Academic literature on the topic 'Професійні компанії'
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Journal articles on the topic "Професійні компанії"
Editor, Editor. "КЛЮЧОВІ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ КЕРІВНИКА СУЧАСНОГО СУПЕРМАРКЕТУ НЕПРОДТОВАРІВ." Товарознавчий вісник 1, no. 12 (November 29, 2019): 327–38.
Full textОвчінніков, Антон. "МИСТЕЦЬКИЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТ РОЗВИТКУ ТАНЦЮВАЛЬНОЇ СПІЛЬНОТИ: ПРОБЛЕМНІ ПИТАННЯ." Молодий вчений, no. 4 (92) (April 30, 2021): 150–55.
Full textБілоусова, Наталя. "ІСТОРИЧНИЙ ГЕНЕЗИС СТАНОВЛЕННЯ І РОЗВИТКУ ПРОФЕСІЇ «МЕДИЧНИЙ ПРЕДСТАВНИК» В УКРАЇНІ." Professional Pedagogics 1, no. 22 (July 1, 2021): 13–22.
Full textGlavatskhih, V. I. "ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЬ РОБОТИ СУДЕН ЗАЛЕЖНО ВІД ШВИДКІСНОГО РЕЖИМУ." Transport development, no. 4(11) (January 14, 2022): 104–15.
Full textЯлоха, Тетяна Олександрівна, and Ростислав Анатолійович Громадський. "Event-менеджмент як елемент сучасної культурномистецької практики." Науковий вісник Київського національного університету театру, кіно і телебачення імені І.К.Карпенка-Карого, no. 27-28 (May 25, 2021): 180–90.
Full textDakhno, Oleksandr. "СВІТОВИЙ ДОСВІД СТВОРЕННЯ ТА РОЗВИТКУ ПРИВАТНИХ ВІЙСЬКОВИХ КОМПАНІЙ ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТА РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ІНТЕРЕСІВ." Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури 12, no. 2 (December 21, 2020): 61–68.
Full textОлійник, Наталія. "ФОРМУВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ СТУДЕНТІВ-АГРАРІЇВ." Інноватика у вихованні 1, no. 12 (November 21, 2020): 183–91.
Full textРадкевич, Олександр. "ПРОФЕСІЙНИЙ РОЗВИТОК ВИКЛАДАЧІВ І ТРЕНЕРІВ ЗАКЛАДІВ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ОСВІТИ В КРАЇНАХ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОГО СОЮЗУ." Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України. Професійна педагогіка, no. 14 (October 30, 2017): 133–39.
Full textКОЛОГОЙДА, ОЛЕКСАНДРА, and АНАСТАСІЯ ПРОКОПЮК. "Страхування цивільно-правової відповідальності директорів і посадових осіб, що здійснюють управління акціонерним товариством." Право України, no. 2021/07 (2021): 116.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Професійні компанії"
Рудевіч, Наталія Валентинівна. "Ключові професійні компетентності інженерів з автоматизації енергосистем." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textАлександров, Віталій Володимирович. "Формулювання підходів до створення системи управління інжиніринговою діяльністю." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2017.
Full textМороз, С. А. "Феномен корпоративного університету та його можливості для розвитку трудового потенціалу ВНЗ." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textБілоусова, Наталя Анатоліївна. "Професійна підготовка медичних представників фармацевтичних компаній у Федеративній Республіці Німеччина." Thesis, 2021.
Full textThe author found out that the issue of professional training of medical representatives in different countries is considered mainly in the context of improving the efficiency of their work in the pharmaceutical market, but in the national educational space attention that is paid to the study of international experience in solving the research topic, is insufficient. Emphasis is made on active development of a professional group of medical representatives in Ukrainian society, whose professional training is actualized by the need to resolve contradictions between the needs of pharmaceutical companies in medical representatives, capable of working effectively in a highly competitive pharmaceutical market along with the unregulated by the state approach to their professional training; the need for critical analysis of foreign experience in the training of medical representatives for pharmaceutical companies and the insufficient level of its systematization and generalization in the domestic scientific and practical work, recognized by the world community achievements of the Federal Republic of Germany in the training of medical representatives for pharmaceutical companies and insufficient level of study and justification of opportunities in order to optimize the domestic system of medical training based on extrapolation of the experience of this country. It was found out, owing to the analysis of scientific literature on marketing, medicine, sociology, psychology, etc., that under the influence of globalization, the transformation of the pharmaceutical market and the merger of large pharmaceutical companies with an extensive network of offices in many countries. This proves the fact that their training goes beyond the borders of one country and is based on the following modern concepts. i.e., continuing education, the leading idea of which is the ideology of the dynamic development of mankind in the new century; lifelong learning, the main provision of which is the combination of the logic of education (education of citizens) and the logic of industry (optimal use of human resources), aimed at the integration of general and vocational education; humanistic concept of education and development, which is based on the awareness of the importance of human rights and dignity, social justice, protection of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity. It is revealed that the development of vocational education soon will be based on the following ideas: creation of the European innovative system of continuing vocational education and training based on the further development of interaction of vocational education institutions of different levels and socioeconomic complex; transnational cooperation and exchange of best practices in human resources development for further modernization of the economy; creating opportunities for the quality lifelong learning in all structures and at all levels of the education and training system, the synergy of formal, non–formal and informal education; development of the education zone by 2025 in order to use the full potential of education and culture, which are recognized as drivers for employment, economic growth and social justice. The basic concept of the «medical representative» as a specialist, whose professional responsibilities include a number of functions for the implementation of the company’s policy on the promotion of medicines (prescription and over–the–counter group) and medical products in the pharmaceutical market, is substantiated. It is also noted, that the pharmaceutical market involves: medical representatives (they promote mainly prescription group of drugs), pharmaceutical representatives (they promote mainly OTC – over–the–counter group of drugs) and sales representatives (promote medical products), which the author of the research combines into one professional group called «medical representatives». The notion of «professional training of medical representatives», as the equivalent of which in European countries the definition of «professional education and training» is, considered to be an intersectoral concept or a special feature of education and training in various settings, including formal, non–formal and informal learning, is also clarified. In the course of the research on the basis of comparative and historical and pedagogical analysis of the development tendencies of professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies in the European social context the following features are revealed and generalized: dialectical development of medical education in cooperation with public organizations by both – professional and educational associations as initiators of professional training of specialists in the field of medicine, created and operating on an international basis; growing influence of the Association of Medical Education (ASME) and the Federation of Medical Education (NFME) on the training of medical staff, including medical representatives, development and quality of medical education; creation and development of a network of centers, courses of medical education, development and implementation of educational programs, methodological support, teaching methods for teachers of medical educational institutions with the support of stockholders of pharmaceutical companies; dissemination of the practice of training medical representatives in the system of non–formal education – through the introduction of a set of motivational measures for their professional development throughout life (in an extensive network of providers of educational services, in the workplace through intentionally organized information portals); mandatory National certification of medical representatives in accordance with the general framework of private companies and organizations for vocational education and training; active digitalization of vocational education and training, including professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies. According to the tasks of the thesis, the use of interpretive–analytical analysis for the organization of professional training of medical representatives in the Federal Republic of Germany, which is carried out on the basis of the legislative framework for the development of the adult education system and is regulated by federal laws, orders, directives and regulations adopted at the state level, is characterized. Qualification of a certified pharmaceutical representative is carried out within the independent centers based on the results of the expert evaluation. The author has revealed a general description of the content of professional training of medical representatives, which is carried out in the following qualification areas (modules): scientific and medical bases; pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology; pharmaceutical law, health management and economics; communications, pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical marketing. It was found out that the main forms of professional training of medical representatives are national universities; commercial and private institutions; industrial, confessional and trade union institutions; institutions of higher education, chambers of commerce and industry, institutes of extramural education, which are part of an extensive network of providers of educational services for adults, using coursework in groups, providing consultations, training, etc. Among the most common teaching methods are: independent work with educational and methodical literature; even distribution of the amount and intensity of training in preparation for testing; internships in successful offices through associations; interaction with the pharmaceutical manufacturers on a partnership basis. The thesis represents the characteristics of the current state and problems of professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies legitimization in Ukraine, summarizes the conditions of medical representatives in Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies. It is emphasized that the presence of medical representatives as a separate professional group in Ukrainian society is illegitimate. This is evidenced by the following facts: undeveloped requirements, professional profile, educational and qualification characteristics, etc.; this profession is not listed in the National Classifier, and professional training of medical representatives is not regulated at the state level, so it is carried out directly in pharmaceutical companies without standards, licensed programs, approving procedures and assessment of the results of the qualification examination for the qualification «Certified Medical Representative». As a result, it is difficult to determine their status in pharmaceutical companies – specialists or professionals according to the National Classification of Occupations, although, when hiring, the employer requires a master’s degree. This causes a number of problems for medical representatives when they move from one company to another. The author summarizes the main forms of training of medical representatives in domestic pharmaceutical companies – trainings and coaching sessions carried out by companies represented in the market of educational services. The thesis presents developed recommendations for the use of progressive ideas of professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies in the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine at the state, scientific, pedagogical, organizational, methodological, local production levels; at the level of public organizations (professional associations) and personal level
Білоусова, Наталя Анатоліївна. "Професійна підготовка медичних представників фармацевтичних компаній у Федеративній Республіці Німеччини." Thesis, 2021.
Full textThe thesis substantiates the theoretical foundations of professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies in the Federal Republic of Germany, in particular the concepts of: continuing education; lifelong learning; humanistic concept of education and development. It is revealed that in the near future vocational education will be based on the following leading ideas: creation of a European innovative system of lifelong vocational education and training based on further development of interaction of vocational education establishments of different levels and socioeconomic complex; transnational cooperation and exchange of best practices in human development for further modernization of the economy; creating opportunities for quality lifelong learning in all structures and at all levels of the education and training system, the synergy of formal, non-formal and informal education; development of the educational zone by 2025 in order to use the full potential of education and culture, which are recognized as enhancers of the employment rate, economic growth and social justice. The tendencies of professional training of medical representatives in the European social context are revealed. The author revealed that the training of medical representatives is regulated by a number of legislative documents, including federal laws, such as: on education; about professional education and professional training; on regulation of personnel certification; on the promotion of lifelong learning; on the protection of distance learning participants; on regulation of personnel certification; and provisions: on pharmaceutical representative offices (educational programs for medical representatives are regulated) and on recognition of the qualification of a medical representative (specialist certification). The paper summarizes the trends of professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies in the European social context, in particular: dialectical development of medical education in cooperation with public organizations - professional and educational associations as initiators of professional 19 training in medicine, created and operating on an international basis; growing influence of the Association of Medical Education (ASME) and the Federation of Medical Education (NFME) on the training of medical staff, including medical representatives, for the development and quality of medical education; creation and development of a network of centers, medical education courses, development and implementation of educational programs, methodological support, teaching methods for teachers of medical educational institutions with the support of pharmaceutical companies, etc. The didactic principles of professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies in this European country are substantiated (aims - certification of medical representatives in order to improve the quality of their education; forms of professional training of medical representatives - training courses in adult education; counseling, training in colleges and in production; learning, principles - openness, focus on the participant of the educational process and social affiliation). The state of professional training of medical representatives in pharmaceutical companies of Ukraine is analyzed and the conditions of activity of medical representatives in Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies and foreign representations are revealed and characterized. Among which: instability of legislative regulation of the pharmaceutical market; constant changes in the rules and features of interaction with medical and pharmacy institutions for the promotion of medicines; differences in understanding of the role of medical representative by the subjects of market relations; ambiguity of job responsibilities and marketing strategies of pharmaceutical companies, etc. It was also revealed that the presence of medical representatives as a separate professional group in Ukrainian society is not legitimized - this profession is not listed in the National Classification of Occupations, and medical training is not regulated at the state level and is carried out directly in pharmaceutical companies without standards, licensed programs, approved the procedure for assessing the results of the qualification examination for the qualification “Certified Medical Representative”. Recommendations for the use of progressive ideas for professional training of medical representatives of pharmaceutical companies in the Federal Republic of Germany at the state, scientific and pedagogical, organizational and methodological, local and industrial levels and at the level of public organizations (professional associations) and personal level are developed and substantiated
Паук, Алєся Олексіївна. "Особливості формування стресостійкості працівників великих компаній." Магістерська робота, 2020.
Full textUA : Робота виклади на 93 сторінок, 9 рисунків, 13 таблиць. Перелік посилання включає 51 джерел. Об’єкт дослідження – стресостійкість працівників великих компаній. Супроводжуючи людину на протязі всього її життя, стрес займає невід’ємну його частину. Причиною створення та розвитку концепції стресу можна вважати зростаючу, особливо у другій половині ХХ століття, актуальність проблеми захисту людини від несприятливих стрес-факторів, з якими кожна людини стикається у повсякденному житті в тій чи іншій мірі. На разі, проблема стресу досліджується у різних напрямах життєдіяльності та вже має достатній рівень інформації як теоретичної, так і практичної. С практичної точки зору проблема стресів стає все більш актуальною у зв’язку зі станами напруги, що виникають у кожної людини під впливом сильних емоцій, позитивних і негативних середовищних впливів. Вчені вважають, що незначні стреси неминучі і нешкідливі, але надмірний стрес створює великі проблеми для особистості і групи. Стресогенні чинники персональної і професійного середовища знижують життєстійкість фахівців і життєздатність організації, в якій вони працюють. Отже, вони змушують персонал і керівництво організацій зважати на їх присутність. Слід акцентувати, що професійної діяльності без стресу не існує, специфічними, у даному випадку, будуть лише провідні стрес-фактори. Необхідно враховувати соціально-економічні та організаційні фактори, що впливають на якість виконання професійної діяльності: рівень зарплати і характер матеріального стимулювання; стратегії і стиль керівництва; особливості корпоративної культури, мотивації співробітників і міжособистісних відносин членів колективу; умови праці, оснащеність робочого місця і багато ін.. Але найбільшу зацікавленість представляють індивідуальні особливості людини які впливають на виникнення та перетікання стресу у професійній діяльності. Наукова новизна одержаних результатів дослідження полягає в систематизації досліджень та емпіричному аналізі стресу у працівників та визначенні психологічних умов стресостійкості у працівників різних рівнів.
EN : The work is presented on 93 pages, 9 figures, 13 tables. The list of references includes 51 sources. The object of research is the stress resistance of employees of large companies. Accompanying a person throughout his life, stress is an integral part of it. The reason for the creation and development of the concept of stress can be considered growing, especially in the second half of the twentieth century, the urgency of protecting people from adverse stressors that everyone faces in everyday life to one degree or another. At present, the problem of stress is studied in various areas of life and already has a sufficient level of information, both theoretical and practical. From a practical point of view, the problem of stress is becoming increasingly important due to the states of stress that occur in each person under the influence of strong emotions, positive and negative environmental influences. Scientists believe that minor stress is inevitable and harmless, but excessive stress creates big problems for the individual and the group. Stressful factors of personal and professional environment reduce the viability of professionals and the viability of the organization in which they work. Thus, they force the staff and management of organizations to pay attention to their presence. It should be emphasized that there is no professional activity without stress, specific, in this case, will be only the leading stressors. It is necessary to take into account socio-economic and organizational factors that affect the quality of professional activity: the level of salary and the nature of material incentives; leadership strategies and style; features of corporate culture, employee motivation and interpersonal relationships of team members; working conditions, workplace equipment and many others. But the greatest interest is the individual characteristics of the person that affect the emergence and flow of stress in professional activities. The scientific novelty of the obtained research results is the systematization of research and empirical analysis of stress in employees and the definition of psychological conditions of stress resistance in employees of different levels.
Reports on the topic "Професійні компанії"
Марчик, Валентина Іванівна, Андрій Олександрович Брусило, Вікторія Іванівна Бороденко, and Наталія Григорівна Буднік. Професійне самовизначення випускників у різних населених пунктах. Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара, 2021.
Full textСоловйов, В. М. Системи штучного інтелекту як сучасний драйвер розвитку фінансового ринку. [б. в.], October 2018.
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