Academic literature on the topic 'Ультразвукова ударна обробка'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ультразвукова ударна обробка"
Vasyliev, M. O., B. M. Mordyuk, S. I. Sidorenko, S. M. Voloshko, and A. P. Burmak. "Mass Transfer During Ultrasonic Shock Treatment of Al—Fe." METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII 37, no. 12 (June 8, 2016): 1603–18.
Full textMordyuk, B. M., S. M. Voloshko, A. P. Burmak, V. V. Mohylko, and M. M. Voron. "Synthesis of Composite Coatings by Ultrasonic Impact Treatment of VT6 Titanium Alloy." METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII 41, no. 8 (October 25, 2019): 1067–86.
Full textBurmak, A. P., B. N. Mordyuk, S. M. Voloshko, V. I. Zakiev, and V. V. Mohylko. "Synthesis of Composite Layers on Cu–39Zn–1Pb Brass Using Ultrasonic Impact Treatment." METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII 42, no. 9 (October 23, 2020): 1245–64.
Full textMordyuk, B. N., S. М. Voloshko, А. P. Burmak, and D. S. Malakhov. "Surface Modification of Аl–6Мg Alloy by Electric Discharge Alloying with Copper and Ultrasonic Impact Treatment for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance." METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII 42, no. 7 (September 18, 2020): 997–1013.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ультразвукова ударна обробка"
Д’яченко, С. С., Ігор Володимирович Пономаренко, and Микола Анатолійович Ткачук. "Підвищення конструктивної міцності виробів іонно-плазмовою обробкою із створенням поверхневих наноструктур." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textМогилко, Владислав Віталійович. "Синтез композиційних покриттів ультразвуковою ударною обробкою титанового сплаву ВТ6." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018.
Full textMaster's thesis: 98 p., 5 chapters, 19 tables, 34 figures, 57 sources. Object of the study – the physical and chemical processes which occur during ultrasonic impact treatment of the surface of the titanium VT6 alloy. Subject of the study – heat resistance, corrosion properties and wear resistance of surface layers of titanium VT6 alloy after ultrasonic impact treatment with Al2O3, α-Si3N4 and β-Si3N4 powders. Aim of the work is to synthesize composite coatings by ultrasonic impact treatment of the VT6 alloy with application of aluminum oxide and α-Si3N4 and β-Si3N4 silicon nitrides powders, as well as to investiagte their properties. Research methods – complex of modern experimental methods of physical material science has been used in this work. X-ray and electron-microscopic analyzes, gravimetric measurements, as well as studies on wear and corrosion resistance were carried out. The influence of ultrasonic impact treatment with of Al2O3 oxide powders and Si3N4 silicon nitrides of various modifications on the heat resistant properties of the alloy has been determined and the possibility of synthesis of protective coatings on its surface has been investigated. The thickness of the coatings was determined using the scanning electron microscopy method and Gwyddion software application.
Малахов, Дмитро Сергійович. "Зміцнення поверхні сплаву АМг6 електроіскровим легуванням Cu та ультразвуковою ударною обробкою." Bachelor's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2019.
Full textThe object of research is the physical and chemical processes that take place near the electrosurgical doping of copper and ultrasonic shock treatment of the surface of aluminium alloy AMg6. The purpose of the work is the synthesis of composite coatings on the surface of AMg alloy by the electrospray doping of Cu followed by ultrasonic shock treatment. Methods of research - microdyrometric, X-ray and micro-ray diffraction analysis, transdermal electron microscopy, as well as corrosion resistance tests. Practical significance - the scientific results obtained in the work are of practical interest to the mechanical engineering and aviation industry. The results of the research - an effective way to strengthen the surface layer of aluminium alloy AMg6 with the help of combined processing - EIL and UIT. Electrospray doping with copper electrode helps to strengthen the surface due to the formation in the near-surface layer up to 25 microns of intermetallic phases - Al2Cu and Al6Mg4Cu. Ultrasonic shock treatment causes the dispersion of the sub-grains / grain structure, increases the hardness by 70-80 % and promotes the intensification of the mass transfer of the alloying element. The result of the combined treatment is an increase in microhardness (3,5 times) and corrosion resistance of the surface layers of AMg6 alloy as compared to the initial state.
Малахов, Дмитро Сергійович. "Зміцнення поверхні сплаву АМг6 комбінованою високоенергетичною обробкою." Master's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021.
Full textThe object of research - physico-chemical processes that occur as a result of electrospark doping with titanium, tungsten, copper and ultrasonic shock treatment of the surface of the aluminum alloy AMg6. The purpose of the work is the synthesis of composite coatings on the surface of AMg6 alloy by electrospark doping of Ti, W or Cu with subsequent ultrasonic shock treatment. Research methods - microdiurometric, X-ray structural and micro-X-ray spectral analysis, transmission electron microscopy, as well as tests for corrosion resistance. Practical significance - the scientific results obtained in this work are of practical interest for the mechanical engineering and aviation industries. Research results - an effective way to strengthen the surface layer of aluminum alloy AMg6 using a combine processing - EDA and UIT. Electrospark doping helps to strengthen the surface due to the formation of intermetallic phases - Al3Ti, Al18Ti2Mg3, Al12W, Al5W, Al2Cu and Al6Mg4Cu in the near-surface layer up to 25 μm thick. Ultrasonic shock treatment determines the dispersion of the subgrain / grain structure, increases the hardness by 70-80 % and enhances the mass transfer of the alloying element. The result of the combined treatment is an increase in microhardness (up to 3.5 times) and corrosion resistance of the surface layers of the AMg6 alloy compared to the initial state.