Literatura académica sobre el tema "Pavie (Italie) – 15e siècle"
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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Pavie (Italie) – 15e siècle"
Calabi, Donatella. "Les Quartiers Juifs en Italie Entre 15e et 17e Siècle. Quelques hypothèses de travail". Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 52, n.º 4 (agosto de 1997): 777–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/ahess.1997.279600.
Texto completoVoisin, Ludivine. "L' « ancienne » ou la « nouvelle » Rome: les monastères grecs sous domination latine entre Rome et Constantinople (13e-15e siècles)". Chronos 28 (21 de marzo de 2019): 7–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.31377/chr.v28i0.396.
Texto completoChiffoleau, Jacques. "Jérôme Baschet, Les justices de l'audelà; les représentations de l'enfer en France et en Italie (12e-15e siècle), Rome, École française de Rome, « Bibliothèques des écoles françaises de Rome et d'Athènes n° 279 », 1993, XV, 700 p. et 168 illustr." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 51, n.º 1 (febrero de 1996): 162–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0395264900054895.
Texto completoTesis sobre el tema "Pavie (Italie) – 15e siècle"
Nelidoff, Ludmila. "Faire capitale dans l'État territorial lombard : Pavie (1359-1500)". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. https://accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr/login?url=https://theses-intra.sorbonne-universite.fr/2024SORUL095.pdf.
Texto completoIn 1359, Galeazzo II Visconti, lord of Milan, seized the small town of Pavia, some 30 km south of Milan. He settled directly in the city to make it his capital, leaving Milan in the hands of his brother Bernabò. His son Gian Galeazzo's acquisition of the ducal title in 1395, followed by the creation of the county of Pavia the following year, were the fundamental steps that established the political legitimacy of the "Pavesan" branch of the Visconti family.Despite initial resistance from the local population, once the city had been conquered, Galeazzo' project quickly won the support of the inhabitants, especially the urban elites ready to seize the opportunity represented by being part of the court and serve. At the same time, numerous construction projects were launched in the city, resulting in a profound transformation of its appearance. From a small town governed by competing seigniorial families, Pavia temporarily became the capital of the duchy under Gian Galeazzo, a status that was subsequently transformed, but whose effects lasted well into the Sforza era.The aim of this study is to understand the political, cultural, social, economic and territorial implications of Pavia's return to the status of capital, in order to grasp the multiplicity of issues at stake and question them in the specific context of the construction of the Lombard territorial state between 1359 and 1500
Scherman, Mathieu. "Familles et travail à Trévise à la fin du Moyen âge (1434-1509)". Paris 7, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA070046.
Texto completoTreviso in the xvth is part of the Venetian Mainland, it’s a "dominate city". The venetian domination had a direct consequence for the trevisan population of around 10 000 inhabitants: the payment of direct taxes in order to support, chiefly, its war efforts. A fully shaped and regulated taxes systern had been built during the xvth century : the estimo. In seventy years, from 1434 to 1504, nine census were made. The studying of the whole documentation created by the estimi permitted the understanding of the organization of work in a dominated city; the mechanisms of the urban economy are instanced, Manual labour and the pattern of exchanges are the main topics of the thesis. The sequence of estimi renders not a photograph but an evolution, one tax payer and his or her successors can be owed during a period of time, so as structures of production and the number and varieties of activities. That characteristic allows to concentrate on social and economic mobility within the city. Works and economic hierarchies, the organization of work in the family, spatial organization of production and the elaboration of the city’s welfare are studied. Finally, Treviso's part in the regional economy and trades is studied
Maisonneuve, Cécile. "Peindre à Florence dans le quartier de l'Oltrarno entre Gothique tardif et première Renaissance". Paris, EPHE, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EPHE4012.
Texto completoThe Oltrarno, the south district of Florence was in the fifteenth century a meeting place for the patrons and painters who lived there and who contributed to the decoration of the churches around which their social life was organised. This study is about the men who were brought together by the creation of works of art, their identities and relationships. It restores some forgotten masters, defines the context in which better known painters moved and confirms the link between generations of artists traditionally separated by the formal gap between Gothic and Renaissance
Olard, Ludivine. "Offices et pouvoir : le déclassement du patriarcat vénitien (fin 15e-début 16e siècle)". Toulouse 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOU20060.
Texto completoBy the end of the Middle Ages, the Venetian people had to deal with lots of problems. The State had to face an unknown public debt and maintain public order. Then, it was hurted by tensions into the leading group and from some foreign princes, especially in christian Europe, stressed to distroy the influence and political power of the Serenis-sima, on the Mediterranean area. They also thought to assume its dominion. Those Venetian nobles, now too numerous, were subjected to a fall in status (déclassement) which process had been started at the end of the XIIIth Century, by the partisans of a conservative oligarchy, very jealous of its domination. It’s around the definition of this social class (first part), born to rule the City (second part), that the destiny of a majority of patricians happened at the beginning of the XVIth Century. As actors than victims of this refoundation (third part), the Venetian nobles tried not to fall into the traps set by the ones who looked for exclusion – and then, abandon – of a majority of nobles, to their destiny of decaduti. To fight against those tendencies, they reinforced and developed their familiar and friendly relationships (fourth part)
Cuttin, Luigia. "Le chapitre général des Chartreux et la province de "Lombardia propinquior" au XVe siècle". Paris 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA010506.
Texto completoCollange, Lise. "Stratégies matrimoniales et enjeux économiques à Venise à la fin du XVe et au début du XVIe siècle". Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996CLF20102.
Texto completoThe study of late xv th and early xvi st century venetian matrimonial strategies and economic stakes is made difficult by the fact that sources are scattered and varried. In order to fully grasp the diversity and the typical characteristics of the leading group, we deem it more appropriate to study this category from the angle of a more easily identifiable corporation, that of sea-traders. This option leads to a better understanding of certain relational mechanisms which, contrary to the former situation, brings to light the intention of concentrating financial and political powers on order to remain in the first rank. The venetian nobilary group distinguishes itself by its disparity : the poor and the rich, the young and the old,, ancient or more recent noblility, men and women of different prerogatives yet living in the same society. In spite ot the apparent solidarity of the group, which is the traditional image spread for decades, rivalries, tensions and strong rancour exist which are made more visible during critical periods in the life of the republic. The prosopographic study of galley owners and galley investors and the giving prominence to objective links among them - i. E. Wedding - lead to the conclusion that the merchants, who are also noble galley owners, set a matrimonial strategy up with the intention of building up and stregthening their relationships with the most influencial families, both in the economic and political circles. They are motivated by the need to preserve the interests of the group
Dessì, Rosa Maria. "Ecritures laiques, predication et confreries a florence au quinzieme siecle. A propos du ms. Ricardiano 2894 (1461-1466). Edition et etude historique". Paris, EHESS, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993EHES0319.
Texto completoMs 2894 of the riccardiana library of florence, of which we offer here the critical edition, is a "zibaldone" of devotional texts, written by several people in a "mercantesca" hand during the second half of fifteenth century. The central part of the manuscript consists of "laudi", of notes taken during sermons and of "exempla". After having situated the production of the collection in a confraternal environment - probably that of the florentine laymen of several structures designated to assure religious instruction cordering and production of books, teaching reading skills, communal writing exercises, exchange of books, organisations of series of sermons during lent). Then the study examines several questions that are brought up by the different literary genres and texts found in the manuscript : the relation between preaching and the reception of sermons, the cross-over of "exempla" from preaching to personal reading. We finally reach the conclusion that "confraternal religion" can be defined as the product of a process of "osmosis". .
Schuller, Michelle. "Soi et les autres : étude des relations familiales dans les écrits privés florentins des XIVe-XVe siècles". Paris 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA030072.
Texto completoThe XIVth-XVth Florentine family diaries (and among them the Cronica domestica of Donato Velluti), are dedicated to the celebration of the family. However, the author leads a personal discourse : the expression of self appears through his conscious relation with his own writing, and in the autobiografical dimension of the genealogical account. In the history of the family, the glance related to the others, from now on more attentive with individualities, highlights the family structures, especially the dominating place held by the father. The father writer " governs " his family group by his own behaviour and by the writing of his book : in this book, he endeavours not only to educate the souls and to protect the bodies, but also to form citizens, with the purpose of ensuring the continuity of the family, her economic strength and her politic power in the city, transmitting the values of his social class, while expressing his concerns in front of the escape of time and the evolution of the customs and mentalities
Boucheron, Patrick. "Urbanisme, politique des grands travaux et pouvoir princier à Milan à la fin du Moyen Âge". Paris 1, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA010622.
Texto completoThis thesis would like to underline the ideological coherence, the political meanings and the economical efficiency of the public works that the Visconti and the Sforza plan for their capital, Milan on the XIVth and XVth centuries. The dukes try to express their power on the city using a deliberated activity concentred on the town-planning. We bring to light the architectural aspect of the monumental policy but the artistic patronage, the constitution of the officers in charge with the urban conduct, and the impact of the ducal activities on the building economy as well. At last, we try to point out the links between the concerted town-planning and the self spatial dynamics of the economical metropole. In the same time, the aspects of a ducal power and the structures of a urban development appear to be very nearly united
Piola, Caselli Chiara. "Les Cours d'Ugo Foscolo à l'Université de Pavie : genèse, sources et commentaire". Thesis, Grenoble, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011GRENL032.
Texto completoThe positive reviews – both editorial and critical – achieved by Foscolo's 1809 lecture On the origin and duty of literature have overshadowed the Italian author's text corpus of the classes he's given at the University of Pavia. This study is willing to explain this specific aspect of Foscolo's work, often skipped by literary criticism. For this aim we reenact Foscolo's teaching experience in Pavia and the importance of it in His philosophical and literary thought. His classes alone include a good number of key themes of His literary work. Those catalyze the suggestions coming from his readings and the literary debates of the previous years, that have fed His thinking, at that time still in development , but soon to be settled in His critical thought, clearly visible in His English period work (1817-1827). In these classes particularly, Foscolo tries to reach two primary goals: 1) to define the civil duties of a literary man by a new ethical and political definition of oratory; 2) to create an educational project for the middle class; hence it bursts the need for creating a common unitary language and a national literary tradition as well as the assert of a new historiographical model, able to go beyond the Eighteenth Century scholarship boundaries. This study is concluded with a timeline reconstruction of the publishing history of His classes and their commentary. Such text lessons, critically revised and corrected (compared to their last edition available – edited by Emilio Santini – that failed to consider important revisions and different versions) are the foundation of the commentary, a critical and historical marginalia showing the sources used by Foscolo and of the use – either directly or indirectly – he made in His literary, philosophical and linguistic thought