Tesis sobre el tema "Properties loss"
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Munro, Roger Cameron. "Anti - haemostatic properties of the Hirudinea". Thesis, Open University, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.317381.
Texto completoBestenlehner, Joachim Michael. "Mass-loss properties of the most massive stars in 30 Doradus". Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2013. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.602438.
Texto completoAhmed, El-Mahadi. "Rheological properties, loss of workability and strength development of high-strength concrete". Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2002. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1317867/.
Texto completoErgen, Cemil Emre. "Flood Mitigation Decision Tool for Target Repetitive Loss Properties in Jefferson Parish". ScholarWorks@UNO, 2006. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/405.
Texto completoOlsson, Martin. "Thermal Shape Factor : The impact of the building shape and thermal properties on the heating energy demand in Swedish climates". Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för tillämpad fysik och elektronik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-125076.
Texto completoSon, Vo Thanh y n/a. "Evaluation of the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) to estimate soil loss from hobby farms and commercial pastoral properties around Murrumbateman, NSW, Australia". University of Canberra. Applied Science, 1993. http://erl.canberra.edu.au./public/adt-AUC20061108.171337.
Texto completoAbdullah, Wan Mohammad H. W. "The effect of moisture loss on the mechanical and sensory properties of carrots". Thesis, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1992. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.239066.
Texto completoChen, Jonathan. "DEVELOPMENT OF A MUFFLER INSERTION LOSS FLOW RIG". UKnowledge, 2019. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/me_etds/131.
Texto completoPardo, Vivé Enric. "Geometry Effects on the Electromagnetic Properties of Linear Magnetic Materials and Superconductors in the Critical State". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/3356.
Texto completoEl comportament electromagnètic d'un cert material no només depèn de les seves propietats intrínseques sinó també de la geometria de la mostra estudiada. De fet, algunes magnituds magnètiques en mostres del mateix material però geometria diferent poden diferir en varis ordres de magnitud.
La tesi està dividida en dues parts. La primera part està dedicada a l'estudi dels efectes de geometria, també denominats efectes desimantadors, en mostres de materials lineals, homogenis i isòtrops (LHI) sota l'aplicació d'un camp magnètic uniforme. Per quantificar els efectes desimantadors en les magnituds magnètiques més rellevants en materials LHI s'utilitzen els factors de desimantació fluxmètric i magnetomètric (Nf i Nm); el seu càlcul teòric és necessari per poder determinar algunes propietats intrínseques dels materials a partir d'experiments. Després de detectar grans mancances en els resultats teòrics previs dels factors de desimantació per prismes rectangulars, presentem nombrosos càlculs originals de Nf i Nm. Pels casos de prismes infinitament llargs i prismes quadrats finits Nf i Nm es calculen per un rang ampli de relació gruix-amplada i susceptibilitat magnètica. Pel cas d'un prisma finit perfectament diamagnètic es presenta un estudi sistemàtic dels factors de desimantació en funció de les dimensions relatives del prisma a partir de càlculs precisos. També es calculen resultats numèrics per cilindres amb camp aplicat en la direcció radial, situació per la que existien molt poques dades.
L'altra part de la tesi consisteix en un estudi de superconductors durs, que són materials molt interessants per aplicacions pràctiques. En aquest cas, l'estudi es centra en algunes geometries infinitament llargues immerses en un camp magnètic altern i uniforme aplicat en direcció transversal o bé que transporten un corrent elèctric altern. Concretament, s'estudien amb detall les geometries de prisma infinit de secció rectangular, el·líptica i varis casos de conjunts de múltiples prismes rectangulars. L'estudi d'aquestes geometries és de gran importància pràctica a l'hora de dissenyar cintes i cables superconductors per treballar en dispositius elèctrics en corrent altern, pels que és fonamental la reducció de les pèrdues energètiques per la viabilitat de la tecnologia basada en cables superconductors. Per fer l'estudi esmentat es desenvolupa un mètode numèric basat en el model d'estat crític per superconductors i la minimització de l'energia magnètica. Pels casos de camp magnètic aplicat, el mètode permet descriure dos tipus de connexió entre filaments, elèctricament aïllats un a un o interconnectats entre sí al extrems dels prismes. Malgrat que el primer tipus de connexió és la que presenta pèrdues energètiques més baixes, no havia estat possible simular-lo fins ara. Els resultats numèrics obtinguts a partir d'aquest mètode són originals i de gran precisió. A més, la descripció sistemàtica del problema permet realitzar un estudi en profunditat de les propietats electromagnètiques per aquestes geometries, gràcies al que s'obtenen unes tendències bàsiques per reduir les pèrdues energètiques.
The electromagnetic behaviour of a certain material do not only depends on its internal properties but also on the geometry of the studied sample. Actually, some magnetic quantities in samples of the same material but different geometry can vary in several orders of magnitude.
The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we study the geometry effects, also called demagnetizing effects, in samples made of linear homogenous isotropic materials (LHI) subjected to a uniform applied magnetic field. In order to quantify the demagnetizing effects on the most relevant magnetic quantities of the samples, we carry out accurate calculations for the fluxmetric and magnetometric demagnetizing factors (Nf and Nm); the calculation of these factors is needed to determine some internal magnetic properties of materials from experiments. After detecting some important lacks in the already existing theoretical results for rectangular prisms, we present a complete set of original calculated data of Nf and Nm. For the cases of infinitely long rectangular prisms and finite square bars we calculate Nf and Nm for a wide range of thickness-to-width aspect ratio and magnetic susceptibility. For the case of a perfectly shielding rectangular prism, we present a systematic study of the demagnetizing factors as a function of the relative dimensions of the prism by means of accurate numerical calculations. Numerical results are also presented for cylinders under radial applied field, situation for which there existed very few data.
The other part of the thesis consists in a study of hard superconductors, which are materials very interesting for applications. For this case, we have focused on some infinitely long geometries subjected to either a transverse AC applied field or a transport alternating current. Specifically, there have been studied in detail the geometries of an infinitely long prism with rectangular cross-section, elliptical one and some arrangements of several rectangular prisms. The study of these geometries is of great practical importance for the design of superconducting tapes and cables for devices operating in AC conditions, for which the reduction of the AC loss is of vital importance for the viability of the technology based on superconducting wires. In order to do such an study, we develop a numerical method based on the critical-state model for superconductors and magnetic energy minimization. For the cases considering an applied magnetic field, the method allows the description of two different kinds of filament connexion, mutually electrically isolated or interconnected at the ends of the prisms. Although the first kind of connection presents lower AC loss, this situation has not been simulated until now by any author. The numerical results obtained from this method are original and very accurate. Furthermore, the systematic study of the problem provides a deep understanding of the electromagnetic properties for these geometries, thanks to which we obtain some general trends to reduce the AC loss.
Chen, Xinyue. "Understanding Loss Mechanisms and Enhancing Dielectric Properties of Multilayer Polymer Films for Capacitor Applications". Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1584527483998243.
Texto completoWang, Yun-Yu. "Investigation of the optical properties of Bi₂Sr₂Can-₁CunOy (n=1,2) by transmission electron energy loss spectroscopy /". This resource online, 1990. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-07282008-135649/.
Texto completoScott, Shane. "Rheological Properties of Protein Hydrogels". Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/20565.
Texto completoLangford, M. L. "An investigation of the properties of ions, radicals and molecules by translational-energy-loss spectroscopy". Thesis, Swansea University, 1991. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.637846.
Texto completoVillegas, Juan Camilo, Darin J. Law, Scott C. Stark, David M. Minor, David D. Breshears, Scott R. Saleska, Abigail L. S. Swann et al. "Prototype campaign assessment of disturbance-induced tree loss effects on surface properties for atmospheric modeling". WILEY, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/623209.
Texto completoRojas, Gregorio José Ignacio. "Microstructural characterization & viscoelastic properties of AlZnMg & AlCuMg alloys". Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/77907.
Texto completoLa comprensión del comportamiento visco-elástico de los metales es de gran interés ya que estos están sometidos a cargas dinámicas en la mayoría de sus aplicaciones estructurales, y también porque posibilita un conocimiento más profundo de varias propiedades esenciales tecnológicamente, como el amortiguamiento mecánico y el límite elástico. Así, la investigación en este campo es necesaria no sólo porque puede conducir hacia nuevas aplicaciones potenciales de los metales, sino también porque la capacidad de predecir el comportamiento en fatiga de los mismos puede verse ampliamente mejorada. De hecho, la fatiga de los metales es consecuencia de efectos microestructurales inducidos en el material bajo cargas dinámicas, y el comportamiento visco-elástico está también íntimamente relacionado con la microestructura. Así, la caracterización de la respuesta visco-elástica de un material ofrece un método alternativo para analizar su microestructura y, en último término, su respuesta en fatiga. Este trabajo tiene por objetivos la identificación, caracterización y modelización de los efectos de la temperatura, la frecuencia de excitación y la microestructura/transformaciones de fase en el comportamiento visco-elástico de las aleaciones de aluminio AA 7075-T6 y AA 2024-T3, y de aluminio puro en estado H24. Se aborda también la identificación de los procesos de relajación mecánicos que tienen lugar en estos materiales y la identificación de la relación entre el comportamiento visco-elástico de AA 7075-T6 y 2024-T3 y su respuesta en fatiga. Finalmente, se intentará investigar posibles influencias de la frecuencia de la carga dinámica en la fatiga, y en especial la existencia de una frecuencia umbral que marque la transición desde una respuesta cuasi-estática del material hacia la aparición de problemas de fatiga. AA 7075-T6 y AA 2024-T3 fueron seleccionadas porque son representantes clave de sus importantes familias de aleaciones, y son altamente adecuadas para un gran número de aplicaciones en los sectores aeroespacial y del transporte. El aluminio puro fue seleccionado para este estudio por su interés inherente, y para realizar comparaciones y discutir algunos de los fenómenos observados en las aleaciones. Para cumplir los objetivos, el comportamiento visco-elástico de los materiales fue medido experimentalmente con un Dynamic-Mechanical Analyser (DMA). Los resultados se combinaron con microscopía electrónica y calorimetría. Se propuso un modelo analítico que ajusta la componente real del módulo elástico dinámico (el storage modulus) hasta 300 ºC. El modelo toma en consideración los efectos de la temperatura, la frecuencia de la carga dinámica y la concentración de ciertos precipitados para el caso de las aleaciones. Esto permitió testear modelos propuestos para las velocidades de reacción de las transformaciones microestructurales asociadas, determinar sus parámetros cinéticos y caracterizar su influencia en el comportamiento visco-elástico, demostrando que el DMA es una buena herramienta para estudiar la microestructura del material, la cinética de las transformaciones de fase y la influencia de las transformaciones en las propiedades visco-elásticas de los materiales. El principio de superposición de tiempo y temperatura ha sido aplicado con éxito, proporcionando curvas maestras para las componentes del módulo elástico dinámico. Asimismo, se sugiere que el descenso en el límite elástico y la resistencia a fatiga con la temperatura observado en algunas aleaciones de aluminio puede ser debido al incremento de la fricción interna con la temperatura. Finalmente, se propone la existencia de una frecuencia umbral, por debajo de la cual los materiales sometidos a cargas dinámicas exhiben una respuesta cuasi-estática y elástica, de tal modo que mecanismos de termofluencia son dominantes y el deterioro del material debido a fatiga puede ser despreciado. Se propone un procedimiento para estimar esta frecuencia de transición.
Garrison, Melissa M. "Smoking as a maladaptive method of weight control in female college students perceived negative health effects and weight control properties /". Morgantown, W. Va. : [West Virginia University Libraries], 2007. https://eidr.wvu.edu/etd/documentdata.eTD?documentid=5043.
Texto completoTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vi, 75 p. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 48-54).
Venkataraman, Abinaya Priya. "Vision Beyond the Fovea: Evaluation and Stimuli Properties". Doctoral thesis, KTH, Biomedicinsk fysik och röntgenfysik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-191212.
Texto completoDenna forskning handlar om att utvärdera synen i periferin. Vår perifera syn är ovärderlig i det dagliga livet. Målsättningen med denna avhandling är dels att utveckla metoder speciellt lämpade för perifer synutvärdering och dels att mäta hur olika synfunktioner varierar över synfältet. Resultaten har tillämpning både inom synrehabilitering för personer med centraltsynfältsbortfall och inom närsynthetsforskning. Adaptiv psykofysisk metodologi baserad på Bayesiansk statistik användes vid all utvärdering av det perifera seendet. Vi implementerade en rutin för tidseffektiv mätning av perifer kontrastkänslighet och verifierade den ut till 30° i synfältet. Den perifera synen utvärderades för olika egenskaper hos objektet: skärpa, rörelse, riktning och utbredning. Skärpan kontrollerades med hjälp av adaptiv optik och/eller glasögonkorrektion speciellt anpassad för den perifera synvinkeln. Vi fann att många periferasynfunktioner förbättras av optisk korrektion, särskilt för personer med centralt synfältsbortfall. Vi hittade även förbättringar i periferkontrastkänslighet för låga ortsfrekvenser när objektet modulerades med hastigheter mellan 5 och 10 Hz, vilket gäller både normalseende och personer med centralt synfältsbortfall. I periferin är det lättare att se linjer som är orienterade parallellt med synfältsmeridianen. Vi har visat att denna riktningsbias gäller både för upplösning och detektion i periferin, även när de asymmetriska optiska felen minimeras. För bästa mätnoggrannhet rekommenderar vi därför att använda randmönster som ligger snett relativt synfältsmeridianen. Denna riktningsbias skulle även kunna påverka hur den perifera bildkvalitén inverkar på utvecklingen av närsynthet. Ytterligare ett bevis för att perifer syn kan påverka den centrala synfunktionen är att, när objektets utbredning ökades, uppfattade personen det som mindre suddigt.
QC 20160826
Minnaar, I. A. (Ingrid Ane). "Seasonal metabolic adjustments and partitioning of evaporative water loss in Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat,Epomophorus Wahlbergi". Diss., University of Pretoria, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/41369.
Texto completoDissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013.
Zoology and Entomology
Spackman, Brian P. "Effect of Manufacturing Processes on the Loss Factor and Other Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Fiber-Reinforced Composites". DigitalCommons@USU, 2015. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/4256.
Texto completoSharma, Bed Prasad. "Effect of sonication on thermal, mechanical, and thermomechanical properties of epoxy resin". OpenSIUC, 2009. https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/theses/113.
Texto completoHarty, Tyler. "Effects of Atomic Oxygen on the Vacuum-Induced Mass Loss Properties of a Variety of Spacecraft Materials". DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2017. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1788.
Texto completoSimmons, Jed. "OPTICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CERAMIC CRYSTAL LASER MATERIALS". Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2007. http://digital.library.ucf.edu/cdm/ref/collection/ETD/id/4123.
Texto completoPh.D.
Department of Physics
Physics PhD
Texto completoDhameri, Sulaiman Ali A. "Rheological Properties and Decomposition Rates of Gellan Gum". University of Toledo / OhioLINK, 2019. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=toledo1562780919692096.
Texto completoWilliams, Paul Timothy. "Acoustic performance of dissipative and hybrid silencers in ducts with large transverse dimensions". Thesis, Brunel University, 2015. http://bura.brunel.ac.uk/handle/2438/13745.
Texto completoWang, Yun-Yu. "Investigation of the optical properties of Bi₂Sr₂Can-1CunOy (n=1,2) by transmission electron energy loss spectroscopy". Diss., Virginia Tech, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/38983.
Texto completoPfeiffenberger, Janne Akseli. "Biomechanical control mechanisms and morphology for locomotion in challenging scenarios". Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2017. http://cdm16002.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p245801coll10/id/476333.
Texto completoPh.D.
Everyday ecologically relevant tasks that affect organismal fitness, such as foraging, reproduction, predator avoidance, and escape responses, rely upon successful locomotion. The effectiveness of animal locomotion depends on many underlying factors, such as the morphology of the locomotor limbs, which evolved to fulfill specific locomotor tasks. Besides morphology, the material properties of the limbs also play a crucial role in locomotion. The skeletal structures of locomotor limbs must be able to withstand the repeated stresses that come with locomotion, either on land or underwater, as they use their limbs to generate propulsive forces. The natural environment animals move in is complex and dynamic, as various conditions crucial to locomotor performance can change unexpectedly. Perturbations to locomotor stability can take different forms, such as elevation changes, obstacles, substrate changes, and slipping. To maintain stable locomotor performance in these environments, animals rely on locomotor control mechanisms to counteract destabilizing effects of locomotor perturbations. In this Dissertation, I investigated the biomechanical control mechanisms and morphological adaptations during locomotion in challenging locomotor scenarios. Over the course of three chapters, the goals were to: 1) explore the effects of limb loss on a side-ways running sprint specialist, the Atlantic ghost crab, 2) determine the response and control mechanisms that allow ghost crabs overcome slip perturbations, and 3) to describe the pelvic morphology of bottom-walking Antarctic plunderfish and compare the pelvic morphologies among multiple species of nothenioids that do not bottom-walk. This study demonstrates the robustness of Atlantic ghost crabs to limb loss and slip perturbations. Paired limb removals resulted in a pattern of kinematic adjustments, which reduced locomotor performance by up to 25%, which was dependent on specific limbs being lost. I suggest that these limbs serve more important limb functions that can’t be replaced by the remaining limbs, however the loss of these particular limbs also results in re-patterning of limb relationships, which may reveal a neural component that may be the cause of decreased locomotor performance. Slip perturbations on the other hand were found to not have any significant effects on the locomotor performance of ghost crabs. Kinematics remained constant as ghost crabs traversed the slip surface, suggesting that ghost crabs may rely on feedforward control to overcome slip perturbations, however further studies measuring neural activity are required to confirm our finding. Most importantly though this chapter demonstrates and corroborates the role of momentum and how it allows animals to overcome perturbations. The last chapter investigated the pelvic morphology and material properties of fin rays in bottom walking fish. The Antarctic plunderfish was found to possess high flexural stiffness in its pelvic fin rays, which likely facilitate the bottom walking behavior in this species. Other, non-bottom walking notothenioids did not have fin rays of similar stiffness. Pelvic plate morphology was not different between species, however there were stark differences in mineralization. The bottom-walking fish had higher bone mineral density compared to the other species analyzed in this chapter. I also found mineralization patterns which seem to align with muscle fiber alignment of the major pelvic muscles, suggesting that these regionalized increases in stiffness provide stability while allowing for a lightweight pelvic plate.
Temple University--Theses
Nguyen, Gia Huynh Truong. "Evaluating soil erodibility parameters with mini-JET under various soil moisture conditions". Kansas State University, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/34526.
Texto completoDepartment of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
Aleksey Y. Sheshukov
Soil erosion is one of the main reasons for agricultural land degradation in the world. Losses of land because of high soil erosion rates and rapidly expanding population result in significant reduction of cultivated land area per capita, and shortage of food on the global scale. Soil erosion can be a major source of sediment in the aquatic systems leading to reduction of organism population and poor water quality. Many factors affect soil erodibility, such as, soil properties, rainfall, topographic features, land use, and management practices, among others. The impacts of soil moisture content, however, are not well understood and. therefore, the primary goal of this study was to quantify two soil erodibility parameters, the erodibility coefficient and critical shear stress, under different soil moisture conditions using the jet erosion test (JET). The JET test uses the apparatus (called mini-JET) that creates an impinging jet of water into the soil and records the resulting scour depth over time. The scour depth time series are then fitted into a non-linear soil erosion equation, yielding the sought values of erodibility parameters. For this study, more than 40 soil samples were collected from several sites in Kansas, processed, and prepared to conduct JET tests in the lab setting. The effects of tillage and soil moisture content were of interest to this study. The results showed varied effects of soil type and sample soil moisture condition on the scour depth development and parameters sensitivity. The critical shear stress decreased and the erodibility coefficient increased with the increase of initial moisture content for clay loam soil, while critical shear stress did not change for sandy loam soil. The study also revealed higher erosive properties of soil collected from the tilled field compared to the no-till field.
Xu, Shuangyan. "Evaluating Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Electrically Conductive Adhesives for Electronic Applications". Diss., Virginia Tech, 2002. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/27112.
Texto completoPh. D.
Torruella, Besa Pau. "Development of novel EELS methods to unveil nanoparticle properties". Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/666906.
Texto completo[cat] L’adveniment de la nanotecnologia està portant amb ell l’aparició d’una gran quantitat de nous materials, compostos i aplicacions. En el seu desenvolupament, sovint té lloc fenomenologia sorprenent, o encara no ben entesa. Per omplir aquest forats en el nostre coneixement i poder desenvolupar noves aplicacions és de vital importància esbrinar la configuració estructural i química a nivell subnanomètric d’aquests components. Per la seva gran resolució espacial, la microscòpia electrònica de transmissió ha esdevingut una eina indispensable en aquest context. A més, en un microscopi electrònic es poden combinar una gran varietat de tècniques que poden donar una quantitat d’informació enorme. Una d’aquestes tècniques és l’espectroscòpia de pèrdua d’energia dels electrons (EELS). Aquesta tècnica ha permès en els últims anys el mapejat d’elements químics i ions columna atòmica per columna atòmica, arribant a uns dels nivells més íntims als que es pot conèixer la matèria en estat sòlid. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi ha estat fer ús de l’EELS i d’altres tècniques emprades en microscòpia electrònica per entendre els processos químics que tenen lloc en diferents síntesis de nanopartícules. En aquest procés s’han desenvolupat també una sèrie d’eines enfocades al processat de les dades d’EELS ja sigui per a facilitar la seva interpretació, limitar problemes derivats de la seva adquisició (i. e. soroll) o calcular propietats concretes del material estudiat. A més aquesta tècnica s’ha combinat amb mètodes de reconstrucció 3D per obtenir una informació completa dels sistemes estudiats.
Karlsson, Linda. "Transmission Electron Microscopy of 2D Materials : Structure and Surface Properties". Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tunnfilmsfysik, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-127526.
Texto completoJalilikashtiban, Reza. "Structural and compositional properties of semiconductor quantum dots and nanocrystals". Thesis, University of Manchester, 2010. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/structural-and-compositional-properties-of-semiconductor-quantum-dots-and-nanocrystals(ceb22d89-7ed7-4c54-9d4c-612a9331404d).html.
Texto completoKorte, David M. "Landslide Distribution and Susceptibility, Material Properties, and Soil Loss Estimates for the Drift Creek Watershed (Siletz River), Lincoln County, Oregon". Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=kent1531746833259716.
Texto completoShields, Kelly J. "The Development of a Multi-Directional Wear Apparatus and the Characterization and Correlation of Biomechanical and Biotribological Properties of Bovine Articular Cartilage". VCU Scholars Compass, 2007. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/1271.
Texto completoTovar, Anthony Alan. "Off-axis multimode light beam propagation in tapered lenslike media including those with spatial gain or loss variation". PDXScholar, 1988. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/open_access_etds/3839.
Texto completoShirmohammadi, Maryam. "Process modelling and simulation of tissue damage during mechanical peeling of pumpkin as a tough skinned vegetable". Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2014. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/67921/1/Maryam_Shirmohammadi_Thesis.pdf.
Texto completoMichaud, Alexander Page. "Experimental Investigation of Reflection of Airborne Noise at Duct Terminations". Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/16209.
Texto completoTebcherani, Tanya Marie. "A Computational Approach to Enhance Control of Tactile Properties Evoked by Peripheral Nerve Stimulation". Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2021. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1625780331134629.
Texto completoMunzhedzi, Mukondeleli. "Effect of haverst season and ripening duration on the physico-chemical properties of new 'fuerte-type' avocando fruit selections during ripening". Thesis, University of Limpopo, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10386/1810.
Texto completoThe Agricultural Research Council-Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops (ARC-ITSC) is continuously developing new avocado selections, in order for the South African Avocado Industry (SAAI) to remain competitive in various international avocado markets. However, information on the response of some of these selections, including ‘Fuerte 2 and 4’, ‘BL1058’ and ‘H287’ to low temperature storage and ripening physiology, has not been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of harvest season and ripening duration on the physico-chemical properties of newly developed ‘Fuerte-type’ avocado fruit selections during ripening. ‘Fuerte-type’ avocado fruit were indexed for maturity using moisture content, thereafter harvested and stored at 5.5°C for 28 days during the 2014 and 2015 harvest seasons. The experiment comprised five treatments: control (commercial ‘Fuerte’), ‘Fuerte 2 and 4’, ‘BL1058’ and ‘H287’ arranged as a factorial in a completely randomised design (RCD) with 3 replicates. The treatment factors were: (i) 2 x harvest seasons, (ii) 5 x selections and (iii) 6 x ripening days. After withdrawal from low storage temperature, fruit were ripened at ambient temperature. During ripening, the following physico-chemical properties were evaluated; external chilling injury, electrolyte leakage, mass loss, firmness, respiration rate and peel colour. Results showed that selections and harvest seasons had no significant effect (P=0.668) on the moisture content of the evaluated ‘Fuerte-type’ avocado fruit. After withdrawal from low storage temperature, there was a significant interaction (P˂0.05) between selections and harvest seasons on external chilling injury and electrolyte leakage. Results further showed that external chilling injury correlated with electrolyte leakage during both harvest seasons. Treatment factors had no significant effect (P=0.997) on mass loss. Similarly, treatment factors had no significant effect (P=0.139) on firmness. However, selection ‘H287’ had hard skin with an average firmness of 83.44 densimeter units during ripening in both harvest seasons. Treatment factors were highly significant (P˂0.05) on respiration rate. Respiration rate followed a climacteric pattern and the magnitude of climacteric peak and day of occurrence varied amongst selections during both harvest seasons. Ripening percentage differed significantly (P˂0.05) amongst harvest seasons, selections and ripening days. Treatment factors had no significant effect on lightness (P=0.711), chroma (P=0.378) and hue angle (P=0.536) skin colour parameters,however, variations were recorded as a result of the cold damage black spots. The results indicated that the ‘Fuerte-type’ avocado selections had poor storage qualities. Further studies are required to evaluate physico-chemical properties during low storage temperature and the effect of season, production conditions and maturity level on development of chilling injury. In addition, studies on application of treatments to reduce chilling injury symptoms and analysis of bioactive compounds should be considered for conclusive recommendations. Thereafter, the selections can be planted in different production regions to assess and select the best producing and quality combinations for a given region as part of phase III of the project
Agricultural Sector Education Training Authority (AgriSeta) and National Research Foundation (NRF)
Idrobo, Juan Carlos. "A study of the electronic structure and the effects of oxygen on the superconducting properties of MgB₂ by electron energy loss spectroscopy /". For electronic version search Digital dissertations database. Restricted to UC campuses. Access is free to UC campus dissertations, 2004. http://uclibs.org/PID/11984.
Texto completoLee, Ryan Thomas. "Modulation of Keratin Biomaterial Formulations for Controlled Mechanical Properties, Drug Delivery, and Cell Delivery Applications". Miami University / OhioLINK, 2013. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=miami1385549579.
Texto completoMeng, Han. "Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials". Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSEC008/document.
Texto completoImplementation of acoustic materials is an effective and popular noise reduction method during propagation. Acoustic properties of novel multifunctional sandwich structures and porous absorbing materials are studied in the dissertation. The main contributions of the dissertation are given as, Sandwich panels generally have excellent mechanical properties and good sound transmission loss (STL), but no sound absorption ability. Novel multifunctional sandwich structures are developed by integrating micro perforations and porous absorbing materials to the conventional structurally-efficient corrugated and honeycomb sandwich panels to achieve good SAC and STL at low frequencies. Low frequency sound absorption and sound transmission loss (STL) of corrugated sandwich panels with different perforation configurations are evaluated both numerically and experimentally. Finite element (FE) models are constructed with considerations of acousticstructure interactions and viscous and thermal energy dissipations inside the perforations. The validity of FE calculations is checked against experimental measurements with the tested samples provided by additive manufacturing. Compared with the classical corrugated sandwich panels without perforation, the perforated corrugated sandwich panels (PCSPs) with perforations in its face plate not only exhibits a higher SAC at low frequencies but also a better STL as a consequence of the enlarged SAC. The enlargement of SAC and STL should be attributed to the acoustical resonance induced by the micro perforations. It is also found that the PCSPs with perforations in both the face plates and corrugated cores have the lowest resonance frequencies of all the PCSPs. Besides, the acoustic properties of honeycomb sandwich panels with microperforated faceplate are also explored. An analytical model is presented with the assumption that displacements of the two faceplates are identical at frequencies below the faceplate resonance frequency. The analytical model is subsequently verified by finite element models and existing experimental results. Unlike classical honeycomb sandwich panels which are poor sound absorbers, perforated honeycomb sandwiches (PHSPs) lead to high SAC at low frequencies, which in turn brings about increment in the low frequency STL. Influences of core configuration are investigated by comparing PHSPs with different honeycomb core configurations. In order to enlarge the SAC bandwidth of perforated sandwich panels, porous absorbing materials are added to the cores of novel perforated sandwich panels. FE models are set up to estimate the SAC and STL of perforated sandwich panels with porous materials. Results show that perforated sandwich panels with porous material can provide SAC with broader bandwidth and lower resonance frequency than that without porous materials. Whereas the peak values in the SAC and STL curves are reduced due to the weakened acoustical resonance by the porous materials. […]
Heazel, Thomas Edward. "Cell wall sulfur distribution in sulfonated southern pine latewood". Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/5786.
Texto completoKhair, Ro’aa Mohammed Jafar Mohammed Mohammed. "Comparative in vitro study of selected physical properties of Activa, Cention N and Vitremer". University of the Western Cape, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11394/8144.
Texto completoBackground: This study aimed to determine the association between dimensional change and surface roughness (Ra) of Vitremer, Activa and Cention N after immersing them into two different media: acidic and artificial saliva media for the period of a year. Measurements were made at 10 time intervals during the observation period. Methodology: This was a quantitative and qualitative study. For the quantitative part, a total of 60 specimens were tested, 20 specimens for each material. The 20 specimens were further divided into 10 specimens. Ten were immersed in acidic media and the rest in saliva media. A measurement of the weight, height, and Ra was carried out as follows: day 0, day 1, day 2, day 7, day 21, day 28, day 60, day 90, day 180 and day 365. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the surface of each material qualitatively pre and post immersion in the two media. For fluoride measurements, an additional five samples from each material were left suspended in the de-ionized water by the use of dental floss. The materials were moved to new specimen jars after the completion of day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 21 and 28. All the specimen jars had been kept for the fluoride measurements. Results: Non-parametric tests were used to analyze the data. Linear regression analysis was used to measure the association between weight, height or surface roughness (Ra) and immersion time for a year. The result of this test showed that Vitremer had a significant association between the weight (p = 0.000), height (p = 0.007) and Ra (p = 0.001) when it was immersed in acidic media. On the other hand, when Vitremer was immersed in saliva media, only the weight variable showed a significant association (p = 0.002). For Cention N, significant association was found for only Ra when immersed in acidic media (p = 0.000). Finally, for Activa, all the studied associations; the weight, height and Ra in both media were found to be insignificant. For saliva media, there was a significant weight change between the three materials during all 10 periods of time (p = 0.000). In the first six months, Cention N demonstrated a significant increase in weight changes followed by Vitremer, then Activa. Yet, after a year, the difference between Cention N and Vitremer became insignificant and Activa showed the least weight changes. There was not a significant difference between the materials in terms of height and Ra measurements. The fluoride experiment was not successful due to technical issues during pH measurements of the collected solutions. For comparison of the studied parameters between the three materials, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. In acidic media, there was a significant difference between the materials in term of weight change in 10 periods of time (p = 0.000). In particular, after a two month period, Cention N had the highest weight, followed by Vitremer and then by Activa. The difference between Vitremer and Activa became insignificant throughout the rest of the experimental time frame. All the height measurements between the three materials were found to be insignificant except for day 365 (p = 0.048), where both Activa and Cention N were found to be significantly higher than Vitremer. For the Ra comparison, in the first two weeks, particularly day 1, 7 and 14, Cention N had significantly the lowest Ra among the other materials. As the three materials aged in the acidic media (day 180), Vitremer had significantly the highest Ra values. Cention N showed higher Ra values than Activa; nonetheless this difference was not significant. The SEM images showed loss of some particles in all post-experimental images of the materials in acidic media. Vitremer showed the widest cracks with the loss of fillers. In saliva media, there was also loss of particles but to a lesser extent than in acidic media. Yet, the post-experimental image of Activa in saliva resembled the pre-experimental one. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, the best material to resist Ra from prolonged acidic attack was Activa followed by Cention N and then Vitremer. Except for Vitremer, no significant changes in the Ra of the other materials were detected when the three materials were immersed in saliva media in the long term. In acidic media Vitremer tended to lose weight and height faster than Cention N and Activa over a year. Cention N is the best material to resist dimensional change. However, in artificial saliva Vitremer gained water rapidly. Activa did not absorb a lot of water and did not reject a lot of water; Activa demonstrated good dimensional stability and this property may be beneficial when compared to the other two materials tested. The clinical significance of the study: All the materials studied were subjected to dimensional and Ra changes following long-term exposure to acidic substances, but the newer materials (Cention N and Activa) seemed to be more dimensionally stable and resistant to Ra changes than the older, well-known material (Vitremer). This may influence a clinician’s choice of restorative material for use in pediatric dentistry.
Mantheni, Dhruthiman Reddy. "NOVEL SOLIS STATE PROPERTIES OF DRUGS, POLYMERS AND VARIOUS CHEMICALS BY THERMAL AND ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES". Cleveland State University / OhioLINK, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=csu1356019701.
Texto completoBobe, Bedadi Woreka. "Evaluation of soil erosion in the Harerge region of Ethiopia using soil loss models, rainfall simulation and field trials". Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/26929.
Texto completoThesis (PhD (Soil Science))--University of Pretoria, 2004.
Plant Production and Soil Science
Haapakangas, J. (Juho). "Coke properties in simulated blast furnace conditions:investigation on hot strength, chemical reactivity and reaction mechanism". Doctoral thesis, Oulun yliopisto, 2016. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789526213842.
Texto completoTiivistelmä Masuuni – konvertteri yhdistelmä on edelleen käytetyin prosessireitti teräksen tuotantoon ympäri maailman. Koksi on masuunin tärkein polttoaine. Koksintuottajat ja masuunioperaattorit ovat suurten haasteiden edessä johtuen koksin kasvaneista laatuvaatimuksista ja parhaiden koksautuvien kivihiilten ehtymisestä. Koksin suoriutumisen arviointi masuunin olosuhteissa tarkoilla laboratorioanalyyseillä on yhä merkittävämmässä roolissa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tavoitteena oli tuottaa uutta tietoa koksin ominaisuuksista ja sen analyysimenetelmistä simuloiduissa masuunin olosuhteissa. Uusi metodi esitettiin koksin kuumalujuuden määrittämiseksi Gleeble 3800 termomekaanisella simulaattorilla. Teollisten koksilaatujen kuumalujuuksia määritettiin eri lämpötiloissa ja useita koksin mitattiin, joilla uskottiin olevan vaikutus kuumalujuuteen. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin masuunin kuilun kaasuatmosfäärissä H2 ja H2O kaasujen vaikutusta koksin kemialliseen reaktiivisuuteen, kaasuuntumisen kynnyslämpötilaan ja reaktiomekanismiin. Tässä työssä esitetyt tulokset osoittavat että Gleeble soveltuu koksin kuumalujuuden määritykseen. Koksin lujuus aleni merkittävästi kaikilla kolmella koksilaadulla kuumennettaessa 1600 ja 1750 °C lämpötiloihin verrattuna huoneenlämpötilaan tai 1000 °C lämpötilaan. Koksin muodonmuutos oli haurasta aina 1000 °C lämpötilassa, mutta muuttui osittain plastiseksi 1600 °C lämpötilassa ja plastisuus kasvoi kun lämpötilaa nostettiin 1750 °C:een. Huomattavia eroja havaittiin eri koksilaatujen muodonmuutoskäyttäytymisessä korkeissa lämpötiloissa. H₂ ja H₂O kaasujen läsnäolo kuilun kaasuatmosfäärissä kasvatti voimakkaasti koksin reaktiivisuutta ja muutti kaasuuntumismekanismia pintakeskisemmäksi rajatulla lämpötila-alueella. Koksin reaktiivisuus 100 % CO₂ kaasussa ei korreloinut suoraan simuloidun masuunin kuilun kaasuatmosfäärin kanssa. Tämä tulos indikoi sitä että maailmalla yleisesti käytetty CRI testi ei ennusta tarkasti koksin reaktiivisuutta masuunissa
Haddad, Ola. "The effects of burn severity on soil properties : Infiltration rate, moisture, grain size distribution and carbon content Hälleskogsbrännan as an example". Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för naturgeografi, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-135798.
Texto completoOvsík, Jiří. "Sledování elektrických vlastností nanokompozitních materiálů". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2012. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-219642.
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