Academic literature on the topic 'Міжетнічні відносини'
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Journal articles on the topic "Міжетнічні відносини"
Зан, М. "Міжетнічні відносини на Закарпатті : побудова етносоціонічної моделі." Освіта регіону, no. 3 (2009): 185–91.
Find full textЧугріна, О. "Міжетнічні відносини в Україні: проблеми і шляхи їх розв"язання." Етнічна історія народів Європи, Вип. 3 (1999): 86–89.
Find full textPacheva, Mariya. "Чинники етнокультурного розвитку болгарської національної меншини Північного Приазов’я у 1943-91 рр." Eminak, no. 2(30) (June 26, 2020): 180–89.
Full textKapeliushnyi, Valerii, and Viktor Pylypenko. "SOCIOCULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND INTERETHNIC RELATIONS IN GALYHYNA IN 1918–1939." Ethnic History of European Nations, no. 59 (2019): 108–10.
Full textSlyushchynskyi, B. V. "Ethnic relations in Ukrainian Priazovye: interaction of the dominant cultural groups and cultural minorities." Ukrainian Society 2011, no. 1 (April 11, 2011): 44–54.
Full textFedun, O. V., and N. I. Papish. "Політико-правові аспекти захисту прав національних меншин в Україні." Grani 19, no. 2 (January 28, 2016): 15–21.
Full textЛарченко, М. Л. "Національна ідея як засіб гармонізації міжетнічних відносин." Вісник Національного технічного університету України "Київський політехнічний інститут". Політологія. Соціологія. Право, no. 1 (5) (2010): 18–22.
Find full textІсак, Н. Ю. "Упередження як важливий чинник міжнаціональних та міжетнічних відносин." Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Філософія. Політологія, Вип. 49/51 (2003): 66–69.
Find full textІсак, Н. Ю. "Упередження як важливий чинник міжнаціональних та міжетнічних відносин." Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Філософія. Політологія, Вип. 49/51 (2003): 66–69.
Find full textDobroskok, Stefaniya. "МОВНА ТОЛЕРАНТНІСТЬ ЯК СКЛАДОВА ПСИХОЛІНГВІСТИКИ КОМУНІКАТИВНОЇ ТОЛЕРАНТНОСТІ." Psycholinguistics in a Modern World 16 (December 17, 2021): 80–85.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Міжетнічні відносини"
Лисенко, Н. І. "Етнічні конфлікти у сучасному молодіжному середовищі." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.
Full textХалавка, Т. Б. "Державне регулювання процесів міжетнічної інтеграції у прикордонних регіонах: теоретичний аспект." Thesis, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, 2016.
Full textThe complex mechanism of state regulation of ethnic relations in Ukraine within the subject field of the science "Public Administration" has been investigated in the dissertation. The system approach based on the scientific research of domestic and foreign scientists was carried out. National priorities and regional peculiarities of national ethnic policy of Ukraine were identified. The current terminological apparatus in the sphere of ethno-national policy of Ukraine has been systematized in the thesis. Definition interpretations of the terms "international integration", "national minority", "state ethno-national policy" were made. The term "kin-state" instead of commonly used "historical motherland" as well as the term "kin-minority" as the characteristic of a minority that shares common origin with the ethnic majority of the kin state were proposed . The acculturation theory of J. Berry, a Canadian sociologist, served as a basis for the analysis of minorities integration or disintegration processes. The dominant type of acculturation is defined by three parameters. The first one is the normative-legal basis (legislative regulation) which is established in the state, where a minority lives. It regulates their rights, establishes general freedoms for citizens as well as special preferences. The second parameter is the practice of involving minorities’ participation in a social and political life of the country with linguistic policy as an important component. The third one is the influence of a "kin-state” which can be manifested in different forms. European experience of the state regulation of ethno-political processes was analysed. It was stated that German-Danish experience and Romanian experience of cooperation with national-cultural societies could serve as positive examples of an integration model. It could be the most suitable one for being adapted to Ukrainian border regions. The analysis of the activities of regional state executive bodies of Chemivtsi oblast was performed. It concerned the implementation of an integration model of state regulation of ethno-national relations. The program-target approach was applied to formulating proposals in the sphere of state regulation of interethnic integration. Problems were structured and grouped into subproblems, their connection was defined. A specific means for eliminating the problems was offered. The sequence of program events and distribution of resources between them was formed. The mechanism for managing and supervising of the implementation of the program was worked out. The model of implementing interethnic integration in border regions was consructed. The model presupposes accomplishing the tasks in the following spheres: normative and legal regulation, ensuring participation of a minority in a social life, establishing cooperation with a "kin" state, institutional support of the course of actions on interethnic integration. Introduction of the mentioned tasks will facilitate the implementation of an integration model of state ethnic policy. A number of negative factors connected with stereotypes and segregation mood should be eliminated. In a long-term period, implementation of these actions will be one of the factors for decreasing emigration torrents from border regions. As a result of these actions, international concord will be achieved and minorities will be included in a political nation. Implementation of the model at a regional level may take place by means of adopting Regional program for interethnic integration of national minorities. The results of the investigation can be applied in the practice of state agencies and local governments and they can be used as the basis for further research in public administration of ethno-national relations.
Conference papers on the topic "Міжетнічні відносини"
Королюк, К. А., and А. К. Яковенко. "Засади вивчення міжетнічних відносин: перевідкриваючи традиції функціоналістського та конфліктологічного підходів." In HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY: EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTION. Baltija Publishing, 2021.
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