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Assoa, Ya Brigitte. "Performances de capteurs solaires PV/T hybrides bi-fluides intégrables à l'enveloppe des bâtiments". Lyon, INSA, 2008.

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Cette thèse se bas sur les projets Slar Steel (ADEME/PUCA) et Toit PV-Th (ANR-PREBAT). Son objectif est de concevoir une configuration innovante de composant Hybride multi-fonctionnel et intégrable à l’enveloppe des bâtis, basée sur la juxtaposition des fonctions de production thermique et électrique. Ainsi, ont été proposées deux configurations de capteurs solaires PV/T hybrides bi-fluides (à air et à eau) intégrables en toiture et composé de modules PV à support métallique nervuré. A l’intérieur des nervures, sont disposés des systèmes producteurs d’eau chaude. Des modèles thermiques et électriques de ces prototypes ont été développés progressivement sous TRNSYS et validés étape par étape à partir d’expérimentations menées en régime permanent puis dynamique. Ces étapes ont permis d’évaluer leurs productivités thermiques et électriques et le taux de couverture solaire des besoins énergétiques pour des configurations types afin de les comparer à la production de composants standards
This work is based on the Solar Steel program and on the PV-Th roof ANR-PREBAT program. The purpose of this work is to design a new configuration of multi-functional hybrid solar collector based on the superposition of the thermal and electric functions. Then, we proposed two prototypes of solar PV/T hybrid bi-fluids collector (air and water) which can be integrated into roof and are composed of some PV modules stuck on a ribbed metal absorber. Inside the rib, are installed hot water producing devices. Thermal and electrical models of these components have been developed gradually by the meaning of TRNSYS and have been validated step by step on the basis of experiments conducted in steady state and in dynamic state. These steps have permit to evaluate their thermal and electrical productivities and the energy needs solar coverage for various standard configurations in order to compare them to the productivity of some standard components
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Assoa, Ya Brigitte Brau Jean Ménézo Christophe. "Performances de capteurs solaires PV/T hybrides bi-fluides intégrables à l'enveloppe des bâtiments étude expérimentale et modélisation adaptée /". Villeurbanne : Doc'INSA, 2008.

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Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Zeitouny, Joya. "Advanced strategies for ultra-high PV efficiency". Thesis, Perpignan, 2018.

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La limite théorique de rendement des cellules photovoltaïques simple-jonction est de l’ordre de 33% d’après le modèle de Shockley-Queisser, ce qui reste éloigné de la limite de Carnot, prédisant une limite maximale de conversion énergie solaire → électricité de 93%. L’écart important entre ces deux limites découle des pertes intrinsèques, essentiellement liées à la conversion inefficace du spectre solaire et à la disparité entre les angles solides d’absorption et d’émission. Pour surmonter ces pertes et se rapprocher de la limite de Carnot, trois stratégies sont envisagées dans cette thèse : les cellules multi-jonction àconcentration, la combinaison de la concentration et de la restriction angulaire et les systèmes hybrides PV/CSP. Chacune de ces stratégies est limitée par des mécanismes qui dégradent leur performance.L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de comprendre dans quelle mesure les différents mécanismes limitants sont susceptibles d’affecter les performances des différentes stratégies étudiées, et d’optimiser l’architecture des cellules dans le but d’accroitre leur efficacité de conversion. Dans ce but, un modèle détaillé de cellule solaire tenant compte des principaux mécanismes limitant a été développé. Un outil d’optimisation par algorithme génétique a également été mis au point, afin d’explorer l’espace des différents paramètres étudiés pour identifier les conditions d’opération optimales. Nous démontrons l’importance majeure que revêt l’adaptation des propriétés optoélectroniques des matériaux utilisés aux conditions opératoires, que ce soit dans le cas des cellules solaires à concentration endurant des pertes résistives significatives, ou encore dans le cas de cellules solaires fonctionnant à des niveaux de températures très supérieurs à l’ambiante. Enfin, nous avons déterminé l’effet des principaux facteurs limitant que constituent les pertes résistives et les recombinaisons non-radiatives sur les cellules solairessimultanément soumises au flux solaire concentré et à la restriction angulaire du rayonnement émis
The maximum efficiency limit attainable with a single-junction PV cell is ~ 33% according to the detailed balance formalism (also known as Shockley-Queisser model), which remains far from the Carnot limit, predicting a solar to electricity efficiency upper value of 93%. The large gap between both limits is due to intrinsic loss mechanisms, including the inefficient conversion of the solar spectrum and the large discrepancy between the solid angles of absorption and emission. To overcome these losses and get closer to the Carnot limit, three different strategies are considered in this thesis: concentrated multi-junction solarcells, the combination of solar concentration and angular confinement, and hybrid PV/CSP systems. Each strategy is inherently limited by several loss mechanisms that degrade their performances. The objective of this thesis is, hence, to better understand the extent to which these strategies are likely to be penalized by these losses, and to tailor the cell properties toward maximizing their efficiencies. To address these questions, a detailed-balance model of PV cell accounting for the main loss mechanisms was developed. A genetic-algorithm optimization tool was also implemented, aiming at exploring the parameter space and identifying the optimal operation conditions. We demonstrate the uttermost importance of tailoring the electronic properties of the materials used with both multi-junction solar cells undergoing significant series resistance losses, and PV cells operating at temperature levels exceeding ambient temperature. We also investigate the extent to which series resistances losses and non-radiative recombination are likely to affect the ability of PV cells simultaneously submitted to concentrated sunlight and angular restriction of the light emitted by band-to-band recombination
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Yu, Hyun Jin Julie. "Public policies for the development of solar photovoltaic energy and the impacts on dynamics of technology systems and markets". Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016.

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Le marché des systèmes photovoltaïques a connu une forte croissance cette dernière décennie soutenue par des actions politiques favorables dans un contexte de transition énergétique. Pourtant, malgré ces conditions bénéfiques, le marché mondial du PV a paradoxalement traversé une période chaotique rencontrant des problèmes de surproduction, une crise industrielle et des différends commerciaux durable entre pays. Cette thèse part de ces problématiques et tente de comprendre les politiques publiques PV et les impacts sur la dynamique des technologies et des marchés. Afin de préciser ces questions, une approche systémique est utilisée pour fournir une compréhension correcte des mécanismes généraux des politiques publiques PV. Une vue d’ensemble systémique concrète de ces mécanismes est construite sur la base d’analyses théoriques et historiques en définissant les variables clés et le contexte. Une analyse rétrospective utilisant des mappings construits pour l’occasion est conduite afin de cerner les limites et défis critiques du secteur PV ainsi que les facteurs de risque. Cette thèse montre également la façon dont la nature du contexte politique change en liaison avec la dynamique du secteur PV. La thèse met en évidence que la dynamique nationale a été brisée par l’entrée de la Chine sur le secteur PV. La thèse propose au final des orientations stratégiques pour le développement du PV selon deux dimensions, nationale et internationale. Au niveau national, la thèse s’intéresse à l’autoconsommation PV en tant que manière naturelle d’utiliser l’énergie PV dans le système électrique. Cette analyse implique un changement de nature des politiques PV dans le futur. Pour terminer, afin de résoudre la crise industrielle actuelle, la thèse présente des possibilités d’actions internationales en collaboration pour créer une nouvelle demande PV dans le contexte international en recherchant des bénéfices économiques et environnementaux au niveau mondial
Solar PV systems have experienced strong market growth over the last decade supported by favorable political reactions in the energy transition context. However, despite these favorable conditions, paradoxically, the global PV market recently went through a chaotic time encountering the overproduction issue, the industry crisis and the long-lasting trade disputes. This thesis started from these problematics to understand the PV public policies and the impacts on dynamics of technology systems and markets. In order to define those issues, a systemic approach is taken to provide an accurate comprehension of the overall mechanisms of PV public policies. The concrete systemic vision of PV policy mechanisms is constructed based on theoretical and historical analysis by defining key variables and the context. A retrospective analysis using the proposed mapping tools is conducted to understand critical limits and challenges of PV development and to identify risks factors in the sector. This thesis also demonstrates how the nature of policy context changes in combined with the dynamic feature of the PV sector. Our analysis highlights the nationwide PV policy dynamics was broken with the arrival of China in the PV sector. This thesis eventually proposes strategic orientations of PV development at the two dimensions from both national and international perspectives. At the national level, this thesis discusses on PV self-consumption as the natural way of PV power use in the electricity system. This analysis implies a change in the nature of PV policies in the future. Next, as a response to the current global industry crisis, the thesis proposes opportunities of international collaborative actions to create new PV demand in the international context in pursuit of global economic and environmental benefits
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Brottier, Laetitia. "Optimisation biénergie d'un panneau solaire multifonctionnel : du capteur aux installations in situ". Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.

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Dans un contexte de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, le bâtiment est un secteur stratégique du fait de sa forte consommation de chaleur et d’électricité. Le solaire, thermique et photovoltaïque, a de forts atouts pour répondre à cet enjeu avec une compétitivité qui s’accélère. En particulier, le solaire hybride PVT est prometteur avec un double gain : l’extraction de la chaleur sous le module photovoltaïque apporte à la fois un gain de rendement électrique, et un gain de par l’utilisation de cette chaleur pour les besoins du bâtiment. L’état de l’art permet de toucher du doigt la diversité des concepts de solaire hybride, et le PVT plan non survitré à eau a été retenu dans cette thèse. Pour faire face à des problématiques de durabilité et de performance, DualSun a conçu un module hybride avec un échangeur en acier inoxydable directement laminé pendant le process du module photovoltaïque.L’analyse de ces capteurs est faite en Partie I, d’abord avec un modèle 3D de l’échangeur. Ce modèle permet de déterminer des débits minimaux, de quantifier l’intérêt à ne pas isoler les bords du module et de visualiser que la perte de charge pour ce concept est principalement liée aux entrées et sorties du module mais reste tout à fait acceptable. Devant les limitations en termes de périmètre et de temps de calcul de ce modèle 3D, des modèles simplifiés sont proposés et comparés. Les résultats de ces modèles simplifiés corroborent une température de stagnation du concept DualSun de l’ordre de 75°C, ce qui confirme que le design est intrinsèquement résiliant à la surchauffe même en l’absence de besoins. Enfin les performances thermiques sur 9 prototypes avec des variations de composition couche par couche ont confirmé que le modèle est robuste. La puissance thermique(non isolé) est de 758W thermique pour un besoin à 30°C et la puissance photovoltaïque de 250Wc électrique dans des conditions extérieures standards (STC).Une analyse système de ces modules intégrés dans un ensemble complexe est réalisée dans la Partie II. Pour le système dit préchauffage d’eau sanitaire en maison individuelle (CESI), les quatre logiciels PVSyst, PVGis, Polysun, Solo sont comparés au logiciel Trnsys avec les Type 295 et Type 816 qui intègrent les deux modèles simplifiés du module définis dans la partie I. Les modèles physiques de ces logiciels sont cohérents entre eux dans le domaine d’utilisation.Les résultats de ces logiciels utilisés à partir de données statistiques pour la météo et les habitudes de consommation sont comparés à des mesures terrain sur 28 installations CESI hybride chez des particuliers. L’objectif a été de quantifier les erreurs d’estimation des prédictions statistiques par rapport au réel. Si l’écart type sur productible photovoltaïque et les températures maximales atteinte par les modules reliés à l’incertitude sur la météo est faible (environ 10%), l’écart type sur l’estimation du besoin sur la base d’un volume moyen consommé est beaucoup plus forte (de l’ordre de 30%) du fait d’un comportement très irrégulier de consommation chez les particuliers en terme d’heure et de volume de puisage en fonction des jours. Les températures moyennes atteintes au niveau des modules sont supérieures à 45°C pendant la moitié de l’année et permettent un préchauffage effectif du ballon sanitaire. Des couvertures solaires des besoins d’eau chaude de 57-58% sont mesurées près de Lyon.Dans le chauffage d’eau sanitaire collectif en couplage pompe à chaleur (HP+) ou en chauffage piscine (SP), les modèles statistiques permettent une évaluation des productibles du fait d’une stabilité des besoins.En conclusion, le solaire hybride devrait être une technologie clé de la transition énergétique pour les bâtiments dans les années à venir, sa compétitivité avec le vecteur électrique est déjà réelle. La technologie est appelée à évoluer pour réduire ses coûts d’année en année à l’instar du photovoltaïque et renforcer ainsi son positionnement face au gaz
In the context of the fight against climate change, the building is a strategic sector to address because of its high consumption of heat and electricity. Solar energy, both thermal and photovoltaic, has strong assets to meet this challenge and is becoming more and more cost-competitive. In particular, the PVT hybrid solar is a promising solution with a double advantage: the extraction of heat under the photovoltaic module brings both a gain in electrical efficiency, and a gain by generating heat for the needs of the building. The state of the art demonstrates the diversity of solar hybrid technologies, and this thesis specifically addresses the unglazed flat-plate design with water as the heat transfer fluid. To address sustainability and performance issues, the company DualSun designed a PVT hybrid module with a stainless steel heat exchanger directly laminated during the photovoltaic module process.The analysis of the DualSun collector is done in Part I, first with a 3D model of the exchanger. This model makes it possible to determine minimum flows, to quantify the interest not to insulate the edges of the module and to visualize that the pressure drop for this concept is mainly related to the inlets and outlets of the module but remains acceptable. Given the limitations in terms of scope and calculation time of this 3D model, simplified models are proposed and compared. The results of these simplified models corroborate a stagnation temperature of the DualSun concept of around 75°C, which confirms that the design is intrinsically resilient to overheating even in the absence of hot water consumption. Finally, thermal performance on 9 prototypes with layer-by-layer composition variations confirm that the model is robust. The models demonstrate that the 250Wp non-insulated version of the PVT panel has a thermal power output of 758 Wth for hot water needs at 30°C.A system analysis of these modules integrated in a complex system is carried out in Part II. For the preheating Domestic Hot Water system (DHW), four software programs, PVSyst, PVGis, Polysun, Solo are compared to Trnsys with the Type 295 and Type 816, which integrate the two simplified models of the module defined in the section I. The physical models of these software programs are consistent with each other in the field of use.The results of these software programs used from statistical data for the weather and consumption habits are compared to field measurements on 28 DHW (domestic hot water) hybrid installations in private homes. The objective was to quantify the errors of estimation of the statistical predictions with respect to the reality. While the standard deviation of PV output and maximum temperatures reached by the modules related to the uncertainty on the weather is low (about 10%), the standard deviation of estimated hot water needs based on an average consumption is much higher (about 30%) because of irregular consumption behavior in individuals in terms of time and volume depending on the days. The average temperatures reached at the level of the modules are higher than 45°C during half of the year and allow an effective preheating of the sanitary tank. Solar covering of hot water needs of 57-58% are measured near Lyon.For combined solar and heat pump (HP+) systems in multi-dwelling buildings and for pool heating (SP) systems, statistical models allow a reliable evaluation of the energy production because of stable hot water needs.In conclusion, solar hybrid should be a key technology for the energy transition of buildings in the coming years. PVT technology will evolve to reduce costs from year to year as observed with photovoltaic technology and thus strengthen its cost-competitive position against gas as a heat source for homes and buildings
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Marteau, Baptiste. "Intégration en dispositifs tandem des cellules PV à contactspassivés : vers une technologie d'interface multifonctionnelleet universelle". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2023.

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Le marché des modules photovoltaïque est dominé par les technologies basées sur le silicium cristallin (c-Si). L'utilisation de contacts passivés fabriqués à basse température (SHJ) ou haute température (TOPCon) mène à des rendements records (26,8% et 26,2%) proches de la limite théorique de 29,4%. L'option privilégiée par la majorité des acteurs pour dépasser cette limite consiste à associer la technologie c-Si avec un autre matériau semi-conducteur à large bande interdite (EGap) pour permettre une conversion optimale du spectre solaire sur toute la gamme énergétique. L'efficacité maximale théorique de tels dispositifs tandem peut alors atteindre 42%. Il semble avantageux de privilégier une structure à deux terminaux pour simplifier la mise en module et réduire les coûts associés. Cependant, cela implique de fortes contraintes sur les couches d'interface situées entre les deux cellules. En effet, ces dernières doivent alors permettre l'obtention d'excellentes durées de vie des porteurs dans chaque cellule, tout en assurant des propriétés optiques (absorption et réflexion parasites minimales) et électriques (jonction de recombinaison (JR) efficace et peu résistive) optimales.Pour la cellule c-Si, cette thèse se concentre sur la technologie TOPCon qui devrait dominer le marché d'ici 2030. De plus cette approche basée sur des empilements poly-Si/SiOx permet de disposer d'une grande versatilité pour les procédés de fabrication du dispositif tandem (stabilité jusqu'à 800°C), et de bénéficier de couches fortement dopées adaptées à la formation de JR. Le choix de l'absorbeur à large EGap s'est porté sur la technologie pérovskite (Pk) qui semble faire l'unanimité car elle combine potentiellement de faibles coûts de production et de hauts rendements. L'interface entre les deux cellules (TOPCon et Pk) du dispositif tandem est habituellement réalisée avec des couches d'oxydes transparents conducteurs comme l'ITO (Oxyde d'Indium Etain), permettant l'obtention d'excellentes propriétés électriques et optiques. L'indium est cependant un matériau critique qui pourrait limiter le développement de cette technologie à long terme. L'objectif de cette thèse consiste ainsi à explorer des approches sans indium pour l'interface des cellules tandem Pk/c-Si.Les études réalisées dans ces travaux concernent des cellules tandem Pk/c-Si en configuration nip, pour lesquelles deux approches alternatives sont étudiées pour l'ingénierie d'interface. La première n'utilise aucune couche d'interface additionnelle, et la seconde intègre une couche nc-Si (n+) pour former une diode tunnel en silicium afin d'obtenir un courant de recombinaison optimal. Ces deux approches alternatives ont mené à l'obtention de meilleures performances initiales que le procédé de référence, principalement en s'affranchissant de la problématique de court-circuits dans la cellule Pk. Les dispositifs tandem fabriqués sans couche d'interface permettent d'obtenir des facteurs de forme comparables à ceux des meilleurs dispositifs mondiaux (> 81%) ainsi que des rendements proches de 25%, démontrant le potentiel des contacts passivés TOPCon pour la formation de JR sans ITO. Ces deux technologies d'interface sans indium se sont cependant révélées limitées par l'apparition au cours du temps de résistances séries internes. Des caractérisations avancées expliquent ces dégradations par l'apparition d'une couche de SiOx entre le silicium et le SnO2 (la couche sélective d'électron - ESL- de la cellule Pk).En conclusion, les contacts passivés TOPCon sont particulièrement adaptés à la formation de jonctions de recombinaison (directes ou par le biais de diode tunnel en silicium) permettant de s'affranchir d'indium dans les couches d'interconnexion. Le silicium étant particulièrement sensible à l'oxydation, le choix de la couche de contact (ESL en configuration nip) devrait se porter sur un matériau ne comportant pas d'oxygène ou présentant une affinité pour l'oxygène plus forte que le silicium
The photovoltaic module market is dominated by technologies based on crystalline silicon (c-Si). The use of low temperature (SHJ) or high temperature (TOPCon) passivated contacts leads to record efficiencies (26.8% and 26.2%) close to the theoretical limit of 29.4%. The option explored by the majority of institutes to overcome this limit is to combine c-Si technology with another wide bandgap (EGap) semiconductor material to enable optimum conversion of the solar spectrum over the entire energy range. The theoretical maximum efficiency of such tandem devices can then reach 42%. A two-terminal structure enables easiest module processing leading to reduced production costs. However, this places severe constraints on the interface layers between the two cells. These must provide excellent carrier lifetime in each cell, while ensuring optimal optical (minimal parasitic absorption and reflection) and electrical (efficient and highly conductive recombination junction RJ) properties.For the c-Si cell, this thesis focuses on TOPCon technology, which is expected to become market mainstream by 2030. This approach, based on poly-Si/SiOx stacks, offers great versatility for the tandem device fabrication processes (stability up to 800°C), and benefits from highly doped layers that are well suited for the formation of RJ. Among the variety of large EGap materials, perovskite (Pk) technology is the most popular solution as it benefits from both high efficiency potential and low production costs. The interface between the two cells (TOPCon and Pk) of the tandem device is usually formed by transparent conductive oxides layers such as ITO (Indium Tin Oxide), which shows excellent electrical and optical properties. However, indium is a critical material that could limit the long-term development of this technology. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to explore indium-free approaches for the interface of Pk/c-Si tandem cells.The studies carried out in this work concern Pk/c-Si tandem cells in nip configuration, for which two alternative approaches for interface engineering are investigated. The first one uses no additional interface layer, while the second one integrates an nc-Si (n+) layer to form a silicon tunnel diode, which should provide an optimal recombination current. These two alternative approaches allowed better initial performances than the reference process, mainly by overcoming short-circuit issues in the Pk cell. Tandem devices featuring no additional interface layer show fill factors comparable to those of the world's best devices (>81%) and efficiencies close to 25%, confirming the potential of TOPCon passivated contacts to form indium-free RJ. However, these two indium-free approaches were limited by the appearance of internal series resistance over time. Advanced characterisations explain these degradations by the formation of a SiOx layer between silicon and SnO2 (the electron-selective layer - ESL- of the Pk cell).In conclusion, TOPCon passivated contacts are particularly well suited to obtain efficient recombination junctions (direct or via silicon tunnel diodes), thus eliminating the need to use indium in the interface layers. As silicon is particularly sensitive to oxidation, the choice of contacting layers (ESL in nip configuration) should be focused on a material that contains no oxygen or has a stronger affinity for oxygen than silicon
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Weiss, Lucas. "Modeling of a photovoltaic module under environmental conditions and optimisation of its performance". Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015.

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Dans un contexte de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de raréfaction des ressources fossiles et fissiles, l'énergie solaire est l'une des sources d'énergie les plus prometteuses. La quantité d'énergie renouvelable dans le futur paysage énergétique dépend de sa disponibilité, de son coût et de son niveau d'efficacité. Plusieurs enjeux limitent actuellement le développement de l'énergie solaire. Parmi eux, l'élévation de la température des cellules induit une dégradation du productible d'environ 12% dans le cas général. En dépit de ce constat, la structure actuel des modules PV n'a pas variée depuis sa création dans les années 70. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer les facteurs d’impact qui gouverne l'élévation de la température du module PV en vue d’identifier les moyens de la réduire de manière significative. Un modèle multi-physique est construit pour prédire le comportement du module dans les conditions environnementales de production. Le modèle thermique est basé sur la radiation en milieu semi-transparent. Cette caractéristique conduit à déterminer les équations généralisées de Fresnel pour les milieux absorbants. Cela nous autorise à déterminer la caractéristique spectrale et angulaire de l’émissivité du verre. Le modèle de couplage optique-thermique-électrique est comparé aux mesures en conditions réelles et est capable de prédire le comportement du module sur une période de vingt-quatre heures. Le modèle est en mesure d’évaluer le gain obtenu en optimisant les composants du module. Une étude paramétrique identifie enfin les différentes améliorations permettant d’obtenir une réduction de la température de fonctionnement des modules PV. Cette thèse inclut un état de l'art (chapitre 1), une étude du transfert de chaleur radiative à l'échelle du module PV (chapitre 2), la description détaillée du modèle multiphysique (chapitre 3), l'étude du module PV au travers de la modélisation (chapitre 4), une étude paramétrique (chapitre 5) et une conclusion (chapitre 6)
In the context of greenhouse gas emissions and fossil and fissile resources depletion, solar energy is one of the most promising sources of power. The amount of renewable energies in the future energy mix depends on their availability, on their cost and on their level of efficiency. Various issues still limit the development of the solar energy. Among them, the temperature elevation into the module induces an efficiency degradation of 12% in standard cases. In spite of this statement, the actual solar module structure has not changed since its creation in the seventies, and the technologies are still evaluated at room temperature. The objective of this thesis is to study the impact factors which govern the module temperature elevation in order to identify ways to apply a significant reduction. A multi-physics modeling is built in order to predict the module behavior depending on the environmental conditions. The thermal modeling is grounded on the radiation into participating media. This feature leads to the determination of generalized Fresnel equation for absorbing media. It allows us to determine a spectral and hemispherical value of the glass emissivity. The optical-electrical-thermal modeling has been compared to measurement in real conditions and is able to predict the module behavior over a one-day period. It allows the evaluation of the gain obtained by optimizing the module components. A parametrical study identifies several improvements to lower the module operating temperature. The PhD work includes a state-of-the-art study (chapter 1), a study of the radiation heat transfer at PV module scale (chapter 2), the details of the multiphysics modeling (chapter 3), the study of the PV module through the modeling (chapter 4), a parametrical study (chapter 5) and a conclusion (chapter 6)
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Yamegueu, Nguewo Daniel. "Experimentation et optimisation d'un prototype de centrale hybride solaire pv/diesel sans batterie de stockage : validation du concept "flexy energy"". Ouagadougou, 2012.

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Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la validation du concept « Flexy Energy » developpé par le laboratoire Energie Solaire et Economie d'Energie de la fondation 2iE. Qui consiste en la production décentralisée d’électricité via les centrales hybrides PV/diesel (gasoil et biocarburant) sans stockage d’énergie dans les batteries d’accumulateurs et avec une gestion intelligente de la production et des charges à alimenter. Une installation pilote basée sur ce concept, constituée d’un groupe électrogène de 11,5 kVA couplé à un champ PV de 2,85 kWc via un onduleur de 3,3 kW, a été mise en place dans le cadre de cette thèse. L’étude expérimentale du prototype «Flexy Energy» a permis dans un premier temps d’évaluer les performances du système (consommation spécifique du groupe Diesel et production du champ PV) pour différents profils de charge et d’ensoleillement. Cette partie de l’étude a fait ressortir la nécessité d’une gestion intelligente de la production et des charges au sein du système afin de toujours lui garantir une meilleure efficacité quelles que soient les conditions de charge. Ensuite, l’étude expérimentale a porté sur l’impact du générateur PV sur les paramètres électriques du réseau local. A ce niveau les distorsions harmoniques (en tension et en courant) ainsi que la stabilité de la tension du réseau ont été étudiés. La dernière partie de cette thèse a consisté en la modélisation et l’optimisation des systèmes hybrides PV/Diesel sans stockage. Le travail réalisé ici se positionne comme un premier pas vers des applications numériques (solutions logicielles ou progicielles) en mesure de dimensionner et d’optimiser les systèmes hybrides PV/Diesel sans stockage avec une gestion intelligente de laproduction et des charges
An original ‘‘Flexy Energy’’ concept of hybrid solar PV/Diesel power plant, without battery storage has been developed by the Solar Energy and Energy Saving laboratory (SEESL) of 2iE foundation. This concept consists of decentralized electricity generation trough hybrid solar PV/Diesel generators systems without energy storage in batteries and with a smart management of the energy production and loads in the system. This thesis joins in the framework of the validation of this concept. In this sense, an experimental prototype based on this concept has been set up. This facility consists of a PV array of 2. 85 kWp coupled with a diesel generator rated at 9. 2 kW via a single phase inverter of 3. 3 kW. First, the experimental study of the “Flexy Energy” prototype shows that the system is efficient for periods of higher solar radiations and for higher loads. Indeed, this situation allows each generator (PV and Diesel) to operate in optimal way. This part of the study has pointed out the importance of a smart management of the energy production and loads in such a facility, in order to enhance its efficiency whatever are load conditions. A second aspect of the experimental study has concerned the impact of the PV generator on the grid electrical parameters. The voltage and current harmonic distortions, voltage unbalance and voltage rise are studied. Finally, this work concerns the modeling of hybrid PV/Diesel systems without storage. The model developed is a first stage for numerical applications (software or software package), useful in the sizing and the optimization of such systems with a smart management of energy production and loads
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Ouhsaine, Lahoucine. "Modélisation et simulation de l’intégration des systèmes combinés PV-thermiques aux bâtiments basée sur une approche d’ordre réduit en représentation d’état". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2018.

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Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’une approche pratique de modélisation/simulation des systèmes solaires combinés Photovoltaïques/Thermiques PV/T. Il s’agit d’une approche basée sur un modèle d’ordre réduit en représentation d’état (ORRE). En effet, les systèmes solaires thermiques, électriques et combinés intégrés aux bâtiments possèdent des spécificités permettant de s’affranchir des méthodes numériques classiques (mécanique des fluides numérique et thermique numérique). Ces méthodes sont réputées dans le domaine de l’aérodynamique, de l’aéraulique…etc. Par contre, dans le domaine du mix-énergétique tels que celui considéré dans ce mémoire, l’application directe de ce modèle peut conduire à des dépassements des capacités mémoire ou des temps de calcul exorbitants. Une alternative est de développer des méthodes adaptées au problème physique considéré, en traitant l’aspect multi-physique toute en restant dans une taille de données raisonnable et du temps de calcul réduit. La méthodologie de modélisation consiste à réduire les dimensions des équations qui régissent le problème. En se basant sur la symétrie du système, puis en découpant le système en zones de contrôle basées sur une valeur moyenne gouvernée par les nombres adimensionnels de Biot (Bi) et de Fourier (Fo). Les résultats obtenus en fonctionnement dynamique pourront nous fournir des paramètres de sorties, plus particulièrement, les rendements électrique, thermique et la puissance de circulation du fluide caloporteur. L’avantage de l’approche proposée réside dans la simplification du modèle résultant, qui est représenté par un seul système d’équations algébriques en représentation d’état regroupant tous les éléments physiques du système en fonctionnement dynamique (conditions aux limites variables dans le temps). Ce modèle regroupe la variable fondamentale qui est la température, et les deux types de contrôle et de conception. De plus, le modèle d’ORRE est intégrable dans le fonctionnement en temps réel des systèmes PV/T intégrés aux bâtiments (PV/T-Bât) afin d’accompagner leurs régulation et gestion des flux mise en jeu. Le modèle ainsi proposé a fait l’objet d’une validation où les résultats numériques ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux. En effet, quatre configurations ont été étudiées et évoquées dans une approche linéaire. Les résultats obtenus montrent une cohérence tolérable entre les résultats expérimentaux, et numériques. Cette cohérence a été évaluée en termes d’incertitude entre les résultats du modèle et le cas étudié expérimentalement. Le cas d’un système non-linéaire a été également abordé. En effet, rares sont les travaux qui ont été publiés mettant en valeur les phénomènes non-linéaires dans les systèmes complexes PV/T-Bât, Ainsi, on a développé avec la même stratégie, des modèles bilinéaires qui modélise le mieux possible le comportement thermique dans les systèmes PV/T-Bât. Une étude d’optimisation du système multi-physique en introduisant une étude paramétrique est menée en terme afin d’étudier la sensibilité des paramètres sur le rendement énergétique. Cependant, les études d’optimisation paramétriques restent limitées et insuffisantes à cause de la résolution mono-objectif du problème d’optimisation, alors que notre système manifeste un comportement combiné et multi-physique de nature contradictoire. Pour ce faire, une optimisation multi-objectifs est introduite avec trois fonctions objectif en employant l’algorithme génétique NSGA-II. L’originalité de notre méthode est d’employer l’algorithme en régime dynamique afin de choisir la conception du système la plus optimale. Les résultats trouvés peuvent contribuer à améliorer la conception des systèmes PV/T-Bât et l’optimisation de leur fonctionnement
This thesis consists to develop a simplified model approach for Photovoltaic / Thermal (PV / T) combined solar system based on state-space reduced order model. The building integrated solar systems are getting high attention in these last decencies, as well as the performance increasing which require high numerical methods to improve the design and reducing the costs. In one hand, the CFD methods are useful tool to predict the energy (mechanical and thermal) of combined PV/T systems, but it requires an expensive computing capacities and exorbitant calculation times, On the other hand, the PV/T systems can generate both the electrical and thermal flows, and requires an easily and performant optimization model. An alternative is to develop methods that are adapted to the physical problem under consideration, treating the multi-physics aspect while remaining in a reasonable data size and reduced computing time. The first part of the current thesis consists to develop a mathematical model which consists of reducing the dimensions of the governed equations. Based on the symmetry of the geometry, the system is subdivided into control areas which governed by the dimensionless Biot (Bi) and Fourier (Fo) numbers. The obtained results in dynamic mode can provide output key parameters, more particularly the electrical and thermal efficiencies and the dissipated hydrodynamic power. The advantage of this approach lies in the simplification of the resulting model, which is represented by a single state-space representation that groups all the physical elements of the system into dynamic mode, i.e. in continuous variation of the boundary condition. This model groups the fundamental variable, which is the temperature, and two type parameters, which are the control parameters and the design parameters. In addition, the reduced order model can be integrated into real-time operation of building-integrated PV / T (BIPV/T) systems in order to support their regulation and management of intervening flows. In order to validate the use of our model, it is necessary to test it for several cases of Building Integrated PV/T systems (BIPV/T). For this, four major configurations were studied and discussed in a linear approach; the found results show a good agreement with experimental works. A second level has been developed as part of our thesis work, which is the non-linearity in combined PV / T and BIPV/T systems; in particular, bilinear models have been developed with the same strategy which best models the thermal behavior in BIPV/T systems. The second issue, related to Multi-physics aspect. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the parameters, a parametric optimization has been made with dimensionless numbers. However, parametric optimization studies remain limited and insufficient because of the single-objective resolution of the optimization problem, whereas our system manifests a mixed and multi-physics behavior with contradictory nature. To do this, a multi-objective optimization is introduced with three objective functions using the NSGA-II genetic algorithm. The originality of our method is to use the algorithm in dynamic mode in order to choose the design of the optimal system. The found results can contribute to the design of BIPV/T systems and optimize their operation
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Ul, Abdin Zain. "Modélisation et contrôle des panneaux photovoltaïques hybrides". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Amiens, 2022.

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Le niveau de vie a augmenté la demande mondiale d'énergie et la consommation d'énergie fossile est considérée comme le principal facteur de l'augmentation de la température mondiale. Les énergies renouvelables sont l'un des principaux domaines d'intérêt des gouvernements de presque tous les pays. L'énergie solaire est propre et la source d'énergie la plus abondante disponible dans le monde et un système photovoltaïque thermique (PV-T) utilise l'énergie solaire et fournit en même temps de la chaleur et de l'électricité à faible émission de carbone. Différents moyens d'extraction de chaleur, des configurations de conception hybrides et les principales applications des collecteurs PV-T hybrides sont abordés pour mettre en évidence leur faisabilité et leur utilité. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est la modélisation, la conception, l'optimisation et le contrôle d'un collecteur PV-T hybride. La modélisation des différentes configurations de collecteurs hybrides PV-T a été réalisée et étudiée en détail. Cela nécessite une étude approfondie des transferts de chaleur entre les composants du collecteur, l'approche proposée est basée sur une technique de graphe de liaison qui est un outil générique et général pour représenter les transferts thermiques. Une véritable application d'ingénierie, un séchoir solaire basé sur le collecteur PV-T et la récupération de la chaleur perdue ainsi que la recirculation de l'air est également étudiée. La thèse présente une nouvelle conception d'un collecteur PV-T qui intègre un réservoir de stockage de la chaleur ainsi qu'une résistance électrique pour augmenter la production thermique lorsque cela est nécessaire. La simulation numérique de la dynamique des fluides d'un système et la validation ultérieure de la conception proposée sont ensuite présentées. Cette étude porte également sur l'évaluation de l'influence des paramètres géométriques internes. Les résultats obtenus permettent d'analyser l'utilité du design proposé et d'en valider la viabilité. L'optimisation de tels systèmes est importante afin d'obtenir un rendement maximal : le plus d'énergie possible à moindre coût et cela nécessite d'analyser l'effet de divers paramètres. La plage de température du collecteur doit être contrôlée et les modèles développés sont appliqués à des fins de contrôle et d'observation. La température de sortie a été contrôlée à l'aide d'une variété de contrôleurs qui sont : un contrôleur PI simple, un contrôleur H-infinity et un contrôleur à mode glissant. De plus, un modèle multiple est construit et un observateur est conçu pour estimer les états du modèle multiple. Un observateur d'état avec une entrée inconnue est également développé, une amélioration de la conception. Il a été démontré que les contrôleurs conçus suivent les points de consigne souhaités et que les observateurs proposés estiment les états du collecteur, affichant ainsi l'efficacité. Enfin, le collecteur thermique PV-T a été modélisé en utilisant un réseau de neurones artificiels et utilisé à des fins de contrôle
The standard of living has risen the global energy demand and fossil fuel energy usage is considered the main factor for the rise in global temperature. Renewable energy has been one of the main areas of interest by governments of nearly all countries. Solar energy is clean and the most abundant energy source available around the globe and a photovoltaic thermal (PV-T) system uses solar energy and provides heat and low carbon electricity at the same time. Different heat extraction mediums, hybrid design configurations and the main applications of PV-T collectors are addressed to highlight their feasibility and usefulness. The focus of this thesis work is the modeling, design, optimization, and control of a hybrid PV-T collector. The modeling of the different configurations of hybrid PV-T collectors was conducted and studied in detail. It requires a thorough study of heat transfer between the collector's components and the proposed approach is based on a bond graph technique which is a generic and general tool to represent thermal transfers. A real engineering application, a solar dryer based on the PV-T collector and waste heat recovery along with air recirculation is also investigated. The thesis presents a new design of a PV-T collector that incorporates a storage tank to store heat as well as an electrical resistance to increase thermal production when necessary. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of a system and the subsequent validation of the proposed design are then presented. This study also focuses on assessing the influence of internal geometrical parameters. The achieved results permit to analyze the usefulness of the proposed design and validate the viability. Optimization of such systems is highly important in order to get maximum output that is the most energy with lower cost and this requires analyzing the effect of various parameters. The temperature range of the collector must be controlled and the developed models are applied for the purpose of control and observation. The output temperature was controlled using a variety of controllers that are; a simple PI controller, H-infinity controller and sliding mode controller (SMC). Moreover, a multiple model is constructed and an observer is designed for estimating the states of the multiple model. A state observer with an unknown input is also developed, an improvement in the design. It was shown that the designed controllers track the desired set points and the proposed observers estimate the states of the collector, thus displaying the effectiveness. Finally, the hybrid PV-T collector was modeled by using artificial neural network (ANN) and also used for the purpose of control
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Ouhsaine, Lahoucine. "Modélisation et simulation de l’intégration des systèmes combinés PV-thermiques aux bâtiments basée sur une approche d’ordre réduit en représentation d’état". Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.

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Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’une approche pratique de modélisation/simulation des systèmes solaires combinés Photovoltaïques/Thermiques PV/T. Il s’agit d’une approche basée sur un modèle d’ordre réduit en représentation d’état (ORRE). En effet, les systèmes solaires thermiques, électriques et combinés intégrés aux bâtiments possèdent des spécificités permettant de s’affranchir des méthodes numériques classiques (mécanique des fluides numérique et thermique numérique). Ces méthodes sont réputées dans le domaine de l’aérodynamique, de l’aéraulique…etc. Par contre, dans le domaine du mix-énergétique tels que celui considéré dans ce mémoire, l’application directe de ce modèle peut conduire à des dépassements des capacités mémoire ou des temps de calcul exorbitants. Une alternative est de développer des méthodes adaptées au problème physique considéré, en traitant l’aspect multi-physique toute en restant dans une taille de données raisonnable et du temps de calcul réduit. La méthodologie de modélisation consiste à réduire les dimensions des équations qui régissent le problème. En se basant sur la symétrie du système, puis en découpant le système en zones de contrôle basées sur une valeur moyenne gouvernée par les nombres adimensionnels de Biot (Bi) et de Fourier (Fo). Les résultats obtenus en fonctionnement dynamique pourront nous fournir des paramètres de sorties, plus particulièrement, les rendements électrique, thermique et la puissance de circulation du fluide caloporteur. L’avantage de l’approche proposée réside dans la simplification du modèle résultant, qui est représenté par un seul système d’équations algébriques en représentation d’état regroupant tous les éléments physiques du système en fonctionnement dynamique (conditions aux limites variables dans le temps). Ce modèle regroupe la variable fondamentale qui est la température, et les deux types de contrôle et de conception. De plus, le modèle d’ORRE est intégrable dans le fonctionnement en temps réel des systèmes PV/T intégrés aux bâtiments (PV/T-Bât) afin d’accompagner leurs régulation et gestion des flux mise en jeu. Le modèle ainsi proposé a fait l’objet d’une validation où les résultats numériques ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux. En effet, quatre configurations ont été étudiées et évoquées dans une approche linéaire. Les résultats obtenus montrent une cohérence tolérable entre les résultats expérimentaux, et numériques. Cette cohérence a été évaluée en termes d’incertitude entre les résultats du modèle et le cas étudié expérimentalement. Le cas d’un système non-linéaire a été également abordé. En effet, rares sont les travaux qui ont été publiés mettant en valeur les phénomènes non-linéaires dans les systèmes complexes PV/T-Bât, Ainsi, on a développé avec la même stratégie, des modèles bilinéaires qui modélise le mieux possible le comportement thermique dans les systèmes PV/T-Bât. Une étude d’optimisation du système multi-physique en introduisant une étude paramétrique est menée en terme afin d’étudier la sensibilité des paramètres sur le rendement énergétique. Cependant, les études d’optimisation paramétriques restent limitées et insuffisantes à cause de la résolution mono-objectif du problème d’optimisation, alors que notre système manifeste un comportement combiné et multi-physique de nature contradictoire. Pour ce faire, une optimisation multi-objectifs est introduite avec trois fonctions objectif en employant l’algorithme génétique NSGA-II. L’originalité de notre méthode est d’employer l’algorithme en régime dynamique afin de choisir la conception du système la plus optimale. Les résultats trouvés peuvent contribuer à améliorer la conception des systèmes PV/T-Bât et l’optimisation de leur fonctionnement
This thesis consists to develop a simplified model approach for Photovoltaic / Thermal (PV / T) combined solar system based on state-space reduced order model. The building integrated solar systems are getting high attention in these last decencies, as well as the performance increasing which require high numerical methods to improve the design and reducing the costs. In one hand, the CFD methods are useful tool to predict the energy (mechanical and thermal) of combined PV/T systems, but it requires an expensive computing capacities and exorbitant calculation times, On the other hand, the PV/T systems can generate both the electrical and thermal flows, and requires an easily and performant optimization model. An alternative is to develop methods that are adapted to the physical problem under consideration, treating the multi-physics aspect while remaining in a reasonable data size and reduced computing time. The first part of the current thesis consists to develop a mathematical model which consists of reducing the dimensions of the governed equations. Based on the symmetry of the geometry, the system is subdivided into control areas which governed by the dimensionless Biot (Bi) and Fourier (Fo) numbers. The obtained results in dynamic mode can provide output key parameters, more particularly the electrical and thermal efficiencies and the dissipated hydrodynamic power. The advantage of this approach lies in the simplification of the resulting model, which is represented by a single state-space representation that groups all the physical elements of the system into dynamic mode, i.e. in continuous variation of the boundary condition. This model groups the fundamental variable, which is the temperature, and two type parameters, which are the control parameters and the design parameters. In addition, the reduced order model can be integrated into real-time operation of building-integrated PV / T (BIPV/T) systems in order to support their regulation and management of intervening flows. In order to validate the use of our model, it is necessary to test it for several cases of Building Integrated PV/T systems (BIPV/T). For this, four major configurations were studied and discussed in a linear approach; the found results show a good agreement with experimental works. A second level has been developed as part of our thesis work, which is the non-linearity in combined PV / T and BIPV/T systems; in particular, bilinear models have been developed with the same strategy which best models the thermal behavior in BIPV/T systems. The second issue, related to Multi-physics aspect. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the parameters, a parametric optimization has been made with dimensionless numbers. However, parametric optimization studies remain limited and insufficient because of the single-objective resolution of the optimization problem, whereas our system manifests a mixed and multi-physics behavior with contradictory nature. To do this, a multi-objective optimization is introduced with three objective functions using the NSGA-II genetic algorithm. The originality of our method is to use the algorithm in dynamic mode in order to choose the design of the optimal system. The found results can contribute to the design of BIPV/T systems and optimize their operation
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Cue, gonzalez Alejandra. "Methodological Approach to Account for Disaster Risks in Life Cycle Assessment : Application to the Energy Production Sector". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.

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Le développement d'infrastructures critiques pour la production d'énergie doit répondre à la demande croissante d'énergie tout en minimisant les impacts sur la santé humaine et environnementale. L'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) est un outil d'aide à la décision qui permet d'estimer les impacts environnementaux potentiels de ces infrastructures. L'ACV est généralement appliquée pour modéliser les systèmes en fonction de leurs conditions de fonctionnement moyennes, et les déviations ne sont pas prises en compte. Pour permettre des applications plus complètes de l'ACV, ces déviations devraient être prises en compte. Parmi les sources de déviations et de dommages possibles pour les systèmes de production d'énergie figurent les risques de catastrophes en évolution. Cette thèse de doctorat aborde ce défi de recherche. L'objectif est de permettre la prise en compte des conséquences de l'évolution des risques de catastrophes sur les performances opérationnelles et environnementales des infrastructures critiques à moyen et long terme. L'objectif spécifique est la conception d'un cadre méthodologique pour développer un module d'inventaire guidé par les risques de catastrophes, appelé « Disaster Risk-gUided scenarIo Definition (DRUID) Method – Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Module » en anglais. La méthode DRUID comprend quatre étapes : 1) définition du problème, 2) élaboration des scénarios, 3) étude de la résilience des infrastructures et 4) transfert des scénarios. Le développement de la méthode DRUID est guidé par une étude de cas d'ACV comparative basée sur le secteur de l'énergie photovoltaïque (PV) en France, où une centrale PV est potentiellement affectée par des vents violents. Les résultats obtenus démontrent les capacités de la méthode DRUID à guider la définition de scénarios complexes, à étudier les dommages potentiels causés à l'infrastructure par des aléas probables et à traduire ces dommages en impacts environnementaux potentiels par l'ACV. L'étude de cas illustrative considère que les composants de la centrale photovoltaïque peuvent être réparés de manière sélective ou que la centrale entière peut être complètement remplacée pour augmenter sa capacité de production. La comparaison des résultats de l'ACV entre un scénario de base appliquant une approche ACV conventionnelle et des scénarios définis avec la méthode DRUID a montré que les impacts environnementaux pouvaient augmenter de manière significative, en particulier si les stratégies de remplacement sont privilégiées par rapport aux réparations de composants. La méthode DRUID peut être généralisée pour l'évaluation environnementale d'autres systèmes énergétiques, ainsi que pour l'évaluation d'autres types de performances liées aux infrastructures critiques
The development of critical infrastructure for energy production must meet the growing energy demand while minimizing impacts on human and environmental health. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a decision-support tool to estimate the potential environmental impacts of these infrastructures. LCA is usually applied to model systems according to their average operation conditions, and deviations are not considered. To enable more comprehensive LCA applications in decision-making, such deviations should be considered. Among the sources of possible deviations and damage to energy production systems are evolving disaster risks. This PhD thesis addresses this research challenge. The objective is to enable the consideration of the consequences of evolving disaster risks on the operational and environmental performance of critical infrastructures in the mid- to long-term. The specific objective is the design of a methodological framework to develop a disaster risk-guided inventory module, called the Disaster Risk-gUided scenarIo Definition (DRUID) Method – Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Module. The DRUID method consists of four steps: 1) Problem definition, 2) Scenario building, 3) Infrastructure resilience study, and 4) Scenario transfer. The development of the DRUID method is guided by a comparative LCA case study based on the photovoltaic (PV) energy sector in France, where a PV plant is potentially affected by strong wind hazards.The results obtained showcase the capabilities of the DRUID method to guide the definition of complex scenarios, study the potential damages to the infrastructure due to likely hazards, and translate said damages to potential environmental impacts through LCA. The illustrative case study considers that components of the PV plant can be selectively repaired, or the whole plant can be completely replaced to increase its production capacity. Comparing LCA results between a baseline scenario applying a conventional LCA approach and scenarios defined with the DRUID method showed that environmental impacts could increase significantly, especially if replacement schemes are favored more than component repairs. The DRUID method may be generalized for the environmental assessment of other energy systems, as well as to assess other performance types related to critical infrastructures
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Franklin, Ed. "Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Site Assessment". College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2017.

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5 p.
An important consideration when installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) array for residential, commercial, or agricultural operations is determining the suitability of the site. A roof-top location for a residential application may have fewer options due to limited space (roof size), type of roofing material (such as a sloped shingle, or a flat roof), the orientation (south, east, or west), and roof-mounted structures such as vent pipe, chimney, heating & cooling units. A location with open space may utilize a ground-mount system or pole-mount system.
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Franklin, Edward A. "Mounting Your Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System". College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2017.

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Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Goodman, Joseph Neal. "Performance measures for residential PV structural response to wind effects". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015.

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This thesis applies structural reliability measures for the performance based design of residential PV system structures. These measures are intended to support designers in delivering systems with quantified and consistent reliability. Existing codified practices prescribe global factors (allowable stress design) and partial factors (load and resistance factor design) intended to provide an acceptable level of reliability as defined by historical practice. When applied to residential PV systems this prescriptive approach has two flaws, (1) calibration efforts needed to ensure consistency across structural system types have not kept up with the commercially available system types and (2) the actual expected reliability is not quantified and available to support decisions. The proposed reliability measures include probability of failure conditioned to wind speed in a fragility curve and the reliability index β, both of which are commonly used in performance based design. The approach is demonstrated through the application of the reliability measures to code compliant designs. Diverse system types are utilized to demonstrate how the existing code prescribed approach may lead to non-uniform structural performance. For each of the system types on which the reliability measures are demonstrated, a code compliant design is developed for three roof slopes, wind tunnel testing is conducted to provide an experimental measure of wind pressure coefficients, system specific fragility curves are generated to quantify the probability of failure conditioned to a set of wind speeds, and then, a site specific wind model is applied to produce a probability of failure and reliability index β. Through the performance based approach proposed in this thesis, two key outputs show non-uniform and unanticipated structural performance of PV systems designed according to the prescriptive code method. The two key outputs which illustrate this finding are fragility curves which illustrate the probability of failure over a range of wind speeds and reliability index, β values which couple the structural and wind distributions for a single measure of reliability.
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Coventry, Joseph Sydney y Joe Coventry@anu edu au. "A solar concentrating photovoltaic/thermal collector". The Australian National University. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, 2004.

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This thesis discusses aspects of a novel solar concentrating photovoltaic / thermal (PV/T) collector that has been designed to produce both electricity and hot water. The motivation for the development of the Combined Heat and Power Solar (CHAPS) collector is twofold: in the short term, to produce photovoltaic power and solar hot water at a cost which is competitive with other renewable energy technologies, and in the longer term, at a cost which is lower than possible with current technologies. To the author’s knowledge, the CHAPS collector is the first PV/T system using a reflective linear concentrator with a concentration ratio in the range 20-40x. The work contained in this thesis is a thorough study of all facets of the CHAPS collector, through a combination of theoretical and experimental investigation. A theoretical discussion of the concept of ‘energy value’ is presented, with the aim of developing methodologies that could be used in optimisation studies to compare the value of electrical and thermal energy. Three approaches are discussed; thermodynamic methods, using second law concepts of energy usefulness; economic valuation of the hot water and electricity through levelised energy costs; and environmental valuation, based on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation of hot water and electricity. It is proposed that the value of electrical energy and thermal energy is best compared using a simple ratio. Experimental measurement of the thermal and electrical efficiency of a CHAPS receiver was carried out for a range of operating temperatures and fluid flow rates. The effectiveness of internal fins incorporated to augment heat transfer was examined. The glass surface temperature was measured using an infrared camera, to assist in the calculation of thermal losses, and to help determine the extent of radiation absorbed in the cover materials. FEA analysis, using the software package Strand7, examines the conductive heat transfer within the receiver body to obtain a temperature profile under operating conditions. Electrical efficiency is not only affected by temperature, but by non-uniformities in the radiation flux profile. Highly non-uniform illumination across the cells was found to reduce the efficiency by about 10% relative. The radiation flux profile longitudinal to the receivers was measured by a custom-built flux scanning device. The results show significant fluctuations in the flux profile and, at worst, the minimum flux intensity is as much as 27% lower than the median. A single cell with low flux intensity limits the current and performance of all cells in series, causing a significant drop in overall output. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the causes of flux non-uniformities is essential for the design of a single-axis tracking PV trough concentrator. Simulation of the flux profile was carried out using the ray tracing software Opticad, and good agreement was achieved between the simulated and measured results. The ray tracing allows the effect of the receiver supports, the gap between mirrors and the mirror shape imperfections to be examined individually. A detailed analytical model simulating the CHAPS collector was developed in the TRNSYS simulation environment. The accuracy of the new component was tested against measured data, with acceptable results. A system model was created to demonstrate how sub components of the collector, such as the insulation thickness and the conductivity of the tape bonding the cells to the receiver, can be examined as part of a long term simulation.
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KHAN, MUHAMMAD AMMAR y FATIMA NAVEEN. "Performance Evaluation of distributed Solar PV Installations". Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2020.

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Utilization of photovoltaic (PV) cells to generate electricity from solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular source of renewable energy in this era of energy transitions. Adoption of ingenious techniques to increase PV systems’ performance and with the arrival of data analytics for efficient management of energy systems, an opportunity of using statistical models to develop mechanisms for performance evaluation of distributed Solar PV systems is present. Therefore, making use of available data and various statistical techniques, two models for performance evaluation of solar installations were developed. First model estimated PV Power outputs using neighboring PV panels whereas the second model estimated Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) using AC PV power outputs. The aim of these modules was to serve as the basis for fault detection and solar forecasting, respectively. With solar forecasting information available insight of future energy production and assistance in smart grid solutions could be carried out. Furthermore, with anomaly detection mechanism in place one can highlight energy reductions in the systems. Sensitivity analysis for PV nowcasting methodology was carried out to optimize characteristics of the model. Increase in the number of neighbors did not have any significant effect, whereas large radius was required for clear sky days and shorter radius were needed for cloudy conditions to cater the rapid change in weather conditions. Overall, nowcasting methodology resulted in Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of less than 5%. GHI Estimation model was benchmarked with Nespoli, et al. (2017) method and compared with satellite data also. Results for GHI Estimation Model were comparable to Nespoli et al. (2017) method and better than satellite data. Overall, for test sites under the supervision of CheckWatt AB, MAPE of less than 10% was observed and the results were significantly better than SMHI STRANG estimates which had MAPE of 46%. Sensitivity Analysis of number days for estimation of GHI was carried out and use of 120 days for estimation of GHI was found to give the minimum MAPE. GHI Estimation Model was also used to generate solar map where variation in GHI of 5 sites within Stockholm county was portrayed. These two modules combined serve towards performance monitoring of PV installations.
Användning av solceller (PV) för att generera elektricitet från solenergi blir en alltmer populär källa för förnybar energi i denna tid av energiövergångar. Samtidigt har dataanalys och andra uppfinninsrika tekniker i allt större utsträckning utvecklats för att underhålla och optimera användningen av energisystem. I denna avhandling undersöker vi två tekniker för att - med hjälp av tillgänglig information - övervaka energiproduktionen från en stor mängd distribuerade solpaneler. Första modellen, uppskattade solpaneler med angränsande solpaneler medan den andra modellen uppskattade Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) med AC PV-utgångar. Dessa moduler är tänkta att användas slutligen för feldetektering respektive sol prognosticering. Sol prognosinformation kan leda till insikter om framtida energiproduktion och bidra till utvecklingen av smarta elnäts lösningar. Med en mekanism för detektering av anomalier på plats kan man dessutom identifiera reduktioner i energiproduktion i systemen. Känslighetsanalys för PV-Nowcasting-metodik utfördes för att förbättra modellen. Ökningen av antalet grannar hade ingen signifikant effekt, medan stor radie krävdes för soliga dagar och kortare radie behövdes vid växlande molnighet för att tillgodose den snabba förändringen av väderförhållandena. Sammantaget resulterade Nowcasting-metoden i ett genomsnittligt absolutprocentfel (MAPE) på mindre än 5%. GHI-uppskattningsmodellen jämfördes med metoden från Nespoli, et al. (2017) och jämfördes också med satellitdata. Resultaten för GHI-uppskattningsmodellen var jämförbara med metoden från Nespoli et al. (2017) och bättre än satellitdata. Sammantaget observerades MAPE på mindre än 10% för testplatser under övervakning av CheckWatt AB och resultaten var signifikant bättre än SMHI STRANG-uppskattningar som hade MAPE på 46%. Känslighetsanalys av antal dagar för uppskattning av GHI utfördes och användning av 120 dagar för uppskattning av GHI visade sig ge lägsta MAPE. GHI Estimation Model användes också för att generera solkarta där variation i GHI av fem platser inom Stockholms län framställdes. Dessa två moduler tillsammans kan bidra till mer effektiv övervakning av solcellsprestanda.
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Sommerfeld, Jeffrey. "Residential customers and adoption of solar PV". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2016.

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Policies encouraging consumer use of solar photovoltaic (PV) are promoted to reduce the impacts of climate change. To maximise benefits, the role of the consumer is critical as their adoption and use of renewable energy technology may, or may not, align with policy objectives of the energy professionals. The contribution of this research is it provides a better understanding of consumer interaction with solar PV technology. From this understanding, policy options can be developed and/or adapted to address technical and/or human-related issues that impact on the effectiveness of solar PV policy aimed at reducing peak demand and creating low carbon communities.
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Franklin, Edward. "Hand Tools Used for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems". College of Agriculture, University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ), 2017.

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5 p.
A description of the multiple hand tools commonly used to measure energy output of solar photovoltaic (PV) silicon-type modules. These tools include a digital multi-meter to measure voltage, a clamp-on ammeter to measure current, a pyranometer to measure solar irradience, an angle finder to measure module tilt angle, a non-contact thermometer to measure solar cell temperature, and a Solar Pathfinder to evaluate a potential site for shading issues.
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Taymur, Eyup. "Photovoltaics Systems Sizing". The Ohio State University, 2009.

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Rathnasooriya, Prageeth. "Design of renewable energy powered solar cool research centre". Thesis, KTH, Kraft- och värmeteknologi, 2012.

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Solar cooling research center is being developed on CSEM-UAE outdoor research facility in RAK/UAE.  The research center is capable to test system from 1 TR cooling capacity to 10 TR cooling capacity. The source of heat is solar radiation and heat pipe type evacuated tube solar collectors are used to collect the solar energy. Solar station controls and circulates water in solar collectors and helps charge the hot water stratified tank. While in operation of the solar cooling facility, circulation pumps for hot water, chilled water and rejection circuit have to be continuously operated along with fan coil units, solar station, chiller and cooling tower. These all components require continuous electrical power. Currently, the entire electrical power requirement is supplied by a diesel generator. Since the center is for research activities, most of the time solar cooling center is on no load condition. Thus solar collectors are subjected to saturation. To prevent heat collection during no load conditions solar collectors are covered. Research project carried out to design of the renewable energy powered system to ensure the electricity availability for all the components so that the facility can be operated continuously without fossil fuel. UAE climate is sunny throughout the year thus Photovoltaic will be most prominent as a renewable source in generating electrical power. The PV is subjected to UAE harsh hot and dust environment which affect the performance of the PV. Thus the performance variations of PV due to dust deposition and temperature have analyzed. A matlab simulink model has developed to analyze the energy generation in UAE environment with available weather data. Technical and economical analysis has done for different PV technologies and find out the optimum PV design for the solar cooling center. To prevent the saturation of the solar collectors, a heat rejection unit have designed and installed. The control system for the automatic operation also implemented.
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Rose, Amy Michelle. "Prospects for grid-connected solar PV in Kenya". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013.

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Thesis (S.M. in Technology and Policy)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, 2013.
Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-195).
Kenya's electric power system is heavily reliant on hydropower, leaving it vulnerable during recurring droughts. Supply shortfalls are currently met through the use of expensive leased diesel generation. Therefore, plans for new generation focus on geothermal and conventional thermal sources. While these technologies offer a lower-cost alternative to leased diesel, they require large upfront capital investments in new infrastructure. I propose that grid-connected solar PV offers an alternative solution to displace expensive diesel generation, while capitalizing on Kenya's abundant solar resource and avoiding large upfront financing requirements. Coordinated operation of Kenya's extensive reservoir hydro capacity can overcome intermittency problems associated with solar generation and offer a low-cost path to grid-connected solar PV by eliminating the need for additional investment in storage. This study uses a static expansion planning model of Kenya's power system representing the years 2012 and 2017 to evaluate the feasibility of grid-connected solar PV under different price and hydrological conditions. These results reveal that high penetrations of solar PV can be integrated into the current system without increasing total system costs. By 2017 extensive planned investments in low-cost geothermal, imported hydro, and wind power will significantly reduce production from fuel oil plants and solar PV is no longer economically competitive at current prices. The 2017 analysis does not evaluate scenarios where the price of solar PV decreases, new capacity is delayed, or PV capacity eliminates the need for new transmission infrastructure required for planned generation assets. Any of these scenarios increases the competitiveness of solar PV in the 2017 system. The methodology developed in this study could be used for system level evaluation of solar and other intermittent renewables in other hydro-dominated electric power systems in Africa.
by Amy Michelle Rose. Technology and Policy
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Wollein, Jonathan. "Investment analysis for solar PV cells in Sweden". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2017.

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John, Shobin. "Solar PV Cell Utilization and Charging System Development". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för ekonomi, teknik och naturvetenskap, 2019.

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This study is a result of master’s thesis in renewable engineering at Halmstad during spring term 2019.    The main contribution of the present work focuses on the development of a significant approach to identify best possible surfaces finish strategy in terms of solar battery charging. The aim of the thesis was to analyze, compare different battery charging method and implement PV cell system to run oil pump. I would like to emphasize my thanks Professor Jonny Hylander for his support guidance, opportunely posed questions that raised new lines of thought and motive to get good work on the thesis.     I would like to emphasis sincere thanks and gratitude to Mei Gong to guide throughout the thesis and support during urgent need.    I am grateful to other dissertation committee members for enlightening and inspiring discussion and their advice provided us guidelines in difficult times.    I would like as a final word of appreciation to thank the people of masters and research group at Halmstad University for their thoughtful comments and suggestion, which continually improve the quality of the dissertation
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Manhal, Ali y Ali Tammam M. "Solar Tent : A Photovoltaic Generator Model for a Flexible Fabric with Inbuilt Cells". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Energiteknik, 2019.

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Natural disasters and conflicts in many different parts of the world force thousands of people to get displaced from their homes and live in refugee camps temporarily or permanently. For refugee families, lack of energy access has great impact on their lives. Tarpon Solar Company has developed a solar tent which is a combination of laminated cloth and flexible solar cells. In addition to producing renewable electricity, it can create a comfortable outdoor shelter from sun, rain and wind.   The aims of this study were to define and size the solar system of the tent in both AC and DC systems and optimize the tent to work in different locations around the world. Besides designing a monitoring system for the solar tent to evaluate the performance. In addition, defining the social aspect and the consumer behavior for a better solar tent future design. As a case study, Tarpon AC solar tent in Glava, Sweden has been installed to cover the basic needs of the tent users. To understand the solar tent performance in different weather zones, 4 different locations were suggested. A monitor system was designed to monitor the tent solar system performance. The simulation software PVsyst was used to size the PV system in the different locations with different solar data.   The PVsyst simulation results showed that the current Tarpon solar tent with 32 photovoltaic modules is extremely oversized to cover the basic needs loads (Lighting, mobile charging and ventilation) in the emergency cases.   The current Tarpon solar tent has a standard number of photovoltaic modules integrated in the tent fabric while the photovoltaic modules number should vary from one location to another according to the weather data and solar irradiation. In this case the current Tarpon solar system used in Glava, Sweden can be optimized by decreasing the number of photovoltaic modules to only 6 photovoltaic modules instead of 32 modules.   The study also shows that the features of the off-grid system components (battery and charge controller) are different from one location to another according to the criteria of selection.   This study concludes that for the temporary short-term emergency use of the tent where only basic needs loads are needed, DC system is better than AC system in terms of energy efficiency, system size and cost in the different proposed locations. While AC system is better when using the tent for prolonged time in terms of user flexibility and ability to extend the system. Understanding the consumer behavior and the goal of the tent whether to be used for an emergency short term shelter or a permanent shelter for a prolonged time are important factors for a better solar tent design.
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Eriksson, Olof. "Techno Economic Analysis of Reverse Osmosis Combined with CSP + PV in Kuwait". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Energiteknik, 2020.

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Seawater desalination plays an important role when fighting the freshwater scarcity that many places around the world are currently facing. The increasing need for desalinated water is followed by a high energy demand. It is therefore essential that an expansion of desalination capacity is accompanied by a parallel use of renewable energy sources in this process. This thesis presents a techno-economic study on a reverse osmosis (RO) desalination plant, with a nominal power consumption of 15 MW, that is powered by a concentrated solar power (CSP) plant combined with a photovoltaic (PV) power plant, in Kuwait. The main aim of this thesis was to find which system designs would give the lowest global warming potential and levelized cost of the desalinated water. In addition, it has been investigated how electricity price and emission allowance cost could make a solar power plant competitive to the grid. For this purpose, some components in the whole system were simulated using System Advisor Model and Engineering Equation Solver. With the results obtained from the simulations, a dynamic model of the whole system was developed in MATLAB, Simulink where simulations were done for a typical meteorological year in Shagaya, Kuwait. Both on-grid and off-grid systems were considered.   In the on-grid case, the lowest cost of water was obtained with only PV (ca 0.65 USD/m3) and this could reduce carbon emissions by 30 % compared to only using the grid. Combining CSP and PV could reduce the carbon emissions by 85 % but with a 35 % increase in water cost. It was found that an electricity price of 0.1 USD/kWh or an emission allowance cost of 70 USD/tCO2-eq would make a CSP + PV plant competitive to the grid. These results indicate that the choice of which system is best for powering an on-grid RO plant depends on how the environmental and economic factors are prioritised. In the case of the off-grid system, both the lowest cost of water (ca 0.9 USD/m3) and the highest capacity factor were obtained with a CSP + PV plant with 16 h of storage, a solar multiple of 3 and a PV capacity of 28 MW.
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Sabah, Ibrahim. "Analysis of the Expected Development of Solar PV Market in Turkey". Thesis, KTH, Energi och klimatstudier, ECS, 2014.

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Electricity generation through solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has been one of the leading renewable energy generation options in the global arena and in many countries that are working to address increasing energy demand and high fuel import dependencies. Due to the feed in tariff (FIT) amendment in 2011 and decreasing costs in global PV sector, the interest in this emerging market is quickly increasing in Turkey. The aim of this thesis is to explore the prospects for development of the solar PV market in Turkey, considering residential, commercial and utility scale PV systems with rooftop or ground mounted installations. The economic situation, the energy profile, regulatory framework for solar energy and the market conditions in the country were researched. The ultimate purpose was to assess the overall conditions to attract investors, and estimate the development of the solar PV market growth in Turkey particularly in the next few years. High irradiation levels, limited domestic energy resources and high interest in license applications suggest a big potential for solar PV electricity in Turkey. However, the regulatory framework is not yet suitable for a fast growth of this emerging solar PV market in the country due to lack of political support and experience in related government functions. Despite the high interest and demand for commercial systems, the solar PV market in Turkey is expected to grow linearly as a start. This contrast with precedents in leading European markets, which experienced exponential growth at the beginning. This study shows that there is a need for performance improvement within the regulative authorities, time for stakeholders to experience the market and more comprehensive and stable legislation. However, in the long term, solar PV technology is expected to gain high competitive advantage due to improving financial conditions in the country, increase in electricity prices (e.g. grid parity has already been reached for residential systems), and cost reductions for PV components around the world.
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Fan, Bo. "Verres et céramiques luminescents pour améliorer le rendement des cellules solaires PV". Phd thesis, Rennes 1, 2012.

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Cette étude a pour objectif de développer des matériaux luminescents avec un rendement quantique supérieur à 100% permettant d’améliorer l’efficacité des cellules photovoltaïques. Ces travaux sont basés sur des sulfures avec une faible énergie de phonon. Les verres Ga₂S₃-GeS₂-CsCl dopés par des terres-rares sont d’abord étudiés. Il a été démontré qu’un photon visible peut être divisé en deux photons infrarouges par les couples d’ions Er³⁺/Yb³⁺ou Pr³⁺/Yb³⁺ Cependant, le rendement quantique mesuré avec une sphère intégrante est beaucoup plus faible que 100%. Ceci est attribué aux impuretés qui conduisent au désexcitation non-radiative, et à l’absorption du transfert de charge d’Yb³⁺ qui se situe dans le visible dans le cas des sulfures. Grâce à l’électronégativité plus élevée de l’oxygène par rapport au soufre, la bande de transfert de charge d’Yb³⁺ est repoussée vers l’UV dans des oxysulfures de terres-rares. Les oxysulfures très purs ont été préparés avec la méthode de combustion complétée par une sulfuration. La multiplication de photon dans l’IR a été observée dans La₂O₂S dopé par Pr³⁺/Yb³⁺, Er³⁺/Yb³⁺ ou Tb³⁺/Yb³⁺. Un rendement quantique supérieur à 100% est pour la première fois directement mesuré dans La₂O₂S :Er³⁺,Yb³⁺. Une structure «core-shell» est conçue pour sensibiliser des ions Er³⁺ dans les oxysulfures par des ions Ce³⁺ dans le YAG. Par une précipitation homogène, on a réussi à déposer du Y₂O₂S sur des poudres fines de YAG : Ce³⁺. Bien que la structure désirée ne soit pas encore obtenue due à la diffusion d’Er³⁺ dans le YAG, cette piste de recherche est intéressante pour développer des convertisseurs spectrales avec une bande d’absorption large et intense
The objective of the present work is to develop luminescent materials with a quantum yield higher than 100% for improving the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic solar cells. The study is focused on rare-earth-doped sulfide-based materials with low phonon energy. The multiplication of photon is firstly studied in rare-earths doped Ga₂S₃-GeS₂-CsCl glasses. It has been demonstrated that one visible photon can be divided into two NIR photons by the rare earth couples Er³⁺/Yb³⁺ou Pr³⁺/Yb³⁺. However, the overall quantum yield measured with an integrating sphere is much lower than 100%. The low quantum yield is attributed to the high concentration of impurities acting as “luminescence killers” and to the charge-transfer absorption of Yb³⁺ which is located in the visible region in sulfides. The rare-earth oxysulfides are then introduced as matrix since the partial substitution of sulfur by oxygen shifts the charge transfer band of Yb³⁺ to the UV region. The oxysulfides with high purity are prepared by combustion method with subsequent sulfuration. The multiplication of photon in the NIR is confirmed in La₂O₂S doped with Pr³⁺/Yb³⁺, Er³⁺,Yb³⁺ and Tb³⁺/Yb³⁺. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that quantum yield higher than 100% is directly measured in La₂O₂S : Er³⁺,Yb³⁺. A core-shell structure is designed to sensitize Er3+ in the oxysulfides by Ce³⁺ in the YAG. By homogeneous precipitation with urea, the Y₂O₂S is precipitated on the fine powders of YAG:Ce³⁺. Although the desired structure is not yet obtained due to the diffusion of Er³⁺ into the YAG, further efforts on this subject seem promising to invent spectral convertors with large and intense absorption band
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Fan, Bo. "Verres et céramiques luminescents pour améliorer le rendement des cellules solaires PV". Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2012.

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Cette étude a pour objectif de développer des matériaux luminescents avec un rendement quantique supérieur à 100% permettant d'améliorer l'efficacité des cellules photovoltaïques. Ces travaux sont basés sur des sulfures avec une faible énergie de phonon. Les verres Ga₂S₃-GeS₂-CsCl dopés par des terres-rares sont d'abord étudiés. Il a été démontré qu'un photon visible peut être divisé en deux photons infrarouges par les couples d'ions Er³⁺/Yb³⁺ou Pr³⁺/Yb³⁺ Cependant, le rendement quantique mesuré avec une sphère intégrante est beaucoup plus faible que 100%. Ceci est attribué aux impuretés qui conduisent au désexcitation non-radiative, et à l'absorption du transfert de charge d'Yb³⁺ qui se situe dans le visible dans le cas des sulfures. Grâce à l'électronégativité plus élevée de l'oxygène par rapport au soufre, la bande de transfert de charge d'Yb³⁺ est repoussée vers l'UV dans des oxysulfures de terres-rares. Les oxysulfures très purs ont été préparés avec la méthode de combustion complétée par une sulfuration. La multiplication de photon dans l'IR a été observée dans La₂O₂S dopé par Pr³⁺/Yb³⁺, Er³⁺/Yb³⁺ ou Tb³⁺/Yb³⁺. Un rendement quantique supérieur à 100% est pour la première fois directement mesuré dans La₂O₂S :Er³⁺,Yb³⁺. Une structure "core-shell" est conçue pour sensibiliser des ions Er³⁺ dans les oxysulfures par des ions Ce³⁺ dans le YAG. Par une précipitation homogène, on a réussi à déposer du Y₂O₂S sur des poudres fines de YAG : Ce³⁺. Bien que la structure désirée ne soit pas encore obtenue due à la diffusion d'Er³⁺ dans le YAG, cette piste de recherche est intéressante pour développer des convertisseurs spectrales avec une bande d'absorption large et intense.
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Bennett, Christopher Joseph. "Modelling and Control of Battery Energy Resources in Low Voltage Distribution Networks". Thesis, Griffith University, 2015.

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Over the last decade governments in Australia and around the globe have heavily promoted the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV) in residential low voltage (LV) distribution networks. While distributed solar PV offers a range of benefits, they have not significantly reduced distribution network demand during critical periods due to the incongruity between the residential load profile and the solar PV generation curve. The residential load profile has load demand in the morning, moderate demand during mid-morning, low demand during the middle of the day and peak demand in the evenings. In winter the mid-morning demand is greater than in summer leading to instances where there are two peak demand periods during the day. Solar PV generation is low during the morning and steadily increases until the middle of the day and then decreases until the evening. Peak solar PV generation typically occurs when demand in the network is low. This entails that solar PV resources are poorly utilised and high concentrations of solar PV generation in LV distribution networks can often lead to the degradation of power quality through overvoltage and instances of reverse power flow. Moreover, the addition of solar PV to existing LV networks with unbalanced phases can often exacerbate existing power quality issues in a particular overloaded phase. Corrective measures to address power quality issues may require costly augmentations to the electricity network.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Griffith School of Engineering
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
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Näsvall, David. "Development of a model for physical and economical optimization of distributed PV systems". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Fasta tillståndets fysik, 2013.

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There are a number of factors that influence both the physical and the economical performance of a photovoltaic solar energy (PV) installation. The aim of this project was to develop a simulation and optimization model with which these factors could be analyzed and the PV installation optimized. By supplying the model with meteorological data, electricity consumption data and available building surfaces the model finds the optimum PV installation. The output consists of both physical and economical performance as well as information on how to distribute and install the PV modules on the available building surfaces. The model was validated using annual and hourly measurement data from Swedish PV installations. The validation shows that the model is a reliable tool for simulating the electricity generation from a PV system. In the second part of the project the model was used to evaluate the PV potential at two different hospitals and one health care center within the Uppsala County, Sweden. The model was also used to study the effect of different house orientations on the PV potential in Swedish neighborhoods. The physical and economical PV potentials are high for the hospitals and the health carecenter. This is mainly due to a high electricity demand but also due to a good match between the load profile and the PV electricity generation profile. The study on different neighborhoods shows that for gable roof buildings it might be more favorable to plan the houses so that the roofs face east-west rather than north-south.
Det är många faktorer som påverkar de fysikaliska och ekonomiska resultaten av en planerad solcellsinstallation. Syftet med det här projektet var att utveckla en simulerings- och optimeringsmodell med vars hjälp det skulle gå att analysera dessa frågor och hitta det bästa installationsalternativet i varje enskilt fall. Modellen som togs fram i detta projekt kan både studera ett givet installationsalternativ och räkna ut den mest optimala installationen utifrån de av användaren specificerade målen och begränsningarna. För att kunna göra detta behöver modellen förses med meteorologiska data för den aktuella platsen, elkonsumtionsdata från det aktuella objektet samt mått och orienteringar för de tillgängliga byggnadsytorna. Dessutom behöver användaren ange vissa ekonomiska parametrar såsom exempelvis avbetalningstid, ränta och aktuellt solcellspris. Resultatet från modellen består av både fysikaliska och ekonomiska resultat, exempelvis timvis nettoflöde av elektricitet, avbetalningstid och genomsnittligt elpris från solcellssystemet. I optimeringsresultatet redovisas hur solcellerna bör fördelas och installeras på de olika byggnadsytorna för att ge bäst resultat enligt målspecifikationen. För att validera modellen jämfördes dess simuleringsresultat med årliga och timvisa mätvärden från svenska solcellsanläggningar. Dessutom jämfördes modellens resultat med motsvarande resultat från andra simuleringsverktyg för solceller. Valideringsresultaten visar att modellen är ett pålitligt verktyg för att simulera elgenereringen från solcellsystem med olika moduler, växelriktare och installationssätt. Som ett delresultat vid modellutvecklingen simulerades ett stort antal olika solcellssystempå platta och svagt lutande tak. Utifrån dessa simuleringar utformades ett antal tumregler för hur uppvinklade moduler på platta eller svagt lutande tak skall monteras. Tumreglerna visar vilket avstånd mellan modulraderna och vilken vinkel på modulerna som ger den högsta taktäckningsgarden (största installationen) vid olika övre gränser för de interna skuggningsförlusterna. I projektets andra del användes modellen för att utvärdera solcellspotentialen på Akademiska sjukhuset, Enköpings lasarett och Tierps vårdcentral. Resultaten som levererades till Landstinget i Uppsala län visar att både den tekniska och den ekonomiska solcellspotentialen är stor på dessa enheter. Huvudanledning till den höga potentialen är att elbehovet är väldigt stort på dessa enheter samt att solcellernas elgenereringsprofil stämmer mycket väl överens med när elbehovet är som störst. Modellen användes även för att studera hur olika byggnadsorienteringar påverkar solcellspotentialen i olika tänkbara svenska bostadsområden. De olika resultaten från dessa studier visar att det i många fall är bättre att orientera byggnader med sadeltak så att taken pekar i östlig och västlig riktning snarare än mot syd och nord. Därmed föreslås en översyn avde nu rådande rekommendationerna att optimera huvudorienteringarna av taken mod syd vid detaljplanering av stadsdelar.
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au, A. carr@aip org y Anna Judith Carr. "A Detailed Performance Comparison of PV Modules of Different Technologies and the Implications for PV System Design Methods". Murdoch University, 2005.

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In designing any power generation system that incorporates photovoltaics (PV) there is a basic requirement to accurately estimate the output from the proposed PV array under operating conditions. PV modules are given a power rating at standard test conditions(STC) of 1000Wm-2, AM1.5 and a module temperature of 25 °C, but these conditions do not represent what is typically experienced under outdoor operation. It is well known that different PV technologies have different seasonal patterns of behaviour. These differences are due to the variations in spectral response, the different temperature coefficients of voltage and current and, in the case of amorphous silicon (a-Si) modules, the extra effect of photo-degradation and thermal annealing. In this study a novel method has been used to obtain highly accurate energy output data from six different PV modules representing five different technologies: Single crystal silicon (c-Si). Poly-crystalline silicon (p-Si) (2 modules). Triple junction amorphous silicon (3j, a-Si). Copper indium diselenide (CIS). Laser grooved buried contact (LGBC, c-Si) crystalline silicon. This data set includes all the associated meteorological parameters and back-of-module temperatures. The monitoring system allows the simultaneous measurement of six different modules under long-term outdoor operation, which in turn allows a direct comparison of the performance of the modules. Each of the modules has been deployed for at least one year, which provides useful information about the seasonal behaviour of each technology. This data set ultimately provides system designers and consumers with valuable information on the expected output of these different module types in climates like that of Perth, Western Australia. The second part of the study uses the output data collected to assess and compare output predictions made by some currently available photovoltaic performance prediction tools or methods. These range from a generalised approach, as used in the Australian Standards, to the commercially available software packages that employ radiation, thermal and PV models of varying complexities. The results of these evaluations provide very valuable information, to PV consumers, about how complex PV output prediction tools need to be to give acceptable results.
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Admasu, Alemshet Ayele. "Solar PV based rural electrification in Rema rural village". Thesis, KTH, Energiteknik, 2011.

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Energy is a basic need for the overall growth and improvements of people’s living standard.But around 2 to 3 billion people in the world have no access to electric lighting. Like otherdeveloping countries the rural electrification in Ethiopia is very low and government takessome actions to promote the investment in these areas but due to economic constraints andlow level of technological advancement the growth is very low.This study focuses on solar PV based rural electrification, its impact on environment andsocio-economic development in Rema village. Three cases studies: typical households,small scale business center and public services are considered for systematic study.Interviews from villagers, existing energy system, literature data and HOMER software areused to calculate energy demand and cost of electrification. A comparison between theresults is carried out.According to the village survey the existing PV home system has a positive impact on a socioeconomic development of the village of Rema. Solar PV electricity can be used in generatingincomes. It is also used for climate mitigation by curbing CO2 emission and can be used forclimate adaptation by reducing the deforestation and facilitate carbon sequestration. PVbased electrification of health center and schools have played a vital role in improving thequality of services. The presence of refrigerator helped to have vaccines and medicines4preserved for different types of killer diseases. The teaching-learning process of schoolsimproved due the presence of electricity. The solar powered water supply in near areasreduced the time required for fetching water and made girls to focus on their education.Most villagers has positive attitude towards the technology but unsatisfied with the currentsystem size. The high level of technical skills required for maintenance and the small numberof solar technicians’ available in the village is also a problem reported in the village. HOMERsoftware is used to model the existing energy system and the required energy demandbefore PV based rural electrification and after PV based rural electrification. A new model isdeveloped depending on the villagers demand. . Modeling result shows that 3 kWP and 12kWP were found to be enough to fulfill the demand in clinics and schools with an initialinvestment of 18576 and 80704US$, respectively and a PV size of 165 Wp, 250 Wp and 350Wp is required for households with agriculture only, mixed and small scale business income,respectively. This led a requirement of initial capital of US$ 654, 1848 and 2339,respectively. However, these initial investments are unaffordable for most of the villagers.PV systems required for households with agriculture only, has lower investment per Wattthan others, while investment per Watt for small scale business has lower than householdswith mixed type. Therefore, the battery size plays an important role in the investment,operation and maintenance costs.The two main problems associated with solar PV in rural electrification are financial capabilityand technical problems. These problems can be curbed by loan arrangement and trainingthe villagers. But to make sustainable it must be used for income generating activities.
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Bekkelund, Kristine. "A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of PV Solar Systems". Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk, 2013.

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In this report, a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of a rooftop, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system has been conducted. The primary objective has been to assess the environmental impacts resulting from the PV system over its entire lifetime, while the secondary goal has been to perform a sensitivity analysis on selected parameters and compare the results with the impacts from wind power. Four different cases have been assessed: Mc-Si Sim, mc-Si ESS, CdTe and CIGS. The difference between the multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) cases were the production method for solar grade silicon: One case used the most common, chemical method; the modified Siemens process (mc-Si Sim), while the other case used the metallurgical route developed by Elkem Solar (mc-Si ESS).With a few minor exceptions, mc-Si Sim gave the highest environmental impacts, including the global warming impacts (GWP). The thin film technologies, CdTe and CIGS, had significantly lower impact potentials than the mc-Si cases, while the difference between the two were small. The relative contribution from processes to the impacts scores were different within each case investigated: The energy intensive steps for silicon purification were large contributors in the mc-Si cases, in addition to the PV module manufacturing, which was the dominating contributor in the thin film cases. In all cases, the metal depletion potential was dominated by the inverter and cabling components, due to their use of metals like copper and tin. Metallizarion pastes used in the mc-Si solar cell production contributed to toxicity potentials. Contributions from other processes in the PV value chains were less significant. The GWP-scores in kg CO2-eq./m2 of PV system were found to be 260 for mc-Si Sim, 155 for mc-Si ESS, 75 for CdTe and 86 for CIGS. Main contributors were the energy feed stock used in the solar grade silicon production (mc-Si cases), and the primary aluminium and glass used in manufacturing of the PV module (all cases). A base case was used for comparison with existing LCA studies, giving corresponding GWP-scores of 42,5, 30,8, 16,8 and 20,6 g CO2-eq./kWh, which are within the range of published values.The current thin film technologies are already competitive with wind power in terms of GWP. By performing different combinations of improvement measures, all cases, except mc-Si Sim, could achieve GWPs as low as 5,1-5,8 g CO2-eq./kWh (below the minimum value of wind power). Switching the electricity supply towards a higher share of renewable energy and improving in the conversion efficiencies will have a significant effect in reducing the GWP. To improve the material efficiency, manufacturing waste should be reduced and recycled, and the solar cells should be made thinner. The silicon purification methods need to be made more energy efficient by e.g. implementing energy recovery, using biogenic carbon sources as reduction agents or switch from using the modified Siemens method to using more energy efficient methods like the Elkem Solar Silicon production process or the Fluidized Bed Reactor process. Recycled aluminium or steel should be used for the frame of the PV module and the mounting structure. End-of-life PV modules should be recycled to reduce the demand for primary material, e.g. aluminium, glass and rare metals.
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Rajasekaram, Nirushan y Vera Costa. "Solar PV in multi-family houses with battery storage". Thesis, KTH, Energiteknik, 2015.

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This thesis investigates the economic viability of a grid connected PV system integrated with battery storage in a multifamily home in Sweden. In addition, a fleet of electric cars is added to the system and its economic feasibility is analyzed. The analysis is further classified based on the roof area available for PV installation, wherein system 1 considers nearly the entire roof area of 908 m2 and system 2 is assumed to have less than half the roof area of 360 m2 for PV installation. To help with the assessment, five scenarios are created; where scenario one represents a baseline Swedish cooperative without PV, scenario two includes a PV system; scenario three incorporates battery storage; four considers an electric vehicle fleet embedded into the system and scenario five has a fleet of gasoline cars. These scenarios are applied to the two systems and their results compared. To address the question of this thesis both scenarios 2 and 3 are simulated in System Advisor Model (SAM) and scenario 4 is modeled in Matlab. The outputs are exported to Excel in order to obtain the Net Present Value (NPV), which is the economic indicator for this assessment. In none of the tested scenarios the NPVs’ are positive and the best result is observed in a PV system installed with battery storage in a roof area of 360 m2, which has a NPV of -82,000 SEK. A sensitivity analysis is done to assess the changes in NPV by varying the input parameters. It is concluded that battery storage is not yet economically viable in a Swedish multifamily house.
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Contero, Salvadores Jose Francisco. "Shadowing effect on the performance in solar PV-cells". Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för bygg- energi- och miljöteknik, 2015.

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Perez, de la Mora Nicolas. "Energy Storage for a Grid-Connected PV-System: A Feasibility Study". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Maskinteknik, 2013.

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The work presented in this thesis concerns the dimensioning of an Energy Storage System (ESS) which will be used as an energy buffer for a grid-connected PV plant. This ESS should help managing the PV plant to inject electricity into the grid according to the requirements of the grid System Operator. It is desired to obtain a final production not below 1300kWh/kWp with a maximum ESS budget of 0.9€/Wp. The PV plant will be sited in Martinique Island and connected to the main grid. This grid is a small one where the perturbations due clouds in the PV generation are not negligible anymore. A software simulation tool, incorporating a model for the PV-plant production, the ESS and the required injection pattern of electricity into the grid has been developed in MS Excel. This tool has been used to optimize the relevant parameters defining the ESS so that the feed-in of electricity into the grid can be controlled to fulfill the conditions given by the System Operator. The inputs used for this simulation tool are, besides the conditions given by the System Operator on the allowed injection pattern, the production data from a similar PV-plant in a close-by location, and variables for defining the ESS. The PV production data used is from a site with similar climate and weather conditions as for the site on the Martinique Island and hence gives information on the short term insolation variations as well as expected annual electricity production. The ESS capacity and the injected electric energy will be the main figures to compare while doing an economic study of the whole plant. Hence, the Net Present Value, Benefit to Cost method and Pay-back period studies are carried on as dependent of the ESS capacity. The conclusion of this work is that it is possible to obtain the requested injection pattern by using an ESS. The design of the ESS can be made within an acceptable budget. The capacity of ESS to link with the PV system depends on the priorities of the final output characteristics, and it also depends on which economic parameter that is chosen as a priority.
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Saadon, Syamimi. "Modeling and simulation of a ventilated building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) envelope". Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015.

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La demande d'énergie consommée par les habitants a connu une croissance significative au cours des 30 dernières années. Par conséquent, des actions sont menées en vue de développement des énergies renouvelables et en particulier de l'énergie solaire. De nombreuses solutions technologiques ont ensuite été proposées, telles que les capteurs solaires PV/T dont l'objectif est d'améliorer la performance des panneaux PV en récupérant l’énergie thermique qu’ils dissipent à l’aide d’un fluide caloporteur. Les recherches en vue de l'amélioration des productivités thermiques et électriques de ces composants ont conduit à l'intégration progressive à l’enveloppe des bâtiments afin d'améliorer leur surface de captation d’énergie solaire. Face à la problématique énergétique, les solutions envisagées dans le domaine du bâtiment s’orientent sur un mix énergétique favorisant la production locale ainsi que l’autoconsommation. Concernant l’électricité, les systèmes photovoltaïques intégrés au bâtiment (BIPV) représentent l’une des rares technologies capables de produire de l’électricité localement et sans émettre de gaz à effet de serre. Cependant, le niveau de température auquel fonctionnent ces composants et en particulier les composants cristallins, influence sensiblement leur efficacité ainsi que leur durée de vie. Ceci est donc d’autant plus vrai en configuration d’intégration. Ces deux constats mettent en lumière l’importance du refroidissement passif par convection naturelle de ces modules. Ce travail porte sur la simulation numérique d'une façade PV partiellement transparente et ventilée, conçu pour le rafraichissement en été (par convection naturelle) et pour la récupération de chaleur en hiver (par ventilation mécanique). Pour les deux configurations, l'air dans la cavité est chauffé par la transmission du rayonnement solaire à travers des surfaces vitrées, et par les échanges convectif et radiatif. Le système est simulé à l'aide d'un modèle multi-physique réduit adapté à une grande échelle dans des conditions réelles d'exploitation et développé pour l'environnement logiciel TRNSYS. La validation du modèle est ensuite présentée en utilisant des données expérimentales du projet RESSOURCES (ANR-PREBAT 2007). Cette étape a conduit, dans le troisième chapitre du calcul des besoins de chauffage et de refroidissement d'un bâtiment et l'évaluation de l'impact des variations climatiques sur les performances du système. Les résultats ont permis enfin d'effectuer une analyse énergétique et exergo-économique
The demand of energy consumed by human kind has been growing significantly over the past 30 years. Therefore, various actions are taken for the development of renewable energy and in particular solar energy. Many technological solutions have then been proposed, such as solar PV/T collectors whose objective is to improve the PV panels performance by recovering the heat lost with a heat removal fluid. The research for the improvement of the thermal and electrical productivities of these components has led to the gradual integration of the solar components into building in order to improve their absorbing area. Among technologies capable to produce electricity locally without con-tributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) releases is building integrated PV systems (BIPV). However, when exposed to intense solar radiation, the temperature of PV modules increases significantly, leading to a reduction in efficiency so that only about 14% of the incident radiation is converted into electrical energy. The high temperature also decreases the life of the modules, thereby making passive cooling of the PV components through natural convection a desirable and cost-effective means of overcoming both difficulties. A numerical model of heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of natural convection of air is therefore undertaken so as to provide reliable information for the design of BIPV. A simplified numerical model is used to model the PVT collector so as to gain an understanding of the complex processes involved in cooling of integrated photovoltaic arrays in double-skin building surfaces. This work addresses the numerical simulation of a semi-transparent, ventilated PV façade designed for cooling in summer (by natural convection) and for heat recovery in winter (by mechanical ventilation). For both configurations, air in the cavity between the two building skins (photovoltaic façade and the primary building wall) is heated by transmission through transparent glazed sections, and by convective and radiative exchange. The system is simulated with the aid of a reduced-order multi-physics model adapted to a full scale arrangement operating under real conditions and developed for the TRNSYS software environment. Validation of the model and the subsequent simulation of a building-coupled system are then presented, which were undertaken using experimental data from the RESSOURCES project (ANR-PREBAT 2007). This step led, in the third chapter to the calculation of the heating and cooling needs of a simulated building and the investigation of impact of climatic variations on the system performance. The results have permitted finally to perform the exergy and exergoeconomic analysis
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Kristofersson, Filip y Sara Elfberg. "Maximizing Solar Energy Production for Västra Stenhagenskolan : Designing an Optimal PV System". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskaper, 2019.

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Skolfastigheter is a municipality owned real estate company that manages most of the buildings used for lower education in Uppsala. The company is working in line with the environmental goals of the municipality by installing photovoltaic systems in schools and other educational buildings. Skolfastigheter are planning to install a photovoltaic system in a school in Stenhagen. The purpose of this study is to optimally design the proposed system. The system will be maximized, which in this study entails that the modules will be placed on every part of the roof where the insolation is sufficient. The system will also be grid connected. The design process includes finding an optimal placement of the modules, matching them with a suitable inverter bank and evaluating the potential of a battery storage. Economic aspects such as taxes, subsidies and electricity prices are taken into account when the system is simulated and analyzed. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to evaluate how the capacity of a battery bank affects the self-consumption, self-sufficiency and cost of the system. It is concluded that the optimal system has a total peak power of almost 600 kW and a net present value of 826 TSEK, meaning that it would be a profitable investment. A battery bank is excluded from the optimal design, since increasing the capacity of the bank steadily decreased the net present value and only marginally increased the self-consumption and self-sufficiency of the system.
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Enquist, Sofia. "Solel till Akademiska sjukhuset : möjlig genererad effekt och solcellers estetiska konsekvenser". Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för bygg- energi- och miljöteknik, 2012.

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Today many buildings and it´s nearby surroundings are designed to achieve some kind of environmental goal.The issue concerning energy consumption is currently at focus and it is relevant that we start increase the share of renewable energy. Solar energy is an infinite resource and should therefore be considered when selecting an energy supplier.   Uppsala University hospital is facing major restructuring when parts of the existing buildings will be refurbished and a large new building will be constructed. White Architects have developed a study concerning the new building and for some of the existing buildings on the hospital campus. Uppsala County requires tough energy measures and wants the new building to be classified as an eco-building in Whites following work. The classifications will involve high energy source requirements.   This work has been conducted to see if solar power can be envisaged as a supplementary energy source for the University hospital and also to investigate the aesthetic impact of solar cells on the new building. In this report, solar cells integrated on the facade and PV modules on the roofs have been studied. Focus has been to evaluate the potential of what each option can produce and what opportunity they have to become an intrinsic part of the architecture   The type of solar cell module, which in this case study has been proven to generate most electricity is stand-alone modules on roofs. These are however, more difficult to reconcile with the architecture. Solar cells on the facades should therefore still be considered as an alternative application.The result shows that the potential energy that can be generated by solar panels on the new building is large but not in relation to hospital´s electricity use. It is for that reason questionable whether solar installation, applied on the new building, can be seen as a good additional source of energy or if it will more become a matter of public relations.
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Wu, Yuechen, Shelby Vorndran, Pelaez Silvana Ayala y Raymond K. Kostuk. "Three junction holographic micro-scale PV system". SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2016.

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In this work a spectrum splitting micro-scale concentrating PV system is evaluated to increase the conversion efficiency of flat panel PV systems. In this approach, the dispersed spectrum splitting concentration systems is scaled down to a small size and structured in an array. The spectrum splitting configuration allows the use of separate single bandgap PV cells that increase spectral overlap with the incident solar spectrum. This results in an overall increase in the spectral conversion efficiency of the resulting system. In addition other benefits of the micro-scale PV system are retained such reduced PV cell material requirements, more versatile interconnect configurations, and lower heat rejection requirements that can lead to a lower cost system. The system proposed in this work consists of two cascaded off-axis holograms in combination with a micro lens array, and three types of PV cells. An aspherical lens design is made to minimize the dispersion so that higher concentration ratios can be achieved for a three-junction system. An analysis methodology is also developed to determine the optical efficiency of the resulting system, the characteristics of the dispersed spectrum, and the overall system conversion efficiency for a combination of three types of PV cells.
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Humphrey, John. "Building a US company to manufacture solar PV mounting systems". Thesis, KTH, Kraft- och värmeteknologi, 2015.

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This paper describes the process of developing a product for the solar industry. It is the story of starting a business in the solar market by designing a product, manufacturing the product and growing sales to over $1 million USD in 2011 and 2012. The author is describing the actual details of a manufacturing company that produces solar racking systems in the USA. The author founded the company in 2009 and left the company at the end of 2012. The document describes the changing landscape of the racking sector of the US PV market, and makes the case for industry standards in solar module dimensions. The range of current sizes of solar modules is described. The inconsistency in sizes creates additional overhead for manufacturers to accommodate different sized parts to hold the different solar panels. A uniform standard size would result in cost reductions for the end customers.
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Ghaghazanian, Arash. "System Integration of PV/T Collectors in Solar Cooling Systems". Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Energiteknik, 2015.

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The demand for cooling and air-conditioning of building is increasingly ever growing. This increase is mostly due to population and economic growth in developing countries, and also desire for a higher quality of thermal comfort. Increase in the use of conventional cooling systems results in larger carbon footprint and more greenhouse gases considering their higher electricity consumption, and it occasionally creates peaks in electricity demand from power supply grid. Solar energy as a renewable energy source is an alternative to drive the cooling machines since the cooling load is generally high when solar radiation is high. This thesis examines the performance of PV/T solar collector manufactured by Solarus company in a solar cooling system for an office building in Dubai, New Delhi, Los Angeles and Cape Town. The study is carried out by analyzing climate data and the requirements for thermal comfort in office buildings. Cooling systems strongly depend on weather conditions and local climate. Cooling load of buildings depend on many parameters such as ambient temperature, indoor comfort temperature, solar gain to the building and internal gains including; number of occupant and electrical devices. The simulations were carried out by selecting a suitable thermally driven chiller and modeling it with PV/T solar collector in Polysun software. Fractional primary energy saving and solar fraction were introduced as key figures of the project to evaluate the performance of cooling system. Several parametric studies and simulations were determined according to PV/T aperture area and hot water storage tank volume. The fractional primary energy saving analysis revealed that thermally driven chillers, particularly adsorption chillers are not suitable to be utilizing in small size of solar cooling systems in hot and tropic climates such as Dubai and New Delhi. Adsorption chillers require more thermal energy to meet the cooling load in hot and dry climates. The adsorption chillers operate in their full capacity and in higher coefficient of performance when they run in a moderate climate since they can properly reject the exhaust heat. The simulation results also indicated that PV/T solar collector have higher efficiency in warmer climates, however it requires a larger size of PV/T collectors to supply the thermally driven chillers for providing cooling in hot climates. Therefore using an electrical chiller as backup gives much better results in terms of primary energy savings, since PV/T electrical production also can be used for backup electrical chiller in a net metering mechanism.
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Deng, Wenpeng. "A solar PV-LED lighting system with bidirectional grid ballasting". Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015.

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Hagerman, Shelly C. "Economics of Behind-the-Meter Solar PV and Energy Storage". Research Showcase @ CMU, 2016.

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In this thesis, I present three research papers that focus on the economics of behind-the-meter technologies for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Each of these papers takes the perspective of the customer, where the value of the technology comes from reducing their electricity bill. In Chapter 2, I assess whether solar photovoltaics are economically viable without subsidies for residential customers across the United States. I calculate the break-even electricity prices and installation costs and find that, at a state level, solar PV is only currently economically attractive in Hawaii without the use of subsidies. In order for widespread adoption of solar PV, I illustrate how the availability of favorable financing terms, installation costs at or below $1.5/W, and the continuance of net energy metering policies are each critical. In Chapter 3, I create a case study to better understand solar PV economics for commercial and industrial customers, who collectively account for the majority of annual electricity sales in the United States. While residential customers are billed based on the total amount of energy they consume, commercial and industrial customers are also billed according to their greatest 15- minute energy use in a month with a demand charge. I analyze the net present value of a solar PV investment using both simulated and measured load and solar data for a variety of commercial customers in North and South Carolina. I identify key factors that influence economic viability and find that solar PV is not presently economically viable for these customers without subsidies, but will be once installation costs drop to below $1.25/W. In Chapter 4, I evaluate the economics of using energy storage to further reduce demand charges for each of the customers examined in Chapter 3. Using a “black-box” approach, I apply several generic energy storage technical attributes of a high-energy lithium-ion battery to assess the ideal performance and maximum economic benefit of energy storage. I find that batteries with lower capacities are most profitable for the commercial and industrial customers examined using an optimistic algorithm, but require further cost reductions using a pessimistic algorithm.
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McHugh, Patrick. "Is solar PV feasible for telecom BTS stations in Asia?" Thesis, McHugh, Patrick (2014) Is solar PV feasible for telecom BTS stations in Asia? Masters by Coursework thesis, Murdoch University, 2014.

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Populations of Asian countries have all but skipped the telephone landline method of communication; many have opted solely on mobile telephones for communication. Telecommunication for mobiles is via base transceiver stations or BTSs. The telecom providers are pushed to provide greater coverage taking their technology into remote areas away from grid power or into areas of the grid that are unstable. Sited in remote areas, several BTSs are some distance from the electricity grid and this poses a problem of power supply for these stations. Traditionally remote sites are powered by diesel generators. In this dissertation the cost effectiveness of introducing solar PV is investigating. Focusing on the most cost effective solutions of solely generator produced power and comparing the results to the most economic amount of solar PV produced power. The research case studies centres on two locations namely Laos and Thailand. The method of research is a desktop analysis using Homer modelling software for energy systems. Figures for the cost of components were gathered from two sources one in Laos and the other in Thailand. The results are tabulated, and analysed. Although the technical feasibility aspects are not investigated it is assumed by the author that the proposed solution is viable. This dissertation shows that using solar PV for remote stations away from the grid is a cost effective method to power these sites, even with variations in price of fuel, solar resource and the considered load of the BTS site. The benefits of a PV System are: • The overall levelised cost of electricity is significantly lower. • Although the capital outlay is more for a PV system the operational costs are much lower. • The impact of increased fuel prices is very small with solar PV integrated into the system. • Even with a marginal solar resource there is still great value from choosing solar. • As the size of the BTS site load increases there is also a greater cost saving. • The autonomy of the system is increased. • Less environmental damage.
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Alipour, Mohammad. "Modelling Adoption Behaviour of Home Battery and Solar PV Systems". Thesis, Griffith University, 2022.

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Residential solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are a key contributor to the ongoing transition to renewable energy supply chain systems for addressing the onslaught of climate challenges. With the costs of small-scale PV systems reaching grid parity, it is making up a significant proportion of supply in many countries. Generating electricity from PV arrays at the point of demand curbs the necessity to transfer power over long distances through an expensive grid infrastructure. Behind the rich spectrum of benefits rendered to all sides, however, is the rising socio-technical challenges that stem from the use of rooftop PV at scale. Household-level battery systems as a nascent innovation in the residential sector has been brought forward to counterbalance PV electricity’s disruptive effects on the grid. Accordingly, efforts have been initiated by governments towards the mass acceptance of home batteries. However, success or failure in deployment policies concerning the uptake of batteries hinges on the household’s decision. Households are the main actor in the uptake decision-making process and as such will ultimately decide whether and the extent to which any considered deployment policies will succeed. The critical role of this micro-behaviour in the uptake no-go decision calls for better understanding of their householder behaviours to develop effective policy measures. To this end, the present study strives to analyse and model small-scale battery adoption behaviour by households. However, modelling such behaviours is complex since the behaviour of bounded rational individuals is non-linear and does not completely align with traditional economic patterns in a socio-economic system. Interested households without PVs should decide whether they want to install only a PV system or will install PVs with a connected battery. At the same time, those with existing PVs should decide whether they want to install a battery or wait until the current system becomes inefficient and then choose an integrated PV and battery systems, or not adopt any system. Not only are there choices to make, but also the interactions between PV and battery systems further complicate to the existing problem. The simultaneous analysis of both systems appears indispensable, as households’ regarding whether to accept or reject PVs is interlinked with and closely tied to battery adoption behaviour. To accurately model the choice behaviour of households regarding battery, PV, and PV plus battery system, this research begins by identifying relevant predictors in the literature. The literature review is further extended to reveal the behavioural theories and methods employed in the domain to find the most suitable tool. Evaluation of the potential users leads to a novel household classification followed by a determination of the most significant, relevant factors. A comprehensive survey is then structured into three blocks that cover these significant constructs, ranging from sociodemographic, environmental, and behavioural factors to the choice set for each group designed through a D-efficient choice experiment. To fully understand these characteristics, an online questionnaire was distributed to residential householders located in South East Queensland, Australia, and a total of 604 responses were received. This research continues to propose a novel term in social science, namely ‘attitude change’, to underpin the hidden interrelations between PV and battery systems, and the way the acceptance or rejection of PVs impacts adoption behaviour regarding batteries. This term is introduced to highlight the past role of PV purchasing decisions for the acceptance of battery through two elements: ‘regret’ and ‘despair’. The significance of factors driving these two elements is investigated through 25 supervised machine learning algorithms. The outcome of the previous steps is used to model the choice decision using the discrete choice models (DCMs) that can adequately capture the complexities embedded in the problem. Two sets of DCMs were built: one for current PV adopters, and another for nonadopters. Both models are hybrid and capture the complexity of individuals’ preferences by incorporating sociodemographic factors into the latent variables that cannot be revealed from traditional approaches. Four latent groups, characterised by certain features, are proposed. The results of the case study indicate that differences exist between the preferences of PV adopters and those of non-adopters, and they highlight the effective latent variables behind the change in choices. By developing a hybrid DCMs, the research addresses the challenges of decision complexity, and distinguishes the structure of decision, which varies depending on PV adoption status. Understanding the factors influencing each adoption behaviour is vital for better identifying market acceptance and establishing practical recommendations that will lead to more balanced diffusion rates of batteries and PVs in residential households. Optimal take-up of solar PV and battery storage systems will ensure renewable energy transition targets can be achieved, without jeopardising grid voltage stability and quality requirements for customers. Overall, this research makes important contributions to the current body of knowledge, as it redefines how PV and battery systems should be analysed. The integrated study of PVs and batteries is followed by the new household category and the novel proposal of the role of solar systems as the past behaviour of battery uptake decision. The integration between these contributions and the outcome of the novel DCMs provides a platform to support more effective policy directions.
Thesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Eng & Built Env
Science, Environment, Engineering and Technology
Full Text
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Clarke, Daniel. "Stand-alone solar-pv hydrogen energy systems incorporating reverse osmosis". Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2015.

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The world’s increasing energy demand means the rate at which fossil fuels are consumed has increased resulting in greater carbon dioxide emissions. For many small (marginalised) or coastal communities, access to potable water is limited alongside good availability of renewable energy sources (solar or wind). One solution is to utilise small-scale renewably powered stand-alone energy systems to help supply power for everyday utilities and to operate desalination systems serving potable water (drinking) needs reducing diesel generator dependence. In such systems, on-site water production is essential so as to service electrolysis for hydrogen generation for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Whilst small Reverse Osmosis (RO) units may function as a (useful) dump load, it also directly impacts the power management of stand-alone energy systems and affects operational characteristics. However, renewable energy sources are intermittent in nature, thus power generation from renewables may not be adequate to satisfy load demands. Therefore, energy storage and an effective Power Management Strategy (PMS) are vital to ensure system reliability. This thesis utilises a combination of experiments and modelling to analyse the performance of renewably powered stand-alone energy systems consisting of photovoltaic panels, PEM electrolysers, PEM fuel cells, batteries, metal hydrides and Reverse Osmosis (RO) under various scenarios. Laboratory experiments have been done to resolve time-resolved characteristics for these system components and ascertain their impact on system performance. However, the main objective of the study is to ascertain the differences between applying (simplistic) predictive/optimisation techniques compared to intelligent tools in renewable energy systems. This is achieved through applying intelligent tools such as Neural Networks and Particle Swarm Optimisation for different aspects that govern system design and operation as well as solar irradiance prediction. Results indicate the importance of device level transients, temporal resolution of available solar irradiance and type of external load profile (static or time-varying) as system performance is affected differently. In this regard, minute resolved simulations are utilised to account for all component transients including predicting the key input to the system, namely available solar resource which can be affected by various climatic conditions such as rainfall. System behaviour is (generally) more accurately predicted utilising Neural Network solar irradiance prediction compared to the ASHRAE clear sky model when benchmarked against measured irradiance data. Allowing Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) to further adjust specific control set-points within the systems PMS results in improvements in system operational characteristics compared to using simplistic rule-based design methods. In such systems, increasing energy storage capacities generally allow for more renewable energy penetration yet only affect the operational characteristics up to a threshold capacity. Additionally, simultaneously optimising system size and PMS to satisfy a multi-objective function, consisting of total Net Present Cost and CO2 emissions, yielded lower costs and carbon emissions compared to HOMER, a widely adopted sizing software tool. Further development of this thesis will allow further improvements in the development of renewably powered energy systems providing clean, reliable, cost-effective energy. All simulations are performed on a desktop PC having an Intel i3 processor using either MATLAB/Simulink or HOMER.
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With the depletion of non-renewable resources and growing public awareness about the advantages of green energy, alternative renewable sources are evolving as a significant source of energy since past few years. Furthermore, the electrical grid is on the verge of a paradigm shift, from centralized power generation, transmission, and huge power grids towards distributed generation (DG). DG fundamentally uses small-scale generators like photovoltaic (PV) panels, wind turbine, fuel cells, small and micro hydropower, diesel generator set, etc., and is limited to small distribution networks to produce power close to the end users. Renewable energy sources (RES) are essential components of DG because they are more environment friendly than conventional power generators and once established maintenance cost is also low. One of the most popular renewable energy source is solar energy because it is abundant, accessible and can be easily converted into electricity. The electricity produced from SPV system can be utilized by the local loads within the microgrid or it can be integrated with conventional grid. Microgrid (MG), which is a cluster of distributed generation, renewable sources, and local loads connected to the utility grid provides solution to manage local generations and loads as a single grid level entity. It has the potential to maximize overall system efficiency, power quality, and energy surety for critical loads. A microgrid can operate either in stand-alone mode or grid connected mode. Due to abundant availability of solar energy, an SPV based microgrid is widely used around the world. Due to intermittent nature of solar energy, stand-alone SPV based microgrid needs an energy storage system also, whereas in grid connected system, the microgrid is connected to conventional grid which takes care of the solar intermittency by having bi-directional flow of power. Depending on the technical specifications, grid-connected solar PV- based microgrid can be single-stage or double-stage. In single stage configuration, PV array is directly connected to a DC/AC converter whereas in double-stage configuration, DC/DC converter is coupled in between the solar PV array and PV inverter and provides the desired fixed DC voltage to the inverter. The present work aims at modelling, design, development and control of a solar PV vii based microgrid for enhanced performance. Also, the characterization studies of the developed system have been carried out. Modeling of the system is required in order to predict its behaviour under both steady and dynamic states. Characterization studies such as sensitivity and reliability analysis are used to evaluate the performance of the system. Sensitivity analysis is the performance evaluation technique for evaluating the change in the system’s performance with respect to the change in its parameters. The sensitivity functions for solar cell and boost converter with respect to influential parameters have been developed using first derivative of Taylor’s series. Reliability analysis for electrical and electronic components of the system have been performed using pareto analysis and reliability model of the PV based microgrid has been developed using reliability block diagram for different PV array configurations. The Fault tree analysis (FTA) model of the system has been developed to find the cause of failure and to step the events leading to failure serially. Further, Markov’s model has been used to develop the reliability functions of individual components and hence, the reliability of complete grid connected PV system has been calculated. Solar PV system gives maximum power under uniform shading. But many a times PV panels are non-uniformly irradiated and this condition is known as called partial shading condition (PSC). PSC occur due to shadow of big trees, nearby buildings and dense clouds etc. PSC in PV system is an inevasible situation and exhibits multiple peaks, consisting of a single global maximum power point and many local maximum power points, in its power-voltage curve. PSC makes tracking of global maximum power point more difficult and also reduces the efficiency of the system. The conventional MPPT control algorithms work well under uniform shading condition but under partial shading scenario, they may not be able to track global peak out of multiple peaks. Therefore, an efficient controller is required to overcome the raised issue. Further, various PV array configurations such as series, series-parallel, total cross tied, bridge linked etc. may be used to improve the system efficiency. In the present work, novel maximum power point control algorithms viz. an asymmetrical fuzzy logic control (AFLC) and asymmetrical interval type-2 FLC (AIT-2 FLC) are developed for stand-alone PV system under partial shading condition. The developed algorithms are tested for different PV array configurations. viii In stand-alone PV system, the power supplied to the load depends upon the available solar energy. The output of SPV is intermittent in nature as it depends on the environmental conditions. This intermittency problem can be addressed by adding an energy storage system along with PV system. Battery is the most commonly used energy storage device and is very pivotal in maintaining continuity of power to the load. But when two or more energy sources are connected, then control of dc link voltage at common coupling point (CCP) is an area of concern. Therefore, in a SPV system with BESS a controller is required which can maintain constant DC link voltage irrespective of system transients. The PI controller is commonly used controller for controlling dc- link voltage, but it cannot regulate DC-link voltage under dynamic operating conditions and have overshoots and long settling time in its response. Suitable intelligent controllers are designed to replace the conventional PI controller, as they provide a better transient response. In order to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional PI control algorithm, nonlinear autoregressive moving average-L2 (NARMA-L2) control algorithm is proposed and developed for the stand-alone PV system with BESS. The proposed control scheme maintains the voltage across DC-link under change in irradiation and load condition. In a grid connected SPV based microgrid, the output of boost converter i.e., DC link is connected to voltage source inverter which is connected to grid at the point of common coupling (PCC). Voltage source inverter converts the generated DC power from PV system to AC of required voltage and frequency, as well as maintains the balance of power between the SPV system, load, and grid. The inverter is regulated by the interfacing controllers for effective operation and grid synchronization. The interfacing controllers are used to control the output of PV inverter for its efficient utilization and for improving power quality at PCC by providing reactive power compensation, harmonics compensation and load balancing. Conventional control algorithm like synchronous reference frame theory (SRFT) uses proportional integral (PI) controller for DC-link voltage regulation. These controllers are not best suited for SPV based microgrid as the overshoots and long settling time in their response are inevitable. In order to overcome this, novel smooth Least Mean Square (SLMS), improved zero attracting LMS (IZALMS) and reweighted L0 norm variable step size continuous mixed p-norm (RL0-VSSCMPN) based adaptive interfacing control algorithms are proposed ix and developed for the PV based microgrid. The efficacy of the proposed control algorithms has been tested on hardware prototype developed in the laboratory using MicroLab box (dSPACE 1202). The developed prototype system acts as distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) and consists of inverter that is tied in parallel to the grid at the point of common coupling. FLUKE power analyzer has been used to measure the response of the system. The research work presented in the thesis is expected to provide good exposure to design, development and control of the solar PV based microgrid.
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Oller, Westerberg Amelia. "Revising installed photovoltaic capacities on emerging markets by analysing customs data". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Byggteknik och byggd miljö, 2020.

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The global solar PV market is growing fast, and so is the production and trade with photovoltaic products and peripherals. Until now, the largest development has taken place in highly developed and electrified countries with good administrative control over their electricity system. Recently, however, new markets in developing countries have become increasingly relevant in terms of market share, system sizes and installed capacities. Statistics from these types of countries are often weak or non-existent, leading to problems for global organizations such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) or the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), whose task is to follow, analyze and document named development.  In this report, a method is presented in which customs data monitored by the ‘Market Analysis and Research’ section of the International Trade Centre, an agency of UN’s World Trade Organization, is analyzed and converted into annual installed PV capacity volumes. By complementing the basic data from the customs database with price statistics from IEA PVPS task 1 along with national module production data from IEA PVPS task 1 and the RTS cooperation a data conversion is executed.  The method has been improved incrementally, where different assumptions have been modified or added, so that the data conversion of exported and imported PV products, expressed in dollar per yearly quarter, match the official statistics of annual installed capacity for a number of reference countries with comprehensive PV capacity statistics. The sensitivity analysis shows that the method is sensitive to the accuracy of the annual domestic national PV module production data and to price changes of Chinese PV modules. For countries with accurate PV module production data, or countries with no module production, the method seems to be able to estimate the annual installed capacity in 2018 with an average difference of 21% and a maximum difference of ±38% and a total average difference of 12%, 17% and 11% for 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively.  By implementing this method, an estimate on yearly installed capacities can be generated in all countries connected to the UN customs database and where the domestic module production is known. This gives the opportunity to at least get an assessment of how much PV that has been installed in developing countries that lack official statistics about their domestic PV market. The regions with the lowest existing data coverage in the world have been determined to be Africa and the Middle East. When applying the method on countries in Africa and the Middle East, larger capacities than the reference data were obtained.
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