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Artículos de revistas sobre el tema "Appels au don"


Robichaud, Suzie. "Donner et signifier : de la bonne volonté à l’intérêt". L’actualité 10, n.º 1 (28 de enero de 2008): 143–49.

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Résumé La présente réflexion vise à montrer la permanence du don dans la gestion des rapports sociaux, bien que ses formes puissent varier considérablement d'une époque à l'autre, comme en témoignent les changements structurels de l'espace public ainsi que les attitudes des bénévoles eux-mêmes depuis les dix dernières années. À cet égard, les cadres sociaux de l'action bénévole et leur bouleversement récent révèlent que les usages de ce phénomène ne s'effectuent pas toujours en dehors de la logique des intérêts notamment ceux inhérents à la reconfiguration de l'État contemporain. Somme toute, partout une même préoccupation s'impose en toile de fond du bénévolat : les appels du coeur ne sont pas toujours compatibles avec les réponses de la raison, voire de la rationalité moderne elle-même.
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Manus, Jean-Marie. "Appel national au don de gamètes". Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 2012, n.º 444 (julio de 2012): 20.

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D., Y. M. "Don d’ovocytes : appel… en pleines vacances !" Option/Bio 23, n.º 480 (noviembre de 2012): 10.

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Ningrum, Tri Widya y Lagiono Lagiono. "DESKRIPSI FORMALIN PADA APEL DAN ANGGUR IMPORT DI KIOS BUAH DI EX KOTATIF PURWOKERTO KABUPATEN BANYUMAS TAHUN 2014". Buletin Keslingmas 34, n.º 1 (31 de marzo de 2015): 54–62.

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Food is every biological, animalistic, processed or unprocessed for human drinking and feedingconsumption including food additive feeding material and other material for savingprocess, or drinking. Formalin is chemical efficient substance but, forbid to food additive, generallyformalin used in textile industry to avoid textile tangled. The goal of this research to known fruit quality(organoleptic) fruit peel, fruit color and fruit flavors in general and to know thereis or now formalin incontamination in import apples and grapes sold at ex kotatif Purwokerto market.This Resecearher of observation method description it was mean to descript import appes andgrapes quality(organoleptic) generally and to know containing formalin at apples and grapes sold in exkotatif Purwokerto year of 2014.Labratorium examining in samples from import apples and grapes, the sample containing formalinpositive were 11 sample those are American grape was 0,218 ppm, Apples Red Delicious code B 1,406ppm, American grape, Apple Red Delicious Code C was 2,463 ppm, Australion grape was 0,167 ppm,Apple Fuji was 2,063 ppm, Apple Red Delicious was 2,049ppm ( Code D), Apple Fuji was 4,73 ppm,Australion grape was 0,204 ppm, Apples Red Delicious was 5,011 ppm ( Code E). And others fruit(Apple and Grape) was not formalin containing.Generally in apple import Fuji, RD, and GS and grape import Australion and American for sample 5all of them was good. So it is resecearher recommence to apply from health department safety foodquality and food nutrition come to Purwokerto town is like explained in government regulation number28th 2004.
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De Jong Lustig, Leo. "El recuento ("Der Appell")". Cuadernos Judaicos, n.º 33 (29 de diciembre de 2016): 337.

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Nurjannah, St. "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA UTANG PAJAK PADA PENGADILAN PAJAK". Jurisprudentie : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum 4, n.º 2 (5 de diciembre de 2017): 189.

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The dispute over the tax debt begins and the difference of opinion between the taxpayer and the Fiskus. Then the Taxpayer concerned filed his objection. In submitting such dissent and objection must be done by the Taxpayer in writing as a proof of evidence for subsequent verification efforts to the Tax Court by Appeals mechanism or Claim for the outstanding tax bills. Before applying for the Taxpayer's appeal must first check the decision and appeal of the appeal requirement and the claim on the outstanding tax invoice.Keywords: Tax Debt Disputes, Tax Court Sengketa utang pajak berawal dan perbedaan pendapat antara Wajib pajak dan Fiskus. Kemudian Wajib Pajak yang bersangkutan mengajukan keberatannya. Dalam penyampaian perbedaan pendapat dan keberatan dimaksud haruslah dilakukan oleh Wajib Pajak secara tertulis sebagai sarana bukti bagi upaya pembuktian selanjutnya kepada Pengadilan Pajak dengan mekanisme Banding atau Gugatan atas tagihan Pajak terutang. Sebelum mengajukan banding Wajib Pajak haruslah memeriksa lebih dahulu keputusan dan keberatan persyaratan banding dan gugatan atas tagihan pajak terutang.Kata kunci : Sengketa Utang Pajak, Pengadilan Pajak
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Delfirman, Delfirman, Rudy G. Erwinsyah y Bilal As'adhanayadi. "Sikap Masyarakat terhadap Penerapan Imbauan Social/Physical Distancing saat Pandemi COVID-19". Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan 24, n.º 2 (7 de junio de 2021): 97–106.

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Since the first case of COVID-19 was found in Indonesia, the government has started to appeal to the public to always keep their distances (social/physical distancing). For the public, this appeal was new and its implementation requires adaptation. This is what encourages us to find out more about people attitudes in implementing this social/ physical distancing appeal. This research was conducted one month after the first case was found and before the Indonesia large-scale social restrictions/PSBB was implemented. This research used a descriptive quantitative approach with data collection techniques through online surveys distributed through social media. The results showed that in general the attitude of the community in implementing social/physical distancing has a high enough value. There are three aspects of attitude that are assessed, namely cognition, affection, and conation. The majority of respondents realized that social/ physical distancing needed to be done to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and had also applied various appeals regarding this matter. Even though the affection component related to the application of appeals to worship at home has a low value compared to other appeals related to social/ physical distancing which have an average value of above 90 percent. The mass media has provided information to the general public, but there are several aspects that require a more persuasive and personal approach. Therefore, increasing public awareness of social/physical distancing calls through community leaders is important. Abstrak Sejak ditemukan kasus pertama COVID-19 di Indonesia, pemerintah mulai mengimbau agar masyarakat senantiasa menjaga jarak (social/physical distancing). Bagi masyarakat imbauan ini merupakan hal yang baru dan penerapannya memerlukan adaptasi. Hal inilah yang mendorong penulis untuk mengetahui lebih jauh terkait sikap masyarakat dalam penerapan imbauan social/physical distancing. Penelitian ini dilakukan satu bulan sejak kasus pertama ditemukan dan sebelum Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) diberlakukan, menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survey daring yang disebarkan melalui media sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum sikap masyarakat dalam penerapan social/physical distancing memiliki nilai yang cukup tinggi, melalui penilaian aspek sikap yaitu kognisi, afeksi, dan konasi. Mayoritas responden menyadari bahwa social/physical distancing perlu dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 dan telah menerapkan berbagai imbauan terkait hal tersebut. Meskipun pada komponen afeksi terkait penerapan imbauan untuk beribadah di rumah memiliki nilai yang rendah dibandingkan dengan imbauan lain terkait social/physical distancing yang memiliki nilai rata-rata di atas 90 persen. Media massa telah memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat umum, namun ada beberapa aspek yang membutuhkan pendekatan lebih persuasif dan personal. Sehingga, peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap imbauan social/physical distancing melalui tokoh masyarakat menjadi penting .
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Apriliani, Izza Mahdiana, Achmad Rizal y Asep Agus Handaka Suryana. "Pembekalan Teknik Penjualan Melalui Media Online untuk Hasil Olahan Komoditi Pertanian dan Perikanan pada Aliansi Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan Sumedang (APPeLS) Desa Cikeruh, Kecamatan Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang". Farmers: Journal of Community Services 2, n.º 2 (5 de agosto de 2021): 51–56.

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Peranan ibu rumah tangga dalam keluarga tidak hanya terpaut pada aktivitas rutin yang menjenuhkan. Emansipasi dan kesetaraan gender menjadikan seorang ibu rumah tangga dapat ikut berperan aktif dalam membantu penguatan ekonomi keluarganya. Aktifitas-aktifitas positif yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dapat dikerjakan oleh ibu rumah tangga di waktu-waktu senggang mereka. Hal inilah yang terlihat dari Aliansi Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan Sumedang (APPeLS) yang memiliki keterampilan usaha dalam membuat produk olahan pertanian dan perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual yang cukup menjanjikan. Namun demikian, kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai teknik pemasaran dan penjualan menjadi batu sandungan bagi kelompok pemberdayaan perempuan APPeLS dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Era digitalisasi yang terjadi pada zaman ini mempermudah proses-proses pemasaran dan penjualan produk secara online. Penguasaan penggunaan teknologi pemasaran dengan media online menjadi suatu keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh kelompok APPeLS. Pembekalan mengenai teknik penjualan melalui media online untuk hasil olahan komoditi pertanian dan perikanan pada kelompok APPeLS, Desa Cikeruh, Kecamatan Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sukabumi telah berhasil dilaksanakan. Setidaknya lebih dari 80% indikator capaian keberhasilan telah terpenuhi. Melalui pembekalan ini, antusiasme peserta kelompom APPeLS dalam mengembangkan penjualan dan pemasaran produk penjualannya secara online tumbuh dengan baik. Mereka memiliki harapan yang besar untuk dapat segera mengaplikasikan keterampilan baru yang mereka miliki untuk dapat mengembangkan pemasaran dan penjualan produk olahan perikanan mereka untuk dapat mendatangkan penghasilan outcome yang lebih produktif.
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Rizal, Achmad, Izza Mahdiana Apriliani y Asep Agus Handaka Suryana. "Penyuluhan Perhitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan Komoditas Pertanian dan Perikanan pada Aliansi Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan Sumedang (APPeLS) Desa Cikeruh, Kecamatan Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang". Farmers: Journal of Community Services 2, n.º 2 (5 de agosto de 2021): 46–50.

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Pengetahuan terhadap perhitungan harga pokok penjualan merupakan keterampilan utama yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap pengelola usaha mikro maupun makro. Keterampilan perhitungan biaya pokok produksi dan harga jual dapat membentuk suatu kepastian mengenai alur keuangan yang ada dalam suatu usaha. Alur keuangan ini penting diketahui sehingga estimasi terhadap keuntungan dapat diketahui dengan akurat. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan kepada Aliansi Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan Sumbedang (APPeLS) Desa Cikeruh, Kecamatan Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang. Kelompok APPeLS memiliki keterampilan usaha dalam menghasilkan produk olahan pertanian dan perikanan yang memiliki nilai jual. Setidaknya lebih dari 80% dari indikator capaian keberhasilan telah terpenuhi dengan baik. Anggota kelompok APPeLS telah mengetahui teknik perhitungan biaya produksi dan harga pokok penjualan dengan baik. Luaran yang berhasil mereka dapatkan berupa daftar harga produk penjualan dan buku laporan keuangan usaha. Besar harapan mereka untuk dapat menggunakan keterampilan tersebut dalam mengembangkan usaha yang telah mereka lakukan serta memperjelas transparansi pemasukan pendapatan bagi mereka. Adanya pembekalan ini menstimulus antusiasme kelompok APPeLS untuk mengembangkan usaha yang mereka lakukan sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan berkontribusi terhadap penguatan ekonomi keluarga mereka.
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Inayah, Ulil, Saeful Anwar y Bahrudin Bahrudin. "Representasi Dakwah dalam Komik". Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam 3, n.º 1 (28 de febrero de 2020): 76–96.

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Dakwah tidak hanya dilakukan menggunakan media komunikasi langsung. Dengan berkembangan zaman kegiatan dakwah dapat disampaikan melalui media cetak, salah satunya menggunakan komik. Dengan adanya komik yang bertemakan religi tidak hanya untuk menghibur pembacanya melainkan untuk menyampaikan informasi-informasi yang sangat bermanfaat dan sangat mendidik, saat ini untuk menemukan komik yang bertemakan religi sangat gampang ditemukan salah satunya Komik 99 Pesan Nabi karya Vbi_Djenggotten. Dalam komik tersebut terdapat cerita yang ringan agar dapat diteapkan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui kategorisasi, sistematika dan himbauan pesan dakwah meliputi pesan akhlak, aqidah serta syari’ah yang terdapat pada komik tersebut. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode analisis isi dengan menggunakan coding, setelah menganalisis penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa pesan-pesan dakwah pada Komik 99 Pesan Nabi sebanyak 99 pesan, yang dikategorisasikan menjadi tiga yaitu akhak, aqidah dan syari’ah. Di dalam sistematika pesan mengandung empat bagian yaitu pengantar, pernyataan, argumen, dan kesimpulan. Untuk himbauan pesan mengandung himbauan rasional mengandung 6 pesan, himbauan emosional mengandung 4 pesan, himbauan taut mengandung 51 pesan, himbauan ganjaran mengandung 23 pesan, dan himbauan motivasional mengandung 15 pesan. Da'wah is not only done using direct communication media. With the development of the era of da'wah activities can be delivered through print media, one of which uses comics. With the existence of religious-themed comics not only to entertain the reader but to convey information that is very useful and very educational, now to find religious-themed comics is easy to find, one of them is the Message of the Prophet 99 by Vbi_Djenggotten. In the comic there are light stories that can be applied to everyday life. Aiming to find out the categorization, systematics and appeals of da'wah messages including moral, aqeedah and syari'ah messages contained in the comic. The method used in this study is to use the content analysis method using coding, after analyzing the research it can be seen that the message of preaching on the 99 Messages of the Prophet's Message as many as 99 messages, which are categorized into three, namely akhak, aqeedah and syari'ah. In systematics the message contains four parts, namely introduction, statement, argument, and conclusion. For appeals to messages containing rational appeal containing 6 messages, emotional appeals containing 4 messages, appeals for links containing 51 messages, reward calls containing 23 messages, and motivational appeals containing 15 messages.
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Tesis sobre el tema "Appels au don"


Cova, Bernard. "Stratégies de soumission aux appels d'offres internationaux de projets industriels". Paris 9, 1989.

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L'appel d'offres est un mode de transaction commerciale rattache aux processus d'enchères : le choix du fournisseur se fait au mieux disant. Au niveau international, l'appel d'offres est particulièrement utilisé pour les marchés de projets: dans ce cas le choix se fait plus "au mieux coopérant" qu'au "mieux disant", tant pour les marchés industriels que pour les marchés publics. Le marketing de projets doit donc autant se fonder sur une approche relationnelle que sur une approche concurrentielle de la soumission aux appels d'offres internationaux
Competitive bidding is a means of business transaction related to the auctions group: choice is at first price. On an international level, competitive bidding is especially used for the procurement of projects: in this case choice is at the best partner instead of first price, for both public and industrial contracts. Consequently marketing of projects must be based on both relational and competitive approaches to set up winning competitive bidding strategies
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Boissin, Jean-Philippe. "Fixation du prix dans les réponses aux appels d'offres internationaux". Paris 9, 1985.

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Melle, Johan Ingar. "Den italienske exploitation-filmens særegne appell". Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for kunst og medievitenskap, 2013.

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Gallo, Elena. "Les discours de la publicité sociétale : analyse de campagnes italiennes et françaises". Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.

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Ce travail de recherche naît du désir de contribuer à enrichir le domaine de l’analyse du discours en explorant des productions peu étudiées jusqu’à présent : les discours de la publicité sociétale. Avec ce terme, nous nous référons à des campagnes ayant pour objectif d’entraver ou promouvoir certains comportements au nom du bien-être collectif, ou de demander un don. Notre corpus se compose de 57 campagnes sociétales, promues en Italie et en France entre 2018 et 2020. Relativement aux thématiques traitées, nous n’avons fixé aucune limite. En ce qui concerne les annonceurs, nous avons examiné des campagnes promues par les institutions publiques, les entreprises privées, et le tiers secteur. Notre questionnement concerne les stratégies discursives employées au sein de ce corpus, très récent et actuel, que nous avons étudié sous un angle comparatif. Notre but était de voir si des analogies ou des différences majeures ressortaient en fonction des thèmes touchés, des annonceurs, des destinataires ciblés et de l’effet visé. L’approche que nous adoptons pour notre analyse relève des sciences du langage et précisément des études sur l’analyse du discours et de l’argumentation, la rhétorique, et la sémantique et pragmatique énonciatives. Afin d’investiguer les messages de notre corpus en appliquant les outils analytiques mis au point par différentes branches des sciences du langage, nous avons élaboré une grille d’analyse qui s’articule sur plusieurs plans : ces angles d’observation, qui ne correspondent pas à une hiérarchisation, sont le plan linguistique, le plan pragmatique inférentiel et illocutoire, et le plan rhétorique
This research aims at enriching the field of critical discourse analysis through the study of messages which have been little explored until now, namely the discourse of social advertising. This term refers to campaigns that ask for a donation, or try to discourage or advocate certain behaviours in the name of public interest. The corpus is made of 57 social campaigns, promoted in Italy and in France between 2018 and 2020. No limit of topic has been fixed. As far as advertisers are concerned, campaigns promoted by public institutions, private companies and non-profit organisations have been analysed. The focus lies on the discourse strategies used in this corpus, which is very recent and has been studied from a comparative point of view. The aim was to see if major similarities or differences would be revealed, depending on the topic, the advertiser, the target and the objective. This research has been carried out from a sociolinguistic perspective, and more specifically from the point of view of critical discourse analysis, argumentation, rhetoric, semantics and pragmatics. In order to examine the corpus chosen, an analysis table has been created, so as to make the most of the resources provided by the different branches of linguistics. This table is organised into three plans – which do not correspond with a hierarchisation –, namely a linguistic plan, a pragmatic plan and a rhetorical plan
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Eriksson, Erik, Gustav Johansson, Fredrik Lagnemark y Hjalmar Bengtsson. "Ett klassiskt marknadskommunikationsproblem : Motsvarar Apples image den profil de vill visa?" Thesis, Södertörn University College, School of Business Studies, 2008.

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In this essay the authors are trying to level the success in the IT-company Apple’s market communication. The problem investigated is if the company’s profile, the picture they are trying to implement onto the market, is the same as the market consider the image of the company to be. The problem is studied in a method which combines both a qualitative and a quantitative survey. A number of people were interviewed and a number of commercials and earlier studies were used. The authors came to the conclusion that Apple’s profile, due to a well performed market strategy, in many ways are equal to the markets image of the company, which this essay hopefully will show.

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Koshurnikova-Borchtch, Anna. "L’obligation de mise en concurrence en droit communautaire et ses effets sur le régime de la commande publique en France". Paris 9, 2009.

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La finalité de cette étude est de préciser la valeur juridique de l’obligation de mise en concurrence, qui en vertu des dispositions normatives issues du droit communautaire, doit être respectée lors de la passation des contrats de la commande publique. Notre étude démontre que l’obligation de mise en concurrence au statut de l’obligation fonctionnelle dans le cadre de passation des contrats de la commande publique doit être considérée comme un moyen garantissant le respect des principes de la commande publique, ainsi que l’efficacité et la transparence de l’emploi des fonds publics. Elle ne doit pas pour autant être confondue avec le droit de la concurrence, dont l’application en matière est aujourd’hui également acquise. D’une manière plus générale, notre étude démontre que l’introduction des exigences communautaires en droit interne des contrats de la commande publique a eu pour conséquence la remise en cause des fondements mêmes du droit de la commande publique au niveau des définitions, des typologies des contrats, des régimes juridiques, mais également au niveau du contrôle tant juridictionnel, que celui émanant d’autorités indépendantes
The purpose of this study is to define the place of the obligation to put out to competition, which, according to the European Community public procurement laws must be respected during the procedures of public contracts awarding. Our study demonstrates that the obligation to put out to competition is the functional one and it should be considered as the way to guarantee the respect of the public procurement principles, as well as the efficiency and transparency of public funds. The obligation to put out to competition should not be confused with competition law that is also applicable in the field of public procurement. Generally speaking, the present study emphasizes the fact, according to which the introduction of European Community public procurement laws into the French national public procurement law system has influenced the public contracts legal terms, the categories of the public contracts, the procedures for the award of public contracts, as well as the control operated by courts and independent authorities
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Appel, Ivo [Verfasser]. "Verfassung und Strafe. : Zu den verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen staatlichen Strafens. / Ivo Appel". Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2019.

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Bergman, Erika y Stina Blomstrand. "Din dator sponsrar krig : En kritisk diskursanalys av Apples och Hewlett Packards hållbarhetsrapporter". Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för hälsa och välfärd, 2015.

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Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Apple och HP, genom att kommunicera sina SR-initiativ i sina hållbarhetsrapporter, legitimerar sin verksamhet för sina intressenter. Metod och material: Kritisk diskursanalys av Apples och HPs hållbarhetsrapporter. Huvudresultat: Apple och HP legitimerar sin verksamhet i sina hållbarhetsrapporter, genom att anpassa det språk och ordval som används. De ordval som görs ger direkta konsekvenser för hur företagen framställs i sammanhanget och påverkar hur de fråntar sig ansvaret av sin verksamhet.
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Lidén, Erik y Syed Ali Raza. "Branding och innehållsmarknadsföring : Apples skapande av produktvärde och lojalitet i den digitala tidsåldern". Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2021.

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Digital marknadsföring möjliggör nya sätt att sprida information. Ett problem för företag som erbjuder teknologiska produkter är däremot den stora konkurrensen. Innehållsmarknadsföring ses som ett bättre sätt att nå ut med sitt varumärke till potentiella kunder. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka innehållsmarknadsföring i relation till branding, och dessa områdes påverkan påproduktvärde, värde samt lojalitet. Metoden som använts är djupintervjuer av Apple-användare. Studiens resultatet visar främst hur betydelsefull branding är för att skapa en positiv uppfattning av ett varumärkes produkter. Resultatet visar även att innehållsmarknadsföring har en positiv påverkan, men det lyfts inte fram i resultatet som lika viktigt. Främst är det olika former av brandingaktiviteter så som innovation och nya lösningar som ger högt värde. Slutsatsen är att Apple är ett företag som har lyckats skapa premiumprodukter med ett högt produktvärde vilket bidrar till att Apples användare blir lojala kunder.
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Bouis, Romain. "Dynamique du marché des introductions en bourse et financement de l'investissement dans les nouvelles industries". Paris 9, 2005.

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Cette thèse traite de la dynamique du marché des introductions en bourse et de son effet sur l'investissement dans les nouvelles industries. Après un exposé dans le chapitre 1 des travaux théoriques et empiriques concernant les trois principales régularités observées du marché des IPOs, le chapitre 2 teste l'hypothèse d'une courbe de demande à pente négative sur le marché français pour expliquer la relation décroissante entre le volume d'IPOs contemporaines et la rentabilité initiale individuelle. Le chapitre 3 présente une introduction à l'approche des options réelles utilisée dans le chapitre 4 pour étudier le comportement de timing des introductions en bourse. Une analyse économétrique des principaux enseignements du modèle théorique est ensuite proposée pour les introductions réalisées aux Etats-Unis. Enfin, le chapitre 5 étudie dans quelle mesure l'activité du capital-risque aux Etats-Unis dépend de la performance du marché des introductions non expliquée par les variables réelles de l'économie
This thesis deals with the dynamics of the IPO market and its effect on investment in new industries. After an exposition in chapter 1 of theoritical and empirical studies related to the three main anomalies of the IPO market, chapter 2 tests the hypothesis of a downwards sloping demand curve for the French IPO market to explain the negative relation between contemporaneous IPO volume and individual initial returns. Chapter 3 presents an introduction to the real options approach used in chapter 4 to study to timing of initial public offerings. An econometric analysis of the main propositions of the theoritical model is then proposed for the U. S. Market. Finally, chapter 5 studies to what extent fundraisings by U. S. Venture capitalists depend on IPO market activity not explained by real factors
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Libros sobre el tema "Appels au don"


Pomona Franconica: Früchte für den Fürstbischof. Würzburg: Bonitas-Bauer Druck & Medien, 2007.

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1944-, Fiedler Jürgen, ed. Rechtsschutz gegen den Staat. 3a ed. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1986.

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Rickert, Janet Elizabeth. Russ and the apple tree surprise. Bethesda, Md: Woodbine House, 1999.

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Boldt, Claudia. Odd dog. London: Jonathan Cape, 2012.

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leader), Meyer Patrick (Business y Meyer Patrick (Business leader), eds. Steve Jobs & the world of mobile: Apps : the inside scoop. Miami Beach, FL: Ignite, 2012.

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Mono, Henny. Menghadapi sengketa pajak di Indonesia: Dilengkapi dengan Undang-Undang nomor 14 tahun 2002 Tentang Pengadilan Pajak, Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 74 tahun 2011 tentang tata cara pelaksanaan hak dan pemenuhan kewajiban perpajakan. Malang: Bayumedia Publishing, 2012.

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ill, Durk Jim, ed. Apple-picking day! New York: Scholastic., 2007.

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Alano, Alejandro Ramon C. Handbook on preliminary investigation and inquest & remedies therein: Including appeals to the DOJ. Manila, Phillippines: Rex Book Store, 2007.

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Galli, Peter. Integrierter Pflanzenschutz im Apfelanbau von Baden-Württemberg: Ausbildung, Beratung und Versuche im Rahmen eines Modellvorhabens zur Einführung des integrierten Verfahrens in den Erwerbsobstbau. Münster-Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1985.

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Douglas, Melamed A., Kircher Kerry W, Aguillard Don, Louisiana. Governor (1972-1980 : Edwards), United States Supreme Court y Mayr Ernst 1904-2005 annotator, eds. Edwin W. Edwards, in his official capacity as governor of Louisiana, et al., appellants, v. Don Aguillard, et al., appellees: On appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. [Washington, D.C: U.S. Supreme Court, 1986.

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Capítulos de libros sobre el tema "Appels au don"


Jacobsen, Nils. "Luxusprobleme: Der Kampf um den Schatz von Cupertino". En Das Apple-Imperium, 85–87. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013.

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Wadsworth, Nat. "Hinweise für den Programmierer". En Datenmanagement mit dem Apple II, 109–23. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1985.

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Jacobsen, Nils. "Aktienrückkäufe und iBonds: Mit 100 Milliarden Dollar gegen den Absturz". En Das Apple-Imperium, 151–53. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013.

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Jacobsen, N. "Luxusprobleme: der Kampf um den Schatz von Cupertino". En Das Apple-Imperium 2.0, 83–85. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016.

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Steyer, Ralph. "Ran an den Speicher". En Apps mit PhoneGap entwickeln, 249–85. München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2013.

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Schümann, Daniel. "Appell zum Andersdenken Bemerkungen zu den Rezeptionspotentialen von Gončarovs". En Ivan A. Goncarov, editado por Anne Hultsch, 89–112. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2016.

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Fleischer, Eva. "Caring Communities – Appell an den Gemeinsinn statt sozialer Rechte?" En Care schafft Community – Community braucht Care, 107–18. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023.

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Jacobsen, N. "Aktienrückkäufe und iBonds: mit 100 Milliarden Dollar gegen den Absturz". En Das Apple-Imperium 2.0, 103–6. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016.

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Jacobsen, Nils. "iPhones und 5c kommen – der 5S, günstige Modelle und den China-Mobile-Deal (noch) nicht". En Das Apple-Imperium, 165–68. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2013.

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Hoffman, Emily. "Don Draper and the Enduring Appeal of Antonioni’s La Notte". En The Legacy of Mad Men, 133–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Actas de conferencias sobre el tema "Appels au don"


Porter, Andrew, Jassim Alhamid, Changki Mo, John Miller, Joseph Iannelli, Marcel Honegger y Lukas Lichtensteiger. "Analysis and Design of an Auxiliary Catching Arm for an Apple Picking Robot". En ASME 2020 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract The newly designed 3-dimensional catching robot consists of three revolute joints where the forward linkage is a parallelogram mechanism for keeping the catching end-effector parallel to the picking manipulator’s base. A virtual apple field of 505 apples, designed to test the picking abilities of 7 DOF arm, was used to determine the capabilities of this new catching arm design. The target catching efficiency was 90% for the provided virtual apple field with a maximum drop height of 30 cm. The target coordinates for each virtual apple were found by computer simulation in MATLAB. Geometric parameters were selected such that the catching manipulator could reach every possible drop position in the picking manipulator’s workspace. The design was completed, fabricated, and validated, utilizing the elegant mechanical linkage design. The workspace analysis showed that it had an acceptable 93% catching efficiency, and as the drop height increased, the efficiency approaches 100%. Definitive inverse-kinematics provided exact joint angles required to catch all catchable apples inside of the workspace. Using these angles, the general equation of motion, using Lagrangian mechanics, yielded the required torque outputs of each of the three motors on the arm. Validation of these torques through laboratory experimentation was considered adequate.
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Gurupatham, Sathish K. y Caleb Bailey. "Bruise Development Measurement in Apples Using Thermal Imaging Technique". En ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract Apple is an important fruit worldwide with nutrition and a huge market value. However, due to the mechanical damage during its handling after the harvest, millions of dollars are lost in the apple industry. Bruise (subcutaneous) is a mechanical damage caused to a fruit without any tearing of the fruit-skin. It could be caused by a mechanical impact, vibration, or compression which the fruit might come across during its handling after the harvest. It results in local degradation of the flesh tissue with browning effect with time. Normally, apple bruises take place beneath the peel and are difficult to detect by either visual or automatic color sorting. Thermal imaging offers a promising, contact-free, alternative technique for bruise detection in apples. Thermal imaging technique measures infrared energy emitted from the object surface which is converted into a thermal map called a thermogram. In the literature, there has been some work done on the influence of temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding on bruise susceptibility of fruits. In this paper, the influence of relative humidity in bruise development on apple was investigated applying thermal imaging technique. To accomplish this, two batches of healthy, almost same-sized, yellow and green apples with ten apples per batch were considered. The apples were subjected to a mechanical impact by dropping them from a constant height ensuring the fruit skin is not torn by the impact and the impact is same is for all the apples. Then, they were thermal imaged with the focus on their bruises. They were kept and observed at two different temperatures and relative humidity. The first set involved the relative humidity of 40–43% with room conditions whereas the second one involved the relative humidity of 80%–82% in the freezer compartment of a domestic refrigerator. For all the trials, the same condition was maintained for the fruits throughout the three-day observation. At the end of stipulated observation period, the fruits were thermal imaged to capture the bruise development for the different relative humidity levels for two different temperatures. The observation was repeated for three times to obtain the repeatability. The results show that the bruise development is faster for the higher relative humidity than for the lower one. This could be due to the lower transpiration rate of water from the fruits at higher relative humidity. Also, the water potential under the bruised skin decreases faster for lower relative humidity condition which results in decreased bruise development.
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Farkas, Dan y Narayan Murthy. "Use of Applet and Servlet Communication Technique to Administer Online Examinations". En 2002 Informing Science + IT Education Conference. Informing Science Institute, 2002.

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Internet and Java technology have developed enormously in recent years. These dramatic developments have provided opportunities and challenges in all fields, particularly in the field of education. What we could not imagine doing just a couple years back has been made possible by these technologies. This short paper illustrates one such example. The example we will discuss is an examination system that a student takes online. When done, the system displays his/her score, and stores the name of the student and his/her score in a file on the server. By clicking another button the students can see answers to all the questions. The way we have done, all the processing is done on the client side and then the result and the name are sent to the server. The server stores the name and score of the student in a file on the server. A Java applet does the client side computation and a Java Servlet does the processing on the server side. The paper illustrates the power of applet servlet communication.
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Song, Chunsheng, Zude Zhou y Yefa Hu. "Semi-Active Mode Fuzzy Control for Multi-Dof Floating Raft Isolation System with Magnetic Suspension Isolators". En 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference. IEEE, 2009.

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Kolb, Greg, Bill Black y Tim Moss. "Solar Energy Applications on Military Bases". En ASME 2004 International Solar Energy Conference. ASMEDC, 2004.

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The goals of the DOD-solar study were to identify potentially economic solar-energy projects on specific military bases and to define the necessary steps to install solar projects in the near term. Five classes of mature solar technologies were investigated: crystalline photovoltaics, solar hot water, transpired collectors (solar wall), pool heaters, and daylighting. Approximately 500 military bases/facilities were screened using simple payback models that used site-specific data for insolation, conventional energy prices, and financial incentives for solar. One or more economically viable projects appear to exist at nearly every base analyzed. Most projects are for solar daylighting and solar walls. Several pool and domestic water heating opportunities exist and a number of large photovoltaic projects also appear to be possible. Approximately 30 business-case analyses (BCAs) were performed which represent the larger project potential. Government and private ownership of the solar systems were investigated in the BCAs. Though the potential is large, it appears that a new multi-year DOD program that promotes private ownership needs to be launched before the full potential can be realized.
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Lima, Jonathan Willams Lins de Ataide, Arlyson Alves Do Nascimento, Roberto Nilton Bento da Silva y Givaldo Oliveira dos Santos. "ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS DE UMA ATIVIDADE PRÁTICA ENVOLVENDO TRIGONOMETRIA NO TRIÂNGULO RETÂNGULO COM USO DE APPLETS NO GEOGEBRA". En Anais do Congresso Brasileiro Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia. Recife, Brasil: Even3, 2023.

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Li, Dingzhong, Hong Lu, Yongquan Zhang, Zidong Wu, He Huang, Meng Liu y Shaojun Wang. "Trajectory Control of 6-DOF Welding Robot Based on STM32". En ASME 2022 17th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2022.

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Abstract Automatic welding technology has been widely used in China’s industrial production. Welding robots with the characteristics of high efficiency and high qualification rate began to appear in the industrial production line. However, in order to protect their own competitiveness, most companies use closed source control mode for welding robots, resulting in high control cost, low system openness and poor flexibility. Therefore, it is of great significance to design an open-source and low-cost six degree of freedom welding robot motion control system based on STM32 microcontroller. According to the requirements of motion control system, the development board of dual core processor is selected as the core to complete the hardware design of motion control system. The software design of the control system adopts the framework of cooperative work between the upper computer and the lower computer, and the upper computer is developed with software, which has good human-computer interaction function; The lower computer is programmed through the modular idea, which is convenient for secondary development and has good expansibility. According to the standard DH method, the trajectory planning of the 6-DOF robot is realized, and the S-type acceleration and deceleration algorithm and other related algorithms are used to realize its more efficient and smooth motion control.
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Yue, Cong, Hai-Jun Su y Xianwen Kong. "Type Synthesis of 3-DOF Translational Compliant Parallel Mechanisms". En ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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In this paper, we apply screw theory to the type synthesis of compliant parallel mechanisms (PMs). Compliant PMs are formed by a moving stage supported by three or more limbs each of which is a serial chain of flexure joints and rigid bodies. They achieve movement through the deformation of flexure joints and have been widely used in precision machinery. As an important task in the conceptual design stage, the goal of type synthesis is to determine the chain of each limb as well as their relationship when they are assembled in parallel for a prescribed motion pattern. Our approach starts with a category of commonly used flexure primitives and flexure elements whose freedom and constraint spaces are characterized by twists and wrenches in screw theory. Following the well-studied synthesis procedure for rigid body PMs, we propose a synthesis procedure for compliant PMs via screw theory. This procedure consists of four basic steps: decomposition of the screw system of the constraint space, type synthesis of limbs, assembling limbs and design of flexure joints. As an example, we demonstrate the procedure for synthesizing compliant PMs for three degree-of-freedom (DOF) translational motions. Tables of limbs, types and geometric conditions for the assemblies of these limbs are presented. The paper provides a catalogue of compliant PM designs with three translational motions. At last, we provide a case study of applying finite element simulation to validate one of the synthesized designs.
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Seo, Tae Won, Woosung In y Jongwon Kim. "A New Planar 3-DOF Parallel Mechanism With Continuous 360-Degree Rotational Capability". En ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009.

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This paper presents a novel 3-DOF planar parallel mechanism with 360-degree rotational capability, which can be used as a positioning device. A high rotational capability is necessary to reduce process time and to apply the mechanism to various fields such as micro machining and PCB depaneling. The proposed mechanism has the advantage of a continuous rotational capability over existing planar parallel mechanisms with limited rotation. The position and velocity kinematics are derived, and the singularities are analyzed based on the Jacobian matrices. The workspace can be determined not to have a singularity inside, and the kinematic variables for enlarging the singularity-free workspace are determined.
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Lin, Chi-Ying, Yu-Ting Sung y Yu-Hsi Huang. "Design of Multi-DOF Spherical Piezoelectric Motor Using Electrode Configuration Based Actuating Units". En ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Spherical piezoelectric motors (SPMs) apply piezoelectric materials as stators to generate modal responses for rotor orientation. The SPMs have the advantages of simple structure and compact size but may suffer from the difficulty of orientation manipulation. This paper presents a novel electrode configuration based SPM design for simple multi degree-of-freedom (DOF) orientation manipulation. Four piezoelectric actuating units are adopted as stators to generate 12 orientations through the integration and switch of two vibration modes of each piezoelectric actuator, including lateral mode and longitudinal mode. The dynamic characteristics associated with the design parameters at each vibration mode are experimentally obtained to evaluate the performance of the proposed SPM design.
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Informes sobre el tema "Appels au don"


Cooper, Deborah K. DOD Crime Fighters: Do the Right Rules Apply? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, mayo de 2000.

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List, John, James Murphy, Michael Price y Alexander James. Do Appeals to Donor Benefits Raise More Money than Appeals to Recipient Benefits? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment with Pick.Click.Give. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, diciembre de 2019.

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Nichols, David C. Air Power: Do the Principles Apply? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, junio de 1992.

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Beat, Anthony M. Do Quality Principles Apply to Combat Operations? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, abril de 1994.

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Rojas, Claudia. Midterm Evaluation of APPEAR II. ADA - Austrian Development Agency, septiembre de 2019.

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Die Austrian Development Agency (ADA) führte im Jahr 2009 das „Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research” (APPEAR) ein, womit die ADA einen Paradigmenwechsel der Österreicher Kooperationsstrategie in den Bereichen Forschung und Hochschulbildung einleitete. Syspons wurde von der ADA beauftragt, eine Zwischenevaluation der zweiten APPEAR Programmphase (APPEAR II) durchzuführen. Das Ziel dieser Evaluation war es, Empfehlungen, lessons learned, sowie Optionen für eine mögliche dritte Phase des Programms zu formulieren. Darüber hinaus wurde im Rahmen dieser Zwischenevaluation das Wirkungsgefüge des Programms rekonstruiert. In der Evaluation wurden die Kriterien Relevanz, Programmdesign und -ansatz sowie Effektivität betrachtet. Die Zwischenevaluation hat die zweite Phase des APPEAR-Programms geprüft, die 2014 begonnen hat. Die Entwicklung des Programms seit seinem Beginn wurde jedoch bei der Analyse berücksichtigt. Die Evaluation hat auf Programmebene stattgefunden - somit wurden die von APPEAR II geförderten Projekte nicht individuell bewertet. Darüber hinaus wurden in dieser Zwischenevaluation die Konzeption und Umsetzung der Grundprinzipien (Basic principles) und Mehrwerte (added values) des Programms analysiert.
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Dichter, Andrew S. Do Quality Concepts and Principles Apply to Combat Operations? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, abril de 1994.

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Ivezic, Nenad, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, Dennis Brandl, Hyunbo Cho, Yan Lu, David Noller, Jim Davis, Thorsten Wuest, Farhad Ameri y William Z. Bernstein. NISTOAGi workshop: drilling down on smart manufacturing - enabling composable apps. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, abril de 2017.

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Trettin, Carl C., B. Song, M. F. Jurgensen y C. Li. Existing Soil Carbon Models Do Not Apply to Forested Wetlands. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 2001.

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Trettin, Carl C., B. Song, M. F. Jurgensen y C. Li. Existing Soil Carbon Models Do Not Apply to Forested Wetlands. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 2001.

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Diaz, Mario A. Prosperity or Perdition: Do Lines of Operations Apply in Stability Operations? Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, enero de 2003.

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