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Lemieux, Alain. "La réglementation canadienne du commerce du textile et du vêtement". Les Cahiers de droit 33, n.º 1 (12 de abril de 2005): 263–96.

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C'est principalement vers la fin des années 1950 que les problèmes rencontrés dans le commerce international du textile et du vêtement devinrent de plus en plus aigus. Selon la plupart des pays importateurs et exportateurs engagés dans ce segment important du commerce international, l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (GATT), qui régit les relations commerciales internationales dans leur ensemble, s'avérait insuffisant pour prévenir ou corriger ces problèmes. Afin de pallier cette situation, les pays participants au commerce international des textiles de coton adoptèrent, au début des années 1960, l'Accord à court terme sur les textiles de coton. À cet accord succéderont l'Accord à long terme sur les textiles de coton, qui régira le commerce international des textiles de coton de 1961 à 1973, et l'Arrangement concernant le commerce international des textiles (AMF), celui-ci régissant le commerce international d'à peu près tous les textiles et vêtements depuis le 1er janvier 1974. Le but du présent article est d'étudier la mise en oeuvre de l'AMF au Canada au cours de la période 1974-1984. Dans un premier temps, nous examinerons la réglementation canadienne applicable au commerce du textile et du vêtement avant l'entrée en vigueur de l'AMF. Cette analyse nous permettra de constater que dès 1974 le Canada disposait déjà des instruments juridiques nécessaires à la mise en oeuvre de l'AMF. Plus particulièrement, nous démontrerons que l'adhésion du Canada à l'AMF était des plus compatible avec la politique commerciale canadienne applicable au secteur du textile et du vêtement. Dans un second temps, nous verrons comment le Canada a mis en oeuvre et exécuté ses obligations internationales. Bien qu'il ait été favorable en principe à la libéralisation des échanges, le Canada s'est largement prévalu des dispositions de l’AMF pour protéger son industrie du textile et du vêtement. Pour ce faire, et à l'instar des grands pays importateurs, le Canada a conclu des ententes de restriction volontaire à l'exportation avec ses partenaires commerciaux et a exceptionnellement recouru à l'imposition d'un contingentement global des importations dans le cadre du GATT. De façon générale, force est de reconnaître que si le Canada a accordé une protection considérable à son industrie, il l'a fait dans le respect des dispositions de l'AMF.
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Kriger, Colleen. ""THE IMPORTANCE OF MANDE TEXTILES IN THE AFRICAN SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC TRADE, CA. 1680-1710"". Mande Studies 11, n.º 1 (2009): 1–21.

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Abstract: Production and trade of cotton textiles in West Africa go back at least a millennium, creating a 'cotton culture' that spawned centers producing cottons for export. This article focuses on a number of such centers that were located in the hinterlands of Senegambia and the Southern Rivers regions of the Upper Guinea Coast in the seventeenth century. Speakers of Mande languages were among the producers and traders of these textiles, which Europeans recognized as items that were essential in the coastal and trans-Atlantic trade. Archival sources documenting this trade reveal some of the names of the trade cloths, their prices, and their vital role as commodity currencies that paid for goods and services. Locally made cotton textiles were for the most part relatively lower in price than overseas imports and thus were able to successfully compete with them in the marketplace. En Afrique de l'Ouest, la production et le commerce des tissus de cotton remonteaumoins à un millénaire. En résultent une Œculture du coton qui voit le développement de centres de production pour l'exportation. Cet article traite de certains de ces centres situés dans l'arrière-pays de la Sénégambie et desRivières du Sud au XVIIème siècle. Des locuteurs de langue mande font partie desproducteurs et commerçants de ces textiles, considérés par les Européens commedes produits importants du commerce côtier et atlantique. Des sources d'archives mentionnent certaines informations: les noms de certaines pièces, leurs prix, et le rôle fondamental joué comme moyen de paiment pour les biens et les services. Produits localement, les textiles de coton étaient moins chers que les importations et pouvaient doncles concurrencer avec succès.
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Orain, Arnaud y Loïc Charles. "Vincent de Gournay, l’anti-Colbert ?" L'Histoire N° 516, n.º 2 (1 de febrero de 2024): 64–69.

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Bureau du commerce Institution, créée en 1700 et dissoute en 1791, où se discutait la majeure partie des politiques commerciales et économiques du royaume. Parmi les membres qui ont voix délibérative : les commissaires (ministres, maîtres des requêtes), les intendants du commerce et des finances, les inspecteurs généraux des manufactures, les représentants de la Ferme générale (le roi n’y siégeait pas). Indiennes Étoffes de coton peintes ou imprimées, fabriquées en Inde, puis imitées par les manufacturiers européens. L’importation des indiennes se développe à partir du XVII e siècle en France, malgré les interdictions.
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Diaw, M. T., A. Dieng, Guy Mergeai, A. Camara y J. L. Hornick. "effets de la substitution totale du tourteau d’arachide par la fève de coton glandless sur les performances zootechniques de poulets de chair au sénégal". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 65, n.º 1-2 (1 de enero de 2012): 17.

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Les performances de poulets de chair recevant un aliment dans lequel le tourteau d’arachide a été totalement substitué par la fève de coton glandless (FCG) ont été comparées à celles d’animaux recevant un aliment témoin expérimental (Tém_E), un aliment de commerce (Tém_C) et une ration de formulation très simple composée uniquement de maïs, de FCG, et de concentré minéral et vitaminé. Dès le démarrage, les animaux Tém_C et FCG ont présenté les meilleures croissances. Après 43 jours d’élevage, les différences de poids vifs ont été très importantes entre les lots, essentiellement suite aux différences de consommation alimentaire, de telle sorte que les meilleures vitesses de croissance n’ont pas été nécessairement liées à de meilleurs indices de consommation. De faibles performances pondérales, de faibles ingestions et des mortalités importantes ont été observées avec la ration simplifiée.
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Moukarzel, Pierre. "Le commerLe commerce de Venise aux ports de Tripoli et de Laodicée durant la première moitié du XVe sièclece de Venise aux ports de Tripoli et de Laodicée durant la première moitié du XVe siècle". Chronos 20 (30 de abril de 2019): 33–73.

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Des premières Croisades jusqu'à la veille des grandes découvertes à la fin du XVe siècle, les flottes des villes commerçantes européennes, et en particulier celles des Italiens, ont continué à fréquenter les principaux ports du Levant pour déposer marchands et marchandises. Cette activité a été stimulée par la possession d'avantages territoriaux et commerciaux de grande ampleur dans les villes dominées par les Latins. Le développement de l'activité commerciale de l'Europe avec la Syrie2 et l'Égypte a connu un grand essor grâce aux conditions favorables et des privilèges accordés par les sultans ayyoubides et mamelouks à partir des XIIe et XIIIe siècles. En 1291, avec la chute d'Acre et la perte des États latins sur le littoral syrien, le commerce entre l'Europe et le Levant a subi un coup très dur. Mais, dès le début du XIVe siècle et malgré les prohibitions pontificales, le commerce a repris avec les pays soumis au sultan et il a connu un élan croissant à partir de la seconde moitié de ce siècle et tout au long du siècle suivant. En Syrie, Beyrouth est le principal port à travers lequel s'effectuent les échanges commerciaux avec l'Europe. Mais il y avait d'autres ports de la côte syrienne qui ont connu une croissance progressive et ont pu, durant la première moitié du XVe siècle, concurrencer Beyrouth et devenir les principaux ports de Syrie du Nord pour le commerce du coton et des cendres avec l'Europe et particulièrement Venise : il s'agit de Tripoli (Tarâblous) et de Laodicée (Lâdhkiya).
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Lafleur, Gérard. "Liens commerciaux entres les Petites Antilles et l’Amérique du Nord sous l’Ancien régime". Dossier Antilles et Louisiane 32, n.º 2 (3 de noviembre de 2014): 13–39.

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La proximité géographique de l’Amérique du Nord, les possibilités offertes par les cultures du Nord-est du territoire, le besoin des productions coloniales, en faisaient naturellement un partenaire commercial naturel pour les Antilles à partir du moment où les colonies américaines s’étaient organisées et qu’une marine marchande locale pouvaient s’appuyer sur un arrière-pays agricole. Ce commerce était interdit par les deux puissances principales, qui tentaient de faire appliquer l'Exclusif en opposition avec leurs sujets américains (français et britanniques) qui voulaient faire des affaires les plus fructueuses possibles. Les puissances centrales, lointaines, n’avaient pas les moyens de l'interdire complètement. Les productions étaient complémentaires ; morue et boeuf salés, poissons séchés, farine, bois de construction (lumber), légumes secs d’une part, sucre, rhum, mélasses d’abord puis coton, cacao ensuite et café à partir des années 1730 d’autre part. Le commerce entre les colonies britanniques des Antilles et de l'Amérique du nord était naturellement autorisé mais il devint suspect à partir de 1770 au moment où la tension s'accentua entre la Grande-Bretagne et ses colonies nord américaines. Deux îles concentraient le commerce interlope dans la zone, Saint-Eustache (Statius) île néerlandaise située au centre des Petites Antilles et plus tardivement, Saint-Barthélemy devenue suédoise, pour les Petites Antilles et Saint-Thomas et Sainte-Croix, îles danoises dans les îles Vierges, proche des Grandes Antilles. Malgré les oppositions des métropoles, notamment la Grande-Bretagne et la France, le commerce avec l'Amérique du Nord se développa clandestinement en utilisant toutes les ressources de l'interlope et les autorités locales mirent beaucoup de mauvaise volonté à exercer la répression préconisée par les métropoles. Après la Guerre de Sept Ans et l’occupation des territoires français par les Anglais, puis surtout après la Guerre d’Amérique et la naissance des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, alliés de la France, la situation changea et le commerce put se développer sans entraves avec les Nord-américains par les ports d’entrepôts mais aussi grâce à des pratiques clandestines favorisées par les règlements. La Révolution stoppa cette coopération car l’Etat américain choisit le camp Anglais sous la pression de l’administration britannique à l’inverse des habitants des ports qui adhérèrent aux idées de la Révolution et qui restaient fidèles à leurs anciennes amitiés. Après 1794, avec la politique agressive de Victor Hugues, les alliances se renversèrent et les Américains devinrent, provisoirement, les ennemis à combattre mais le commerce avec l’Amérique du nord reprit de plus belle au XIXe siècle.
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Bresc, Henri. "Jong-Kuk Nam Le commerce du coton en Méditerranée à la fin du Moyen Âge Leyde, Brill, 2007, XVI-567p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 66, n.º 3 (septiembre de 2011): 847–48.

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Reyerson, Kathryn L. "Jong‐Kuk Nam . Le commerce du coton en Méditerranée à la fin du Moyen Age . Boston : Brill . 2007 . Pp. xvi, 567. $184.00." American Historical Review 115, n.º 2 (abril de 2010): 600.

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Balineau, Gaëlle. "Le renforcement des organisations de producteurs de coton au Mali: enjeux, impact et leçons du commerce équitable pour la privatisation de la filière". Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement 32, n.º 3 (septiembre de 2011): 297–312.

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Koutzakiotis, Georges. "Un représentant d'États européens dans l'arriète-pays ottoman. Le cas de Sponty à Serrès (fin XVIIIe-début XIXe siècle)". Historical Review/La Revue Historique 5 (13 de enero de 2009): 95.

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<p>La domination des commer&ccedil;ants chr&eacute;tiens orthodoxes, dans l'arri&egrave;re-pays balkanique de l'Empire ottoman, et celle des Europ&eacute;ens, dans les &Eacute;chelles du Levant, pendant le XVIIIe si&egrave;cle, sont aujourd'hui bien connues. Cependant, les Europ&eacute;ens essay&egrave;rent, d&eacute;j&agrave; depuis le m&ecirc;me si&egrave;cle, d'&eacute;tendre leur rayon d'action &agrave; l'int&eacute;rieur de l'Empire, en &eacute;tablissant des sujets non-ottomans comme agents commerciaux et consulaires et en &eacute;cartant ainsi les interm&eacute;diaires autochtones. Un de ces premiers essais, plus exactement de la part de l'Autriche et de la France, eut lieu &agrave; Serr&egrave;s, centre &eacute;conomique important des Balkans gr&acirc;ce au commerce du coton. Michel Sponty, prot&eacute;g&eacute; <em>(beratlı)</em> de la France d'origine v&eacute;nitienne, fut le seul de ces agents commerciaux et consulaires qui r&eacute;ussit finalement &agrave; s'enraciner dans la soci&eacute;t&eacute; de Serr&egrave;s, en renon&ccedil;ant pourtant &agrave; son identit&eacute; franco-levantine et en adoptant celle des commer&ccedil;ants dominants, c'est-&agrave;-dire l'identit&eacute; du chr&eacute;tien orthodoxe.</p>
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Coulibaly, Doubangolo, Charles-Henri Moulin, René Poccard Chapuis, Géraldine Morin, S. I. Sidibé y Christian Corniaux. "Evolution des stratégies d'alimentation des élevages bovins dans le bassin d'approvisionnement en lait de la ville de Sikasso au Mali". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 60, n.º 1-4 (1 de enero de 2007): 103.

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Au cours des dernières décennies, l’alimentation des bovins est devenue la principale contrainte après la maîtrise des épizooties. Une étude a été conduite dans la zone périurbaine de Sikasso, ville moyenne en zone cotonnière du Mali, pour caractériser les évolutions de l’alimentation des troupeaux chez les éleveurs commercialisant du lait en ville. Des enquêtes rétrospectives ont été menées auprès de 27 responsables de troupeau pour cerner les changements de pratiques dans le long terme. Un suivi d’une année dans 14 troupeaux a permis de caractériser et quantifier les pratiques d’alimentation et la production de lait. Quatre stratégies d’alimentation des élevages bovins ont été distinguées : 1) troupeaux sédentaires, alimentés au pâturage, complémentation très faible ciblant plutôt les boeufs de labour et les jeunes ; 2) troupeaux sédentaires, alimentés au pâturage, faible soutien de la production laitière ; 3) troupeaux transhumants, avec allotement des laitières restant sur le terroir pour vendre du lait en ville, faible soutien de la production laitière ; 4) troupeaux au pâturage, éloignés de la ville ; laitières en ville, avec recours important aux concentrés. Le recours à une mobilité croissante est lié à la réduction de l’espace pastoral autour de la ville. La complémentation, fondée sur le stockage de biomasse fourragère et surtout l’achat de concentrés, a été facilité chez les agropasteurs par les avances sur les recettes du coton ou du lait mais a du mal à se pérenniser. L’utilisation des revenus du commerce a cependant permis à quelques éleveurs habitant en ville de développer un troupeau de laitières améliorées, avec une forte utilisation de la complémentation.
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Duteurtre, Guillaume y A. Atteyeh. "Le lait à Moundou, témoin de l'intégration marchande des systèmes pastoraux au sud du Tchad". Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 53, n.º 3 (1 de marzo de 2000): 299.

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Depuis 1980, l'importance de l'élevage dans la zone soudanienne du Tchad n'a cessé de croître à cause, notamment, de la descente de troupeaux transhumants du centre du pays vers le sud. L'approvisionnement des villes et des villages de la zone en produits laitiers représente une activité importante pour ces élevages. C'est sur cette base que se sont stabilisées des populations d'éleveurs pastoraux autour de la ville de Moundou. Ces élevages peuvent-ils répondre de manière durable à l'augmentation rapide de la demande urbaine ? Ces systèmes d'élevage se modifient-ils sous l'effet de l'intégration au marché ? Des enquêtes auprès de producteurs laitiers périurbains, de transformateurs laitiers, de commerçants et de consommateurs ont permis de mieux comprendre l'organisation de la filière. Les résultats ont souligné le dynamisme du commerce des produits laitiers traditionnels et l'importance des flux de produits entre les campements périurbains Peuls et les marchés de la ville (plus de 5 000 litres par jour). Ces systèmes d'élevage ont d'ailleurs révélé des capacités d'adaptation au nouveau contexte marchand, tout en restant attachés à leur mobilité, même sur de faibles distances. D'autre part, la filière est apparue fortement dynamisée par le secteur de la transformation laitière urbaine (fromagers et bars laitiers). Enfin, la concurrence des importations est assez faible en raison de l'enclavement de la zone et de la préférence des consommateurs pour les produits traditionnels. Cette présence de l'élevage pastoral n'est cependant pas exempte de problèmes, comme celui concernant l'occupation de l'espace. Les résultats de cette étude soulignent les besoins de renforcer les initiatives de concertation entre éleveurs et agriculteurs, de favoriser une organisation plus efficace du marché du tourteau de coton et le développement des petits ateliers de transformation.
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Arnoux, Mathieu. "Jong-Kuk Nam , Le commerce du coton en Méditerranée à la fin du Moyen Âge , Leyde–Boston, Brill, 2007 ; 1 vol., xvi –567 p. ( The Medieval Mediterranean , 68). ISBN : 978-90-04-16226-6. Prix : € 129,00". Le Moyen Age Tome CXX, n.º 3 (15 de abril de 2015): XIX.

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Terrier, Didier. "Deux approches novatrices de l'histoire économique des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles : S. Chassagne, Le coton et ses patrons, France, 1760-1840 ; J.-P. Hirsch, Les deux rêves du commerce. Entreprise et institution dans la région lilloise, 1780-1860". Revue du Nord 76, n.º 305 (1994): 411–28.

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Hanifah, Tadzky y Jupriani Jupriani. "ANALISIS KUALITAS WEBSITE E-COMMERCE BERDASARKAN PRINSIP DESAIN WEB". DEKAVE : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual 10, n.º 3 (15 de junio de 2020): 448.

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The aim of this study was describe the quality of the e-commerce website based on the principles of web design in the book The Principle of Beautiful Web Design by Jason Beaird. Research determines better about the focus on design and layout design in terms of Defining Good Design, Web Page Anatomy, Grid Theory, Balance, Unity, Emphasis, Bread and Butter Layout, dan Resizing Layouts. Objects of research This is the Cotton Ink website which is an original Indonesian brand based in South Jakarta. This research will produce a picture of the quality of the composition and layout of the Cotton Ink E-Commerce website. From this review will get a good website review and can be an example for web designers and web developers in creating e-commerce websites.Researchers used descriptive qualitative methods. The data collected consists of words and images using the technique of gathering with informants. In explaining data information, researchers explain it by displaying images from the screen display of various pages on the Cotton Ink website.The results of the study can be concluded from the Ink Cotton web site that has met the criteria of a good website in the composition and layout categories that depend on the front page of several criteria that have not yet met the requirements. Based on a personal review of this web site designed by adjusting the target market of Cotton Ink products. Can be seen from the use of color, structuring content and information content in accordance with the target market for Cotton Ink products.Key words : layout and composition, web design, e-commerce, persona
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Nadri, Ghulam. "Exploring the Gulf of Kachh: Regional Economy and Trade in the Eighteenth Century". Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 51, n.º 3 (2008): 460–86.

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AbstractThis paper explores the economic dynamics of the Gulf of Kachh littoral in the eighteenth century. First, the region's production and trade potential is foregrounded by examining the scale and scope of its major products—cotton and textiles—and by tracking the inland and overseas commercial networks. The politico-economic crisis in Gujarat and the ensuing relocation of merchants and manufacturers combined with the rise of the Omani commercial empire served as the context for the mid-century expansion in the commerce of the Gulf of Kachh. Second, the development of the Dutch commercial interaction with this region will be analyzed from the perspective of the Dutch East India Company's trade at Surat in connection with the growing English influence in the Arabian Sea. Cette contribution explore deux principaux aspects de la vitalité économique du littoral du Golfe de Cutch au dix-huitième siècle. Premièrement, le potentiel de production et de commerce de la région est souligné en examinant l'importance et l'éventail des produits principaux échangés, notamment des cotons et des tissus, et en suivant les réseaux d'échanges terrestres et maritimes La crise socio-économique qui frappe le Gujarat au début de ce siècle et le déplacement des marchands et manufacturiers qui en découle, mais également la montée de la puissance commerciale omanaise, permettent en effet l'essor commercial du Golfe de Cutch au milieu du siècle. Deuxièmement, le développement de l'interaction commerciale entre cette région et la Compagnie néerlandaise des Indes orientales est relevé. La présence de cette compagnie au Golfe est mise en perspective avec ses activités à Surat et l'influence anglaise grandissante en mer d'Arabie.
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Abubakar, Muhammad, Muhammad Sheeraz, Muhammad Sajid, Yasir Mehmood, Humaira Jamil, Muhammad Irfan y Muhammad Shahid. "Analysis of Cotton Value Chain in Pakistan: Identifying the Process and Critical Factors in Sustainable Agribusinesses". Journal of Arable Crops and Marketing 5, n.º 2 (28 de diciembre de 2023): 63–74.

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Pakistan is currently among the top five exporting nations of cotton worldwide and being the third-largest exporter of cotton and its byproducts, Pakistan earns a significant amount of foreign exchange in this way. The study aimed to depict cotton value chain process in Pakistan and to identify the critical factors contributing toward the cotton value chain process. This paper delves into the concept, methodology, benefits, and challenges associated with value chain, along with real-world examples of its successful implementation. The study followed a descriptive research design and utilized secondary data published by USDA Cotton and Products Annual Report, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan. The study mapped cotton value chain and critical factors in the process. In addition, the study offered useful insights and policy implications for government officials and practitioners, which would help them enhance the process of the cotton value chain. There are a few limitations to the study that can be removed in further research in order to arrive at more accurate findings.
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Burris, Gene, Kevin Ratchford, J. B. Graves, A. M. Pavloff y B. R. Leonard. "Temik 15G and Nemacur 15G In-Furrow Rate Test on Delta (Commerce Silt Loam) Soil, 1986". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 12, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1987): 228.

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Abstract Temik 15G and Nemacur 15G were tested at 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 lb Al/acre for control of thrips and aphids on seedling cotton. Orthene 80SP seed treatments (6.4 oz (AI)/100 lb seed) with and without Terraclor Super × (TSX) and blended Di-Syston + TSX were included for comparison. Test plots were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design, at the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, LA. Plot size was 4 rows (40 inch spacing) × 65 ft. Cotton was planted on 30 Apr and fertilized with 90 lb N/acre applied preplant. Test treatments were applied in-furrow at planting with a John Deere 7100 planter, equipped with granular application split boxes. Terraclor Super × (Terraclor 1.0 lb + Terrazole 0.25 lb (AI)/acre) was applied with the Temik 15G and Nemacur 15G treatments, and one of the seed treatments, as a standard fungicide treatment for delta conditions. The Di-Syston treatment was a commercial blend with TSX. Major pest and/or secondary pest treatments were initiated in Jun and maintained on an 'as needed' basis through Aug. The effects of the test treatments on thrips and cotton aphids were measured by washing insects from 10 seedling cotton plants/plot onto 200 mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm) and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope. Leaf area measurements were made on 22 and 29 May with a Licor leaf area machine, measuring all leaves from 5 plants/plot that were removed from the field and immediately processed. Stand data were taken from the middle 2 rows of each plot in 20 ft flagged sections on 4 Jun. Plant height of 20 randomly selected plants within each plot was measured on 4 Jun. Yields were determined by solid picking the 4 row plots with a mechanical harvester on 20 Sep and 7 Oct.
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Vognan, Gaspard y Michel Fok. "Performance différenciée du coton Bt en début de diffusion : cas du Burkina Faso". Cahiers Agricultures 28 (2019): 26.

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L’avantage économique des cultures transgéniques pour les producteurs des pays en développement reste un sujet de préoccupation et de controverse. Seules quelques études ont pris en compte les différences entre producteurs pour comprendre les performances variables des cultures transgéniques, notamment dans le cas du coton Bt incorporant des gènes de la bactérie Bacillus thuringiensis pour la résistance à certains ravageurs du coton. Notre étude d’évaluation concerne le Burkina Faso où la diffusion à grande échelle du coton Bt a commencé en 2009 et a été suspendue en 2016. Elle aborde plus particulièrement les pratiques des producteurs, dans des exploitations différenciées selon le niveau d’équipement en culture attelée, la première année d’adoption à grande échelle du coton Bt et de diffusion de recommandations adaptées de traitement insecticide. Nous avons trouvé que le coton Bt augmentait les rendements, mais dans une moindre mesure que prévu ; de plus, une augmentation de la rentabilité n’a été observée que dans les exploitations bien équipées en culture attelée (les plus aisées), mais pas pour les autres, plus démunies et représentant 58 % des producteurs. Cela résulte des stratégies des producteurs démunis consistant à réduire les dépenses monétaires pour les engrais minéraux et les insecticides, stratégies exacerbées par le prix élevé des semences de coton Bt. Le cas étudié indique que les premiers impacts d’une nouvelle technologie dépendent de son prix et de la prise en compte, ou pas, du comportement des producteurs les plus démunis.
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Wilder, Courtney. "Black Bodies, White Gold: Art, Cotton, and Commerce in the Atlantic World". Textile History 54, n.º 1 (2 de enero de 2023): 145–47.

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Suriyati, Suriyati. "Desain Perancangan E-Commerce Kain Tenun Lombok Desa Sukarara Lombok Tengah". To Maega | Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 2, n.º 2 (14 de septiembre de 2019): 36.

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Lombok is songket woven fabric which has embossed on cotton yarn, threads of silver or gold thread. Songket weaving craft that is learned by the women Sasak is a type of traditional weaving craft. Starting from the yarn manufacturing, dyeing, to the manufacture of woven fabrics, all done the old fashioned way. To make a yarn that will be used for weaving using natural materials, such as fiber pineapple, banana fiber, cotton, and bark. As for the dye, using natural dyes from ingredients that are also naturally anyway. To produce songket cloth of a width of 1.2 m and 2 m in length takes 2-4 weeks. Motif used in the manufacture of songket is a legacy handed down that are not allowed to diseberluaskan. It is said that the traditional songket motifs from village Lombok Sukarara reached more than 100 patterns. Nothing is recorded or drawn details, unless stored in the form of a master to learn generations to come. This study uses qualitative research aimed at understanding more deeply to a problem that is studied. This study investigates the problems in marketing and promoting traditional handicrafts woven Sasak by breaking factor in using fishbone diagrams. Woven Songket generated Lombok society is very unique, because here there is a meeting of western and eastern. Technically, the second meeting of the area led to the integration in other areas in Indonesia that did not exist. Along with the development, songket cloth or woven cloth Lombok has developed the idea, both in terms of the motive and the enrichment of the author, to give birth to works of Neat and very attractive to domestic and foreign tourists. Innovation targeted in this study is an application of e-commerce in helping to market, promote and manage sales songket online.
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Partridge, Arun, Mark Rother, Katherine Enright, Leonard Kaizer, Jeffrey A. Myers, Cindy L. Quinton, Sudhashree Rajagopal y Elizabeth Laureen Strevel. "Time to adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) in stage III colon cancer at a community cancer center: A quality improvement initiative." Journal of Clinical Oncology 31, n.º 15_suppl (20 de mayo de 2013): e17503-e17503.

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e17503 Background: The standard of care for stage III colon cancer remains 5FU based AC. In clinical trial settings, this begins within 56 days of surgery. Recently a meta-analysis suggested that delays to starting chemotherapy are associated with inferior outcomes and the goal should be to commence AC as soon as feasible. Our objective was to assess the time to starting AC for referred patients to our center and to identify modifiable factors which may be improve upon to reduce delays. Methods: All patients referred to our center with stage III colon cancer who received at least 1 cycle of intravenous AC between Jan.1, 2010 and Dec.31, 2010 were identified. Patient characteristics and time intervals between surgery, Medical Oncology referral, Medical Oncology consultation and initiation of AC were assessed. Results: The total number of patients is 43. Median time to initiation of AC from surgery was 60 days with a range of 29-118 days. Only 32% of patients commenced AC within 56 days of surgery. The intervals of time from surgery to Medical Oncology referral and Medical Oncology consultation to initiation of AC were similar with a median of 25 and 26 days respectively. The median time interval from Medical Oncology referral to Medical Oncology consultation was only 9 days. The bulk of the interval for initiation of AC after seeing a Medical Oncologist was for placement of central intravenous (CIV) devices which took a median of 19 days. Conclusions: The majority of our patients do not start AC within an accepted timeframe. Most of the delay is related to the interval taken to request a consultation to Medical Oncology by the surgeon and to Medical Oncology access to CIV devices. Educational programs geared to referring surgeons which stress the importance of timely AC can help and are being initiated. Further options such as pre booking CIV devices and colon cancer patient-specific nurse navigators to try and streamline the processes and reduce their delays are being explored. [Table: see text]
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Levi, Scott. "India, Russia and the Eighteenth-Century Transformation of the Central Asian Caravan Trade". Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 42, n.º 4 (1999): 519–48.

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AbstractThis work challenges the widely accepted notion that eighteenth-century Central Asia was economically isolated and culturally stagnant. The author augments recent scholarly achievements with research in primary sources to demonstrate that, throughout the eighteenth century, Central Asia continued to function as an important conduit for overland Eurasian commerce. Available evidence suggests that Central Asia's role in Eurasian commerce during this period was, indeed, transformed by changing Eurasian commercial dynamics. This work argues, however, that rather than being a product of the European Companies' domination of commercial activities in the Indian Ocean, these transformations stemmed from Russia's emergence as an important economic and military power in the region and a corresponding increase in Russian demand for Indian cotton and textiles, largely acquired through the mediation of Central Asian caravan merchants. Whereas these transformations may have resulted in economic decline for some parts of Central Asia, they may also be attributed with intensifying economic activity in other, previously peripheral areas.
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Godden, Chris. "Lancashire Trade, University Work: The University of Manchester and the Regional Economy, c.1930–39". Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100, n.º 2 (20 de diciembre de 2024): 75–95.

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This article explores some overlooked aspects of the University of Manchester’s efforts in the 1930s to support Lancashire’s industry and commerce. Two examples are considered: ‘realistic economic research’ conducted by the Economics Research Section into Lancashire’s post-war economic problems, and the reintroduction of Chinese studies aimed at supporting Lancashire cotton merchants. While the successes of both endeavours were limited, the article concludes by briefly considering the legacy of such efforts on the university’s research philosophy, particularly through the introduction of the Simon Fund in 1944.
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Papantzikos, Vasileios, Spiridon Mantzoukas, Alexandra Koutsompina, Evangelia M. Karali, Panagiotis A. Eliopoulos, Dimitrios Servis, Stergios Bitivanos y George Patakioutas. "Use of Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Strains as Gossypium hirsutum Seed Coatings: Evaluation of the Bioinsecticidal and Biostimulant Effects in Semi-Field Conditions". Agronomy 14, n.º 10 (10 de octubre de 2024): 2335.

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There are many challenges in cotton cultivation, which are mainly linked to management practices and market demands. The textile commerce requirements are increasing but the effects of climate change on cotton cultivation are becoming an issue, as its commercial development depends significantly on the availability of favorable climatic parameters and the absence of insect pests. In this research, it was studied whether the use of two commercial strains as cotton seed coatings could effectively contribute to the previous obstacles. The experiment was carried out in semi-field conditions at the University of Ioannina. It used a completely randomized design and lasted for 150 days. The following treatments were tested: (a) coated seeds with a commercial strain of Beauveria bassiana (Velifer®); (b) coated seeds with a combination of Velifer® and a commercial strain of Beauveria bassiana (Selifer®); and (c) uncoated cotton seeds (control). The biostimulant effect of the two seed coatings was assessed against the growth characteristics of cotton, and the total chlorophyll and proline content. The bioinsecticidal effect was evaluated by measuring the population of Aphis gossypii on the cotton leaves. The proline effect increased by 15% in the treated plants, whereas the total chlorophyll was higher in the use of both Velifer® and Velifer®–Selifer® treatments by 32% and 19%, respectively. Aphid populations also decreased in the treated plants compared to the control plants (29.9% in Velifer® and 22.4% in Velifer®–Selifer®). Based on an assessment of the above parameters, it follows that the two seed coatings can significantly enhance the growth performance of cotton and reduce the abundance of A. gossypii.
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ABSTRAK Tapis cloth is a traditional clothing of the Lampung tribe in the form of a sarong made of woven cotton yarn with motifs such as natural, flora and fauna motifs. Tapis cloth is made of woven cotton yarn with a willing motif or decoration, silver thread or gold thread with an embroidery system. The materials used are sanwos or woven fabrics, cotton threads and gold or silver threads, and pempek. Community Service Activities carried out by the STAI Darussalam PKM Team in Lampung were carried out in Rajabasa Lama Village, Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung Regency, which is one of the typical Lampung filter fabric craftsman villages that still uses traditional manufacturing techniques. Which so far, is still marketed traditionally at a fairly low price. This causes less than optimal marketing. The research approach used in this community service is participation-based research known as Participatory action research (PAR). Community Service Activities, starting from FGDs, Training and Assistance in the Utilization of E-Commerce, which are carried out are not only limited to carrying out one of the Tridharma of Higher Education, but together with community groups can provide the widest possible benefits to the community, namely the results of filter crafts from the village. Rajabasa Lama can be better known by the wider community so that it can increase sales results and can contribute to improving the community's economy.
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Burris, Gene, J. B. Graves, A. M. Pavloff y B. R. Leonard. "Midseason Control of Aphids in Cotton with Selected Insecticides, 1987". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 13, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1988): 235.

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Abstract DPL 41' cotton was planted 12 May on a commerce silt loam soil at the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, La. Plots were 8 rows (40 inches wide) × 65 ft and were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design. All seed was custom treated with Orthene 80S (6.4 oz [AI]/cwt) and Terraclor Super × fungicide (0.25 + 1.0 lb [AI]/ acre) was applied during planting. Treatments were applied with a high-clearance sprayer equipped with a compressed-air system for spraying small plots, delivering 2.5 gal/acre with 2 X-3 hollow-cone nozzles/row. All treatments were applied on 10 Jul. Aphid populations were estimated 3 and 7 days after treatment (DAT) by randomly collecting 10 leaves (3rd fully developed terminal leaf)/plot, washing the insects from the leaves onto 300-mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm), and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope.
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J.Sriram, S. Vallal Kannan, T.Ragavan, S.Sheeba y B.Sivasankari. "Mechanization in Cotton Farming: Addressing Labor Shortages and Enhancing Productivity in India". Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 30, n.º 10 (8 de octubre de 2024): 617–30.

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Cotton is a globally significant crop, playing a vital role in both the agricultural and industrial economy. Cotton is a crucial raw material for the textile and apparel industries, driving international trade and commerce. Its global demand influences market dynamics, trade policies, and economies worldwide. The cotton industry provides livelihoods for millions of people, particularly in developing countries, from farming to manufacturing, making it a key source of employment globally. In India, approximately 59% of the raw material for India's textile industry comes from cotton. However, cotton cultivation is challenged by lower yields and high costs associated with various operations such as sowing, weed management, pest control, and harvesting. Mechanization significantly improves cotton yield and profitability by enhancing efficiency, reducing labor, and enabling the cultivation of larger areas with better resource utilization. Precision tools like seed-cum-fertilizer drills and mechanized planters ensure optimal seed placement and spacing, boosting plant health and yield potential. Additionally, mechanized harvesting reduces labor costs, minimizes harvest losses, and ensures better-quality cotton, leading to higher market returns and overall profitability. The innovative concept of High Density Planting Systems (HDPS) shows great potential for improving yields, particularly in rainfed cotton. This system involves planting five to ten plants per square meter, which enhances yield and is compatible with mechanized operations for seeding, weeding, pest management, and harvesting. The key objective of using improved sowing equipment is to achieve precise seed distribution within the row, facilitating operations like weeding and fertilizing at predetermined distances and depths. Proper seed placement by planters is critical to achieving optimal germination. Implementing efficient mechanical weeders could motivate small-scale farmers, boosting production and reducing poverty. A power weeder, a mechanized tool commonly used for preparing soil beds, offers significant savings in time, labor, and fuel. Furthermore, the adoption of mechanical cotton pickers would help ensure timely harvesting operations, increasing yields and contributing to higher cotton production. India’s low cotton productivity can be attributed to the limited adoption of modern agronomic practices and the low level of mechanization. Embracing these innovations could lead to significant improvements in the cotton sector Cotton pickers and strippers play a vital role in modern, large-scale cotton cultivation by significantly reducing harvesting time and labor costs, making them indispensable for efficient operations. These machines increase productivity by enabling faster harvesting across larger areas, minimizing the reliance on manual labor, which can be costly and scarce. Additionally, they reduce harvest losses and enhance yield by ensuring more cotton is collected with minimal waste. Cotton pickers, being gentler, help preserve fiber quality, while strippers are ideal for bulk harvesting in regions growing lower-grade cotton. Overall, mechanized harvesting ensures timely and efficient cotton collection, improving both yield and quality.
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Burris, Gene, J. B. Graves, A. M. Pavloff y B. R. Leonard. "Control of Thrips and Aphids on Seedling Cotton with Temik and Thimet, 1987". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 13, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1988): 236.

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Abstract The efficacy of Temik and Thimet was evaluated at 3 rates, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 lb (AI)/acre, with and without Terraclor Super-X (TSX) at the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, La. Orthene 80S seed treatments, 6.4 oz (AI)/cwt, were used as controls. Test plots were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design, and were 4 rows (40- inch spacing) × 65 ft. Cotton was planted on 13 May on a commerce silt loam soil, which was fertilized before planting with 60 lb/acre of nitrogen. Test treatments were applied in furrow with a John Deere 7100 planter equipped with granular applicator split boxes. Major and secondary pest treatments were initiated in June and maintained as needed through August. Treatment efficacy for thrips and cotton aphids was measured by washing insects from 10 seedling cotton plants/plot onto 300-mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm), and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope. Collections and observations on these pests were made on 4, 10, and 15 Jun. Data on populations are reported as the mean no./25 plants sampled across dates. Stand and skip data were recorded by counting all plants and skips 18 inches or greater on the center two rows. Yield was estimated by harvesting the two center rows with a mechanical harvester on 10 and 22 Oct.
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Sharples, Joseph. "‘The Visible Embodiment of Modern Commerce’: Speculative Office Buildings in Liverpool, c. 1780–1870". Architectural History 61 (2018): 131–73.

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AbstractAs one of the world's great centres of trade, the port of Liverpool developed a dedicated office district from an early date. In the 1780s, lettable offices were built by the Corporation near the Georgian Exchange (later known as the Town Hall), making possible the separation of home and workplace. The creation of the public square called Exchange Flags, and the erection of the first Exchange Buildings (1803–08), led to the rapid concentration of business activity in the surrounding streets. Early buildings combined offices with warehousing, but changes in the cotton trade resulted in their replacement with offices only. The first major speculative block was India Buildings (1833), and its success heralded a wave of rebuilding from the 1840s to the 1860s. Many office developers were merchants, but banks and insurance companies also incorporated lettable space into their premises. Classical styles predominated, but traditional fenestration was modified to ensure good natural lighting. The result was an exceptionally imposing business district, symbolising the immense commercial importance of Victorian Liverpool.
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Burris, Gene, Kevin Ratchford, J. B. Graves, A. M. Pavloff y B. R. Leonard. "Control of Thrips and Aphids on Seedling Cotton with Granular In-Furrow Insecticides and Seed Treat-Ments, 1986". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 12, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1987): 227.

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Abstract The efficacy of an experimental granular organophosphate insecticide on thrips and cotton aphids was compared to Temik 15G, Furadan 15G, Lance 15G and Orthene 80SP seed treatments at the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, LA. Test plots were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design, and were 4 rows (40 inch spacing) × 65 ft. Cotton was planted on 30 Apr on a commerce silt loam soil fertilized (pre-plant) with 90 lb N/acre. Test treatments were applied in-furrow at planting with a John Deere 7100 planter, equipped with granular applicator split boxes. Terraclor Super × (Terraclor 1.0 lb + Terrazole 0.25 lb Al/acre) was applied with each granular treatment, and one of the seed treatments, as a standard fungicide treatment. Major pest and/or secondary pest treatments were initiated in Jun and maintained on a 'as needed' basis through Aug. Efficacy of the various treatments on thrips and cotton aphids was measured by washing insects from 10 seedling cotton plants/plot onto 200 mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm) and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope. Leaf measurements were made on 5 Jun with a Licor leaf area machine, measuring all leaves from 5 plants/plot that were removed from the field and immediately processed. Stand data were taken from the 2 middle rows of each plot in 20 ft flagged sections on 4 and 20 Jun. Plant height of 20 randomly selected plants within each plot was measured on 4 Jun. Yields were determined by solid picking the 4 row plots with a mechanical harvester on 20 Sep and 7 Oct.
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Burris, Gene, J. B. Graves, A. M. Pavloff y B. R. Leonard. "In-Furrow Systemic Insecticide-Nematicide Test, 1987". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 13, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1988): 234.

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Abstract Counter, Furadan, Lance, Temik, and Di-Syston were compared as infurrow systemics in a test at the Northeast Research Station, St. Joseph, La. Terraclor Super-X (TSX) was applied with all in-furrow systemics as a standard fungicide. Orthene 80S seed treatments, 6.4 oz (AI)/acre, were used as controls. Test plots were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design, and were 4 rows (40-inch spacing) × 65 ft. Cotton was planted on 14 May on a commerce silt loam soil, which was fertilized with 60 lb/acre of nitrogen. Test treatments were applied in furrow with a John Deere 7100 planter equipped with granular applicator split boxes. Major pest or secondary pest treatments were initiated in June and maintained on an as-needed treatment basis through August. Treatment efficacy for thrips and cotton aphids was measured by washing insects from 10 seedling cotton plants/plot onto 300-mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm), and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope. Collections and observations on these pests were made 3, 9, and 24 Jun. Data on populations are reported as the mean number/25 plants sampled across dates. Stand and skip data were recorded by counting all plants and skips 18 inches or greater on the center 2 rows. Yields were estimated by harvesting the 2 center rows of each plot with a mechanical harvester on 10 and 23 Oct.
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Charles, Graham W., Brian M. Sindel, Annette L. Cowie y Oliver G. G. Knox. "Determining the critical period for grass control in high-yielding cotton using Japanese millet as a mimic weed". Weed Technology 34, n.º 2 (11 de diciembre de 2019): 292–300.

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AbstractField studies were conducted over five seasons from 2004 to 2015 to determine the critical period for weed control (CPWC) in high-yielding, irrigated cotton using a competitive mimic grass weed, Japanese millet. Japanese millet was planted with or after cotton emergence at densities of 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 plants m−2. Japanese millet was added and removed at approximately 0, 150, 300, 450, 600, 750, and 900 degree days of crop growth (GDD). Data were combined over years. Japanese millet competed strongly with cotton, with season-long interference resulting in an 84% reduction in cotton yield with 200 Japanese millet plants m−2. The data were fit to extended Gompertz and logistic curves including weed density as a covariate, allowing a dynamic CPWC to be estimated for densities of 10 to 200 Japanese millet plants m−2. Using a 1% yield-loss threshold, the CPWC commenced at 65 GDD, corresponding to 0 to 7 d after crop emergence (DAE), and ended at 803 GDD, 76 to 98 DAE with 10 Japanese millet plants m−2, and 975 GDD, 90 to 115 DAE with 200 Japanese millet plants m−2. These results highlight the high level of weed control required throughout the cropping season in high-yielding cotton to ensure crop losses do not exceed the cost of weed control.
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Dale, Zay. "Black Bodies, White Gold: Art, Cotton, and Commerce in the Atlantic World by Anna Arabindan-Kesson (review)". Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 55, n.º 1 (marzo de 2022): 153–56.

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Lichtenstein, Nelson. "The Return of Merchant Capitalism". International Labor and Working-Class History 81 (2012): 8–27.

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AbstractTo understand the economic character, transnational politics, and labor regime characteristic of contemporary globalization, it is useful to revisit the concept of “merchant capitalism,” a form of market exchange that dominated trade in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Then as now, commodities proved crucial to world commerce, merchants held the whip hand over manufacturers, while workers found their remuneration and working conditions subject to competitive pressures that often debased their status. The transnational retailers who today dominate so many global supply chains therefore play many of the same roles as did the antebellum merchants of New York and Liverpool who favored free trade and formed an alliance with those who deployed unfree labor to grow the cotton and other commodities upon which the trading system of their day was built.
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Puri, Randhir, MB Bellad y JC Shravage. "Cotton (Umbilical) Tape as Suture Material for Cervical Cerclage: A Case Series". Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2, n.º 2 (2010): 127–28.

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ABSTRACT Introduction The present case series was an attempt to find out cotton (umbilical) tape usefulness as suture material for cervical encerclage as it is presterilized, easily visible and economical. Methods Objective To determine utility of cotton tape as suture material for cervical cerclage. Study design: A case series. Place KLES Hospital and District Hospital, Belgaum. Period 1997 to 2001. Inclusion criteria Singleton pregnancy, gestational age by USG (14-26 weeks), H/o 2nd trimester abortions, H/o Pre-term labor, elective cerclage. Exclusion criteria Medical diseases, multiple pregnancy, emergency encerclage, fetal anomalies by USG, not willing to provide consent. Outcome Gestational age at delivery, fetal survival, morbidity [white discharge per vagina (PV), cervical dystocia, puerperal pyrexia]. Intervention Cerclage with cotton tape. Technique Modified Mc Donald's: The suture is commenced from the posterior surface of the cervix and knot is put in the posterior surface. Results 89.3% (25 women) had term deliveries, i.e. 37 to 40 weeks, 7.1% (2 women) had spontaneous delivery at 36 weeks and one women (3.6%) had pre-term delivery at 30 weeks with the fetal survival was 96.4%. Conclusion The present case series proves that the simple economical cotton (umbilical) tape is effective as a suture material for cervical encerclage. However a larger randomized trial can confirm these findings.
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Miss Shaziya Nausheen Jaleel Ahmed, Dr. Bachhav Nandkishor Bhagchand y Dr. Uttam P. Suryawanshi. "Environmental Assessment Cotton Dust in Malegaon City Maharashtra Textile Industries and Its Impact on Human Health". International Research Journal on Advanced Engineering and Management (IRJAEM) 6, n.º 07 (27 de julio de 2024): 2430–36.

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The world's second-largest commerce after agriculture is textiles. India gains foreign commerce appreciations to its textiles sector. The operations involved in spinning, weaving, dying, printing, and finishing other procedures necessary to transform the fiber into a finished fabric or garment comprise the fabric production process. The industry, which employs between eight and one million people, is undoubtedly one of the biggest in our nation. There are few fabric turbines in the northern and southern parts of the nation, but the majority are located in the western part of the country, in places like Ahmedabad and Mumbai. Within the nation's financial system, the textile industry is quite important. An important part of the nation's economy is the fabric sector. 10% of worldwide income comes from it, while 20% of all company labour is directly employed by it. India’s textile sector has become more productive as a result of automation and ongoing expansion. As a result, the need for more raw resources damages the ecosystem. This study examines the effects of Malegaon City's textile industry on the environment and public health. It was determined that loud noises and cotton dust production are the main ways textile mechanical processes impact the work environment. This study's aims are to investigate any possible health risks associated with labour in Malegaon City's textile industry to ascertain the impact of occupational health hazards on worker health in Malegaon City's textile industry. Sample: The study includes a total of 230 workers. Research Design: A descriptive research design is used in this study. A worker observation checklist and a structured worker interview questionnaire are the two tools utilized to collect data. Every piece of information was gathered via field visit. Recommendations: The study suggests emphasizing the value and efficacy of personal protective equipment in addition to a series of standardized occupational health and safety assessments in fieldwork to enhance worker performance in terms of occupational health and safety. Conclusion: The textile industry provides employment to lakhs of workers. But due to lack of safety measures at the workplace, it is creating hazards to workers' health by creating awareness among workers and effective management. should be controlled.
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Paek, Ki Young, Ka Young Hong, Incheol Ryu, Sung Mi Park, Sun Ju Keum, Oh Sung Kwon y Sung Key Jang. "Translation initiation mediated by RNA looping". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, n.º 4 (12 de enero de 2015): 1041–46.

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Eukaryotic translation initiation commences at the initiation codon near the 5′ end of mRNA by a 40S ribosomal subunit, and the recruitment of a 40S ribosome to an mRNA is facilitated by translation initiation factors interacting with the m7G cap and/or poly(A) tail. The 40S ribosome recruited to an mRNA is then transferred to the AUG initiation codon with the help of translation initiation factors. To understand the mechanism by which the ribosome finds an initiation codon, we investigated the role of eIF4G in finding the translational initiation codon. An artificial polypeptide eIF4G fused with MS2 was localized downstream of the reporter gene through MS2-binding sites inserted in the 3′ UTR of the mRNA. Translation of the reporter was greatly enhanced by the eIF4G-MS2 fusion protein regardless of the presence of a cap structure. Moreover, eIF4G-MS2 tethered at the 3′ UTR enhanced translation of the second cistron of a dicistronic mRNA. The encephalomyocarditis virus internal ribosome entry site, a natural translational-enhancing element facilitating translation through an interaction with eIF4G, positioned downstream of a reporter gene, also enhanced translation of the upstream gene in a cap-independent manner. Finally, we mathematically modeled the effect of distance between the cap structure and initiation codon on the translation efficiency of mRNAs. The most plausible explanation for translational enhancement by the translational-enhancing sites is recognition of the initiation codon by the ribosome bound to the ribosome-recruiting sites through “RNA looping.” The RNA looping hypothesis provides a logical explanation for augmentation of translation by enhancing elements located upstream and/or downstream of a protein-coding region.
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Hennessy, Mairead M., John E. O’Connell, David E. Kearney y Emmet J. Andrews. "Recurrence of a de-differentiated liposarcoma of the colon". Case Reports in Clinical Pathology 4, n.º 2 (15 de mayo de 2017): 24.

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We present the case of a 56-year-old gentleman who presented with non specific malaise, myalgia and anorexia. Clinical examination revealed a large circumscribed palpable mass in the left iliac fossa. He underwent an intraabdominal pelvic biopsy, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of abdominal wall and Positron Emmission Tomography (PET). Differential diagnoses included Gastro Intestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST) and sarcoma. He underwent a laparotomy and excision of the lesion. Histological analysis of the lesion demonstrated a dedifferentiated liposarcoma involving the colon and adjacent pericolic fat. Margins were clear and there was no nodal involvement. He declined adjuvant chemotherapy. He subsequently developed a local recurrence, which was deemed unresectable. He commenced chemotherapy but continued to deteriorate. He received palliative treatment and died 6 months following his initial surgery.
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Van Horn, Jennifer. "Black Bodies, White Gold: Art, Cotton, and Commerce in the Atlantic World, by Anna Arabindan-Kesson". Art Bulletin 104, n.º 2 (3 de abril de 2022): 148–51.

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Corcoran, R., F. O'Connell, N. Schellenberg, J. O'Sullivan y D. Kevans. "P0084 Secreted inflammatory protein profiles of human inflammatory bowel disease explants following treatment ex-vivo with licenced biologic therapies and patients’ in-vivo response". Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 19, Supplement_1 (enero de 2025): i449.

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Abstract Background Patient-derived inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) ex-plants have potential for biomarker and therapy discovery. Infliximab (IFX), ustekinumab (UST) and vedolizumab (VDZ) are biologic therapies licenced for the induction and maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). All have demonstrated efficacy in IBD despite differing mechanisms of action. IBD explants have the potential to be used as a precision medicine tool, to gain further insights into disease biology and therapeutic mechanisms of action. We aimed to evaluate the effect of IFX, UST and VDZ on inflammatory protein secretion profiles in ex-vivo human IBD ex-plants, whilst comparing these explant secretome variations with in-vivo patient data of patients who commenced these therapies in clinic. Methods Patients with IBD due to commence in-vivo biologic therapy, undergoing endoscopy, were prospectively recruited. Endoscopic biopsies were collected from the sigmoid colon and IBD ex-plants generated as per previously described methods. IBD explants were then cultured for 24 hours with an IgG control vehicle, IFX, UST and VDZ. After 24 hours, tissue conditioned media (TCM) from IBD explants was collected. TCM secreted inflammatory protein profiles were quantified using 54 V-plex ELISA (Meso Scale Diagnostics, USA). Secreted inflammatory protein profiles were compared between IgG vehicle (control) and UST, IFX, VDZ treated ex-plants. Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out to characterise the influence of biologics on ex-vivo explant secreted inflammatory profiles. Clinical responses of patients treated with biologics in-vivo were also compared with explants inflammatory profiles. Results 37 patients with were included (51% CD, 49% UC); age (median, [IQR]) 41[33-53] years, 49% male; disease duration (median, [IQR]) 9 [5-14] years. 23 patients were subsequently commenced on either IFX, UST or VDZ in-vivo and followed over 2 years to determine therapy response. PCA identified significant variation in the CD and UC secretome. Biologic therapy ex-vivo resulted in significant alterations and clustering in the UC secretome compared to control. Conclusion The IBD explant model recapitulates expected IBD pathology. These data demonstrate that significant differences between the CD and UC secretome. Treatment with licenced biologic therapies ex-vivo significantly alters multiple pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and secreted proteins in IBD explants. Further study is required to completely understand the effects of licenced biologic therapies on the IBD tissue microenvironment.
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Balakrishnan, Malathy, Yih Chyn Phan, Brendan McIlroy y Edmund Leung. "“Fungating” tumour? No, it’s bacterial!" BMJ Case Reports 12, n.º 2 (febrero de 2019): e227876.

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A fit and healthy 26-year-old woman presented to the general surgical team with epigastric pain and weight loss of 2 stones over 6 months. She has also a positive family history of ulcerative colitis. As her oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy were normal, a contrasted CT was requested, and it detected an inflammatory mass with fat streaking around her transverse colon. An intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) was noted. In light of the CT findings, she underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy. As the inflammatory mass was not separable from the transverse colon, a segmental transverse colectomy was proceeded. The histology revealed multiple actinomycosis abscesses in the mesentery. Subsequently, we learnt that her IUCD had been in situ for the last 7 years, and the source of actinomycosis abscesses is likely from her IUCD. The patient was recommended to have the coil removed and commenced on a 6 months course of amoxicillin.
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Burris, Gene, Don Cook, B. R. Leonard, J. B. Graves y J. Pankey. "Evaluations of In-Furrow Insecticides and Fungicides, 1995". Arthropod Management Tests 21, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1996): 241.

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Abstract The test was conducted at the Northeast Research Station in St. Joseph, LA. Plots were replicated 4 times in a RCB design and were four rows (40-inch spacing) X 65 ft. ‘Stoneville LA 887’ cotton seed was planted 2 and 3 May on a commerce silt soil which was fertilized sidedress with 90 lb N/acre. Cotton seed were planted with a John Deere model 7100 series planter which was equipped with 10 inch seed cones mounted to replace the seed hoppers. The seed rate was 4 seed/row ft. Granular in-furrow treatments were applied with 8 inch belt cone applicators mounted to replace the standard granular applicators. Control of thrips and aphids was evaluated on 5 randomly selected plants/plot. Evaluations were made on 18, 19, 24, 26, and 29 May and 8 Jun. Plant height counts were taken on 10 randomly selected plants/plot on 8 Jun. Stand density and leaf area was determined by counting the number of plants in a randomly selected meter on 29 May. Leaf area was recorded using a Li Cor leaf area machine. The data was recorded as cm2 and converted to a leaf area index (LAI). Major pests and/or secondary pest control was initiated in Jun and continued on an “as needed” basis through Aug.
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Mishra, Saurabh, Sharda Dubey, Rishabh Chitranshi, Arvind Kumar, Suraj Sharma, Monika Saini, Abhishek Pandey et al. "Investigating Flavonoid Extracts from Medicinal Plants: Evaluating their Anti-Cancer Potential, Mechanisms, and Synergistic Impact on Colon Cancer". Journal of Advanced Zoology 44, S-3 (28 de octubre de 2023): 1199–211.

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Colon cancer, the leading cause of global cancer-related mortality, demands innovative therapeutic approaches to combat its formidable impact. This empirical study embarks on a quest to unlock novel avenues for colon cancer treatment by investigating the anti-cancer potential of flavonoid extracts sourced from medicinal plants. Our research journey commences with an in-depth examination of the staggering global burden imposed by colon cancer and the inherent limitations of current therapeutic regimens. In response to this pressing challenge, we spotlight the emerging enthusiasm for natural compounds, specifically flavonoids, as transformative agents within the realm of cancer research and therapy. In our pursuit of innovative solutions, we meticulously select medicinal plants celebrated for their flavonoid-rich content and extract these bioactive compounds with precision. Rigorous phytochemical analyses unveil the specific flavonoids at play. In a series of in vitro experiments employing colon cancer cell lines, we uncover a compelling narrative of concentration-dependent cytotoxicity, underscoring the remarkable anti-proliferative attributes of these extracts. Moreover, our investigations reveal that flavonoid extracts possess the remarkable capability to induce apoptosis, substantiated through Annexin V/PI staining and caspase activation assays. As we delve deeper into mechanistic insights, a rich tapestry unfolds, elucidating the intricate modulation of pivotal apoptosis-related pathways by these natural compounds. This study not only furnishes compelling evidence of flavonoid extracts' anti-cancer potential against colon cancer but also underscores the pivotal role of natural compounds in the ever-evolving landscape of cancer research, offering a beacon of hope for pioneering therapeutic strategies. The journey has only begun, and further investigations, alongside rigorous clinical trials, are warranted to harness the full therapeutic potential of flavonoid-based interventions in colon cancer management, potentially redefining the paradigm of cancer treatment.
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Ghalwash, Seham, Ayman Ismail y Mohit Maurya. "Scarabaeus Sacer: an iconic green brand advocating sustainability in the era of digital economy and connectivity". Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 12, n.º 4 (16 de diciembre de 2022): 1–34.

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Learning outcomes Learning outcomes can only be achieved through using case-based pedagogy. Instructors must encourage students to dive deeply into the case dilemma, so they are able to engage with the case objectives and questions, applying the appropriate theory. By doing so, students can provide solutions based on five core objectives. These are the objectives that students should learn after completing the case discussion: ■ Critique the marketing activities for implications of global branding. ■ Understand the turnaround strategies in the context of the digital economy and COVID-19 crisis to build a global brand and drive B2C customers from awareness and advocacy. ■ Suggest a map of traditional and digital marketing strategies to enhance the company’s efficiency and effectiveness. ■ Discuss the three main sources of influence marketers can implement to drive customers from awareness to advocacy across the customers’ path. ■ Discuss the application of the UN 17 SDGs practices in today’s fashion industry. Case overview/synopsis In 2018, Ali El Nawawi and Mai Kassem decided to start up the Scarabaeus Sacer brand to take their passion for social and human development and create ethical fashion streetwear. Scarabaeus Sacer was an Egyptian brand that sold 100% organic Egyptian cotton fashionable streetwear, and the core mission of the fledgling company was “promoting Egyptian organic cotton textiles with a premium quality globally” (Al Nawawi, 2021). While Scarabaeus was mainly guided by the well-being, sustainability, and mental health goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) numbers 3, 8, 11 and 12 (good health and well-being; decent work and economic growth; sustainable cities and communities; and responsible consumption and production), their position as an advocacy brand was only beginning to be understood by their customers in Egypt. With the rapid increase of e-commerce during the COVID-19 crisis and their previous international experience, the co-founders wanted to achieve their mission of building a global brand that promotes Egyptian organic cotton and sustainability while offering unique designs of fashionable streetwear. To achieve this mission, the co-founders El Nawawi and Kassem faced major decisions related to marketing strategies at the beginning of 2020. These included how to build global brand awareness and brand advocacy for well-being, sustainability and mental health with a special focus on penetrating new markets (namely, Europe and the USA) to stock their products on e-commerce platforms and advocating their cause and increase their sales. Complexity academic level This case is suitable for graduate-level marketing courses in which it allows students to engage with classical marketing strategies, digital marketing, global branding, communication, media and sales within a management framework. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.
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Burris, Gene, Kevin Ratchford, J. B. Graves, A. M. Pavloff y B. R. Leonard. "A Comparison of the IGR SD115110 0.42E to Selected Pyrethroids and Larvin, 1986". Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 12, n.º 1 (1 de enero de 1987): 229.

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Abstract Two rates of SD115110 0.42E (0.2 and 0.4 lb (AI)/acre) were evaluated against Heliothis spp., boll weevil, mites and aphids in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Plots were 8 rows (40 inch spacing) × 65 ft. Cotton was planted on 25 Apr on a Commerce silt loam soil that was fertilized with 90 lb N/acre preplant. Temik 15G (0.5 lb (AI)/acre) and Terraclor Super × (Terraclor 1.0 lb + Terrazole 0.25 lb (AI)/acre) were applied infurrow behind the planter. Test treatments were applied with a high clearance sprayer equipped with a compressed air system for spraying small plots and delivering 2.5 gal/acre. Applications were made on 9, 20, 24, 30 Jul, and 4 Aug. Guthion 2L (0.25 lb (AI)/acre) was applied on 15 Aug and methyl parathion (0.25 lb (AI)/acre) was applied with the defoliant. Treatment effects on Heliothis spp. and boll weevil were measured by observations on cotton squares on the 2 center rows of each plot. Spider mite and aphid populations were estimated in Aug by collecting 10 leaves (third fully developed terminal leaf) per plot, washing the insects from the leaves onto 200 mesh screens, backwashing them onto lined filter paper (7 cm) and counting them with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope. Yields were determined by solid picking the 4 row plots with a mechanical harvester on 10 Sep and 16 Oct.
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SATTAROV, KK. "HYDROGENATION TECHNOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY OF COTTONSEED OIL AND FATS". SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 55, n.º 3 (30 de junio de 2023): 965–71.

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The presented research describes the hydrogenation technology and the chemistry of vegetable oils and fats using powder and stationary catalysts. The hydrogenation technology process includes various equipment and materials, i.e., equipment for hydrogenation, laboratory flow reactor, autoclave for hydrogenation on powder nickel-copper catalyst, hydrogenation catalysts, and selection of alloy stationary catalysts and their structure. The hydrogenation process includes selecting alloy nickelaluminum catalyst promoters, measuring the viscosity of hydrogenated fat, using static catalysts as forcontacts, kinetic regularities of cotton oil hydrogenation with new modifications of nickel-copperaluminum alloy promoted catalysts, and reception of food hydrogenated fat by consecutive hydrogenation of cotton oil on powder and stationary catalysts. Modifying immobile nickel-copperaluminum alloy catalysts also evolved with the addition of vanadium, rhodium, and palladium in the hydrogenation process. The cotton oil pre-contact hydrogenation on stationary and powder nickelcopper catalysts is a novel development. It ensures an increase in the physiological and nutritional value of margarine products based on hydrogenated food fat. Studying the influence of technological regimes of cotton oil hydrogenation on new modifications of stationary nickel-copper-aluminum promoted catalysts commenced. The obtained results established the technological parameters for acquiring food and confectionery salons by combining stationary and suspended catalysts. Likewise, a combination of stationary and suspended catalysts has instituted the industrial parameters for the production of food and confectionery salons based on the effects of technological regimes (temperature, pressure, oil, and hydrogen supply rates) of cottonseed oil hydrogenation on new modifications of stationary nickel-copper-aluminum promoted catalysts.
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Kundu, Shantanu, Flandrianto Sih Palimirmo, Hye-Eun Kang, Ah Ran Kim, Soo Rin Lee, Fantong Zealous Gietbong, Se Hyun Song y Hyun-Woo Kim. "Insights into the Mitochondrial Genetic Makeup and Miocene Colonization of Primitive Flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes: Psettodidae) in the East Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific Ocean". Biology 12, n.º 10 (9 de octubre de 2023): 1317.

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The mitogenomic evolution of the Psettodes flatfishes is still poorly known from their range distribution in eastern Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific Oceans. The study delves into the matrilineal evolutionary pathway of these primitive flatfishes, with a specific focus on the complete mitogenome of the Psettodes belcheri species, as determined through next-generation sequencing. The mitogenome in question spans a length of 16,747 base pairs and comprises a total of 37 genes, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, and a control region. Notably, the mitogenome of P. belcheri exhibits a bias towards AT base pairs, with a composition of 54.15%, mirroring a similar bias observed in its close relative, Psettodes erumei, which showcases percentages of 53.07% and 53.61%. Most of the protein-coding genes commence with an ATG initiation codon, except for Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI), which initiates with a GTG codon. Additionally, four protein-coding genes commence with a TAA termination codon, while seven others exhibit incomplete termination codons. Furthermore, two protein-coding genes, namely NAD1 and NAD6, terminate with AGG and TAG stop codons, respectively. In the mitogenome of P. belcheri, the majority of transfer RNAs demonstrate the classical cloverleaf secondary structures, except for tRNA-serine, which lacks a DHU stem. Comparative analysis of conserved blocks within the control regions of two Psettodidae species unveiled that the CSB-II block extended to a length of 51 base pairs, surpassing the other blocks and encompassing highly variable sites. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial genomes (13 concatenated PCGs) categorized various Pleuronectiformes species, highlighting the basal position of the Psettodidae family and showed monophyletic clustering of Psettodes species. The approximate divergence time (35−10 MYA) between P. belcheri and P. erumei was estimated, providing insights into their separation and colonization during the early Miocene. The TimeTree analysis also estimated the divergence of two suborders, Psettodoidei and Pleuronectoidei, during the late Paleocene to early Eocene (56.87 MYA). The distribution patterns of Psettodes flatfishes were influenced by ocean currents and environmental conditions, contributing to their ecological speciation. In the face of climate change and anthropogenic activities, the conservation implications of Psettodes flatfishes are emphasized, underscoring the need for regulated harvesting and adaptive management strategies to ensure their survival in changing marine ecosystems. Overall, this study contributes to understanding the evolutionary history, genetic diversity, and conservation needs of Psettodes flatfishes globally. However, the multifaceted exploration of mitogenome and larger-scale genomic data of Psettodes flatfish will provide invaluable insights into their genetic characterization, evolutionary history, environmental adaptation, and conservation in the eastern Atlantic and Indo-West Pacific Oceans.
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Selvaraj, S., D. Adiroubane, V. Ramesh y A. L. Narayanan. "IMPACT OF ECOLOGICAL FACTORS ON INCIDENCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOBACCO CUT WORM, SPODOPTERA LITURA FABRICIUS ON COTTON". Journal of Biopesticides 03, n.º 01 (1 de junio de 2010): 43–46.

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ABSTRACT The studies were conducted to ascertain the effect of ecological factors on incidence and development of Spodoptera litura at five different dates of sowing on three varieties of cotton. Sowing dates commenced on 1st February and went upto 1st March with an interval of seven days. The S. litura population was built up progressively from April (1st week) and acquired its peak in the month of May (1st week). Maximum S. litura (25.46%) was built up at temperature ranges from 26.0°C to 35.1° C, relative humidity ranges from 89 and 62 percent, zero rainfall, wind velocity 6.2 km/hr, total sunshine hours (64.6 hrs/week), evaporation (53.20 mm) and dewfall (0.161 mm). This built up S. litura showed a positive correlation with relative humidity, sunshine hours and dewfall, whereas negatively correlated with wind velocity. The determination of the effects of different weather factors on population and incidence of S. litura in cotton is essential for effective pest management. This study will be very helpful not only in forecasting outbreaks of S. litura but also in formulating effective pest management strategies.
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Hassan, Masood-Ul, Farah Naz y Shakeel Ahmed. "Testing Structuration Theory in E-Government System Assimilation: Mediating Role of Pakistani Cotton Ginners’ Absorption Capacity". Business & Economic Review 13, n.º 2 (15 de junio de 2021): 29–56.

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Electronic Government (e-government) is a significant and vital application of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enable functional relations and communication with key government stakeholders. Governments have launched E-Government system for the basic objective of delivery and transfer of electronic information as well as services to their targeted citizens and for enhancing interaction with businesses and commerce. Therefore, assimilation and integration of E-Government systems in organizations is a strategic need. However, existing literature on E-Government system assimilation and meta-structures of organization (signification, domination, and legitimization) is limited. Therefore, in this paper, based upon structuration theory, we have developed a theoretical model with the aim to investigate the effect of organizational meta-structures of signification, domination, and legitimization on E-Government system assimilation with mediating effect of E-government absorption capacity. To test the proposed model, data collected from 292 ginning firms listed in the Pakistan Cotton Ginning Association (PCGA). The results confirm the direct relation between organizational meta structures and E-Government system assimilation and also support the mediating relationship of E-Government absorption capacity between the E-Government system assimilation and organizational meta structures. Moreover, the theoretical and managerial implications along with limitations and direction for future research also have been discussed in this study.
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