Academic literature on the topic 'Іонний механізм'
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Journal articles on the topic "Іонний механізм"
Бєленічев, І. Ф., and О. Г. Алієва. "Нові мішені фармакологічної корекції когнітивних розладів за умов пренатальної дії гіпоксії." Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology 13, no. 4 (November 22, 2019): 235–48.
Full textАлімов, С. С., І. О. Афанасьєва, В. В. Бобков, С. П. Гоков, В. В. Грицина, and Д. І. Шевченко. "Дослідження системи органічний барвник−ліпід методом іонно-фотонної спектрометрії." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 56, no. 3 (February 15, 2022): 211.
Full textЛисенков, Е. А., and В. В. Клепко. "Вплив анізометричних наповнювачів на електричні властивості нанокомпозитів на основі поліпропіленгліколю." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 56, no. 5 (February 13, 2022): 484.
Full textОлємской, О. І., О. В. Ющенко, and Т. І. Жиленко. "Дослідження умов ієрархічної конденсації поблизу фазової рівноваги." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 56, no. 5 (February 13, 2022): 474.
Full textКомаров, А. В., А. В. Лось, С. М. Рябченко, and С. М. Романенко. "Ефекти розведеного магнітного напівпровідника в карбіді кремнію з імплантованими іонами Mn і Fe." Ukrainian Journal of Physics 56, no. 10 (February 6, 2022): 1056.
Full textЧернета, Олег, Олександр Коробочка, and Вадим Кубіч. "ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ОПТИМАЛЬНОГО СКЛАДУ ФІЗИКО-МЕХАНІЧНИХ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК СЕРЕДНЬОВУГЛЕВІДОВОЇ СТАЛІДЛЯ АВТОМОБІЛЕЙ." Математичне моделювання, no. 1(44) (July 1, 2021): 103–12.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Іонний механізм"
Одинцова, Олександра Павлівна. "Безпігментні одношарові склоемалеві покриття для побутової техніки." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textThe dissertation on competion of a scientific degree of the candidate of engineering science on a speciality 05.17.11 "Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials". – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to the development of pigments free direct chemically and thermally resistant dark-colored glass-enamel coatings for the protection of household appliances, in particular kitchen gas and electric plates, obtained by the technology POESTA. The bases of obtaining the coatings of this type are synthesized, according to which the glass matrix is developed with the given physicochemical properties, on the basis of which glassmelee frit is obtained by introducing into the optimized composition of the MS complex agglomer activator, simultaneously performing the role of the active coloring complex which combines the specified strength characteristics of pigments free direct glass-enamel coatings with their dark coloring. The boundaries of the values of structural factors, which provide a solid structure of the silica-oxygen glass frame in the system R₂O (Na₂O+K₂O+Li₂O) – RO (CaO+BaO+SrO+MgO) – TiO₂ – ZrO₂ – B₂O₃ – SiO₂ and the specified level of its structurally dependent performance properties due to the established ratios of glass modifiers and modifiers. The composition and ratio of the complex coupler activator have been developed taking into account its influence on the strength characteristics of the glass-enamel-steel system, the corrosion capacity of the glass-fiber alloy and the operational properties of the coatings at the firing temperatures of 800 to 830 °C. Selected the ionic mechanism of color, which was realized by the components of the filling station, and the color coordinates are established in the XYZ, RGB, L*a*b, according to RAL. Industrial and laboratory-industrial tests were carried and practical recommendations for the use of development results are developed.
Одинцова, Олександра Павлівна. "Безпігментні одношарові склоемалеві покриття для побутової техніки." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2017.
Full textThe dissertation on competion of a scientific degree of the candidate of engineering science on a speciality 05.17.11 "Technology of refractory nonmetallic materials". – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2017. The dissertation is devoted to the development of pigments free direct chemically and thermally resistant dark-colored glass-enamel coatings for the protection of household appliances, in particular kitchen gas and electric plates, obtained by the technology POESTA. The bases of obtaining the coatings of this type are synthesized, according to which the glass matrix is developed with the given physicochemical properties, on the basis of which glassmelee frit is obtained by introducing into the optimized composition of the MS complex agglomer activator, simultaneously performing the role of the active coloring complex which combines the specified strength characteristics of pigments free direct glass-enamel coatings with their dark coloring. The boundaries of the values of structural factors, which provide a solid structure of the silica-oxygen glass frame in the system R₂O (Na₂O+K₂O+Li₂O) – RO (CaO+BaO+SrO+MgO) – TiO₂ – ZrO₂ – B₂O₃ – SiO₂ and the specified level of its structurally dependent performance properties due to the established ratios of glass modifiers and modifiers. The composition and ratio of the complex coupler activator have been developed taking into account its influence on the strength characteristics of the glass-enamel-steel system, the corrosion capacity of the glass-fiber alloy and the operational properties of the coatings at the firing temperatures of 800 to 830 °C. Selected the ionic mechanism of color, which was realized by the components of the filling station, and the color coordinates are established in the XYZ, RGB, L*a*b, according to RAL. Industrial and laboratory-industrial tests were carried and practical recommendations for the use of development results are developed.