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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "LPC Caen"


Chevalier, Aurélien, François-René Lecolley, Grégory Lehaut, Jean-Luc Lecouey, Nathalie Marie, Loredana Manduci, Xavier Ledoux et al. "Study of (n,α) reactions of interest for nuclear reactors: the case of 19F(n,α)16N with SCALP detector". EPJ Web of Conferences 294 (2024): 01008.

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The 19 F(n,α)16 N cross section is of great interest for the development of the next generation IV reactors that could potentially use molten fluoride salts. Significant differences (up to a factor of 3) have been observed for this nucleus regarding the (n,α) channel. In view of improving our knowledge on this (n,α) reactions, the GrACE group (Groupe Aval du Cycle Electronucl´eaire) of the LPC Caen has developed a new detector named SCALP (Scintillating ionization Chamber for ALPha particle detection in neutron induced reactions). This paper deals with the first experiment carried out with this brand new detector at the new NFS facility (GANIL, Caen, France). After discussing the needs for new measurments of the 19 F(n,α)16 N reaction, the operating procedure of the SCALP detector will be presented, as well as the experiments that have been conducted using it. Furthermore, insights into the data acquired during our experiment, as well as the ongoing data processing and associated multi-channel analysis, will be provided.
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Belverge, D., P. Leconte, B. Geslot, G. Kessedjian, P. Mutti, F. Rodiac, E. Pirovano et al. "New experiment for measuring the delayed neutron yields of 238U fission in the range 1 MeV to 19 MeV". EPJ Web of Conferences 288 (2023): 04016.

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In nuclear reactors operating in nominal conditions, delayed neutrons (DN) drive the kinetic behavior of the neutron population. Predicting this behavior requires therefore the knowledge of the DN yield per fission, average lifetime, and kinetic of their emission, which is described by precursors groups abundances. Characterizing the uncertainties of these macroscopic data is essential, especially as they are used to design the safety margins of reactors. Even for major fissile isotopes such as 235U and 239Pu, discrepancies still appear between the main nuclear data library. In 2018, CEA launched the ALDEN project (Average Lifetime of DElayed Neutrons), gathering several laboratories (CEA/DES and DRF, CNRS/LPSC, LP2i and LPC Caen, ENSICAEN, and University of Caen). This collaboration aims at producing new precise DN macroscopic data for reactor applications. Three experimental campaigns were conducted in 2018, 2019 and 2021 on the thermal fission of 233U, 235U and 239Pu at Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble (France), giving high quality results. In February 2023, a new campaign was performed at the PTB Ion Accelerator Facility in Braunschweig (Germany), focusing on the fast fission of 238U. In particular, the DN yield was measured for eight energies between 1.5 and 19 MeV. This paper presents the experimental setup, that was adapted to the new facility and neutron spectrum. The methodology of analysis is also detailed, and some preliminary delayed neutron decay curves are showed.
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Geslot, Benoit, Alix Sardet, Pierre Casoli, Pierre Leconte, Grégoire De Izarra, Abdelhazize Chebboubi, Grégoire Kessedjian et al. "Measuring the delayed neutrons multiplicity and kinetic parameters for the thermal induced fission of 235U, 239Pu and 233U". EPJ Web of Conferences 253 (2021): 01004.

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In the normal operation of nuclear reactors, the kinetic behavior of the neutron population in the core is driven by the so-called delayed neutrons (DN). The DN yield per fission, their average lifetime and their groups’ abundances are the main physical parameters used to predict the kinetic behavior of the reactor and its reactivity. The overall uncertainty associated to reactivity predictions, which is linked directly to the nuclear reactor safety margins, is thus closely dependent on a few parameters associated with DN. Depending on the nuclear data library, DN kinetic parameters present significant discrepancies, even for major fissile isotopes such as 235U or 239Pu. In this context, CEA has long been working for improving DN nuclear data. In 2018, CEA launched the ALDEN project (Average Lifetime of DElayed Neutrons) in the framework of a collaboration between CEA/DES, CEA/DRF, CNRS/IN2P3 (LPSC, CENBG, LPC), ENSICAEN and Caen University. This program aims at measuring the kinetics of the delayed neutrons to derive the DN yield, their average lifetime and abundances. Two experimental campaigns focusing on the thermal fission of 235U were conducted in 2018 and 2019. They demonstrated the concept feasibility and gave high quality estimations of the DN multiplicity (1.631 ± 0.014 %) and average lifetime (8.82 ± 0.6 s) for 235U. More recently in March 2021, a more ambitious irradiation campaign was conducted on 239Pu and 233U. This paper details the new experimental setup, which was upgraded to meet ILL safety requirements for handling plutonium. The data analysis process is presented, with a focus on the problem of dead time correction. Finally, some preliminary delayed neutron decay curves are showed and discussed.
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Ruzzon, A., M. Maggiore, C. Roncolato, G. Ban, J. F. Cam, C. Gautier y C. Vandamme. "Realization and simulations of the new SPES Beam Cooler". Journal of Instrumentation 18, n.º 10 (1 de octubre de 2023): P10031.

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Abstract One of the aim of the new project Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) is to produce and select new, neutron reach, isotopes [1,2,3,4]. The technique adopted to produce these species is the Isotope Selection On Line (ISOL) that postpones the separation of the isotopes after the beam production, using a High-Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRMS). In order to allow a good separation of isotopes , the transverse emittance and the energy spread of the beam should have very low values, for this reason the Beam Cooler (BC) is located between the ISOL target, i.e. the beam source, and the HRMS. In the SPES project, where heavy isotopes are expected (mass number >100), the spectrometer resolution must be preferably higher than dm/m = 5 × 10-5 and thus the features of the beam at the entrance of the HRMS should be at least εn 95% < 8.3 × 10-3 π mm mrad and σE < 1.5 eV. BC devices are devoted to improve the beam features in terms of emittance and energy spread. A new BC has been designed and realized by the Laboratoire de Physique Corpuscolaire (LPC) at Caen, France, for the SPES facility at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), near Padova, Italy. BCs cool down the beam thanks to a dissipative process in which the thermal energy passes from the beam ions to another medium whose constituent is typically much lighter, Helium gas in our case. This process takes place inside a confinement system that on the one hand to limit the spread of the cooling medium, and on the other to allow the beam to continue along the required trajectory, in the presented device it is a row of radio frequency quadrupoles in an almost closed chamber. Some specifications of the BC described in this document: the RFQ is 723 mm long, its internal radius is 5 mm; the RFQ is included in the gas chamber which is 730 mm×280 mm×220 mm. Before it there is the injection part composed by, following the beam trajectory, a grounded pipe (388 mm long) and three focusing electrodes. On the opposite side there is the extraction part with two focusing electrodes. This document presents the main features of the new BC together with the results of a preliminary study where the beam dynamic has been simulated. The analysis embeds also the investigation of the gas distribution inside and outside the BC. The beam dynamic simulations are based on the Simion code [5] while the estimation of the gas distribution is computed with MolFlow+ [6]. Simulations show that accurately setting the BC leads to a large improvement of the emittance while the energy spread still needs to be improved. Limiting the gas pressure in the acceleration zone seems to allow the required final boost.
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Panaite, Cristian, Laura Bouriaud, Liviu Nichiforel, Cosmin Cosofret y Marian Socoliuc. "Caracterizarea unor atribute structurale și a mediului concurențial în sectorul forestier din România". Bucovina Forestiera 22, n.º 2 (31 de diciembre de 2022): 137–52.

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Structura sectorului forestier ca parte a economiei naționale în care are loc producția și comercializarea produselor lemnoase ale pădurii oferă informații importante pentru formularea unor strategii de gestionare durabilă a resursei forestiere, dar și de formulare a unor politici publice de stimulare a folosirii resursei lemnoase în produse de lemn de lungă durată, de asigurarea sustenabilă a resursei pentru producerea de energie verde și pentru utilizarea multi-ciclică a lemnului, așa cum este prevăzut și în strategia forestieră națională. Prezentul studiu își propune să contribuie la clarificarea unor aspecte privind atributele structurale ale cererii de masă lemnoasă pentru utilizare industrială, având ca obiective: 1) analiza caracteristicilor structurale ale sectorului forestier și a importanței sale în economia românească; 2) evaluarea interdependențelor existente între diferitele segmente ale sectorului; 3) analiza mediului concurențial. Caracterizarea structurală a sectorului forestier se bazează pe informațiile standardizate culese la nivelul țării de Institutul Național de Statistică. Operatorul de bază îl constituie codul CAEN (Clasificarea Activităților din Economia Națională) pe baza căruia, fiecare firmă înregistrată în România operează activități dintr-un anumit domeniu economic. CAEN (Rev.1, Rev.2)[1] reprezintă un acronim utilizat în clasificarea statistică națională a activităților economice din România CAEN Rev. 2 reprezintă varianta revizuită a CAEN Rev 1, fiind realizată în concordanță cu versiunea europeană (NACE Rev. 2, elaborată de EUROSTAT), publicată în Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene. Versiunea revizuită a intrat în vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2008. Toate documentele privind înregistrarea unei firme la Registrul Comerțului trebuie să fie întocmite potrivit CAEN Rev. 2. Pentru a răspunde primului obiectiv al studiului, baza de date statistice referitoare la agenții economici din sectorul forestier a fost interpretată în funcție de alte informații referitoare la forța de muncă totală ocupată în industria prelucrătoare, contribuția sectorului la PIB, contribuția sectorului în exportul României și alți indicatori socio-demografici și de resursă forestieră existenți la nivel de județe, macroregiuni și regiuni de dezvoltare Pentru a răspunde celui de-al doilea obiectiv al studiului s-a cercetat econometric conexiunea dintre Exploatarea forestieră și industriile de prelucrare a lemnului, care au fost analizate în dinamică, în perioada 2015 - 2019. Modelul pornește de la evaluarea eficienței exploatării lemnului în comparație cu eficiența înregistrată în industriile prelucrătoare de tăierea și rindeluirea lemnului, fabricarea de furnire și panouri de lemn sau fabricarea de mobilă pentru birouri și magazine, fabricarea de mobilă pentru bucătării. Pentru cel de-al treilea obiectiv- analiza mediului concurențial al sectorului forestier din Romania am utilizat mai mulți indicatori sectoriali (Consiliul Concurenței, 2012:6), precum: numărul de firme, cifra medie de afaceri/salariat în sector, indicele Herfindahl-Hirshman (IHH), rata de concentrare, gradul de concentrare al pieței și indicele Pareto (numărul celor mai mari firme de exploatare care reprezintă 20% din numărul total de firme pe segmentul exploatare forestieră în județul respectiv, și procentul cifrei de afaceri totalizat de firmele de mai sus
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Tisseron, Serge y Marie-Noëlle Clément. "Entretien avec Raymond Cahn". Le Carnet PSY 209, n.º 6 (2017): 34.

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Brusset, Bernard. "Hommage à Raymond Cahn (1926-2019)". Le Carnet PSY N°231, n.º 1 (2020): 49.

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Daran, Jean-Claude, Lionel Mourey, Anne-Magali Seydoux y Nicolas Ratel-Ramond. "IYCr2014 in the « Midi-Pyrénées » Region, France". Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70, a1 (5 de agosto de 2014): C1297.

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To promote crystallography through the "Midi-Pyrénées" Region, our association, « Les Cristallographes en Midi-Pyrénées » has scheduled different events from October 2013 until the end of 2014. These events will cover scientific demonstrations and/or lectures open to the general public. 1) Events - The Novela (7-12 October 2013), organized by the Toulouse-Metropole, is an event whose major goal is to share knowledge, in all its diversity, in a festive and popular spirit. It aimed at pupils and students as well as the general public. This will be performed once again in October 2014. - The "Kiosque-Actu" at the Toulouse Museum provides an opportunity to inquire and to exchange with researchers on a scientific topical subject. On the 2nd of February 2014, researchers coming from several laboratories in Toulouse (CEMES, CIRIMAT, GET, IPBS, and LCC; from the CNRS and the Paul Sabatier University) and involved in all domains of X-ray diffraction (Biology, Mineralogy, Chemistry, Materials, etc.) came to meet the general public and to demonstrate the importance of crystallography. Exhibition "Voyage dans le cristal / Journey within a crystal" at (i) the Philadelphe Thomas Museum in Gaillac (14 February-4 May 2014) and (ii) at the library of the Paul Sabatier University (from the 1st of September until the end of the year). Panels from this exhibition have been/will be also displayed during all events mentioned above. 2) Conferences - Maryvonne Hervieu (ENSICAEN, Caen, France), 17 February 2014, "Des cristaux et des hommes / Of crystals and men". - Jean-Claude Daran (LCC, Toulouse, France), 20 February 2014, "Les cristaux de Louis Pasteur / Louis Pasteur's crystals". - Lionel Mourey (IPBS, Toulouse, France), 27 February 2014, "Des cristaux au secours de la médecine / Crystals to help medicine". - Anne-Magali Seydoux (GET, Toulouse, France), 10 April 2014, "Effets de la radioactivité sur les structures des minéraux / Effects of radioactivity on the structure of minerals".
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Tassel, Anne. "Raymond CAHN, Le sujet dans la psychanalyse aujourd’hui , Editions PUF, 2016, 312 pages, 27 €". Le Carnet PSY N° 209, n.º 6 (28 de junio de 2017): I.

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Yan, Donglin, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Bangcai Huang, Jianjun Sun, Dongbo Wang y Tingting Han. "A Multi-Color Switchable Dye Laser Based on CAET in Side-Hole Microstructured Optical Fibers". IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29, n.º 16 (15 de agosto de 2017): 1411–14.

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Tesis sobre el tema "LPC Caen"


Chevalier, Aurelien. "Ρremières mesures de sectiοn efficace (n,alpha) avec le détecteur SCALΡ". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Des données nucléaires fiables sont essentielles pour un large éventail d'applications, incluant l'industrie nucléaire. Les réacteurs à sels fondus sont des types de réacteurs utilisant un combustible nucléaire mélangé le plus souvent à un sel fluoré. Peu de mesures ont été effectuées sur la section efficace de la réaction 19F(n,α)16N et les écarts entre les mesures et les évaluations peuvent aller jusqu'à un facteur 3 à certaines énergies. L'incertitude sur la section efficace de cette réaction conduit à des incertitudes importantes sur les paramètres des réacteurs à sels fondus notamment sur le facteur de multiplication effectif. Pour mener à bien de nouvelles mesures de section efficace (n,α) sur des noyaux légers d'intérêt, le Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen a mis au point un nouveau dispositif, le détecteur SCALP. Ce dispositif utilise une chambre d'ionisation pour la mesure en énergie déposée et quatre photomultiplicateurs pour, à partir de la scintillation, déterminer le temps du vol (et donc l'énergie des neutrons) auprès d'installations délivrant un faisceau pulsé. Ainsi, le dispositif SCALP est capable à l'aide de la mesure en coïncidence de l'énergie déposée et de l'énergie cinétique des neutrons incidents d'identifier les voies de réaction (n,α) et de mesurer la section efficace des réactions (n,α) d'intérêt. La toute première expérience avec SCALP a été effectuée auprès de NFS, la ligne neutron de GANIL-SPIRAL2 à Caen. Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'analyse des données expérimentales ainsi que sur une simulation Monte-Carlo complète de l'expérience réalisée. Les résultats de section efficace de la réaction 19F(n,α)16N mesurées avec le détecteur SCALP confirment des structures observées dans des expériences précédentes et dans les évaluations. De plus, SCALP a permis la toute première observation de structures dans certaines gammes d'énergie neutron. Cependant, les résultats obtenus souffrent d'une grande incertitude systématique à cause des incohérences entre les méthodes de détermination de l'intensité du faisceau de neutrons
Reliable nuclear data are essential for a wide range of applications, including the nuclear industry. Molten-salt reactors are types of reactor using a nuclear fuel mixed most often with a fluorinated salt. Few measurements have been made of the cross-section of the 19F(n,α)16N reaction, and discrepancies between measurements and evaluations can be up to a factor of 3 at certain energies. Uncertainty in the cross-section of this reaction leads to significant uncertainties in molten-salt reactor parameters, particularly in the effective multiplication factor. To carry out new cross-section (n,α) measurements on light nuclei of interest, the LPC Caen has developed a new detector, the SCALP detector. This detector uses an ionization chamber to measure deposited energy and four photomultipliers to determine the time of flight (and therefore neutron energy) from scintillation at facilities delivering a pulsed beam. By coincidentally measuring the deposited energy and kinetic energy of incident neutrons, the SCALP device is able to identify the (n,α) reactions and measure thecross-section of the (n,α) reactions of interest. The first experiment with SCALP was carried out at NFS, the neutron line at GANIL-SPIRAL2 in Caen. This thesis work covers the analysis of experimental data as well as a complete Monte-Carlo simulation of the experiment carried out. The cross-section results of the 19F(n,α)16N reaction measured with the SCALP detector confirm structures observed in previous experiments and evaluations. In addition, SCALP has enabled the first-ever observation of structures in certain neutron energy ranges. However, the results obtained suffer from a large systematic uncertainty due to inconsistencies between methods for determining neutron beam intensity
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Polito, Martina. "USB monitor in LabVIEW per il controllo remoto delle schede DAQ del pixel detector di ATLAS". Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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L’esperimento ATLAS al CERN di Ginevra ha un complesso sistema di rivelatori che permettono l’acquisizione e il salvataggio di dati generati dalle collisioni di particelle fondamentali. Il rivelatore per cui trova una naturale applicazione il lavoro di questa tesi è il Pixel Detector. Esso è il più vicino alla beam pipe e si compone di più strati, il più interno dei quali, l’Insertable B-Layer (IBL), aggiunto in seguito allo shut down dell’LHC avvenuto nel 2013, ha apportato diverse innovazioni per migliorare la risoluzione spaziale delle tracce e la velocità di acquisizione dei dati. E’ stato infatti necessario modificare il sistema di acquisizione dati dell’esperimento aggiungendo nuove schede chiamate ROD, ReadOut Driver, e BOC, Back Of Crate. Entrambe le due tipologie di schede sono montate su un apparato di supporto, chiamato Crate, che le gestisce. E’ evidente che avere un sistema remoto che possa mostrare in ogni momento il regime di funzionamento del crate e che dia la possibilità di pilotarlo anche a distanza risulta estremamente utile. Così, tramite il linguaggio di programmazione LabVIEW è stato possibile progettare un sistema multipiattaforma che permette di comunicare con il crate in modo da impostare e ricevere svariati parametri di controllo del sistema di acquisizione dati, come ad esempio la temperatura, la velocità delle ventole di raffreddamento e le correnti assorbite dalle varie tensioni di alimentazione. Al momento il software viene utilizzato all’interno dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) di Bologna dove è montato un crate W-Ie-Ne-R, speculare a quello presente al CERN di Ginevra, contenente delle schede ROD e BOC in fase di test. Il progetto ed il programma sviluppato e presentato in questa tesi ha ulteriori possibilità di miglioramento e di utilizzo, dal momento che anche per altri esperimenti dell’LHC le schede di acquisizione vengono montate sullo stesso modello di crate.
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Zeloufi, Mohamed. "Développement d’un convertisseur analogique-numérique innovant dans le cadre des projets d’amélioration des systèmes d’acquisition de l’expérience ATLAS au LHC". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.

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À l’horizon 2024, l’expérience ATLAS prévoit de fonctionner à des luminosités 10 fois supérieures à la configuration actuelle. Par conséquent, l’électronique actuelle de lecture ne correspondra pas aux conditions de ces luminosités. Dans ces conditions, une nouvelle électronique devra être conçue. Cette mise à niveau est rendue nécessaire aussi par les dommages causés par les radiations et le vieillissement. Une nouvelle carte frontale va être intégrée dans l’électronique de lecture du calorimètre LAr. Un élément essentiel de cette carte est le Convertisseur Analogique-Numérique (CAN) présentant une résolution de 12bits pour une fréquence d’échantillonnage de 40MS/s, ainsi qu’une résistance aux irradiations. Compte tenu du grand nombre des voies, ce CAN doit remplir des critères sévères sur la consommation et la surface. Le but de cette thèse est de concevoir un CAN innovant qui peut répondre à ces spécifications. Une architecture à approximations successives (SAR) a été choisie pour concevoir notre CAN. Cette architecture bénéficie d’une basse consommation de puissance et d’une grande compatibilité avec les nouvelles technologies CMOS. Cependant, le SAR souffre de certaines limitations liées principalement aux erreurs de décisions et aux erreurs d’appariement des capacités du CNA. Deux prototypes de CAN-SAR 12bits ont été modélisés en Matlab afin d’évaluer leur robustesse. Ensuite les conceptions ont été réalisées dans une technologie CMOS 130nm d’IBM validée par la collaboration ATLAS pour sa tenue aux irradiations. Les deux prototypes intègrent un algorithme d’approximations avec redondance en 14 étapes de conversion, qui permet de tolérer des marges d’erreurs de décisions et d’ajouter une calibration numérique des effets des erreurs d’appariement des capacités. La partie logique de nos CAN est très simplifiée pour minimiser les retards de génération des commandes et la consommation d’énergie. Cette logique exécute un algorithme monotone de commutation des capacités du CNA permettant une économie de 70% de la consommation dynamique par rapport à un algorithme de commutation classique. Grâce à cet algorithme, une réduction de capacité totale est aussi obtenue : 50% en comparant notre premier prototype à un seul segment avec une architecture classique. Pour accentuer encore plus le gain en termes de surface et de consommation, un second prototype a été réalisé en introduisant un CNA à deux segments. Cela a abouti à un gain supplémentaire d’un facteur 7,64 sur la surface occupée, un facteur de 12 en termes de capacité totale, et un facteur de 1,58 en termes de consommation. Les deux CAN consomment respectivement une puissance de ~10,3mW et ~6,5mW, et ils occupent respectivement une surface de ~2,63mm2 et ~0,344mm2.Afin d’améliorer leurs performances, un algorithme de correction numérique des erreurs d’appariement des capacités a été utilisé. Des buffers de tensions de référence ont étés conçus spécialement pour permettre la charge/décharge des capacités du convertisseur en hautes fréquences et avec une grande précision. En simulations électriques, les deux prototypes atteignent un ENOB supérieur à 11bits tout en fonctionnant à la vitesse de 40MS/s. Leurs erreurs d’INL simulés sont respectivement +1,14/-1,1LSB et +1,66/-1,72LSB.Les résultats de tests préliminaires du premier prototype présentent des performances similaires à celles d’un CAN commercial de référence sur notre carte de tests. Après la correction, ce prototype atteint un ENOB de 10,5bits et un INL de +1/-2,18LSB. Cependant suite à une panne de carte de tests, les résultats de mesures du deuxième prototype sont moins précis. Dans ces circonstances, ce dernier atteint un ENOB de 9,77bits et un INL de +7,61/-1,26LSB. En outre la carte de tests actuelle limite la vitesse de fonctionnement à ~9MS/s. Pour cela une autre carte améliorée a été conçue afin d’atteindre un meilleur ENOB, et la vitesse souhaitée. Les nouvelles mesures vont être publiées dans le futur
By 2024, the ATLAS experiment plan to operate at luminosities 10 times the current configuration. Therefore, many readout electronics must be upgraded. This upgrade is rendered necessary also by the damage caused by years of total radiations’ effect and devices aging. A new Front-End Board (FEB) will be designed for the LAr calorimeter readout electronics. A key device of this board is a radiation hard Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) featuring a resolution of 12bits at 40MS/s sampling rate. Following the large number of readout channels, this ADC device must display low power consumption and also a low area to easy a multichannel design.The goal of this thesis is to design an innovative ADC that can deal with these specifications. A Successive Approximation architecture (SAR) has been selected to design our ADC. This architecture has a low power consumption and many recent works has shown his high compatibility with modern CMOS scaling technologies. However, the SAR has some limitations related to decision errors and mismatches in capacitors array.Using Matlab software, we have created the models for two prototypes of 12bits SAR-ADC which are then used to study carefully their limitations, to evaluate their robustness and how it could be improved in digital domain.Then the designs were made in an IBM 130nm CMOS technology that was validated by the ATLAS collaboration for its radiation hardness. The prototypes use a redundant search algorithm with 14 conversion steps allowing some margins with comparator’s decision errors and opening the way to a digital calibration to compensate the capacitors mismatching effects. The digital part of our ADCs is very simplified to reduce the commands generation delays and saving some dynamic power consumption. This logic follows a monotonic switching algorithm which saves about70% of dynamic power consumption compared to the conventional switching algorithm. Using this algorithm, 50% of the total capacitance reduction is achieved when one compare our first prototype using a one segment capacitive DAC with a classic SAR architecture. To boost even more our results in terms of area and consumption, a second prototype was made by introducing a two segments DAC array. This resulted in many additional benefits: Compared to the first prototype, the area used is reduced in a ratio of 7,6, the total equivalent capacitance is divided by a factor 12, and finally the power consumption in improved by a factor 1,58. The ADCs respectively consume a power of ~10,3mW and ~6,5mW, and they respectively occupy an area of ~2,63mm2 and ~0,344mm2.A foreground digital calibration algorithm has been used to compensate the capacitors mismatching effects. A high frequency open loop reference voltages buffers have been designed to allow the high speed and high accuracy charge/discharge of the DAC capacitors array.Following electrical simulations, both prototypes reach an ENOB better than 11bits while operating at the speed of 40MS/s. The INL from the simulations were respectively +1.14/-1.1LSB and +1.66/-1.72LSB.The preliminary testing results of the first prototype are very close to that of a commercial 12bits ADC on our testing board. After calibration, we measured an ENOB of 10,5bits and an INL of +1/-2,18LSB. However, due to a testing board failure, the testing results of the second prototype are less accurate. In these circumstances, the latter reached an ENOB of 9,77bits and an INL of +7,61/-1,26LSB. Furthermore the current testing board limits the operating speed to ~9MS/s. Another improved board was designed to achieve a better ENOB at the targeted 40MS/s speed. The new testing results will be published in the future
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Libros sobre el tema "LPC Caen"


Vlasov, Dmitriy. Introduction to Decision Theory. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2024.

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The textbook in a simple and accessible form examines the basic concepts, approaches, concepts of the theory of decision-making and presents its applications in economics, finance and management. Particular attention is paid to the logic of the decision-making process, in particular, the procedure for generating alternatives, choosing optimality criteria, clarifying the information conditions for decision-making, identifying the role of the subjectivity of the LPR in decision-making. The mathematical apparatus, which acts as an instrumental basis for decision-making and is disclosed in this manual, has distinct and accessible economic applications for undergraduate students. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. The textbook is addressed to undergraduate students of economic and managerial fields who need to get acquainted with the basic techniques and methods of decision-making, but it can be useful to students of other fields of study, as well as to anyone who has a lack of competence in quantitative methods and mathematical modeling.
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van Holsteyn, Joop J. M. The Radical Right in Belgium and the Netherlands. Editado por Jens Rydgren. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Belgium and the Netherlands are fertile ground for radical right parties, including the Flemish Bloc and its successor Flemish Interest (VB), and the List Pim Fortuyn (LPF) and the later Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands. The LPF presented a mix of anti-immigrant and anti-elitist positions; the PVV was strict on immigration and against European integration; the VB was a nationalist/regionalist party that became successful only after adopting the anti-immigration issue. The LPF showed how a successful but badly organized party can both rise and fall quickly. The PVV shows that a strong leader can establish an electorally successful party that is less effective politically, with an uncertain future because of its dependency on the leader. The VB shows that a party that connects with the electorate’s “demands” can have a series of good election results without having direct policy effects and can be vulnerable to more effective competitors.
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Sayles, Victoria. 2. The distinction between legal and equitable interests. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Each Concentrate revision guide is packed with essential information, key cases, revision tips, exam Q&As, and more. Concentrates show you what to expect in a law exam, what examiners are looking for, and how to achieve extra marks. This chapter distinguishes between legal and equitable interests in land. The intervention of equity in land law can be seen in two key areas: the development of new equitable interests in land, and the availability of equitable remedies to enforce interests in land. To be legal, the interest must be listed under s 1(2) Law of Property Act 1925 (LPA 1925) and certain formalities must be met in its creation, notably being granted by deed (s 52 LPA 1925). Where these formalities are not met, the interest may have equitable status instead, but only where equity can find a specifically enforceable valid contract to create the interest. All other interests in land can only ever be equitable (s 1(3) LPA 1925). The status of an interest in land as either legal or equitable traditionally determined the rules of enforcement of that interest against third parties: legal interests bound all third parties, whereas equitable interests would only bind third parties who were not bona fide purchasers for value of a legal estate without notice.
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Watson-Gegeo, Karen Ann, David W. Gegeo y Billy Fito'o. Critical Community Language Policies in Education. Editado por James W. Tollefson y Miguel Pérez-Milans. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter first offers an overview of critical community language policy and planning in education (CCLPE). It provides an example of CCLPE, focusing on Malaita in the wake of the Tenson (ethnic conflict) between Guadalcanal and Malaita in Solomon Islands (SI) (1998–2007). The authors contextualize their analysis by tracing the turning points for LPP in SI history, and discuss implications of the SI case for CCLPE and the future of SI education. The analysis focuses on local processes of uncertainty and instability in times of rapid social change that undermine community faith in the nation-state. The chapter shows that indigenous communities have learned that they can exert their agency to shape LPP from the bottom up, and that the shaping must be grounded in indigenous language(s) and culture(s). This argument is consistent with the call for epistemological and ontological diversity in development theory, education, and related studies.
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Unamuno, Virginia y Juan Eduardo Bonnin. “We Work as Bilinguals”. Editado por James W. Tollefson y Miguel Pérez-Milans. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter examines the social impact of language policy and planning (LPP) in the daily life of Wichi communities in Argentina. The analysis shows how languages and bilingualism, categorized as a specific resource to access public positions in deprived regions in Argentina, define a disputed territory and shape social conflicts among groups. The chapter focuses on the Argentinean region known as El Impenetrable, where new language policies are transforming health and educational institutions traditionally managed by non-indigenous people. The presence of new actors in public institutions, assessed with relation to language competences, and the setting of a new political agenda can be explained from local and global processes where public decisions are rooted. Ethnographic sociolinguistics and discourse analysis are combined in a methodological approach to LPP that takes into account the interplay of different voices in relation to local and social transformations regarding indigenous language uses and values.
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Iliopoulos, John. The Origin of Mass. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Why do most ’elementary particles’ which form the constituents of all matter have a non-zero mass? Strange question, apparently in contradiction with our physical intuition. In this little book we attempt to explain that the question is far from being trivial and that the answer can be found in the recent discovery of a new particle in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva. We offer the reader a guided tour, starting from the tiny fractions of a second after the Big Bang, when all particles have been created, to the present experiments we perform in our laboratories. We show that the Universe follows a profound symmetry principle which seems to determine the structure of the world.
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Li, Bin Grace, Christopher Adam, Andrew Berg, Peter Montiel y Stephen O’Connell. Identifying the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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VAR methods suggest that the monetary transmission mechanism may be weak and unreliable in low-income countries. But are structural VARs identified via short-run restrictions capable of detecting a transmission mechanism where one exists, under research conditions typical of these countries? Using small DSGEs as data-generating processes, the chapter assesses the impact on VAR-based inference of short data samples, measurement error, high-frequency supply shocks, and other features of the LIC environment. The impact of these features on finite-sample bias appears to be relatively modest when identification is valid—a strong caveat, especially in low-income countries. However, many of these features undermine the precision of estimated impulse responses to monetary policy shocks, and cumulatively they suggest that ‘insignificant’ results can be expected even when the underlying transmission mechanism is strong.
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McFarlane, Ben, Nicholas Hopkins y Sarah Nield. 20. Successive ownership. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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All books in this flagship series contain carefully selected substantial extracts from key cases, legislation, and academic debate, providing able students with a stand-alone resource. This chapter examines more closely the ways in which a trust can be used to divide up the benefits of ownership over time. The importance of successive ownership is first introduced. The existence of a life estate is important to successive ownership. The limited nature and uncertain duration of the life estate affect both the rights of the beneficiary and the commercial value of the estate. Successive interest trusts can be created in the same way as other trusts of land. Those created after the commencement of the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 are regulated by that Act. Successive ownership trust can be expressly created through compliance with s 53(1)(b) of the Law of Property Act 1925 (LPA 1925). Under the 1996 Act, the legal title and powers of management are vested in the trustees of land.
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Lash, Dominic. The Cinema of Disorientation. Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

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Perhaps because they are so immediately absorbing, narrative films can also be profoundly confusing and disorienting. This fascinating book neither proposes fool-proof methods for avoiding confusion, nor does it suggest that disorientation is always a virtue. Instead, it argues that the best way to come to terms with our confusion is to look closely at exactly what is confusing us, and why. At the heart of the book are original close readings of four important recent films: David Lynch's INLAND EMPIRE (2006), Leos Carax's Holy Motors (2012), Pedro Costa's Colossal Youth (2006) and Jean-Luc Godard's Adieu au langage (2014). Clearly written but critically and theoretically bold, The Cinema of Disorientation: Inviting Confusions explores both how we get (or fail to get) our bearings with respect to a film, and what we might discover by (and while) doing so.
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Reiser, Dana Brakman y Steven A. Dean. Evaluating the Current Menu of Legal Forms for Social Enterprise. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter shows why legal forms recently developed to house social enterprise, such as the benefit corporation, leave social mission vulnerable to unilateral termination. Benefit corporation statutes grant shareholders unfettered discretion to discard social mission at any time. L3C statutes grant the same autonomy to entrepreneurs. In either case, the entity’s social mission can be shed without penalty, so adopting the form provides little reassurance of entrepreneurs’ and investors’ commitments. The chapter traces this weakness in part to the statutes’ inadequate mandate that adopting entities “do both” profit-making and social good generation. Without guidance to organizational leaders on how much of each objective to produce and which to prioritize when they conflict, entrepreneurs and investors do not know what to expect. This first generation of social enterprise law achieved an important expressive victory, but it represents only a first step towards creating a legal regime that helps them to flourish.
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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "LPC Caen"


Ingemarsdotter, Emilia, Sahil Singhania y Georgios Pallas. "Dynamic LCA and LCC with ECOFACT". En Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 703–11. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThis paper introduces the work on dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) carried out within the EU Horizon 2020 project ECOFACT. The goal of the ECOFACT project is to develop a digital platform for manufacturing companies to optimize their production systems for energy, costs, resources and life cycle impacts. The platform will include a manufacturing decision-support-system based on dynamic LCA and LCC and it will be demonstrated in four factories that are members of the project consortium. Dynamic and automated LCA and LCC provides opportunities for new insights compared to conventional, static assessments. For example, temporal variations in the environmental impact can be made available on an hourly, daily, monthly and yearly basis. Moreover, once set up, LCA and LCC results can automatically be updated with the latest data, reducing efforts and costs related to data collection and reporting. In this paper, we briefly explain the ECOFACT approach to dynamic LCA and LCC and discuss preliminary learnings as well as future opportunities.
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Tan, Yong Kiam, Marijn J. H. Heule y Magnus O. Myreen. "cake_lpr: Verified Propagation Redundancy Checking in CakeML". En Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 223–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractModern SAT solvers can emit independently checkable proof certificates to validate their results. The state-of-the-art proof system that allows for compact proof certificates is propagation redundancy (PR). However, the only existing method to validate proofs in this system with a formally verified tool requires a transformation to a weaker proof system, which can result in a significant blowup in the size of the proof and increased proof validation time. This paper describes the first approach to formally verify PR proofs on a succinct representation; we present (i) a new Linear PR (LPR) proof format, (ii) a tool to efficiently convert PR proofs into LPR format, and (iii) , a verified LPR proof checker developed in CakeML. The LPR format is backwards compatible with the existing LRAT format, but extends the latter with support for the addition of PR clauses. Moreover, is verified using CakeML ’s binary code extraction toolchain, which yields correctness guarantees for its machine code (binary) implementation. This further distinguishes our clausal proof checker from existing ones because unverified extraction and compilation tools are removed from its trusted computing base. We experimentally show that LPR provides efficiency gains over existing proof formats and that the strong correctness guarantees are obtained without significant sacrifice in the performance of the verified executable.
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Kwon, Yeong-hun, Dong-wan Kim y Jongbae Kim. "Comparative Usability Testing Between Lightweight Power Wheelchairs: Focused on People with Physical Disabilities in the Community". En Digital Health Transformation, Smart Ageing, and Managing Disability, 313–21. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractThere have been studies on Lightweight Power Wheelchairs (LPW) that compensate for the disadvantages of large and heavy powered wheelchairs for the activities of the people with physical disabilities in the community, but there is a lack of research to understand usability. Accordingly, we compared the usability of LPWs developed in Korea for 5 wheelchair participants and caregivers to find out their effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. As a result of the usability testing, there was a difference between the two LPWs in effectiveness and satisfaction. LPW1 was analyzed as grade B/’Good’ usability LPW2 was analyzed as grade A/’Best Imaginable’ usability. The usability of the heavier LPW2 was highly appreciated. This can be interpreted that users feel a sense of stability in the LPW with a certain amount of weight. In future studies, it is considered necessary to study the appropriate weight of LPW that users can feel stable.
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Gutleber, Johannes. "Rethinking the Socio-economic Value of Big Science: Lessons from the FCC Study". En The Economics of Big Science, 45–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Abstract Investing in fundamental research is often considered a risky venture. The costs of designing, developing and building new research instruments, the long timelines for the construction and operation of these infrastructures and the sophistication of the enabling technologies—often calling for further R&D investments to meet the market needs—are among the factors that enter into the debate around the investment in fundamental research. In this brief essay we discuss certain results from previous Cost-Benefit Analysis studies for the LHC and the High-Luminosity (HL-LHC) upgrade and lessons concerning the socio-economic impact that these facilities have beyond the core scientific mission. We conclude with some key considerations that can inform the design of a new research infrastructure for the post-LHC era like the proposed Future Circular Collider and point to certain directions for future interdisciplinary research to better understand ways for impact assessment.
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Meisterernst, Barbara. "Chapter 11. The diachronic development of postverbal 得 in Chinese". En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 260–82. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.

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The modal dé 得 is one of the modal verbs of possibility in Late Archaic Chinese (LAC) and Early Middle Chinese (EMC). Different from other modals verbs of possibility, which are confined to preverbal position, dé 得 ‘obtain, get, manage to, can’ occurs in two different positions in Modern Chinese and other Sinitic languages: preverbal and postverbal. This chapter argues that the two different functions of de in modern Sinitic languages reflect two syntactic instantiations of de in LAC and EMC. The preverbal modal auxiliary developed from the modal auxiliary verb dé ‘manage to, can’, which only allows a vP complement, and the postverbal de developed from the lexical verb dé ‘get, obtain’, which allows a CP complement.
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Marchã, M. J. M. "Can BL Lac Nuclei and Broad Line Regions Coexist or when is an Object a BL Lac?" En Extragalactic Radio Sources, 244–45. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.

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Teizer, Jochen, Kepeng Hong, Asger D. Larsen y Marcus B. Nilsen. "Robotic Assembly and Reuse of Modular Elements in the Supply Chain of a Learning Factory for Construction and in the Context of Circular Economy". En CONVR 2023 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 564–73. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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Although robotic solutions have been making significant contributions to fabrication environments, implementations in the construction are rare. It seems a disconnect between the industries exists where in construction the high number of non-uniform work tasks, the wide assortment of types and shapes of building materials and elements, and the presence of human workers creating safety hazards make the deployment of rather rigid robotic manipulators on construction sites much more complex than in production-like work environments. To advance construction with robotic solutions, it could prove beneficial to make each sector aware of the barriers that exist, and likewise, introduce a physical space for joint experimentation with state-of-the-art technologies from both fields. One way of alleviating this issue is to connect the sectors by providing hands-on education and research experiences, defined hereby as Learning Factory for Construction (LFC). This paper presents a scaled-down version of a LFC that has a robotic manipulator perform fully-automated and precise assembly, deconstruction, and reuse tasks of modular construction elements, whereas the elements are tracked with fiducial markers according to a known building information model and schedule. Furthermore, the FLC continuously gathers and analyzes data for performance, measures successful completions, assembly times, and potential quality defects. This project involved Masters level students with domain expertise from architectural, civil, and mechanical engineering in a cross-disciplinary and collaborative learning exercise of building a working prototype within a semester-long study project. Beyond the core tasks of the digital design and robotic application, the group developed theoretical concepts and limitations for more holistic views on circular economy, lean production, on- and off-site logistics, modularization, and construction safety, just as expected from a LFC. It is anticipated that the next generation of professionals working in the built environment and intending to solve some of the larger and more complex societal problems will require both the technical and communication skills that a LFC can stimulate. Therefore, LFC is expected to become an important component of active learning environments
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Teizer, Jochen, Kepeng Hong, Asger D. Larsen y Marcus B. Nilsen. "Robotic Assembly and Reuse of Modular Elements in the Supply Chain of a Learning Factory for Construction and in the Context of Circular Economy". En CONVR 2023 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 564–73. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2023.

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Although robotic solutions have been making significant contributions to fabrication environments, implementations in the construction are rare. It seems a disconnect between the industries exists where in construction the high number of non-uniform work tasks, the wide assortment of types and shapes of building materials and elements, and the presence of human workers creating safety hazards make the deployment of rather rigid robotic manipulators on construction sites much more complex than in production-like work environments. To advance construction with robotic solutions, it could prove beneficial to make each sector aware of the barriers that exist, and likewise, introduce a physical space for joint experimentation with state-of-the-art technologies from both fields. One way of alleviating this issue is to connect the sectors by providing hands-on education and research experiences, defined hereby as Learning Factory for Construction (LFC). This paper presents a scaled-down version of a LFC that has a robotic manipulator perform fully-automated and precise assembly, deconstruction, and reuse tasks of modular construction elements, whereas the elements are tracked with fiducial markers according to a known building information model and schedule. Furthermore, the FLC continuously gathers and analyzes data for performance, measures successful completions, assembly times, and potential quality defects. This project involved Masters level students with domain expertise from architectural, civil, and mechanical engineering in a cross-disciplinary and collaborative learning exercise of building a working prototype within a semester-long study project. Beyond the core tasks of the digital design and robotic application, the group developed theoretical concepts and limitations for more holistic views on circular economy, lean production, on- and off-site logistics, modularization, and construction safety, just as expected from a LFC. It is anticipated that the next generation of professionals working in the built environment and intending to solve some of the larger and more complex societal problems will require both the technical and communication skills that a LFC can stimulate. Therefore, LFC is expected to become an important component of active learning environments
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Teixeira, Alexandra y Camila Amorim Jardim. "Building Climate-Resilient Food Systems: The Case of IFAD in Brazil’s Semiarid". En Climate Change in Regional Perspective, 153–67. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractClimate change, food systems, and food and nutrition security (FNS) are strongly interlinked. Food systems (FSs) contribute to global greenhouse emissions, while climate change impacts livelihoods, food choices, and all determinants of malnutrition, jeopardizing international efforts to reduce hunger and promote nutrition. Climate extremes are key drivers behind the recent worsening of global hunger, which is also exacerbated by other crises, such as the lingering effects of the pandemic, the economic slowdown, and the impacts of the conflict in Ukraine on the global rise of food prices. Building resilient FSs is vital to increasing access to affordable, healthy diets for everyone in this uncertain and challenging context. Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) fosters regional and local solutions, innovations, and best practices to strengthen FSs resilience and adaptive capacity to improve rural people’s livelihoods. This chapter analyzes how climate change is worsening food security and malnutrition in LAC and essential regional pathways for building sustainable climate-resilient FSs, presenting the case study of IFAD’s Pro-Semiarid Project in Bahia, Brazil (PSA). It also highlights challenges and project-specific solutions implemented to strengthen FSs resilience, which can be scaled up and disseminated along LAC and between regions with relevant impacts on FNS.
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Stapnes, Steinar. "Linear Colliders". En Springer Proceedings in Physics, 285–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractThis article summarizes the studies for implementation of the Linear Collider projects, CLIC (the Compact LInear Collider) and ILC (the International Linear Collider). The accelerators aim to collide electrons and positrons at 380 and 250 GeV respectively, and both can be extended in length and/or with improved technologies to multi-TeV energies. CLIC is studied for construction at CERN, while ILC is being studied for implementation in Japan. The technical status, expected performances, recent progress and implementation parameters, as schedules, power and costs, are presented. The summary focuses on the accelerator studies for the colliders, but the accelerator studies are accompanied by comprehensive physics and detector studies referred to in the text and references. The future programs including the work for sustainable implementations are briefly summarized at the end. Many of the linear collider studies are common for the two projects and are presented as such. The projects are both implementable at costs similar to LHC and power/energy consumption similar or less than LHC.
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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "LPC Caen"


Kourkoumelis, Christine. "How Citizen-Scientists can search for new particles at the LHC". En 12th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference, 214. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.

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Shi, Yinlong, Kai Tao, Zitao Wei y Jian Wang. "FPGA Verification of Generalized LDPC Convolutional Codes with Hamming Code". En CLEO: Applications and Technology, JTu2A.82. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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Employing FPGA emulations, we investigate the performance of the hybrid check generalized LDPC convolutional code, and reveal that a small proportion of generalized check nodes can not effectively decrease the error floor down to 10-15.
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Brilliant, Lisa, Stanley Balamucki, George Burger, Yuan Dong y Charlie Lejambre. "Application of Multistage CFD Analysis to Low Pressure Compressor Design". En ASME Turbo Expo 2004: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2004.

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A Low Pressure Compressor (LPC) is unique in its requirements for wide operating range during a flight mission. As a result, the aerodynamic design involves a trade-off between performance and stall margin. The requirement to reduce engine development cost and schedule has resulted in developing LPCs during the engine validation program. With engine validation and certification schedules being compressed continuously, getting the initial design right has become critical. Multistage CFD analysis is used in the current design process to optimize the airfoils and stage matching. Three-dimensional airfoil features, such as bow, that improve secondary flow features and can be optimized using CFD. The PW6000 LPC engine test data has validated the analytical results and demonstrated surge margin and efficiency levels above the requirements. The LPC also achieved all other design objectives in its first build, representing a significant cost saving for a new centerline engine development program.
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Choi, G. H., J. H. Kim y Christian Homeyer. "Effects of Different LPG Fuel Systems on Performances of Variable Compression Ratio Single Cylinder Engine". En ASME 2002 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.

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Since the early 20th century, most ground vehicles are driven with gasoline and diesel. The degradation of the environment affects human on earth unless the quality of the air is improved. One of the alternative fuels, LPG, is potentially capable of lowering vehicular emissions when compared to gasoline or diesel. There is a penalty in power output resulting from the use of LPG because the engine can induce less amount of air with Mixer system comparing with gasoline engine. Currently, the liquid-phase LPG is injected into the intake port of the engine, the fuel vaporizes enroute to the combustion chamber. Therefore, the performance and combustion processes of the tested engine are investigated with different LPG fuel systems. The test engine was developed and named heavy-duty VACRE. The test engine for this work operates 1400rpm with MBT conditions. The major conclusions of the work include; 1) The power output of LPi system with liquid-phase is approximately 17% higher than that of vapor-phase Mixer system due to increases of volumetric efficiency. And the MBT spark timing of LPi system is approximately 25% more advanced than that of Mixer system at λ value 1.0; 2) The LPi system shows both the maximum heat release rate and the cumulative heat release to be approximately 20% higher than the Mixer system; 3) Maximum cylinder pressure decrease with increase of compression ratio and a point of maximum cylinder pressure is delayed with high compression ratio.
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Dhara, Olivia y Pradosh Chakrabarti. "Rice Bran Lyso-gums: The Unexplored Source of Potential Industrial Phospholipid". En 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), 2022.

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Crude rice bran oil contains about 3-4% of phospholipids. In the conventional degumming process, these were removed from the oil by using water/acid degumming techniques. However, with the advent of enzymatic degumming technology, the conventional methods are no longer followed. Enzymatic degumming generates lyso-gums in contrast to the ordinary gums recovered by conventional degumming methods. Rice bran lyso gum contains primarily lyso-phosphatidyl choline (LPC). It also contains lyso phosphatidyl ethanolamine (LPE) phosphatidyl choline (PC), phosphatidyl inositol (PI), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE), etc, amongst other classes of phospholipids. Till date lyso-phospholipids are produced synthetically to meet their demand and abundant use. Natural alternatives can be of great importance and proper processing of the crude rice bran lyso-gum (CRBLG) will definitely produce various modified lyso-gums having specific industrial applications in cosmetics, paint, and leather industries. The present work focuses on the processing of crude RBLG to produce various lyso-phospholipids products. Initially, bleaching of CRBLG was carried out using various oxidative bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl peroxide, and sodium chlorite. Bleached lyso-lecithin with a reduction in color from 18+ to 16 Gardner Units was obtained under optimized conditions. Processes were also developed to produce LPC enriched rice bran lyso-phospholipids as well as acetylated lysophospholipids. Acetylated RBL was obtained by enzymatic modification. The phospholipid compositions of these modified rice bran lyso-lecithins were estimated by using 31P NMR and surfactant properties were also checked for some of these modified products. Lyso-PC enrichment of about 40-50% could be achieved. Emulsion stability was significantly improved for LPC enriched products. The basic raw materials are available in bulk quantities and have less price. It is, therefore, expected that the modified lyso-lecithin products can be produced in an economically feasible method to meet the demand of various industries.
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Lelong, Vincent y Amberlee Welch. "How It’s Done and Why— Transitioning Parts from Atmosphere Carburizing to Low-Pressure Vacuum Carburizing". En HT 2015. ASM International, 2015.

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Abstract For more than 20 years now Low Pressure Vacuum Carburizing (LPC) has taken over several industries as the main carburizing choice. These industries take advantage of LPC’s clean environment, versatility, “just in time” processing, along with possible distortion control that comes with gas quenching capabilities to process millions of parts each month. However, there are still hundreds of types of parts that can be converted to LPC with minimal effort. The authors will show the recent history and products currently being processed in LPC and how they were transitioned to LPC. Metallurgical results will be shown along with production loading scenarios. In addition, the process of a particular part showing timing and cost of each treatment process will be reviewed. These facts will show the audience the benefits and how they can take advantage of low pressure vacuum carburizing.
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Li, Zhichao, Jason Fetty, Justin Sims, Lynn Ferguson y Treven Baker. "Material Property Characterization for Low Pressure Carburization Process Design using Computer Modeling". En Vertical Flight Society 75th Annual Forum & Technology Display. The Vertical Flight Society, 2019.

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Low Pressure Carburization (LPC) is widely used in the aerospace industry for hardening components made of steels with high alloy content and high heat resistant properties. The traditional gas carburizing process often generates Intergranular Oxidation (IGO) near the surface due to the existence of oxygen in the furnace atmosphere, which needs to be removed by grinding after hardening to restore bending and contact fatigue performance. LPC processing is done in a low pressure chamber without the existence of oxygen, so the surface microstructure is improved by eliminating IGO. High temperature resistant steels require high alloy element contents, and some elements are strong carbide formers, such as Cr, Mn, Mo, and V, etc. During LPC processing, both iron and alloy carbides can be formed, which significantly affect the carburization time required to reach a specified case depth and surface carbon. The carbides formed during the LPC process may not decompose completely prior to quench hardening, and these primary carbides will end up in the final processed parts. If the size of these primary carbides is not controlled, both bending and contact fatigue performance may be decreased. In order to control carbide formation during LPC, the carbon diffusivity of a material must be characterized. This characterization was recently performed under a program between DANTE Solutions and the Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation and Missile Center (CCDC AvMC). In this research, a specifically designed coupon was used to characterize the carbon diffusivity and carbide forming properties during LPC processes. Using the characterized material properties, LPC process recipes can be designed by using modeling to achieve specific case depth and surface carbon content. The work was demonstrated using Pyrowear 675 steel and DANTE commercial heat treatment modeling software.
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Gharib, Mohamed y Mansour Karkoub. "Passive Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structural Control Using LPC Impact Dampers". En ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Excessive vibration is one of the main reasons leading to partial damage and in some cases collapse of tall buildings and structures. Impact dampers provide an effective, economical, and easy to install solution to the vibration problem in several applications. The latest developed type in the impact dampers family is the Linear Particle Chain (LPC) impact damper. It consists of a linear arrangement of two sizes of freely moving masses, constrained by two stops. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the effectiveness of the LPC impact damper in damping the vibrations of a multi-degree-of-freedom system under different types of excitations. A prototype of the LPC impact dampers is fabricated and tested in our lab using a three-story frame structure. The experimental outcomes clearly show that the LPC impact damper can effectively attenuate the free and forced vibrations of flexible structures.
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Mballo, Chams y J. V. R. Prasad. "Load Alleviation Control vs. Load Limiting Control: Pros and Cons." En Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum & Technology Display. The Vertical Flight Society, 2022.

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The development of life extending control schemes is important to ensure the longevity of critical helicopter components. Perhaps, equally important is the ability to choose the appropriate component life extension scheme for a specific application. In this paper, the benefits and drawbacks associated with two control schemes for component life extension are discussed: namely Load Alleviation Control (LAC) and Load Limiting Control (LLC). Understanding such benefits and drawbacks can help to not only motivate future research that will improve these schemes but also in the selection of a suitable scheme for a specific application.
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Dhavamani, Sugasini, Papasani V. Subbaiah y Poorna CR Yalagala. "Enrichment of brain DHA through dietary LPC EPA/ DHA- Potential application for the Alzheimer disease". En 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), 2022.

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DHA (docosahexaenoic acid,22:6, n-3) is uniquely concentrated in the brain and is critical for normal development and function of the brain. DHA deficiency contributes to several neurological diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD), whereas high dietary intake of DHA is negatively associated with incidence of AD. However, clinical trials using fish oil for improving memory in AD patients and animal models were unsuccessful. We propose that this failure is due to inability of currently available supplements to enrich brain DHA because they are absorbed as triacylglycerol which cannot cross blood brain barrier (Fig. 1). We recently demonstrated that DHA content of the brain can be nearly doubled in normal adult mice, and that their brain function markedly improved, by gavaging low doses (0.04g/kg bw) of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)-DHA. This is because LPC escapes degradation by pancreatic enzymes, and is taken up by brain through the Mfsd2a pathway (Fig. 1). Here we tested the hypothesis that brain DHA in AD mice can be enriched by dietary LPC-EPA/DHA and thereby prevent or delay the development of AD. LPC-EPA/DHA was prepared by lipase treatment of krill oil and blended with rodent chow to yield the final EPA/DHA concentration of 0.35g/kg diet and fed to 5XFAD mice for 6 months, starting at the age of 1month.Control group was fed fish oil containing EPA/DHA at the same dose in the form of TAG. Our results showed that LPC DHA/EPA significantly increased brain DHA in both male (+118%) and female (+127%) 5XFAD mice as compared to TAG DHA/EPA. LPC DHA/EPA also increases significantly brain EPA in both male (40-fold) and female (50-fold) 5XFAD mice as compared to TAG DHA/EPA. These studies could provide a novel nutraceutical approach for enriching brain DHA and for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other neuroinflammatory diseases.
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Peña, Ignacio, Tomás Gutiérrez y Milagros Gutiérrez. A Bridge to the Future: How the Rise of the Miami Startup Ecosystem can Become a Platform to Transform the Americas. Inter-American Development Bank, octubre de 2021.

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This study analyzes the rise of the Miami startup ecosystem and the opportunities for mutual benefit engendered by a strong connection with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The exponential technology revolution and the boom of the LAC startup ecosystem creates a massive opportunity to build a talent-driven network of startup and knowledge ecosystems that could generate trillions of dollars in value and millions of employment, while igniting the industries of the future across the Hemisphere. The recent rise of the Greater Miami area's innovation ecosystem opens the possibility to unleash value and growth through building a bridge that connects ecosystems across the Americas.
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Salo, James. Greening Value Chains: How Large Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean Can Influence Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impact Management in Their Value Chains: Technical Study. Inter-American Development Bank, octubre de 2016.

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Managing value chain environmental impacts and natural resource use has become an important consideration in the purchasing decisions of large publicly traded companies. Suppliers, including micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region,can increase their competiveness by using best practices in natural resource management and reducing their environmental impacts. In order to assess how value chain environmental management can improve MSME competitiveness, this study identifies best practices among companies in key economic sectors in LAC with the largest value chain environmental inputs (e.g. water use, commodities) and outputs (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions, waste). Tools and incentive mechanisms that support adoption of best practices were identified and assessed for usefulness. This study provides valuable guidance to various actors along the value chains of multinational companies that operate in LAC, including suppliers (MSMEs), financial institutions, and other entities (international development organizations, industry associations, research organizations, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)) interested in fostering the development of greener value chains. The identification of key sectors, considering both economic and environmental impact significance, provides interested entities with a ranked list of sectors to work with. The identification of key environmental inputs and outputs is a valuable reference point for prioritizing key issues for LAC companies in each sector. Finally, this study's review of value chain environmental management best practices, tools, and incentive mechanisms supports knowledge sharing, development of greener value chains, improved environmental management of MSMEs, and key areas for supporting investment.
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Sparkman, David y Germán Sturzenegger. Fostering Water and Sanitation Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean: How the Public Sector Can Support the Private Sector to Bridge Coverage Gaps and Improve Service Quality for Low-Income Popul. Inter-American Development Bank, agosto de 2016.

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In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), according to 2015 figures from the Joint Monitoring Program, over 100 million people do not have access to adequate sanitation services, and nearly 34 million do not have access to safely managed drinking water. A disproportionate number of these households are from lower-income market segments and wealth quintiles, primarily residing in the rapidly growing, high-density periphery of established urban centers, small towns, and rural areas. Access to water and sanitation has been declared by the United Nations to be a human right, indicating that there is still a significant challenge in LAC with respect to universal access to basic human rights. To resolve this challenge, traditional practices involving the NGO, aid, development and public sectors as leaders will not solve the problem efficiently or effectively without adequate engagement and enabling of the private sector.
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Gischler, Christiaan, Lenin Balza, Gianmarco Servetti, Sebastián J. Miller y Nils Janson. Potential for Energy Storage in Combination with Renewable Energy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, febrero de 2014.

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Can energy storage (ES) increase the share of renewable energy (RE) in total generation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? The rationale for using ES in combination with RE in the LAC region is that it can enable a larger scale deployment of cost-saving intermittent RE, with which the region is highly endowed, without threatening grid stability or the ability to meet electricity demand. To test this rationale, the paper considers three case studies that represent the key market types in LAC: a small off-grid town, a small island country, and a large interconnected market. ES technologies can increase the share of intermittent RE in total generation by: (i) providing backup power at times when intermittent RE technologies cannot generate power (to maintain grid stability); and/or (ii) providing energy management services that allow system operators to forecast when they will be able to use electricity from intermittent RE (to maintain the ability to meet electricity demand at all times).
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Volpe Martincus, Christian, Mauricio Mesquita Moreira, Kati Suominen, Rosario Campos, Álvaro Inchauspe, Luis Torres Paz, Elena Achar Samra et al. Integration & Trade Journal: Volume 17: No. 37: July-December, 2013. Inter-American Development Bank, enero de 2014.

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In spite of the fact that they make up more than 90% of firms and account for a substantial portion of employment in these countries, rather little is known about the role of small- and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) trade. In particular, there are a series of pending yet pivotal questions, such as: To what extent and how do SMEs contribute to their countries exports? How internationalized are LAC SMEs compared to SMEs in other world regions? How diversified are LAC SMEs exports across products and destinations? What are the key bottlenecks to LAC SME internationalization? This issue of the Journal intends to drive a holistic, thoughtful and targeted discussion of patterns of SME internationalization and its major bottlenecks and how they can be (or not) mitigated most effectively.
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Priester, Michael, Malaika Masson y Martin Walter. Incentivizing Clean Technology in the Mining Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Role of Public Mining Institutions. Inter-American Development Bank, diciembre de 2013.

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How can LAC governments promote the use of clean and green technology in the mining sector and what are the supporting instruments, regulations, infrastructure and institutional aspects that are needed to reinforce this role within public supervisory mining agencies? This technical note explores opportunities for incentivizing cleaner technologies in mining in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. It focuses on two aspects: key conceptual notions related to clean technologies/process in mining and the practical efforts required by governments to monitor and regulate their use in LAC. It showcases the case of Bolivia, Guyana, and Peru, and identifies specific avenues for the improved capture of economic value from mining, while minimizing negative environmental and social impacts.
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Schick, Allen. An Agenda for Budgeting: Establishing a Budget Network in the LAC Region. Inter-American Development Bank, mayo de 2005.

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This presentation was commissioned by the Public Management and Transparency Network of the Regional Policy Dialogue for the VI Hemispheric Meeting celebrated on May 23rd and 24th, 2005. OECD's Senior Budget Officials Network. How it has grown over the past 25 years. The insularity of budget offices. Budget Officials rarely meet with counterparts in other countries. Countries in LAC region can learn from one another. Need for basic capacities, not avant-garde reforms. Why a LAC Network should differ from SBO more oriented to development and governance.
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Frisancho, Verónica. How to Raise Household Savings in LAC: Constraints and Best Practices. Inter-American Development Bank, abril de 2016.

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This technical note examines demand-side constraints households in Latin America and the Caribbean face when making saving decisions, particularly households from lower income deciles. This emphasis is important because poverty can impact individuals' ability to process information, manage their time efficiently, or resist temptation, thus limiting their ability to make sound financial choices, forecast, or plan ahead. The note first reviews the main formal constraints on saving such as transaction costs, regulatory barriers and limited trust in financial systems. The note then considers constraints on saving in general, whether formal or informal, including social pressure, intra-household allocation issues, information and knowledge gaps, and behavioral biases when making financial choices. Reviewing advances in behavioral economics, particular emphasis is placed on how features of individual behavior can impact savings. Alleviating behavioral constraints could yield large welfare gains at relatively low costs.
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Stall, Nathan M., Kevin A. Brown, Antonina Maltsev, Aaron Jones, Andrew P. Costa, Vanessa Allen, Adalsteinn D. Brown et al. COVID-19 and Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes. Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, enero de 2021.

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Key Message Ontario long-term care (LTC) home residents have experienced disproportionately high morbidity and mortality, both from COVID-19 and from the conditions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. There are several measures that could be effective in preventing COVID-19 outbreaks, hospitalizations, and deaths in Ontario’s LTC homes, if implemented. First, temporary staffing could be minimized by improving staff working conditions. Second, homes could be further decrowded by a continued disallowance of three- and four-resident rooms and additional temporary housing for the most crowded homes. Third, the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in staff could be minimized by approaches that reduce the risk of transmission in communities with a high burden of COVID-19. Summary Background The Province of Ontario has 626 licensed LTC homes and 77,257 long-stay beds; 58% of homes are privately owned, 24% are non-profit/charitable, 16% are municipal. LTC homes were strongly affected during Ontario’s first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Questions What do we know about the first and second waves of COVID-19 in Ontario LTC homes? Which risk factors are associated with COVID-19 outbreaks in Ontario LTC homes and the extent and death rates associated with outbreaks? What has been the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the general health and wellbeing of LTC residents? How has the existing Ontario evidence on COVID-19 in LTC settings been used to support public health interventions and policy changes in these settings? What are the further measures that could be effective in preventing COVID-19 outbreaks, hospitalizations, and deaths in Ontario’s LTC homes? Findings As of January 14, 2021, a total of 3,211 Ontario LTC home residents have died of COVID-19, totaling 60.7% of all 5,289 COVID-19 deaths in Ontario to date. There have now been more cumulative LTC home outbreaks during the second wave as compared with the first wave. The infection and death rates among LTC residents have been lower during the second wave, as compared with the first wave, and a greater number of LTC outbreaks have involved only staff infections. The growth rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections among LTC residents was slower during the first two months of the second wave in September and October 2020, as compared with the first wave. However, the growth rate after the two-month mark is comparatively faster during the second wave. The majority of second wave infections and deaths in LTC homes have occurred between December 1, 2020, and January 14, 2021 (most recent date of data extraction prior to publication). This highlights the recent intensification of the COVID-19 pandemic in LTC homes that has mirrored the recent increase in community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 across Ontario. Evidence from Ontario demonstrates that the risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks and subsequent deaths in LTC are distinct from the risk factors for outbreaks and deaths in the community (Figure 1). The most important risk factors for whether a LTC home will experience an outbreak is the daily incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the communities surrounding the home and the occurrence of staff infections. The most important risk factors for the magnitude of an outbreak and the number of resulting resident deaths are older design, chain ownership, and crowding. Figure 1. Anatomy of Outbreaks and Spread of COVID-19 in LTC Homes and Among Residents Figure from Peter Hamilton, personal communication. Many Ontario LTC home residents have experienced severe and potentially irreversible physical, cognitive, psychological, and functional declines as a result of precautionary public health interventions imposed on homes, such as limiting access to general visitors and essential caregivers, resident absences, and group activities. There has also been an increase in the prescribing of psychoactive drugs to Ontario LTC residents. The accumulating evidence on COVID-19 in Ontario’s LTC homes has been leveraged in several ways to support public health interventions and policy during the pandemic. Ontario evidence showed that SARS-CoV-2 infections among LTC staff was associated with subsequent COVID-19 deaths among LTC residents, which motivated a public order to restrict LTC staff from working in more than one LTC home in the first wave. Emerging Ontario evidence on risk factors for LTC home outbreaks and deaths has been incorporated into provincial pandemic surveillance tools. Public health directives now attempt to limit crowding in LTC homes by restricting occupancy to two residents per room. The LTC visitor policy was also revised to designate a maximum of two essential caregivers who can visit residents without time limits, including when a home is experiencing an outbreak. Several further measures could be effective in preventing COVID-19 outbreaks, hospitalizations, and deaths in Ontario’s LTC homes. First, temporary staffing could be minimized by improving staff working conditions. Second, the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in staff could be minimized by measures that reduce the risk of transmission in communities with a high burden of COVID-19. Third, LTC homes could be further decrowded by a continued disallowance of three- and four-resident rooms and additional temporary housing for the most crowded homes. Other important issues include improved prevention and detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection in LTC staff, enhanced infection prevention and control (IPAC) capacity within the LTC homes, a more balanced and nuanced approach to public health measures and IPAC strategies in LTC homes, strategies to promote vaccine acceptance amongst residents and staff, and further improving data collection on LTC homes, residents, staff, visitors and essential caregivers for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. Interpretation Comparisons of the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in the LTC setting reveal improvement in some but not all epidemiological indicators. Despite this, the second wave is now intensifying within LTC homes and without action we will likely experience a substantial additional loss of life before the widespread administration and time-dependent maximal effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. The predictors of outbreaks, the spread of infection, and deaths in Ontario’s LTC homes are well documented and have remained unchanged between the first and the second wave. Some of the evidence on COVID-19 in Ontario’s LTC homes has been effectively leveraged to support public health interventions and policies. Several further measures, if implemented, have the potential to prevent additional LTC home COVID-19 outbreaks and deaths.
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Ulloa-Suarez, Carolina y Oscar Valencia. Sustaining Compliance with Fiscal Rules: A Future at Risk? Inter-American Development Bank, noviembre de 2024.

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Fiscal rules in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries rarely have fixed objectives, exhibiting significant heterogeneity in design and implementation. This document analyzes how different factors influence the ease or difficulty of compliance with these rules and introduces an update of the Compliance dataset, highlighting new trends. The updated dataset shows that fiscal rule compliance in the region is sensitive to economic conditions, with a notable peak in 2022 due to favorable circumstances. However, the seemingly high compliance in 2022 was largely driven by favorable conditions, masking underlying vulnerabilities, as evidenced by the decline in 2023 and the emerging risks of non-compliance in 2024. This pattern suggests that compliance can sometimes misrepresent both short-term and long-term fiscal health. The analysis underscores the need to rethink fiscal rule frameworks to ensure long-term discipline and coherence with fiscal commitments. A new classification of rules in LAC can help understand compliance dynamics, close the gap between short- and long-term fiscal objectives, and identify specific characteristics to improve. This document emphasizes the necessity for targeted reforms to enhance the resilience and effectiveness of fiscal frameworks in the LAC region.
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