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Pasiūlytas naujas skaičiavimo metodas vidutinių betono įtempimų-deformacijų diagramoms nustatyti, naudojant lenkiamųjų gelžbetoninių elementų eksperimentų duomenis. Turint eksperimentines momentų-kreivių ir momentų-deformacijų diagramas gaunama visa tempiamo betono vidutinių įtempimų-deformacijų diagrama, įskaitant ir jos krentančiąją dalį. Taip pat, net neturint duomenų apie betono savybes, galima pakankamai tiksliai rasti ir gniuždomo betono diagramą. Skaičiavimas pagrįstas nauja idėja, kai tempiamo ir gniuždomo betono įtempimų- deformacijų diagramos skaičiuojamos kraštiniams lenkiamo elemento sluoksniams. Turint eksperimentines kraštinių sluoksnių deformacijas kiekvienai apkrovos pakopai randami tų sluoksnių įtempimų prieaugiai. Kiekvienoje apkrovos pakopoje gautos diagramos taikomos kitiems mažiau deformuotiems sluoksniams. Pasiūlytasis metodas patikrintas skaičiavimais.
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Straipsnyje aprašomi nauji pasiekimai, plėtojant neseniai pasiūlytą metodą [1–5], kuriuo ič lenkiamų gelžbetoninių sijų eksperimentinių duomenų gali bųti nustatytos betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų diagramos. Turint eksperimentines momentų-kreivių ir momentų-deformacijų diagramas, gaunama pilna tempiamo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų diagrama, įskaitant ir jos krentančiają dalį. Taip pat, net neturint duomenų apie betono savybes, pakankamai tiksliai galima rasti ir gniuždomo betono diagramą. Skaičiavimas pagrįstas nauja idėja, kai tempiamo ir gniuždomo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų diagramos skaičiuojamos kraštiniams lenkiamo elemento sluoksniams. Turint eksperimentines kraštinių sluoksnių deformacijas, kiekvienai apkrovos pakopai nustatomi tų sluoksnių įtempių prieaugiai. Kiekvienoje apkrovos pakopoje gautos diagramos taikomos kitiems mažiau deformuotiems sluoksniams. Pasiūlytasis metodas patikrintas skaitiškai. Remiantis šiuo metodu, pasiūlytos dvi inžinerinės skaičiavimo metodikos, įvertinančios eksperimentinių duomenų išsibarstymą. Pirmaja metodika, turint vieną eksperimentinę momentų-vidutinių deformacijų (kreivių) diagramą, nustatoma tempiamo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų kreivė. Šiuo atveju gniuždomo betono įtempių-deformacijų kreivė yra laikoma žinoma. Antraja metodika, turint dvi eksperimentines momentų-vidutinių deformacijų (kreivių) diagramas, iteraciniu būdu nustatomos tiek tempiamo, tiek gniuždomo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijq kreivės. Pastaruoju atveju laikoma, kad betono diagrama yra žinomos parabolės formos, o ją apibrėžiantys dydžiai—betono tamprumo modulis ir prizminis (arba cilindrinis) stipris nustatomi skaičiavimu.
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Oliveira, Rodrigo Diego de. "Análise do uso da cor no Diagrama de Classes da Linguagem Unificada de Modelagem (UML) | Analysis of the use of color in the Unified Modeling Language Class Diagram (UML)". InfoDesign - Revista Brasileira de Design da Informação 17, n.º 1 (30 de abril de 2020): 116–30.

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O uso da cor em diagramas na Engenharia de Software não é novidade, em especial na Linguagem Unificada de Modelagem (UML), que consiste em um conjunto de quinze diagramas utilizados para documentar e especificar a complexidade de um software. Porém, a aplicação da cor muitas vezes é feita de forma aleatória ficando a cargo da subjetividade do projetista ou dos softwares utilizados para o desenho destes diagramas. O presente artigo aborda o uso das cores no diagrama de classes da UML segundo o modelo proposto por Coad, Lefebvre e De Luca (1999), que aplica a cor a partir de uma prática profissional utilizando post-its. O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma análise descritiva da aplicação da cor para demonstrar a importância desta não só para melhorar a estética, mas também como símbolo, facilitando a leitura, compreensão e o estabelecimento de relações no diagrama de classes.*****The use of color in diagrams in Software Engineering is not new, especially in the Unified Modeling Language (UML), which consists of a set of fifteen diagrams used to document and specify the complexity of software. However, the application of color is often done in a random way, being in charge of the subjectivity of the designer or the software used to design these diagrams. This paper discusses the use of colors in the UML class diagram according to the model proposed by Coad, Lefebvre and De Luca (1999), who apply color from a professional practice using post-its. The purpose of this article is to perform a descriptive analysis of the application of color to demonstrate the importance of this not only to improve aesthetics but also as a symbol, facilitating reading, understanding and establishing relationships in the class diagram.
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Prihozhy, A. A. "Synthesis of parallel adders from if-decision diagrams". «System analysis and applied information science», n.º 2 (18 de agosto de 2020): 61–70.

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Addition is one of the timing critical operations in most of modern processing units. For decades, extensive research has been done devoted to designing higher speed and less complex adder architectures, and to developing advanced adder implementation technologies. Decision diagrams are a promising approach to the efficient many-bit adder design. Since traditional binary decision diagrams does not match perfectly with the task of modelling adder architectures, other types of diagram were proposed. If-decision diagrams provide a parallel many-bit adder model with the time complexity of Ο(log2n) and area complexity of Ο(n×log2n). The paper propose a technique, which produces adder diagrams with such properties by systematically cutting the diagram’s longest paths. The if-diagram based adders are competitive to the known efficient Brent-Kung adder and its numerous modifications. We propose a blocked structure of the parallel if-diagram-based adders, and introduce an adder table representation, which is capable of systematic producing if-diagram of any bit-width. The representation supports an efficient mapping of the adder diagrams to VHDL-modules at structural and dataflow levels. The paper also shows how to perform the adder space exploration depending on the circuit fan-out. FPGA-based synthesis results and case-study comparisons of the if-diagram-based adders to the Brent-Kung and majority-invertor gate adders show that the new adder architecture leads to faster and smaller digital circuits.
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Rumšys, Deividas, Darius Bačinskas, Edmundas Spudulis, Eugenijus Gudonis y Aleksandr Sokolov. "EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL RESEARCH ON REINFORCED LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE FLEXURAL ELEMENTS / ARMUOTOJO LENGVOJO BETONO LENKIAMŲJŲ ELEMENTŲ EKSPERIMENTINIAI IR TEORINIAI TYRIMAI". Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis 6, n.º 5 (19 de diciembre de 2014): 480–87.

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The paper deals with analysis of structural lightweight concrete. New lightweight concrete mixture made with expanded clay aggregate has been proposed and applied for experimental rein-forced concrete beams. Totally 8 beams with different rein-forcement ratios (0.309%, 0.557%, 0.895% and 1.255%) were tested under short-term four point bending loading. Stress-strain behavior of the beams under considerations has been investigated. Average strains at 4 different levels of pure bend-ing zone and vertical displacements at 12 different points of the beam were measured. During the test, deformations and crack-ing of the pure bending zone were additionally observed using high-speed digital video cameras. The data obtained by cameras were analyzed using digital image correlation technique. Applying the test data bending moments and curvature diagrams were derived for each beam. The obtained relationships were compared with theoretical results calculated using design code methods LST EN and STR. Using the inverse algorithm developed by VGTU, tension reinforced lightweight concrete stress and strain diagrams were obtained, which were adapted to numerical modeling by software ATENA. Moment and curvature diagrams obtained by finite elements program were compared with experimental moment and curvature diagrams. Good agreement between both diagrams has been obtained. Straipsnyje aprašytas naujai sukurtas konstrukcinis lengvasis betonas ir jo panaudojimas eksperimentinių armuotojo lengvojo betono sijų gamybai. Atlikti trumpalaike apkrova veikiamų plieniniais strypais armuotų lengvojo betono sijų eksperimentiniai tyrimai, kuriuose nagrinėtas sijų įtempių ir deformacijų būvis. Laboratorijoje išbandyti 8 lenkiamieji elementai, kurių armavimo procentai: 0,309 %, 0,557 %, 0,895 % ir 1,255 %. Tyrimų metu matuotos vidutinės elemento deformacijos grynojo lenkimo zonoje 4 skirtinguose lygmenyse bei sijų poslinkiai ties atramomis, jėgos pridėjimo vietose ir viduriniame pjūvyje (iš viso 12 matavimo taškų). Bandymo metu grynojo lenkimo zonos deformacijos bei pleišėjimas papildomai stebėti greitaeige vaizdo kamera. Gauti rezultatai panaudoti sudarant eksperimentines lenkimo momentų ir kreivių diagramas, kurios palygintos su teoriškai apskaičiuotomis taikant Lietuvoje galiojančių LST EN ir STR projektavimo normų metodikas. Taikant VGTU sukurtą atvirkštinio uždavinio algoritmą, gautos tempiamo armuotojo lengvojo betono įtempių ir deformacijų diagramos, kurios pritaikytos atliekant skaitinį modeliavimą baigtinių elementų programa ATENA. Gautos momentų ir kreivių diagramos baigtinių elementų programa palygintos su eksperimentų metu gautomis momentų ir kreivių diagramomis. Gautas geras šių diagramų sutapimas.
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Neseniai autorius pasiūlė naują apskačiavimo metodą pagal kurį [1–6] iš lenkiamų gelžbetoninių sijų arba plokščių eksperimentinų duomenų gali būti nustatytos betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų diagramos. Turint eksperimentines momentų-kreivių ir momentų-deformacijų diagramas, gaunama išsami tempiamo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų diagrama, įskaitant ir jos krintančiąją dalį. Taip pat, net neturint duomenų apie betono savybes, pakankamai tiksliai galima nustatyti ir gniuždomo betono diagramą. Ankstesniuose šio žurnalo numeriuose [1,2] buvo pateiktas teorinis metodo pagrindimas, skaitinis patikrinimas ir praktinės apskaičiavimo metodikos. Šiame straipsnyje pateikti šio metodo taikymo eksperimentinių duomenų rezultatai. Buvo atlikta 14 sijų ir 9 plokščių, kruopščiai išbandytų anglų tyrinėtojų Clarko ir Speirso [7], analizė. Sijos ir plokštės turėjo skirtingą skerspjūvio aukštį, armavimo koeficientą ir armatūros strypų skersmenį (1 lentelė). Jos buvo apkrautos dviem koncentruotomis jėgomis, tarp kurių buvo 1,2 m ilgio gryno lenkimo ruožas. Sijos buvo suskirstytos į dvi grupes (serijas): pirmosios serijos (Nr. 1–4) sijos turėjo skirtingą aukčstį, skirtingą armatūros strypų skersmenį ir skerspjūvio plotą. Antrojoje serijoje (Nr. 3, 5, 6 ir 7) armatūros strypų skerspjūvio plotas ir skersmuo buvo vienodas, tačiau kito sijų skerspjūvio aukštis. Raidė R bandinio numeryje (1 lentelė) rodo, jog buvo išbandyta identiška sija. Literatūros šaltinyje [7] pateiktos visų eksperimentinių bandinių momentų-kreivių ir momentų-vidutinių armatūros deformacijų diagramos. Išsamus tyrimas, naudojant pasiūlytąjį skaičiavimo metodą, atliktas su 7 sija (1 lentelė). Buvo parodytos sijos darbo stadijos ir detaliai aprašyti visi žingsniai, nustatant tempiamo (ir gniuždomo) betono vidutinių įtempiųdeformacijų diagramas. Parodyta, kad dėl diskretaus gelžbetoninių elementų pleišėjimo pobūdžio, eksperimentinių momentų-kreivių (deformacijų) diagramos dažnai panašios į pjūklo dantelius (1 pav.). Turint tokias deformacijų diagramas, tempiamo betono įtempių-deformacijų kreivės gaunamos panašios, t.y. banguotos (2 pav.). Tam imamos “išlygintos” momentų-kreivių (deformacijų) kreivės (1 pav.), iš kurių nustatomos analogiškos įtempių-deformacijų kreivės. Tempiamo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų diagramos pirmosios ir antrosios serijų sijoms pateiktos atitinkamai 8 ir 9 pav. Gautosios diagramos labai skiriasi ir svarbiausiais įtakojančiais faktoriais laikomi armavimo koeficientas bei tempiamos armatūros strypų skersmuo. Mažėjant šiems dydžiams, tempiamo betono vidutinių įtempių-deformacijų kreivių krintanti dalis pastebimai ilgėja ir rodo padidėjusią supleišėjusio tempiamo betono įtaką bendram skerspjūvio ir viso elemento standumui.
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Fang, Jiaqi, Zhen Feng y Bo Cai. "DrawnNet: Offline Hand-Drawn Diagram Recognition Based on Keypoint Prediction of Aggregating Geometric Characteristics". Entropy 24, n.º 3 (19 de marzo de 2022): 425.

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Offline hand-drawn diagram recognition is concerned with digitizing diagrams sketched on paper or whiteboard to enable further editing. Some existing models can identify the individual objects like arrows and symbols, but they become involved in the dilemma of being unable to understand a diagram’s structure. Such a shortage may be inconvenient to digitalization or reconstruction of a diagram from its hand-drawn version. Other methods can accomplish this goal, but they live on stroke temporary information and time-consuming post-processing, which somehow hinders the practicability of these methods. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have been proved that they perform the state-of-the-art across many visual tasks. In this paper, we propose DrawnNet, a unified CNN-based keypoint-based detector, for recognizing individual symbols and understanding the structure of offline hand-drawn diagrams. DrawnNet is designed upon CornerNet with extensions of two novel keypoint pooling modules which serve to extract and aggregate geometric characteristics existing in polygonal contours such as rectangle, square, and diamond within hand-drawn diagrams, and an arrow orientation prediction branch which aims to predict which direction an arrow points to through predicting arrow keypoints. We conducted wide experiments on public diagram benchmarks to evaluate our proposed method. Results show that DrawnNet achieves 2.4%, 2.3%, and 1.7% recognition rate improvements compared with the state-of-the-art methods across benchmarks of FC-A, FC-B, and FA, respectively, outperforming existing diagram recognition systems on each metric. Ablation study reveals that our proposed method can effectively enable hand-drawn diagram recognition.
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Anderson, Michael y Robert McCartney. "Diagram processing: Computing with diagrams". Artificial Intelligence 145, n.º 1-2 (abril de 2003): 181–226.

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Carvalho Pereira, Vinícius. "NOTAS SOBRE A POÉTICA DIAGRAMÁTICA DE JIM ROSENBERG EM DIAGRAMS SERIES 6". Scripta Uniandrade 19, n.º 2 (7 de noviembre de 2021): 199–223.

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Desde 1966, o artista Jim Rosenberg desenvolve experimentos na interface entre poesia e outras mídias, dentre os quais destacamos seus poemas-diagrama, isto é, composições poéticas permeadas por recursos notacionais esquemáticos. Analisamos aqui o poema “#1”, da Diagrams Series 6, atentando para como códigos diagramáticos são transformados em materiais poéticos por Rosenberg, convidando-nos a ler de maneira hiperconectada suas lexias verbais, não obstante a profusão informacional da interface, repleta de linhas, formas geométricas e sobreposições de palavras. Para tanto, adotamos como lentes analíticas proposições teóricas sobre a literatura como campo inespecífico (GARRAMUÑO, 2014), o sublime tecnológico (COSTA, 1995), o estatuto indicial dos diagramas (PIGNATARI, 2004) e a visualização de informação (DRUCKER, 2014). Palavras-chave: Poemas-diagrama. Inespecificidade. Sublime tecnológico. Semiótica.
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Miao, Xin, Livia Reis Dantas de Souza y Igor Rafael de Paula. "Como as mudanças nas políticas educacionais em Xangai têm influenciado as trajetórias dos professores na construção do currículo?" Revista Brasileira de Educação em Geografia 12, n.º 22 (8 de agosto de 2022): 05–28.

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O artigo explora o envolvimento dos professores de Xangai com o currículo de Geografia no contexto das mudanças políticas do exame Gaokao. O estudo é parte de uma pesquisa de doutorado em andamento, que integra estruturas curriculares existentes (LAMBERT, 2015; PRIESTLEY et al, 2021). Neste texto será considerado, em primeiro lugar, como a reforma Gaokao afeta o status da Geografia escolar, os professores de Geografia e estudantes em Xangai. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, os participantes construíram junto com a pesquisadora diagramas sobre suas práticas curriculares (curriculum making). Esses diagramas serão apresentados na forma de dois coortes: professores do pré e pós-reforma. Por fim, o artigo propõe um potencial comunicativo da prática curricular transcultural. O processo de elaboração do diagrama oferece um recurso para professores e formadores de professores no sentido de imaginar uma forma diferente na interpretação dos papéis dos docentes em sala de aula em seus trabalhos. Palavras-chave Currículo, Professores de Geografia, Práticas curriculares, Reforma Gaokao, China. How have the changing policies in Shanghai influenced Geography teachers' stories of curriculum making? Abstract The paper explores Shanghai teachers’ engagement with the geography curriculum within the changing Gaokao policies. The study is part of an ongoing doctorate project which creatively integrates existing curriculum making frameworks. In this paper, how the Gaokao reform affects geography’s status among schools, teachers and students in Shanghai will first be considered. This research further develops two curriculum making frameworks to design the empirical study. Through semi-structured interviews, the participants and the researcher co-constructed curriculum making diagrams. These diagrams will be presented in two cohorts: pre-Reform and post-Reform teachers. In the end, the paper proposes a cross-cultural communicative potential for curriculum making. The diagram making process provides a tool for teachers and teacher educators to imagine different interpretations of classroom teachers’ roles in their work. Keywords Curriculum, Geography teachers, Curriculum making, Gaokao, China.
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Nicholls, Jim y J. Kelly Russell. "Igneous Rock Associations 20. Pearce Element Ratio Diagrams: Linking Geochemical Data to Magmatic Processes". Geoscience Canada 43, n.º 2 (18 de mayo de 2016): 133.

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It has been nearly fifty years since Tom Pearce devised a type of element ratio diagram that isolates the effects of crystal fractionation and accumulation (sorting) hidden in the chemistry of a suite of igneous rocks. Here, we review the guiding principles and methods supporting the Pearce element ratio paradigm and provide worked examples with data from the Mauna Ulu lava flows (erupted 1970–1971, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii). Construction of Pearce element ratio diagrams requires minimum data; a single rock analysis can suffice. The remaining data test the model. If the data fit the model, then the model is accepted as a plausible or likely explanation for the observed chemical variations. If the data do not fit, the model is rejected. Successful applications of Pearce element ratios require the presence and identification of conserved elements; elements that remain in the melt during the processes causing the chemical diversity. Conserved elements are identified through a priori knowledge of the physical-chemical behaviour of the elements in rock-forming processes, plots of weight percentages of pairs of oxides against each other, or by constant ratios of two elements. Three kinds of Pearce element ratio diagrams comprise a model: conserved element, assemblage test, and phase discrimination diagrams. The axial ratios for Pearce ratio diagrams are combinations of elements chosen on the basis of the chemical stoichiometry embedded in the model. Matrix algebra, operating on mineral formulae and analyses, is used to calculate the axis ratios. Models are verified by substituting element numbers from mineral formulae into the ratios. Different intercepts of trends on Pearce element ratio diagrams distinguish different magma batches and, by inference, different melting events. We show that the Mauna Ulu magmas derive from two distinct batches, modified by sorting of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and, possibly, orthopyroxene (unobserved).RÉSUMÉIl y a près de cinquante ans Tom Pearce a conçu un genre de diagramme de ratio d’éléments qui permet d’isoler les effets de la cristallisation fractionnée et de l'accumulation cristalline (tri) au sein de la chimie d'une suite de roches ignées. Dans le présent article, nous passons en revue les principes et les méthodes étayant le paradigme de ratio d’éléments de Pearce, et présentons des exemples pratiques à partir de données provenant de coulées de lave du Mauna Ulu (éruption 1970–1971 du volcan Kilauea, Hawaii). La confection des diagrammes de ratio d’éléments de Pearce requière un minimum de données; une seule analyse de roche peut suffire. Les données restantes servent à tester le modèle. Si les données sont conformes au modèle, alors le modèle est accepté comme explication plausible ou probable des variations chimiques observées. Si les données ne correspondent pas, le modèle est rejeté. Les applications réussies des ratios d’éléments de Pearce requièrent la présence et l'identification d’éléments conservés; éléments qui demeurent dans la masse fondue au cours des processus causant la diversité chimique. Les éléments conservés sont identifiés par la connaissance a priori du comportement physico-chimique des éléments dans les processus de formation des roches, le positionnement sur la courbe des pourcentages pondérés de pairs d'oxydes les uns contre les autres, ou par des ratios constants de deux éléments. Trois types de diagrammes de Pearce de ratio d’éléments constituent un modèle: élément conservé, test d'assemblage, et diagrammes de phase discriminant. Les ratios axiaux pour les diagrammes de ratio d’éléments de Pearce sont des combinaisons d'éléments choisis sur la base de la stœchiométrie inhérente au modèle. L’algèbre matricielle, appliquée à des formules minérales et à des analyses, est utilisée pour calculer les ratios axiaux. Les modèles sont vérifiés en utilisant les nombres d’élément des formules minérales dans les ratios. Différentes intersections dans les diagrammes de ratios d’éléments de Pearce distinguent différents lots de magma et, par inférence, différentes coulées. Nous montrons que les magmas de Mauna Ulu proviennent de deux lots distincts, modifiés par l’extraction de l'olivine, de clinopyroxène, de plagioclase et, éventuellement, orthopyroxène (non observé).
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Walton, Douglas y Curtis Hyra. "Analogical Arguments in Persuasive and Deliberative Contexts". Informal Logic 38, n.º 2 (1 de junio de 2018): 213–62.

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This paper uses argumentation tools such as argument diagrams and argumentation schemes to analyze four examples of argument from analogy, and argues that to proceed from there to evaluating these arguments, features of the context of dialogue need to be taken into account. The evidence drawn from these examples is taken to support a pragmatic approach to studying argument from analogy, meaning that identifying the logical form of the argument by building an argument diagram of the premises and conclusion is not by itself sufficient for argument evaluation. To get further, it is argued, the argument evaluator needs to take into account how this particular argument was used in context to support a conversational goal.Cet article utilise des outils d'argumentation tels que des diagrammes d'argument et des schèmes d'argumentation pour analyser trois exemples d'argument par analogie, et soutient que pour évaluer ces arguments de manière adéquate, il est nécessaire de tenir compte du contexte d'utilisation de l'argument. Ces exemples suggèrent que l’étude des arguments par analogie à partir de seulement l’identification de leur forme logique (par exemple en construisant un diagramme des prémisses et de leur conclusion) n'est pas adéquate. Pour aller plus loin, on avance que l'analyste d'argument doit prendre en compte comment un argument particulier a été utilisé dans un contexte pour soutenir un but conversationnel.
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Diagramas unifilares são métodos de organização sistemáticos que consistem na construção de esquemas de dados em cursos d’água, nos quais são locados tanto as estações em operação, as desativadas e os barramentos na bacia, visando um mais claro entendimento de informações de estações da rede hidrometeorológica e de barramentos disponíveis em uma bacia hidrográfica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um modelo de diagrama unifilar, utilizando o mapeamento das informações de interesse hidrológico das sub-bacias 85, 86, 87 e a porção brasileira da sub-bacia 88 (Bacia Hidrográfica do Atlântico – Trecho Sudeste), englobando parte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Assim, colocaram-se as principais informações de interesse para estudos sobre recursos hídricos. O estudo foi descritivo a fim de fornecer informações do organograma básico de funcionamento dos principais rios através de SIG, servindo como base para diversos tipos de estudo, como a regionalização de vazões. Entre os principais rios das sub-bacias estão: Rio Piratini, Rio Camaquã, Rio Jaguarão, Rio dos Sinos, Rio Gravataí. Confeccionaram-se 14 partes de diagramas unifilares para a sub-bacia 85; 10 partes para sub-bacia 86; 16 partes para a sub-bacia 87; e 5 partes para a sub-bacia 88.Abstract:Single-line diagrams are systematic methods of organization that consist of the development of data schemes for streams, in which the hydropower dams and hydrological stations, both in operation and deactivated, are located, aiming for a better knowledge of information from the national hydrometeorological network and hydropower dams available in a watershed. The aim of this paper was to propose a single-line diagram model using digital mapping information of hydrological interest for the sub-basins 85, 86, 87 and on the Brazilian section of sub-basin 88 (Atlantic watershed, or basin 8, – southeast section), encompassing the state of Rio Grande do Sul, managing the synthesis of major information of hydrological interest for studies on water resources. This study was descriptive in order to provide basic chart information of the dynamic of main rivers and it is the foundation for many types of studies using GIS, such as regionalization of flow rates. Among the majors rivers of the sub-basins are: Piratini River, Camaquã River, Jaguarão River, Gravataí River. The sub-basin 85 has fourteen pieces of single-line diagram; the sub-basin 86 has ten; the sub-basin 87 has sixteen; and the sub-basin 88 has five pieces of single-line diagram.Keywords: Single-Line Diagrams; National Hydrometeorological Network; Data Consistency; Geographic Information System; South Atlantic Watershed.
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KOTIKOV, A. V. "NEW METHOD OF MASSIVE N-POINT FEYNMAN DIAGRAMS CALCULATION". Modern Physics Letters A 06, n.º 34 (10 de noviembre de 1991): 3133–41.

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We expand the earlier invented method of massive Feynman diagrams calculation, namely, the differential equations method, to N-point diagrams. We obtain a simple algorithm which allows us to reduce the vertex-type diagram to the propagator-type diagrams, the box-type diagram to the vertex-type diagrams and, in general, the N-point diagram to the (N-1)-point diagrams. We show that this method provides a simple procedure of evaluating the result without D-space integrals (for the dimensional regularization) calculation.
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Stjernfelt, Frederik. "Dimensions of Peircean diagrammaticality". Semiotica 2019, n.º 228 (7 de mayo de 2019): 301–31.

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AbstractTaking its point of departure in the origin of the notions of “diagram” and “iconicity” in Peirce’s philosophy of logic, this paper reviews and discusses a series of dimensions along which such diagrams may be compared, measured and subdivided: diagrams versus images and metaphors, operational versus optimal iconicity in diagrams, diagram tokens versus diagram types, diagrams as general signs; corollarial versus theorematic diagram reasoning; pure versus applied diagrams; logic diagrams versus diagrams facilitating logical inferences; continuous versus discontinuous diagrams; diagrams in non-deductive reasoning. Most of these developments occur in the mature Peirce after the turn of the century and thus form an important part of his mature semiotics – yet, they do not relate in any simple or straight-forward manner to his attempts at enlarging his combinatorial semiotics from its bases in the three-trichotomy theory of the 1903 Syllabus over the six-trichotomy theory of 1904–1906 to the sketchlike ten-trichotomy version of 1908, where diagrams rarely figure in the names of sign-types discussed – why?
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Kulkarni, Dr R. N. y C. K. Srinivasa. "Novel approach to transform UML Sequence diagram to Activity diagram". Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 23, n.º 07 (26 de julio de 2021): 1247–55.

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Unified Modelling Language (UML) is currently accepted as a defacto standard language for modeling the software in the software industry. It will allow to implement object oriented concepts to model the software system. It provides a complete pictographic representation of software. Broadly these UML diagrams are classified into two groups viz. Structural diagrams and Behavioral diagrams. The sequence diagrams and Activity diagrams belongs to the second group i.e. behavioral diagrams. The sequence diagram represents the sequence of messages flowing from one object to another and activity diagram represents the flow of activities one after the other in a system. In this paper, we are proposing an automated tool which transforms the sequence diagram (which is represented in the table format) into activity diagram. The sequence diagram which is represented in the three column table called sequence table comprises various components of sequence diagram like objects, interactions, messages, alternations, iterations, loops, etc. The proposed tool reads the sequence table and converts the entire table components into the equivalent Activity table. Further the tool reads the activity table and then transforms to its equivalent activity diagram.
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Adi darma, Wawang. "Perancangan Sistem Produksi Lampu dengan Metode Perancangan Berorientasi Objek di PT. Cosmo Technology Indonesia Kabupaten Sukabumi". JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI 5, n.º 2 (11 de diciembre de 2022): 142–57.

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The development of information technology (IT) so rapidly, including for the field of ERP (Enterprice Resources Planning). To design and build an ERP system, it is necessary to first analyze the system to be built, especially for the design of Rekayas Software (RPL). The results of this study are expected to find the results of good and correct analysis so as to be able to implement the system into a program using JAVA. This research consists of several parts analysis. The core of this research is to review the problems that exist in the company, in determining user requirements or user needs, then generate design in the form of diagrams used as a system design tool. The point explanation that will be done is Business Overview, Organizational Structure, Department Description, User Requirement. While the design of the system using UML consisting of several diagrams are Activity Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagrams, Entity Diagrams, Communication diagrams, State Machine Diagrams, Component Diagrams, Deployment Diagrams, Composite Structure Diagrams, Interaction Overview Diagrams, Object Diagrams , Package Diagram, Timing Diagram, The author takes the object case that is PT. COSMO TECHNOLOGY which is located at Jl. Raya Segog Km.14 Batununggal Village Kec. Cibadak, Sukabumi-West Java. Is a company engaged in decorative lights and is developing a business in the field of toys. Keywords: ERP, UML
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González, Fany, Elena Castro-Rodríguez y Enrique Castro. "<p>Interpretación de diagramas de comparación multiplicativa por estudiantes de secundaria</p>". PNA. Revista de Investigación en Didáctica de la Matemática 10, n.º 4 (1 de marzo de 2017): 280–306.

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Este trabajo se centra en procesos de traducción de problemas gráficos de comparación multiplicativa a representación verbal y simbólica. Pedimos a 89 estudiantes del primer curso de educación secundaria que inventaran un problema que se ajustara a un diagrama y que escribieran una ecuación que integrara las relaciones del diagrama. Los dos procesos de traducción se han mostrado difíciles para los estudiantes, provocando diversidad de respuestas. El análisis conjunto de las respuestas reveló que la competencia de los estudiantes en el proceso de invención no es independiente de la traducción algebraica. Interpretation of multiplicative comparison diagrams by secondary school students This work focuses on translation processes of graphic multiplicative comparison problems to verbal and symbolic representation. We asked 89 students of the first year of secondary school to invent a problem that fits a diagram and to write an equation that integrates the relations of the diagram. The two translation processes have proved difficult for students, resulting diversity of responses. The analysis of the responses revealed that the competence of the students in the process of posing is not independent of the algebraic translation.Handle:
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Fuller, Kent R. y Koichiro Ohtake. "Strong module diagrams and frobenius diagram algebras". Communications in Algebra 17, n.º 2 (enero de 1989): 259–98.

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Kottmeyer, Alexa M., Peggy Van Meter y Chelsea Cameron. "Diagram comprehension ability of college students in an introductory biology course". Advances in Physiology Education 44, n.º 2 (1 de junio de 2020): 169–80.

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College biology courses commonly use diagrams to convey information. These visual representations are embedded in course materials with the expectation that students can comprehend and learn from them. Educational research, however, suggests that many students have difficulty understanding diagrams and the conventions (e.g., labels, arrows) they contain. The present study evaluates biology students’ ability to comprehend scientific diagrams and the diagram characteristics that affect this comprehension. Participants were students in a physiology course who completed a multiple-choice test of diagram comprehension ability (DCA) (Cromley JG, Perez TC, Fitzhugh SL, Newcombe NS, Wills TW, Tanaka JC. J Exp Educ 81: 511–537, 2013). We coded the conventions used in each test diagram and used these codes to capture the diagram characteristics of conventions and complexity. Descriptive analyses examine students’ ability to understand scientific diagrams and which diagram characteristics cause the most difficulty. We also compared groups with low and high DCA scores to evaluate how students at different levels of comprehension ability are affected by diagram characteristics. Results show relatively poor DCA; the average total test score was only 69.5%. The conventions used in a diagram also affected diagram comprehension, and results show students had the most difficulty comprehending diagrams using a letter or numbering system, where arbitrary letters/numbers were used to signify objects and diagrams using cut-outs that showed cross sections and magnified interior views. Additionally, students’ comprehension was higher on diagrams with higher complexity (i.e., more types of conventions used), potentially indicating students are able to take advantage of the supports that different conventions provide. Implications for instruction are identified.
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Han, Shuai, Mingchao Li, Qi Zhang y Lingguang Song. "An Automated Method to Generate and Evaluate Geochemical Tectonic Discrimination Diagrams Based on Topological Theory". Minerals 10, n.º 1 (10 de enero de 2020): 62.

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Discrimination diagrams can be used to distinguish different tectonic settings of igneous rocks. To improve the quality and efficiency of the design of discrimination diagrams, an automatic design and assessment method for discrimination diagrams is proposed based on topology theory. The method is aimed at programming the traditional process of discrimination diagram design, enabling computers to simulate the visual discrimination process. It thus automatically designs tectonic setting discrimination diagrams by investigating all possible combinations of geochemical elements. In the experiment, analyses of 3803 gabbro samples were collected from three tectonic settings, including island arc, ocean island, and mid-oceanic ridge. Using the proposed method, we found thousands of discrimination diagrams with fields overlapping less than 10%. By analyzing these diagrams, the most critical elements (or element ratio pairs) are identified. Based on the result, the feasibility of using gabbroic rocks to discriminate between tectonic settings is illustrated and four representative discrimination diagrams, including the La/Y–Nb/Ba diagram, Nb/Sc–Sc/Ba diagram, Ba/Nb–Ba/Sc diagram, and La/Na2O–Nb/Ba diagram, are recommended for use. This research supports the view that gabbroic rocks can also be used to discriminate between different tectonic settings. The method could also be applied to other rock types.
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Gökçe-Özdamar, Esen. "La materialización en diagramas arquitectónicos hápticos". Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos, n.º 13 (15 de diciembre de 2023): 44–57.

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Este artículo se centra en las posibilidades que ofrecen los materiales hápticos y tridimensionales en los diagramas arquitectónicos creados en el proceso de diseño. Estos materiales pueden inspirar a los diseñadores y potenciar su creatividad. Los diagramas hápticos incorporan la experiencia del diseñador al problema de diseño y, por tanto, mejoran sus procesos mediante la eficacia incorporada. La primera sección del artículo enumera y explica brevemente los diagramas arquitectónicos y sus tipos. En la segunda sección se valoran los diagramas arquitectónicos analógicos o digitales con cualidades táctiles. Los diagramas hápticos se clasifican en función de su contenido y del entorno en el que se crean, con tres tipos de agudeza visual: si son lineales o fragmentarios, complejos o transparentes, y si están distorsionados geométricamente. El artículo sostiene que los diagramas arquitectónicos hápticos pueden mejorar la plasmación del pensamiento de diseño en la arquitectura. Los diagramas hápticos, ya sean analógicos, digitales o tridimensionales, pueden ayudar a los arquitectos a comunicarse y colaborar más eficazmente con las personas que perciben la arquitectura, al proporcionar una representación tangible y háptica del diseño. Y es que los diagramas hápticos son objetos que transmiten la materialidad de la forma y encarnan el conocimiento, transmitiendo la metodología del diseño de forma experiencial. AbstractThis article focuses on the possibilities afforded by haptic and three-dimensional materials in architectural diagrams created in the design process. These materials can inspire designers and enhance their creativity. Haptic diagrams incorporate the designer’s experience into the design problem, and therefore improve design processes through embodied efficiency. The first section of the article enumerates and briefly explains architectural diagrams and their types. In the second section, analog or digitally made architectural diagrams with tactile qualities are appraised. Haptic diagrams are classified based on their content and the setting in which they are created, with three types of visual acuity, including whether they are linear or fragmentary, complex or transparent, and whether they are geometrically distorted. The article argues that haptic architectural diagrams can improve the embodiment of design thinking in architecture. Haptic diagrams, whether analog, digital, or 3D, can help architects to communicate and collaborate more effectively with people perceiving architecture, by providing a tangible, haptic representation of design. This is because haptic diagrams are objects which convey materiality of form and embody knowledge, conveying design methodology experientially.
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Fossa, John Andrew. "Aspectos da Lógica de Leonhard Euler/Aspects of Leonhard Euler´s Logic". Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6, n.º 12 (28 de julio de 2015): 214.

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Investigamos a lógica de Leonhard Euler com ênfase no papel dos “diagramas de Euler”. Concluímos que os referidos diagramas constituem um instrumento intuitivo, embora não sistemático, para determinar validade na silogística tradicional, isto é, a silogística munida de implicações conversacionais (importância existencial). Nisto, contrastam-se com os diagramas de Venn que constituem um instrumento sistemático, porém menos intuitivo, para determinar validade numa silogística mais voltada para os fundamentos da matemática moderna.Abstract: We investigate the logic of Leonhard Euler, giving emphasis to the role of “Euler diagrams”. We conclude that these diagrams are an intuitive, non-systematic instrument for determining validity in the traditional syllogistic, that is, the syllogistic furnished with conversational implications (existential import). In this regard, they contrast with Venn diagrams which are a systematic, less intuitive instrument for determining validity in a syllogistic more appropriate for the foundation of modern mathematics. Keywords: History of Logic. Leonhard Euler. Euler Diagrams. Venn Diagrams.
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Agustina, Remilda, Surya Gumilar y Lasmita Sari. "Analysis of diagrams in the kinetic gas theory materials in high school physics textbooks: a content analysis". Research in Physics Education 2, n.º 2 (26 de diciembre de 2023): 69–79.

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The theory of gas kinetics material studies objects that are abstract in nature. Therefore, its learning requires visual representations capable of visualizing these abstract objects, one of which is diagrams. The presence of diagrams in high school physics textbooks is considered important to aid the learning process. This research aims to determine the distribution of diagram categories, trends in diagram usage, and teachers’ perceptions of diagram usage in the Theory of Gas Kinetics material in high school physics textbooks with a descriptive quantitative research design. The research results show the distribution of diagram categories with the highest percentage in each analyzed book being the glossary image category, accounting for an overall percentage of 45%. The usage trends of each diagram category tend to fluctuate from year to year. Based on the findings of this research, teachers’ perceptions of diagram usage in the Theory of Gas Kinetics material have three main themes: diagrams are important as learning aids to make lessons more interesting and to represent the identity of science, especially physics; the use of diagrams depends on teachers’ needs; and diagrams help students understand the text and present physics concepts more specifically.
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Nielsen, Frank. "On Voronoi Diagrams on the Information-Geometric Cauchy Manifolds". Entropy 22, n.º 7 (28 de junio de 2020): 713.

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We study the Voronoi diagrams of a finite set of Cauchy distributions and their dual complexes from the viewpoint of information geometry by considering the Fisher-Rao distance, the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the chi square divergence, and a flat divergence derived from Tsallis entropy related to the conformal flattening of the Fisher-Rao geometry. We prove that the Voronoi diagrams of the Fisher-Rao distance, the chi square divergence, and the Kullback-Leibler divergences all coincide with a hyperbolic Voronoi diagram on the corresponding Cauchy location-scale parameters, and that the dual Cauchy hyperbolic Delaunay complexes are Fisher orthogonal to the Cauchy hyperbolic Voronoi diagrams. The dual Voronoi diagrams with respect to the dual flat divergences amount to dual Bregman Voronoi diagrams, and their dual complexes are regular triangulations. The primal Bregman Voronoi diagram is the Euclidean Voronoi diagram and the dual Bregman Voronoi diagram coincides with the Cauchy hyperbolic Voronoi diagram. In addition, we prove that the square root of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between Cauchy distributions yields a metric distance which is Hilbertian for the Cauchy scale families.
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Yusufu, Munina, Hai Jun Zhang, Gulina Yusufu, Zhan Dong Liu, Pen Cheng y Dilidaer Dilisati. "Modeling and Analysis of Complex System with UML: A Case Study". Applied Mechanics and Materials 513-517 (febrero de 2014): 1346–51.

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The Unified Modeling Language - UML - is the most used specification language, and the way the world models not only application structure, behavior, and architecture, but also business process and data structure. In this paper, we aim to demonstrate a system development methodology by generating the UML diagrams from the requirements of the Automatic Banking Machine (ABM) System and discuss their relationships, differences and suitability. The high-level requirements of the system are specified by using use-case diagram, activity diagram, state chart diagram, collaboration diagram, sequence diagram, and component diagram, and the low-level requirements of each component using class diagrams. We briefly introduce each diagram, their usage, their advantages and some limitations, and then we discuss the relationships and differences between two or more diagrams, and suitability for modeling the different parts of the system.
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Pelawi, Dewan. "Pembuatan Sistem Informasi dengan Analisis dan Perancangan Berorientasi Objek". ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications 3, n.º 2 (1 de diciembre de 2012): 740.

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Analysis of business processes by observing the existing system is the main issue to produce information systems according to the needs of the company. Any search of problem solutions when doing business process is performed by a system approach. Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) is one of the methods currently used to build information systems. The method includes the building of activity diagrams, event table, class diagram, usecase diagrams, usecase description, state chart diagrams, deployment and software architecture, first-cut design class diagram, simple sequence diagram (SSD), sequence diagram (first-cut, view layer, data access layer), communication diagram, updated design class diagram, package diagram, persistent object, and user interface. The results obtained after performing all phases of the method is an information system based on the needs of companies that is expected to improve the performance and effectiveness of the company's business processes and support the business goals.
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Khaldi, Maha y Mohamed Erradi. "Design and Development of an e-Learning Project Management System: Modelling and Prototyping". International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15, n.º 19 (5 de octubre de 2020): 95.

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In this work, based on the results obtained concerning the analysis and the needs of our project which concerns the design and development of an e-Learning project management system, we present the modeling stage with UML. Based on one hand, on two diagrams: class diagram and use case diagram, for static modeling and on the other hand, based on three diagrams: activity diagram, sequence diagram, diagram transition state for dynamic modeling. Finally, we offer examples of models for our project.
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Humphrey, Caroline. "A Nomadic Diagram". Social Analysis 63, n.º 4 (1 de diciembre de 2019): 110–30.

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The idea of the diagram as a ‘working object’ is used to discuss the biologist C. H. Waddington’s epigenetic landscape (EL) diagrams. This article investigates the diagrams’ history and discusses their usages in relation to Stengers’s idea of the ‘nomadic concept’. What is it about these diagrams that have made them a tool for transdisciplinary research? The article argues that it is useful to distinguish between the diagram and the illustration, and that it is in part because the EL diagrams retain an illustrative graphic character that they have been apt for imaginative adaptation and reuse. The diagram in this case becomes an ‘ontological go-between’ that is thereby able to function in different contexts, such as sociology and anthropology.
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Kamada, Naoko. "Coherent double coverings of virtual link diagrams". Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 27, n.º 11 (octubre de 2018): 1843004.

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A virtual link diagram is called normal if the associated abstract link diagram is checkerboard colorable, and a virtual link is normal if it has a normal diagram as a representative. Normal virtual links have some properties similar to classical links. In this paper, we introduce a method of converting a virtual link diagram to a normal virtual link diagram. We show that the normal virtual link diagrams obtained by this method from two equivalent virtual link diagrams are equivalent. We relate this method to some invariants of virtual links.
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Kamada, Seiichi, Jieon Kim y Sang Youl Lee. "Computations of quandle cocycle invariants of surface-links using marked graph diagrams". Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 24, n.º 10 (septiembre de 2015): 1540010.

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By using the cohomology theory of quandles, quandle cocycle invariants and shadow quandle cocycle invariants are defined for oriented links and surface-links via broken surface diagrams. By using symmetric quandles, symmetric quandle cocycle invariants are also defined for unoriented links and surface-links via broken surface diagrams. A marked graph diagram is a link diagram possibly with 4-valent vertices equipped with markers. Lomonaco, Jr. and Yoshikawa introduced a method of describing surface-links by using marked graph diagrams. In this paper, we give interpretations of these quandle cocycle invariants in terms of marked graph diagrams, and introduce a method of computing them from marked graph diagrams.
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Dutton, Kaitlyn G. y Mark C. Lipke. "Correcting Frost Diagram Misconceptions Using Interactive Frost Diagrams". Journal of Chemical Education 98, n.º 8 (22 de julio de 2021): 2578–83.

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Chapman, Peter, Gem Stapleton y Peter Rodgers. "PaL diagrams: A linear diagram-based visual language". Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 25, n.º 6 (diciembre de 2014): 945–54.

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Chandelier, F., Y. Georgelin, T. Masson y J. C. Wallet. "Global quantum Hall phase diagram from visibility diagrams". Physics Letters A 301, n.º 5-6 (septiembre de 2002): 451–61.

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Whittle, Jon. "Extending interaction overview diagrams with activity diagram constructs". Software & Systems Modeling 9, n.º 2 (24 de febrero de 2009): 203–24.

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Wang, Shyh-Jen, Marvin W. Dixon, Cecil O. Huey, y Su-Chen Chen. "The Clemson Limit Stress Diagram for Ductile Parts Subjected to Positive Mean Fatigue Loading". Journal of Mechanical Design 122, n.º 1 (1 de marzo de 2000): 143–46.

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The Bagci, Gerber, Goodman, quadratic, and Soderberg diagrams are some of the diagrams proposed to serve as practical design tools for the design of ductile metals loaded in fatigue with positive mean and alternating stresses. However, all of these diagrams are either conservative, or have domains containing stress greater than yield strength of material. This paper presents the Clemson diagram, which has the same format as the aforementioned diagrams with the exception that the exponential power order varies with the material property. The Clemson diagram has a great potential to fit the experimental data and appears to better fit the limited data found in the open literature. A good initial approximation of an acceptable design for parts made of ductile ferrous materials can be obtained by using the proposed diagram. [S1050-0472(00)00301-9]
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Giersberg, Lydia, Benjamin Milkereit, Christoph Schick y Olaf Kessler. "In Situ Isothermal Calorimetric Measurement of Precipitation Behaviour in Al-Mg-Si Alloys". Materials Science Forum 794-796 (junio de 2014): 939–44.

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Isothermal time-temperature-precipitation (TTP) diagrams deliver important material data like temperature and time ranges critical for precipitation. During the last years an in-situ calorimetric method to record continuous cooling precipitation diagrams has been developed to application level by our group. However, isothermal TTP-diagrams were still determined by ex-situ analyses only. In this work in-situ measurements of precipitation reactions were carried out during isothermal soaking. Therefore the whole heat treatment cycle was performed in a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Al-Mg-Si-alloys 6063 and 6005A were analysed. Solution annealing and overcritical quenching to several temperatures between 450 °C and 250 °C was followed by isothermal soaking. Based on the heat flow curves during isothermal soaking TTP-diagrams were determined. Further microstructure investigations by scanning electron microscopy and hardness tests after artificial ageing were performed. Both alloys show similar results. In the TTP-diagramms three so-called ”C-curves” could be observed. Every C-curve is expected to represent precipitation of a different phase. Hardness and microstructure investigations correspond with the data of the TTP-diagramms.
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Singh, Gurpreet y Rasbir Singh. "Generation of test cases using UML models". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY 13, n.º 7 (30 de julio de 2014): 4671–74.

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Software Testing plays an important role in Software development because it can minimize the development cost. UML is widely used in the software development, there consists of the designing and coding of the software. Designing phase is done with the help of the UML models, which consists of the sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, use case diagrams, state chart diagrams etc. After designing of the system, the next task is coding. Since the software development is time and human resource consuming, the reduction of consumption is done with the help of the code generation automatically. This work mainly focus on the UML sequence diagram and state chart diagram as the model. We Propose a Technique for Test Case Generation using UML Models. UML models give a lot of  information that should not be ignored in testing. An innovative approach of generating test cases from the combination of UML design diagrams has been discussed in this paper. Present work used an approach where sequence diagram and state chart diagram has been used to generate test cases. The test cases thus generated are suitable for dynamic testing of system.
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Mohamed, Sherif Magdy. "Enhanced UML Methodology with New Hybrid Diagrams: An ATM Application". Journal of Education and Vocational Research 4, n.º 3 (30 de marzo de 2013): 60–68.

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Object oriented proved to be the most important software engineering tools. The main reason behind the importance is that, Object Oriented covers the most powerful programming languages such as Java and C++. UML is a modeling language which is a part of object oriented and it was created to provide the software development industry with analysis and design techniques based on some diagrams. The most common UML diagrams in use are Class and Activity diagram. To implement any system using object oriented UML, the programmer needs at least two or three diagrams beside the Use Case diagram in order to understand a full picture of the system. There is no diagram which can show the full picture of the system. In this research, new methodology called “Touch and Go” has been generated by the researchers to implement the system. In this methodology, analysis and design are merged in one stage called Touch. Implementation and testing stage are merged in one stage called Go. The Class and Activity diagram are merged to introduce new integrated diagram called Enhanced Class Activity (ECA) diagram and the normal Activity diagram will be modified and improved as Activity Remarked Class (ARC) diagram. Analytical analysis of the new methodology is implemented in ATM machine system which can be later implemented using Java language or any other Object Oriented language. A powerful system like ATM is chosen to apply the new technique and it has been shown clearly how the methodology is working perfectly with such system. This study helps to reduce the number of diagrams that are being used to implement the system, reducing total time of implementation and making the coding stage easier by using only few numbers of diagrams.
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Tundo, Tundo y Andi Saidah. "PELATIHAN PENGGUNAAN E-DRAW MAX UNTUK MEMBUAT DESAIN SISTEM". KAMI MENGABDI 3, n.º 1 (21 de junio de 2023): 17–23.

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Edraw Max is a 2D business technical diagram software that helps create flowcharts, organization charts, mind maps, network diagrams, floor plans, workflow diagrams, business charts and Engineering diagrams, flowcharts, graphs and mappings, besides E- Draw Max is also a vector-based diagramming software, which is usually used to make it easier to make a design. One of them is the design of a production process system in a factory that can use this application. In this training, the E-Draw Max tools will focus on making Data Flow Diagrams (DFD), which are useful for describing the flow of the created system, which consists of Context Diagrams, Level Diagrams, and Level n Diagrams. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a diagram that describes the flow of data from a process or information system. In DFD, there is information related to the input and output of each of these processes. DFD also has various functions, such as conveying system design, describing systems, and designing models. This training was held at the ITS NU Pekalongan Institute of Computer Technology. The purpose of this training is to help ITS NU Pekalongan S1 Computer Technology students in making system designs, specifically designing Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) using E-Draw Max tools to make it easier for students to make the flow of the system made in this case DFD on production process in Industry.
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Qian, Hui. "Optimization of Intelligent Management and Monitoring System of Sports Training Hall Based on Internet of Things". Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2021 (6 de julio de 2021): 1–11.

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This paper provides an indepth analysis and research on the intelligent management and monitoring system of sports training hall through the Internet of Things. Firstly, it introduces the project background of the sports training base stadium service system, analyses the significance of the system development, and describes the related technology and the method of development. The paper then analyses the requirements of the management business of the system and describes the main business processes of the system with activity diagrams; the paper then analyses the functional requirements and data requirements of the system and describes the system with use case diagrams and thumbnail class diagrams, respectively. Based on this, the thesis designs the overall aspect of the system, giving the corresponding total package diagram, and designs all functions one by one, giving the corresponding class diagram, the corresponding sequence diagram, and the corresponding processing flow diagram. The thesis gives the design of database tables by designing entity property diagrams and entity-to-entity relationship diagrams according to the data requirements and system functions. Finally, the research of the thesis is summarized accordingly, stating what has been done, what results have been achieved, what problems still exist, and what further work needs to be done to make the outlook of the work.
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Zhang, Wei, Quan Sun, Chao Wang y Zhiming Liu. "Proving Simulink Block Diagrams Correct via Refinement". Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (19 de septiembre de 2022): 1–17.

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Simulink is a well-known block diagram-based tool for modular design and multidomain simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). However, the simulation by Simulink cannot completely cover the state space or behavior of a target system, which would not ensure the correctness of the developed block diagrams in Simulink. In this work, we present a contract-based method, which supports compositional reasoning and refinement, for proving the correctness of Simulink block diagrams with discrete-time and continuous-time dynamic behavior. We use the assume-guarantee contract as a specification language. The Simulink block diagrams are correct in the sense that if the block diagrams satisfy the formal specifications of the system being modeled. To prove the correctness of a block diagram, we first define semantics for Simulink block diagrams. We study three composition operators, i.e., serial, parallel, and algebraic loop-free feedback with multistep delays. We present a satisfaction relation between the block diagram and contract and present a refinement relation between the contracts. We prove that if the Simulink block diagram satisfies the composition contract and the composition contract refines the system specifications, the block diagram is correct relative to the system specifications. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method via a real-world case study originating from the control system of a reservoir. Our method can also provide an idea to verify whether the designed CPS is planted with a logic bomb by attackers.
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Kim, Jieon, Yewon Joung y Sang Youl Lee. "On generating sets of Yoshikawa moves for marked graph diagrams of surface-links". Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 24, n.º 04 (abril de 2015): 1550018.

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A marked graph diagram is a link diagram possibly with marked 4-valent vertices. S. J. Lomonaco, Jr. and K. Yoshikawa introduced a method of representing surface-links by marked graph diagrams. Specially, K. Yoshikawa suggested local moves on marked graph diagrams, nowadays called Yoshikawa moves. It is now known that two marked graph diagrams representing equivalent surface-links are related by a finite sequence of these Yoshikawa moves. In this paper, we provide some generating sets of Yoshikawa moves on marked graph diagrams representing unoriented surface-links, and also oriented surface-links. We also discuss independence of certain Yoshikawa moves from the other moves.
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Havemo, Emelie. "Visual trends in the annual report: the case of Ericsson 1947-2016". Corporate Communications: An International Journal 23, n.º 3 (6 de agosto de 2018): 312–25.

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PurposeDisclosure research has argued that visuals are increasingly used in annual reports as a way to increase readability of the annual report, but comparatively little is known about of diagrams compared to graphs and photographs. The purpose of this paper is to provide a historical account of visuals use in corporate disclosure, with an emphasis on diagrams, to show changes from the 1940s until present-day reporting.Design/methodology/approachVisual research methods were applied to analyze how diagrams, photographs and graphs were used in 69 annual reports of the Swedish telecom company Ericsson.FindingsPhotographs have been used with increasing frequency since the 1950s. Graph and diagram use has increased significantly since the 1990s while photograph use remained stable, suggesting that graphs and diagrams increasingly complement photographs for visually representing the organization in corporate disclosure. Factors explaining the case company’s development include both internal (performance, individual preferences, shifting from a manufacturing-based strategy to a service-based strategy) and external (legislation, transformation of the telecom industry).Originality/valueVisual elements in annual reports are increasingly oriented toward immaterial representations of the organization’s standings and identity and diagrams are increasingly used and contribute to this. This finding motivates further research about diagram use in corporate communication, such as how different diagram types convey accounting messages, and whether diagrams serve as impression management devices. For regulators, it will be important to follow the emerging trend of diagram use, since it is becoming part of reporting practice.
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Ross, Pierre-Simon y Jean H. Bédard. "Magmatic affinity of modern and ancient subalkaline volcanic rocks determined from trace-element discriminant diagrams". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 46, n.º 11 (noviembre de 2009): 823–39.

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When dealing with ancient subalkaline volcanic rocks, the alkali – total iron – magnesium (AFM) diagram is of limited use in assigning a tholeiitic versus calc-alkaline affinity because these elements are often mobile during alteration and metamorphism. Classification diagrams using immobile trace elements are preferable but need to be tested and optimized on unaltered rocks. To this end, a geochemical database containing over a thousand, presumed unaltered, subalkaline volcanic samples from young oceanic arcs was assembled. The data were classified using both major and trace-element approaches, and the results were compared. If the calc-alkaline and tholeiitic fields on the AFM diagram are used to define magmatic affinity, then the commonly used Zr versus Y, La versus Yb, and Th versus Yb discriminant diagrams misclassify 39%, 24%, and 28% of samples, respectively. After optimization (using a number of criteria), all three trace-element classification diagrams produce results that are generally consistent with the AFM diagram. The optimized diagrams only misclassify 7%, 11%, and 12% of the samples, respectively. A new Th/Yb versus Zr/Y diagram has a better overall performance than any single ratio diagram and may prove helpful in assigning magmatic affinities to volcanic rocks in ancient successions.
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Siraji, Mohamad y Heri Kuswara. "Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Pada Klinik PT. Nippon Paint Jakarta". Journal of Informatic and Information Security 1, n.º 1 (30 de junio de 2020): 61–74.

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Medical record is a file that contains records and documents about patient identity, examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been provided to patients in health care facilities. Problems that occur in the Clinic PT. Nippon Paint Jakarta is an ineffective and efficient management of medical data. This information system aims to manage medical data quickly and accurately. This system development method uses SDLC by making UML diagrams such as use case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams, entity relationship diagrams as stages of system design. This information system is based on WEB using the PHP programming language supported by SQL database. The results of the design of this system are expected to be one of the solutions to the problems that have occurred so far. Keywords: Clinic, Medical Records, Informations Systems Abstrak Rekam medis adalah berkas yang berisi catatan dan dokumen tentang identitas pasien, pemeriksaan, pengobatan, tindakan dan pelayanan lain yang telah diberikan kepada pasien pada sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Klinik PT. Nippon Paint Jakarta yaitu pengelolaan data medis yang kurang efektif dan efisien. Sistem informasi ini bertujuan supaya pengelolaan data medis dapat berjalan dengan cepat dan tepat. Metode pengembangan sistem ini menggunakan SDLC dengan membuat diagram-diagram UML seperti use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, entity relationship diagram sebagai tahapan perancangan sistem. Sistem informasi ini dibuat dengan berbasis WEB menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP yang didukung basis data SQL. Hasil rancang bangun sistem ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi selama ini. Kata kunci: Klinik, Rekam Medis, Sistem Informasi
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Vilotic, Dragisa, Sergei Alexandrov, Aljosa Ivanisevic y Mladomir Milutinovic. "Reducibility of Stress-Based Workability Diagram to Strain-Based Workability Diagram". International Journal of Applied Mechanics 08, n.º 02 (marzo de 2016): 1650022.

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The strain-based and stress-based workability diagrams are often used to predict the initiation of ductile fracture in metal forming. The strain-based workability diagram is restricted to free surface fracture and postulates that the initiation of fracture is independent of the strain path. It is shown in the present paper that under these conditions the strain-based workability diagram is identical to the stress-based workability diagram. Using an available stress-based workability diagram the strain-based workability diagram is found in a much larger domain in the space of two in-surface principal strains as compared to the typical domain covered by standard tests used to determine strain-based workability diagrams. Two feasible tests are designed to determine the complete strain-based workability diagram.
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In this paper I attempt to identify the fundamental properties of the diagram as a form of representation in opposition to purely symbolic representation The author’s intent is to present the characteristics of architectural diagrams as they are and to analyse their role in argumentation, or, more broadly, in various forms of justifying diagrammatic representations. However, these two aspects cannot be fully separated from each other – the distinctive features of diagrams are of course tied with the distinctive properties of cognitive processes associated with them. This discussion will present just how diverse diagrams and types of thinking can be, and the wide range of roles that representations can play in architectural cognitionKey words: design process, diagram features, diagram thinking, cognitive processes, presentation methods, philosophical problems.
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McCAMMOND, JONATHAN P. y DANIEL T. WISE. "FANS AND LADDERS IN SMALL CANCELLATION THEORY". Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 84, n.º 3 (29 de abril de 2002): 599–644.

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This paper provides a strengthening of the theorems of small cancellation theory. It is proven that disc diagrams contain 'fans' of consecutive 2-cells along their boundaries. The size of these fans is linked to the strength of the small cancellation conditions satisfied by the diagram. A classification result is proven for disc diagrams satisfying small cancellation conditions. Any disc diagram either contains three fans along its boundary, or it is a ladder, or it is a wheel. Similar statements are proven for annular diagrams. 2000 Mathematical Subject Classification: 20F06.
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Balaban, Mira, Azzam Maraee y Arnon Sturm. "Management of Correctness Problems in UML Class Diagrams Towards a Pattern-Based Approach". International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design 1, n.º 4 (octubre de 2010): 24–47.

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UML is now widely accepted as the standard modeling language for software construction. The Class Diagram is its core view, having well formed semantics and providing the backbone for any modeling effort. Class diagrams are widely used for purposes such as software specification, database and ontology engineering, meta-modeling, and model transformation. The central role played by class diagrams emphasizes the need for strengthening UML modeling tools with features such as recognition of erroneous models and the detection of errors’ sources. Correctness of UML class diagrams refers to the capability of a diagram to denote a finite but not empty reality. This is a natural, unquestionable requirement. Nevertheless, incorrect diagrams are often designed, due to the interaction of contradicting constraints and the limitations of current tools. In this paper, the authors clarify the notion of class diagram correctness, discuss various approaches for detecting correctness problems, and propose a pattern-based approach for identifying situations in which correctness problems occur, and for providing explanations and repair advices.
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