Literatura académica sobre el tema "Modulu"

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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Modulu"


Lončar, Jelena, Iva Genda, Slaven Zjalić y Anonija Mlikota. "Projekt „KultBaMikroo“: Preliminarno istraživanje prisutnosti, raznolikosti i dinamike celulolitičkih gljivica u zraku u prostorijama zgrade Državnog arhiva u Zadru". Ars Adriatica 12 (30 de diciembre de 2022): 208–16.

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Prikazana metodologija rada i preliminarni rezultati dio su istraživanja provedenih kroz interdisciplinarni istraživački modularni pilot projekt „Zaštita zadarske kulturne baštine od negativnog utjecaja mikroorganizama“ (KultBaMikroo) koji je financiran od strane Sveučilišta u Zadru (IP.01.2021.12.). Modularni projekt zamišljen je na način da se može provoditi kroz nekoliko modula, s tim da se kroz module mijenja vrsta građe kojom se projekt bavi. U ovom prvom istraživačkom modulu provode se istraživanja pisane građe u svrhu što bolje zaštite građe i ljudi koji borave u prostorima gdje se građa čuva. Planirano je da se u sljedećim modulima projekt baviti istraživanjima zaštite slikarske baštine, odnosno zaštitom nepokretne kulturne baštine. U ovom prvom modulu istraživanja su provođena u prostorima Državnog arhiva u Zadru, koji je partner na projektu, te u prostorima Kaptolske knjižnice Zadarske nadbiskupije u Zadru. Ovdje će biti prezentirani samo preliminarni rezultati istraživanja provedenih u Državnom arhivu u Zadru, jednom od najvažnijih arhiva u Hrvatskoj.
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Merhar, Miran. "Določanje statičnega in dinamičnega modula elastičnosti bukove vezane plošče". Les/Wood 69, n.º 2 (30 de diciembre de 2020): 59–69.

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V raziskavi smo primerjali vrednosti dinamičnega in statičnega modula elastičnosti 7- in 11-slojne vezane plošče z različnimi kombinacijami usmeritve tkiva posameznih slojev furnirjev. Dinamični modul smo določili iz lastnih frekvenc prvega in drugega nihajnega načina nihanja, kjer smo uporabili Bernoulli-Eulerjevo enačbo, statični modul pa s 4-točkovnim upogibnim testom. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima vezana plošča največji modul elastičnosti pri usmeritvi tkiva zunanjega sloja 0°, nato pa z naraščanjem kota modul pada. Dinamični modul je od statičnega v povprečju za 12 % večji pri 7-slojnih ploščah in za 14 % pri 11-slojnih ploščah. Dinamični modul, določen iz druge lastne frekvence, je v primerih, kjer ni vpliva striga, enak modulu iz prve lastne frekvence, ko pa se pojavi vpliv striga, se modul zniža. Iz omenjene raziskave lahko potrdimo, da sta tako statični kot tudi dinamični način določanja modula elastičnosti vzorcev vezane plošče ustrezna, vendar pa je treba pri dinamičnem načinu preveriti vpliv striga.
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Radovanović, Boris. "REALIZACIJA I TESTIRANJE PRENOSA PODATAKA PUTEM LTE-M I NB-IOT 4G SERVISA". Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 37, n.º 11 (7 de noviembre de 2022): 1914–17.

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U ovom radu je izložena analiza per­formansi prenosa podataka korišćenjem FTP protokola putem LTE-M i NB-IoT 4G servisa. Komunikacija je realizovana pomoću Quectel BG96 modula. Za podatke su korišćene slike u JPEG formatu, dobijene kamerom na klijentskom hardveru. Programska podrška na klijentu je realizovana u programskom jeziku C na Espressif ESP32-WROVER-E modulu, dok je programska podrška na serveru realizovana pomoću Python skripte.
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Marin, Anita y Sonja Pigac. "Zadaće ključnih knjižničara u modulu katalogizacije Integriranog knjižničnog sustava Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu i visokoškolskih i znanstvenih knjižnica". Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 62, n.º 1 (30 de julio de 2019): 363–82.

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Cilj. U članku je predstavljena radionica Ključni knjižničari za modul katalogizacije koja se održala na Stručnom skupu Knjižnični podaci: interoperabilnost, povezivanje i razmjena 28. i 29. studenog 2017. u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjižnici u Zagrebu. Osnovne zadaće ključnih knjižničara jesu: stručna podrška redovnom radu knjižnica u sustavu, testiranje novih funkcionalnosti modula, praćenje i kontrola rada sustava temeljeni na izvještajima o radu, testiranje i analiza rada servisnih izvještaja na razini cijelog sustava, suradnja sa savjetnikom za integrirani knjižnični sustav, redaktorima baza, administratorom sustava, sistemskim i ključnim knjižničarima zaduženim za administrativno upravljanje sustavom te pružanje pomoći i edukacija sudionika u sustavu. Metodologija. Polazeći od osnovnih aspekata uloge i rada ključnih knjižničara u okviru Integriranog knjižničnog sustava Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu te knjižnica iz sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja opisan je svaki aspekt rada u modulu katalogizacije. Rezultati. Integrirani knjižnični sustav temelji se na primjeni zajedničkog programskog sustava Aleph, formata MARC 21, središnje normativne kontrole i nacionalnog predmetnog sustava. Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu, kao središnja knjižnica u sustavu, osigurava stručnu, tehničku i administrativnu podršku u radu zajedničkog informacijsko-knjižničnog sustava. Ključni knjižničari u modulu katalogizacije održavaju redovite tečajeve Osnove modula Katalogizacija, kao i demonstracijske vježbe. Knjižnice u sustavu zajednički koriste normativnu bazu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice i predloške za rad, dok se kataložni zapisi preuzimaju prema potrebi iz baza u sustavu ili se izrađuju novi. Putem Sustava za podršku šalju se prijavnice u kojima se navode poteškoće s kojima se susreću knjižničari, a rješavaju ih redaktori, ključni i sistemski knjižničari. Praktična primjena. Rezultati ovoga rada mogu pomoći knjižničarima iz knjižnica članica Integriranog sustava u njihovu svakodnevnom radu. Originalnost. Široj se knjižničnoj zajednici nastoji približiti termin ključni knjižničari te njihova uloga u razvoju struke.
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Mandić, Sanja. "UREĐAJ ZA DETEKCIJU PADOVA ZASNOVAN NA AKCELEROMETRU, ŽIROSKOPU, GPS MODULU I MODELU MAŠINSKOG UČENJA". Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 37, n.º 12 (7 de diciembre de 2022): 2188–91.

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U ovom radu opisan je sistem za detekciju pada, čiji je cilj pomoć starim i nemoćnim licima. U radu je dat detaljan uvid u sve delove realizovanog sistema za detekciju pada, kroz opis: hardverskih komponenti i prototipa uređaja, zatim izrade samog uređaja, programiranja mikrokontrolera za datu namenu, realizacije korisničkog interfejsa, formiranja baze podataka, kao i obuke modela mašinskog učenja zasnovanih na različitim algoritmima.
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Beronja, Jana y Francka Lovsin Kozina. "TESTING BLENDED LEARNING IN THE HOME ECONOMICS NUTRITION MODULE". Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal 6, n.º 2 (2017): 209–17.

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Šetić Beg, Mia. "Uloga utjelovljenja u razumijevanju pojmova". Psihologijske teme 30, n.º 2 (15 de julio de 2021): 371–95.

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Jedno je od središnjih pitanja kognitivne znanosti kako su pojmovi reprezentirani u ljudskome umu. Klasični je odgovor na to pitanje pretpostavka o odvojenome semantičkome modulu u kojemu je znanje pohranjeno putem apstraktnih simboličkih reprezentacija. Tako opisan semantički modul odvojen je od drugih sustava kao što su moduli za percepciju i motoriku. U posljednjih dvadesetak godina intenzivno se istražuje i razvija alternativni pristup poznat pod nazivom utjelovljena ili utemeljena spoznaja koji polazi od pretpostavke da je pojmovno znanje u stalnoj interakciji s percepcijom i motorikom, odnosno da je ukorijenjeno u njima putem mehanizma perceptivne simulacije. Cilj je ovoga rada dati pregled različitih teorijskih perspektiva na utjelovljenu spoznaju i evaluirati ih. Detaljno su prikazane teorija sustava perceptivnih simbola, model prožetoga iskustvenika i indeksna hipoteza te empirijski nalazi koji im idu ili ne idu u prilog. Zatim su prikazane i kritike utjelovljene spoznaje koje se odnose na razumijevanje apstraktnih pojmova, kao i odgovori na te kritike. Razmotrena je i ideja o stupnjevima ili kontinuumu utjelovljenja. Nakraju su dane smjernice za daljnja istraživanja koja bi trebala rasvijetliti točnu ulogu utjelovljenja u reprezentaciji znanja.
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Taboada, Ianire y Bego Blanco. "Sareari adimena gehitzen: machine learning eta gaitasun kognitiboen sarrera sare-mailako monitorizaziorako eta matxuren diagnostikorako". EKAIA Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Zientzia eta Teknologia Aldizkaria, n.º 33 (12 de marzo de 2018): 181–93.

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Ohiko sare-ereduak erabiliz belaunaldi berriko sareen ezaugarri espezifikoek ez dute kudeaketa egokia ahalbidetzen: izan ere, ezin ditu kontuan hartu eskala doiketa, heterogeneotasuna eta agertoki hauen konplexutasuna. Beraz, beharrezkoa da komunikazio sistema hauen diseinu eta kudeaketarako paradigma berriak definitzea. Modu honetan, machine learning-aren erabilpenaren bidez, sareari gaitasun kognitiboak gaineratzeak datuei erantsita sarean zehar garraiatzen den protokolo-informazioaren maneiatzea posible egiten du. Informazio hau sarearen egoera inferitzeko erabiltzen da, disfuntzioak ekidinez eta guztirako errendimendua hobetuz. Artikulu honek sare-mailan integratutako modulu adimentsu baten diseinua aurkezten du, offline machine learning-ean oinarrituz, bideraketa funtzionalitaterako informazioa bilduz eta interpretatuz. Testuinguruaz kontzientea den modulu kognitibo honek monitoreatutako sare-egoeraren arabera bideraketa protokoloaren portaera manipulatzen du, horrela matxurak ekidinez, trafikoa orekatuz eta hobekuntza globala eskuratuz.
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Hoduláková, Michaela, Libor Topolář y Dalibor Kocáb. "VLIV VODNÍHO SOUČINITELE NA PARAMETRY AKUSTICKÉ EMISE ZÍSKANÉ PŘI URČENÍ STATICKÉHO MODULU PRUŽNOSTI". Czech Journal of Civil Engineering 3, n.º 1 (30 de junio de 2017): 58–64.

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Stavební materiály se od počátku svého vzniku neustále vyvíjí a také se stále hledají nové možnosti pro poznávání a zdokonalování jejich vlastností, zejména mechanických a deformačních. Tento článek je zaměřen především na zjištění hodnot statického modulu pružnosti za současného měření akustické emise. Pro experiment byly zvoleny tři jemnozrnné kompozity s různou hodnotou vodního součinitele. Metoda akustické emise se často používá k detekci možného selhání struktury materiálu, zejména ve velmi raném stádiu poškození – většinou dlouho předtím, než struktura zcela selže. Příspěvek prezentuje experiment zaměřený na analýzu signálů akustické emise získaných při běžně používaném měření statického modulu pružnosti jemnozrnných kompozitu na bázi cementu. Pro bližší popis chování materiálů při zatížení a pro stanovení časového vývoje poruch během zatěžování byly ze záznamů akustické emise sestaveny výsledné diagramy.
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Tesis sobre el tema "Modulu"


Bláhová, Romana. "Design obytného modulu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2016.

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The topic of my diploma thesis is analysis and design proposal of residential module, which will respect functional, constructional, technological, esthetic and ergonomic regularities. The proposal is focused on new solution of shape of the container type residential module.
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Lokvencová, Jana. "Návrh vzdělávacího modulu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013.

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In this thesis I focus on creating a project for children with special educational needs. The project, which the applicant is true and which school has the potential to be supported from EU funds, addresses the current situation of poor literacy in Czech Republic at primary schools, The thesis proposal to create a quality educational program for this target group not only the professional but also sustainable.
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Šindler, Roman. "Optimalizace sklonu fotovoltaického modulu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2010.

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This thesis deals with the solar radiation, which is one of the potential sources of the renewable energy. The purpose of this thesis is to apprise of the methods how to calculate the Sun’s position as well as to learn the basics of software VEE Pro 8.0. Also, create a program simulating the location of the Sun during the day according to the variable latitudes and days and consequently to calculate the Sun irradiation passing through the atmosphere onto the tilted solar module, considering the respective tilt. Theoretical part describes the transmition of the energy between Sun and Earth, global irradiation and its components, which are generated by beams passing through the atmosphere and incident on a solar module. Practical part is dedicated to a program creation according the theoretical basis and it is used for further simulation of the Sun’s position. Another program simulates the total daily and annual irradiation including its components onto the tilted solar module, considering the respective tilt.
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Bayer, Tomáš. "Návrh hardwarového šifrovacího modulu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2009.

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This diploma’s thesis discourses the cryptographic systems and ciphers, whose function, usage and practical implementation are analysed. In the first chapter basic cryptographic terms, symmetric and asymetric cryptographic algorithms and are mentioned. Also usage and reliability are analysed. Following chapters mention substitution, transposition, block and stream ciphers, which are elementary for most cryptographic algorithms. There are also mentioned the modes, which the ciphers work in. In the fourth chapter are described the principles of some chosen cryptographic algorithms. The objective is to make clear the essence of the algorithms’ behavior. When describing some more difficult algorithms the block scheme is added. At the end of each algorithm’s description the example of practical usage is written. The chapter no. five discusses the hardware implementation. Hardware and software implementation is compared from the practical point of view. Several design instruments are described and different hardware design programming languages with their progress, advantages and disadvantages are mentioned. Chapter six discourses the hardware implementation design of chosen ciphers. Concretely the design of stream cipher with pseudo-random sequence generator is designed in VHDL and also in Matlab. As the second design was chosen the block cipher GOST, which was designed in VHDL too. Both designs were tested and verified and then the results were summarized.
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Hladíková, Jana. "Zavedení modulu elektronického obchodování". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2008.

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The diploma paper deals with the introducing of an e-business module in the MVDr. Ivo Dupal - SANVET company in which I have been currently working. The paper involves the Internet and e-business analyses and an analysis of the MVDr. Ivo Dupal - SANVET company and a proposal for the introduction of e-business in the above mentioned company. The paper also comprises an implementation proposal to solve this problem issue and its economic and managerial evaluation.
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Michálek, Lukáš. "Návrh modulu pro správu dokumentů". Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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In my diploma thesis I deal with requirements analysis of a document management system and with designing a particular solution of these requirements for the document management module of the web based Inovio portal. In the first part I provide basic information about document management systems and I briefly describe, what palace in the company`s information system they take. Further I describe the Inovio portal, which is under development, and it`s application modules. The document management module is one of these modules and my thesis is contributing to its design. The second part is focused on functional and non-functional requirements on a document management system and on a web application. In this part the reader can find requirements analysis and specific designs of these requirements for the document management module of the Inovio portal.
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Arnošt, Petr. "Návrh řídicího modulu UAV robotu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2012.

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This diploma thesis is focused on the design of the control software for the unmanned aerial vehicle. Parrot Ar.Drone quadrocopter was a representative of the unmanned aerial vehicle. This thesis describes the way of control and communication with the unmanned aerial vehicle. Based of this information the flight control software for Ar.Drone quadrocopter is created.
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Vokoun, Ondřej. "Návrh a výroba kamerového modulu". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2012.

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Cílem diplomové práce je navrhnout levný, avšak dostatečně výkonný a univerzální systém, schopný snímání a zpracování obrazu z digitální kamery. Další částí je návrh a implementace funkcí pro zpracování obrazu a komunikace s nadřazeným systémem.
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Kudláček, Martin. "Servisního modulu pro automatickou sanitární techniku". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018.

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The aim of this thesis is to inform readers about the basic principle of electronics for which the service module for the automatic sanitary technique will be designed, as well as design and describe the most important parts of the module theoretically. Likewise, the thesis deals with the most common mistakes in the design of printed circuits boards with respect to the resistance of the resulting device against interference. The implementation itself includes both module design and a communication algorithm for connecting multiple service modules and their remote control using the Raspberry Pi minicomputer. The thesis also contains a design of algorithm for verification of data transmission by the transmission system.
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Matyščáková, Petra. "Design přídavného modulu k invalidnímu vozíku". Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2009.

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This graduation theses is engaged in design of additional module to wheelchair. The project should bring new solution of shape of the equipment, but at the same time keep the original frame. Final solution has sporty look and it results from inner construction and stifles sanitary sterility.
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Libros sobre el tema "Modulu"


R, Manfredi. Moduli di lineamenti di matematica - Modulo F: Analisi infinitesimale (seconda parte). Novara, Italy: Ghisetti & Corvi Editori, 2009.

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Maĭ, Arkadiĭ. Modeli gospodstvui͡u︡shcheĭ ideologii =: Models of dominating ideology. Jerusalem: Harry S. Truman Research Institute, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997.

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Krotoszyński, Michał. Modele sprawiedliwości tranzycyjnej: Models of transitional justice. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2017.

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Goossens, Louis. English modals and functional models: A confrontation. [Wilrijk, Belgium]: Universiteit Antwerpen, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Departement Germaanse, Afd. Linguïstiek, 1996.

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Mathematical models of hysteresis. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991.

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Balcerzan, Edward. Literackość: Modele, gradacje, eksperymenty = Literariness : models, gradations, experiments. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2013.

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Anti︠u︡shina, N. M. Shvedskai︠a︡ modelʹ: Iz proshlogo v budushchee : ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ modeli. Mokva: In-t Evropy RAN, 2008.

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Kozłowski, Krzysztof. Modele matematyczne dynamiki robotów oraz identyfikacja parametrów tych modeli. Poznań: Politechnika Poznańska, 1992.

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Xu, Jinzhong. Flat covers of modules. Berlin: Springer, 1996.

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N, Nizheradze Tinatin, ed. Biokhimicheskie modeli ogleennykh glin =: Biochemical models of gleyed clay soils. Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 1991.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Modulu"


Meyer, B. K. "ZnO: elastic moduli, bulk modulus". En New Data and Updates for IV-IV, III-V, II-VI and I-VII Compounds, their Mixed Crystals and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, 590–91. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Jouannaud, Jean-Pierre. "Modular Church-Rosser Modulo". En Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 96–107. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

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Gauchel, J., L. Hovestadt, S. Van Wyk y R. R. Bhat. "Modular Building Models". En Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture, 83–95. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Scheel, Katrin. "Theilbarkeit der Moduln. Modul-Gruppen. (§ 169.)". En Dedekinds Theorie der ganzen algebraischen Zahlen, 135–40. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020.

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Tercan, Adnan y Canan C. Yücel. "Introducing Modules". En Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations, 1–74. Basel: Springer Basel, 2016.

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Tercan, Adnan y Canan C. Yücel. "Types of Relative Injectivity". En Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations, 75–116. Basel: Springer Basel, 2016.

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Tercan, Adnan y Canan C. Yücel. "Extending Property and Related Concepts". En Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations, 117–74. Basel: Springer Basel, 2016.

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Tercan, Adnan y Canan C. Yücel. "Inner Generalizations of Extending Modules". En Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations, 175–246. Basel: Springer Basel, 2016.

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Tercan, Adnan y Canan C. Yücel. "Outer Generalizations of Extending Modules". En Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations, 247–319. Basel: Springer Basel, 2016.

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Tercan, Adnan y Canan C. Yücel. "Dual Goldie and EC-complement Versions of the Extending Property". En Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations, 321–46. Basel: Springer Basel, 2016.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Modulu"


Trojan, Jozef, Peter Trebuňa, Marek Mizerák, Štefan Král y Tomáš Švantner. "Navýšenie výrobnej produkcie v podniku pomocou PLM systémov". En Průmyslové inženýrství. Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2021.

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Predmetom predkladaného príspevku je návrh montážnej linky pomocou modulu Process Simulate softvéru Siemens Tecnomatix. Pomocou modulu Process Simulate, ktorý je široko rozšírený, sa dá zefektívniť výroba na danej montážnej linke. Analyzovaná montážna linka bola podstúpená navrhovaniu a inovovaniu pomocou vyššie spomenutého softvérového modulu. Pomocou tohto softvérového balíka je možné odhaliť nedostatky, prípadne prestoje v existujúcej výrobe. Overenie navrhovaných riešení je ďalej možné pomocou vymodelovanej simulácie vybraného pracoviska a potvrdiť časové úspory, prípadne iné modifikácie vedúce k optimalizácii výroby.
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Kovács, Ladislav y Lukáš Tencer. "NÁVRH A IMPLEMENTÁCIA PLÁNOVACIEHO MODULU ÚDRŽBY PRE AUSTRIAN AIRLINES TECHNIK – BRATISLAVA". En Práce a štúdie. University of Žilina, 2020.

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Trusić, Domagoj. "HOTELSKA KAVA I NOVI TRENDOVI U UGOSTITELJSTVU". En Hotelska kuća 2022. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2022.

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Hotelski sustav ima više modula ugostiteljstva te je u svakom prisutna kava kao proizvod i usluga. Pristup za svaki modul je drugačiji te postoje parametri koji definiraju koja kava se služi u kojem ugostiteljskom modulu. Uvođenje novih trendova u kavi donosi osvježenje u ponudu hotelskog sustava, ima imperativ podizanja kvalitete sirovine na specialty kvalitetu te kuhanja i posluživanja kave prema potrebama modula. Trendovi u ugostiteljstvu promijenili su navike gosta i u kavi. Kava kao finalni proizvod mora poštivati proizvodne standarde, što uniformiranost proizvoda i svježinu postavlja kao imperativ. Očekivanja gosta od šalice kave su se povećala jer je senzibilizirao nepce. Cijeni se porijeklo i transparentnost, kako u hrani, tako i u kavi, tako da proizvod s više informacija ima veću vrijednost. Kvaliteta napitka ponekad ne ovisi o kvaliteti kave, već i o stilu kuhanja. Funkcionalnost i cijena nisu više jedini parametri pri odabiru. Kava u hotelu treba biti bez brenda, ali jasno definirane i komunicirane kvalitete. Specialty kvaliteta kave i educirani barista su obligatorni za 4+ kategorizaciju hotela jer to prati ostalu ponudu.
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Menon, Shibu y Chip-Hong Chang. "A Reconfigurable Multi-Modulus Modulo Multiplier". En APCCAS 2006. 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems. IEEE, 2006.

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Zimmer, Dirk. "Module-Preserving Compilation of Modelica Models". En The 7 International Modelica Conference, Como, Italy. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2009.

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Alencar, Fernanda, Jaelson Castro, Marcia Lucena, Emanuel Santos, Carla Silva, João Araújo y Ana Moreira. "Towards modular i* models". En the 2010 ACM Symposium. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Ovtcharova, J., S. Haßinger, A. S. Vieira, U. Jasnoch y J. Rix. "SINFONIA: An Open Feature-Based Design Module". En ASME 1994 International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exhibition and the ASME 1994 8th Annual Database Symposium collocated with the ASME 1994 Design Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994.

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Abstract Sinfonia is a module for feature-based design which is configurable to users and applications within diverse CAD environments, particularly in the area of mechanical engineering. Sinfonia has an open and modular architecture that allows to modify and extend existing functionalities, and to integrate new modeling facilities and application tasks. This module enables the users to work with standard pre-defined design features delivered with the module, or to define dynamically their own specific design features during the design session. Furthermore, Sinfonia allows the interactive definition of constraints concerning the product semantics. Definition and administration of constraints in feature-based models provided by a consistency manager is supported to reach semantical correctness of the part models. The main modules of Sinfonia are the Feature Modeler and the Design Feature Manager. The Feature Modeler is responsible for the instantiation of features and the creation of the feature-based model. The Design Feature Manager allows feature data and design processes to be managed in a uniform way. The CAD system environment in which Sinfonia is integrated consists of the following modules: the User Interface System and the Application modules (offering tools for interaction of the user with application specific part models and for communication with external systems and applications, such as NC modules, etc.), the Solid Modeler (responsible for creating the shape representation of the feature-based model), the Consistency Manager (providing services to handle all kinds of different constraints within the design environment) and the Product Database which includes all services for storing and retrieving various product data.
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Singh, Satwinder, Sameer Gupta y Ekta Singla. "Design of Module for Modular Customized Manipulators". En ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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This paper proposes a design strategy for task-based customized manipulators in modular form. The motivation of work lies in the fact that with change in tasks or working environment, the configuration of robot in use may need significant changes. New set of robotic parameters can be designed from scratch or from the existing specifications. The work is an attempt to systematize this requirement of re-designing and development of customized robotic arms.
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Khodr, Hala, Kevin Holdcroft, Yi-Shiun Wu, Victor Borja, Hadrien Sprumont, Barbara Bruno, Jamie Paik y Pierre Dillenbourg. "Modulo Cellulo: Modular Versatile Tangible Educational Robots". En 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE, 2022.

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Koike, Shin'ichi. "Analysis of recursive least moduli algorithm with generalized error modulus". En 2012 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS 2012). IEEE, 2012.

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Informes sobre el tema "Modulu"


Newell, Matthew R. Modular miniGRAND Module. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), mayo de 2017.

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Newell, Matthew R. Modular Neutron Multiplicity Module. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), mayo de 2017.

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Kelly, K., J. Brown, G. Kamsickas y W. Tucker. Modular Simulator System (MSS). System/Segment Specification for the Generic Modular Simulator System - Propulsion Module Propulsion Module. Volume 5. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, agosto de 1993.

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Lester, Brian T. y Kevin Nicholas Long. Modular Linear Thermoviscoelastic Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), mayo de 2020.

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Lester, Brian T. y William M. Scherzinger. Modular Growth and Nucleation Formulations in Modular Plasticity Models. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), julio de 2020.

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Lam, Michael-Angelo Y. H., Matt Malej y Fengyan Shi. Operational modeling of large container-type vessel-generated waves with related erosion and scour effects. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), septiembre de 2022.

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In this report, the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, presents a numerical modeling study using FUNWAVE-TVD to investigate ship-induced waves of large container-type vessels with related erosion and scour effects. The new vessel wake generating models implemented in the FUNWAVE-TVD Vessel Module are presented and validated against field data in the Sabine-Neches Waterway, Texas. Utilizing the Sediment Transport and Morphology Change Modules, ship wake-induced erosion is analyzed to assess potential impacts to Sabine-to-Galveston Hurricane Flood Protection Systems.
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Aldrich, Jonathan. Open Modules: Modular Reasoning about Advice. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, diciembre de 2004.

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Lester, Brian T. y William M. Scherzinger. Adiabatic Heating in Modular Plasticity Models. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), diciembre de 2019.

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Lester, Brian y William Scherzinger. Failure Formulations in Modular Plasticity Models. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), agosto de 2019.

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Feng, Thomas H. y Edward A. Lee. Scalable Models Using Model Transformation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, julio de 2008.

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