Thèses sur le sujet « Animal model of infection »
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Maglennon, G. A. « Study of papillomavirus latent infection in an animal model ». Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2011.
Texte intégralWen, Li. « Immune responses to vaginal viral infection in a mouse model ». Thesis, The University of Sydney, 1998.
Texte intégralShrief, Raghdaa. « Surrogate Markers of Infection Suitable for Monitoring Infectious Burden in Animal Models of Aspergillosis ». Thesis, University of Manchester, 2010.
Texte intégralShanmuganathan, Subathra Devi. « The woodchuck as an animal model for the study of the immune response in hepadna virus infection ». Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1998.
Texte intégralCARRARO, MONICA. « Identification of infection biomarkers in a murine model of pneumonia by Streptococcus pneumoniae ». Doctoral thesis, Università di Siena, 2018.
Texte intégralShen, Hong. « Hepatitis C infection models ». Thesis, Paris 5, 2012.
Texte intégralHepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the major causes of liver disease all over the world which has a high risk to progress to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently, the licensed standard treatment of HCV infection is Pegylated-interferon (peg-IFN) and ribavirin. Although the sustained viral response (SVR) rate of treatment has improved during these years, this therapy is not effective in all patients. In addition, several toxic side effects, complication and high cost limit the patient compliance and the efficacy of the treatment. There is no easy model of HCV infection and it is necessary to develop useful in vitro and in vivo models to study the pathobiology of HCV infection, including early events of acute infection (viral entry, immunological mechanisms, and genetic predictors) as well as the evaluation of the potency of the HCV antiviral drugs. We report here in our efforts in developing suitable models of HCV infection. In a first step, we preliminary established a small animal model to study HCV infection. Tupaia is a small, closed related to primate and cost-effective animal. In our work, we investigated the susceptibly of tupaia to HCV infection. Twelve adult tupaias were inoculated with native HCV from patient serum and full-length HCV RNA (Genotype 1a). Three young tupaias were artificially breeded for a month and then inoculated by native HCV from patient serum. HCV RNA, anti-HCV and HCV quasi species evolution were determined in the animal before and after inoculation. Transient and intermittent infection occurred in two among 3 young tupaias and HCV chronic infection occurred in four among 12 adult tupaias. Tupaia should represent a useful model for study HCV chronic infection. In a second step, an in vitro culture system of primary tupaia hepatocytes has been established in which HCV infection could be blocked neither by the soluble CD81 nor by antibodies against CD81. To understand these results, we cloned, sequenced the large extracellular loop (LEL) of tupaia CD81 and analyzed the interaction of HCV E2 with the tupaia CD81 LEL by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA). We found that in the tupaia the amino acids sequence of HCV CD81 LEL presented in 6 different amino acid residues compared with human CD81 LEL sequence and the CD81 LEL ability to bind to HCV E2 was also decreased. The different structure of CD81 between human and tupaia could explain the alteration of the interaction between HCV E2 and CD81. This result demonstrated an important role of CD81 LEL for HCV entry. In a third step, we developed an ex vivo model of human liver slices culture and their infection with HCV. The development of human cultured HCV-replication-permissive hepatocarcinoma cell lines has provided important new virological tools to study the mechanisms of HCV infection; however this experimental model remains distantly related to physiological and pathological conditions. Here, we report the development of a new ex vivo model using human adult liver slices culture, demonstrating, for the first time, the ability of primary isolates to undergo de novo viral replication with the production of high titer infectious virus, as well as JFH-1, H77/C3, Con1/C3 (HCVcc). This experimental model was validated by demonstrating the HCV neutralization or HCV inhibition, in a dose-dependent manner, either by CD81 or E2 specific antibodies or convalescent serum from a recovered HCV patient, or by anti-viral drugs. This new ex vivo model represents a powerful tool for studying the viral life cycle, dynamics of virus spread in the liver and also for evaluating the efficacy of the new antiviral drugs. In the last step, we evaluated the efficacy of the new antiviral drugs with our ex vivo model of human adult liver slices. HCV NS3/4A protease is essential for viral replication and has been one of the most important target for developing specific antiviral drug
Furr, Patricia Mary. « The development and value of animal models of mycoplasmal infection ». Thesis, Open University, 1993.
Texte intégralPeterson, Christopher. « Evaluation of Therapeutics for an Enterovirus 71 Infection in an AG129 Mouse Model ». DigitalCommons@USU, 2018.
Texte intégralXi, Jin [Verfasser], et Thomas [Akademischer Betreuer] Iftner. « An Out-bred Animal Model of Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus Latent Infection / Jin Xi ; Betreuer : Thomas Iftner ». Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2019.
Texte intégralClasper, Jonathan Charles. « Secondary intramedullary nailing of the tibia in an animal model of an external fixator pin track infection ». Thesis, University of Southampton, 2001.
Texte intégralClancy, Chad S. « Male Reproductive Infection and Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus in an Immunocompromised Mouse Model ». DigitalCommons@USU, 2019.
Texte intégralParsons, Sven David Charles. « Natural animal model systems to study tuberculosis ». Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Texte intégralENGLISH ABSTRACT: The growing global epidemic of human tuberculosis (TB) results in 8 million new cases of this disease and 2 million deaths annually. Control thereof will require greater insight into the biology of the causative organism, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and into the pathogenesis of the disease. This will benefit the design of new vaccines and diagnostic assays which may reduce the degree of both disease transmission and progression. Animal models have played a vital role in the understanding of the aetiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of TB. Much of such insight has been obtained from experimental infection models, and the development of new vaccines, for example, is dependant on these. Nonetheless, studies utilising naturally occurring TB in animals, such as those which have investigated the use of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) for its diagnosis, have contributed substantially to the body of knowledge in this field. However, there are few such examples, and this study sought to identify and investigate naturally occuring animal TB in South Africa as an opportunity to gain further insight into this disease. During the course of this study, the dassie bacillus, a distinctly less virulent variant of M. tuberculosis, was isolated from a rock hyrax from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This has provided new insight into the widespread occurrence of this organism in rock hyrax populations, and has given impetus to further exploring the nature of the difference in virulence between these pathogens. Also investigated was M. tuberculosis infection in dogs in contact with human TB patients. In so doing, the first reported case of canine TB in South Africa was described, v a novel canine IGRA was developed, and a high level of M. tuberculosis infection in these animals was identified. This supports human data reflecting high levels of transmission of this pathogen during the course of human disease. Additionally, the fact that infected companion animals may progress to disease and potentially act as a source of human infection was highlighted. However, an attempt to adapt a flow cytometric assay to study cell-mediated immune responses during canine TB revealed the limitations of such studies in species in which the immune system remains poorly characterised. The use of IGRAs to diagnose TB was further explored by adapting a human assay, the QuantiFERON-TB Gold (In-Tube Method), for use in non-human primates. These studies have shown that such an adaption allows for the sensitive detection of TB in baboons (Papio ursinus) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and may be suitable for adaption for use in other species. However, they have also evidenced the limitation of this assay to specifically detect infection by M. tuberculosis. Finally, to contextualise the occurrence of the mycobacterial infections described above, and other similar examples, these have been reviewed as an opinion piece. Together, these investigations confirm that animal models will continue to make important contributions to the study of TB. More specifically, they highlight the opportunities that naturally occuring animal TB provides for the discovery of novel insights into this disease.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wêreldwye tuberkulose (TB) epidemie veroorsaak agt miljoen nuwe gevalle en twee miljoen sterftes jaarliks. Ingryping by die beheer hiervan vereis begrip van die biologie van die mikroörganisme Mycobacterium tuberculosis, die oorsaak van TB, asook van die patogenese van die siekte self. Hierdie kennis kan lei tot ontwerp van nuwe entstowwe en diagnostiese toetse wat gevolglik beide die oordrag- en vordering van die siekte mag bekamp. Dieremodelle speel lankal 'n rol in ons begrip van die etiologie-, patogenese- en behandeling van TB. Insig is grotendeels verkry vanaf eksperimentele infeksiemodelle, en ontwikkeling van entstowwe, onder andere, is afhanklik van soortgelyke modelle. Desnieteenstaande, studies wat natuurlike TB voorkoms in diere ondersoek, byvoorbeeld dié wat op die ontwikkeling van interferon-gamma vrystellingstoetse (IGVT) fokus, het merkwaardige bydrae gemaak tot kennis en begrip in hierdie studieveld. Daar is slegs enkele soortgelyke voorbeelde. Om hierdie rede is die huidige studie uitgevoer waarbinne natuulike diere-TB geïdentifiseer en ondersoek is in Suid-Afrika om verdere kennis en insig te win aangaande TB. Die "dassie bacillus", bekend om beduidend minder virulent te wees as M. tuberculosis, is tydens hierdie studie geïsoleer vanuit 'n klipdassie (Procavia capensis) in die Wes-Kaapse provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Insig in die wydverspreide voorkoms van hierdie organisme in klipdassie bevolkings is gevolglik verkry en verskaf momentum om die aard van verskil in virulensie tussen dié patogene te bestudeer. vii Voorts is M. tuberculosis infeksie bestudeer in honde wat in kontak is met menslike TB pasiënte en word die eerste geval van honde TB dus in Suid-Afrika beskryf. In hierdie groep diere, is 'n hoë vlak van M. tuberculosis infeksie geïdentifiseer deur gebruik te maak van 'n nuut ontwikkelde IGVT vir die diagnose van honde TB. Gevolglik ondersteun dié studie bevindinge van menslike studies wat toon dat besondere hoë vlakke van M. tuberculosis oordrag voorkom gedurende die verloop van die siekte. Verder toon die studie dat geïnfekteerde troeteldiere 'n bron van menslike infeksie kan wees. 'n Poging om 'n vloeisitometriese toets te ontwikkel om die aard van selgefundeerde immuunreaksies te bestudeer in honde met TB toon die beperkings van dergelike studies in spesies waarin die immuunsisteem gebrekkig gekarakteriseer is. Die gebruik van IGVT'e in die diagnose van TB is verder ondersoek deur 'n menslike toets (QuantiFERON-TB Gold, In-Tube Method) aan te pas vir die gebruik van nie-menslike primaat gevalle. Hierdie studies toon gevolglik dat so 'n aanpassing toepaslik is vir hoogs sensitiewe deteksie van TB in chacma bobbejane (Papio ursinus) en rhesus ape (Macaca mulatta), en mag ook aangepas word vir gebruik in ander spesies. Tog word die beperkings van hierdie toets om infeksie wat spesifiek deur M. tuberculosis veroorsaak uitgelig. Ter afsluiting word hierdie studie in konteks geplaas deur 'n oorsig te gee van bogenoemde- en soortgelyke gevalle van dierlike infeksie deur mikobakterieë in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie studies bevestig dat dieremodelle steeds belangrike toevoegings maak tydens die bestudering van TB en lig veral die moontlikhede uit dat bestudering van natuulike TB in diere kan lei tot die ontdekking van nuwe insigte ten opsigte van die siekte self.
Calabro, Lorenzo. « Improving in vivo models of fracture fixation associated osteomyelitis ». Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2013.
Texte intégralPearce, Emma St Clair. « Development of antibodies and characterisation of the humoral immune responses in a surrogate animal model for hepatitis C virus (HCV) ». Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 2017.
Texte intégralCampbell, Regenia Beth Phillips. « Arrested and Aberrant : Effects of Amoxicillin in a Murine Model of Chlamydial Infection ». Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2013.
Texte intégralAkiyama, Hisashi. « Construction of New Simian/Human Immunodeficiency Chimeric Viruses (SHIVs) towards a Better Animal Model for HIV-1 Infection in Humans ». Kyoto University, 2004.
Texte intégral0048
(主査)教授 速水 正憲, 教授 加藤 真, 教授 松井 正文, 教授 小松 賢志, 助教授 三浦 智行
Fortier, Marie-Eve. « Development of animal models to study effects of maternal infection during pregnancy on offspring behavior ». Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=103513.
Texte intégralOn considère les infections maternelles durant la grossesse comme étant un facteur de risque environnemental important des maladies psychiatriques d'origine neurodéveloppementale telles la schizophrénie et l'autisme. On a attribué de telles altérations sur le développement neurologique de la progéniture à la réponse immunitaire de la mère. Dans ce projet de thèse, nous envisagions de créer un modèle animal nous permettant d'observer les effets de l'activation de l'immunitaire maternelle (AIM) sur le comportement de la progéniture. Au cours d'une première expérience, les rates étaient injectées d'une endotoxine bactérienne (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) aux jours (E) 18 et 19 de la gestation. La progéniture soumise à ce traitement exhibait une élévation dans la locomotion liée aux amphétamines, un indicateur comportemental de l'activité du système dopaminergique mésolimbique. La deuxième expérience consistait à administrer la LPS de manière chronique à l'aide de pompes osmotiques, depuis E18 jusqu'à la naissance. À l'âge adulte, la progéniture présentait une baisse de l'inhibition du réflexe de sursaut acoustique (PPI), indiquant un dérèglement du filtrage sensori-moteur. Préalablement à l'étude des effets de l'AIM provoquée par la mimique virale acide polyinosinique:polycytidylique (poly I:C), nous avons analysé la réponse immunitaire qu'elle provoquait chez le rat adulte mâle. Nous avons démontré que l'injection du poly I:C entraînait une réponse fébrile considérable, une diminution de l'appétit et du poids des animaux et une élévation du taux de cytokines pro-inflammatoires dans le sang. Au cours d'une autre étude, nous avons comparé les effets perturbateurs de l'AIM causée par les immunogènes poly I:C ou LPS, et celle causée par l'inflammation locale par injection intramusculaire de térébenthine. Dans cette même étude, nous avons analysé la présence de périodes de susceptibilité aux conséquences de l'AIM durant la gestation sur le PPI de la progéniture. L'AIM provoquée par l'injection de LPS ou de térébenthine diminuait de façon significative le PPI uniquement lorsqu'administré à des moments précis durant la gestion. Le poly I:C n'a eu aucun effet à la dose administré. Ainsi, nos résultats démontrent que l'agent immunitaire sélectionné et le moment durant la gestation où il sera utilisé sont des facteurs cruciaux dans la création de modèles d'AIM. Finalement, nous avons examiné la relation entre l'AIM durant la gestation et la fonction immunitaire de la progéniture. Nos résultats n'indiquent aucune altération de la réponse pyrogénique ou celle des cytokines suite à l'injection d'un immunogène chez les rats adultes exposés à une AIM in utero. En conclusion, les travaux effectués durant ce projet de thèse démontre que l'AIM durant la gestation peut causer des modifications permanentes sur le comportement de la progéniture. Ce constat vient supporter la notion selon laquelle le lien établi entre l'infection prénatale et le risque élevé de schizophrénie relève d'une relation causale.
Yugo, Danielle Marie. « Pathogenesis and Cross-species Infection of Hepatitis E Virus ». Diss., Virginia Tech, 2019.
Texte intégralPh. D.
Hepatitis E Virus (HEV), the causative agent of hepatitis E, is a zoonotic pathogen of worldwide significance. According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately 20 million HEV infections annually, which result in 3.3 million cases of acute hepatitis E and >44,000 HEV-related deaths. Hepatitis E is a self-limiting acute disease in general, but carries the ability to cause high mortality in pregnant women and chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised individuals. The underlying mechanisms of HEV host tropism and progression of disease to chronicity are unknown. My dissertation work investigates a novel animal model for HEV, evaluates the possibility of additional animal reservoirs of HEV, and examines the immune dynamics during acute infection. The first project established an immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain knock-out JH (-/-) gnotobiotic piglet model that mimics the course of acute HEV infection observed in humans. The dynamics of acute HEV infection were determined in both the knock-out and wild-type piglets with a genotype 3 strain of human HEV. We also investigated the potential role of immunoglobulin heavy-chain JH in HEV pathogenesis and virus infection. In the second project, we determined if cattle in the United States are infected with a bovine strain of HEV. We showed serological evidence of an HEV-related agent in cattle as well as calves born in a seropositive herd. Despite the detection of specific antibodies recognizing HEV in cattle, definitive evidence of virus infection could not be demonstrated. Our exhaustive attempts to detect HEV-related sequence from cattle in the United States failed, suggesting that one should be cautious in interpreting the IgG anti-HEV serological results in bovine and other species. Collectively, the work from my PhD dissertation research delineated important mechanisms in HEV pathogenesis and established a novel animal model for future HEV research.
Sun, Yi-Qian. « Experimental Helicobacter pylori infection in an animal model : gastric microflora, morpho-functional development, mucosal barrier function, and effects of antioxidants in Mongolian gerbils / ». Linköping : Univ, 2004.
Texte intégralHaynes, Rashade Ameir Hakim II. « Studies of the early immunological and virological events following Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 infection in the rabbit model ». The Ohio State University, 2009.
Texte intégralLeeming, Gail. « Alterations in the expression of CCSP and SPLUNC1 in the respiratory tract following viral infection of murine models ». Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2010.
Texte intégralBuckingham, Erin M. « Studies of gammaherpesvirus infection and host response / ». Connect to abstract via ProQuest. Full text is not available online, 2007.
Trouver le texte intégralSAURIN, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. « Hepatocarcinome et infection par le virus vhb : etude de l'expression d'oncogenes dans un modele animal, la marmotte ». Lyon 1, 1993.
Texte intégralPatrick, Lindsay Alexandra Laurentia. « Investigation of the effect of intrauterine inflammation and infection on fetal brain injury using human and animal models ». Thesis, Kingston, Ont. : [s.n.], 2008.
Texte intégralGatin, Laure. « Infections péri prothétiques et bactéries multi résistantes : un challenge médico-chirurgical ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017.
Texte intégralThe occurrence of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is the main complication of joint prosthetic surgery since its invention by Robert and Jean Judet in 1947. Since the number of articular prostheses placed each year increases significantly, these infections are more and more frequent and the optimization of their management is an important medical and economic stake.The animal models of PJI make it possible to understand the ethiopathogenic mechanisms and to test new therapeutics. A critical analysis of the literature was carried out by evaluating each model according to its type of inoculation which influences the rates and the severity of the experimental infection obtained.An experimental model of PJI in rabbits obtained by partial replacement of the knee and local inoculation was used to test the efficacy of new therapeutics during infections with two multi-resistant bacteria which pose problems in human therapeutics.In a first step we evaluated the efficacy of ceftaroline (CPT) cephalosporin bactericidal in vivo against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by comparing it with vancomycin (VAN) in combination with or without rifampin (RIF). 5.107UFC MRSA (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 0.38, 0.006, and 1 mg/l for CPT, RIF, and VAN, respectively) was injected into the knee. Infected animals were randomized to receive no treatment (control), CPT (60 mg/kg im), VAN (60 mg/kg im), CPT plus RIF (10 mg/kg im) or VAN plus RIF, 7 days after inoculation and for 7 days. The efficacy of treatments was evaluated on the amount of persistent bacteria in the bone (proximal tibia) after treatment. This work has shown that CPT and VAN were effective as monotherapy, but only the combination with RIF allowed the sterilization of almost all animals. CPT appears to be a potentially effective treatment in this infection.In a second step we studied the efficacy of colistin (COL) in cement, alone or in combination with intramuscular (im) injections of COL and/or meropenem (MRP) in carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections (KPC). A model close to that used for MRSA was used. The strain KPC99YC is a clinical strain, resistant to gentamicin (MIC 8mg/L) intermediate to imipenem (MIC 4mg/l), and sensitive to COL (MIC 0,25mg/l). The inoculum was 1,109UFC. Seven days after the infection, the prosthesis were replaced by antibiotic-free spacer (control), or by COL-impregnated spacer (3 MIU of COL/40g of cement), or by antibiotic-free spacer and COL injections (12 mg/kg im), or the combination of the two, or COL injections with COL-impregnated cement spacer associated or not with MRP injections (80 mg/kg im). The treatment lasted 7 days. All control rabbits were infected at D15, with median and interquartile range (IQR) bone bacterial count of 6.17 [5.69, 7.04] CFU/g of bones. In contrast to local COL, systemic COL alone or combined with MRP was more effective than control on bacterial counts in bone at the end of treatment. The combination of COL local + systemic was significantly more effective than control group on bacterial counts. Interestingly it was the only effective regimen on the number of rabbits with sterile bone and at the limit of significance vs systemic treatment alone. One COL-resistant strain was detected in the COL local treatment alone but not with the combination of local and systemic COL.Direct inoculation modes are most effective in reproducing an acute PJI. The experimental studies allow testing innovative treatments in particular for the infections with multi-resistant bacteria
Sumaria, Nital. « The relevance of specific molecular and cellular effectors during murine cytomegalovirus infection ». University of Western Australia. School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences, 2008.
Texte intégralLi, Jinan. « Multifunctional roles of plasmin in inflammation : Studies of animal models on rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, wound healing and infection ». Doctoral thesis, Umeå : Dept. of medical biochemistry and biophysics, Univ, 2005.
Texte intégralCunningham, Dawn Anne. « Human lysosomal associated membrane protein-2 (LAMP-2) : a molecular bridge between infection and autoimmunity in an animal model of focal necrotising and crescentic glomerulonephritis (FNCGN) ». Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2007.
Texte intégralTanner, Anne. « Human Herpesvirus 6A Infection and Immunopathogenesis in Humanized Rag2-/-γc-/- Mice and Relevance to HIV/AIDS and Autoimmunity ». BYU ScholarsArchive, 2016.
Texte intégralSchlosser, Josephine [Verfasser]. « Transmission and pathogenesis of hepatitis E virus infection in European wild boar and domestic pigs, and the establishment of a small animal model for hepatitis E / Josephine Schlosser ». Hannover : Bibliothek der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, 2015.
Texte intégralDuan, Yue. « A cultivable primate calicivirus causes enteric infections in gnotobiotic piglets ». The Ohio State University, 2013.
Texte intégralGuerrero, Israel. « A Comparison of Chikungunya Virus Infection, Dissemination, and Cytokine Induction in Human and Murine Macrophages and Characterization of RAG2-/-γc-/- Mice as an Animal Model to Study Neurotropic Chikungunya Disease ». BYU ScholarsArchive, 2020.
Texte intégralGicquel, Mireille. « Relations pharmacocinetiques pharmacodynamiques des antibiotiques : developpement d'un modele d'etude des quinolones chez le porc (doctorat : pharmacologie experimentale) ». Nantes, 1999.
Texte intégralJacops, Eliza. « Effects Of Invasion Timing In A One-Dimensional Model Of Competing Species With An Infectious Disease ». University of Akron / OhioLINK, 2016.
Texte intégralKeller, Andrea. « Avaliação morfológica-funcional da recuperação do endométrio eqüino através da infusão de neutrófilos imunocompetentes criopreservados baseado em um modelo experimental definido ». reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2004.
Texte intégralEndometritis is an important cause of subfertility in the mare. Repetitive or persistent uterine infections could lead to the development of periglandular fibrosis. The objectives of this study were: - to evaluate if degenerative endometrial diseases are influenced by repetitive experimental bacterial infections; - to determine the effect of different treatments on the endometrium after experimental infections by means of histopathological evaluation of endometrial biopsies. Twenty resistant mares, with unknown reproductive history, and five susceptible mares, with history of recurrent endometritis and subfertility, were used. Mares were classified, according to the degree of endometritis and endometrosis, within the following groups: GI (n=4), GIIA (n=10), GIIB (n=8) and GIII (n=3). Cycles were synchronized with prostaglandin after the first histopathological examination (pre-infection sample). During estrus, mares were infected with 1 x 109 Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. Twenty four hours after the inoculation, clinical, bacteriological and cytological examinations were performed. When endometritis clinical signs were detected, the groups of mares were distributed into five different treatments: fresh leukocytes, frozen leucocytes, lysed leucocytes, Interleukin-8 (Il-8) and control group. Mares were treated on a daily basis for no more than four days, or until there was no Streptococcus growth in bacteriological examination. On the fifth day, mares were submitted to a new histopathological examination (post-infection sample) and, on the seventh day, all the mares were treated with penicillin, independently of having eliminated infection, or not. Seven days after, mares were submitted to a new histopathological examination and synchronized in order to proceed to a new infection and a new treatment. Biopsies were evaluated for endometritis and endometrosis. Therewas no significant difference regarding the degree of endometrosis before and on the fifth day after the five infections. Similarly, there was no difference regarding the degree of endometrosis among biopsies performed before infections and among biopsies performed on the fifth day after infections. Treatments did not influence the degree of endometrosis during the five experimental infections. Anyway, there was a significant variation between different mares, according to the degree of endometrosis, in biopsies collected before, as well as in biopsies collected after experimental infection. Resistant mares showed significant neutrophilia and eosinophilia in biopsies collected on the fifth day after infection, compared to pre-infection samples. Susceptible mares showed eosinophilia, but no growth in neutrophil number. There was no growth in lymphocyte and plasma cell number in post-infection biopsies, if compared to pre-infection biopsies, either in susceptible, or in resistant mares. In the same way, treatments did not influence neutrophil migration on the fifth day post-infection, if compared to pre-infection, either in susceptible, or in resistant mares. It was concluded that repetitive experimental infections do not influence the average degree of endometrosis, in spite of the variability between mares. This variability is probably due to the low representation of one single biopsy sample in the evaluation of the degree of endometrial degeneration. It was also concluded that susceptible mares showing Streptococcus in uterus do not present with neutrophil growth five days after infection. The shorter time required for bacterial elimination when fresh and frozen leukocytes were used is probably due to other factors than leukocyte chemoattractive effect.
Månsson, Lisa. « Visualizing the dynamic interplay between the host and bacterial pathogen : a real-time study of renal infection / ». Stockholm, 2007.
Texte intégralSuzuki, Saori. « Basic research for the development of hepatitis C vaccine ». 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2016.
Texte intégralKyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)教授 明里 宏文, 教授 岡本 宗裕, 教授 中村 克樹
Lemaitre, Julien. « Heterogeneity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in HIV-1 infection. Study of SIV-infected cynomolgus macaque model ». Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Texte intégralEven under combinational antiretroviral treatments (cART), HIV-1 persistence is associated with chronic inflammation in infected patients, leading to an increased risk of non-AIDS-related comorbidities. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), have been less studied in HIV infection whereas they were associated with chronic inflammation diseases. To evaluate PMN heterogeneity in SIVmac251 nonhuman primate infection model, we first performed multiparameter single-cell phenotyping by mass cytometry giving a global vision of the immune system. This analysis demonstrated circulation of immature PMN with impaired during chronic infection. Then, we characterized neutrophils heterogeneity in the course of SIV infection. In primary infection, there was an increased frequency of CD10- immature and CD62L-low primed PMNs in peripheral blood. In chronic phase, CD10- immature PMNs were significantly higher in bone marrow and blood, maintaining a primed profile. During SIV infection, PMNs demonstrated variable immunomodulatory function against T cells proliferation and cytokine production. Early cART allowed to restore PMN phenotype. In this study, we provide unprecedented insight into PMN heterogeneity in the course of SIV infection. Since PMN represent 40-70% of circulating leukocytes and primed PMN are more potent to release pro-inflammatory cytokines and to transmigrate, they should be considered as a new player in HIV-1 chronic inflammation
Andrews, Daniel Mark. « Effects of murine cytomegalovirus infection on dendritic cell functionality and natural killer cell responses ». University of Western Australia. Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2004.
Texte intégralZou, Weiping. « Production et role des cytokines au cours de l'infection par les virus de l'immunodeficience des primates (vih/siv) ». Paris 11, 1997.
Texte intégralLuo, Karen Yao. « Assessment of the Effect of Induced Hypothermia in Experimental Sepsis Using a Cecal Ligation and Perforation Mouse Model ». Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2011.
Texte intégralMallick, Emily M. « A New Murine Model For Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Infection Reveals That Actin Pedestal Formation Facilitates Mucosal Colonization and Lethal Disease : A Dissertation ». eScholarship@UMMS, 2012.
Texte intégralMartinet, Jérémie. « Cellules dendritiques plasmocytoïdes et infections virales : rôle physiopathologique et potentiel vaccinal ». Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012.
Texte intégralDhondt, Kévin. « Etude des mécanismes de haute pathogénicité des Henipavirus ». Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014.
Texte intégralHenipaviruses are highly pathogenic emerging zoonotic paramyxoviruses. They can infect a broad spectrum of mammals including flying foxes (Pteropus fruit bats), its reservoir, pigs and humans. As there are neither therapeutic drugs nor efficient prophylactic treatment towards these highly lethal viruses, they have to be manipulated in biosafety level-4 laboratories. In the first part of this thesis, we study the role of glyco-amino-glycans on Henipavirus infection and their potential use as treatment. In the second part, we describe the interaction between the host immune system and the pathogen. To investigate these interactions, we took advantage of different transgenic mouse models deficient for some immune pathways. Indeed, although mice possess the viral entry receptor for Henipaviruses, they do not succumbed to intraperitoneal infection. We analyzed the susceptibility to Nipah virus (NiV) infection of mice deleted for different components of innate and adaptive immune systems. Obtained results showed that some of these mice can be used as new models for NiV immunopathogenesis study. This study also suggests that type I interferon system plays a major role in limitation of viral spreading to the brain and that T cells are necessary for full viral clearance. Macrophages act at the crossroad of immunity, between innate and adaptive system. Finally, we deal with the preliminary phases of a project which aims to identify the differences, at a molecular level, of interaction between non-structural viral proteins and innate immunity proteins in mice and human. Such differences could explain the different clinical patterns that are observed in these species. In conclusion, this thesis allowed to identify new animal models and to better characterize host-pathogen interactions, from molecular to whole organism level. However, the precise mecanisms of these interactions remain to be elucidated and would probably help to understand the great diversity of pathogeny of Henipaviruses
O’Meara, Connor Patrick. « The development of an effective vaccine against Chlamydia : utilisation of a non-toxic mucosal adjuvant to generate a protective mucosal response ». Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2012.
Texte intégralKlingström, Jonas. « Hantaviruses : animal models, immunology and pathogenesis / ». Stockholm, 2004.
Texte intégralAlexandre, Youenn. « Développement d'une application oropharyngée de lactobacilles pour lutter contre les infections respiratoires à Pseudomonas aeruginosa ». Thesis, Brest, 2014.
Texte intégralPseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that causes pneumonia and which is involved in themortality of mechanically-ventilated or cystic fibrosis patients.These infections are difficult to treat because of the existence of many antibiotic resistances in P. aeruginosa and therapeutic alternatives are needed. Our hypothesis was that the use of probiotics could be an alternative to antibiotic therapy in order to reduce P. aeruginosa infections and its injurious and pro-inflammatory effects in lungs.The main goal of this work was to evaluate the effects of lactobacilli in a murine model of P. aeruginosa pneumonia.The first step of this work was to screen lactobacilli isolated from oral cavities of healthy volunteers against biofilmformation and elastolytic activity of P. aeruginosa PAO1. The effects of selected lactobacilli were then evaluated in amodel of infection of lung epithelial cells by P. aeruginosa PAO1 and in a murine model of P. aeruginosa PAO1pneumonia. Eighty-seven lactobacilli were tested in vitro, leading to the selection of 3 and 5 strains respectively active against biofilm formation and elastolytic activity. The most active strains (L. fermentum K.C6.3.1E, L. paracasei ES.D.88and L. zeae Od.76) toward biofilm formation and elastolytic activity were chosen to be tested in vitro, in a cell model of P. aeruginosa PAO1 infection. This mix showed cytoprotective effect against P. aeruginosa PAO1. Finally, the prophylactic intratracheal administration of the mix of lactobacilli in mice allowed to reduce the pulmonary loads in P.aeruginosa PAO1. In the same time, the pro-inflammatory effects(IL-6 and TNF- α) of the infection were reduced. These promising results suggest the possibility of new therapeutic applications for probiotics
Castegren, Markus. « Modulating Organ Dysfunction in Experimental Septic Shock : Effects of Aminoglycosides, Antiendotoxin Measures and Endotoxin Tolerance ». Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Infektionssjukdomar, 2011.
Texte intégralPaper 3, previous title as submitted: "Compartmentalization of organ endotoxin tolerance in a porcine model of secondary sepsis"
Martín, Vicente Adela. « Development of new strategies for the treatment of emerging opportunistic fungal infections ». Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2016.
Texte intégralAspergillus fumigatus es el hongo filamentoso más frecuente y aunque normalmente es sensible a los antifúngicos, recientemente se han detectado aislados resistentes. Neocosmospora solani, Lomentospora prolificans, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis y Scopulariopsis brumptii son algunas de las especies fúngicas multirresistentes más importantes. Las monoterapias normalmente no son eficaces, causando alarmantes tasas de mortalidad. Por eso es crucial encontrar tratamientos alternativos y las combinaciones de antifúngicos podrían jugar un papel importante. Scedosporium apiospermum es un hongo que provoca infecciones del sistema nervioso central, siendo el tratamiento el voriconazol. Sin embargo, no hay puntos de corte establecidos y se desconoce el papel que juega la determinación de la sensibilidad antifúngica en casos de escedosporiosis. Los principals objetivos de esta tesis fueron evaluar la actividad in vitro y la eficacia in vivo de combinaciones de antifúngicos frente a A. fumigatus y cuatro especies de hongos multiresistentes; y evaluar la eficacia del voriconazol frente a S. apiospermum en un modelo murino con el propósito de proponer puntos de corte experimentales. Las combinaciones de posaconazol con anfotericina B o anidulafungina fueron eficaces frente a A. fumigatus, sugiriendo que estos tratamientos pueden representar una alternativa en caso aspergilosis refractaria. El tratamiento con voriconazol fue eficaz frente a aquellas cepas de S. apiospermum con una CMI ≤2µg/ml pero no frente a la cepa más resistente. Se observó una buena correlación in vitro-in vivo, sugiriendo que los métodos de disco-difusión y Etest pueden ser rápidas alternativas para la determinación de la sensibilidad de S. apiospermum al voriconazol. Con lo que respecta a los hongos multiresistentes, la combinación más sinérgica fue la de anfotericina B y anidulafungina. La combinación triple también mostró un alto porcentaje de sinergia, pero esta combinación no mostró ventaja sobre las dobles en algunas cepas, concluyendo que en algunos casos una terapia con tres fármacos no sería mejor la administración de dos.
Aspergillus fumigatus is the most prevalent filamentous fungal pathogen and, although it is usually susceptible to antifungal drugs, resistant isolates have been detected recently. In addition, Neocosmospora solani, Lomentospora prolificans, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Scopulariopsis brumptii are some of the most important multiresistant fungi. Antifungal monotherapies usually fail, causing alarming mortality rates. For this reason, it is crucial to find alternative treatments and antifungal combinations could play an important role. In addition, Scedosporium apiospermum is an important neurotropic fungus for which the first line treatment is voriconazole. However, breakpoints are not available and the role of the susceptibility determination in cases of scedosporiosis is largely unknown. The main objectives of the thesis were to test the in vitro activity and in vivo efficacy of antifungal combinations against A. fumigatus and four species of multiresistant fungi; and to test the efficacy of voriconazole against S. apiospermum in a murine model in order to propose experimental tentative cutoffs. A good efficacy of the combinations of posaconazole with either amphotericin B or anidulafungin was observed against A. fumigatus, suggesting that these combinations can play an important role in case of refractory aspergillosis. Voriconazole showed efficacy in those S. apiospermum isolates with a MIC ≤ 2µg/ml and did not against the most resistant strain. Additionally, a good correlation between in vitro methods and in vivo outcome was found, suggesting that disk diffusion and Etest can be rapid alternatives for determining voriconazole susceptibility of S. apiospermum. In the case of the combinations against multiresistant fungi, the most synergistic combination was amphotericin B plus anidulafungin. The triple combination also showed a high percentage of synergism but this combination did not always show advantage over the double ones, suggesting that the administration of three drugs would not be better than two in some cases.