtasibu (3) ». Au regard de cette date qui se trouve être l’une des plus reculées qu’ait porté un document mentionnant des passages coraniques, s’est imposée à nous l’éventualité d’une lecture coranique excentrique, probablement abandonnée par la codification ultérieure du Coran. Tout en tenant compte du contexte discursif de la citation, cette étude s’efforce de vérifier cette hypothèse en recourant aussi bien aux sources traditionnelles traitant des sciences coraniques (tafsīr, qirāʾāt, asbāb al-nuzūl, etc.) qu’aux dernières publications des fragments du Coran récemment mis au jour.
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Alzola Cerero, Pablo. « La conversión de Terrence Malick : una visión del mundo traducida al cine ». Área Abierta 20, no 3 (29 septembre 2020) : 353–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/arab.69075.

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El hecho de que el cineasta estadounidense Terrence Malick se dedicara durante unos años a la filosofía académica y tradujera al inglés el opúsculo De la esencia del fundamento de Martin Heidegger es tomado por algunos autores como clave interpretativa de su cine. Este artículo parte del concepto de mundo del filósofo alemán, tema central del citado opúsculo, y sus presuntas influencias en la filmografía del director con el objetivo de poner en duda esta afinidad y sugerir, en cambio, la hipótesis de que las películas de Malick están alentadas por una visión del mundo de raíces cristianas. La probabilidad de esta hipótesis será mostrada por una vía negativa, detectando algunas carencias de los estudios que vinculan a Heidegger con Malick, y por una positiva, analizando el significado de sus filmes desde la experiencia de conversión religiosa que estos parecen suscitar en los espectadores.
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Alcalay, Ammiel. « From the Citadel : “I must have been an Arab once…” ». Revue française d’études américaines N° 170, no 1 (8 mars 2022) : 51–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rfea.170.0051.

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Alcalay, Ammiel. « From the Citadel : “I must have been an Arab once…” ». Revue française d’études américaines N° 170, no 1 (8 mars 2022) : 51–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/rfea.170.0051.

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Dickinson, Kay. « Re-citation and resuscitation from the archives of Arab revolution ». Screen 60, no 1 (2019) : 46–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/screen/hjy063.

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David, Jean-Claude. « Espace public au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde arabe, entre urbanisme et pratiques citadines ». Géocarrefour 77, no 3 (2002) : 219–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/geoca.2002.2746.

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Kozma, Liat. « Sex and the Citadel : Intimate Life in a Changing Arab World ». Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 13, no 1 (20 février 2017) : 135–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/15525864-3728723.

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Abdel mokhtar, ahmed. « Scientific Journals of Arab Universities in Global Citation Databases : An Analytical Study. » International Journal of Library and Information Sciences 6, no 2 (1 avril 2019) : 372–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.21608/ijlis.2019.142200.

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Yousefi, Amir, et Ali Ashrafimami. « Intoxication or Sobriety ? Examining the Most Famous Example in Islamic Mysticism ». Teosofia : Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism 13, no 1 (30 septembre 2024) : 161–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/tos.v13i1.21988.

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The present article examines Bāyazīd Bisṭāmī’s reputation as a mystic of “intoxication” (sukr). The origin and validity of such labels are analyzed by examining their most famous example. It should be noted that for the first time, the author of Kashf al-Maḥjūb labels Bāyazīd as the pioneer of “intoxicated” Ṣūfis. Thus, the main question of this paper is to find out whether Hujwīrī had a correct criterion in his attribution of the ‘Path of Intoxication’ to Bāyazīd or Ibn’ Arabī was right in referring to Bāyazīd’s eminence and fixity (Tamkin). In other words, Hujwīrī introduces Bāyazīd as an intoxicated Ṣūfi, and Ibn’ Arabī calls him as a sober gnostic. To explore our question, we have critically examined Kashf al-Maḥjūb and Hujwīrī’s other reports and have argued that Hujwīrī’s main criterion for attribution of intoxication to Bāyazīd is due to his ecstatic utterances, which is not always an applicable criterion. Moreover, because intoxication and sobriety are not alike and identical, dividing Ṣūfis into two separate sects as ‘intoxicated’ and ‘sober’ is not a precise division. Also, calling a certain sect Ṭayfūriyya can be of Hujwīrī’s own innovation. Then, taking into consideration the words of Ibn’ Arabī about Bāyazīd, we have presented some evidence of Bāyazīd’s sayings and mystical practices to indicate his sobriety.Contribution: This study accurately portrays a renowned Islamic mystic while enhancing the understanding of mystical concepts. It also explores the origins of labeling in Islamic history, illustrating how labels emerge and are subsequently perpetuated by later authors despite inadequate citation or contrary documentation.
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Cheverdin, Yuriy I., Vladimir A. Bespalov, Tatyana V. Titova et Marina Yu Sautkina. « Ecological and Agrochemical Assessment of the Kamennaya Steppe Soils under Forest Cenosis ». Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no 5 (15 octobre 2021) : 76–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2021-5-76-91.

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A set of parameters of soils under forest belts was studied. The objects of research were old-growth (65–68 yrs) ravine and shelterbelt forest plantations of the Kamennaya Steppe. The results allow assessing the trends of changes in soil characteristics over a long period of time. Key plots of 100×100 m were laid out using a regular sampling grid. The sampling interval is 15–25 m. A positive effect of forest shelterbelts on the properties of chernozems was found. There is an increase in thickness of the humus horizon from 42.3 cm (arable land on the slope) to 72.6±5.1 cm (under forest). The maximum values are typical for chernozems of watershed areas: 59.6±2.4 cm (arable land) and 85.6±3.9 cm (forest belt). Chernozems leached due to the activation of migration processes of carbonates into the underlying soil horizons have the maximum depth of soil effervescence. Chernozems zooturbated due to mechanical transport and mixing of accumulative-carbonate horizon have the lowest depth of soil effervescence. A general trend to decrease the depth of soil effervescence under the forest cenosis was found. The highest humus content is observed in watershed areas: 7.14±0.24 % (arable land) and 8.56±0.18 % (forest belt). A ravine forest belt reduces the risk of erosion processes. A fairly strong humus profile with a high content of organic matter: 7.03±0.27% (under forest) and 6.10±0.10% (on arable land), was possible to preserve on arable lands in the zone of the belt’s influence. The planting of forest belts causes a change in the nature of vegetation. The influence of acidic products of litter decomposition formed soil horizons with a moderately acidic reaction of the environment in the humus layer. Despite the leading position of calcium, an increased content of magnesium was found in the composition of exchange-absorbed cations. Forest belts have become especially important in recent decades due to changing climatic conditions. In the steppe regions of Russia, such plantations are a powerful soil conservation factor that helps stabilize and increase soil fertility. It is necessary to intensify the planting of artificial forest stands in the steppe regions of Russia. For citation: Cheverdin Yu.I., Bespalov V.A., Sautkina M.Yu., Titova T.V. Ecological and Agrochemical Assessment of the Kamennaya Steppe Soils under Forest Cenosis. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 5, pp. 76–91. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-5-76-91
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Corrêa, Elizabeth Rocha, Ariany Carvalho dos Santos, Lucilene Finoto Viana et Sidnei Eduardo Lima Junior. « Influência da qualidade ambiental no potencial genotóxico em peixes de córregos do alto Rio Paraná ». Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais 12, no 9 (22 août 2021) : 525–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.6008/cbpc2179-6858.2021.009.0040.

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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do uso e cobertura do solo e da qualidade da água em córregos da bacia do Alto rio Paraná sobre o potencial genotóxico em duas espécies de peixes nativas – Pimelodella avanhandavae e Hypostomus ancistroides. O uso e cobertura do solo nos córregos analisados está primariamente associado a atividades antropogênicas, sobretudo agrícolas. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água se enquadraram aos limites estabelecidos pela resolução ambiental brasileira, com exceção da condutividade elétrica, que superou os valores máximos permitidos. Não encontramos diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os locais com relação à frequência de micronúcleos em ambas as espécies. Para outras anormalidades, no entanto, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os locais comparados para P. avanhandavae, com maior frequência de invaginação do citoplasma no córrego Curral de Arame, que apresentou maior condutividade e menor concentração de oxigênio dissolvido que o córrego Laranja Doce. Para H. ancistroides, tanto núcleo lobulado quanto invaginação nuclear apresentaram maior frequência no córrego Curral de Arame, caracterizado por maior ocupação agrícola que o córrego Água Boa, que está localizado em uma área urbana. Nesse sentido, as frequências das anormalidades citadas indicam que, possivelmente, o impacto da agricultura esteja sendo mais prejudicial às espécies que os impactos decorrentes da ocupação urbana.
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Kelly, Tynan. « A Sea-Change in Qur’anic Hermeneutics : ḥadīth Citation in al-Farrāʾ's Maʿānī al-Qurʾān ». Journal of Qur'anic Studies 26, no 1 (juillet 2024) : 1–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/jqs.2024.0567.

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Recent scholarship on the classical tafsīr tradition has shown it to be characterised by, first, an interest in the polyvalent readings of the Qur’an and, second, methodological variegation. It is widely held that these features first appeared in exegetical works of the fourth/tenth century, particularly those of al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/923) and al-Thaʿlabī (d. 427/1035). However, in the following paper I argue that it is rather in Abū Zakariyyā al-Farrāʾ’s (d. 207/824) Maʿānī al-Qurʾān, a linguistic-oriented tafsīr from nearly a century earlier, that we first find the features of mature classical tafsīr. In this article, I focus on al-Farrāʾ’s citation of ḥadīths to illuminate his methodological variegation, which is scattered throughout his dense discussions of the Qur’an. His use of ḥadīths proves to be a good measure of his methodological variegation, given their wide reception and application in nearly all the disciplines of Arabo-Islamic scholarship utilised by exegetes. These observations provide a missing link that furthers our understanding of how the tafsīr tradition grew from the simpler, more concise forms of the second/eighth century to the exhaustive, encyclopaedic works of the fourth/tenth century onward.
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Kaba, Abdoulaye, et C. K. Ramaiah. « Bibliometric Analysis of Research Output on the Internet of Things in the Arab World ». DESIDOC Journal of Library & ; Information Technology 39, no 5 (12 septembre 2019) : 222–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/djlit.39.5.14303.

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Arab countries understand the importance of the Internet of things for the development of society. This entails many efforts to conduct research related to the Internet of things in the Arab countries. Analysing contributions of researchers to the Internet of things research could be useful to go further in this filed. In this study, bibliometric techniques are used to investigate publications indexed in the Scopus database with the affiliation to the Arab countries. The paper used research outputs of Arab nations as quantitative measure, while it also used citation rates and citation scores for qualitative measure. Data analysis focuses on the growth in the Internet of things research, types of publication, core journals, subject and keyword analysis, top productive authors, top productive institutes and countries, and collaborative countries with the Arab countries. Findings of the study highlighted the differences among the Arab group countries with regard to IoT research. In addition, the Arab nations appeared performing better in IoT research than the environmental and medical research.
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Sundarakani, Balan, et Anis Ghouse. « A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Blockchain Technology for Food Security ». Foods 13, no 22 (11 novembre 2024) : 3607. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods13223607.

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) faces obstacles in guaranteeing food security because of its desert climate, restricted arable land, and significant reliance on food imports. Establishing a robust and transparent food supply chain is crucial. This study investigates the crucial functions of blockchain technology in protecting and improving food security in the UAE. Using bibliographic and co-citation network analyses, this study examines 143 research articles that provide a thorough review of the current status of blockchain technology in relation to food security. We examine the interrelationships among studies, highlighting significant themes and identifying three emerging food security patterns in the incorporation of blockchain into the food security domain. This study enhances the understanding of how blockchain technology can transform the food security dimensions of availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability in the UAE and worldwide.
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Falihin, Dalilul, Moch Qasim Mathar, Barsihannor Barsihannor et Salahuddin Salahuddin. « THE MEANING OF MAHABBAH ACCORDING TO IBN 'ARABI'S PERSPECTIVE ». Jurnal Diskursus Islam 10, no 1 (20 avril 2022) : 34–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.24252/jdi.v10i1.29103.

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This paper reveals in-depth the concept of mahabbah based on Ibn 'Arabi's perspective. The type of research used in this paper was library research. This research revolved on studying the concept of Mahabbah according to Ibn 'Arabi by adjusting the qualitative research. The research method used by the author was descriptive with a philosophical approach. The Philosophical approach could also examine the structure of the basic ideas (fundamental ideas) formulated by the thinkers. Primary data sources were the works of Ibn 'Arabi, both in the form of books and papers. Secondary data sources were data in the form of books, papers, and articles relevant to the concept of Ibn 'Arabi, from various writings with the knowledge and concern about Ibn 'Arabi's thoughts, especially in the field of Sufism. The technique used by the author in collecting the data was the citation technique, which refers to quoting part or all of the data from various readings that relate to the problem studied. The writer carried out the data analysis. After collecting the data, the writer analyzed it based on the type, then connected one data to another. Next, interpreted the data based on the research principles, and described it using deductive and inductive thinking techniques. Based on Ibn 'Arabi's perspective, the results showed that mahabbah (love) could not be defined; love is difficult to understand. Love can only be found and lived in the deepest depths of the heart. However, it is undeniable that everyone can feel the beauty of love even if they cannot make an analogy of its ultimate. God loves His creatures as a form of manifestation of His al-wadud, al-rahman, al-rahim attributes. Love is the reason and motive for the universe's creation; It cannot separate Ibn' Arabi's theory about love from the doctrine of wahdat al-Wujud as the center of his Sufistic doctrine. It asserted that there are no lovers and beloved except Allah because all entities in nature are the manifestations (Tajalliyat) of the magnificence of Allah. Ibn 'Arabi said that the basis and cause of all love is magnificence. God loves his creatures because the creatures are magnificent. Meanwhile, humans love God because they see God’s magnificence. God is the great and the source of all fineness.
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Zhang, Hui, Yuancai Wang, Lichang Liu, Jiayi Zhou, Qun Wan, Ji Chen, Yaoyao Cao et al. « Bibliometric Analysis of Contemporary Research on the Amelioration of Saline Soils ». Agronomy 14, no 12 (9 décembre 2024) : 2935. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14122935.

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The decreasing availability of agricultural land, coupled with the growing global population, presents significant challenges worldwide. Reclaiming saline–alkali soil offers a promising solution to alleviate these challenges. Improving and utilizing saline soils present ecological challenges that are influenced by both technological advancements and socio-economic factors. This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the published research on saline soil remediation and reclamation from 1985 to the present, using data indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection: Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Science Citation Index. This analysis includes 16,729 publications, which indicate that, over the years, many scientists have conducted extensive research on enhancing and using sodic lands. Countries like the United States, China, Australia, Pakistan, Poland, India, Egypt, and Israel have been pioneers in this field. Furthermore, we summarize trends in this research area, highlighting how strategies for saline soil reclamation have evolved from physical and chemical remediation to salt-tolerant crop breeding and bioremediation applications. With the advancements in science and technology, more methods and strategies have become available to facilitate saline soil remediation. Consequently, management strategies combining multiple technologies will become more effective and provide powerful approaches for reclaiming arable soil from high-salinity marginal lands.
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Al-Shamsi, Humaid O., Ibrahim Abu-Gheida, Kareem Sameh, Nouran E. Tahoun et Khaled M. Musallam. « Arab Countries and Oncology Clinical Trials : A Bibliometric Analysis ». Cancers 15, no 18 (5 septembre 2023) : 4428. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cancers15184428.

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The increasing cancer burden is a major health concern in Arab countries with cross-regional variations in cancer profiles. Given the limited oncology research output and scarce data on cancer trial participation in the Arab region, this study explored the therapeutic cancer trial landscape in Arab countries over the past 20 years. A bibliometric analysis of the PubMed database was conducted on primary publications of therapeutic trials with a participating Arab center. Arab countries participated in 320 published cancer-related therapeutic trials (2000–2021). During this period, there was a consistent increase in the number of trials, sample size, multiregional site participation, and number of randomized trials. However, most trials were small, did not receive external funding, and included a single Arab site. Compared with Arab-only trials, trials with joint non-Arab sites were larger (p = 0.003) and more likely to be externally funded (p < 0.001). Citation numbers and journal impact factors were higher in trial publications with joint non-Arab authorship than those without (p < 0.001, for both). Despite improving conduct and publication records of oncology trials with Arab centers, cancer trial participation remains limited in Arab countries. Concerted efforts are required to encourage sponsorship and international collaboration in this region.
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Abdeldeen, Mahmoud. « Themes of Al-Farabi's Document in Linguistic Evidence Citation Compared to the Methodology of Grammarians : Sibawayh's Book as a Case Study ». International Journal for Scientific Research 3, no 2 (27 février 2024) : 136–59. http://dx.doi.org/10.59992/ijsr.2024.v3n2p6.

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The study aimed to explore how closely grammarians adhered to the standards set by Abu Nasr al-Farabi in his book "Al-Huruf," known as Al-Farabi's Document. These standards outlined the methodology grammarians used in citing Arabic speech to validate their linguistic opinions or grammatical rules. It was expected that Al-Farabi derived these criteria based on the grammarians' methodology in their writings, but this did not entirely match what was observed in grammatical texts. Al-Farabi noted that grammarians did not cite everything from the Arabs; they excluded tribes influenced by other languages, known as the geographical criterion for linguistic evidence. However, the reality shows that grammarians did not strictly follow this criterion. This was evident in the examples cited by Sibawayh in his book, as many poets fell outside Al-Farabi's mentioned scope. This does not indicate a lack of methodology, but rather Sibawayh and subsequent grammarians focused on eloquence and linguistic correctness. Wherever these were present, evidence was cited regardless of the geographical criterion of the speaker. Al-Farabi's description of the grammarians' method seems to be a general overview rather than an accurate extrapolation. Al-Farabi's Document in "Al-Huruf" is more precise to what grammarians did, but less accurate in its content attributed to him by Abu Hayyan and Al-Suyuti, possibly due to their added details to the document's text.
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Souza, Daniel, André Alves de Resende et Américo Scotti. « Um modelo qualitativo para explicar a influência da polaridade na taxa de fusão no processo MIG/MAG ». Soldagem & ; Inspeção 14, no 3 (septembre 2009) : 192–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0104-92242009000300002.

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Uma das principais vantagens do processo MIG/MAG é a alta produtividade. Na maioria das aplicações utiliza-se a polaridade positiva, devido a maior estabilidade do arco, geração de menos respingos e formação de cordões com geometria adequada. No entanto, em algumas aplicações, se demanda uma maior capacidade de produção do que a que o MIG/MAG convencional oferece. Na literatura é citado que a polaridade negativa proporciona maior taxa de fusão do que a positiva, apesar de levar à grande produção de respingos e formação inadequada do cordão. Lamentavelmente, não há muita informação disponível sobre os efeitos das variáveis do processo nessa polaridade, tão pouco justificativas sobre tal. Assim, neste trabalho se procurou entender a razão para que uma maior taxa de deposição aconteça na polaridade negativa, assim como o respectivo efeito sobre a geometria dos cordões. Para isto, foram realizadas soldagens MIG/MAG comparativas na polaridade positiva e negativa, usando duas composições de gases de proteção em dois valores de corrente. O modo de transferência e o comportamento do arco foram analisados por perfilografia sincronizada. O perfil geométrico do cordão foi avaliado por meio de procedimentos metalográficos. A partir dos resultados, que discordam em parte da literatura corrente, foi observado que tanto o modo de transferência como a morfologia e aspecto do cordão são dependentes da composição do gás de proteção. Para explicar os fenômenos inerentes à maior taxa de fusão do arame em CC-, sugere-se que o fato de o arco escalar as laterais do arame nesta polaridade seja o fator governante.
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Fearon, D., S. Hughes et S. G. Brearley. « Experiences of breast cancer in Arab countries. A thematic synthesis ». Quality of Life Research 29, no 2 (23 octobre 2019) : 313–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11136-019-02328-0.

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Abstract Background Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women globally. Its negative effects on a woman’s quality of life are related to the individual and socio-cultural factors. This review aimed to identify and synthesise the reported experiences and quality of life of women with breast cancer in Arab countries. Methods PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, SCOPUS, PsychInfo, CINAHL, Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, and Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region were searched for articles published from start to March 2019 using PRISMA guidelines. These searches were complimented by citation tracking and hand searching of relevant journals. A thematic synthesis was carried out on the ‘findings/results’ sections from the identified papers. Results Of 5228 records identified, 19 were included in the review which represented 401 women from 11 Arab countries. All used qualitative methods of data collection to produce rich descriptions of experiences. Thematic synthesis of the extracted data identified three major themes, Perceptions and reactions, Coping or enduring and Changing roles. Conclusions This review provides a rich description of the reported quality of life and experiences of women with breast cancer in Arab countries. These are influenced by the women’s and society’s views of cancer, the women’s role in society and family, religious faith and the healthcare context and access to treatment choices and information.
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Kozykin, Alexander V., et Elena N. Nakvasina. « GIS-analysis of the Influence of the Land Use Type on the Current Diversity of Forest Plantations in the Kenozersky National Park ». Lesnoy Zhurnal (Forestry Journal), no 5 (1 novembre 2023) : 27–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2023-5-27-41.

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The problem of agricultural land abandonment is a worldwide problem. In the forest zone, the transformation of fallow lands is associated with afforestation and the formation of so-called secondary forest growths. Postagrogenic forests reflect the agricultural history of fallow areas, which imprint the "mute" realities of time and the social order of their development. The type of previous land use creates sufficiently stable factors, which in the process of natural overgrowth are weakly changed by natural factors and affect the emerging forests. In the key area of Kenozersky National Park (middle taiga forest region), located in the Plesetsk District of the Arkhangelsk region, we traced, according to the 1861 boundary plans, the regularities of evolution of land use areas of different categories during forest overgrowth. We assessed the area, tree species and typological structure of modern forests according to the 2014 forest inventory and traced the connection between the transformation of agro-ecosystems into forests and the history of the use of these lands after the land survey. As of the year when the boundary plans were drawn up, more than half of the territory of the key site was under agrarian influence (arable land, perelogs, haymaking, etc.). After 160 years a forest massif was formed (97 % of the territory), in which a part of hayfields was preserved. First of all, perelogs and hayfields were overgrown with forests (99 and 85 %, respectively). The allocation characterization of taxation descriptions of forest stands showed that bilberry and oxalis type pine forests were formed more often (89,7; 81,0; 78.5 %, respectively) on abandoned arable lands, perelogs and hayfields. All formed stands, classified as bilberry and oxalis type pine forests during forest inventory, have rather high productivity (I–II quality classes) and mixed composition. Forests of lower quality classes (III and IV) were rewealed in the formation of bilberry forest type. At present about 70 % of the bilberry and oxalis type pine forests on the 1861 boundary plan, formed on arable land, are dominated by birch (more than 3 units), about 10 % – by gray alder; the share of stands dominated by aspen is high. Reduced soil fertility on swidden plots ensured a more stable position of pine in the composition of emerging stands (60 % of pine-dominated stands). The character of tree species composition in stands formed on hayfields corresponds to lands with high soil fertility, which indicates the formation of hayfields on abandoned arable land. The studies have demonstrated significant differentiation of derived forest landscapes, sometimes hidden due to the widespread growth of the main forest-forming species and the formation of zonal-type forests. Intralandscape differentiation associated with the history of agricultural development has been preserved for more than 100 years and requires close study. For citation: Kozykin A.V., Nakvasina E.N. GIS-analysis of the Influence of the Land Use Type on the Current Diversity of Forest Plantations in the Kenozersky National Park. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2023, no. 5, pp. 27–41. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2023-5-27-41
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Davudov, Omar Malamagomedovich. « WATER MILL STONES FROM SHACHSENGERSKY TOWN ». Globus 7, no 2(59) (4 avril 2021) : 19–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.52013/2658-5197-59-2-2.

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The article considers the water mill stone, discovered in the wall of the residential complex during the excavation of the citadel of the shakhsenger settlement. One of the early information about the water mill belongs to Strabon. He says that in the 90-s year of the 1-st century bc. in the cabins of the Pontus kingdom, the palace of the Mitridate and its water mill were built. At the same time the water mills penetrated in Armenia, ruler (Mithridates relative), which pursued a policy of Hellenization of his country. Since that time, the water mill of the pontian type began to distributed all over the Caucasus. In the plane Daghestan it penned in the period of the arab expansion. «Derbent name» reports that in 173 hijri (789-90 year) arabian khalif Garun Rashid arrived in Derbent and has used its improvement. Then the same he built mills there and broken gardens and vegetables. At the same time he build mills in the population points occupied by arabs, including in the former «Suvar fortress» (Shakhsenger settlement.) .
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Zhidkin, A. P., M. A. Komissarov, E. N. Shamshurina et A. V. Mishchenko. « Soil Erosion in the Central Russian Upland : A Review ». Почвоведение, no 2 (1 février 2023) : 259–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.31857/s0032180x22600901.

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This literature review analyzed more than 100 publications on soil erosion in the Central Russian Upland, one of the most erosion-prone regions of Russia. The selection of scientific papers was carried out from open web resources, domestic and international citation databases. The following parameters have been analyzed: time; geographical position; scale and methods of research; soil and geomorphological features; anti-erosion measures; type of erosion and rates of soil washout/accumulation; bibliographic information about the publication. There is a shortage of studies at the small-scale and medium-scale levels. The confinement of large-scale studies to the main watershed of the Central Russian Upland was revealed. There are discrepancies in the estimates of soil erosion by different authors, especially at different scale levels. An analysis of changes in soil erosion over time indicates a decrease in the rate of soil erosion in general on the Central Russian Upland, mainly due to climate change and a reduction in the area of arable lands. A lack of studies of rainfall, mechanical and wind erosion of soils in this area has been revealed.
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Al-Mohsen, Abdulaziz. « Ibn Hisham’s Approach in Inflecting the Verses, and Mentioning What His Sayings Differed About ». Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Language Sciences and Literature, no 33 (20 juin 2024) : 214–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.54940/ll50503732.

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Ibn Hisham took great care in citing the Holy Qur’an and highlighting its readings. He also made efforts to inflect the verses and direct them to be consistent with the grammarians’ reports. This resulted in clear features that distinguished him from others, which made him prefer some Arabs over others and add him to his ancestor scholars. However, his statement differed in inflecting some verses, so I collected these differences, balanced them, and observed the method that he considered while inflection the idea of the research and came up with the title: Ibn Hisham’s approach in inflecting the verses, and mentioning what his sayings differed about. The research includes an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, and indexes. In the introduction, I talked about Ibn Hisham’s attention to the verses in citation and inflection. In the first section, I mentioned Ibn Hisham’s method of inflecting the Quranic verses. As for the second section, I gathered in it what Ibn Hisham’s sayings differed about when inflecting verses. Then, a conclusion in which I mentioned the most important findings of this research.
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Borodovskaya, Liliya Zelimkhanovna. « Collection of oriental manuscripts of Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences as a source on Tatar Sufi culture of the 16th – 19th centuries ». From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region 14, no 3 (15 octobre 2024) : 108–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2410-0765.2024-14-3.108-117.

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The article presents an analysis of thirteen volumes of the “Collection of Oriental Manuscripts of Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences” for the presence of manuscripts related to the activities of the sheikhs – the founders of the Yasawiya and Naqshbandiya tariqats, their students and followers, as well as the treatises of al-Ghazali and al-Arabi, as especially revered among the Tatar scientists of the Middle Ages. The relevance of the search for Sufi sources of the period of the 16th – 19th centuries is due to the need to deepen knowledge about the Tatar Sufi culture of this period of history. The description of the manuscripts in the “Collections” is carried out according to the dates of the copying of the treatises, which is an indirect fact of interest in them in the described period. For citation: Borodovskaya L.Z. Collection of oriental manuscripts of Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences as a source on Tatar Sufi culture of the 16th – 19th centuries. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. 2024, vol.14, no.3, pp.108–117. https://doi.org/10.22378/2410-0765.2024-14-3.108-117 (In Russian)
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Ehlers, Eckart. « Citadins et espace urbain au Maroc, by Robert Escallier. (Fascicule de recherches 8, 9.) Centre d’études et de recherches URBAMA (Urbanisation du monde arabe), CNRS assoc. lab. 365, Tours 1982, reissued 1984. » Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 19, no 1 (juillet 1985) : 54–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s002631840001484x.

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Sayfetdinova, Elmira Gadelzyanovna. « The image of the Golden Horde womens in the notes of an Arab traveler Ibn Battuta ». From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region 13, no 4 (1 décembre 2023) : 10–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2410-0765.2023-13-4.10-17.

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This article discusses the image of the woman of the Golden Horde in the description of the Arab traveler Ibn Battuta, who visited the headquarters of the Golden Horde ruler Uzbek Khan in 1334. The author focuses on the view of the Arab traveler to the attitude of the Jochids towards their women and the effective use of their potential in the politics and public life of the state. Information is given in which the traveler tells in detail about the meeting with women and assesses the status of the women of the ruling elite of the Golden Horde, who left their mark on the development of the country. For citation: Sayfetdinova E.G. The image of the Golden Horde womens in the notes of an Arab traveler Ibn Battuta. From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region. vol.13, no.4, pp.10–17. https://doi.org/10.22378/2410-0765.2023-13-4.10-17 (In Russian)
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Rahman, Sainul. « TENSI SEKTARIANISME DAN TANTANGAN DEMOKRASI DI TIMUR TENGAH PASCA ARAB SPRING ». DIALEKTIKA 12, no 2 (19 décembre 2019) : 111. http://dx.doi.org/10.33477/dj.v12i2.1116.

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ABSTRACT The Arab Spring wave in the beginning of 2011 that hit Middle Eastern countries, started from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Syria, which still continue to this day, is a symbol of the fall of authoritarian and repressive Arab regimes, as well as a symbol of the struggle of Arabian people who want great changes in various fields such as economic, social, and democratic political system. After eight years, the Arab Spring still has many problems, Middle Eastern countries still trapped in conflict and civil war. The transition of democracy that hoped is not going well, trapped in sectarian interests: tribes, religions, streams (madzhab), and political groups. Sectarianism has become one of the causes of instability and colored the politic dynamics in the region. In fact, it socially and historically has multiple roots over a long period of time in the Middle East. This paper seeks to read the history and dynamics of sectarian conflict, as well as the process of democratic transition: between opportunities and challenges, and the realization of democracy in the region after the Arab Spring. Keywords: Sectarianism, Democracy, Arab Spring, Middle East. ABSTRAK Gelombang Arab Spring pada awal 2011 yang melanda negara-negara Timur Tengah, dimulai dari Tunisia, Mesir, Libya, Yaman, dan Suriah yang masih berlanjut hingga kini, adalah sebuah simbol jatuhnya rezim-rezim Arab yang otoriter dan represif, dan juga sebagai simbol perjuangan rakyat Arab yang menginginkan adanya perubahan besar dalam berbagai bidang, ekonomi, sosial, sistem politik terbuka dan demokratis. Setelah delapan tahun semenjak bergulirnya, Arab Spring masih menyisakan banyak problem, negara-negara Timur Tengah masih terpuruk, terjebak dalam konflik dan perang saudara. Transisi demokrasi yang dicita-citakan tidak berjalan dengan baik, tersandera oleh kepentingan-kepentingan sektarian: suku, agama, mazhab dan kelompok politik. Sektarianisme menjadi salah satu penyabab instabilitas dan telah mewarnai dinamika politik di kawasan Timur Tengah. secara sosio-historis sektarianisme di Timur Tengah memiliki akar yang berlapis-lapis dalam kurun waktu yang panjang. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk membaca sejarah dan dinamika konflik sektarisnisme, proses transisi demokrasi: antara peluang dan tantangan, dan realisasi demokrasi di Timur Tengah pasca Arab Spring. Kata Kunci: Sektarianisme, Demokrasi, Arab Spring, Timur Tengah.
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Modenesi, Paulo J., Maria Celeste Monteiro de Souza Costa, Ivan J. Santana et João Paulo Pereira Berganholi. « Estudo de alguns parâmetros básicos da soldagem GMAW com transferência por curto-circuito ». Soldagem & ; Inspeção 16, no 1 (mars 2011) : 12–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0104-92242011000100003.

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O processo de soldagem GMAW é caracterizado por uma forte interdependência de seus parâmetros operacionais e uma grande sensibilidade a variações destes. Estas características podem causar variações nas condições operacionais, dificultando o estabelecimento e a reprodução destas condições que, usualmente precisam ser verificadas pela realização de testes. Como uma forma de minimizar esta dificuldade e facilitar o entendimento da relação entre as variáveis deste processo, tem-se trabalhado no desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático capaz de simular aspectos elétricos e operacionais da soldagem GMAW. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar procedimentos de determinação e fatores que afetam duas variáveis fundamentais para o desenvolvimento deste modelo (a resistividade elétrica do arame durante a soldagem e a soma das quedas de tensão anódica e catódica no arco, U AC) na soldagem com transferência por curto-circuito. Os testes experimentais envolveram a deposição mecanizada de cordões emaço de baixo carbono usando arames do mesmo material com diferentes gases de proteção. Metodologias para a determinação dos parâmetros citados foram desenvolvidas com base em procedimentos similares indicados na literatura. Os detalhes destes procedimentos são avaliados, os resultados obtidos são comparados com dados da literatura e métodos para estimar a resistência elétrica entre o bico de contato e o eletrodo são apresentados. Os resultados sugerem valores para esta resistência entre 6 e 9 mΩ.
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Abbas H. Al-Shammari. « A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis Content Mapping of English Language Teaching as the Second Language in Arab Countries ». Forum for Linguistic Studies 6, no 3 (27 août 2024) : 788–812. http://dx.doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i3.6665.

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This bibliometric analysis maps patterns in the literature on English language teaching (ELT) in Arab countries from 2000 to 2024. and provides a quantitative mapping of the research status, trends, and developmental trajectories in this domain. A total of 512 journal articles were analyzed using scientometric techniques. Data across social science, arts, and humanities publications were retrieved from Scopus. The results establish the genesis and growth patterns, collaborative networks, influential contributors, conceptual themes, and knowledge gaps that characterize ELT research in the Arab region. Key findings show: (1) Publications grew by 24% annually, accelerating across three stages: the initial, developmental, and rapid expansion. Research has concentrated on the education and linguistics fields. (2) Saudi Arabia led to productivity, while Lebanon, Yemen, and Morocco achieved the highest citation impact. Cross-country collaboration remains limited, although it has increased in China. The most prolific authors were ELYAS and AL-AHDAL. Core journals included System and Language Learning; (3) Foundational keywords like “English language teaching” persisted prominently, while terms like “Saudi EFL learners” and “EFL writing” gained prominence, signaling rising localization. However, the integration of sociocultural dimensions is limited. This study provides empirical guidance for future research policies and strategies. This study aims to advance impactful ELT scholarship tailored to the Arab context.
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Rennert, Gad, Bita Nehoray, Flavio Lejbkowicz, Sara Dishon, Shiri Kalet, Joseph Herzog, Thomas Slavin et al. « Abstract P3-13-07 : A comprehensive germline genetic landscape in young Jewish & ; Arab women with breast cancer ». Cancer Research 82, no 4_Supplement (15 février 2022) : P3–13–07—P3–13–07. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.sabcs21-p3-13-07.

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Abstract Background: After decades of research on Ashkenazi Jewish (AJ) founder mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA), there is still little known about genetics in non-AJ and Arab breast cancer populations in Israel and non-BRCA pathogenic variants (PV) in the total population. We used multigene panel testing (MGPT) to characterize the spectrum and prevalence of PV in cancer susceptibility genes in various Jewish and Arab demographic subgroups. Methods: A population-based cohort of women diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 46 in a defined geographical area in Northern Israel was recruited as part of the BCINIS study and underwent MGPT. Probability matrices of proportion of PV by gene, and by ethnic sub-group (AJs, Sephardi Jews of North African origin, Sephardi Jews of other Eastern origins, Arabs), age-sub-group (35 and under, 36-45) and first-degree family history of breast, ovary or pancreatic cancer were calculated. Results: Overall, 1650 women were tested, including 1012 Jewish, 530 Arab and 108 non-Jewish/non-Arab women. We detected 375 PV among 363 women (22.7%): 212 in AJ (33.4% of AJs), 61 in Sephardi Jews (14.2% of Sephardi), and 69 in Arabs (13.0% of Arab). Only 162 of the PV (43.2%) were the BRCA AJ founders, another 39 BRCA PV (10.4%) were reported previously, while 15 BRCA PV (4.0%) are likely private. The remaining non-BRCA PV (42.4%) were distributed across 18 genes, with findings predominantly in CHEK2, MUTYH, ATM, BLM, ERCC3, PALB2, and FANCA. The prevalence of PV varied significantly across the ancestral subsets, from 95.5% probability in AJ women diagnosed before age 36 and with first degree family history to only 9.3% in Arab women diagnosed at age 36-45 and without family history. Conclusions: In this comprehensive, population-based, cohort of women with young onset breast cancer, the presence of PV in more than 15 genes is compelling and informs a necessarily broader approach to genetic testing and counseling. Citation Format: Gad Rennert, Bita Nehoray, Flavio Lejbkowicz, Sara Dishon, Shiri Kalet, Joseph Herzog, Thomas Slavin, Danielle Castillo, Kevin Tsang, Sharon Sand, Hedy S Rennert, Jeffrey Weitzel. A comprehensive germline genetic landscape in young Jewish & Arab women with breast cancer [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 2021 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 2021 Dec 7-10; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2022;82(4 Suppl):Abstract nr P3-13-07.
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Dekkiche, Malika. « The Letter and Its Response : The Exchanges between the Qara Qoyunlu and the Mamluk Sultan : ms Arabe 4440 (BnF, Paris) ». Arabica 63, no 6 (18 novembre 2016) : 579–626. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15700585-12341413.

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In their manuals, chancery scribes often discussed the differences between initial letters (ibtidāʾ) and their responses (ǧawāb), yet one question persists: which one was of higher status? Basing their reflections on literary criteria, secretaries were divided. Most of them granted the response more value, since it required greater skill and literary dexterity from its author. While the mubtadiʾ had the entire choice of terms, structure, and prolixity, the muǧīb was challenged by the letter’s wording. Others, however, considered both tasks equal in difficulty, since all secretaries were required to act as both mubtadiʾ and muǧīb. Despite this debate among secretaries, initial letters and responses were different in nature and require distinction. In this article, I discuss the issue of letter writing (initial and response) within the Mamluk chancery of Cairo. I base this paper on the study of a sample of letters exchanged between the Qara Qoyunlu governor Pīr Būdāq (d. 870/1466) and the Mamluk sultan Īnāl (r. 857/1453-865/1461) as preserved in an unpublished munšaʾa (ms Arabe 4440, BnF) and containing both the initial letters sent by Pīr Būdāq and the responses produced by the Egyptian chancery. After briefly presenting the letters and the context of their reception, I focus on their style and the different elements of their structure, going on to compare them to the rules of letter-writing as described in the chancery manuals of the period (i.e. theme, quotation, status). Finally, I address the nature of the Mamluk responses in the framework of the aforementioned debate. Dans leur manuels, les secrétaires de chancellerie discutent souvent des différences entre les lettres initiales (ibtidāʾ) et leur réponses (ǧawāb). Néanmoins une question demeure : laquelle était de statut plus élevé ? Fondant leur raisonnement sur des critères littéraires, les secrétaires sont divisés. La plupart attribue à la réponse la plus grande valeur, car elle nécessitait plus d’habilité et de dextérité littéraire de la part de son auteur. Alors que pour la lettre initiale, le mubtadiʾ avait l’entière liberté du choix des mots, de la structure, de la prolixité, le muǧīb était mis au défi de la formulation posée dans la lettre initiale. D’autres, cependant, considéraient chacune des tâches égales en difficulté, car après tout, tous les secrétaires devaient pouvoir œuvrer à la fois en tant que mubtadiʾ et muǧīb. En dépit de ce débat entre secrétaires, il est clair que lettres initiales et réponses étaient de nature différente et dès lors se doivent d’être distinguées. Dans cet article, nous aborderons la question de la rédaction des lettres (initiales et réponses) au sein de la chancellerie mamlouke du Caire. Nous fondons cette étude sur l’analyse d’un corpus de lettres échangées entre le gouverneur Qara Qoyunlu Pīr Būdāq (m. 870/1466) et le sultan mamlouk Īnāl (r. 857/1453-865/1461), tel qu’il est conservé dans un munšaʾa inédit (ms Paris, BnF, Arabe 4440). Ce corpus comprend à la fois les lettres initiales envoyées par Pīr Būdāq, ainsi que les réponses produites par la chancellerie égyptienne. Après une brève présentation du corpus et du contexte entourant sa réception, nous nous concentrerons sur l’étude du style des lettres et des différents éléments de leurs structures et nous les comparerons avec les règles de rédaction telles qu’elles nous sont transmises dans les manuels de chancelleries de la période (i.e. thème, citation, statut). Enfin, nous analyserons la nature des réponses mamloukes dans le cadre du débat mentionné ci-dessus. This article is in English.
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Kaari, Jennifer. « Researchers at Arab Universities Hold Positive Views on Research Data Management and Data Sharing ». Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 15, no 2 (15 juin 2020) : 168–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.18438/eblip29746.

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A Review of: Elsayed, A. M., & Saleh, E. I. (2018). Research data management and sharing among researchers in Arab universities: An exploratory study. IFLA Journal, 44(4), 281–299. https://doi.org/10.1177/0340035218785196 Abstract Objective – To investigate researchers’ practices and attitudes regarding research data management and data sharing. Design – Email survey. Setting – Universities in Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Subjects – Surveys were sent to 4,086 academic faculty researchers. Methods – The survey was emailed to faculty at three Arab universities, targeting faculty in the life sciences and engineering. The survey was created using Google Docs and remained open for five months. Participants were asked basic demographic questions, questions regarding their research data and metadata practices, and questions regarding their data sharing practices. Main Results – The authors received 337 responses, for a response rate of 8%. The results showed that 48.4% of respondents had a data management plan and that 97% were responsible for preserving their own data. Most respondents stored their research data on their personal storage devices. The authors found that 64.4% of respondents reported sharing their research data. Respondents most frequently shared their data by publishing in a data research journal, sharing through academic social networks such as ResearchGate, and providing data upon request to peers. Only 5.1% of respondents shared data through an open data repository. Of those who did not share data, data privacy and confidentiality were the most common reasons cited. Of the respondents who did share their data, contributing to scientific progress and increased citation and visibility were the primary reasons for doing so. A total of 59.6% of respondents stated that they needed more training in research data management from their universities. Conclusion – The authors conclude that researchers at Arab universities are still primarily responsible for their own data and that data management planning is still a new concept to most researchers. For the most part, the researchers had a positive attitude toward data sharing, although depositing data in open repositories is still not a widespread practice. The authors conclude that in order to encourage strong data management practices and open data sharing among Arab university researchers, more training and institutional support is needed.
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Dardas, Latefa Ali, Ahmad M. A. Malkawi, Sami Sweis, Nadia Sweis, Amjad Al-Khayat et Faleh A. Sawair. « Mapping Two Decades of Research Productivity in the Middle Eastern and Arab Countries : A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis ». Publications 11, no 4 (10 octobre 2023) : 48. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/publications11040048.

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Middle Eastern and Arab countries have been experiencing significant advancements in scientific research and development over the past few decades. Understanding the trends, patterns, and impact of research within this region can provide valuable insights into its scientific landscape, identify areas of strength, and uncover potential areas for improvement. This study presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of research productivity in the Middle Eastern and Arab region over a 20-year period. The findings revealed a consistent increase in research productivity, yet mapped significant disparities between countries in scholarly output, excellence, and impact. Adjusting for population size and GDP, Iran displayed the highest publication activity, trailed by Egypt and Turkey. Delving into the distribution of research output across different journal quartiles, the results revealed that this region has a lower percentage of scholarly output published in high-impact journals (both the top 10% and the top 25% categories). Compared to North America and the European Union, the Middle Eastern and Arab region consistently exhibited lower performance in terms of top 10% citations, average citations per publication, and field-weighted citation impact. The field of physical sciences took the lead as the most prevalent subject area in the Middle Eastern and Arab region, comprising about 60.5% of the research emphasis. Conversely, social sciences garnered comparatively less research attention, making up approximately 8.9% of the focus. The region showed strong international collaboration levels (40.5%), yet relatively low national (24.4%) and academic–corporate collaborations (1.5%). The outcomes of this study can facilitate international comparisons and benchmarking, allowing Middle Eastern and Arab countries to position themselves within the global scientific community. There remains a need to prioritize quality over quantity by emphasizing rigorous research practices and collaboration. An ongoing evaluation of research performance using a combination of indicators can help track progress and adjust strategies as needed.
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El-Araby, Alaa, et Abed Al-Jabab. « The Influence of Some Dentin Primers on Calcium Hydroxide Lining Cement ». Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 6, no 2 (2005) : 1–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.5005/jcdp-6-2-1.

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Abstract Dentin primer is applied as a routine procedure prior to bonding to improve the sealing properties of direct polymerizing resins. Some primers contain acetone or alcohol that may affect the properties of calcium hydroxide liner which is placed as a direct or indirect pulp cap. If calcium hydroxide is softened or smeared over the cavity walls, the bonding will be impaired. Therefore, if this occurs, the cement must be removed, the walls must be cleansed, and the procedure must be repeated with careful application of dentin primer. Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the wear and compressive strength of a calcium hydroxide liner after exposure to different kinds of dentin primers for different periods of time. Methods The calcium hydroxide used in this study was Dycal™. It was mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions and placed in plastic rings of 0.5 mm x 5 mm and allowed to set at 37°C for 15 min under 500 gm load. To determine erosion, the height for each sample before and after application of primers was recorded using a Digital Height Measuring Instrument “Digmar” 817. Compressive strength specimens were also prepared. Results Calcium hydroxide treated with Optibond (alcohol based) or Syntac (acetone based) for 1 min or 5 min had the highest erosion values and the lowest compressive strength values. Gluma CPs (water based primer) had the least effect on calcium hydroxide values. Citation El-Araby A, Al-Jabab A. The Influence of Some Dentin Primers on Calcium Hydroxide Lining Cement. J Contemp Dent Pract 2005 May;(6)2:001-009.
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Maltas, Tom, Vasif Şahoğlu, Hayat Erkanal† et Rıza Tuncel. « Prehistoric Farming Settlements in Western Anatolia ». Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 34, no 2 (20 janvier 2022) : 252–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1558/jma.21981.

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Recovery of archaeobotanical assemblages from Late Chalcolithic Bakla Tepe and Liman Tepe in western Anatolia has provided the opportunity for in-depth analysis of agricultural strategies and the organisation of farming-related activity at the two sites. We find that Late Chalcolithic farmers utilised five major crop taxa, potentially including two mixed crops. The two sites also provide the first evidence for Spanish vetchling and winged vetchling cultivation in prehistoric Anatolia and the earliest evidence for this practice to date anywhere. We suggest that the settlements were organised into small, co-residential households that processed and stored their own crops, but we also propose that potentially communal extra-household storage and high levels of social monitoring may attest to supra-household cooperation. The later agricultural history of the vetchling species and the prevalence of extra-household storage at sites in coastal western Anatolia and the eastern Aegean islands add to evidence for a cultural koine between these regions in the fourth and third millennia bc. We also suggest that the large size of extra-household storage structures and the narrow range of crops cultivated at some Late Chalcolithic sites are consistent with the emergence of more extensive farming systems than those of earlier periods. Evidence for the use of extensive agricultural production to amass arable wealth by the citadel elites of later Early Bronze Age western Anatolia suggests that the agro-ecological foundations for emergent wealth inequality within the region were laid during the Late Chalcolithic. Testing this hypothesis through direct evidence for the nature of Late Chalcolithic farming systems is a key aim of ongoing research.
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Zhang, Panpan, Chenguang Ma et Shu Gao. « Bibliometric analysis of China's high standard farmland construction research based on CNKI ». International Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Research 1, no 1 (26 avril 2024) : 132–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.62051/ijafsr.v1n1.14.

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Carrying out the construction of high-standard farmland is an important way to implement the principle of "storing grain in the land and storing grain in the technology", and it is an important practice to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's principle of food security. The construction of high-standard farmland can speed up the modernization of agriculture, help urbanization development, and realize the efficient use of arable land, scientific management, and guarantee the increase of farmers' incomes. The construction of high-standard farmland is beneficial to the country and the people. Using CNKI database publication year, institutions, authors, publications, journals, cited frequency, keywords and other elements, we systematically sorted out the overview of the research field of high-standard farmland construction in China from 1996 to 2024, and comprehensively analyzed the research dynamics and hotspots in this field. The results show that: at present, China's high standard farmland construction research mainly focuses on the theoretical policy, implementation effect and engineering technology; the organization with the most publications in this field is the newspaper, and the two documents with the highest total citation frequency are Research on the Construction Standards and Models of High-standard Farmland in Chongqing Municipality and Construction Standards of High-standard Farmland, respectively, and Comprehensive Agricultural Development of China is the periodical that publishes the most related documents; in the future, the research hotspots will gradually tend to be zoning construction and high standard farmland construction. The research hotspot gradually tends to zoning construction, ecological construction and other aspects, need to accelerate the research of scientific research institutions on this aspect of the research and key technology integration.
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Boakye, Eric Adjei, Nada Al-Antary, Reem F. Siddiqui, Marissa Gilbert, Lamis Fakhoury, Mrudula Nair, Milkie Vu et Farzan Siddiqui. « Abstract A109 : Knowledge of HPV vaccination and HPV-associated cancers among Arab- Americans ». Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & ; Prevention 33, no 9_Supplement (21 septembre 2024) : A109. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7755.disp24-a109.

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Abstract Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) includes oncogenic subtypes linked to the majority of head and neck and genitourinary cancer cases. Despite suggestions to boost HPV vaccine uptake by increasing HPV awareness, public understanding remains suboptimal. This is especially noted among cultural and ethnic minorities, with limited literature addressing this gap. This study evaluated awareness of HPV and HPV-associated cancers among Arab Americans. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between March and July 2023. Surveys were provided in both English and Arabic based on participants' preferences. Recruitment took place at various venues such as fairs, functions, and religious and cultural gatherings, targeting self-identifying Arab Americans residing in Michigan. Dependent variables included participants' awareness (yes/no/don’t know) of HPV, HPV vaccine, and HPV association with specific cancers (cervical, penile, anal, vulvar, vaginal, and oropharyngeal). Independent variables included age, gender, level of education, frequency of doctor and dentist visits in the past year, number of oral and vaginal sexual partners, and cigarette use. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze survey responses. Multivariable logistic regression models estimated the associations between HPV awareness and sociodemographic factors. Results: A total of 289 individuals were included in the study, of whom almost half (47%) were not aware of HPV and the HPV vaccine. Awareness of HPV association with specific cancers were as follows: 50.5% for cervical cancer, 48.4% for vaginal cancer, 42.4% for vulvar cancer, 41.5% for penile cancer, 38.9% for anal cancer, and 37.9% for mouth/throat cancer. In multivariable logistic regression models, compared to females, males were less likely to be aware of HPV vaccine (OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.19 – 0.72); or of HPV association to cervical (OR 0.38, 95% CI 0.19-0.73) and anal (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.26-0.94) cancers. Similarly, respondents who had lower education were less likely to be aware that HPV could cause cervical (OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.14-0.69), anal (OR 0.30, 95% CI 0.13-0.69), as well as mouth/throat (OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.14-0.80) cancers compared to those with college degrees. Conclusions: Awareness of HPV, the vaccine and related cancers among Arab Americans are suboptimal. Being female or having a college education correlates with greater awareness of HPV and HPV-associated cancers. This underscores the necessity for targeted interventions to improve awareness among this population. Future interventions should focus on increasing knowledge of how HPV can cause several cancers and how those cancers could be prevented through HPV vaccination. Citation Format: Eric Adjei Boakye, Nada Al-Antary, Reem F Siddiqui, Marissa Gilbert, Lamis Fakhoury, Mrudula Nair, Milkie Vu, Farzan Siddiqui. Knowledge of HPV vaccination and HPV-associated cancers among Arab- Americans [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 17th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved; 2024 Sep 21-24; Los Angeles, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2024;33(9 Suppl):Abstract nr A109.
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Altarturi, Maymouna, Kausar Suleman, Adhar AlSayed, Humaid Al-Shamsi, Aydah Alawadhi, Bassam Basuliamn et Sabah Alaklabi. « Abstract PO4-12-10 : Sacituzumab Govitecan Toxicity Outcomes In Arab Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer ». Cancer Research 84, no 9_Supplement (2 mai 2024) : PO4–12–10—PO4–12–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.sabcs23-po4-12-10.

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Abstract Background: The Arab population is often underrepresented in clinical trials, which limits our knowledge of drug safety and efficacy in this population due to genetic variability that can affect drug metabolism and adverse events (AEs). Sacituzumab govitecan (SG) is approved for metastatic triple negative breast cancer (mTNBC), and recently hormone receptor positive metastatic breast cancer (HR+ MBC). Here we report toxicity outcomes and RDI in Arab population. Methods: A multi-center retrospective study of patients with mTNBC and HR+ MBC treated with SG from January 2021 until May 2023 was conducted. Demographics and clinical variables including site of metastases, prior lines of therapy, relative dose intensity (RDI), adverse events (AEs) were collected. For continuous variables, Mann-U Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to compare mean, median, standard deviation, and range. For categorical variables, Fisher's exact tests and Pearson Chi-square tests were used. SAS v9.4 was used to perform statistical analysis at a significance level of 0.05. Results: A total of 35 patients was enrolled. The median age at diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer was 39 years interquartile range (IQR) (35, 44). The median age at starting SG was 44.5 years IQR (38,50). The majority of patients (65%) had an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) of 1, (21%) of the patients had an ECOG PS of 0, and (15%) had an ECOG PS of 2. 48.6% received 3 or more lines of prior therapy in the metastatic setting while 51.4% received less than 3 lines of prior therapy in the metastatic setting. 77.1% of patients had 3 or &gt; organs involved with metastatic disease, while 22.9% of patients had &lt; 3 organ involved. The most common metastatic sites were the lung (54.3%), liver (62.9%), bone (68.6%), and brain (45.7%). The median RDI of SG was 100% for a sample of 34 individuals, with one missing value IQR (94%,100%). The rate of overall AEs was (77.1%), with the most common AEs being; neutropenia (44.4%), diarrhea (37.0%), anemia (22.2%), thrombocytopenia (22.2%), nausea (14.8%), and vomiting (7.4%). Garde 3 AEs rate was 34.3%. The most common grade 3 adverse events were diarrhea (11.4%), fatigue (5.7%), and alopecia (2.9%). The rate of treatment interruption and dose reduction due to AEs was 31.4%. Only one patient (2.9%) had to discontinue SG treatment due to adverse events. Conclusion: The study suggests that SG is safe and well-tolerated in young Arab patient population. The sample consisted of relatively young patients, which may reflect a reluctance to prescribe SG to older Arab patients. Caution should be exercised when generalizing the findings due to limitations of the study. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to validate these findings and to explore the efficacy of SG in Arab patients with mTNBC and HR+ MBC. Citation Format: Maymouna Altarturi, Kausar Suleman, Adhar AlSayed, Humaid Al-Shamsi, Aydah Alawadhi, Bassam Basuliamn, Sabah Alaklabi. Sacituzumab Govitecan Toxicity Outcomes In Arab Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 2023 Dec 5-9; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2024;84(9 Suppl):Abstract nr PO4-12-10.
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Azribi, Fathi, Mohammad Hourani, Sulaman Magdub, Aydah Alawadhi, Ali Yousif, Emad Dawoud, Khaled Al Qawasmeh et al. « Abstract P5-03-04 : PIK3CA mutation prevalence in hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients in United Arab Emirates ». Cancer Research 83, no 5_Supplement (1 mars 2023) : P5–03–04—P5–03–04. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.sabcs22-p5-03-04.

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Abstract Background: The Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphonate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA) gene is mutated in about 30-40% of hormone receptor positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative (HR+/HER2−) breast cancer (BC) patients. For HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer patients with disease progression following endocrine-based therapy, the NCCN guideline recommends testing for PIK3CA mutations with tumour or liquid biopsy to identify suitable patients for targeted therapy with alpelisib, an oral α-specific PI3K inhibitor in combination with fulvestrant. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the proportion and distribution of PIK3CA mutational landscape of HR+ve BC patients at the largest cancer centre in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Material and methods: Retrospective review of consecutive HR+ve BC patients at Tawam Hospital for whom PIK3CA testing was requested. DNA was extracted from the samples and a targeted resequencing assay was used for mutation detection in exons 7, 9 and 20 of the PIK3CA gene. Sequencing was carried out using the Next Generation Sequencing platform Ion GeneStudio S5 Prime System with a detection limit of 2-5% of the mutant allelic content. Results: 124 patients with HR+ve BC were enrolled in the present study. The pathology samples were considered unsuitable/unsatisfactory in 18 cases. The median age was 51.5 years (range 31-90). All patients were female, 54% were post-menopausal and 49% presented with de-novo metastatic disease. Of the 106 eligible patients, PIK3CA mutations were detected in 33 (31%) patients, the most common being H1047R (45%) and E545K (30%) mutations in exons 20 and 9, respectively. Other less common mutations included C420R mutations (6%) in exon 7, E542 (6%) in exon 9 and H1047Y (3%) in exon 20. 9% of patients had more than one hotspot mutations, primarily in exons 9 and 20. Of the 12 HER2 +ve patients tested, 3 had PIK3CA mutations, most commonly the H1047R mutation in exon 20. Conclusion: The prevalence of PIK3CA mutations and the presence of most common hotspot mutations in exons 20 and 9 was consistent with prior published studies. The clinical relevance of PIK3CA mutations in HER2 +ve BC patients needs further assessment. Citation Format: Fathi Azribi, Mohammad Hourani, Sulaman Magdub, Aydah Alawadhi, Ali Yousif, Emad Dawoud, Khaled Al Qawasmeh, Mouza Al Ameri, Diaeddine Trad, Nouri Bennini, Mohamed Ahmed, Jawaher Ansari. PIK3CA mutation prevalence in hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients in United Arab Emirates [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 2022 Dec 6-10; San Antonio, TX. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2023;83(5 Suppl):Abstract nr P5-03-04.
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Boakye, Eric Adjei, Reem F. Siddiqui, Nada Al-Antary, Marissa Gilbert, Lamis Fakhoury, Milkie Vu et Farzan Siddiqui. « Abstract 2222 : Knowledge of risk factors and symptoms of head and neck cancers among Arab-Americans ». Cancer Research 84, no 6_Supplement (22 mars 2024) : 2222. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.am2024-2222.

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Abstract Background: In 2023, approximately 66000 patients with head and neck cancers (HNC) will be diagnosed in the United States (U.S.). There are approximately 3.7 million Arab-Americans living in the U.S., with large concentration in Michigan (MI). For example, Dearborn, MI has the largest percentage of Arab-Americans (40% of people having Arab ancestry). Smoking, alcohol, and human papillomavirus (HPV) are the main causes of HNC. Common symptoms of HNC are lump in the neck/mouth, nonhealing ulcers, dysphagia or odynophagia, and change in voice. Currently, there is a scarcity of research on knowledge of HNC risk factors and symptoms among Arab-Americans. We examined knowledge of risk factors and symptoms of HNC among Arab-Americans residing in MI. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of adult Arab-Americans (≥18 years) conducted between March and July 2023. Survey questions were adapted from the National Cancer Institute and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and offered in English and Arabic depending on respondent preference. Awareness of the symptoms of HNCs were assessed using 14 questions while risk factors were assessed using 10 questions. The questions were in the form of “Do you know that the following can be symptoms/risk factors of HNC?” Respondents selected “yes,” “no,” or “don’t know/not sure” for each answer choice. Results: Of the 295 Arab-Americans survey respondents, the mean age ± SD was 37.9 ± 14.6, and most were female (60.7%), had at least a college degree (57.6%), private health insurance (56.7%), and usual place of receiving care (70.7%). Majority had no history of cigarette use (81.7%) or alcohol use (91.6%). Regarding HNC symptoms knowledge, only 40-50% knew about most common HNC symptoms: nonhealing ulcers (41%), dysphagia or odynophagia (51.4%), and voice changes (48.6%); while 60.6% knew about swelling or lump in neck/throat. About half of respondents knew of persistent mass or lesion on the tongue (53.3%) and bleeding in the mouth or throat (50.3%) as symptoms of HNC. About a third knew these as HNC symptoms: teeth loosening (31.7%), ill-fitting dentures (25.9%), otalgia (37.8%), and nasal obstruction/congestion (34.9%). For HNC risk factors knowledge, tobacco smoking, chewing, and second-hand smoking were the most common recognized risk factors, identified by 78.9%, 72.8% and 66.8%, respectively. However, less than half knew HPV (40.6%) and Epstein-Barr virus (35.4%) as risk factors. Conclusion: While there is higher knowledge about tobacco as a risk factor for HNC, knowledge about HPV as a risk factor is very low. Similarly, knowledge about HNC symptoms is suboptimal in the Arab-American community, which could result in late-stage presentation and thus lower survival. Educational programs designed for this community are needed to help close this gap and improve HNC related health outcomes among culturally and ethnically distinct Arab-Americans. Citation Format: Eric Adjei Boakye, Reem F. Siddiqui, Nada Al-Antary, Marissa Gilbert, Lamis Fakhoury, Milkie Vu, Farzan Siddiqui. Knowledge of risk factors and symptoms of head and neck cancers among Arab-Americans [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024; Part 1 (Regular Abstracts); 2024 Apr 5-10; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2024;84(6_Suppl):Abstract nr 2222.
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Badran, Ahmed, Mahmoud Elshenawy, Waleed Fallatah, Abdullaah K. Hinkston, Saad S. Ali, Mohammed Ali Omar, Abdulaziz M. Alaklabi et al. « Abstract 4976 : The impact of obesity on survival in epithelial gynecological tumors ». Cancer Research 84, no 6_Supplement (22 mars 2024) : 4976. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.am2024-4976.

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Abstract Background: The impact of obesity on the survival of patients with epithelial gynecological tumors is not yet clear. We aim to elucidate the impact of body mass index (BMI) on epithelial gynecological tumors in a large tertiary center at Saudi Arabia. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical files of all patients with pathologically confirmed epithelial gynecological tumors at our center. Then, we assessed the difference in overall survival (OS) according to primary tumor location, BMI, stage at presentation, and performance status (PS) at presentation using log-rank tests. Results: 400 patients were included in the analysis. The mean age at diagnosis was 56.1±13 years. 242 (60.5%) patients were diagnosed with uterine carcinomas, 137 (34.3%) with ovarian carcinomas, and 21 (5.3%) with cervical carcinomas. 278 (69.5%) patients were obese at presentation, 74 (18.5%) were overweight, 43 (10.8%) were within normal range, and 7 (1.8%) were underweight. The PS at presentation was 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in 351 (87.8%), 17 (4.3%), 10 (2.5%), 16 (4%), and 6 (1.5%) patients, respectively. Cervical cancer was associated with long OS, while ovarian cancers demonstrated poor prognosis (p=0.0159). There was no difference in OS between different BMI groups (p=0.072). Patients with stage 4 cancers had significantly shorter OS (p&lt;0.0001). Patients with PS 4 at presentation was associated with the worst prognosis (p&lt;0.0001). Interpretation: Shorter OS was associated with ovarian carcinomas, advanced staging, and poor PS at presentation. BMI classification had no impact on OS. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings. Citation Format: Ahmed Badran, Mahmoud Elshenawy, Waleed Fallatah, Abdullaah K. Hinkston, Saad S. Ali, Mohammed Ali Omar, Abdulaziz M. Alaklabi, Hytham M. Abdalla, Tarek Z. Arabi, Belal N. Sabbah, Hamed Alhusaini. The impact of obesity on survival in epithelial gynecological tumors [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024; Part 1 (Regular Abstracts); 2024 Apr 5-10; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2024;84(6_Suppl):Abstract nr 4976.
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Khoja, Lilah, Heidi G. Torres, Mariam Ayyash, Madiha Tariq, Alison M. Mondul, Rafael Meza et Celeste L. Pearce. « Abstract 2211 : Cervical cancer screening and vaccination acceptability and attitudes amongst Arab American women in southeastern Michigan ». Cancer Research 82, no 12_Supplement (15 juin 2022) : 2211. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.am2022-2211.

Texte intégral
Résumé :
Abstract Cervical cancer screening rates among Arab-American women have been consistently shown to be lower than that of non-Hispanic White and Black women in the state of Michigan. Addressing the low cervical cancer screening rates among Arab American women in Michigan requires a deep understanding of the community’s perspective about cervical cancer screening. Thus, we conducted a series of focus groups in Southeastern Michigan to understand the attitudes, acceptability, and barriers of cervical cancer screening among this population. Four focus groups with a total of 19 women were conducted via Zoom. Participants were recruited through social media channels and community organizations. All focus groups were conducted with self-identifying Arab, Arab American, or Chaldean women aged 30 to 61. The focus groups were conducted in either English, Arabic, or a mixture of both languages. Women completed a brief anchoring survey with demographic questions and a self-assessment of their HPV knowledge (see Table 1). The guided discussion centered around knowledge of cervical cancer, broadly, knowledge of Human papillomavirus (HPV) and its transmission, attitudes towards the HPV vaccination, and attitudes towards cervical cancer screening, which included HPV self-sampling methods. The recorded sessions were transcribed and are being coded using Dedoose Version 8.0.35, a qualitative analysis software. During the focus group, the discussion centered around barriers at the individual and community levels for screening and vaccination, attitudes towards preventive health care including screening, a need for accessible women’s health literature, and health education. The women also discussed vaccine hesitancy related to HPV and COVID19. This suggests the need for targeted community interventions. General characteristics of participants (N*=19) N Mean Age (N=17) 37.9 8.7 (SD) Married (N=18) 11 61.1% Survey Language Arabic 6 31.6% English 13 68.4% How well would you say the financial needs are met in your household? Just sufficient 9 50% More than sufficiently met 3 16.7% Barely making it 3 16.7% Not met at all 3 16.7% How well informed do you think you are about cervical cancer? Not informed at all 1 5.6% Not well informed 10 55.6% Moderately informed 5 27.8% Well informed 1 5.6% Very well informed 1 5.6% Have you had vaginal sex (intercourse) before? Yes 15 83.3% No 3 16.7% Have you had oral sex before? Yes 8 47.1% No 9 52.9% Do you have any children? Yes 15 83.3% No 3 16.7% *Complete data available for 17 participants, partially complete data for 2 participants, and missing data for 1 participant Citation Format: Lilah Khoja, Heidi G. Torres, Mariam Ayyash, Madiha Tariq, Alison M. Mondul, Rafael Meza, Celeste L. Pearce. Cervical cancer screening and vaccination acceptability and attitudes amongst Arab American women in southeastern Michigan [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2022; 2022 Apr 8-13. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2022;82(12_Suppl):Abstract nr 2211.
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