Tesis sobre el tema "Education Economic aspects"
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Suutari, T. (Tero). "Economic aspects in education". Master's thesis, University of Oulu, 2015. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:oulu-201504021231.
Texto completoTämän Pro gradu-tutkielman johtava teema on mukautuminen ja valmistautuminen muuttuviin vaatimuksiin tiedoista ja taidoista työelämässä. Ammattirakenteen muutos Suomessa viittaa siihen että vaatimukset erilaisille tiedoille ja taidoille työelämässä on tapahtumassa. Aineisto ammattirakenteen muutoksesta on Tilastokeskuksen yhdistetty työntekijä-työnantaja-aineisto (Finnish Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data FLEED). Ammattirakenteen muutos ajoittuu vuosien 1995 ja 2007 välille. Koulutus mielletään tässä Pro gradu-tutkielmassa sellaiseksi toiminnaksi jonka tavoite on valmistaa lapsia sekä tulevia sukupolvia työelämään oikeanlaisilla taidoilla ja tiedoilla. Yhtälailla tärkeät muut tavoitteet, mitä koulutukselle ja kasvatukselle on annettu, sekä mahdollisesti syntyviä ristiriitoja tavoitteita saavuttamisessa ovat tämän tutkielman ulkopuolella. Muutokset ammattirakenteessa luo kysymyksen, että miten koulutus on valmistautunut tällaisiin tuntemattomiin muutoksiin? Vastatakseni kysymykseen esittelen koulutusekonomian ja koulutussuunnittelun, sekä erityisesti miten koulutusekonomia on vaikuttanut koulutussuunnitteluun. Aluksi käyn läpi koulutusekonomian ja esittelen sen kaksi pääteoriaa: inhimillisen pääoman teorian ja siiviläteorian. Selitän millä tavoin nämä teoriat eroavat toisistaan ja mikäli jompikumpi voidaan todistaa oikeaksi millainen vaikutus sillä olisi koulutukseen. Koulutussuunnittelussa on käytetty monenlaisia analysointivälineitä tulevaisuuden ennakoimiseksi. Esittelen nämä eri tavat ja työkalut, sekä miten koulutussuunnittelu on historiansa aikana muuttunut ja miten taloudellinen ajattelu on muuttanut koulutussuunnittelua. Viimeisessä osassa tuon esille tutkimuksia siitä miten Suomessa pyritään ennakoimaan ja valmistautumaan muutoksiin työelämässä. Käyn myös keskustelua siitä voiko kasvatustiede tuoda jotain uutta koulutusekonomiaan
Loshak, O. y K. Bondarenko. "Economic aspects in environmental education". Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2006. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8543.
Texto completoShure, Dominique Alexandra. "Essays in education economics". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:4c4e9922-1028-41eb-ad81-7ab74b80311b.
Texto completoWalckiers, Alexis. "Three essays on the economics of science and higher education". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210554.
Texto completoknowledge, these institutions, interestingly, share other common characteristics: they both emerged before the Industrial Revolution, their importance increased over the centuries and they seem unavoidable today, and many actors are private not-for-profit.
Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion
Ma, Wing Sze. "An economic evaluation of the education sector in China". HKBU Institutional Repository, 2006. http://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_ra/703.
Texto completoGustafsson, Martin Anders. "Education and country growth models". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/86578.
Texto completoENGLISH ABSTRACT: The over-arching concern of the three parts of the dissertation is how economics can and should influence education policymaking, the emphasis on the economics side being models of country development and the contribution made by human capital. Part I begins with a review of economic growth theory. How educational performance and country development have been measured is then discussed, with considerable attention going towards conceptual and measurement complexities associated with the latter. An approach is presented for expanding the number of countries whose educational quality can be compared, by expanding the number of linkable testing programmes. This approach, which above all allows for the inclusion of more African and Latin American countries, is one of the key contributions made by the dissertation to the existing body of knowledge. Three existing empirical growth models are examined, including work by Hanushek and Woessman on the relationship between educational quality and income. Part I ends with a discussion on how the economics literature can best be packaged to influence education policymaking. A ‘growth simulator’ tool in Excel for informing the policy discourse is presented. The production of this tool includes establishing empirically a feasible improvement trajectory for educational quality that policymakers can use and some analysis of how linguistic fractionalisation in a country evolves over time. This tool can be considered a further key output of the dissertation. A basic model for relating educational quality, via income growth, to teacher pay, is presented. Part II offers an analysis of UNESCO country-level data on enrolment and spending going back to 1970, with a view to establishing historical patterns that can inform education planners, particularly those in developing countries, on how budgets and enrolment expansion should be distributed across the levels of the education system. The analysis presented in Part II represents a novel way of using existing countrylevel data and can be seen as an important step towards filling a gap experienced by education policymakers, namely the paucity of empirical evidence that can guide decisions around the prioritisation of education levels. Part II moreover arrives at a few empirical findings, including the finding that enrolment and spending patterns have been systematically different in countries with faster economic growth and the finding that historical per student spending at the secondary level appears to play a larger role in development than was previously thought. Part III contrasts the available economic advice for education policymakers with what policymakers actually appear to believe in. The focus falls, in particular, on four developing countries: South Africa, Brazil, Chile and China. A few areas where economists could explore the data to a greater degree or communicate available findings differently, in the interests of better education policies, are identified. Part III partly serves as a demonstration of how comparisons between education systems can be better oriented towards providing advice to education policymakers on questions relating to efficiency and equity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorkoepelende fokus van die drie gedeeltes van die verhandeling is hoe die studie van ekonomie beleid in die onderwyssektor kan en moet beïnvloed. Veral belangrik is modelle van die ekonomiese groei van lande en die rol van menslike kapitaal in hierdie modelle. Die eerste gedeelte van die verhandeling bied oorsig van die teorie rakende ekonomiese groei. Hoe onderwysprestasie en nasionale ontwikkeling gemeet word, word dan bespreek, met sterk fokus op die konseptuele en tegniese kompleksiteit van laasgenoemde. Metode word aangebied waardeur meer lande se onderwysgehalte vergelyk kan word, deur middel van die koppeling van data van groter aantal toetsprogramme. Hierdie metode, wat veral die insluiting van meer lande uit Afrika en Latyn-Amerika toelaat, is een van die kernbydraes van die verhandeling tot die bestaande korpus van kennis. Drie bestaande empiriese modelle van ekonomiese groei word geanaliseer, insluitende die werk van Hanushek en Woessman oor die verhouding tussen onderwysgehalte en inkomste. Die eerste gedeelte sluit af met bespreking oor hoe die ekonomiese literatuur optimaal aangebied kan word om beleidmaking in die onderwys te beïnvloed. Groei-simulasie hulpmiddel in Excel wat die beleidsdiskoers kan vergemaklik word aangebied en verduidelik. Die ontwikkeling van hierdie gereedskap maak dit moontlik om op empiriese basis moontlike trajek vir die verbetering van onderwysgehalte te bepaal, wat vir beleidsmakers nuttig kan wees, sowel as ontleding van hoe linguïstiese verbrokkeling in land histories kan ontwikkel. Hierdie gereedskap kan as verdere sleutelproduk van die verhandeling beskou work. Basiese model van hoe onderwysgehalte en die inkomste van onderwysers deur middel van ekonomiese groei gekoppel is, word ook aangebied. Die tweede gedeelte van die verhandeling bied ontleding van UNESCO se nasionale statistieke van lande oor skoolinskrywings en onderwysuitgawes vanaf 1970, met die oog op die identifikasie van belangrike historiese tendense vir onderwysbeplanners, veral in ontwikkelende lande. Die fokus hier is veral op hoe begrotings en inskrywings ideaal oor die verskillende vlakke van die onderwysstelsel versprei behoort te wees. Die ontleding in die tweede gedeelte verteenwoordig innoverende manier om die bestaande nasionale statistieke te gebruik en kan beskou word as belangrike stap om gaping te vul wat deur beleidsmakers in die onderwys ondervind word, naamlik die gebrek aan empiriese gegewens vir besluite oor prioritisering tussen onderwysvlakke. Die tweede gedeelte bied ook verskeie empiriese bevindinge, soos dat die tendense rakende inskrywings en besteding per student sistematies tussen lande met vinniger ekonomiese groei en ander lande verskil, asook dat historiese besteding per student op die sekondêre vlak blykbaar groter invloed op ontwikkeling het as wat vroeër gedink is. Die derde gedeelte van die verhandeling vergelyk die advies wat die ekonomiese literatuur aan beleidmakers in die onderwys bied met wat beleidmakers self blykbaar glo. Die fokus val op veral vier ontwikkelende lande: Suid-Afrika, Brasilië, Chili en China. Gebiede word bespreek waar ekonome in die belang van beter onderwysbeleid tot groter mate data kan analiseer of bevindings op beter maniere kan kommunikeer. Die derde gedeelte kan beskou word as demonstrasie van hoe vergelykings tussen verskeie onderwysstelsels beter georiënteer kan word om vir die beleidmaker in die onderwys advies te verskaf rakende kwessies van doeltreffendheid en gelykheid.
Ortiz, Ospina Esteban. "Essays on the economics of higher education". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:30fccd24-972e-4b57-8787-3b1c35e7a279.
Texto completoREUTER, Johanna Luise. "Why sisters are better than brothers : the effect of sibling gender on attitudes and other essays in gender and education economics". Doctoral thesis, European University Institute, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/1814/74272.
Texto completoExamining Board : Prof. Michèle Belot (Cornell University); Prof. Andrea Ichino (EUI); Prof. Almudena Sevilla (UCL); Prof. Arnaud Chevalier (Royal Holloway University of London)
This thesis is composed of three independent essays in applied microeconomics. The first contributes to the field of gender and family economics and analyzes the effect of the gender of the second-born sibling on first-born individuals’ attitudes. The second chapter speaks to the health economics literature, evaluating the unitended consequences of a liberalization of the morning after pill. The topic of the final chapter lies within the economics of education, proposing a way to differentiate between degrees depending on the type of higher education institution. Even though the three chapters seem separate, all of them share my interest in gender and education economics, as well as causal estimation. In Chapter 1, joint with Martin Habets, we analyze the causal effect of sibling gender on attitudes and preferences. Comparing first-born women with a next-born sister to first-born women with a next-born brother allows us to estimate the causal effect of sibling gender. In particular, we find that a next-born sister leads first-born women to have less stereotypically female preferences in education. We also explore how the gender of the next-born sibling influences parental involvement. Our findings indicate that parents are more involved in the education of their first-born daughter if their next-born sibling is also a girl. These results shed light on how sibling gender influences preferences and attitudes, specifically those for education choices that are gender role conforming. To further explore the role of sibling gender in shaping attitudes, we have designed an online survey – currently in progress – to measure gender roles more precisely. In Capter 2, I analyze the causal effects of liberalizing access to emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), also known as the morning after pill, on young adults’ reproductive behavior in England. The liberalization, which changed the prescription status from “on doctor’s prescription only” to “available without prescription in pharmacies", created easier and more timely access to EHC for all women aged 16 years or older. In a theoretical model of individual behavior I find that EHC, which can be seen as i insurance against pregnancies, acts both as a substitute for regular contraception, as well as a substitute for abortions. This creates the need for analyzing the issue empirically since overall effects on outcomes such as births and abortions are unclear. Using a difference-in-differences approach, I find that easier access to EHC increases births only among 20-24 year olds. I find no effects on abortions or sexually transmitted infections. Chapter 3, attempts to differentiate the degree attainment in the UK by type of higher education institutions. Historically higher education in the UK has been shaped by a dual system: elite universities on the one hand and polytechnics and other higher education institutions on the other. Despite the formal equivalence of both degrees, the two institution types faced different financing, target populations, admission procedures and subjects taught. Nevertheless, in survey data they are often indistinguishable. We overcome this problem using a multiple imputation technique in the UKHLS and BHPS data sets. We examine the validity of inference based on imputed values using Monte Carlo simulations. We also verify that the imputed values are consistent with university graduation rates computed using the universe of undergraduate students in the UK.
-- 1 Why Sisters are Better than Brothers - The Effect of Sibling Gender on Attitudes -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Literature -- 1.2.1 Review of the mechanisms behind sibling gender effects -- 1.3 Identification and Estimation Strategy -- 1.4 Data and Sampl -- 1.4.1 Next Steps Data -- 1.4.2 British Cohort Study -- 1.5 Results -- 1.5.1 Results from the Next Steps Data -- 1.5.2 Results British Cohort Study -- 1.6 Survey -- 1.6.1 Survey Questions -- 1.6.2 Survey Regression Specification -- 1.6.3 Survey Index Construction and Technical Details -- 1.7 Conclusion and Outlook -- References -- Appendix 1.A Appendix -- 1.A.1 Summary Statistics -- 1.A.2 Balance Tests -- 1.A.3 Results Next Steps Data -- 1.A.4 Results British Cohort Study -- 2 Liberalizing the Morning After Pill - Effects on Young Women -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Literature Review -- 2.3 Emergency Hormonal Contraception -- 2.4 The Model -- 2.4.1 Solution of the Model -- 2.4.2 Comparative Statics: The Reform -- 2.5 Data -- 2.6 Empirical Strategy -- 2.7 First Stage -- 2.8 Estimation Results -- 2.8.1 Randomization Inference -- 2.9 Robustness Checks --2.9.1 Common Trends: Leads in Main Regression -- 2.9.2 Serial Correlation -- 2.10 Conclusion -- References -- 3 Multiple Imputation of University Degree Attainment -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Institutional background -- 3.3 Data -- 3.3.1 Degree attainment in the BHPS and the UKHLS -- 3.4 Multiple imputation -- 3.4.1 Missing data mechanism -- 3.4.2 Imputation model -- 3.4.3 Evaluation -- 3.5 Results and discussion -- 3.6 Conclusion -- References
Ermakov, D. S. "Education for sustainable development: social ecological and economic aspects of the environment". Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2004. http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/23455.
Texto completo郭國全 y Kwok-chuen Kwok. "The political economy of educational investment: a review and an appraisal". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1986. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31974764.
Texto completoAraujo, Regina Magna Bonifacio de. "O desenvolvimento do pensamento economico em crianças : avaliação e intervenção em classes de 3a a 4a series do ensino fundamental". [s.n.], 2007. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/251786.
Texto completoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T12:47:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Araujo_ReginaMagnaBonifaciode_D.pdf: 4049701 bytes, checksum: e4ec807d64db7a1d22e845bfc19e8b33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o pensamento econômico de crianças brasileiras, entre 9 e 11 anos, antes e após o desenvolvimento de um Programa de Educação Econômica. A principal relevância dessa investigação foi introduzir o estudo da formação do pensamento econômico em crianças, no contexto da pesquisa educacional no Brasil, trabalhando o tema a partir de um modelo de desenvolvimento das idéias econômicas, vinculado à perspectiva cognitivista e com influência do ambiente social e educativo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três etapas. A primeira consistiu na tradução, adaptação e preparação do instrumento de medida, Escala TAE-N, desenvolvida e validada no Chile e replicada através deste trabalho no Brasil, com uma amostra de 132 crianças, alunos e alunas da 3ª e 4ª séries do Ensino Fundamental, da rede particular de ensino da cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Ainda nesta fase, foi realizada, numa amostra de 30 crianças, uma entrevista clínica sobre o tema, com o propósito de caracterizar os sujeitos envolvidos. Os resultados desta primeira etapa mostraram, tendo como parâmetro os Níveis de Desenvolvimento do Pensamento Econômico proposto por Denegri, que as crianças apresentavam um pensamento econômico primitivo, orientado para uma compreensão específica dos fenômenos econômicos e com uma capacidade de estabelecer relações e explicar a realidade econômica a partir de suas vivências e das informações que recebem do meio familiar, escolar e da mídia. Na segunda etapa, foi desenvolvido com as turmas um Programa de Educação Econômica, intitulado ¿Educando para o Consumo Consciente¿, utilizando a metodologia de trabalho com projetos, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar e transversal. Na terceira e última etapa desta pesquisa, a Escala TAE-N foi novamente aplicada nos alunos. Verificou-se, nesta segunda aplicação, que todas as turmas apresentaram um aumento na média das pontuações, o que sinaliza um desenvolvimento na compreensão dos fenômenos econômicos. Os resultados indicaram, ainda, o crescimento igual nas diferentes idades e um melhor desempenho dos meninos em relação às meninas no espaço entre os tempos de aplicação da Escala. Em relação às turmas, todas apresentaram crescimento na segunda aplicação do TAE-N, embora em percentuais diferentes. As análises permitiram tanto uma compreensão mais específica de como as crianças brasileiras compreendem o mundo econômico, quanto uma visão mais abrangente da importância de se trabalhar esse tema no âmbito das escolas de Educação Básica
Abstract: The objective of this paper was to investigate the economic thought of Brazilian children, between nine and eleven years old, before and after the development of na Economic Education Program. Its mainly relevance was to introduce the economic thought formation study in children in the context of educational research in Brazil, working on the theme in a development model of economic ideas connected to the cognitivist perspective and with influence of the social and educative enviroments. This research was developed in three stages. The first consisted on the translation, adaptation and preparation of the measure tool, TAE-N scale, developed and checked in Chile and pealed through this research in Brazil, with a sample of 132 children, students of 3rd and 4th grades of the Elementary School, in a Private School in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Still at this stage, a clinical interview in a sample of 30 children was made with the purpose of characterizing them. The results of this first stage showed, by the parameters of the Development Levels of the Economic Thought, prepositioned by Denegri, that the children have presented a primitive economic thought, directed to a specific comprehention of the economic phenomena and with the capacity of creating relations and explain the economic reality from their own daily experiences and from the information they received from their familiar, schoolar and media enviroments. The second stage was developed with the classes of an Economic Education Program entitled ¿Educando para o Consumo Consciente¿, using the methodology of projects work, in a transversal and interdisciplinar perspective. Finally, at the third and last stage of this research, the TAE-N scale has been applied again on the students. It was verified that al the classes presented an increase in their medium scores, what signalyzes a development in the economic phenomena comprehention. The results indicated an equal growth in the different ages analyzed and a better performance of the boys than the one of the girls, during the application of the Scale. In concern to the classes, all of them presented knowledge growth in the second application of TAE-N, although in different percentuals. The analysis enabled a more specific comprehention of how the Brazilian children understand the economic world as well as more open view on the importance of working on this theme in the Elementary School enviroment
Psicologia, Desenvolvimento Humano e Educação
Doutor em Educação
Idema, Timo. "Brain power : the political economy of higher education". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011. https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:1f92e1b3-ddfa-4467-a36e-8ea3273b7e7e.
Texto completoJANDAROVA, Nurfatima. "Essays in applied microeconomics". Doctoral thesis, European University Institute, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/1814/72563.
Texto completoExamining Board: Prof. Andrea Ichino, EUI, Supervisor, Prof. Giacomo Calzolari, EUI, Co-Supervisor, Prof. Stephen Machin, London School of Economics, Prof. Giulio Zanella, University of Bologna.
This thesis consists of four essays in applied microeconomics. Chapter 1 studies the effects of parental job loss on various outcomes of children and provides new evidence on the heterogeneity of these effects along the cognitive ability distribution of children. I find that higher intelligence score protects children from the negative effects, but only in the long run. In the shorter term, instead of protecting, high intelligence exacerbates the cost of parental unemployment in terms of educational outcomes. This forces high-intelligence children with unemployed parents to start their careers at lower-paying jobs. Nevertheless, they can prove themselves via work performance and switch to better-paying jobs. I also provide suggestive evidence that their lifetime earnings could be higher had they continued their education. Chapter 2, joint with Michele Boldrin and Aldo Rustichini, studies the relationship between fertility decisions and intelligence. We document that fertility may be negatively associated, at least in advanced societies, with higher intelligence. A possible explanation of the finding is provided in models describing the choice of individuals (in particular women) facing a trade-off between parenthood and career concerns. With positive complementarity between intelligence and effort in education and career advancement, higher intelligence individuals, particularly women, will sacrifice parenthood to education. Thus, current education and labor market policies may be imposing an uneven penalty on more talented women. We test and find support for the model in a large data set for the UK (Understanding Society), using several alternative measures of fertility. Our results provide a new interpretation of the well documented fact in demographic studies that education is negatively associated with fertility: it is not education as an outcome, but as an aspiration that reduces fertility. Chapter 3 investigates the joint effect of local economic conditions on educational decisions and subsequent labour market outcomes using the instrumental variable approach. I find that adverse economic conditions at age 14 reduce educational attainment, except for the children aiming at university degrees. Second, exposure to a higher unemployment rate at age 14 permanently reduces real hourly wages over the life cycle. The IV estimator suggests that a year of education lost due to initial economic conditions corresponds to about 8% lower wages at ages 26-30 and 6% lower wages at ages 41-45. Chapter 4, joint with Johanna Reuter, attempts to differentiate the degree attainment in the UK by type of higher education institutions. Historically higher education in the UK has been shaped by a dual system: elite universities on the one hand and polytechnics and other higher education institutions on the other. Despite the formal equivalence of both degrees, the two institution types faced different financing, target populations, admission procedures and subjects taught. Nevertheless, in survey data they are often indistinguishable. We overcome this problem using a multiple imputation technique in the UKHLS and BHPS datasets. We examine the validity of inference based on imputed values using Monte Carlo simulations. We also verify that the imputed values are consistent with university graduation rates computed using the universe of undergraduate students in the UK.
-- 1 Does intelligence shield children from the effects of parental unemployment? -- 2 Fertility Choice and Intelligence in Developed Countries -- 3 From bad to worse: long-term effects of recession in adolescence -- 4 Multiple Imputation of University Degree Attainment
Bilale, Fernando Jorge Castanheira. "Educational performance in Mozambique : an economic perspective". Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/1961.
Texto completoThe aim of this study was to analyse educational performance in Mozambique by 1) comparing the determinants of education in developing countries with the situation in country, 2) understanding the supply factors that influence enrolments and education attainment, 3) evaluating the efficiency of the current education system, 4) analysing the importance to education of each of the demand determinants and of school quality on education attainment, and 5) contributing information to assist policy makers with decisions regarding education. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than half of the population lives below the poverty line and the general adult literacy is only 54%. The education system is mainly characterized by weak performance as a whole, high grade repetition, high dropout rates, low survival rates, high pupil-teacher ratios and a low percentage of qualified teachers. In addition to this, there is a great deal of inequality in education achievement by province, place of residence, income group and gender. After this preliminary analysis, chapter II (literature review) highlighted critical inputs and served as a guideline for the following chapters of this study. The dimensions analysed in the followed chapters were: 1) Supply Factors, 2) Demand determinants and 3) School Quality. Chapter III therefore consisted of a descriptive analysis of the most important supply ...
Liu, Chau-wing y 廖秋榮. "Investment returns to education in Hong Kong". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1991. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31976621.
Texto completoGisanabagabo, Sebuhuzu. "Investment in secondary and tertiary education for economic growth: lessons for Rwanda from selected less developed countries". Thesis, University of the Western Cape, 2006. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=etd&action=viewtitle&id=gen8Srv25Nme4_6591_1190370240.
Texto completoThis research explored two interrelated issues in development economics. FIrstly, it investigated the importance of secondary and tertiary education for long-run growth of low-income economics. Secondly, it examined possible ways to invest in these higher levels of education. It draws on insights on these two issues to highlight lessons for Rwanda where policy makers have set out plans to build a knowledge economy in which science and technology would form the basis of the modern enterprise.
Ngomba, Peter Njoh. "The developmental impact of public investment in education, science and technology in Cameroon, 1960-1980 /". Thesis, McGill University, 1987. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=75784.
Texto completoOur results suggest that, given existing patterns of education, science and technology in Cameroon, the contribution of public investment in this sector may be small compared to the potential contribution suggested in the literature. The implications of these results are examined for policy-making and planning at the national level.
Remy, Maria Alice Pestana de Aguiar 1955. "Estruturas familiares e padrão de gastos em educação no Brasil : primeira década dos anos 2000". [s.n.], 2014. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/286431.
Texto completoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T04:52:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Remy_MariaAlicePestanadeAguiar_D.pdf: 3019349 bytes, checksum: e3faef8625eb688024ad227a98396604 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014
Resumo: O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar a dinâmica dos gastos das famílias brasileiras em educação sob o impacto concorrente das alterações populacionais, econômicas e sociais ocorridas na primeira década dos anos 2000. Dessa maneira, é possível traçar o percurso recente, facilitando a identificação de alguma intervenção necessária. A hipótese central é de que esse tipo de despesas, tendo sofrido interferência desses condicionantes, principalmente em relação à renda conduziriam ao aumento dos gastos em educação das famílias nesse período, apesar de se vivenciar um processo de transição demográfica que desacelera a necessidade contínua de criação de vagas na escola. Isso porque o crescimento da massa de renda da sociedade brasileira aconteceu para todas as camadas sociais, já que se supõe uma associação entre rendimentos e gastos com educação. Além disso, a intensificação da utilização da rede privada de ensino em todos os níveis implicaria em crescimento dos gastos por aluno, o que reforçaria a hipótese central. Uma hipótese secundária é a de que há diferenças expressivas nos padrões de gastos das famílias, que variam de acordo com o nível educacional a que o aluno esteja vinculado, básico ou superior, e da rede de ensino, pública ou privada. A combinação entre o nível e a rede de ensino reflete em certa medida os limites e possibilidades de orçamento e valores sociais das famílias brasileiras. A terceira hipótese é que as extremas desigualdades socioeconômicas existentes no Brasil também se reproduzem nos padrões de gastos com educação das famílias. Nesse caso, a combinação de alguns atributos como: sexo, raça/cor, idade, escolaridade, renda e região de residência implicariam em padrões de gastos em educação substancialmente distintos. Para comprovar ou não as hipóteses relacionadas este trabalho foi organizado em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, será exposto o panorama da educação no Brasil e no mundo, bem como os principais trabalhos e teóricos que refletem e influenciam o pensamento contemporâneo em matéria de educação. No segundo capítulo, procura-se contextualizar o período de estudo, descrevendo a dinâmica da renda, da população e dos gastos da sociedade brasileira. O terceiro capítulo vai ater-se aos gastos em educação e incorporará a dinâmica regional da população. No quarto capítulo, examina-se o impacto isolado de algumas características sociais e demográficas sobre as despesas em educação das famílias brasileiras procurando captar sua evolução durante a década e finalmente, na conclusão, se indica algumas proposições
Abstract: The main objective of this work is to evaluate the dynamics of the expenditures of Brazilian families in education under the concurrent impact of population, economic and social changes during the first decade of the 2000s. This way, it is possible to trace the recent development by facilitating the identification of any necessary intervention. The central hypothesis is that this type of expenditure influenced by these conditions, income in special would have been increased in this period despite the demographic transition, which has reduced the speed of the continuous necessity of creating school vacancy. This is especially due to the growth in total income of Brazilian society which occurred for all strata of society, since it assumes an association between income and education spending. Moreover, the private sector¿s enlargement for all educational levels would necessarily result in the growth of per student expenditure which reinforces the main hypothesis. A secondary hypothesis is that there are expressive differences in the families expenditures¿ patterns which varies according to the student level; elementary or higher education, and the student administrative entailment; public or private school. The arrangement between the student educational level and its administrative entailment reflects the limits, budget possibilities and social family¿s worth. A third hypothesis supports that the extreme socioeconomic inequalities that exist in Brazil also reproduce over the families educational expenditures. Therefore, the conjunction of some characteristics such as: sex, race/color, age, schooling, income and area of residence would imply in substantial distinct education expenditures patterns. To achieve the confirmation or non-confirmation of the listed hypothesis this paper is organized into four chapters. The first chapter presents the landscape of education in Brazil and in the world, as well as major works and writers that reflect and influence contemporary thinking in education. In the second chapter, the objective is to contextualize the study period describing the dynamics of the income, population and expenditures of the Brazilian society disaggregating them into various items. The third chapter will stick to spending on education and incorporate regional population dynamics. The fourth chapter examines the isolated impact of social and population characteristics on expenditure on education of Brazilian families looking to capture its evolution. Finally, the considerations will suggest some consensus¿ measures that could take place in a short period of time
Economia Social e do Trabalho
Doutora em Desenvolvimento Econômico
Neri, Frank. "Schooling quality and economic growth". Title page, contents and abstract only, 2001. http://web4.library.adelaide.edu.au/theses/09PH/09phn445.pdf.
Texto completoMbwika, James M. "Kenya smallholder farmer education and farm productivity". Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/29578.
Texto completoLand and Food Systems, Faculty of
Bachan, Raymond. "Three essays on the economics of higher education". Thesis, University of Sussex, 2015. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/54253/.
Texto completoVARDISHVILI, Oliko. "Essays in macroeconomics". Doctoral thesis, European University Institute, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/1814/71761.
Texto completoExamining Board: Professor Árpád Ábrahám (European University Institute and University of Bristol); Professor Philipp Kircher (Cornell University); Professor Dean Corbae (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Professor Giovanni Gallipoli (University of British Columbia)
In the U.S., 40% of students drop out of college. While dropout decisions may constitute an efficient response to students' discovering their low academic ability, they may be inefficient if an able student drops out due to adverse financial shocks. In my job market paper, `The Macroeconomic Cost of College Dropouts', I investigate whether the observed dropout rates generate inefficiency by decomposing driving forces behind dropouts. I provide empirical evidence that the probability of dropping out of college is strongly associated with both ability and finances, even after controlling for other factors. I build a quantitative general-equilibrium overlapping generations model, where individuals face incomplete information on their academic ability and uncertainty about the generosity of financial aid. The model simulations show that uncertainty regarding ability is responsible for 20% of the observed dropout rates, while uncertainty regarding financial aid explains up to 53%. Pursuing a policy that eliminates uncertainty about the college aid would increase the social welfare by as much as 2.3%, benefiting both college graduates and non-college graduates. Such a policy is largely self-financing due to endogenous improvements in skill allocation and associated growth in GDP. In my second project, `Education Affordability and Income Inequality' with F.Wang, we address the broad question of what explains the observed income inequality in the U.S. Different tax progressivity schedules are often named as the main factor that drive the difference in income inequality between the continental European countries and the U.S. (see Guvenen, Kuruscu, and Ozkan (2014), Holter (2015)). In this paper, we revisit the role of tax progressivity in shaping earnings inequality, taking into account another aspect that differs across these countries: the price of attaining a bachelor's degree. In the U.S., the price is much higher than in continental European countries. The OECD (2018) reports that the direct cost for students to attain a bachelor's degree constitutes $55000 in the U.S., while in Germany it amounts to $5000. Motivated by this observation, we study the role of education affordability in shaping earnings inequality in the context of an overlapping generations model where agents, heterogeneous in terms of learning ability, initial wealth, and productivity, decide whether to attend college, subject to borrowing constraints. After calibrating the model to the U.S. economy, we perform a number of counterfactual experiments. We find that the Gini coefficient for before-tax wage income would decrease by as much as 16:2 percent if the current education policy, the fraction of higher education costs borne by the U.S. government, were replaced with its German counterpart. On the other hand, we find that labor tax progressivity plays a less significant role in explaining earnings inequality. Besides, poor households with medium and medium-high abilities would benefit the most from this education reform. Apart from distributional gains, the hypothetical policy reform would also boost macroeconomic activities by increasing labor productivity. Finally, analyzing the transitional dynamics shows that every new generation would be better off in terms of utilitarian welfare if the current education policy was replaced with its German counterpart. In my third project, `Larger transfers financed with more progressive taxes? On the optimal design of taxes and transfers', co-authored with Axelle Ferriere, Gaston Navarro, Philipp Gr ubener, we focus on the interplay between the two most important tools governments have at their disposal to reduce inequality - the income tax schedule and targeted transfers. Specifically, we study the optimal joint design of targeted transfers and income taxes. Within a simple heterogeneous-household framework, we derive two analytical results. First, higher transfers reduce the degree of optimal income tax progressivity. Second, optimal transfers are positive under mild conditions on primitives. This is due to both efficiency and redistribution reasons. Large transfers increase the fiscal burden for the government. Lowering marginal tax rates at the top incentivizes labor supply, which helps the government to raise sufficient revenue. Also, having the transfer in place provides some redistribution, reducing the need for higher tax progressivity. We then quantify the optimal tax-and-transfer system in a richer incomplete-market model with a realistic wealth distribution and unemployment risk. The model features novel exible functional forms for progressive income taxes and means-tested transfers. Relative to the current U.S. fiscal system, our preliminary calibration suggests that the optimal policy consists of more generous means-tested transfers, which phase-out at a slower rate, together with less progressive income taxes.
-- Part 1. The Macroeconomic Cost of College Dropouts -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Empirical Analysis -- 1.3 The Model Economy -- 1.4 Calibration -- 1.5 Model Fit -- 1.6 Model Mechanism -- 1.7 Policy -- 1.8 Conclusions -- Part 2. Education Affordability and Earnings Inequality -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Relation to The Literature -- 2.3 The Model Economy -- 2.4 Calibration -- 2.5 Model Dynamics -- 2.6 Policy Experiments -- 2.7 Transitional Dynamics -- 2.8 Conclusion -- Part 3. Larger transfers financed with more progressive taxes? On the optimal design of taxes and transfers -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 An Analytical Model -- 3.3 Quantitative Model -- 3.4 Conclusion
Spaull, Nicholas. "Education quality in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa : an economic approach". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/96775.
Texto completoENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education has always occupied a central role in the discipline of economics, featuring prominently in the theoretical constructs of the discipline and, more recently, in their empirical applications. While one can trace the origins of Human Capital theory all the way back to Adam Smith’s ‘The Wealth of Nations’, the two major advances in our understanding of education’s role in economic development transpired in the last 50 years. The first was half way through the 20th century with the work of work of Mincer (1958), Schultz (1961) and particularly that of Becker (1962) who formalized the idea of Human Capital. The second advance was at the turn of the 21st century when Hanushek and Kimko (and later Wößmann) incorporated measures of education quality into their models of economic growth. This latest strand of research serves as the point of departure for this thesis, placing education quality at the centre of the discussion. The thesis begins by focussing on the South African case and highlighting three broad issues that characterise education in the country: (1) the high levels of inequality that can be seen when comparing student performance by race, language, geographic location and socioeconomic status. New evidence is presented to show that South Africa does indeed have two public schooling systems, reiterating and confirming the findings of other South African scholars. (2) Using intra-survey benchmarks of student achievement, Chapter 2 develops a new method of quantifying learning deficits in mathematics by using three different datasets covering grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9. The learning gap between the poorest 60% of students and the wealthiest 20% of students is found to be approximately three grade-levels in grade 3 and grows to between four and five grade-levels by grade 9. (3) The focus then shifts to the complex issue of language and performance, which is addressed in Chapter 3. Here the aim is to exploit an unusual occurrence whereby a large group of South African students were tested twice, one month apart, on the same test in different languages. Using a simplified difference-in-difference methodology it becomes possible to identify the causal impact of writing a test in English when English is not a student’s home language. The final two chapters of the thesis widen the remit of analysis to include 11 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, viz. Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Here the aim is to develop a composite measure of education access and education quality by combining household data (DHS) on grade completion and survey data (SACMEQ) on cognitive outcomes. The new measure, termed access-to-literacy and access-to-numeracy is reported for all countries and important sub-groups in Chapter 4. The method is then used in Chapter 5 to compare access-to-learning over a period of increased access to schooling (2000-2007). In all countries there was an improvement in access to literacy and numeracy, challenging the widely held perception that there is always an access-quality trade-off in education. In particular, girls and those in relatively poor households benefited most from this improvement in access to literacy and numeracy. The thesis ultimately concludes that if children are to realize their full potential, the expansion of physical access to schooling in the developing world must be accompanied by meaningful learning opportunities. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and values must be the central aim of educational expansion.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwys het nog altyd ʼn rol in ekonomie as vakgebied gespeel. Dit is verstaanbaar, want vaardighede en onderwys was nog altyd ʼn prominente deel van die teoretiese konstrukte en meer onlangs ook van empiriese toepassings in die dissipline. Terwyl die oorsprong van menslike-kapitaalteorie teruggevoer kan word na Adam Smith se Wealth of Nations, het die twee grootste deurbrake met die verstaan van onderwys se rol in ekonomiese ontwikkeling in die laaste vyftig jaar plaasgevind. Die werk van Mincer (1958), Schultz (1961) en veral Becker (1962), wat in die middel van die vorige eeu formele gestalte aan die begrip ‘menslike kapitaal’ gegee het, was die eerste deurbraak. Die tweede deurbraak was teen die eeuwending toe Hanushek en Kimko (en later Wößmann) maatstawwe van onderwysgehalte in hulle ekonomiese groeimodelle begin insluit het. Hierdie nuwe tak van die navorsing plaas onderwys vierkant in die sentrum en dien as vertrekpunt vir hierdie proefskrif. Die proefskrif begin deur aandag op drie breë kwessies te vestig wat kenmerkend is van onderwys in Suid-Afrika: (1) Die hoë vlakke van ongelykheid volgens ras, taal, geografiese gebied en sosio-ekonomiese status in studente se prestasie. (2) In hoofstuk 2 word ʼn nuwe metode aangebied om leeragterstrande kwantitatief te meet met behulp van norme van leerlingprestasie in skoolvlak-opnames vir grade 3, 4, 5, 6 en 9. Daar word bevind dat die leergaping tussen die armste 60% en die rykste 20% van studente in graad 3 ongeveer drie jaar is en teen graad 9 tot vier of vyf jaar aangroei. (3) Die fokus verskuif daarna na die verwikkelde kwessie van taal en skoolprestasie, wat in hoofstuk 3 bespreek word. Hier is die doel om die ongewone geval uit te buit waar ʼn groot groep Suid-Afrikaanse leerlinge binne die verloop van ʼn maand tweemaal dieselfde toets geskryf het, maar in twee verskillende tale. Met behulp van ʼn vereenvoudigde verskil-tussen-verskille-benadering is dit moontlik om te bepaal hoe groot die kousale effek is waar ʼn leerling wie se moedertaal nie Engels is nie die toets in Engels moes skryf. Die laaste twee hoofstukke van die proefskrif bevat ʼn wyer analise van elf lande in Sub-Sahara Afrika, naamlik Kenia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mosambiek, Namibia, Suid-Afrika, Swaziland, Tanzanië, Uganda, Zambië en Zimbabwe. Die doel is om ʼn saamgestelde maatstaf van onderwys-toegang en -gehalte te skep deur huishoudingsdata (DHS) oor graadvoltooiing en skoolopnamedata (SACMEQ) oor kognitiewe uitkomste te kombineer. Die nuwe maatstaf, genaamd ‘toegang-tot-geletterdheid’ en ‘toegang-tot-syfervaardigheid’, word in hoofstuk 4 vir al die lande en subgroepe opgestel. Die metode word dan in hoofstuk 5 gebruik om toegang-tot-leergeleenthede te vergelyk oor ʼn periode waartydens skooltoegang verbreed het (2000-2007). Daar was ʼn verbetering in toegang tot geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid in alle lande, teenstrydig met die wyd-gehuldigde siening dat daar altyd ʼn afruiling tussen toegang en gehalte van onderwys bestaan. In besonder word bevind dat meisies sowel as kinders uit arm huishoudings die meeste by die toename in toegang tot geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid gebaat het. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die vervulling van die potensiaal van kinders in die ontwikkelende wêreld vereis dat die verbreding van fisiese toegang tot skole met beduidende leergeleenthede gepaard moet gaan. Die aanleer van kennis, vaardighede en waardes moet die sentrale doel van die uitbreiding van onderwysgeleenthede wees.
Beard, LaShandra M. "Input and tracking of continued education units and qualification data for the Information Professional (IP) community". Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/1459.
Texto completoThe objective of this research is to provide recommendations and guidelines for building and maintaining a comprehensive Continuing Education Units (CEU) and qualification tracking system specifically for the Continuing Education Units (CEU) and Qualification program. The guidance includes topics ranging from designing, managing, and implementing a tracking program, through post-implementation of the program. This research includes the training needs of all personnel within the IP community, from users to supervisors to executive-level mangers extending to include designated sponsors/mentors and external subject matter experts. The key research focus of this thesis is to examine the risk and cost benefits in automating the training record for the Information Professional community and further discuss interface design issues and considerations to maximize the flexibility and functionality provided by automation.
Lieutenant, United States Navy Reserve
Hosking, Stephen Gerald. "An economic analysis of government expenditure allocations to black schooling in South Africa". Thesis, Rhodes University, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001451.
Texto completoKirk, Dylan James. "Select aspects of economic activity related to the Oklahoma 4-H youth development shooting sports project". Thesis, Oklahoma State University, 2014. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=1567348.
Texto completoThe economic turmoil of the past decade has reinvigorated the debate over the use of public funds to support local Extension efforts. State Extension groups across the country have begun to demonstrate their worth in a variety of ways, including attempting to show both the behavioral and economic outcomes of Extension initiatives. However, showing the value of the 4-H Youth Development Program has proved challenging. The benefits of joining youth programs tend to be latent, not fully manifesting for years or even decades until participants mature into adults. Studies are starting to provide insights into the social, physical and mental rewards of joining youth development organizations such as 4-H, but these behavioral outcomes are disproportionally reported when compared to economic studies. From 2012-2013 families enrolled in Oklahoma's 4-H Youth Development Shooting Sports Project were surveyed about their recreational spending habits. Economic contributions for the state of Oklahoma, and impacts on local economies are estimated using primary data and an IMPLAN model. These economic analyses provide estimates of the economic worth of one youth project overseen by the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. Subsequently, policy makers are provided justification of the project not only from a social, physical, and mental perspective, but are additionally provided economic indicators of the project's immediate worth.
Yung, Man-sing y 容萬城. "Education and the labour market: the implications of higher education expansion in Hong Kong in the1990s". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1990. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31955976.
Texto completoMcKeown, Jim. "Factors limiting township learners from discovering and developing their talents". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1014323.
Texto completoNjongi-Ndleleni, Nomthandazo. "An analysis of challenges facing basic education in South Africa". Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/4598.
Texto completoGoulão, Santos Ricardo Jorge Moreira. "Three essays on the economics of education in post-conflict settings : the case of Timor-Leste". Thesis, University of Sussex, 2015. http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/58586/.
Texto completoNkohla, Tumi Vuyolwethu. "The impact of education on economic growth in South Africa : econometric analysis". Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/97173.
Texto completoThis paper investigates the impact of education on economic growth in South Africa using annual panel data from 1990 to 2011, controlling for regional differences. Education is believed to be an important factor in developing an economy. The theoretical basis of education on economic growth comes from the endogenous growth theory. The endogenous growth theorists believed that investing in education is linked to an increase in efficiency and productivity of labour. It can be argued that by boosting cognitive and other skills, education makes labour more productive and accelerates innovation and technological progress, bringing higher economic growth. The nature of the data allowed for panel estimation techniques to be employed and the fixed effects and random effects models were considered in a Generalised Least Squares estimation framework, with the final estimation model informed objectively by the Hausman test. Education was found to be positively related to GDP, with variations across provinces observed. The results have implications for both policy and further research, which are outlined in the final chapter.
Mills, Jared G. "Social studies and global education: viewing economic, social and political aspects of the civil war through multiple perspectives". The Ohio State University, 2006. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1407404987.
Texto completoCheng, Yi'En. "Restructuring of education, youth, and citizenship : an ethnographic study of private higher education in contemporary Singapore". Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:d7ee615b-6d54-4ce5-a518-0f47d69e3c5a.
Texto completoSamuel, Hilary R. (Hilary Ruth). "Educating for sustainable development : a case study of an environmental immersion school". Thesis, McGill University, 1991. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=60475.
Texto completoExamination of the literature on educational change led to an analytical framework which included: (1) Characteristics of the innovation; (2) Strategies and tactics used; (3) Contextual characteristics; (4) Macro sociopolitical factors. This was used to categorize qualitative data collected through interviews, observation, a questionnaire and documents.
The study uncovered a number of obstacles to implementation in the school, principally: (1) Conceptual problems about environmental education; (2) Poorly defined school philosophy and goals; (3) Difficulties in coordinating the project between individual efforts and departments; (4) A hiatus between administration and teacher perceptions.
The case study provided insight on the process of curriculum implementation as well as specific issues relating to environmental education and the theme of sustainable development.
Philpott, Rodger Frank. "Commercializing the university: The costs and benefits of the entrepreneurial exchange of knowledge and skills". Diss., The University of Arizona, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/186730.
Texto completoTeixeira, Wladimir Machado. "Equações de rendimentos e a utilização de instrumentos para o problema de endogeneidade da educação". Universidade de São Paulo, 2006. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/12/12138/tde-22052007-152413/.
Texto completoThe aim of this dissertation is to estimate the impact of education on wages in Brazil We use the number of schools in the state and year when the individual was born as instruments for his education level. We also make a historical description of the main educational policies which affected the Brazilian education system since president Dutra´s term until president Figueiredo´s. The results show that the number of schools in the individual´s year of birth bears a positive relationship with his education, and that the cohorts born during the Geisel and Médici´s terms had lower education than in Figueiredo´s. The main results show that the returns to education decrease quite substantially when the method of instrumental variables is used.
Chipps, Kenneth M. "For-profit higher education programs in the United States". Thesis, University of North Texas, 2007. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc3691/.
Texto completoSund, Krister. "Teachers, family and friends : essays in economics of education /". Stockholm : Department of Economics, Stockholm University, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-7091.
Texto completoHusamoglu, Muserref. "Effect Of Different Levels Of Education On Economic Development In Turkey: A Panel Analysis". Master's thesis, METU, 2008. http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/3/12610316/index.pdf.
Texto completos model implies that the secondary level of schooling has the greatest contribution to real GDP, while the augmented Solow model implies that the higher level of schooling has the largest impact on real GDP per workforce.
Lai, Fung-yi y 黎鳳儀. "Marketization of higher education: a case study of Guangzhou, China". Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2001. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31962282.
Texto completoNamgung, Sang Un. "Returning scholars in Korean higher education : a case study of internationalisation of higher education". Phd thesis, Faculty of Education and Social Work, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/9393.
Texto completoPayne, Kenneth L. "Financing instructional materials in Indiana public school corporations". Virtual Press, 1987. http://liblink.bsu.edu/uhtbin/catkey/505144.
Texto completoSpeciale, Biagio. "Essays on the economics of education and migration". Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210637.
Texto completoDoctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion
Gonzalez, Naihobe Denisse. "Three Essays on the Economics of Education". Thesis, 2015. https://doi.org/10.7916/D8K93M4S.
Texto completoZha, Danyan. "Essays on Education and the Marriage Market". Thesis, 2019. https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-2ht8-zn74.
Texto completoBartlett, Christopher Laurence 1978. "Essays on the links between education, ability, and income". Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/13167.
Texto completoBartlett, Christopher Laurence. "Essays on the links between education, ability, and income". Thesis, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/2993.
Texto completoPELLICER, Miquel. "Education, financial market participation and income inequality". Doctoral thesis, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/1814/5035.
Texto completoExamining board: Prof. Giuseppe Bertola, Università di Torino, supervisor ; Prof. Michael Haliassos, University of Cyprus ; Prof. Salvador Ortigueira, EUI ; Prof. Ignacio Palacios-Huerta, Brown University
PDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digitised archive of EUI PhD theses completed between 2013 and 2017
KANNINEN, Ohto. "Five essays on economics of education". Doctoral thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1814/29611.
Texto completoDefence date: 18 December 2013
First made available online on 4 February 2014.
In the first part of the thesis (Chapters 1 to 4), we analyze the near-universal gender gap reversal in secondary and tertiary education. In virtually all countries, males show a greater dispersion in ability test scores relative to females. We show that this simple fact, combined with an increase in the returns to education across cohorts, is sufficient to reproduce the gender gap reversal observed internationally. We bould a model that generates a hump-shaped relationship between the enrollment rate in education and the female-to-male ratio among the enrolled that is consistent with the data. From time-series data on enrollment rates in education by sex, we generate country estimates for gender di erences in ability distribution using our model. Our estimates highly correlate with cross-country gender differences in test score distributions found in PISA. We also assess the validity of our theory against two alternative explanations for the gender gap dynamics: changes in social norms, and improvements in females' relative performance at school over time. The data does not support the predictions of the alternative hypotheses, while bringing further support to our theory. In the second part of the thesis (Chapter 5), using Finnish high school data, I examine the relationship between peer composition and the causal e ect of school choice on high school exit examination outcomes. To discern the causal effect of school choice, I exploit over 300 regression discontinuity designs that result naturally from the Finnish educational system that allocates pupils to high schools according to their ninth grade grade point average and announced preferences. I find strong evidence that high school choice matters in Finland and that it is related to peer composition. The class composition effect, however, is associated with peer homogeneity rather than average peer quality. I find that a standard deviation change in the homogeneity of peers is positively associated with a 0.02 to 0.13 standard deviation change in the exam results. I also find that the average effect of being marginally above the entrance threshold reduces slightly but significantly the performance of the pupil. This unexpected finding might be a sign of overconfidence on the part of the pupils in making their school choice.
Krishnamma, M. "Socio-Economic aspects of female education - a case study of Rayalaseema". Thesis, 1991. http://hdl.handle.net/2009/4173.
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