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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Milieu partisan"


Candar, Gilles y Frederic Sawicki. "Les reseaux du Parti socialiste: sociologie d'un milieu partisan". Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, n.º 58 (abril de 1998): 190.

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Gilles, Candar. "Sawicki Frédéric, Les réseaux du Parti socialiste : sociologie d'un milieu partisan". Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 58, n.º 2 (1 de abril de 1998): 190–91.

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Dalton, Russell J. y Willy Jou. "Is There a Single German Party System?" German Politics and Society 28, n.º 2 (1 de junio de 2010): 34–52.

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Few aspects of politics have been as variable as partisan politics in the two decades since German unification. In the East, citizens had to learn about democratic electoral politics and the party system from an almost completely fresh start. In the West, voters experienced a changing partisan landscape and the shifting policy positions of the established parties as they confronted the challenges of unification. This article raises the question of whether there is one party system or two in the Federal Republic. We first describe the voting results since 1990, and examine the evolving links between social milieu and the parties. Then we consider whether citizens are developing affective party ties that reflect the institutionalization of a party system and voter choice. Although there are broad similarities between electoral politics in West and East, the differences have not substantially narrowed in the past two decades.
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Rioufreyt, Thibaut. "La mise en politique des idées. Pour une histoire sociale des idées en milieu partisan". Politix 126, n.º 2 (2019): 7.

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Leconte, Cécile. "La carrière militante du « grand remplacement » au sein du milieu partisan de l’Alternative pour l’Allemagne (AfD)". Politix 126, n.º 2 (2019): 111.

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Sawicki, Frédéric. "Configuration sociale et genèse d’un milieu partisan. Le cas du parti socialiste en Ille-et-Vilaine". Sociétés contemporaines 20, n.º 1 (1994): 83–110.

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Sawicki, Frédéric. "Configuration sociale et genèse d'un milieu partisan. Le cas du parti socialiste en Ille-et-Vilaine". Sociétés contemporaines 20, n.º 4 (1 de noviembre de 1994): 83–110.

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Résumé La sociologie des partis politiques privilégie tantôt une approche sociétale, tantôt une approche organisationnelle ou entrepreneuriale. Cela conduit généralement à traiter de façon séparée la configuration sociale et historique dans laquelle s’insère le parti et le travail de mobilisation qui s’y effectue. L’exemple de la structuration du parti socialiste en Ille-et-Vilaine, dans une région où les chrétiens de gauche passent pour avoir joué un rôle de premier plan dans ce processus, indique que la conciliation de ces deux paradigmes est nécessaire si l’on veut comprendre tant les propriétés des groupes qui dominent le parti que les pratiques et l’ethos militants qui y prévalent.
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Revilla, Lucie. "Les kayzan au quartier : milieu partisan et trajectoires de distinction dans les quartiers populaires du Grand Khartoum". Politique africaine 158, n.º 2 (2020): 33.

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Lazar, Marc. "The French Left, François Mitterrand and the Socialist Party". Contemporary European History 9, n.º 1 (marzo de 2000): 157–68.

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Eric Duhamel, François Mitterrand. L'unité d'un homme (Paris: Flammarion, 1998), 260 pp., FF 104, ISBN 2-0807 29 40. Bruce D. Graham, Choice and Democratic Order: the French Socialist Party, 1937-1950 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 430 pp., ISBN 0-521-41402-4 hardback. Robert Ladrech and Philippe Marlière, eds., Social Democratic Parties in the European Union. History, Organization, Policies. (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999), 234 pp., ISBN 0-333-68940-2. Mairi Maclean, ed., The Mitterrand Years. Legacy and Evaluation (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998), 336 pp., ISBN 0-333-67167-8. Joseph P. Morray, Grand Disillusion. François Mitterrand and the French Left (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997), 168 pp., £46, ISBN 0-275-95735-7. Frédéric Sawicki, Les réseaux du Parti socialiste. Sociologie d'un milieu partisan (Paris: Belin, 1997), 335 pp. ISBN 2-7011-2078-0.
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Martini, Andrea. "The circulation of a «fascist literature» in the italian democracy". Revista de História das Ideias 42 (21 de mayo de 2024): 35–56.

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In an article published in The Wiener Library Bulletin in 1951, the historian and former partisan Giorgio Vaccarino broached the subject of the “fascist literature” circulating in Italy. Three years later, the anti-fascist literary scholar Giuseppe Tramarollo revisited the question in La Voce Repubblicana, declaring the dissemination of texts with a clear fascist matrix to be a threat to Italian democracy. This essay seeks to shed light on this circulation, which has long been underestimated by historiography and was downplayed by the post-1945 fascist milieu, which sought to portray itself as being excluded from the political arena. Without wishing to overstate the importance of fascist literature in the post-war period, this article aims to describe its characteristics while also highlighting the tolerance of the authorities and the complicity of the publishing market, which, by ignoring political or moral considerations, offered a platform to many fascist personalities.
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Tesis sobre el tema "Milieu partisan"


Graziani, Ornella. ""Tamanta strada", de la contestation politique à la gouvernance de l'institution : trajectoires nationalistes corses". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Corte, 2024.

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Cette thèse se propose d’étudier l’institutionnalisation du nationalisme corse à travers le prisme duconcept de « milieu partisan » (Sawicki, 1997). En considérant le nationalisme corse comme uneinstitution à part entière, ancrée dans des réseaux associatifs et institutionnels, elle analyse son évolution vers une normalisation politique. Ce processus d'institutionnalisation, qui prendvéritablement forme à partir des victoires électorales de 2014 et 2015, soulève des questions sur latrajectoire des militants nationalistes au sein du champ politique corse, tout en mettant en lumière lacomplexité des dynamiques internes au mouvement.La recherche s’appuie sur une méthodologie pluridisciplinaire, combinant ethnographies, entretienssemi-directifs, prosopographie et analyse d’archives partisanes et médiatiques. Cette diversitéméthodologique permet d'examiner en profondeur deux dimensions de l'institutionnalisation : d'unepart, l’entrée des militants et organisations nationalistes dans les institutions locales ; d'autre part, lastructuration et la consolidation des organisations encadrant les militants. Ces deux formes denormalisation sont mises en perspective avec l’accession au pouvoir du mouvement nationaliste, etles tensions qu’elle suscite autour de la professionnalisation des partis, des rétributions militantes etdes hiérarchies sociales reproduites au sein des groupes dirigeants.L’étude mobilise le concept de « milieu partisan » dans une conception quasi-écologique, qui englobenon seulement les réseaux militants et institutionnels, mais également les interactions sociales quifaçonnent l’engagement politique. Contrairement à des cadres théoriques plus rigides comme celuidu « champ » (Bourdieu, 1986), le milieu partisan est ici appréhendé comme un espace plus fluide,fondé sur des relations d’interconnaissance et des circulations entre diverses sphères (associative,syndicale, politique). Cette approche permet d’envisager la politisation non pas comme un processuslinéaire et hiérarchisé, mais comme une série de trajectoires complexes et parfois indirectes, oùl’engagement peut se manifester sans passer nécessairement par des structures officielles.La thèse met également en lumière l’articulation entre le milieu partisan et le champ politique, enmontrant comment le mouvement nationaliste, en s’institutionnalisant, redéfinit les règles du jeupolitique local. À travers une analyse des trajectoires des militants, elle souligne que cette classepolitique, souvent perçue comme nouvelle, était déjà insérée dans des réseaux militants et associatifsbien avant son accession aux responsabilités institutionnelles. Le concept de « milieu » permet ainside mieux comprendre comment les nationalistes corses se sont imposés comme des acteurs centrauxde la scène politique locale, en structurant un écosystème militant et en capturant progressivementune partie du pouvoir institutionnel.Enfin, l’institutionnalisation est analysée comme un processus traversant différents espaces, champset organisations, redéfinissant les capitaux militants et les hiérarchies internes au mouvement. Troisaxes structurent cette réflexion : les temporalités du mouvement nationaliste, les enjeux de légitimitéau sein du milieu partisan, et la sélection sociale et genrée qui s’opère à l’entrée du champ politique.Cette thèse apporte ainsi une contribution aux réflexions théoriques sur les processusd’institutionnalisation et sur les transformations des mouvements sociaux en partis politiquesinstitutionnalisés
This thesis aims to examine the institutionalizationof Corsican nationalism through the concept of the “partisan milieu” (Sawicki, 1997). By consideringCorsican nationalism as an institution embedded within associative and institutional networks, itanalyzes its evolution toward political normalization. This process of institutionalization, which gainedmomentum after the electoral victories of 2014 and 2015, raises questions about the trajectory ofnationalist militants within the Corsican political field, while shedding light on the internal dynamicsof the movement. The research draws on a multidisciplinary methodology, combining ethnographicobservations, semi-structured interviews, prosopography, and analysis of partisan and media archives. This diverse methodological approach allows for an in-depth examination of twodimensions of institutionalization: on the one hand, the entry of nationalist militants andorganizations into local institutions; and on the other hand, the structuring and consolidationof organizations that support and frame militant activities.These forms of normalization are considered in light of the nationalist movement's rise to power andthe tensions it generates regarding the professionalization of political parties, the rewards ofmilitancy, and the reproduction of social hierarchies within leadership groups. The study employs theconcept of the “partisan milieu” in a quasi-ecological sense, encompassing not only militant andinstitutional networks but also the social interactions that shape political engagement. Unlike morerigid theoretical frameworks such as the “champ” (Bourdieu, 1986), the partisan milieu is understoodas a more fluid space, based on networks of mutual acquaintance and circulation between variousspheres (associative, trade union, political). This approach enables an understanding of politicalengagement not as a linear or hierarchical process, but as a series of complex and sometimes indirecttrajectories, where involvement can occur without necessarily passing through officialstructures.The thesis also highlights the relationship between the partisan milieu and the political field, showinghow the nationalist movement, through its institutionalization, reshapes the rules of local politicalengagement. By analyzing the trajectories of militants, it underscores that this political class, oftenperceived as new, had already been integrated into militant and associative networks long beforeassuming institutional responsibilities. The concept of “milieu” thus helps to better understand howCorsican nationalists have positioned themselves as central actors in the local political scene,structuring a militant ecosystem and gradually capturing institutional power. Finally,institutionalization is analyzed as a process that spans across different spaces, fields, andorganizations, redefining militant capital and internal hierarchies within the movement. Three mainaxes structure this reflection: the temporalities of the nationalist movement, the issues of legitimacywithin the partisan milieu, and the social and gendered selection that takes place when entering thepolitical field. This thesis contributes to broader theoretical discussions on the processes ofinstitutionalization and the transformation of social movements into institutionalized political parties
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Marynower, Claire. "Être socialiste dans l'Algérie coloniale : pratiques, cultures et identités d'un milieu partisan dans le département d'Oran, 1919-1939". Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2013.

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Ce travail s’intéresse au milieu des militants de la SFIO dans le cadre du département d’Oran dans l’entre-deux-guerres, dans une « approche sociétale » qui dépasse les frontières du parti pour s’intéresser à son inscription dans l’environnement. L’évolution idéologique du groupe mise en lumière – le passage d’une réticence extrême face au nationalisme à une ouverture aux revendications des organisations de la population colonisée créées à cette époque, Association des ‘ulamā musulmans et Fédération des élus musulmans en tête – est restituée dans ses multiples réalités, politique mais aussi culturelle, sociale et sociabilitaire. Le changement des discours et des idées fut en effet à la fois accompagné et permis par une évolution des pratiques, des langues utilisées à la façon de mobiliser en passant par le vêtement, aussi bien que par celle des identités, avec l’entrée de militants issus de la population colonisée à la SFIO mais aussi l’évolution des réseaux militants, rapprochant le Parti socialiste des organisations revendicatives algériennes. Les principales conclusions de ce travail permettent d’élargir les récits du nationalisme algérien, en prenant en compte les transferts réciproques, organisationnels et théoriques, entre la gauche française et les premières organisations politiques algériennes. Elles éclairent aussi notre compréhension des sociétés coloniales, en montrant comment le Parti socialiste fut au cœur, en Algérie, d’une « transaction hégémonique impériale » : tout en contestant la façon dont la colonisation française fonctionnait, il en assura paradoxalement la solidité, en faisant vivre le langage, largement fictionnel, de l’assimilation, par delà la frontière coloniale
My dissertation deals with the French Socialist group in the Western department of Algeria, Oran, during the interwar period. At first very reluctant about any proposition that could be considered similar to nationalism, this group progressively opened up to wider views: in the mid 1930s, it included a significant number of Algerian members and had added some of the major claims of the proto-nationalist movements to its political platform – mainly those of the Federation of Muslim elected representatives and the Association of Algerian Muslim ‘Ulamā. The process of cultural change in the Oran socialist milieu was accompanied and facilitated by mutations in both the socialist practices and sociability. Thus socialist ways of operating – mobilizing, campaigning and demonstrating – evolved: during the 1930s, the Socialists increasingly positioned themselves to attract the native Algerian population. But socialist ways of being – identities and social configurations – also mutated considerably, as the Socialist Party grew closer to the Algerian proto-nationalist organizations. The Socialist Party in Algeria can be understood as constituting an interstitial world, challenging the binary division of colonial societies into colonizing and colonized populations. The socialist activists of the Oran region challenged the “colonial border” in a significant albeit limited way. They opened a dialogue around the idea of colonial reform in a coercive context and constituted a “hegemonic imperial transaction”. The study of this short-lived community challenges the historiography as it analytically recalibrates the genesis of Algerian nationalism, taking into account a form of “colonial encounter” with the French left
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Mischi, Julian. "Structuration et désagrégation du communisme français : 1920-2002 : usages sociaux du parti et travail partisan en milieu populaire". Paris, EHESS, 2002.

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Cette étude comparative de l'implantation du Parti Communiste Français dans quatre sites socialement diversifiés (bocage bourbonnais dans l'Allier, Pays-Haut lorrain en Meurthe-et-Moselle, bassin d'emploi de Saint-Nazaire en Loire-Atlantique, agglomération grenobloise en Isère) vise à comprendre la genèse et la crise du modèle partisan communiste. L'analyse socio-historique de la présence communiste dans ses territoires de 1920 à 1980 fait apparaître trois principes de cohésion partisane d'ordre organisationnel (règles institutionnelles assurant le contrôle du centre sur la périphérie), symbolique (gestion d'une mémoire et de repères culturels communs) et anthropologique (valorisation communautaire des groupes sociaux fragilisés). L'analyse du déclin du PCF à partir de 1980 montre ensuite que les différents éléments du modèle partisan communiste (syndicalistes, élus, cadres locaux) se disloquent et que le rôle unificateur du parti devient inefficace
This comparative study of development of the French communist party in four socially diversified sites (the Bourbon farmland in the Allier, the Lorraine plateau in Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Saint-Nazaire labour pool in the Loire-Atlantique, Grenoble and its suburbs in the Isère) aims at understanding how the emergence and the crisis of the communist partisan model came about. The socio-historical analysis of communist presence in those areas from 1920 to 1980 reveals three types of partisan cohesion principles: organizational (institutional rules securing central control over the periphery), symbolical (management of common memory and cultural landmarks, and anthropological (development by the community of weakened social groups). The analysis of the decline of the French communist party after 1980 shows how the various elements of the communist partisan model (unionists, representatives, local officials) have fallen apart, and how ineffective the unifying role of the party has become
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Holzhauer, Julia Edouarda. "Monitoring sismique et sismoélectrique d’un milieu poreux non-consolidé". Thesis, Pau, 2015.

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La propagation sismique dans les milieux poreux est classiquement associée à des phénomènes de dispersion et d’atténuation des ondes sous l’effet des mouvements fluides. Dans certaines conditions, celle-ci peut également être associée à une conversion d’énergie sismique en énergie électromagnétique dite « sismoélectrique ». La théorie des phénomènes sismoélectriques combinant la théorie de l’électrocinétique à la poroélasticité de Biot, repose en grande partie sur les développements de Pride (1994). Sur la base de ces développements théoriques, Pride et Haartsen (1996) relient le champ électrique cosismique à l’accélération sismique qui le génère par une fonction de transfert. Nous proposons une étude quantitative des couplages sismoélectriques en vue de valider la théorie de Pride et sa généralisation en milieu non saturé. Dans ce but, nous avons développé une expérience en laboratoire sur un sable de quartz non-consolidé, menée dans la gamme du kilohertz sur la base d’un dispositif d’acquisition électrique modulable. Deux méthodes de traitement des signaux sont proposées, l’une temporelle, l’autre spectrale, permettant d’obtenir une analyse complète des vitesses de phase, atténuations et fonctions de transfert. Les expériences réalisées se sont focalisées sur l’étude du rôle de la conductivité du fluide et de la saturation en eau dans le phénomène sismoélectrique cosismique. Une étude time-lapse a ainsi pu être réalisée dans des situations de changements de salinité et de teneur en eau. Dans tous les contextes, l’étude quantitative des rapports d’amplitudes des champs sismoélectriques et sismiques E/ü montre une bonne corrélation avec les prédictions théoriques. Par ailleurs, l’étude des variations de saturation dans une gamme allant de la saturation résiduelle en eau (Sw = 0.3) à la saturation totale, montre que: i) les atténuations et fonctions de transfert ont des comportements reliés à la distribution des fluides qui influencent fortement les propriétés mécaniques du milieu ; ii) une inversion de polarité du champ sismoélectrique peut être observée dans le cas très particulier des milieux non consolidés
Seismic propagation within porous media is usually associated with wave attenuation and dispersion phenomena related to fluid flow. Under certain circumstances, it may also be correlated to a conversion of seismic into electromagnetic energy known as “seismoelectric”. The understanding of seismoelectric phenomena, combining the theory of electrokinetic to Biot’s poroelasticity, relies mainly on the formulation by Pride (1994). On basis of these theoretical developments, Pride and Haartsen (1996) defined a transfer function expressing the link between the coseismic seismoelectric field and the seismic acceleration at its origin. We propose a quantitative analysis of coseismic seismoelectric couplings with the purpose of validating Pride’s theory and generalizing it to partially saturated media. With this aim in view we developed a laboratory experiment involving an adjustable device for electric acquisitions, conducted within the kilohertz range on unconsolidated quartz sand. Experimental data were subsequently processed in both time and frequency domains, enabling a full analysis that embraces phase velocities, attenuations and transfer functions. The conducted experiments focused on the impact of fluid conductivity and water saturation with regard to the coseismic seismoelectric phenomenon. Time-lapse monitoring were accordingly run under varying salinity or water content. In all scenarios, the quantitative analysis of the electric-to-seismic amplitude ratio E/ü appeared in good agreement with theoretical projections. Moreover, investigations of saturation variations, ranging from the residual water saturation (Sw = 0.3) to full saturation, showed that: i) the behavior of attenuations and transfer functions are directly related to fluid distribution, that greatly impacts the mechanical properties of the medium; ii) in the very peculiar case of unconsolidated media, polarity inversion of the coseismic seismoelectric field may be experienced
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Grévy, Jérôme. "Les opportunistes : milieu et culture politiques, 1871-1889". Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1996.

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Le terme opportuniste a perdu son sens originel ; il est utilisé abusivement pour designer tous les républicains non radicaux des trois dernières décennies du dix-neuvième siècle et pour qualifier une vague politique de conservation sociale. En réalité, dans les années 1870 et au début des années 1880, les opportunistes constituaient un groupe politique restreint et clairement identifiable, qui élabora un projet nettement réformiste et entreprit de structurer le parti républicain. Gambetta et ses amis proches, qui avaient combattu radicalement l'empire puis mené une guerre à outrance contre la Prusse, s'imposèrent progressivement, à partir de juillet 1871, à la tête des républicains. Ils écartèrent les vieux quarante-huitards, dont ils dénoncaient les programmes utopiques et révolutionnaires, et affirmèrent une ligne politique pragmatique, réformiste, gouvernementale tout en proclamant leur fidélité aux principes de 1789 et leur volonté de transformer progressivement la société. Pour éviter de réitérer les erreurs passées, ils entreprirent de discipliner le parti républicain. Leurs journaux, la "République française" et la "Petite République française", et le groupe parlementaire "l'Union républicaine" constituèrent des armes décisives pour coordonner l'action des comités électoraux et des associations républicaines dans tout le pays et furent les vecteurs de diffusion de la nouvelle image que les républicains voulaient donner. Les opportunistes permirent à la république de s'installer mais furent soumis à une double opposition républicaine, celle des radicaux et celle des modérés. Les premiers leur reprochaient d'avoir trahi leurs idéaux de jeunesse pour accéder au pouvoir, tandis que les seconds craignaient leur duplicité. Coalisés, ils leur barrèrent la route du pouvoir. Apres la mort de Gambetta, ses amis se réconcilièrent avec Ferry et constituèrent avec tous les modérés un vaste groupement peu structure, qui fut appelé par extension opportuniste
The term opportunist has lost its original meaning. It is used, wrongly, to designate all non-radical republicans of the last three decades of the 19th century and to qualify a political wave of social conservatism. In reality, during the 1870s and the beginning of the 1880s the opportunists formed a restricted and clearly identifiable political group which elaborated a most reformist project and undertook the structuring of the Republican party. Gambetta and his close friends, who had fought the empire, and then led an extremist war against Prussia, imposed themselves little by little from July 1871 on at the head of the Republican movement. They eclipsed the old-school republicans whose utopic and revolutionary programs they denounced and maintained a pragmatic, reformist and governmental line while proclaiming their fidelity to the principles of 1789 and their desire to transform society progressively. To avoid repeating previous errors they tried to discipline the Republican party. Their newspapers, the "République francaise" and the "Petite République française" together with the parliamentary group, the "Union républicaine" were decisive arms to to coordinate the work of the election committees and the republican associations. The opportunists allowed the republic to be established but were also the butt of a double republican opposition coming from the radicals and the moderates. The former accused them of having betrayed the ideals of their youth and of being opportunists while the latter feared their duplicity. United together, they barred their road to power. After Gambetta's death, his friends became reconciled with Ferry and together with all the moderates made up a vast and little-structured group
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Ross-White, C. M. "Partial and adult-plant-resistance to powdery mildew in winter barley cultivars". Thesis, University of Southampton, 1988.

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Challier, Raphaël. "« Simples militants » : sociologie comparée de l’engagement politique (FN, JC, UMP) en milieu populaire dans la France contemporaine". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 8, 2018.

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La thèse étudie l'engagement de militants subalternes d'un point de vue politique (militants « de terrain ») et social (membres des classes populaires). Ces « simples militants », comme ils se désignent eux-mêmes, constituent des observateurs privilégiés des fractures entre les leaders politiques et les citoyens ordinaires. La thèse a consisté en l'ethnographie comparée des activités de militants (Front national, Jeunes communistes et Union pour un mouvement populaire) dans trois villes de banlieue parisienne et de Lorraine. L’observation de la vie militante ordinaire - réunions, distributions, collages, campagnes d’élections municipales – a été complétée par des entretiens et des comptages localisés. La thèse se divise en deux parties. La première se compose de trois chapitres d’analyse localisée du politique qui décrit le contexte socio-politique des engagements des enquêtés et les différences sociales au sein des collectifs observés. La seconde partie se découpe en deux chapitres comparatifs qui interrogent les tensions opposant la « tête » et la « base » des organisations étudiées en prêtant une attention particulière à restituer les dimensions de domination et d’autonomie qui caractérisent l'expérience des militants subalternes. En mettant en lien la construction des hiérarchies politiques avec les rapports de classe en milieu militant, la thèse invite à différencier l’étude des militantismes selon les milieux sociaux et à questionner le fonctionnement classiste des partis. Symétriquement, elle interroge les recompositions des classes populaires sous l'angle de leur rapport au politique, qui reflète des séparations culturelles persistantes avec les classes aisées
The thesis examines the engagement of subordinate activists from both a political ("grassroots") and social (working class) perspective. These "ordinary activists", as they call themselves, are privileged observers of the divisions between political leaders and ordinary citizens. The thesis consisted in the comparative ethnography of the activities of activists (Front national, Jeunes communistes and Union pour un mouvement populaire) in three suburban cities in Paris and Lorraine. The observation of ordinary militant life - meetings, distributions, collages, municipal election campaigns - was supplemented by interviews and localized counts. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first consists of three chapters of localized political analysis that describes the socio-political context of respondents' commitments and the social differences within the observed collectives. The second part is divided into two comparative chapters that question the tensions between the "head" and the "base" of the organizations studied, paying particular attention to restoring the dimensions of domination and autonomy that characterize the experience of subordinate militants. By linking the construction of political hierarchies with class relations in militant environments, the thesis invites us to differentiate the study of militantism according to social backgrounds and to question the classist functioning of parties. Symmetrically, it questions the recompositions of the working classes in terms of their relationship to politics, which reflects persistent cultural separations with the wealthier classes
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Nantanga, Komeine Kotokeni Mekondjo. "Lipid stabilisation and partial pre-cooking of pearl millet by thermal treatments". Pretoria : [s.n.], 2006.

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Martinache, Igor. "Occuper le terrain : une socio-histoire des appropriations du sport par le milieu communiste français". Thesis, Lille 2, 2016.

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En dépit de la place importante qu’elles occupent dans les sociétés contemporaines, les activités physiques et sportives continuent d’occuper une place secondaire sur l’agenda politique. Pourtant, dès le début du 20e siècle, des militants ouvriers ont commencé à développer une approche particulière du sport. Après avoir rappelé quelques éléments de l’histoire de ce « sport ouvrier », et en particulier les contradictions qui le traversent, nous nous intéressons surtout ici à la manière dont ses héritiers après la Seconde guerre mondiale ont tenté d’ériger le sport en enjeu politique de première importance en France. Ce « milieu communiste du sport », site d’interactions particulier qui dépasse les frontières des organisations s’articule cependant autour d’un certain nombre de carrefours. La commission sport nationale du PCF institutionnalisée en 1959 est de ceux-là. Appuyée sur l’analyse d’archives, d’entretiens et d’une participation observante de plusieurs années au sein de ce collectif, cette enquête propose ainsi d’étudier le statut, le fonctionnement et le recrutement d’un tel groupe de travail thématique. Il s’agit en d’autres termes de chercher à comprendre ce que militer pour la cause du sport veut dire, comment certains en viennent à s’engager pour cet objet relativement illégitime dans le champ politique pour saisir enfin quel type de doctrine ils produisent. Une deuxième partie est consacrée aux appropriations elles-mêmes de cette doctrine ailleurs dans le parti, en s’intéressant aux politiques sportives de deux municipalités de la « banlieue rouge » puis à celle menée au gouvernement lorsque le portefeuille des Sports échoit pour la première fois à une communiste, consécration en trompe-l’oeil du travail de la commission
In spite of the major attention they benefit from in contemporary societies, sport and physical activities remain a secondary matter in the political agenda. Yet, since the beginning of the 20th Century, working class activists began developing a peculiar approach of sport. After recapping a few elements on this “working class sport” and specifically its contradictions, we will focus on how its heirs have tried to make sport a first-matter subject in France after World War II. This “communist sport world” goes beyond organizations’ borders but is nevertheless made of several crossroads. Created in 1959, the French Communist Party sport commission is one of them. This inquiry is based upon various archival sources, direct interviews and above all an ethnographic immersion during several years. It aims at studying the status of such a work group in a political party or a Trade union, how it works and who are its members. In other words, it is trying to understand what it means to advocate for sport while being a communist activist and what kind of doctrine they produce given who they are and where they stand from in social space. The second part focuses on how other members of the Party appropriate themselves this doctrine by analyzing the sports policies developed in two historically communist cities and then finally the consequences of having a communist minister of Sports for the first time in the very end of the 20th Century
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Pyta, Wolfram. "Dorfgemeinschaft und Parteipolitik 1918-1933 : die Verschränkung von Milieu und Parteien in den protestantischen Landgebieten Deutschlands in der Weimarer Republik /". Düsseldorf : Droste Verl, 1996.

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Libros sobre el tema "Milieu partisan"


Kwasny, Mark V. Washington's partisan war, 1775-1783. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1996.

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1957-, Demirel Ahmet, ed. Tek partinin iktidarı: Türkiye'de seçimler ve siyaset, 1923-1946. İstanbul: İletişim, 2013.

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Güveloğlu, Gülşah Kurt. Demokrat Partinin kadın milletvekilleri: TBMM'deki faaliyetleri ve Yassıada'daki savunmaları. İstanbul: Kriter Yayınevi, 2018.

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Korutürk, Osman. 'Sıfır sorun'dan 'değerli yalnızlık' çaresizliğine: TBMM 24. dönem 3. yasama yılından yansımalar, 1 Ekim 2012-14 Temmuz 2013. Ankara: Osman Korutürk, 2013.

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(Turkey), Vatan Partisi. Vatan Partisi 2015 seçim bildirgesi: Birleşen ve üreten Türkiye için halka dayanan güçlü devlet. Sıhhiye, Ankara: Vatan Partisi, Genel Merkez, 2015.

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(Turkey), Saadet Partisi. Barış için-- kardeşlik için-- insanca yaşamak için-- Şimdi "Saadet'te Birlik" zamanı-- Şimndi "Milli İttifak" zamanı--. [Turkey]: Saadet Partisi, 2015.

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(Turkey), Halkların Demokratik Partisi. Büyük insanlık, bizler Meclise: HDP 2015 seçim bildirgesi. Turkey]: Halkların Demokratik Partisi, 2015.

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(Turkey), Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi. Toplumsal onarım ve huzurlu gelecek: Bizimle yürü Türkiye. Ankara: Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, 2015.

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Les réseaux du Parti socialiste: Sociologie d'un milieu partisan. [Paris]: Belin, 1997.

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La mémoire socialiste, 1905-2007: Sociologie du souvenir politique en milieu partisan. Paris: Harmattan, 2007.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Milieu partisan"


Bouvard, Hugo. "Chapitre 5. Militer : sexualité minorisée et carrières partisanes". En Gays et lesbiennes en politique, 203–40. Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2024.

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Gehmacher, Johanna. "Men, Women and Progress. Literary Translation". En Translation History, 67–100. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThis chapter analyses translations as cultural objects that circulate between languages and movement cultures. It takes the case of an English novel of the 1880s and its (partial) translation into German as a starting point to explore the milieus, dynamics, and practices of transcultural mediation between European women’s movements of the late nineteenth century. Tying in with the concept of ‘activist translation’, it compares translation as a form of political intervention with translating as a professional practice. It submits that to analyse the political and social contexts in which a text is translated as well as its relation to other, accompanying forms of transfer is a prerequisite to understanding the character and the rationale of a specific translation.
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Balkema-Boomstra, A. G. y H. D. Mastebroek. "Partial Resistance of Barley to Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei)". En Durability of Disease Resistance, 306. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Welz, H. G., A. Dölz y H. H. Geiger. "Assessment of the Durability of Partial Resistance in the Rye/Powdery Mildew Pathosystem". En Durability of Disease Resistance, 356–57. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Schmidt, H. K., Th Miedaner y H. H. Geiger. "Field Studies on the Inheritance of Partial Resistance to Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. secalis) in Rye". En Durability of Disease Resistance, 345–46. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Janse, J., J. J. Verhaegh y A. P. M. den Nijs. "Early selection for partial resistance to powdery mildew, Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. et Ev.) Salm, in apple progenies". En Developments in Plant Breeding, 13–15. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1994.

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Finn, Daniel. "The British radical left and Northern Ireland during the ‘Troubles’". En Waiting for the Revolution. Manchester University Press, 2018.

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Britain’s radical left influenced the Northern Irish Troubles along two separate tracks: through its impact on British politics, and through its contacts with Irish republicanism and the Irish far left. The idea for a civil rights movement in Northern Ireland came from the far-left milieu, and was put into practice by activists who had cut their teeth on the British leftist scene. When conflict between the IRA and the British Army took centre-stage, sections of the British far left provided advice and encouragement for the Provos as they executed a left turn under the leadership of Gerry Adams, and Irish Trotskyists argued for a broad campaign of protest in support of republican prisoners. But despite their best efforts, left-wingers in Britain were unable to shift the Labour Party away from its position of support for the ‘bi-partisan’ consensus on Northern Ireland.
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Paisley, Roderick R. M. "Partial Ademption". En Northern Lights: Essays in Private Law in Memory of Professor David Carey Miller, 354–408. Aberdeen University Press, 2018.

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Whitehead, Kevin. "The Jazz Musician (and Fan) as Character 1951–1961". En Play the Way You Feel, 143–62. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Characters who play or love jazz turn up in many films that aren’t about jazz itself. Hollywood loves the colorfully seedy milieu, and all that feeling jazz folk put into the music. In the 1950s, jazz folk turn up all over: in film noir, musical, sex comedy, cartoon, social-issue “problem picture,” and on TV. A representative sampling is discussed. Also, the 1950s saw the emergence of rock-and-roll, whose partisans display hostility to jazz fans in Blackboard Jungle and Jailhouse Rock. Three screen narratives in which Tony Curtis plays a jazz musician are briefly recounted, also one where he torments a jazz musician. The nominally “crummy” all-woman band in the period comedy Some Like It Hot is defended, and placed in the context of other women’s jazz bands. Actor/director John Cassavetes plays a TV jazz musician/detective on Johnny Staccato, and a few episodes are examined.
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Close, Frank. "Eclipse Watching". En Eclipses. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Watching a Partial Eclipse Which way does the eclipse travel? Relative to Earth, the Moon and Sun are moving at slightly different speeds, which means the Moon’s shadow sweeps across the Earth’s surface from west to east at about 2000 miles an hour, a...
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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Milieu partisan"



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The Bolnisi Ore District (Georgia), situated within the Tethyan-Eurasian metallogenic belt, embodies a multifaceted geological milieu marked by the intricate interplay of volcanic and tectonic processes, predominantly delineated by Late Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary sequences entrenched between the Khrami and Loki Variscan crystalline massifs. Noteworthy for its rich mineral endowment, the Bolnisi Ore District harbors a plethora of ore deposits, with several operational mining sites situated within its bounds. This preliminary research aimed mainly by means of the remote sensing to investigate linear, curvilinear, arcuate, and circular features within the Bolnisi Ore District, Georgia, with the objective of enhancing exploration potential. Understanding the relationship between lineament intersections and caldera features is of particular interest due to their association with potential mineral occurrences. In this study, lineaments, curvilinear, arcuate, and circular features were delineated manually utilizing directional filters applied to satellite imagery. We obtained suitable satellite imagery along with high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Subsequently, GIS analysis was conducted, incorporating directional filters, geometric and atmospheric correction, and image enhancement techniques to enhance image quality and emphasize lineament features. To validate identified geological structures, a comparative analysis was performed utilizing geological maps, supplemented by partial field observations and a thorough review of existing literature about the study area. After incorporating the reliable geological structures from previous studies, we added the new preliminarily identified structures to the map. Additionally, the structures were cross-referenced with known volcanic features and geological interpretations to reinforce the findings.
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Hebbar, Ullhas, Farhan Gandhi y Robert Niemiec. "Parametric Actuator-Based Numerical Investigation of Rotor-Ground Interaction". En Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–14. The Vertical Flight Society, 2024.

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This study models the interaction of a two-bladed 14" propeller with the ground under different configurations using actuator disk method (ADM) where the rotor is modeled using unsteady momentum sources distributed over the entire disk. While ADM has been extensively used for standard rotorcraft analysis, it's performance in unconventional operating conditions remains an open question. Exhaustive experiments conducted at DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory are compared with ADM to evaluate the inexpensive method's ability to predict rotor loads for parametric variations in rotor-ground interaction scenarios. Partial ground effect (part of the rotor operating IGE), side-by-side rotors in ground effect and variation in IGE pitch attitude are specifically considered in this study. ADM generally predicts the thrust increase in partial ground effect (PGE) as the rotor goes from OGE to IGE although the increase is somewhat earlier and milder than measured in experiments. Side-by-side rotors in ground effect are predicted remarkably well by ADM which captures the fountaining flow between the rotor wakes as well as reduction in thrust seen compared to IGE in experiments. Finally, pitch attitude variation cases showed reasonably good agreement in trend at lower angles although ADM shows a more gradual drop in thrust at higher angles (beyond 15°) compared to the sharper drop seen in experiments.
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Krishnamurthy, Sujay y Benjamin F. Hantz. "Simplified HTHA Evaluation Using Larson Miller Parameter Concepts". En ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract Researchers have been developing mechanistic approaches describing High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) damage for quite some time. Although there are a variety of approaches, all of them make use of describing HTHA as a time and temperature dependent phenomena that is sensitive to methane pressure. HTHA research shows the damage process is a phenomenon that is very similar to creep damage which has an exponential relationship to the applied stress and temperature. Based on these observations, the authors propose an HTHA damage assessment procedure that uses the familiar Larson Miller Parameter (LMP) approach and employs the well-known Linear Life Fraction Rule for evaluating operating condition variations in hydrogen partial pressure and temperature.
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Rivera-Romero, C. A., E. R. Palacios-Hernandez, J. U. Munoz-Minjares, O. Vite-Chavez, J. A. Morales-Saldana y I. A. Reyes-Portillo. "Using Partial Least Square for Identification of Powdery Mildew in Cucurbits Plants". En 2022 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC). IEEE, 2022.

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Cury, Vinicius Aldo, Bruna Pereira Correia, Leonardo Valente de Camargo, Juliana Passos, Gustavo Mafei Fores, Rafael Rodrigues Pinheiro Dos Santos y Fernanda Queiroz Petrus. "Miller-Fisher syndrome after COVID-19 (Case report and literature review)". En XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Background: Infection with SARS-CoV-2 can cause COVID-19, which mainly affects the respiratory system. However, neurological complications are frequent, including the group of acquired immune-mediated demyelinating neuropathies (NDAI), including Miller-Fisher syndrome (SMF), characterized by the triad of ophthalmoparesis, ataxia and areflexia. Infection with C. jejuni is the main precipitant of NDAI, but viruses are also related. Objectives: This report aims to describe a case of SMF with concomitant SARS-CoV-2 infection, seen at a tertiary hospital in Northern Paraná and to compare it with the literature. Design and setting: case report of a patient at the hospital neurology service of the Evangelical Hospital, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Methods: Report a case of SMF right after confirmation of COVID-19 seen at a tertiary hospital in Northern Paraná and compare it with the literature. Results: Male, 70 years old, white, evolved with progressive and symmetrical crural paraparesis 17 days after confirmation of COVID-19. Upon admission, he presented ataxia, paraesthesia, and crural myotactic areflexia with no signs of pyramidal release, and a score on the Medical Research Council (MRC) muscle strength scale of 58 points. Analysis of CSF with albumin-cytological dissociation. Treatment was performed with intravenous human immunoglobulin (IVIG) and discharged after six days of hospitalization with partial symptomatic improvement. We compared this case with those described in the published literature. Not found Brazilian case published to date. Conclusion: Rare case report of SMF by SARS-CoV-2. The relationship has consistency, temporality, biological plausibility, coherence and analogy compatible with the current literature. Studies with a higher level of evidence are needed to determine the strength of such an association.
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Hussein, Mohamad Ali, Bruna Pereira Correia, Leonardo Valente de Camargo, Vinicius Aldo Cury, Juliana Passos y Gustavo Mafei Fores. "Miller Fisher syndrome after hiv infection ( case report and literature review )". En XIII Congresso Paulista de Neurologia. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.

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Context: Guillain-Barré syndrome is a polyradiculoneuropathy of heterogeneous manifestations, necessarily presenting progressive appendicular weakness of variable intensity associated with reduction or abolition of deep reflexes. One of its variants is known as Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS), characterized by ophthalmoparesis, ataxy and areflexia. It usually has, by etiology, immunomediated reactions induced by acute infections, including HIV. Objectives: This report aims to describe a case of MFS with concomitants HIV infection, attended in a tertiary hospital in northern Paraná and compared it with the literature. [1,7] Case report: A 27-year-old white male patient who presented binocular diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, generalized hypotonia, myasfasciculations, sensory ataxia and arreflexia, with a score on the Medical Research Council (MRC) muscle strength scale of 54 points. Treatment with empirical intravenous human immunoglobulina ( IVIG ) was performed pending the result of serologies for etiological screening. He was discharged after eleven days of hospitalization with partial symptomatic improvement and results indicative of acute HIV infection. We compared this case with those described in the published literature Discussion: We compared this case with those described in the published literature and given the low incidence found in the literature of patients with the stage of HIV viremia and the opening of the picture of SMF, the concrete pathophysiology itself is still unknown. The mechanism, however, in which the literature proposes in two theories: (1) an autoimmune action against myelin due to abnormal immunoregulation by HIV; (2) direct action of neurotropic strains of HIV-1. [2.3] Our literature review shows that since 1995, cases of associated guillain barré syndrome have already been reported in the course of HIV viremia. Treatment with immunoglobulin at a dose of 400mg / kg / day for 5 days was done and the symptoms improved. [1,4,6,7] Conclusion: It is exposed, then, a case of HIV-induced MFS whose relationship has consistency, temporality, biological plausibility, coherence and analogy compatible with current literature.
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Rosado, Santiag, Lidia Gullón, Leticia Presa y Jaime Moreno. "Recyclability of Recycled Concrete Products in Cements". En International Conference on Technologies & Business Models for Circular Economy. University of Maribor Press, 2023.

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This research addresses the recycling possibilities of a concrete product that contains coarse concrete aggregate as recycled material. The use of this finely milled product is proposed as an active addition to cement that already includes by-products in their composition. The partial substitution of cement by secondary raw materials contributes positively to the reduction of waste dumping and to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the substitution rates of secondary raw materials are higher in concrete aggregates (20%) than in cements. The dosage of a concrete includes approximately three times more coarse aggregate than cement. This means that the amount of waste that can be incorporated into recycled concrete is greater if it is done as coarse aggregate than if it is added to cement. The main advantage of the partial substitution of cement lies in the reduction of CO2 derived from the decarbonization process of the cement raw materials.
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Soare, Ioanlaurian y Mariacristina Munteanubanateanu. "MULTILINGUALISM AND MINORITY LANGUAGE TEACHING. BETWEEN TRADITION AND REVITALIZATION". En eLSE 2019. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2019.

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Language variety (multilingualism) gains today more and more significance in our community. Children in their early school years have already access to different language sources. There is a friendly educational environment that allows further students fit into new practices whereas languages are able to help them (re)orienting their educational frame. In times past the rigid curriculum of the school system restricted language variety. The decision to exclude Low German (Niederdeutsch) in schools in the 19th century led to a partial extinction of the language and its dialects in Northern Germany nowadays, whereas miles away in South Europe the Basque language reshaped its ideological terrain and turned from a banned language in Franco's dictatorship (about 40 years ago) into a co-official regional language in nowadays Spain with an increasing number of speakers. This paper investigates firstly the status of a language as a minority/local/regional language in opposition to a dominant/national/official language, whereas denominations such as: minority or official languages need further explanations. In Ireland the Irish language has the status of an official language, on the other hand the number of people who declared they speak the language amounts to 6-7% in the whole population. This gives Irish both a minority and an official status, nevertheless: the name of a so called minority language can vary depending on region and tradition. Low German, also known as Nether German or Low Saxon (Niederdeutsch, Plattdeutsch, Nedersaksisch) is still competing for an official name. Whereas in Spain there is Euskera or el Vasco. Secondly, the paper analyses the role of two minority languages within the national educational system of Spain, France and Germany. The two languages are: the Basque language which is spoken in Northern Spain (more exactly in the Basque Country and northern Navarre) and France (in the French Basque Country), the second language is: Low German (spoken mainly in northern parts of Germany). Thirdly, the present paper concludes the fact that within a multilingual/bilingual/monolingual milieu of nowadays Europe a revitalization of a minority language can be achieved due to certain social mechanisms. There is the school system on one hand, then the tradition and identity values a certain group of people may perform and of course there are the authorities and the language policies they develop on the other hand. Accordingly, by means of a collaboration of these mechanisms a revitalization of the Basque language was possible in Spain, respectively because of a malfunction of these structures we notice a decline of Low German in Germany.
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ALİYEVA, Sevinç. "ATATÜRK DÖNEMİNDE KAFKASYA'DA OSMANLI VATANDAŞLARI: DİN ADAMLARI, ASKERLER, ÖĞRETMENLER, ESİRLER". En 9. Uluslararası Atatürk Kongresi. Ankara: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları, 2021.

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Kafkaslar’da Sovyet hâkimiyetinin nihai tesisinden ve Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükümeti’nin zaferinden sonra bölgedeki mevcut rejimler değişmiş ve ülkelerin içtimai ve siyasi yaşamında önemli değişiklikler meydana gelmiştir. Bu gelişmeler ister istemez Sovyetler Birliği’ndeki yabancı devletlerin tebaası olan insanların hayatını da etkilemiştir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde, Türkler, Ermeniler, Yunanlılar da dahil olmak üzere Kafkasya'ya çeşitli Osmanlı tebaası geldi. Türkiye türklerin Kafkasya’da durumunu ve bunların Sovyet döneminde Kafkasya’dan tahliyesini inceleyeceğiz. Yabancı devletlerin Sovyet Rusya’ya müdahalesi sırasında yeni rejim; ülke içinde yaşayan yabancı devlet tebaasının güvenlik açısından büyük sorun olduğu kanaatine vardı. Ne var ki 1920-1930’larda onların yabancı devletler lehine istihbarat faaliyetlerinden rahatsız olmaya başladı. Sovyet öncesi dönemde Kafkasya’da yaşayanlar ağırlıklı olarak öğretmen, molla, asker, savaş esirleri ve diğerleri idi. Sovyet rejimi Türk öğretmeleri Müsavat Partisi ideolojisine ve Türk istihbaratına hizmet eden bireyler olarak görüyordu. Makalede Rusya, Azerbaycan ve Dağıstandaki arşiv belgelerinbe dayanarak aşağıdakiler incelenecektir: 1920-1930 yıllarında Bakü’de yaşayan Türk tebaanın evlerinde arama işlemleri yapılması, kapıların mühürlenerek eşyaların müsadere edilmesi. Bu gelişmeler karşısında TBMM’nin Azerbaycan’daki Temsilcisi Lütfi’nin harekete geçmesi. Dağıstan’da büyük miktarda Türk altın parası ele geçirilmesi. Haydar Tağızade, Süleyman Nuri, İsmail Hakkı Türkiye lehine casusluk faaliyetlerinde ithamlar. Azerbaycan, Gürcistan, Ermenistan ve Dağıstan’dan Türkiye’ye göç etmek isteyen Müslümanların göçü Şükrü Bey tarafından organize edilmesi, Halk İçişleri Bakanı M.C. Bağırov ve Azerbaycan Komünist (Bolşevik) Partisi Merkez Komitesinin (AK(b)P MK) bu çalışmalar içinde yer alması, Azerbaycan ve Dağıstan’daki Türk askerlerinin Sovyet karşıtı ayaklanmalara katılması ve casusluluk yönündeki faaliyetlerde itham edilmeleri, Azerbaycan K(B)P MK tarafından Kafkasya’da gizli askeri istihbaratın teşkili, Türk tebaasını, aynı zamanda savaş esirlerinin istihbarat amacıyla ve Bolşevik ideolojisinin Şark ülkelerinde Türkiye’de yayılması maksadıyla kullanılması. Azerbaycan K(B)P MK Teşkilat Şubesine Komintern aracılığıyla Türkiye’ye geri dönen Türk komünistler ve Türk Komünist Partisi ile ilişkiler kurulması konusunda talimat verilmesi, Azerbaycan KP MK Sekreterliğinin 16 Temmuz 1923 kararıyla tüm Türk öğretmenlerin sınır dışı edilmesi, Merkez İcra Komitesi (MİK) ve Halk Komiserleri Konseyi’nin (HKS) 17 Temmuz 1937 kararıyla Azerbaycan’daki Türk-Sovyet sınırının Türkiye Türklerden temizlenmesi. Bu konular kapsamında Sovyet yönetiminin aldığı kararlara Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükümeti ve diplomatik kurumlarının nasıl tepki verdikleri araştırılacaktır.
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Nouri, Hussain, Florent Ravelet, Christophe Sarraf y Farid Bakir. "Experimental Study of Blade Rigidity Effects on the Global and the Local Performances of a Thick Blades Axial-Flow Fan". En ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting collocated with 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. ASMEDC, 2010.

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An experimental investigation on the aerodynamic performances of thick blades axial-flow fans was carried out in this study. Two fans are considered, the first one is rotomoulded (in plastic) and the second one is milled (in aluminium). Both have exactly the same shape, except that the rotomoulded fan has hollow blades. They were designed from an existing fan (manufactured by plastic injection process) used in the cooling system of an automotive vehicle power unit. As far as shape is concerned, the only difference between the two first fans and the traditional injected fan is the blade thickness, whereas as far as rigidity is concerned, the only difference between the rotomoulded and the milled fans is the ability of the rotomoulded fan to be deformed easier than the milled fan. The aim of this study is to determine on the one hand the influence of the blade thickness and on the other hand the way the deformation of the hollow blades may affect the global and the local performances. The global performances of the fans were measured in a test bench designed according to the ISO 5801 standards. The curve of the aerodynamics characteristics (pressure head versus flow rate) and of the global efficiency are slightly lower for the roto-moulded fan. The wall pressure fluctuations were also investigated for three flow rates: one corresponding to the maximum efficiencies of both fans and the two others corresponding to an under-flow and an over-flow rate. The power spectral density (PSD) levels, are between six and nine times higher for the roto-moulded fan at nominal flow rate. At partial flow rate, however, the PSD levels are close for both fans.
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Informes sobre el tema "Milieu partisan"


_TCHIBOZO-KEKELE, Chanceline, Rodrigue Castro GBEDOMON, Laurenda TODOME y Fréjus Sourou THOTO. Arbres dans les localités urbaines de la commune d’Abomey-Calavi au Sud-Bénin : Analyse des services écosystémiques attendus et des gênes écosystémiques redoutées. ACED, julio de 2024.

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Cette étude a identifié les espèces d’arbres candidates pour l’arborisation des localités urbaines de la commune d’Abomey-Calavi. Les principaux objectifs étaient d’identifier les services écosystémiques (SEs) prioritairement attendus des arbres dans les localités d’Abomey-Calavi ; d’identifier les gênes écosystémiques (GEs) prioritairement redoutées des arbres dans les localités urbaines de la ville, et de proposer les espèces d’arbres candidates pour l’arborisation de la ville d’Abomey-calavi en se basant sur les SEs et GEs prioritaires identifiés. L'approche méthodologique s'est basée sur trois phases principales : une revue systématique afin d’identifier les SEs et GEs dans les localités ; une consultation publique et un dialogue multi-acteurs, axés sur l’identification participative des espèces d’arbres et la modélisation de la niche des habitats adaptés aux espèces d’arbres. Cette approche a permis de montrer que la purification et l’assainissement de l’air font partis des services écosystémiques les plus recherchés des arbres par les populations. De même, trois gênes écosystémiques sont préoccupantes dont l’effet du système racinaire des arbres sur les infrastructures publiques. Par ailleurs, douze espèces permettent d’optimiser les SEs et d’atténuer les GEs en milieu urbain. Il est impératif de mettre en place un système de surveillance des arbres, d’élaborer des programmes d’information, éducation et communication, pour garantir une bonne gestion des arbres dans les localités.
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.

Epel, Bernard y Roger Beachy. Mechanisms of intra- and intercellular targeting and movement of tobacco mosaic virus. United States Department of Agriculture, noviembre de 2005.

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To cause disease, plant viruses must replicate and spread locally and systemically within the host. Cell-to-cell virus spread is mediated by virus-encoded movement proteins (MPs), which modify the structure and function of plasmodesmata (Pd), trans-wall co-axial membranous tunnels that interconnect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) employ a single MP for cell- cell spread and for which CP is not required. The PIs, Beachy (USA) and Epel (Israel) and co-workers, developed new tools and approaches for study of the mechanism of spread of TMV that lead to a partial identification and molecular characterization of the cellular machinery involved in the trafficking process. Original research objectives: Based on our data and those of others, we proposed a working model of plant viral spread. Our model stated that MPᵀᴹⱽ, an integral ER membrane protein with its C-terminus exposed to the cytoplasm (Reichel and Beachy, 1998), alters the Pd SEL, causes the Pd cytoplasmic annulus to dilate (Wolf et al., 1989), allowing ER to glide through Pd and that this gliding is cytoskeleton mediated. The model claimed that in absence of MP, the ER in Pd (the desmotubule) is stationary, i.e. does not move through the Pd. Based on this model we designed a series of experiments to test the following questions: -Does MP potentiate ER movement through the Pd? - In the presence of MP, is there communication between adjacent cells via ER lumen? -Does MP potentiate the movement of cytoskeletal elements cell to cell? -Is MP required for cell-to-cell movement of ER membranes between cells in sink tissue? -Is the binding in situ of MP to RNA specific to vRNA sequences or is it nonspecific as measured in vitro? And if specific: -What sequences of RNA are involved in binding to MP? And finally, what host proteins are associated with MP during intracellular targeting to various subcellular targets and what if any post-translational modifications occur to MP, other than phosphorylation (Kawakami et al., 1999)? Major conclusions, solutions and achievements. A new quantitative tool was developed to measure the "coefficient of conductivity" of Pd to cytoplasmic soluble proteins. Employing this tool, we measured changes in Pd conductivity in epidermal cells of sink and source leaves of wild-type and transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana (N. benthamiana) plants expressing MPᵀᴹⱽ incubated both in dark and light and at 16 and 25 ᵒC (Liarzi and Epel, 2005 (appendix 1). To test our model we measured the effect of the presence of MP on cell-to-cell spread of a cytoplasmic fluorescent probe, of two ER intrinsic membrane protein-probes and two ER lumen protein-probes fused to GFP. The effect of a mutant virus that is incapable of cell-to-cell spread on the spread of these probes was also determined. Our data shows that MP reduces SEL for cytoplasmic molecules, dilates the desmotubule allowing cell-cell diffusion of proteins via the desmotubule lumen and reduces the rate of spread of the ER membrane probes. Replicase was shown to enhance cell-cell spread. The data are not in support of the proposed model and have led us to propose a new model for virus cell-cell spread: this model proposes that MP, an integral ER membrane protein, forms a MP:vRNAER complex and that this ER-membrane complex diffuses in the lipid milieu of the ER into the desmotubule (the ER within the Pd), and spreads cell to cell by simple diffusion in the ER/desmotubule membrane; the driving force for spread is the chemical potential gradient between an infected cell and contingent non-infected neighbors. Our data also suggests that the virus replicase has a function in altering the Pd conductivity. Transgenic plant lines that express the MP gene of the Cg tobamovirus fused to YFP under the control the ecdysone receptor and methoxyfenocide ligand were generated by the Beachy group and the expression pattern and the timing and targeting patterns were determined. A vector expressing this MPs was also developed for use by the Epel lab . The transgenic lines are being used to identify and isolate host genes that are required for cell-to-cell movement of TMV/tobamoviruses. This line is now being grown and to be employed in proteomic studies which will commence November 2005. T-DNA insertion mutagenesis is being developed to identify and isolate host genes required for cell-to-cell movement of TMV.
Los estilos APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, etc.
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