Academic literature on the topic 'Стійкість термічна'
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Journal articles on the topic "Стійкість термічна"
Ershova, O., Yu Solonin, V. Dobrovolsky, and O. Koval. "ТЕРМІЧНА СТІЙКІСТЬ ТА КІНЕТИКА ДЕСОРБЦІЇ ВОДНЮ З ГІДРИДНОЇ ФАЗИ MgH2 МЕХАНІЧНОГО СПЛАВУ МАГНІЮ З Si, Ti, Fe." Vidnovluvana energetika, no. 1(56) (August 8, 2019): 20–30.
Full textKhovanets’, G. I., O. Y. Makido, V. V. Kochubey, and Y. G. Medvedevskikh. "Thermal stability of organic-inorganic nanocomposites based on system of dimethacrylate-tetraethoxysilane and their kinetic features." Polymer journal 38, no. 3 (June 6, 2016): 211–17.
Full textErshova, O. G., V. D. Dobrovolsky, Yu M. Solonin, and A. Yu Koval. "Hydrogen Sorption Properties, Thermal Stability and Kinetics of Hydrogen Desorption from MgH$_2$ Hydride Phase of a Mechanical Alloy of Magnesium with Ti and Y." METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII 41, no. 8 (October 25, 2019): 981–1001.
Full textKshyvetskyy, B. Ya, H. M. Datskiv, and Yo V. Andrashek. "Загальні відомості про клеї, склеювання та термічно модифіковану деревину." Scientific Bulletin of UNFU 29, no. 3 (April 25, 2019): 81–84.
Full textKalinina, Natalia E., Diana B. Hlushkova, Yevgen O. Dzhur, Sergey Ya Khodyrev, Vasily T. Kalinin, and Sergey A. Polishko. "ВПЛИВ ТЕМПЕРАТУРИ ТЕРМІЧНОЇ ОБРОБКИ НА СТІЙКІСТЬ ДО МІЖКРИСТАЛІТНОЇ КОРОЗІЇ ЗВАРНИХ З'ЄДНАНЬ." Journal of Chemistry and Technologies 28, no. 1 (May 4, 2020): 34–41.
Full textKryvchyk, Liliia, Tetiana Khokhlova, and Viktoriia Pinchuk. "УДОСКОНАЛЕННЯ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ ТЕРМІЧНОЇ ОБРОБКИ ПРЕСОВОГО ІНСТРУМЕНТУ ДЛЯ ПРЕСУВАННЯ НЕРЖАВІЮЧИХ ТРУБ." Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost, no. 5-6 (December 27, 2019): 47–56.
Full textТверезовська, Н. Т., and Т. В. Тарнавська. "Осмислення поняття "система" в різних галузях наукових знань." Освітній вимір 35 (September 13, 2012): 320–31.
Full textЖелдак, Тімур, and Нікіта Антоненко. "Системний аналіз факторів, що визначають стійкість футеровки конвертера та побудова прогнозуючої моделі." System technologies 6, no. 131 (March 1, 2021): 73–93.
Full textБіскуб, П. І. "Реконструкція напірних ґрунтових дамб та гребель водосховищ у стані критичної фільтрації." Сучасні технології та методи розрахунків у будівництві, no. 12 (December 14, 2019): 31–36.
Full textБиткін, Сергій, and Тетяна Критська. "Прогнозування в середовищі mathcad зростання складності бортової апаратури космічних апаратів при недостатньої радіаційної стійкості елементної компонентної бази." System technologies 5, no. 136 (May 29, 2021): 134–43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Стійкість термічна"
Кулініч, П. В., and Володимир Володимирович Лебедєв. "Дослідження процесу синтезу меламінотолуолсульфамідоформальдегідних полімерів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2012.
Full textЛебедєв, Володимир Володимирович, and Я. О. Леонідова. "Прозорі люмінесцентні полімерні матеріали на основі модифікованих бензогуанамін-формальдегідних олігомерів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2014.
Full textРищенко, Михайло Іванович, Олена Юріївна Федоренко, Катерина Борисівна Дайнеко, Марія Юріївна Лісюткіна, and Олексій В'ячеславович Шевцов. "Високоресурсні керамічні матеріали на основі системи CaO–MgO–Al₂O₃–TiO₂–SiO₂." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2017.
Full textСуходольська, Т. В., and Володимир Володимирович Лебедєв. "Дослідження процесів структурування прозорих люмінесцентних бензгуанамінформальдегидних олігомерів." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016.
Full textДегула, Андрій Іванович, Андрей Иванович Дегула, Andrii Ivanovych Dehula, and К. Ю. Єфременко. "Дослідження впливу видів термічної обробки та структурного напруженого стану на корозійну стійкість нержавіючих сталей мартенситного класу." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2014.
Full textКаракуркчі, Ганна Володимирівна, Микола Дмитрович Сахненко, and Марина Віталіївна Ведь. "Експериментальне дослідження формування оксидних покривів на деталях поршневої групи ДВЗ." Thesis, Національна академія Національної гвардії України, 2017.
Full textРуденко, Лідія Федорівна, Лидия Федоровна Руденко, Lidiia Fedorivna Rudenko, and А. Е. Гаврилова. "Дослідження корозійної стійкості деталей насосів і компресорів із сталі 14Х17Н2 після різних видів термічної обробки." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2014.
Full textБайда, Євген Іванович. "Мультифізичні моделі високовольтних вакуумних вимикачів з бістабільними поляризованими актуаторами в динамічних режимах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.01 "Electric Machines and Apparatus" (141 – Electrical Engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2018. In the dissertation work the problems of creation of multiphysical models used in the research and designing of medium voltage vacuum switching devices are considered. The object of the study is transient electromagnetic processes in a heterogeneous, nonlinear, moving medium conducting electric current and including high-coercive permanent magnets; processes related to the theory of elasticity, solid state mechanics, phenomena in non-stationary thermal fields, and the theory of continuum mechanics. Subject of research – vacuum switching devices with bistable polarized actuators; dynamics of actuators; static and dynamic deformation of the contact system of the circuit breaker and the mechanism under the influence of the actuator; the ability of the circuit breaker to switch on and the thermal stability of the circuit breaker under the influence of emergency overvoltage's; liquid dampers; electromagnetic actuator’s control circuit. Research methods – the investigations of electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal processes and fluid flow processes are based on analytical and numerical mathematical models that take into account the most significant linear and nonlinear interconnections between phenomena. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations are carried out using special application software packages, the reliability of which is repeatedly confirmed and does not cause doubts, as well as codes written by the applicant. The following scientific results have been obtained in the work. For the first time a model of dynamics of a polarized bistable actuator with permanent magnets has been developed based on calculations of transient electromagnetic field in a nonlinear non-uniform medium conducting electric current and containing permanent magnets taking into account the motion of parts of the actuator in conjunction with nonlinear equations of electric circuit and motion. The parameters of forced switching on of actuators are calculated and recommendations on the design and parameters of actuators are given. The multiphysical models of studying the influence of actuator parameters on static and dynamic mechanical stresses in a vacuum chamber bellows have been developed, recommendations have been obtained for choosing the optimal structure of a bellows and its durability, its fatigue endurance is calculated. A model of the influence of actuator parameters on dynamic mechanical stresses in the contact system and the switching mechanism based on the theory of elasticity was developed, due to which the geometry of the drive shaft was calculated and its material was chosen. For the first time, multiphysical models have been developed to determine the effect of the actuator's dynamic characteristics on the ability of the circuit breaker to activate the emergency overloads: shock dynamics and contact vibration time are defined; the Stefan thermal problem solved, the heat of phase transitions is taken into account, and the possible strength of contact welding is determined; recommendations for reducing the contact collision rate due to the use of a liquid damper based on the Navies-Stokes equation and dynamics of the actuator are given; the model of heating and deformation of the contact surface was developed and on its basis recommendations were given regarding calculations of the required force of contact pressure and the geometry of the contacts in the conditions of thermal stability. The original models of circuits connecting actuator coils to different sources of electric energy have been investigated and analyzed, and recommendations on their practical implementation have been given. The results of the study were checked on layouts, prototypes and used in the development of vacuum circuit breakers, tests of which models were confirmed by the obtained recommendations and conclusions. Implementation of the main scientific and practical results of the dissertation work was reflected: in agreement with «ABM Ampere», Kremenchk agreement No. 33/98-12 between NTU «KhPI» and «ABM Ampere» LLC «Influence of the parameters of a bistable polarized vacuum actuator of the circuit breaker on its ability to switch on», research and development work performed by order of Ukrenergokompleks-2 LLC, Kharkov «Bistable actuators in control plants and distribution of liquid flows», the acts of implementation are added.
Байда, Євген Іванович. "Мультифізичні моделі високовольтних вакуумних вимикачів з бістабільними поляризованими актуаторами в динамічних режимах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textDissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.01 "Electric Machines and Apparatus" (141 – Electrical Engineering). – National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Kharkov, 2018. In the dissertation work the problems of creation of multiphysical models used in the research and designing of medium voltage vacuum switching devices are considered. The object of the study is transient electromagnetic processes in a heterogeneous, nonlinear, moving medium conducting electric current and including high-coercive permanent magnets; processes related to the theory of elasticity, solid state mechanics, phenomena in non-stationary thermal fields, and the theory of continuum mechanics. Subject of research – vacuum switching devices with bistable polarized actuators; dynamics of actuators; static and dynamic deformation of the contact system of the circuit breaker and the mechanism under the influence of the actuator; the ability of the circuit breaker to switch on and the thermal stability of the circuit breaker under the influence of emergency overvoltage's; liquid dampers; electromagnetic actuator’s control circuit. Research methods – the investigations of electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal processes and fluid flow processes are based on analytical and numerical mathematical models that take into account the most significant linear and nonlinear interconnections between phenomena. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations are carried out using special application software packages, the reliability of which is repeatedly confirmed and does not cause doubts, as well as codes written by the applicant. The following scientific results have been obtained in the work. For the first time a model of dynamics of a polarized bistable actuator with permanent magnets has been developed based on calculations of transient electromagnetic field in a nonlinear non-uniform medium conducting electric current and containing permanent magnets taking into account the motion of parts of the actuator in conjunction with nonlinear equations of electric circuit and motion. The parameters of forced switching on of actuators are calculated and recommendations on the design and parameters of actuators are given. The multiphysical models of studying the influence of actuator parameters on static and dynamic mechanical stresses in a vacuum chamber bellows have been developed, recommendations have been obtained for choosing the optimal structure of a bellows and its durability, its fatigue endurance is calculated. A model of the influence of actuator parameters on dynamic mechanical stresses in the contact system and the switching mechanism based on the theory of elasticity was developed, due to which the geometry of the drive shaft was calculated and its material was chosen. For the first time, multiphysical models have been developed to determine the effect of the actuator's dynamic characteristics on the ability of the circuit breaker to activate the emergency overloads: shock dynamics and contact vibration time are defined; the Stefan thermal problem solved, the heat of phase transitions is taken into account, and the possible strength of contact welding is determined; recommendations for reducing the contact collision rate due to the use of a liquid damper based on the Navies-Stokes equation and dynamics of the actuator are given; the model of heating and deformation of the contact surface was developed and on its basis recommendations were given regarding calculations of the required force of contact pressure and the geometry of the contacts in the conditions of thermal stability. The original models of circuits connecting actuator coils to different sources of electric energy have been investigated and analyzed, and recommendations on their practical implementation have been given. The results of the study were checked on layouts, prototypes and used in the development of vacuum circuit breakers, tests of which models were confirmed by the obtained recommendations and conclusions. Implementation of the main scientific and practical results of the dissertation work was reflected: in agreement with «ABM Ampere», Kremenchk agreement No. 33/98-12 between NTU «KhPI» and «ABM Ampere» LLC «Influence of the parameters of a bistable polarized vacuum actuator of the circuit breaker on its ability to switch on», research and development work performed by order of Ukrenergokompleks-2 LLC, Kharkov «Bistable actuators in control plants and distribution of liquid flows».
Багдасарян, Артем Анатолійович, Артем Анатольевич Багдасарян, and Artem Anatoliiovych Bahdasarian. "Структурно-фазовое состояние и физико-механические свойства нитридных покрытий на основе Ti, Hf, Zr, V и Nb." Thesis, Изд-во СумГУ, 2015.
Full textДиссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата физико-математических наук по специальности 01.04.07 – физика твердого тела. – Сумский государственный университет, Сумы, 2015. Диссертационная работа посвящена исследованию структурно-фазового состояния и физико-механических свойств наноструктурных покрытий (Ti-Hf-Zr-V-Nb)N, полученных методом вакуумно-дугового осаждения. Проведено комплексное исследование влияния режимов осаждения (давление рабочего газа и потенциал смещения подложки) на морфологию, элементный состав, фазовое и напряженно-деформированное состояние, термическую стойкость, механические и трибологические свойства покрытий. Показано, что повышение физических параметров осаждения приводит к уменьшению капельной составляющей на поверхности покрытия и, как следствие, формированию более равномерной поверхности. Использование экспериментальных и численных методов позволило провести как качественный, так и количественный анализ морфологии покрытий в зависимости от потенциала смещения подложки. Применение взаимодополняющих методик элементного анализа позволило проанализировать влияние параметров осаждения на концентрацию составляющих элементов, обнаружить неконтролируемые примеси в покрытии, провести комплексное исследование распределения элементов по глубине. Анализ структурно-фазового состояния обнаружил формирование твердого раствора с ГЦК-кристаллической решеткой всеми покрытиями независимо от режимов осаждения. Расчет субструктурных характеристик показал наличие кристаллитов нанометрового масштаба. Выявлено, что повышение энергии ионов приводит к развитию сжимающих напряжений в покрытии. В результате исследования термической стойкости обнаружено, что формирование сильнотекстурированного состояния и высокого уровня деформации сжатия в покрытии повышает его стойкость к формированию окислов. Выявлено, что термическое воздействие приводит лишь к слабому росту кристаллитов. Исследование механических характеристик показало, что в зависимости от условий осаждения твердость покрытий варьируется от 36 до 43 ГПа. Установлено, что нанесение нитридных наноструктурных покрытий (Ti-Hf-Zr-V-Nb)N на стальной диск значительно улучшает износостойкость последнего.
The thesis is devoted to the investigation of structural-phase state and physical and mechanical properties of nanostructured coatings (Ti-Hf-Zr-V-Nb)N, obtained by vacuum-arc deposition. The complete investigation of the effect of deposition regimes (working gas pressure and substrate bias potential) on the morphology, elemental composition, phase and stress-strain state, thermal stability, mechanical and tribological properties of coatings was studied. The homogeneous distribution of the constituent elements in the surface layer, the presence of a thin oxide layer (ZrO, NbO, HfO and ZrO2) on surface and uncontrolled impurities (H, C and O) in (Ti-Hf-Zr-V-Nb)N coatings were found by methods of microanalysis such as: EDX, RBS, SIMS and GDMS. The general features of structural and phase state of coatings, obtained at different technological parameters of deposition, were determined. It was found, that the coatings obtained by vacuum arc deposition, form the solid solution of fcc type crystal structure with grain of nanometer scale. It was established, that the increasing of energy of the ions causes the development of compressive stresses in the coating. The results of the study of thermal annealing on structural and phase state nitride coatings are given. It was shown, that the application of high values of deposition parameters increases the thermal stability to the formation of oxides. The analysis of mechanical characteristics of coatings found that the increasing of substrate bias potential leads to higher hardness and Young's modulus. The investigation of tribological properties (Ti-Hf-Zr-V-Nb) N coatings, which deposited on metal disks, showed an increase in the coefficient of friction and wear factor. Through the experimental investigation and theoretical calculation of statistical parameters the features of the change of coatings microgeometry, obtained with different modes of deposition, were established.