Academic literature on the topic 'Хмелепродукти'
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Journal articles on the topic "Хмелепродукти"
Грибкова, Ирина Николаевна, and Марина Васильевна Гернет. "Современные способы использования хмелепродуктов в пивоварении." Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья, no. 4 (March 16, 2021): 34–42.
Full textDerkanosova, A. A., A. A. Orinicheva, and A. S. Muravyev. "Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of hop products." Journal International Academy of Refrigeration 15, no. 4 (2016): 19–22.
Full textDerkanosova, A. A., and A. A. Orinicheva. "Quality of bread with hops." Journal International Academy of Refrigeration 16, no. 1 (2017): 31–34.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Хмелепродукти"
Березка, Тетяна Олександрівна. "Удосконалення технології високостійкого пива з використанням антиоксидантів з рослинної сировини." Thesis, Національний університет харчових технологій, 2014.
Full textThe thesis for a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences on specialty 05.18.05 – technology of sugary substances and fermentation products. – National University of Food Technologies, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kуiv, 2014. The dissertation paper is devoted to the improvement of beer technology with the use of plant-extracted antioxidants. Iso-alpha acids oxidation by free-radical-chain mechanism during wort boiling with hop or hop products is discussed. The ways to inhibit the oxidation due to the addition of plant-extracted antioxidants are determined. Based on the analysis of kinetics of ozonized air oxidation of hop resins components in methanol CO₂ hop extract solution, the conditions are found that provide accelerated oxidation of hop resins components. The efficiency of application of plant-extracted antioxidants for anti-oxygenation of hop resins components is proved. The most effective antioxidants and their dosing rate have been determined. It is revealed that adding antioxidants extracted from peppermint leaves and oak bark into boiling wort with hop is most effective for wort proteins coagulation and beer clarification, this provides up to 10 % savings in hop or its extracts and increases the physiological value of the beer. It is found that antioxidants extracted from Hypericum and oak bark influence the contents of volatile metabolites of the oxidizing exchange; specifically they reduce the diacetyl and acetic aldehyde content in young and finished beer. The technology of plant-extracted antioxidants application at the stages of wort boiling and cooling is proposed. The conditions of plant-extracted antioxidants and hop products dozing are determined. Industrial tests of production technology for different beer types with the use of plant-extracted antioxidants were performed at the Kharkov branch of the PJSC «SUN InBev Ukraine». An experimental industrial batch of 10,000 dal was produced.
Conference papers on the topic "Хмелепродукти"
Грибкова, И. Н. "Влияние полифенолов хмеля на качество пива." In Наука России: Цели и задачи. НИЦ "LJournal", 2021.
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