Tesis sobre el tema "Non-conventional models"
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Li, Zhiyi. "Sub-grid models for Large Eddy Simulation of non-conventional combustion regimes". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2019. https://dipot.ulb.ac.be/dspace/bitstream/2013/286444/5/contratZL.pdf.
Texto completoDoctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie
Duval, Cyrielle. "Glycation : an additional biomarker of aging in mammals ? : insights from non-conventional species". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAJ068.
Texto completoGlycation reactions are recognized for their contribution to aging and associated chronic pathologies in humans. However, few studies have focused on this reaction in species other than humans or traditional laboratory animal models, even though some wild species appear to exhibit resistance to the detrimental effects of glycation on health. In this thesis, we aim to explore the links between protein glycation, senescence, and life history traits in various unconventional mammalian species. Our findings demonstrate that the levels of glycated proteins significantly increase in species with slower life histories, suggesting the existence of a tolerance to the harmful effects of glycated proteins in longer-lived species. Furthermore, we show that bats appear to exhibit increased resistance and/or tolerance to glycation compared to other mammals. It seems that protein glycation is not a universal marker of senescence across all mammals. In some species, such as bats, it may instead reflect individual quality, influenced by factors such as the ability to regulate oxidative stress. Additionally, in roe deer, variations in glycation levels appear to depend on environmental quality and the health status of individuals, suggesting a complex relationship between physiological state and glycation processes. These results underscore the importance of studying glycation in unconventional animal models to gain a better understanding of the evolution of resistance mechanisms to this reaction. Such an approach may open new avenues for addressing the pathological effects of glycation in humans
Li, Zhiyi [Verfasser], Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Hasse, Alessandro [Akademischer Betreuer] Parente y Amsini [Akademischer Betreuer] Sadiki. "Sub-grid models for Large Eddy Simulation of non-conventional combustion regimes / Zhiyi Li ; Christian Hasse, Alessandro Parente, Amsini Sadiki". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1199006386/34.
Texto completoLi, Zhiyi [Verfasser], Christian Akademischer Betreuer] Hasse, Alessandro [Akademischer Betreuer] [Parente y Amsini [Akademischer Betreuer] Sadiki. "Sub-grid models for Large Eddy Simulation of non-conventional combustion regimes / Zhiyi Li ; Christian Hasse, Alessandro Parente, Amsini Sadiki". Darmstadt : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1199006386/34.
Texto completoCorbani, Mario. "Assimilation of data from conventional and non conventional networks through a LETKF scheme in the COSMO model". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/9895/.
Texto completoSun, Yifan. "Theory of mode-locked lasers based on non-conventional cavity modes". Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021UPASP003.
Texto completoThis PhD thesis mainly addresses the dynamics and the robustness of a novel concept of mode locking in ultracompact semiconductor nanolasers. Such a nanolaser exhibits Hermite-Gaussian modes created by a harmonic photonic cavity to confine light. This maps the optical cavity into quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator, with evenly spaced eigenfrequencies, an essential requirement for mode locking. The possible nonlinear regimes are described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a parabolic potential and nonlinear terms describing gain and absorption. To investigate these dynamical behaviors, direct numerical simulations are mainly implemented. Continuation calculations are also performed using pde2path.First, the mode competition for gain among Hermite-Gaussian modes in the absence of saturable absorption is investigated and shown to be very different from usual resonators.Second, mode locking is predicted to occur with instantaneous saturation of gain and absorption over a broad range of parameters, corresponding to the emergence of dissipative soliton and multisoliton solutions. The mode locking period is controlled by the design of the photonic potential, and not by the cavity length. The dissipative soliton is well described by the coherent state of a quantum mechanical oscillator, namely a Gaussian envelope oscillating without deformation.Third, in the regime of noninstantaneous gain and absorption saturation, different dynamical behaviors of the nanolaser are obtained by varying the gain and the absorption. These different regimes, including Q-switching, Q-switched mode locking, and CW mode locking, are described in detail, illustrating the rich physics of this nonlinear system. The influence of the Henry factor on the mode locking is also discussed. Moreover, similar dynamical behaviors using spatially separated gain and absorber sections inside the cavity are obtained.Fourth, the robustness of mode locking of the Hermite-Gaussian modes to the disorder of the harmonic cavity is investigated in details. It includes the effect of non-parabolicity of the potential and the random errors in the shape of the potential
Piedrafita, Francos Daniel. "Designing, testing and modelling two innovative non-conventional buckling restrained braces for seismic resistant buildings". Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Girona, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/284738.
Texto completoEn la present tesi, dos BVR totalment metàl·lics s’han dissenyat, fabricat i assajat, satisfent tots dos els requeriments dels protocols definits per les normes europees i americanes. Estan formats per un element de travat ranurat que estabilitza el nucli metàl·lic. El primer d’ells, el Braç de Vinclament Restringit Modular (BVRM), està format per diversos mòduls seriats que a la vegada contenen diverses unitats de dissipació, que plastifiquen sota esforços tallants, connectades en paral·lel. Tot i que té un bon comportament histerètic i una gran ductilitat, el nucli és pesat i difícil de fabricar. El segon braç, anomenat Braç de Vinclament Restringit Ranurat (BVRR), soluciona aquests inconvenients. Plastifica sota esforços axials, de la mateixa manera que els BVR convencionals, però el nucli massís és substituït per una platina perforada. Aquest nucli consisteix en un únic element composat per dos bandes laterals, dissenyades per a plastificar i amb una secció quasi constant, connectades per diversos ponts estabilitzadors que es mantenen sempre en el seu rang elàstic. Aquests ponts, juntament amb l’element de travat, impedeixen el vinclament de les bandes laterals. S’han proposat diverses expressions de disseny pels dos braços. S’ha formulat i implementat, en un programa d’elements finits comercial, un model de material per a simular numèricament el comportament dels braços, reduint així la dependència dels assajos a escala real durant el seu procés de disseny
Remella, Siva Rama Karthik. "Steady State Mathematical Modeling of Non-Conventional Loop Heat Pipes: A Parametric and a Design Approach". University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2012. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1353154991.
Texto completoLellis, Junior Luis Carlos. "O impacto da quantitative easing americano no preço dos ativos brasileiros". reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10438/15119.
Texto completoApproved for entry into archive by GILSON ROCHA MIRANDA (gilson.miranda@fgv.br) on 2016-01-25T17:49:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 O IMPACTO DA POLÍTICA MONETÁRIA NÃO CONVENCIONAL AMERICANA SOBRE O PREÇO DOS ATIVOS FINANCEIROS BRASILEIROS.pdf: 932868 bytes, checksum: 3f85c3ea92ee9a2a52647220f067a572 (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2016-01-27T17:43:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 O IMPACTO DA POLÍTICA MONETÁRIA NÃO CONVENCIONAL AMERICANA SOBRE O PREÇO DOS ATIVOS FINANCEIROS BRASILEIROS.pdf: 932868 bytes, checksum: 3f85c3ea92ee9a2a52647220f067a572 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-27T17:43:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 O IMPACTO DA POLÍTICA MONETÁRIA NÃO CONVENCIONAL AMERICANA SOBRE O PREÇO DOS ATIVOS FINANCEIROS BRASILEIROS.pdf: 932868 bytes, checksum: 3f85c3ea92ee9a2a52647220f067a572 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-26
Aplicando uma metodologia de testes de eventos, este estudo avalia o impacto dos anúncios de implementação e retirada dos estímulos monetários pelo Banco Central americano (FED) entre 2008 a 2013 sobre a curva de juros, a taxa de câmbio e a bolsa brasileira. Os resultados mostram que os anúncios de política monetária americana impactaram o preço dos ativos brasileiros significativamente principalmente durante o QE1 e o Tapering. Para os demais QEs, Operação Twist e eventos de postergação da retirada de estímulos, o não Tapering, ainda que os resultados encontrados estivessem dentro do esperado, eles tiveram baixa significância. Concluímos que a política monetária americana não convencional foi eficaz em impactar o preço dos ativos brasileiros, em especial os eventos não esperados. Ao incluirmos defasagens nos testes aplicados concluímos que em alguns casos houve 'atraso' na incorporação das novas informações no preço dos ativos.
Mallangi, Siva Sai Reddy. "Low-Power Policies Based on DVFS for the MUSEIC v2 System-on-Chip". Thesis, KTH, Skolan för informations- och kommunikationsteknik (ICT), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-229443.
Texto completoNuförtiden så har multifunktionella bärbara hälsoenheter fått en betydande roll. Dessa enheter drivs vanligtvis av batterier och är därför begränsade av batteritiden (från ett par timmar till ett par veckor beroende på tillämpningen). På senaste tiden har det framkommit att dessa enheter som används vid en fast spänning och frekvens kan användas vid flera spänningar och frekvenser. Genom att byta till lägre spänning och frekvens på grund av effektbehov så kan enheterna få enorma fördelar när det kommer till energibesparing. Dynamisk skalning av spänning och frekvens-tekniker (såkallad Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, DVFS) har visat sig vara användbara i detta sammanhang för en effektiv avvägning mellan energi och beteende. Hos Imec så använder sig bärbara enheter av den internt utvecklade MUSEIC v2 (Multi Sensor Integrated circuit version 2.0). Systemet är optimerat för effektiv och korrekt insamling, bearbetning och överföring av data från flera (hälso) sensorer. MUSEIC v2 har begränsad möjlighet att styra spänningen och frekvensen dynamiskt. I detta examensarbete undersöker vi hur traditionella DVFS-tekniker kan appliceras på MUSEIC v2. Experiment utfördes för att ta reda på de optimala effektlägena och för att effektivt kunna styra och även skala upp matningsspänningen och frekvensen. Eftersom att ”overhead” skapades vid växling av spänning och frekvens gjordes också en övergångsanalys. Realtidsoch icke-realtidskalkyler genomfördes baserat på dessa tekniker och resultaten sammanställdes och analyserades. I denna process granskades flera toppmoderna schemaläggningsalgoritmer och skalningstekniker för att hitta en lämplig teknik. Genom att använda vår föreslagna skalningsteknikimplementering har vi uppnått 86,95% effektreduktion i jämförelse med det konventionella sättet att MUSEIC v2-chipets processor arbetar med en fast spänning och frekvens. Tekniker som inkluderar lätt sömn och djupt sömnläge studerades och implementerades, vilket testade systemets förmåga att tillgodose DPM-tekniker (Dynamic Power Management) som kan uppnå ännu större fördelar. En ny metod för att genomföra den djupa sömnmekanismen föreslogs också och enligt erhållna resultat så kan den ge upp till 71,54% lägre energiförbrukning jämfört med det traditionella sättet att implementera djupt sömnläge.
Flores, Alvaro. "Assortment and Pricing Optimisation under non-conventional customer choice models". Phd thesis, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/201885.
Texto completoBehera, Sudipta Kumar. "Multi-parametric Programming for Model Predictive Control". Thesis, 2015. http://ethesis.nitrkl.ac.in/7871/1/2015_MT_multi-paramatri_Behera.pdf.
Texto completoMugisha, Stella. "Applied mathematical modelling with new parameters and applications to some real life problems". Thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/24973.
Texto completoMathematical Sciences
Ph. D. (Applied Mathematics)
Chakraborty, Saptarshi. "Computer Modelling of Silicon Single Junction And Tandem Solar Cells". Thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10821/8249.
Texto completoResearch was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Parsathi Chatterjee of ERU under the SPS [School of Physical Sciences]
Research was carried out under IACS fellowship grant