Thèses sur le sujet « Acquisition FLE »
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Outaleb-Pellé, Aldjia. « Erreurs d'apprenants du FLE : le cas des lycéens de Tizi Ouzou ». Nice, 2010.
Texte intégralThis thesis contributes to the research in French foreign language teaching. Its object is a corpus taken from final Kabylian learners’ copies of high school. Its method is « error » analysis. Its purpose is to give an account of the underlying linguistic and psycholinguistic mechanisms in the production of « errors » in relation to academic or standard French. The « wrong » statements are either generated by a bad assimilation of the target language, or are resulted from the mother tongue’s rules interferences, or are committed under the daily communicative constraints
BADALAMENTI, Rosa Leandra. « Acquisition ou acquisitions ? Une étude empirique sur l'acquisition de la grammaire du fle par des apprenants italophones adultes en contexte guidé ». Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2014.
Texte intégralChanier, Thierry. « Acquisition des Langues Assistée par Ordinateur (ALAO) ». Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 1995.
Texte intégralViana, dos Santos Gabriela. « Représentations et schémas sociolinguistiques en langue étrangère : l'exemple d'apprenants sinophones et anglophones du FLE ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2021.
Texte intégralOne of the particularities of the process of sociolinguistic acquisition in a foreign language concerns the difficulty of learners to integrate the sociolinguistic norms of the target language. If in their native culture, the learners build a network of associations between linguistic knowledge and social knowledge, in a foreign language, they must develop this capacity. The main objectives of this work are to understand how learners develop schemas that associate sociolinguistic variants with social parameters and how they associate socio-indexical values to varieties. We carried out two studies with FLE learners studying in France. For the first study, we did a repetition task with 24 English-speaking students and 42 Chinese-speaking students. The second study, a subjective reaction test, was conducted among 40 English-speaking students, 41 Chinese-speaking students, and 88 native French-speaking students. Our analysis highlights the tendency of learners to make homogeneous statements that are not homogeneous at the sociolinguistic level. This result suggests that learners construct sociolinguistic schemas of standard and non-standard varieties in a foreign language. We have also found that learners are sensitive to sociolinguistic variations in the target language. Indeed, they judged standard and non-standard French statements differently. Our analysis also reveals differences in the construction of sociolinguistic schemas and in the judgments of varieties between the two nationalities of our study
Pieters, Tatiana. « L'influence de la langue maternelle dans l'acquisition du genre grammatical en français langue seconde ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2020.
Texte intégralDoctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie
Khalil-Akil, Hagar. « Exploitation du potentiel d’Internet pour consolider l’intake dans l’apprentissage du FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) : quelles tâches proposées sur Internet pour améliorer l’acquisition chez des apprenants arabophones de FLE en Égypte ? » Thesis, Paris 3, 2011.
Texte intégralThe objective of this research, which lies within the field of language teaching and especially the integration of the Internet in the teaching/learning of foreign languages (Henceforth L2), is to enhance students‘ intake and improve L2 acquisition (French in this case) in French as a foreign language classes through a hybrid environment based on macro-tasks performed in distance and micro-tasks administered in class. This environment also relies on the exploitation of the Internet to design learning tasks and to create a virtual resource center in order to address the specific difficulties that students faced in their learning of the L2. This action research was conducted in Egypt for Egyptian Arabic-language students learning French as a foreign language (FFL) in the French Culture and Cooperation Centre (CFCC) in Cairo. It helped me develop this hybrid task environment to validate the general hypothesis of my research, which states that! learning tasks based on exploiting the Internet can reinforce the intake and improve the acquisition of FFL. This environment allowed me to implement learning experiences that are potentially favorable to the acquisition of L2 through the completion of macro-tasks performed in distance as well as micro-tasks performed in class. These tasks were administered through our virtual resource center. Therefore, Iconducted a series of experimental studies to assess different tasks‘ learnability when performed by Egyptian learners of L2. These tasks were completed independently and/or in collaboration, under various conditions. They were intended to first denativize the intake of L2 learners in order to then help them produce comprehensible output in the L2. The use of the Internet allowed me to present learners with authentic input in the planning and completion of macro-tasks and to create a virtual resource center for the production of micro-tasks. Thanks to the methodology applied in this research, I was able to validate my initial hypotheses and make this environment transferable and adaptable to other contexts as well. The content of the tasks is relative to its learnability. I would finally add that the conditions and context in which these tasks were performed (the failure of technology and Internet network, which may happen quite often in this setting) obviously played a bi! g role in their successful or unsuccessful completion and those factors must be given equal attention in L2 acquisition research
Yun, Hyeon. « Echanges à distance entre apprenants de FLE. : Etude des interactions synchrones en contexte académique ». Phd thesis, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle - Paris III, 2009.
Texte intégralDamar, Marie-Eve. « Pour une linguistique applicable : l'exemple du subjonctif en FLE ». Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007.
Texte intégralLes emplois du subjonctif français sont passés en revue à la lumière de cette théorie, ainsi que les nombreux cas de concurrence entre les modes. Enfin, on propose une séquence applicable, composée d’une synthèse sur les modes et d’explications sur le fonctionnement des emplois du subjonctif français, et incluant une progression des contenus grammaticaux. Cette ultime partie fait donc le lien avec le début de la thèse, et profite des recherches sur la grammaire en psycholinguistiques et en didactique.
En conclusion, cette thèse ouvre la voie à une rénovation profonde des contenus grammaticaux pour l’enseignement, tant pour le FLE que pour le FLM, car, si la grammaire française est réputée difficile, c’est peut-être autant dû à une inadéquation entre les règles et les usages donc à des lacunes de ses descriptions, qu’à une complexité inhérente au fonctionnement de la langue.
Doctorat en Langues et lettres
Yadegari, Parisa. « De l'intérêt pour l’acquisition d’une compétence communicative non linguistique en didactique du FLE en Iran ». Strasbourg, 2011.
Texte intégralThis thesis proposes a new pedagogical approach in teaching French as a foreign language in Iran (our context) by highlighting the role of non-linguistic communicative competence in the development and enhancement of the socio-cultural and intercultural potential of the Iranian learners. Placed within the intercultural perspective, this research examines the socio-cultural intermediary function that the non-linguistic communicative competence of the learner can play in situations of communication with others. We believe that the non-linguistic communicative competence by including, on the one hand, the sociocultural knowledge (social skills, know-how, good manners) and on the other hand, the behavior and nonverbal attitudes, constitutes necessary sociocultural factors for the proper functioning of an intercultural communication. It must therefore be part of the general skills that learners of a foreign language must acquire during the process of learning this one. The challenge of this new pedagogical approach is considerable in the teaching/learning of French as a foreign language in Iran, because it can bring to it a significant value, in comparison with the language courses where only the language skills would be developed
Nicolaev, Viorica. « L'apprentissage du FLE dans un dispositif vidéographique synchrone : étude des séquences métalinguistiques ». Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2012.
Texte intégralMarti, Alexandra. « "Feedback" Correctif à l'écrit à travers l'étude comparative du FLE en Espagne et de l'ELE en France : processus d'enseignement, apprentissage et acquisition ». Doctoral thesis, Universidad de Alicante, 2017.
Texte intégralMarti, Alexandra. « « Feedback » correctif à l'écrit à travers l'étude comparative du FLE en Espagne et de l'ELE en France : processus d'enseignement, apprentissage et acquisition ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Texte intégralThis thesis, which aims at adopting a transdisciplinary approach by combining the Language Sciences, Education Sciences and Sociolinguistics, focuses on four main ranges: the politics of the plurilingual education, the learning and acquisition of a foreign language (French as a Foreign Language: FFL, Spanish as a Foreign Language: SFL), error treatment and corrective feedback (CF) in writing, as well as the didactic optimization tools directed to promoting both plurilingual education and CF. The results of this piece of research show that the nationwide goal of fostering plurilingualism is far from being reached in France as well as in Spain, as evidenced by the figures and statistics issued by both respective Ministries of Education for the academic year 2014-2015, which attest to the underprivileged status of the French language in Spain and that of the Spanish language in France compared with English language, even though it cannot be denied that SFL teaching delivers, in this regard, better results than FFL teaching. On a local scale, at the classroom level, the methodological approach of action-research carried out in different FFL/SFL classrooms has focused on the analysis of different types of written corrective feedback (direct, indirect, reformulative, metalinguistic, electronic and mixed) throughout a process split into three phases: writing task / comparison between the aforementioned task and the provided corrective feedback / rewriting task. The objective sought was both to bring to light the impact of CF on both education systems and to elaborate an abridgment of the most effective CF in France and Spain in order to develop the students' interlanguage stages. As shown by the data and results of the research, the practice of some types of CF, according to different classification methods for learners (individual, pairs), has had a direct impact on the foreign language learning/acquisition process through the direct CF in secondary school students (both FFL and SFL), the metalinguistic CF in tandem partners amongst Spanish-speaking students undertaking the Spanish Baccalaureate and the mixed CF amongst the French-speaking high school students and the students of both countries. Nevertheless, other types of CF have been proven to be ineffective to insure assimilation by learners such as the case of the indirect CF, especially amongst secondary-school Spanish students, the metalinguistic CF in tandem partners amongst French-speaking high school students, the individual metalinguistic CF amongst Spanish-speaking learners and the indirect CF amongst students on both sides of the Pyrenees. This has brought about the specific conservatism of plenty of grammar rules. Hence, the recurring presence of errors left uncorrected by students in their writing tasks. The study concludes with some recommendations liable to being broadened or modified, with the objectives of reaching the much proclaimed "plurilingualism" by the European institutions and of optimizing the CF in the FFL/SLF classrooms
Esta tesis, que quiere ser transdisciplinaria, combinando las ciencias del lenguaje, las ciencias de la educación y la sociolingüística, se centra en cuatro áreas principales: la política del plurilingüismo en las instituciones educativas, el aprendizaje y la adquisición de LE (el Francés Lengua Extranjera: FLE, y el Español Lengua Extranjera: ELE), el tratamiento del error y el feedback correctivo (FC) en la producción escrita, así como las pistas de optimización didáctica para promover la educación plurilingüe y el FC. Los resultados de este trabajo de investigación muestran que, a nivel nacional, el objetivo del plurilingüismo en las instituciones educativas está muy lejos de ser alcanzado en Francia y en España, como lo demuestra el análisis de las cifras y las estadísticas publicadas por los dos Ministerios de Educación en el año académico 2014-2015, dejando ver una situación poco ventajosa del francés en España y del español en Francia frente al dominio del inglés, aunque es innegable que el ELE presenta en este sentido mejores resultados que el FLE. A nivel local, es decir en el marco del aula, la investigación-acción realizada en clase de FLE y de ELE se ha centrado en el análisis de diferentes tipos de FC escrito (directo, indirecto, reformulativo, metalingüístico, electrónico y mixto) a través de un proceso en tres etapas: redacción / comparación con el FC / reescritura. Se trataba de descubrir el impacto de cada FC experimentado en ambos sistemas educativos y de realizar una síntesis de la retroalimentación correctiva más eficaz en Francia y en España, con el fin de desarrollar el estadio de interlengua de los alumnos. Los datos y los resultados de la investigación muestran que la práctica de algunos tipos de FC, según diferentes modalidades de agrupamiento de aprendices (individual o por parejas), ha tenido un impacto directo en el proceso de aprendizaje / adquisición de la LE, tales como el FC directo en los alumnos de Secundaria de FLE y de ELE, el FC metalingüístico en tándem en los aprendices hispanófonos de Bachillerato, el FC mixto en los aprendices francófonos de Instituto y los estudiantes de ambos países. En cambio, otros FC no han provocado la asimilación de nuevos conocimientos por parte de los aprendices; a saber el FC indirecto, sobre todo en los alumnos españoles de ESO, el FC metalingüístico en tándem en los aprendices francófonos de Instituto, el FC metalingüístico individual en los aprendices de habla español, el FC indirecto en los estudiantes de ambos lados de los Pirineos. Esto ha dado lugar a que numerosas reglas gramaticales permanezcan todavía inertes. De ahí, la presencia recurrente de errores no rectificados en la producción escrita de los alumnos. El estudio finaliza proponiendo algunas recomendaciones susceptibles de ser ampliadas o modificadas, con el fin de lograr el "plurilingüismo" tan proclamado por las instancias europeas y optimizar el FC en clase de FLE y de ELE
Sung, Young-Hee. « Le rôle de l'inter-/trans-culturel dans la compréhension de l'inférence discursive chez les apprenants coréens du FLE ». Strasbourg, 2009.
Texte intégralThe inference as an activity associated with the operation of reasoning is used, initially, in formal logic to describe the relationship between truth proposals. We also know that the facts of language are subject to the conditions of truth but this does reduce all to a strictly logical description. It is therefore necessary to consider the empirical situation in which language these events are produced and interpreted. Overall, one can consider the inference as an act of language that the performance involves the production of an utterance. It is true that when one meets a language and culture, we forget that beyond the formal elements of the language system is first language, i. E. The particular expression one or more language as understood by concrete subjects, which is located, translated as a social practice. Therefore, it is important to reiterate that the inference is one of the structural units most likely to report at once the language, rhetoric and logic of language as social practice first. Some forms of the inference as used in the French language and culture in the forms it takes in Korean language and culture we seemed to be interesting phenomena to serve as third-Taking in the events of language of linguistics and transculturality
Barreca, Giulia. « L’acquisition de la liaison chez des apprenants italophones : des atouts d’un corpus de natifs pour l’étude de la liaison en français langue étrangère (FLE) ». Thesis, Paris 10, 2015.
Texte intégralAs part of the international project InterPhonologie du Français Contemporain (IPFC) (Detey Kawaguchi and 2008; Racine, Detey and Kawaguchi 2012), this study aims to examine acquisition strategies of liaison in French as a foreign language. While developmental models have been proposed for the acquisition of liaison in L1, to date, no hypothesis accounting for L2 liaison learning has received convincing empirical support (Wauquier 2009). It is in this context that the present longitudinal study of Italian-speaking students of French as a foreign language (FFL) (level A2-B1) can be situated. The results have been enriched by a comparison with other multilingual studies (several source languages) from the international project IPFC. This approach shows the presence of common trends and errors in different populations of learners that suggest that, despite the use of lexical strategies, learners are able to develop phonological generalisations of liaison. Taking into account the difficulties that the heterogeneity of liaison presents for second language teaching and acquisition (Racine and Detey in press), learners show weaknesses in both production of liaison and in epilinguistic knowledge (Gombert 1990) of the variation of liaison.These results led us to use data from a frequency analysis of a corpus of native speakers Phonologie du Français Contemporain (PFC) (Durand, Laks and Lyche 2009) to provide learning resources, based on a data-driven learning approach, to contribute to the renewal of the teaching of liaison in French as a foreign language
Nata nell’ambito del progetto InterPhonologie du Français Contemporain (IPFC) (Racine, Detey et Kawaguchi 2012), questa tesi propone un’analisi delle strategie di acquisizione della liaison in L2. Sebbene dei modelli di acquisizione della liaison in L1 siano già stati proposti, nessuna ipotesi è stata confermata da studi empirici (Wauquier 2009).È in questo contesto che si situa il nostro studio longitudinale realizzato su degli studenti universitari italofoni di francese lingua straniera (FLS) (livello A2-B1); un’osservazione i cui risultati sono stati confrontati con altre ricerche multilingui facenti parte del progetto internazionale IPFC. Questo approccio ha permesso di far emergere la presenza di tendenze e errori comuni alle diverse popolazioni di apprendenti; una similitudine che suggerisce come gli apprendenti, malgrado ricorrano a diverse strategie lessicali, sono in grado di sviluppare delle generalizzazioni fonologiche della liaison. Inoltre, date le difficoltà che la variabilità della liaison pone tanto nella didattica quanto nell’acquisizione, gli apprendenti sembrano possedere una scarsa competenza della variazione della liaison non solo sul piano della produzione ma anche su quello delle conoscenze epilinguistiche (Gombert 1990).Questi risultati ci hanno spinto quindi ad utilizzare i dati dell’analisi della frequenza della liaison condotta sul corpus di nativi Phonologie du Français Contemporain (PFC) (Durand, Laks et Lyche 2009) al fine di proporre delle risorse pedagogiche per l’acquisizione della liaison. Questi strumenti potrebbero contribuire al rinnovamento dell’insegnamento della liaison nella didattica del francese lingua straniera
Harnois-Delpiano, Mylene. « Le kaléidoscope de la liaison en français : étude comparée de son appropriation par des apprenants adultes de FLE et des enfants natifs ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Texte intégralFrench liaison is the appearance of a liaison consonant between two words in specific contexts within the spoken word chain. These contexts are divided into three categories : those where the liaison is categorical (e.g. “a child” : un /n/ enfant ), those where it is variable (e.g. “a big plane” : un gros /z/ avion) and those where it is forbidden (e.g. “an english song” : une chanson // anglaise ).The aim of this research is twofold. In the first part, we present an analysis of each linguistic and sociolinguistic sub-field involved in the phenomenon of French liaison. Each of them will allow to shed light on studies of the acquisition of French liaison that have been conducted with learners of FFL (intermediate to advanced level) in recent years. In the second part, we present a comparative study of the acquisition of French liaison based on experimental tasks performed by 17 Korean learners of FFL (level A1-A2 of the CEFR) recorded three times over a one-year and by 165 native children aged two to six. As it is impossible to compare the two groups of participants due to environmental conditions and to different cognitive skills, we have developed an innovative matching method based on factual data. On the one hand, this supports the constructionist model of the acquisition of the liaison L1 (Chevrot, Dugua, & Fayol, 2009; Chevrot, Dugua, Harnois-Delpiano, Siccardi, & Spinelli, 2013). On the other hand, this enables us to sketch the acquisition process of the liaison L2, very influenced by the spelling which is learned from the first FFL course. We conclude with a didactic perspective layout taking into account all the prisms of this linguistic kaleidoscope of French liaison because without a clear perception of each one, FFL learners are bound to have a partial and unfocused interpretation of this phenomenon
Pouchkova, Meyer Svetlana. « Vers un dictionnaire des mots à Charge Culturelle Partagée comme voie d'accès à une culture étrangère (FLE) : le cas des apprenants immigrés adultes multiculturels ». Strasbourg, 2010.
Texte intégralThe culture of comportment of the majority can 't try to get the confession in the society side by side with the scientific culture. The French linguist R. GALISSON called this culture as "generally accepted", so the majority bearers of language posses il. It is nowhere studied, it is taken outside of school during the process of the daily life. Nevertheless, it is very important because it indicates at the same time: The sign of identify between people who rank themselves among the same society; The model of socio- cultural comportment (the conditional model) in the daily life's situations; The sign of benevolence or, in the other words, the common denominator for the best comprehension and tolerance. If this the most important culture is acquired by the bearers of language during the everyday life, it can be described and studied by the foreign students at the French lessons. Lt takes place thanks to the specific words which carry the vast layer of the "generally accepted" culture. These words must be defioed and entered in the special cultural dictionary, the purpose of which is to facilitate the perception of the socio- cultural component in the discourse and the comportment of the bearers oflanguage for the foreign students
Cao, Yi. « L'acquisition de la morphologie verbale chez des apprenants sinophones de français langue étrangère ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Texte intégralThe acquisition of French verbal morphology, with its highly complex inflectional system, often poses difficulties for non-native learners. This is particularly true for Sinophone learners, as the Chinese language is characterized by the absence of inflectional markers; that is, verbs are invariant and lack grammatical morphemes indicating number, person, mood, tense, or aspect.Even at an advanced level, Sinophone learners frequently make subject-verb agreement and conjugation errors. However, the deviant verb forms they produce exhibit certain regularities. This study aims to analyze the written and oral performances of Sinophone learners at two different levels using a semi-spontaneous written and oral production task (narrating a movie excerpt), in order to achieve three objectives: first, to describe and interpret the interlanguage of these Sinophone learners regarding the written and oral production of French verb forms; second, to analyze the factors influencing the acquisition of these forms; and finally, to propose remedial solutions
Tran, Thi Thuy Hien. « Processus d’acquisition des clusters et autres séquences de consonnes en langue seconde : de l’analyse acoustico-perceptive des séquences consonantiques du vietnamien à l’analyse de la perception et production des clusters du français par des apprenants vietnamiens du FLE ». Thesis, Grenoble, 2011.
Texte intégralOne of the main difficulties faced by Vietnamese learners of French as a foreign language, and one of the most resistant to repair through corrective phonetics, is the pronunciation of French consonant groups, whether within or across syllables or words. What are the real reasons for these difficulties? This study attempts to answer that question. The thesis addresses an issue raised by investigations on the capacity to perceive the others' gestures. In fact, recent works show that the ability to access the articulators' gestural control characteristics is mediated by the perception of the signal which encodes these gestures. In this theoretical framework linking perception and action, and through comparison of consonant sequences and syllable structures in both languages, this study identifies and explains a number of acoustic-perceptual and articulatory factors responsible for the difficulty of the French consonant groups for Vietnamese learners. The results of the study are discussed in light of different theories and models of sound acquisition of foreign languages. These results could be applied to the development of an educational technology tool for teaching French to the Vietnamese (or more broadly for language learning in general), a tool which could propose corrective phonetics strategies (such as gestural recovery training) and performance assessment of learners
Stoltz, Joakim. « L'alternance codique dans l'enseignement du FLE : Étude quantitative et qualitative de la production orale d'interlocuteurs suédophones en classe de lycée ». Doctoral thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk och litteratur, SOL, 2011.
Texte intégralIPACLE
Engelhardt, Jens. « Performance Measurement of Acquisitions and Acquisition Series ». St. Gallen, 2006.$FILE/02606911002.pdf.
Texte intégralNicolas, Laura. « La disposition enseignante à un "agir collectif" : Analyse de la réception enseignante des négociations apprenantes en classe de FLE ». Thesis, Paris 3, 2014.
Texte intégralThe following study discusses the ability of teachers to simultaneously deal with the needs and interests of every learner in the classroom. Through the observation of a teacher’s feedback moves to students’negotiations of meaning, we conducted an exploration of his or her disposition (tendency) to meet both the negotiator and his or her peers’ needs. As such, this study aims at contributing to the field of teaching professional practices and of second language acquisition. The theoretical framework of this study relies on the Bakhtinian dialogism, Vygoskian socioconstructivism, the paradigm of “dispositions” developed by Lahire, the theory of joint action developed by Filliettaz and the connectionist approach to teacher decisionmaking, which has been developed by Tochon. Through the analysis of video recorded data that have been collected during conversational activities in a French classroom for adult migrants, we provide an in-depth investigation of the teacher’s moves of affiliation and disaffiliation from learners’ individual negotiations. Conversation analysis, microsociology, linguistic interactionism, psychosocial pragmatics, and discourse analysis are integrated in the research methodology in order to provide an accurate description of a teacher’s regulation of learners talk (elicitation, incitation or disaffiliation). Stimulated recall methodology has also been used to complete the interaction analysis. The results demonstrate that the teacher’s affiliations to individual negotiations are made in the light of their pedagogical utility for the peers. It is therefore argued that the teacher’s tendency to link each learner’ needs and interests to his or her peers’serves as a powerful functional connection on which the teachers’ improvisational decision-making process during classroom interactions is mostly based
Castello, Edna. « Le Net participatif, levier d’acquisition des littératies traditionnelle et numérique : étude sur deux terrains, en FLE et auprès d'un public migrant faiblement scolarisé ». Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Texte intégralThe aim of this research was to understand and evaluate the use of some sites of the participative web, viewed in their social dimension, to meet the learning needs of learners in language courses. Our study was based on two field experiments conducted on two different types of audiences, one in 2012 and 2013 with French as a Foreign Language (FFL) students at the Alliance française Paris Île-de-France, and another in 2014 with learners with low levels of education at the Cours Municipaux d’Adultes de la Ville de Paris (adult training provider of the City of Paris) in a post–literacy programme. Following a sociocritical approach, we worked on case-based scenarios in which learners were asked to post messages on discussion forums and in the comments section of online magazines on websites such as TripAdvisor, YouTube, Doctissimo and Le Parisien. In a qualitative analysis, we took into account the interactional and social dimensions of the Web 2.0 which are its distinctive features and main advantages. In FFL our experiment enabled us, through an emic approach, to pinpoint some conditions necessary for the effective use of the participative web in language courses, to show the decisive role of culture of use in tool appropriation and to underline the two notions of need and purpose. Our first results led us to show in a second experiment that in post-literacy programmes, the participative websites seemed to answer the needs of learners with low levels of education. Socialization of writing skills and the keen interest these tools arouse in this type of audience were the main factors of improved achievements. The fact that the participative web seemed to improve the performance of reading and writing tasks leads us to formulate the hypothesis that the hybridization of written and oral languages and of language and action found in discussion forum messages and comments section frees this second type of learners from some of the anxieties generally observed at a low education level and helps the writing process. We suggest from our findings that the participative web is a potential lever for the acquisition of traditional and digital literacies in learners with writing skill insecurities, and examine the synergies that could be created in the acquisition of these two literacies. We look into the heuristic value of the participative web in writing-reading skills, regardless of the learner's level of education, and we discuss the benefits of a learner-centered approach
Papadopoulou, Zafeiroula. « Acquisition de la référence aux entités et au temps chez des apprenants héllénophones de français deuxième langue (FL2), troisième langue (FL3) et quatrième langue (FL4) : effets translinguistiques ». Thesis, Paris 3, 2011.
Texte intégralThis work presents a study of the cross-linguistic influence of previously learned languages in second, third and fourth language acquisition, as it is the case for Greekspeaking learners of French as foreign language (FLE). A comparative study is conducted among 13 learners of English who have different linguistic background and proficiency. Reference to entities and the expression of temporality have been analyzed in the oral and the written data provided by the participants to the study
Zlakomanova, Ludmila. « Agir enseignant et « naturel » didactique en situation hétéroglotte : études d'interactions verbales en classe de FLE dans les universités russes : le cas des cours de deuxième et troisième années de l’université pédagogique de Vologda ». Thesis, Lyon 2, 2009.
Texte intégralOur research project is concerned with the teaching/apprentiship of oral French in the « French as a Foreign Language » (FLE) program for Russian students in the second and, in part, third years in the Faculty of Languages of the teaching university of Vologda. We concentrated in particular on the action of the teacher, since the teacher is the key actor who ensures progress in the learning process in a situation using a non-native language in a foreign language context. The teacher assumes multiple functions with varying manifestations. Pedagogical polylogues are at the heart of our analyses. They aim to optimize the process of teaching/learning by modifying the action of the teacher via the application of our hypothesis of « natural didactics ». This method favors the creation of conditions allowing natural expression in a didactic situation by motivating the learners to speak on the one hand, and by reducing the asymmetry of the teacher-student relation on the other. Quantitative analyses allowed us to isolate particular aspects of verbal interaction in a FLE group within the Russian teaching university and in particular the specific action of the teacher. The results of these observations open up the possibility of a study of pedagogical methods appropriate for use in Russia
Grebe, David L. « RECORDERS IN NETWORKED DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS ». International Foundation for Telemetering, 2002.
Texte intégralThe role of recorders in telemetry applications has undergone many changes throughout the years. We’ve seen the evolution from multi-track tape to disk to solid state technologies, both for airborne and ground based equipment. Data acquisition and collection system design has changed as well and a recent trend in airborne is to merge acquisition and recording. On the ground, increased decentralization of data collection and processing has generated the requirement to provide backup storage to protect against communication circuit outages. This paper explores the trend to adopt network based data acquisition, collection, and distribution systems for telemetry applications and the impact on recording techniques and equipment. It shows that in this emerging approach the recorder returns to its root mission of attempting to provide the fastest, largest capacity for the least amount of investment. In a network based architecture the recorder need only accept and reproduce data operating independently from the acquisition process.
Lefrançois-Yasuda, Carole. « Représentations du texte littéraire oulipien et pratiques d’écriture. Mobiliser l’imagination pour apprendre a écrire ». Thesis, Paris 3, 2011.
Texte intégralThe topic of our research was defined by one assessment: writtenwork, in particular of non-native French speakers of advanced level, maynot be reduced to the mere application of the rules for different types oftext constructions. Based on the requirements of the CECR, weimplemented writing exercises under Oulipian constraints [fictionalwritings] and exercises of scientific writing in order to understand theextent of possible improvements when learning how to write, in the frameof didactics of languages, sociology and education research.The data has been collected in the Université de Technologie deCompiègne [UTC]. We have chosen a class group of 18 students andhave been using two types of investigations: one of the representations that the student-engineers have of writing, to show how, through the symbolic link they establish between the social environment and themental world, these representations facilitate autonomous writing andencourage imagination. The mobilisation of cognitive processes involvedin the practice of imaginative and scientific writings is the subject of thesecond investigation.Then, from these results – in the continuation of the fundamentalwork accomplished in the field of French as a Foreign Language didactics that started in the 1970s – we aim: i. to observe and analyse the activerole of imagination, the imaginary and creativity when learning how towrite, and ii. to point out the necessity of reassessing imagination and theimaginary in pedagogy. Finally, in order to reconcile all learners with thewriting process, to modify their demand towards a specialisation infunctional text writing, we have dealt with writing like a defined activity,which can be learned and carried out. Its phases and processes can bedemonstrated and appointed as in resolving a problem by means of imagination to build up the learning process
Ebrahimi, Anita. « L'acquisition de la compétence de communication dans l'enseignement du français, langue étrangère en contexte universitaire iranien ». Thesis, Angers, 2018.
Texte intégralThis work is a theoretical, methodological and practical contribution that proposes the contextualization of communicative tasks to develop communication skills in learning French, as a foreign language in the context of Iranian students.The tasks proposed in a FLE textbook play a central role in the acquisition of communication skills. As such, it is important that students acquire skills through relevant tasks that fit their socio-cultural environment. This thesis attempts to establish a logical relationship between communication activities, as part of an Iranian textbook of FLE, and the cultural aspects of Iran. It highlights the contextualization of tasks by means of written documents, audio-visual media, and still and animated images. This thesis attempts to enhance students’ learning autonomy by proposing activities adapted to their socio-cultural context
Weigang, Zhao, Yao Tingyan, Wu Jinpei et Zhang Qishan. « SOFT SEAMLESS SWITCHING IN DUAL-LOOP DSP-FLL FOR RAPID ACQUISITION AND TRACKING ». International Foundation for Telemetering, 2004.
Texte intégralFLL’s are extensively used for fast carrier synchronization. A common approach to meet the wide acquisition range and sufficiently small tracking error requirements is to adopt the wide or narrow band FLL loop in the acquisition and tracking modes and direct switching the loop. The paper analyze the influence of direct switching on performance, including the narrow band loop convergence, transition time etc. and propose applying the Kalman filtering theory to realize the seamless switching (SS) with time-varying loop gains between the two different loop tracking state. The SS control gains for the high dynamic digital spread spectrum receiver is derived. Simulation results for the SS compared to the direct switching demonstrate the improved performance.
Wicki, Sarah. « Acquisition Accounting in der Schweizer Praxis ». St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/01655232002.pdf.
Texte intégralFarkamekh, Leila. « Les influences de l'apprentissage de la première langue étrangère (anglais) sur l'apprentissage de la deuxième langue étrangère (français) chez les apprenants persanophones ». Phd thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2006.
Texte intégralIn the Iranian educational system, the English language is taught as the first foreign language, and the study of French usually takes place after the study of English. We study the influences of the previous knowledge of English on the learning of the French language by Persian speakers. We made the hypothesis, based both on our experience as a student and as a teacher, that the students will refer to their previous knowledge of English (L2) for learning French in the position of the third language, because these two languages are typologically close, which is not the case of Persian and French. Focussing on gender, number and on some aspects of word order, we identified. The errors in a corpus that was collected in two Iranian universities, and we interpreted them in the light of contrastive analysis of the three languages, Persian (L1), English (L2) and French (L3). Six parts of speech (article, possessive adjective, demonstrative adjective, qualificative adjective, direct/indirect object pronoun, past participle) are considered, as well as interrogative and négative forms. This morpho-syntactic study provided us with results which reveal the predominance of certain types of errors. The concepts of bridging language and empty notions are summoned to account for the presence of cross-linguistic influences
Peng, Mario. « Post-Acquisition Performance in the US Banking Industry ». St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/03602257002.pdf.
Texte intégralJeschke, Dirk Alexander. « Structured Finance Strategies to Finance Acquisitions / ». St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/04608220001.pdf.
Texte intégralHöchstädter, Anna Katharina. « Managerielle Anreize bei Mergers & ; Acquisitions ». St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/04608212001.pdf.
Texte intégralFrancom, Gerald Lee. « A proposal to change the Federal Acquisition Regulation : recognizing the award fee incentive in fixed-price contracts ». Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1989.
Texte intégralKing, Brayden G. « CONSTRUCTING PERCEPTIONS OF VALUE : CORPORATE ACQUISITIONS IN THE COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRIES, 1997-2002 ». Diss., Tucson, Arizona : University of Arizona, 2005.
Texte intégralBarsalini, Luca. « Analyse des erreurs par approche contrastive d’un corpus de productions écrites franco-norvégiennes ». Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Texte intégralThis work is designed as an error analysis and is organized into two parts. In the first part, we make a defence of error analysis and contrastive grammar as teaching tools. In the second part, we proceed to the analysis of a corpus of errors. Although we originally aimed at comparing the errors produced by Francophone learners of the Norwegian language to those produced by Norwegian learners of French, we could not achieve this goal. Consequently, we conducted an error analysis of errors produced by Norwegian learners of French and by non-Francophone learners of the Norwegian language. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been adopted. The analysis has been consistently conducted from a contrastive perspective of the French and Norwegian languages. During our study, we analysed the phenomenon of interlinguistic interference, and the challenges related to learning the target language in the two populations of learners. We focused simultaneously on both the heuristic and the pedagogic aspects related to the teaching and the learning processes. The quantitative analysis provides an overview of the domains of grammar in the two languages most affected by errors. These results make it possible to conceive new teaching strategies aimed at promoting better integration of the target language's structures
Gretzinger, Julian. « Do shareholders benefit from M&A activities in Switzerland ? » St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/01061936001.pdf.
Texte intégralDaoud, Dounia. « Acquisition et allocation de l'énergie chez la crevette nordique, Pandalus borealis à différentes températures ». Thèse, [Rimouski, Québec] : Université du Québec à Rimouski, 2008.
Texte intégralTitre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 26 mai 2008). Thèse de doctorat présentée à l'Université du Québec à Rimouski comme exigence partielle du programme de doctorat en océanographie. CaQRU CaQRU Comprend des réf. bibliogr.: (f. 166-185). Publié aussi en version papier. CaQRU
Montano, Gerardo. « Gas Phase Etching of Silicon Dioxide Films ». Diss., Tucson, Arizona : University of Arizona, 2006.
Texte intégralBurkhardt, Damian. « Stock Performance Effects of Swiss Mergers and Acquisitions An Empirical Analysis / ». St. Gallen, 2008.$FILE/04602314002.pdf.
Texte intégralFernandez, Stéphanie. « Impact of mergers and acquisitions on French banks' efficiency and performance ». St. Gallen, 2008.$FILE/06600415001.pdf.
Texte intégralSarlls, Joelle Elita. « High-resolution Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Development and Application of Novel Radial Fast Spin-echo Acquisitions ». Diss., Tucson, Arizona : University of Arizona, 2006.
Texte intégralCampbell, Daniel A., et Lee Reinsmith. « Telemetry Definition and Processing (TDAP) : Standardizing Instrumentation and EU Conversion Descriptions ». International Foundation for Telemetering, 1997.
Texte intégralTelemetry format descriptions and engineering unit conversion calibrations are generated in an assortment of formats and numbering systems on various media. Usually this information comes to the central telemetry receiving/processing system from multiple sources, fragmented and disjointed. As present day flight tests require more and more telemetry parameters to be instrumented and processed, standardization and automation for handling this ever increasing amount of information becomes more and more critical. In response to this need, the Telemetry Definition and Processing (TDAP) system has been developed by the Air Force Development Test Center (AFDTC) Eglin AFB, Florida. TDAP standardizes the format of information required to convert PCM data and MIL-STD-1553 Bus data into engineering units. This includes both the format of the data files and the software necessary to display, output, and extract subsets of data. These standardized files are electronically available for TDAP users to review/update and are then used to automatically set up telemetry acquisition systems. This paper describes how TDAP is used to standardize the development and operational test community’s telemetry data reduction process, both real-time and post-test.
Jakob, Julia. « M&A as a growth instrument a study at the example of the packaged food industry / ». St. Gallen, 2007.$FILE/01665785002.pdf.
Texte intégralMertes, Helen. « M&A in the wind energy industry Drivers, performance and implications / ». St. Gallen, 2008.$FILE/01665918002.pdf.
Texte intégralImbach, Michael. « Feindliche Übernahmen Analyse von Abwehrmassnahmen am Beispiel von Converium / ». St. Gallen, 2008.$FILE/03923448001.pdf.
Texte intégralMoreno, Daniel. « Der Übernahmekampf um die ABN Amro aus der Sicht der Kapitalgeber und des Managements aller beteiligter Unternehmen ». St. Gallen, 2008.$FILE/05604327001.pdf.
Texte intégralAmmar, Zeineb. « Perception et production des voyelles orales françaises par des enfants tunisiens néo-apprenants du français ». Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Texte intégralIn this thesis, we studied the perception and production of the French oral vowels by sixteen Tunisian children (8-9 years old) learning French. Data are collected at three different periods: at the beginning of their first year of learning, after nine months of learning, and after a period of phonetic training. Main results are: (1) the perception and production of the vowels are greatly influenced by the L1 of the learners, both at the beginning and after nine months of learning; (2) the perception and production performances of the learners are better predicted by the identity of the vowel rather than its status in L2 compared to L1 (new, similar or identical vowels); (3) the phonetic training we gave showed no benefit on the perceptual or production performances of the children
Guinomet, Pascal Hadding Walther. « Break fee-Vereinbarungen : eine Untersuchung von Vereinbarungen für den Fall des Scheiterns einer M&A-Transaktion / ». Berlin : Duncker & ; Humblot, 2003.
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