Academic literature on the topic 'Модель теплового поля'
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Journal articles on the topic "Модель теплового поля"
Ощипок, Ігор Миколайович. "Математичне моделювання дії теплового випромінювання на термічну обробку ковбасних батонів." Scientific Works 84, no. 1 (December 14, 2020): 42–47.
Full textKuzyayev, Ivan, Olexander Mitrokhin, and Igor Kazivirov. "МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПРОЦЕСІВ ОХОЛОДЖЕННЯ ПОЛІМЕРНИХ ЛИСТІВ." TECHNICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES, no. 3(21) (2020): 60–71.
Full textТуманов, В. Р., and Р. Р. Мухамедяров. "Результаты космогеологических поисков углеводородного сырья в Северных Арабских Эмиратах." Neft i Gaz, no. 1 (March 15, 2022): 9.
Full textПодгорный, А. И., and И. М. Подгорный. "Механизм солнечной вспышки - результаты МГД-моделирования и наблюдений." Известия Крымской астрофизической обсерватории 114, no. 1 (March 1, 2018): 145.
Full textKirchu, F., A. Nikulin, A. Kodryk, O. Titenko, and O. Moroz. "ЗАСТОСУВАННЯ ПРОГРАМНОГО КОМПЛЕКСУ ANSYS CFX ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ РУХУ ГАЗОВОГО ПОТОКУ В РЕАКЦІЙНОЇ КАМЕРІ ПРИ ОТРИМАННЯ СОРБЕНТУ НА ОСНОВІ ТЕРМОРОЗЩЕПЛЕНОГО ГРАФІТУ." Науковий вісник: Цивільний захист та пожежна безпека, no. 2(8) (February 18, 2020): 74–80.
Full textМаксимов, Вячеслав Иванович, and Атлант Едилулы Нурпейис. "НОВЫЙ ПОДХОД К МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЮ ПРОЦЕССА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ТЕПЛОВОГО РЕЖИМА ТЕРМОСИФОНОВ БОЛЬШИХ РАЗМЕРОВ ДЛЯ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ГЕОТЕРМАЛЬНОЙ ТЕПЛОТЫ." Izvestiya Tomskogo Politekhnicheskogo Universiteta Inziniring Georesursov 330, no. 8 (August 19, 2019): 78–86.
Full textБашкиров, Евгений Константинович, Evgenii Konstantinovich Bashkirov, Михаил Сергеевич Мастюгин, and Mikhail Sergeevich Mastyugin. "Перепутывание двух кубитов, взаимодействующих с одномодовым квантовым полем." Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Серия «Физико-математические науки» 19, no. 2 (2015): 205–20.
Full textDanilenko, R. A. "On the Issue of the Possibility of Expanding the Regimes of Combat Use of Aircraft Artillery Weapons." Bulletin of Kalashnikov ISTU 21, no. 2 (July 2, 2018): 37.
Full textKarpov, Yu. "Zonal model of fire heat signature based on the test data." TRANSACTIONS OF THE KRYLOV STATE RESEARCH CENTRE S-I, no. 2 (September 2, 2019): 47–52.
Full textПопов, П. А., С. В. Бобашев, Б. И. Резников, and В. А. Сахаров. "Влияние теплофизических свойств подложки анизотропного термоэлемента на величину термоэдс в нестационарном тепловом режиме." Письма в журнал технической физики 43, no. 7 (2017): 24.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Модель теплового поля"
Пантелят, Михайло Гаррійович, and О. А. Коріневський. "Комп’ютерне моделювання теплового поля індукційної кухонної плити та посуду, що нагрівається." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2016.
Full textСлавков, Віктор Миколайович. "Розробка цифрового фотографічного методу теплового контролю металів при високих температурах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 - devices and methods of testing and materials composition determination. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to development of a thermal control metals method at temperatures above 600 °C using as thermal radiation detector, digital camera. On the basis of the established method of theoretical positions were developed software algorithms for digital image processing that allowed: to carry a digital camera calibration brightness temperature in the range of 500...1800 °C and set the calibration curve in the form of mathematical equations; perform thermal control of metal plates, bulk metallic samples and established the presence of defects; to solve additional tasks of thermal metals control, namely to establish the value of the specific heat capacity of the metal mass; simulate uniform temperature field on the surface of the metal plates; determine the distribution coefficient of thermal radiation from the metal plates surface.
Славков, Віктор Миколайович. "Розробка цифрового фотографічного методу теплового контролю металів при високих температурах." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences in speciality 05.11.13 - devices and methods of testing and materials composition determination. - National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. The dissertation is devoted to development of a thermal control metals method at temperatures above 600 °C using as thermal radiation detector, digital camera. On the basis of the established method of theoretical positions were developed software algorithms for digital image processing that allowed: to carry a digital camera calibration brightness temperature in the range of 500...1800 °C and set the calibration curve in the form of mathematical equations; perform thermal control of metal plates, bulk metallic samples and established the presence of defects; to solve additional tasks of thermal metals control, namely to establish the value of the specific heat capacity of the metal mass; simulate uniform temperature field on the surface of the metal plates; determine the distribution coefficient of thermal radiation from the metal plates surface.
Вуєць, Олександр Євгенович, and Микола Андрійович Погрібний. "Створення адекватної математичної моделі теплового поля при швидкісному нагріві в процесі відпуску." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2011.
Full textВуец, Александр Евгеньевич. "Создание адекватной математической модели теплового поля при скоростном нагреве в процессе отпуска." Thesis, Институт металлургии и материаловедения им. А. А. Байкова РАН, 2011.
Full textГалайко, Лидия Петровна, Олег Петрович Кошевой, and Евгений Васильевич Поломошнов. "Тепловой расчет асинхронного двигателя методом конечных элементов в программе FEM." Thesis, НТУ "ХПИ", 2014.
Full textЄвсеєнко, Олег Миколайович. "Моделі та методи енергозберігаючого керування розподіленими тепловими об'єктами з використанням систем з прогнозуючим фільтром." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThesis for granting the Degree of Candidate of Technical sciences (PhD degree) in specialty 05.13.03 «Management systems and processes» (151 – Automation and computer-integrated technologies) National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to the analysis of distributed thermal objects control using prediction systems to determine their disadvantages and development of new energy-efficient heat control methods for administrative and office buildings. The problems of thermal objects energy-saving control development are considered. Distributed thermal objects are analyzed. The author suggests a classification of thermal objects according to the number of used energy sources, structure, working mode of the heating equipment. Existing synthesis methods of control systems for distributed thermal objects and thermal energy control systems are investigated. The main factors affecting temperature in premises are considered. The regulators with prediction are analyzed. The existing tendencies in the development of energy saving control methods applied in heat supply systems are explored. It has been found that existing temperature controllers with prediction maintain temperature in the premises in the range from +19 °C to +22 °C with accuracy ± 1 °C. It has also been demonstrated that regulators based on weather-dependent, PID-, on–off control laws reduce energy consumption by 15%, using regulators with prediction reduces power consumption by 25-35%. Perspective of energy-saving methods control of distributed thermal objects with prediction is substantiated. The author has carried out an analysis of the behavior and properties of distributed thermal control objects. The requirements for the synthesis of energy-saving thermal objects control laws are formulated. Feasible region, initial and boundary conditions at the initial stage of research, modeling of the object for finding an effective solution have been determined. Prerequisites and constraints for the development of methods of energy saving management are theoretically justified. A classification of distributed thermal objects regulators, depending on the ratio of the transport delay time to the time of transient processes, has been carried out. The author developed an algorithm for solving the problem of calculation the heat distribution inside an office premises. A model of the room in the ANSYS environment is created. The method of dividing the structure of the premises into n objects with lumped parameters with the same properties of space is developed. The basic problems of distributed thermal objects control are considered. The control method of thermal object with distributed parameters using a step function have been further developed. Formulas that allow to refuse from an object with lumped parameters control to an object with distributed parameters control has been developed. The author developed a method of thermal object with distributed parameters control using pulse-width modulation with prediction filter, where the target function vector is formed from the control error at the current time and the predicted mismatch error, that is defined as the difference between the given temperature and the temperature of the regulator model. A microcontroller system of heat supply control, that consists of a subsystem of getting information, a subsystem of issuing control influence, central controller and control panel have been developed. It has been established that in order to identify the refusal of the subsystem of information gathering and the issuance of controlling influence, they must be closed in the circle. The algorithms of diagnosing the data linesї efficiency, controlling the temperature of the object and recording the transient characteristics of the control object are developed. It is established that the implementation of control influence in the form of a stepped function can be carried out with the help of a parallel connection of heaters of various power. It is suggested to control the temperature of a thermal object with pulse-width modulation, in which the control element operates in key mode due to the disadvantages of implementing a control effect in the form of a stepped function. On the basis of measurements on a real object, a complete three-dimensional model of the room taking into account external contours and exact internal geometry was constructed. Volumetric netting of hexahedrons was built. Boundary conditions taking into account the heating system, ventilation system, heat conductivity of walls, the temperature of the outside air were specified. Transient curves of influence on the room of external temperature, ventilation with air temperature equal to 20 °C, a 1.75 kW power heater temperature were obtained. A program macro (udf file) on C language in the ANSYS environment for the experiment was created. The conditions for the simulation: the external temperature varies from minus 7 °C to plus 5 °C, depending on the time of day, the initial air temperature in the room +18 °C, the speed of intake and exhaust ventilation 0.018 kg/s, the temperature of the intake ventilation + 20 °C were specified. An experiment to maintain a setting daily temperature mode in the room: from 00:00 to 08:00 + 10 °С, from 9:00 to 17:00 + 18 °С, from 18:00 to 00:00 + 15 ° С was conducted. Method of PWM regulation with prediction to the most common: twoposition regulation with hysteresis ± 2 ° C, two-position regulation without hysteresis and PID-regulation were compared. According to the simulation results, the PWM control with prediction the highest accuracy was exhibited. The least effective method was two-position regulation with hysteresis equal to ± 2 °C, which due to the inertia of the thermal object exceeded the given temperature in the room. The total time of the heater operation during the day is obtained. The methods of temperature control with the PID regulation and PWM with prediction control roughly the same time of operation of the heater (39.89% vs. 39.24%) were showed. According to the monthly cost of 1 kW of electricity, the total operating time of t he heater, heater power for the heating costs for rooms with one-shift operating mode without a weekend for day and month modes were calculated. It has been established that the refusal of continuous operation of the heater and using regulator with prediction will reduce the operating time of the heating equipment by 56%: from 24 to 10.5 h. According to the simulation results, the temperature modes of the premises that give the source information in which points of the room it is necessary to place the temperature sensors are obtained. For experimental studies, a hollow steel rod with dimensions: length 35.5 cm, outer diameter 3.2 cm, internal diameter 2.8 cm, wound on one end with a heater length of 8.2 cm from the beginning of the tube with a resistance of 19 Ohms, and sterilizer GP-80 were selected. For a real experiment, an experimental installation based on the ATMega16 microcontroller, sensors DS18B20, microchip memory AT24C256B-PU was used. A program of the object temperature control on the ATMega16 microcontroller is written. For each of the selected control objects transition curves were obtained and experiments of maintaining the specified temperature conditions were carried out. The correctness of the theoretical prerequisites for the development of the hardware and software complex was confirmed by the results of the research. The problem of finding the optimal ratio of heater power parameters and forecasting interval using the least squares method is solved. It was found that to reduce the control error, the control impulse pulse should be made at the beginning of the program control interval, taking into account the amount of overshoot. The results of scientific research were introduced into the practice of designing systems for automatic control of thermal objects, technological processes of the enterprise VO OWEN (Kharkiv). The materials of the dissertation are used in lecture courses "Theory of automatic control" and "Software tools of control systems" at the department automation and control systems NTU "KhPI".
Євсеєнко, Олег Миколайович. "Моделі та методи енергозберігаючого керування розподіленими тепловими об'єктами з використанням систем з прогнозуючим фільтром." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2018.
Full textThe thesis on Candidate Degree in Technical Sciences: Specialty 05.13.03 – management systems and processes. – National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute», Kharkov, 2018. The thesis is devoted to the development and improvement of energy-efficient control methods of distributed thermal objects for using in heat supply systems. The thesis proposes a control method of thermal objects with distributed parameters with prediction filter, where the PWM signal is used as the control action. The method of controlling thermal objects with distributed parameters with prediction using the step function as control effect has been further developed. The paper presents a formalized description of predictive control methods that allow to control temperature of an object with distributed parameters instead of object with lumped parameters temperature control at n points with p heaters. A simulation room model based on measurements of the room and the finite element method in the ANSYS environment was constructed. Using developed predictive controller, experiments of maintaining the assigned daily temperature mode were carried out. The developed method of PWM predictive control with continuous control, two-position, PID-control was compared. Experiments of maintaining the set temperature of the steel hollow rod and the sterilizer chamber using the developed software and hardware complex, based on the microcontroller AtMega 16 and PWM with prediction control method, were carried out.