Tesis sobre el tema "Traitement radar"
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Lançon, Fabienne. "Extraction de signaux radar". Rennes 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996REN10163.
Texto completoFoucher, Samuel. "Analyse multiéchelle d'images radar : application au filtrage, à la classfication et à la fusion d'images radar en optique". Rennes 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001REN10112.
Texto completoChatelain, Florent. "Lois Gamma multivariées pour le traitement d'images radar". Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2007. http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/7594/1/chatelain.pdf.
Texto completoChatelain, Florent Tourneret Jean-Yves. "Lois Gamma multivariées pour le traitement d'images radar". Toulouse : INP Toulouse, 2008. http://ethesis.inp-toulouse.fr/archive/00000492.
Texto completoNoyer, Jean-Charles. "Traitement non-linéaire du signal radar par filtrage particulaire". Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 1996. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00144042.
Texto completoCiuc, Mihai. "Traitement d'images multicomposantes : application à l'imagerie couleur et radar". Chambéry, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CHAMS007.
Texto completoThis thesis deals with multicomponent image processing. A multicomponent image pixel is characterized by a few components, which may be of different nature. More precisely, this thesis extends the adaptive-neighborhood principle to multicomponent images. This principle, so far investigated for the case of gray-level images, consists in determining, for each pixel, a variable-sized, variable-shaped neighborhood, which ) serves as spatial support for the computation of the final value at that current pixel. We exemplify the application of the principle to multicomponent images in the context of various applications covering the field of color (filtering, enhancement) and radar (multitemporal SAR image filtering, coherence filtering in complex interferograms) imagery. Moreover, we show that, for each of the studied applications, the adaptive-neighborhood-based operators lead to better results than those obtained by standard operators, by both subjective and objective criteria
Foucher, Samuel. "Analyse multiéchelle d'images radar: Application au filtrage, à la classification et à la fusion d'images radar et optiques". Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2001.
Buscar texto completoQuelle, Hans-Christoph. "Segmentation bayesienne non supervisee en imagerie radar". Rennes 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993REN10012.
Texto completoBoismenu, Yann. "Etude d'une carte de tracking radar : réalisation sous forme d'une architecture hétérogène FPGA/DSP". Dijon, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000DIJOS012.
Texto completoBesic, Nikola. "Séparation aveugle des sources polarimétriques en télédétection RSO satellitaire à très haute résolution spatiale". Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENT118/document.
Texto completoThis thesis comprises two research axes. The first, being rather methodological, consists of our efforts to answer some of the open questions in the POLSAR community, while the latter is sooner related to the specific application - the remote sensing of snow.Following the alternative statistical modelling of highly textured multivariate SAR datasets by means of SIRV model, we propose the appropriate assessment of, otherwise assumed, cir- cularity and sphericity parameters. The last is coupled with the spherical symmetry test, forming a method for the evaluation of SIRV statistical model suitability in the context of POLSAR data. Given the rejection rate, challenging circularity and sphericity appears to be justified, while SIRV model pertinence must be doubted in the regions characterized by strong deterministic scattering. Further on, as the highlight of this thesis, we propose a po- larimetric incoherent target decomposition, based on ICA and founded on the hypothesis of non-Gaussianity of POLSAR clutter. By exploiting the information contained in the higher statistical orders, this decomposition provides at the output a set of mutually independent (rather than only decorrelated), non-orthogonal target vectors. Unlike the first dominant com- ponent, which is nearly identical to the one estimated by the conventional ICTD counterpart, the second dominant component differs significantly, which, as we anticipate, represents an additional potential for the POLSAR datasets interpretation.In the applied context, the first presented contribution would be a stochastic approach in snow mapping by means of multitemporal SAR datasets. The most notable supplements of the presented method to the ensemble of change detection techniques in snow mapping are the plausibly modified assumption of the wet/dry snow backscattering ratio and implicitly introduced spatial correlation between wet snow areas, achieved by directly implicating local speckle statistics in the decision process. Finally, we present the non-autonomous method for SWE spatial estimation, based on optical datasets. By successfully involving the remote sensing datasets in the calibration of the external SWE model, we seek to demonstrate the utility and the necessity of the former in the snow pack monitoring
Ova teza podrazumijeva dva pravca istraživanja. Prvi, metodološki, predstavlja naše naporeda odgovorimo na neka od otvorenih pitanja u POLSAR zajednici, dok je drugi vezan zaspecifičnu aplikaciju - teledetekciju sniježnog pokrivača.Uzevši u obzir alternativno statističko modelovanje multivarijantnih SAR slika visoke rezolucijekoristeći SIRV model, mi predlažemo odgovarajuću estimaciju, uostalom pretpostavljenihparametara cirkularnosti i sfernosti. Integrišući posljednju u test sferne simetrije, formiranje metod za evaluaciju prikladnosti statističkog modela SIRV u kontekstu POLSAR slikavisoke rezolucije. Posmatrajući stopu odbacivanja, sumnja u opravdanost pretpostavke cirkularnostii sfernosti se čini opravdanom, dok pogodnost SIRV modela mora biti preispitana uregionima koje karakteriše jako determinističko elektromagnetno rasijanje. U nastavku, kaoprimarni doprinos ove teze, predlažemo polarimetrijsku nekoherentnu dekompoziciju mete,koja je bazirana na ICA metodu i zasnovana na hipotezi o otklonu od Gausove prirode POLSARclutter -a. Eksploatišući informaciju sadržanu u višim statističkim redovima, predloženadekompozicija daje na izlazu set međusobno nezavisnih (prije nego samo nekorelisanih), neortogonalnihvektora mete. Za razliku od prve dominante komponente, koja je skoro identičnakomponenti estimiranoj koristeći konvencionalnu ICTD metodu, druga dominanta komponentase značajno razlikuje, što predstavlja dodatan potencijal u interpretaciji POLSAR slika.Prvi prezentovani doprinos u primijenjenom kontekstu bio bi stohastički metod za mapiranjesniježnog pokrivača baziran na multitemporalnom setu SAR slika. Najznačajniji priloziprezentovane metode grupi tehnika "detekcije promjene" u mapiranju sniježnog pokrivača suopravdano promijenjena pretpostavka o količniku povratnog rasijanja djelimično otopljenog isuvog snijega, kao i implicitno uvedeno prostorna korelacija između regiona djelimično otopljenogsnijega, postignuta direktnim uvođenjem lokalne statistike speckle šuma u proces odlučivanja.Konačno, predlažemo neautonomni metod za prostornu estimaciju SWE parametra,zasnovan na optičkim slikama. Uspješno inflitrirajući teledetekciju u kalibraciju eksternogSWE modela, imamo za cilj demonstrirati njenu korisnost i neophodnost u monitoringu sniježnogpokrivača
Hallay, Jean-Philippe. "CITRONEL Plus : un processeur parallèle de traitement du signal radar". Paris 11, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA112347.
Texto completoThe subject of this work is to present the design and the validation of a modular digital signal processor for radar. After having defined the radar requirements in this field (chapter 1), and having analysed the actual trends in the digital machine architecture field (chapter 2), we take an interest in the evolution of an existing SIMD processor: CITRONEL. The improvements that we propose are mainly oriented towards three directions (chapter three): the seek for a better adaptation of the computing unit to the algorithms that will be implemented, the parallel use of the computing unit elements, and at least the possibility of reducing the initialization time of the address generators, during which no effective operation can be done. The chapter 4 begins with a reflection about the difficulty in optimising computing machine architectures, which leads us to propose a simplified method, based on the separation of the conception of the different functional parts. It will be applied to the concrete case which we are interested in. We conclude (chapter 5) with the presentation of the tools we developped to valid our architecture (an assembler associated with a fonctional simulator, and a logic simulator) and some of the results that were obtained
MALARDE, JEAN-PIERRE. "Traitement geometrique et radiometrique du radar diffusiometre de ers-1". Paris 7, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA077152.
Texto completoMouginot, Jérémie. "Traitement et analyse des données du radar MARSIS/Mars Express". Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE10291.
Texto completoThis manuscript describes the data processing and analysis of the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS). The data processing consists mainly to compensate the ionospheric distorsion. This correction provides as beneficial by-product to estimate the total electron content of the martian ionosphere. Using this results, we study in detail the martian ionosphere. We show that the remnant magnetic fied changes the spatial distribution of electrons in the ionosphere by accelerated the solar wind particles along magnetic field lines. The corrected radargrams provide the opportunity to study in detail the martian polar deposits. After the development of numerical tools to select the subsurface interfaces, we make a volume balance of the martian polar deposits. We show that the volume of the martian ice sheets is equivalent to a global water layer thickness of about 20 m. In a last part, we study the martian surface reflectivity. To do that, we extract the surface echo amplitude from each MARSIS pulse, and then, after calibrate it, we construct a global map of radar reflectivity (radar albedo). We describe the reflectivity map, firstly in a global point of view and secondly, more regionally around Medusae Fossae and the south residual cap of Mars. We show that the reflectivity decreases with the latitude, this constatation is probably linked to the presence of permafrost in the shallow subsurface. Near equator, we observe that the Medusae Fossae Formation corresponds to a dielectric constant of 2,4+/-0. 5, which is carateristic of a porous and/or ice rich terrain. In the same region, we show that the dielectric constant of Elysium and Amazonis Planitia is equal to 7+/-1 and we observe a interface at about 140+/-20 m under the surface, our main conclusion is that these results are characterics of lava floods. Finally, the study of the reflectivity of south residual of Mars by a multi-layers model of reflectivity, shows that the CO2 layer covering this region has a thickness of about 11+/-1. 5 m
Mouginot, Jérémie. "Traitement et Analyse des Données du Radar MARSIS/Mars Express". Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00364323.
Texto completoLe traitement de ces données a principalement consisté à compenser la distorsion ionosphérique. Cette correction a permis de réaliser une mesure indirecte du contenu électronique de l'ionosphère. Grâce à ces mesures, nous avons pu étudier en détail l'ionosphère martienne. Nous avons ainsi montré que le champ magnétique rémanent modifiait la distribution des électrons de l'ionosphère en précipitant les particules du vent solaire le long des lignes de champ radiales.
Les radargrammes corrigés nous ont permis d'étudier en détail les calottes martiennes. Nous faisons le bilan du volume des calottes polaires de Mars en utilisant des outils numériques développés pour le pointage des interfaces. Nous montrons ainsi que le volume des calottes correspondrait à une couche d'eau d'environ 20 m d'épaisseur répartie sur toute la planète.
Nous étudions enfin la réflectivité de la surface martienne. Pour cela, nous avons extrait l'amplitude de l'écho de surface de chaque pulse MARSIS, puis, après avoir calibré ces mesures, nous avons créé une carte globale de l'albédo radar. Nous nous sommes attachés à décrire cette carte de réflectivité, d'abord de manière globale, puis plus localement autour de Medusae Fossae et de la calotte résiduelle sud. Nous montrons que la réflectivité décroît avec la latitude, cette constatation est surement liée à la présence d'un pergélisol lorsqu'on remonte vers les hautes latitudes. Près de l'équateur, nous observons que les formations de Medusae Fossae possèdent une constante diélectrique de 2,4+/-0.5 ce qui est caractéristique d'un terrain poreux et/ou riche en glace. Dans cette même région, nous montrons que, dans les plaines d'Elysium et Amazonis, la constante diélectrique est égale à 7\pm1 et nous observons une interface dans la plaine d'Amazonis à environ 140+/-20 m, notre conclusion est que ces résultats sont caractéristiques d'écoulements de lave. L'étude de la calotte résiduelle sud de Mars, à l'aide d'un modèle de réflectivité multi-couches, nous permet d'estimer l'épaisseur de CO2 qui couvre cette région à 11+/-1.5 m.
Nezry, Edmond. "Restauration de la réflectivité radar pour l'utilisation conjointe des images radar et optiques en télédétection". Toulouse 3, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992TOU30277.
Texto completoDumas, Dylan. "Nouvelles techniques de traitement du signal en radio-océanographie". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022TOUL0008.
Texto completoThe measurement of sea surface currents by HF radar raises several issues in terms of radar calibration, spatial resolution and parasite signals. Conventional azimuth scanning processing called beam forming has limited angular resolution for most phased array radar and high angular resolution processing methods called direction finding generally produce lacunary maps. In this thesis we propose : a) a high angular resolution processing technique based on direction finding algorithm allowing to obtain full and low-noise maps ; b) an automatic antenna calibration method ; c) other methods to removing artifacts related to radio frequency interference and clutter echoes. These methods, initially planned for phased array radars, have been adapted to compact radars called CODAR where the main difficulty is the calibration due to the nature of the antennas. The measurements obtained with these new techniques have been validated with in situ campaigns with errors in the low range of the scientific literature
Minaoui, Khalid. "Séquences binaires et traitements du signal". Télécom Bretagne, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TELB0142.
Texto completoThe main task of radars (Radio Detection and Ranging) is to detect targets and to determine their distance from the radar transmitter. They have been studied in numerous academic and industrial developments. These developments concern in particular onboard radars that are now being developed for several applications in consumer electronic devices. Recent developments in radar systems have been made possible thanks to advances in electronics, computing and signals processing. This thesis aims to contribute to the radar signal processing and particularly for applications related to collision avoidance systems. This work was developed along two main axes. On one hand, we have contributed to the study of radar waveforms constituted by pseudo-random sequences. In this context, we first examined the sequences presented in the literature by recalling their performance in terms of the merit factor, defined as the ratio between the energy of the main peak and the correlation of secondary lobes of the autocorrelation function. Given the difficulty of building very efficient waveforms constituted by sequences of contiguous symbols, we have considered then the use of Golay pairs, and more generally Golay sets, which have an infinite merit factor when they are separated by guard intervals. More generally, we have highlighted the good properties of their ambiguity functions. In particular, we have checked that the multipulse emission of Golay sequences allows good rejection of the ambiguity function side lobes, and very good estimation of the parameters of distance and relative speed of other vehicles. The second theme developed in this thesis concerns the rapid calculation of the cross-ambiguity function between a sent wave and the received echoes. This calculation makes it possible to simultaneously locate a set of targets in the time-frequency plane. In this context, we have studied Gauss-Legendre and Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature techniques, for which we have studied analytically the disturbances on the quadrature introduced by the fact that they must be calculated from sampled signals. In addition, with a view to reduce the computational complexity of the calculation of ambiguity functions, we have considered number theoretic transforms, and in particular Fermat number transforms, for which multiplications simply amount to bit shifts, leading thus to significant computational burden reduction
Cohen, Tayar Fabienne. "Architecture de calculateurs tolérante aux fautes pour la nouvelle génération de radar embarqué". Paris 9, 1996. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1996PA090018.
Texto completoGassot, Oriane. "Imagerie SAR du régolithe d'un astéroïde : simulation et traitement des données". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALY016.
Texto completoIn recent years, surface-penetrating radars were part of several space missions dedicated to study the bodies of the solar system. These radars, associated with repeat-pass observations and processing, can lead to 3D radar tomography, which results in 3D imagery of the first tens of meters of the sub-surface of planetary bodies. This technique can be used to better understand and model the formation processes and post-accretion evolution of asteroids. However, even though spaceborne SAR is a classical technique used for the detection and reconstruction of planetary structures, the small body geometry of observation reconsiders the hypotheses usually formulated for Earth observation. Furthermore, in order to achieve the metric-resolution necessary to study kilometric-sized asteroids with sufficient precision, the radar has to be ultra-wideband in range and in Doppler, which also question the SAR synthesis models established for narrow band signals. As the radar geometry of study and configuration drives the instrument performance, and thus the mission science return, simulation of the radar signal and the SAR synthesis needs to be developed while taking into account the specificity of the small body geometry. Thus, my thesis aims at assessing the performances of the UWB SAR HFR, which is dedicated to the study of small bodies, with frequencies ranging from 300 to 800 MHz, by simulating the radar's return.By creating firsly realistic asteroid digital terrain models (DTM), several surface scattering models were studied in order to select the model most suited to simulate the field scattered by the surface of an asteroid. The Kirchhoff Approximation (KA) was selected and applied on the generated DTM, and was used to build SAR images which correctly locate the DTM studied, and which differenciate the terrain’s rough areas from the smooth ones. Then, the Born Approximation (BA) was selected to model the field reflected by the asteroid subsurface and was found out to correctly locate an inclusion below the surface of an asteroid. With a multipass geometry, tomography algortihms were applied to the BA results in order to improve the resolution of the results in the third dimension of space, as well as the precision of the localisation of the inclusion. Finally, the performances of UWB scattering were studied, and, unlike what was foreseen, UWB scattering generates only a small degradation of the resolution in range and in azimuth
Zaidouni, Jamal. "Traitement en temps réel de signaux radar appliqués aux transports terrestres". Valenciennes, 2008. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/dd122fcd-724b-44ee-bd07-0d44b76e1697.
Texto completoThe objective of this research is to design correlation anti-collision radar to be embedded on the vehicle. This sensor is based on pseudo-random codes in transmission and correlation in reception. We seek to improve its performances by studying the coding and signal processing unit. To reduce the received gaussian noise effect, we propose algorithms based on Higher Order Statistics (HOS). After several simulations, the CORR2 algorithm (inspired of an algorithm of order 4) associated to the Kasami codes type 2 family gives the best system achieving a compromise between best performances and large number of codes. To minimize an electromagnetic leakage effect observed as parasite peaks at the detection algorithms, we propose a solution based on the partial identification of radar channel. This solution, called Adaptive Leakage Cancellation (ALC), has shown good performances in numerical simulations realised in two main possible situations of road radar (single-user and multi-users). We develop and validate by simulations, the expressions of probability of detection and false alarm for the most efficient algorithm (CORR2). To improve the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC), we propose to use the meaning CORR2 algorithm (under -30 dB of SNRin). Finally we realise a radar prototype at 76-77 GHz with the implementation of coding and signal processing in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Tests with this mock-up allow us to evaluate the performances of our system in real conditions
Crémona, Patrick. "Traitement du signal d'un radar FMCW à visée inclinée pour l'automobile". Toulouse, INPT, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996INPT032H.
Texto completoTupin, Florence. "Champs de Markov sur graphes pour le traitement des images radar /". Paris : École nationale supérieure des télécommunications, 2007. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41098170v.
Texto completoLa p. de titre et la couv. portent en plus : "Département Traitement du signal et des images. Groupe Traitement et interprétation des images" Bibliogr. p. 103-117.
Beau, Sophie. "Traitement spatio-temporel adaptatif pour radar aéroportéAlgorithmes récursifs sur la distance". Paris 11, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA112154.
Texto completoIn most of the real cases, the clutter seen by airborne radar is range dependent. We studied the clutter properties in different cases (side and non sidelooking configuration for radars using uniform linear antennas, curved and circular antennas): it is range dependent when the radar is in non sidelooking configuration or / and when the antenna is not uniform and linear. And thus the received data are range dependent. In order to mitigate this non stationarity, we transposed some recursive algorithms from antenna to radar processing. They are capable to track the non stationarity when the radar antenna is uniform and linear, curved or circular. We propose the use of these algorithms in a totally adaptive architecture but also in partially adaptive architecture in order to reduce the number of secondary range cells. The particular structure of the space time steering vectors involve redundancy in the space time covariance matrix. We developed methods based on Taylor series expansions of the covariance matrix and of the interference plus noise subspace. We have shown that the range recursive algorithms are capable to mitigate the bistatic range dependence. Finally, we were able to validate the results of our simulations on data supplied by the CELAR
Rogron, Bertrand. "Qualité et performances de l'image radar dans le domaine complexe". Toulouse 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995TOU30070.
Texto completoJiang, Qingshan. "Détection de bateaux dans les images de radar à ouverture synthétique". Sherbrooke : Université de Sherbrooke, 2003.
Buscar texto completoTonda-Goldstein, Sylvie. "Architectures pour le traitement optique des signaux hyperfréquence : applications aux systèmes radar". Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066322.
Texto completoBenmeziane, Bochra. "Techniques de modulation OFDM et traitement du signal pour le radar automobile". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes, INSA, 2023. https://partages.insa-rennes.fr/share/page/document-details?nodeRef=workspace://SpacesStore/0b6250cd-70e1-45c1-884f-20619f2006f2.
Texto completoThis document investigates the use of the OFDM waveform in automotive radar. This waveform is considered as a suitable replacement for the FMCW waveform widely used in automotive and that shows signs of vulnerability to interference. The investigation is conducted through two main segments : the study of OFDM radar performance and the study of its limits and their potential solutions. The main goal is to aggregate the information in order to parameterize an OFDM radar following a set of specification. For the first segment, different ways to exploit the OFDM waveform for automotive radar sensing are presented. Various filters are investigated for delay computation. Due to their utmost importance, the sub-carrier allocation policies are studies and compared and their interaction with the filters is revealed. Lastly, the OFDM radar performance in terms of resolution, ambiguity and range profile PSLR and ISLR are compared to those of the FMCW radar. In the second segment of out study, we list the OFDM radar limits. Its ability to perform in the presence of other radars is tested through the quantification of the impact of interference between OFDM radars, OFDM on FMCW and FMCW on OFDM. The impact of multipath is also quantified. Next, range ambiguity is tackled and solutions to overcome its effects are proposed. Lastly, the radar robustness to Doppler is estimated through its PSLR
Mesnager, Gilles. "Évaluation de méthodes spectrales pour le traitement à bord de données issues d'un radar à synthèse d'ouverture". Toulouse, INPT, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994INPT060H.
Texto completoDegurse, Jean-François. "Traitement STAP en environnement hétérogène. Application à la détection radar et implémentation sur GPU". Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00958460.
Texto completoFjørtoft, Roger. "Segmentation d'images radar par détection de contours". Toulouse, INPT, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999INPT020H.
Texto completoBenahmed, Daho Omar. "Radar ULB pour la vision à travers les murs : mise au point d'une chaîne de traitement de l'information d'un radar imageur". Thesis, La Rochelle, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LAROS036/document.
Texto completoThis report is focused on Through-the-wall surveillance (TTS) using UWB radar, with the objective of developing a complete information processing pipeline (IPP) which can be used by different types of imaging radar. To do this, we want to take into account any a priori information, nor on the target, or their environmental context. In addition, the IPP must meet criteria of adaptability and modularity to process information from two types of radar, including pulsed and FMCW developed in two projects that are part of the work of this thesis. Radar imaging is an important point in this context ; we approach it by combining backprojection and trilateration algorithms and show the improvement with the use of a CFAR detector taking into account the shape of the targets signatures.The development of the IPP is our main contribution. The flow of radar images obtained is divided into two parts. The first dynamic sequence contains moving targets are tracked by a multiple hypothesis approach. The second static sequence contains stationary targets and interior walls that are highlighted by Radon transformbases approach. We developed a simulator operating in time and frequency domain to design the algorithms of the IPP and test their robustness. Several simulated scenarios and experimental measurements show that our IPP is relevant and robust. It is thus validated for both radar systems
Rouffet, Timothée. "Contributions au traitement radar haute résolution : détection de cibles étendues et optimisation de formes d'onde". Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0295/document.
Texto completoIn the field of airborne radar, one of the current industrial stakes, among others, is the identification of a target, whether airborne, terrestrial or maritime, through the establishment of its range profile. This implies to set up a transmit/receive processing for high resolution modes. In this context, the issues to be addressed include the design and the performance analysis of detectors for extended target models, the design of multi-resolution waveforms and the associated processing, the optimization of waveforms that are robust to clutter, etc. Within this frame, the work of this thesis is twofold. The first part deals with the detection of a so-called "extended" target, i.e. which is characterized by a few main scatterers spread over several range gates not necessarily consecutive. This model is appropriate when the range resolution is thin enough and it is suited for target identification issues. In this context, we study a detection test based on the generalized likelihood test (GLRT) which includes the unknown locations of the scatterers, and when the disturbance is white Gaussian noise. By using ordered statistics, we deduce approximations of the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection. Numerical comparison with existing detectors are also provided. Secondly, we study a waveform based on a pulse train which contains two phase codes: the first one is intrapulse whereas the second one is interpulse. Assuming a point target and Gaussian clutter, we propose to select these codes taking into account several criteria such as the maximization of the probability of detection or the minimization of the sidelobes of the received signal after processing. For a given type of clutter modeled by an autoregressive (AR) process, we address this multi-objective optimization problem using the Pareto fronts. Since the AR modeling makes it possible to consider several types of clutter from a reduced number of parameters, we study the robustness of optimal phase codes to clutter variations
Deudon, François. "Traitement radar large bande : apport de la migration distance pour l'obtention d'un mode non ambigu". Toulouse, ISAE, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ESAE0009.
Texto completoComblet, Fabrice. "Détection, localisation et identification de cibles radar par imagerie électromagnétique bistatique". Brest, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2005BRES2019.
Texto completoThe purpose of this work is the study of bistatic radar imaging. In this work, the general case of a bistatic configuration made of moving emitter, receiver and target is considered. It is a full-polarized tri-dimensional model which take into account the all components of the acquisition system. The image reconstruction step is obtained by means of the RDA (Range Doppler Algorithm) algorithm first developed for the monostatic case. According to the defined bistatic resolution expressions of the bistatic image, the proposed model has been validated. Finally, the reconstruction of more realistic scenes like complex targets or the detection of (simple) target on sea surface is considered. The obtained results in the monostatic and in the bistatic cases leads to highlight the interest of the proposed bistatic systems for radar imaging
Bonnafoux, Gérald. "Etude des signatures radar de la zone de balancement des marées". Brest, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998BRES2030.
Texto completoGalland, Frédéric. "Partition d'images par minimisation de la complexité stochastique et grille active : application à la segmentation d'images de radar à ouverture synthétique". Aix-Marseille 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX30039.
Texto completoWe present a technique for partitioning an image into homogeneous regions. It is based on the minimisation of the stochastic complexity thanks to a polygonal active grid, i. E. A set of nodes linked by segments to define the different regions of the image. The obtained algorithm is adapted to Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image segmentation, fast and based on the optimization of a criterion without parameter to be tuned by the user. This approach allows one to automatically estimate the number of regions in the image, their topology and the position and the number of nodes used to define the contour. We propose some generalizations of this technique to other noise phenomena than speckle, to vectorial images and to image segmentation with multi-region active contours. Then we present an original approach for image partitioning without a priori knowledge of the probability law of the grey levels in the regions of the image
Besson, Olivier. "Analyse spectrale paramétrique et modèles multiplicatifs : application aux signaux de radar Doppler". Toulouse, INPT, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992INPT013H.
Texto completoLe, Harivel de Gonneville Patrick. "Etude de faisabilité d'un module de réception radar tout numérique". Dijon, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002DIJOS010.
Texto completoHuang, Yue. "Tomographic processing of polarimetric and interferometric SAR data for urban and forestry remote sensing". Rennes 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011REN1S075.
Texto completoCette thèse aborde le traitement tomographique de données SAR polarimétriques et interférométrique (PolInSAR) pour la télédétection d’environnements urbains et forestiers, ainsi que pour la caractérisation d’objets intégrés dans des milieux volumiques. Divers modèles de données MB-PolInSAR sont rigoureusement formalisés en considérant les propriétés statistiques de réponses de diffuseurs. Les méthodes à sous-espaces sont proposées pour adaptativement traiter des diffuseurs de différentes natures. Basé sur l’étude du sous-espace du bruit, un estimateur polarimétrique est développé ainsi qu’une solution analytique qui permet de réduire très fortement la complexité de calcul. Une méthode basée sur l’autofocalisation est développée pour corriger automatiquement les erreurs de phases interférométriques dues à des fluctuations de trajectoires de vol et puis améliorer la focalisation tomographique. Les données acquises en bande L en configuration dual-base entièrement polarimétrique sont utilisées pour illustrer l’efficacité de l’estimateur adaptatif polarimetrique et la méthode de la correction automatique de phase dans le cadre de l’étude d’environnements urbains. Pour la télédetection forestière, une approche tomographique hybride est proposée afin d’estimer la biomasse. En utilisant des données MB-PolInSAR en bande P, la hauteur des forêts tropicales et la topographie du terrain sous-jacent sont précisément estimés par l’approche hybride proposée. Les méthodes en sous-espaces sont insérées dans une nouvelle approche de détection d’objets intégrés dans des milieux volumiques qui permet de séparer la réponse d’un objet de l’environnement qui l’entoure. Sa performance est demontrée en utilisant des données simulées et d’autres acquises en bande L
De, Luigi Christophe. "Estimation par Méthodes Temps-Fréquence Appliquée à des Signaux Intrapulses Radar". Toulon, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000TOUL0010.
Texto completoThis work is about parameter estimation and classification of intrapulse signals. These signals are modeled by cosine functions, buried by an additive white Gaussian noise, for which the instanta¬neous frequency describes a given model. In our study, we consider three models, two of them have the originality to not have a polynomial phase. Through the time measurements, the parameter estimation of the instantaneous frequency is done via the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). After given the asymptotic Cramer-Rao lower bounds of the different used models, the attention falls on the asymptotic study of the consistance and the efficience of the estimator in one case of our three models, some results have been demonstrated. The idea is to obtain a parameter estima¬tion in two steps. First, we are looking for a coarse estimate through the instantaneous frequency estimates of the signal. We obtain the coarse estimate, by the MLE using a deterministic approach considering the existence of false alarms among the estimated frequencies. In the second step, a fine estimate is obtained via an algorithm computed on the MLE from the time model and initialized by the coarse estimate. A classification test is proposed at the end
Karine, Ayoub. "Traitement et classification parcimonieuse des images radar pour l’aide à la reconnaissance de cibles". Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018ENTA0013.
Texto completoAutomatic target recognition has become a flourishing research topic in remote sensing. This problematic is of paramount importance in several military and civilian applications (security, surveillance, automobile, environment, medicine, ...). In this work, we focus on the development of new methodology dedicated to the target recognition from synthetic aperture radar images (inverse or direct). In this context, the different methods proposed in the literature have several drawbacks according to the type of used data (heterogeneous, multimodal, …), the accuracy, the robustness to noise and the computation time. In this work, we aim to propose new methods for targets recognition from radar images. Thus, two different databases are considered. On the one hand, we use the ISAR (Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar) images acquired from the anechoic chamber of ENSTA Bretagne. On the other hand, we exploit the SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images of MSTAR database. To achieve the goal of the amelioration of the recognition process studied and developed, we give a special interest to the SRC (Sparse Representation-based Classification) method to recognize the radar images. This method includes also the processing and feature extraction steps to build the dictionary. In this optic, the first contribution consists on constructing a new dictionary composed by the SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) descriptors filtered by the saliency attention method. After that, this dictionary is exploited by a multitask sparse classifier to achieve the recognition step. In the second contribution, we statistically model the radar images in the complex wavelet domain. The resulting statistical parameters (univariate or multivariate) are stacked together to construct the statistical dictionary. Afterwards, this dictionary is weighted by using a similarity measure that includes the KLD (Kullbak-Leibler Divergence) between the statistical parameters. The performances of the two proposed methods have been evaluated empirically on two different databases of radar images (ISAR and SAR)
RIEHL, JACQUES. "Etude d'un processeur optique non coherent pour le traitement d'un radar a reseau phase". Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989STR13205.
Texto completoBlondel, Philippe. "Traitement et interpretation des donnees radar : applications a l'etude de la surface de venus". Paris 7, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA077022.
Texto completoEl, Mabrouk Abdelhai. "Segmentation, regroupement et classification pour l'analyse d'image polarimétrique radar". Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/28912/28912.pdf.
Texto completoRadar remote sensing images are characterized by an important multiplicative noise, the speckle. The polarization of the wave is used to obtain more information about the ground target. The scattering type is obtained from the signal decomposition : volume, surface or double bond. The objective of the thesis is to show and illustrate the advan- tages of the hierarchical segmentation and clustering for the analysis of polarimetric radar images. Filtering is needed to reduce the noise in H/A/alpha classification. We propose to use the hierarchical segmentation and the hierarchical clustering for a first grouping of the pixels. This produces a simple image while preserving the spatial infor- mation. The results of H/A/alpha classification and Wishart clustering are improved with this preprocessing. Two polarimetric images SAR are used for the study.
Petit, David. "Extraction du "3D" par interferométrie radar à haute résolution". Toulouse 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU30025.
Texto completoBarbin, Yves. "Prism : le radar géophysique de l'aérostat martien". Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996INPG0186.
Texto completoThe Mars96 mission towards plante Mars was to deliver an atmospheris balloon whose metallic guiderope contained a ground penetrating radar that was to sound the planet subsurface up to a one kilometre depth. The Mars96 balloon mission was postponed and then cancelled. This document presents and discusses most of the features of this new radar instrument. Some specific and original parts are described with more details. The performance evaluation, the matching of the instrument to the signals dynamics, and the evaluation of the available data amount build the last chapter of this dissertation
Négrier, Romain. "Contribution à la conception de radars impulsionnels : Maîtrise de la rapidité de balayage et traitement de signal associé". Thesis, Limoges, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIMO0061/document.
Texto completoThis thesis presents the design of an Ultra Wide Band radar triggered by an optoelectronic generator which is dedicated to ultra short pulses radiation for short and medium range detection. The emitting part of this radar is based on transmitting array composed of several UWB antennas with an integrated photoswitch device triggered using optical pulses and a receiving UWB antenna. A specific signal processing method has been proposed and implemented for UWB optoelectronic radar involving autonomous beam scanning capability in order to overcome the limitation in the depth of detection encountered while using standard imaging algorithm. Indeed, this hybrid correlation/CLEAN algorithm considers the whole measured burst and finds the relevant information to rebuilt a radar map with a very good accuracy. In order to improve the radar map quality, the waveform generation technique has been discussed and, more precisely, the temporal shaping method to obtain specific spectrum using evolutionary algorithm
Carincotte, Cyril. "Segmentation markovienne floue d'images. Application en détection de changements entre images radar". Aix-Marseille 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AIX30046.
Texto completoThis thesis is devoted to unsupervised remote sensing image segmentation and change detection on SAR images. We first present a higher order hidden Markov chains model which allows to model complex noise structures, like correlated noises. In order to take into account several fuzzy characteristics of remote sensing images, we propose a fuzzy hidden Markov chains model, which jointly takes in account the fuzzy and noisy characteristics of the observations. This model authorizes the coexistence of hard and fuzzy pixels in the same image, and allows to characterize noisy gradation located on both sides of more homogeneous areas. We finally propose a methodology of change detection based on the fuzzy model, which allows to characterize the imprecision associated to the changes between two SAR images
Schermesser, Claude. "Simulation et réjection d’interférences pour un radar aéroporté multicanal". Rennes 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REN1S124.
Texto completoBerthillot, Clément. "Radar Passif Aéroporté : Analyse de l’impact de la propagation sur le traitement des signaux DVB-T". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLC103/document.
Texto completoPassive radar detection benefits from non-cooperative telecommunication broadcasters, already existing in the environment, such as DVB-T broadcasters.It uses signal reflections over potential targets. An airborne receiver takes advantage of it as radar echoes.This new kind a detection system is discrete, has low energy consumption, uses already allocated frequencies and broaden radar detection to low altitudes.Due to airborne constraints, the standard signal processing steps, as the receiving system need to be adjusted.Indeed a dedicated radar has been developped in order to get experimental signal, and therefore help deepen the understanding of propagation phenomenon.The proposed reference signal estimation allows to face channel multipath induced fluctuations on the one hand, and to take into account channel time variationsthanks to Basis Expansion Model (BEM) modeling. A theoretical analysis of the clutter spread is then drawn.Experimental results confirm the expectation in the range-Doppler and angle-Doppler domain.Besides a clutter cartesian projection highlights the major reflectors, that may be confronted to the terrain truth.Reference signal estimation and clutter spread constitute two radar detection pilars, as these components have to be cancelled.So as to reject direct path, space filtering orthogonal to the direct direction is also performed to suppress the impact of the transmitted noise.Then reference signal is cancelled via a standard rejection method based on least-square filter coefficients estimation.The large Doppler and range clutter spread, lead us to reject the reference signal over shorter correlation periods.The present work gives an accurate comprehension of propagation mechanisms impact on airborne passive radar signal processing andprovides a promising perspective regarding intermediate radar cross section target detection