Littérature scientifique sur le sujet « 346.066 6 »
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Articles de revues sur le sujet "346.066 6"
Stoyanova, S., et V. Giannouli. « Narcissism in Bulgarian Adults ». European Psychiatry 41, S1 (avril 2017) : S257.
Texte intégralZhao, Caitong, Changdong Fei, Renzheng Chen, Yupeng Liu et Hualin Zhang. « Comparison of clinical outcomes between ticagrelor and clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome and left ventricle dysfunction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention : An observational study ». Medicine 103, no 36 (6 septembre 2024) : e39620.
Texte intégralHigashionna, Takuya, Ryoichiro Iwanaga, Akiko Tokunaga, Akio Nakai, Koji Tanaka, Hideyuki Nakane et Goro Tanaka. « Relationship between Motor Coordination, Cognitive Abilities, and Academic Achievement in Japanese Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders ». Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy 30, no 1 (décembre 2017) : 49–55.
Texte intégralLi, C., J. Liu, H. Chen et W. Zheng. « POS0114 ABERRANT MONOCYTE SUBSETS IN PATIENTS WITH BEHÇET’S DISEASE ». Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80, Suppl 1 (19 mai 2021) : 268.1–268.
Texte intégralAvisar, Rahamim, Erez Avisar et Dov Weinberger. « Effect of Coffee Consumption on Intraocular Pressure ». Annals of Pharmacotherapy 36, no 6 (juin 2002) : 992–95.
Texte intégralШариков, А. Ю., Д. В. Поливановская, М. В. Амелякина, М. В. Туршатов, А. О. Соловьев et И. М. Абрамова. « Development of technology for instant porridges based on extrudates of rice and distillery stillage of Jerusalem artichoke ». Food processing industry, no 10 (28 septembre 2024) : 58–63.
Texte intégralChhetri, Sandip, Rachel A. Chicchi et Andrew E. N. Osborn. « Experimental investigation of 0.6 in. diameter strand lifting loops ». PCI Journal 66, no 2 (2021) : 71–87.
Texte intégralVolodin, P. L., E. V. Ivanova, E. Iu Polyakova et A. V. Fomin. « Spectral OCT Angiography in the Assessment of Biomarkers of Diabetic Macular Edema in Navigation Laser Treatment ». Ophthalmology in Russia 19, no 2 (5 juillet 2022) : 334–42.
Texte intégralHerbst, Roy S., Edward B. Garon, Dong-Wan Kim, Byoung Chul Cho, Jose L. Perez-Gracia, Ji-Youn Han, Catherine Dubos Arvis et al. « Long-Term Outcomes and Retreatment Among Patients With Previously Treated, Programmed Death-Ligand 1‒Positive, Advanced Non‒Small-Cell Lung Cancer in the KEYNOTE-010 Study ». Journal of Clinical Oncology 38, no 14 (10 mai 2020) : 1580–90.
Texte intégralAnisimov, M. A., A. V. Bogach, V. V. Glushkov, S. V. Demishev, N. A. Samarin, N. Y. Shitsevalova et N. E. Sluchanko. « Hall Effect in LaB6 and NdB6 ». Solid State Phenomena 152-153 (avril 2009) : 525–28.
Texte intégralLivres sur le sujet "346.066 6"
Зарецький, О. В. Офіційний та альтернативний дискурси. 1950 - 80-ті роки в УРСР. Київ : Фітосоціоцентр, 2003.
Trouver le texte intégralЯременко, Н. Клуб інтелектуальних ігор. Київ : Шкільний світ ; Видавець Л. Галіцина, 2005.
Trouver le texte intégralПрофесійне самовизначення старшокласників. Київ : Шкільний світ, 2006.
Trouver le texte intégralChapitres de livres sur le sujet "346.066 6"
« 60.45.10. rinderproduktion ». Dans Agroselekt. Reihe 3 : Tierproduktion Band 34, Heft 6, 937–61. De Gruyter, 1989.
Texte intégral« 60.50.10. Physiologie und pathologie der fortpflanzung ». Dans Agroselekt. Reihe 3 : Tierproduktion Band 34, Heft 6, 1054–58. De Gruyter, 1989.
Texte intégral« 60.50.45. Lebensmittelhygiene ». Dans Agroselekt. Reihe 4 : Veterinärmedizin Band 34, Heft 6, 1135–44. De Gruyter, 1989.
Texte intégral« 60.50.10. Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung ». Dans Agroselekt. Reihe 4 : Veterinärmedizin Band 34, Heft 6, 1008–28. De Gruyter, 1989.
Texte intégral« 6. Zu Programm, Anlage und Anfang der doppelseitigen Deduktion (Kap. 3.6–4.5, 123–154) ». Dans Helmuth Plessner : Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch, 87–102. De Gruyter, 2017.
Texte intégralTacchi, Francesco. « 4 Educare per restaurare Cristo nelle anime ». Dans Studi di storia. Venice : Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2019.
Texte intégral« TABLE 9 Mineral Composition of Rye, Wheat, Barley, Corn, Oats, and Rice (mg/100 g, dry wt.) Barley Oats Rice Whole Kernel Whole Kernel Whole Kernel Rye Wheat grain only Corn grain only grain only Phosphorus 380 410 470 400 310 340 400 285 290 Potassium 520 580 630 600 330 460 380 340 120 Calcium 70 60 90 80 30 95 66 68 67 Magnesium 130 180 140 130 140 140 120 90 47 Iron 966 - 274 - 6 Copper Mangenese Zinc - 3.91.5-2.21.2-2.1 Sodium 3.14.6 11.8 8.63.1-6.92.2-5.1 TABLE 10 Mineral Composition of Sorghum, Triticale, barley contains the highest average levels of phosphorus and Wild Ricea and whole grain rice the lowest (285 mg/100 g). From a di-Sorghum Triticale Wild rice etary standpoint, barley, corn, and rice are considered moderate sources of phosphorus (100-200 mg/100 g) ; Phosphorus 405 0.19% 0.4-0.5% buckwheat, millet, oats, brown rice, rice bran, rye, wheat, Potassium 400 1.21% 0.4-0.6% wheat germ, wheat bran and wild rice are classified as high Calcium 20 0.21% 0.01-0.03% sources (200-1200 mg/100 g) (Tables 13-16). Magnesium 150 0.16% 0.1-0.2% The data in Tables 13-16 indicate that quantities of Iron 6 12-51 ppm Copper 0.53.9 ppm 1.8-14.5 ppm phosphorus vary significantly from one wheat variety to Manganese 1.5 37 ppm another. This variation can also be seen in barley. In con-Zinc 0.0008% 36 ppm 40-121 ppm trast, phosphorus content from one variety of rye or oats to Sodium 0.00008% another does not vary significantly. In the Syvalahti and Korkman [42] study, phosphorus content of the grain was 'mg/100 g (dry wt.) unless otherwise noted. not affected by the fertilizer treatments of spring wheat, Refs. 15, 17, 35, 36. barley, and rye. Significant differences in phosphorus con-tent were seen in winter wheat and oats when different fer-[40], calcium levels in various rye and oat varieties tend to tilizer treatments were used (Tables 17-21). be reasonably consistent (Tables 13-16). The effects of various fertilizer treatments on mineral C. Magnesium content of spring and winter wheat, barley, oats and rye Eighty-seven percent of the magnesium in cereal grains is grown in 10 localities in Finland are shown in Tables located in the aleurone layer [34]. Because magnesium 17-21. These data [42] show that fertilizer treatment did binds with phytic acid, much of the magnesium is probably not result in a variation in calcium content in the grains present as Ca5 Mg phytate or as potassium-magnesium studied (Tables 17-21). phytate [34]. The remainder is likely to be present in phos-B. Phosphorus phates and sulfates [34]. From a dietary standpoint, brown rice is considered to Compared to other minerals, phosphorus is found in large be a poor source of magnesium (50-100 mg/100 g). Mod-quantities in cereal grains. It is mostly associated with erately good sources (100-200 mg/100 g) include barley, phytic acid (myoinositol hexaphosphoric acid) and its millet, oats, rye, wheat, and wild rice. Buckwheat, wheat salts. In wheat, rice, and maize, 80% or more of the total bran, and wheat germ are considered to be high sources of phosphorus is accounted for by the phytate [34]. Over 80% this mineral (200-400 mg/100 g) [1-3,6,8,37,43] (Tables of the phytate is located in the aleurone portion of wheat 13-16). In the mid-1970s the Food and Nutrition Board and the pericarp of rice ; in corn, over 80% is found in the proposed that wheat flour be enriched with magnesium at germ [34]. In wheat, phosphorus becomes incorporated the rate of 200 mg/lb flour [9,14]. However, this proposal into phytic acid during maturation [34]. As seen in Table 9, was never implemented. » Dans Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology, Revised and Expanded, 501–9. CRC Press, 2000.
Texte intégralActes de conférences sur le sujet "346.066 6"
Silva, Ana Clara Bacelar, et Fernanda de Souza Silva. « Physiotherapy intervention through early stimulation in premature babies ». Dans V Seven International Multidisciplinary Congress. Seven Congress, 2024.
Texte intégralCazacu, Mihail, Constantanicoleta Bodea, Cristian Cucu et Maria iuliana Dascalu. « USING THE ACTIVITY THEORY TO IDENTIFY THE CHALLENGES OF DESIGNING ELEARNING TOOLS BASED ON MACHINE LEARNING FOR SECURITY OPERATIONS CENTERS ». Dans eLSE 2019. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2019.
Texte intégralBorri, D., MFM Santos, RK Kishimoto, RMSO Safranauskas, EDRP Velloso, AAC Coimbra, MS Sielski, RMA Paiva et G. Sousa. « ANÁLISE DE CARIÓTIPO DE AMOSTRAS DE TERAPIA AVANÇADA EM UM LABORATÓRIO DE CITOGENÉTICA DE ROTINA ». Dans Resumos do 55º Congresso Brasileiro de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial, 34. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2023.
Texte intégralГлибка, А. А., М. В. Мазурина, Е. А. Трошина, К. А. Саранцева, Г. Ю. Харкевич, М. В. Волконский, Г. А. Мельниченко et К. К. Лактионов. « ИММУНООПОСРЕДОВАННЫЕ ЭНДОКРИННЫЕ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЯ У ОНКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ; ПАЦИЕНТОВ НА ФОНЕ ТЕРАПИИ ИНГИБИТОРАМИ КОНТРОЛЬНЫХ ТОЧЕК ». Dans X (XXIX) НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ КОНГРЕСС ЭНДОКРИНОЛОГОВ с международным участием «Персонализированная медицина и практическое здравоохранение». ФГБУ «НМИЦ эндокринологии» Минздрава России, 2023.
Texte intégralHerrlander, Bo. « Novel Gas Cleaning With Integrated Energy Recovery ». Dans 19th Annual North American Waste-to-Energy Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.
Texte intégralRapports d'organisations sur le sujet "346.066 6"
Dorman, Eleanor, Zara Markovic-Obiago, Julie Phillips, Richard Szydlo et Darren K. Patten. Wellbeing in UK Frontline Healthcare Workers During Peaks One and Three of the COVID-19 Pandemic : A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis. Science Repository, décembre 2022.
Texte intégralMaupin, Julie, et Dr Michael Mamoun. DTPH56-06-T-0004 Plastic Pipe Failure, Risk, and Threat Analysis. Chantilly, Virginia : Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), mars 2006.
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