Academic literature on the topic 'Управління енергоефективністю'
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Journal articles on the topic "Управління енергоефективністю"
Tsmots, I. G., Yu V. Tsymbal, V. I. Roman, and R. V. Sydorenko. "ЗАСОБИ ЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯ, ОПРАЦЮВАННЯ ТА ЗАХИСТУ ДАНИХ БАГАТОРІВНЕВОЇ СИСТЕМИ УПРАВЛІННЯ ЕНЕРГОЕФЕКТИВНІСТЮ РЕГІОНУ." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 28, no. 2 (March 29, 2018): 137–43.
Full textБізонич, Дмитро Володимирович. "Європейський досвід державного управління енергоефективністю та енергозбереженням у житлово-комунальному господарстві: уроки для сучасної України." Економіка, управління та адміністрування, no. 1(95) (March 12, 2021): 53–61.
Full textКопець, Г. Р. "Інноваційний розвиток у сфері управління енергоефективністю у містах України." Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", no. 754 (2013): 172–78.
Find full textScherbak, Valeriia G., and Оlena M. Nifatova. "УПРАВЛІННЯ ЕНЕРГОЕФЕКТИВНІСТЮ ТА ЕНЕРГОЗБЕРЕЖЕННЯМ НА БАЗІ УНІВЕРСИТЕТСЬКОГО ЕНЕРГО-ІННОВАЦІЙНОГО ХАБА ЗНАНЬ." Journal of Strategic Economic Research, no. 6 (January 10, 2022): 45–53.
Full textTsmots, I. H., and V. I. Roman. "Вдосконалення методу групування енергетичних даних у системі багаторівневого управління енергоефективністю економіки регіону." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 29, no. 1 (February 28, 2019): 116–20.
Full textБайрамова, О. В., Ю. Г. Якусевич, В. В. Штрибець, and В. В. Трішин. "Модель управління економією енергоресурсів у системі енергозабезпечення річкових суден." Системи озброєння і військова техніка, no. 3(63), (September 30, 2020): 118–21.
Full textTsmots, I. G., V. M. Teslyuk, M. R. Podolsky, and V. І. Dubuk. "TOOLS OF VISUALIZATION OF POWER BALANCES AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT OF REGION." Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology 2, no. 1 (2020): 1–7.
Full textTsmots, I. G., Yu V. Opotiak, and V. I. Roman. "MEANS FOR COLLECTION AND VISUALIZATION OF ENERGY DATA FOR THE SYSTEM OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT OF THE REGIONAL ECONOMIC." Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology 1, no. 1 (2019): 1–10.
Full textKarpa, D. М., I. H. Tsmots, and Yu V. Opotiak. "Нейромережеві засоби прогнозування споживання енергоресурсів." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 28, no. 5 (May 31, 2018): 140–46.
Full textОчеретяний, Ю. О., А. І. Головань, and Ю. М. Федорова. "Оптимізація експлуатації суднових систем комфортного кондиціонування повітря за рахунок використання програмованих логічних контролерів." Automation of technological and business processes 12, no. 1 (March 30, 2020): 55–63.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Управління енергоефективністю"
Пронюк, Г. В. "Управління енергоефективністю підприємства." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2015.
Full textКлепікова, Світлана Володимирівна. "Управління енергоефективністю промислового підприємства." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.04 - economy and management of the enterprises (by types of economic activity). - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The thesis is devoted to actual problems of theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise. In the dissertation the theoretical basis is investigated, a variety of formulations of concepts "energy efficiency", "energy saving", "energy management", "energy efficiency management" are considered and their use in work is determined. It is proposed to evaluate the energy efficiency of the enterprise by the indicator of energy intensity, which is the ratio of two economic values: the annual cost of energy resources to the cost of production. It is taken into account that the management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise is based on the general principles of the theory of control, according to which the control system consists of two subsystems - the managing one, and the controlled one, which is exposed to the control and has the effect (influence) of the control subsystem. Emphasis is placed on the fact that tasks and conditions formulated by higher hierarchical levels of energy efficiency management are a particularly important factor of influence. It is established that the task of improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises of the Ukrainian economy requires the creation of appropriate conditions at all levels of government. Such levels are: state, sectoral, regional and enterprise level. It has been established that conceptually levels of energy efficiency management systems can be represented as a hierarchical feedback loop. The conducted analysis of the regulatory framework in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving showed that at each stage of energy efficiency management specific tasks were defined for ensuring the process of implementation of state policy, with the nature of tasks for each of the levels having its own specificity. It was found that after the first world energy crisis, industrialized countries paid much attention to solving the problem of improving the energy efficiency of their economies and gained considerable experience in this direction, which was reflected in the international standard ISO 50001: 2011 "Energy Management Systems", which was further supplemented by a number of improving of the provisions in ISO 50001: 2018 "Energy management systems. Requirements and Guidelines for Implementation, "which implements PDCA Continuous Improvement Management. This standard should be implemented in the regulatory acts when implementing the "Energy Strategy of Ukraine to 2035". On the basis of the conducted analysis of the Laws of Ukraine on energy saving, international and national standards, the methodology of energy audit, it is established the expediency of introducing amendments to take into account the multiplicative and synergistic effects of saving energy resources in the modernization of energy equipment. The results of the analysis made it possible to correlate the level of ISO 50001 implementation by countries with the indicator of energy intensity, namely reducing it with the widespread introduction of energy management systems in industry, which allowed to reduce energy consumption per unit of production for the period 2000 - 2017 by almost 20%. Increasing GDP energy efficiency for Ukraine is a particularly important area of economic development. Significant investments are needed to improve energy efficiency, and the search for domestic investment sources is of particular importance for the country, for which it is desirable to have a toolkit for calculating the projected value of energy savings for the enterprise. It was found that the main levers for improving the energy efficiency of the leading countries were investment and improved governance. A significant increase in energy efficiency can be achieved by improving the management of energy efficiency of industrial enterprises; improving the energy efficiency of industrial enterprises, improving management and implementing the ISO 50001 standard. It is proposed and substantiated the feasibility of using the neural network method in the energy efficiency management of an industrial enterprise to determine the energy intensity index, which can be used for prompt provision of information on forecasted cost savings due to energy savings with multiple refinements in the process of determining the final values of the production form for the next year policies, setting up annual energy efficiency plans, planning other indicators production, on which the energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise depends. The methodical approach of determination of the index of energy intensity of the enterprise with the help of artificial neural networks (ANN), with the use of methods of expert estimations, a priori ranking and correlation-regression analysis is developed. An economic and mathematical model was created bas ed on a multilayer directional perceptron synthesized by the genetic algorithm method. The efficiency of the methodological approach was checked, as well as its testing according to the statistics of the leading Kharkiv enterprises. In the process of testing and analyzing its results, the conclusions were drawn about the need for: systematic accumulation of annual statistics, both the indicator itself and the factors that influence it; analysis of calculations and establishment of correctness of data accounting; identifying typical differences in the interpretation of a factor and making appropriate adjustments; taking into account the features of the enterprise; carrying out with the help of ANN research on the choice of rational values of production indicators - input values of the neural network that affect the indicator of energy intensity; studies on improving accuracy and forecasting due to changes in the structure and type of neural network, etc. Such a wide range of functions and the need for their systematic implementation led to the conclusion that it is advisable to create in the management structure of an industrial enterprise a structure that would include specialists capable of performing these functions - the Intelligent Energy Management Group (IEM). The practical result of the dissertation work on taking into account the multiplicative and synergistic effects is: first, the conclusion about the expediency of taking into account these effects when conducting an internal energy audit, for which it is necessary to make appropriate additions to its methodology of its conduct; secondly, the conclusion about the expediency of introducing into the legislative and regulatory acts the amendments that stimulate the enterprises to prioritize the modernization of power equipment with multiplicative and synergistic effect (as such, which provides significant savings of fuel and energy resources at the state level). Recommendations are given on the use of the results of work at different hierarchical levels of energy efficiency management and in other types of industrial enterprise management.
Клепікова, Світлана Володимирівна. "Управління енергоефективністю промислового підприємства." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2019.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences in specialty 08.00.04 – economy and management of the enterprises (by types of economic activity). – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, 2019. The thesis is devoted to actual problems of theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise. In the dissertation the theoretical basis is investigated, the variety of formulations of the concepts of "energy efficiency", "energy saving", "energy efficiency management" and the use of them in work are considered. The Laws of Ukraine on energy conservation, the international and national standards, the methodology of energy audit are analyzed, and the expediency of introducing the corresponding additions to take into account the multiplicative and synergetic effects of energy resources saving during the modernization of the power equipment is established. It is suggested and justified the feasibility of using artificial neural networks (ANN) in the management of energy efficiency of an industrial enterprise. The method of determination of the energy intensity of an enterprise with the help of ANN is developed, with the involvement of expert estimation methods, a priori ranking and correlation-regression analysis. A mathematical model based on a multilayered straightforward perceptron synthesized by the genetic algorithm method was created. The efficiency of the methodological approach was checked, as well as its testing according to the statistics of the leading Kharkiv enterprises. In the process of testing and analyzing its results, the conclusions were drawn about the need for: systematic accumulation of annual statistics, both the indicator itself and the factors that influence it; analysis of calculations and establishment of correctness of data accounting; identifying typical differences in the interpretation of a factor and making appropriate adjustments; taking into account the features of the enterprise; carrying out with the help of ANN research on the choice of rational values of production indicators - input values of the neural network that aff ect the indicator of energy intensity; studies on improving accuracy and forecasting due to changes in the structure and type of neural network, etc. Such a wide range of functions and the need for their systematic implementation led to the conclusion that it is advisable to create in the management structure of an industrial enterprise a structure that would include specialists capable of performing these functions - the Intelligent Energy Management Group (IEM). The practical result of the dissertation work on taking into account the multiplicative and synergistic effects is: first, the conclusion about the expediency of taking into account these effects when conducting an internal energy audit, for which it is necessary to make appropriate additions to its methodology of its conduct; secondly, the conclusion about the expediency of introducing into the legislative and regulatory acts the amendments that stimulate the enterprises to prioritize the modernization of power equipment with multiplicative and synergistic effect (as such, which provides significant savings of fuel and energy resources at the state level). Recommendations are given on the use of the results of work at different hierarchical levels of energy efficiency management and in other types of industrial enterprise management.
Боднаровський, Володимир Олегович. "Метод та програмно-апаратний засіб управління енергоефективністю в кіберфізичній системі «Розумний будинок»." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2022.
Full textСисоєва, Катерина Володимирівна. "Методи та програмно-технічний засіб управління енергоефективністю в підсистемі клімат-контролю в кіберфізичній системі «Розумний будинок»." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2022.
Full textХан, Тетяна Феліксівна. "Вплив інновацій на енергоефективність підприємства." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textЧеркашина, Галина Ігорівна, and Олександр Павлович Лазуренко. "Техніко-економічний ефект впровадження системи управління електроспоживанням у побуті." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2014.
Full textПилипенко, В. І. "Створення дистанційної та енергозаощадної системи для контролю та управління освітленням." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2017.
Full textЛукашенко, Євгеній Олексійович. "Енергоефективність системи «Джерело теплоти – людина – огороджувальні конструкції» на прикладі житлової будівлі." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021.
Full textThe volume of master's work - 92 sheets, the number of drawings - 32, tables - 34. The relevance of the research topic is related to the constant increase in utility tariffs, encouraging people to save, and hence the need for new ways to reduce energy consumption. The main means of reducing energy consumption are more rational and efficient use of resources and thermal modernization. Housing in Ukraine is one of the most energy-intensive industries, so it is clear that the implementation of measures in this area should be given priority.The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators of energy efficiency and the level of thermal comfort of the dormitory. The object of study - a 10-storey residential building at vul. Borshchahivska, 173/187, Kyiv. The subject of research - energy consumption of the building, thermal characteristics of the enclosing structures of the building, the characteristics of engineering networks. The scientific novelty of the achieved results is the development of methodological aspects and methods of analysis, evaluation and monitoring of energy efficiency indicators of residential buildings. A model of dynamic modeling with 3D-visualization and detailed shading analysis for the calculation of photovoltaic systems in combination with electrical appliances, battery systems has been developed. Materials of the master's dissertation can be used at preparation and teaching of disciplines "Energy saving of buildings and constructions" and "Methods of energy monitoring and energy audit of buildings" for students of a specialty 141 "Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics", 144 "Heat energy". The subject of research conducted in the master's dissertation is of practical interest and is recommended by LLC "ESCO Ukraine" for implementation on real objects - a 10-storey residential building at vul. Borshchahivska, 173/187, Kyiv. Approbation of research results: The main results on the topic of the work were discussed and reported at scientific and technical conferences. Published theses: 1. II scientific and technical conference of IEE undergraduates (November 17, 2021).
Головащенко, Владислав Сергійович. "Управління розвитком закладу охорони здоров’я (на прикладі КП «Калинівська ЦРЛ», м. Калинівка)." Магістерська робота, Хмельницький національний університет, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Управління енергоефективністю"
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