Literatura académica sobre el tema "Caractère national – Argentine"
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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Caractère national – Argentine"
Cesar Minella, Ary. "CONSTRUINDO HEGEMONIA: democracia e livre mercado (atuação do NED e do CIPE na América Latina)". Caderno CRH 22, n.º 55 (24 de agosto de 2009). http://dx.doi.org/10.9771/ccrh.v22i55.19001.
Texto completoRivarosa, Alcira. "¡Feliz cumpleaños Asociación de Docentes de Biología! Algunas razones para evocar los cambios promovidos en 20 años". Revista de Educación en Biología 16, n.º 2 (11 de diciembre de 2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.59524/2344-9225.v16.n2.22394.
Texto completoTesis sobre el tema "Caractère national – Argentine"
Ferrás, Graciela Liliana. "Ricardo Rojas - hacer la nación : diálogos posibles entre el nacionalismo y la democracia". Paris 8, 2011. http://octaviana.fr/document/182057259#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Texto completoHabituellement, les études portant sur le système d’idées nationalistes de Ricardo Rojas ont tendance à le cataloguer dans ce que l´on décrit comme le “premier nationalisme argentin” ou de “nationalisme culturel”, au coté de Manuel Gálvez et Leopoldo Lugones. Néanmoins, à la différence de ses pairs, le nationalisme de Rojas introduit le territoire comme principal soutien symbolique et matériel du lien social. La possibilité d´approfondir l’étude de la pensée nationaliste de Ricardo Rojas dans la perspective de la science politique et plus spécifiquement de la théorie politique et sociale permet de comprendre le nationalisme comme un élément intégrateur des masses d´émigrants en général. Ricardo Rojas est l´un des premiers, si ce n´est le premier, intellectuels à soutenir une théorie de l´identité nationale qui récupère en héritage la diversité des cultures précolombiennes, se distinguant ainsi de celle contenue dans la phrase: “les argentins sommes une race de blancs et de culture européenne”. La majorité de la critique n´a pas réalisé que son oeuvre, prisonnière de la paradoxale construction de l´identité argentine, oscille entre une notion hétérogène ou hybride de la communauté et une tendance organiciste qui prétend suturer une homogénéité culturelle à partir de l´image de la terre comme un « creuset des races », dans lequel toutes les différences ont tendance à disparaître. Dans son parcours, cette thèse prétend naviguer aux limites de cette oscillation, pénétrer dans cette tension et démontrer que, malgré l´emphase mis sur la fusion des contraires pour la création d´une “nouvelle unité”, ce paradigme d´homogénéité culturelle n´est ni monolithique ni clos. Bien au contraire, il aspire à un syncrétisme ou consensus, étant donné que les logiques d´inclusion et d´exclusion qui autorisent l´idée du territoire comme fondement de la nation font de celle-là même un projet aussi inachevé que celui de démocratie. Pour construire le parcours de cette hypothèse de lecture , je suis partie de trois questionnements: 1) la tension entre la communauté hétérogène (démocratie) et la tendance à la fusion culturelle (métaphores organiques) 2) les influences sur sa pensée du regénérationnisme espagnol du ‘98 , de la science politique et de la 6 psychologie française en contrepoint de l´influence de la philosophie allemande 3) la catégorie du nationalisme comme idéologie territoriale en ce qu’elle s’écarte théoriquement des caractéristiques du nationalisme culturel. Dans sa représentation de l´univers national, Ricardo Rojas exprime un désaccord: la nation est “disloquée” entre le concept ou le rôle de ce qu´elle “devrait être” (peuple, nous, unité ethnique–race, langue, culture) et ce qui est une hétérogénéité sans fondement ethnique, culturel et linguistique en tant qu´“ensemble national”. La nation ne peut être autre chose qu´une oscillation entre différence- unité, entre la communauté hétérogène de l´alter et le besoin de fusion de ces composants en une communauté homogène qui, dans son mouvement pendulaire, ne suture jamais. En conséquence, l´identité, en tant que telle (nationale), est toujours inachevée, ce qui permet l´assimilation de n´importe quel nouvel élément, c’est là que se trouve sa force et également sa faiblesse. Des outils, de possibles notes, surgissent de cette analyse pour une théorie politique américaine, que l´on peut organiser selon un certain nombre d´idées-axes: 1) La relation entre son concept de “moi collectif” et sa lecture de l´histoire argentine comme oscillation entre la démagogie et le despotisme. 2) Son idée de répartition géographique de la fonction électorale en relation avec la structure pyramidale qu´il [Ricardo Rojas] développe pour l´organisation de l´Alianza en la Nueva Generación, inspirée de la réforme universitaire de ‘18. 3) La construction pionnière d´un indigénisme qui, comme beaucoup l´ont critiqué, ne s´intéresse pas à la représentation et à l´expression de la voix des communautés indigènes, mais est en revanche prompt à porter un regard ethnologique et sociologique qui met l´accent sur l´adéquation de l´art de gouverner avec la réalité américaine et non avec l´importation de modèles politiques et de lois étrangères; tradition qui débuta avec José Martí. En croisant ces trois axes de construction d´une théorie politique américaine avec les textes qui composent la “philosophie de l´argentinité” on arrive à un nationalisme basé sur une dialectique de l´inclusion. Un nationalisme atypique, et sa conséquente idée de “nation », pensé pour des sociétés hispano américaines hétérogènes. Apparaît donc la possibilité de penser l´identité avec la nation à partir d´une expérience 7 collective et démocratique. La synthèse de l´ébauche de cette théorie politique américaine proposée, selon nous, par Ricardo Rojas est développée dans le modèle d´une société de germination comme alternative au modèle de société greffée qui émerge de la génération du ’37, en particulier de Sarmiento et Alberdi, et qui jeta les bases de l´organisation de l´Etat national menée à bien par la génération du ’80. Le modèle de germination permet de penser une identification avec la terre, la nation américaine, aussi bien depuis l´ethnie (les indigènes) que depuis l´émigrant, c´est l´image de aire racine (processus d´enracinement). Si le processus de greffe superpose une société sur l´autre, celui de germination est perméable au procès de métissage tout en pensant l´habiter/ habitat comme une énergie active et transformatrice, s´écartant de la logique binaire du supérieur/inférieur. Ricardo Rojas propose un nationalisme à la mesure d´une société hétérogène, la voie pour l´unification et l´identification d´une société d´émigrants avec un territoire et un continent. Qu´il soit viable ou non, c´est un autre problème, mais il est, intrinsèquement, un point de départ pour une réflexion, étant donné que Rojas propose une herméneutique du national qui inclut l´“autre”, loin des antagonismes irréductibles et des luttes fratricides qui ont marqué l´histoire politique argentine, celle-là même qu´il vécut comme une profonde douleur
Studies on Ricardo Rojas’s nationalistic idea system usually place him inside the frame of what is referred to as “First Argentinean Nationalism” or “Cultural Nationalism”, along with Manuel Gálvez and Leopoldo Lugones. Nevertheless, Rojas’s nationalism differs as it has the territory as main symbolic and material support of the social bond. The possibility of researching Ricardo Rojas’s nationalism from the point of view of Political Science, especially Political and Social Theory, allows to regard nationalism as an element for integration of migratory masses in general. Ricardo Rojas is one of the first intellectuals –if not the first- to propose a theory on national identity centered on the legacy of pre-Colombian cultures, different from the stated as: “Argentineans are of white race and European descent. ” Most of his critics haven’t realized that his work, caught in the middle of the paradoxical conformation of Argentine Identity, oscillates between a heterogeneous or hybrid notion of community and an organic tendency which intends to create cultural homogeneity through a view of the Earth as a “melting pot”, in which all differences tend to disappear. This thesis intends to explore the limits of this oscillation by entering its tension and demonstrate that, despite the emphasis on the fusion of the opposites in order to create a “new unity”, this cultural homogeneity paradigm is neither monolithic nor closed. On the contrary, it aspires to achieve consensus, as both inclusion and exclusion –which enable this idea of the territory as support of the Nation- also make it a project as unfinished as democracy itself. This hypothesis is based on three questions: 1) tension between heterogeneous community (democracy) and the tendency to cultural fusion (organic metaphors) 2) Spanish generation’s of ‘98, Political Science and French Psychology as influential of Rojas’s ideas, as well as their counterpart: German Philosophy. 3) Nationalism as a territorial ideology, contrary to the theory of cultural nationalism. In representing the national universe, Ricardo Rojas expresses an imbalance: the nation is “dislocated” between what it is –a heterogeneous “national collection” 9 which lacks ethnical, cultural and linguistic basis- and what it should be –a people, “us”, an ethnical unit: race, language and culture. The nation cannot be anything but an oscillation between difference and unity, between the heterogeneous community, the alter, and the need for fusion of its components into a homogeneous community which, in its oscillation, never reaches closure. As a result, identity as itself (national) is never finished, which permits the assimilation of any new component and this is where we find its richness as well as its weakness. This analysis arises certain tools, possibly notes for an Latin American Political Theory which can be organized around two basic ideas: 1) The relation between Rojas’s concept of “collective ego” and his interpretation of Argentine History as an oscillation between demagogy and despotism. 2) His concept of geographical distribution of the electoral function related to the pyramid-like structure he develops for the organization of the Alianza de la Nueva Generación, inspired in the University Reform of 1918. 3) The pioneering trace of an “indigenism” which, as many critics have pointed out, is not interested in representing the aboriginal communities, but does have an ethnological and sociological view which insists in adapting the art of government to American reality instead of importing foreign laws and political models; a tradition started by José Martí. In cross-referencing these three axes for the construction of an American Political Theory with the writings that make up Filosofía de la argentinidad, the result is a nationalism based on the dialectics of inclusion. An atypical nationalism, with its consequent idea of a nation for heterogeneous societies. That is, the possibility of visualizing the nation as a democratic, collective experience. What we consider to be Rojas’s proposal of an American Political Theory is summed up in his model of a germination society, as an alternative to the immigration-based one proposed by the generation of ’37, especially Sarmiento and Alberdi, which lays the foundations for the organization of the State carried out by the generation of ’80. The germination model allows for identification with the territory, the Argentina Nation, not only from the ethnical point of view but also from the immigrant’s, as it is the image of settling down, putting down roots. If the immigration process juxtaposes two societies, 10 germination is receptive to mixed races and views the habitat as active and transformational energy, away from the inferior/superior binary logic. Ricardo Rojas proposes nationalism tailor made to a migrating society with a territory and a continent. Whether it is viable or not is another discussion; however, it is in itself a starting point to reflect upon his “Hermeneutics of the National”, inclusive of the ”other”, far from hard-core antagonism and fratricide conflict which marked Argentine History, a History that Rojas sensed as painful
Vila, Silvina Diana. "Enseignements des langues et construction d’une identité nationale : le cas de l’Argentine au XIXème siècle". Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030003.
Texto completoDuring the 19th century, Argentina followed a model of nation inspired in European ones. This process, together with numerous debates and the organization404of the educational system was one of the worries of the political power. In this thesis, we studied principally the progressive participation of the State during the creation and organization of the National Education System through the analysis of discourses connected to the relevance of languages and their role in the process of national consolidation.This issue is built around three axes (main points). The first axis is related evolution of foreign languages teaching in both state and private settings; the second one focuses on the interaction between a national language (Spanish) and other languages, in the educational and social area. The last one to analyse is the impact of European immigration in society, particularly from the point of view of linguistic, cultural and educational transformations, principally because Argentina is the only country that received, during the analysed period, a larger number of immigrants than the native population.Within methodological area, in this thesis, we analysed the contemporary discourses that present the utility, better, the necessity of teaching languages in the building of a country that was meant to be modern and open to the outside. Appreciations and judgements, as well as stereotypes and specifications attributed to each language have been analysed with the aim of perceiving what was at stake behind linguistic and didactic debates.The results obtained allowed to determinate the influence of the language discourses in the process of transformation of Argentina’s society. On the other hand, the study plans and the programs analysed made it possible to verify the concrete changes operated in the educational system and to thus establish the interrelation between discourses of the most powerful part of society that show its desire of being able to inscribe Argentina in the concert of the most powerful nations and the concrete actions taken/ put into practice.This thesis wants to offer another look to the linguistic and identity problems, on a period of deep changes, political, social and cultural and to open the way to the new researches in the language learning history in Argentina
Hourcade, Eduardo. "La construction culturelle d'une société nouvelle : le Rio de la Plata et ses rapports avec la France et l'Europe 1800-1850". Paris, EHESS, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EHESA113.
Texto completoDuring the period that goes between 1806 and 1860, at the southern extreme of latin America will suffer strong transformations, dues to the insurgence of four new states in the lands who belongs to the extinct Vice-Kingdom of Rio de la Plata : Argentine, Bolivie, Paraguay and Uruguay. Those new states are born after a long series of political combats and social struggles, but their existence has need also the complexe elaboration of an array of cultural notions being builts at the same time. We focus in that process of cultural constructions that occurs in the Buenos Aires's region. That new cultural set of notions will give the new-borns states a representation of their territorial particularities, a sense for thinking their relationships between South America and Europe and a goals for political achievements
Casas, Matias Emiliano. "Las metamorfosis del gaucho : de la poesía épica a la tradición nacional (1930-1960)". Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCC319.
Texto completoThis doctoral thesis aims to analyze the construction, traffic and consensus of the gaucho's representations in Buenos Aires between 1930 and 1960. The chapters of this work takes an interest in the actors who intervened and the contexts which facilitated the introduction of some features - sometimes disparate - of the gaucho. This piece of research highlights the little works done on this period which analyze the traditionalist narrative. As a result of the confluence of different sectors, that narrative crystallized the identification between the gaucho with the "argentinidad". Through the studied period, there was a "gaucho renaissance" at the instigation of different political actors who conceived his figure as a national emblem. The objective of this work is to confirm if the political endorsement received by the gaucho , far from decanting a clear interpretation of his symbol, has opened new fields of conflict. In this sense, representatives of the Catholic Church, the Armed Forces, the traditionalist associations and the educational community have built and disseminated a particular representation of the gaucho who prompted consensus and disagreement at same time
Osenda, Natacha Veronica. "Formas de colaboración artística y reinterpretaciones de la última dictadura militar en Argentina : Teatro Abierto (1981-1985) y Teatroxlaidentidad (2001-2005) en las disputas por reconfigurar el imaginario de nación". Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0009.
Texto completoI study how memories are produced and forgotten in argentine society by examining the relative success of the theatrical productions of two groups, Teatro Abierto, at the end of the 1 970s, and Teatroxlaidentidad, at the start of the twenty -first century, both of which participated in collective actions portraying the military government (1976-1983) as responsible for the dismemberment of that which the state had previously re-invented, the nation. My research is based on the study of the intentions behind the artists' production of cultural objects in accordance with their interests and objectives, their social position as intellectuals, and their valuations, categorizations, and judgments, all of which limit and influence those cultural objects (on one hand, the bonds of national belonging that have always been a constant source of dispute in Argentina, and on the other rand, certain cultural objects central in literature and theatre and which were colonized by the republican elites in the earl y days of the formation of nation-states in latin america in service of the initial construction of nationhood), in hopes of persuading the greatest possible number of spectators that a rupture of social normalcy had occurred
Andermann, Jens. "Mapas de poder : una arqueología literaria del espacio argentino /". Rosario (Argentina) : B. Viterbo, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39033456p.
Texto completoFusaro, Mélanie. "Une identité problématique : cittadinanza, nazionalità et italianità parmi les Italo-descendants en Argentine et au Brésil". Thesis, Paris 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA030143/document.
Texto completoAccording to the Italian legislation, to be Italian one must be the son or daughter of an Italian citizen. The transmission of the cittadinanza by right of blood dates back to the dawn of the Italian Unity, in the 1860s, and to a context of massive emigration, especially towards Latin America. By legislating in such a way, the parliamentarians of the young Italian Kingdom expected to keep a strong link with their migrants across the world, in order to integrate them, under the principle of nazionalità, to the construction of the Italian Nation. Ever since, the law has seen only minor changes, in tandem with the transformation of Italy from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Meanwhile, Italian migrants have integrated to their host countries and their descendants–who are accordingly Italian citizens–are still considered by the Italian legislators as a true resource for Italy: they would thus play the role of ambassadors of italianità, contributing to the prestige of Italy by diffusing the Italian language, culture, and products. But is this actually the case and is the legislation adapted to today’s reality?Using a novel corpus of quantitative data and interviews audio or video-taped with members of the Italian parliament, representatives of Italian institutions in foreign countries and Italian descendants during fieldwork undertaken in Italy, Argentina and Brazil, I investigate to what extent Italian descendants do (or do not) constitute a resource for Italy and whether they maintain a link with the country of origin of their ancestors. To that end, I conjugate quantitative and qualitative methods. For the latter, I use discourse analysis to track down the clues of italianità among Italian descendants as well as the ways in which they express it both language and gesture-wise. I cover different domains (economic, demographic, linguistic, cultural, civic) that permit to show that Italian descendants do not constitute ambassadors of italianità, but rather individuals with multiple and complex identities for whom the link with Italy is, with rare exceptions, tenuous.More than a unifying element joining together Italian descendants and their pretended compatriots in Italy, the cittadinanza is thus at times conceived in a pragmatic manner, as a free-pass allowing for unimpeded travelling; and at times in a symbolic way, as a driver of distinction within the Argentinian and Brazilian societies. Far from being the same thing, cittadinanza, nazionalità and italianità tend in reality to become increasingly divergent in the new context of globalization, which calls for a reflection on different ways of preserving, maintaining or creating a link between Italian descendants and Italy
Donot, Morgan. "La pratique discursive post-péroniste, au fondement d'une nouvelle identité partisane ou nationale. Les cas de Carlos Menem (1989-1995) et de Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007)". Thesis, Paris 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA030130.
Texto completoThe Peronism remains the first political force in Argentina. Characterised by a lack of a proper ideology and a weak institutionalisation, this political movement can only be understood and analysed in the light of the political trajectory of its leaders. Each of its leaders transformed and personalised it in such a way that each mainstream within the Justicialist Party is today characterised by the name of the then-leader: Peronism, Menemism, Duhaldism, Kirchnerisms and henceforth Cristinism. The goal of this work is to produce a clear picture of the two post-peronists, who succeeded since the democratic transition in 1983, by comparing the use of political speech of its main leading figures: Carlos Menem (1989-1995) and Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007). The main themes as well as the specific structure of the speeches of both politicians need to be examined jointly in order to understand the enunciative legitimation process that allowed them to position themselves as leaders on the political scene in Argentina. Therefore, the objective of this research corresponds to a discourse analysis of the speeches of Carlos Menem and Néstor Kirchner as antagonistic ones struggling for a definition of the same object, the same reality: the Argentinian nation. What were the values of the Argentinian nation those two politicians were seeking to incarnate? What are the models and projects of society they proposed and tried to construct through their speeches in order to consolidate their legitimacy and create a menemist or kirchnerist identity? What are the values they praised and they succeeded in establishing as pillars and representatives of a new political order? Starting from the founding antagonisms, those two presidents gave rise to new collective imaginations which are nowadays linked and filled with the sense they were given during their emergence in the post-peronist discursive space. Their multiple meanings can only be addressed in a sound analysis of the political speech of these two leaders. The discourse of Carlos Menem and the one of Néstor Kirchner thus come across as competing enunciative spaces struggling for the sense of reality and of the Argentinian history