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CEDERMAN, MÅRTEN y ANTON WARNHAG. "RSVP i läsar-kontrollerad takt påsmartphones för dyslektiker". Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2013.

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Arbetet! som! presenteras! i! denna! rapport! utgor! ett! forsok! att! skapa! en! alternativ! lasmetod! pa! smartphones! for! dyslektiker! baserad! pa! RSVP! (Rapid! Serial! Visual! Presentation).!En!introduktion!till!vissa!utvalda!delar!av!forskning!om!dyslexi!ges!for!att! bryggas!over! till! utformningen!av!vad!vi!valt!att!kalla! SSR! C!SelfCpaced,!Serial!Reading.! SSR!utgor!i!korta!drag!de!egenskaper!vi!tror!ar!viktiga!hos!en!variant!av!RSVP!amnad!for! dyslektiker.!Dessa!egenskaper!utgar!fran!att!RSVP!begransar!hur!mycket!text!som!syns! pa! en! gang.! Vi! anser! att! detta! skulle! kunna! hjalpa!med! vissa! underliggande! problem! dyslektiker!lider!av.! ! Vi!presenterar!framtagningen!av!en!prototypCapp!som!en!mojlig!tolkning!av!SSR.!For!att! utvardera! prototypen! deltog! fem! dyslektiker! i! ett! forberett! test! samt! efterfoljande! intervju.!Det!huvudsakliga!syftet!var!att!testa!hur!och!om!metoden!fungerade,!inklusive! vad!detta!skulle!sta!och!falla!pa,!samt!vad!testarna!tyckte!om!den.! ! Resultaten!indikerar!att!en!version!av!RSVP!endast!visar!ett!ord!gor!det!lite!lattare!for! dyslektiker!att!fokusera!pa!att!avkoda!orden,!men!att!det!blir!svarare!for!dem!att!halla! koll! pa! vilken! funktion! orden! fyller! i! texten.!De! visar! ocksa! pa! komplexiteten!med! att! bestamma! hur! lang! tid! en! del! av! texten! ska! visas.! Avslutningsvis! foreslar! vi! framtida! forskning! for! att! kunna! avgora! om! lasmetoden! faller!pa! var!implementering,! eller! om! det!helt!enkelt!inte!ar!ett!bra!satt!for!dyslektiker!att!lasa!pa.!
The! work! presented! in! this! report! represents! an! attempt! at! creating! an! alternative! reading! method! for! dyslexics! based! on! RSVP! (Rapid! Serial! Visual! Presentation).! An! introduction! to! chosen! parts! of! previous! research! on! dyslexia! and! reading! is! given! to! bridge!into!what!we’ve!chosen!to!call! SSR!C!SelfCpaced,!Serial!Reading.!Broadly!speaking,! SSR! represents! the! features!we! think! are! important! in! a!version! of!RSVP! intended! for! dyslexics.!The!features!are!based!on!the!fact!that!RSVP!limits!the!amount!of!text!shown! at! any! given! time.!We! believe! this! could! help!with! certain! underlying! parts! dyslexics! suffer!from.! ! We!present!the!development!of!a!prototype!app!as!a!possible!interpretation!of!SSR.!To! evaluate! the! prototype,! five! dyslexics! participated! in! a! prepared! test! as! well! as! a! subsequent! interview.! The! main! purpose! was! to! test! if! the! method! worked! at! all,! including!why!or!why!not,!and!what!the!testers!thought.! ! The!results!indicate!that!a!version!of!RSVP!that!limits!the!shown!text!to!a!single!word! makes! it! somewhat! easier! for! dyslexics! to! focus! on! decoding! the! word,! but! that! it! becomes!harder!for!them!to!place!the!word!in!the!right!context.!They!also!illustrate!the! difficulty!in!deciding!for!how!long!different!parts!of!the!text!should!be!shown.!Finally!we! suggest!possible!subjects!that!could!be!analyzed!in!the!future!in!order!to!decide!if!this! reading!method!fails!on!our!implementation,!or!possibly,!if!it!actually!isn’t!an!good!way! to!read!for!dyslexics.!
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Choi, Myung Cheon. "Traffic flow management for RSVP/ATM edge devices". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999.

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Дорошенко, С. С. "Програмний модуль налаштування протоколу RSVP в технології MPLS". Master's thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2019.

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Об’єкт дослідження – мережа операторського класу на базі MPLS. Мета роботи – виведення оптимальних методів створення MPLS мережі та автоматизована конфігурація мережі вказаної топології. Методи дослідження — моделювання мережі операторського класу в симуляторі GNS3. Результати — розглянуто основні методи організації послуг, які може бути надано технологією MPLS та порівняно із можливостями попередніх технологій. Створено web-додаток для налаштування MPLS мережі вказаної топології, базуючись на мінімальному списку отриманих значень.
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Iyengar, Prasanna Venkatesan. "Dynamic Resource Management in RSVP- Controlled Unicast Networks". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2001.

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Resources are said to be fragmented in the network when they are available in non-contiguous blocks, and calls are dropped as they may not end sufficient resources. Hence, available resources may remain unutilized. In this thesis, the effect of resource fragmentation (RF) on RSVP-controlled networks was studied and new algorithms were proposed to reduce the effect of RF. In order to minimize the effect of RF, resources in the network are dynamically redistributed on different paths to make them available in contiguous blocks. Extra protocol messages are introduced to facilitate resource redistribution in the network. The Dynamic Resource Redistribution (DRR) algorithm when used in conjunction with RSVP, not only increased the number of calls accommodated into the network but also increased the overall resource utilization of the network. Issues such as how many resources need to be redistributed and of which call(s), and how these choices affect the redistribution process were investigated. Further, various simulation experiments were conducted to study the performance of the DRR algorithm on different network topologies with varying traffic characteristics.
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Barnes, Brian E. "Real-time resource management for RSVP/ATM edge devices". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999.

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Sagir, Yavuz. "Dynamic bandwidth provisioning using Markov chain based on RSVP". Thesis, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2013.

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Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
An important aspect of wireless communication is efficiency. Efficient network resource management and quality of service (QoS) are parameters that need to be achieved especially when considering network delays. The cooperative nature of unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) networks requires that bandwidth allocation be shared fairly between individual UGV nodes, depending on necessity. In this thesis, we study the problem of dynamic bandwidth provisioning in a UGV network. Specifically, we integrate the use of a basic statistical model, known as the Markov chain with a widely known, network bandwidth reservation protocol, known as the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP). The Markov chain results are used with RSVP to identify specific bandwidth allocation requirements along a path such that data transmission along that path is successful. Using a wireless simulation program known as Qualnet, we analyze the bandwidth efficiency and show that this algorithm provides higher bandwidth guarantees and better overall QoS when compared with solely using RSVP in wireless communication networks.
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Al, Turaiki Wael. "Regulatory immune cytokines in RSV infection". Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2014.

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Antibody production in the lungs is an essential defence mechanism against respiratory pathogens. However, little is known about the local activation of B cells in the lung. The production of BAFF and APRIL by airway epithelial cells could contribute to local recruitment, activation, class switch recombination and antibody production by B cells in the lung. In vitro, BEAS-2B cells were used to characterize BAFF and APRIL production simulated either by RSV infection or addition of cytokines. RSV and IFN-β significantly induced expression of BAFF mRNA and protein but not APRIL. BAFF mRNA reached significantly high levels at 12h and declined at 48h after either RSV infection or IFN-β stimulation. Western blot analysis of resting epithelial cells showed that membrane BAFF was expressed by resting cells. On RSV infection or IFN-β stimulation, expression of membrane BAFF increased at 12 and 24hours and disappeared at 48h, which suggests soluble BAFF was cleaved from the membrane and released into the culture supernatant by 48h, where it was measured by ELISA. When BEAS-2B cells were infected with RSV after pre-incubation with anti-IFN β, expression of BAFF was blocked, which indicates that airway epithelial cells can produce BAFF in an interferon dependent manner. BEAS-2B cells did not express CXCL12, CXL13, CCL19 or CCL21, which indicates there are other potential sources that express these chemokines during RSV infection rather than the airway epithelium. A murine model of RSV infection was used to examine expression of BAFF, APRIL and of the chemokines CXCL12, CXCL13, CCL19 and CCL21. Cytokine mRNA and RSV N gene expression were measured by Taqman PCR in lung tissue from control mice at day 0 and mice challenged with RSV (A2 strain) or control UV-treated RSV at days 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14 and 21 days after RSV infection by ELISA. RSV N RNA was significantly detected at day 1, 2 and 4 after RSV infection compared to UV RSV control. BAFF mRNA expression was increased significantly after RSV infection on day 1 ,7 and 8 in comparison to UV treated RSV control at the same time points. Equally, BAFF protein was also elevated significantly after RSV infection at days 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 in comparison to UV- RSV control at the same time points. CXCL13 mRNA expression was increased significantly after RSV infection on day 1 and 7 in comparison to UV-RSV control at the same time points. Moreover, CXCL13 protein was increased significantly after RSV infection at day 1, 2 and 7 in comparison to UV RSV control at the same time points. CXCL12, CCL19 and CCL21 mRNA and protein levels were not increased significantly after RSV infection, which may indicate they are not active during RSV infection. Examination of mouse lung sections showed strong positive staining of B cells (CD20) following RSV infection at day 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 and FACS analysis B cells numbers were increased significantly at day 6 and 8 following RSV infection relative to UV-RSV control. RSV infection results in up-regulated BAFF and CXCL13 expression, consistent with a role for CXCL13 in recruiting B cells and BAFF in promoting airway B cell survival or differentiation. Collectively, these results suggest that the airway epithelial could help recruit and support B cell growth and development and Ab production in the lung.
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Chun, Marvin Myungwoo. "Processing deficits in RSVP : the attentional blink and repetition blindness". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994.

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Šironja, Vladimir. "Implementation of a traffic control architecture for RSVP over ATM". [S.l. : s.n.], 1999.

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Podrouzek, Kenneth Wayne. "The Embedded Repetition Effect, the exploration of a new RSVP phenomenon". Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Mariutti, Ricardo Barros [UNESP]. "Expressão, purificação e caracterização de proteínas dos fitovírus SBMV e RSPaV". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-17T15:24:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-12-11. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-09-17T15:47:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000846547.pdf: 2363942 bytes, checksum: 9e3e3a053eea57e0c35038173c728430 (MD5)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A videira é a frutífera economicamente mais importante no mundo e é cultivada para que seus frutos produzam uvas de mesa, suco, e uvas passas. As bagas da videira são também a base para o alto valor agregado dos vinhos e outras bebidas alcoólicas. O Rupestris stem pitting associated virus - RSPaV foi identificado como o agente causador da doença do lenho estriado ou cascudo (Rupestris stem pitting - RSP), um dos componentes do complexo do lenho rugoso da videira (Rugose wood - RW). Esta doença é transmitida por enxertia e constitui uma das viroses de videira mais disseminadas no mundo, sendo descrita no Brasil no final dos anos 60. Devido à dificuldade de purificação das partículas virais a partir da videira infectada, a expressão em larga escala da proteína capisidial do RSPaV em bactérias é uma estratégia promissora para o entendimento de suas propriedades. A cultura do feijão também tem produtividade grandemente afetada pela ocorrência de doenças que diminuem a produção e, conseqüentemente, reduzem a sua oferta, provocando um aumento nos preços de mercado. No Brasil, foram descritas mais de dez viroses em feijoeiro, citando-se aquela causada pelo Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) do gênero Sobemovirus. Este vírus tem uma restrita gama de hospedeiras, confinada quase exclusivamente a espécies da família das leguminosas, sendo algumas de interesse econômico como o feijoeiro comum e a soja. As proteínas do movimento (MP), serino protease e VPg, são produzidas em baixas concentrações, impossibilitando a purificação em larga escala a partir de plantas infectadas. A expressão e purificação em larga escala das proteínas VPg, serino protease e proteína do movimento do SBMV e proteína capisidial do RSPaV, foram realizadas utlizando os vetores pET28a e pMAL. Análises das proteínas, através de espalhamento dinâmico de luz mostraram que foi possível obter soluções proteicas monomodais...
The grapevine culture is the most economically important fruit plant in the world. The grapevine is the basic source of high valued wines and other alcoholic beverages. The Rupestris stem pitting associated virus-RSPaV was identified as the causative agent of the rupestris stem pitting (RSP) disease, a component ofthe the rugose wood (RW) complex, one of the major disease complexes affecting grapevines. This disease is transmitted by grafting and is one of the most widespread viruses of grapevine in the world. In brazil this disease was reported for the first time in late 1960s. As it is difficult to seperate the viral particles from the infected plant, the expression of large-scale of coat protein of RSPaV in bacteria is a promising strategy for understanding their properties. The bean crop productivity has also greatly affected by the occurrence of diseases that reduce the production and consequently reduce their supply, causing an increasein the prices. This virus has a narrow host range, confined almost exclusively to species of leguminous species, some of the species has a very high economical value such as the common bean and soybean. The movement protein (MP), serine protease and VPg, are produced in low concentrations, making impossible the large-scale purification from infected plants. In Brazil, more than ten virus were reported in beans, among them, Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) from the genus Sobemovirus. The large scale expression and purification of proteins VPg, serine protease and movement protein of SBMV and capisidial protein of RSPaV were performed using pMAL pET28a vectors. Analysis of the proteins by dynamic light scattering showed that was possible to obtain monomodal protein solutions. By circular dichroism was observed that the proteins were structured and the investigation of protein-ligand interactions was performed using nuclear magnetic resonance. These results contributed to increase the knowledge...
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Mariutti, Ricardo Barros. "Expressão, purificação e caracterização de proteínas dos fitovírus SBMV e RSPaV /". São José do Rio Preto, 2014.

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Orientador: Raghuvir Krishnaswamy Arni
Banca: Anwar Ullah
Banca: Fátima Pereira de Souza
Banca: Priscila Belintani
Banca: Patrick Jack Spencer
Resumo: A videira é a frutífera economicamente mais importante no mundo e é cultivada para que seus frutos produzam uvas de mesa, suco, e uvas passas. As bagas da videira são também a base para o alto valor agregado dos vinhos e outras bebidas alcoólicas. O Rupestris stem pitting associated virus - RSPaV foi identificado como o agente causador da doença do lenho estriado ou cascudo ("Rupestris stem pitting" - RSP), um dos componentes do complexo do lenho rugoso da videira ("Rugose wood" - RW). Esta doença é transmitida por enxertia e constitui uma das viroses de videira mais disseminadas no mundo, sendo descrita no Brasil no final dos anos 60. Devido à dificuldade de purificação das partículas virais a partir da videira infectada, a expressão em larga escala da proteína capisidial do RSPaV em bactérias é uma estratégia promissora para o entendimento de suas propriedades. A cultura do feijão também tem produtividade grandemente afetada pela ocorrência de doenças que diminuem a produção e, conseqüentemente, reduzem a sua oferta, provocando um aumento nos preços de mercado. No Brasil, foram descritas mais de dez viroses em feijoeiro, citando-se aquela causada pelo Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) do gênero Sobemovirus. Este vírus tem uma restrita gama de hospedeiras, confinada quase exclusivamente a espécies da família das leguminosas, sendo algumas de interesse econômico como o feijoeiro comum e a soja. As proteínas do movimento (MP), serino protease e VPg, são produzidas em baixas concentrações, impossibilitando a purificação em larga escala a partir de plantas infectadas. A expressão e purificação em larga escala das proteínas VPg, serino protease e proteína do movimento do SBMV e proteína capisidial do RSPaV, foram realizadas utlizando os vetores pET28a e pMAL. Análises das proteínas, através de espalhamento dinâmico de luz mostraram que foi possível obter soluções proteicas monomodais...
Abstract: The grapevine culture is the most economically important fruit plant in the world. The grapevine is the basic source of high valued wines and other alcoholic beverages. The Rupestris stem pitting associated virus-RSPaV was identified as the causative agent of the "rupestris stem pitting" (RSP) disease, a component ofthe the rugose wood (RW) complex, one of the major disease complexes affecting grapevines. This disease is transmitted by grafting and is one of the most widespread viruses of grapevine in the world. In brazil this disease was reported for the first time in late 1960s. As it is difficult to seperate the viral particles from the infected plant, the expression of large-scale of coat protein of RSPaV in bacteria is a promising strategy for understanding their properties. The bean crop productivity has also greatly affected by the occurrence of diseases that reduce the production and consequently reduce their supply, causing an increasein the prices. This virus has a narrow host range, confined almost exclusively to species of leguminous species, some of the species has a very high economical value such as the common bean and soybean. The movement protein (MP), serine protease and VPg, are produced in low concentrations, making impossible the large-scale purification from infected plants. In Brazil, more than ten virus were reported in beans, among them, Southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV) from the genus Sobemovirus. The large scale expression and purification of proteins VPg, serine protease and movement protein of SBMV and capisidial protein of RSPaV were performed using pMAL pET28a vectors. Analysis of the proteins by dynamic light scattering showed that was possible to obtain monomodal protein solutions. By circular dichroism was observed that the proteins were structured and the investigation of protein-ligand interactions was performed using nuclear magnetic resonance. These results contributed to increase ...
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Cai, Wei [Verfasser]. "Evaluation of using ICD-10 code data for RSV surveillance and identification of risk factors for RSV disease / Wei Cai". Berlin : Medizinische Fakultät Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2021.

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Shan, Jing. "A systematic review of the immunogenicity and safety of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in development". Thesis, University of Sydney, 2020.

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This thesis aims to systematically evaluate the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine candidates in the clinical development phase; to summarise the immunogenicity and safety profile of the vaccine candidates in each clinical trial; and to identify the most promising candidates. RSV is one of the most common causes of acute respiratory disease in children and the elderly. Every year, millions of RSV episodes occur at the extremes of age. Furthermore, a high incidence of RSV associated hospitalisation is reported in many studies, further emphasising its considerable public health burden. RSV epidemics have seasonal characteristics. In temperate climates, a decrease in temperature is associated with the RSV peak; while in the tropics, humidity is the leading factor. To date, only one preventative treatment, Palivizumab, is licensed and used in children but restricted to those with high-risk factors for the prevention of RSV. However, due to its expense, its cost-effectiveness at a population level is controversial. I did a systematic review for the period from 2000 to 2018 to locate clinical trials of RSV vaccine candidates. 60 clinical trials were identified that met our inclusion and exclusion criterion. Four classes of vaccines are in development; they are live-attenuated, subunit, vector-based, and nanoparticle candidates. 24 trials were from published journals while 36 trials were only in the trial registry. LID ∆M2-2, MEDI M2-2, and RSVcps2 were considered the most promising vaccine candidates in infant and children. In the elderly, a nanoparticle F vaccine candidate was considered as a potentially effective vaccine. This vaccine candidate is being tested in a Phase 3 trial to evaluate its prevention efficacy in 11850 healthy old adults. In contrast, no promising vaccine was identified for maternal vaccination. However, RSV F-024 subunit vaccine candidate and an RSV F nanoparticle vaccine showed encouraging results in healthy non-pregnant women. Moreover, the RSV F nanoparticle vaccine candidate is being tested for its efficacy in a Phase 3 trial, recruiting non-complicated third-trimester pregnant women aged 18 to 40 years. Finally, I assessed the quality of included trials from published journal by the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool; 12 trials showed low risk of bias.
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Shrestha, Amit. "The Proteostasis Function of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Metacaspase Yca1". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017.

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In addition to apoptosis, metacapases function to regulate various other processes that promote and sustain life. For example, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metacaspase Yca1 promotes cellular fitness by regulating insoluble protein levels. However, the mechanism(s) that regulate this proteostasis function for Yca1 have remained elusive. Here, using proteomics coupled to protein interaction studies, we describe a role for Yca1 in restraining deposition to the insoluble proteome and further identify a post-translational regulatory mechanism for modulating Yca1 function. Our initial analyses uncovered a role for Yca1 in aggregate assembly where Yca1, in coordination with the Cdc48 chaperone, regulates the composition of the insoluble proteome. Interestingly, loss of Yca1 was correlated with reduced sequestration of proteins related to ribosomal and translational processes in the insoluble protein fraction during heat stress. Subsequent proteomic analyses identified a regulatory mechanism for Yca1 mediated by the ubiquitin system, a feature that was instrumental for limiting insoluble protein content. Specifically, we noted K355 ubiquitination and S346 phosphorylation as key modifications that directed Yca1 function to maintain proteostasis. Loss of function mutations at these sites led to increased retention of insoluble protein and increased vacuolar structures. Surprisingly, loss of Yca1 also affected ubiquitin homeostasis in vivo as observed by reduced levels of low molecular weight free ubiquitin. Upon further analysis, we observed that the ubiquitin precursor protein Rsp31 was cleaved by Yca1 suggesting a possible role for Yca1 in de novo ubiquitin synthesis. Together, these analyses suggest that post-translational modifications of Yca1 are critical regulatory features for this protease, and that this enzyme regulates cell proteostasis in combination with other chaperone and protein degradation machinery.
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Larsson, William y Zacharias Erlandsson. "Skillnad i läseffektivitet mellan scrollbaserad skärmläsning och RSVP-läsning på Apple Watch". Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2017.

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Smartklockans lilla skärm sätter begränsningar för hur många ord som kan läsas i ett stycke utan att scrolla på skärmen.  Dessutom ligger det både i mjukvaruutvecklares och konsumenters intresse att användaren snabbt kan få tillgång till information i textform via sin smartklocka. RSVP-tekniken (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) är en teknik som har potential att förbättra läsandet på smarta klockor då tekniken i stort sett är oberoende av skärmstorleken, vilket inte är fallet vid traditionell scrollbaserad läsning. Detta arbetes frågeställning lyder ”Påverkar RSVP-applikationer läseffektiviteten positivt i större grad än scrollbaserad skärmläsning på smartklockor? Eller försämras läsförståelsen i försöket att effektivisera läsningen?”. Denna studie bygger vidare på tidigare studier som har undersökt läshastighet med RSVP på andra plattformar. Studien syftar på så sätt till att belysa om de slutsatserna som har dragits för RSVP-läsning på andra plattformar också gäller för läsande på smartklockor. För att undersöka skillnaden i läsförståelse och läshastighet mellan scrollbaserad läsning och snabbläsningsapplikationen Wear Reader på smartwatch utfördes tester i en strukturerad och kontrollerad miljö. De medverkande i studien var högskolelever som läste två informationstäta texter på cirka 300 ord. Den ena texten lästes med scrollbaserad läsning och den andra med RSVP. Läshastigheten mättes med tidtagarur medan läsförståelsen mättes med ett frågeformulär om de texter högskoleleeverna läst. Läshastigheten vid RSVP-läsningen var inställd till 1.5x deltagarnas läshastighet vid läsning av en inledande referenstext på papper. Den insamlade datan från den utförda studien tyder på att läsförståelsen försämras i användandet av RSVP jämfört med den traditionella scroll-metoden. Som ett mått på skillnaden mellan läsmetoderna beräknades effektstorleken med hjälp av Cohens d-värde ut till 0.519 vilket är ett medelstort värde. På grund av RSVP-läsmetodens höga hastighet är dess medelläseffektivitet högre än den scrollbaserade läsningens hastghet. Här resulterar en beräkning av Cohens d-värde till effektstorleken 0.712, vilket även det definieras som att ligga inom intervallet för en medelstor skillnad.
The small screen of the smart watch limits the amount of words that are displayed in one paragraph without scrolling on the screen. It is also in the software developer’s and consumer’s interest that the user quickly receives text-based information via their smart watch. RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) is a technique with potential to improve reading on smart watches since the technique is independent of the screen size, which is not the case with scroll-based reading. The problem statement is “Does RSVP-applications increase reading efficiency more than scroll-based screen reading on smart watches? Or is reading comprehension decreased in an attempt to streamline reading?”. This study continues to build on previous studies that examines reading speed with RSVP on other platforms. Because of this, the study aims to show if the findings and conclusions regarding RSVP on other platforms also applies on smart watches. To examine the difference in reading comprehension and reading speed between scroll-based reading and the speed-reading application Wear Reader on a smart watch, tests were performed in a structured and controlled environment. The participants in the study were college students who read two short texts with a large amount of information. One of the texts were read using scroll-based reading while the other was read with RSVP. Reading speed was measured using a stopwatch while reading comprehension was calculated with a questionnaire about the text they just read. The reading speed on RSVP was set to 1.5 times the participant’s reading speed on a printed reference text. The gathered data from the performed study indicates that the reading comprehension in the use of RSVP is reduced compared to that of the traditional scroll-method. As a measurement of the difference between the two methods the effect size was calculated using Cohen’s d-value. This resulted in a value of 0.519 which constitutes a medium-sized effect size. Because of the RSVP-method’s high speed it’s average reading efficiency is higher than that of the scroll-based reading method. Here a calculation of Cohen’s d-value results in the effect size 0.712, which corresponds to a medium-sized difference.
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Bendoraitytė, Dijana. "RSV specialisto, kaip politiko įvaizdžio televizijoje kūrėjo vaidmuo". Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2010.

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Magistro mokslo darbo objektas – politiko įvaizdis televizijoje, RSV specialisto vaidmuo teoriškai ir praktikai. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, koks RSV specialistų vaidmuo, kuriant politiko įvaizdį televizijoje. Naudojantis mokslinės literatūros analizės metodais, taikant indukcijos, ekstrapoliacijos palyginimo ir analogijos metodus RSV specialisto, kaip politiko įvaizdžio kūrėjo vaidmens analizėje ir kokybinės apklausos metodą praktiniame tyrime, prieita prie išvados, kad RSV specialisto vaidmuo Lietuvoje, kuriant politiko įvaizdį televizijoje – nėra esminis. Politiko įvaizdžio kūrimas televizijoje yra labai siaura ir specifinė RSV sritis, todėl šioje srityje trūksta ne tik teorinės informacijos, bet ir kompetentingų specialistų. Žiūrint iš praktinės pusės, politikams vis dar stinga patirties dalyvaujant televizijos filmavimuose, todėl pagrindine ryšių su visuomene specialistų užduotimi tampa televizinės koncepcijos ir įvaizdžio kūrimo taktinių priemonių aiškus perteikimas politikui. Šiuo atveju būtinas abiejų šalių pasitikėjimas ir glaudus komunikavimas. Darbas gali būti naudingas ryšių su visuomene akademikams, praktikams. RSV specialistams, kurie kuria politikų įvaizdį ir politikams, kurie filmuojasi televizijos laidose.
Master's education work object – image of a politician on a television, the role of a PR specialist in a theory and practice. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the role of PR and a politician's image on a television. Scientific literature analysis, deduction and extrapolation were the methods used to draw conclusions. The role of PR practitioner as a politician's image developer was investigated in the analysis and quantitative survey (practical study). It was found that in Lithuania the role of a PR specialist is not significant in the process of creating a politicians‘ image on TV. This process is such a narrow area in Lithuania, that there are not enough competent professionals to analyse this angle of political PR. Practically, politicians still lack the experience when they participate in the production of a television content. Therefore, the main task of a public relations specialist is to explain the concept of television and most common tactical means of image-building in TV. The confidence and intensive communication among a PR practitioner and a politician is important as well. This paper can be useful for a public relations academics and practitioners, as well as politicians who participate in television broadcasts.
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Guvenel, Aleks Kamer. "Human helper T cell responses to RSV infection". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2016.

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Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) remains one of the most important causes of severe respiratory infection worldwide. Natural immunity is only partially protective, and no safe and effective vaccine has so far been found. CD4+ T cells play an essential role in shaping cellular and humoral immune responses. They have been shown to provide signals that are necessary for full differentiation of CD8+ T cells and B cells, as well as exhibiting direct anti-viral functions. However, their role in human RSV infection is poorly understood. Among the reasons for this are restrictions on sampling during the course of human infection and a resultant lack of tools to allow the study of antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses. Further understanding of their role in the generation of effective immunity is essential for the development of better vaccines. Using an established experimental human challenge model, we inoculated 49 healthy adult volunteers with live, virulent RSV (Memphis 37). We analysed viral load by quantitative PCR (qPCR) on nasal lavage samples. Subjects were deemed infected if RSV was detectable on two consecutive days between day 2 and day 10 post inoculation. RSV infection developed in 26/49 (53%) of volunteers. In those infected, viral load peaked at day 7 and occurred at the same time as the peak symptoms score. Analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and BAL cells revealed the peak of polyclonal CD4+ T cell responses at day 10, characterised by the expression of the activation marker CD38 and proliferation marker Ki-67. At this time-point, RSV-specific CD4+ T cells were producing Th1 cytokines IFN- and TNF- To understand this response in greater detail, we generated a custom RSV M37 peptide library covering the complete RSV proteome. Using IFN- ELISpot, candidate epitopes were found in the F, G, M and N proteins. Of these, the most immunodominant CD4+ T cell epitopes were within the major surface glycoproteins F and G. Their class II restriction was established by depletion of CD8+ T cells from PBMCs and were confirmed by functional analysis of PBMCs from HLA class II matched donors. Using these, MHC class II-peptide tetramers using F and G peptides were constructed for the first time. RSV-specific CD4+ T cells were detectable in PBMCs of infected subjects at day 10, and exhibited the phenotypic markers of effector and effector memory T cells. These were highly activated but showed less evidence of proliferation than RSV-specific CD8+ T cells generated at the same time. Thus, the T cell response to RSV in healthy adults displays broad specificity but immunodominant CD4+ T cells primarily recognize peptides from the surface proteins F and G. Our studies imply the importance of Th1 and follicular helper T cells in the response to infection and provide novel tools that will allow further characterisation of RSV-specific CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood and lower airway.
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Murawski, Matthew R. "Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Induces Innate Immunity through Toll-Like Receptors and Acquired Immunity via the RSV G Protein: A Dissertation". eScholarship@UMMS, 2009.

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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes a common infection that is associated with a range of respiratory illnesses from common cold-like symptoms to serious lower respiratory tract illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis. RSV is the single most important cause of serious lower respiratory tract illness in children < 1 year of age. Host innate and acquired immune responses activated following RSV infection have been suspected as contributing to RSV disease. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) activate innate and acquired immunity and are candidates for playing key roles in the host immune response to RSV. Leukocytes express TLRs including TLR2, TLR6, TLR3, TLR4, and TLR7 that can potentially interact with RSV and promote immune responses following infection. Using knockout mice, we have demonstrated that TLR2 and TLR6 signaling in leukocytes can activate innate immunity against RSV by promoting TNF-α, IL-6, CCL2 (MCP-1), and CCL5 (RANTES) production. As previously noted, TLR4 also contributed to cytokine activation (71, 90). Furthermore, we demonstrated that signals generated following TLR2 and TLR6 activation were important for controlling viral replication in vivo. Additionally, TLR2 interactions with RSV promoted neutrophil migration and dendritic cell activation within the lung. Collectively, these studies indicate that TLR2 is involved in RSV recognition and subsequent innate immune activation and may play a role in modulating acquired immune responses through DCs. Despite the fact that RSV is the single most important cause of infant upper respiratory tract disease, there are no licensed vaccines available to prevent RSV disease. We have developed a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine candidate for RSV. The VLP is composed of the NP and M proteins of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and a chimera protein containing the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of the NDV HN protein and the ectodomain of the human RSV G protein (H/G). BALB/c mice immunized with 10 or 40 μg total VLP-H/G protein by intraperitoneal or intramuscular inoculation stimulated antibody responses to G protein as good as or better than comparable amounts of UV-inactivated RSV. Furthermore, VLP-H/G induced robust CTL responses in vaccinated animals. Immunization with two or even a single dose of these particles resulted in the complete protection of BALB/c mice from RSV replication in the lungs. Upon RSV challenge of VLP-H/G immunized mice, no enhanced pathology in the lungs was observed, although lungs of mice immunized in parallel with formalin-inactivated RSV (FI-RSV) showed the significant pathology that has been previously observed with FI-RSV vaccination. Thus, the VLP-H/G candidate vaccine was immunogenic in BALB/c mice and prevented replication of RSV in murine lungs with no evidence of immunopathology. These data support further development of virus-like particle vaccine candidates for RSV.
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Tognoli, Emmanuelle. "Les conjonctions illusoires en RSVP : un paradigme pour l'étude des synchronisations neuronales ?" Nancy 2, 2003.

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Le but de cette thèse était d'élaborer un protocole expérimental dans le but d'étudier les rapports entre le liage perceptif et la synchoronisation des neurones. A cette fin, le paradigme RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) a été exploré. Ce paradigme est une tâche d'identification visuelle, dans laquelle les distracteurs sont positionnés sur la dimension temporelle. Nos expériences suggèrent que des conjonctions illusoires figurent parmi les erreurs d'identification observées. Les conjonctions illusoires résultent d'une intégration perceptive erronée entre une cible et un distracteur temporellement proche. En conclusion de cette thèse, nous soutenons que le paradigme RSVP est un outil d'étude adéquat pour confronter le liage perceptif formulé par les Psychologues et la synchronisation des neurones formulé par les Neurophysiologistes
The aim of this thesis was to design an experimental protocol in order to assess the relationship between binding problem and binding by synchronization. In this perspective, we explored a psychological test : RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation). This experimental paradigm is a visual search where distractors are posited in the temporal dimension. Our experiments suggest that among the observed errors are some illusory conjunction. These illusory conjunctions sesult from a defective perceptive integration between the target and a close distractor. We conclude that RSVP is a suitable tool to confront the binding problem and binding by synchronization
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Alsufyani, Abdulmajeed. "Detecting salient information using RSVP and the P3 : computational and EEG explorations". Thesis, University of Kent, 2015.

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This thesis investigates the efficacy of employing the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) technique for stimulus presentation in brain activity-based deception detection tests. One reason for using RSVP is to present stimuli on the fringe of awareness (e.g. 10 per second), making it more difficult for a guilty person to confound the test by use of countermeasures. It is hypothesized that such a rapid presentation rate prevents the vast majority of RSVP stimuli from being perceived at a level sufficient for encoding into working memory, but that salient stimuli will break through into consciousness and be encoded. Such ‘breakthrough’ perceptual events are correlated with a P300 Event Related Potential (ERP) component that can be used as an index of perceiving/processing a salient stimulus (e.g. crime-relevant information). On this basis, a method is proposed for detecting salience based on RSVP and the P300, which will be referred to as the Fringe-P3 method. The thesis then demonstrates how the Fringe-P3 method can be specialized for application to deception detection. Specifically, the proposed method was tested in an identity deception study, in which participants were instructed to lie about (i.e. conceal) their own-name. As will be shown, experimental findings demonstrated a very high hit rate in terms of detecting deceivers and a low false alarm rate in misdetecting non-deceivers. Most significantly, a review of these findings confirms that the Fringe-P3 identity detector is resilient against countermeasures. The effectiveness of the Fringe-P3 method in detecting stimuli of lower salience (i.e. famous names) than own-name stimuli was then evaluated. In addition, the question of whether faces can be used in an ERP-based RSVP paradigm to infer recognition of familiar faces was also investigated. The experimental results showed that the method is effective in distinguishing broadly familiar stimuli as salient, resulting in the generation of a detectable P300 component on a per-individual basis. These findings support the applicability of the proposed method to forensic science (e.g. detecting knowledge of criminal colleagues). Finally, an ERP assessment method is proposed for performing per-individual statistical inferences in deception detection tests. By analogy with functional localizers in fMRI, this method can be viewed as a form of functional profiling. The method was evaluated on EEG data sets obtained by use of the Fringe-P3 technique. Additionally, simulated data were used to explore how the method’s performance varies with parametric manipulation of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). As will be demonstrated, experimental findings confirm that the proposed method is effective for detecting the P300, even in ERPs with low SNR.
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Toktar, Emir. "Controle de admissão de RSVP utilizando XACML / Emir Toktar ; orientador, Edgar Jamhour". reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_PR, 2003.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, 2003
Inclui bibliografias
O avanço tecnológico determinou o surgimento de novas aplicações sobre a Internet, sendo necessário a garantia de serviços prestados aos usuários através de um efetivo controle dos recursos disponíveis da rede de computadores. O acesso à rede com garantia
The technological advance determined the sprouting of new applications on the Internet, being necessary to the guarantee of services given to the users through an effective control of the available resources of the computer network. The access to the net
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Muralidharan, Abenaya. "Towards Better Understanding of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine-Induced Enhanced Disease". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2019.

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Küfer, Annika Karin [Verfasser]. "Die Klinik der RSV-Infektion im Kindesalter - Analyse von RSV-positiven Neugeborenen, Säuglingen und Kleinkindern in einem städtischen Kinderkrankenhaus / Annika Karin Küfer". Köln : Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin, 2011.

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Rubio, Marcelo Luiz [UNESP]. "Estudo de potenciais inibidores de inibidores de infecção causada por Vírus Sincicial Respiratório em cultura de célula". Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2009.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:53:58Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rubio_ml_me_sjrp.pdf: 553575 bytes, checksum: e63be6b1c41d36a603fd12ca20a88442 (MD5)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da UNESP (FUNDUNESP)
Paramyxoviridae, é um vírus envelopado com tamanho médio de 120 a 300nm, de simetria helicoidal, que apresenta um genoma de RNA fita simples não segmentado de polaridade negativa. Este genoma codifica 11 proteínas, dentre as quais as glicoproteínas de membrana que são responsáveis pela infectividade do vírus. A proteína F, em associação com a proteína G e SH, é responsável pela fusão da membrana viral à célula que será infectada, ou seja, esta proteína proporciona a entrada e instalação do vírus na célula. Conhecer a forma de interação das proteínas da membrana viral com a célula que será infectada é importante para propor um mecanismo de inibição deste processo de infecção viral. Existem evidências que os glicosaminoglicanos são potenciais inibidores da infecção causada por vários vírus. A hipótese é de que este processo de inibição ocorra devido à ligação dos glicosaminoglicanos às proteínas da membrana viral, mais especificamente na proteína G, que apresenta um domínio de ligação para heparina, impedindo desta forma, que o vírus se ligue na célula hospedeira e que inicie o processo de infecção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a atuação de glicosaminoglicanos como potenciais inibidores da infecção viral. Esta análise foi realizada por meio de experimento de cultivo de células Hep2 na presença dos glicosaminoglicanos heparina e dextrana sulfatada que foram inoculadas com o vírus sincicial respiratório do tipo A (RSVA) e analisados por meio das técnicas de PCR e Imunofluorescência Indireta. Os resultados mostraram que a heparina e a dextrana sulfatada apresentam efeito inibitório da infecção viral em cultivo de células Hep2.
The respiratory sincicial virus (RSV) is part of Pneumovirus genus of the Paramyxoviridae family, is an enveloped virus with average size of 120 to 300nm, helical symmetry, that presents a genome consisting of a single strand, no segmented, RNA negative. This genome codifies for 11 proteins including the membrane glycoproteins which are responsible for the infectivity of the virus. Protein F in association with protein G and SH is responsible for the fusion of the viral membrane with the cell that will be infected, that is, this protein provides the entrance and the virus to settle in the cell. To know the form of interaction of viral membrane proteins with the cell that will be infected is important to propose a mechanism to inhibit of this process of viral infection. Evidences exist that the glycosaminoglycans are potential inhibitors of the infection caused by some viruses. The hypothesis is that this process of inhibition occurs more specifically due to the interation between glycosaminoglycans and the proteins of the viral membrane, more specifically in protein G, that presents a domain of linking for heparin, avoiding the virus to bind to the host cell and initiating the infection process. The aim of this work was to verify the performance of glycosaminoglycans as inhibitors of the viral infection. This analysis was accomplished through experiments of Hep2 cell culture in the presence of these glycosaminoglycans (heparin and dextran sulfate) that was inoculated with the respiratory sincicial virus type A (RSVA) and analyzed through the technique of PCR and Indirect Imunofluorecence. The results had shown that the heparin and the dextran sulfate presented an inhibitory effect of the viral infection in Hep2 cells culture.
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Baratz, Joshua W. (Joshua William) 1981. "Regions Security Policy (RSP) : applying regions to network security". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.

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Thesis (M. Eng. and S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 51-54).
The Regions network architecture is a new look at network organization that groups nodes into regions based on common purposes. This shift from strict network topology groupings of nodes requires a change in security systems. This thesis designs and implements the Regions Security Policy (RSP). RSP allows a unified security policy to be set across a region, fully controlling data as it enters into, exits from, and transits within a region. In doing so, it brings together several existing security solutions so as to provide security comparable to existing systems that is more likely to function correctly.
by Joshua W. Baratz.
M.Eng.and S.B.
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Fayad, Amer C. "Interactions of soybean Rsv genes and Soybean mosaic virus". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2003.

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Soybean mosaic virus (SMV; Genus Potyvirus; Family Potyviridae) is one of the most widespread viruses in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). Hutcheson, a cultivar developed in Virginia, is resistant to the common strains of SMV. However, new resistance-breaking (RB) isolates of SMV have emerged in natural infections to break the resistance of Hutcheson containing the Rsv1y allele. These RB isolates are SMV-G5 and G6-like based on the differential reactions on soybean cultivars with the Rsv1 locus, and are more G6-like based on the amino acid sequence of the coat protein (CP). The CP of the RB isolates is diverse at the amino and carboxy termini and highly conserved in the core region. RB isolates reduce the yield of susceptible cultivars and cause mottling of the seed coat. Dual infection of soybeans with SMV and BPMV increased the severity of symptoms, including plant stunting and SMV titer in comparison to single SMV inoculations. The reactions of Hutcheson and herbicide-tolerant Hutcheson RR were similar with or without herbicide application. Resistance to SMV is controlled by single dominant genes at three distinct loci, Rsv1, Rsv3 and Rsv4. The mechanisms of resistance at the Rsv3 and Rsv4 loci were investigated by tracking virus accumulation and movement over time using leaf immunoprints. The mechanisms of Rsv3 resistance include extreme resistance, hypersensitive response, or restriction to virus replication and movement, which are strain specific. The Rsv4 gene was found to function in a non-strain specific and non-necrotic manner. The mechanisms of Rsv4 resistance involve restricting both cell-to-cell and long distance movement of SMV. The Rsv1, Rsv3 and Rsv4 resistance genes exhibit a continuum of SMV-soybean interactions, and include complete susceptibility, local and systemic necrosis, restriction of virus movement (both cell-to-cell and long distance), reduction in virus accumulation, and extreme resistance with no detectable virus. Cultivars containing two genes for resistance, Rsv1 and Rsv3 or Rsv1 and Rsv4, were resistant to multiple strains of SMV tested and show great potential for gene pyramiding efforts to ensure a wider and more durable resistance to SMV in soybeans.
Ph. D.
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Robert, Pablo Maximiliano. "Simulation Tool and Metric for Evaluating Wireless Digital Video Systems". Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1998.

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This thesis focuses on the interaction between digital video quality and channel coding in a wireless communication system. Digital video is a high-bandwidth, computationally intensive application. The recent allocation of large tracks of spectrum by the FCC has made possible the design and implementation of personal wireless digital video devices for several applications, from personal communications to surveillance. Wireless video research has centered on contextual coding mechanisms; different sections of a video data stream are coded differently based on the perceived importance of the coded bits. Besides the complexity introduced into a system by this type of coding, no metric based solely on physical layer parameters can be used to predict video quality across different system architectures. A tool was built to explore the video/channel coding relationship. This tool simulates a packet-based digital wireless transmission in various noise and interference environments. The basic communications system models the DAVIC (Digital Audio-Visual Council) layout for the LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution Service) system and includes several error control algorithms and a packetizing algorithm that is MPEG-compliant. This work introduces a statistical approach to monitoring the video quality. The error-event-mean-arrival-rate, lambda_distance, is a metric derived from the physical layer that can be used to predict the expected video quality across systems with different channel coding algorithms. This metric proved to be uniformly consistent in predicting video quality for sequences corrupted by Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise and protected by a variety of error correction techniques.
Master of Science
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Brätsch, Meike Sabine [Verfasser], Uwe [Gutachter] Schauer y Hans-Jürgen [Gutachter] Streckert. "Infektion von dendritischen Zellen und Epithelzellen durch RSV-Wildtyp-Viren und RSV-Laborstämme / Meike Sabine Brätsch ; Gutachter: Uwe Schauer, Hans-Jürgen Streckert ; Medizinische Fakultät". Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2013.

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Lee, Debbie Ching Ping. "Regulation of immune responses and viral persistence in RSV infection". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2009.

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Vasou, Andri. "Development of a novel cell-based screening platform to identify inhibitors of viral interferon antagonists from clinically important viruses". Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2016.

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All viruses encode for at least one viral interferon (IFN) antagonist, which is used to subvert the cellular IFN response, a powerful antiviral innate immune response. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that IFN antagonism is crucial for virus survival, suggesting that viral IFN antagonists could represent promising therapeutic targets. This study focuses on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), an important human pathogen for which there is no vaccine or virus-specific antiviral drug. RSV encodes two IFN antagonists NS1 and NS2, which play a critical role in RSV replication and pathogenicity. We developed a high-throughput screening (HTS) assay to target NS2 via our cell-line, which contains a GFP gene under the control of an IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) to monitor IFN- signalling pathway. NS2 inhibits the IFN-signalling pathway and hence GFP expression in the cell-line by mediating STAT2 degradation. Using a HTS approach, we screened 16,000 compounds to identify small molecules that inhibit NS2 function and therefore relinquish the NS2 imposed block to IFN-signalling, leading to restoration of GFP expression. A total of twenty-eight hits were identified; elimination of false positives left eight hits, four of which (AV-14, -16, -18, -19) are the most promising. These four hit compounds have EC₅₀ values in the single μM range and three of them (AV-14, -16, -18) represent a chemically related series with an indole structure. We demonstrated that the hit compounds specifically inhibit the STAT2 degradation function of NS2, not the function of NS1 or unrelated viral IFN antagonists. At the current time, compounds do not restrict RSV replication in vitro, hence hit optimization is required to improve their potency. Nonetheless, these compounds could be used as chemical tools to determine the unknown mechanism by which NS2 mediates STAT2 degradation and tackle fundamental questions about RSV biology.
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Spodeck, Daniel [Verfasser], Uwe [Gutachter] Schauer y Manfred [Gutachter] Ballmann. "In vitro Infektion von murinen dendritischen Zellen mit humanem RSV : Infektiosität von Wildtyp- und Laborstamm-RSV / Daniel Spodeck ; Gutachter: Uwe Schauer, Manfred Ballmann ; Medizinische Fakultät". Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2018.

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Kellie, Frances Jean. "An investigation into the relationship between object file continuity and modulation of the attentional blink (AB)". Thesis, Bangor University, 2001.

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Lewis-Åkerman, Erik. "Rapid Serial Visual Presentation". Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2018.

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Rapid Seriell Visuell Presentation (RSVP) är ett koncept som har möjligheten att påverka hur en användare konsumerar sin dagliga läsning. Denna metod att läsa skiljer sig från traditionell läsning på så sätt att enbart ett (ibland flera) ord visas i varje bildsekvens i motsats till traditionell läsning då läsaren har full överblick över den statiska texten. Eftersom denna metod att läsa skiljer sig i sådan utsträckning från traditionell läsning så finns det ett behov av att utveckla RSVP till att bli en allt mer intuitiv upplevelse för läsaren. Sex testpersoner intervjuas, varvid resultaten analyseras och utvecklas till en prototyp.
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) is a concept that changes every day reading into an efficient way of gathering information. Due to this innovative new way of reading, the importance of interaction that allows the user to interact with RSVP in an intuitive manner is needed to help the reader reach its full reading potential. This thesis puts existing RSVP programs to the test with the help of six participants in different ages. Through in-depth interviews with the participants, this thesis presents a possible new way of displaying information and interacting with RSVP. From analysing the results of the in-depth interviews, a prototype is created.
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Moroni, Christine. "Aspects temporels de l'attention visuelle : une approche psychologique et neuropsychologique utilisant le paradigme RSVP". Lyon 1, 2000.

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Philippson, Katharina. "Dendritische Zellen im Verlauf der RSV-Infektion : Untersuchungen in einem Mausmodell /". [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.

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Olofsson, Eva y Emma Hellner. "BARN SOM DRABBAS AV RSV-INFEKTION : Litteraturöversikt rörande riskgrupper och profylax". Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap, 2008.

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RSV är en luftvägsinfektion som anses drabba alla barn innan de fyllt två år och kan orsaka stora problem för en del barn, särskilt underburna och barn med hjärt- och lungsjukdomar. Syftet med föreliggande arbete var att belysa: dels vilka RSV-incidensrisker och andra risker som föreligger för barn i riskgrupper som har en större benägenhet att drabbas av RSV-infektion än andra barn; dels på vilka sätt smittspridning kan förebyggas. Fjorton relevanta artiklar har påträffats via databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. De har analyserats med innehållsanalys. Utifrån analysen skapades två kategorier: incidensrisk i riskgrupper och profylax samt fem underkategorier: tre rörande incidensrisk och andra risker för kända riskgrupper och två rörande olika typer av profylax. Det framkom, förutom att det fanns en större risk att drabbas av RSV om barnen tillhörde någon riskgrupp, att barn i dessa grupper även blev sjukare än andra barn. Profylaxbehandling mot RSV ansågs vara effektiv med väldigt dyr och det rådde oenighet om vilka kriterier som skulle avgöra vilka barn som skulle få viss profylax. Vårdpersonal behöver mer fortlöpande utbildning om hygien och smittspridning. Fortsatta studier inom ämnet, med inriktning på omvårdnad, vore intressant.
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Sadler, Ross. "The role of the G protein in the pathogenesis of RSV". Thesis, University of Warwick, 2007.

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The bovine and human respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV)s can cause severe lower respiratory tract infections. The surface glycoprotein, G protein, ofRSV is primarily thought to be an attachment protein and is an important protective antigen. Previous studies have shown the possibility ofthe G protein or regions within it playing a role in the pathogenesis ofRSV through modulation ofthe host immune system. In this report, the role ofthe G protein in the pathogenesis ofRSV in vivo was investigated. Infection of calves with recombinant (r) bovine (B) RSV expressing different forms of the G protein showed that the soluble form ofthe G protein (Gs) is essential for successful replication in the lungs. In addition, although rBRSV expressing only the membraneanchored G protein (Gm) was attenuated in the lungs and did not induce any pulmonary pathology, mucosal vaccination with this virus was able to protect calves against subsequent BRSV challenge. Studies using rBRSVs were also carried out in vitro by observing rBRSV infection of bovine airway epithelial cell cultures (BAEC). Previous work with recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) has shown that the presence ofRSV G protein enhances replication ofrVV in the lungs of mice compared to control rVVs. To investigate which region(s) ofthe G protein may be responsible forJhis effect; mice were infected with rVV expressing the HRSV G protein containing deletions of specific regions. The replication ofrVV expressing the G protein lacking residues 193-205 (rVVG~193-105) was attenuated in the lungs of mice compared to rVVGwt. In addition rVVG~193-205 infection of mice induced lower amouptsofIFN-y in the broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) compared to rVVGwt. The results described indicate that further investigation ofthe innate immune response induced following infection by different forms of RSV-G wiII contribute to a better understanding of how the adaptive immune response to RSV is influenced by the G protein.
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Roy, Lilla MC. "Deriving health utility weights for infants with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2013.

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Krishna, Aishwarya. "Functional analysis of a pleiotropic transcription regulator in Staphylococcus aureus - Rsp". Thesis, Imperial College London, 2017.

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The Gram-positive commensal Staphylococcus aureus is also an opportunistic pathogen, causing both superficial and lethal infections in humans. The pathogenic versatility of S. aureus has been attributed to its ability to modulate its virulence profile via regulation of the accessory gene regulator (agr) operon. Thus, adaptation by S. aureus is primarily achieved by regulation of transcription, the first step in the gene expression pathway. The major objective of the work described in this thesis was to identify and characterise novel DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs) that regulate agr-operon expression. Using a high-throughput screen for transposon mutants displaying altered virulence factor production, the highly conserved AraC-family DNA-binding TF repressor of surface proteins (Rsp) was identified. Rsp was found to activate agr operon expression by binding directly to the agr-intergenic region. Mutational analysis identified residues in Rsp required for agr-operon activation, and provided further mechanistic insight into the Rsp-agr interaction. Although expression of the agr-operon has been shown to be important for S. aureus virulence in several animal models of infection, here we have shown that a reduction in agr expression via loss of Rsp function enhances S. aureus tolerance to 2 cell wall acting antibiotics. Thus, the results of this study confirm that Rsp is a pleiotropic transcription regulator in S. aureus and highlight the complex relationship between agr expression and virulence in S. aureus. A secondary objective of the work described in this thesis was to consider the clinical implications of mutations in S. aureus RNA polymerase (RNAP), the driver of transcription. To this end, the incidence, prevalence and distribution of RNAP mutations were analysed in 2 collections of S. aureus bacteraemia isolates. The effect of several novel mutations on RNAP stability and transcriptional activity have been predicted with the view that such mutations have the potential to induce global transcriptional changes and ultimately alter the pathogenic properties of S. aureus.
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Buridant, Guillaume Claude. "Un modèle de signalisation générique pour les réseaux IP de nouvelle génération : unification par RSVP". Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2004.

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Dans un réseau, le plan contrôle est chargé de la mise en place, de la modification et du relâchement d'une instance de service conversationnel. L'architecture du réseau dépend des services fournis par ce réseau. Les services qui utilisent un modèle de communication conversationnel possèdent une application de contrôle duale qui, via un protocole de signalisation, se répartit la logique de cette application entre entités de contrôle. La signalisation correspond aux messages échangés entre ces entités permettant de mettre en place, modifier ou relâcher une instance de service. Dans les réseaux télécoms, le plan contrôle est unique et directement intégré dans le réseau. Ce sont les services de télécoms qui ont dicté le besoin en signalisation et les particularités du plan contrôle. Dans les réseaux informatiques, aucun plan contrôle n'a été implémenté dans le réseau, mais les applications émergentes ont apporté avec elles leur propre plan contrôle, extérieur au réseau et adapté à leurs besoins. Ceci a entraîné un développement propriétaire de mécanismes de contrôle et donc une hétérogénéité et une non interopérabilité des protocoles de signalisation dans les réseaux informatiques (c'est à dire ici les réseaux IP). Notre démarche est d'unifier ces protocoles de signalisation en un protocole unique qui permettrait une interopérabilité entre ces différents éléments de contrôle. Pour faire cette unification nous étudierons et comparerons les protocoles déjà existant dans les mondes télécoms et informatiques afin d'en tirer les mécanismes communs, puis nous déterminerons un modèle d'entreprise des services de communication (le modèle SIMPSON) identifiant les acteurs impliqués dans la réalisation d'une instance de service. La validation de nos résultats se fera à travers le choix d'un protocole unique de signalisation (basé sur RSVP) qui permettra l'interopérabilité totale entre protocoles différents et entre entités économiques distinctes. En effet, les différents acteurs économiques dans la réalisation d'un service doivent être capables d'interopérer et de coopérer entre eux avec une signalisation unifiée. .
In networks, the control plane is in charge of setting, modifying and tearing down instances of conversational service. The architecture of the network depends on the services it provides. Services based on a conversational communication model are linked to a dual control application distributed among control entities. These entities inter-operate with signalling messages, and these signalling messages are in charge of the setting, modifying and tearing down of an instance of a service. In telecom networks, the control plane is unique and integrated in the network. Telecom services are responsible for the need for signalling and the particularities of the control plane. In computer networks, no control plane has been defined in the network itself, but emerging applications defined their own control plane, exterior to of the network and adapted to their needs. This leads to a proprietary development of control mechanisms and so, to a heterogeneity and to a non interoperability of signalling protocols in computer networks (we focus here on IP networks). Our goal is to unify these signalling protocols into a single one protocol allowing interoperability between these various control elements. In order to achieve this unification, we will study and compare already existing protocols in both telecom and computer networks in order to find common mechanisms, then we will propose a business model for communication services (the SIMPSON model) identifying implicated actors in the realization of an instance of service. We will validate our results using a unified signalling protocol (based on RSVP) allowing interoperability between various protocols and various economic entities. Indeed, various economic actors may interoperate and cooperate between themselves more easily when using a unified syntax. We will validate this by implementing a signalling simulator which uses this unified syntax. Based on these results, we will develop a methodology whose aim is to easily create a control plane. This methodology will be based on the study of the concerned service, its functionalities and its unbundling level. This methodology will be applied in the context of PLANETE Project, which aims to manage nomadism of users and services in developing an ad hoc control plane. In conclusion, we will show the possibility to use one and only one intermediate signalling protocol between logical or economic control plane entities (Meta protocol) and we will show the possibility of creating additional functionalities to this protocol in function of the needs of the services. Our proposition could further lead to a standard determining the objects and mechanisms needed in the different functionalities of a control place, and so of a signalling protocol
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Zoumpoulaki, Alexia. "Detecting perceptual breakthrough in RSVP with applications in deception detection methodological, behavioural and electrophysiological explorations". Thesis, University of Kent, 2016.

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This thesis explores perceptual breakthrough in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), for deception detection applications. In RSVP, visual stimuli are presented in rapid succession, pushing the perceptual processing system to the limit, allowing only a limited number of stimuli to be processed and en- coded. In this thesis we investigate what type of stimuli capture attention in RSVP, taking advantage of both physiological and behavioural measurements. The main focus of the studies presented here follows up on work that shows that perceptual breakthrough in RSVP can be used as a marker of concealed knowledge in deception detection tests (Fringe P300). The thesis is divided into two research contribution parts. Firstly, we develop methods for analysing Event Related Potential (ERP) data, in order to facilitate assessment of perceptual breakthrough in experiments presented later in this thesis. We focus on reducing false positives while at the same time successfully measuring the underlying effects. We present and evaluate methods for measuring latencies and selecting Regions of Interest (ROIs) through simulations and experimental data. Secondly, we explore perceptual breakthrough in RSVP with applications in deception detection. For that purpose, we conducted two studies. The first study explores incidentally acquired information by recording the P300 ERP component from participants after acting out a mock crime scenario. The main hypothesis was that concealed information is salient to a guilty person, and thus associated stimuli will be involuntary perceived. The second study explores the type of stimuli that capture attention in RSVP, by addressing issues related to encoding and emotional arousal, and whether attention can be directed through contextual priming independent of the main task. These studies increase our understanding of how stimuli are processed in RSVP and can provide useful suggestions for designing more successful ERP and RSVP based, deception detection applications, both in terms of stimulus presentation and data analysis.
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Shi, Ting. "Epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus associated acute lower respiratory infection in young children". Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2017.

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Introduction Acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) remains as a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. With the continued universal vaccination campaign against bacterial pathogens, an increase in relative proportion of respiratory viruses contributing to ALRI is anticipated. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been recognised as the most common pathogen identified in young children presenting with ALRI as well as an important cause of hospital admission. This thesis aims to estimate the aetiological roles and attributable fractions of common respiratory viruses among ALRI cases and investigate the risk factors for RSV associated ALRI in young children. It also aims to estimate the global and regional incidence of RSV associated ALRI in both community and hospital based settings, and the possible boundaries for RSV associated ALRI mortality in children younger than five years old. Methods Systematic reviews were carried out separately for the following three research questions: aetiological roles of RSV and other common viruses in ALRI cases, risk factors for RSV associated ALRI and global/regional burden of RSV associated ALRI, formulating an overall picture of epidemiology of RSV associated ALRI in young children. They all focused on children younger than five years old. The identified studies were selected according to pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The whole process was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines for systematic review and meta-analysis. Unpublished data from RSV Global Estimates Network (RSV GEN) were collected from 45 leading researchers on paediatric pneumonia (primarily in developing countries). They either reanalysed data from their already published work with the pre-defined standardised case definitions or shared hitherto unpublished data from ongoing studies. Data from both systematic reviews and RSV GEN working group were included into further meta-analysis. Random effects model was consistently applied in all meta-analyses. Results There were 23 studies identified through literature search satisfying the eligibility criteria, investigated the viral aetiology of ALRI in young children. Strong evidence was observed for RSV in support of its causal contribution in children presenting with ALRI and the association was significant measured in odds ratio: 9.79 (4.98-19.27). Thus, the corresponding attributable fraction among the exposed was estimated as 90% (80%-95%), which means around 90% of RSV associated ALRI cases were in fact attributed to RSV in a causal path. In total, 27 studies (including 4 unpublished studies) were included and contributed to the analysis. Across these studies, 18 risk factors were described and 8 of them were observed to have significant associations with RSV infection: prematurity - gestational age < 37 weeks, low birth weight (< 2.5 kg), being male, having siblings, maternal smoking, history of atopy, no breastfeeding and crowding - > 7 persons in household. Overall, 304 studies met the selection criteria and were included to estimate the global and regional burden of RSV associated ALRI in young children. These included 73 published articles identified through Chinese language databases and 76 unpublished studies provided by RSV GEN working group, mainly from developing countries. It is estimated that in 2015, there were 33.0 (95% CI 20.6-53.2) million episodes of RSV associated ALRI occurring in children younger than 5 years old across the world. 30.5 (95% CI 19.5-47.9) million of them were in developing countries. 3.0 (95% CI 2.2-4.0) million cases were severe enough and warranted hospitalisation. Around 60,000 children died in the hospital settings with 99% of these deaths occurring in developing countries. The overall mortality from RSV associated ALRI was estimated about 131,000. Conclusion This thesis not only enhanced the epidemiological understanding of RSV in young children, but also provided important information for public health decision makers. It incorporated both data through systematic reviews of published articles in the past 20 years and more than 70 unpublished data sets shared by RSV GEN working group. The population based incidence, hospitalisation, mortality and risk factor data are essential to assess the various severity of illness in a specific age group and region, and inform local public health professionals regarding appropriate and prompt cases management, prevention and vaccine allocation strategies. National sentinel systems of RSV surveillance gathering structured and reasonably representative data are needed. Within the surveillance system, a universal definition regarding disease severity in various settings should be developed, and diagnostic methods with higher sensitivity and specificity should be applied.
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Cline, Troy. "Innate Immune Mechanisms of Controlling Respiratory Virus Infection". The Ohio State University, 2010.

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Chaiwatpongsakorn, Supranee. "Soluble Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fusion Protein in the Fully Cleaved, Pretriggered State, a Tool to Study Protein Triggering". The Ohio State University, 2011.

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Markne, Matilda. "Certifying sustainability : Independent oil palm smallholders' experiences of the RSPO certification process in the Riau province, Indonesia". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Kulturgeografiska institutionen, 2016.

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Palm oil is a growing market, and environmental and social concerns have led to a global demand of sustainable palm oil. In this study I investigate the certification process of the Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) from the experiences of independent smallholders. I perform interviews and observations in two independent smallholder associations in the Riau province in Indonesia who are in the end of the RSPO certification process. What I find is that most smallholders have extrinsic motivators (an increase in price) for wanting to join the certi fication, but that a few smallholders express intrinsic motivators as well (a care for the environment). I find that the certification process is creating a lot of changes to the agricultural practices of the smallholders, mainly regarding harvest, fertilisation, pesticide usage, and pruning. The challenges that the independent smallholders experience mainly regard their knowledge, level of organisation, institutional support, fertilisation, and documentation. I find that many of the smallholders use traditional knowledge while the RSPO is an organisation that mainly use modern knowledge, and I claim that some of the dif ficulties that independent smallholders experience when certifying derives from this collision of knowledge systems. Lastly, I claim that the organisation is an expression of modernity and risk society, and that the rise of voluntary sustainability certi fications the last decade can be seen as a response to the modern risk of climate change.
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In this report, Aiming at reliable data delivery in wireless sensor network a novel routing protocol. This protocol differs from the traditional protocol as it integrates path quality information collection into the data transmission and achieves route optimization dynamically and adaptively. Integrating route optimization works in a “monitor and adjust” way means every route is selected for every data packet independently according to the route selection probability vector (RSPV). Real time quality information is gathered in the course of packets transmission and fed back by the sink periodically. Using the interval estimation, Source node identifies and filters out the paths of low quality and adjusts the route selection probability vector according to that. A simulation result in semi-static and dynamic environment show integrated route optimization is competent to deal with the adverse, dynamic, bandwidth constrained wireless sensor network and outperform typical reliable routing protocol in both energy efficiency and reliability.
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Chang, Yi-Fan y 張誼凡. "RSVP for Mobile IP". Thesis, 1998.

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Liu, Ren-Shiou y 劉任修. "Integration of Mobile IP and RSVP". Thesis, 2000.

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This thesis proposes a simple but effective method to incorporate RSVP (Resource ReSerVation Protocol) in the mobile computing environment without squandering too much network resources. Along with the booming telecommunication market, the PCS system is migrating from the 2.5 generation to the 3rd generation. Under the 3rd generation architecture, the traditional circuit switching backbone networks will be replaced with gigabits or terabits per second packet switching networks. As a consequence, both voice and data will be carried by packets transmitted in such a high speed network. However, packets may lose or delay because of traffic jams. In order to transport multimedia traffic of wireless mobile phones, QoS (quality of service) becomes an important issue. RSVP is a receiver oriented resource reservation protocol designed for an integrated services Internet. However, RSVP has being facing two great challenges owing to the operational characteristics of Mobile IP. First, due to IP-in-IP encapsulation, RSVP messages are invisible to the intermediate routers that comprise the tunnel. Second, after a mobile host moves to another location, the resources previously allocated to it can no longer be used. To overcome the impact of host mobility on service guarantees, we integrate mobile ip regional registration protocol and RSVP to form a hierarchical resource reservation architecture for mobile hosts. Simulation results show that our approach is promising.
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Kao, Chih-Hsiao y 高志孝. "Seamless Wireless RSVP with QoS Guarantees". Thesis, 2008.

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The network communication technology has been focus on "ALL IP Network" in this few years. Most communication networks have been integrated into the interconnected network via IP protocol. The new generation wireless technology can provide bandwidth and communication quality better than the previous. More and more users adopt wireless communication technology to connect to Internet. There would be no need to restrict users to stay in somewhere for communication requirements. People could roam anywhere, anytime and any device. The most important issue is to ensure the smooth roaming and QoS guarantee in the different wireless networks. This paper has proposed a method of hierarchical advance resource reservations - (Seamless Wireless Resource Reservation Protocol, SW_RSVP). SW_RSVP utilized hierarchical region registration of mobile network and advance resource reservations policy. By hierarchical registering, the mobile nodes could communicate with each others. It will lower the cost of message exchange and resource reservations. A mobile node could reserve network resource before it accesses them. Also, the QoS guarantees can be extended to different networks to achieve a seamless wireless network environment. Finally, we will give some bright simulation results to prove the SW_RSVP works well.
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