The Springer MathPhys citation style has been added to our website

Grafiati introduces a new citation style – Springer MathPhys. This is one of the styles used in the scientific journals of the Springer publishing house, which is popular among scientists around the world.


Two versions of the style are now available on the website: ‘author-date’ and ‘numeric’. They differ in the format of in-text citations and the type of sorting of references within the bibliography. In the ‘author-date’ version, citations within the text of the work include the author's surname and the year of publication of the source: (Bolton 2020). At the same time, the sources in the bibliography are sorted in alphabetical order with some separate rules for several sources of the same author, etc. The numeric version does not require additional data to be specified in the text, it is enough to provide only the number under which the cited source is placed in the reference list: [4]. At the same time, the standard in this case is sorting by the order in which the sources are mentioned in the text.

The Springer MathPhys style was implemented at the request of one of our premium users. We are always striving to expand the capabilities of our site and simplify the writing of any bibliography.

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