Literatura académica sobre el tema "Exploitations agricoles familiales – Amazonie"
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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Exploitations agricoles familiales – Amazonie"
Billard, Cécile, Valéry Gond, Johan Oszwald, Xavier Arnauld de Sartre y Benno Pokorny. "Trajectoires des pratiques agricoles paysannes en Amazonie". BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 319, n.º 319 (1 de enero de 2014): 53.
Texto completoPham Duy Khanh, Khanh, Guillaume Duteurtre, Sylvie Cournut, Samir Messad, Benoît Dedieu y Nathalie Hostiou. "Caractérisation de la diversité et de la durabilité des exploitations laitières familiales au Vietnam : étude de cas en zone périurbaine de Hanoï". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 69, n.º 4 (27 de junio de 2017): 131.
Texto completoChia, Eduardo, Patrick Dugué y Souadou Sakho-Jimbira. "Les exploitations agricoles familiales sont-elles des institutions ?" Cahiers Agricultures 15, n.º 6 (noviembre de 2006): 498–505.
Texto completoSemara, Lounis, Toufik Madani, Charefeddine Mouffok y Farida Belkasmi. "Réaction des éleveurs bovins des régions semi-arides algériennes face aux contraintes économiques et climatiques". Cahiers Agricultures 27, n.º 6 (noviembre de 2018): 65001.
Texto completoNdiaye, Malick. "Analyse De L'efficacité Technique Des Exploitations Agricoles Familiales À Maurice". European Scientific Journal, ESJ 14, n.º 9 (31 de marzo de 2018): 143.
Texto completoLepage, Fanny, Jean Pierre Couderc, Jean-Philippe Perrier y Diane Parent. "Transfert : les déterminants de la performance des exploitations agricoles familiales". Économie rurale, n.º 324 (30 de julio de 2011): 3–17.
Texto completoBourgoin, Jérémy, Djibril Diop, Djiby Dia, Moussa Sall, Romaric Zagré, Quentin Grislain y Ward Anseeuw. "Regard sur le modèle agricole sénégalais : pratiques foncières et particularités territoriales des moyennes et grandes exploitations agricoles". Cahiers Agricultures 29 (2020): 18.
Texto completoHavard, Michel, A. Fall y Aboubakar Njoya. "La traction animale au coeur des stratégies des exploitations agricoles familiales en Afrique subsaharienne". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 57, n.º 3-4 (1 de marzo de 2004): 183.
Texto completoRasambatra, Elias Romélio, Patrice Autfray, Eric Vall, Eliel González-Garciá, Jean-Michel Mortillaro, Jean de Neupomuscène Rakotozandriny y Paulo Salgado. "Intégration agriculture-élevage dans un contexte d’accès limité aux intrants de synthèse en milieu tropical de moyenne altitude". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 73, n.º 2 (29 de junio de 2020): 49–59.
Texto completoMinville-Gallagher, Myriam. "L’Afrique de l’Ouest à l’heure des acquisitions massives de terres". Revue Possibles 36, n.º 3 (1 de septiembre de 2013): 60–72.
Texto completoTesis sobre el tema "Exploitations agricoles familiales – Amazonie"
Carvalho, Soraya Abreu de. "Entre opportunisme et persistance. Quelles dynamiques et perspectives d'évolution pour les exploitations laitières familiales de la Transamazonienne ?" AgroParisTech, 2010.
Texto completoThe Brazilian Amazonia, detaining a vast biodiversity, has undergone great transformations in the economic, social, cultural and ecological aspects. The Transamazonica (Brazilian Highway 230 Region) distinguishes by the great participation of the family agriculture, in terms of occupied area, population and food production. It is characterized by a diverse system of production, where cattle breeding and dairy takes a strategic role as a food source to the families, generating income by selling of milk and calf. In this context, cattle breeding have been suffering substantial changes in its system of milk production, and in its productive chain. The aim of this study is to understand how the family agriculture establishments of milk systems work in the Eastern Brazilian Amazonia frontier, in the municipality of Brasil Novo (state of Pará). A methodological arrangement has been used combining interviews with farmers and key informants, retroactive analysis over the importance of the milk in its way to the establishments, typologies of the establishments in 2001 and 2009, besides the empirical knowledge acquired throughout the fifteen years of research-development in the region. The results have shown a spectrum of evolution in the milk establishments, where two types of producers distinguishes, that we have named “Opportunistic Type” and “Persistent Type”. Due to both inside and outside establishment factors, there is a constant fluctuation throughout this spectrum. Among these factors, the market access is fundamental, and it greatly defines the orientation that the producers follow when conducting their milk systems. The chain of milk production still shows concern. The direct producer-consumer trade in still a usual practice. The milk-processing factories are of small capacity, with disperse collective capacity radius, presenting a history of instability in their process. The precarious infrastructure in both the road system and electricity are key factors to explain the timid increase in the chain production structure in this region. These aspects take to a high degree of insecurity to most farmers, preventing them from investing in the activity, even with the low cost of the milk production. These deficiencies might have been resolved with adapted public policies, as well as by the strong increase of the local market, due to the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam construction
Veiga, Iran. "Savoirs locaux et organisation sociale de l'agriculture amazonienne : la gestion durable des milieux en question". Toulouse 2, 1999.
Texto completoArnauld, de Sartre Xavier. "Territorialités contradictoires des jeunes ruraux amazoniens : mobilités paysannes ou sédentarités professionnelles ?" Toulouse 2, 2003.
Texto completoYouth's future is a crucial stake for family farmers, trade unionists and sustainable development actors of a pioneer frontier of Amazônia. For the trade unionists and sustainable development actors, their objectives of make the farmers adopt sustainable practices would not be achieved with the current farmers; that's why they transferred their hopes on young farmers. The family farmers would like to reproduce their peasant way of life with their children. This these studies, by the way of analysis of semi structured interviews, the stakes of these hopes; and tries to compare them to the conceptions and practices of young farmers. These, analysed by the way of biographical interviews and formalised in a typology, are strongly different of wishes of those actors, and lead us to conclude that professionalization of family farming is a process which imply a deep break in the farmers conceptions
Nascimento, Wagner Luiz Nascimento do. "Desenvolvimento de sistemas agroflorestais nos territórios rurais da Amazônia". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Le Mans, 2024.
Texto completoThe debate on other ways of farming is necessary and urgent. The crises that areravaging society increasingly highlight the importance of adapting practices, techniquesand tools to produce in rural areas of the Amazon. For centuries, family farming hasbeen based on a practice that consists of cutting and burning the forest, linked toitinerant agriculture. Recent factors, such as population growth and the demand forfood, have increased the production areas to meet market demand. This endangersnatural resources such as water, soil and air. Rethinking production methods andsystems is a key point to achieve family farming capable of meeting the fundamentalaspects of sustainability. In this sense, agroforestry systems (AFS) are an alternativeadopted by family farmers in the Amazon, as they are well adapted to the diverserealities of the region, but these systems are spreading slowly. Thus, the presentresearch aims to identify the aspects related to the barriers that prevent the adoptionand/or diffusion of AFS in family farming and the possible adoption strategies that cancontribute to overcoming them in rural areas of the Amazon. The research wasconducted in the floodplain areas of Igarapé-Miri and on the mainland of Tomé-Açu,Eastern Amazon, adopting a qualitative-quantitative research approach, withexploratory and descriptive purposes. At the end of the research, as main results, weidentified that research on SAF has focused on a more socio-environmental debate,while the main barriers identified both at the property level and at the multi-level spatiallevels Local/Territorial and Regional/Federal, the factors that limit the adoption of SAFare linked to socioeconomic factors. Another result is to consider both the specificitiesof the biophysical environment to structure these systems and the techniques used toimplement them, considering various aspects of the farms such as availability of labor,financial resources, time, materials, inputs, among others. Finally, another extremelyimportant result that we identified is linked to cooperation relationships and the creationof networks in the territory: they reveal strategic and fundamental elements to overcomethe barriers encountered and thus support family farmers in the agroecologicaltransition
O debate sobre outras formas de fazer agricultura é necessário e urgente. As crises queassolam a sociedade destacam cada vez mais a importância da adaptação de práticas,técnicas e ferramentas para produzir nos territórios rurais da Amazônia. A agriculturafamiliar baseou-se durante séculos numa prática que consiste no corte e queima dafloresta, ligada à agricultura itinerante. Fatores recentes, como o crescimentopopulacional e a procura de alimentos, intensificaram as áreas de produção parasatisfazer a procura do mercado. Isto põe em perigo recursos naturais como a água, osolo e o ar. Repensar os métodos e sistemas de produção é um ponto chave paraalcançar uma agricultura familiar capaz de atender aos aspectos fundamentais dasustentabilidade. Nesse sentido, os sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) são uma alternativaadotada pelos agricultores familiares na Amazônia, pois estão bem adaptados àsdiversas realidades da região, mas esses sistemas estão se espalhando lentamente.Assim, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar os aspectos relacionados àsbarreiras que impedem a adoção e/ou difusão do SAF na agricultura familiar e aspossíveis estratégias de adoção que possam contribuir para superá-las nos territóriosrurais da Amazônia. A pesquisa foi realizada nas áreas de várzea do Igarapé-Miri e nocontinente de Tomé-Açu, Amazônia Oriental, adotando uma abordagem de pesquisaquali-quantitativa, com fins exploratórios e descritivos. Ao final da pesquisa, comoprincipais resultados, identificamos que a pesquisa sobre SAF tem se concentrado emum debate mais socioambiental, enquanto as principais barreiras identificadas tanto nonível da propriedade quanto nos multiníveis espaciais Local/Territorial eRegional/Federal, o os factores que limitam a adopção do SAF estão ligados a factoressocioeconómicos. Outro resultado é considerar tanto as especificidades do ambientebiofísico para estruturar esses sistemas quanto as técnicas utilizadas para implementálos,considerando diversos aspectos das fazendas como disponibilidade de mão de obra,recursos financeiros, tempo, materiais, insumos, entre outros. Por fim, outro resultadoextremamente importante que identificamos está ligado às relações de cooperação e àcriação de redes no território: revelam-se elementos estratégicos e fundamentais parasuperar as barreiras encontradas e assim apoiar os agricultores familiares na transiçãoagroecológica
De, Aguiar Janaina. "Padrões de uso e sistemas de trabalho associados à diversidade vegetal no amazonas : uma abordagem interdisciplinar". Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015.
Texto completoDuring the last decades, there has been an intensification of environmental impacts generated by the conventional agricultural production model (degradation, contamination of water resources, reduction of biodiversity). Coupled with a concentration of land and income -producing exclusion of rural workers and violence in campagne- this intensification has been lead to the emergence of proposals for rural development which includes the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. In this agroecological approach, the implementation of new agricultural practices is inserted into a gradual process and multilinear change, called agro-ecological transition, which is the transition from an agricultural model based on the use of chemical inputs to forms more sustainable production. The research was conducted in the community of São Francisco da Costa da Terra Nova. From existing production models, this agro-ecological transition has triggered a series of technical and organizational innovations, that have led both to changes in the production process, in the forms of work organization, and in the inclusion of a new work activity: the marketing of agro-ecological products. In addition to crop production practices and forms of work organization, agro-ecological transition leads to new performance prospects for farmers, for example formation of a new market, the agro-ecological fairs. The research shows that changes resulting from agro-ecological transition process may contribute to the development, enhancement and dissemination of innovative processes that improve the working conditions of farmers, and that adds value and expand the work opportunities in the context of sustainable agriculture
Nas últimas décadas, a intensificação dos impactos ambientais gerados pelo modelo de produção agrícola convencional (degradação dos solos, contaminação dos recursos hídricos, redução da biodiversidade); associado à concentração fundiária e de renda e, consequentemente, à exclusão de trabalhadores rurais e à violência no campo; propiciou o surgimento de propostas de desenvolvimento rural que incluíam a adoção de práticas agrícolas sustentáveis, a fim de fomentar alternativas viáveis à produção de alimentos e ao fortalecimento da agricultura familiar. Na abordagem agroecológica, a implementação de novas práticas agrícolas está inserida em um processo gradual e multilinear de mudança, denominado transição agroecológica, que visa a passagem de um modelo agrícola baseado no uso de insumos químicos à formas de produção mais sustentáveis. Na comunidade São Francisco da Costa da Terra Nova, lócus da pesquisa, observou-se, a partir dos modelos de produção existentes, que essa transição desencadeou uma série de inovações técnicas e organizacionais que resultaram em mudanças no processo produtivo, nas formas de organização do trabalho e na inclusão de uma nova atividade: a comercialização dos produtos agroecológicos. Além de ressignificar as práticas produtivas e as formas de organização do trabalho, a transição agroecológica conduziu à possibilidades inéditas de atuação dos agricultores, através dos novos espaços de comercialização, as feiras agroecológicas. Acredita-se que as mudanças decorrentes do processo de transição agroecológica possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento, aprimoramento e difusão de processos inovadores que visam a melhoria das condições de trabalho dos agricultores familiares, com vistas a valorizar e ampliar as perspectivas do trabalho no contexto da agricultura sustentável
Lau, Hugo Didonet. "Approche écopathologique de la mortalité des veaux dans les systèmes d'élevage de l'agriculture familiale amazonienne : les cas des régions d'Uruara et de Castanhal - Brésil". Toulouse, INPT, 2000.
Texto completoFarella, Nicolina. "Les fermes de la région frontière du Tapajos en Amazonie brésilienne : relations entre les origines familiales, les pratiques agricoles, les impacts sur les sols et le déboisement /". Montréal : Université du Québec à Montréal, 2005.
Texto completoEn tête du titre: Université du Québec à Montréal. Comprend des réf. bibliogr. Publié aussi en version électronique.
Lima, resque Antônio Gabriel. "Can the concept of ecosystem services facilitate agroecological transition in the Brazilian Amazon? Results from a mixed methods approach in Irituia and Paragominas, Pará state". Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2020.
Texto completoThe proposal of a model of development that reconciles environmental conservation, especially of forest resources, and socioeconomic development is still a challenge to be achieved worldwide, especially in the Amazon region. Due to its amplitude, the Brazilian portion of the Amazon is a matter of great concern nationally and internationally. Agriculture stands out in the Brazilian Amazon for its socioeconomic importance and its tremendous potential to alter ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services (ES). Among the different forms of agriculture (i.e. large and small farmers), family farms are key players for promoting rural sustainable development. Despite its importance, local actors supporting family farms face numerous challenges to promote agroecological transition of these farms. The general question that we want to contribute to with this thesis is: How can the conceptual framework of ES serve as a cognitive and operational basis to support the agroecological transition? We carried out this research in two contrasting municipalities in the eastern part of the Brazilian Amazon, Irituia and Paragominas. The farming sector of the first study site is dominated by family farming, which is often biodiversified. Contrastingly, large-scale industrial agriculture predominates in the second study site, although it coexists with family farming. We adopted a multi-actor perspective, with the participation of a heterogeneous set of local actors (e.g. policy makers, researchers, rural extension agents, farmers) related to rural issues. We implemented a “mixed methods approach” combining well-tested qualitative methodologies, such as semi-directive interviews and participant observation, with semi-quantitative methodologies such as questionnaires and a role-playing game. We first aimed to understand the perception of different local actors about ES and their co-production process. We observed that, in general, a diversity of ES is perceived by local actors. The perception of ES and the different possible ways to co-produce these ES differ significantly among actors. The type of activity performed by the stakeholders and their municipality are the main factors influencing their perception of ES co-production. The type of knowledge (more scientific or empirical) was also relevant to distinguish between the ways to perceive ES. We also sought to understand the importance of these perceptions in the decision-making process on land use. We investigated some contextual factors that influence this decision making process, focusing on factors external (notably institutional markets) and internal (e.g. labor, costs, cognitive aspects) to the agroecosystem. We realized that these markets are important for valuing agrobiodiversity, but this will depend on how they are managed at a municipal level and on the local institutional landscape. Accordingly, the agroecosystem may evolve towards agroecological or non-agroecological standards. Internal factors in the farm, such as labor, money, values also influence this decision making process. Finally, we sought to understand how the knowledge generated previously could contribute to operationalize the agroecological transition in our two study sites. Knowledge about ES issues generated in our research site contributed to disclose the expectations and factors that drive the actions of stakeholders regarding land use management. This knowledge was obtained through and was used to feed methodological tools to support agroecological transition. Finally, we highlight that the conceptual framework of ES co-production not only enables exploring elements correlated to agroecosystem management, it also serves as a viable tool to stimulate the communication of different actors on the subject. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the co-production of ES and the sharing of different knowledge and perceptions can support more collective awareness toward agroecological transition
Bertrand, Georges. "Caractérisation des réponses adaptatives à la contrainte hydrique dans le Sud-Est de l’Amazonie chez trois espèces fourragères cultivées en monoculture et en association : brachiaria brizantha, Leucaena leucocephala et Arachis pintoï". Thesis, Paris Est, 2009.
Texto completoIn the Eastern Amazon region (Pará, Brazil), smallholder farming significantly contributes to the transformation of the Amazonian rain forest ecosystem into pasture land that typically includes a single species, generally a perennial fodder grass (Poaceae) originating from Africa (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu). Such pastures rapidly lose their sustainability and get invaded by weeds. To prevent these effects, two imported perennial fodder species of the Fabaceae family (Arachis pintoï cv. Amarelo and Leucaena leucocephala Lam.) have been mixed with the African grass Brachiaria and the interrelations between B. brizantha and the Fabaceae species have been studied. In this unique ecophysiological study, plant parameters, such as gas exchange and plant water potential have been correlated with soil parameters, such as soil water content. The final goal was to assess the impact of the Fabaceae plants on pasture tolerance to water deficit. The experimental setting included five treatments applied to 100 m2 fenced plots to keep cattle away. Treatments corresponded to various combinations between the grass and the two Fabaceae species. Three biological repeats were set up for each treatment for statistical significance and in order to account for soil structure variability. In monospecific plots, B. brizantha exhibited stomatal conductance values higher than those expected from typical C4 species whereas net CO2 assimilation rates were normal. A. pintoï and L. leucocephala had usual stomatal conductance values for field-cultivated C3 plants. In response to drought, a general adjustment in stomatal conductance was observed 30 days into the dry season (i.e. without rain), suggesting that the plants limited transpiration rates according to the progressive decrease in soil water content. This strategy allowed them to maintain photosynthetic activities and to supply photosynthates to their tissues while limiting rises in temperatures. Upon exhaustion of soil water cotent, decreases in leaf water potentials were observed and plants escaped drought by reducing their leaf area and by abruptly closing their stomata. Brachiaria’s responses to drought were similar in mixed and monospecific plots regarding stomatal conductance, net CO2 assimilation rate or real-time water efficiency. However, when grown in mixed plots with A. pintoï, Brachiaria’s leaf water potential decreased rapidly after the onset of drought, due to the competition for water. In a A. pintoï ! Brachiaria plot, Brachiaria had a negative impact on A. pintoï photosynthetic activities and biomass production, even though the latter was considered as a shade plant species. On the other hand, Brachiaria metabolic activities were reduced in L. leucocephala ! Brachiaria combinations, due to the interception of light supply by L. leucocephala. L. leucocephala avoided water deficit by reducing leaf area. The resulting increase in light intensity reaching the lower strata, toward the end of the dry season weakened the shortest plants and limited fodder production. In conclusion, we propose that farmers implement pasture sustainability by developing crop mixing, using fodder species adapted to abiotic stresses. Furthermore, our results show that several crop combinations represent viable solutions to the perpetuation of new pastures. Each fodder species presents specific drought adaptation features. Combining them could be beneficial if pastoral pressure was allowed to develop according to the plants tolerance level. Improvements in fodder production and diversity could extend the life-span of smallholder settlements and as a result slow down deforestation
Sall, Moussa. "Les exploitations agricoles familiales face aux risques agricoles et climatiques : stratégies développées et assurances agricoles". Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2015.
Texto completoFamily farming undeniably appears as a pillar of national food security. It represents nearly 80% of farms in sub-Saharan Africa and employs 75% of assets. In the groundnut basin, family farms generally have an average size between one and five hectares, but they face the various challenges of food security, social equity and environmental sustainability. In addition, they face structural constraints of organizational and economic order in a context of climate uncertainty. Thus, this thesis seeks to understand the strategies used by family farms toward the various risks and alternative proposals from other actors in the sector's development. It is, at once, to identify the main constraints arising farms and strategies they cause to propose additional or alternative strategies in the analysis of the risk management framework. For such an aim, we arrested the concepts of family farm, risk, vulnerability and agricultural insurance to reflect the dimensions of this subject for research. This theoretical and conceptual framework was operationalized on the field within farms, giving a voice to farm managers. Several investigations have been conducted and focused on socio-demographic, structural and technical indicators, principal risks and constraints at the farm level, the perception of agricultural insurance. It appears from this study that the main risks identified are agriculture and climate. Family farms consider access to inputs (fertilizer and seed) and farm equipment as a structural constraint in the rainfall deficit. Also, it appears a significant vulnerability in its three components at farm level Basin. This reflection shows the limits of the strategies developed by the farms to improve their resilience in the context of rained groundnut basin; and justifies the need to go to new complementary strategies. One of the tracks that we have explored is the agricultural index insurance. Its coupling to credit, as collateral to financial institutions and to provide working capital is positively appreciated by the subscribers who, up to 95%, are willing to extend the use of insurance policies
Libros sobre el tema "Exploitations agricoles familiales – Amazonie"
Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Characteristics of Canada's diverse farm sector. [Ottawa]: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2002.
Buscar texto completoDiop, Oumar. Caractérisation et typologie des exploitations agricoles familiales du Sénégal. [Sénégal]: Institut sénégalais de recherches agricoles, 2008.
Buscar texto completoDucharme, Guy. Le développement du salariat dans le secteur laitier québécois. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Groupe de recherche en économie et politique agricoles, Université Laval, 1991.
Buscar texto completoCanada. Agriculture Canada. Livestock on small farms. Ottawa: Agriculture Canada, 1985.
Buscar texto completoCanada. Agriculture Canada. L'élevage sur les petites fermes. Ottawa: Agriculture Canada, 1985.
Buscar texto completoBeyrouti, Monique. Population agricole du Canada =: Canada's Farm Population. Ottawa: Approvisionnements et Services, 1990.
Buscar texto completoGafsi, Mohamed. Exploitations agricoles familiales en Afrique de l'ouest et du centre: Enjeux, caractéristiques et éléments de gestion. Versailles: Quae, 2007.
Buscar texto completoSingh, Ram D. Economics of the family and farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa: Development perspectives. Boulder: Westview Press, 1988.
Buscar texto completoJenkins, Phil. Fields of vision: A journey to Canada's family farms. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1991.
Buscar texto completoLewinger, Moock Joyce, ed. Understanding Africa's rural households and farming systems. Boulder: Westview Press, 1986.
Buscar texto completoCapítulos de libros sobre el tema "Exploitations agricoles familiales – Amazonie"
Stan, Sabina. "Chapitre 6. Les exploitations agricoles familiales durant le postsocialisme". En Agriculture roumaine en mutation, 129–50. CNRS Éditions, 2005.
Texto completoGuetat-Bernard, Hélène, Anne Marie Granié y Agnès Terrieux. "« Lieu, espace, mobilités spatiales : lecture des dynamiques de genre dans les exploitations agricoles familiales en France et au Cameroun »". En Genre et Construction de la Géographie, 223–38. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 2013.
Texto completoLegile, Anne, Naomi Noël, Florence Mouton y Didier Baillet. "Développement durable et filières tropicales". En Développement durable et filières tropicales, 51–64. Éditions Quæ, 2016.
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