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Lock, Peter. "Iran - Die unaufhaltsame Bombe". Universität Potsdam, 2006.

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Courmont, Barthélémy. "Pourquoi Hiroshima? : la décision d'utiliser la bombe atomique /". Paris : L' Harmattan, 2008.

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Deloffre, Renaud. "La bombe a neutrons : evaluation et implications strategiques". Lille 2, 1988.

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L'arme a radiations renforcees, communement appelee bombe a neutrons, est a l'origine d'un inquietant paradoxe qui affecte au plus haut point la securite de l'europe. Il s'agit, en effet, d'une arme qui permettrait a l'alliance atlantique d'annuler la superiorite massive des forces conventionnelles du pacte de varsovie en europe, mais qui n'est toujours pas deployee par elle bien que sa technologie soit maitrisee depuis plus d'un quart de siecle. Les etats-unis et la republique federale d'allemagne en ont fait echouer le deploiement tandis que la france, qui n'exclut pas son acquisition en quantites limitees, ecarte categoriquement la mise sur pied d'une veritable defense neutronique reposant sur un nombre significatif de ces armes. Le rejet de l'arme a neutrons par ces trois etats est dans la droite ligne des politiques strategiques suivies par eux depuis plus de vingt cinq ans. Il s'inscrit dans la politique de denuclearisation de l'europe qui caracterise la strategie americaine depuis mille neuf cent soixante et temoigne de la volonte des responsables allemands de retarder et de limiter le plus possible l'utilisation des armes nucleaires sur leur territoire. Il illustre, enfin, la preoccupation de la france de refuser toute participation a une bataille en europe et de reserver l'essentiel de ses moyens militaires a une manoeuvre de dissuasion qui tend necessairement vers le neutralisme
The enhanced radiation weapon, more commonly known as the neutron bomb, is at the root of a disturbing paradox that is of the utmost importance for the security of europe. It is a weapon that would enable nato to cancel out the massive superiority of the conventional forces maintained in europe by the warsaw pact countries, but nato has still not deployed it, although its technology has been mastered for over a quarter of a century. The united states and west germany have prevented its deployment, while france, which does not rule out the possibility of acquiring it in limited quantities, categorically dismisses any idea of setting up a real neutron defence system based on a significant number of such weapons. Rejection of the neutron bomb by these three countries is completely in keeping with the strategic policies they have pursued for over twenty-five years. It is in line with the policy of creating a nuclear-free europe that has characterized american strategy since 1960 and is evidence of the german leaders' determination to delay and restrict as far as possible any use of nuclear weapons on their territory. It illustrates, lastly, how concerned france is to refuse to take any part in a battle on european soil and to hold the bulk of its military ressources in reserve for dissuasive manoeuvres (. . . )
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Deloffre, Renaud. "La Bombe à neutrons évaluation et implications stratégiques /". Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989.

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Bendjebbar, André. "La bombe atomique et deux Républiques, 1939-1969". Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2000.

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La bombe atomique et deux Républiques retracent la place qu'une arme et un système d'armes occupèrent en cours des trente années dans l'histoire de France. Elle démontre que la bombe fut une pierre de touche des attitudes politiques de la France contemporaine. L'aventure de la bombe a commencé le 4 mai 1939 avec le dépôt du brevet dit n°III gr. 14g, n°971 324, « perfectionnement aux charges explosives ». La France fit la course en tête dans l'approche théorique de la bombe atomique. Puis à cause de la défaite, elle perdit tous ses avantages. Les deux républiques qui vont se succéder en France de 1946 à 1969 et qui se donnèrent pour tache de rebâtir la France comme puissance mondiale auront deux attitudes très différentes. La IVe République fit un travail industriel pour préparer la bombe, mais elle agit dans l'opacité, sans appel au peuple. Après son arrivée aux affaires, De Gaulle confirma l'ordre de tir de la première bombe atomique. Mais alors qu'en apparence il y eut une continuité scientifique, industrielle et technologique entre les deux Républiques, la rupture gaulliste est une rupture bien plus profonde qu'il n'y parait. De Gaulle ne voulait pas d'une bombe, mais d'une force de frappe, c'est-à-dire d'un système d'armes qui redonne à la France son rôle de puissance. La bombe permet de distinguer les caractères propres des deux Républiques. Quand la France en 1947 cessa de se tenir à une espèce d'équidistance entre les deux grands, les hommes politiques de la IVe République préparèrent la bombe contre la volonté des Américains qui ne le voulaient pas et contre la volonté des partisans de l'intégration européenne et des forces de gauche. Ils n'avaient d'autre choix que de dissimuler leurs vœux. Jamais, ils ne voulurent rompre avec l'intégration de la France dans le cadre de l'OTAN et encore moins, ils ne songèrent à doter la France d'une panoplie complète et autonome d'armes nucléaires. De Gaulle bâtit une force de dissuasion qui devint une force de persuasion. Il modela la Ve République aux réalités de la guerre nucléaire parce qu'il était persuadé qu'elle éclaterait un jour. La thèse repose sur l'étude de fonds d'archives inédits (archives américaines, archives du quai d'Orsay, archives Joliot sur les affaires allemandes, fonds de l'Académie des sciences, Institut Pierre Mendès France) et sur une large exploitation des sources orales.
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Schlegel, Sebastian. "Der "Weisse Archipel" : sowjetische Atomstädte 1945-1991 /". Stuttgart : Ibidem, 2006.

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Simon, Christine. "La politique de défense nucléaire de la France depuis le départ du Général de Gaulle : 1969-1990". Aix-Marseille 3, 1991.

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La politique de defense nucleaire de la france depuis le depart du general de gaulle n'a pas subi de grands bouleversements mais quelques modifications. Ces dernieres ont effecte la doctrine nucleaire, la position de la france sur le desarmement ainsi que le role que notre pays joue en europe occidentale en matiere de defense
The nuclear defence policy of france after the departure of general de gaulle has not come under great disorders but some modifications. These have affected the nuclear doctrine, the french position on the disarmament and the aprt of france in the defense of europe
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Zani, Flavia <1988&gt. "Dalle esplosioni al palcoscenico. Le influenze delle bombe atomiche nel teatro giapponese". Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2015.

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Courmont, Barthélémy. "L'utilisation de la bombe atomique à Hiroshima : éléments de décision et alternatives". Paris 7, 2005.

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Soixante ans après la première utilisation de la bombe atomique, le nom d'Hiroshima continue de symboliser la destruction de toute forme de vie, et incarne la technique mise au service de la barbarie humaine. Le paradoxe de la ville japonaise totalement détruite réside dans ce qu'elle représente tant la fin d'une période que le commencement d'une autre. Certains célèbrent ainsi Hiroshima comme l'événement qui mit fin à la plus meurtrière de toutes les guerres de l'histoire. D'autres au contraire voient dans la capacité de feu de la nouvelle arme l'élément qui conduira l'homme à sa propre destruction. La bombe larguée le 6 août 1945, surnommée "Little Boy", est ainsi perçue tant comme une arme de paix que comme le plus formidable engin de guerre jamais pensé et utilisé. Cette thèse analyse les différents éléments qui justifièrent l'utilisation de l'arme suprême, les alternatives proposées, et les conditions géopolitiques dans lesquelles ce choix de politique étrangère et, à de nombreux égards, interne, prit place. Sont répertoriés ici les débats qui précédèrent l'utilisation, les manœuvres diplomatiques de Tokyo et de Moscou, mais surtout les raisons qui écartèrent progressivement toutes les options retenues pour mettre fin à la guerre contre le Japon, et désignèrent l'utilisation de la bombe atomique, avec toutes les conséquences que cela supposait, comme le choix le plus judicieux. Il s'agit donc de voir dans quelle mesure cette arme, si elle fut à de nombreux égards inutile pour mettre un terme aux hostilités, ne pouvait pas ne pas être utilisée par les Etats-Unis
Sixty years after the first use of the atomic bomb, the reference of Hiroshima remains a symbol of the destruction of life, and the science to serve human barbarian purpose. The paradox of the Japanese city is that it both represents the end of an era and the beginning of another one. Some celebrate Hiroshima as the event that ended the most terrible war in human history. Others consider that the power of the new weapon will lead -the humanity to its own destruction. The bomb used on August 6, 1945, known as “Little Boy”, is then both considered as a peace weapon and the most powerful and efficient killing tool ever produced. This PhD thesis analyses the different elements that justified the use of the supreme weapon, the proposed alternatives, and the geopolitical context in which this foreign policy and, to some extent domestic politics, choice was made. The debates that took place before the use, the diplomatic manoeuvres from both Tokyo and Moscow are developed here, as well as the reasons that justified the choice of the atomic bomb among the different proposals, and the consequences for world history. One of the objectives is to determine whether this weapon, which was useless in ending the war against Japan, could not having been used by the US
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Gayrard, Emeline. "Analyse bayésienne de la gerbe d'éclats provoquée pa l'explosion d'une bombe à fragmentation naturelle". Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne‎ (2017-2020), 2019.

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Durant cette thèse, une méthode d'analyse statistique sur la gerbe d'éclats d’une bombe, en particulier sur leurs masses, a été mise au point. Nous avions à disposition trois échantillons partiels de données expérimentales et un modèle mécanique simulant l'explosion d'un anneau. Dans un premier temps, un modèle statistique a été créé à partir du modèle mécanique fourni, pour générer des données pouvant être similaires à celles d'une expérience. Après cela, la distribution des masses a pu être étudiée. Les méthodes d'analyse classiques ne donnant pas de résultats suffisamment précis, une nouvelle méthode a été mise au point. Elle consiste à représenter la masse par une variable aléatoire construite à partir d'une base de polynômes chaos. Cette méthode donne de bons résultats mais ne permet pas de prendre en compte le lien entre les éclats d'une même charge. Il a donc été décidé ensuite de modéliser la masse par un processus stochastique, et non par une variable aléatoire. La portée des éclats, qui dépend en partie de la masse, a elle aussi été modélisée par un processus. Pour finir, une analyse de sensibilité a été effectuée sur cette portée avec les indices de Sobol. Ces derniers s'appliquant aux variables aléatoires, nous les avons adaptés aux processus stochastiques de manière à prendre en compte les liens entre les éclats. Dans la suite, les résultats de cette dernière analyse pourront être améliorés. Notamment, grâce à des indices présentés en dernière partie qui seraient adaptés aux variables dépendantes, et permettraient l'utilisation de processus stochastiques à accroissements non indépendants
During this thesis, a method of statistical analysis on sheaf of bomb fragments, in particular on their masses, has been developed. Three samples of incomplete experimental data and a mechanical model which simulate the explosion of a ring were availables. First, a statistical model based on the mechanical model has been designed, to generate data similar to those of an experience. Then, the distribution of the masses has been studied. The classical methods of analysis being not accurate enough, a new method has been developed. It consists in representing the mass by a random variable built from a basis of chaos polynomials. This method gives good results however it doesn't allow to take into account the link between slivers. Therefore, we decided to model the masses by a stochastic process, and not a random variable. The range of fragments, which depends of the masses, has also been modeled by a process. Last, a sensibility analysis has been carried out on this range with Sobol indices. Since these indices are applied to random variables, it was necessary to adapt them to stochastic process in a way that take into account the links between the fragments. In the last part, it is shown how the results of this analysis could be improved. Specifically, the indices presented in the last part are adapted to dependent variables and therefore, they could be suitable to processes with non independent increases
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Haas, Hagen. ""Denn die Bombe, wann sie fällt ..." : zum Schicksal von Einwohnern belagerter Städte im absolutistischen Zeitalter". Universität Potsdam, 2003.

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Balestrieri, Fulvia <1988&gt. "Après la bombe atomique : l’image du physicien dans la littérature européenne. Domaines italien, français, anglais". Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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En août 1945, deux bombes atomiques, construites par les scientifiques et les techniciens du Projet Manhattan, ont détruit Hiroshima et Nagasaki. Cette thèse vise à explorer les changements dans l’image littéraire du savant à la suite du bombardement des deux villes japonaises. Dans le but d’enquêter sur la figure du savant dans l’imaginaire contemporain, ce travail porte sur l’analyse du remaniement fictionnel de physiciens ayant réellement vécu. Les homonymes fictifs d’un panthéon de savants – tels qu’Einstein, Majorana, Oppenheimer, Meitner, Heisenberg, Bohr et Fermi – font, donc, l’objet de cette recherche. L’examen d’environ trente œuvres narratives et théâtrales italiennes, françaises et anglaises, est achevé selon plusieurs perspectives : narratologique et dramatologique, éthique, symbolique. En renvoyant aux observations d’Eric Hobsbawm, cette thèse met en lumière le sentiment contradictoire qu’on porte sur la science. Le tournant subi par l’image du savant n’est pas net et son centre de convergence majeur consiste dans le passage à une vision collective de la science. Représentations figuratives de ce mécanisme : la réaction en chaîne et l’explosion atomique même, dont les effets se font ressentir à l’échelle collective, voire cosmique.
In August 1945 two atomic bombs, built by the scientists and technicians of the Manhattan Project, destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The following thesis explores the changes in the literary image of the scientist after the bombardment of the two Japanese cities. In order to investigate the figure of the scientist in the contemporary imagery, this work focuses on the analysis of the fictional reworking of real physicists. The objects of this research are the fictional namesakes of a pantheon of scholars such as Einstein, Majorana, Oppenheimer, Meitner, Heisenberg, Bohr, and Fermi. About thirty Italian, French and English narrative and theatrical works are examined from narrating, dramaturgical, ethical and symbolic perspectives. Referring to Eric Hobsbawm’s remarks, this thesis advances the conflicting perception which concerns our idea of the science. The turning point in the scientist’s image is not definite and its climax is the collective vision of the science. The figurative representations of this mechanism are the chain reaction and the atomic explosion, whose effects are collective, even cosmic.
L’elaborato si prefigge l’obiettivo di analizzare come sia cambiata l’immagine letteraria dello scienziato a seguito della distruzione di Hiroshima e Nagasaki, rase al suolo nel mese di agosto 1945 da due bombe atomiche, frutto della ricerca degli scienziati e dei tecnici del Progetto Manhattan. Con l’obiettivo di indagare la figura dello scienziato nell’immaginario contemporaneo, il nostro lavoro si sofferma sulla trasposizione in finzione di alcuni fisici. Gli omonimi fittivi di un pantheon di scienziati – tra cui Einstein, Majorana, Oppenheimer, Meitner, Heisenberg, Bohr e Fermi – sono quindi al centro di questa ricerca. L’esame di circa trenta opere narrative e teatrali italiane, francesi e inglesi, è compiuto secondo le seguenti prospettive: narratologica e drammatologica, etica, simbolica. La tesi avvalora le osservazioni di Eric Hobsbawm, che ritiene che la scienza sia ormai oggetto di un duplice sentimento. L’immagine dello scienziato non risulta essere molto distante da quella anteriore agli eventi del 1945. È emerso, tuttavia, un rilevante cambiamento consistente nel passaggio ad una visione collettiva della scienza. Le rappresentazioni figurative di questa nuova dimensione sono proprio la reazione a catena e l’esplosione atomica, con effetti che si ripercuotono a livello collettivo, persino cosmico.
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NDiaye, Pap. "Du nylon et des bombes : les ingénieurs chimistes de Du Pont de Nemours, le marché de l'état, 1910-1960". Paris, EHESS, 1996.

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Cette these a pour objet l'analyse de l'histoire des relations entre une grande entreprise americaine, la firme chimique du pont de nemours, et l'etat federal americain, du debut du siecle a la fin des annees 1950. De preference a une analyse strictement institutionnelle ou economique, ces relations sont considerees sous un angle different et inedit, celui de l'histoire des techniques et de l'histoire des groupes socio-professionnels. Il s'agit precisement des ingenieurs chimistes, passes a la posterite pour avoir developpe dans les annees 1930 le nylon, puis quelques annees plus tard le plutonium qui servit a la fabrication de bombes atomiques. Ce faisant, ils ont contribue a change leur firme, a la rapprocher de la sphere publique tout en repondant a une demande de masse en produits de grande consommation comme le nylon. Trois niveaux d'analyse sont associes: le niveau micro-historique du groupe professionnel; le niveau median de l' organisation, de sa culture technique et politique; et celui, macro-historique, de l'economie politique americaine et de l'emergence de la figure de l'expert comme paradigme politique central de l'amerique d'apres-guerre. Ces echelles d'analyse sont liees entre elles par le fil conducteur des carrieres des ingenieurs chimistes. En etant au carrefour de plusieurs types de consommation, ils occupaient des positions strategiques qui valorisaient leurs carrieres au sein de la firme
This dissertation focuses on the relationship between a large-scale firm, du pont de nemours, and the federal state in the u. S. , from the 1910s to the 1950s. Rather than a purely institutional or economic analysis, ces relationship are analyzed thru the history of a group of chemical engineers. These engineers developed nylon in the 1930s and plutonium for atomic bombs in the 1940s and later. In so doing, they changed their firm, by securing close connections with the state while meeting the demand from civilian consumers, eager to get nylons. Three levels of analysis are interwoven: the microhistorical level (a professional group and its technical work); an intermediate level, that of the organization, and its political and technical culture; and that of the american political economy and the emergence of the expert as the central political paragigm of post world war 2 america. These levels of analysis are connected to one another by the history of our chemical engineers' careers. By being at the crossroads of several marketsm they had strategic positions in the firm, which boosted their careers to the very top of corporate america
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Braw, Monica. "The atomic bomb suppressed : American censorship in Japan, 1945-1949 /". Malmö : Liber Förlag, 1986.

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Sartini, Antonio. ""Bombe d'acqua" ed eventi estremi: integrazione di metodi tradizionali con tecniche GIS in un piccolo bacino pedecollinare". Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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I cambiamenti climatici stanno sempre più influenzando l’assetto territoriale ed ambientale della nostra società. Questo fatto si evince da eventi che riescono a sconvolgere le opere atte alla loro mitigazione; tali sistemi vengono progettati tenendo conto delle competenze acquisite in campo teorico e archivistico, ovvero la serie dei dati storici sui quali costruire dei modelli probabilistici che permettano di determinare il massimo grado di intensità che l'evento di interesse potrà generare. Questi database, però, conseguentemente ai cambiamenti ambientali cui stiamo avendo testimonianza diretta, risultano essere sempre meno affidabili allo scopo di impostare questi studi di tendenza. Esempio di quanto detto sono le alluvioni, generate da eventi meteorologici fuori dall'ordinario: queste situazioni, sempre più frequenti sul nostro territorio, oltre che subire l'influsso dei cambiamenti climatici, trovano un substrato favorevole nel quale attecchire, dovuto dall'alto grado di antropizzazione del territorio. In questo ambito, rientrano quegli eventi che i media chiamano "bombe d'acqua", le quali scaricano su un piccolo territorio una massiccia quantità di acque di precipitazione in un arco di tempo estremamente limitato. L'effetto principale è quello di mettere in crisi la rete idrologica della zona colpita, la quale non è stata progettata per sopportare eventi di tale magnitudo. Gli effetti avversi sul territorio possono essere importanti e vantano una vasta gamma di effetti. Inondazioni ed allagamenti in primis, poi i conseguenti da danni economici, ma anche smottamenti o colate di fango ed il collasso dei sistemi fognari. In questo lavoro di tesi, queste problematiche saranno trattate col fine ultimo di valutare delle soglie di precipitazioni, tali per cui, in caso di eventi meteorologici fuori dall’ordinario, sarà possibile allertare la popolazione localizzata nella zona soggetta a rischio idro-geologico. Questa analisi è stata condotta grazie ai dati reperiti per un piccolo bacino pedecollinare del Comune di Rimini.
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Demers, Marc. "La perception de la menace nucléaire soviétique par l'Office of Reports & Estimates, 1946-1950 : pourquoi ont-ils raté la bombe?" Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2006.

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Ferber, Elena [Verfasser] y Martin J. [Gutachter] Müller. "Transkriptionelle, metabolische und physiologische Anpassung nach Selbstintoxikation mit reaktiven Sekundärstoffen: die Glukosinolat-Bombe in Arabidopsis thaliana / Elena Ferber ; Gutachter: Martin J. Müller". Würzburg : Universität Würzburg, 2019.

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Barat, Théodora. "Fοur Cοrners : désert fourmillant, zone sacrifice, objet de représentations". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Cette recherche porte sur l’empreinte de l'extraction d'uranium et de l'armement militaire nucléaire dans la région des Four Corners aux États-Unis. Confrontant récit muséal et enquête de terrain, elle tend à démontrer comment la propagande infuse la narration historique et invisibilise certaines réalités irradiées. Elle questionnera également le nucléaire comme paroxysme du paradigme techno-capitaliste et comme réinvestissement de la figure du pionnier. Nous étudierons aussi Les résurgences nucléaires dans d’autres domaines comme le Land Art et le cinéma. Cette étude démontrera enfin comment les États-Unis sont un incubateur du colonialisme nucléaire. En opposition à ce regard colonial, le désert sera présenté non pas comme une zone aride et stérile, mais comme un écosystème fourmillant afin d’envisager une représentation en résistance
This research focuses on the footprint of uranium mining and nuclear military weaponry in the Four Corners area in the United States. Confronting museum narratives and field surveys, it aims to demonstrate how propaganda infuses the historical narrative and invisibilizes certain irradiated realities. It also examines nuclear power as a paroxysm of the techno-capitalist paradigm and as a reinvestment in the pioneer figure. It will also examine nuclear resurgences in other fields, such as Land Art and cinema. Finally, this study will show how the United States is an incubator of nuclear colonialism. In opposition to this colonial gaze, the desert will be presented not as an arid, sterile zone, but as a teeming ecosystem in order to consider a representation in resistance
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Genay, Lucie. "La conquête scientifique du Nouveau-Mexique : héritage local du Projet Manhattan 1942-2015". Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.

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Le 16 novembre 1942, dans le désert du Nouveau-Mexique, J. Robert Oppenheimer suggéra à son homologue militaire, le Général Leslie Groves, que la Los Alamos Ranch School d'Ashley Pond serait une localisation idéale pour l'établissement d'un laboratoire secret où continuer la recherche sur la conception et la construction de la bombe atomique. Cet événement scella le destin du Nouveau-Mexique, surnommé la « terre d'enchantement », qui se vit alors octroyé une nouvelle identité en tant que berceau de l'ère nucléaire. Le laboratoire de Los Alamos a déclenché la troisième colonisation de la région : une conquête scientifique financée par le gouvernement fédéral et entretenue par la course à l'armement avec l'Union Soviétique. Le long du Rio Grande, les installations nées à la suite du Projet Manhattan ont révolutionné l'ordre social, économique et démographique établi dans l'État tout en y produisant des bouleversements environnementaux et culturels. Et pourtant, soixante–dix ans plus tard, le Nouveau-Mexique demeurait l'un des cinq États les plus pauvres du pays malgré son Eldorado nucléaire. Cette thèse évalue l'ambivalence et les multiples facettes de l'héritage du Projet Manhattan au Nouveau-Mexique. En estimant la durabilité et la répartition des profits générés par l'industrie nucléaire en termes d'emplois, d'éducation et de niveau de vie, cette thèse interroge l'étendue réelle des gains perçus par les populations locales grâce à cette révolution vers le nucléaire et la haute technologie, ainsi que l'évolution des coûts socio-économiques et environnementaux qu'il a fallu et qu'il faudra encore payer pour la panacée nucléaire. Depuis l'arrivée des premiers pionniers atomiques à Los Alamos, les populations natives du Nouveau-Mexique (qu'il s'agisse des Indiens pueblos, des villageois hispaniques ou des ranchers anglos) ont dû s'adapter aux changements en dents de scie d'un nouvel ordre reposant sur des fonds fédéraux, eux–mêmes déterminés par la scène politique internationale et ils furent confrontés à une concurrence de plus en plus rude avec les nouveaux arrivants, c'est-à-dire les immigrés du nucléaire venant d'autres États. L'association du pouvoir militaire, du gouvernement et de l'omniprésente confidentialité a renforcé les mécanismes du complexe militaro-industriel et scientifique local, ce qui a maintenu la région dans son statut de colonie interne des États-Unis. Depuis les années 1980, une prise de conscience progressive de la société concernant les conséquences environnementales et sanitaires de la radioactivité a entraîné des réactions antinucléaires au Nouveau-Mexique. Dès lors, de nombreuses voix précédemment restées dans le silence se sont levées pour mettre en évidence une autre vision de l'héritage nucléaire dans l'État. Cette perspective locale des participants les plus modestes, les oubliés de l'avènement de l'ère nucléaire, manque de reconnaissance historique. Par conséquent, l'objectif de cette thèse est d'examiner la relation entre ces Nouveaux-Mexicains et l'industrie nucléaire locale
On November 16, 1942, in the New Mexican desert, J. Robert Oppenheimer suggested to his military counterpart, General Leslie Groves, that Ashley Pond's Los Alamos Ranch School would be an ideal location for the establishment of a secret laboratory to pursue research on the design and construction of the atomic bomb. This event sealed the fate of New Mexico, dubbed the “Land of Enchantment,” which acquired a new identity as the cradle of the nuclear age. The Los Alamos Laboratory paved the way to a third colonization of the area; a scientific conquest funded by the Federal Government and maintained by the arms race with the Soviet Union. Along the Rio Grande, the derivative installations of the Manhattan Project revolutionized the social, economic, and demographic order in the state while introducing environmental and cultural disruptions. And yet, seventy years later, New Mexico was still among the five poorest states in the nation despite its nuclear Eldorado. This thesis assesses the double-edged quality and the multiple facets of the Manhattan Project's legacy in New Mexico. By evaluating the durability and distribution of the benefits entailed by the nuclear industry in terms of jobs, education, and standards of living, this dissertation focuses on the question of the extent to which local populations actually gained from this high-technology revolution, and of the environmental, socio-economic price, which has been and will have to be paid for the nuclear bonanza. Since the settlement of the first atomic pioneers in Los Alamos, the native populations of New Mexico—be they Indian Pueblo dwellers, Hispanic villagers, or Anglo ranchers—have had to adapt to the ups and downs of the new order based on a dependence on federal funds that were, in turn, determined by global politics, and to face an increasingly harsh competition with outsiders, i.e. nuclear immigrants to the state. A combination of military and government power with secrecy built up the mechanism of a local military-industrial and scientific complex, which maintained the region's status as an internal colony of the United States. Since the 1980s, growing public awareness of environmental and health consequences of radioactivity have prompted antinuclear reactions in New Mexico. Thereupon, many previously unheard voices have spoken up to shed a new light on the nuclear heritage in the state. This local perspective of the humblest, forgotten participants in the advent of the nuclear age lacks historical recognition; therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to address the relations between New Mexicans and the local nuclear industry
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Alvarez, Ramos Charles Alonzo. "Cálculo de un sistema de bombeo para yogurt con una bomba de tornillo". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2018.

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Desarrolla los cálculos para la selección adecuada de una bomba sanitaria para el trasvase de yogurt, esto en base a las ecuaciones que gobiernan a los fluidos no newtonianos y con la ayuda de información determinada experimentalmente en laboratorio, de acuerdo a esto el yogurt es considerado un fluido no newtoniano. Para realizar la correcta selección de la bomba para trasvase de yogurt se deberá determinar correctamente los parámetros de caudal, atura dinámica total, potencia, velocidad de operación, etc. Esto nos permitirá seleccionar un equipo eficiente.
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Sabard, Jérémy. "Etude de l'explosion de mélanges diphasiques : hydrogène et poussières". Thesis, Orléans, 2013.

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Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre de la sûreté de l’installation ITER. En effet, des études d’accidentologie concernant cette installation ont permis de mettre à jour un risque d’explosion de mélanges à base d’hydrogène et de poussières. L’objectif de la thèse est d’acquérir les données fondamentales caractérisant l’explosion de ces mélanges diphasiques permettant ainsi d’évaluer les pressions générées par une éventuelle explosion des poussières qu’elle soit concomitante on non à celle de l’hydrogène. Pour se faire, des expériences, en bombe sphérique, ont été réalisées concernant des mélanges gazeux hydrogène - oxygène - azote. Les expériences ont été accomplies pour des températures de 303 et 343 K et des pressions de 50 et 100 kPa pour différentes concentrations en hydrogène et différents rapports N2/O2 dans le mélange. Les paramètres de caractérisation de l’explosion de ces mélanges ont été déterminés tels que la pression maximale de combustion (PMAX), l’indice de déflagration (KG ou KST), le temps de combustion (tC), la vitesse fondamentale de flamme (SL°) et la longueur de Markstein (LB). Une modélisation cinétique de la vitesse de flamme utilisant le code COSILAB a été réalisée, permettant de déduire la vitesse fondamentale de flamme sur la base de trois mécanismes cinétiques détaillés de la littérature. Celle-ci a permis l’évaluation de l’énergie d’activation globale sur la base du modèle cinétique présentant le meilleur accord avec l’expérience. De plus des calculs thermodynamiques à l’équilibre ont été réalisés afin de comparer les pressions maximales de combustion aux valeurs théoriques. Pour les mélanges diphasiques, un nouveau système d’introduction des poussières a été mis en place et des expériences caractérisant les paramètres d’explosion de ces mélanges ont été réalisées dans la bombe sphérique. Celles-ci ont permis de mettre en exergue le fait qu’une explosion de poussières, sous certaines conditions peut-être concomitante à une explosion d’hydrogène
The context of the study is the safety of the ITER installation. Indeed, studies have shown that it exists a risk for two-phase mixtures of hydrogen and dust can explode and create a safety risk for the ITER installation. This aims to obtain the fundamental data which characterize the explosion of these mixtures and to evaluate the pressure loads they can generate. To do so, experiments in spherical bomb have been carried out for hydrogen - oxygen - nitrogen mixtures at two initial temperatures (303 and 343 K) and pressures (50 and 100 kPa) for different hydrogen concentrations and different N2/O2 ratios. Explosion parameters like maximum combustion pressures (PMAX), deflagration indexes (KG or KST), combustion times (tC), fundamental flame speeds (SL°) and Markstein lengths have been determined. A kinetic modelling of the flame speed, using the COSILAB software was performed based on three detailed kinetic models available in the literature and allowed the calculation of the global activation energy on the basis of the kinetic model which showed the best agreement with the experimental data. Moreover equilibrium calculations were achieved to compare PMAX to the theoretical values. For two-phase mixtures, a new introduction device was tested and set up and experiments characterizing the explosions parameters of the two-phase mixtures have been performed in the spherical bomb. They were able to stress out the fact that, under some circumstances, dust explosion can be concomitant to a hydrogen explosion
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Boureille, Patrick. "La marine française et le fait nucléaire (1945-1972)". Paris 4, 2008.

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Cette thèse porte sur l'impact du fait nucléaire sur la marine nationale entre 1945 et 1972. Trois périodes peuvent être distinguées. Tout d'abord, entre 1945 et 1953, la marine cherche à connaître et à protéger contre les effets d’une attaque atomique les unités de la flotte, les ports et les arsenaux, les hommes. Dans un second temps, entre 1954 et 1960, il s'agit pour la marine de construire, avec l'appui du Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et malgré la CED et l'Euratom, un sous-marin atomique à uranium naturel et eau lourde, le Q. 244. C'est un échec technologique. Des négociations avec les Etats-Unis pour l'achat d’uranium enrichi ou d’un réacteur à eau bouillante n'aboutissent pas non plus. Enfin, de 1960 à 1972, en même temps que la Cinquième république se met en place, le projet est transformé. Il s'agit de mettre sur pied un système d'armes fondé sur des engins balistiques stratégiques portés par un sous-marin atomique (projet Coelacanthe). Ce sera le SNLE Le Redoutable dont la première patrouille opérationnelle commence en janvier 1972. Parallèlement, depuis 1957, la marine apporte, directement ou indirectement, son soutien à la création, puis au fonctionnement des centres d'expérimentations nucléaires (Sahara puis Polynésie)
With this paper, we study the effects of atomic revolution on the french navy between 1945 and 1972. Three era can be noticed. First, from 1945 until 1953, naval officiers understood the effects of a nuclear bombing on vessels, dockyards, harbours and seamen. Then, in a second time, with the help of the Atomic Energy Committee, in spite of the European community of defense (1954) and Europrean community of atomic energy (Euratom, 1956-1957), naval headquarters and central directorate of shipbuilding tried to achieve an atomic submarine which would have used natural uranium and heavy water (Q. 244). It is a technological failure. United States refused to sell a reactor or some enriched uranium for this submarine. Then, during the first part of the Fith republic, all the project is removed. A new project (Coelacanthe) appeared, based on a intermediate range ballistic missile which a nuclear powered submarine can launch against the cities of a potential enemy. The SNLE Le Redoutable began its first strategic patrol the 29th of january 1972. On the same time, from 1957, french navy supported the nuclear tests fields in the Sahara desert and polynesian islands
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Courty, Léo. "Etude de l'émission et des propriétés de combustion des composés organiques volatils potentiellement impliqués dans les feux de forêts accélérés". Phd thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2012.

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La plupart des espèces végétales impliquées dans les feux de forêts produisent et émettent des composés organiques volatils (COV). Les modèles physiques de propagation des feux n'intègrent pas jusqu'à présent la combustion de ces composés et l'objectif de cette étude est de fournir des données expérimentales et numériques afin d'améliorer ces modèles pour mieux prévoir et contrôler les incendies. Les émissions de cinq espèces végétales ont été analysées en fonction de la température à l'aide d'un pyrolyseur flash : Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Cistus albidus et Pinus pinea. Les vitesses fondamentales de flamme, longueurs de Markstein et épaisseurs de flamme de mélanges avec l'air de trois COV majoritaires (-pinène, limonène et p-cymène) sont déterminées expérimentalement en fonction de la richesse et de la température à l'aide de la technique des flammes à expansion sphérique. Des simulations numériques avec le code PREMIX de la bibliothèque CHEMKIN sont également effectuées pour des molécules proches. Différentes études ont montré que les feux de forêts peuvent se comporter de manière surprenante, la vitesse de propagation et l'énergie libérée augmentant brutalement. Ce phénomène est connu sous le nom de feux de forêts accélérés. Une approche d'explication thermochimique, basée sur l'inflammation d'un prémélange COV/air accumulé au bas d'un canyon, a été proposée. Les données présentées dans ce travail permettent aussi d'étudier la validité de cette hypothèse. Des études expérimentales et théoriques sur le sens de diffusion des COV et leurs limites d'inflammabilité sont également menées afin d'étudier en détail cette hypothèse
Most of the vegetal species involved in forest fires produce and emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Physical forest fire propagation models do not take into account the combustion of these compounds and the objective of this study is to provide experimental and numerical data in order to better foresee and control fires. The emissions of five vegetal species have been analyzed for different temperatures using a flash pyrolysis apparatus: Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Cistus albidus and Pinus pinea. Laminar burning speeds, Markstein lengths and flame thicknesses of three major VOCs (-pinene, limonene and p-cymene) are determined using the spherical expanding flame technique. Numerical simulations are also performed with the PREMIX code of the CHEMKIN package for similar molecules. Several studies have shown that forest fires can behave in a surprising way, with a sudden increase of the rate of spread and of the released energy. This phenomenon is called accelerating forest fire. A thermochemical explanation, based on the ignition of a premixed VOCs/air mixture accumulated in a canyon, has been proposed. The different experimental data presented in this work can also be useful to study the validity of this approach. Other experimental and theoretical studies on the diffusion direction of VOCs and on their flammability limits are performed to investigate in detail this approach
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Letterelli, Sara. "Louder than a bomb: quando le parole sono più forti di una bomba. Proposta di traduzione di testi scelti". Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015.

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Questo elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare la “slam poetry”, una disciplina con la quale solo recentemente il pubblico italiano si è confrontato. Spiegherò di cosa si tratta, quando e perché si è originata, come si è evoluta e perché ha avuto così tanto successo con alcune categorie di persone. Non mancherà anche una riflessione generale sulla traduzione della poesia e verrà dato abbondante spazio alle propostedi traduzione di alcuni brani di slam poetry, scelti tra quelli partecipanti al concorso di Chicago del 2008, con relativo commento alla traduzione.
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Ginbar, Yuval. "Torture, terrorists and ticking bombs : moral, societal and legal aspects of the 'ticking bomb' justification for torture in the struggle against terrorism". Thesis, University of Essex, 2006.

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Jarry, Maud. "La France, les Français et les armes de représailles allemandes V1-V2, 1943-1945". Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2008.

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La fusée A4/V2 et la bombe volante Fi 103/V1 virent le jour à la fin de 1942, au moment où les Alliés infligèrent aux forces de l'Axe leurs premières défaites et que la RAF commençait à bombarder les villes allemandes. Ces raids amenèrent un désir de vengeance contre l'Angleterre, que l'invention de ces armes rendait possible. De 1943 à 1945, en raison du choix de la cible et de la portée des engins, la France et les Français se retrouvèrent au cœur de la lutte que se livrèrent Allemands et Alliés au sujet de l'emploi des armes V, en apportant à chacun des deux protagonistes son aide. Ainsi, contraints ou volontaires, des Français aidèrent économiquement, socialement et militairement les Allemands à construire leurs bases de lancement et à produire leurs armes. A l'inverse, d'autres luttèrent aux côtés des Alliés pour faire échec au plan allemand. La Résistance française fut, en effet, aux premières loges pour informer les services secrets implantés à Londres, dont le BCRA, sur l'implantation des sites et la nature de ces armes. Les sites furent alors bombardés par la RAF appuyée par l'USAAF et les FAFL. Si ces attaques retardèrent la mise en action des armes V, elles ravagèrent les campagnes françaises. Après le 6 juin 1944, les Allemands réussirent à utiliser leurs engins. Les bases françaises furent alors encore plus bombardées, avant que les troupes alliées en prennent possession à la fin de l'été. Leur inspection réalisée parfois avec des Français intéressés par cette nouvelle technologie, et les découvertes d'engins permirent, par la suite, de jeter les premières bases techniques de toutes les fusées modernes à l'origine de la conquête spatiale
The A4 / V2 rocket and the Fi 103 / V1 flying bomb were developed at the end of 1942, at the time when the Allies began defeating the Axis Powers and when the RAF began to bombard Germany cities. These raids fed a desire for revenge against England, which these weapons made possible. From 1943 to 1945, because of the choice of the target and the range of the rockets, France and the French found themselves caught in the middle of the battle that the Germans and the Allies fought over the implementing of the V weapons. The French helped each side. They helped the Germans, whether under constraint or as volunteers, economically, socially and militarily, to build their launch ramps and to produce their weapons. On the other hand, other French fought on the side of the Allies to make the German plan fail. The French Resistance, in the front lines, informed secret services based in London, including the BCRA, providing information concerning the sites and the description of the arms. The sites were then bombarded by the RAF, which was supported by the USAAF and the FAFL. Although these attacks slowed the use of the V weapons, they also destroyed the surrounding countryside. After the D-Day, the Germans succeeded in firing their rockets. The French bases were then even more intensively bombed until the allied troops captured them at the end of the summer. Their inspection, carried out sometimes with French interested by this new technology, as well as the discovery of the rockets themselves, provided the technical basis of modern rocket science, which in turn led to the exploration of outer space
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Courty, Léo. "Etude de l'émission et des propriétés de combustion des composés organiques volatils potentiellement impliqués dans les feux de forêts accélérés". Phd thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2012.

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La plupart des espèces végétales impliquées dans les feux de forêts produisent et émettent des composés organiques volatils (COV). Les modèles physiques de propagation des feux n'intègrent pas jusqu'à présent la combustion de ces composés et l'objectif de cette étude est de fournir des données expérimentales et numériques afin d'améliorer ces modèles pour mieux prévoir et contrôler les incendies. Les émissions de cinq espèces végétales ont été analysées en fonction de la température à l'aide d'un pyrolyseur flash : Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula stoechas, Cistus albidus et Pinus pinea. Les vitesses fondamentales de flamme, longueurs de Markstein et épaisseurs de flamme de mélanges avec l'air de trois COV majoritaires (-pinène, limonène et p-cymène) sont déterminées expérimentalement en fonction de la richesse et de la température à l'aide de la technique des flammes à expansion sphérique. Des simulations numériques avec le code PREMIX de la bibliothèque CHEMKIN sont également effectuées pour des molécules proches. Différentes études ont montré que les feux de forêts peuvent se comporter de manière surprenante, la vitesse de propagation et l'énergie libérée augmentant brutalement. Ce phénomène est connu sous le nom de feux de forêts accélérés. Une approche d'explication thermochimique, basée sur l'inflammation d'un prémélange COV/air accumulé au bas d'un canyon, a été proposée. Les données présentées dans ce travail permettent aussi d'étudier la validité de cette hypothèse. Des études expérimentales et théoriques sur le sens de diffusion des COV et leurs limites d'inflammabilité sont également menées afin d'étudier en détail cette hypothèse.
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Gonçalves, Ana Cristina. "Representações de Hiroshima: a problemática da representação a partir de Gen Pés Descalços". Universidade de São Paulo, 2011.

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A proposta deste trabalho é buscar refletir e compreender como são construídas as representações do horror, em especial de Hiroshima, enfocando o evento violento da bomba atômica a partir da narrativa de Nakazawa Keiji, Gen Pés Descalços, fazendo uma articulação com outras obras que também representam a catástrofe. Para tal, foi realizada uma discussão sobre a possibilidade da escrita da catástrofe e do horror, o discurso histórico e as representações, a questão da memória, história e escrita, das dimensões da construção de si pelo seu autor, as questões políticas e ideológicas que são parte do entorno das representações e, por fim, a questão da possibilidade da experiência com o real.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect and understand how the representations about the horror are build, especially of Hiroshima, focusing on the violent event of the atomic bomb from the narrative of Nakazawa Keiji, Barefoot Gen, making links with other works that also represent catastrophe. To this end, a discussion was held about the possibility of writing and the horror of the catastrophe, the historical discourse and representations, the question of memory, history and writing, the dimensions of the building itself by its author, the political and ideological surroundings are part of the representations and, finally, the question of the possibility of the experience with the real.
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Nakagawa, Cristiane Izumi. "Hiroshima: a catástrofe atômica e suas testemunhas". Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.

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Ao longo das duas Guerras Mundiais, observou-se o rompimento da humanidade com as normas de conduta inauguradas pelo Iluminismo, legitimando a violência como algo intrínseco à sociedade moderna. Essa mudança de valores foi acompanhada pelo crescente investimento científico e tecnológico, que atingiu um elevado desenvolvimento durante o século XX e trouxe, como um de seus resultados, os maiores genocídios realizados pelos Estados autoritários em nome de seus interesses políticos e econômicos. A barbárie nos leva a considerar um elemento para a reflexão: as testemunhas. Essas corporificam a necessidade de um resgate da humanização, da retomada dos valores morais perdidos com a banalização da violência. Assim, o testemunho confronta a história e demonstra que o desenvolvimento tecnológico não é sinônimo de desenvolvimento humano. Pelo contrário, permitem questionar a verdadeira intenção das nações que, em busca de hegemonia, destroem maciçamente populações inteiras. Nesse contexto, emergem as seguintes questões: o que é o testemunho e qual a sua importância para a sociedade moderna? O que levou, historicamente, ao surgimento das testemunhas? Qual o contexto histórico que proporcionou o desenvolvimento da bomba atômica? Por que houve a necessidade, por parte das nações em guerra, de exterminarem milhares de pessoas, principalmente civis? Qual a consequência do rompimento das normas de civilidade pelas duas Guerras Mundiais? Para responder a essas perguntas, investigou-se o Museu Memorial da Paz de Hiroshima no que diz respeito a sua exposição permanente, seus objetivos no que se refere à luta contra o esquecimento da catástrofe atômica e à coleta de testemunhos. Após esse primeiro momento da pesquisa, procedeu-se ao estudo do contexto histórico que culminou nas atrocidades cometidas ao longo das duas Grandes Guerras, os resultados dos extermínios em massa para a sociedade moderna e, finalmente, o estudo sobre o trauma e o testemunho em relação aos sobreviventes do bombardeio atômico de Hiroshima
Throughout the two World Wars, a disruption between humankind and the standards of conduct inaugurated by the Enlightenment was observed, legitimizing violence as something intrinsic to modern society. This change in values was followed by the increasing scientific and technological investment, which reached a high development during the twentieth century and brought, as one of its results, the greatest genocides carried out by the authoritarian States on behalf of their political and economic interests. The barbarism leads us to consider an element for reflection: the witnesses. They embody the need for redemption of humanization and the resumption of the moral values, both lost in the trivialization of violence. Thus, the testimony confronts history and shows that technological development is not a synonymous for human development. On the contrary, they allow us to question the true intent of the nations that, in their quest for domination, massively destroy entire populations. In this context, the following questions arise: what is the testimony and what is its importance to modern society? Historically, what had led to the appearance of witnesses? What is the historical context that provided the development of the atomic bomb? Why was there the need, by the nations at war, to exterminate thousands of people, mainly civilians? What is the consequence of breaking the rules of civility by the two World Wars? To answer these questions, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum was investigated regarding its permanent exhibition, its goals regarding the struggle against forgetting the atomic disaster and the gathering of testimonies. After this first stage of the research, it was proceeded the study of the historical context that culminated in the atrocities committed during the two Great Wars, the results for modern society of the mass exterminations and finally, the study of trauma and testimony regarding the survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bombing
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Giovaninni, Adriano. "Estudo dos riscos apresentados pelos radioisótopos após serem submetidos aos efeitos da detonação de um artefato explosivo". Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.

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O presente trabalho tratou do estudo dos riscos apresentados pelos radioisótopos após serem submetidos aos efeitos da detonação de um artefato explosivo. O estudo permitiu a obtenção de dados baseados em pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais, cálculos e softwares, possibilitando análises das consequências resultantes de artefatos explosivos contendo radioisótopos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de conhecimentos quanto à potencialidade destrutiva do explosivo denominado emulsão, composto principalmente por nitrato de amônia, bem como das propriedades do cobalto, iodo e do irídio que farão parte da carga destes explosivos. Supomos que à emulsão fossem acrescentadas as atividades de 1,5.102 TBq de cobalto-60, 3,7.10-3 TBq de iodo-131 e 3,7 TBq de irídio-192 que são suas atividades representativas em radioterapia, medicina nuclear e gamagrafia respectivamente. Avaliamos a progressão da pluma radioativa a partir do epicentro da explosão, possibilitando análises dos valores das doses, da distribuição e do alcance, a partir do epicentro, dos radioisótopos estudados. A simulação da progressão da pluma radioativa foi realizada por cálculos e simulação computacional fazendo uso dos programas Blast/FX Explosive Effects Analysis Software e The HotSpot Health Physics Codes - Version 2.07.2. No trabalho só foram estudadas as doses resultantes da exposição externa considerando que todo material radioativo volatizou. Foi deixado para estudos futuros calcular as doses internas e no pulmão bem como as doses resultantes de estilhaços radioativos produzidos na explosão.
This job devotes to the study of the radioisotopes risks, after the effects of an explosion of an explosive device. This study developes data based on bibliographies, documents, calculation and also software, and as a result, could provide analysis of an explosive device blast with radioisotopes. The purpose of this work is to provide knowlegde about the potencial destructive result of a blast of an explosive called emulsion, made with ammonia nitrate, and also with cobalt properties, iodine and iridium of a explosive charge. To this emulsion were added activities of 1,5.102 TBq of Cobalt-60, 3,7.10-3 TBq of iodine-131 and 3,7 TBq of iridium-192. Such activities are seen in radioterapy, nuclear medicine and gamagraphy. It could consider the radioative plume progress from the blast epicenter, in order to analyse the value of the dose, the distribution and the distance from the epicenter of the radioisotope studied. The simulation of the radioative plume progress was made with calculation and computer software, such as Blast/FX Explosive effects analysis software and The Hotspot health physics Codes version 2.07.2. In this study was only possible to check the doses from the external effects, to consider the fact that all radioative material result in volatization. It´s important to say that we left for future studies the calculation of the internal doses and inside the lung, and also the doses of the radioative shrapnel from the blast.
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Manenti, Sara <1991&gt. "La bomba atomica nell'arte". Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016.

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Ho deciso di focalizzare la mia tesi sul ruolo della bomba atomica nelle opere successive alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale, dopo il bombardamento delle città di Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Ho analizzato alcune opere artistiche in diversi ambiti: pittura, scultura, architettura, cinema, fotografia e manga; focalizzandomi sui fini ultimi degli artisti e sulle varie tecniche utilizzate dagli stessi per esprimere la propria creatività, il proprio essere e il proprio punto di vista sull'argomento.
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Sobrinho, Marcelo Barros. "A física e o projeto atômico alemães na Segunda Guerra Mundial". Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.

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A Alemanha iniciou o século XX com uma posição influente na comunidade científica mundial, o que é evidenciado na quantidade de Prêmios Nobel e nas descobertas realizadas no país, por alemães e estrangeiros que fizeram carreira por lá. Esse estado de coisas poderia ter mudado após o final da Primeira Guerra Mundial, quando a fragilidade da Alemanha era evidente, agravada pelas duras condições impostas pelos Aliados. Porém, o período conhecido como República de Weimar conheceu uma grande produção em vários campos, com destaque para a Física, que continuou a sua trajetória ascendente. A ascensão dos Nacional-Socialistas, em 1933, foi responsável por uma grande involução do papel alemão no cenário científico mundial desde o primeiro ano de seu governo, por meio de demissões, perseguições e outros atos. O início da Segunda Guerra Mundial magnificou esse estado de coisas. Em meio a tudo isso, é iniciado um Projeto Atômico, com o objetivo de construir uma arma de destruição em massa de alcance quase inimaginável. O Projeto não desenvolve tal arma a tempo de ser utilizada durante a guerra, mas a Alemanha desenvolve uma tradição sólida nas áreas da ciência e tecnologia nuclear.
Germany started the 21st century at a privileged status in the world science community, what is proven in the amount of Nobel Prizes and discoveries carried out in the country, by Germans and foreigners who pursued their careers there. Such state of things could have changed after the end of World War I, when Germany´s weakness was evident, increased by the harsh conditions imposed by the Allies. Nevertheless, the period known as Weimar´s Republic faced a great production in various fields, including Physics, which kept its ascending trajectory. The National-Socialists seizure of power, in 1933, was responsible for a major involution of the German status in the world science scenario from the first year of their government, by means of dismissals, harassment and other actions. The start of World War II magnified this situation. Amidst all that, an Atomic Project began, aimed at building a mass destruction weapon of an almost unthinkable reach. The Project does not develop the weapon in time to be used during the war, but Germany develops a solid tradition in the fields of Nuclear Science and Technology.
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Abbott, Laird. "INSTRUMENTATION OF OPERATIONAL BOMBER AIRCRAFT". International Foundation for Telemetering, 1998.

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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California
Airborne instrumentation used during flight tests is being installed and maintained in a unique way by operational bomber testers from the Air Force’s 53d Wing. The ability of the flight test community to test on operational aircraft has always been somewhat curtailed by the need for advanced forms of instrumentation. Operational fighter flight test squadrons have aircraft assigned to them, which they modify on as needed basis, much the same as developmental testers. However, bomber operational test units must use operational aircraft to accomplish their mission as there are no bombers in the Air Force’s Air Combat Command (ACC) specifically set aside for operational tests. During test missions, these units borrow aircraft from operational bomb wings, and then return them to service with the bomb wing after testing is complete. Yet, the requirement for instrumentation on these test missions is not much different than that of developmental testers. The weapon system engineer’s typically require Mil-Std-1553, video, telemetry, and Global Positioning System (GPS) Time-Space-Position-Information airborne receiver recordings. In addition, this data must be synchronized with an IRIG-B time code source, and recorded with the same precision as the data gathered during development test and evaluation (DT&E). As a result, several techniques have been developed, and instrumentation systems designed for these operational test units to incorporate instrumentation on operational aircraft. Several factors hamper the usual modification process in place at bases such as Edwards AFB and Eglin AFB. Primary among these is the requirement to maintain the aircraft in an operational configuration, and still meet all of the modification design safety criteria placed on the design team by the aircraft’s single manager. Secondary to the list of restrictions is modification time. Aircraft resources are stretched quite thin when one considers all of the bomb wing’s operational commitments. When they must release an aircraft for test missions, the testers must insure that schedule impacts are minimal. Therefore, these systems must install and de-install within one to two days and be completely portable. Placing holes in existing structures or adding new permanent structure is unacceptable. In addition, these aircraft must be capable of returning to combat ready status at any time. This paper centers on the B-52 bomber, and the active aircraft temporary modifications under control of the 49th Test Squadron (49 TESTS) at Barksdale AFB in Louisiana. The B-52 presents unique design challenges all its own, in addition to the general restrictions already mentioned. This paper will present the options that the 49 TESTS has successfully used to overcome the aforementioned restrictions, and provide an appropriate level of specialized instrumentation for its data collection requirements.
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Oliver, Juan Sebastián. "Bombeo Central Termica Roca S.A". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 2013.

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Práctica Supervisada (IC)--FCEFN-UNC, 2013
Presenta la selección de los equipos de bombeo y cañerías para el abastecimientop de agua a la central Termo Roca S:A: con el fin de incorporar un ciclo combinado en la generación de energía eléctrica. Esto producirá un aumento en la capacidad de generación de la planta de 126 MW a 180 MW
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Bridges, Ashby H. "Estimating the radiation dose to emergency room personnel in an event of a radiological dispersal device explosion". Thesis, Available online, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006, 2006.

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Thesis (M. S.)--Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007.
Dr. Armin J. Ansari, Committee Member ; Dr. Farzad Rahnema, Committee Member ; Dr. Rebecca Howell, Committee Member ; Dr. Nolan E. Hertel, Committee Chair.
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Loula, André Lopes. "A “Associação Hibakusha Brasil pela Paz” e os sobreviventes de Hiroshima e Nagasaki no Brasil". Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2017.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
The objective of this work is to analyze the trajectory of the Association of the Victims of Atomic Bombs in Brazil, an institution founded in the city of São Paulo in 1984 - 39 years after the nuclear hecatomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Through the analysis of the documentation contained in the collection of the Association and testimonies collected, the work gives visibility to the trajectory of people who survived the events that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively, on August 6 and 9, 1945. The intention is to understand the role of this institution founded by survivors from the other side of the planet who contributed in Brazil for various reasons. Thus, it is intended to answer the following questions: what did they witness? How did they survive? How was the reconstruction of the city where they lived? Why did they immigrate to Brazil? Why the silence? This last inquiry looks to us for the conviviality with the trauma, one of the main dilemmas of the hibakushas (Japanese word for survivors of the bomb). Memory, the search for identity and the struggle to be recognized by the Japanese government as victims of this hecatomb are the main flags of the group of survivors. To this end, the hibakushas carry out various activities, such as lectures in schools and universities, in order to raise the awareness of younger generations about the risks of nuclear energy. We also tried to understand the events that preceded Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Analyzing the Meiji Era of 1868, modernizationof the land of the rising sun. The cultural change implemented in Japan. The imperialist race in the new world geopolitics, the United States, England, Germany, Japan, Russia, and France, all seeking to change their status quo in search of raw materials and consumers. All these characteristics will lead to 1st War and the 2nd War, which ends with nuclear weapons
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a trajetória da Associação da Vítimas das Bombas Atômicas no Brasil, instituição fundada na cidade de São Pauloem 1984 – 39 anos após a hecatombe nuclear de Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Por meio da análise da documentação contida no acervo da Associação e de depoimentos coletados, o trabalhodá visibilidade à trajetória de pessoas que sobreviveram aos eventos ocorridos em Hiroshima e Nagasaki, respectivamente, nos dias 06 e 09 de agosto de 1945. A intenção é entender qual o papel dessa instituição fundada por sobreviventes oriundos do outro lado do planeta que aportaram no Brasil por diversos motivos. Assim, pretende-se responder àsseguintes perguntas: o que presenciaram? Como sobreviveram? Como foi a reconstrução da cidade onde viviam? Por que imigraram para o Brasil? Por que o silêncio? Essa última indagação nos atenta para o convívio com o trauma, um dos principais dilemas dos hibakushas (palavra em japonês que designa os sobreviventes da bomba). A memória,a buscapela identidade e a luta para serem reconhecidos pelo governo japonês como vítimas dessa hecatombe são as principais bandeiras do grupo de sobreviventes. Para tanto, os hibakushas realizam diversas atividades, como palestras em escolas e universidades, a fim de conscientizar as gerações mais novas dos riscos da energia nuclear. Buscamos também entender os acontecimentos anteriores a Hiroshima e Nagasaki. Analisando a Era Meiji,iniciada em 1868, a modernização do país do sol nascente. A mudança cultural implementada no Japão. A corrida imperialista na nova geopolítica mundial. A busca dos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Alemanha, Japão, Rússia e França, por mudar seu statu quo, na tentativa de angariar matérias primas e consumidores. Todos esses acontecimentos que levaramàPrimeira Guerra e àSegunda Guerra, que se encerrou com os ataques nucleares
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Reid, Aaron Livingston. "Ellerman bombs : explosive photospheric magnetic reconnection". Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2017.

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Anicama, Matos Víctor Manuel. "Simulación fluidodinámica de una bomba centrífuga". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2008.

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Realiza la simulación fluidodinámica de una bomba centrífuga utilizando un programa de CFD comercial. Los resultados obtenidos por la simulación fueron comparados con resultados experimentales y teóricos. La simulación de la bomba centrífuga permitió una primera comparación de los resultados numéricos con los experimentales para la obtención en detalle de la curva característica H-Q de la bomba estudiada. Además, se realizó una segunda comparación de los resultados numéricos con los resultados teóricos para el caso de la velocidad absoluta (c2) y el ángulo β2 a la salida del impulsor. Las simulaciones numéricas se han llevado a cabo utilizando un programa basado en la solución de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes por medio de un algoritmo de volúmenes finitos, que define el flujo simultáneamente en el impulsor y voluta usando una técnica de mallado especial. La turbulencia se ha simulado por medio de un modelo k-e estándar. Además, las simulaciones fueron tridimensionales y en estado estacionario. La comparación de los resultados indica una gran aproximación de las simulaciones numéricas a la definición de los distintos fenómenos globales del funcionamiento de una bomba centrífuga. En concreto, el modelo tridimensional muestra resultados muy próximos a los experimentales en lo que se refiere a la altura dinámica total (ADT). A partir de los trabajos numérico y experimental realizados se ha llegado a una comprensión más clara de la fluidodinámica de una bomba centrífuga. Finalmente, se plantean posibles ampliaciones del trabajo abordables según se vaya aumentando la potencia de cálculo, así como desarrollando de nuevas metodologías de medida.
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Ortíz, Cerna Juan Carlos. "Selección de bomba centrifuga para caldero". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2014.

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Manifiesta como aprender y reconocer las principales variables que intervienen en la selección de un equipo de bombeo, así como conocer las herramientas (programas) que ayudan a la selección de los equipos, también detalla las generalidades de la selección de electrobombas y como son utilizadas en los calderos. La mala elección del equipo puede derivar en cavitaciones, un exceso o insuficiente caudal a la caldera ocasionara un mal funcionamiento de esta. Al igual que si no calculamos la presión necesaria.
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Ângelo, Nara Elisa de Freitas Silva. "Amplificadores óticos híbridos de bomba única". Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2012.

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Mestrado em Engenharia Física
O presente trabalho consiste num estudo preliminar sobre a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de um amplificador ótico híbrido, composto por um amplificador de fibra dopada com érbio e um amplificador de Raman em fibra, bombeado por uma única fonte, o que poderá potenciar eventuais reduções de custos, quando comparado com amplificadores híbridos equivalentes de duas bombas. Os amplificadores de fibra dopada com érbio e de Reman são caracterizados individualmente. Para o amplificador híbrido, são consideradas duas configurações distintas, com o amplificador de Raman a anteceder o estágio de amplificação na fibra dopada, e vice-versa, ambas com bombeamento copropagante a 1480 nm. A primeira configuração revela valores de ganho mais elevados, enquanto a segunda apresenta vantagens do ponto de vista de equalização do ganho e figura de ruído. A eventual aplicação destes amplificadores em sistemas de comunicações óticas é discutida.
This work is a preliminary study about the possibility of developing an optical Hybrid amplifier, composed of an erbium-doped fibre amplifier and a Raman fibre amplifier, pumped by a unique source, which may potentially reduce costs when compared to equivalent hybrid two-pumped amplifiers. Erbium doped fibre amplifiers and Raman amplifiers are individually described. For the hybrid amplifier, two different configurations are considered, one with the Raman amplifier preceding the amplification stage of the doped fibre and the other vice versa, both with a co propagating pumping of 1480 nm. The first configuration reveals higher gain values, whereas the second one presents some advantages from the points of view of gain equalization and noise figure. The possible use of these amplifiers in optical communications systems is discussed.
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Stoffel, Diane. "Caractérisation du matériau Nd : Lu : CaF2 pour l'amplification laser à 1053 nm". Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019.

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Le laser Mégajoule, dédié à l’interaction laser-matière pour la physique des hautes énergies est composé de modules pré-amplificateurs (MPA) devant respecter une qualité de faisceau exigeante. Les MPA actuels utilisent des matériaux verre phosphate dopé au Néodyme pour un fonctionnement à 1053 nm. Leur cadence de tir est cependant limitée à 1 tir / 5 min à cause de leur faible conductivité thermique. Il serait intéressant d’augmenter cette cadence pour optimiser le temps alignement des optiques ou réaliser des diagnostics sur l’installation laser. Pour augmenter la cadence de tir des MPA, nous proposons de changer le matériau actuel par du Nd :Lu :CaF2 de conductivité thermique dix fois plus élevée en vue d’atteindre une cadence de répétition de 10 Hz. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous présentons une étude des effets thermomécaniques induits par un pompage diode inhomogène et transverse, de fluence 13 J/cm2. Nous présentons les mesures de biréfringence résolues spatialement avec un montage en polariseur-analyseur croisés. La distribution des contraintes thermomécaniques associées est reconstruite par un modèle de simulation avec le logiciel COMSOL®. Enfin, une étude de l’influence de l’orientation cristalline du Nd :Lu :CaF2 est développée afin d’expliquer la disparité de biréfringence induite mesurée entre les échantillon de Nd :Lu :CaF2
Laser facility such as the Megajoule Laser dedicated to laser-matter interaction including inertial fusion need pre-amplifier modules (PAM) which must respect a high beam quality. The current PAM use Phosphate glass doped with Neodymium material to work at 1053 nm with a repetition rate of 1 shot / 5 min limited by a low thermal diffusion. However, it would be interesting to increase the shot rate for alignment or diagnostic purposes. Therefore, we propose to change this amplification material by crystal Nd :Lu :CaF2 with a thermal diffusion ten times higher in view of achieving a repetition rate of 10 Hz. In this PhD work, we report a characterization of the thermal induced effects under a diode inhomogeneous and transverse pump with an energy density of 13 J/cm2. We begin by studying the spatially resolved induced birefringence with a cross polarizer-analyzer setup. We reconstruct the stress pattern of our samples by simulating the global setup with COMSOL® software which includes the thermal and mechanic Multiphysics interaction. This model allows us first to compare with experimental results and then to entirely simulate the mechanical behavior of this new material. A detailed study of the influence of the crystal orientation on the induced birefringence is presented to explain the disparity observed on the different samples Nd :Lu :CaF2 measurements
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Kelley, Sean Patrick. "KOSOVO : the Balkan time bomb /". Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1998.

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King, Charles David. "Chadwick, Liverpool and the bomb". Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1997.

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The author intends to set out in this thesis Chadwick's scientific and diplomatic contribution to the development of the atomic bombs that ended World War Two. The far-reaching consequences of Chadwick's efforts to establish a nuclear physics research prograrmne, both academic and commercial, in austere post-war Britain are also shown. A brief history of Chadwick's academic career, at Manchester, Cambridge and Liverpool Universities is given, which indicate how his intimate knowledge of atomic and nuclear physics culminated in the building of a state-of-the-art 37" pole diameter cyclotron at Liverpool University. The help that Lawrence and his colleagues generously and freely gave to Chadwick is also acknowledged. The crucial role of the Liverpool cyclotron in determining the necessary nuclear fission cross-section measurements needed to establish the feasibility of an atomic bomb, is also discussed. Chadwick's precise and penetrating insight of the bomb's feasibility, was presented in the final Maud Report that was sent, prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbour, to the U.S.A. It was this Report that convinced the Americans that an atomic bomb was a feasible and obtainable objective and started, as a matter of urgency, American fission bomb research. A brief history of fission and the events surrounding its discovery is also presented, as is a comparative discussion on the German and Japanese progress in atomic bomb research in World War Two. It would not have been possible to give specific details of many of the above events without primary source material to substantiate them The author has located a large number of previously un-published letters, documents and photographs - only some of which have been included - but all of which are being incorporated into a Chadwick Archive at Liverpool University.
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Leme, Juliana. "Projeto, desenvolvimento e ensaios "In Vitro" de novo modelo de bomba de sangue para circulação extracorpórea = bomba espiral". [s.n.], 2010.

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Orientadores: Cecília Amélia de Carvalho Zavaglia, Aron José Pazin de Andrade
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica
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Resumo: Um modelo de bomba de sangue para circulação extracorpórea (CEC) está sendo desenvolvida, esta denominada Bomba Espiral (BE). Essa bomba é composta por um fuso cônico com rosca de duas entradas, montado por dois rolamentos em um eixo de aço inoxidável, fixado a um cone externo. O movimento de rotação do fuso cônico é gerado por acoplamento magnético a um motor, através de dois imãs de seis polos. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver protótipos com modificações estruturais, baseados em estudos prévios, realizados no Baylor College of Medicine em 1997, e realizar ensaios de desempenho hidrodinâmico, para determinar a melhor geometria, e ensaios para determinar o Índice Normalizado de Hemólise (INH). Foram realizados ensaios In Vitro, em um circuito de teste fechado e os dados de pressão, fluxo e rotação foram registrados. Com os dados obtidos, foram geradas curvas de desempenho hidrodinâmico (pressão x fluxo) em diferentes rotações, para cada protótipo os quais foram comparados entre si. O modelo da BE que apresentou o melhor desempenho possui características como imã maior, cone externo mais cônico e um rotor com uma profundidade de rosca maior, e este foi comparado com uma bomba utilizada como referência, Bio-Pump®. Foi verificado que a BE possui um melhor desempenho hidrodinâmico. Foi realizado o ensaio In Vitro para determinação do INH, calculado a partir da Hemoglobina Livre no Plasma, seguindo as diretrizes das normas ASTM F1841 e F1830. Os resultados obtidos de INH foram considerados excelentes para esta aplicação, INH = 0,0118927 ±0,0061 g/100L para a BE e INH = 0,007373± 0,004942341 g/100L para a Bio- Pump®. Estes resultados não apresentam diferenças estatisticamente significantes quando comparados. Portanto, o desenvolvimento da BE resultou em um modelo viável e competitivo, apresentando excelente desempenho hidrodinâmico e um ótimo INH. O próximo passo será a confecção dos moldes injeção em policarbonato, para a realização de novos ensaios de desempenho hidrodinâmico, determinação do INH, estudo de visualização de fluxo, ensaios In Vivo e, posteriormente, Avaliação Clínica
Abstract: A model of blood pump has been developed, the Spiral Pump. This pump has an internal rotor, a conically shaped fuse, containing threads with double entrance on its surface. This rotor is supported by two bearings assembled at a stainless steel shaft, fixed to the housing's base. The rotation of the conical fuse is generated by magnetic coupling to a motor, using two annular magnets with six poles. The main objective of this paper is to describe the development methodology of this new blood pump to be for Cardiopulmonary Bypass, during cardiac surgery. Based on previous studies, six different prototypes were developed and constructed. Hydrodynamic performance tests and hemolysis test were conducted. The hydrodynamic performance tests were made in vitro, using a closed loop circuit where total pressures head, flows and rotational speed were registered. Hydrodynamic performance curves were generated (pressure x flow) in different rotational speeds, for each prototypes. The prototype #6 showed best results and the preliminary hemolysis tests were conducted to determine the Normalized Index of Hemolysis (NIH), calculate through Plasma Free Hemoglobin (ASTM F1841 and F1830). NIH results were satisfactory for this application, NIH = 0,0118927 ±0,0061 g/100L, not showing significant different when compared to results from a reference pump (Bio-Pump®, Meditronic). The next step is to produce pumps made by polycarbonate injection to be able perform new hemolysis tests, in vivo tests and, subsequently, clinical evaluation
Materiais e Processos de Fabricação
Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Magiawala, Kiran R. (Kiran Ramanlal). "The B-1B bomber : a program history". Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988.

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Granjeiro, Jeferson Brambatti. "Estudo numérico de cavitação em bomba ejetora". Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, 2009.

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Simulações são realizadas utilizando a dinâmica de fluidos computacional (DFC) para prever o desempenho e características de escoamento em uma bomba ejetora anular. A simulação numérica do escoamento no interior da bomba ejetora anular é realizada utilizando o código FLUENT 6.3.26. No presente estudo, o método de volumes finitos é utilizado para resolver um escoamento tridimensional, em regime permanente e incompressível modelado pelas seguintes equações matemáticas: continuidade, momentum e modelo de turbulência . Uma boa concordância foi obtida na comparação entre os resultados numéricos e experimentais disponíveis. Então, os resultados numéricos são utilizados para analisar as seguintes dependências: razão de altura manométrica versus razão de vazão volumétrica e a eficiência global versus razão de vazão volumétrica. Os perfis de velocidade e pressão estática também são usados para estudar o processo de mistura entre as duas correntes na câmara de mistura da bomba ejetora. A boa concordância com os resultados experimentais e a compreensão do escoamento de água obtidos nesta análise numérica mostram que uma abordagem adequada do DFC pode ser utilizada para melhorar o desempenho da bomba ejetora.
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Mendez, Bracamonte Jhon Paul Michael. "Rentabilidad de una bomba centrífuga por envejecimiento". Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2014.

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Analiza y predice los costos más rentables de una bomba centrifuga y así poder seleccionar el mejor equipo de bombeo a través del análisis de los costos de energía, operación y de mantenimiento. Este análisis ayudó a la empresa Aceros Arequipa a reducir drásticamente los costos de energía y a maximizar las eficiencias en el sistema de bombeo del cuarto de bombas de la planta de instalación. También ayuda a evaluar los proyectos de sistemas de bombeo en función de los consumos de energía. En la actualidad cerca del 20% de la energía que se genera a nivel mundial se gasta en sistemas de bombeo, y en promedio, ciertas plantas industriales, disponen entre el 25 y el 50% de la energía total que consumen, en dichos sistemas.
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Huamantalla, Orosco Julio Augusto. "Análisis modal de una bomba turbina vertical". Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019.

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La bomba turbina vertical es un modelo de bomba centrífuga muy usado en la minería y en la agroindustrial nacional. En el presente trabajo de tesis se realizó un análisis modal de una bomba turbina vertical modelo B12H-H-3 de la firma Hidrostal. El objetivo principal es conocer las frecuencias naturales de este modelo de bomba con el fin de que esto ayude en el proceso de diseño de nuevos modelos de bombas turbina vertical y prevenir así posibles problemas de resonancia. Primero, se realizó una introducción sobre las bombas centrífugas haciendo énfasis en la bomba turbina vertical. Es importante conocer lo especial de este modelo de bomba ya que parte de este equipo se instala sumergido dentro del fluido a bombear; además, su particular diseño permite instalarlo no solo a diferentes profundidades, sino también, se puede armar con diferentes etapas, esto quiere decir, que se pueden emplear varios impulsores en su configuración, según la aplicación lo requiera. Luego, se obtuvieron las frecuencias naturales mediante cálculos analíticos, simulación computacional y ensayos experimentales. Los cálculos analíticos aportaron el conocimiento teórico que existe detrás de la vibración de sistemas continuos, el cual ayuda a predecir la forma de los modos de vibración de la bomba en estudio, que fue validado con la simulación computacional y los ensayos experimentales. La simulación computacional se realizó empleando el software ANSYS, el cual es muy usado en la ingeniería moderna. Para la prueba experimental, se realizaron tres métodos que son: Bump test, Run up – Coast down y el análisis modal operacional (OMA), los cuales fueron realizados en el laboratorio de hidráulica de la empresa Hidrostal S.A. Los resultados mostraron que la cantidad de agua que se encuentra alrededor de la bomba sumergida influye significativamente en la variación de las frecuencias naturales de la bomba turbina vertical, para las condiciones de ensayo establecidas en el presente trabajo de tesis. Las frecuencias naturales de la simulación computacional en vacío (sin agua) difieren en gran medida sobre los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos experimentales, los cuales se realizaron con la bomba sumergida en agua.
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Tóndolo, Bruno. "Putzmeister, maquinaria para el bombeo de concreto". Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2018.

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Panamá puede considerarse, fácilmente, un país privilegiado en muchos aspectos. Actualmente su economía es líder en la región, con 5.8 % de crecimiento (2017) según el Banco Mundial y una de las más estables en el mundo, duplicando su ingreso per cápita entre 2004 y 2014, como reseña un informe del Centro para el Desarrollo Internacional de la Universidad de Harvard. A la par de los grandes proyectos privados, Panamá ha desarrollado ambiciosas obras públicas, como la Ampliación del Canal, la línea uno del metro y otra sumamente importante como la expansión del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen, conocido como el Hub de las Américas. Este boom se ha dado porque el país cuenta con un ambiente favorable para los negocios, gracias a la estabilidad económica, beneficios fiscales y seguridad personal, donde más de 110 empresas multinacionales se han visto atraídas por estos factores. Este crecimiento constante ha generado numerosas oportunidades de negocio, que Putzmeister, la marca líder en bombas de concreto en el país, ha sabido aprovechar desde el principio. Actualmente con una participación del 83% de los equipos del mercado, con una propuesta de valor enmarcada principalmente en el servicio postventa. Sin embargo, las oportunidades que ofrece la industria han dado apertura a un mercado donde los competidores con propuestas de valor menos atractivas, pero con precios bajos, están consiguiendo resultados en la entrega a sus clientes de soluciones relativamente confiables y económicas, generando un movimiento inusual del mercado y una posible guerra de precios Por tal razón el siguiente plan de Marketing, busca revertir esta situación replanteando algunas estrategias de mercadeo de la marca, dirigiendo las acciones de marketing hacia el mercado objetivo adecuado.
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Sudnik, John. ""Dirty bomb" attack assessing New York City's level of preparedness from a first responder's perspective /". Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2006.

Texto completo
Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense)--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2006.
Thesis Advisor(s): Christopher Bellavita. "March 2006." Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-97). Also available online.
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